#I want to get more confident drawing him because I found some outfits I want him in
shushposting · 2 months
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ih8simps · 9 months
I’m down SO BAD for this man
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Imagine a touch starved Shigaraki begging you to let him touch you. He knows he’s not usually like this with anyone but since he found out that he can actually touch you and not destroy you, he’s become addicted to feeling your skin against his.
A neutralizing quirk is what you called it when you first met him. He didn’t take you seriously, thinking that you were over estimating your own abilities. It wasn’t until one night at the bar when you got too drunk and stumbled right into Shigaraki that he realized that he was holding you up by your waist, and you weren’t turning to dust right before his eyes.
After that day Shigaraki has made every excuse to touch you in some way, just to test if you truly are impervious to his destructive quirk. After a month of keeping his touches brief, his need to truly feel you begins to make his own skin tingle. He remembers how perfectly your waist fit into the palms of his hands and he wants, no needs, more.
He wasn’t sure about how to approach the topic of touching you more until you show up at his place drunk, complaining about some girl at the bar with a shitty attitude and an even shittier mouth. He can barely focus on what you’re saying because of your outfit. “You went out like that?” he suddenly sounds in the middle of your rant. “Shiggy, I told you I always go out with clothes I intend to have peeled off of me at the end of the night”. He’s stunned at your words for a moment. He doesn’t seem to remember that conversation but he certainly will from now on. He suddenly stands up, making you slowly trail off as you watch him get closer.
“You want out of those clothes, (y/n)?” His voice was a tad lower than usual. The look in his eyes is one you’d never seen before. For once, he truly looked like every bit of the villain he claimed to be. “Shiggy” you say his name with a nervous chuckle. He doesn’t seem to be listening as he draws closer. You take nervous steps back as he takes confident steps forward. He reaches out his hands towards you as he gets closer. “Come on, (y/n). Show me how strong your quirk is and I’ll help you undress while we’re at it”.
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akutasoda · 5 months
Hii!! Could I request Obey me brothers with a mc who dresses like misa amane from death note? If not don’t worry!! Have an amazing day/night!<333
stylish fashion
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synopsis - when mc has a fashion similar to misa amane
includes - lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, wc - 789
a/n: hii! hope you're having an amazing day/night too!
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lucifer ★↷
↪to many demon's surprise, lucifer can be quite into his fashion. while it may be more tailored toward formal wear and jewellery, he still had quite the eye for such things.
↪so he did think your style was quite bold at first. bold, but absolutely stunning. it just seemed to work so well for you and he couldn't help but compliment each of your outfits even if he had seen it before.
↪and because of his eye in jewellery, if you were the type, he would gladly take you out and help pick some to complete your look and still perfectly compliment your outfits.
mammon ★↷
↪ he's a fashion demon. he does regular photoshoots for mainly clothing companies and such so he thought he had seen majority of styles in the off hand chances of passing by other models.
↪and sure he's seen demons wear similar style clothing to you, but for some reason it suited you so much better. that and your outfits and their coordination worked so much better.
↪ isn't his style but would be more than happy to help you adf pieces into your collection by showing you all the best brands for your style.
↪and maybe if you chose to, he'd happily try and get you into a modelling gig with him. perhaps then you could help him pick a outfit in your style.
leviathan ★↷
↪he really couldn't draw his eyes away from how gorgeous he found your style. so much so that he felt a bit weird for staring at you.
↪he just couldn't help it! you're outfits were always stunning and he honestly wished he had your confidence to wear a similar style to yours.
↪he is quite well versed in various fashion/clothing shops surprisingly. so he would happily tell you were they were so you could add more pieces to your collection and maybe he would join you and help pick some for you aswell.
↪ however, he is also very good at carfting from scratch. most of his cosplays are hand made, the clothing mostly, so should you find out he would happily oblige in taking your requests.
satan ★↷
↪to absolutely no one's surprise he has limited knowledge of fashion. sure he may claim he's read books with that stuff in but that can't really be translated into the real world of fashion.
↪but he didn't have to be into fashion to think your style was absolutely amazing. you really never missed with a gorgeous, well planned outfit that always complimented your features.
↪he had to say, he loved the style. it would definitely become one he would be interested in, perhaps a more toned down version but still.
asmodeus ★↷
↪adores it an unbelievable amount. need i say more.
↪ it's no surprise asmo likes to dive into various styles and such, so when something with great fashion like you? it would be a crime not to ask.
↪while it probably wouldn't be a style he'd wear, he still thought it was absolutely brilliant. he loved all the accessories you'd sometimes where and even loved the more simpler outfits.
↪ probably knows the best places in the devildom to match your style. so would never hesitate to take you and help you expand your wardrobe.
beelzebub ★↷
↪another one that doesn't really have knowledge in fashion. it's not that he doesn't care, it's just not his main priority.
↪he rhought you looked stunning regardless of what you wore. but he did have to say, some of your outfits had a very nice look to them and he could understand why you had a strong fashion sense.
↪if you wanted to, he'd happily let you try your style of him. while it probably didn't match him like it matched you, he would still keep some accessories you tried on him.
↪ones that he could wear subtly. but he still could admire your outfits and the dedication you had to having such a fashion sense.
belphegor ★↷
↪ probably the worst when it comes to fashion. he spends most his time asleep and rarely cares about the styling of his clothes so has very limited knowledge on fashion.
↪ didn't really care how you dressed. if you were wearing something that made you comfortable and confident that's all that mattered in his opinion. although he couldn't help but admire the dedication.
↪he figured it must take you ages to coordinate and complete your outfits and pull them off each time, something he'd never really bother with.
↪ although his favourites were definitely your more 'casual' and comfortable outfits. the ones were it was mainly a top and pair of pants. those he could really get behind.
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vividzzxz · 2 months
🌸 ᴴᵒʷ ᵉⁿʰʸᵖᵉⁿ ʷᵒᵘˡᵈ ʳᵉᵃᶜᵗ ᵗᵒ ˢᵉᵉⁱⁿᵍ ʸᵒᵘ ᶠᵒʳ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠⁱʳˢᵗ ᵗⁱᵐᵉ 🌸
(Hyung line)
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ⁱᵈᵒˡ!ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ ˣ ⁱᵈᵒˡ!ʰᵉᵉˢᵉᵘⁿᵍ
-The first time you both met was at the dance studio, where both of your groups had a mixed dance session. He was flabbergasted by your beauty. He often stared at you for too long while you were dancing, and ofc you noticed it and gave him a smile to which he almost passed out coz of how beautiful your smile was. -He often asked your group members about your details and tried to make small talks between you two. You loved to make new friends and ofc you talked back. (NGL... you found him cute too. Who doesn't..?) -Then the day came where he built up enough courage and asked you out on a coffee date. You being yourself, accepted it coz you had a little crush on him too. You dolled yourself up, doing light makeup and wearing beige-colored clothes to match with the date and went on with the day.. -Heesung was shook at how lovely you looked and couldn't help but stare. After buying you a coffee and one of your favorite snack, you both started talking. -Timeskip to almost a month later, he's glad he took you on that date because once you both became closer day by day, he asked you to be his girlfriend, and you accepted it. He still thinks of it and smiles to himself for earning himself the kindest girlfriend ever.
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ⁿᵒⁿⁱᵈᵒˡ!ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ ˣ ⁱᵈᵒˡ!ʲᵃʸ
-The first time he met you was one of their concert and afterwards their fansign. He fell in love with how beautiful you were. How you were dressed in a denim mini-skirt and denim jacket with a cropped shirt inside. A simple outfit that made you look like an angel. -He waited Hoped for the moment where you would come for the fansign event. And once you came he was the happiest person ever. He gave you more affection than the others. He felt this surge of happiness when you both intertwined your fingers together like the others did, even you felt it. -After this, both of you hoped to see each other, and guess what, fate brought you two back together at a cafe. He walked into the cafe wearing a mask and a hat, not wanting attention. He saw you sitting there at the corner drawing on your i-pad, the sunlight hitting your face and highlighting you already beautiful features more. -This gave him a surge of confidence as he came and sat beside you, and voila you both started talking casually and now are great friends that are in love with each other.
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ⁿᵒⁿⁱᵈᵒˡ!ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ ˣ ⁿᵒⁿⁱᵈᵒˡ!ʲᵃᵏᵉ
-Both of you met at a petshop. You went to give your pet dog to the shop owner since you both were friends.. When you were petting you dog and kissing her before leaving, Jake walked in with one of his other friend. He saw you petting your dog and walked up to you. You both were visually shocked by each others looks. Both of you shrugged it off before he initiated the conversation. -He asked whether the dog was yours and started petting it. Surprisingly, your dog let him pet it. "She doesn't let anyone other than me and the owner pet her. Guess there are some people she might like after all." I say before giggling. He replied with a giggle and continued petting her. I looked at the time and sighed before giving her to the owner. "Are you leaving her here with the owner? Are you going somewhere??" He asked. -I replied "Yea.. My mother's sick and she lives in Japan, so I gotta travel to meet her and I can't take her with me coz my mom's allergic to dog fur. I'll be back in exactly a week, hope she'll be fine". He gives me a smile before saying "Hope your mother gets well soon." I smiled and walked out of the shop so I could catch my flight on time. -A week later I come back to the same petshop to see him petting my dog. I run to my dog before hugging her tight and kissing her so much. He laughs before asking how's my mom doing.. After the convo he makes a brave decision of asking me on a date to which I accept and well after hanging out for a while we both start developing feelings for each other.
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ⁱᵈᵒˡ!ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ ˣ ⁱᵈᵒˡ!ˢᵘⁿᵍʰᵒᵒⁿ
(Both of you work under the same company / entertainment )
-You both first met at an event, where you both wore similar clothing and sat next to each other. Both of you had small conversations during boring times but kept it limited to prevent dating rumors. But the thing you both noticed was that, you both kept meeting each other at the same events more often. -This caused you both to become better friends with feelings for each other. Both of you knew you liked each other and you were whipped for him and his looks and vice versa. But you both were scared of the attacks and hate you would get for dating each other. Once after an event both of you were called in for a meeting. They shared that both of you had to go to an event as a couple. -This caused major shock for the both of you. They said that most fans wanted you both to take part in a event as a couple as you both looked good together. Later on, you both had a private meeting, with just the two of you. That's when he built the courage to ask you out, to make it official, to show you how much he loved you. You loved it but warned him about the attacks he would face due to this. To which he said he would be ready to face anything as long as you were with him. -You accepted and well until today, he's the best thing that had happened to you.
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✧( ु•⌄• )◞◟( •⌄• ू )✧
I take requests for writing...
It can be from Skz, Svt, TxT, En-.
It can be based on smut, fluff, etc.
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katnisspeetaprim · 1 year
BTS Reaction A photographer Tries To Photograph Under Your Skirt (Maknae Line)
BTS Reaction; A Photographer Tries To Look Up Your Skirt
Hyung Line Here!
Warnings: Female reader (character wears a skirt) being in an uncomfortable situation, creepy guy with camera.
If you guys have any rrequests of reactions for me then please let me know! I want to practice my writing as much as possible and would love some prompts!
You and your group mates were currently at an awards show, sitting in the audience surrounded by many other idol groups.
You loved your stylist you really did however, you had once again been given a too short skirt and safety shorts to wear.
The rest of your group got to wear shorts or at the very least longer skirts to these type of events, it’s always you who draws the short straw. As you sat with your group you realised that there was nothing to cover up with, like a pillow or a blanket, so you decided on just staying as still as possible and strategically placing your hands together in your lap.
Park Jimin
You were extremely conscious of the fact that pretty much all of your legs were on show, due to the fact that a particular photographer was getting a little too confident with his camera angles. You tried your best to turn at an angle so he wouldn’t see anything, but that only caused you to display more thigh instead.
BTS were sat behind you in the venue, so from Jimin’s position he could see you fidgeting about uncomfortable while keeping your eye on the man in front of you. Jimin’s eyes widened when he realised what the man was trying to do, so he quickly started looking around for something for you to use.
Once he found something suitable he was scurrying towards you and you for one, had never been so relieved to see a pillow before! You took it with a grateful smile and a bow of your head, before he quietly leaned in to ask if you were ok or needed him to do anything else.
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Kim Taehyung
You caught Taehyung’s eye when you stood up suddenly from your seat to quietly excuse yourself. There was something wrong with the shorts under your skirt because of course there was, and you didn’t have time to run to the bathroom so you tried to find somewhere a little secluded at the side of the seats to fix yourself. You ended up standing near to were BTS were seated.
Tae noticed as you fiddled with your outfit that you were unintentionally showing off more than you probably (definitely) meant to. It was at this moment that he spotted a bold photographer, not so subtly making his way over towards you, camera at a low angle facing up.
Without a second thought, Tae got up and made his way over to you, to place himself between you and the guy. The guy couldn’t help but pull a disgruntled face at Taehyung as he obstructed his view, all the while Tae had a calm but also hard look on his face as he kept eye contact with the photographer, not backing down. He wasn’t about to be intimidated by a low life such as this creep.
