#༺ 緒に ༻ ( in character. )
kyouka-supremacy · 8 days
BSD Official Guidebook Tenkaroku - characters profiles
Profiles from the season 3 guidebook. I heavily relied on automatic translators for this, so if you notice any mistake, please feel free to bring it to my attention. I'll be posting the Japanese original text in reblogs not to make this post too long. Other guidebooks profiles: Shinkaroku; DEAD APPLE; Gongeroku.
Fifteen arc
Osamu Dazai Age: 15 years old Height: 155cm Weight: 51kg Impression when he met Chuuya for the first time: “I'll never feel positively about him again” Places he would like to visit if he went travelling: Famous suicide (by drowning) spots What are the qualities of a “king”?: The ones of people like Mori-san
Chuuya Nakahara Age: 15 years old Height: 150cm Weight: 53kg Impression when he met Dazai for the first time: “There's trash all around” Places he would like to visit if he went travelling: I want to go to a trip overseas with my friends What are the qualities of a “king”?: Being strong
Arthur Rimbaud Age: 27 years old Height: 185cm Weight: 68kg What he believes are his strengths and weaknesses: Strength: having a useful ability / Weaknesses: being sensitive to cold Favourite type: A woman who can warm him up Motto: Always put the mission above everything else Something he wants right now: His lost memories of the past
Osamu Dazai Something they've been into recently: Showing everyone the footage of Kunikida going insane because of Q's ability Something at which they think they can't lose to anyone: Since Ranpo-san is here, there can't be a “can't lose to anyone” What they want to overcome: Nothing at all
Atsushi Nakajima Something they've been into recently: Checking the bankbook page with his salary Something at which they think they can't lose to anyone: He doesn't have any confidence in himself, so there's no such thing. What they want to overcome: I want to learn to have the common sense of and behave like a member of society.
Kyouka Izumi Something they've been into recently: Research on cooking for Atsushi Something at which they think they can't lose to anyone: Gratitude towards Atsushi and the Detective Agency What they want to overcome: I want to become less startled by thunders.
Doppo Kunikida Something they've been into recently: Education for the increased number of new employees Something at which they think they can't lose to anyone: Ability to plan, and passion to carry it out perfectly What they want to overcome: My own imperfections that sometimes prevent me from carrying out my plans
Junichirou Tanizaki Something they've been into recently: Visiting western pastries shops with Naomi Something at which they think they can't lose to anyone: I'm embarrassed to say it, but supporting and protecting a certain woman. What they want to overcome: My indecisiveness
Kenji Miyazawa Something they've been into recently: Teaching farming to the members of destroyed gangs Something at which they think they can't lose to anyone: Love for nature What they want to overcome: I want to be able to use a computer
Ranpo Edogawa Something they've been into recently: Initiating Kyouka to the deliciousness of cheap candies Something at which they think they can't lose to anyone: I can't lose to anyone in anything What they want to overcome: I am perfect like I am now
Yukichi Fukuzawa Something they've been into recently: Showing up at a Go club Something at which they think they can't lose to anyone: Excellence of subordinates What they want to overcome: The mistakes of the assassin from the past
Akiko Yosano Something they've been into recently: Collecting photos of dissected patients' internal organs Something at which they think they can't lose to anyone: Human body dismemberment skills What they want to overcome: If possible, I want to save patients who have no choice but to die.
Chuuya Nakahara Something they've been into recently: Enriching his wine cellar assortment at home Something at which they think they can't lose to anyone: Hatred towards Dazai What they want to overcome: When buying a big motorcycle, I want to stop checking whether my feet can touch the ground
Ryuunosuke Akutagawa Something they've been into recently: Searching for Dazai's house Something at which they think they can't lose to anyone: I would rather have something that no one can beat. What they want to overcome: My nemesis, the man-tiger.
Ougai Mori Something they've been into recently: Coming up with new strategies to recruit Dazai Something at which they think they can't lose to anyone: Organization management techniques that request rationality and logic What they want to overcome: Buying too many clothes for Elise
Fyodor Dostoyevsky Age: Unknown Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown What he believes are his strengths and weaknesses: Strength: wishing for world happiness / Weakness: low blood pressure Favourite type: He loves all human beings equally Motto: Happiness in this world Something he wants right now: Someone to talk with who has the same brain as him
Katai Tayama Age: 23 years old Height: 175cm Weight: 53kg What he believes are his strengths and weaknesses: Strength: his life is not expensive (no expenses for transportation and socialization) / Weakness: if left to himself, he won't change his clothes Favourite type: A refined, dignified and gentle woman Motto: There are many dangers outside the house Something he wants right now: Faster communication networks
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kizioziki · 9 months
I'm here to meet you.
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皆様お元気でしょうか?お久しぶりです🌸 How are you all doing? It’s been a long time 🌸
今回の題名にて「あなたに会いに来ました」をテーマにしてみました。相変わらずいろんなマダサクを描いて楽しんでおります!! いろんなふたりを描くことは私の生きがいでもあります。ふたりのラブロマンスを全力で応援しております。フォロワーの皆様、いつも応援してくださる皆様、手を止めて見てくださったマダサク好きの皆様とも一緒に、この気持ちを共有できればとても嬉しいデス///
This time's title is based on the theme "I came to see you." I'm still having fun drawing all kinds of Madasaku! ! Drawing various people is also my purpose in life. We are fully supporting their love romance. I would be very happy if I could share this feeling with all my followers, everyone who always supports me, and all the Madasaku fans who stopped by to watch.
いつもありがとうございます!!! I am always grateful for your help! ! !
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10月、11月と舞台最終章を見に行きました。こちらも最高の時間を過ごし、マダサクの絡みは血眼で探しつつストーリーのラストを楽しみ、最後を全力体感しました!!素晴らしい時間を過ごすことができました。マダラとサクラちゃんの戦闘シーンもありました!!本体マダラと戦うシーンは胸が熱くなりました。どちらの強い思いもぶつかって😿が止まらない。サクラちゃん途中マイクトラブル?もあるシーンがありましたが、熱い演技、表情、声でカバーし舞台を圧倒していました。最後だと思うととても寂しいですが、オフショットを役者様が投稿してくださっており私はとても救われました。 また、会いたいなぁ🌸本当にありがとうございました!!
I went to see the final chapter of the play in October and November. I had a great time here as well, and enjoyed the end of the story while searching for Madasaku involvement, and felt the ending to the fullest! ! We had a wonderful time. There was also a battle scene between Madara and Sakura-chan! ! The scene where he fights the main character Madara was heart-warming. Both strong feelings collide and I can't stop 😿. Sakura-chan, microphone trouble on the way? There was a certain scene, but they overwhelmed the stage with their passionate acting, facial expressions, and voices. I feel very sad thinking that it's the last time, but the actors posted off-shots and I was very relieved. I want to see you again 🌸 Thank you so much! !
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こちらは少しおまけ💖高い買い物になりましたが、我が家もついにお迎えいたしました。このマダラモデルは最高です。どのアングルも本当に本家、原作かと思うくらいの仕上がり!!頑張って働いてついにお迎えでき、幸せです。これからのマダサクを描く上での活力とします!!やばいクオリティ!!すごいです!!! (同じメーカーでサクラちゃんも作ってくれないかな…?🌸)
This is a little extra 💖It was an expensive purchase, but we finally welcomed it into our home. This Madara model is the best. Every angle is truly the original, and the finish is so good that you'll think it's the original work! ! I am happy to have worked so hard to finally welcome you. I will use it as a source of energy for drawing Madasaku in the future! ! Awesome quality! ! It's amazing! ! ! (I wonder if the same manufacturer could make Sakura-chan too…?🌸)
もう少しでマダラの誕生日ですね!!投稿できるか分かりませんが、 全力で当日はお祝いしたいと思います!! Madara's birthday is almost here! ! I don't know if I can post it, but I would like to celebrate this day with all my might! !
