cafe-solo · 1 year
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pumipugliesi · 1 year
Gioielli Pumo Orecchino: L'eleganza e la tradizione della Puglia
Se sei alla ricerca di orecchini unici che catturino l'attenzione e raccontino una storia affascinante, non cercare oltre. Su https://www.pidipumo.it/orecchini/ troverai una splendida collezione di orecchini Pumo, che uniscono l'eleganza al simbolo tradizionale della Puglia.
I gioielli Pumo Orecchino di Pidipumo sono realizzati con maestria artigianale e riflettono l'essenza stessa della cultura pugliese. Ogni orecchino è unico nel suo design e rappresenta il pumo, un antico simbolo di fortuna e buon auspicio.
L'attenzione per i dettagli è evidente in ogni creazione, dalla scelta dei materiali pregiati all'accuratezza delle finiture. Ogni orecchino Pumo è un capolavoro che si distingue per la sua bellezza senza tempo.
Indossare un orecchino Pumo è come indossare un pezzo di storia e tradizione pugliese. Questi gioielli attirano sguardi ammirati e sono perfetti per aggiungere un tocco di eleganza e originalità al tuo look.
Sia che tu stia cercando un orecchino delicato e raffinato, o un design più audace e vistoso, su Pidipumo troverai sicuramente quello che fa per te. La collezione comprende una varietà di stili e modelli, garantendo una scelta adatta a ogni personalità e gusto.
L'acquisto di un orecchino Pumo su Pidipumo non è solo un investimento in un gioiello di alta qualità, ma anche un modo per sostenere l'artigianato locale e preservare la tradizione pugliese.
Navigare su https://www.pidipumo.it/orecchini/ è un'esperienza piacevole, grazie alla sua interfaccia intuitiva e alla possibilità di visualizzare i dettagli dei prodotti in modo chiaro e dettagliato. Inoltre, il sito offre un servizio clienti attento e professionale, pronto a rispondere a tutte le tue domande e guidarti nella scelta perfetta.
In conclusione, se sei alla ricerca di orecchini che rappresentino la bellezza, la tradizione e l'eleganza della Puglia, non perdere l'opportunità di esplorare la collezione di orecchini Pumo su Pidipumo. Scegli un gioiello che racconta una storia unica e aggiungi un tocco di magia pugliese al tuo stile.
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yaoibrained · 2 years
i have to be so real i think if you go to a gas station and park at the pump and then go inside and you're there for 15 minutes while your car is still sitting at the pump you need to die.
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pdpumps · 1 month
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pidipumo · 2 years
Pidipumo: ottieni gli orecchini Pumo al miglior prezzo
Cerchi il paio di orecchini perfetto per completare il tuo outfit? Non guardare oltre Pidipumo! La nostra selezione di orecchini Pumo ha sicuramente qualcosa che si adatta al tuo stile e, con i nostri prezzi competitivi, puoi ottenere il miglior affare in circolazione.
Gli orecchini Pumo sono un'aggiunta unica e alla moda a qualsiasi collezione di gioielli. Sono progettati con un motivo delicato e intricato, che li rende perfetti per ogni occasione. Gli orecchini sono disponibili in una varietà di colori, quindi puoi scegliere quello che meglio si adatta al tuo stile personale.
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In Pidipumo, ci impegniamo a fornire ai nostri clienti prodotti della massima qualità al miglior prezzo possibile. Sappiamo che trovare il paio di orecchini perfetto può essere una sfida, quindi offriamo una vasta gamma di orecchini Pumo tra cui scegliere.
I nostri orecchini Pumo sono realizzati con cura e attenzione ai dettagli. Utilizziamo solo i migliori materiali, quindi puoi essere sicuro che i tuoi orecchini dureranno per gli anni a venire. E con i nostri prezzi competitivi, non dovrai spendere una fortuna per aggiungerli alla tua collezione di gioielli.
Oltre alla nostra vasta selezione di orecchini Pumo, offriamo anche un eccellente servizio clienti. Il nostro team è sempre pronto ad aiutarti per qualsiasi domanda o dubbio tu possa avere. Vogliamo assicurarci che tu sia completamente soddisfatto del tuo acquisto e faremo tutto il possibile per realizzarlo.
Quindi, se stai cercando il paio di orecchini perfetto per completare il tuo outfit, vieni da Pidipumo. Offriamo la migliore selezione di orecchini Pumo ai migliori prezzi. Acquista con noi oggi e scopri perché siamo la scelta migliore per gli amanti dei gioielli ovunque.
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mayisgoingnuts · 13 days
okay lat request. i promsie….. skid x pumo just them holding hands if ur comfy w that pl ..
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artsy-anon · 4 months
*Pumo was running around Artsys house*
*A Zorua runs outside and starts chasing him with her tongue out and a happy smile on her face*
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tparker48 · 6 months
Request for anonymous
The time has come at last, the eventful day Sitti looked forward to. A wedding was being hosted at a church off the side of downtown. The love of his life was waiting for him, his own heart yearning to unite with them to celebrate the occasion. He rushed from the dressing room and into his bedroom, fetching his bow tie from the drawer. He gathered the rest of his suit from the closet, and stacked them upon the mattress.
“Okay, Suite? Check! Cologne? Check! Hair?..” he brushed a comb through the tufts of his hair. “Stylish! Everything should be prepared for the evening.”