Once you finished fixing yourself you were  blushing mess at having been caught in such a predicament, but made sure to thank Tae profusely for protecting you the way that he did. Tae of course ever the gentleman, made sure that you got back to your seat with no further issues.
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Jeon Jungkook
Your group had just won an award and were on your way back to your seats , when Jungkook noticed a man below the stage pointing his camera up at you as you walked by. Obviously you were too busy celebrating your win to notice the invasion of your privacy, but Jungkook saw and he was certain that the creep now had an inappropriate photo of you.
Jungkook didn’t really know what to do in that moment, had the guy been doing that all night to other idols or just to you? The thought sickened him that somebody like that got into this place.
Calling over the steward in charge of caring for the idols that night was all he could really think to do, at least then he could point the guy out and get him dealt with, so he did just that.
He let out a sigh of relief when just a few short moments later, the photographer was escorted out after having his camera confiscated.
Jungkook knew that you hadn’t noticed the photo being taken, and he didn’t plan on telling you right then and there either, not wanting to spoil your night. He was sure your manager would tell you once they heard the news anyway.
Once the show was over, Jungkook headed backstage hoping to find you but all he found was your manager who gladly gave him your number.
He would be calling you the next day to make sure that you were ok and to also congratulate you on your win!
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lanitalay · 6 months
Before I Say Goodnight
Chapter 19
a/n: AAAAAH only one more chapter left after this one. Let me tell you this has been such a wonderful experience. I feel more confident in my writing and my story telling I hope everyone who has read this has had a fun time escaping reality with me.
warnings: canon typical violence
word count: 5.1k
Other Chapters
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He had made a complete disaster of his Inner Circle and had jeopardized all of Prythian because of the prophecy Amren had found. In his mind it had all been justified. A threat, a mole, an usurper was living amongst his beloved family, charming them, manipulating them. He knew better than to underestimate a human girl with nothing to lose. He had fallen in love with a similar renegade and it had made him love Feyre even more. But this girl… she was not his mate. She was not his subject. She was not his. She would be his destruction if he didn’t act carefully. She was wild, untethered and untested. Now, she was gone. Feyre roars at him from across their bedroom “how could you be so cruel? He is your brother and she has done nothing to any of us”. He had been trying to explain the prophecy but she rolled her eyes “you are not thinking clearly Rhysand. You have been lying to me. Hiding things from me for mother knows how long because of a supposed prophecy?” Blood roared in his ears “I have told you that I, we, will bow before no one. Let alone a rogue queen. If she’s gone we are better for it”. He catches a book Feyre throws his way “what about the rest of the courts? What about not telling me about any of this? What about the Human Lands? What about all the lives that will be lost because you refused to believe Azriel?” He had never seen her disappointment thrown his way. He felt small under her stare. She had never been so mad at her mate. So confused about all of his decisions and erratic behavior in the last months. “I’m going to call a meeting with the High Lords to warn them. I expect you to be there and cooperate” with that she walked out of the room and made a point of slamming the door. 
She wanted to throw more things at him for being so nearsighted and stupid. Rhysand had always been proud and protective of what was his but it was those instincts that made him blind. 
You shudder as you pour the freezing water over your head. Vallahan was nearly as cold as Velaris and the inn you had found did not have plumbing or the capabilities to boil buckets of water. But you had been a stowaway for days and a bath, however uncomfortable, was extremely necessary. Especially if you wanted to sneak into the courtly scene Mor certainly frequented. You had brought some money. Azriel had told you where he kept an emergency fund in the house and you had some savings from working with Jolly. If you were to find Mor tonight, you had a few things to get done before nightfall. Rinse off the last of the soap, pat yourself dry, get dressed in the change of clothes you had brought. It was a simple outfit, nothing to draw attention to you. But you cleaned up nicely. Thick locks framing your newly ephemeral face. It was still an adjustment to see yourself in the mirror. Your eyes looked like your eyes but they were brighter, glittering. The pointed ears that peeked through your hair. Your cheekbones that had shifted slightly when your body had turned fae. The scars, now faint white lines, that adorned your chest. Those were the toughest to look at. You put on a thick scarf and step out of the room for the next part in your hasty plan.
“Silver suits you, my lady” the female at the shop tells you and you really can’t disagree. The coolness of the color enhances your complexion and the reflective nature of the fabric catches the light in such a way that you look like a star incarnate. “Thank you, I’ll take it” she claps a little and says “I suspect you’ll be attending the ball tonight?” Bingo. “Yes, I was in tears this morning when my sister spilled tea on the gown I had prepared. Lucky I found this one” you step into the changing room and strip the dress off. When you emerge the shopkeeper is waiting by the till. When she tells you the total you nearly yelp. It was expensive. But it was exquisite and you needed to get in, no questions asked. So you hand her the gold coins and return to the inn as fast as possible. There was a ball. You had scouted the city the first few hours after being kicked off the ship and quickly spotted the wealthy district. It was more of a street, full of enormous mansions that lined up all the way to golden palace gates. If you had to guess, that was where Mor was staying and hopefully where the ball was. If you were wrong then… then you’d go South and find Azriel by any means necessary. 
You spent the rest of the day getting ready. Putting on cosmetics and fixing your hair until you look like a doll. You had to play your strengths, and beauty was one of them. Once the dress is on you stand in front of the mirror and make sure not one hair is out of place. It really is a gorgeous gown. You run your hands over the metallic material. Once satisfied with the outcome you put on your freshly laundered cloak and make your way out. 
The first part of the plan was finding a carriage.
 They were all over the city and your best bet to get into the palace without raising any flags. You walk towards the wealthy district and a few blocks away you see your mark. He’s a young male. Younger than any of the members of the Night Court. He looked boyish, naive, sheltered. He was dressed in a suit and he was so flustered you could see the blush burn his cheeks. A young girl stood next to him in a stunning gown. Hers was blue silk. It looked like the Northern Sea. Breathe. You had practiced as much as possible before getting caught on the ship. Breathe. You were on the street, under a crystal sky. It wasn’t anything like the Night Court. The stars stagnant. You close your eyes and feel for something to hold onto. You put your hands inside the cloak and clench your fists, feeling the pull of the atmosphere at your skin. It was still jarring. Lowering the barrier that kept you contained in your body and letting your magic flow from your pores. But the next steps were easier. A magnet. You condensed all of the humidity in the air to one heavy cloud right above your heads. Something in you said it was like turning on a faucet.  A simple swipe lets all of the water drip drop right onto the unwitting accomplices. You breathe again, returning to yourself in a gasp. “Where is the carriage?” You make a show of looking around in a panic. The front of your cloak is open, the glittering dress visible but covered from the elements. Bringing up the hood to cover your hair you let out a pitiful cry “this night is ruined”. The male was helping the female into their carriage when he heard the commotion coming from you. A sad sight. You look out of place in the dimly lit street. All dressed up with no one around. His heart clenches when he sees your face is wet and he can’t tell if it's from the rain or from tears. But you’re clearly going to the same place he is so he runs over to you “are you going to the ball?” He asks over the increasing rain “I was supposed to, but my betrothed hasn’t shown up with the carriage, if he doesn’t arrive soon my dress will be ruined” he felt bad for the abandoned lady. So he did not think twice when offering “come with us, we have plenty of room” he held out his hand for you to grab but you grabbed your skirts instead and walked beside him. Once in the carriage you breathed again, this time, to release the clouds you had taken hostage. 
When you arrived at the palace you quickly took off your cloak and made sure you were seen. You made a fuss about thanking the young male that had offered you his help and even promised him a dance once inside. You needed her to see you. Once inside the palace you went about visiting every room available to the revelers, always keeping an ear out for a familiar sultry laugh. So when you hear high heels slam on polished floors and the voice you so desperately wanted to hear say “I apologize, your grace, but my cousin has called me back for an emergency. I will be back when everything is settled…. No, he did not tell me what was the matter… Escorting me is unnecessary. I know my way around…” You want to run up and hug her. The first familiar face you’ve seen in days. But you walk a few feet behind her and the queen until she goes into the residential wing of the castle and the queen returns to the ballrooms. 
“Mor-” she whirls around and shoves you against the wall. Eyes wide in horror when she recognizes you. “What the hell are you doing here y/n?” She lets go and scans you from head to toe “we need to talk, somewhere private” nodding, she grabs your arm and walks you down winding corridors. 
“Spill it” you resist the urge to roll your eyes. “I need your help getting Azriel out of Koschei’s lake” her jaw slackens and you can almost feel her heart stop at your words “is that why Rhysand called me back?” You shrug “Maybe, I don’t know” she arches a sharp brow “did something happen?” You nod “a lot has been going on while you’ve been away” Mor motions for you to go on “well, as you probably know Rhysand does not like me and this wasn’t really cause for concern until I electrocuted Eris. It turns out I have powers and they could be dangerous. So Azriel was covering for me, keeping him off my back. Then Azriel got word that Koschei was planning an invasion and when he told Rhysand he sent him to confirm the news. Azriel said that he would be back in a week, that if he wasn’t it was because something was wrong and that I should flee Velaris. He knows war is imminent and he wanted me to get out before it broke out. I stowed away on a ship that landed me here. It was a gamble to try and find you but I can’t rescue him on my own. He needs help, Mor.” She lets out a string of foul curses. Even you were offended and you had just spent days over hearing conversations between sailors. “I suppose Rhysand suspects you have powers?” A nod “Is he preparing for the invasion?” “I’m not sure, I went to him for help before I left but he didn’t say anything other than to stay out of it”. Mor curses. There wasn’t much of a decision to be made between rescuing her lifelong friend and defender and answering a call from her cousin across the sea “Ok, let’s go get Azriel”. 
Eris did not bother with pleasantries when Feyre contacted him. He was days into strategizing and meeting with the other High Lords trying to prepare for an attack they knew was imminent. “I apologize if I am crass but we have no time to waste since Rhysand neglected to inform us about Koschei” Feyre looked a mixture of embarrassed and relieved “I should be the one apologizing, Rhysand should apologize as well. But I am glad you found out and did not hesitate to mobilize”. Most of the villages had been evacuated to the westernmost parts of Velaris. The armies from each court had been warned and were ready for battle. Eris had done so much in just a few days. 
While removing  your gowns and putting on fighting leathers you ask Mor about your lover's captor. You were regretting never going to train with Cassian or Nesta or Azriel. Your little blades more of a hazard then an asset in unskilled hands. 
“So what’s the deal with Koschei? I know he’s powerful enough to curse Vassa and that he wants more power but I don’t know what to expect?
She takes a long inhale “You did not think this through at all?” You sort of had, but doing research on a boat wasn’t possible and up until a week ago Koschei was just an abstract villain from your friends' pasts. So you shrug. Mor sighs “Well, for starters he is one of three immensely powerful siblings. He is the only one that's alive though, the other two died during the war against Hybern. Let’s see… He is not from this realm, the three of them arrived here before Prythian was even a thing. He is an ancient thing. The Fae call him a death god because he feeds off life itself and I’m not sure how true this is but they say his soul is kept separate from his body and that makes him nearly impossible to kill because he keeps his soul hidden away somewhere safe. 
You couldn’t help but notice the similarities in the facts. He was from a different dimension, so were you. His soul could be detached from his body, in a way, so could yours. 
He was on a small platform in the middle of a crystal clear lake. He had been here for a week? Maybe two? He couldn’t really tell. The days had started to blend in together. He was sick. He was starving. He was a goner. It was sad to think that this would be his end. 
He was in the woods that surrounded the lake waiting to see the evidence of what his spies had told him when a snake bit through his leathers and knocked him unconscious. He woke up when two sentinels were carrying him through the woods, the large green and yellow snake warped around him. The weight of it nearly suffocated him. The males walked for hours until they arrived at a large cabin facing a lake. Azriel’s stomach twisted with knowing. When they threw up on the floor of the cabin in a heap he struggled to breathe. Then slow, steady steps paralyzed him. He couldn’t move his head to look around but from where he was on the floor he could tell that the cabin was a place of luxury and opulence. Shiny hardwood floors pressed against his temple. Intricate carved furniture cluttered the space. Large open windows allowed for a freezing breeze to flow through the space and a large stone hearth housed an angry crackling fire. His shadows told him that the male approaching had white hair and dark eyes. He struggled against his restraint. The snake crushed him a little more. 
“Finally caught the pesky shadowsinger that has been breathing down my neck all these months” a hoarse voice boomed through the room. It bounced off the walls and Azriel felt his ears bleed. “It’s rare we get new visitors along these parts, most fae know to stay away” the steps near until he was right next to Azriel, his face hovering over him. The hair was long and stringy. Eyes not just dark, but black. Void.
“You are not who I was expecting, but a lucky surprise” with a nod the snake tightens its grip until Azriel’s world goes dark again. The next time he opened his eyes he was here. Someone would throw his bread every couple of days and he would drink rain water he caught in his hands. But the last few days all of the sentinels had been sent to Prythian. Leaving him alone with Koschei and blurry creatures that swam below. The water was so clear he could see thousands of skeletons lining the bottom of the lake. If he did not figure a way out, he would be joining the underwater grave soon. 
