#pumpkin loaf and the void
moonlight-prose · 10 months
i feel like someone is currently using my lungs as a stress ball but to make up for lack of fics. please take pictures of my cats.🖤
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fwipination · 6 years
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I did our designs for pumpkins again this year! IT COUNTS.
I carved the kitty in the witch hat and my intrepid husband did the beautiful void loaf cat.
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sanjismuskyarmpits · 4 years
■ ☮ ♦ for kirby?
[send me a symbol + a character for a headcanon!]
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon 
🌸 they display mirroring behaviour like a cat does - which is a fairly common habit among creatures possessing the copy ability (so void, gooey etc. might be inclined to do it too!) nago tucks his paws under his body in a loaf and kirby sees him and does the same with their lil pseudopod nubs. susie’s sitting at her laptop working and they take a nap on her keyboard to feel included.
🌸  they love cosplay and dressing up! they’re also very good at mimicking voices and sounds they hear, like a parrot. there’s literally no reason for them to yell shit like FALCON PUNCH and HADOUKEN in smash other than they just think it’s fun. they’re getting into character :]
🌸 has a surprising fondness for metal, esp bubblegum + death metal. both listening to it and singing it. also because honestly literally every bubblegum metal song i’ve ever heard has had Kirby Vibes in some way. also, they’re a hundred percent AWARE they’re a tone deaf singer. they simply do not care. they’re having fun.
☮ - friendship headcanon
🌸 kirby absolutely HATES the very concept of having a ‘best friend’. they love ALL their friends so much!!! and you’re forcing them to just pick one??? just one??? pick favourites??? how could they do such a thing?? that’s horrible!!! all of their friends are valid and wonderful and lovely company in their own ways!!!! how dare you!!!
■ -  bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon 
🌸 canonically their house was built by the people of Dream Land as thanks for retrieving the stolen food and the Sparkling Stars. it’s also in a foresty field in the middle of nowhere. no one can hear you binge ten grocery store cakes in the middle of nowhere (That Also Happens To Be In Space)
🌸 they really like those wallflowers and scented candles with food fragrances. like vanilla cupcake, cinnamon pumpkin pie, maple butter pancakes, toasted marshmallow, etc. that you see at BBW and the like. they probably had to be talked out of buying a bacon scented candle at some point.
🌸 they DEFINITELY have those little brightly coloured glow-in-the-dark plastic star stickers plastered all over their walls and ceiling. you know the ones.
🌸 their house is very cosy and maximalistic! they love bright neon pastels and jewel tones and there are lots of cushions, comfy chairs, plushies, toys/figurines and glittery decals everywhere. they’ve also got a handful of video game consoles and a karaoke machine (once again thank god they live in the middle of nowhere)
🌸 it’s also messy. it is extremely messy. they prefer it that way because everything is in plain sight and they can find it easily. there are clothes all over the floor even though they don’t even wear clothes all that often on a regular basis. how come you’re supposed to make your bed if you’re just going to go to sleep again?? Damn Bitch You Live Like This
🌸 in addition to the regular bed that came with the house, they have one of the lil hanging basket beds that puffballs traditionally have. kirb’s has a pretty canopy patterned with stars and filled with many, MANY soft fluffy pillows, blankets and stuffed toys, plus the magic sock. the crystal pendant hangs from the top of the canopy
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laytonloztew · 3 years
I Played: Verloren, Living Playground: The Witch's Puppets
I've been meaning to play the games of some cool rpgmaker game devs I've met since making my own game, so today I played VERLOREN and LIVING PLAYGROUND: THE WITCH'S PUPPETS.
I literally own merch of one of these games, so I think its beyond time I give them a try. I thought I would post some thoughts + a recommendation to check these games/devs out too.
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Fav. Characters: Vladimir
Playtime: ~1 hour
Version: 0.03 DEMO
Chris finds himself cold and alone in a void - but Vlad, self-proclaimed weirdo and straight-up LAD, soon accompanies on our quest for the key out.
While dialogue-heavy isn't my loaf of bread, I'm interested in seeing how Chris & Vlad's relationship changes over the course of the full game. I'm also looking forward to more locales like the dreamy (and tasty) sweets dimension.
I liked the arcade mini-game, especially how it resembled an actual arcade game. I let Vlad beat it for me to get the authentic experience.
While it mostly stems from my own impatience, I did feel some back-and-forths with Vlad dragged on a smidge. I think the planned character portraits will help a lot, as well with the difficulty in keeping track of who is speaking.
I find myself asking the essential questions: WHO is Vlad? WHY is Vlad? But what no one ever asks: HOW is Vlad?