He stumbled around the room, wrestling his dress sock over the hairs of his leg as he crashed onto the mattress. If he judged his time correctly, he should be able to get to the wedding before the guests fill the lobby. He wrestled his tuxedo upon his shoulders, tucking it into his pants before he fastened with the belt. His phone began to ring as it buzzed inside his pocket. His heart fluttered at the name on the screen, Pumo was calling
"Hey, love bug." He hummed into the phone.
"Hey hubby, did you find the suite?”
“Yup, just where you said it would.” he replied, straightening his buttons. “How are the decorators holding up?."
“They just finished them now, and the guests are arriving as we speak.”
“Good, good. I should be there within the hour.” Sitti peeked at his phone, flipping through his messages for the other task members. “If only that escort were here already. Melting into and reforming is a very strict process.”
“Are you still on that idea? I thought you scrapped that idea.”
“Hun, you’re the one who said you wanted it special. One of the escorts mentioned this melting ceremony, so I thought I’d test.” He grabbed a green vile from the counter, watching its fluid dance around the translucent flask.” when I’m done the great sploogini shall make his grand entrance and swoon his lovely husband  Pumo with a kiss.”
A soft scoff came from the speaker. “Sploogini, seriously?”
“What? It’s a good name. Every great magician has one. Get ready for a splashy entrance, because it’s be mess..mess..Messtastic!”
Pumo laughed softly, taking a deep breath. “Honestly you and your puns are the one thing that’ll be the end of me. Just be sure to wipe the cream from your face, I don’t want them hiding that adorable face of yours.”
”You got it hun, see you soon.” Sitti replied, hanging up the phone. “ as soon as this damn escort arrives.”
He spent the next few minutes preparing himself for the upcoming ceremony. He passed his phone as he peeked at the screen, Still no message. The wedding was starting in 30 minutes, If he shows up late Pumo would never let him hear the end of it. He paced around the room, seeing a ray of sunlight on the floor as it raised toward the wall. Screw it, he thought, he’ll give them a call to give them a piece of his mind. He flipped the screen toward his contact, placing a thumb at his number.
A knock came from the front door, Sitti looking through its crescent shaped frame. A man in a blue suit glared in the window, wearing a tiki mask as its sunken eyes followed Sitti to the door’s handle. The knob squeaked as it jerked horizontally, yanked away as Sitti fiery gazed laid eyes upon the man.
"Finally you're here! What the hell is wrong with you? I told you to be on time!”
"Apologies sir,” They said. Their voice was smooth as honey, and yet filled with static as they spoke.. "I assure you I hold your ceremony to the utmost regard."
"I'll believe it when I see. Stand next to the sofa.” He pointed near the wall, the masked man obliging as he strolled next to the leathery arm.
As they settled, Sitti pulled at the translucent vile in hand, untwisting the cork from the opening as he whiffed at the air above it. Its aroma was as alluring as a green apple, and yet, sour like medicine. He flared his nose before placing a thumb at its open end, directing himself to the masked man.
“Did you bring the vile like I told you?” he asked them. They armed lowered into their dress pocket, lifting a small vile from the pound and into their fingers. Blue fluid resided inside it, drenching the flask as if it were a wave. “Good. you can proceed with the next step then.”
The masked man nodded. They raised their fingers toward their dress pants, unfastening the belt before the smooth fabric flowed toward their ankles. They slithered their fingers into the checkered boxer, lowering them as well as cologne wafted through its gust. Sitti approached, gazed upon the beer can shaped cock that extended from a bush of pubic. A marking appeared along their inner thigh, a curving from the darker skin like a crescent moon.
Something about that marking, he’s seen it from someone, but who?. His eyes funneled toward the dark spot, its skin rippling along their waist like boat on water. 
The masked man asked. “Is everything good?” 
“Hmm? Oh, yes.” He replied. “Right then, let’s get a move on.”
The masked man nodded. They twisted the cork from their vile, raising it to the air as they proceeded to drink the fluid. At the same time, he drank his as the green fluid spilled into his mouth. Its taste attacked his tongue, a soured flavor stinging his taste buds as if it were a jelly. His mouth quivered as he guzzled it down his throat, even his stomach feeling attacked as it twisted inside him. When the last drop left the vile, he gasped in air.
“More sour than it looks.” he muttered, his body starting to tingle.
His body warmed, Tightness wrapping around his body. It was like he was in a compactor as his body started to pulse. In a flash, the living stretched to the sky, growing in as the floor rushed toward him. His height lowered to the wooden floor, and dust particles flowed through his vision. He watched as it’s strand twirled in the air, wisped away by a soft breeze as it latched onto the leathery hide of the sofa. Of all the times he sweeped this floor, filth always remained it seemed. 
Kneecaps creaked along the wooden floor, the man looming overhead as their mask blocked the ceiling light like an eclipse. He was no bigger than a barbie doll, dwarfed by the heel of their dress shoes as it climbed to the rest of the mountainous mass. Strolling beneath the masked man, his knuckles anchoring along the floor.
Lukewarm fluid spilled from the side of his face, the cold air thickening its substance as it stuck to him like goo. "Hey! Leak later! I'm not paying you just to jack off!"
The masked man said nothing, but instead lowered himself further as the cock laid on the floor. His thick digits pinched at the puffed shroom of its length, pre drooling as made puddle at Sitti’s feet. He winced as they soaked the sides of the dress socks. Of all the escorts they could have sent, they gave him one that leaks like a faucet. The quicker he gets in that shaft, the easier it’ll be to keep his clothes from being tainted.
He clasped the soggy lips, stretching it wider as strings of seed parted its lips. “Remember, the second you enter the altar, you are to deposit me there. Not at the ramp, not at the doorway, but there.”
"Of course."
