#pureblood rp
kidhellion · 2 years
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Treasure hunting crew finds an ancient Sith tomb with a very much alive 5000 year old sith inside and you won't believe what happens next.
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slytherinqueen123 · 1 year
a riddle, a malfoy, a zabini and a y/l/n
i share a glance with blaise and mattheo before we blurt out in perfect unison, “this class is ridiculous!”
i double over laughing at the face malfoy makes, a hideous composition of anger and spite, with a little inkling of sarcasm.
“ha ha, very funny, you three. shut up about it. it’s been three years, it’s not even funny.” he says, rolling his eyes.
mattheo starts. “well, you see mister malfoy-”
“-we can’t really stop now.” blaise finishes.
malfoy makes another face. i lean back in my chair and toss a pen in the air. it narrowly avoids clashing the light, which earns me a steely glare from professor flitwick.
“sorry sir, i’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again!” i call, before turning to the boys and scoffing. “more like i’ll make sure it does.”
mattheo gives me a look. “that’s ridiculous.”
“this class is ridiculous!” blaise and i yell again, both collapsing in hysterics as malfoy makes to whack us.
“what? your iconic now, dray, you can’t deny it!” i shriek, dodging another hand flying in my direction and taking the opportunity to pin him back with a solid punch to the arm. he rubs the site of his injury and gets up.
“stuff you idiots. i’ve got better people to talk to than three loose canons who bully innocent-”
“ferrets?” i finish. he glares at us and struts over to pansy and her gaggle of princesses.
i sigh and lean back.
“how long till he comes back this time?” mattheo asks, watching draco sky away from the crowd of girls clambering for his attention.
blaise takes a moment to think before we all lock eyes.
“literally an hour.”
“like, till tonight.”
“not very long.”
we all know he’ll be back in no time. after all, he’s our best mate. we’re best mates.
• • •
a riddle, a malfoy, a zabini and a y/l/n. honestly, i don’t know why it didn’t happen sooner.
we met when theo, draco and blaise where 7, and i was 6. fancy purebloods throw parties all the time, and it just so happened we where all there at once.
being the tiny only daughter of my father, and him thinking i’m a fragile princess, i’d been dumped in a random room a hallway away from the party.
i’d tried everything. break out, scream, cry, beg, plead and even jump a window, but to no avail. i’d given up. exhausted from my failed mission, i’d flopped on a couch and waited for someone, anyone, to let me out.
i was sick of my dress, i was sick of my hair, i was sick of my loneliness and i was about to kick that door down myself, find my father and fight him.
i was practically asleep. uncountable rounds of exhaustion, anger and energy had worn me out, and i was staring at the ceiling wondering if i could smash the chandelier and whether or not it would attract enough attention if i acted dead. until i heard the tell tale creaking of the oversized door trapping me in, opening.
i was up in a flash, barreling towards that door, ready to beat up whoever had taken so long to get me.
“WHY HAS IT TAKEN YOU SO LONG? I’M PRACTICALLY DECEAS-” i was cut off by a hand covering my mouth, shoving me back into the room and slamming the door shut. i was mad, but scared too.
who had grabbed me?
i followed the hands arm and was met with a pair of dark brown eyes staring back at me, glassy and nursing a bloody cut halfway up his nose.
“can you help me?” the boy in the suit said. i stared back at him, confused. “i-”
“merlin, mattheo, that’s y/l/n’s daughter!” another voice said, emerging from behind bloody nose boy. he had rich dark skin and a puff of tight black curls.
“are you his daughter, girl?” the next voice belonged to a boy with pale skin and platinum blonde curtains. all three where wearing suits, each without ties.
“yeah. i’m his daughter, y/n. who the hell are you? and why’d you trap me back in here, you douchebags!” i shrieked, realisation dawning that they’d gotten me stuck back in my opulent prison.
“mattheo riddle.” bloody nose boy offered, smiling slightly under a mess of curls.
“blaise zabini, miss y/n.” curly hair said, giving me a slight nod and bow.
“malfoy. draco malfoy.” ghost man added.
i grinned. “cool. y’all wanna be friends? i’m kinda lonely, and i’m only six. not gonna lie, you’s don’t look like you’ve got all that many friends either.”
blaise shrugged. “just my dads bosses employees kids. i don’t know what they do. there’s a lot of them though. i hate parkinson, though. she’s annoying.”
draco shoved him. “oi, leave her alone. she’s not that bad.”
“you only say that because you’re in love with her, malfoy. no one in their right mind likes pansy parkinson.” mattheo shivered and spat her name like a curse.
i laughed. blaise turned around from his little fight with malfoy.
“she’s pretty. and smart. she looks fun. you can be friends with me, if you want.” he stuck his hand out and i shook it.
