fondlepunch · 1 year
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Punk.EXE 🤘🤖
This dude rules. On my recent play through, I spent 30 minutes trying to S Rank this guy over, and over again for his chip, only to remember that he doesn’t have one! WHOOPS!
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scenegraph · 1 year
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one part evil, three-fifths blind. another chapter rolls in on ao3!
yaaaaaaaay it's a chapterart batch now my tomorrow consists of
1 grocery 2 smp rockman
and a tomorrow that is only two items long is a tomorrow that can be 100%'d
exactly one (1) bonus doodle under cut~
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he was having a completely normal and respectable meltdown until u showed up
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sentient-rift · 6 months
About Punk.EXE
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Name: Punk.EXE (Punk)
Operator: Mr. Famous
Element: None
Gender: Male
Abilities: Mad Roller, Wave Mad Roller, Shield and Chain, Punk Chain, Double Go Round.
Background: Mr. Famous' second, yet favorite Net Navi. He's a powerful fighter who, despite his gangster like appearance and speech, has a soft and fuzzy center deep down.
Upon hearing about the Multiverse War from Dr. Hikari, Mr. Famous wanted to lend a hand. However, his busy schedule prevented him to help directly, so he decided to send his best Navi over to become Lan's new Link Navi.
Punk is known for his outgoing personality. Despite having an appearance that would make someone believe he's unapproachable, his personality is the complete opposite. He's very encouraging, even to the Navi's who aren't the strongest, and always looks out for the little guy. Ironic for a guy named "Punk."
The red Navi formed a great friendship with GutsMan and BurnerMan, who are his best training buddies. Whenever he's looking for a good battle and MegeMan is too busy, he always goes to those two, who usually accepts.
Punk, ironic as it sounds, is always a good sport, whether he wins or loses a Net Battle. In fact, according to him, there's no losing in Net Battles; You either win, or you learn. Every Net Battle is a learning experience that will help you get stronger.
(Click here to see his introduction.)
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skonksrus · 1 year
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There are 15 days remaining until the Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection is released!
Admittedly not as familiar with Battle Network as I am with the other series (I've only watched some of the anime many a year ago), but I'm looking forward to playing the collection and experiencing the games for the first time. Chose to draw Punk.exe because I think he's a rad dude.
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Kendo witch?
Oriko, the Kendo Witch
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Ok, first of all, judging that you ask for the Kendo, Gate, Punk, and American Football witches. I'm guessing they all align with KendoMan.exe, GateMan.exe, Punk.exe, and GridMan.exe, all characters in Mega Man Battle Network, no? Oriko, the witch of kendo with a mired nature. The witch of a girl forced into kendo by her patriarchal family. She became a witch after realizing she could've wished herself out of kendo instead of just wishing to making her parents proud of her in kendo. This witch fights in a style much like dancing. It'll take a powerful swordsman to strike down this witch. This barrier is a traditional dojo left taking the toll of time.
(@moothebloo helped me well with this witch, such as as the inspiration of the Dancer of the Boreal Valley for this witch. They're a very cool person, check them out!!)
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howldean · 2 years
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ily highlighter boy……………….. anyway made my first chain from can tabs and made it a necklace
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cruxia · 3 years
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Punk.exe for a MMBN collab!
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subzeroiceskater · 4 years
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This is so funny.
Inafune’s love and blatant favoritism for red Sonic the Hedgehog endeared him a lot to me. It gets mentioned no less than three times across two books.
I did a small search for the Mega Man Killers and found there was a trend to just draw Enker and Ballade, leaving out Punk. I mean, not even a shippy sense, which I could get because Enker and Ballade are attractive human style robots and Punk’s this whole giant hulking shape. Which also explains why he’d get drawn less but, man, I’d feel bad for him. 
But who really won out in the end?
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occulthorror-remade · 6 years
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suranet · 5 years
You sad there’s other mernavis where Forte is, who else is there?
some are mer volunteers who are there to help with research, some are mers who are actually employed by the marine center. a few are patients like Forte who got injured, beached on land and temporarily taken in for treatment before they return home.
since i mentioned Meijin working there, i figured at least Gridman.exe, Punk.exe, Gateman.exe, and Kendoman.exe are around as a few of the mernavi employees. (◠△◠)
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askroahmmythril · 2 years
What did you mean by Punk.EXE's battle chip doing more damage than it claimed? The damage amount is inaccurate to what it's listed on the wiki? Or is this perhaps a reason why you could never get his chip, because it was programmed incorrectly?
It's more the fact that it's a multihitting chip, so the damage shown on the chip itself is a bit misleading in that regard. There's also inputs you can do to make it do more I think, plus an item that can enhance it.... Punk is a complicated chip, haha.
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scenegraph · 1 year
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it's a new chapter. oh no! oh noooooooooo
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sentient-rift · 3 months
Battle Network 3
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MetalMan.EXE (Coming Soon)
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occulthorror-remade · 6 years
@envys-eve ty!! i will have fun !!!! :33
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scenegraph · 1 year
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enjoy these out-of-context punks and rockmans and kaitamoms that i bashed out in one day today, prolly i will return to castle ao3 and poast the context tomorrow night after work.
also bonus kaitamom design scribble under the cut!
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me writing asuna ten years ago: “this is a Sensible and Protective Mom, to act as a ~deconstruction~ of haruka’s Quirky and Free-Range Mom.  she has gardening as a character trait because that sounds like a thing moms do.”
me writing asuna now, with this character design: “actually asuna was and is a Rad Mom, she’s just overprotective of kaita because she doesn’t want him doing anything crazy, such as catching wind of what she and turboman used to do on the rally circuit and getting murked following in her footsteps. (she is not nearly as good at watching the bullshit as she is at being in the center of the bullshit.)  she chose to retire and have a kid on her own terms, once she was good and ready, and now channels her competitive energy into winning gardening society awards.  Moms Rock.”
and that’s what we call Growth of the Author.
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scenegraph · 1 year
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oh my, the next chapter appears to be coming tomorrow and to be filled with... carbs?
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