#punkie queen
maypoleman1 · 11 months
30th October
Punkie Night
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Source: Calendar Customs website
On the last Thursday in October, Punkie Night takes place at Hinton Saint George, near Ilminster in Somerset. The local children go begging for candles bearing lanterns made out of manglewurzles, or mangold. The lanterns are of the same design as the Halloween hollowed out turnips or pumpkins, lit up by candles inside, and it is bad luck to turn down the kids’ requests. Unlike their Halloween cousins however, the punkie lanterns are ornately carved and decorated and the proceedings are led by a Punkie King and Punkie Queen who have been judged to have come up with the most impressive lanterns. The origin of the punkie lanterns are alleged to have been as way-finding aids for the drunken men of Hinton returning home from the nearby Chiselborough Fair, put out by their worried wives and girlfriends. This is possible, but it is just as likely the lanterns have the same ancient symbolism as those of Halloween - representations of the heads of the dead, indicating the onset of the dark time of the year at the old Celtic festival of Samhain.
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estrangedandwayward · 2 months
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Modern au
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corruptedcaps · 1 month
Morgan pushed open the creaky door of the thrift store hoping this place would have what she needed. She had already been to 5 other stores looking for the right doll for her bitchy step sister Emma but had come up empty each time. No store had the exact one she knew her sister wanted and she was starting to get frustrated. To her they all looked the same.
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Emma was a collector of dolls and especially of ones that looked like her so naturally she had basically every Barbie you could buy. Emma was the epitome of a spoilt brat who had no time for Morgan and her tomboyish style. Morgan hoped if she could find her some rare doll that maybe she could be on her step sisters good side for once.
As Morgan scanned the shelves of various knick knacks her eyes fell on a peculiar looking doll. Picking it up she found a label on it that said it’s name was Cordelia from a doll line called ‘Slutz’. Morgan would have chuckled at the obvious ‘Bratz’ rip off sounding name if she wasn’t suddenly and inexplicably enamoured with it.
Cordelia was unlike any other doll Morgan had ever seen, embodying a dark, gothic charm with her long, straight black hair cascading over her shoulders. Her attire, a blend of lace, leather, and studs. Cordelia’s pale face, red lips, and big eyes gave her a haunting yet captivating appearance, one that Morgan felt a magnetic pull towards.
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It was certainly nothing Emma would enjoy but in that moment she wasn’t even thinking about her step sister. Morgan weirdly wanted it for herself.
When Morgan got home, she placed Cordelia on her desk, suddenly aware of what an odd thing she had done. She was heading off to college soon, the last thing she should have bought was a childish thing like a doll. Yet, she found herself unable to look away. The doll’s dark eyes seemed to draw her in, beckoning her to stare deeper. As she gazed into those eyes, a whisper echoed in her mind, as if Cordelia was speaking right to her.
"You’re a goth, you’re a queen, you’re a bitch." The words repeated, growing louder and more insistent.
Morgan was couldn’t move, her eyes locked into Cordelia’s. She couldn’t even blink. She wanted to tear herself away but the words persisted, drilling into her consciousness causing her paralysis.
"You’re a goth, you’re a queen, you’re a bitch." The words were in a voice that was hypnotic. Strong yet sexy. The more she heard them the more her body was starting to tingle. It felt good. Her lips moved almost involuntarily as she began to echo the words softly.
"I’m a goth, I’m a queen, I’m a bitch." At first, her voice was tentative, barely a whisper.
As Morgan repeated the mantra, a strange sensation washed over her. Her brown hair tied up into two punky pigtails as one side darkened, transforming into jet-black strands while the other dyed red. Each matching the same hair that adorned Cordelia’s head. Her lips plumped, becoming fuller and more pronounced, their color deepening to a rich, blood red hue.
"I’m a goth, I’m a queen, I’m a bitch." The words now flowed with a newfound anger and rage, resonating within her.
Morgan's tits began to expand, her figure becoming curvier and more voluptuous. Her skin grew pale, almost porcelain-like. Her nails took on a longer look, sharpening to a point, painted as black as her hair. Tattoos flowed over her arms and thighs.
"I’m a goth, I’m a queen, I’m a bitch." She repeated, her voice now dripping with a sultry purr. Her sensible jeans and sweater morphed into fishnets that barely covered anything and a shorter than short black and white skirt. The fabric clung to her newly transformed body, enhancing her curves and highlighting her new, edgy aesthetic.
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She felt her body slowly unfreeze, giving her a chance to escape but she didn’t move. In fact she sat closer to the doll, straightening her back, pushing out her gloriously bigger tits.
"I’m a goth, I’m a queen, I’m a bitch… I’m Cordelia." She declared naturally, absorbing the voice fully into her psyche. The transformation was complete, Morgan was gone. Finally, she broke eye contact with the doll and turned to the mirror.
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"My god, I look… so fucking good.” She murmured, a satisfied smirk playing on her lips. Her mind did not register any of the dramatic changes. To her, she had always been this gothic queen. She had always been Cordelia. In fact there was no evidence around her to convince her otherwise.