While a short and unfinished demo, I'm looking forward to seeing more of Verloren in the future :) VLAD/10
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Fav. Characters: Haze, STRONG PICKLE
Playtime: 2.5 hours
Version: 1.0.1
I find myself asking the essential questions: WHO is STRONG PICKLE?
Not knowing anything going into this (and having not played the original), I was pleasantly surprised (with Verloren as well) that I was into it as much as I was.
Tony, Pablo, and Octavio (or as us Living Playground-heads would say: Slide, Swing Set, and Monkey Bars) are siblings in a world of witchery and geese. Two witches are really good friends, and our heroes are sent into pocket dimensions for stealing without permission.
I liked the game show section (maybe I missed references with the other contestants), I thought it was a fun bit.
I am kind of concerned that I saw the chalkboard and thought 'oh hell yeah, hangman!'
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I could definitely tell at a certain point that this game's events were of/inspired by personal experiences, so I wasn't surprised to see that in the post-mortem. The contrast in theme over time is shocking, how a character treats the siblings differently as the game progresses. I felt that I had maybe brushed off earlier signs of this change, just like a certain character did?
I do think it would have been cool to pick a side in the conflict and get a different ending, but if it’s based off personal experience then I suppose that wouldn't quite work out.
When Pablo laid there like a peanuts character, I felt that - when STRONG PICKLE told me to wash my hands, I felt that.
The included walkthrough proved vital for my playthrough, because I'm an idiot. I searched it out after thinking I was stuck when placing gems on pedestals, not knowing I could remove a gem if it wasn't correctly placed and that I didn't need a gem for the middle pedestal.
I would have probably been stuck for ages looking for items if I hadn't checked with the guide occasionally, and for that I salute this pdf document.
I did get soft locked at a point: Choosing 'O' before 'P' in the hangman puzzle prevents 'P' from being usable. A typo in the eventing is the culprit, but of course I happened to run into it naturally.
I also was curious about the slide puzzle lag, so I looked into it. I always feel a slight guilt from opening people's games with the intent to fix things without being asked - but I can't help myself.
Each unsolved piece is checked each frame if it has been solved by comparing positions of the solution spot and the tile's current spot. What I would do is have each tile check if its solved only after being pushed. I went ahead and modified it myself just for fun (so I can get the speedrun world record >:]), but I noticed something about this puzzle while doing this:
I didn't notice while playing that the puzzle pieces can be pushed on top of each other. That's kind of weird. You can push the pieces out onto the water or stack them together (I did try to 'automatically' solve the puzzle by stacking them all up and pushing the stack into each space, can't be done lol). What an odd decision, right?
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I'm guessing the puzzle isn't entirely reset on pumpkin interact because it would be real annoying to mispush the last piece and have to reset the whole thing, but with this puzzle design it means it is possible to softlock when doing this piece last. I'm not sure if the lack of collision is meant as a solution to this exact issue, but I thought it was interesting. In my build I added collision to the tiles and just made it so one of the adjacent tiles to the inner one always gets reset.
With some minor bugs and issues abound, Living Playground: The Witch's Puppets surprised me. While I'm not very attached to the main 3, I did feel for the 2. I relied on the walkthrough a bit much, but I had a good time. STRONG PICKLE/10
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softfaust · 4 years
the first thing [asra x mc]
When asked, you tell people Asra’s face is the first thing you remember upon waking. That’s not strictly true. It’s his voice, first. You don’t know it’s his voice - not yet - but it soothes you. Looking back on it now, you know there was a time where you were halfway to consciousness, unable to open your eyes or do anything to signal your awareness. In the back of your mind, a kindly-faced fox would tell you; soon.
It didn’t make the reality of existing in an endless void any less traumatic, until Asra closed the shop and came upstairs at the end of the day. At first, he was upbeat. Hopeful. You became familiar with the jingle of the little charms on the fringed edges of the curtain-come-door, and the accompanying “Honey, I’m home!”
It was a phrase that brushed against the idea of familiarity, tried at the lock on your memories. Listening to Asra shuffle around the small space calmed something deep inside you; the thump of his boots hitting the floor, the swish of a scarf against the fabric of his shirt, the crinkle of wax paper as he unbundled a fresh loaf of pumpkin bread. The scent of it, too, threatened to trigger something in your mind, but it never quite managed.
“I brought you some bread,” Asra would say, folding himself onto the pillows beside you. “Selasi keeps looking at me with such...pity. I think he assumes I’m imagining you, here in our little shop. He doesn’t know. You’ll show him, though. When you wake up and see him for yourself”
It made you feel sad, deeply and truly. You had no idea you’d died - only that you were inexplicably unconscious, and you’d forgotten everything about this person who spoke to you so fondly. But the sadness, when they spoke, seeping through even the happiest of words - it made you want to scream.
