#punz is there too
dwtdog · 6 months
xqc is on the cuck chair bc dnf asked him and sam bc he himself asked them
exactly 😌
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sethdomain · 1 month
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dsmp season 2 will be clingy duo living together as depressed people trying to process whatever the fuck happen to themself(it goes as well as you can imagine). Also they killed Dream because dsmp is now my media and i can rewrite it however i want.
I'd say in season 2 in term of clingy lore, it would be them tackling their trauma n also their relationship. Then, theres also Punz who came out alive in the breathtaking season 1 finale where they definitely kill dream, ofc it would lead up to him reviving dream back.
Also it would tied up some loose end that never were resolved, where ranboo and michael when and because its possible because this is in written text format, maybe Techno character might come back in the story where maybe big drama would happen between bedrock bros.
Theres also other lore that is loose end, but im mainly focusing on clingy lore here and things that would've connected to them. So for TOTSMP or badlands stuff idk about their lore bruh. Maybe at most, i would like include quackity or niki stuff.
also heres have ref of tubbo scar
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rainystressed247 · 8 months
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Something silly in my head.
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bleue-flora · 1 month
Do you ever think about the fact that Punz’s hoodie is white?… like do you think he got home after the prison break and saw splotches of blood stains on his hoodie (from Dream’s hug) and got concerned? Or did he brush it off as injuries from the fight or whatever…
Like just imagine, hours later after the adrenaline has died down and he’s taking of his white hoodie and he notices blood. Alarmed, he looks down at himself but sees no wounds as expected. He scans his brain - then where would the blood be from? And then he thinks about their meetup, this time noting Dream’s appearance. The tears in the orange jumpsuit, the blood new and old crusting its edges, the scars peppering the spots of skin not covered and he realizes that “little south” meant Hell…
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voidpidgeon · 8 months
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Birthday gift for @sunshine-in-a-bottle!
It is a little collab with @diggingfordragons, who wrote some very cute fluff for it!
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llitchilitchi · 1 year
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so long
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pomellon · 1 year
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All of Bad’s adopted babies in the dragon au! Saurian dragons are hatched covered in baby fluffy that they keep until their mid or late teens when they grow into their classes. Their eyes and flesh is grey/silver until they mature in their early 20s and receive their god claim, earning them their magic abilities and colour! 
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dingbatnix · 1 year
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Oof, poor Punz. Eventually he'll figure out that it's probably safe : )
Also, if Punz really was against Dream and the others were accusing/attacking him, Dream wouldn't defend Punz, because the others would be diverting the attention on Dream. Doing this proves that they're working together, buuuut none of the others have really stopped to think about it. They're too much in shock : D
Taglist: @brick-a-doodle-do @i-am-beckyu @da3dm @kayla-crazy-stuffs @local-squishmallow @skullsnbruises @giant-tiny-squid I'm putting you here cause it's your ask, technically:)
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prisonpodcast · 6 months
rewatching a manhunt or two during every controversy ever does wonders for my mental state
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aromumbo · 1 year
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Careful what you wish for, power always has a price
(finally finished these they took so damn long and are easily some of the most detailed digital art ive done yet)
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Not gonna lie, this very public friendship breakdown is giving me flashbacks of how the friend group I was in in college dissolved. This really speaks of people who never experienced these things younger suddenly going through all the levels of high school pettiness at once. Yes, some of these guys made massive screw ups or betrayed each other (according to certain people). Yes, things should have ended earlier. Yes, there is a power dynamic at play in a lot of this we weren’t aware of. And frankly… WE DID NOT NEED TO KNOW.
This should have been done in a group setting, closed doors, and then people coming away deciding quietly not to work together anymore. I’m disappointed in pretty all of them at this point, but that’s par for the course for a lot of these younger Minecraft creators. (The only reason I see the younger hermits being okay is they have proper mentors, not each other to bounce off of). I wouldn’t be surprised if the Brighton group goes through something similar in a few years.
I really miss the days of Jack, Mark, and Pewds. Where if someone stopped working with someone else for personal reasons, it was treated as if it was a business relationship dissolving. Nothing more. Things were handled privately, without the fans needing to be involved.