Her bedroom, once filled with cozy, nerdy decor, had transformed into a haven of dark elegance. Black lace curtains, gothic art, and dark-colored furniture filled the space, reflecting her new identity perfectly. It all felt natural to her, as if nothing had changed.
Turning back to the doll, the new goth looked at it with disdain. The once gothic doll now appeared as a regular boring doll, eerily resembling how she used to look. It was simple, with brown hair and modest attire. Its label now read ‘Morgan’.
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"What a fucking boring bitch.” She muttered, her voice dripping with contempt.
Without a second thought, she grabbed the doll and tossed it into the trash. The old Morgan, both in doll and memory, was discarded without a second glance. Cordelia strutted back to the mirror to take in her glorious appearance.
A knock on the door pulled her from her self-admiration. Her sister called from the other side, "Cordelia, are you there?"
Cordelia rolled her eyes. Her girly step sister was the bane of her existence. She strode to the door, her voice sharp and cruel. "What do you want bitch?”
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Emma hesitated, fearful of her step sister. "My friends are coming over soon for my party, you’re not going to crash it like last time are you?"
Cordelia made a gagging gesture, the words barely registering as significant. Flinging open the door she looked at her sister, in her pink dress with disgust.
Emma may have been the undisputed queen bee at their school but she knew not to cross Cordelia. Her step sister had what could gently be put a gang of devoted followers. Before she had come along the goths had been outcasts but under her leadership they had become a formidable power. She could have run the school if she wanted but was happier causing trouble.
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“I have better fucking things then to go to your boring ass party. So fuck off now little princess, I’m getting sick just looking at your face.” Cordelia snarled.
Cordelia didn’t need to be told twice and turned quickly on her heel and headed towards the stairs. However that’s when Cordelia remembered something.
“Not so fast basic bitch Barbie, I have something for you.” Cordelia said with a smirk on her lips as Emma reluctantly returned.
Cordelia walked over to the trash and fished out the doll. Walking back to her step sister she thrust it into Emma’s hands.
"Here, happy fucking birthday. Now piss off!" Cordelia spat, her tone laced with disdain.
Emma stood there, stunned, clutching the doll. Without another word, Emma turned and fled down the hallway, the sight causing Cordelia to be turned on.
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Taking out her phone she took a picture of herself and texted it to her regular fuck Damien. She lay down on her bed and stuck her fingers under her skirt waiting for him to call. She had barely gotten her fingers in before he called.
“Hey hot stuff, guess what I’m doing?” She purred down the line. She put the phone to her pussy and let Damien hear the sounds of her fingers going in and out of the wetness. Satisfied he heard enough she put it back to her ear.
“Get the fuck over here before I finish.” She commanded. She hung up the phone without another work and continued to pleasure herself. Whether Damien made it over in time wasn’t the point, she just needed him in the house so she could crash Emma’s party. Once he was there they would get the rest of the gang over and it would become their party instead. After a quick fuck of course. Cordelia loved being a goth slut.
Emma walked down the hall to her room, pushing open the pink door, all the while staring at the doll Cordelia had given her. She was weirdly taken by it. It was no where near as beautiful or as fashionable as her Barbie’s but it held some sort of draw to her.
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“Morgan? That's a nice name.” She said to herself reading the tag on the doll and slowly locking eyes with it, not feeling her blonde hair lose its colour or her tight pink top grow into a baggy sweater.
Meanwhile across town, the shop owner of the thrift store noticed the space on the shelf where Cordelia had sat and went into the back room. She went to a box marked 'Slutz' and gazed into it's contents, a pile of other dolls. Cordelia was the last of the goth style dolls she had. There was a nurse, a cheerleader, a biker chick, a housewife and a myriad of other. Maybe one of the other dolls could catch someone's eye....
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pleasantlyinsincere · 7 months
Hi, I was wondering if you know what music John was a fan of in the late 70’s? I’m aware of him being excited about the B52’s, and I’m assuming he liked David Bowie and Elton John’s music in part because they were his friends in addition to obviously being talented. And I think I read once that Julian turned him onto Queen but tbh that may be me misremembering a fanfic lol I just wonder if there’s anything out there that describes what John’s music tastes was in those days or whether he preferred to stick with his favorite classics; early rock and roll, girl groups ect. Like what did he think about the punk scene in NY?? Or the close harmonies a la Fleetwood Mac that dominated the charts? Just things I think about haha.
Hi, thanks for the question. I know that I skipped through a book called John Lennon: 1980 playlist by Tim English before, that may be a good source for you. Here's some random info, that I remembered where to look up. I think Julian introducing John to Queen comes from the SPIN magazine interview in '75:
[Julian] likes Barry White and he likes Gilbert O’ Sullivan. He likes Queen, though I haven’t heard them yet. He turns me on to music. I call him and he says, “Have you heard Queen?” and I say “No, what is it?” I’ve heard of them. I’ve seen the guy … the one who looks like Hitler playing a piano … Sparks? I’ve seen Sparks on American TV. So I call him and say, “Have you seen Sparks? Hitler on the piano?” and he says, “No. They are alright. But have you seen Queen?” and I say “What’s Queen?” and then he tells me. His age group is hipper to music … at 11 I was aware of music, but not too much.