Asra would tear the loaf in half, the rich scent of freshly baked bread enveloping you every time, and he would place half at your bedside. Partly out of routine but partly - as he would later tell you - because he couldn’t bear to eat the full loaf himself. As though he was giving up on you.
(Your half would always begin to harden, after a few days, and still Asra could never bring himself to eat it).
After a while, you realised that any pretence of hope had faded. Now, you could hear the wetness of his voice as he hesitated by the door, assuring you that Faust would remain vigilant whilst he worked.
You didn’t remember Faust, back then, but you felt her presence. Something small and damp - her little tongue - would flick at the tip of your nose and a voice, quiet and sad, would always ask; Awake, friend?
You wanted to scream. Yes! I’m here! But it didn’t work. Not for what felt like an eternity, and in reality was a matter of months.
Asra’s face was the first you saw, but Faust was the one there when you opened your eyes. Everything felt hazy, a little off kilter, and you found yourself looking up at a ceiling filled with tapestries and draping fabrics. Deep pinks and shiny golds, overlapping one another again and again. You couldn’t move, yet, but you could feel your body now. Hands, stiff and still. A throat, dry and useless. A chest, rising and falling, steady and even.
The voice you’d come to know as Faust rang out across the small space, frantic and loud. Something coiled around your hand and squeezed , a little voice repeating Friend? Awake? Listening?
You saw a whip-flash movement, lilac and gold, as she shot out of the room and out of sight. You hadn’t understood, and you’d wanted to cry, until thundering footsteps made their way towards you.
And then, Asra’s face.
Big purple eyes, wide and wet with tears, set into a soft face framed by a halo of white hair. Over and over he’d repeated your name, until his voice was weak with it, until it stopped sounding like a word anymore.
“Can...you hear me?”
Your throat clicks, dry and unused, and you manage a barely audible hum. “Oh. Oh, you can’t speak? Can - do you remember anything?”
You’re surprised, when you try to shake your head and it obeys, just the slightest tilt. His face drops, tears threatening to spill over his lashes. His voice is thick when he finally asks, “do you know who I am?”
You shake your head.
It crushes him. Tears spill freely down his face and he can barely get the words out. “Oh....what have I done- what have I done?”
He lets his forehead drop to your hand, clasped between both of his own, and you want so badly to comfort him. You don’t even know him, not yet, but something fox-shaped tells you that you’re supposed to, and frustration wells in you. Your fingers remember the texture of his hair and you know you must have done this, before. Instead, all you manage is a frustrated hum.
Asra sits up, eyes wide with concern, and then his hands are cradling your face, thumbs brushing away the tears. “Oh, sweetheart, don’t cry. I’m sorry.”
You blink up at him, uselessly, and he quickly lifts his hands into the air - palm up. “I’m sorry, you don’t even know me”
You watch as he straightens up, wipes at the stray tears clinging to his lashes. “I’m Asra. We’re....I’m your - I mean, you’re my....we’re friends! Good friends. We live together!”
You nod in understanding, and he suddenly leans across the bed with one arm extended. When he pulls back, there’s a purple snake coiled around his forearm. “This is Faust, my familiar. She’s your friend, too”
You remember the sensation of Faust squeezing your arms, licking at your nose in fear. It’s difficult, wanting to articulate yourself whilst being utterly trapped inside your own body, but you slowly let your tongue peek out from between dry lips, and Asra lets out a burst of startled laughter.
“Faust, were you giving out kisses?”
Faust wriggles up onto his shoulders. Missed friend. Love friend.
“I know,” says Asra, eyes soft. “Me too, Faust”
Asra’s face is the first thing you remember upon waking, and his voice guides you through every single step of recovery.
Years later, watching him slip through the crowds to reach the bakery, you promise yourself that you’ll never, ever forget it.
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tumblunni · 6 years
My ideas if Wales gets referenced in this new britain region which is probably unlikely but we can hope:
* Another sheep pokemon/a mareep regional variant/just mareep being common over here
* llamhigyn y dwr regional variant of gligar! As a kid i always thought gligar was meant to be one of those! Its a mytholigical flying frog with a scorpion tail, and really the only reason i dont think gligar is based on it is because its ground instead of water type. Like its really specifically similar right down to the wings being webs under the arms!
