#punk rock vegan movie
funadeya · 1 month
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Punk Rock Vegan Movie
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dykeulous · 4 months
about me.
hello! i am apollo and i am aspiring to be an author and an activist someday. i come from a small, underdeveloped “post-socialist” country. i hope my blog will be helpful to everyone, and i try to be as open-minded on most topics as i can be. this is how i would describe myself:
i am a butch lesbian with heavy sex (& social) dysphoria. i would refer to myself as transmasc, and i am still very much trans-identified, as dysphoria has caused me much trouble over my formative years, and it has been making my life a true agonizing hell :)). i approach trans issues with sensitivity and criticism. i try my best not to be black-and-white about things; and i always try to be well-informed before speaking on anything. i love gender acceleration, and i would describe my views as gender critical. i am explicitly anti-racist, anti-capitalist & anti-imperialist. my views align with marxist feminism/proletarian feminism & radical feminism– which is why i would describe myself as a dual system feminist. my analysis & beliefs come from dialectical materialism, rather than idealism, which is why i’ve found myself in opposition with most trans rights activists. i am for abolishing the prison system, and i believe rehabilitation should be the goal, rather than punishment. drug addicts & recovering addicts have a special place in my heart ❤️‍🩹. i’m not vegan, but i appreciate & love all my ecofeminist sisters: i try my best to be vocal about animal liberation & climate activism. i believe the bpd diagnosis is being hyper-sold to female people, and this is because of medical misogyny & institutional sexism– it is being used as new age female hysteria. oh, and i’m also autistic. i love autistic women, and i wholeheartedly want to smash medical misogyny whenever i see how my neurodivergent sisters are being treated. 🇵🇸 FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA PALESTINE WILL BE FREE!!!
my special interest is gender abolition (i’m very very passionate about this!!!) and marxist politics. my current hyperfixations are harry potter (i’m a slytherin 🐍), greek mythology & mbti. i unironically use the word kinnie; my highest kins are severus snape, twilight sparkle and diane nguyen. i love punk rock music, and i love riot grrrl. ask me about ww2, i used to be very hyperfixated on it last year– i reviewed a lot of ww2-themed movies critically & pointed their historical revisionism out. i am a slavic patriot by heart, and will punch a westerner who chooses to ignore our beautiful history. tito, lenin, che guevara, rosa luxemburg apologist. also i’m very interested in soviet history (the night witches are so fascinating!!), north korean culture & cuban cuisine.
if you wish to block me, go ahead. if you don’t, cool. i don’t block people, i allow a wide range of people to interact, and quite frankly, i think dni lists are useless. won’t hold back if you’re going to attack me. will engage in respectful arguments, and also will engage in disrespectful arguments, with the same energy you give me.
links to some of the posts of mine i find quite useful for people who are going to hate-scroll through my blog, and also for people who are interested in radical feminism, but scared we’re a hate group.
1. My Thoughts on Intersex People, Transitioned Trans Women & Transitioned Trans Men, My Addition to a Trans-Positive Feminist’s Post, Are Trans Women Privileged?
2. Feminist Praxis & Tactics: Separatism VS Proletarian Feminism, My Personal Critique of Radical Feminism
3. Transmedicalists VS Queer Theorists
4. Listen to Dysphoric Voices
5. What is Gender?
6. The Word “Cis”
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themuse-if · 8 months
20 (or so) Questions with Ro Sawyer
Let's find out what Ro is all about! Are they just charisma and charm or is there something else under all that bravado?
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Interviewer: Hey Ro! Thanks again for doing this. Love the look by the way! Let's dive in. When's your birthday?
Ro: Hey! Thank you for having me! My birthday is August 8th. A proud Leo through and through.
Interviewer: Awesome! Do you go by any nicknames, or is it all about Roxanne/Robbie?
Ro: Yeah, my friends call me Ro. It's got a certain edge to it that I dig.
Interviewer: Nice choice. So, beyond the Rebel Rejects and the music scene, what are some of your good traits?
Ro: Well, I've got this knack for bringing people together. Whether it's on stage or just hanging out, creating connections is something I love.
Interviewer: That's a great trait. And how about the other side of the coin? Any bad traits you're willing to share?
Ro: I can be a bit impulsive. It's that punk spirit, you know? Sometimes decisions are made in the heat of the moment. Even still I can't say I have any regrets.
Interviewer: Makes sense. Alright, what about hobbies outside of music? What does Ro enjoy when not rocking the stage?
Ro: Exploring the city is a big one. I love finding those hidden spots, meeting new people, and finding little hidden gems that I wouldn't have known about otherwise. It keeps life interesting.
Interviewer: Cool, I can see you're pretty adventurous. Now, let's talk strengths. Besides the stage presence, what do you consider your greatest strength?
Ro: I thrive under pressure. When things get intense, that's when I'm at my best. It's like a switch flips, and I go into overdrive.
Interviewer: Impressive. And on the flip side, what's your biggest weakness?
Ro: Patience, or lack thereof. Waiting around has never been my strong suit. I want things to happen, and I want them now. * looks the interviewer up and down very slowly*
Interviewer: Got it... One word to describe yourself?
Ro: Unapologetic.
Interviewer: Powerful choice. And how do you think others see you in one word?
Ro: Magnetic. I've been told I have this pull that draws people in, on and off the stage.
Interviewer: Totally get that vibe. Now, let's go a bit deeper. What's your greatest fear?
Ro: *leans forward, and clasps their hands* Losing the connection with the audience. It's like a lifeline for me. Without that energy exchange, it feels like I've given all of myself and then received nothing in return.