But then there is also an anecdote, I think by Tony Barrow, that John didn't want to sign Queen to Apple years earlier? However that may be a lie, or John just didn't remember.
Yoko gifted John a jukebox for his birthday in '78 and apparently John filled it with the old music he liked. Elliott Mintz says there was quite some Bing Crosby. And I remember John also putting some new song by Dolly Parton in there.
"Yoko gave him this old-fashioned jukebox and John stocked it with Bing Crosby records. People kind of expected him to have rock 'n' roll records in there, but it was almost totally Crosby stuff. There were 3 songs which John played over and over. I still remember them. They were Crosby with a jazz quartet from the 50's, I think. He would banter and talk in the songs and John thought that was just the end. The songs were Whispering, I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter and Dream a Little Dream of Me. Yeah, those were the songs, I can still see John listening to them." - Elliott Mintz
“The one modern song I remember him listening to was ‘The Tide Is High’ by Blondie, which he played constantly. When I hear that song, I see my father, unshaven, his hair pulled back into a ponytail, dancing to and fro in a worn-out pair of denim shorts, with me at his feet, trying my best to coordinate tiny limbs.” - Sean Lennon
One night we were playing at Max's (Kansas City) in New York City, and I was waiting for everyone to leave the club so I could go back in and pick up my gear. We were sitting in the van waiting and John Lennon and Ian Hunter from Mott the Hoople came staggering out and looked over. John Lennon saw it was me and stuck his head in the window. He was kind of drunk and stuck his face right against mine and went 'yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah' because he recognized it (Devo's song Uncontrollable Urge) as being an updating of She Loves You. That was one of my most exciting moments ever. - Mark Mothersbaugh on John coming to a DEVO gig in '77
PB: John, what is your opinion of the newer waves? Lennon: I love all this punky stuff. It's pure. I'm not, however, crazy about the people that destroy themselves. Playboy interview, 1980
I like pop records. I like Olivia Newton-John singing "Magic" and Donna Summer whatever the hell she'll be singing. I like ELO singing "All over the World". I can dissect it and criticize it with any critic in the business...But without any thought I enjoy it! That's the kind of music I like to hear. - John
John Lennon raced into Yoko Ono’s home office in the mammoth old Dakota building with a copy of Donna Summer’s new single, “The Wanderer.” “Listen!” he shouted to us as he put the 45 on the record player. “She’s doing Elvis!” I didn’t know what he was talking about at first. The arrangement felt more like rock than the singer’s usual electro-disco approach, but the opening vocal sure sounded like Donna Summer to me. Midway through the song, however, her voice shifted into the playful, hiccuping style Elvis had used on so many of his early recordings. “See! See!” John shouted, pointing at the speakers. The record was John’s way of saying hello again after five years. [...] It was just weeks before his death in December of 1980, and his playing the Summer record was an endearing greeting -- and one that was typical of John. Of the hundreds of musicians I’ve met, John was among the most down-to-earth. Corn Flakes with John Lennon (And Other Tales From a Rock ‘n’ Roll Life) by Robert Hilburn
"I'm aware of ... Madness. "Don't do that. Do this." (As on the spoken word intro to "One Step Beyond".) I think that is the most original thing actually because it's so peculiar. ... Out of all that mob I think that was one of the most original sounds. Very good drumming, very good bass and all of that." Andy Peebles interview
And things I don't have quotes for right now: I remember Bob Gruen had given John some video compilation of punk bands, that John enjoyed watching. In one of the last interviews John said Hungry Heart by Bruce Springsteen was a great song. There are the albums John asked Fred Seaman to buy on his shopping lists. Some are printed in The John Lennon Letters (Though I'm not sure that means he liked them, but at least was interested in.) Lot's of Bob Dylan talk in the diaries and parodies. Many anecdotes about reggae bands. In the Double Fantasy studio recording John references quite some songs and artists, when he tells the musicians what they are aiming for in the songs.
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demon-dm-22 · 2 months
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It's #khocweek! And here are my (adopted)siblings for day one.
Art of Kin-kin Takehanta by @leekiings
Art of Korey Takehanta and Sol by @idiot-caricigarette
Kin-kin is a Xehanort clone who's dna was mixed up with Subject X. Her "uncle" found her, panicked and split her heart into 7 pieces as an infant. He then gave her to Kin-kins adopted father and threw the pieces far into the split realm of light.
Two of these holders, Emerald and Damien Hallow (I'll post them soon) followed the small child and gave their pieces back.
Kin-kin knows she's adopted. She knows she's missing pieces but she's unaware of her origins at the start of her TTRPG. Her "sister" is a piece of her heart encompassing Bravery, Nikki whom I'm sure some of you have seen with Vanitas.