皆様、お体を大切に。🌼 ありがとうございました!❄⛄ Everyone, please take care of yourselves. 🌼 thank you very much! ❄⛄
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Do not forget me...
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yuurei20 · 2 months
Kalim’s VA Furuta and Jamil’s VA Futaba present an episode of Good Boy!
In this episode they discuss Jamil and Kalim’s relationship and the English-language translation of the game, including the different ways the different characters laugh, Floyd’s nicknames and more!
(They have a great dynamic and are wonderful)
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sweetsweetpotato · 5 months
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GTA5メインストーリークリアしました!!めっちゃ面白かった~~~~~!! 登場人物の「人生」が詰まってて、大好きな台詞がてんこもりでした。 マイケル・トレバー・フランクリンの三人でクソみたいなプリクラ撮ってほしい。 トレイシーのSNSが無駄にトレバーと一緒の盛れてる自撮りで埋まってて、マイケルがキレてほしい。 (Japanese)Purikura of GTA5's main characters. I love their relationship!
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yurashinra · 5 months
Project Collaboration Obey Me! characters in uniform (by @/devilnotoriko on X/Twitter)
♡Let's Study Together♡
Solomon in school uniform
*Art by ©skylight022 Thank you ❤️
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bnhaobservation · 8 months
What do you think the todofam will be like after the war?
It's something I've been wondering as well.
Let's start with a premise.
This story is aimed mainly to a Japanese audience which sees things according to their culture. Some things that for them are a given aren't for who's not Japanese and vice versa. So, it gets twice as difficult for us to follow the message Horikoshi wants to deliver.
Also... this is going to be long and actually should have been longer. I tried to keep it as short as I could but this might have caused to make it not perfectly clear so I apologize in advance.
Lastly, what follows are just my two cents, feel free to disagree.
Said so let's tackle the matter from a realistic perspective.
If BNHA were not a story but the real world, the Todoroki family is finished. Not because Enji abused his family, but because one of their members (Tōya) is a murderer.
A seinen manga "Theseus no fune" (テセウスの船) digs with what happens to a family of 5 after the father, Sano Bungo, was accused of murder.
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The mother, who was at the time pregnant, was denied hospitalization to give birth to her child.
They had to hide their identity because each time it was discovered they were forced to move. People would also refuse to hire them if they were to know of it. The main character, the youngest child of the man, the one that was born AFTER his father was accused of murder, and who should have been named Seigi (justice) is named instead Shin (heart) because "there's no justice for the son of a murderer", has to take his mother's surname (along with the rest of the family), have to wear a mask to hide his face to work, so that he won't be recognized, had to give up on becoming a teacher and, although he managed to marry, his wife's relatives refused to accept the marriage. When the wife dies during childbirth, her parents attend tot he funeral but claim they couldn't tell anyone about it because otherwise people would know she married the son of a criminal. They also demand their grandchild to be handed to them because she can't grow up with the son of a murderer.
Note that said son of a murderer, never had any contact with his father as the man had been arrested before his birth, and therefore Shin clearly couldn't be responsible for his father's crime.
We see something similar happening in BNHA for people who're involved in minor crimes.
Tobita tried to help someone but failed and was accused of preventing a Hero from saving him.
He was expelled from school and his family was implied to be targeted with bullying (see the graffiti with insults on the gate?)
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It got so bad even his family chased him away.
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Jin goes through something similar. Due to being involved in an incedent he's fired and no one wants to hire him ever again so he ends up homeless.
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It's implied the same happened with Himiko, though we don't know if she ended up on the run just after attacking Saito, knowing her parents wouldn't want her back, or after trying to go back home and being rejected.
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While Himiko's house might have been further devasted AFTER she joined the league, we can see that the gate was already damaged when her parents still lived there just after she had attacked Saito.
Note that none of the three over mentioned characters had yet committed murder. Tobita wanted to help, and the man who he had been unable to save will recover in 6 months, Jin ended up running over a guy who ran in the street without warning but only broke his arm and, as far as we know, Saito didn't die due to Himiko's attack.
Yet, they're shunned by society and with them their families who turn their back to them.
Now picture how much worse this would be for someone who committed murder.
Tōya/Dabi himself touches upon how bad they should have it now.
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'Hitotsu kikitēnda ga Shōto… omae ittai donna tsura shite? Obieru shimin to issho ni U.A. ni komotteiraretanda? ENDEAVOR no musuko Dabi no kyōdai yakusai no nikogori mite~e nate me ~e ga!!'
「一つ聞きてえんだが焦凍… おまえ一体どんな面して 怯える市民と一緒に雄英に籠っていられたんだ? エンデヴァーの息子荼毘の兄弟 厄災の煮凝りみてぇなてめェが!!」
``I have to ask you one thing, Shōto... What the hell kind of face were you wearing? Were you able to stay holed up in U.A. with the frightened citizens? Endeavor's son, Dabi's brother, it's like a broth of calamity/disaster/misfortune! !”*
*okay, technically he says 'yakusai no nikogori' (厄災の煮凝り) which litterally is a "jellied broth of disaster/calamity", but the fact he chose the nikogori is also due to how the kanji used to write it are 'ni' (煮 "boil, cook") and 'gori' (凝 "freeze").
The people in U.A. should have wanted Shouto in it as much as they wanted Deku when he first showed up there, not even a bit, even though Deku did nothing wrong...
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Something many fans often miss of this scene is that when Deku enters in U.A. all his classmates are there, except for Shōto, and that Heroes supporting Deku like Present Mic and Best Jeanist are there, but not Endeavor and Hawks.
Where are they? Just outside.
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It will be Ectoplasm who will call them in when all is finished.
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Why Shōto isn't with his classmates supporting Deku? Why Endeavor and Hawks remain outside?
It's not because they don't care but because they would make matters worse.
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And Shōto, poor kid, is completely innocent, Enji might have responsibilities for what Tōya did but Shōto? Whatever he did wrong?
Yet, same Tamura Shin from "Theseus no fune", he's likely hold accountable for his brother and father's crimes as well as the rest of his family.
The story glosses it over, we see nothing being done against Shōto or the rest of his family, and his classmates act mostly supportive so he doesn't seem to have it bad, but the story likely doesn't show it because, for Japanese people, it's a given Shōto would have it bad, it's unnecessary to esplicitly show it and it would probably be too dark of a subject so Horikoshi skims on it, as in Japan it's public knowledge.
That's why Natsuo said all that awaits them is pure hell.
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It was bad enough Tōya had killed people before but now he had attempted to nuke Japan and the Todorokis don't expect they will be 'forgiven' because they actually stopped him almost getting themselves killed in the process.
In a way Tōya has cornered them, their best option was actually to die with him.
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So if we go for a realistic ending Enji will have to drop his job and the same goes for Fuyumi and Natsuo, Shōto should leave school, the family should live in hiding, being bullied and ostracized and this regardless of them having saved the day and of Tōya's fate (if he dies or lives, if he gets jailed, sentenced to death or spared due to his body condition being so disastrous he might end up needing permanently hospitalized... assuming they'll be willing to hospitalize him).