I really hope Bad and Sam are doing okay. I hope Sapnap is doing okay. I could see Punz splitting from the entire group with Hannah and Sylvee. Bad has known these guys since they were young teens. Sam I’m not sure. I know him and Punz are much closer (unless, horrifically, Sam is Friend B). But I hope everyone is doing okay regardless.
I give it a good year before things smooth over. Before people realize the way they acted was inappropriate and maybe apologize for what they did and how they handled things.
For now, guys, take care of yourselves. Go watch some other people (the Hermits are great and so is InTheLittleWood and the Empires gang), don’t feel guilt about enjoying these creators (you didn’t know, no one did publicly), and don’t be ashamed of still wanting to enjoy the DSMP. The characters are based on how the creators acted on the server, not in real life. They belong to the fandom as a whole. Go enjoy some fanart and fanfics.
—You are loved
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do you have any dsmp neurodivergent headcanons? I have many
YES! thank you for asking!! :D
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these are how i personally view the characters + whats canonically stated and I was debating to myself for an hour whether c!Tommy should go in alexithymia or not
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bleue-flora · 5 months
Would you agree that between c!dream and c!punz, c!punz seems to be the more crueler. I was talking to another blog about it, and we spoke about the final lore streams where c!punz didnt care about c!clingys problems, most notably c!tommy almost taking his own life in exile (but then again he is desensitized to death cuz revival book lol) But, c!punz was the one to stick to the revival book plan near the end while c!dream opened up and showed vulnerability. I have seen a lot of fics characterize c!punz as being the one to be more softer and less inclined to hurt others for a goal, but after seeing the final streams I can't help but feel like its the other way around. I'm really curious on your take about it, and its fine if you disagree. Also really love your blog, you seem like such a kind person :)
Hmm ok well here are my thoughts on the matter at the moment, however as I rewatch more lore I might change my opinion.
Well in regards to c!Punz not caring about clingy duo’s problems, you’re assuming he hasn’t heard it before. We don’t know if thats new information, it’s possible c!Dream told him about the tower. In fact, since he was often still apart of the smp and conversations going on it’s very likely he’s heard a lot of what they said already. He’s a spy after all, it’s his job to know things.
Secondly, it’d be very hard to be empathetic to someone about themselves almost killing themself over a year ago when they just broke into the prison and murdered his friend. The revive book and such has clearly corrupted both of their empathies seen in their experiments. So, c!Punz already has a lack of empathy or at least is desensitized, the last person I’d expect him to sympathize with would be his enemy, especially when clingy duo weren’t really hearing what he had to say. I mean it’s insulting to be ignored after lying and hiding for so long and finally be able to share your opinion, but also the fact that clingy duo (and others) really thought he was cold enough to betray his friend for a measly amount of money to the point they question when it turns out to be fake. I mean that’s pretty offensive.
On that note though, it is also important to point out that those conversations in the finale are in his ‘evil role persona’ just like c!Dream he’s playing a part - one of the greedy mercenary just in this case for power. So if he seems cruel that’s intentional. Though I will say, he does give c!Tubbo and c!Tommy plenty of steak when they ask, which does say something, with this being c!Dream’s response:
“Wow, being humane. You could have waited.” And “don’t give him more, don’t give him more” [5:50]
And most importantly, I think that because we don’t get to see c!Punz break down like c!Dream the assumption is that even though it turns out c!Dream just didn’t want to be alone, c!Punz is still power hungry. But I think that’s a little unfair to c!Punz because it’s not like we saw him vulnerably be opened up like that, so is it fair to say he still has the stated goals. I talk about this a little more here [post]. What he does say in that conversation isn’t about power but about friendship. When Tommy is dissecting c!Dream c!Punz remarks on it:
“What can you just read minds now? are you just a mind reader—you knew it like—What?” [clip]
And this could probably be taken different ways, but given how he goes quiet whenever c!Dream wants to talk and seems to defend him in their conversation I see it more as like a - don’t put words into his mouth sort of thing. And because c!Tommy and people kinda do that it makes sense for c!Punz to be on guard for it. And there’s the comment about him being c!Dream’s friend. [clip]
In the less performative moments in the ending finale, c!Punz isn’t cutting in with something about power but about friendship and having c!Dream’s back. So I’m of the opinion more so that c!Punz was c!Dream’s friend, c!Dream became afraid and obsessed with death, and c!Punz stayed by his side, getting corrupted along with him. If it was about the Plan and power for c!Punz, I think he would’ve said different things like arguing with c!Dream about his goal and stuff. And there’s not really a lot of evidence to say c!Punz would’ve stayed by the plan had things not ended (though we shall never know for certain). But I think while it’s a common assumption to make, I think it’s a little unfair to say c!Punz was all just for the plan because we don’t hear him get fully vulnerable.