Kinkin likes playing drums in a band with her brother. Her favorite animals are reptiles and amphibious creatures. Her world, Dawnbreaker Mountain is very much inspired by Gravity falls complete with woods, mountains and lakes.
She's outgoing and respectful but a little odd and quirky. She's sensitive and hates fighting unless it means helping others. She is very empathetic with those who have been affected by Darkness and tends to feel soft towards heartless and nobodies. She's about 19 when she starts her journey to find her shards with Korey and three new friends.
Korey (seen here with his friend Sol-an Oc of @queen-with-the-quill on the other hand is about 16. A rainbow baby, he was born a few years after their parents adopted Kin-kin. He's a showboat. Outgoing, spectacular but tends to favor himself in regaling stories. He has a strange spell cast on him that prevents his damaging magic from working and can only heal.
He likes pizza, sports, music and just being a punky teenager. He's obsessed with cryptids and mythical creatures, especially dragons.
He works two jobs to earn munny and still can help his parents bakery. He's extremely polite until he gets to know people then tends to be a bit mischievous.
He wants to explore worlds so much that he unknowingly can transport himself through the dark corridors with the protection of one of Kin-Kin's pieces. He's afraid of Darkness and a bit if who he really is.
He loves Kin-kin a lot but they definitely are still siblings and squabble often. The two know sign language together and have silent arguments with one another.
Korey adopted a Cornish Rex, tuxedo pattern they named Mozzarella.
Here's some fun posts of some art of them!
Im so excited to share these dorks with you! For @khoc-week !
My ttrpg with my friends starts in 3 weeks! I'll be sure to share notes as it goes along. Thanks again <3
Looking forward to seeing all the fun OCs this week!
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snakeualzayden · 26 days
Spoilers for the new tpc episode yet again
Screaming, crying, and throwing up rn
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rubykgrant · 1 month
I don't have any coherence for these thoughts, just have them-
If he can get past his own inhibitions/insecurities, Sarge would actually kill it as a drag queen (oh, the pageantry, the extravagance!)
Gender-swap Church (with a human body, however that needs to work) has even shorter hair, like a punky-pixie buzz, and she's hotter with it than dude-Church could ever hope to be
Donut always wants to glam everybody with make-up, and Simmons is the biggest hold out, but he finally agrees... his irritated dead-pan expression actually turns into a very INTENSE looking sultry glare when he's got all the make-up on (sharp features with complimentary shadow/highlight colors. he doesn't at all look "feminine", just very striking). He doesn't understand how that even works. WTF
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resident-gay-bitch · 11 months
kinda a niche au concept but i think a lot of people will get it but also it’s so random lol: corroded coffin friendship / steddie / buckingham / more lol
okay, my dad watches car shows all the time like the car sos shit, and i don’t really like them, but i’ve always enjoyed one: Counting Cars. the main mechanic is like a metalhead and they’re all kinda punky and alternative and just a bunch of metalhead dads pimping out old cars and shit.
henceforth, the au idea: how are you seeing how our beloved eddie might fit into this?
SO say CC got big enough to be known kinda western globally or whatever, maybe bigger idk i don’t care but anyway. maybe they were a one hit wonder in the 80/90’s or whatever.
but they stopped playing because they all kinda wanted to settle down and stop partying and wanted to buy houses and not have to tour all the time or whatever right. say gareth met a girl and got married to her and they had a kid on the way, jeff and grant wanted to settle down and live a cosy steady life together, eddie was just so fucking tired of being front man idol or whatver. and they all just wanted to get back into the mechanic shop - maybe they all apprenticed at thatcher tyers or whatever in hawkins when they were younger.
whatever the reason, they’re ex-famous band who are pretty ficking rich and love working on cars and shit. so they open a shop and start fixing up cars. they get a lot of rapport because of their name; the shops called corroded cars or something similar to the band name. eddie runs the place because it’s mostly his passion and he impulse bought the shop himself whilst drunk one night and then they were all just like okay yeah let’s do this lol.
maybe one night they’re all chilling at gareth’s place for “family” dinner and after dinner they’re just watching telly and a car show comes on and then they get the idea to start a show!!! so they do!!!
eddie’s the main guy, obviously. he’s always been the drama queen confident one so he runs it all, and it’s His shop anyway. eddie is the idiotic, loveable, idiot but he’s also just a cool down to earth alternative guy who headbangs whilst working on engines and REFUSES to cut his hair.
i think jeff would be the head painter, graphic artist,. i feel such an arty vibe from him ya know? i think that would be his area of expertise. the audience would love his general calm vibe but also adore how easily he puts everyone in their place in a second and is so secretly sassy.
i think argyle would be the airbrush guy and also works in paint / design. he’s Definitely not always high and is just funny like that… definitely. his niche opinions and random curiosities keep the audience captivated.
gareth would be the detailer i think. he’s got a sort of perfectionist vibe and he’d always have a go when eddie brings in a car or a bike he’s just been fixing the motor of or whatever and there’s grease stains all over the doors and shit. the audience would love their banter.
grant would be the bike shop manager, he’s got a strong interest in motorbikes and that’s his area of expertise. he’ll spend hours perfecting one part of the body of a bike and eddie adores his dedication every fuckinf time.
jonothan would be the tech guy. he finds ways to update old cars to help them run smoothly whilst feeling authentic in the drive. some of the tech he pulls out is next level and everyone in the shop will spend an entire episode gushing about this one feature in a car he added that makes it feel like a spy car or something.