Interviewer: I see you need that exchange to make it feel worth while. What are your top priorities at this point in your life?
Ro: Keeping the Rebel Rejects together is number one. Making it big is the goal, and university is just a fun little stepping stone on that journey.
Interviewer: Hmm, I see. Ok, Family time! Tell me about your family.
Ro: We're a tight-knit bunch. They're supportive, even if they don't fully get the punk scene. Mom's got this knack for making killer vegan pizza – a family tradition. I've got a little brother, he just turned 13 and is absolutely unbearable. I will miss him though.
Interviewer: Aww I see we've found your soft spot. Now, future plans. What are your goals?
Ro: World domination with Jo and De by my side, of course. But on a personal level, I want to grow as an artist and make music that leaves a mark.
Interviewer: Admirable goals. Rainy days – how do you spend them in more detail?
Ro: Picture this – cozying up with a book, probably a rock biography or something by Patti Smith. Vinyls spinning in the background, rain tapping on the window. It's a vibe.
Interviewer: Love the imagery. Favorite book?
Ro: "Just Kids" by Patti Smith. Her journey through art and rebellion resonates with me on a different level.
Interviewer: Solid choice. And your favorite movie?
Ro: "Velvet Goldmine." Glam rock, the visuals, the rebellion – it's like a visual symphony that speaks to the soul.
Interviewer: Great taste. Alright, any dark secrets you're willing to share?
Ro: Well, my songwriting gets pretty personal. It's a cathartic release, and sometimes, the lyrics reveal more about me than I might openly admit.
Interviewer: I'll have to start listening to your lyrics more intently it seems. Ok Ro, on a lighter note, what's your best physical feature?
Ro: Just one... I really like my freckles I think they enhance all my other features, and they look great on camera. *flashes a toothy grin*
Interviewer: *clears throat* Uh yes they really, um nice... *looks down at notecards* Right, and what's your least favorite physical feature?
Ro: I honestly don't have one... Not to sound conceited but I wouldn't change one damn thing.
Interviewer: Ah yes, I figured you'd say something like that. Lastly, how would you describe being in love in more detail?
Ro: It's like a collaboration. Sharing life with someone who knows all the reasons behind every lyric. It's a wild, unpredictable, and beautiful ride – much like the Rebel Rejects' journey. Beyond all of that it just feels right like you couldn't imagine such an endeavor with anyone else. *looks interviewer dead in the eye* Not that I've ever been in love.
Interviewer: Mhm, beautifully put Ro. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and giving us a deeper look into your world. Can't wait to see what the future holds for you and the Rebel Rejects!
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nighttimeebony · 1 year
Promare has recently consumed my life, so have some Promare character headcanons.
I think that Galo and Lio were actually born in the same year, with Lio only being a couple months older. They're both in their early twenties. Like, very early twenties. Just barely out of high school kind of early.
Galo and Lio are both orphans. Lio has been on the run since his Burnish awakening as a kid. He doesn't remember it very well, but he does remember his parents were wealthy, and impressed upon him the importance of appearances and propriety. He knows his parents died, but he doesn't remember the details of it. Since Lio went off the grid so young, he never got much in the way of a formal education. Lio is sharply intelligent, but he always draws a blank at school-related knowledge like math, history, science, etc. That sort of stuff is actually pretty boring to him. Lio does like to read, though, and has a surprisingly expansive vocabulary given his lack of a formal education.
Galo was raised in the foster system. He doesn't know what happened to his parents, but he never really cared to figure out. It was never something that really mattered to him. He was happy enough with his various foster families, and was lucky enough to have pretty good foster families all things considered. But all this does mean that Galo never really had much in the way of family. Galo also has a couple of learning disabilities, like ADHD and dyslexia, which made school more than a bit of a nightmare for him. He was held back a year in school before inevitably dropping out. Not too long after that, he entered into the firefighting academy, where Kray promptly placed him in Burning Rescue, despite having next to no former experience and very little training. By the time we see him in the movie, he's been working with Burning Rescue for a little under a year. He's the youngest member of Burning Rescue, with Lucia being only a year older than him, and Aina being two years older than him.
Galo and Lio are both hopeless in all areas of pop culture knowledge.
Lio is pansexual while Galo is gay.
Aina and Heris lost their parents when they were in their teens. Heris is about 7 years older than Aina, so when their parents passed away while Aina was still in high school, Heris stepped up to take care of her. They're the two most important people in the world to each other, as well as the only family they have left, so they cling to each other like no one else. Heris especially clings to Aina more than Aina clings to Heris. Aina was able to find family in Burning Rescue while Aina is all that Heris has left, and she would happily watch the world burn if it meant that she could still have Aina at the end of it all. There is a bit of a codependency issue between the two of them, an issue that Aina is slowly but surely growing out of, due to finding love and support in the other Burning Rescue members.
Aina was definitely a troubled, rebellious teenager. She listens to grunge and rock music and got into plenty of fistfights during her time in school. You cannot tell me this girl didn't have a punk phase in highschool. She gives Galo shit for not knowing when to hold his tongue, but she has just as much of a problem with talking back to authority figures if she thinks something is wrong.
Lucia has experience in coding and has a degree in engineering.
Remi is definitely a vegan. He's also half Malaysian, as well as trilingual. Galo calls him "blind" to tease him for how bad his vision is without his glasses.
Varys grew up in a big family with a small army of younger siblings that he helped his parents take care of. He's a seasoned caretaker, and by far the best babysitter. He's also an amazing cook.
