nenchaarts · 2 months
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I don't know how people feel about the dangan anime but I grew affectionate towards Juzo cause he keeps fucking up his job and decking any teen in his vicinity. So I started calling him KidPuncher cause he was so good at doing that
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unloneliest · 1 year
jam i have a question. who is eliot spencer... where is he from. what makes him ur number one blorbo and what do u understand abt him that no one else does <3
partridge thank you so much for this ask i need you to know you made my entire morning. eliot spencer is. my specialest guy my blorbo of all time i love him so so so so much. he's from the tv show leverage, which aired from 2008-2012* and isn't immune to the downfalls of that era of tv in general but that. honestly does a comparatively outstanding job to ME. it holds up and also the premise is "what if these extremely competent hot thieves ruined shitty rich people's lives and helped the people who'd been victimized by the rich people and created a found family together after all having various levels of sad backstory? and there was an ot3 made as canon as the showrunners could possibly make it in 2012?" i'm getting ahead of myself though.
*there's a sequel currently airing but i have yet to watch it & there's certain aspects about it that i refuse to accept as canon (this is a part of me being the most right about eliot)
i am putting this under the cut because. well. this got long
to start with context. having my brain rewired by supernatural and captain america: the winter soldier when i was a teenager is a huge factor in like. *waves hands vaguely* everything. when it comes to how i came to love leverage and eliot specifically. i got driven away from spn because (to simplify things) the showrunners hated the fans so bad and the characters were fighting the narrative but unable to escape it, and i loved the version of the characters that was actively being opposed by the show. and that was just plain not enjoyable for me. and marvel is marvel and continuity of emotional and interpersonal arcs doesn't matter at all to them.
and the thing is i took a sociology class in 2017 and it was making me so upset learning about white collar crime. and @canis-la-trans was like. we are watching leverage now. to remedy this. and i'd tried watching it with him before but this time around it just clicked. and the biggest part of what clicked is eliot. because listen. eliot is in somewhat of the same category as my earlier favorite characters but the thing about eliot spencer is that all of his best qualities are canon, not fanon. he redefines the category. he's incomprable. to me.
the thing about eliot spencer is he's the punchboy. he's the hitter. it's his job to get in the fights and protect the team. and he does his best to come across as grumpy, as not caring about people, does his best to fly under the radar as just another unintelligent lackey with a short temper who's particularly talented at violence.
but that's a performance. canonically that's a performance. and he has the best work/life separation of the whole team. he's not his job - he's very good at his job, and it's what he does and that is a part of him, but where some of the other characters view their job as an extension of their selfhood, eliot doesn't.
he cooks. he cooks so well that he could do that professionally. he grows all his own produce (allegedly). he's one of if not the best person on the team with kids. he loves so wholly so fast. he's the first person to call the team a we. within team dynamics he & sophie, the grifter, protect the other 2 from the worst of the team leader's dysfunction.
eliot's done bad things in the past. and he views himself completely past saving. like. from commentary on the show: he knows he's going to hell. like. his self worth is completely abysmal. i know he would die for the team. in s2e2 there's an episode where the team isn't succeeding at the con, and he takes the fall on purpose. and in a conversation about that he says "i'm not diving on a grenade. i'll be all right" but he says that so readily that i Know he's thought about it. and he would. for the team he would. for parker and hardison he would. he's in love with them. and they're in love with him too and i have to cut myself off or i'll go an entire separate rant about them!!!!
he has long hair. which he straightens. and he looks great with blood on his face. he doesn't use guns. he never throws the con for personal reasons - only ever does to protect kids. he grew up in rural oklahoma and he enlisted to get the hell out of dodge and he got in such a bad argument with his dad the night before he shipped out that he got disowned. and he can't even talk about it until nearly the end of the final season of the show. he never once mentions his mom. and i just know he got disowned for coming out, intentionally or not. he's never had an environment he could be his full self in without fear until the team.
parker, the thief of the team, is intentionally written as autistic; the hacker, hardison, is so likely written to have adhd. and eliot is autistic too, to me. it makes the level of performing masculinity to closet himself so much more insane to me. bc it's also masking. and adding that context to eliot and parker's relationship makes me unWELL.
the thing is is that eliot is a character who's hiding, who's actively doing his best to be unnoticed. and so many people who watch the show fall for the act, even if they don't fall for the whole act they fall for parts of it, and like. They Are Wrong About Him. i have an entire complex backstory thought up for eliot, because i think the only thing sadder than him missing out on the kind of connection he finds with the team is him knowing what he's missing because he had a queer best friend as a kid, & the two of them were closeted together, but he lost contact with her over the years.
the thing is that eliot spencer has SO MUCH GENDER and i know if he and parker and hardison adopted a kid eliot would be ma. never dad. and i don't think he'd even be able to start exploring that for himself until the end of the series.
the thing is eliot spencer would listen to the mountain goats. and there's a couple other people out there who are right about that and it makes me so insane 100% of the time.
and i love him and this is just a list of facts about him and the most important thing about eliot spencer to me is that. he exists in motion. trying to capture a still image or static description in words never works. but he's my wife and i love him so much. and i always will. and i'm writing a fic where i'm going to blow him up. just a little bit. for his own good. this is my "eliot made himself a mountain goats mix tape about knowing he's willing to jump on a bomb for parker and hardison & never telling them that in advance" playlist from that universe.