They would probably do better change name and country and attempt to start a new live under another identity and away from Japan... if the likely scarring burns they gained will allow them to live in hiding.
Now... this is a realistic fate for them.
BNHA however is a story, and it's a story which is also making a point of criticizing society. It doesn't hold just the Todorokis but also society as accountable for what Tōya did.
It's a story with a moral and if society doesn't get 'punished' or 'redeemed', or, more specifically 'atones', the moral ends up being that society can do any sort of thing to people and it will never be punished and if you retaliate you'll be squashed down. Not exactly an uplifting moral.
The League of Villains is born by society's sins. Generally for me the most meaningful thing is this scene.
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Why? Because in my country if you are and adult and find on the streets an unsupervised kid of 5 and turn your eyes away, it's a crime even if he doesn't look in such a poor shape like Tenko.
All those people pretending not to see him would get in troubles. In Japan they aren't so strict but for me the scene looks particularly strong because it's basically a crime.
So I've really no sympathy for those people and, if the story wants to have an uplifting moral, society has to change, hold itself accountable for how it hurt Tenko and the others and atone toward them.
In the same vein society should reform and not mistreat the Todorokis the way it did with Tobita or Himeko's family but support them.
This however narratively presents some huge problems.
Society is a broad concept and BNHA didn't offer us one or more characters that could work as stand in for it.
The characters we get familiar with, often represent the best part of society.
For example we know there were corrupted Heroes, we know the HPSC had Lady Nagant kill corrupted Heroes but... did we ever met them? Nope.
Stain, who wanted to change society and erase corrupter Heroes who ended up attacking?
Some Hero who abused his power to commit crimes? Some Hero who actually was in league with criminals? Some Hero who actually was negligent in his work? Some Hero who, at least, throwed trash on the streets?
Nope. He attacks Īda's brother and Native... who overall seemed two decent guys.
This creates a clash of our perception in the story, the League attacked society but the characters we were presented with were usually great people.
The League undoubtedly perceives society as evil and worth being wiped out because they met the worse of it but... we didn't.
That's why many readers feel like the League should be jailed for terrorism but no one thinks the "Star Wars" rebels in the first trilogy should met the same fate for... the exact same crime.
In "Star Wars" first trilogy the empire is always represented as evil, all its soldiers are represented as evil and we've zero sympathy for them when they get wiped out.
But in BNHA society is not the empire, society is common people who've families and feel... innocent enough not to deserve what the League unleash on them, especially since BNHA had too few 'bad guys' among the good guys and, conveniently or not so conveniently, wiped out the HPSC before it could take the blame for many problems and we are instead way too often presented with 'good guys' characters.
So Horikoshi has to find a way to deliver the message that if said society ended up under attack, it was actually due to its shortcomings.
Tōya told Enji the past never dies and you reap what you sow...
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...but this applied to society too.
In response later on Enji will realize he'll have to atone to him and apologize to him.
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In theory society should do the same... so that the story could have an uplifting moral of society learning from its errors and never again repeating them so that people will be better and the League of Villain will never be reborn in the future... however... it's much easier for us to apply all this to Todoroki Enji than to the BNHA society.
It's very fairy tale to assume that society will say "hey but if we didn't mistreat those guys first, they wouldn't have done what they did, shouldn't we also make amends?"
I don't really know if Horikoshi will be able to pull this off in a convincing manner, or if he'll be allowed to do it because one of the problems in his story is he can't allow to come to pass the idea that what the League did was an acceptable response.
We see it in the attack at Central Hospital.
In theory the story should end with a similar situation.
Shōji acknowledged that the Heteromorphs were hurt and persecuted but turning to violence wasn't acceptable
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...and then somehow the Heteromorphs changed their mind and stop fighting and the people said they heard their voices today and they're sorry for not realizing it sooner and everyone cries and all's well that ends well and many readers hate this arc (for which SO MUCH could be written) and label it poor writing and it's actually a very minor bit so...
I don't know if Horikoshi now has used the people's response to it to perfect his ending in a way that won't have backlash.
So back to your question, what about the Todorokis?
Hopefully since Horikoshi wants to go to a positive and uplifting ending, the Todorokis will be spared from a fate that will be hell.
After all they made a big deal of how things were being recorded on videos. Society might be impressed by how this family came together to save everyone and might feel bad for them as well as partially responsible.
If society will come together instead than ostracizing and mistreating people, the Todorokis might not be end up driven into a corner.
In the same vein the Todorokis will likely come together as a family.
That is because I'm assuming that the idea Horikoshi wants to come to pass is that you've to PREVENT people from going bad, not punish them once the deed is done and by coming together they prevent the situation from worsening.
So, I'm willing to bet the plan is that Natsuo is wrong and no, it won't be hell for them from now on, though it likely won't be easy.
I don't know if Tōya and the rest of the League will survive, because it would be damn convenient for Horikoshi to have them die, so that he won't have to face the whole punishment thing.
If they're dead they can't be punished nor society can be asked to atone to them for what they did to them, and so Horikoshi can focus on society coming together and supporting the people who're less 'cuplable' and reforming itself easily enough in such a way that would fit the kind of fairy tale nature of BNHA.
At the same time killing the league off is such a goddamn easy solution for the problem I really pray he won't go for it... but I recognize with the League he kept the bar really very high.
So I would love for Tōya to survive and heal and be given another chance and this time, with support from his family and society, become a better person, and the same goes for the rest of the League, but I don't know if Horikoshi can, is willing and will be allowed to pull this off.
We can only wait and see.
For now, I think it'll probably be safe enough to assume that at the end the Todoroki family will come together and they won't be in hell but Fuyumi will be allowed to continue to work as a teacher and Natsuo will be allowed to continue to study and will marry his girlfriend. I aslo think Shōto will be allowed to become a Hero. As for Enji he might retire. I know people would want to see him jailed for his family abuse but since no one in his family is willing to file charges against him I'm pretty sure this won't happen. Likely he also won't divorce from Rei.
Tōya's fate through remains a mystery.
I'd like for him to end up hospitalized and for his family to stay and support him, for Enji to atone to him and finally look at him but well, we can only wait and see for this.
As much as I hate the idea we were told Tōya (who shouldn't have managed to survive away from Garaki's support) survived till now due to his grudge to his family, if he were to let it go he might just die... albeith in that case he would probably die in peace because he would finally feel loved by his family. We'll see.
Thank you for your ask!
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gomaan · 8 months
Maya and Tatsuya had dialogue with act by original Japanese VA in Persona Live 2022
Character dialogue for the ending of "Persona Super Live P-Sound Wish 2022".
P4 protagonist: Thank you all so much for making the show so much fun together. P5 protagonist: I've really enjoyed the last two days…it's been a dream come true. P3 protagonist: Yes, it was. I guess you could call it a "sense of accomplishment" found only in a limited amount of time, right? This kind of thing. Maya: Yes, yes! A sense of accomplishment! A sense of accomplishment! That's why…I'm going to open my very special can of crab tonight! (* pun on "Tasseikan" (sense of accomplishment) and "kani kann" (canned crab)…) Tatsuya: What makes me most happy is that we all shared this feeling. I'm so happy to be able to share this feeling with him over there, too. Maya: Oh, that "boy with the earrings". He's so quiet and shy… P3 protagonist: He said, "Let's all meet up when we get our own dream". P4 protagonist: "Seize your dream". I wonder if I'll have it by the time I see him again… P5 protagonist: You can do it. We can do it, us here, all of us!
