alotofpockets · 4 months
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Flirting & friendzones | Leah Williamson x Arsenal/Swiss!Reader
Where Leah is a flirt and you are scared to give in to your feelings
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.6k
Moving to a new club always brought some nerves with it, but luckily your national team captain and close friend Lia Wälti had been at your new club for years. Through her you had met some of her teammates for quick moments on the field during national team games over the years, but you didn't have much more of a connection with them. 
While that connection wasn't there, you had kept one secret from Lia, and that was that you had a crush on her best friend Leah ever since she first introduced the two of you on the pitch years ago. You had never acted on your crush on the England captain more than following her on Instagram, but now you'd be playing at the same club as her, which brought a whole different wave of nerves your way.
You were welcomed at Arsenal with open arms, as Lia had ensured you. Each and everyone of your teammates, and the staff members made you feel right at home. Lia had helped you secure an apartment before you had arrived, so you had your own space right away. 
After your first training, Lia invited you to come hang out and Beth and Viv their place. A regular hangout spot according to her, especially since they just got a new puppy. Lia drove you home from training, and told you she’d pick you up in an hour to head over to Beth and Viv’s.
An hour later your doorbell rang, but when you opened the door it was Leah instead of Lia. “Hey, Lia had to run some errands before heading over to the girls, so she asked me to pick you up instead.” Leah had taken the request to ‘pick you up’ to a whole new level as she started flirting with you. 
“You look great by the way.” She started while you walked over to her car. Just a simple friendly comment you thought, but still the blush rushed to your cheeks. “Thank you.” You said before quickly getting a step ahead of the blonde, to make sure she wouldn’t notice your blushing.
Of course Leah noticed right away and would now make it her mission to see you blush. “I mean it, you clean up nice. Haven’t seen you outside of football kits in person.” You reach the door and she opens your side for you. “Seems like a great date outfit too, if you even need a dinner date to wear it to, you know where to find me.” She left you frozen in place with her comment, and closed your door only to get in on the other side with a big smirk on her face.
“So, how has London been treating you so far?” You started telling Leah about your first week there, happy to no longer be the target of her flirting. At least that is what you thought until she followed up with, “Good to hear! If you ever need a tour guide, I am more than happy to volunteer.” On its own it wouldn’t be flirting, but the way she looked at you while you said it, gave the sentence a whole different meeting. 
“I really appreciate it, but Lia is showing me around already.” You said as you got out of the car, as you arrived at the girls' house. “Always Lia, huh?” She acted hurt. “Well, if she ever gets too busy, give me a call.” You walked up to the door quickly, “Oh look at that, we’re here.” You say as Beth opens the door. Darting inside without even saying a proper hello, propping yourself up between Viv and Kim who were already cuddling with Myle. 
Beth turned her attention to Leah, “Damn, what did you do?” She shrugs her shoulders, “Nothing.” In return Beth raised an eyebrow towards Leah, but she didn’t push further. Instead she turned her attention to you. “Glad you could make it. I see Myle made a new friend already!” Myle had gotten comfortable in your lap and started taking a nap there only moments after you had sat down. “She’s very cute.” You comment while looking at the pup lovingly. “I understand why everyone wants to hang out at your place.” You joke.
The conversations between everyone started flowing freely, and you felt immediately accepted into the group of girls. Leah continued her flirting with the rest of the girls around, which piqued the interest of the girls, though they didn’t say anything. Only the occasional chuckle when you would turn Leah down again.
It was hard having to say no to the woman you had been crushing on for years, but you had just joined a new club and she was co-captain of it, as well as Lia’s best friend. It didn’t seem right to act on your feelings, even though Leah was acting on them plenty. You came here to play football, you kept reminding yourself. 
Half an hour later Lia arrived, carrying in a few bags of groceries. “Sorry, it was quite busy at the store. What did I miss?” Some of the girls looked between you and Leah and wondered if they should poke some fun at the situation, but before they could, you answered her question. “Nothing much, we were just talking about how cute Myle is.” 
Lia, who had handed the groceries over to Viv, sat down beside you with a smile on her face. “She really is adorable. I’m glad to see you fit right in, I was worried about leaving you out here on your own.” It really did feel like you fit right in. 
“You don’t need to worry,” Leah interjected smoothly. “she wasn’t alone. I was here to make sure she’s well taken care of.” Her comment earned her a loud chuckle from Vic, who hurried to the kitchen to hide her laughter. Lia shot her best friend a look. “I’m sure you were, Lee.”
After dinner, Lia drove you home. “I am so happy you’re feeling at home already. How are the girls?” She asked while exiting the parking space. “Yeah, they’re really kind. I couldn’t have asked for a warmer welcome.” Lia was truly happy you found your spot within her little family at the club. 
She turned to you with a smirk. “What?” You asked instantly, already not liking the look on her face. “Don’t what me.” She laughs, “I was just going to ask what about Leah?” The slight blush that creeped up to your cheeks should’ve said enough. “Leah has been kind too, very kind.” Lia chuckled at your expression. “Kind? That girl has been flirting with you since the moment you arrived.” Your eyes widened, Lia had noticed. 
“Relax! Why do you think I introduced you all those years ago? You are literally perfect for each other. Back then I didn’t tell you my reasoning, because I didn’t think it would be fair to try and set you up with someone that lived in a different country.” She let that set in for a moment before she asked again, “So, what about Leah?” Her smirk grew again.
“Leah is great. I think I’ve kind of been pushing her into the friendzone though.” Lia stopped the car. You hadn’t been paying attention, not that you knew the roads yet, but you knew that you weren’t at your place or Lia’s. “It’s a good thing that Leah doesn’t easily give up, go shoot your shot.” You sent her a confused look, “Right now?” She points to the building ahead of you, “Yup, right now. That’s her place right there. Her car is here already, so she just got back as well.” She unbuckled your seatbelt, “Go!” You shake your head at her but get out of the car anyway. “Call me when you need a ride back.” 
You walk up to Leah’s door nervously, but knock nonetheless. When Leah opens the door, Lia decides to drive off. “Oh, hi, come in. Finally done with Lia?” You roll her eyes at how her flirting turned right back on. 
She walks you into her home, and you get right to the point. “Can we talk about today?” Leah’s face turns serious, feeling like she might have messed up. “Oh, I’m sorry if I was taking it too far. I thought there was a vibe, sorry if I read that wrong.” You shake your head, “No, no don’t worry. Actually it was me wanting to apologise. I was kind of pushing you towards the friendzone, because I didn’t want to mess anything up with Lia or the team.” 
Leah’s lips curve into a smile again, “But now you’re throwing me a ladder to come back out of the friendszone?” Her tone is hopeful. “If I’m not too late, yeah.” The blonde shakes her head, “Definitely not too late.”
Now that the big conversation was out of the way, you finally felt like it was okay to sit down. “You know Lia has been rooting for us for years?” You nod remembering the conversation in the car. “Yeah, she told me on the way here. I had no clue that this had been her intention all along.” 
Leah sits down beside you, “You know, I’ve liked you ever since we met when our teams played against each other that time Lia introduced us.” Your cheeks heat up again, “I have liked you since that day too.” 
Her eyes light up, “So, can we give this a try?” Her tone was hopeful again. “Yes, I’d like that.” With that, Leah closes the distance and presses a gentle kiss to your lips. When you pull back, both of you are smiling. 
“Want to stay for a while? I can drive you home wherever you want to go home.” You smile, “Yeah,” You’d love to spend more time with Leah. “I’ll text Lia and let her know that I won’t be needing that ride anymore.”
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Nobody asked me buuuut here's some of my hc of what the mum's/sisters would do in the Melting Pot universe:
Alexia gives me business owner vibes, not sure what the business would be though
Jeni gives me lawyer vibes
Lucy would be either a CEO oooor a police officer
Keira could be a teacher
Alessia would still be in college
Leah could be a DJ or a firefigther
Lia could be an engeener (not sure what could be)
Katie could be a firefighter or a police officer (while coaching karate to kids on her spare time)
Caitlin could be a vet
Viv could be a writer or a mechanic (idk not sure)
Beth would be a kindergarden teacher
Mapi would def be a tatoo artist
Ingrid would be a CEO too....idk she gives me powerful business woman vibes or a Model
Caro could be a firefighter while Marta could be a paramedic
Ona could be a vet too or a pilot (idk)
Aitana gives me profesional chef vibes
Frido would be a model
the rest idk....
Okay so this is just going to be a big infodump of the ideas I have for the dynamics between all the families so this might be kind of long. I'll probably put them into a masterlist at some point but probably after I move out
So, Alexia and Jenni had the twins (Bambi and Pequeñita) together before having a fairly amicable divorce. Business owner Alexia but the businesses she owns is a chain of fairly fancy restaurants and Jenni definitely gives lawyer vibes. So, they broke up and Alexia got with Olga to have Jaume and Jenni had Osita.
They're fairly chill with each other and their custody schedule is flexible and dictated by the twins so Pequeñita usually stays with Alexia while Bambi tends to go between them (now more heavily with Jenni now that Jaume's been born).