Mor winnowed South. It was still dark out. The sun due to rise in a few short hours. You had devised a plan… of sorts. You were sitting against a tree and she stood in front of you, guarding. You close your eyes and breathe. Just like before the barriers lower and you spill into the misty night. Like a fog you roll through the forest and over the lake. You feel his presence before you visualize him. But before you know it there he is. In the middle of the lake. A heap on a platform. Wings tucked into his back, rigid with tension, ankles chained. You see the cabin. Feel immense energy. There are a million creatures in this small little lake. Insects, woodland animals, strange beings you had never seen. They were all scared, beaten and broken down. Even the worms felt pathetic in the way that only someone shoved into the wrong vessel felt pathetic. 
You return to your body and your eyes water at the image of Azriel, captured but whole. He was intact. “He’s alive, Mor”. She turns to face you and you can see relief wash over her face. “Thank the Mother, what else did you see?” 
“He’s in the middle of the lake, floating. His ankles are chained. There is a cabin where Koschei is, I felt his energy. And I think every single one of the creatures in this place is cursed to their current form” 
“So what do you want to do?” 
“I think I could move the platform towards the shore and then you can winnow him away, we can figure out how to break the chain after”. Mor nodded in agreement. “Are you going to stay here?” 
“Yes, just winnow back here and then the three of us can get away” 
She disappeared before your eyes. Eyes closed. One breath. Walls down. Weave through the forest. Spot Mor in the shadow of the large tree. Condense yourself into water. Drop in the lake. See the bones and the anchor keeping the platform in place. Gather more energy. Zap the tether. Become wind. Lead him to the shore. See Mor approach. See him stir. She held out her hand, reaching. See her grab his hand and… and nothing. He’s awake now, a horrified look on his face. Mor looks upset too. She grabs his other hand now. They remain in place. You feel their energy. You hear their conversation  “what are you doing here?” 
“Getting you out, dumbass” 
“You should leave, the shackles are probably spelled”
“I can’t leave without you” 
“You have too, he’ll know you’re here and if he traps you too then what?”
Become a cloud. Envelope your friends. Protect them from prying eyes. Harness, attract,  and grab energy. Release a bolt of lightning straight to the chain. Hear their loud curses. Muffle them with heavy rain. See him move his legs. Chains intact. Feel a call. A pull from the cabin. Return to your body. Shiver and shake, cry and wail. 
You stand on unsteady ground and walk. Reach your friends. 
“What the hell are you doing here?!” Mor steps away from Azriel as you approach him. He was here. He was real. He was cold and wet from the rain. His brows furrowed. His throat bobbed. His eyes wild. 
“Az… I’m sorry” you can’t think of anything else to say when he’s looking at you like you’re crazy.
“Get out, both of you. Leave now” you shake your head and kneel on the platform with him. You hold his hands, bringing them to your lips. Place kisses on his knuckles and whisper “you’ll be free soon”. He shakes his head “y/n, please, you have to leave. Go North remember? Please-” his voice was raw from disuse. “No one can get that iron off you, Az. I won’t leave you here to waste away” 
“What are you saying?”
“He left you here so I would see you. He’s expecting me” it's something you can feel in the air. His power mingled with yours. Calling you toward the cabin. “No- no, Mor, winnow away. Leave right now, please- I-” 
“It’s alright, you don’t have to worry” you move your hands to his face and move his hair away from his eyes. “It’s just what has to happen right now” he closes the distance between you in a desperate kiss. A kiss that said “I missed you” “I love you” “You’re insane” “Don’t leave me”. You pull away “I’ll be back Azriel, I promise I’ll find you when I’m done here”. Burning in your ribs sealed the deal. 
Wipe the tears from his cheeks. Kiss him again. Tell Mor to wait until he’s freed to winnow away. Hug her. Walk towards the cabin. See that the door is open. Go inside. Black, depthless eyes meet yours. Too white teeth in a glaring smile. White stringy hair. Smooth, poreless skin. Small, dainty nose. He looked like a doll possessed by a demon. Your skin crawls.
“I have been waiting for you, magnificent creature” 
“I’m here, let Azriel go” 
“He can go if you stay” 
“I know” 
Koschei walked toward a small table and sat in one of the two chairs. He motioned for you to sit in the other one. 
“I am pleased to host you in my home” 
“I can’t say I’m pleased at all”
“Getting you here took so much longer than expected. See, I am limited in terms of mobility and have had to delegate most tasks to power hungry brutes”  you tilt your head, questioning. 
“I suppose no one has told you that your arrival to this realm was written in the stars long ago?” You say nothing. 
“Let me explain. Most things happen by chance. But some things happen to be destined. You, my dear, are the latter.” He pushes an ancient looking script your way “The realm will bow to  the queen with no crown. The one who traveled the longest distance,through space and time. The one who brought great danger. She will be created by fate, magic, earth, wind, fire and water. A keeper of lightning. Master of storms. Calm oceans will turn tempestuous at her will. In time, all will bow to the queen with no crown.”
You read it. Again and again. 
“Understand now?” Shake your head. No. 
“The autumn lord was supposed to deliver you to me alongside Galgollem but he got himself  and the monster killed instead” Koschei said with a casual roll of his dead eyes. “My dear, you and I together possess more power than anyone else in the entire realm. I am bound to this lake. But you are as free as the wind. As strong as steel. Be my queen. My equal”. You are free. He said you are free. What good would it be if his puppet was also bound to the lake if his true motives were conquest? 
“Are you the king of anything?” low chuckle.
“I am a God of Death”
“And I am Queen of the Realm, destined by the Mother herself, according to this”. You shove the paper back towards him.  He bristles.  You feel yourself getting agitated. Close your eyes. Breathe. See Azriel and Mor still at the edge of the lake. Return. 
“Let. Azriel. Go” 
“Be my queen and he’s free”  
In that moment you knew. You understood his need for you. To align himself with who he thought was his counterpart. But he did not see that your freedom, your wildness was inherent. It was carved in your bones. He wanted to hold you captive. Send you away on his behalf. Conquer far away lands, oceans and winds. Be his hostage. Nothing more than a marionette. You feel the buzzing, no longer dormant. No longer controlled by concentration and breathing exercises. 
See his face shift from nonchalant to tense. Know your eyes are telling him he’s in trouble. Close them. See Azriel and Mor still in the lake. Open them. See his mouth moving. The drumming doesn’t let you hear a word. 
You lose it. 
He doesn’t understand your power. 
He thinks he can tame you. 
Stand from your chair, walk to him. See him lean back. Reach for his neck. Unleash yourself. Bright white fills the room. Feel Koschei sizzling and crackling in your hands. The energy too much for his vessel to bear. 
The wind is knocked from your lungs when he pushes you away. You fly through the air, smash through the glass windows and land in the lake. Your body sinks. Close your eyes. See Azriel screaming and pulling at his shackles. Mor beside him, horrified. Gather wind and force Koschei into the lake as well. He’s pushed in by a gust that blows away all of the windows. Return to your body. See him trying to swim away. Become water and pull him down. Down. Down. 
The troops are formed in an impenetrable line. His eyes in the skies warned that there were ships arriving from the East. They were as ready as they could be. The Ilirians and Peregrins were launching into the sky with fae bane arrows. The rest were waiting for them to make landfall. All of the High Lords were with their respective armies. Even Tamlin had scrounged up a few warriors from Spring, thanks to Lucien. Rhysand and Feyre were leading the charge for Night,  beside them Nesta and Cassian. Most of their Inner Circle was notably missing. Eris cursed Koschei, he cursed Rhysand and he cursed the Gods for putting him in this situation again. He hated war. Absolutely despised the bloodshed and fighting. He was very skilled in combat, he had to be as  High Lord. But he would choose verbal warfare a million times over than this. Standing in a field, alongside Death. Souls waiting to be claimed. 
They came into view now. Arrows fell from the sky. 
His soul is separate from his body. He is struggling against currents that bring him right to your arms. Hands wrap around his neck again. Creatures you can’t see biting and pulling you apart. Above you, in the sky, a black cloud forms. Azriel’s skin is raw and red around his ankles. The static in the air is palpable. Koschei is fighting you, still. His minions clawing along your skin. You know the shock angered him. Hurt him. 
In your body and out of it at the same time. In the sky and the water. You squeeze his neck feeling his airway close. All it took was one thought and the cloud unleashes everything it has on the lake. Azriel screams. Mor jumps out of the water as bolts of lightning pour from the sky. A curtain of light. You feel a comforting tingle on your skin and know your plan works as the creatures pulling at you go belly up and Koschei convulses in your grasp. His body was not made of lightning. Horrible eyes bulge, neck twists in a way it should not be able to. You call off the cloud. His body sags in your hold, deformed by pain. This is only his vessel. 
The ships are nearing. The air squad firing all the have. Eris can tell no one in that ship has fallen. In short minutes they’ll be on the shore. 
The water brings you to the surface. His limp body in your hands. The current carries you to the shore and you bring his body onto dry land. 
Azriel is pale, nauseous and lightheaded. He swears his heart has stopped and started at least a thousand times. No worse torture than seeing her in danger not being able to do anything about it. But she’s there. Right in front of him. Dragging Koschei’s body across the sand. 
You collapse. Exhausted and drained. But his soul… His essence was still somewhere.
Close your eyes. Pour into the atmosphere. Let yourself feel. The call of his soul was coming from the cabin. It was in there somewhere and you would destroy it. Rage clouding everything. Nothing but his end would make you stop.
He had never seen her eyes like that. They were misty. White light pouring out. She looked so different from the person he knew. Her humanity, her softness vanished. Hair wild and stuck to her face, neck and back. He could see fast healing wounds peeking from the gashes in her clothes. A tornado. Lady Tempest. 
Her movements were precise. She stood and turned. Walking calmly to the cabin. 
The inside was destroyed from the shattered windows and rain pouring in from the chaos outside. His foul energy was concentrated deeper in the house. 
Open a door. Walk down spiraled stairs. Gag. It was disgusting. There was an iron door. Go to open it. Flinch. Send a bolt towards it. Walk through the hole. Dark room. Small box. The vibrations from his soul make you feel ill. Open the box. A smooth white bone lays on a velvet cushion. Walk outside. 
When the ships made landfall the soldiers within them descended on the shores of Prythrian. Running at full speed towards them. Not a single casualty from the arrows. Their army whole.  Eris braces himself, adjusting his grip on his sword and shield. The small dots becoming full sized soldiers in short seconds. 
Hold the bone. Close your fist around it. Breathe. I’m so tired. Breathe again. This being, Koschei, has caused so much suffering for so many people. For people you love. He wants power. He wants war. He wants you to do his dirty work. Just like that the buzzing is back. Squeeze your fist until it hurts. See white light flash between your fingers. Open your fist. Acrid ash is now where bone used to be. Scatter it on a phantom breeze. Return to his body. Drag it to the cabin. Put it in the hearth. Set it ablaze. 
The soldiers that were nearing vanished. The ships disappeared. Eris remained tense. 
This had to be a trick. 
The sound of fire crackling brings you out of your frenzy. What did I do? How could I do all of that? You had brutalized him. Killed him in such a personal way it scared you. Sitting on the wet floor you look at anywhere but the fire. You flinch when you hear footsteps and see Azriel standing in the doorway. You stand and run to him. He wraps his arms around you fully “we should go”. You pull away and walk outside. Mor is standing there, soaked. “Are you ready?” You nod and grab her hand. She winnows to a room you’d never been. 