all of leverage is availible for free streaming on imdb tv & here are thee best leverage fanvids of all time:
& this last vid is abt the show in general, not just the ot3:
i would add all my fave eliot pics i have screenshotted but this is already so long . i still might rb and do that anyways he is Everything to me
#jam replies#boyjoan#this is 800 years long. i love eliot spencer so bad#the thing about leverage is that without even touching on eliot. this show went 'this autistic girl's special interest is stealing#& crime. why would you ever stop her from doing the stealing and crime' and they're so right for that.#parker isn't the pov character but she's the main character to me. nate is the narrator not the hero#literally though leverage has it all. fake dating. characters handcuffed together for an episode. episodes about historical crimes where#the actors play younger versions of characters from the past. murder mystery costume party where an actual murder happens that they have to#solve. baseball episode. 2 hockey episodes. eliot spencer sings and plays guitar with jo from supernatural. hardison makes their undercover#names dr. who references. there's a reference to the mcelroys. there's two episodes that tell the story of the same night 'off' from 2#different points of view.#eliot is a horsegirl.#i cannot put into words how amazing this show is it loves the fans so much & it's so clever and so good at like. being a story. and#character & emotional continuity is one of the things they value so much. i love this show so bad#my leverage special interest and mountain goats special interest are kissing with tongue#OH and the show also did. an 'i need you' moment. leverage grave danger job handclasp ca:tws handclasp spn goodbye stranger#not mind control though. but like.#okay i'm posting this now#leverage posting
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ignisknight01 · 1 year
Ignis Knight's nickname list
Dedede: Deedles
Escargoon: Goonads, Goonorrhoea, Edgecargoon
Sword Knight: Panini
Blade: Muffles
Tiff: Braincell/TheSmartOne
Tuff: DipshitJr
Knuckle Joe: Punchboi
Meta Knight: Blueberry
Rosie: Different Flower Names(Except Rose)
Whispy: Big Woody
Kine: Dinner
Waddle Doo: Cyclops
Waddle Dee: Deez Nuts
Kirby: Sucko
Ebrum: DipshitSr
Lady Like: Old Nag
Tokkori: Lil'Bitch
"Doctor" Yabui: Doc Fuckup
Chef Shiitake: ShitCake
Chief Bookum: Chief Twat
Kawasaki: FoodCrimes
Fololo: SqueakyBallOne
Falala: SqueakyBallTwo
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orcboxer · 10 months
they're putting Minsc in Baldur's Gate 3 sorry Halsin but I have to romance the punchboy
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pb-dot · 10 months
Damn you OOOs
I just finished watching Kamen Rider OOOs with my Tokusatsu club and I am absolutely not ok. The main plot is pretty standard for a transformation-based punchboy show, but oh boy the arc of the plucky protagonist and his very tsundere frenemy had me bawling. Very well acted, and so so so gay. Two strong personalities becoming more like each other through the sheer gravity of their interaction! Intense Male Emotion! Punch-outs While Wet! It's a whole thing.
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zappobrien · 1 year
My favorite trans headcanon is Punchboy von Bergliez! I like him in a sandwich between Hilda and Dorothea (who may also be trans if you wish c: )
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Tell me about your D&D characters
here is a quick intro to all of them
bard #8: he is a bard and he is on fantasy broadway
punchboy mcgee: bardbarian. wants to punch capitalism into the sun
circe: goth rogue, trying to make up for disrespecting the dead so the raven queen will return her magic powers
pierre: 9 year old half elf rogue. was nearly sacrificed to a necromantic cult but he got away and now pickpockets people
caleb watson: 12 year old boy. he's every scooby doo character combined (part of the best motw party ive ever been in)
marilyn: a barbarian whos basically a 1920s new yorker girl. everyone else in this campaign is a cowboy except her
chris: post apocalyptic radio host
morgan piper: 14 year old changeling fighter with a pet mouse named charles (after charles entertainment cheese). shes not not mabel pines
alfie: HAVENT GOTTEN TO PLAY HIM YET BUT he's a 15-16 year old summer camp counselor whos gay and in deep deep denial
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spacefuneral · 6 years
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I finally got around to finishing this! Here’s my favorite character bingo, with a color scheme that kinda shocked me because I didn’t realize almost every1 I like tends to be red/teal/purpley. Also I realized I don’t like any movies as much as I thought.
Punchy is the free space because everyone loves Punchy.
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awesometoy · 6 years
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Awesome Toy Space Flyman header card design. Original sketch by Artist Itoyo @itoyotattoo from Japan. #arttoy #culttoys #toydesign #design #art #batman #robin #バットマン #ロビン #スペースフライマン #パンチボー #spaceflyman #punchboy #thegreatestamericanhero #greatestamericanhero #duo #headercard sketch #drawing #sofvitokyo #toystagram
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neichasart · 4 years
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More DnD stuff, because I wanted to work with screentones a little. And because Deia is greedy. 
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mino2aur · 4 years
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this is my magnus archives oc his name is punch boy clownson he wants to destroy the concept of clowns and he is the illegitimate son of nikola orsinov (don't ask)
he has never successfully killed a clown. he is also in denial about the fact that he and his mother are clowns.
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mysticarks · 5 years
hrrrmnh.... i want to replay EOV sometime
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there is one (1) (one) ship I know about that people also know about with li
and it’s with beowulf and I love this ship forever
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carthus is a piece of garbage and i love him
anyway i need to draw the rest of my party before our dm kills us............
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hollywolly3000 · 3 years
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a VERY messy sketch bc ive been dipping my toes into fighting games so i felt like drawing a faun punchboy
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cabeeese · 6 years
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Inktober Days 21-30 ( 3/3 ) 31 was PUNCHBOY
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