Lucy and Keira's relationship is also on the rocks. They were planning on adopting just as Keira got pregnant but decided to keep both plans going and then when they were settled, they adopted again to get Pup. They had a good relationship but it's kind of fizzling out and they're only really staying in the same house for the kids while pursuing different partners outside (thinking about if Lucy's a police officer then Ona might be a new recruit and Keira teaching at a local secondary school and Laura is the new teacher there).
Alessia is the frazzled uni student that's part time employed at one of Alexia's restaurants as a waitress so she's balancing it all while also caring for her little sister, Tesoro. They're always riding the line between on time and late.
Leah being a firefighter so she's on quite long shifts sometimes so taking care of Bug and Bean sometimes falls to Jordan (her amicable ex and Bug's other mum) who's all too happy to look after them both.
Thinking also about how Lia might be working in or around the fire station too (maybe admin???) who adores her little Guppy, who comes into the station every weekend to make sure it's all clean and tidy.
Actually, now that I think about it. Katie and Caitlin both being firefighters as well but working on opposite shifts so someone is always around to look after Gremlin and Kiddo. Rue's Katie's ex and Kiddo's other mum who just kind of does temp work where she's needed. The breakup is still a little toxic because Katie almost immediately got with Caitlin and had Gremlin. Kiddo is still adjusting.
Viv has her own column in the newspaper that she writes around caring for Munchkin and making paper sharks with Liefje while Beth probably has a job where she gets to be quite social with other people.
Daan is Beth's ex and they kind of had a kid together but still kind of didn't because Ellie's the one signed on as Pipsqueak's other mum but everyone is still friends and Pipsqueak gets sent off to Beth and Viv's house for babysitting during Daan and Ellie date nights.
Ingrid is definitely giving powerful ceo vibes. She's loaded with cash and has a big house up a hill somewhere so all her kids + Nena can have their own rooms and spaces. Mapi's tattoo artist income is practically petty change to Ingrid but she likes that Mapi's still doing something she's passionate about. Nena moved in with Ingrid somewhere between Sunshine being adopted and Teeny being born and settles right in with the rest of the pack.
Caro and Marta probably had a really sweet meet cute in the park when Conejita came over to the patch of flowers Caro was sitting next to and started picking them. Caro saw Marta and knew she was a goner.
Aitana working as a chef in Alexia's restaurant and actually getting recommended the school for Estrella by Alexia, who in turn, got the recommendation from Mapi who got it from Ingrid, who only really moved to the area because she heard the school was really good.
Frido as a model or as Ingrid's cfo who is looking after her baby sister and being all powerful and hot at the exact same time. She makes it seem so effortless.
Mary also being a semi-frazzled uni student who's probably working on a masters or PhD and she does her studying while little Rugrat is teaching herself how to read over in the corner or pointing out Mary's spelling mistakes before she submits a paper.
Steph being a single mum who probably works for the same paper that Viv does and recommends the area for Mini and Clara to bring Harper and Bubs too. Harper gets put into a different school than Bubs but that's alright because Bubs is in the same class as Angel and Mini swears she's never seen Bubs so bright and happy before.
Jessie also being at the local uni trying to wrap up her engineering degree. She's dealing with the pressure a lot better than Mary and Alessia are and she's got such a sweet Duckie to take to the park to decompress after a hard exam.
Emma recently moved Squish to the area to finally live with Frida permanently. I'm not sure what they would work out but they probably have a nice little house that backs into a forest so they can have long walks with Jordan and forage for mushrooms and berries.
Kristie probably works as a beautician or something similar while Sam works outside (I'm not quite sure as what) so it's no surprise that their kid Chook rolls in dirt and has fantastic eyebrows.
Magda and Pernille being lecturers at the university with really fancy credentials. Magda's been working there for a bit while Pernille taught in Germany and a job opened up so Pernille took it quickly, moving her and Princesse over to be closer to Magda.
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The Art of obsession.
Pairing: Austin!Elvis x reader
Summary: When you decided to be a preschool teacher you didn't know you would be teaching the famous Alpha Celebrity Elvis Presley's daughter Lisa Marie Presley. What you didn't know was that it would take a twisted turn when you got to know the 'Alpha' himself more and soon start to think you shouldn't have met him in the first place. (@galaxygirl453 )
Warnings: Manipulation, Gas lighting, Guilt tripping, Forced marriage, Drugging, Delusional/Obsessed Austin!Elvis, Baby trapping, Breeding kink, Forced marking, Creampie, dinner room sex, At school sex, Dirty talk, Housewife kink, Praise, Cock warming, Bullying, Pregnancy, and Pregnancy sex, Gorely murder.
A/n: So the anon who requested this, I hope you like it.
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Elvis only could hear the clicking of his dress shoes against the preschool's tile, his thoughts grow wild. While he was at home, practicing with some of the Memphis Mafia in The Jungle Room, he got a call from the principal that Lias Marie had gotten into a fight, his Lisa? He knew it was hard for Lisa Marie to go through the change of having divorce parents but she wouldn't fight another kid, would she? No, she wouldn't. Elvis closed his eyes and took a calming breath in and opened the door.
"Ah! Mr. Presley, there you are." the principal exclaimed mockingly, a sarcastic smile on his wrinkled, chubby face "What happened?" Elvis asked as he sat beside a sniffling Lisa, putting a hand on her tiny back, quietly comforting her "Lisa Marie attacked a little boy, while they were playing. If I were you I'd discipline her better." the old white-haired man practically snarled, Elvis could feel his blood boil, his wolf growling and ready to protect his little pup. Elvis opened his mouth to reply when the door swing open and the scent so luring filled his sense of smell, Rose & honey with a hint of firewood, his ocean orbs snapped to the source.
"Miss. (L/N)!" The principal called out but you ignored him, and simply squatted down in front of Lisa "Are you, okay sweetheart? I heard what happened." you gently cooed to Lisa wiping away her tears, Elvis's heartbeat quickened as he stared at you in awe, his body heat raised and ringing filed his ear, it was getting hard to breathe, everything in his body screamed to be yours, your omega but you wasn't an alpha, you couldn't be, you don't act like one, plus he worked so hard to be an 'Alpha' to lose it. Elvis breathed in and thanked God for his dark shades that helped conceive his emotion. "Miss. (L/n) this is a private meeting." you stood and turned to your boss, with a warm smile that didn't reach your eyes " With all due respect, sir, We both know Bobby Field likes to push around others, it's quite boggling to me that little Lisa Marie is here instead of him" the elder man opened his mouth to speak, but you continued "I get that you might be jealous of Mr. Presley's effect on your new 'wife' but we should not take it on the children Mr. Dryier." The beta man in question looked away in shame "Leave me." the beta waved his hand dismissing him, Lisa, and Miss.(L/n). They wasted no time leaving the stuffy office and into the hallway.
"You alright little Marie?" Miss (L/n) asked bending down and smiling down at his daughter "'m alright." Lisa nodded to you and wiped her puffy face from the tears in her eyes, wearing a cute tiny pout that made her teacher giggle softly, to Elvis it was like the sound of Angels singing and joyful bells ringing, his heartbeat once again raced just a little. You stood up, turning to him with your warm and soft smile, and he swear his heart skipped a beat, his body heat raised hotter than before, suddenly his throat felt dry and he felt like he was hardly breathing, his wolf begging and whimpering for his Alpha "Thank you, for doin' that." Elvis managed to spit out, with a fax confidence smirk even though a raging storm of emotion waved its course within him, "Your welcome. I just hate when adults are petty and mistreat children." you huffed before a smile was back on your face " I'm (Y/N) (L/n), it's a pleasure to meet THE Elvis Presley." you held out your hand that he gladly took, electricity ride up his spine and a groan tried to force it's way out his lips, he suddenly needed to fuck, to breed you, the want became almost unbearable. Elvis gulped before speaking "Pleasure all mine, darlin'" You shake his hand "Well it's time for me and Marie to head to class, recess is over." you said taking his little girl's hand, waved at him, and walked off.
Once you were out of sight, Elvis rushed out of the school and drove to Graceland, with the pain going through his veins, body screaming for release. His back laid against his comfortable mattress, clothes on the floor, and his cock in his hand, pumping fast, pre-cum leaking out and over his hand, his hips jerking into his fist, wishing it was your pussy, He cummed with a whimper and whine.
That was the best orgasm, Elvis had ever experienced, he didn't cum that hard even with Priscilla.
He wanted you, wanted you to be his, by God, you will be, whether you want that or not, he decided you'd be his alpha, no matter the costs. He didn't put his plan into action until a month later, he convinced the principal to have you tutor Lisa at Graceland when you had the time, after all every man had a price. It was a Tuesday when he acted, it was a sunny day and you came exactly the same time you always have, a bright smile and warmth in your eyes as he opened the door "How are you today Mr. Presley?" you asked walking into the beautiful mansion "Doin' just fine." Elvis smiled back and locked the door behind him, actually, he was more than fine, he was excited, he got off his suppressants and stopped wearing his mask scents, and he was going into heat, no alpha couldn't resist an omega in heat, not a sweet little alpha like you. "So where is little Marie?" you questioned looking for her, normal the little girl would come running to greet you, "Goddamn, I forget to tell ya she's at her mother's. I'm sorry darlin'," he said "It's okay I can just go." "You sure? The drive here is at least 2 hours, would ya like a drink?" Elvis asked, gently guiding you to the dining room "I could go for some coke." you smile softly as you sat in a chair at the large dining table "Great, just relax darlin' I'll get yar coke."