“Make yourselves comfortable, I’m going to grab a drink and pass out”.
a/n: I hope a lot of questions were answered!!!!!! thank you for reading loves <3
taglist: @luvmoo @leeknows-wife@nocasdatsgay@mybestfriendmademe@evylynny
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didididraws · 4 months
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my tablet is currently halfway across the country for repairs (my brother's the most tech-savvy in my family and asking him to take a look at it was cheaper than taking it to a shop) so i haven't been able to draw lately. i've made a bunch of traditional sketches in the meantime, but none of them are presentable enough to post here, so i decided to take a trip down memory lane and fill out one of foxorian's influence maps!
below the cut are the names of the artists featured here, as well as a little bit of director's commentary on how they've influenced me :]
yugo limbo (website, tumblr, twitter) - some time last year, i realized something profoundly unnerving: i actually... don't like the art in smile for me's original release all that much? that's not to say it's bad, just that there isn't a whole lot about it outside of maybe its architecture that stands out to me. which is REALLY WEIRD, considering i wrote a whole retrospective about how much this game means to me. art-wise, however, it was only after smile for me's release that yugo limbo's art evolved in a way that really resonated with me; i love how textured everything is, i love the way they simplify clothing folds and the way that skin wrinkles around the joints, i love their love for puppets; all of those things ended up worming their way into my art style and tastes one way or another, and i couldn't be happier!! it didn't feel right to leave smile for me out of the equation entirely, though, so i chose a piece that was both related to that game and that i felt reflected a lot of what i love about yugo's more recent art.
echobsilly (twitter, tumblr) - oh god, speaking of yugo limbo - god. i fucking love echo's art so much i have no idea how to even do it justice in writing. like many people i first found him through his smile for me/limbolane fanart and animations - and those are some of his best work, don't get me wrong, but i really wanted to include one of his original designs to make a point that he's just fuckin great at art in general. character design, facial expressions, body language, composition, LIGHTING... he makes it all just. so so so gorgeous. i always liked "painterly" art styles for lack of a better word, but i think his art is what first pushed me to embrace that more in my digital art. i also like how he talks about dr. habit like he's his dead wife. i'm very proud to call him a friend these days :]
japhers (tumblr, twitter, instagram) - i first found japhers' art in high school and he very quickly became a HUUUUUGE influence on my taste in character and costume design. one of the big reasons i never fully bought into the idea that men's fashion is inherently harder to design is bc so much of his art is already dedicated to exploring fashion Without the restrictions of a gender binary in place which is to say that he's really good at drawing buff dudes in frilly outfits. i also think he gave me more confidence to draw more intricate costumes without having to worry about super dainty and clean lineart, bc a lot of his art looks like it's kinda been carved/rendered out of sketches, and it is Gorgeous.
moe suppe (website, tumblr, cohost) - another artist i found in high school, albeit originally from a long-gone instagram account. his art is what kickstarted my desire to have some Roughness in my art, some Texture. it may not have stuck to my lineart, but it Definitely stuck to my rendering. it helped that i was going through a pretty big angel/demon phase at the time, which meant i was pretty immediately drawn in by his delightfully weird worldbuilding. i should probably read fear not now that it's an actual serial...
val wise (website, itch.io, twitter, instagram) - a more recent influence, but a pretty significant one nonetheless. i featured the cover of délicatesse here because it was the first thing from him that i had ever read, but in general his grasp on the human body really blows me away given how deceptively simple his style looks at first glance, especially his faces. the way fat and hair sits on her bodies, and how much it varies from character to character... it's beautiful without being So glamorous that it feels untouchable. his costume design is also great. i recommend his comics for low fantasy/ursula k. le guin fans who are Dying to see more fat characters in leading roles. i also just found out that i am of two hearts is free on itch.io, so i'll be treating myself to that over spring break.
partycoffin (tumblr, twitter) - if you have known me for any amount of time at all then this should not come as a surprise to you. i actually wasn't going to include partycoffin in this map at first, because while welcome home has inspired me in Many creative pursuits, i didn't think visual art was one of them? i definitely picked up some of clown's love for dramatic lighting and thinner lines with just a smidge of well-placed hatching subconsciously, though.
ryoko kui - probably the most recent artist featured here? anyways i have a confession to make: i have yet to read dungeon meshi. i just know that when i saw a post compiling a bunch of ryoko kui's sketches from her daydream hour series, i was so overwhelmed with this feeling of, like… "oh, yeah, these capture almost everything i love about women as flesh and blood people. when i draw women this is the kind of beauty that i want people to see in them." of course, ryoko kui is a great character designer in general, but something about her women specifically really speak to me. the earthier color palettes and rendering also do a lot to endear her art to me.
shuzo oshimi - specifically his art in blood on the tracks. something that really stood out to me in that series was whenever the shadows would get really intense, and you'd get these big blocks of black with just the faintest bit of hatching to soften out some of their edges. it was always very effective in creating this sense of claustrophobia. i really want to keep incorporating that in my more intense pieces!
person918x (tumblr, instagram) - i don't work with 3d art often and i don't see myself doing so any time soon, but the composition of person918x's pieces is something i take a lot of inspiration of. i also love his sequential art, as someone who does a lot of dream journaling it's sick to see the exact Vibe of a dream be put to (digital) canvas. i also firmly believe that he's one of the only people out there who knows what he's doing when it comes to using generative AI in art.
oops i made this list too long so now i have to put the last two artists in a new block.
10. meatgiri (twitter, instagram) - definitely the artist i've known about the longest out of this selection. i think i've been following her since…. oh god. since i was in middle school. way before she was meatgiri, even. i think her influence probably shows up the least in my art, but there are definitely some characteristics that stuck with me for a very long time (the lil block of black accompanied by one or two lines for shading on the neck, the looser lineart making it really easy to incorporate soft curves and sharp edges, the Eyes, etc etc.) i chose this drawing of her oc juniper bc i thought it was both reflective of her current art And a good embodiment of a lot of things i wanted to emulate from her art as a young'un.
11. dragan bibin (website, instagram) - specifically his 'deimos' series. much like with person918x, it's his compositions that really stand out to me the most, and you probably know by now that i'm a sucker for high contrast. i find it interesting though that he uses high contrast to obscure more than he does to highlight... helps a lot with giving the deimos paintings that air of Quiet Unease. another thing i want to incorporate in my horror-adjacent art! manmade environments gone wrong!
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maskedtruths666 · 2 years
Short story.
This will be a two or three part series. This story is entirely fictional. Theme was submitted by a fan. Final year uni student decides to make money by being a teaching assistant to a hot up and coming professor from overseas.
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Elizabeth was a final year student in a local uni and as her education draws to a close, she needed to make some extra cash for the potential months of unemployment ahead. She got her chance when the school offered her a teaching assistant (TA) job for $50/hour and sessions last been 2-3 hours daily. On average, that meant that she’d make at least $500 extra a week.
She managed to get a TA position with a new professor that taught sociology and that is something she’s always scored well in. When she first saw her teacher, she had a crush on him. He’s tall, handsome, has a commanding voice and dresses extremely well.
“Hi prof, my name is Elizabeth and I’ll be your teaching assistant for the rest of the year.” Elizabeth said as she confidently introduced herself to him.
“Hi Elizabeth, it’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Marco and I hope we can get along in the next couple of months.” Marco said as he reached out to give her an Italian greeting by pecking her on both cheeks.
That simple encounter left Elizabeth feeling electrified and left her wanting more. Something primal in her awoken.
The first few weeks went by pretty fast and Elizabeth’s crush grew deeper and deeper. She knew it was wrong but she fantasized about Marco whenever her boyfriend fucked her and she started making him dress like Marco.
Little did she know, Marco too had a thing for her. He always saw Elizabeth in school and dressed well. She knew how to flaunt her curves and being a single expat in a new country, he always wanted to try a local girl. He’s seen his fair share of hot students but none like Elizabeth.
“Are you free after this? Want to grab a coffee before your class starts?” Marco asked Elizabeth as they wrapped up their class.
“Sure, I’d love to. I have time to burn anyway.” Elizabeth said, clearly lying because she had to rush off for her next class.
Marco knew he wanted to ask her out the moment he saw her outfit. It gave him a huge boner and he just wanted to spend time with her so he could take sneaky pictures of her and jerk off to them.
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At the coffee place, they both started chatting like friends instead of a student teacher relationship.
“Hey, do you mind if I ask for your IG? I know it’s not professional but I feel like I want to get to know you more, so we can bond further.” Marco asked, but deep down he already found out her IG and has already started fapping to her pictures.
“Sure, of course.” Elizabeth replied, flattered by the interest from Marco.
“Wow, you’re famous. And you have a fantastic dress sense.” Marco commented upon seeing her IG for the “first time”.
“Oh that’s nothing. Sex sells and guys like to see such things. But in reality, I’m just a potato.” Elizabeth answered.
“Oh no, please never say that. You’re an absolutely stunning individual and your dress sense portrays your confidence and if you’ve got it, flaunt it.” Marco replied, his hand reaching out to touch her hand, comforting her and reassuring her.
“Oh you’re sweet. And I appreciate it.” Elizabeth replied, blushing.
“Pose for me. I want to post an IG story and poll it. Just want to show you how amazing you are.” Marco said, disguising his intent to take a new cleavage picture of her for fapping purposes.
“Awww, that’s very sweet of you.” Elizabeth said as she posed for him.
“You look great. If you have a bf, he’s sure to be a lucky guy.” Marco said, trying to find out if she’s single.
“Oh yes, he compliments me every day. One of the reasons why I love him.” Elizabeth replied.
“That’s cute. Anyway, I’ve taken too much of your time. You should head to class.” Marco replied, wanting to quickly head to the toilet to jerk off to the 7 sexy pictures he got of her.
“Actually, I missed my class. I wanted to spend time with you.” Elizabeth said, feeling a bit guilty.
“That’s not right. You should never skip class for me. You can always have me after class. Now, follow me.” Marco said, stunned but secretly happy.
They walked in silence to his office and he said, “Sit down. We are going to revise what you’re supposed to have learnt today. If you get any questions wrong, you’ll be punished. But for every correct question, you’ll be rewarded.”
“Yes prof. I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.” Elizabeth said as she excitedly awaited the quiz because she was very sure she’d get all correct.
Alas, she did. She got full marks and that left Marco very impressed.
“How shall I reward you?” Marco asked.
“I want to jerk you off with my tits.” Elizabeth said, leaving Marco turned on but shocked.
“What?” Marco asked, shocked, but getting a boner.
“I’ve seen you stare multiple times. You know you want it. I know I want it. You said you’d reward me. This is ,y reward.” Elizabeth said, as she inched towards him to unzip his pants.
As she did, out popped his huge dick. She stroked it and said, “Everything but penetrative sex. Those are my rules.”
“Ugh fuck, this feels so wrong but it feels so good too.” Marco grunted as Elizabeth started sucking his cock.
After it was lubricated with her saliva, she poured some lube down her chest and tightly wrapped her tits around his cock. She started jerking his cock off using her tits and talked dirty to him, trying to get him to cum faster.
“Prof, did you know how many times I’ve fantasized about you? Especially when my bf fucks me.” Elizabeth said, looking up at his eyes.
“I’ve wanted you to spank my ass whenever I make a mistake marking the papers with you.”
“I’ve wanted to suck your dick or tease you with sexy pictures whilst you’re teaching.”
“I’ve wanted you to put a vibrator in me and tease me for the whole 3 hours when you’re teaching.”
“I wanted you to titty fuck me and blast your cum all over my chest before lesson. I hear post nut clarity is amazing.”
“I want you to remember that only I have the best tits and my tits can get you off.”
The more she talked dirty, the harder Marco got. He was in heaven. His cock was being squeezed by her huge tits. Within minutes, he was about to cum.
“Ugh fuck Elizabeth. I’m about to cum. I’ve never had a titty fuck before but your tits are amazing.” Marco groaned, trying to contain his climax.
“Of course you haven’t. I will control all your orgasms from now on.” Elizabeth said as she titty fucked hi, faster and harder.
Within seconds, Marco couldn’t control it and he unleashed a hot load of cum all over her chest.
“Oh god, that was fucking amazing.” Marco said breathlessly, enjoying the release.
Elizabeth winked at him before licking his dick clean, tempting him further.
Part 1 done. How much more orgasms will Marco get? Will he have sex with Elizabeth? Stay horny to find out more.
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burning-fcols · 2 months
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"No one can know about this." ( VoxAngel ) - ✧ ˖ ˙ 「 @Qᴜᴇꜱᴛɪᴏɴᴀʙʟᴇᴍᴜꜱᴇꜱ 」 ˙ ˖ ✧
「 ☆ 」 One doesn't work in as close proximity with Valentino as he does without becoming familiar with the other Vees. But though he may know of and even a bit more about them than their ❛ perfect ❜ public personas show— mainly the less savory aspects of how they run their operation; Angel having a front-row seat to the fuckery and corruption rampant within the gleaming towers —doesn't mean he's had much personal experience with them... and NEVER without the accompaniment of Val. Acting more as an accessory or tool to tote around than a person.
Sure, he's tried on outfits for Velvette at the moth's request or been the test subject of scents meant to ❛ entice ❜ and corrupt... and he's taken note of the cameras Vox has scattered about the place, knowing NOTHING escapes the Television's watchful eye. Learning the hard way during his earlier years working at the studio. Needing to be occasionally reminded when he gets a bit too spirited. But despite this unspoken... tension between the two, Angel had assumed he and Vox were on amicable terms. In a ❛ neither of us want the other around but we have to grin and bear it because of Val ❜ sort of way. It's not as if either of them could DO much about it.
If Vox could have gotten rid of him, Angel doesn't doubt it would have happened by now... Which is why he's taken off-guard at the abrupt summons to the Television's room. Maybe that clever bastard finally found a way. If there's one thing he knows about the Vees, it's never good to get called for a private meeting. If there's one thing he knows about Val, it's never good to do anything without his explicit permission. Forced into BOTH on Vox's whim, all Angel can do is grit his teeth, straighten his spine— fluff his chest for good measure before entering the room —and bear it. Thrust into yet another dangerous situation by an Overlord and this one doesn't even technically hold his leash... but he may as well with the power he wields.
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❝ Mista' Vox, please... Yer speakin' ta a professional. My lips are sealed~ ❞ With a zipping motion over his mouth, Angel takes an offered seat with an overflowing bluff of confidence. Ignoring the dread sinking in his stomach, he crosses one leg over the other— instinctively letting his skirt ride up his thigh a bit —and rests his lower hands on his knee. Despite knowing he has NO control in the situation, Angel refuses to show it. Vox is like those sharks he loves so much... Can't let him smell blood in the water. ❝ 'Specially when it comes ta Daddy Val. I'm sure I don' need ta tell you how much he hates otha' people messin' wit' his things... ❞
A subtle prod, testing the currents to see how Vox reacts to mention of Valentino. Wondering if it's necessary to remind the Overlord that as the moth's Top Bitch, he should be somewhat protected... Right? Leisurely picking some lint off his shirt, dainty fingers purposely draw attention to the fluffy cleavage spilling over. When in doubt, show off the merchandise and hope it throws Vox off his game. Suave as the Television may try to be, he's made of flesh and blood— or circuitry and whatever-the-fuck-else —and untamable emotions like anyone else.