* Welsh Lady pokemon! (The traditional costume kids wear at eisteddfods)
* Maybe instead some sort of legendary based on eisteddfods in general? Theyre a poetry/art festival where the winner gets "the chairing of the bard" aka just imagine ur average school contest except if ur in wales u literally get knighted with a fake sword, crown and The School's Personal Throne. Its very weird in retrospect but it just seemed normal when i was a kid. I won it once and i was so anxious having to go thru the big celebration thing!! Like aaa just let me take my certificate and run! XD So yeah maybe a legendary based on the eisteddfod throne itself? Its called a throne but its more of a fancy wooden chair with patterns carved into it. So some sort of wooden dragon! And the legend would be that only the most talented bards can ride it and it bucks off anyone it thinks isnt purehearted enough. And maybe it could have a lovespoon for a tail cos thats also another wooden welsh thing. (Fancy carved spoons for good luck and/or romantic gifts)
* welsh cake pokemon!! Theyre just a sweetened scone with raisins in it, but i think it could be really cute as a design. Im thinking a rock type that just coincidentally looks like a cake with raisins, and it rolls around sideways like a big goofy crab~
* or if you wanna go for other local foods maybe mix the kelpie with bara bryth? (Seaweed bread paste stuff) So its just a loaf of bread that evolves into a badass horse and it would make no sense to anyone except brits, lol.
* perhaps a legandary based on the bard taliesin? It could be similar to nebby in starting off with a weak baby form but then becoming a badass! Cos his origin story was that he wasnt naturally all super cool so talented at singing that he could make literal magic happen just by sheer creativity. Instead he accidentally drank a magic potion of creativity that a witch made, and his abilities came at the cos of Pissing Her Off Forevermore. So maybe the baby form cpuld be a witch's cauldron? And have a tail made of chains to symbolize how he was enslaved as that witch's assistant and managed to escape with her most valuable prize. And then his ethereal fancy humanoid form could maybe be similar to meloetta's living music thing but more with calligraphy instead? But perhaps still have a similar chain tail to show his origins, except now the links in the chain are all fancy calligraphy Os, lol
* accompanying legendary possibilities: ceridwen (the evil witch from that story) or morfran (her innocent son) Morfran did nothing wrong but is often painted as more of the villain of the story than she is, simply because he was black. Yeah there's racism even back in our mythology, ugh...! I always felt so depressed for morfran cos the story is that ceridwen only made this super magical potion of being the best bard ever cos everyone said her son was the ugliest man on earth and EVEN SHE AGREED so she thought she had to give him some magic powers to stop people from hating him. And instead taliesin steals it and goes off to be the most powerful and respected and also handsome man ever, the end. And seriously the ONLY THING they mention about why this child is ugly is that he was "black like a crow" and also his name means evil crow. And thats just the end of his story forever, being some other dude's origin story and then forgotten into the void :( So like hey a pokemon criticizing that part of the myth wouls be great too! Like maybe have morfran be a counterpart legendary like latias to latios and he just looks equally beautiful with a reversed colourscheme of dark skin and white calligraphy patterns. And maybe the pokedex entry could be like "taliesinmon got its powers thru a magical gift from meloetta" and "morfranmon worked really hard for its powers all on its own and also is very socially anxious and relateable and tumblr user tumblunni's favourote character in all british mythologies despite also representing the worst part of our nation but hey its not this man's fault please rescue him ok" Srsly its not like its common to see taliesin referenced in fiction but morfran is even more forgotten and i think he needs at least one positive fictional depiction to make up for being screwed over in the original myth.
* Another myth with unintended bad messages is the one of Blodeuwedd or Dwedd (friends may recognize that i named my Gourgeist after her!) Her story is that she was an artificial human created out of plants in order to be some guy's sex toy basically. Yet she's the villain of the story cos she refused to marry him and ran off with another guy. Like seriously she was BORN to marry this dude! Even if he's the big mythological prince we're supposed to root for, with modern morality perspectives its kinda impossible to see it that way. At least unlike morfran she actually does do other stuff to establish her as a villain other than just existing, she comes back with her new boyfriend to kill the dude who made her and thus set the course of history awry cos he was A Really Inportant Destiny Prince And All. But seriously dude this is 100% your own fault for being creepy enough to not want to date real women and instead have some messed up preprogrammed woman who'd do whatever you want. "The only reason she wouldnt obey like he wanted must be because the seed of evil was in her heart" yeah no maybe it was the seed of free will u bastard. Anyway they have a funny sequence where prince douche mc douchebag is prophesized to never be killed by etc etc etc so dwedd and her new boyf have to trick him into THE MOST CONTRIVED CIRCUMSTANCE EVER to find a loophole. I think it was something like one foot on a goat and one on a bucket while at the border line between two countries at the crack of dawn? And as fitting a standard boring hero story of course eeeevil dwedd gets thwarted and prince pompous is ressurected and she's punished forever by being turned into an immortal owl for some reason.