Elvis walked into the kitchen, grabbed two coke bottles, and pulled out a set of different quickly, tasteless dissolving drugs, one to enhance your instinct and one to trigger his heat, dropping each drug in your respective drinks, he brought and sat your coke in front of you, before sitting across of you, taking a sip of his coke "So how was school?" Elvis asked leaning back in his seat, "It was okay, the kids were a little—" you trailed off, once a temping scent filled the air, The smell of fresh morning due and lavender sage, your eyes meet Elvis's when a pained whimper left the omega, wait omega? He usually smelled like another alpha, that of Sandalwood and vanilla, he was a beautiful sight, his normal ocean orbs were hard to see, his pupils so dilated he was breathing heavily and sweat begin to make his skin shine. A strong want for, no need to have this omega, ride him until he begs you to stop, your eyes dilated as you stood up and walked to him "Get up." you order and like a good boy he did what he was told "Such good omega" you cooed " your reward." you said before pulling the godly of a man into dominating and passionate kiss, tongues swirling each other and your hands worked on removing his black half unbutton blouse. You both parted Breathing heavily as you remove his blouse and he was working to remove his pants "Such a gorgeous Alpha and gonna take care of me? Huh, darlin'?" he teased, kissing your neck before taking off his pants and lifted himself onto the table, his cock stood tall, your mouth watering and your pussy became slick. You crawled over him and lined his cock with your weeping core and slowly descended upon him, and immediately started to ride him it's been so long since you had sex nevertheless, you couldn't believe your luck a male Omega they're is so rare as Alpha females, you throw your head back, and rolled your hips sharply causing a pretty gasp and moan from the men below you.
His large hands quickly gripped your hips, moans, and whines left his pink lips, his Raven hair stuck to his forehead, and his eyes lidded, desperate, you bounced faster and leaned down to kiss him, not once stopping. His scent filled your nose and lungs like a drug, your kisses strayed from his lips to his neck, and a sudden desire, temptation, want, set your body ablaze, a want to mark, claim this man, his hand held your head to his neck, and his arm throw over your waist, holding you as you bounce. His scent became deliciously overwhelming and you bit down on his neck, staking your claim. Elvis gasped, it worked! He flipped you both, your back on the warm smooth wood as you licked up the blood and the bite with your healing saliva, Elvis pounded into you with a strong punishing rhythm, each thrust from his skilled hips, would push your hips against the table and his cock reached your sweet spot like no, Alpha or beta never had, the sexy growls and huffs leave the rock and roll king brought you closer to your climax "T-That's it! Cum, cum on this cock lil Darlin'! Goddamn, I'm close!" Elvis panted, his already fast thrusting turn frantic, and with a rub against your little nub, you came with a scream, Elvis not far after, with a groan he came, painting your walls and womb white with his seed. it took you a minute to realize what happened, you forcefully claimed him, and your widen eyes snapped to Elvis who was tracing the mark with shock and terror on his face "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to.." you trailed off as guilt set heavily into your chest "I'm ruined.." Elvis whispered, pacing in front of you "What can I do?" you begged "There's nothing you can do." he said, his back turned to you, a sinister smirk on his lips, it really was working, you were going to his. "Please there must be something?" you plead more desperately "Move in here and marry me, people will think it was consensual and you will be able to keep your job. We'll say we kept our relationship secret" Elvis turned to look at you, his eyes holding a strange gleam but you were too much in turmoil to notice "O-Oh Okay." you shakily nodded.
You sighed as you struggle to get out of bed with your 8 months baby bump, your husband sound asleep, it was a rare sight to see, he laid on his stomach, his head on his arm, his lips parted in silent snores, his jet black a mess on his forehead, he was it was gorgeous even if he was asleep, 'no fair' you chuckled and bend down as best as you could, kissed his forehead and walked into the bathroom and got ready for work, it had been a year since that, and it wasn't bad being married to the rock star, sure he had his moments, but he treated you well and you have grown to even love the man. Though you could go without the bursts of anger and possessiveness, it was worse when your ex came around which happened more often than not, he works at the same school you did, and now that you think about Elvis acted more than an alpha than you did sometimes, You yawned as stretched your arms, it was lunch time so the little pups went to the cafeteria. you were about to reach for your lunch when a knock on your classroom door made you sharply inhale, feeling irritation enter your system you took a calm breath then smiled "Come in." you spoke calmly and your husband strutted in with a small smile "How're my girls?" Elvis asked taking off his famous shades and hooking them on his belt "We're doing alright." your smile turned genuine "What are you doing here?" you asked as he leaned against your desk, looking at you with the same loving and devoted look in his eyes when never he looked at you, his smile tugged into a smirk at your question, his orbs was overcome with lust. "I came to check on you and the babies. God..you smell so good."
'Oh' you thought as heat rushed into your body, it had got clearer, the closer you got into your pregnancy, you hungered for sex more, and seeing the predatory lust-driven glint didn't help, you could feel the Alpha purr inside of you, she was pleased, happy to have such a doting omega to take care of her and your needs. Elvis rushed to sweep everything off your desk and helped you upon it, lips locked in a passionate kiss as you slowly leaned down onto the light brown desk, Elvis's fingers hooked onto your underwear and slide them off from under your sundress, your core already slick ready to take your omega he fumbled with unbuckled his belt and unzipping his pants, letting out small whimpers of want. "Shh it's okay omega, your Alpha is here" you purred, eyes blew out as he slowly slid into your pussy despite everything in him wanting to slam into you, his thrusts were slow but precise at first, trying so hard to be gentle, in control but it was slipping as he pounded faster, the poor old desk creaked under the pressure. The classroom echoes your lewd moans and the arousing sound of skin smacking against the skin, and your wet pussy taking a beating.
You whined as Elvis whispered sweet nothing, his pubic bone smacking against your clit, your eyes drifted into the small rectangle window of your classroom door, a set of brown tearful orbs looked back at yours; your ex Joseph a hurt expression plastered on his face but you couldn't find it in you to care while you were being fucked dumb, you grabbed Elvis's face and pulled him into a kiss of swirling tongues, your hips bucking upwards to your husbands hammering, the band in your stomach coming closer to snapping a sharp thrust had you coming, you left out a satisfied sigh as he finished inside. Your eyes looked to the window once again, Joseph was gone and a tiny feeling of guilt wash over you.
Elvis helped you down, helped cleaned up, and organize your desk, he stayed with you for the rest of your break, and the room was filled with laughter and talking. He left as the bell ranged not before leaving with a kiss and that was the last time he really spend time with you.
You were on your 9th month and at home, Elvis and you had agreed you were too close to your due date to work, so you just cooked and cleaned around the house. He was as always at his Studio, hanging out and recording songs with the Memphis Mafia when he got home he would just kiss you on the lips and Lisa Marie on her cheeks before doing his own thing. Today you decided to clean some of the rooms downstairs, you just finished one and were heading to the other when something catch your eye, the door that was normally locked was open just a slit, like a cat that was killed by curiosity, you completely open the door and a set of stairs lead down into the poorly lit room. You grip the metal rails as you take cautious steps can you pause once you smell stench so horrible like something was rotting? You watched as your feet bit the bottom step and when you finally looked up a gasp of pure horror left you. Dried blood splattered everywhere, bits and pieces of Flesh ran across the floors and walls as if an animal ripped apart its prey not caring where the pieces landed, and a ripped leg enters your vision, your eyes traced up, and what you saw would haunt you as bile rises up your throat. A man's body slumps against the back wall, his left arm cut off, and laying beside his thigh, his jaw hangs open, some teeth missing and his other leg gone, what you assume it was the bits of rotting flesh scattered around. A familiar scent entered your nose beneath the rotting corpse, Seabreeze vanilla, and coconut... Joseph. A chill climbed its way up your spine and tears build up in your orbs then another scent enters your nose and your blood runs ice cold.
"Tsk, such a bad alpha." a voice mocked you in the Stillness of this horror, your head snaps up at the top of the stairs, and your 'innocent' husband looks down at you coldly, eyes glowing blue as he leans against the doorframe
Taglist; @reddie-freddie, @father-of-2cats, @yynneessmons, @trinityscarlett173, @mnessasstuff, @galaxygirl453, @xxmadhatter39xx, @pennyroyalcreep, @elvisalltheway101 ,@plasticfantasticl0ver, @kendralavon7, @crash-and-cure, @flwersgarden. @airyx0x0.
"You're afraid? Good, you should be."
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janahanooo · 1 year
Mom!yuu: why is Aurelia on the shoulder of Crewel?
Crewel: *is walking towards them with Aurelia on his shoulder*
Ace: ...
Ace: well... I may have left her unsupervised for 5 minutes and he found her eating crayons...