❝ So... What ex'ctly is th' ❛ this ❜ no one can know 'bout anyway? ❞ Angel inquires, leaning forward a bit in his seat with a purposeful smirk, ❝ I know what people usually want me fer... but you didn' strike me as th' type ta be int'rested in tryin' out my services~ ❞ 「 ☆ 」
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
Impromptu Story Time just outside the walls is over; Back to infiltrating.
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See? What'd I say. We're inside the gates now, because nothing is ever locked to a sufficiently determined burglar. And at this point, we have a lot of experience burgling things that shall not be burgled.
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Oh good, they're opening the front doors for us. That's always a good sign.
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I'm sympathetic to your motives but factionally opposed to you nonetheless. Get out of the way or we're going to have to do the violence.
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Credit where it's due, that is a fire comeback.
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This is not a conflict that can be solved diplomatically, Brugaves. Get out of the way or we do the violence. Those are the options. Pick one.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little intimidated about fighting our mentors. But also, we killed Torment so I have a big well of confidence to draw from.
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Did you just try to pull "Control your hysterical sibling" on us!?
Oh, I am about two seconds from taking "Step aside" off the list of options and going straight to the violence. Zale does not speak for me. I sometimes speak for him. That's how our dynamic works.
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Wait, we're in time to thwart the waking ritual? Good to know. Thanks for that tidbit.
Now choke on my staff.
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I want you to know that this brings me no joy.
Okay, actually, this brings me some joy because it's very nostalgic. Despite everything, there's a strong sense of "If things were different I would very much love to be having this sparring session with you." This is fun in a tragic way.
But things aren't different so fucking back down already.
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Oh shit. Right. Stalling for time. I walked my bloodthirsty ass right into that.
It's okay. We can make up for this. There's no time inside the castle so, logically, it's impossible for enough time to pass that the ritual is completed. Therefore, I hereby demand that the Dweller ritual remain suspended in-progress indefinitely.
Okay, I think the metaphysics heard me. We should be clear to take our time now. That's how it works, right?
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Honestly, this place would just seem like your basic tinkerer's workshop if not for all the organic Dweller gunk infecting the clockwork.
I wonder what the Watchmaker thinks of all this crap getting on her lovely mechanisms?
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But it's actually eternal child labor! Which. In a way. Is kinda what workshop elves are too. Huh.
Well, in any case, it looks like we've found Cael and his crew. Let's see if they want to help us really piss off Aephorul.
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...okay, you are not what I anticipated when I was told there'd be immortal children in this workshop.
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You know what, you're right. I have a talent for pissing people off and making unnecessary threats. You do the talking, Garl. You're pretty much the master at inoffensive diplomacy.
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No amount of skill points can defend against a Nat 1. That will do, Garl. Let me take over.
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Yeah, but you own it. You've got this whole Ancient Gnome Head Researcher vibe that's working for you, and you're leaning into it. The outfit really brings it together. 10/10 Brilliant fashion choice.
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Yeah, Teaks told me how that works. Though I'm surprised that the castle doesn't let you mature but does let you age. The rules of magic are obnoxiously arbitrary sometimes.
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Oh shit. He's calling you out, Serai. Does your mystery secret have something to do with this place? Are you the Watchmaker or something?
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Oh, we're just going to breeze past that. Okay.
That's fine. I'm even more curious than ever but I do trust Serai. I mean, if she had any ill intent, she could have slit all of our throats while we slept and then portaled away before anyone was the wiser. Instead, she tried to thwart Strife's revival and helped us kill Torment.
She has earned more than enough leeway to come clean about her secrets on her own time or keep it to herself forever.
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greatideas-badwriter · 9 months
Worth The Risk: Chapter 9
As soon as Sakura reached the floor level of the house, she realized there were more people around that she didn't recognize than those she did. Politely, she made her way through the crowded rooms, keeping her head low to not offend anyone or draw attention to herself, until she found Konan in the kitchen.
The woman's orange eyes locked onto her, and she spoke quietly once she was close enough to hear, "Tonight, you are to entertain guests as a lady of this house."
The pinkette's face must've properly emoted her panic because Konan quickly added in an annoyed voice, "I won't force you to provide that type of entertainment. You're more than welcome if you'd like, of course, but you're to drink, smile, and flirt. Do whatever you feel will make these men like you."
"I'm sorry if I'm speaking out of turn, but why do these people need to like me? I'm a housekeeper. Shouldn't I just stay out of sight?"
The older woman's brow furrowed into an expression of disbelief, "Let me give you some advice, Sakura."
She turned to pour a glass of alcohol-spiked cider, speaking softly so only the pink-haired woman would hear and not the men around, "As a female, you have more power than you realize. Men think with their dicks more often than their brains, especially when a woman's younger and innocent-looking, like you. Do you understand?"
Sakura accepted the glass from Konan, swallowing nervously but nodding, 'So that's why she didn't put me in a slutty outfit,' she looked around at the men in the room who were doing little to mask their wandering gazes, 'These are the type of guys that get off on feeling powerful, so someone strong and confident like Konan doesn't do it for them.'
"I-I, um, I don't know if I can do this…."
"Here, drink this," she was handed a second glass, this one being full of a dark-colored liquor, "Chug all of it. Now."
Tears welled in her eyes, but Sakura did as ordered and tossed back the entire drink, wincing as she swallowed before placing the empty cup on the counter and shaking her head, 'Where's Sasuke? It won't take long for that to hit me.'
"Now go. Don't disappoint me."
Internally, the pink-haired woman was pissed, but the fear overshadowed it. 'How dare they try to whore me out! This wasn't in the contract I signed. I read it very carefully!' she thought while walking out of the kitchen as instructed.
By the time she arrived in the den, she was tipsy, but at least the nerves had calmed a little. A couple of guys talked to her briefly before she caught a glimpse of a familiar face across the room and politely excused herself.
'I really should've eaten something before this. I already feel a little dizzy, and I haven't even drunk that much yet.'
"What are you doing here?" It was Mr. Hatake, the professor who'd encouraged her yesterday. The woman stumbled, only for him to hurriedly grab her shoulder and steady her.
Sakura grinned up at him, "Um, well…." She wasn't so drunk that she'd stupidly admit to being employed by the house's owners, especially when he seemed concerned by her presence. "I-I wanted to thank you again for your help yesterday. It meant a lot to me."
His brown eyes were a little hazy, hinting that he'd also had some to drink. That was likely the reason he allowed the topic to change. They chatted casually for a moment or two about the holiday and the weather before he suddenly said, "You look beautiful tonight, by the way. I hope it's alright that I say that."
"Thank you! Kon-Uh, my friend bought this dress for me, so I was worried it wouldn't fit," Sakura averted her gaze with a red face, tossing back a good portion of her drink to mask her slip-up.
'I don't know what I'm allowed to say to people. I potentially almost got myself in trouble just then!'
It was then that Sasuke finally showed up. He didn't come over to speak to Sakura but found a couple of men to chat with across the room, where he glanced her way occasionally. It made her feel much safer, so she relaxed and spoke casually with the professor.
Maybe half an hour later, Sakura gasped, officially intoxicated because she hadn't made that cider to be weak, 'Konan will probably be angry if she finds out I spent the entire night talking to my teacher! I should go before someone tells her.'
"I need a refill, so I'll talk to you later, okay?"
The man nodded, grinning from behind his mask, "Of course. Have a good time. If you happen to see me later, come say hi again."
'Thank God he didn't try to stop me,' Sakura thought, heading into the kitchen for another drink.
"Here, Sweetheart. You look like you might be thirsty." A tall man with tan skin, green eyes, and black hair in a ponytail offered a glass to her.
She hesitantly accepted it, "Thank you, um…"
"Hyo! My name's Hyo. What about you?"
The woman forced a smile, not drunk enough to feel entirely at ease around a strange man, and lifted the cup to her lips while responding, "Nice to meet you. My name's-" "Sakura."
She and the tall man looked over to see Sasuke glaring at the man, "Sasuke…?"
He took the cup from her hand and offered it back to Hyo, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
The green-eyed man laughed awkwardly, glancing between them, "Having a drink with Sakura here. Why? Is there a problem? I thought this was a party."
"Drink it."
Sakura's eyes widened when Sasuke shoved the drink into the man's hand, who accepted it with a surprised expression, "What?"
The Uchiha man's glare deepened, "I said drink it. Is there a reason you don't want to?" Hyo's face paled, and he donned an expression of dread. Sasuke scoffed, "That's what I fucking thought. Try something like that again, and you'll have more teeth in your stomach than your mouth."
Rather drunk, Sakura stumbled to keep up when Sasuke grabbed her arm and pulled her into the kitchen and out of the hallway, "Don't drink anything you didn't see poured, Dumbass. Are you trying to get roofied?"
"Oh, is that what happened? Thank you so much for helping me!" Sakura smiled while simultaneously prying at the man's fingers around her arm. Drunk or not, it made her uncomfortable.
He released once at the counter, shooting daggers at Konan, who returned the look with her own, "How fucked up are you right now? Be honest."
Sakura realized he was trying to figure out if it was safe to let her go off on her own again and assured him, "I'm alright. I won't take a drink from a stranger again." She could feel both Yahiko and his wife watching them. Not only did she not want to get into trouble, but she didn't want to drag Sasuke into it, too.
'It's just a little flirting, and that's it. She even promised they wouldn't make me do anything more. Just try to have a good time.'
"If you feel sick, go upstairs." She nodded, accepting a new glass from the Uchiha man. He gave her a warning glare before leaving the room again.
She followed more slowly, only then realizing that Christmas music was playing softly from somewhere in the house. Gravitating toward it, she realized it was the television. An hour passed as the woman talked with whoever came up to her, careful not to lose sight of Sasuke or her drink so nothing terrible would happen.
Another hour passed.
When the party had been going for just under four hours, nearly one o'clock, Mr. Hatake reappeared. Sakura giggled, standing beside him against the wall. She'd cut herself off after her last glass because she was officially trashed. That decision used up the last of her soberness. The woman could barely walk straight, slurred her words, and found almost everything funny.
"Are you alright? Do you need to sit down?" He asked, but an amused twinkle was in his eyes.
Sakura made a negative noise, leaning into him momentarily before beaming at his surprised face, "I didn't tell you this earlier because I was embarrassed, but you're totally my favorite teacher, Mr. Hatake."
"Is that so? I'm flattered."
"Am I your favorite student?"
The man's eyes widened before he chuckled, turning to stand in front of her rather than beside her so he could be better prepared to catch her if she fell, "I'm not supposed to choose favorites. It's a bad practice for teachers."
The pink-haired woman sighed dramatically, "So all that talk about liking how I write my assignments was just you trying to butter me up? You'll make me cry, Mr. Hatake!"
"It's Kakashi."
She met his eye as steadily as possible in her state, "Huh?"
He pulled his mask down under his chin so she could see his grin as he repeated, "Call me Kakashi when we're not at school. That's my name."
A giggle left her lips, and she tilted her head, stumbling to the side as she teased him half-heartedly, "Mr. Kakashi, why'd you go into education when you're this handsome? You could've been an actor or model."
The professor steadied her with a hand on either side of her waist and an incredulous look, "Is that any way for a student to speak to her teacher? You'll give me the wrong idea."
"What do you mean? Should I not call you Mr. Kakashi? I thought you wanted me to."
He chuckled but changed the subject, "I think you should probably call it a night, Sakura. You've had too much to drink. You might hurt yourself if you fall. Should I have your boyfriend come get you?"
"Huh? My boyfriend?"
Kakashi turned his torso, hands still keeping her steady against the wall, and nodded toward Sasuke, who glared at them, "Him."
Sakura gasped, grabbing a loose handful of the man's shirt while dismissively waving her other hand, "Sasuke? He's not my boyfriend! Are you crazy?"
"He's not? He's been keeping an eye on you all night, so I thought maybe…."
"Oh, that. Yeah, he's like my bodyguard! If someone I'm flirting with gets out of line, he'll come beat them up!"
The white-haired man faced her fully again, cautiously asking, "Is that what you're doing? Flirting? Sakura-"
"Oh, he's coming over! Isn't he intimidating? I still get scared of him sometimes when he's mad." Sakura's chest and face felt warm when Sasuke came close enough that he could hear her, and she grinned, "Don't worry! He's not attacking me or anything."
The Uchiha man looked at the teacher, who glared back for some reason before lowering his gaze to her hand, which still clutched a handful of his shirt, "I think he's more at risk of you attacking him right now. C'mon."
'Why'd he have to say that? This is my teacher, for Christ's sake,' she thought but didn't fight when he grabbed her hand and guided her to his side so he could hold around her waist to keep her upright.