Lio loves spicy food and could probably bite into a ghost pepper without breaking a sweat, while Galo has an almost pitiably weak heat tolerance and can barely stand too much pepper in his eggs.
Meis and Gueira are in their early thirties. They met up with Lio a couple years before the events of the movie, and Meis and Gueira have been with each other for basically their whole lives.
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lordkingsmith · 10 months
Billy Cranston canon and au children, adopted and otherwise.
WOW they tried hard to get this character paired up with a girl. There are so many potential girls. If I miss one please let me know. I’m adding adoption because we know while Minh is his co-ward by way of Zack…they basically adopted her. She’s basically their adopted kid.
Canon children of Billy Cranston:
Minh Kwan. Aged about late teens, probably seventeen at most. She still is legally taken care of by Billy and Zack after all. Minh is the orphaned daughter of Trini that Billy and Zack co-parent. He and her definitely seem to have a lot healthier relationship after the movie. She’s a yellow ranger, like her mother. Technically I should put her name Kwan then middle name then Minh but I don’t think her middle name’s been revealed? And when I find out Trini’s I’ll fix that as well
Alternate reality children of Billy Cranston:
Marge (last name unknown);
Marge and Billy were the two smartest people in their school, and Marge asked him out to one of the school dances. They were both sent to the dark dimension when a monster, Madame Woe, mistook Marge as a power ranger. After, Billy continued seeing her because he felt bad. They ended up with a son, Jordan Cranston. Seventeen. His parents are separated and he doesn’t see Billy. Terrified to tell his mom he’s gay. His entire life is plotted for him, and while he’s brilliant he’s feeling a little bit….stifled. He’s been spending time with the punks of his high school and might be falling hard for a red ranger. Which is illogical because he’s never even seen his face. Jordan sells answers and helps people cheat. Not because he needs to, but it’s the only way he knows how to rock his life off the carefully plotted course it’s on. Easier said than done.
Violet Arias;
Violet was Billy’s high school art class partner. She was another one of the smartest kids in their school, and was very kind. Although they fell out of contact for a few years, they interned at the same company, and reconnected. One thing led to another, and they have two kids, a house, and a very friendly relationship. They decided not to get divorced until both of their daughters, Indigo and Lavender, were eighteen. They’re still good friends so it’s not like it’s a super big deal, after they talked it out.
Lavender, aged 16, has brought her girlfriend over on more than one occasion. The only big problem was the fact the girlfriend is a vampire. Billy and Violet had to, on top of comprehensive sex education, subject the two to comprehensive blood sharing education. Lavender is a vegan and very artistic. She’s fascinated by Rita and her putties, to the panic of her parents. Lavender is honor roll, A+ type student. She’s preppier by far than her younger sister. Constantly doing things on purpose to make Indigo leave her room. Such as turning off the electricity when she knows Indigo needs to get out and has saved her stuff. Aka big sister notices little sister js doomscrolling and does something about it. Lavender is not associated with a color.
Indigo is fourteen. She’s figuring herself out. She’s too smart for her own good, and is very hacker punk. More rebellious than her sister, and likes thinking she’s smarter than her dad. Billy is constantly left a bit flabbergasted at the audacity of his tiny child. Everyone who knows them considers this hilarious. She’s just like him, down to the glasses. Indigo wants to hack into the morphing grid however, and that’s a bit concerning. Indigo when she gets older will be a yellow ranger. A very very snarky yellow ranger.
Laura (last name unknown);
Laura and Kimberly were both scoutmasters for their Angelette troop (power rangers version of girl scouts). Billy was hoping to get data on a rare solar storm, and he and Laura began flirting. Billy and Laura got together, and then shortly after a kid, got divorced amicably. Turns out, Laura and Kim were a better fit in this reality, as well. Laura and Billy's single kid is William Cranston, aged 24. He wants to be a weather man and is going to school for it. Being a meteorologist has been his dream since forever. He's a green zeo ranger. He gets on fine with Billy, who never remarried, and his step mom of Kim, who adores him. Mild mannered, but he's not the kind of person to forgive easily. once he's been wronged in a way that would completely break his trust, that's it. He's done. It makes it difficult given an ex is also a teammate. Billy's a great source of advice for William, and very helpful in William's career. He's always offering ways to balance his civilian life and his work life, and gadgets to make his work life easier. Doesn't always work, but it's appreciated. Kim is also helpful in William's life, and he enjoys going on hikes and things with her. He appreciates his mom and Kim sat him down and asked permission once they were ready to properly date. It meant a lot. Of course the answer was yes, and he considers his step mom as a good friend. William's considering he might maybe be a little bit bi. for a villain. which...well. weirder things have happened to him.
Solaro Cranston is 25, and a very unusual hybrid. the Aquitarans were unsure if this could even be a thing, but Cestria (later realizing he was more of a Cestrio) and Billy decided to see anyway. Surprisingly, human and Aquitaran genetics are compatible. Solaro has some Aquiraran features, such as the face spotting, and needs to stay hydrated, but he's more human than Aquitaran. He spends his summers on earth however, with Billy, who is an interplanetary dilplomat with his now fully transitioned husband. Solaro is not associated with a color, but he is good friends with the legacy rangers. He's never been chosen by a color, but doesn't feel left out. Almost as smart as his parents, but like Cestrio he wants to be a healer in some form. Is working on getting into medical school. Billy is super proud of him. He and Cestrio are also considering a second child, but via other means, and Solaro is slightly weirded out by this but is overall supportive of his parents. Often gossips with Minh when he sees her. He quickly adopted her as adorable little sister.