P4: 皆、ここまでライブを一緒に盛り上げてくれて本当にありがとう。
P5: この2日間は本当に楽しかった…夢のような現実を過ごさせてもらった。
P3: そうだね。限られた時の中だからこそ見付けられた「達成感」っていうのかな?こういうの。
舞耶: そうそう!達成"感"!達成"感"!ってことで…今夜はとっておきのカニ"缶"、開けちゃうんだから~!
達哉: 何より嬉しいのは、この気持ちを皆で共有できたこと。向こうにいる、彼とも。
舞耶: ああ、あの「ピアスの男の子」ね。あの子、ひときわ無口でシャイだから…
P3: 彼、言ってたよ。「夢を掴んだ暁に、皆で会おう」って。
P4: 「夢を掴む」か。次に会うときまでにできているのだろうか…
P5: できるさ。ここにいる俺たちと、皆なら!
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yumyum-cult · 4 months
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【サークル参加します!!】09月22日(東京)TOKYO FES Sep.2024内 WELCOME TO HELL'S HOTEL| #イベントGO_赤ブーhttps://akaboo.jp/event/item/20197806.html 5月のイベントが楽しかったので、9月も一緒に参加します。 ニフティとアラスターの話を描きたいとずっと思っていたので、作るのが楽しみです! ☆☆☆ We've officially applied to the next WELCOME TO HELL'S HOTEL event here in Tokyo for September! We'll be tabling as "Moyu" again. I've really wanted to do a Niffty/Alastor story forever, so I'm super excited for this! (It's gonna be pretty AU/headcanon heavy, so rest easy lol). We'll be selling a new doujin, an illustration book with all the characters, and a bunch of goods!
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mongpht · 11 months
I translated a song '舞台でスターになろう! / Become a star on the stage!'
レイパッパ! 歌い踊ろう レイパッパ! 今宵はみんな レイパッパ! スターになろう Ready go! Ready go! Ready Ready Ready Go!
フェロー: (さあみんな一緒に!)
Rappaappa! Let's sing and dance Raypappa! Tonight Raypappa! Let's be stars Ready go! Ready go! Ready Ready Ready Go!
Fero: Come on, all of you!
レイバッパ! 不思議な呪文 レイバッパ! 楽しく step & step レイバッパ! 廻る音楽 Here we go! Here we go! Here we Here we Here we Go! On!
フェロー: (さあみんな一緒に!)
Raypappa! Mysterious spells Raypappa! step & step Raypappa! Energetic music Here we go! Here we go! Here we Here we Here we Go! On!
Fero: Put your hands up!
キラキラまたたく 星 抱きしめたら すべてを忘れて さあ飛び出そうよ ぼくらみんなそうさ 主役なんだ Spotlight 心のままほら 素晴らしい舞台へ 拍手が呼んでるよ Go! Showtime!
フェロー: (さあ行くよ!)
A glittering twinkle If I embrace the stars I'll forget everything Let's jump now We're all like To the main characters ♪ The spotlight's gonna shine Follow your heart On the beautiful stage The applause is calling Go! Showtime!
Fero: Come on!
レイパッパ! 歌い踊ろう レイパッパ! 今宵はみんな レイパッパ! スターになろう Here we go! Here we go! Here we Here we Here we Go! On!
Rappaappa! Let's sing and dance Raypappa! Tonight Raypappa! Let's be stars Here we go! Here we go! Here we Here we Here we Go! On!
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egg-emperor · 10 months
looove the full Sonic Channel Super Sonic and Eggman story, super Eggman is so epiiic 🥰
I love how Sonic still gets to tease Eggman for being an old man for still getting out of breath in comparison XD
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and the way Eggman tries to trick Sonic by saying this is all actually a good thing because they look so happy don't they? always love him trying trickery and manipulation
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then when that doesn't work he tries to convince him to let him have it because what if Green Hill but chili dogs where you can have everything you want, you'd love that!
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I like what it says about Eggman and how he can only see it from the selfish self-centered perspective of the world existing to serve him something done only by his own desire and order - forced.
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and of course Sonic is like hell nah I don't want a forced paradise like you do hehe
I fucking looove it that's my Eggman! Toyoda never fails, pure gold every time as gold as Super Eggman XD 💜
See the original art and stories on the Sonic Channel website:
Part 1
Part 2
And the translation I got the screenshots from here:
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koizumicchi · 9 months
兄には秘密 (Someya Koichirou) English Translation
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兄には秘密 Ani Ni Wa Himitsu A Secret For My Big Brother
Character: Someya Koichirou HoneyWorks feat. flower Lyrics: shito & Gom Composer: shito
T/N: Happy New Year, everyone. I’ll try to post the tls for Aizou and Yuujirou within this day. 
Keep in mind that Japanese and English aren’t my first language. I never claim my translation (attempts) to be error-free. As always, if you’re going to use or reference my translations, please do not claim it as your own and credit me.
華は枯れない 君は負けない 僕の兄貴は 僕以外に負けない
Hana wa karenai Kimi wa makenai Boku no aniki wa Boku igai ni makenai
Flowers will not wither You will not lose My big brother will Not lose to anyone else but me
兄弟なのに 口も利かない 君は僕に何も勝てない 出来の悪い兄貴を持った 僕の足を引っ張るなよ
Kyōdai na no ni Kuchi mo kikanai Kimi wa boku ni nani mo katenai Deki no warui aniki o motta Boku no ashi wo hipparu na yo
Though we are brothers We do not communicate well You cannot win against me at anything I had a good-for-nothing older brother Do not get in the way of my success
同じ家にいて 同じご飯食べて 同じ家族がいて 違う夢を見た なんかムカついた 逃げんなよ…
Onajika ni ite Onaji gohan tabete Onaji kazoku ga ite Chigau yume wo mita Nanka mukatsuita Nigen na yo…
Living in the same house Eating the same meals Being from the same family You had a different dream For some reason, it angered me Do not run away…
大切だけど 心配だけど 口にはしない 兄弟だから 華は枯れない 君は負けない 僕の兄貴は 僕以外に負けない
Taisetsu dakedo Shinpai dakedo Kuchi ni wa shinai Kyōdai dakara Hana wa karenai Kimi wa makenai Boku no aniki wa Boku igai ni makenai
Although it is important Although it makes me worry I will not say anything Because we are brothers Flowers will not wither You will not lose My big brother will Not lose to anyone else but me
兄弟だから 似ているところ 顔が良くて性格悪い これを言うと怒られるけど 負けず嫌いそこまで一緒
Kyōdai dakara Niteiru tokoro Kao ga yokute seikaku warui Kore o iu to okorareru kedo Makezugirai soko made issho
Because we are brothers We have similarities A handsome face, but not good personality-wise Though I get mad when they say it like that We hate to lose, and from this to that we are similar
たまに会話して たまに散歩して たまにケンカして いつも折れてくれて そういうとこだよ
Tama ni kaiwa shite Tama ni sanpo shite Tama ni kenka shite Itsumo orete kurete Sō iu toko da yo
We talk once in a while We take a walk together sometimes We fight once in a while You are always yielding to me That is just the way it is
認めてる… Mitometeru… I acknowledge you…
お互い秘密 知ってるけれど 口にはしない兄弟だから 胸に刺さった “夢は逃げない” 僕の兄貴は 今輝いて見える
Otagai himitsu Shitteru keredo Kuchi ni wa shinai Kyōdai dakara Mune ni sasatta “Yume wa nigenai” Boku no aniki wa Ima kagayaite mieru
Although we know about Each other’s secrets I will not say anything Because we are brothers It resonated deeply in my heart “Your dream won’t run away from you” My big brother is Shining so brightly right now
気づいてる? 笑顔が増えたこと 気づいてる? 兄貴を好きなこと
Kidzuiteru? Egao ga fueta koto Kidzuiteru? Aniki o suki na koto
Have you noticed? He is smiling more Have you noticed? What I love about my big brother
大切だけど 心配だけど 口にはしない 兄弟だから 華は枯れない 君は負けない 僕の兄貴は 誰にも負けない
Taisetsu dakedo Shinpai dakedo Kuchi ni wa shinai Kyōdai dakara Hana wa karenai Kimi wa makenai Boku no aniki wa Dare ni mo makenai
Although it is important Although it makes me worry I will not say anything Because we are brothers Flowers will not wither You will not lose My big brother will Not lose to anyone
お互い秘密 知ってるけれど 口にはしない 兄弟だから 胸に刺さった “夢は逃げない” 僕の兄貴は 今輝いて見える
Otagai himitsu Shitteru keredo Kuchi ni wa shinai Kyōdai dakara Mune ni sasatta “Yume wa nigenai” Boku no aniki wa Ima kagayaite mieru
Although we know about Each other’s secrets I will not say anything Because we are brothers It resonated deeply in my heart “Your dream won’t run away from you” My big brother is Shining so brightly right now
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elle-p · 6 months
PASH! March 2024 Persona 3 Reload part pictures and transcription.