Instead, she hugged him with one arm around his middle and laughed, "Mr. Kakashi, I think I'm in trouble, so I'll see you in class on Monday. G'night!"
Sasuke slowly made his way with a very drunk Sakura through the house, toward the stairs so he could put her to bed. She stumbled, a hand on his chest as she giggled, "Ha, sorry. It's these shoes. They're taller than I'm used to."
'She's so annoying,' he thought as she stepped on his foot for the third time in less than two minutes. It was true, but he also found himself incredibly amused by her more honest reactions.
"Ugh, can I take them off? My feet hurt."
"We're almost there, you crybaby."
The woman grumbled, "You're so mean."
At the top of the stairs, she tore away and stumbled into his room rather than Zetsu's, who agreed to let her keep using his room since he never does.
'If I were a good guy, I'd stop her, but I'm not a good guy, am I?'
He shook his head at himself before following her inside just in time to catch her as she lost her balance trying to lean over to take her shoes off, "Just sit down, damn it. I'll do it." Sasuke, too, was drunk, but he had enough sense about him to take care of a drunk girl that he could probably lift with one arm.
After helping her to sit on the edge of the bed, he knelt, pulling one of her feet onto his knee so he could hold it still while unbuckling the two latches at the ankle. It was silent for a few moments as he did, and once he removed the shoe and switched to the other foot, he looked up to see if she'd fallen asleep because she'd stopped talking.
'Jesus Christ.'
The woman was not asleep.
No, she was staring at him with an expression he recognized from the night they nearly slept together. When their eyes met, she sat straighter before looking away while pushing some hair behind her ear, "You're actually kinda nice sometimes. I shouldn't have called you mean."
Sasuke averted his gaze back to her shoe, unbuckling and removing it before allowing her to pull her foot away, 'I have to get outta here, or I'll end up fucking her senseless.' He stood.
She stopped him by grabbing a hand. When he looked down at her, she gasped and released it, "Sorry, I don't know why I did that."
"...Do you want me to stay?" He hesitantly asked. The man was playing with fire, and he knew it.
Sakura grasped handfuls of the skirt of her dress, not meeting his eye, "Kinda."
'Get out of here.'
Sasuke crouched before the inebriated woman and spoke honestly, "If I stay, I'm going to kiss you and touch you and…. I know you don't want that, so I need to go."
Emerald eyes widened in surprise, locking onto his as she tried to comprehend his words.
It seemed like she understood, so he nodded once before standing again, turning to leave. 'Damn it! If it was anyone else, I wouldn't have to be careful. This fucking sucks.'
"I-I don't mind if you kiss me a little bit…."
'Don't fucking do it.'
The Uchiha man came down to her level again, searching her face.
'This is the opposite of what Itachi told me to do!'
She bashfully met his eye before fumbling to place a hand on either of his shoulders and leaning forward, gaze drifting to his mouth and back up.
'Stop her.'
All the arguments disappeared when Sakura pressed her lips softly to his, the scent of alcohol, cider, and vanilla enveloping the enamored man. Sasuke remained still; it was the only thing he could do to keep himself from attacking her. She didn't seem to mind and moved so that her arms rested over his shoulders, angling her head to deepen the kiss, her tongue slipping past his teeth to dance with his in a surprisingly skillful manner.
When the softest hint of a moan left the woman's chest, his hands twitched, reaching to grab her waist only to freeze. "Your hands…they're scary."
'That's what she said last time. If I touch her, will she want to stop? I want her to stay here.'
Sakura felt so small compared to his larger frame, so feminine and pretty. All that was true, but she was kissing him with the confidence of someone dripping with it. The arms over his shoulders grabbed the shirt on his back, and the woman tried to come closer.
The weight shift threw Sasuke off balance, and he caught himself with his hands on the ground as he eased them back so he was sitting with his knees bent. She maneuvered onto his lap, straddling his hips and pressing against him in a way that made his pants tighten.
A low sound rumbled through his chest when her thin fingers slid into his hair, only to pull it so he'd let his head fall back and part their kiss. She panted for air, gasping as she stopped pulling but kept her hand in his messy hair.
Her voice was soft and airy as she spoke between kisses to his neck, "I feel really warm when I'm with you, Sasuke."
He closed his eyes, swallowing hard to keep control of his urges, "If you don't stop soon, I won't be able to help myself."
"Do you want me to? I will." Sakura said that, but her free hand slid beneath his shirt, and she gently bit the damp skin of his neck, following the act by slowly running her tongue over the same spot.
"I mean….no. Keep doing that." 'You're a piece of shit, Sasuke Uchiha.'
To his surprise, the hand beneath his shirt disappeared, only to grab one of his and guide it to her chest. She pulled back to look in his eye with a heated expression that said she wasn't here on planet Earth but somewhere else. Sakura said nothing, but he understood she wanted him to touch her, so she kissed him once before dipping to pay attention to his neck again.
'Fuck it. We're already this far. I'll back off if she says she's scared.'
Sasuke leaned against the wall to support his weight, using his now-free hand to squeeze her bottom, earning a sound of appreciation from the writhing woman in his arms.
A couple moments later, her energy lessened, and she breathed out, "I'm sleepy now…."
The man could've cursed, "You're joking."
"Alright, Sasuke! I thought you two were hooking up all this time, but I never saw anything. Nice! Lucky!" The Uchiha man turned his head to see Kisame and Kakuzu in the hallway helping a trashed Tobi to his room, the latter having been the one to speak. The other two appeared to be at varying levels of irritation.
They moved on without waiting for his response, and he slid the hand from Sakura's chest around to press against the middle of her back with long strands of soft pink hair between his fingers, only for her to remain still and silent, 'You've got to be fucking kidding me.'
"You're asleep, aren't you?"
The woman softly groaned, the hand in his hair falling slack so her arm hung over his shoulder and her face buried into his neck. An exasperated sigh left the man's mouth, and he moved the hand from her ass to wrap it around her middle, glaring at the ceiling as he felt the thin girl's steady breathing against his chest and stomach.
After a moment of convincing himself not to get too pissed off, he got to his feet, holding the underside of her thighs so she wouldn't fall. Sakura sighed softly, moving her other hand around to hug his middle.
Sasuke shook his head in disbelief before carefully kneeling on the bed and laying her down. 'It's my own fault. I already knew she falls asleep easily when she gets this drunk.'
She mumbled his name unconsciously, "Sasu…ke….you…."
The man glared down at her, comically hissing despite knowing she couldn't hear it, "I'm not falling for this a third time. You're gonna fucking kill me."
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quibbs126 · 1 year
hear me out on a potential rare pair: knight cookie X raspberry mousse fankid. the raspberry family seems to be super into attempting to restore the house raspberry,and while knight cookie is a retainer (a paid servant who has been employed for a long time) and bodyguard,we dont actually know a lot about him or his family. heck we dont even know what type of berry he is despite him being a hollyberrian. apologiese for the infodump
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Nah, you’re good on the infodump, here’s Raspberry Cheesecake Cookie
I know what I said earlier, and I’m considering taking a break, but I was already drawing him when I posted that, and I do still have a few others I had done some half sketches for that I want to finish first, so I finished him anyways. I was going to finish the Dark Choco/Raspberry kid first, but I couldn’t figure out a design for the sword hilt, so I did him first instead
So as for this guy’s name, so I know I was originally having some trouble with it. I don’t believe Knight is a berry, even if he grew up in the Hollyberry Kingdom, since I doubt every Cookie living in a kingdom of a particular flavor is of that flavor. If that makes sense. But I wasn’t sure what he was, so I was guessing around. I eventually came to Raspberry Tart, but it was still a bit before I’d get to this one. But recently I learned his dough contains at least some white chocolate, given White Choco’s Jelly description, so I worked with that for coming up with a better name. Also I wasn’t sure how to incorporate the distinct look of a raspberry tart. An idea was to name him after white chocolate filled raspberries, but also I feel like that’d be a better thing for a potential White Choco/Raspberry Mousse kid. But in that search, I found white chocolate raspberry cheesecake, so I ultimately decided to name him after that
White chocolate raspberry cheesecake:
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With his design, I’ll be honest, I was kind of making things up as I went. I know I wanted his hair to be long-ish and to have pink and yellow, and I wanted him to have a rapier, but everything else just sort of happened. I think when I originally drew this, I had planned him to have a completely different outfit, likely one closer to Raspberry, but I got what I got. I like the asymmetrical cape, which I again did by accident. I realize it should probably be on the arm opposite of the one he uses, and I fixed that in the little sketch, but I thought it looked cool on that side instead. Also with the boots, I had originally intended them to be a normal length, but doing the lineart, I decided “screw it, make them higher” and yeah. Could I have made them higher? I feel like he doesn’t look much like Knight. I had intended more blue, but I just thought the reds/pinks with the yellows worked better. Actually maybe the yellow covers it. As for the feather, in my head it’d be like, behind the ear, but since Cookies don’t have ears, it’s just like, a hair clip or something, I dunno. Also I I don’t like the color of the mouth. I don’t like the red, it doesn’t look right. But that’s what Knight and Raspberry Mousse have. But overall, I generally like how his design turned out
So as for him, I’ll admit I don’t have much. Something I should admit first, but I always think Raspberry Mousse is Spanish, despite him almost certainly being French. I think it’s because around the time I discovered him, we recently saw the Puss in Boots sequel, as well as the first movie, and I think RM and Puss look kind of similar, as well as Raspberry Mousse’s skill theme having similar instruments to him. Actually I don’t know why I mentioned this, I think I just wanted to say it
Anyways, so I guess Raspberry Cheesecake is something like what I understand Zorro or Puss in Boots to be, basically a guy who travels around the land helping those in need, but without the massive ego. He probably also has a horse
Also, in reference to the little sketch, so while Raspberry Cheesecake may appear a suave and confident fighter, he’s internally a bit of an anxious mess, constantly worrying about if he’s doing things right. He’s internally always shouting. One thing I’m thinking of is that he got made into a knight of the Hollyberry Kingdom, or at least made a proper warrior, but he got too nervous about all the pressure and just decided to instead travel Earthbread. The dude needs to get a better grasp on his confidence
Also I mentioned a Dark Choco/Raspberry kid before; while I don’t think most of the kids exist in the same timeline as each other (Panela and Turtle Fudge especially), these two do, and while they’re second cousins, they’re pretty close. I haven’t gotten much around to Black Forest Cookie (I’ll give you a spoiler and tell you their name), but I do know this. I’ll probably elaborate more there
But yeah, that’s Raspberry Cheesecake. Hope you like him!
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saphirered · 2 years
Hi came across your Dorian content and I love it so much. Could I request Dorian fluff with prompt number 16 (Masquerade). I feel like it just suits him. Keep up the amazing writing 😸
I'm being swamped with curricular work pre-break so I might be slowed down a bit in the posting of these but nevertheless, I hope you enjoy! 😘
He might have stepped away from the responsibilities of his birth some time ago, that does not mean he does not miss some parts of that lifestyle. Sure he likes his new life as an adventurer. He would not trade it for his old life. Though when the invitation to a ball came around, and a masquerade at that, he found himself gushing over the possibilities. Dorian enjoys a good party where music plays, drink flows and people are merry. He finds joy in the joy of others and a masquerade is a happy occasion. Where he came from, the masks did little to cover what they should, everyone would recognise a Wyvernwind when they’d see one regardless. Here he can truly be who he wants to be and who he wants to be is up to him. You hadn’t understood his bubbly attitude towards this whole event. You know a party is usually reason to be happy and have fun but you don’t catch why a masquerade would be something so special, and different. Worry not because Dorian educated you. 
First came the shopping for garments. This is a nightmare for anyone who hates shopping in general. Many outfits were tried, to find the perfect one, because they had to be perfect. An outfit should be the reflection of who you are, or who you’d pretend to be at the masquerade. As if you had to think up some character and play pretend. You suppose it can be fun but why you have to commit like this, remains a mystery no matter how often it is explained. Still you play along because you see the spark in his eyes, the joy and excitement and you’d do anything to keep that spark alight. You’ll do so with all the love in your heart because when he smiles you find yourself smiling too. When he laughs you laugh with him and while you might not understand everything about this, you find yourself having a good time running around town gathering all the necessities to prepare for such a grand occasion. You’d helped each other to get ready and the nervousness hit you. You were about to attend a grand event, with eyes the many and you know jack shit about the etiquette, or mannerisms. You don’t know the rules or the dances. 
“You have nothing to be nervous about.” Dorian assures and while it calms your nerves somewhat, still your inner demons tell you’ll make a fool out of yourself. The castle in front of you, the towers alight with golden orange, beautiful and lively could as well have been a haunted, with monsters looming. You might have been more confident. But then you feel that gentle tug on your arm, and you are back to reality. Those worries are truly drowned out when you stare into those blue eyes. You’d recognise them through any mask or disguise. The shine and shimmer of crystals and beads could not distract you from the intrigue of his features beneath the mask. His attire reflects the breathiness of the winds ever-moving, glittering when they catch the light, with details of silver scales that return in his mask. He supposes he wanted some kind of joke when he decided on this look; a true wyvern-wind. 
“I don’t want to ruin this night by making a fool of myself.” You admit, as the castle doors draw nearer and nearer. 