Trini Kwan;
Minh, in this reality, Billy is the unnamed father. Minh and a younger brother, aged 10. Hao and Minh go to live with Zack after Billy inadvertently gets their mother-his wife-killed. as of course, he tells them the truth. Even after, they don't forgive him, but Minh does somewhat reconcile. Hao, however, needs time. Nobody blames the kids for not being able to forgive, least of all Billy.
Kimberly Hart;
Kimberly and Billy made a pact in early highschool if both of them were single by the time they were thirty, they'd get together. Incredibly, this happened. They have one son, Waylon Cranston. Aged 18. Waylon is a blue ranger and a gymnast. Not interested in romance or a lot of friendships, he's more goal oriented, and that means he's got a forty four step plan on becoming a gold medalist and the youngest geneticist in the world. For his own good, Billy actually suggested he see if Mighty Morphin Blue or Pink or...any color...work. Blue likes him. Waylon hates this but it's getting him out of his head and forcing him to learn how to be a team player. Still not interested in romance, but hey, nothing wrong with that. All Billy and Kim are happy over is that he's talking to people.
Zack Taylor;
They adopted Minh together basically. But in an alternate reality they got married and have two adopted kids, Harlow, aged 19, Selena, aged 17, and one kid by surrogate, Dylan, aged 9.
Harlow was adopted by Zack and Billy when he was seven, and is the first kid they adopted. He and the senator bonded over a shared love of music, and breakdancing. He bonded with Billy a little bit later over Billy mentioning that like Harlow, he used to have a fear of fish and water, and it was fine feeling irrational fear. Harlow tries really hard to make both his dads proud. He's got a lot of pressure he puts on himself. He's a perfectionist. Everything has to be perfect all the time. Billy's the first to try to get him to see the beauty in sometimes things just...not...being...perfect, and it's okay if he's not immediately good at things. Tommy Oliver is his favorite honorary uncle, and is a huge help with how he feels and living in a family. Is the blue ranger, alongside Selena, who is the orange ranger (there is no pink on their team).
Dylan was born a couple years before Selena was adopted. rambunctious kid. Gives his dads a heart attack all the time. His mom was Aisha, and his dad was Billy. There were long talks about it, but it was actually decided by a coin flip because Aisha could see they were psyching themselves out, and were going to talk themselves out of a choice they very much wanted. So she took charge for them. They love Dylan, and Dylan loves his dads, and his brother, and his sister. He likes music and playing pirates. He's one of the smartest kids in his grade school class, but Billy and Zack want him to make friends, so he's not allowed to jump a year. He does get supplemental lessons by both of them, though, so he doesn't stop being curious. Not associated with a color.
Selena has a lot of self doubt about being in this family, and doesn't get why Billy and Zack keep going to bat for her. They go to bat for her because they see in her a lot of themselves, and a lot of Tommy. She's a cheerleader at their school, and does baby sitting as a side job. She struggles to feel worthy of being the orange ranger, but she likes her new brothers, and she likes her dads, and she likes being able to show some of how grateful she feels back to them.
In a small variation, Minh would come live with all three of them as their sister and yellow ranger.
Jason Lee Scott;
Jason and Billy weren't actually expecting to get together; this kind of just. Happened. Jason's dad disinherited him, and Billy's parents welcomed Jason in with open arms. They've been together since Jason came back and became a scuba instructor. Billy became a science professor, Jason is still a scuba instructor. They have two kids, one adopted and one was a magic spell turned oopsie baby. Jackson is adopted, but not human. He's a Xybrian who ended up on earth after a freak accident with his parent's ship. He's purple haired, and Billy and Jason offered to take him in until a good Xybrian option could be found. No better options were found. He's 27 but still going to school as lifespans of Xybrians are far far longer than humans. He halves his time. school year is on Xybria, breaks are on earth. Extremely protective of little brother Zachary, who is seventeen. He does find it a bit of a whiplash, going from non psychic society to planet full of them, but he's adaptable. Is interested in becoming a cartographer. while associated with purple, he's not interested in being a ranger as of right now.
Zachary was intended to be something entirely different than what he is. Vile created the perfect copies of Billy and Jason's strengths and combined them. Unfortunately, this was what they themselves considered their strengths. Billy's intelligence of course, but his sense of fashion as well. Jason's fighing skills yes, but also his adaptability, and his sense of humor. Vile deemed this a failure, but instead of a spell destroying the young man, he got turned into a baby due to quick thinking from Zack and Rocky. Billy and Jason figured since he existed, they'd just raise him. He's fairly well adjusted, excitable, and really passionate. A little bit of a himbo, a little bit too smart for his own good too. not associated with any color. He was named Zachary Rocky Scott in honor of the two who managed to keep him alive.
Tommy Oliver;
After surviving the world of the coinless together, the two got very close. Tommy was the first person Billy came out to, Billy was the first guy Tommy went all the way with. They have one daughter. Her name is Amanda Oliver. Aged 19. Amanda is adopted, and completely spoiled by her dads. She wants for nothing, and she loves them back deeply. She's a karate instructor, and a power ranger mentor. She's got a really open relationship with her parents, and trusts them to trust her, and they do. A little bit of a heartbreaker, finds it difficult to lie, loves science and kids.