He stumbled along the edge of the shroomed head. Getting to his knees he eased arms into the chamber, plunging them into the man’s urethral tube as its clammy muscle slipped over them like a glove. He brought his face closer, and winced at its pungent scent. It wreaked of old piss its tube belching as bubbles of salty seed flowed between him arms. It’s like he hadn’t touch a bar soap in weeks, and here he was,  climbing inside to the belly of his stench. Just his luck.
Inhaling the air behind him, plunged his face inside.
He stumbled into the crawl way of the urethra, the ample flesh inside drooping as they gyrated against each other. He kicked his knees to ease his waist through the slit,the ceiling soaking his back as he waddled down its path. The muscles boomed beneath as veins filled with blood, sending waves through the urethral tube as they pushed as he climbed higher.
Gravity shifted as it climbed to his head. He began to slide, rushing through folds of the as if he were a battering ram. “Who.. told him to move!” he tried to speak, globs of white substance spilling into his mouth.
Pulse after pulse he was dragged through the tube, approaching the shriveled guarding the rest of the man’s insides. It yawned open and bathed Sitti in a wad of cum, marinating his body before a flex tucked him into their prostate.
"We're at the halfway mark.." He wrestled the walls of the tight bean, compressed and shoved into the holes as seed poured out like a hose. He pushed at a sphincter in front of him, widening its folds to himself through.  Yellow liquid warmed his hands, and he backed off as the sphincter slammed shut. “Nope! One fluid enough to deal with.” 
He patted the doughy wall for the other holes, meeting the prostate baggy flesh as he twisted and turned for better access. Pressing at corner, the flesh caved as seed spilled his hand, a suction suckling his fingertips. "There it is."
He took to the valve with both hands, seed oozing from its chamber like a filled donut as he wormed himself into the tight tube. It closed over his feet, Peristalsis guiding him through the thin tube as twisted over a hill of flesh before he squished over a hill. Gravity forced him over the edge, inertia building as slid down a long slope. He squished into a sphincter that drooled with pre. It oozed its salty substance over him, before thrusting him inside as he was deposited into a baggy sack.
“Ghrgh..so this is what it’s like being a sardine...” he tried to swipe at his face. His arms barely move as they were blocked by the sack’s soft folds, the testicle beneath the layer spooning at his back.
He tapped at the chamber, and motion responded as muffled steps reverberated from the walls. The acoustics of the space wasn't ideal, but it's what he wanted to make Pumo’s dream wedding come true. And if it meant being stuck like this, then so be it.
"Alright, You can get the melting process. And don’t hold back, I want to make my wedding entrance look like pompeii." He crossed his arms, eying the small bubbles in the pool as he awaited for their warmth to overwhelm him.
Silence was all he received, the gurgling chamber answering his calls. He opened an eye to the valve above “hey! What’s the hold up out there? I should be melting by now!"
Laughter filled the chamber, the testicle squishing at his back. "I'm sorry sir, But I’m afraid you won;t be melting anytime soon."
“Not melting? What are blabbering about?"
Vibrations rumble from beneath his submerged foot, wiggling from between the soft testicular wall as it climbed up his leg. A plastic container, shimmying the walls as it wobbled into a meat pocket.
 “A video call?" Sitti swiped at the screen, holding hand hand above it to keep it dry as he swiped the phone. The loading screen spiraled, before the masked man peered into frame.
"What is the meaning of this! You drank the serum, I should be melted!"
"That’d be true, If I did drink the serum.” they lowered the camera toward their pocket, crinkling coming from the phone as their fist rose outward. Packets resting in his palm, their crumpled plastic stretching to the fingertips. “You’d be surprised what you can do with kool aid  nowadays. ”
"Juice?! You drank Juice?!” he took toward the valve, his fingers slipping from its shriveled state. “Let me out of here! The love of my life is waiting for me!"
"Oh you never knew love if it bit you in the ass. I should know.." A hand reached for their mask, unlatching the wooden figurine as it lifted like a curtain. Sitti focused on the screen, his eyes widening as a familiar face filled the frame. "We were always together before you came along, Sissy."
Sitti's heart sank from his chest, his mind racing as he looked upon his chiseled face. "Quibble?!"
"In the flesh."
The camera lowered as it pointed toward his fuzzy crotch. The crescent mark peeked from side of the frame, taunting him through the thin pubic hairs. That’s where he remembered that marking, it was Quibble’s birthmark. 
 A palm swirled along the left testicle, the sac wobbling as its tip flicked at the round spheres in the frame. It tilted as fingers prodded at the lump in its side, the wall behind him caving as he smothered against the coated wall.  "You really know how to make a guy feel full. Almost feels like I got blue balls down there."
"We left you in seattle. How are you even here? Why are you here?!"
"Please, you sent fliers all over Facemeet. Surely it doesn't take rocket science to know you fucked up on that, Ay sissy."
"It's Sitti, jerk wad."
Fingers scooped beneath the orbs upon the screen. They flipped like giant patties, stacking upon each other as Sitti groaned beneath their weight. "Is that right? Man I can never tell the difference. but Sissy really fits you so much better. How Pumo Fell in love with a name like that is beyond me."
"Beat's sound like a pet dish."
"Hmph, Cute. As for your why, that's going to be a real trip.” He strolled the living room, tossing his nutsack between his legs. You see, you took my Pumie from me, and that's one thing I won't forget. Not only did you two high tail it, you decided to forget about me, as if I never existed.Well, I think it's time that you never existed."