Mom!yuu: what-
Crewel: ah, there you are pup. Here, but don't let her near Trapola next time.
Crewel: let me or Professor Trein look after the puppy.
Mom!Yuu: I- sure... after this, I'm not really sure I let anyone near her. How do you feel Lia?
Aurelia: Lia is fine, but sleepy... *grabby hands*
Mom!yuu: *takes her from Crewel* Now now, let's go back home. You can sleep with Grimmy, okay?
Mom!yuu: And you, Ace. We will talk about this.
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pupyuj · 1 year
just read your sub g!p itzy and it was amazing! mind if i just share some thoughts about edging sub g!p itzy?
for yeji , i can see her tied to a chair, cock blushing red and even tinted a little purple because of the wand that you have placed at the bottom of her cock, right where the base meets her balls. hips thrusting upwards uncontrollably as she can only huff and pant out 'y/n, please'. her whines getting louder every time you pull the wand away, but she never gets to protest fast enough because the wand is right where it was just seconds later. definitely cums a lot after when you finally suck on the tip and allow her to cum.
lia would definitely be loud. hand cuffed to your bed, crying for your pussy as she watches you get off. the vibrating cock ring around her cock at the lowest speed, twitching every time she sees your fingers disappear. +++ precum!! her balls are continuously convulsing as her breathing gets quicker as she sees you reach your climax. loves it when you finally turn the vibration to the max, moaning turns more high pitched!
ryujin would be similar to yeji, not that loud but her face shows everything. every time your hand wraps and jerks her off for just a second, her face contorts into pleasure. did i mention that she probably loves to be blindfolded when you do this? she wants to feel you and only you. she isn't a big fan of toys in the first place. when you finally choose to sink down onto her cock is when she throws her head back and lets out the most guttural moan ever, hips thrusting to match your speed. when you feel her thrusts grow uneven and slip away, she lets out a groan of desperation and the cycle repeats again.
i feel like chaeryeong would love to be on all fours and pegged from behind, your one hand reaching under to jerk her off as you stretch her out. shes loves it when you play with her ass. but every time she grows close, you pull out and go to grab something useless. and she can't do anything, she knows that if she moves or whines, you'll edge her for longer. so here she is, ass faced up, cock hard as she waits for you to return. the longest you have gone was 30 minutes, so all she can do is pray that you'll come back soon.
edging yuna is a pain yet a pleasure. you love seeing her hands behind her back, cock standing in between her legs. however, from the way she talks back and is just a total brat, you have to be thankful that she's into edging. your nails lightly scratching the skin on the tip makes her just open her mouth in pleasure, not a single syllable escaping, just a face of pleasure. soon, she's going from a whiny brat to an obedient pup, following your every command just so that she can cum.
i would like to add that yuna will definitely turn into a crying, whimpering mess while begging for you to just let her come... promising that she'll do anything and everything bcs she really couldn't stand to hold anything back anymore, the poor baby 😩
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frenchfry99 · 1 year
Welcome the neighborhood's friendliest flower shop keeper :]
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Some Magnolia info below ✿
• being almost as an older sister to Barnaby, she moved to the neighborhood together with him. Starting from when he was just a little pup, Barnaby gave them a nickname 'Lia (short from Magnolia) , which some other neighbors picked up later too.
• pronounces their name as Moognolia Moonroe sometimes not purposely and sometimes purposely to joke around.
• loves puns and jokes, would do them quite often, but you wouldn't really call them much a talkative person. They'd rather listen to others more than speak herself. Magnolia is always glad to hear you tell her about how your day went while she's watering flowers, sorting out pots, and other gardening things at her flower shop.
• she's autistic and semi-verbal, meaning that if she gets overwhelmed/stressed or due to bunch of other reasons (depending on situation) she goes mute. May communicate in little moo's when this happens, but also does it sometimes because she considers it funny.
• 'Lia is a bisexual polyamorous demigirl.
• her and Poppy are like mother figures to my oc Lilly and her siblings (and could be for other neighbors too if they see them as such! :] ).
• she's rather a fluffy than a fuzzy puppet, like REALLY fluffy (inspired by fluffy cows breed) and pretty tall, being almost the same height as Barnaby.
• cows are really social animals, so she'd rather stay in company of her friends rather than being alone.
• has a lazy eye & heterochromia.
• Lia is very attentive and caring about their flowers and all other kinds of plants in her garden, if one of them "gets sick" she invites Julie to talk to it. They jokingly call Julie a "translator from plantish/flowerish", but no matter how funny this all sounds, she really helps! :]
• they're pretty much okay with all the little critters that come to hang out in her flower garden and calls them "her little friends", being not afraid of them unlike her little tailor friend Sunny.
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Hi! I really loved your stories and I saw that your requests are open! Can I request gavriel with crush!reader having nightmares and panic attacks and he comforts her? Maybe stays with her and it happens again and they confess to each other? 👉🏻👈🏻
Thank you for the love! It means a lot.🤍This is slightly different then the request but I hope you'll still like it.🤍
Chase it all away
Gavriel was willing to wait. With so much experience and so many years lived he had swooned over many females. Shared bed with even more and considered himself having a crush so many times he didn't have enough fingers to bend.
But you felt different the moment he saw you. Maybe it was your much younger spirits, maybe your kind eyes. But all of a sudden Gavriel felt as if he was a young fae boy, only just learning what female attention was. What the butterflies in the stomach meant. That waiting for someone else's glance made you anxious, full of hope, and almost defenseless.
"Lion turned into a kitty cat", Fanrys sighed dramatically, smirking over the rim of his cup. Gavriel drew his eyes back to the table, positioned in the back of the pub, tucked away slightly, providing some privacy for the males and their conversations. "Watch your mouth pup", the older male warned, only causing a bigger smirk to paint the white wolf's lips. Because Gavriel was never defensive, he was calm and cool. His emotions were always intact. Always calculated, he was a true father figure to most, a nurturing yet strict kind. So watching him all distracted and lost in his thoughts was a first.
"I still think you should go and talk to her", the fact that Lorcan even bothered to be a part of this discussion, made Gavriel shake his head. "Do you bunch have nothing better to do?", he lifted his cup of ale to his lips and his eyes wandered off again. Managing to find you with no more than a quick scan of the room. "Oh come on now, you like her. Time is cruel to us all, go get her tiger", Fenrys purred. Gavriel bumped his knee under the table causing Fenrys cup to slide down, liquid pouring all over his clothes, "Mind your business, boy".
And so Gavreil suppressed it all. All gone were the glances. The smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. He managed to push it all back and paint the picture that nothing was there to look at. No emotions. No desire. No flustered hearts.
"I thought you wouldn't come for a moment", Gavriel was leaning against the back wall, right as you approached, quickly pulling the hood off your head. Truth was, you've been his for some time. Well, kind of his. The worrier was just so terrified of these new feelings that he kept it all hidden from the noisy people. "Have I ever stood you up", even if your words were supposed to carry bits of humor, Gavriel sensed the shift immediately.
His fingers were under your chin intensely, lifting your head, so the moon would cast its light upon you, letting him scan your features.
"What's going on?", your crystal-like eyes looedk up at the older male in front of you. The idea was to hide it. Even if Lia, your coworker, bluntly pointed out that you are dealing with a male who had lived over six hundred years. But it wouldn't hurt to try, right? So you shake your head slightly. Hoping that he would just drop it.
"Darling, I won't push you but... did something happen?", and it's his eyes that are deadly in this fight. It's Gavriel's caring gaze that has you leaning into his chest as the first tears threaten to roll down your cheeks. Gavriel wraps you up without hesitation. His initial reaction is to look around for any threats. Has anyone lingered at the pub? Caused trouble? Hurt you in any way?
"Just...", you hiccuped suddenly finding it hard to breathe. "Easy love, easy", Gavriel's touch is gentle even if he knows that his hand would be a deadly weapon if he found the one responsible for causing you so much distress. "I had this dream. Someone...", you mutter quietly, "Someone followed me, and now...", you look back quickly, and Gavriel's eyes dart up as well, "He was there", you whisper shout.
Gavriel pulls you behind him instantly, a low growl slips past his lips. He's a hunter at heart and has the desire to slip into the dark alley you just came from. To go and kill every single breathing creature there. He takes a step forward but then halts. You're here. He would be leaving you alone. Upset. Scared and shaking. So he spins back around.
"Drink this", Aelin pushes a cup of tea closer to you. Back to the family house. That's where he took you. A place that no one else was supposed to know of but Gavriel had to. Had to even if Rowan was more than unhappy at first. Not to mention that Gavriel coming back with a girl took them all by surprise.
"Hey, now you're safe", Aelin gently clasps your hand, looking ahead just like you. All the males standing in the corner of the room. The sour expression not leaving Gavriel's face. And it's so strange because, in all of your lifetime, no one had ever cared so much. No one had made it their priority to protect you. Keep you away from harm's way and Gavriel is there telling his closest friends everything in hopes of getting their help.