Eugene Skullovitch;
After being best friends as kids, then not, then sort of friends, then maybe more...they have two kids. Charlie Cranston, aged twenty two, and Oscar "Skid" Cranston, aged twenty. Charlie and Oscar are both via a science experiment, where Billy combined his and Eugene's genetic codes in a randomizer, to see if anything would happen that was viable as a sperm and egg equivalent. Yes, he got permission for this from Eugene. He sold the patent, and lives happily with his and Eugene's kids. Charlie is a blue solar ranger. She has been since she was seventeen. Billy didn't know at first and when he found out....he grounded her for not telling him. Then came back thirty minutes later, apologized, ungrounded her, and told her to be careful. Eugene doesn't get it as much but he's trying, he really is. He worries more than Billy, though Billy does often find himself staring up at the stars on late nights with tea in his hand, knots in his stomach and hoping he sees his daughter for Christmas. It's different, somehow, when they're in space and not in town.
Oscar is friends with a Bulkmeier, of course. He's the family "problem child", in a general sense. The prankster, and he's super smart. He is mild enough nobody really thinks he's as smartass and clever as he is. His entire motivation is cause as much chaos as possible. He used to prank his sister once a month until she left, and he's the one who let slip she's a power ranger because she was thrown through a building in front of him. She didn't know he knew, and he's been apologizing since via no more pranks, and gifts. so many gifts. Her favorite foods, updates on her favorite bands, jewelry she'd like. He doesn't have to but he feels bad. This was the closest they ever got to the family splintering. Trini, Zack, and Jason do their best to help the three deal with Charlie in space. Oscar works as a janitor, isn't really interested in dealing with school or anything. He likes doing his hobbies while having a stable job.
variation; they get together when he helps Skull with his newborn son. Spike takes care of his little siblings, and helped Oscar get his nickname and his current job. Billy is eternally caring to his adopted kid, and does the best he can by Spike.
variation 2; Charlie becomes Charlie from A Team. This time, Billy DOES ground her. she never hears the end of it
Matthew Cook;
When Billy loses his ranger status and goes to work for Grace, Matt is also there as the green ranger. Billy keeps his distance for a while; the guy is more or less a massive dick. Especially over something that wasn’t Billy’s fault. Billy’s also not taking pot shots at his friends or Zordon over it with Matt. They start dating after the War, and Matt’s final betrayal. More because he finally wore Billy down, but Billy had a good time hanging out with him again. And then both of them had the rude realization at the same time of “I am attracted to this man-fuck he noticed-oh he’s into it” which snowballed. They adopted one kid, and had another via help from alien technology mixed with a little magic. Nora, aged 26, is a professional hockey player. Matt decided he was going to support her sport even if it wasn’t his sport. Billy quickly developed a love of baseball at one of her events when she was little. Mostly because this game is ridiculous. Though he does worry about her on the ice. A lot. They adopted her when she was five, and she’s loud and enthusiastic and very rarely is she ever sad or genuinely upset. Her opinion on things is mostly “be friendly at it or challenge it to a fight” and generally speaking the options work enough she’s never needed to figure out other plans of action. She met her wife during a game. She’s from an opposing team. Nora gave her a concussion; she knocked Nora’s front teeth out. This was par for the course and they bonded in hospital. Billy’s still trying to figure out HOW. Matt thinks it’s hilarious. Is the green dragon ranger. She is legitimately feared by most and can solve most problems without suiting up. The threat is enough.
Their other child is Abner. He’s socially transitioning, he’s 18. He wants to be a writer. He and his sister have a very loving if slightly antagonistic relationship. When Abner came out to her, Nora’s response was “well now you don’t need to steal my clothes. Give them back” which lead to an argument but not the one Abner was expecting. They negotiated the clothing situation. Abner’s not giving back a pair of boots; they look way too good on him. Matt and Billy both support him. Matt sometimes slips up with name, however he’s quick to correct himself. Billy helped Abner choose his name, and was the first person he came out to. Abner is a little self conscious about his looks, and about his public image. More in regards to if he’s going to make his family look bad. Like Matt he tends to brood and focus on negative details way too much. Like Billy he tends to strive for perfection and his vocabulary makes it hard for people to understand him.
if I missed any of the many many love interests/head cannoned/forced romantic possibles, please let me know! I will add them as I see them
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writernotyetauthor · 1 year
I so excited for your CanLiet Scott Pilgrim vs the world au idea
I who love to read that fanfic, omg i so excited
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So my AU idea—
It’s not a 1:1 comparison of the story/characters for obvious reasons 🫥 spvtw has got its own issues but AnYwAy:
Our boy Matthew takes the place of Scott Pilgrim as he attempts to win the heart of Ramona Flowers *cough cough I mean* Tolys! And by defeating his seven evil exes. The ideas for the exes are as follows (some I’m more certain of than others):
Eduard: kinda iffy on this one, but I could see him fighting with the nyos as a tie in to the “demon hipster chicks”.
ALFRED: need I say more? American movie star slash skating star played in the movie by Chris evans of Captain America fame???? Match made in heaven.
Feliks: so this one gets interesting. Tolys and Feliks are exes, but who is the singer of The Clash at Demonhead? The ex of Matthew and current gf of Tolys ex #3? I think Ukraine. The vegan (or whatever else gives Feliks his special powers) police are Czechia and Slovakia.
Natalya: “You had a straight phase?” I think we’d all prefer this battle to play out like in the comics instead of… what happened in the movies 😬. But I also think she would totally rock Roxanne’s outfit!
Lovino & Feliciano: So these two I feel like is the biggest stretch, esp since I’ve never really seen any feli/ tolys stuff but dangit I needed another pair of siblings Tolys has some connection to and I’m starting to run out 😭. When it comes to the battle of the bands, I keep imagining some kind of Måneskin thing for them & I think that’s be sick.