 The walls of the sac concaved as fingers pushed at Sitti's head, squeezing him toward the puddle as he was submerged. He wrestled with the lump to get from beneath its pressure, inhaling a mouth full of semen as salted gunk filled his throat and stomach. He squirmed harder, kicking at the walls that slipped from beneath him.
Quibble’s chuckles rumbled the sac, the pressure at his head relieving as he gasped at the tainted air. "Don’t think I’m gonna let you kick the bucket just yet. I’m just getting started. I'm gonna make you regret laying eyes on my Pumie"
He coughed the pool of seed from his stomach, wincing at the fire in his throat. "If that's all you came for you can just melt me you bastard!"
"Oh but  that would be too easy, I want to ensure your suffering is much, much more intimate." He fondled the orb. "It's such a beautiful day. Two lovely mates getting wed. I wonder what may happen when someone takes the groom's place. Like mmm..me."
"If you go anywhere near Pumo i'll-"
He was sandwiched between two folds, gritting his teeth as they gyrated over his body. "It’s so adorable when you put up that macho act. Too bad it won’t be seen outside my hefty nuts. Let’s go for a ride.”
The walls decompressed as the fingers moved away, suspending him in the air as the testicle above stamped at his body. Sitti squirmed beneath its jostling form, pinned beneath its weight as jostled from leg to leg. The sound of a door muffled open outside the tender flesh, the roars of an engine following as the muscle beneath him compressed against a harder surface. He was getting in a car, the sound of gear clunking together as the chamber shook in place. Sitti bearcrawled  toward the entrance that quivered above, pinching the folds as they slipped from his grasp. But the testicles' weight shifted as the car pulled away, its egg-shaped mass squashing into his wrist as Quibble began to drive.
It felt like hours had passed since he was inserted inside the balls of the psychotic ex, the purrs from the car’s engine his only sign of the outside world beyond the shriveled sac.  He pinched at the folds beyond the ridge pinning at his wrist, his arms squashed beneath testicles’  lumpy flesh. He twisted himself as meaty flesh smothered his face and pushed at the hardened organ beyond the testicular wall, hoping to free his body from its protrusion. But it was to no avail, the walls compressing in efforts to subdue him.
Squeaking wheels muffled from the outside, keys jangling as the chamber started to move. The sack swayed as Quibble began to walk, sloshing its fluid through the chamber as it splashed consistently across Sitti’s body. It was like being in a mixer as the balls swayed, wave after wave controlled by a single flex as he was marinated from head to toe.
Vibrations rumbled from beneath his leg, the small phone resurfacing  as he swiped again at the call sign. "How's my little ball holder doing?"  Quibble announced, standing at the doors of the church.
"Do you think this is funny?! You have no right interrupting Pumo’s big day."
"No sissy, I think you don't have the right. We Were doing just fine before you stuck your nose into his life. The memories he could have had, what we could have had. It's all because of you hanging around." He pinched at a flower, pinching a petal before he snuffed it with his fingers. "But now with you out of the way, It's just going to me and him now."
The camera panned forward, wiggling fingers reaching from the door as the sound of a piano rushed from its opening. Quibble sung to the tune that played from the instrumentalist, plucking a rose from its water pot as he waltzed  through the hallway.
He passed the Chapel to the backdoors, approaching one with a bouquet of roses as Pumo's picture mounted a frame. "Let's say we give your..heh, my, husband a little check up shall we?"
"Quibble don't you-" the screen was shot as darkness filled it, his attention returned to the dark pit of the sack, and began to punch at. "Damnit!"
Muffled knocks came from the surface, its sound rivaling thunder as it rippled the semen. The door opened, and a soft voice followed. "Quibble?!"
Sitti halted, listening to the conversation. "Baby, It's so good to see you. And in your best suit too."
That sniveling bastard. Sitti thrashed against the chamber, clutching at the wall that melted between his palms. The chamber jerked swayed as Quibble walked, the door muffling shut.
"If Sitti Sees you here, he'll have your ass."
"I'm not worried about him. What I'm worried about is you."
The testicular wall compressed, squeezing Sitti’s body like a snake’s stomach as veins bulged from the walls. It gyrated against his cheek,muscles squeaking as the chamber stiffened harder. The gull of this man, Sitti thought, he’s getting hard from making a move on Pumo.
"You need to go,”Pumo said, his voice now louder. “ the wedding is in schedule and-!"
"And what? far as I'm concerned Sitti can kick rocks." The walls squeezed closer. "Come on, I know someone else who’s been dying to see you on your special day. And it's right here waiting for you to unwrap it."
Like hell he was. Sitti turned to the fold bulging the side of his face, placing it between his molars as he bit down. It was as hard as an overcooked steak, barely flinching as seed oozed onto his tongue. A moan erupted from Quibble, the chamber swaying backwards.
"S..see?" He stammered. "Even my body knows it was destined for us to be wedded."
Sitti's eye twitched at the statement, pushing more force into his bite to cause discomfort. A fold caved from above, smearing into his face as it scraped him from the fold. I borrowed him to the bottom of the sack, submerging him in seed as a lump caved from the wall.
"Listen, what you and I had is gone. I love Sitti now. So you have to go, the wedding's commenced and he'll be here any time soon."
Sitti fought against the increasing walls weight, seed filling his ears as the body surrounding him roared with its gurgles and churns. This was getting ridiculous, he thought, his lungs setting fire as he searched the doughy ceiling for an air pocket. He squirmed harder, and managed to find a crease as he squeezed through its narrow angle, his head popping into a tiny space as he took in the tainted air.
"I hate to ruin your wedding Pumo, but..I don't think Sitti’s coming."