So given that, no I don’t think c!Punz is particularly crueler. But I do think he would do things c!Dream wouldn’t. While c!Dream is run by rational thoughts, c!Punz seems to be more emotional so (as expressed in my fics) I could totally see him going for violent revenge on behalf of his friendship with c!Dream. Perhaps then that makes him crueler? But I guess it would depend on your perspective of cruel, I suppose I was seeing cruel in this context as heartless, which I don’t think c!Punz is. In other words, he is wholesome to c!Dream, but everyone who wronged him better watch out. (I mean think about the scene of c!Punz leading c!Tommy and c!Tubbo down the stairs enraged by them killing c!Dream and him suggesting c!Purpled and c!Dream tie c!Quackity to a chair and torture him.)
Hope that provides some insight into the matter. :) and aww thank you that’s so sweet. <3 <3 <3
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voidpidgeon · 10 months
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Part of little collab with @diggingfordragons! We both drew a Punz and then egged each others Punz :)
So here is his mirrored Eggpire version!
And this is the blue Punz she gave me :)
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like, genuinely. taking accountability for your actions in perpetuation of abuse and rape culture is the first step to changing that culture. it doesn’t make you a bad person just because you did a bad thing (unless you were intentionally trying to cause harm) but you have to admit you are not immune to accidentally supporting the bad thing and take accountability for that. if you supported george's statements on sexual harassment, or dream's sexual jokes towards minors, or sapnap getting paid money to stream on a platform which openly harbours rapists and sex abusers, you've been a part of keeping the environment that makes it hard for victims to have come out. if you started believing in anti-victim sentiments and harassed other abuse victims for talking about how it made them uncomfortable, you’ve supported this environment. if you assumed anyone uncomfortable with your streamer or trying to talk out against them was inherently lying solely because it was your streamer, you helped support an enviroment that fostered abusers.
and that sounds harsh, and I’m sorry. but it’s true. and to a degree, I think everyone in this community has done that with people at one point in their lives. it's very easy to be manipulated, but it’s also very easy to be wilfully blind, and that’s not something irredeemable or a permanent stain. you can change, but you need to identify in yourself what caused you to act like that and make a conscious change. it’s healthier for you and it’s healthier for the environment. if we want to avoid this in the future, we need to be proactive in calling out actual potentially harmful behaviour, even if it’s from someone you like. or we will continue to harbour mass amount of abusers.
most content creators are not abusers. most, to be honest, are awkward introverted nerds with social anxiety. at least, that’s what i've got from the ones my brother knows (and that includes some big ccs). but while they’re a huge part of it bc being in front of a camera instead of people is a huge draw, there’s another draw that attracts a less savoury crowd- and that’s the position of power. and unless you’re willing to listen and be kind to genuine, serious criticism of harmful actions, and ccs are willing to do the same, abuse and sexual assault WILL continue to be normalised in these spaces. it is not your sole responsibility, but it IS a responsibility to make sure to avoid that now you know the possibilities aggressively attacking any criticism can hide. caiti had to deal with people with her abusers face threaten her for speaking negatively towards him. do not let that happen again.
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this1contradiction · 1 year
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punz and catlyn adopted 2 mini hamsters named creeper and carl 😍
(they’ve pooped on him multiple times already)
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