Ivan: 🥲🥲🥲
When it comes to ideas for a Knives Chau-ish character (bc euugh Scott why) the ppl who came to mind were either like, Ludwig or Gilbert. Who are in college at least. I’d be leaning towards Gilbert because of the prucan precedent and because of Tolys and Gilbert already having somewhat of a rivalry. He’d be some kind of international grad student or something.
For other characters I…. Havent thought about as much 😅. Sex Bo-Bomb would probably consist of a bunch of Matthew’s friends/exes who haven’t already been giving roles.
If I were to develop this more, I think it could be cool to expand on the music aspect of it, esp with alternative punk/rock/whateva music from the different countries. My knowledge of that is kinda limited but I’d love to learn more about it!
So yeah! That’s the bulk of my idea. Ya mentioned reading it as a fanfic but I think it could work as a real fun hetagame too! If I wasn’t bogged down with other projects & hetagame ideas I’d make it mself. Until then imma keep rolling it around in my brain and maybe draw Tolys with a bunch of different hair colors.
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Moby’s Punk Rock Vegan Movie!
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fecostaintermidiart · 2 years
Punk Rock Vegan Movie é um documentário de longa-metragem escrito e dirigido (e filmado e marcado) por Moby. Ele analisa a surpreendente história do punk rock e do ativismo pelos direitos dos animais, apresenta entrevistas com dezenas de lendas do punk rock e também participações especiais de Bagel, o cachorro, o diabo e uma sala de reuniões de demônios. É a esperança do cineasta e dos produtores que ninguém pague para ver este filme, pois é um trabalho de amor e ativismo. Todos os direitos aos seus respectivos donos. Link para a licença pública: https://www.punkrockveganmovie.com/legal
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Punk Rock Vegan Movie (2023) from Little Walnut on Vimeo.
Punk Rock Vegan Movie is a feature-length documentary written and directed (and shot and scored) by Moby. It looks at the surprising history of punk rock and animal rights activism, features interviews with dozens of punk rock legends, and also cameos from Bagel the dog, the devil, and a boardroom of demons.
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henryskene · 2 years
Punk Rock Vegan Movie | 2023
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rockplaylists · 1 month
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sage jarious kelly is known as the emo boy backstage at wwe. he is 26 years old and a valet for cm punk and resides in red bank, new jersey. he has an obsession with shopping at hot topic stores to this day despite his parents hopes for this to be just a phase. the person that got him into wrestling is his older sister and younger brother which all started because of an undertaker action figure.
“ note to self; if you feel unwanted or like an outcast, remember that you are like fries at the bottom of the bag; unnoticed at first, but eventually someone is going to love to see you!   “
+  flirtatious, playful, wisecracking - sarcastic, defiant, devious
👍  marijuana, rock music, getting tattooed, collecting several different stuffed animals then naming them after his favorite band members, vegan dinosaur chicken nuggets, doing his makeup, watching horror movies, coloring with crayon in coloring books, pirates, rob zombie and lava lamps. 👎 being exploited and objectified, being alone, people trying to comfort him, losing credibility, overly religious people, corrupted police officers, and being forced to share his feelings.
priscilla kelly - when they first reunited after sage ranaway from home, priscilla was holding on to a lot of resentment towards her brother for basically making her get stuck with their parents after they got a divorce. following the divorce, their mother reportedly started drinking and had displayed erratic behavior, and distanced herself from the family and their father was getting thrown in jail on a regular basis. along with the fear of child protective services knocking on the door, threatening to take their youngest brother away due to their parents' irresponsible behavior, which was all things that she can't even imagine exactly how she had made it on her own without the help from sage. however, within some time they were bonding as siblings again and were able to build a close relationship with each other, closer than the one that sage has with his younger brother. priscilla always confides in sage whenever she has a problem, she turns to him whenever she needs advice on raising their brother, or even for more general type of things as well.
phil brooks - phil is a close friend of sage. initially, sage began to develop a sexual attraction to phil immediately after they were both called inside of the boss's office to explain how sage was going to be phil's valet from now on. sage had then begun to flirt with and even proposition phil, much to the latter's annoyance and even throws dismissive expletives at him. although it seems, after their initial meeting, they were off to a bad start, their relationship had greatly improved. phil is now genuinely caring about sage, and wants to protect him from harm. phil also sees when sage is being fake with him, and he tries to get through his "act", phil describes it on multiple occasions, which makes sage feel uncomfortable any time that he does call him out for it.
damon williams - damon is sage's former boyfriend that basically had a hand in helping sage runaway from home. while sage is really appreciative of what damon has done for him, he is also rather intimidated being around this man no matter the cause and is physically uncomfortable in his presence, even back when he was working for him before finding a way out, and deep down has strong hatred towards him. it isn't that hard to believe either considering the fact that damon would try to simultaneously sweet talk sage by calling him his baby and asking him to come back home to him, then switch to verbally abusing him and threatening to kill sage and his family.