Sitti paused his movement. “What did he just say?”
"W..what are you talking?"
"It's nothing really my business, but I thought It would be best to tell you. There was an accident with the escort. They followed the instructions but, the serum backfired."
"He's lying!" Sitti pounded against the testicular walls. His blows absorbed into its soft flesh, its surface to stiff and too thick to reach his love on the other side.
"You lie, that can't be true. He was just-"
"But it is, dearest. I know it's not the best news. Especially on your wedding day. But.." he paused, the phone in the chamber to ring. The pressure relieved as Sitti fetched it, the screen flickered as seed seeped into its ports."
Upon the screen, Pumo’s distraught face stared back. “Pumo? Pumo?! You have to get me out here he-!"  the sound of the device quickly silenced, an icon posted on the side. Muted. 
“It’s too gruesome to hear, but this was his last moments before he melted.” Quibble boomed around him. “All that remains of him now is this.”
A shift came from one of the legs, a plastic object held between his fingers as its end filled with salty seed. Handing it to Pumo, tears shedded down his face, his knees caving as he gazed at the soupy mess. His sobbing display was focused to the video’s lens, striking Sitti’s heart like thunder. No, he can’t do that to Pumo, not like this.
“Pumo! Don’t listen to anything that snake says! You hear” Sitti shouted, stretching the tender walls as his limbs began to strain.
An arm reached to Pumo’s shoulder, the camera zooming out as Quibble’s smug face peered into view. “you two loved each other very much. My heart cries out for your loss” he said. “But dearest, you still have a wedding to attend.”
"The wedding! Oh god, what am I going to tell guests? I can't tell them the wedding is cancelled. I can't-"
"Hey hey, there's no need to cancel the wedding. You can still marry someone."
"Who?! The love of my life is melted into cream!"
Sitti watched as a hand lifted to Pumo's chin, tilting his gaze to Quibble. "I think you know who."
Sitti’s blood began to boil, thrashing against the testicular wall, if not to get free, then to hurt Quibble to make him regret his words. But that reality vanished as he fought against the sack. Each blow struck against the tender wall. They barely flinched as they absorbed his blows, retaliating with a powerful clench as they nestled the phone in had between the rising hill of the testicle.
"But I can't. Marry someone else. Sitti's name is on the pamflett, the poster, even the cake."
"Well.." Quibble soothed through his lips. "Im sure they'll understand the sudden change. It’s your special day afterall."
He shared a kiss with Pumo, his nostrils flaring as if to siphon his breath from his lungs. In that moment of pleasure, Sitti turned into an ape, throwing fists against the walls as the testicle bounced from their spot inside his pants. He shoved at the wall, kicking into the rippling lump as he cursed at the backstabbing man that dared to construct this.
Their lips parted with a soft smack, Pumo Caught in its trance. "Were you always a good kisser?
"More than you know."
The announcer spoke through the speaker as the two of them peaked out from the curtain. The remaining guests in the hallway took their seats, facing the altar where the pastor awaited for the destined soul mates.
"Looks like you better get to your position , I'll be sure to show just how much of a kisser I can be."
He tapped his lips before loosening his grip. As he departed toward the altar, he looked down to his waist, his cock throbbing once more as he looked into the frame.
He unmuted the device, and Sitti yelled like a banshee. “Yeesh, you’re awfully pissy.”
“You sniveling bastard! When I get out of this I'm going to kick your ass!”
“Correction, If you get out of this. From where I’m standing I’m about to marry Pumo.” he rubbed over his lips. “Of all the lips to have, Sissy, you're sure as hell missing out. But don't worry, I'll be sure to tell you all about it." He patted the front of his pants, squeezing at his cock.
“You no good lousy-!” He was cut off as a receptionist shouted in the hallway, the piano’s playing louder as guest funneled into the chapel.
“Welp I better get out there. Good talk Sissy.”
“No! Wait-!”
The muted once more, the camera lowering as it swayed along his thigh. Sitti looked around the compact space, taking to the valve as he pushed at it all his might. There has to be a way to get this open, he thought, there has to be. The sac  jostled as the testicle laid at his back. He placed a hand against its side, shoving it against its side to relieve himself. It was there that the sphincter quivered, widening before it squished together. Sitti paused as he looked to the ring, turning toward the lumpy ridge. He rubbed at its side, and watched as the ring widened once more, seed spilling into its mouth as it slurped past its lips. “Of course, Stimulate it.”
“All rise.” a priest said, the camera swaying as they stood above the alter. “We are gathered here today to celebrate this joyous day.”
He’s running out time, he has to get out there. He placed his palms along the hill. He rubbed into its smooth lump like a scrubber, Quibble’s moan booming through the air as the chamber shifted. The man muttered something beneath his breath, but he didn’t care as he stared at the sphincter, its pouting lips shrinking before it expanded. He caught a glimpse of the outer tube, and latched onto its rims as he forced himself inside. The tube was airtight, hugging the corner of his shoulder  as seed soaked his body.
It lubricated his legs as they slipped at the sack behind him, but he felt the sack shift, as lump pressed at his rear. “Revenge wouldn’t be fun if you didn’t have a fighting chance, so I’ll give you this freebie.” it shoved him into the tight tube, the ring closing over his feet. “Best get to climbing, you have about 30 seconds before it’s my turn to walk.”
Sitti puzzled upon the gesture, but perished the thought as he wormed through the tube. It was like swimming through tar, flesh skidding against flesh as they siphoned at his body. The piano’s tune leered from the outside, drawing closer as Quibbles steps boomed. He wormed faster, managing to make it through the twisting tubes as he crawled over the ridge.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to wed these married couple.." the pastor said.