A couple of males, you don't know the name of, slip out of the room. But not before you see the gleam of daggers in their hands. What will they do? Gavriel closes the distance between you. Gently running his hand through your hair as he kneels closer to you. "How are you, sweetheart?", his tone is low as his tawny eyes piercing through your soul. "Don't go", you whisper. Because something inside you is telling you that he as much as anyone wanted to hunt that creep down.
Gavriel's eyes soften and he's about to object but Rowan cuts in, "I think that's for the best", but Gavriel is shaking his head. He has to go there himself. "You trust yourself enough to not lose control?", Rowan pushes again. Something in Gavriel's expression changes as if he too only now noticed how on edge this all had him. Your hand reaches out to him and he swiftly pulls it closer to his lips, placing a loving kiss there before he nods. Rowan nods back and with a quick kiss on Aelin's temple slips back out to catch up with the others.
Gavriel ushers you up to his room as soon as you're done with your tea. You seem calmer but the moment you're in bed your nerves are at high alert. You can't keep your eyes closed for longer than a couple of minutes. Flinching at any sound outside the door. Gavriel is at war with himself because yes you two had been kind of seeing one another but nothing was official and neither of you had said anything regarding your situation. And yes he had hugged you before but bringing you to his embrace like this. In his bed. Seemed like something you might not be ready for.
But after a third time of you jumping up Gavriel slowly inches closer. You feel the heat from his palm before you feel it touch you. And then he's carefully holding onto your upper thigh as he drags you closer to his body, draping your leg over his lap, pulling you to his side. Your hands sneak to wrap around his middle and you let out a content sigh. Gavriel moves to run his fingers through your hair, twirling the ends before moving to another strand.
"I'll always keep you safe", he mutters making you look up at him, "I know and that's why I like you so much", you lean in, nuzzling closer to his neck. Leaving a soft kiss on the side of his neck. "That's the only reason why you like me?", he teases playfully, and you can't help a tired chuckle at how suddenly prideful he got. "No... You're not too bad to look at too. Not to mention that your hot", your eyes suddenly shot open as you realized how that sounded, and the male-only let's out a laugh, "Hot, huh?", "As in warm Gavriel, as in warm", and you're thankful that your face is in the crook of his neck because your cheeks are burning.
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Thank you for joining our first Choices Picnic! It was a lovely event!
Here is how our picnic turned out:
10 fandom members contributed to
28 MCs, OCs, and LIs joining the event who brought
15 different types of food
10 different types of drinks
21 different types of desserts
15 different games/activities
[Event prompts and info] [Full list of community prompts, polls, and quizzes]
Who joined the picnic? [x]
Aiden x Evie
Ethan x Oliver
Noah x Devi
Thomas x Avalon
Ethan x Kaycee
Tobias x Casey
@lovealexhunt / @theartoflovingthomashunt / @storyofmychoices
Bryce x Olivia
Mal x Daenarya
Thomas x Alex
Aislinn x Verity
Hana x Raelyn
Ajay x Matty
Emmett x Brooklyn
Ethan x Sydney
Thomas x Jackie
Ethan x Celia
Trystan x Sophia
Derek x Charlie
Ethan x Claire
Thomas x Brooklyn
Tobias x Adelaide
What will we be eating + drinking? [x]
Banana Chips with light maple syrup
Buttermilk Fruit Scones
Charcuterie Board (2)
Fresh Baked Bread
Fresh Vegetable Quinoa Salad
Grilled Meat Skewers
Ketchup Chips
Korean Fried Chicken
Pasta Salad
Sandwiches (2)
Trail Mix
Alcoholic Drinks
Cabernet Sauvignon
Chocolate Milk
Coconut Custard Pie
Fruit Salad
Nanaimo Bars
Non-Alcoholic Drinks
Orange Infused Cold Brew
Strawberry Lemonade
Sweet Cocktails
Sweet Iced Tea
Wine selection
What are we eating (desserts) [x]
Apple Pie
Berry Pinwheel Pasteries
Coconut Cake
Fresh Fruit Popsicles
Fruit mixed in pudding, yogurt, whipped cream
Golden Griddle milkshakes
Honey Cake
Lemon Cake
Mint Ice Cream Sandwiches
Pup Cups
Red Velvet Brownies
Red Velvet Cupcakes
Rum Cake
Strawberry Cheesecake Parfait
Weed Brownies
What are we playing/doing? [x]
Capture the Flag
Drink Mixing
Enjoying flowers
Frisbee / Disk Golf
Frisbee with pups (2)
Kite Flying
Lawn Chess
Nature Crafts / Flower Crowns
Paint and Sip
Toss + Catch
What's our picnic playlists? [X]
What 3 things are a picnic must? [X]
How will a little rain impact the event? [x]
How did MCs, OCs, and LIs document the event? [X]
What else was submitted?
I was going to make a masterlist, but since most entries were just reblogs to the community posts it seemed silly... especially since all the extra entries were mine 🙈. Felt weird making a masterlist for just me! If more individual works are added, I'll make a separate masterlist.
@lovealexhunt / @theartoflovingthomashunt / @storyofmychoices
Bryce x Olivia picnic (art)
Bryce x Olivia beach picnic (edit)
Mal x Daenarya beach picnic (edit)
A Late Night Picnic (Mal x Daenarya) (writing)
Thomas x Alex Hollywood sign picnic (edit)
@peonierose : Art on the Beach with Bryce x Luna
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miupow · 9 months
oh no 😭 need more crave huening when he’s so feral and acting on his instincts alone in his rut. the sweet huening is all gone when he’s in his rut and all he can think about is knocking her up with his pups. he can’t help himself at all and can’t stop himself anymore when his instincts take over oh my 😭
heehee.. i love writing kai with a dual-sided personality or some kind of duality (see what i did there heehee)... ugh crave!kai who tries to be gentle and sweet but breaks things when he gets angry, growls n snarls when he doesn't mean to, grabs at reader far too rough cos he doesn't know his own strength :(
and the breeding kink with this boy.. ugh
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batllethinker · 1 month
Le always feels a little bit like crying when she realizes that mommy hasn't cum because she really wants to make mommy feel good. Lia is always quick to reassure her that shes being such a good girl, making mommy feel so good but that this is her reward, that pup can use mommy to cum as many times as she needs
Pup does try harder to also make mommy feel good despite her reassurances. She's absolutely overjoyed when she's able to make mommy cum without much guidance and it's only then she decides that her reward is done
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tieflingtareon · 1 year
My love, are you the devil? (Oh, call me a devil)
Chapter 12 | Words: 4k
Summary: Astarion found himself often surprised by his heroic companion. He had one goal. To become the favoured companion of the group, to earn the Tieflings loyalty, to make Tar'eons strength his own. Yet Tar'eon isn't like the usual target of his manipulations. Despite his naivety, he does not seem gullible. There is something very wrong with their 'leader' to begin with. Astarion isn't sure if he wants to control it or eradicate the threat it posed. But can he really do either when Tar'eon himself seems so...unwaveringly kind?
That devil is getting into his head, while others get into Tar'eons. He doesn't appreciate not having the upperhand after years of being at the disadvantage. He will find a way to make him see.
He is the one he should be listening to. Astarion would make it so, no matter the means.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50668558/chapters/127995079
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Eventful. That was a great description for their lives right now.
After speaking with Jaheira, and then Isobel to receive her blessing, something Shadowheart did not seem pleased about, a feathered freak had come through to kidnap her, but ever the noble heart who couldn't allow the Harpers to perish to the shadow curse, Tar'eon took him on, one on one, while the rest of them slayed the winged minions.
It had been quite eventful, for the first night in the inn. Astarion thought he'd find himself in the company of Tar'eon after all of it, but when the tiefling found out Mol had been taken, he'd abandoned his side to comfort the distraught children, even if some of them were trying to act tough, trying to make a plan to get her back.
Tar'eon vowed he'd return her to them, and when Mirkon would not leave his arms, he resigned himself to putting the children to bed himself, much too big for the tiny beds, but it seemed to make the kids feel much safer to pile on top of him like pups with their mother. Astarion would admit, it was a sweet sight to come upon when he went to look for the man in the morning.
He may say he lacked perfect control over his tail, but it still managed to wrap around the children he couldn't hold in his arms, eyes closed and seemingly fast asleep.
Once Tar'eon finally came out to join the others for breakfast, Astarion noticed his tired gaze despite him drawing out a map of the Shadow Lands he'd borrowed from Jaheira. He hadn't slept much, and Astarion could tell. How much of the night did he spend worrying over Mol's kidnapping?
Tar'eon had gotten wind of a certain Sleeping Beauty over breakfast, and while Halsin insisted they figure out what was wrong with him, Tar'eon was stubborn in going straight to Moonrise and getting the tieflings back. Karlach and Wyll backed him up with no arguement, of course, and so, Halsin was stuck behind with the resting man, to be dealt with later.
"You didn't sleep well." Astarion noted as he dressed in his armour in their shared room that funnily enough, they had not shared the night before. Tar'eon sighed.
"He visited again. That butler of mine." Tar'eon sounded bitter as he struggled to lace his gauntlets. Astarion brushed his hand away with a huff and laced it tight for him, if only to end his nervous fidgeting.
"Well? What did he say?"