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HP : https://p3re.jp
X (旧Twitter) : @p_kouhou
©ATLUS ©SEGA All rights reserved.
STAFF : 制作=アトラス
対応機種 : Xbox Game Pass、Xbox Series X | S、Xbox One、Windows、PlayStation 5、PlayStation 4、Steam
※ Xbox Series XS、Xbox One、Windows、 SteamはDL版のみ
料金 : パッケージ通常版9,680円、パッケージ豪原版17,380円、ダウンロード通常版9,680円、ダウンロード特別版15,730円、ダウンロード豪単版12,408円(すべて税込価格)
名作RPGのフルリメイク作『ペルソナ3 リロード』を特集!伊織順平役・鳥海浩輔さん、真田明彦役・緑川 光さん、スタジオディレクター・山口拓也さんのコメントと共に、本作の魅力を紐解いていく。
2006年に発売され、多くのファンを魅了した『ペルソナ3』。約18年の時を経て、オリジナル版の魅力はそのままに、現代に合わせてフルリメイクした『ペルソナ3 リロード』(以下『P3R』)が2月2日に発売された!
Point 1
And More
←↑本作はカレンダー形式で、1日ごとに何をするか選択可能 (一部、行動できない日もあり)。部活をするもよし、アルバイトに励むのもよし。全ての行動が主人公の成長につながっていくので、毎日の行動を充実させていこう。
しゅ じん こう
CV : 石田 彰
月光館学園高等部に2年から編入してきた転校生。昔学園がある港区に住んでいて、約10年ぶりに戻ってきた。複数のペルソナを召喚できるワイルドの能力を持ち、S.E.E.S. (特別課外活動部) のリーダーを任される。
たけ ば
CV : 豊口めぐみ
い おり じゅん ぺい
CV : 鳥海浩輔
さな だ あき ひこ
CV : 緑川 光
きり じょう み つる
CV : 田中理恵
やま ぎし ふう か
CV : 能登麻美子
コロマル CV : 高橋伸也
CV : 坂本真綾
あま だ けん
天田 乾 CV : 緒方恵美
あら がき しん じ ろう
CV : 中井和哉
順平はバカでお調子者でみっともなかったりだらしなかったりするのですが、誰よりも人間臭くて、成長して、決してスーパーマンではないけれど、とてもいい男だと思います⋯褒めすぎかな (笑)。
Cast Comment 1
アーツビジョン所属。主な出演作 : 『うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪』愛島セシル役、『キングダム』尾平役 ほか
影時間 (1日と1日の間にある、普通の人には認識できない時間) にどんなことをしてみたいですか?
影時間は経験しなくていいです (笑)。
う~ん。やっぱり荒垣 (真次郎) ですねぇ。
Cast Comment 2
緑川 光
青二プロダクション所属。主な出演作 : 『うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪』鳳瑛一役、『あんさんぶるスターズ!!』 天祥院英智役 ほか
影時間 (1日と1日の間にある、普通の人には認護できない時間) にどんなことをしてみたいですか?
色んな所に行って、普段と違うところを堪能したいです (笑)。
目覚めちゃうと、あの銃のパーン!ってやつしなきゃダメ???だったら、怖いので、目覚めなくていいです (苦笑)。
学生時代が、それはそれは昔過ぎてキラッキラ輝いているので (笑)、普通に友達とわちゃわちゃ遊びたいですね。普通が1番です (苦笑)。
Staff Comment
アトラス ペルソナスタジオ ディレクター
『ペルソナ3 リロード』はどのような流れでフルリメイクが決定したのでしょうか?
『ペルソナ3 リロード』ならではのアピールポイントもぜひ教えてください。
本作には様々な魅力がありますが、まずは何と言っても全面的に刷新されたグラフィックでしょうか。フィールドやキャラクターは等身大のスケールで作られ、UIも全て新規に作り直されています。特に3Dのキャラクターモデルはとても魅力的に作られていますので、大きな画面でじっくり見ていただきたいです。あと個人的にはコロマルの可愛さがもうたまらないので、仲間になった後は是非パーティに入れて、探索に連れて行ってみてください (笑)。
『ペルソナ3 リロード』はカレンダーシステムという何か行動するたびにゲーム内の日付が進むシステムを採用していまして、ゲーム内で日々を無為に過ごし続けると月日がどんどん経過していき、気が付くと何も準備ができていないまま強敵と対峙する⋯なんてこともあります。なので、勉強やアルバイトなどの自分磨きや仲間や友人との交流は勿論、ダンジョン探索やぺルソナの合体等、様々な要素をまんべんなく進めていただいて、忙しくも充実した日々を送っていただくのがプレイするコツかなと思います。あとは難易度設定も用意してあり、ゲーム中にいつでも変更可能ですので、バトルが難しいと感じた方は遊びやすい難易度を選んでいただけたらなと思います。一番優しい難易度では絶対にクリアできるようになっていますので、ストーリーは気になるけどゲームは苦手という方も安心して遊んでいただけると思います。
今の『ペルソナ』シリーズのターニングポイントにもなった『ペルソナ3』が装いも新たにフルリメイクされて『ぺルソナ3 リロード』として発売中です!“『ぺルソナ3』のリメイク”となっていますが他の『ペルソナ』タイトルを遊んでいなくても、オリジナル版を遊んでなくても全く問題なく楽しめる内容となっています。今のペルソナスタジオが魂込めてお届けする『ペルソナ3 リロード』。少しでも気になったらお手に取っていただけますと幸いです。
Keyword 1
Keyword 2
UI (プレイヤーが触れるメニュ―などのシステム) やキャラクターの2Dイラストがブラッシュアップされ、美しくより遊びやすいものになっているのも本作の特徴だ。
Keyword 3
Keyword 4
敵対する存在 “ストレガ”
↑ “ストレガ”が影時間やペルソナ能力に執着する理由とは⋯?