As the pastor commenced the procedure, Sitti climbed the rest of tube as it dipped inward. His palm pierced through the shriveled flesh ahead, and he was squeezed into the prostate. It was bathed in a pool of semen, coating the wall with its goop as it shrouded the sphincter. He caught a glimpse of the giant sphincter, prying at its walls to bypass it, but it refused to budge. The prostate gyrated against his body, smother him into the meatpocket as its holes suckled his ears. When they relaxed, he stretched the walls apart, but his eyes widened as he observed the chamber.
The semen that filled the tube now painted the walls with its fluid, blending the surrounding holes in the mixture of white and pink. Only one of the holes lead to the outside, but where was it?
"Do you ,Pumo, take this man as you lawfully wedded husband?" the pastor said
"I..I do."
Sitti’s heart started to pound, stamping into the crevices for the right hole. He squashed into one, and urine rushed into the chamber. He wiped the warm fluid as the sphincter closed, splashing around the other holes as he pawed at them. He stamped his hands into the hole above, a suction pulling them as seed spilled from their entrance like running water. Only one remained, his gaze darting to the shriveled fold as he gripped at them.
"And you, um..."
"Quibble" he responded, a smug tone mixed in his voice.
"Yes. Do you take Pumo As your lawfully wedded husband."
He smiled. "I do."
 "Excellent.” the pastor said. “Then, if there is anyone who objects to the marriage of these two. Please speak now, or forever hold your peace.
Me! Me damn it!” Sitti pounded against the tender bean, prying at the lips to the urethra. He shifted his stance to get an angle on the sphincter. He stretched himself like an arrow, thrusting his limbs into a corner as he pushed at the entrance.
His feet slurped from beneath him, his force halting as he looked behind him. One of the holes clamped at his ankles, seed drooling as the ring chewed them. He tried to kick his way out, thrashing to get his limbs free. But they sunk like quicksand as a suction took control. Reeling back to the entrance, he panicked as he pawed toward the urethra, its folds inching away from his grasp as another wrapped his waist.
The walls caved as it sent waves into his face, feeding him to the gummy ring as climbed to shoulders. He yelled as its force yanked him into its maw, returned him back to depth of Quibble as the ring swallowed the rest of his limbs with a messy belch.
"Then by the power vested in me. I here pronounce you, Husband and husband." The Statement was the final nail in the coffin. Time, was up.
Quibble cock flexed as it dragged its meal back to its waist, a soft whimper escaping it slide down its long slide. His right testicle now plonked with the new prisoner, brushing against his inner thigh as he smiled wider. "You may now, kiss."
He shimmied closer to Pumo and brought him in for a kiss. A mixture of cheers and groans flowing through the crowd as music played through the building. The hour was gone in a flash, the two of them returning home to seal their marriage. Pumo was getting ready in the shower, meanwhile Quibble would be in the bedroom, Spread eagled across the mattress as he fondled at his balls.
"This is the life. I get to marry the love of my life, I get a beatiful house, and I get my little nut pet too." He flicked a finger against the side of his testicle. "You haven't spoken a word since we got back, Sissy. You still bummed I struck it big and you didn't."
He paused as he stared at the struggling lump, a faint imprint protruding from the clammed skin before a clench subdued it. He felt giddish as he traced along the faint outline groping his sac as he rolled them around like marbles. In that very moment, he relished at the reality of the two of them. He was out here, enjoying the fruits of his own efforts. And he was in there, reduced to only a small lump behind the girth of his balls.
He slouched into the pillow, just as the sound of running water ceased from the bathroom. The knob jiggled before mist flowed into the room, Pumo stepping out as a towel wrapped around him.
"Took you long before you finally finished in there. Don't go getting wrinkly on me."
"Oh please, you already know how much I like showers. You could use one yourself musty."
"Pfft, and become Mr. Clean like you. Pass." He stretched his limbs to ease its tension, but noticed Pumo’s face lowering to the floor. "Something wrong?"
"I'm..still thinking about Sitti."
"Oh..yeah. I can tell that’s still fresh."
"Yeah, it's hard not to think about how far we've come. Even though he’s melted, I can still sense that he still lingers inside my heart."
That's not the only thing he's lingering in. He groped at his squirming testicle, shuffling it beneath the cover. "Okay, I'll give you that. But you and I both know it isn't healthy to dwell on the past. It’s true he may be gone, but it’s just as you said, he’ll always live in your heart. So cherish it, Pookie bear, and don’t let his memories be tainted."
Silence dwelled between the two, Pumo Looking toward the window. "Yeah..I guess you're right." He said, before looking up to Quibble. “ Pookie bear? What are we kids?"
"What, It's a good name. My wittle Pookie bear."
He rolled his eyes. "God you sound just like him."
He crawled upon the mattress, stumbling toward Quibble as he spooned against his torso. His damp skin stuck to his back, the warm water steaming into his chest as he nuzzled into his neck.
"Mm, feeling you this close brings back memories." He reached beneath the towel. "Wonder if those glutes are as soft as I remember."
"Hey, it hasn't been that long. I bet you lost a few inches without me around"
A palm reached to Quibbles waist. He watched as the slender palm fiddled at the barrel of his length, his fingers dancing around the curvatures as they spooned beneath the cock's warm underbelly. It ventured further as it scooped beneath his testicles, squeezing at the soft lump as he Quibble moaned.
"Huh, I stand corrected. Your balls are starting to get chunky."