"He wants me to kill Isobel."
"The only one holding the Shadow Curse at bay? I may not like the Harpers, but I am not a fan of the idea, personally. For our own sake." Astarion grimaced. Killing her would just bring the curse right to them, and he knew Tar'eon wouldn't dare do that to the Harpers, or to the refugees staying there. Did this butler think the man daft?
"I just...don't understand his motives. Killing Isobel would be the death of us all."
"Perhaps all he wants is death." Astarion mused, fixing the collar of his armour. "Forget it. Can't kill the cleric if we aren't here, now can we? We have a mission to get to."
"You're right. I need to focus on getting Mol, Lia and Cal back. All of them." Tar'eons expression hardened with resolve and Astarion shook his head, grabbing the cloak off his bed. He offered it back to the man, seeing as it was his. Tar'eon took it and Astarion turned his back to grab a couple daggers, stashing them along his body, but keeping his favourite at his hip.
He stood straighter when he felt the heavy blanket of the cloak rest upon his shoulders, Tar'eons nimble fingers tying a sturdy knot to keep it there, looking as his work over Astarion's shoulder.
"It...it was a gift from him. The butler. I hate wearing it. It just - it just reminds me of what I did to Alfira. But it'll keep you safe. For every kill, you gain the power of invisibility, if only for a short period." Tar'eon smoothed his hands over the fabric, The Deathstalker's Mantle, a gift he had tried to refuse. It would have it's uses, he was sure, but he couldn't wear it himself. Couldn't bring himself to.
On Astarion though, objectively, it was quite fetching.
The vampire looked at him, seeming hesitant to accept the gift before he gave a smile, giving it a little swoosh as he stood before a mirror. He couldn't see himself, but the cloak - the cloak was gorgeous. Definitely expensive, and tailored precisely to Tar'eons measurements, if he had to guess.
To think, Tar'eon had a butler, an expensive cloak...Hells, maybe he was a prince, a murderous one at that, and just didn't know it? Astarion had always dreamed of a prince saving him from all his troubles, hadn't he? The irony of stumbling upon a possible one only after he was snatched from Cazador's grasp by another entity...
"Well, as they say. One man's trash, is another man's treasure." Astarion smirked and stepped forward, smoothing his hand over the others chest as he hummed. "I quite like all these gifts you keep giving me. However can I repay you?"
"By having my back, as I have yours." Tar'eon took his hand off his chest, holding it and chasing the chill from his fingers before he dipped his head and pressed a gentle kiss to his pale skin. The tiefling smiled at him, eyes fond as always.
Astarion was too focused on making sure his hand in his didn't shake, or god forbidden, grip back so tight he might break it.
"Have I ever told you how much I love your tongue?" Astarion picked up the Moon Lantern with a devilish smile, the bright light illuminating his features. A little pixie banged around inside, pleading to be set free. Tar'eon frowned, looking guilty, but Astarion shook his head.
"We're not letting you out."
"I"LL GUT YOU LIKE A-" Astarion gestured to the pixie for Tar'eon to see.
"Never trust a pixie, or any fey, my dear." He chuckled and kept a tight grip on the lantern as they travelled through the Shadow Lands. It only made sense, considering he only needed one hand for his enchanted dagger, though if needs be, he was happy to toss it to another and pull out his bow.
Seeing as he held the lantern, he led the way, but after a few hours of walking in what he was starting to believe was a circle...Well, they were honestly a bit lost. No, it wasn't his fault for refusing the map twice.
"If I have to follow him for another hour, I'll kill him." Wyll groaned, obviously sick of walking to nowhere.
"Astar, please. Just let me lead."
"You cannot fight and hold the lantern, darling, trust me, we're making head way -" And by the grace of whatever was holy, it seemed they had. Up ahead, he saw buildings, and he smirked. Not a castle, but something. "See?"
"It doesn't look like Moonrise."
"And how do you know what Moonrise looks like, hm?" Astarion challenged.
"It's a castle. This is not a castle, Astar."
"It's a town though, which means the castle is close. Trust me." Astarion waved his concerns off and continued on. Unsurprisingly, they were ambushed by shadow creatures.
It wasn't a hard feat to slash them down, not with Wyll and Lae'zel on the team, as much as he wished for Shadowheart's healing. Unfortunately, she'd woken up with a bloody limp. He should have expected it, after all those little glances, all those secret smiles. Their darling who burned hotter than Avernus and the Shar princess were down bad. With Karlach no longer a workplace injury in the flesh, she must have jumped at the chance.
He did wonder how a limp played into it, but who was he to expose such secrets? Though, they were barely a secret.
"Gods, I miss the sun." Astarion muttered. This place was so gloomy, and cold. He did peak a castle in the distance though, and smirked. See? He had been on the right track! "Tar'eon-"
Before he could inform him, the tiefling took off, curse be damned, and Astarion swore, running after the stupid man, Wyll and Lae'zel behind him.
"Arabella!" He barely kept their leader in the glow on their safety net, but once he saw what, or in this case who, he was running towards, he found himself rolling his eyes. It was always children. He had no self preservation when he saw a child in need. It was that young tiefling girl they'd saved from Kagha's viper.
"Hey! I know you. You're -" Astarion moved for his dagger when two shadow-y creatures burst from the ground, looming over Tar'eon and the girl. He readied himself to strike, but it seemed the child was one step ahead.
"Twist'em up!" With a pale green glow, the tiefling child managed to bind the shadows in place with her vines, looking exhausted from that feat alone.
"It's you - our little idol thief from the druids grove!" There was no doubt about it. Astarion would admit, he was growing a touch fond of the little band of thieves. He'd make an excellent mentor, he'd like to think. He could teach them more than a thing or two about being a rogue.
The tiefling child slumped her shoulders, and Astarion wondered if he'd said the wrong thing, but no, the child was looking at Tar'eon.
"Sorry. Knocks the wind right out of me." Arabella apologised. Wyll stepped forward with a smile.
"You did that with no incantation. That's an impressive feat. That kind of sorcery only comes from deep within." Of course the warlock had an opinion on her magic. Arabella seemed to stand straighter after the praise.
"That druid idol I took? It changed me. I can do all sorts of stuff now, not just the vines." Arabella looked to Tar'eon like she was searching for his praise next. "I think real hard and say some loud words and then it happens. Mostly." Tar'eon rested a hand on her head and ruffled between her horns, crouching down.
"What are you doing out here, Arabella? It's not safe." The girl withdrew into herself, suddenly as scared and frightened as she should be.
"I was looking. For mum and pops. When Zevlor - when he -" Her chin gave a little wobble but she stopped it quickly, as if refusing to cry over the matter. "Well. There was an ambush. Mum yelled 'run!'...So we ran. I could hear 'em running behind me. 'Til I couldn't."
Tar'eons eyes softened, filled with mourning for the girl as they both drew the same conclusion. They were both likely dead.
"Still can't find 'em - but I bet you can. You'll help me, I just know it!" Tar'eon gave a tight smile and nodded.
"I'll find your parents, Arabella. You can count on me." The relief was palpable from the young girl.
"Thanks, mister. I knew you'd help me again." Of course he would. He was a bleeding heart. "The vines won't last forever." Arabella looked towards the shadow creatures with apprehension. "I don't - I don't s'pose I can stay with you? Just 'til you find mum and pops, I won't be any trouble, I swear it!"
Astarion looked at Tar'eon apprehensively. A child? In their camp? That sounded like a dreadful idea. Though, Scratch could always use some more love, he supposed.
Tar'eon smiled.
"My friends are currently at the Last Light Inn. Cerys and the other children are there too. I'm afraid Mol was kidnapped during an attack, but I'm on my way to bring her back, along with the other tieflings." Tar'eon took the girls hand and squeezed. "I'll help you there with a little bit of ancient magic, alright? Speak to the others of my party when you arrive. Though, do not mind Withers. He's a bit scary to look at, but he's harmless, despite his lurking." Tar'eon smiled and took her other hand. He closed his eyes.
"I'm find your parents, Arabella. I'm going to make sure you all make it to Baldur's Gate this time."
"Thank you - Bring mum and pops back there. I'll be waiting." In a flash of purple, the young girl disappeared, likely landing herself outside the Inn as Tar'eon promised.
"Always the bleeding heart, darling." Astarion chuckled.
"He did the right thing. Who knows - maybe if we find Arabella's parents, they'll have a lead towards where the tieflings are being held in Moonrise." Wyll interjected and Astarion rolled his eyes.
"They'll either be dead, or in a prison cell. These Absolute cultists aren't exactly creative, or merciful. He saw the drow woman, and Nere."
"I'd like to hold onto hope that they're still alive regardless, thank you." Wyll frowned, annoyed by Astarion's blase tone.
"Of course you do. You're obsessed with fairy tales, and not the cold, hard truths of this world." Astarion bit out, glaring at the other man.
"Fairy tales can teach us a lot about how hard the world is, but in the end, hope will always prevail." Wyll crossed his arms, matching his gaze. Every thing about him screamed nobility, even in drabs, and Astarion wanted to tear into him. He wanted to sink his nails into his insecurities, his righteous nature, and claw them away until the man was raw and hopeless, just like he was.