CV : 神奈延年
CV : 小野坂昌也
CV : 沢城みゆき
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kaitou-archive · 1 year
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Otomedia June 2015
(Below is a cleaned up machine translation. Please note that due to the nature of machine translation, the text may not be wholly accurate or may read oddly. Japanese is included after English for reference. The text was lifted from the images using this site, and though there's been care taken to make sure everything is correct, there is a chance of unintentional typos.)
I want to walk hand in hand with you ~wedding road~
Tonight, Joker and his friends have come to a June wedding party. Donning their formal attire, are they aiming for sparkling jewels? Or the bride's heart?!?!
"They will probably steal the bride's heart as well as the treasures (laughs). According to the original author Hideyasu Takahashi, Joker's age is 'about 3 to 5 years older than the readers.' Depending on the age of the bride-to-be, I don't think marriage is just a dream!"
The person who gave this hopeful comment was Dai Sato, in charge of series composition. In Season 2, which is currently airing, Joker and company are on an adventure across the world, including infiltrating prisons and visiting deserts!
"I think the essence of 'Kaitou Joker' is the competition between detectives and inspectors for a single treasure, like in episodes 14 and 16 of Season 2. Not only are the phantom thieves who steal treasure cool, but the rivals who stand in their way are all interesting characters. I think you got to see their personalities in Season 1, so Season 2 will include a time travel story that has a big impact."
For those of you who want to follow Joker and his friends wherever they go, a special message from the Phantom Thieves has arrived in this issue as well! Also be sure to check out the “Dream Pledge”★
あなたと手をとり歩きたいWedding Road
「お宝を盗みに来たついでに、花嫁のハ ートも華麗に奪っていくのでしょうね (笑)。原作者のたかはしひでやす先生 曰く、ジョーカーの年齢は“読者の皆さ んの3~5歳くらい年上〟とのことです。 ので、花嫁志望の方のご年齢によっては、 結婚も夢じゃないと思いますよ!」
そんな希望がふくらむコメントを下さ ったのは、シリーズ構成の佐藤大さん。 放送中のシーズン2では刑務所に潜入し たり、砂漠を訪れたりと、ジョーカーた ちは世界をまたにかけて冒険中ですね!
「シーズン2の第14話や第16話のよう に、探偵や警部と一つのお宝を賭けて勝 負するというのが、『怪盗ジョーカー』 という作品の真髄だと思います。カッコ よくお宝を盗む怪盗たちはもちろん、立 ち塞がるライバルも面白い人物ばかりで すよ。シーズン1で彼らの人となりはご 覧いただけたと思いますので、シーズン 2ではインパクトが大きいタイムスリッ プするお話なども盛り込んでいます」 ジョーカーたちと一緒なら、どんな場 所にもついて行きたい そう思ったア ナタへ、今号も怪盗たちからのスペシャ ルメッセージが到着しております!! 佐 藤さんが解説して下さった、付録の「ドリーム誓約書」も要チェックです★
---Character Introduction
"As a phantom thief, he's cool, but when he gets home he's so sloppy that he can't even clean the house (laugh). I think his versatility is very attractive." (Sato)
「怪盗としてはカッコいいん ですが、お家に帰るとだらし なくて掃除もできないという (笑)。 その多面性が、非常に 魅力的だなと思います」(佐藤)
Joker's assistant. "No matter what he says, it's cute! There are many characters who say harsh things, but when the simple-minded Hachi appears, it makes me feel warm." (Sato)
ジョーカーの助手。「なんと言 っても可愛いですね! キザ なことを言ったりする人物が 多い中、純朴なハチが登場す るとほっこりします」(佐藤)
Joker's rival. "He's smart and good at strategizing. However, I think he shines the most when he's with Joker." (Sato)
ジョーカーのライバル。 「頭が よく、作戦を立てるのも得意 です。ただ、彼はジョーカー と一緒にいる時が、一番輝い ていると思います」(佐藤)
---Character Question
Where would you like to go for your honeymoon? 新婚旅行はどこに行ってみたい?
Joker "More than where to go on a honeymoon, I'm trying to decide which of two treasures I'm going for! I'm not sure which one, the Three Star Jewel, which is the prize for winning the Idol Stage, or the Sigma Drive, which I don't know what kind of machine it is! I'm excited to see what kind of treasure it is. Hey, do you want to go with me?"
「新婚旅行をどこに行くかよりもさ、 今は2 つのお宝どっちを狙いに行くか迷ってるんだ よな! アイドルステージ優勝賞品の『スリ ースタージュエル』 って宝石と、なんの機械 かわかんねぇけど 『シグマ・ドライブ』 って お宝、 どっちを狙いに行くか迷ってるんだ! どんなお宝なのかワクワクするよな。 なぁ、あんたも一緒に行ってみるか?」
Hachi "M….M-m-m-marriage!? I'm getting married!? Ahem… Well, I…I wouldn't mind wherever my wife wants to go! I'd want to go all sorts of places! ……I'm embarrassed~!!" 「けっ…………… けけけ結婚!!? オイラが結婚っスか!! ゴホン。 そうっスね、 お……お嫁さんの行きたい所ならどこでもいいっスよ! 一緒にいろんな所行きたいっス!・・照れるっス~!!」
"A Honeymoon…. I'd never thought about it. I've never thought about getting married, either. Well, if I had to say, I'd say I'd like to go somewhere with a history. I'd also like to go and inspect the treasures of the place I'm going to and plan how I'm going to get them. But of course, don't tell the woman I'm seeing."
「新婚旅行か…・・・・・。 考えたこともなかったよ。 結婚も考えたことがなかったからね。 そうだ ね、強いて言うなら歴史ある場所に行きたい かな。ついでに行った先のお宝の下見もして、 どうやって手に入れるか作戦もたてたいな。 もちろん相手の女性には内緒だけどね」
Interview with Dai Sato, Series Composer A Guide to the Shining Night
シリーズ構成・佐藤 大氏○インタビュー 輝く夜への案内状
What did you keep in mind when composing the series?
When I first met director Yukiyo Teramoto, she told me that she wanted to depict Joker and his friends' lives and relationships, not to mention their charm as phantom thieves. With this in mind, we started work on the series structure, but as the TV animation had to be summarised in 26 episodes for seasons 1 and 2, it was not possible to visualise all the episodes from the original story. So, after consulting with Director Teramoto, we introduced Queen and Silver Heart, who appear in the middle of the original story, from the beginning of Season 1. I wanted to depict a story centered on Joker and Hachi, but also a story involving Joker, Spade and Queen all together. So I moved the episodes of the original story forward and made them up as I went along. However, both Teramoto and I love the original story, so we adapted the way and order of the characters' appearances to the original story. We also had an order for Joker and his team to confront a major enemy throughout the 26 episodes of the anime, so we placed Professor C and Shadow Joker as the most suitable characters for the enemy. With Shadow by Professor C's side, I think you get a better sense of the relationship between Joker and Silver Heart as a master-disciple duo.
The original story is a treasure trove of fascinating scenarios, how did you decide which to make into an anime? I had a list of all the stories up to volume 16, and me, director Teramoto and the producers chose the episodes we absolutely wanted to do. The episodes we decided on first were episode 1, "The Miracle Maker Appears", and episode 5, "Journey into the Shining Night". The episodes to be broadcast in the future include episode 19 "Crash! The Idol Stage" and episode 22, "The Burning Inspector and the Wicked Foxes". I wanted to tell these stories in Season 1 after all the main characters had come together and the relationships between the phantom thieves had been established, so I decided to do them in Season 2.
Finally, a message to all the fans! The brilliant tricks of the phantom thieves. The days when the phantom thief, his assistant and his master spend together like a family, and the stories and settings of the original work are important to the production of all the staff. The last few episodes are more epic than ever, so I hope you enjoy them.
