skekdris · 9 months
The Pumkie Theif Leaf
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Autumn themed protobean that loves to collect pumkies to cuddle with. You just know he smells like pumpkin spice and vanilla.
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cabbakansas · 1 year
HP x PJO crossover
Luna (wearing a Barbie tee) Thalia (wearing a Death to Barbie tee) Rachel (wearing a Death to Death to Barbie tee) Nico (wearing a Death tee): Four tickets for Barbie, please.
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godnectar · 1 year
Look at this cat I found on the street tho :(
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babe looks pretty pretty fr <3 :(
found one of the neighborhood's kitties too the other day :D
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vicious-ambitous · 2 years
I am no longer evil I got tasty drink
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floppyponysart · 1 year
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for day 1 of this my cute halloween pumpkin cat oc Pumki is back and he's enjoying playing in a leaf pile. I tried a technique so I didn't have to draw so many leaves. What do you think?
credit for prompt list goes to RedVioletPanda
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scottsupremacy · 1 month
hi!! heres another scike song!! love you!!!
the boy by smaching punkins…
“I can't stop, I can't breathe, I can't think
I'm in love again
I don't need, I don't eat, I don't sleep
I'm in love again
Ooh, and every time I heard you breathe
I sighed
Ooh, and every time I saw you bleed
Well, I cried”
“Ooh, and every time that I'm with you
I'm alive
Ooh, and every time I think of you
There's a light and I felt it too
In my heart is a spring, is a well if you need
If you drink, if you heal
If you believe in
Every little part of me is a part of you”
hell yeah brotherrrr i love a bit of smakshin pumkis. i think Zero is pretty scikecore too
'My reflection, dirty mirror
There's no connection to myself
I'm your lover, I'm your zero
I'm the face in your dreams of glass'
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kitsunook · 2 years
Pumky Neko
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sorrowfulwill · 11 months
What’s your cat’s name, please?
other names include pum, pummy, pumky, cat shaped animal, etc
her middle name is “stop”
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hqmillioncorn · 1 year
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FFXIVWrite Day twenty-seven: Sole
with @windupnamazu 's Butter and Pancake and Cinnamon and Lunya
Cherrypit’s mind reading was not something he could easily describe. Not only because he was two years old and his vocabulary was limited but also because it was different every time. Sometimes he would take the place of the person he was reading the mind of, feeling the feelings that they did. Other times he would simply be an audience member watching their thoughts play out.  Sometimes he would just simply see images.  Most of the time however, it would be the first one. Including on the fateful day when Cherrypit decided he would stop reading minds, until he went back on it. It hadn’t been anyone’s fault. He was just a baby and Yeyema was going through it. Something he figured out pretty quickly when he read her mind. 
Being alone was something that Cherrypit didn’t really like. 
In his case, Cherrypit really wasn’t ever truly left alone. He had his dolls, his friends, and the scions always watching over him. Even if Cherrypit ever did try to go off and be by himself, he would find it a hassle at first. 
For Cherrypit, being alone meant that his sister wasn’t with him. 
It had already happened more than once in his lifetime and now it had happened again. Shortly after Babycorn had promised to him that she would never leave him alone again. He didn’t know why she was crying when he woke up from his nap. The last thing he remembered is her giving him his hair tie back. Anything after that was a big, empty blank.
Sorta like the first time they left home. 
Cherrypit still wasn’t sure what happened. Only that Babycorn was gone and everyone looked really worried. He and Babycorn had just come back from visiting their ‘grandma’ a couple of days ago.*
*which was a disaster in itself.   
Then Babycorn talked about how she had a feeling that someone was following her around. Eventually she dismissed it as the same regular funny feeling whenever she was in Radz-at-han. Then she and Cherrypit went to go eat something, before Babycorn out-of-the-blue decided she wanted to see if Butter was doing okay.
Since the last time they had seen him, he looked a little sad for some reason.
‘If I bring Butts some ice cream maybe he’ll feel better too!’
It ended in a disaster that was still a mystery to Cherrypit.
He couldn’t find a way to ask anyone what had happened and had only burst out crying because of it. Lunya explained it the best she could but even with that, Cherrypit still couldn’t understand. Why would someone take his sister? And for what? Why leave him all alone by himself?
It was getting him so frustrated he just wanted to-
“Cherry look! I made a pizza!” 