“you seem gutsy, miss y/n. i’m down if you are.” mattheo added. i nodded and smiled. “course’ i am.”
we all turned to malfoy. he was trying to smooth his shirt and didn’t notice us all staring. “what?”
mattheo knocked him on the head, still holding his bloody nose. “do you even listen to anyone but your old dad? do you wanna be friends with y/n or not, dumby!”
he looks me up and down. i do the same. “deal.”
i grin. “cool. then we’re friends.”
blaise shakes his head. “not just friends.”
“oh yeah?” draco asks.
“naw. best friends.” mattheo finishes.
• • •
that’s how it’s been ever since.
a riddle, a malfoy, a zabini and a y/l/n.
and that’s how it’s gonna stay.
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sangveram · 9 months
Greetings. This is a Kuran Kaname blog. Tread lightly, dear guest.
DM/Asks open | Starters | Literate
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lieuvrium · 10 months
Musu's Backstory
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This is her updated backstory based on my friend's new campaign:
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This is merely the rough draft, as it does need some polishing. She struggles with internal conflict - wanting to please Sseth and pursue power, and on the other hand, wants to make amends for having seen her wife and family as a means to an end (although unintentionally). I doubt she could ever be forgiven, but we will see how this plays out in his campaign😊
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More Musu sketches! Would like to make her as a tav in bg3.
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kittenanon · 2 years
Nott is looking properly snake-like, but I'm failing to understand why he needs a cane
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strengthinunityrp · 2 years
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must be the season of the witch -- the black sisters
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protegohqpromo · 2 years
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What if it was the other way around? The prejudice is against the purebloods? The half bloods and muggleborns had been all fed up by the bureaucracy that has surrounded the ministry for the longest time. Where does your loyalty lie? To your families or to your friends who can betray you at any minute? The choice is yours. We are a Discord-based RP heavily inspired by the Wizarding World of the Harry Potter universe. All muses are welcome belonging from the Marauders era.
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Study partners - Closed RP with sevhalfbloodp4
Lily Hunter were a Pureblood Ravenclaw student in Hogwarts, she was one of the best students there, seeing as the perfect student but she were also considered as the 'other Lily' as she were friends with Lily Evans at one point but no one knew why they stop talking to each other, she were also teased due her blind eye that she cover her hair and she had a long white hair so she were always called as the 'Ice Queen' of the school since she could have a cold attitude towards others aside her shyness.
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She just ignored everyone and focus on her studies, right now she were at the library, having a look at a few books as she enjoy it better then going around school gossip and fool around.
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rypnami · 2 months
Phillip Prewett
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Full Name: Phillip Ignatius Prewett Nicknames: None (yet) Age: 27 (18 in RP) Date of Birth: 19 August, 1863 Sign: Leo Birthplace: Greater London Blood Status: Pureblood House: Gryffindor Wand: Rowan, 12.5 inches, Unicorn hair, swishy Sexuality: Unknown Quidditch Position: Keeper
Hair Colour: Reddish-Orange Eye Colour: Warm brown Skin: Fair Body Type: Slim, light muscle build Height: 6’2 Other: Lots of freckles, a small scar through his lip, secret tattoo of a phoenix on his left ankle
Traits: Studious, somewhat arrogant, Likes: Studying, books, the library adventuring, his family, Defence Against the Dark Arts Dislikes: Heavy snow, rude people, missing deadlines, exam stress Patronus: Snowy Owl
Parents: Charles and Marie Prewett Siblings: Lily Prewett, Leander Prewett, Amelia Prewett, Penelope Prewett, Alexander Prewett Extended Family: Sebastian Sallow, Oliver Prewett, Fabian Prewett, Gideon Prewett, Weasley family
Partner: None at Hogwarts Friends: Shenna Reyes, Gavin Weasley, Elean Everleigh, Adair Scamander Enemies: Micha O’Connell, Belladonna Black
Career: 2 years working at the ministry Spouse: Adair Scamander Residence: Wherever they like Pets: Sadie (Niffler), Blythe (Barred owl) Children: None (yet)
Other Facts
- He got his tattoo on a drunken dare with Lily (hers is an augury) - He got his scar when he was 5 and fell off a broom; there’s also a sizeable one on his right arm - His parents always knew he’d be smart after he taught himself to read when he was 2 - Although he doesn’t have time for it, he enjoys playing and watching Quidditch - His only regret from Hogwarts was not playing for Gryffindor - He was a prefect and the Head Boy when he was a student - He was an 8 minute hatstall between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, like his sister. Despite his studious tendencies he ended up in Gryffindor because of his family name and his chivalry, as well as (hidden) adventurous spirit - He is probably bisexual but currently is unlabelled (although his partner is non-binary) - He is left-handed
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b-c-jr · 5 months
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My name is Bartemius Crouch jr. Don’t call me anything else unless we’re friends or fucking.
I’m 16, 6th year at Hogwarts.
I’m a pureblood, not that I really care.
Italian/ Greek/ English.
I like Rock, drugs, fags (all kinds) my friends and my house.
That’s it I really don’t have much more to say.
Some other cool-ish people:
@burnt0utstar — Reggie. Not bad, completely arsehole at time tho. Love him, forever the better Black.