"You could say that. Must be clogged or something." He said, a half hearted truth to his secret within.
He suckled upon his neck and leaned his body to Pumo’s back. He sliced his fingers along the towel, a single flick slipping them from their hold as they drooped around his toned body. Pumo's mounds were exposed, fingers scooping them into his palms. They were like giant marshmallows, giggling at the slightest flex as droplets soaked his fingers. He pulled the two mounds apart. Its surface was still damp, stirring the finger at his shriveled ring as he eased his shaft close. 
A giggle escaped from Pumo,  the tender folds nipping at the slit. "Just as sensitive as always" Quibble soothed, reaching for a bottle along the counter as he dozed his length in lube. 
He eased his cock inside, feeling  it sink past the two rings as it slid up the rest of the length. Pumo Moaned upon the intrusion, his hips swaying along the cock as it slowly began to pump into the rear.
Quibble batted an eye to his balls as his testicles as they slapped at the back of Pumo’s thigh. The skin stretched as an imprint bulges, deteriorating as the folds softened its features. That’s outline was more visible than the last one, Quibble thought, Sitti must be pissed off at him fucking Pumo. He bet he could hear every inch of his cock taking in his meat, knowing he was just inches from being known. He chuckled at the thought, leaning into Pumo's ear.
"Still think it's chunky?" He asked.
"No..far from it. It's..so filling"
"You think so huh? Well it's about to get even more filling." He rocked his hips, plunging his member deeper into the hole. As the motion's began, he looked down to his nuts, sneering at the struggling lump in his testicles before he tucked his head over the shoulder.
The night of their wedding was a trademark in Quibble's eyes. He fucked Pumo across the mattress as the two took turns spooning one another. He merely caved as his cock gyrated through his anal canal, making him leak more than he ever did before. But he stilled himself to blow his load, less he risked letting Sitti out of his cage. As much of a waste it was to hold in such great seed, he had to ensure that he was out of sight, and out of mind.
Weeks passed as the two continued their nightly fun. From the duration he insisted on getting used to Sitti’s squirming, conditioning his balls to respond to onlyhim. The little brat put up a fight for a few days, managing to wiggle to his prostate to escape. That was as far as he would allow, a flex sending him back to balls, just as Pumo walked from the shower. He still talked about Sitti, most of their fun focused on coping as he snuggled him to sleep.
By the end of the month, Pumo showed reluctance of thinking about Sitti, deciding to honor him by moving on. At least from what he told him, it was better that way than him reminiscing on end, Quibble thought. He seen a bit of progress himself when it came to it, eying his testicles as they quivered and squeezed. Sitti did not move, not even an inch as his faint imprints danced at his testicle. His body was now immune to his efforts, desensitized to keep the sniveling oaf in his place.
He smiled as he jostled his nutsack, a soft whimper escaping now and then before they hanged back between his legs. Finally he didn't have to hold back his juices, now that the pest was secured in his balls. He was free to squirm and yell all he wants to now, no one was going to hear him, or even know him from now on.
It was just him and Pumo Now. Together, forever.
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sapphicflower-ao3 · 11 months
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1. Leonard Cohen // 2. Audre Lorde // 3. Phillip Pullman // 4. Pumo // 5. Pinterest // 6. Rachel Menzies // 7. Rainer Maria Rilke // 8. Vladimir Nabokov // 9. Savage Garden
love and light blooms from the hopeless earth
bkdk are soulmates, they are a religion, they invented romance, they stopped time and bent space and walked through hell and out of death just to battle together, they love and trust each other so much, they can speak to each other’s souls using only their eyes, and etc.
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fallen-sylveon · 2 months
Pelipper Mail: A Pelipper. Using Hydro Pumo.
Thanks 😅 stomping on the fire was not working.
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pokemon-ash-aus · 11 months
Ohh boy...
I'm happy with those answers, especially the second one... (Don't worry I have a plan =) )
On an unrelated note would synergy crystals and there energy show up in aura vision?
Nope, even when attached to a host it's not a living thing. A parasite yes, but its like pumoing your body full of CO2
Ur gonna die, but lets fuck with your brain first :)
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pumipugliesi · 30 days
Eleganza e Tradizione con il pumo anello di Pidipumo
Scopri la collezione di pumo anello su Pidipumo, dove la tradizione pugliese incontra l'eleganza moderna. Ogni anello è un omaggio alla cultura del Salento, simbolo di fortuna e prosperità. Realizzati con materiali di alta qualità, i nostri anelli con pumo sono il tocco perfetto per ogni occasione. Visita Pidipumo.it e trova il tuo gioiello unico.
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twistyprefect · 2 years
MMM: (S) Care of Magical Creatures
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"I think I have Care of Magical Creatures." They said, showing the timetable with the abbreviation to the table. December grined widely and fist pumoed happily, narrowly missing Cater's cheek.
"Me too! I love animals so much!" They said, cheering a bit. The prefect smiled and gave them a thumbs up before turning back to their breakfast. Jade and Jmail mentioned that they were also taking CoMC, making the prefect smile wider. The other Slytherins kept eating and chatting, preparing for the upcoming class. They glanced at Vil, who had mentioned his Ancient Runes class which earned some teasing from Lilia for being 'a nerd'. Vil rolled his eyes before ignoring him. The prefect smiled at their newfound friends, hopeful for their future in the house of the vipers.
The group headed down to the forest edge, where Professor Serephim was waiting for them. She smiled and introduced herself, telling the students to sit in groups and wait for the rest of their class. The prefect smiled as they say with their fellow Slytherins, joined shortly by their housemates' other friends as some Ravenclaws reached the groups.