Cherrypit looked over to where Pancake was sitting, in her hands was a small pizza that she had made out of the clay they were playing with. “You can’t eat it though!” She winked at him, “Let me see what you made?” Pancake looked over at the clay in Cherry’s hands. There was no real shape to them. He had just been crushing it into all sorts of shapes. 
Cherrypit held up a shape. “Pumki!” He declared the orange pile in his hands was a pumpkin.
“Ooh! A pumpkin! That’s cute!” 
“Mmm!” Cherrypit brought it closer to his mouth to eat it only for Pancake to reach over and slowly lower his hands. 
“No eating.” 
“No eating!” Cherrypit repeated, putting the clay down on the floor. He reached over to a pile of pink clay and began to poke at it. He poked his finger all the way through and wore it like a ring on his finger. He found this really funny and he was sure that Pancake would too.
When he turned his head to tell her about it, he found her staring over at the wall again, she had the same sad look on her face.
She had arguably been in the same sort of distress that Cherrypit was. Pancake just had more experience in hiding it. There would be no way for him to understand the thoughts running through her head. He could very well read them, but understanding them was a whole different other matter.
Not that he hadn’t tried. 
‘When Cherrypit did, it felt really warm. He could see Butter and Cinnamon next to him. Butter looked really sad and all Cherrypit could think about was how he wanted him to feel better. They were standing in a grassy field with a tree behind them. There were weird tall figures in the distance that he didn’t recognize. Butter was saying something about them but he couldn’t understand any of the words he was saying.
Cinnamon was saying chimes too but he could understand her even less. Eventually the grassy field started to fade away and he found himself in the mansion that he and everyone lived in. Cherrypit recognized everyone that was running around. It made him feel really happy!
Then the weird tall figures got really close. There was a weird sad feeling, but it didn’t last long. 
They made Butter sad. That was the very last straw.’  
Cherrypit wanted to help Pancake feel happy but he didn’t really know what to do.
He grabbed some more clay around him and then some more. Trying to remember what something looked like. Eventually he gave up trying to remember and just looked at what Pancake had given him to try and copy it the best he could.
Once he was all done Cherrypit crawled closer to Pancake.“Panca!” Cherrypit tugged on Pancake’s shirt to get her attention.
“Pissa!” Cherrypit held up the clay pizza he had made himself, much like the one she had shown him earlier. Cherrypit’s pizza was a little bigger than the one she made. He had made it bigger because he wanted her to be really happy. “For you!” 
Pancake took the clay pizza in her hands and sighed. “Thanks Cherry.” 
Cherrypit smiled and looked around, if he made more pizzas for Pancake maybe she would feel all better and not sad anymore! “For you! For you!” He would make lots of things for Pancake! Like cake and ice cream and pancakes! She really liked pancakes! Cherrypit remembered that Pancake would eat a big tower of Pancakes a lot.
Just as Cherrypit began work on the stack of clay pancakes, the door to Pancakes’s room opened.
Lunya and Butter walked in, with Cinnamon flying in right behind Butter. They were talking about something Cherrypit couldn’t quite understand. What he did understand was reading just how happy Pancake got at seeing her brother, Cinnamon and Lunya. 
“Butter!” Pancake stood up and ran towards her brother. Picking him up in a tight hug as he hugged her back. Cinnamon flew over and sat on the younger girl’s head. 
‘She had wanted to ask if she was okay but he beat her to the punch.
Cherrypit noticed a large hand had picked up the two figures that had been in the distance. Soon enough there were two other people in their place and they were getting closer.’
Pancake soon ran over to Lunya, who would have more than likely picked up Pancake in a hug herself had she had done it sooner. 
‘Cherrypit found himself running towards everyone. Butter was there and so was Cinnamon. They were shining the brightest of all. But right next to them were Sirius and Lunya. There was a sense of realization. That they had been there all along. That she loved them a lot. Almost like-”
Pancake mouthed the word ‘mom’ to herself. No one but Cherrypit really noticed. And he didn’t really understand.
“Woah. Check out the little guy over there.” Cherrypit heard Cinnamon say. There was the sound of wings fluttering near him and a light wind blowing in his face. “Kinda freaky!”
“Cherry?!” Pancake took a step back. Why were Cherrypit’s eyes the same color as hers?! Not only that-! They were completely that color, with no trace of white to be found.
Lunya recognized this, alongside his far-off look, this could only mean he was doing one thing. She walked over to Cherrypit and gently knocked on his head. “Cherry? Sweetie? Can you stop reading Pancake’s mind, please?” She knew he meant well but it was probably scaring Pancake. 