“You’re spending this night with me. You couldn’t ruin it no matter what.” He smiles and presses a kiss to your forehead. Then he turns to the announcer, gives your names, or at least the ones on the invite you procured and you are let in. The announcer shouts your names and you gain some attention, some applause but with your arm around Dorian’s you feel more grounded, nervous still with those eyes on you, but you’re not alone. Then you get the chance to truly take a look…
Dorian watches your eyes light up in bewilderment. Your lips part as you reach the railing and overlook the ballroom. At the centre couples dance and move gracefully along the melody of the music. Crystal champagne flutes come on silver platters provided by servants immaculately uniformed. Spirits are high, drama too given some things visible from this vantage point but all of it is exciting and to see your amazement at this, the first real ball you ever attended as a true guest, that is all he had hoped to see from this night. He’d hoped to share this moment with you, not just to enjoy it with you but to introduce you to another side of him he rarely gets to show, the life that while left behind still remains a part of him and he hopes you could love it just as much as you have loved all other facets of him. He wants you to have the opportunity to relish in the things he loves and this is simply one of them. What he said before is true, because no matter what you do or say, he is here with you so who cares if you don’t know the steps to that waltz or which glass is meant for which drink, or all the nitpicked manners of these crowds. Dorian doesn’t care about any of these things. All he cares about is you. The warmth in his chest that spreads and spreads is proof of that. 
He guides you down the steps and into the ballroom proper where you are greeted by some wishing to get to know the new arrivals. Of course as a master of words Dorian spins a tale fast, every bit as pretentious and intriguing as would satisfy this crowd. As those conversations continued you found yourself engaging more. It became easier when you knew he had your back and you could build off each other like you do in every day life and little by little you see, things are not that different in here then they are out there. Together you have a blast coming up with ridiculous stories, caring very little if the people you tell them to believe them or not. You share drinks and tales, and listen to some too, whispering to each other when you know them to be boastful falsehoods of people with something to prove. 
Eventually you tire from the conversations and seek refuge on the dance floor between the moving couples, so graceful. Dorian knows you’re not schooled in these arts but you’re a quick learner and a good student and it shows. You pick up on the steps fast and recognise the patterns. You may have uttered a handful of apologies to him for your missteps, the cringe at every flaw had turned to a continuous smile. You’re enjoying yourself. He’s enjoying himself. This is a good night.
“For someone who claims to be a terrible dancer, you’re doing remarkable.” He dips you low before your rise and spin. 
“I dare you to repeat that when I step onto your toes for the umpteenth time.” You laugh. 
“I think my toes will manage.” He retorts with a smile. “I mean it, I’m glad you’re having a good time.” This entire night, a break from the chaos of the world, his life and yours, it has been a blessing. He will cherish every second of it. 
“I’m spending it with you, aren’t I?” His cheeks turn darker so when the dance allows you peck his lips. “Good company and a good dance instructor. I’ll count myself lucky.” The dance changes to unfamiliar steps and with that flaw you step onto his toes once more. 
“What did you say about that good instructor again?” Dorian breathes through the pain more dramatically than he should. In reality it was barely a graze and when you first worry for him, you see it in his eyes, he is fine. You scoff. 
“Oh yes, what a terrible instructor he must be.” You deadpan. picking up on the dance once more and going with the flow. 
“Then perhaps we should relieve you from your torture and take a break?” Dorian offers. You’ve been enjoying yourself, even the dancing, especially the dancing. There’s something so emotionally intimate to be so close to one another, to rely on and trust each other, to put on such a performance and fall in like clockwork. It’s been as nerve-racking as it has been heart warming. 
“Has my dance instructor tired of me already?” You sass and Dorian squeezes your waist causing you to miss a step. He catches you, and recovers you fast with grace and speed only one who’s lived on the breeze possesses. In an instant you are no longer twirling with the couples on the dance floor but instead at the edge of it. Your body grows accustomed to the fact you’r no longer moving yet still closely wrapped in his arms as he straightens you, and assures you’re on steady footing once more.
“Not at all. But, I did see some commotion leave towards the balcony and it looked very much like a scandal. Would you care to join me in the watching of what could be a wonderful scene?” Dorian offers his arm and with a grin you loop yours through.
“How could I deny, oh gracious prince.” 
“You just had to call me that, didn’t you?” He tuts as he guides you along on another adventure. There’s many to follow, many things to explore and he can’t wait to spend those moment with you, share your life as you share in his. That is a blessing. he might move like the winds, but so do you. 
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sugarplanet · 1 year
Realizing How Important Storytelling Is To Art
For a lot visual artists, writing fully fleshed out stories doesn’t seem to be as widely an exercised skills. Many have scripts, storyboards, outlines, footnotes, or loose ideas in their reference folders or notes apps but it can be hard to connect the dots all the way. I myself find writing to be pretty taxing (thank you short attention span) while I do love making lots of unsorted detailed lists of traits spread out among characters and little factoid sheets, telling a full cohesive story was a bit harder to get into.
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For some of my latest character development project, I’d imagined a world in which religion and culture was heavily developed around astrology and astronomy on a planet where humans and gods were once the same thing, the effects of which can even be seen even in a post modern wire-punk dystopia. I had some ideas I thought were cool and ideas for outfits and quirks but not much to tie it all together. It wasn’t until I found myself no longer satisfied with just doing that alone, looking at what I developed thus far, that I remembered one of the key aspects of growth as an artist; references. If you need pictures of tigers or knees so you draw tigers and knees correctly, it stands to reason you also shouldn’t rely on the confines of your brain to help you write a fleshed out made up universe.
For this character, Jet, I set him up with some cool animal transformation powers.
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I also didn’t know where his powers came from. He just needed to have them and be the way he was because it seemed really cool. When I started questioning other aspects of my designs (why is this character some sort of patron saint of moon worship with healing powers and why does she have an annoying talking rabbit god side kick? And what does she want with this dude? Why didn’t I make the rabbit a backstory and also visually cuter?)
A while ago, I had gotten a book on astrology on a bargin-bin surfing whim and lately I’ve been sifting through it in bits and pieces at a time in the mornings. Right now, I’m finishing the long decoding each western zodiac sign. I’m not a strong believer in astrology but I did find it interesting and it lead me to research on non western perceptions of the “zodiac” and where there were differences and similarities. I looked up how they’re used in modern terms and what they meant back when they were first a thing. I even dabbled in chakras and their ties to astronomy in some spiritual practices. Inspired by my research, I started cobbling some things together like wet sand into a sand castle.
If your zodiac sign and its traits could have some sort of iconic embodiment, it could be cool animal powers. Perhaps since gods separated themselves from humans and fled to the stars, the moon, the sun, to other planets, then their relation to your zodiac sign could be significant. Jet is a Leo born in the year of the monkey and born during a pretty improbable alignment of planets closest to the earth during a solar eclipse and is therefore a special case special boy. (The only challenge is making that interesting while not letting it overshadow his actual character) Building a magic system with a more clear idea of what my world looks like and having intention behind what I’m pulling from and where to use it was a lot easier as well.
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I even managed to change the look of my costar to suit the color coding theme and to look less like a weird monk of vague lineage and denomination and more like a kid who only really has a magical bunny as a parent, teacher, and friend for the longest before clinging to Jet. (Not to mention change her rabbit pal drastically to a more cohesive design...)
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Not only was I feeling more confident in my design work, but I was having fun working on this project again. I’d encourage everyone to do a little homework if they’re feeling stuck as well but please keep in mind that you’ll want to do so mindfully. You have to first have any idea at all of what you’d like, an overall theme, and a place and time where your story happens. Consider what you’re basing the world you’re building on. You can look up significant historical events or scientific breakthroughs as a basis for the world building. I’d also recommend keeping notes next your concepts as you’re working them over lest you design something really cool that you fall in love but that is totally ill fitting to what you’re making that look FOR.
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zoroara · 1 year
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So I decided it was about time I made a complete bio and timeline of Vittorio into a post, and of course this included drawing refs for all of their outfits/weapons/and box weapons. Their TYL design is positioned first because of them first appearing in that arc. Here’s some basic information before we get into the timeline:
Name: Vittorio Ardizzone Residence: Italy Age: 27 Birthday: January 18th Gender: Demiboy he/they Height: 190cm/6′3 Weight: 92kg/205lbs Blood type: AB+ Aligned with: Avvoltoi di Scarto / Varia Flame: Flame of Stagnation(Rain+Sky hybrid details here)
Now for the timeline that’ll be under read more cause boy there’s a lot:
Okay, when I made them I wanted them to affect the least amount of the plot we actually have. So what I did was slightly change what the hold up for the Varia was in italy. Which is originally them having to continue to hold down the base they had taken from Millefiore members. Also I’ll go over Weapon abilities at the very end. Other Ocs will be referenced here, there’s a short overview that can be found (here)
Here however, Vittorio, the leader of a group(Avvoltoi di Scarto or the Scrap Vultures) who attacks people already in combat in order to steal weapons, equipment and supplies from them to either use for their own group, sell them or for Vittorio specifically to use to make new weapons all together. With Vittorio picking off both sides only doing so confidently due to the chaos knowing the Millefiore and Varia are weak enough from the fight to essentially get away scott free. They get what they want and abandon the fight halfway through getting their men out with minimal losses.
In the present(second image is present design) while the Avvoltoi di Scarto are not well known, currently too afraid to do operations against such big mafia groups, this encounter sticks in the Varia’s minds. After healing from the Representative battles, they seek Vittorio out. For several reasons, one mainly being a grudge, the potential of getting them to engineer something for them, but also the threat Vittorio poses if left alone. It should also be noted, Vittorio has no knowledge of the future as they were not considered important to how the future turned out. But course, they aren’t going to just talk it out, and a fight ensues, the threat they find that Vittorio held is still very much the same almost taking them down before being captured instead. (I have drawn a comic of this)
Upon being captured Vittorio is forced to work for the Varia, under their watch they are tasked to design and create combat gear for them.(x) Vittorio does so, making them durable and protective against both flames and physical weapons more so than the regular varia uniforms are(Designs found here). While he is working on the Varia uniforms, Vittorio makes an offer, that if they can get them readings and information on how the actual vongola rings work, he can attempt to upgrade their Varia rings and Box weapons. (His attempt at bargaining)
Squalo is sent out to give these readings and while he is Vittorio works on his own version of the combat uniform that he made for the Varia in secret(it looks like the blue and orange combat uniform minus colour, and instead pure black), at this point gaining enough trust to not be constantly under watch. When Squalo comes back he does as he promised though not without great difficulty struggling for a while to upgrade Talbot’s work. However eventually he succeeds giving the varia improved cambio formas that can keep the box weapon out in addition albeit in a weakened state.(I have designs and abilities for these but I’ve not fully coloured them. When I have this will be edited.)
Of course, as he worked and figured out how to upgrade the ring, he made his own copy, and made the vulture box weapon, Avo. (Whose Cambio forma is the orange combat suit). But once Vittorio finished he struck a deal with Xanxus, who begrudgingly agreed to let him go free, for the ability to call on them(and vice versa), and for the ability to ask them for upgrades, to fix equipment, or build something for the Varia.
Vittorio then disappeared without a trace leaving Xanxus as the only person who knew how to contact him despite getting along with the other Varia members. (perhaps a little too well in some cases.) At least he did until one night he sent an emergency alert to Xanxus who only had time to grab Lussuria.
They then found Vittorio in the midst of being attacked by a mercenary known as Kira. She is a Flame of Deceit user and has made real monstrosities that have to be fought. It’s a struggle but once Lussuria heals Vittorio up through team work the Trio take her down. Only to find it was a fake and she is still out there. For his safety Xanxus forces Vittorio to return with them, and Vittorio promptly shuts down. (Also art of these events 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13)
You see, Vittorio has no ability to handle any form of care, especially care that is forced upon them. Growing up in a house that they could not leave for the fact the world was “too dangerous”, he eventually had no choice but to run away if they ever wanted to see anything outside of what they could see from a window. Left scarred from the first attempt, only escaping because their flame awakened, they soon went back home, the only place that he could think of for safety. Only to be met with even more of their freedom taken, with that and their second attempt, only cemented further a twisted idea that if anyone ever cared for them their freedom would be stripped away. (little bits of their past + how they got the idea to form the scrap vultures 1 - 2 - 3 - 4)
However, after two days, Squalo aggressively comes into his room and says that he needs to leave if he’s just going to completely shut down. Vittorio is given his freedom back, provided he at least eats something first cause it was two days. Though he does dip out for a few hours to clear his head, realizing they were right and it is too dangerous to stay alone and goes back. In order to help fight his anxiousness about it he asks to temporarily join the Varia so that he can at least tell himself it’s just for work.(9th picture is his uniform for present day Varia). During this he does admit that the reason he was alone when Kira attacked was because he ended up dismantling the Avvoltoi di Scarto after a recent betrayal as a last straw. Leaving himself as the one and only Scrap Vulture.