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chrisryanspeaks · 4 months
Moby Releases 'where is your pride?' Video Tribute to Benjamin Zephaniah, Announces New Album and European Tour
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Renowned New York City-based electronic musician, producer, and activist Moby has released the official video for his latest single "where is your pride?" featuring the late Benjamin Zephaniah. Endorsed by Zephaniah’s family, the video pays homage to his impactful legacy. The track, from Moby's forthcoming 22nd studio album always centered at night, is a spoken word piece driven by break-beat rhythms, where Zephaniah's distinctively warm voice powerfully delivers introspective queries on human values. The album, set for release on June 14 and available for pre-order now, promises to be exceptional with its diverse collaborations. always centered at night highlights Moby’s eclectic taste and knack for collaboration, featuring 13 artists ranging from the well-known to emerging talents. Notable contributors include Sudanese, Netherlands-based singer Gaidaa, Burundian refugee and London-based J.P. Bimeni, and Aynzli Jones from Kingston, now based in London. The album, conceived during twilight hours, blends various styles from three decades of electronic music, showcasing Moby's evolution in sound. Tracks like the trip-hop "we’re going wrong" featuring Brie O’Banion, the drum ��n’ bass-infused "medusa" with Aynzli Jones, and the Latin house "feelings come undone" with Raquel Rodriguez, underline the album's broad sonic scope. Check it out below: In addition to his musical ventures, Moby is preparing for his first European/UK tour in over a decade to celebrate his seminal album Play, which remains the best-selling electronic album ever. With a portion of the tour already sold out, and profits dedicated to European animal rights groups, this tour marks a significant return to live performances for Moby. Moby's career spans multiple facets of the entertainment and activism worlds. He's not only a celebrated musician but also a passionate animal rights advocate and a pioneering figure in veganism. His recent foray into filmmaking with the Punk Rock Vegan Movie explores the intersection of punk rock culture and animal rights, further showcasing his diverse talents and commitments. Moby's Greatest Hits Live in Europe/UK Celebrating 25 Years of Play September 2024 September 18 - Manchester, England - The O2 Apollo (JUST ADDED) September 19 - London, England - The O2 September 21 - Antwerp, Belgium - Sportpaleis (SOLD OUT) September 22 - Berlin, Germany - Velodrom (SOLD OUT) September 23 - Düsseldorf, Germany - Mitsubishi Electric Hall September 24 - Paris, France - Le Zenith (SOLD OUT) September 25 - Lausanne, Switzerland - Vaudoise Arena (JUST ADDED) Read the full article
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audiofuzz · 4 months
Moby Releases 'where is your pride?' Video Tribute to Benjamin Zephaniah, Announces New Album and European Tour
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Renowned New York City-based electronic musician, producer, and activist Moby has released the official video for his latest single "where is your pride?" featuring the late Benjamin Zephaniah. Endorsed by Zephaniah’s family, the video pays homage to his impactful legacy. The track, from Moby's forthcoming 22nd studio album always centered at night, is a spoken word piece driven by break-beat rhythms, where Zephaniah's distinctively warm voice powerfully delivers introspective queries on human values. The album, set for release on June 14 and available for pre-order now, promises to be exceptional with its diverse collaborations. always centered at night highlights Moby’s eclectic taste and knack for collaboration, featuring 13 artists ranging from the well-known to emerging talents. Notable contributors include Sudanese, Netherlands-based singer Gaidaa, Burundian refugee and London-based J.P. Bimeni, and Aynzli Jones from Kingston, now based in London. The album, conceived during twilight hours, blends various styles from three decades of electronic music, showcasing Moby's evolution in sound. Tracks like the trip-hop "we’re going wrong" featuring Brie O’Banion, the drum ‘n’ bass-infused "medusa" with Aynzli Jones, and the Latin house "feelings come undone" with Raquel Rodriguez, underline the album's broad sonic scope. Check it out below: In addition to his musical ventures, Moby is preparing for his first European/UK tour in over a decade to celebrate his seminal album Play, which remains the best-selling electronic album ever. With a portion of the tour already sold out, and profits dedicated to European animal rights groups, this tour marks a significant return to live performances for Moby. Moby's career spans multiple facets of the entertainment and activism worlds. He's not only a celebrated musician but also a passionate animal rights advocate and a pioneering figure in veganism. His recent foray into filmmaking with the Punk Rock Vegan Movie explores the intersection of punk rock culture and animal rights, further showcasing his diverse talents and commitments. Moby's Greatest Hits Live in Europe/UK Celebrating 25 Years of Play September 2024 September 18 - Manchester, England - The O2 Apollo (JUST ADDED) September 19 - London, England - The O2 September 21 - Antwerp, Belgium - Sportpaleis (SOLD OUT) September 22 - Berlin, Germany - Velodrom (SOLD OUT) September 23 - Düsseldorf, Germany - Mitsubishi Electric Hall September 24 - Paris, France - Le Zenith (SOLD OUT) September 25 - Lausanne, Switzerland - Vaudoise Arena (JUST ADDED) Read the full article
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dhampiravidi · 6 months
my muses' favorite things...