"Hope drives men to madness more often than it does to happiness, devil man."
The muscle in Wyll's cheek twitched, looking ready to draw his blade on the vampire, but Tar'eon stood between them, a hand on either ones chest.
"Stop it. You've lived vastly different lives, with separate, incomprehensible struggles. You may believe the world to be bleak, Astarion, but Wyll does not. You may have given up on the notion of hope, but the rest of us haven't. All I ask is that you let it go."
Astarion could feel the back of his neck burning from the scolding, even if Tar'eon tone was more netural than fierce. He huffed and with a whip of his cloak, continued forward. He heard Tar'eon sigh, the others footsteps following him, if only because he held the lantern.
"Thank you. For sticking up for me." Wyll said in a soft voice to Tar'eon, but he could still hear it.
"Don't thank me. I'm just not ready to give up hope yet. It's...all I- we have left."
"Well, we've got our solution to my little problem. I say we go ahead." Astarion smirked as he made towards the entrance, but Tar'eon held him back by the elbow. He turned to the man and quirked a brow. "Yes?"
"We have to find Arabella's parents first, Astar. And free the tieflings, remember? Get Mol back."
"They aren't going to be more dead if we take a detour, darling." Astarion waved a hand and narrowed his eyes. "This is a deal that doesn't involve servitude. I'm going to take my chances before he decides to up the stakes."
"And if they're not? We don't know what's inside there, but I doubt it's leaving any time soon. Komira and her husband, Mol, the other tieflings - they can't wait."
"I thought this was important to you. Am I remembering it wrong, dear?" The pet name held no affection.
"Don't use that against me. I promised you we'd find a way to translate your scars. I meant it. But lives are at stake, and this can wait."
"You know I'm not patient."
"Learn some patience then. This will be a good lesson." Tar'eon wasn't giving in, and Astarion gritted his teeth, baring his fangs with a growl and shoving the lantern into the other mans hands.
"Fine. But if they're dead, like I predict they are, you owe me."
"Go on. We have corpses to find." Astarion said bitterly and stalked down the hill, forcing Tar'eon to follow. The tiefling sighed, looking weary as Wyll placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Don't take it to heart. He's a prickly creature. You're right to put urgency to this mission. They're your people, and they're relying on you. The best decisions aren't always the easiest."
"He doesn't believe in heroes. I know he doesn't. He's selfish because he see no point in being selfless. He doesn't gain anything from it. No one was ever selfless was his sake. I know he hates it when I tell him no." Tar'eon knew Astarion had flaws. That didn't stop his heart from aching.
He loved him. Deeply. In such a short time span, he'd managed to launch himself into the deep end of this pool of affection he felt for the other man, but he didn't know how to love him without receiving his fangs half of the time. He knew why Astarion was this way. He was afraid, they all were, but his fear was volatile.
He cursed Cazador for breaking down the man who held his heart in pale hands, ready to be devoured between sharp, pointed teeth.
"We can't always get what we want. He'll learn that with time."
"He's never had what he wants, Wyll. He hates when I tell him no, because that's all he's ever heard." Tar'eons brows drew together, pinched into a painful expression as he departed from Wyll's side, head bowed. Wyll stayed a few paces behind, unsure what to say to that. Lae'zels arm brushed his and he looked at her, the githyanki staring ahead at the pair.
"Tar'eon is a warrior, while Astarion is simply a survivor; they bear their burdens differently." She made a sound of irritation, as if she were planning to spit on the ground to get a foul taste out of her mouth. "I do not know what draws them together, but it is...palpable."
"And why're you telling me this?" Wyll quirked a brow, voice low as not to be heard, much like her near whisper.
"Because you follow after our leader like a dog. You are a warrior, like he is. Yet you hold yourself back. That is your failing. You idealise stories, fiction, and expect things to simply fit into place, like words on parchment." Lae'zel's cat like eyes turned onto him, intensely yellow in the darkness of the shadow lands.
"You must take action. Like a warrior." She stood straighter, somehow. Her posture was always perfect, much like his. Instinctive to stand tall. "Before he is tied down by the vampire."
"Astarion and Tar'eon - it won't last." Wyll was sure of that. "Astarion doesn't seem the type for...long term. Tar'eon seems the type to only want that."
"And yet, Tar'eon can convince the nightstalker to do many things that are out of the ordinary for him."
"What do you suggestion then? You seem to be well versed in this after all." Wyll quirked a brow, crossing his arms.
"Woo him." Lae'zel's eyes shone, her slitted pupils widening like she had spotted something she quite liked, gaze intense on the warlock. "Show him you are the better match. In my culture, the Githyanki do so by intimate combat."
"I'm afraid to ask what makes it intimate." Wyll frowned, looking away from her. For a githyanki, she was a beauty, but her ruthless attitude until now had made it hard to converse with her, not to mention her unsettling amount of eye contact. It was quite intimidating. As the journey continued though, he found she had opened up, if only a little, without her knowledge.
"I'd show you, if you weren't after another." Lae'zel hummed. "If things fall through, do feel free to ask for my company. Your scent is...not unpleasant."
Wyll blinked and watched her break stride, staying beside Tar'eon now in silence. He frowned as he picked at the collar of his robe, giving it a small sniff. While he had bathed the night prior, his armour hadn't had the chance to be washed in quite some time. He watched the githyanki and the tiefling, the large man offering her half his apple after breaking it in half.
Had he...been propositioned while being given relationship advice at the same time?
"I can't believe you convinced him to just kill himself." Astarion couldn't help the surge of giddiness thinking back to it. He knew he liked Tar'eon for a reason.
"I was avoiding a fight, and the man was insane." Tar'eon shrugged. "They say everyone is their own worst enemy." He picked up the lute and frowned. He doubted it belonged to the man. He'd find use of it. He slung it onto his back and placed his flute in his bag. It wasn't the only instrument he knew how to play, but it was his preferred instrument. It made a sweet sound, in his opinion.
"Well then...lets ransack the place." Astarion smirked as he went about looting anything he could. He wasn't particularly happy about this little side quest they were doing, but he was refusing to let Tar'eon get under his skin. He could act civil. The better person. Let Tar'eon come and grovel to him first.
They traversed through the building, searching for anything good, and stumbled upon what looked to be an infirmary. Wyll's face grew grim as he looked upon the bodies lying in the bed.
"It's Arabella's parents..."
"Fuck." Tar'eon came closer to look, shining the lantern upon them. Wyll was right. Komira and Locke laid together in the bed, well past reviving. His heart broke for little Arabella.
Tar'eon would have to tell her...she'd been so hopeful that he'd be able to help her. He felt like he had failed her, even if it was obvious that her parents had been dead for a while, a couple days at least. How long had Arabella been out there, looking for her parents?
"I told you." Astarion said, arms crossed, shaking his head. He sounded disappointed despite being right. "I told you this mission was pointless."
Tar'eon whipped around and grabbed the collar of his cloak, his tail whipping wildly in his anger.
"Don't. Just- don't."
"Oh please, even that child knew, deep down. She got her hopes up - she got your hopes up. I told you, it's pointless. If you think someone is dead? They likely are." Astarion had given many people over to Cazador, and while he didn't see their demise, he knew. When people were captured by monsters, they didn't simply come back. There was no point in hoping they'll escape their fate, whether you helped them or not. Sometimes death was better than what they'd live through if they were to live.
Tar'eons eyes held nothing but anger, with hurt bleeding into them as he let Astarion go, stepping back.
"Go back to the Inn then. If you don't want to help me, then you can go." Astarion opened his mouth in shock. He'd never been banished from the party before. He was always beside him, throughout the whole journey.
"You- you can't banish me." He laughed, breathless. "You need me."
"Not right now, I don't." Tar'eon gaze steeled. "Go, Astarion. Maybe a bit of time alone will make you realise how much of an asshole you are sometimes."
"I-..." Astarion scoffed. "I've never tried to hide that part of myself from you. It's your own fault if your poor heart is broken over the hard truths of this world." He stepped back and put on a expression that Tar'eon hadn't seen since the first day they met. Cool and calm; superior. Unfeeling.
"I'll see you tonight. Do tell me all the gory details when you find the bodies of those tieflings, unless they are by some miracle, alive." In a flash, he forced his connection to the sigil to bring him back to the Inn, opening his eyes to firelight and the scent of grass, rather then damp, darkness.
Astarion scowled and stormed off to his room, ignoring Shadowheart and Karlach's sounds of surprise at his return as he bounded up the stairs and slammed the door hard enough to rattle through the wall, dust falling into his hair. He snarled and ran a hand through it, running the perfect picture he tried to maintain painstakingly ever morning.
Good riddance. For once, maybe he could relax and read a book instead of being blasted and slashed at. He laid back on his bed, not caring about his armour as he tugged off his boots. He reached for the book sticking out of Tar'eons spare pack and opened it to the first page.
A Beginners Guide To The Infernal Language.
He glowered but read on. It might do him some good to learn more about the language scrawled on his back, if he was to convince Raphael to explain.