From there he works as a trainee, as despite his strength and usefulness.... Vittorio doesn’t meet the requirements of the varia in one aspect. He only know Italian and cannot be a full Varia member in any capacity until he learns. So while they’re trying to track down Kira for their proper fight Vittorio is also trying to learn enough languages to count as a member in some form. It takes several years for them to track down Kira, and in that time they grow comfortable being in the Varia. and in their good relation, the Varia give Vittorio an Axolotl Box weapon which they then name Alba. Which they then make the blue combat gear cambio forma with. Now Vittorio has both box weapons he had in the future, even if they don’t know it.
Upon tracking down Kira, the Varia and Vittorio attack her head on, but of course this being her domain, she is able to easily gain the upper hand practically warping reality to her will. Only Vittorio, Xanxus, Belphegor and Squalo can put up a fight against her flame with easier ability to neutralize it but, unfortunately due to her power they end up overwhelmed. on the brink of defeat and about to die. The horrific living ghost tale that is Presagio appears, making a deal with Vittorio, who is healed and powered up to kill Kira. Only to be stolen away by it as part of the deal.
While Vittorio is trapped with Presagio they find it is a person, an incredibly powerful one but a person nonetheless. They have no choice but to toil away as whatever Presagio needs them to be until after a couple more years, eventually the Varia come to rescue them. Explaining that the reason they made no plans to escape was because Presagio would simply re-capture them there’s a quick plan made. Soon Presagio enters the room that had been broken into, and is challenged to a game. The Varia also offering themselves if it wins, but that they get Vittorio back if it loses.
The game they play is 3 nights, capture the flag. The flag being Vittorio who is tied up in the same building but you can knock out other players(non-lethally only, more to the Varia’s benefit than presagio’s) and if you do so they can't act in the next rounds.
Round one: Team of Levi Mammon and Squalo take vittorio as objective. Xanxus tries to take down Presagio alone. Lussuria and Belphegor act as back up but arrive after Xanxus has already been taken down and get sweeped. However Squalo's team captures the flag before further damage can be done.
Round two: Now with the strongest player out of the way, Presagio focuses the objective, with their swift movements and sturdiness they can't be budged from it. making an easy win for them.
Right after round two: Mammon decides to use Presagio's greed against them, and offers that if it can awaken their full power as it did with Vittorio, they will have a better asset if they can succeed in beating the Varia. Presagio agrees on the one condition that if they do this, and Vittorio cannot create Gear more suited for Mammon's new form in time for the next match. Only Squalo and Levi will be participating. knowing this is their only shot the Varia agrees.
Round three: Fully powered up and newly equipped Mammon aids the remaining two members after them. Though Mammon cannot take down Presagio due to their strength they simply need to cause problems with their illusions and while Presagio is good at seeing through illusions, a fully powered up Mammon is too much. Presagio stays distracted too long, as Squalo and Levi capture the objective and thus they finally get to bring Vittorio home.
After some time to recover both physically and mentally from all that happened. Vittorio asks to permanently join the Varia. Later on getting a tattoo on their back that though they had in the future with wings and the scrap vulture emblem, has the varia emblem added to it as well. They continue their work for the Varia, eventually asking to make a division similar to the Avvoltoi di Scarto, but loaned varia members so that they can easier get the materials they need. They are given a small group to command and continue well into the future.
The first thing they make once they form this group is the Cambio Fusione, the first of it’s kind using both Avo and Alba’s cambio formas to create something that’s an extremely powerful combination of the two previous weapons. However it has heavy physical drawbacks on the user so it is only ever used when Vittorio is desperate to protect someone, but also knows after they can be trusted to take care of him. The trust required originally, they never would have dreamed of.
Now that I have explained their whole story, it’s time for the weapons!
Gun Blade: The gun blade is pretty simple in concept but has a lot of moving pieces. First the blades on both sides of the gun with a press of a button near the trigger of the weapon will be unleashed from a lock mechanism and shoot forward from their position. The only downside is they do have to be physically reset but it doesn’t take much, even quickly slamming the weapon onto the ground will get the locks back in place for it’s next use. Next is the extra part of the handle that the end that can be adjusted so Vittorio can hold the weapon like a bat or like a proper gun. Due to the weight of the weapon it takes a lot of strength to use. Finally the gun part, fun fact, Vittorio has stolen many documents and recordings from mafia groups, they actually learned how to make a gun like this by using Xanxus’ as inspiration. much like Xanxus’ gun it can fire fairly fast but is more often used in charged blasts.
Pioggia Avvoltoio di Cieli, Avo: Avo is a large box weapon, based on the Cinereous Vulture however is a bit larger to allow Avo to pick up Vittorio. Vittorio only uses Avo to handle crowds, as it’s flames are weak in their effects but the Vulture itself is incredibly powerful. However prolonged exposure to it’s flames however weak will eventually cause sluggishness. In the alternate future, Avo was a stolen Sky box he modified to suit his flame.
Cambio Forma, Pistole del Mietitore(Gun of the Reaper): Avo’s Cambio forma much like the box weapon, is focused on power. Vittorio carries a Shotgun and pistol, one for long range and the other for up close. While both can be switched between a normal charge shot, they both have different option settings. The pistol can be switched to a seeking shot which while much weaker will follow the enemy, while the Shotgun can be switched to an explosive spread shot that will petrify anything caught in it. Though they both have blades on them, they’re static unlike the gun blade’s, and are typically only used when someone gets too close and vittorio needs them to back off quickly. This is typically used when there’s plenty of room for the opponent and Vittorio to run.
Pioggia Axolotl di Cieli, Alba:  A small box weapon based on an axolotl, that isn’t very strong physically but makes up in it’s strength of flame.  Alba is typically used in stealth, the small axolotl is hard to feel as it quickly numbs your body. by the time it’s noticed the target is too sluggish and will soon be picked off by vittorio. Thankfully for them Vittorio prefers non-lethal. In the alternate future, Alba was a stolen Rain box he modified to suit his flame.
Cambio Forma, Spada dello Scorticatore(Sword of the flayer): These are two Identical swords with a hook at the end of them. The holes on either side of them will emit a fog version of the flame as long as vittorio squeezes the black triggers on the hilt. This fog will fill the air and slowly overwhelm anyone who enters it. The fog lingers for a long time so Vittorio does not have to constantly refresh it unless they are forced to move out of their area. Vittorio prefers to use this weapon in close combat situations.
Cambio Fusione, Arma dello Scavenger(Weapon of the Scavenger): The final combination of the two previous forms. Through appearing to mainly be the sword, hidden inside of the weapon is a gun which triggers are what used to be for only the sword’s fog. Additionally, only the first 3 sections of the weapon can cut and slice. The fourth is entirely a bludgeoning weapon and is completely flat aside from the hook. Both swords are only colour coded so that Vittorio can keep track of what setting he has them on in case they switch hands. As before, the guns can be switched between a charged shot, a seeking shot, and a the explosive shot. However the blade can also be set to only produce the fog.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed!
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musecaravan-info · 9 months
Basil Hallward
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"The act of painting is about one heart telling another heart where he found salvation." ~ Francisco Goya ~
Basic Information
NAME: Basil Hallward
AGE: 36
EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Dark Brown and wavy; almost shoulder length
HEIGHT: 5'11
PRIMARY OUTFIT: Basil is usually fastidious about his clothing, and even when he's dressed 'down' he stills pays attention to how things look together and how they fit him. As with his art, he has a bit of an eye for fashion, and enjoys looking good (even if he's the only one looking.)
This can actually depend heavily on the verse. Overall (in any verse) he's a kind-hearted and empathetic individual. He responds readily to beautiful things (which possibly comes off as a little shallow) but he'll be the first to admit that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it isn't always physical beauty that he's drawn to.
In any verse that revolves around his main story, Basil tends to be humble and soft-spoken. He doesn't have a lot of confidence in himself except where his art is concerned. And even then, he's not very good about 'promoting' himself. I think some of this has to do with the fact that he's forced to keep a part of himself hidden, and he's worried that if he draws too much attention to himself people will see through his 'act' to the truth beneath.
In most of his modern verses, Basil's a little more at ease with himself and comfortable being who he really is. He's friendly and open, and tries not to let past betrayals color how he handles new people in his life.
Abilities & Weaknesses
Basil is a skilled painter (and photographer in his modern verse.) Regardless of the verse, his name is well-known in certain elite circles, and people seek out his skills regularly.
As for weaknesses, that would have to be Basil's desire to be wanted/needed. Regardless of the verse, he needs to feel useful to others - whether it's as a painter or a friend or something more. This need can have him agreeing to things he wouldn't otherwise.
This is heavily dependent on the verse. In his main verses, Basil exercises HUGE amounts of caution for obvious reasons. Any relationships in this verse will probably have to be talked about in advance just so we can figure out HOW to make it happen. LOL!
In his modern verses, he's usually more open about sex and relationships in general, but he's not an outright flirt. He still maintains some subtlety before approaching someone he’s interested in.
In his immortal verses (especially in a modern setting) Basil’s not really shy about anything. If he’s interested in someone, he propositions them. He’s also not interested in anything long-term in this verse. He tells himself it’s so he won’t get attached, but that’s mostly a lie. He forms attachments so quickly… but can’t bring himself to give up having connections with mortals.
Where to Find Him
This one is technically verse-dependent, but there are so many overlaps. Places like his studio, or a gallery, or a charity event. In his Main, he might be at a gentlemans' club, while in Modern it might be a coffee shop. I'm open to a variety of meeting spots depending on the verse, so share your ideas with me and we'll find something that works. :)
Just because a verse isn't listed here doesn't mean I'm not interested in writing it. I adore all kinds of AUs, and welcome the chance to get creative with my muses. If you've seen a verse that another of my muses has, and you'd like to see this muse in something similar, let me know. You can also check out my 'Plot Ideas' tag, too. ^_^
Main Verse:
Just like it says - this verse take place before Basil’s death in the movie, sometime in the mid to late 1800’s. He’s a well-known artist in London, and would like to make a name for himself, but seems content to merely be well-regarded amongst the circle of friends he already has.
Modern Verse
I’m willing to play this Basil a variety of ways. He can be a struggling artist who makes ends meet by doing odd jobs around the city. Or a well-off photographer who’s name is moderately well-known. Or a painter who’s only doing okay because of his inheritance from his grandfather and moonlights as a street artist, and wants to follow in the footsteps of his idol, Banksy. Honestly, just ask and I’m willing to play with things. For more info on some offshoots of Basil’s Modern verses, GO HERE
Ghost Verse
Basil was murdered by Dorian and exists as a ghost in the house where he was killed. Even once it burned to the ground, he continued to haunt the ruins and the grounds, and should another house be built on top of the ruins, he would haunt there, too. His abilities - what he can and can’t do - are taken (mostly) from the movie, Ghost.
Immortal Verse
Basil was murdered by Dorian, but after his burial, he woke up on top of his own grave. (If RPing in this verse with a muse from his canon, it’s likely Basil will approach them after this, confused and needing to figure out what’s happened.)Basically, when he dies, Basil will always be resurrected - but only if his body has actually been buried. Once his body has been fully covered by earth he reappears on the grave within 24 hours. For ‘at sea’ situations, he reappears in the water above. Not ideal - obviously - and one of the reasons he tends to avoid traveling by boat whenever possible.
Angel Verse
In this verse Basil is actually an angel sent to watch over and protect Dorian’s soul. Depending on my partner, Harry may or may not be a demon working to make sure Basil fails. (If RPing in this verse with a muse from his canon, I’d like to start things at the beginning and allow the story to become AU from there.)For non-canon muses, this would likely all be in the past. Basil’s failure began when he found himself falling in love with Dorian. It was completed when Dorian killed him to keep his secret and his immortality. When Basil lost Dorian’s soul to Hell, he was punished for it. Punishments can vary depending on the muse I’m RPing with.
Sex Worker Verse
Can take place in any time period. Basil is a struggling artist who willing (and sometimes not so willingly) sells himself to make ends meet, so that he can keep painting. He was disowned and kicked out of his house when his father discovered his homosexuality. He tried to make it on his own, but eventually fell into sex work.
Survivor Verse
Basil survives Dorian’s attempt on his life and flees. Where he winds up afterwards pretty much depends on who the RP is with and where we decide to take things.
Current/Ongoing Threads
If your thread with Basil isn't listed here it's probably because it's been long enough since your last reply that I thought you'd dropped it. Message me to let me know you're still interested, and I'll happily add you to the list (with no pressure for a reply.) ♡
Ash/Eric/Mike/et al:
Let Our Illusions Die (Survivor Verse)
Beckett and Lavinia:
The World is Wide (Main Verse)
A Simple Hello (Modern Verse)
Lost (Marvel Verse)
Across the Coffee Shop (Immortal Verse)
Better Things Ahead (Immortal Verse)
Stuff That's Good to Know Before Starting a Thread
I'm... actually having trouble thinking of anything for Basil. He's pretty low-maintenance especially in comparison to some of my other muses.
If there's something you think should be here... or if you just have questions, let me know. ^_^
Please keep in mind, this blog is an ongoing work in progress. Not all of these links may lead somewhere, but they're here because they link to potential tags for this muse.
All Things Basil
All Threads
Ask Replies
Meme Replies
Special Links
Original Blog
Basil's Art
Basil's Home
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