Nancy!! she’d be the behind the scenes manager. eddie hired her about one month into the buisiness when he realised none of the CC guys could / or wanted to do the books and shit. she’s smart as hell and a total hard ass when it comes to their aloof attitude and carelessness, but she’s also good fun and a total girlboss. eddie relies on her to keep the shop afloat, he’d be lost without her. she’s a fan favorite because she’s the only one who can attempt to put eddie in his place and acctually succeed. anyone goes and tells eddie he needs to think about the budget before he goes spending, he won’t even listen, she gives him one look and tells him no and suddenly he’s sheepish and nodding and walking away like a child who was told they can’t have a cookie. she’s in charge of all the books / finance / accounts / all that stuff!
(also, people are having a hard time figuring out if she’s dating john or argyle, or weather those guys are dating eachotjer, or if they’re all dating, or if None of them are dating)
Chrissy!! she’s adorable. a total fan favorite. she’s their receptionist and is currently taking an engineering course part time in college, finally taking the initiative to do something She actually wants to do. her sweet demeanour pulls customers and watchers in, and her determined attitude is what makes them stay. she’s like pure sugar, but so insanely smart. sometimes she’ll come and watch everyone as they work and if it’s not busy they’ll teach her different things and let her try. everyone loves the episodes where chrissy gets to try and fix things or paint things or learn things!
ROBIN!!! my girl! ugh! she’s TOTALLY an iconic mean lesbian okay. she’s always got banter with the guys, and she’s so cool calm and clllected, insulting them all the time. the girls in the audience go crazy when she’s onscreen in just a wife beater tank and got them gay girl muscles out! she works close with eddie on motors and shit but she’s also the project scout. she looks for new things for them to try and brings these ideas / cars / bikes / whatever else over to eddie to get out into the show! but the audience loves her even more when they see her totally awkward dorky side come out the first episode where chrissy comes over and watches robin work. they’ve never seen robin drop a spanner so much! chrissy is the only one who can fluster robin like that. the audience is rooting for their romance.
and the steddie! so robins totally uber rich best friend likes collecting old cars. and she’s been trying to get him on the show for a while because he has Such cool cars but he’s never needed fixing or pimping. until he goes and buys another one and it just won’t run and it’s all beaten down but he just HAD to buy it because it was his dream car as a little kid or something. so he comes on the show with his car and - well, the main reason he’s been avoiding it because he actually used to crush on lead guitarist and vocalist eddie munson back in the 90’s - eddie obviously being the face of the show greets him with nancy and robin and they talk about his car and eddie gets Flustered!
robin has a totally hot best friend whos So ficking queer And knows heaps about cars and is standing so close, shoulders touching with eddie as he shows pictures of his collection on his phone and eddie pretends he’s looking at the cars and not steve’s ring adorned hands.
steve is also highly protective of his cars and so he hangs around whilst they work on his ride. he and robin are so chatty and bitchy together and the audience love it. and eddie can’t stop Staring!!
by episode three of steve being featured in it people are posting shit trying to notify steve and robin that eddie is so gay for steve!
and then steve’s car is done and done and then he leaves the show. and then a couple of episodes later robin approaches eddie and whispers - but the cameras are right there - to eddie asking if he has been perving on her best friend and it’s So funny to everyone cause eddie’s kinda terrified and she’s threading to burry him alive if he hurts her steve and- eddie goes red when he realises that robin just confirmed he had a chance with steve.
anyway. suddenly steve has Many more appearances on the show :)
and obviously robin and chrissy get together!!’
and no one ever finds out about the love triangle between nancy jon and argyle (they’re all polly)
anyway. i just think that’s cute.
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squidd-ink · 1 month
Music I think some persona characters would listen to because why not!!!
This has been in my drafts forever at this point. I'm just going to bite the bullet and post it. Enjoy...?
Yosuke: daft punk + queen
especially the discovery album
I think he'd also like queen... like dont stop me now and good old fashion lover boy.... tell me you see the vision
Ryuji: early 2010s party music (like LMFAO, kesha)
I say this because I think he might listen to music while training and high tempo music with a solid beat is good for working out to
also the high energy matches his vibes
this is also funny to me considering he doesn't really know English
he might also like some of jokers music, like TMBG
superstar toy box....
Junpei: pitbull + LMFAO + 2000s hiphop(?)
do I need to explain myself??
womanizer Britney Spears...