シリーズ構成をされる際に、 意識されたことは? 初めて寺本幸代監督にお会いした時に、 怪盗として の魅力はもちろん、 ジョーカーたちの生活の様子や関 係性を描きたいという話を伺いました。 その思いを念 頭にシリーズ構成の作業に入ったのですが、 TVアニ メとしてシーズン1・2の26話にまとめなくてはい けないので、原作のエピソードをすべて映像化するこ とはできないんですよね。 そこで寺本監督とも相談して、原作では中盤から登場するクイーンやシルバーハ ートを、シーズン1の初期から登場させました。 ジョ ーカーとハチが中心のお話はもちろん、 ジョーカー、 スペード、クイーンの3人がそろって巻き起こるお話 も描きたかったんです。 なので、原作のエピソードを 前倒しして、 構成していきました。 ただ、 僕も寺本監 督も原作が大好きなので、 各キャラクターの登場の仕 方と順番は、原作にあわせました。 かつ、 アニメ26 話を通して、 ジョーカーたちが大きな敵に立ち向かっていく形にしたいとのオーダーもあったので、敵として一番ふさわしいキャラクターとして、プロフェッサ ・Cとシャドウ・ジョーカーを配置しました。 プロ フェッサー・Cの傍にシャドウもいることで、 ジョー カー&シルバーハートの師弟コンビとの対の関係性 を、より感じとっていただけているかなと思います。
原作は魅力的なお話の宝庫ですが、どのようにア アニメ化するエピソードを決めていったのでしょうか? 16巻までのお話をすべてリストにしてもらって、 僕と寺本監督とプロデューサー陣で、 絶対にやりたい エピソードを選んでいきました。 真っ先に決まったの は、第1話の「奇跡の怪盗あらわる」 や、 第5話の 「輝く夜への旅立ち」 です。 今後放送されるエピソードですと、 第19話 「激突!! アイドルステージ」や第 22話の 「炎の警部と邪悪な狐」 ですね。 これらのお話 はシーズン1でメインキャラクターが全員そろって、 怪盗同士の関係性が構築されてから描きたかったの で、シーズン2でやる運びとなりました。
最後に、ファンの皆様へメッセージを! 怪盗たちの華麗なトリック。 そして、 怪盗と助手、 師匠が家族のように過ごす日々と、原作の物語や設定 を大切にスタッフ一同、 制作しています。 最後の何話 かは、今まで以上に壮大なストーリーになっているの で、ぜひ楽しんでいただけたら嬉しいです。
---Dream Pledge (Purple sheet)
The Dream Pledge You pledge your love to the phantom thieves ♪
Series Composition Director Dai Sato is here with "The Code of the Bride of the Phantom Thief" ♡ Once you know the secret to living a happy married life with the phantom thieves, write your name and date on the pledge. It's up to you whether your boyfriend will sign it or not!!
ドリーム誓約書 貴女が怪盗たちに愛を誓う♪ シリーズ構成 佐藤大氏直伝!!「怪盗の花嫁の掟」付き♡ 怪盗たちと幸せな結婚生活を送るための極意を胸に刻んだら、名前と日付けを誓約書に書き込もうカレがサインをしてくれるかはアナタ次第!!
Pledge ~Oath of commitment~ I commit myself to this man In health and in sickness, in riches and in poverty. I pledge to love, honour, comfort and help, I pledge to love him without change. ~誓約書~ 私はこの男性を健康な時も病の時も富める時も貧しい時も 愛し敬いなぐさめ助けて変わることなく愛することを誓います
Phantom Thief No. 1 Joker Joker's Bride's Code ♡ Scold him from time to time! "Joker may look like this, but inside he's a child, so it's important to accept his wild side. And while booking videos and cleaning his room, scold him properly from time to time" (Sato)
Excitement 365 days of the year with many different expressions ♡
▼Show off your skills in making curry, Joker's favorite food
Together with Joker in the sky and on the ground ♥ Go on your honeymoon on the Sky Joker or Road Joker♪
怪盗その1 ジョーカー ジョーカーの花嫁の掟 ♡ 時には叱ってあげよう!
「ジョーカーはこう見えて中身は子どもなので、 彼の奔放さを受け止めてあげることが大切です。そして、ビデオの予約や部屋の掃除をしてあげつつ、時にはきちんと叱ってあげてください」 (佐藤) いろんな表情に 365日ドッキドキ♡
▼ジョーカーの大好物である、 カレー作りの腕前をあげておこう
空でも地上でもジョーカーと一緒♥ スカイジョーカ ーやロードジョー カーに乗って、新 婚旅行へGO♪
Phantom Thief No. 2 Hachi Hachi's Bride's Code ♡ All OK in a natural way! "Hachi, who is perfect at housework and good at cooking, is a woman's ideal marriage partner. In order to live a more harmonious life, please eat delicious food. However, I think Hachi will act according to the bride's personality, so please be natural and don't overdo it." (Sato)
Perfect for housework and cooking Any dish is yours ♪ Don't compete with cooking skills, let's finish the meal with a smile
"I think Hachi is the best marriage partner. I'm sure you'll be happy!", Mr. Sato comments.
怪盗その2 ハチ ハチの花嫁の掟♡ 自然体でオールOK! 「家事は完璧 & 料理上手な ハチは、女性理想の結婚相 手ですね。 より円満に暮ら すために、 料理は美味しく 食べてあげてください。 ただ、 ハチは花嫁の性格に合 わせて行動してくれると思 いますので、無理せず自然 体でいてください」(佐藤)
家事も料理もパーフェクト どんな料理もお手の物♪ 料理の腕で張り合わず、 笑顔で完食しよう
まさに理想の結婚相手 ♪ 佐藤氏曰く、「ハチが結婚相手としては一番 いいと思います。幸せ間違いなし!」とのこと
Phantom Thief No. 3 Spade Spade's Bride's Code ♡ Keep an open mind!
"Spade is a man who doesn't reveal much about his inner self and doesn't want people to know about his painful past. So, you need to have an open mind and accept him without denying it when he's trying to be cool." (Sato)
Newlywed life on an airship ♡
An unexpected side that only brides can see!?
Twin Thundershark ▼Owned by Spade An airship. As its name suggests, its appearance resembles two sharks.
▲Take the helm with Spade in a stylish cockpit and embark on a voyage of love ♥
▲“In fact, you might be able to live a happier married life if you didn’t know that Spade was a phantom thief.” (Sato)
怪盗その3 スペード スペードの花嫁の掟 ♡ 広い心で接するべし! 「スペードは内面をあまり出さず、 自身の辛い過 去も知られたくない “背伸びをしていたい男” で す。 なので、 彼がカッコつけているときに否定せ ず受け止めてあげる、広い心が必要ですね」(佐藤)
花嫁だけに見せる 意外な一面も!?
ツイン・サンダーシャーク ▼スペードが所有する 飛行船。 その名の通り、 2匹のサメを模した外 見になっているのだ
▲オシャレな雰囲気のコックピットでスペードと共に舵を取り、 愛の航海へ♥
▲「むしろ、スペードが 怪盗だと知らずにいた方 が幸せな結婚生活を送れ るかもしれません」(佐藤)
Phantom Thief No. 4 Shadow Joker Shadow Joker's Bride's Code ♡ Become a rival phantom thief!