Food - peach ice cream & herb-crusted fish
Drink - hot coffee mixed with chocolate OR sangria
Colour - gold & where deep blue meets violet
Season - spring/summer
Scent - lavender
Instrument - violin
Time of Day - late morning
Item - anthology of fiction from her childhood
Movie - Iron Man
Food - Moroccan-style tagine (stew w/lamb, dried fruit, spices)
Drink - pretty much any fruit juice made fancy (like mimosas)
Color - periwinkle/lavender (like her/her mom's eyes)
Season - summer
Scent - fresh flowers
Music - harp OR anything by Shakira
Time of Day - late morning
Item - her sword(s) OR a worn fantasy romance paperback
Movie - The Princess Bride
Food - banana pancakes OR spanakopita
Drink - he just wants gin, a frappuccino, an Italian soda or water
Color - sea green
Season - summer
Scent - the sea
Music - pop (like Britney Spears) & rock (like Nickelback)
Time of Day - noon
Item - a pair of earrings that his mom bought him
Movie - Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith
Food - Japanese food (sushi, curry rice, mochi)
Drink - peppermint tea
Color - bubblegum pink
Season - spring
Scent - citrus
Music - classical (piano)
Time of Day - noon
Item - her dad’s necklace (Wayland ring on a leather cord)
Movie - A Bug’s Life (her dad took her to see it when she was little)
Food - beef pot pie (potatoes, peas, carrots) OR blueberry muffins
Drink - something w/cinnamon (rum/horchata) OR Bai Mu Dan tea
Color - forest green
Season - spring & autumn
Scent - cinnamon OR fresh pastry
Music - low woodwinds & chanting
Time of Day - morning
Item - a Jotnar song her parent taught her
Movie - the LOTR trilogy + Good Will Hunting
Food - dolmades (Greek stuffed grape leaves), pizettes (Italian chocolate cookies w/almonds & cinnamon)
Drink - paloma (tequila, lime juice, grapefruit soda) or mojito (white rum, sugar, lime juice, soda water & mint); peach green tea
Color - N/A, though she wears a lot of blue & white
Season - any time that isn't cold
Scent - vanilla
Music - Euopop, modern rock, anything worth dancing to
Time of Day - just after sundown
Item - the knife her mom gave her
Movie - Jumping the Broom OR Disney's Hercules
Food - Thai coconut chicken soup OR Bûche de Noël [Yule Log]
Drink - Kahlua & Chai OR Chai Tea Latte
Color - orange
Season - winter
Scent - whatever her lover & her kid smell like
Music - 90s pop (mostly dance songs)
Time of Day - early morning
Item - picture of herself & a bunch of the X-Men outside
Movie - Love Actually
Food - garlic noodles (also she's a vegan, just sayin')
Drink - bourbon OR green tea (either w/honey)
Color - ballet pink OR white
Season - spring (no solstices & few cold breezes)
Scent - the sea
Music - punk-pop (especially acoustic covers)
Time of Day - early afternoon
Item - magic locket (allows for multidimensional comm w/father)
Movie - The Prestige
Food - chicken vindaloo
Drink - simple stuff. Latte. Tom Collins. CBD oil ;)
Color - jade green & gold
Season - summer
Scent - dewy grass, hot cocoa, woodsy cologne
Music - classic rock (especially The Rolling Stones)
Time of Day - early evening
Item - her wand OR a souvenir scarf from Nigeria
Movie - Die Hard OR Waiting to Exhale
Food - Jogan fruit OR a simple Chinese-style stir fry (vegetarian)
Drink - doesn’t like alcohol; Royal English Breakfast Tea (w/milk)
Color - the electric blue of a holobook
Season - autumn
Scent - trees & forests in general
Music - acoustic covers & R&B
Time of Day - middle of the night
Item - her late master, Maglos Nerot's, yellow lightsaber
Movie - historical documentaries (w/o reenactments)
Food - carbonara (pasta)
Drink - hates alcohol; Arnold Palmer (tea & lemonade)
Color - maroon
Season - spring
Scent - dewy grass
Music - R&B + 00s pop
Time of Day - late morning
Item - she can't pick (isn't materialistic anyway)
Movie - The Bodyguard OR Legends of the Fall
Food - chicken mole enchiladas OR falafel
Drink - Hurricane (3x rum, grenadine, OJ, simple syrup) OR a vaguely fruity thing infused w/some caffeine
Color - hot pink
Season - autumn
Scent - cocoa butter
Music - 90s rap & modern alt (Hozier)
Time of Day - noon
Item - her mace
Movie - The Equalizer OR Rush Hour
Mu Lan
Food - nkwobi (spicy Nigerian stew w/cow foot & fish stock)
Drink - ginger beer (doesn't like drinking often)
Color - crimson
Season - spring
Scent - ginger
Music - violin OR indie folk (The Civil Wars, The Lumineers...)
Time of Day - late morning
Item - petals that she preserves in her books
Movie - Miss Congeniality
Food - steak (medium) frites
Drink - sidecar cocktail (cognac, orange liqueur, lemon juice)
Color - maroon
Season - summer
Scent - apple pie
Music - 80s pop music
Time of Day - noon
Item - her black trenchcoat (which she sometimes wears as M)
Movie - The Mummy
Food - pretty much anything French that's 4-star quality
Drink - White Russian (vodka, coffee liqueur & cream)
Color - white, sometimes silver
Season - winter
Scent - roses
Music - rap (in French, obviously)
Time of Day - nighttime
Item - a picture Evan (his adopted son/nephew) painted for him
Movie - Casablanca OR Atomic Blonde
Renée Michele
Food - her dad's étouffée OR her mom's lotus root pork bone soup
Drink - vodka & blue raspberry Jello shots OR caramel macchiato
Color - neon colors, typically purple
Season - summer (partly for the thunderstorms)
Scent - chocolate
Music - pop-punk & grunge
Time of Day - noon
Item - her eyes
Movie - Bullet Train
Rhea Livia
Food - cheeseburger w/onions & tomato OR pork broth ramen
Drink - Baya Energy Mango Guava (premade)
Color - electric blue
Season - summer
Scent - chamomile
Music - modern/10s pop
Time of Day - noon
Item - her skateboard
Movie - Scary Movie
Food: best described as fish resembling salmon
Drink: Faerie wine (newer the better)
Colour: black, though he says red
Season: summer
Scent: vanilla
Music: 90s pop (he’s been to mundane clubs)
Time of Day: sunset
Item: scarf gifted to him when he was twelve
Movie: Good Luck to You, Leo Grande or Moulin Rouge
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wildlife-film · 1 year
Punk Rock Vegan Movie
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The musician’s new documentary, Punk Rock Vegan Movie, shines a light on a hidden history of the animal-rights movement.
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