DJ got us fallin in love was released in 2010 and p3 takes place during 2009 mostly... which is a crime because I know Junpei would have loved to blast that shit during the summer of p3
Joker: alt rock/nu metal (like NIN, Muse, TMBG)
has that vibe to him (totally not projecting some of my music taste onto him)
I feel he prefers to listen to alt rock or really just anything punky if left to his own devices, but won't mind listening to whatever his friends have playing because its something they like
he doesn't really hate any specific genres
Futaba: videogame osts + minecraft music parodies + hardstyle
she would love videogame music... undertale would be one of her faves I just know it
might also listen to hardstyle while working to drown out other noise??
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sing-you-fools · 2 months
for the crime of stealing a chicken nugget off the table, dropping it at my feet, and meowing at me to play fetch with her
PUMPKIN [🎶Killer Queen🎶] THE CAT
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(her middle name is the song Killer Queen in case that wasn't clear)
Aliases: Punky, Punky Butt, Punky Muffy Fluffy Puffy, Punx, Tenement Punxter, Baby, Orangest Cat
Known Relations:
Ghost [🎶I Want To Break Free🎶] The Cat (Aliases: Ghostie Ghost who Meows the Most, The Supervisor, Ghostie GHOOOOOST, Sweetie): Sister
Bat [🎶We Will Rock You🎶] The Cat (Aliases: Lil Bat the Fluffy Cat, Snuggliest Boi, Orangest Cat [Derogatory], My Idiot Son): Brother
Zoombini [🎶Fat Bottomed Girls🎶] The Cat (Aliases: Zoom, Zoomy, ZoomyZoom, Zoomcat, The Zoomcat, Stop Eating The Kittens' Food): Adopted aunt who hates her, sort of a Count Olaf situation but that the kittens have no fortune
THIS CAT HAS A HISTORY OF CRIME AND MISDEEDS. She might chew on you if you pick her up but she tries to be gentle. She is very cute and snuggly and that is why she gets away with it all. She will be getting away with this too I just want her to come back so I can take a picture of her with the nugget
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is-she-suffering · 7 months
11/2000 - Metal Hammer Whatever Happened To Katie…“ 
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Chaotic, Intriguing, Fetish obsessed and dangerous - Just some of the terms recently used to describe London four piece Queen Adreena. Pete Wadeson explores the warped mind of vocalist and original riot grrrl Katie Jane Garside.
Exciting, emotionally charged gigs that teeter close to the shambolic have created a buzz around Queen Adreena, not seen since anarcho-grindsters Daisy Chainsaw rattled walls of the pubs and clubs in the early nineties. No suprise then that vocalist Katie Jane Garside also fronted the aformentioned band. With her gutteral howl and unpredicatable Iggy-style stage performances, offset by long blonde dreadlocks and ripped antique dresses, the band not only rattled venue walls but also airwaves thanks to their suprise top 40 single Love Your Money. Refusing to sell-out by playing the game with the lip-synching manufactured pop posturing hype-machines (they turned down a TOTP performance) it was hardly suprising Daisy Chainsaw - sooner rather than later self imploded. Tensions, particularybetween Garside and guitarist Crispin Gray, although always turbulent, finally snapped in 1993. Garside by her own admission was lurching close to a breakdown having said of the time “If I hadn’t left it would have killed me. I was trying to make something mine that wasn’t mine. Because I didn’t write the songs I could never give enough, never go far enough. I couldn’t bleed in words, I couldn’t bleed in lyrics - I could only bleed in performance and that meant attacking me, literally.” A fact all to evident to anyone who witnessed the band live at the time.
Well, that was then and this is now as they say. So whatever happened to Katie Jane? It’s been seven long years since the Chainsaw’s final massacre and through the filth and fury Katie Jane has fought inner demons to return to the fray with a new band, that consists of cross dressing bassist Orson Wajih, drummer Billy Freedom and amazingly old sparring partner and guitarist Crispin Gray. Proof positive that Garside and Gray have a bond that lasts far beyond the trials and tribulations that forced them apart and seemingly bears testament to the fact the Daisy Chainsaw legacy is relevant to the present.
“Daisy Chainsaw relate absolutely to the present in the sense that I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing now if I hadn’t done what I did then. It’s a page in my diary. I come from the school of no choice, I think theres no such thing as choices as everything that I do right this moment is created by everything that I do right this moment is created by everything I did before that, Queen Adreena is the next chapter of the book.”
Virtually impossible to catagorise, the bands debut album ‘Taxidermy’ released on Blanco Y Negro, bears witness that somebody somewhere believes in the band big time. Whilst Queen Adreena are a tight, musically accomplished unit equally at home mixing hard edge punky riffs and haunting melodies with the occasional psychedelic soundscape, it’s Katie’s inexplicable presence that draws the eye and attention of public and media alike. Her sexuality is obvious in the way she looks, dresses and lyrically voices her views on the world she perceives. So is what we see manufactured for the public consumption or the real Katie Jane Garside?