"Rubio." A Ravenclaw prefect said, sitting down next to December who glared at him before schooling their expression into a bright smile.
"Rosehearts, good to see you survived the summer with Ace." They teased, causing the Slytherin prefect to snort in laughter a bit. The Ravenclaw glanced at them and then back to December.
"It...sucked." He mumbled before straightening his back, his eyes glancing at a new student nearing the slightly large group. She was fairly tall, with long hair and a pretty face, her eyes scanning over the group. She sat down between December and Jade, smilling at the rest of the group.
"Room for one more?" The student asked. December nodded and grinned back, immediately launching into an inquisition about her summer. The two students chatted eagerly, other members of the group eventually joining in. The prefect glancing around at the new students they hadn't met yet, unable to catch anyone's names yet. The professor clapped to call everyone to attention, splitting everyone into groups to meet some of the creatures they'd be working with that semester. Everyone eagerly gathered into groups, cooing over and petting the animals.
"So, now that you've all met the creatures, I have a surprise for you all! I am giving you a month long project. It will be with a partner, and you will be writing a report on your chosen creature! Multiple groups can do the same creature, but you will still be in pairs." She explained, lining the creatures up. The prefect smiled and looked over all the creatures, trying to decide which to pick.
"I think I'm gonna work with the Diriclaw!" December said. Jade nodded in agreement, looking at the bird-like creature again. Jamil expressed his interest in the Knarl, a small hedgehog-like creature. Riddle agreed with him, smacking December's head with parchment when the brunette teased him. Alice mentioned wanting to work with the Glow Bug. The prefect considered their options for a moment before deciding on their creature and partner, heading to...
[what creature and which student do you want to work with?]
...the Diriclaw with Jade.
...the Knarl with Jamil.
...the Knarl with Riddle.
[shoutout to @mentallyunstablenoodle for letting me slap Alice in here as a cameo uwu]
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pdpumps · 1 month
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pidipumo · 2 years
Collana Pumo
Ottieni il miglior prezzo su una collana Pumo di Pidipumo. Questo pezzo unico presenta una versione stilizzata del pumo, simbolo tradizionale della Sicilia. Realizzato con materiali di alta qualità, è l'aggiunta perfetta a qualsiasi collezione di gioielli. Ordina il tuo oggi!
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twinprincessparty · 2 years
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Princess Fine Info from the first and second character detail books!
Translated by the wonderful currytantou on twitter! Thank you very much!
A girl full of energy like the sun, Fine.
The Sunny Kingdom's princess. Always sticks with her twin Rein. She is not good at dancing and practicing, and because she is full of energy and restless, she received quite a disgrace nickname as "the most un-princess-like princess since the creation of the Wonder Planet".
She loves to eat, and when she visits other kingdoms, she would first look for delicious food. Even at parties, she cares more about the feast than dressing up. If she smells something nice, she would follow the scent immediately.
Thanks to that, she gets along well with fellow glutton, Princess Milky.
The type who takes action right away once she thinks of something. She has a tendency to judge based on appearance and intuition which is why she made a
blunder and was tricked by a fortune-telling old woman. Even so, there are situations that end well such as when she believed in Eclipse from the beginning and how she helped Ukki, ready to jump into the danger regardless. For some reason, she's worried about Eclipse.
Take a Break - pumo! Poomo's Princess Level Check!
Princess Fine has quite an ability to judge a character as she can see through that Eclipse is not a bad person - pumo~ But can't she do something about how easily distracted she is when it comes to food - pumo? As a princess, she still has a long way to go - pumo!
Fine's Secrets
She tosses and turns a lot in sleep!
She always wakes up in a different position than when she fell asleep, sometimes she even slips out of her duvet…
Leave tree climbing to her!
She practiced climbing trees when turned into Fiekky! Now it's what she's best at.
She was overjoyed that the Dream Seed, which she had been lovingly and painstakingly raising, finally sprouted.
She thought it failed so she felt especially pleased.
She's best at being active! 
She's a master of tree climbing with the spirit to never give up when she turns into Fiekky.
She's been curious about Eclipse since their first meeting. 
He held her when she fell in the forest while trying to pick some bananas.
Her tearful face when she missed the cake at the tea party. 
Perhaps the most important thing for Fine is delicious food.
Cheerful Fine's only weaknesses are dark places and ghosts! She had to look for Bright but she's so scared that she cannot stop crying.
Detail of Fine
A princess of Sunny Kingdom whose catchphrase is “Oh no! Oh no!”. 
She loves to eat and play and is the type who dashes straight ahead. She challenges various things such as ball riding, arts and runs up a jumping pier. Perhaps due to her liveliness, she is sensitive to other people’s troubles. When Tio was frustrated over the Bright Samba incident, or when Nacchi couldn’t do well on trapeze and when she immediately took action after Bright invited her. She has a subtle maiden-heart side in her, like how it bothered her when Shade leaned more towards Rein. Like Rein, she has the power to trust people and the strength to keep smiling, and that’s how she earned everyone's trust and became the perfect Eternal Solar Princess.
“This is not the Bright that I know,” said Fine when Bright told everyone to obey him, the king. A line from Fine who wanted him back to normal which touched Bright’s heart.
Sensing Shade’s impatience when he couldn’t find the Full Moon Turtle, she suggested that he take a break for a change of mood. “Eating delicious food makes me feel better.”
She was a little shocked when Shade asked Rein to take care of Moon Maria. “So Rein is more reliable...”
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