* SO YEAH! Plant owl legendary! I just thought this myth in particular would be cool cos a female plant legendary with a disney villain aesthetic instead of the cliche pretty sexy thing everyone would probably expect. Make her bombastic and badass and terrifying!!! The pumpkaboo line is the closest thing so far cos bat pumpkin is KINDA close to daffodil owl. At least in terms of spooky aesthetic, lol
* oh and also her boyfriend was named gronw pebr and honestly he barely does anything in the whole story but he has a really cool name so i felt like mentioning it
* our national flower is the daffodil and our national vegetable is the leek so maybe a farfetch'd variation with a daffodil? Or maybe a saucepan or somethin. It could kinda work with farfetch'd origin, plus one of our most famous nursery rhymes is about saucepans. AR GATH WEDI SCRAPU GROOKEY BACH
* our national animal is actually the dragon not the sheep! So definately give us some good dragon types!! Our flag is a dragon so maybe our legendary could be that? And perhaps reference the whole "red dragon beats the white dragon symbolizing how much england sucks" legend by having it have two forms like minior or darmanitan and the weaker cowardly defensive one is england. Just sayin!!
* i dont think you can really make a pokemon personification of england conquering and literally owning us and us taking so long to even get considered a separate country again and be able to have our native language in schools except it was already so many generations passed of it being forbidden to be spoken that barely anyone still knew it and even nowadays when we have billingual road signs the rate of billingualism is incredibly low and im really jealous of my sister growing up in a school that taught it from a young age cos i was thrown into intermediate level welsh without having the basic lessons and thus nevee managed to learn it at all and felt both stupid and disconnected from my ancestors irretreiveably
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moonlight-prose · 2 years
my cats have squeezed themselves into their cat house and one is laying on top of the other.
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moonlight-prose · 3 years
four attempts and cussing out the app later i can now share these. enjoy my lil demons instead of writing today. pumpkin loaf and his sister the void.
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moonlight-prose · 2 years
my little void of a cat lucifer just let me clean her face today which is massive progress for us and i am
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moonlight-prose · 4 years
I saw this last night, but was too sleepy to comprehend doing it so here we go. I got tagged by the ever lovely @ezrasarm​​​​​​. You’re so incredible darling (even though I mention it all the time it deserves one more mention).
I’ll put it mostly under the cut cause it’s going to be long.
Named after someone? Someone? No. I was however named after a Van Halen song.
Last time you cried? Uhhhhh is it sad to say this morning? Finals week and all that jazz is kicking my ass. It’s okay to shed some tears over Kate Chopin right?
Do you have any kids? NOPE
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Ah yes the language I speak fluently.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Their eyes. I usually don’t make eye contact a lot, but I always believe you can tell a lot about a person through their eyes.
Eye colour? Brown
Scary movie or happy ending? Am I allowed to choose a scary movie WITH a happy ending? Because deciding between the two is impossible.
Any special talent? Unless you can count being able to name 70s rock songs from the first few notes then no probably not. 😂 
What country were you born in? USA
What are your hobbies? Get ready for a long list (well not really). Writing, painting, crocheting, reading (I think that’s it so not so long).
Do you have any pets? YES I DO!! I have two fur babies who are chaotic little menaces and also my Halloween babies. Allow me to shove some pictures of them in your face.
This is the little chaotic menace/pumpkin loaf/ Halloween babe number one.
His name is Simba and he will scream at you until you share food with him. (also pretends to hate affection but will begrudgingly allow you to pet him if given treats.) (ignore the broken food bowl a racoon broke it when I left it outside by accident)
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This is the little chaotic menace/void/ Halloween babe number TWO. Also known as Simba’s sister.
Her name is Lucifer or Lucy for short because she’s a lady. Loves attention like won’t allow you to stop petting her. Is sure to leave you covered in fur, but it’s okay. Doesn’t meow as often, but when she does it’s the cutest shit ever. Is also a model.
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What sports do you play/have you played? I used to play tennis in high school. Was actually on a team. But then kind of fell out of it after graduating.
How tall are you? 5′8
Favourite subject in school? English and Theater! I had incredible teachers for both subjects and they made me want to learn more.
Dream job? Writer. Sounds cliche, but there’s nothing I’d rather do than sit down and create stories from thin air.
Tagging (although not necessary) - @aaliyasaurus​​​​​ @softpedropascal​​​​​ @karasong​​​​​
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