“No, who do you think came up with this look? What you see is what you get. I think the most truthful performance should involve a little bit of altered state and transcendence but I think while performing you just get magnified. I live under the microscope when I perform. Everything that’s tiny gets big.”
But what influences the complexity of Garside’s musical visions? “I always cite white noise as my biggest influence, it’s the sound of the sea, the sound of the wind, it’s everywhere. That sound sends me into a complete trance. I find it a very beautiful thing. But i don’t separate things. Music to date has been my focus and it’s given me my sanctity; it protects me. I’m doing what time tells me to do, if it works it works, if it doesn’t then it’s not for the want of trying because we work really hard.” This work ethic has seen Queen Adreena visit the States which was an eye opening experience for Katie Jane.
“I used to find it very frightening as there’s no control there, but its also very exciting. Sometimes life of the edge of the cliff’s a lot healthier, theres a brutal honesty to it. L.A.’s extraordinary, we played the Viper Room but it was very strange - New York suited us better, its darker and grittier.” By her own admission Katie’s honesty and previous naivety is the result of an up bringing whereupon she moved frequently, even spending years with her family sailing around the world. Hardly suprising Katie has a myriad of experiences, dreams and imaginings to slip in and out off to fuel her eclectic lyricism. Some may say even the fragile hold she has on reality. “I’m a child of the sea - because i lived on a boat for a long time. When i came back i went to a really hardcore secondary modern school so i changed from being this innocent person not understanding the norm and how you should behave to knowing how you should be. Sexuality became quite fetishised for me - it became quite distorted. I think it is for everybody, but it’s all behind closed doors. I like to magnify that world, i wear it on the outside.”
The facet of Garside is highlighted in the short Black and White film, which is included on the debut album. In this bizarre visual experience Katie can be seen naked riding guitarist Gray who crawls on all fours with a big between his teeth. In the past Katie has been accused of being fascinated by the fetish world, this would seem to be proof of that - is she obsessed? “Yes I am, because I think there’s a lot of truth down there, there’s a lot of truth under the floorboards. We’re animals, we’re blood. There’s a thin veneer of control. "At risk of saying something very dangerous there’s a tribe in Africa where children’s sexuality is completely out in the open and they’re not discouraged from being sexual and it’s numbered as one of the only tribes in the whole world that’s not been to war.”
Unconventional!? Maybe, but Katie’s obviously not afraid to voice her opinion. Suprisingly though, Ms Garside readily admits finding it hard to deal with 'real’ life. “I can’t define the difference between imagination, fantasy and so called real life. I think that’s why I do what I do, dancing around on stage showing my knickers,” She laughs, Katie Jane doesn’t seem to laugh a lot but when she does it’s very infectious. She continues “But it’s playing live where i feel most comfortable. Because I have led an isolated life I was rapidly in danger of not being here. I don’t find communication on a mundane level in day-to-day life easy. I perform to understand myself, i write songs to understand myself.”
Though she denies it, Katie’s had more than a little influence on the whole riot grrrl scene. In particular Courtney Love, who has pinpointed Katie Jane as one of the 3 women who paved the way for the whole phenomena, Katie seems equally enamoured with Courtney. “I think Courtney is stunning, she’s undeniable, she’s an archtypal force, a goddess. She’s Kali!” gushes Garside. “You can draw a parallel to what I said earlier. Everything that Courtney is, is a result of what happened before. Why should she keep ploughing the same furrow year after year? the fact she’s survived is extraordinary, so all power to her - she can do no wrong.”
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buggykujo · 11 months
Her Punky Majesty
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I <3 this Punky Orge Queen I came up wit only like...A few hours ago??
Anyway, two posts in one day is CRAZY for me! But I am motivated! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
I, like I said, have LOTS of motivation so more drawings are coming soon! Thank you for your support and enjoy! ❤✨
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looseygoosey66 · 1 year
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The story of Seattle’s rise to global rock supremacy in the late ’80s and early ’90s begins with Green River. Made up of Jeff Ament (bass), Mark Arm (guitar/vocals), Bruce Fairweather (guitar), Stone Gossard (guitar), and Alex Shumway (drums), the quintet put out three 12”s and a 7” single during its brief existence. Green River’s influence on Seattle’s music scene spread far and wide thanks to the members’ dispersion into bands including Pearl Jam, Mudhoney, and Love Battery, as well as the punk-glam-sludge-rock songs they left behind.
“By ‘83, ‘84, there was definitely a movement that was happening within hardcore, like Black Flag slowing down for My War,” says Arm. “The Replacements and Butthole Surfers were rearing their heads, and they’re very different bands, but they’re not hardcore—the Replacements are pretty much straight-up rock, and Butthole Surfers were God knows what. Sonic Youth’s Bad Moon Rising was around, and a lot of really interesting post-hardcore things were happening.”