He never should have expected help. How foolish. He would help himself, like he always had.
The only person you could trust in this world was yourself.
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
i’d love to learn more about the melting pot au
To this anon and the anons who keep letting me infodump about melting pot, I love and appreciate you
Thinking about the restaurant kids right now.
Alexia obviously owns the restaurant so her kids are constantly hanging around the back room. Alessia waitresses there so Tesoro has a little table at the back to do her homework. Aitana's just come back to work after the untimely death of her friends so Estrella is going to grow up in that restaurant as well.
Also thinking about who knows each other (outside of relationships) and why.
Obviously the restaurant squad know each other because they work together
Ingrid, Caro, Frido and Magda all went to university together but Magda only really knew Frido and decided to stay at the university in Denmark where she met Pernille for the remainder of her degree.
Lucy met Ona after Ona was introduced as the new police recruit while Laura joined the school Keira works at. They've yet to tell Peanut and Bear they're breaking up but Pup found out by accident.
Alessia knows Mary and Jessie in passing because they all go to the same university that Magda and Pernille lecture at.
Ingrid runs her fashion empire with Frido as her cfo and Caro as her IT head while Mapi is Jenni's tattoo artist and is besties with Alexia (she gets to eat free at the restaurant which is very helpful with her five kids + Nena).
The firefighters include Leah, Katie and Caitlin with Lia as their mildly exasperated admin person who can't believe the fire station is still running. Jordan used to work at the firestation but decided it was probably a bit too dangerous for her when she had a near death scare and decided that she wanted to remain around for Bug.
Viv and Steph working for the same newspaper and eat lunch together while Viv complains about how Beth and Daan keep pretending to not be friends even though they're constantly dumping kids on each other while Ellie is being beaten up by their kids.
Mini and Clara being brought into the fold by Steph and are the two people in town that people go to when they've got problems.
Kristie and Sam being the couple that somehow just knows everyone and is always in on the gossip despite nobody remembering telling them anything. Rue is actually the one that keeps feeding them information but will deny it if anyone asks.
Marta being an old friend of Alexia's who probably does freelance consulting and when Mapi finds out that she's making eyes at Caro, she tries to meddle not knowing that Caro's already in deep for Marta.
Frida and Emma being the ones that most recently moved to town before Pernille and Princesse. Frida is a very old friend of Ingrid's who went to the same school as her but briefly lost contact when they went their separate ways for university. Emma obviously knows Alexia because she's the one that supplies all the bread and cakes for the restaurant and Squish comes along to drop everything off sometimes so she's kind of one of the restaurant kids as well.
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petnews2day · 3 months
Woman Wanting 'Cute' Video From Dog Day Care Captures Something Else Instead
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/cgqr9
Woman Wanting 'Cute' Video From Dog Day Care Captures Something Else Instead
A dog owner trying to capture the sweet moment of collecting her dog from day care has shared how she accidentally captured something else—the center telling her that her pup wasn’t as well-behaved as she had hoped. Lia White, of Charleston, South Carolina, filmed the pickup moment and shared it on TikTok, where it has […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/cgqr9 #DogNews #Animals, #Canine, #Cute, #DogDaycare, #Dogs, #Funny, #Pets, #Trends, #Viral
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Did You Always Want To Be A Detective? #SnipSun
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For the Love of Winter
Anthology Genre:
Holiday Romance
Buy Link:
Publication Date:
December 6, 2023
Ebook Price:
$3.99 (Amazon pre-order)
Book Blurb:
Bake your cookies, light some candles, trim your trees, and be enchanted with thirteen sweet-to-spicy Chanukah, Christmas, and New Year's novellas that will sweep you from colonial days to contemporary times—each bearing a gift of happily-ever-after grand finales. This joyous collection is...
A Winter Mating by Lia Davis. He returns to Willow Glen with one goal, to claim his mate. Convincing her that she belongs to him will be his toughest challenge, but he's not above using seduction to get what he wants.
One Night at Christmas by Danica Winters. As the busy owner of a veterinary clinic, Emily Avery always has her hands full of puppies but empty of the one thing she really isn't sure she wants anyway—a man. When the kind-hearted Derek Night makes an emergency call to help his mom's naughty pup, they both must step outside of their shells and let the magic of Christmas and one mischievous pup bring them together.
The Christmas Crash by Tessa Lyons. Sparks fly when a relentless optimist and a grieving veterinarian are snowed in together at Christmas. Can they rediscover the magic of the season and find love in the most unexpected place?
His Christmas Date by Sara J. Walker. In this heartwarming story of seasoned romance, Dino Dudley and Hilde McQuire must navigate family drama and their own emotional baggage to find true love.
Jordyn's Christmas Gift by Marie Morton. Jordyn Billings, a busy marketing executive, is gifted a holiday getaway to Chateau D'Or by her family, where she discovers an unforgettable and life-changing Christmas gift.
Four Chanukahs and a Wedding by Merrie Angel. Widowed and alone in 1973, Millie explores a professional photographer's life, and stumbles upon Adam--an insatiable adventure seeker related to Jackie Kennedy. Will they find a way to ignite a flame that burns far beyond Millie's expectations and set ablaze their own festival of lights?
Recipe for Romance by Gloria Ferguson. Ashley McClain wants to win the Holiday Bake-Off with her late mom's cupcake recipe. Can she join forces with her friend and neighbor to claim the prize and a bit of romance just in time for Christmas?
Before the Rising Sun by V.L. Czerny. Their romance blighted at a colonial ball, Gertrude and Nicholas, forgetting their past acquaintance, are maneuvered by the Christmas spirit to set love loose and so refashion time's expected plans.
Unexpected Angels by C.L. Hart. Sometimes the best things come together when everything is falling apart.
Christmas Market Magic by Tessie Benton. Sydney Hawthorne hires an escort for a business date, but he's not what he appears to be, and their mutual deception sparks desire while careers hang in the balance.
A Merry White Christmas by Sally Murphy. Merry London, tasked with organizing an opulent Christmas ball for the McPhersons, faces an unexpected challenge in the form of Joel McPherson, whose fiery charm threatens to melt her icy exterior and unravel her meticulously laid plans.
Lavender and Love Restored by M.J. Gates. Chief architect Jess Carlson is restoring a haunted historic hotel and helping a friendly spirit while reclaiming her life and love before the hotel's grand reopening on New Year's Eve.
Marry Me by Midnight by Leah Miles. Navy SEAL Kendall Nelson can't manage a successful proposal, and single mom Luisa Sanchez has no time for romance.
Proceeds benefit the First Coast Romance Writers, an independent non-profit organization helping writers hone their craft and expand their knowledge of the publishing industry.
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Read the previous snippet here. 
Macario climbed into the car. As the men set off into the pounding rainstorm, Pika waved to them. The speed Dom drove would normally not have worried Macario, but he could hardly see the road ahead.
“I’ve never heard of Snowman Railways before,” Macario said, trying to distract himself from the velocity of the vehicle.
“Only elves and snowbirds have,” Dom laughed. “So, an FBI agent. Fascinating! Did you always want to be a detective, or did you fall into the profession?”
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About the Author:
C. L. Hart, the owner and sole employee of Naughty Netherworld Press, is spoken of in hushed tones. She is described as The Mad Scribe of the Northeastern Colorado Plains, The Terrible Old Woman, and The Author That Should Not Be.
When not penning sanity-destroying works of dystopian fiction, Lovecraftian fantasy, or old-school horror with the occasional sweet romance thrown in to upset the cosmic apple cart, Ms. Hart enjoys creating baked goods she hopes will be considered palatable.
Ms. Hart shares a home in a remote rural town of 134 souls with her adult son and three cats. Her sense of fashion is best described as Early Twenty-First Century Unmade Bed. This disabled former nurse can usually be found arguing with herself about subplots or rehabilitating eldritch horrors.
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iviaw · 1 year
@flamefallen ( lia ) liked for a playlist starter. royal deluxe - dangerous
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he   was   dangerous.   but,   only   when   he   was   at   full   strength   and   only   to   his   enemies.   he   had   been   grateful   for   the   sanctuary   provided   to   him   by   the   son   of   talia   hale.   and   he   kept   to   the   rules   set   on   him.   why   would   he   not   follow   them   ?   in   his   state   even   a   pup   could   break   him.   while   weak,   his   sense   of   smell   was   not   damaged   and   he   knew   he   wasn’t   alone   as   he   laid,   recumbent   in   the   sofa   and   tried   to   focus   on   his   body   and   forcing   the   toxicity   out.   slowly,   he   raised   up   to   sit   and   glance   in   the   direction   of   the   …   other   that   was   there.   a   familiar   scent   yet   he   could   not   place   it.   “   i   don’t   bite,   sha.   ya   can   come   out,   i   know   ya’there.   "
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rjalker · 2 years
if your pronouns aren't on this list, tell me so I can add them.
Mostly it's just the first two forms that matter for most of the pronoun pin designs, but people kept asking for the full sets, which is why they're all listed out.
You know, I had these sorted into groups of 10 but tumblr decided to undo that. so. RIP.
ace/aces/acelf (or aceself)
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