@evan-rosie — Rosie. Best mate, known him since I was a child, love him like my soul.
@sirius-likethestar — Sirius. Reggie’s idiotic Gryffindor brother. Completely ignorant and arrogant. I’m being nice, Reg asked.
@jamezfpotter — James. Tolerable, would fuck.
@ringingremuslupin — Remus. Decent enough, good kisser (not that I would know) and friends with lily
(This is a RP blog, if you don’t like it, feel free to leave.)
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momo-t-daye · 2 years
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I think I made it in time for his birthday this year! Just a self-indulgent AU comic concerning a little bit of plagiarism/translation/localization in the name of getting some nice boots.  Let me know if anything is illegible
A few thoughts I’d had whilst doodling away:
1.) Why would purebloods speak with an RP accent?  I’m no linguist, but I like to think there’s probably a distinct wizarding accent- we’re talking about a small and fairly insular community, much of which goes to school together.  Maybe muggleborns bring in weird muggle slang that upsets the parental generations (...perhaps that’s been going on for a few hundred years...).  Maybe I just wanted Severus to make fun dear old Lulu
2.) In this AU, a second-year Severus, tired of getting pushed in the halls and down the stairs by those Gryffindor jerks, waited until the last Quidditch game of the year (Gryffindor vs. Slytherin) to meander his way up to the Gryffindor tower with a slew of questions for the Fat Lady.  What did she mean?  What did that vase of flowers represent? What was the social context in which her artist worked? How could she be understood? etc. etc. Two hours later, the triumphant Gryffindors all found themselves locked out of the tower as the Fat Lady had gone off in a bit of an existential tizzy. The victory party was subsequently cancelled, although the catering might’ve gotten redirected down to the dungeons.
3.) Maybe Lily doesn’t have the best judgement or good taste.  Maybe Severus’ standards are just too high.  I had fun coming up with titles that made me think “pulp sci-fi”
4.) “Potter is a jerk,” says Severus. “A jerk with a trust fund and a craving for muggle food,” says Lily. “If he’s willing to spend ten galleons on a stale bag of crisps I got for 5p three months ago, why shouldn’t I profit?”
5.) Keeping a secret from Severus for a whole day is a long time! Lily can only keep a secret from him if she keeps it a secret from herself too.
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kidhellion · 2 years
Redid this ref sheet of my rp crew
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thebestrosiertwin · 3 days
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"please understand that I'm trying my hardest"
🌹 he/they, gay & aceflux, pureblood slytherin
🌹 likes: animals, bugs, psychology, sleeping, skateboarding, my friends, my sister, bones
🌹 dislikes : anybody who's unnecessarily an asshole, people who are rude to Barty or Pandora
Favorite -
Tolerable -
@the-one-and-only-moony, @regulusinpages, @rockkinnon, @bella-bitch-black, @lily-chappells-version
Other -
@macdonald-but-no-farm, @padfoot-the-dog, @jame-not-james
"my head's a mess, but I'm trying regardless"
This is an rp blog, my main is @moonstarsandjules! If you want to join please contact @bowiesversion!!
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therealcissyblack · 2 months
Narcissa Black RP
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HATES dirt with a passion
Music wise likes Lana del Rey, ABBA, Kate Bush, Olivia Rodrigo, Mitski, Taylor Swift, Conan Gray (from Reg), MARINA
@captainjamespotter - Sirius' bad influence
@remus-lupin-offical - Not bad for a gryffindor
sirius-thesstar - chose to not be my cousin (still have a grudge)
@lily-evans-for-ya - tries to be a good influence to Sirius' bad influence
@barty-not-barry - will kill me
@barbie-wants-to-be-me-fr - will hide my body
@regregregulusblack - favorite cousin
@xxcassiexx - not bad + a slytherin
@the-real-marls-mckinnon - not insufferable for a gryffindor
@stolemyheelsfromlegolas - very VERY happy person
@itty-bitty-bella - my dear oldest sister
@andro-black - my dear second oldest sister
@pandora-notyetalovegood - slightly mad scientist
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Dm @unhinged-as-hell to join
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name: rita skeeter
age: 17
house: Slytherin💚
sexuality and pronouns: bi, she/her
blood status: pureblood
likes: journaling, my cat Hades, bella, ballet, reading (mainly Shakespeare and news), and being a rich man
dislikes: my family…
Controlled psychopath: @dora-faeriefatale
probably going to end up in jail: @evan-r0sier-69
Also ending up in jail (said lovingly) : @barty-rocking420
2nd best black(bella is my 1st): @centrestar-rab
Favorite Black of all time: @blxck-as-my-soul
If you are homophobic, support jkr, don’t like this rp, and/or supports sexism the door is here🚪. Run by the same person as @skeeeeeeter-gossips. Contact @julia-lokidottier to join. Updates probably 1 time per week at the minimum
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kittenanon · 2 years
Who is that-
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