Cherrypit blinked once, twice, then a third time. Once he did, his eyes were back to the blank white that everyone was used to. Then he grabbed a piece of clay and put it in his mouth. Lunya immediately got him to spit it out. 
Afterwards, the four of them began to talk to each other about what they were going to do next. Butter was holding something under his arm and as he walked towards a table Cherrypit noticed something fall out of it.
It fell all the way down to the ground sorta like a butterfly would. Once Cherrypit waddled closer to it he noticed that it was maybe a piece of paper. “Butts.” He said to himself. Butter must have dropped this. So he should give it back!
He grabbed the thing from the ground and turned it around. 
“Ah-! Ah! Ah!!”
Cherrypit ran over to the others, pointing and yelling at the paper in his hands. 
“What is it Cherry?!” Pancake knelt down and grabbed the paper when Cherry handed it to her. She turned it around to see a portrait of a lalafell with brown hair, she looked really sad about something. Or annoyed, Pancake couldn’t decide which.
Cherrypit made all sorts of noises as he pointed at the lalafell over and over. Until he was finally able to say the word he’d been trying to say over his excitement. 
“Mama! It’s mama!” 
There was no mistaking her.
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rainchyna · 2 years
Shawns so pretty🥰
that’s my babyboy pretty angel doll sweetheart honeybun sugar plum pumky yumky yumkin he’s my sweetie pie 🤍
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komilys · 2 months
originally from proselfshiptember, day 10: autumn
summer passing by ; garroth ro’meave/kyi
or… in which garroth recounts his memories of an old family friend the night before his sophomore year and talks about his affinity for leaves for a little too long.
⌒ ᡣ𐭩 ・ 。
he’d never been away from his brothers, o’khasis had such a large main school, harbouring students from grade three to twelve, and the idea of being separated from them had an uneasy feeling settling in his gut.
not that he couldn’t handle being alone— no, he could. zane and vylad couldn’t, though.
but phoenix drop high seemed like a nice school. maybe not the best, but who was he to complain? besides, he knew he wouldn’t be alone at least.
his mom had mentioned kyi earlier, apparently when he’d transferred out of o’khasis years ago the boy had gone to the pheonix drop high’s school district. it took garroth a moment to recall who his mom was talking about— because honestly ‘the magicks kid, you remember?’ wasn’t super clear.
but he remembered kyi.
when they were younger, kyi was the kid zane would always play with in the summer; zane hated the heat and kyi was always sick. when vylad was having trouble with his reading and writing, he was the one to help him out. he’d stay over a lot over summer break, always somewhere around the ro’meave residence.
he hated garroth.
it started when he was six and kyi was five, when they’d first met (at least that he could remember). the bridge between summer and autumn, when temperatures just start to drop and the cinnamony-pumpkin scent begins to fill every corner of every room you walked into.
garroth loved autumn. he loved seeing the leaves change as they gently fall into a puddle, watching the water ripple so big and then into nothing again. he loved the autumn sweets and warm drinks, preferring the cozy comfort they provided compared to the usually-too-cold-for-him summer delicacies.
kyi, apparently, did not feel the same. his sickness peaked, and he hated the uncomfortable clothes and overwhelming smells, and the quote… scary halloween aisles, end quote.
“you don’t like halloween?”
kyi shrugged, endlessly turning the sippy cup in his hands. “uuu-hhm, i do,” he looked up garroth for a second before quickly going back to his juice. “i was a princess last year.”
garroth seemed to ignore everything kyi said. “you hate halloween?!” he was loud. his voice and the way he moved was loud, dramatically slamming his small hands on the play table.
and kyi stayed quiet. his caretaker always said: if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all!— and telling garroth he was dumb and too loud didn’t seem very nice to kyi.
he didn’t seem to pick it up though, continuing to pester the younger kid with questions. kyi waited for his parents to come back, hopefully before he did something he’d be scolded for.
“oh!” garroth jumped up from his pillow seat. “oh, zane really really really likes halloween.” he went for his cubby of art supplies. “gonna draw a pun..pumkie.”
komi squinted. “pumpkin.”
“pumkie is more gooder.”
“it’s wrong.”