Green River, which formed in 1984, was part of that evolution, with a sound that straddled a lot of different genres—blues, punk, bloozy straight-ahead rock. The mini-LP Dry As A Bone, which came out in 1987, and the band’s lone full-length Rehab Doll, which came out in 1988, were released as a single CD with a few bonus cuts, including their sneering cover of David Bowie’s “Queen Bitch” and their marauding version of Dead Boys’ “Ain’t Nothin’ to Do,” in 1990—but they’ve been unavailable on vinyl for years. Now, these slices of Seattle music history are not only back in print, they’re accompanied by items from the vaults that had been forgotten about for decades.
Dry As A Bone was recorded at Jack Endino’s Reciprocal Recording in 1986, and it shows the band in furious form, with Arm’s yowl battling Fairweather and Gossard’s ferocious guitar playing on “This Town” and “Unwind” opening as a slow bluesy grind then jump-starting itself into a hyperactive chase. The deluxe edition includes Green River’s cuts from the crucial Seattle-scene compilation Deep Six, as well as long-lost songs that were recorded to the now-archaic format Betamax.
Rehab Doll, recorded largely at Seattle’s Steve Lawson Studios., bridges the gap between the taut, punky energy of Dry As a Bone and the bigger drums and thicker riffs that were coming to dominate rock in the late ’80s. This new edition of Rehab Doll includes a version of “Swallow My Pride” recorded to 8-track at Endino’s Reciprocal Recording, which features a more accurate depiction of how the band sounded when they played live. “When I listen to these mixes, I think, ‘This is how we actually sounded—this is the kind of energy we had,’” says Shumway.
Green River’s place in American music history is without question, but these recordings paint a more complete picture of the band—and of rock in the mid- to late-’80s, when punk’s faster-and-louder ideals had begun shape-shifting into other ideas.
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apdistractions · 9 months
On this day, 1983… On this day, 1983…a similar cold wet grey new year’s eve, me Gagz and Rev tried to catch a bus to Cardiff for the same old festivities. Some crappy pubs then on to a desolate nightclub. The buses weren’t running through Llanharan as we found out after waiting over an hour. So we asked Gagz mam to give us a lift to Talbot Green, where we stood more of a chance at getting on one (Not in a druggy way, no) I can’t remember if or how we did, but we got to the city. We accepted the crappy pubs with little to NO atmosphere up until 9pm and or 3 ciders (which ever came first)…and decided to roam the desolate streets of Cardiff for a more suitable “party vibe”. Around a million hours later..we were still roaming up and down Queen street, freezing to death in our loose fitting slacks n clerical shirts, ta sickly coloured tie in pocket ‘Just incase” and starting to get pissed off with each others indecisiveness….Yep we were clueless country bumpkins all at sea in the big city. Cold, slightly thirsty, and totally pissed off, Rev decides to chance his arm (his good arm) and ask some random party girls: “ Where is there to go around here?” They took one look at our immaculate American flat topped hair and a glance at Gagz’ (idk what he had going on) and said” Oh! You wanna try Nero’s, just around the corner by the New Theatre, its for punks and that kinda stuff, oh and ask for the function suite!” So, that we did…We did that….and OH BOY! Walking up that stairway to…’WHO KNOWS WHAT?” and into that dark and dimly lit in red cave like venue, and greeted by some familiar and much more pleasant sounds, It was a total revelation after all the shitty “disco-for-disco-men” type places we were used to. We would have looked totally out of place in our disco friendly garb if it hadn’t have been so pact with punky/goth/freaks. Fucking BRILLIANT! We spent the next 3-4 years going there whenever we could and dragging other mates along for the experience. Thanks Digger Davies for the elbows in the ribs and the cardigans over the head during Liberator or any Smiths songs. Thanks to the random disco dollies who pointed us in the right direction, I was a real life changer. Like our punk rock experience, we were a little bit late to the party but THANX NERO’s for the best times
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heirscrchd · 4 months
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Is Punky. Is punk rock. Has no idea what that is, but knows that she is it. Sees the candle hooman. Is very angry all the time. Understandable, hoomans are very silly. Not worry hooman, Punky is queen of hoomans. Shall make the silliness less silly.
Cue headpats for you, hooman.
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" You have. . . hair--- why do you have hair? You're covered in fur. " This was the most concerning part of this new one that appeared the next day. Having fallen asleep with them all curling up on top of her like some sort of living blanket Azula was not expecting a new one to appear. Where do they come from???
Feeling the animal's small paw pat her on the head she was even further confused. Raising up her hands to pick up this one she studied it and how it was different from the rest. " Is this your queen then? I expected a herd like yourself might have one. Though my knowledge of zoology is lacking. . . " Humming, she tried to think back to her lessons and studies in school but she never really did focus on them too much when the war was happening.
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snugglyporos · 2 months
"Time to funky the Punky! She's too regal and stuff and not snuggly enough."
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Punky is queen of hoomans! Is very snuggly! The most snuggly! How dare not think Punky is snuggly! Punky shall show you, half poro human! Shall show you how snuggly she is! Shall deploy the regal snuggles!
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