“nooo-oo-oo…” his voice faded out, his focus shifting to the pretty warm hues and orange shades that littered his crayon box.
and then, as quick as they had met, kyi decided he didn’t like garroth at all. kids made enemies as quick as they made friends. maybe even quicker.
autumn was inching closer now, even if september was a week away, garroth felt it. soon he’d be able to see the leaves change from their summer greens to the vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows he adored. he wondered if phoenix drop high had a view like the o’khasis courtyards.
there was a large area in the center of the high school area that he thought was the best view. he’d only been able to sneak in a few times before he was a freshman, and he immediately fell in love with it. he’d stay there for his entire breaks, smiling up at the contrast of the lovely gradients of the leaves against the dim, cloudy sky. maybe his classmates thought the sight was depressing, but garroth couldn’t think that.
when he was a kid he wondered if the leaves fell because they were so sad the rest of the world liked summer more. it was embarrassing, and he used to talk to them because he wondered if they were lonely like him. his father laughed at him when he’d first said it, and then garroth learned to keep quiet about his thoughts.
if he were being honest, he didn’t miss much from o’khasis prep. certainly not the people or teachers, he didn’t think there was a single kind person there, and he wouldn’t miss the workload and stress that accompanied it at all. (he hoped going to a public school meant there would be less work).
but he’d miss his spot. and he’d miss the trees. o’khasis had the prettiest trees, he thought.
garroth checked the clock. 9:51 P.M.
his mom gave him kyi’s number earlier and he’d already put it in his contacts. it was his first year there too— though he was a freshman and garroth would be a sophomore, his mom and kyi’s parents had agreed he’d show garroth around.
he hadn’t seen kyi since seventh grade, three years. he knew he had friends— real friends, not like garroth’s friends— but he wondered if there was any room for him. kyi didn’t like garroth, he already knew that since they were kids, but he was lonely. he was lonely and he would take a childhood family acquaintance over the melancholy awkwardness of being the new kid at a new school. people had their groups by now, and garroth would just barging in.
are you awake? he wondered, and he glanced at his phone. garroth thoughts about how kyiwould look at him. he couldn’t seem to remember how it was, and words like kind or mean seemed too simple to describe it. maybe he was over-complicating it, maybe it was his nerves overthinking it.
he unlocked his phone. he wondered: do you still hate autumn?
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i just love the feeling of having these kittens near me. these dancing little souls with nothing on their minds but playing. happy just being and running in between me and everything. they’re just so .... comforting. and solid and never ending. i’m gonna miss their little foot beans , when i inevitably , cry my eyes out over there departure... i’ll miss pumky’s staunch walk , and tigeys playful taunts. i’ll miss cuddle time with my one and only little mosey posey. when she grabs my face with her paws and pulls me in to boop my nose and nuzzle my face and scratch me gently with her paws. i’ll miss thr shadow of 3 as they follow me after waking up looking grumpy and so funny - after a feed. oh , how i’ll miss these three.
but i’m most grateful for what they’ve given to me. the love and trust that they have shown to me. that they let themselves be looked after - and by me.
they showed me how to care and how to heal. by caring for beings that cannot care gets for themselves. they healed me. gosh they gave me laughs and quiet , loving companionship when it was what i most needed.
they were just there for me. happy to just be with me. and i them.
and i pray - and know - that the homes where they will go - will be like honey to a bee. perfect for them - and a blessing to their new families. and i will always remember what they did for me . my three little kitty cat best friends , who i will always love so dearly.
and , as it is , this is a poem just for me...
i hope i meet you all again in my dreams - so beautifully , so happily , love shining from all your faces , steps a playful beat.
i love you all infinitely , thankyou for all the love and everything 💓💕💗 please stay safe and always happy and singing meowing, in gardens full of flowers , dirt on your paws and sun shining on your coats blissfully. a belly full of yummy food and milk and cuddles and fun playing 💜💗💓🌻🌼🌺🌸💕 meow love you
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cabbakansas · 8 months
HP x PJO Crossover
Reyna: Potter, you met the Oracle here? Harry: Yes, unfortunately, I have. Rachel: Please don't remind me. Octavian: What happened? Rachel: We met in this underwater cave. Harry: It was terrible. Cramped and dark. We were stuck for months. Rachel: I escaped first, though. Harry: Only because I kicked you out. Rachel: Keep dreaming, bozo. Harry: She cried the whole time we got out. . . . Dakota: Damn, that must have been a hell of a quest!
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godnectar · 1 year
Also for the record- I’m only one of those things
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uh,,, nah- probably both <3
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delirious-donna · 1 year
you are my honey bun, sugar plum, pumky umky umkin. you're 🫵🏼 my sweetie pie. my honest opinion of you is I love you
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honouredsatoru · 1 year
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