"Shadow Joker is the type of person who gets worked up, so if you reign as a cooler phantom thief than him, he'll pay attention to you. Meet him as a rival, get married, and while you're both a thief, make Shadow's dream of travelling the world come true." (Sato)
Riding his beloved motorbike wherever he goes ▲Shadow Joker's favourite motorbike
The bride should be cooler than Shadow
"It's important to maintain a dignified attitude and not flirt in front of Shadow." (Sato)
怪盗その4 シャドウ ジョーカー シャドウ ジョーカーの花嫁の掟♡ ライバル怪盗になれ! 「シャドウ・ジョーカーはムキになるタイプなの で、アナタが彼よりもカッコいい怪盗として君臨 すると、注目してくれそうです。 ライバルとして 出会って結婚し、二人で怪盗をしながら、 シャド ウの夢である世界旅行をしてください」 (佐藤)
愛車に乗ってどこまでも ▲シャドウ ジョーカーが 愛用しているバイク
花嫁はシャドウより カッコよくあるべし
「シャドウの前ではなび かず、凛とした態度でいる ことが大事です」 (佐藤)
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yuurei20 · 7 months
Did Umehara say who he originally tried out for? Or just that he tried out for someone else?
Hello hello! Thank you for this question!
I have not been able to find an interview where he says who he originally tried out for yet!
It is not uncommon for the seiyuu to mention that they actually tried out for other characters, but whenever the topic comes up they usually temper the question with, "You don't have to say who you auditioned for if you'd rather not," so I think it can be something of a delicate topic in the industry for seiyuu to discuss who they lost roles to.
Epel's VA Tsuchiya also says that he did not audition for Epel!
In the following video he explains that he auditioned for many characters but he'd actually wanted to voice a character in Savanaclaw, because he was named after Simba from The Lion King.
At Anime Japan 2019's Twisted Wonderland stage, we learned that:
・Ace's Yamashita auditioned for both Deuce and Ace
・Deuce's Kobayashi auditioned for both Deuce and Ace
・Trey's Suzuki auditioned for both Trey and Deuce
・Cater's Kobayashi auditioned both for Cater and for another character but he does not specify who, as the game had yet to be released and only the members of Heartslabyul and Malleus had been revealed.
While the video cannot be shared because of ABEMA restrictions, during Twst Channel's first Halloween livestream we learned that Crewel's Ito also auditioned for someone else, and was later offered Crewel, instead!
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While I have not yet been able to find Leona's Umehara confirming what character he did audition for I personally suspected it might have been Malleus, but in a special appearance of Malleus' VA Kato on Lilia's Midorikawa's monthly livestream he said that not only did he not audition for Malleus, but Malleus wasn't even an option amongst the characters that were available!
Malleus' Kato also does not share what character(s) he originally auditioned for.
It is interesting that Malleus, Leona, Epel and Crewel were all offered directly to VAs that did not audition for them.
During the first Halloween edition of Twst Channel the seiyuu were asked who, if anyone, was their oshi character outside of the character they themselves voice. Here are the results!
・Jack's VA -> Epel oshi ・Ruggie's VA -> Idia and Sebek oshi ・Sebek's VA -> Malleus oshi ・Silver's VA -> Idia oshi (It is well known that Silver's VA Shimazaki adores Idia, to the point that Ruggie's VA apologizes to him for also having Idia as an oshi character)
SSR Design Ideas
・Lilia's VA: A pajama series and room designs in the character motifs ・Jack's VA: Different hairstyles. ・Vil's VA: Winter sports designs, like skiing and snowboarding ・Silver's VA: Different ages. Adult Lilia, past Lilia and Silver together, delinquent Deuce, and adult Idia ("I think he would be beautiful").
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mahodo · 5 months
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Sweet Memories Blackjack - Blackjack galge / character CGs collector
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Originally released on the 3DS in 2012 as 「いつでも一緒に。」 BLACKJACK ("Always together." BLACKJACK) by Tom Create, developed by seasworks
source via tomcreate-games.com ♡ nintendo.co.jp
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Arigatou! Thanksgiving White Day Party | 阿離我拓!感謝のホワイトデーパーティー
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Want to read along, but don’t have the game? Here’s a link to the event recorded!:
Event Period: 6 of March - 20 of March 2023
Featured cards: Manjiro Sano / Keisuke Baji
Event box: Kazutora Hanemiya / Ran Haitani / Rindou Haitani
Event pass: Shuji Hanma
By WiXipeXia
March 14th, White Day. It’s generally the men who receive chocolates on Valentine’s Day.
So then, it’s supposed to be a day when you give presents like candies, marshmallows and macarons back to women.
By WiXipeXia
There’s a reason that I’ve gathered you all here today.
We need to think about what to give Emma for White Day!
Why do we have to think about this together?
You guys got chocolate from Emma too, didn’t you?
That was just her being polite.
It was pretty much just being polite
We're gonna do our best for Emma! This is a task for all of Toman!!
Here it is… Master Mikey…
Here, here! I’ve got a good idea!!
Yes, Hanemiya-kun.
Are we raising hands now?
パーティーするのはどう? 日頃の感謝の気持ちをこめて料理とか用意してもてなすんだ
エマちゃんだけじゃなくて 普段お世話になってる感謝したい 人も呼んでさ
What about a party? To show our gratitude, we can prepare some food and entertainment.
It'd be not just for Emma, but for the people who help us out that we also want to thank.
And we’ll call it - The White Day Thanks Party!
Eh, huh? Is that not good?
That’s not it…
We’re just surprised that you actually said something decent.
That’s a good idea. A thanks party. We’ll do that.
ちょ〜 盛り上がるパーティーにしようぜ!!
Yeah! Just leave the party planning to me then.
Let’s make this party a blast!!
Thanks! I’m counting on ya.
You have a bad feeling about this, don’t you?
I definitely have a bad feeling about this.
_ _ _ _ _
I’m going to beat Mikey and get to the top of Toman…! 
_ _ _ _ _
Kazutora, what is this?
Uoryaa! Die!!!
Die, you asshole!!!
Is this a fighting ring or something?
いやー、招待客はたくさんいた 方が良いよな~って思っていろんなヤツに声かけてたらさ
No, well, I thought it’d be better if we had lots of guests, so I went and asked a load of people.
Looks like all the delinquents of Tokyo have gathered, huh? Teehee.
This isn’t a ‘teehee’ situation! We can’t bring Emma or my mom here with this place like this.
Baji, did you invite your mom? What’d you say?
Shut it!
What do we do, Mikey?
It is what it is. We’re gonna beat ‘em all up. We just gotta kick them all out, right?
Well, guess that’s the only way.
That’s Mikey for ya. Lemme help out too!!
Of course you will. Who’s fault do you think this is?
_ _ _ _ _
We’re about half way through ‘em now, right?
Really… Kazutora. What did you say to get these guys all here.
All you did was call them here, and now it’s turned into a whole bloodbath.
初めは東卍のマイキー主催のパーティーで幹部にお近づきになれるかも!? って呼びこんでたんだけどさ
途中でマイキーにタイマンで 勝ったら東卍のトップになれるって話に変わったみたいで
誰が最初にマイキーに挑むかを 決めるバトルの最中・・・・・・みたいな?
Ah well...
At first, I told them that Mikey of Toman was hosting a party where they could get close to the captains.
Then halfway through it turned into ‘if you beat Mikey in a one-on-one, then you’ll become the leader of the Toman.
So they're in the middle of a fight to see who's going to challenge Mikey first... see?
You what…
A game of telephone’s pretty scary. It changed quite a lot. Ahahahaha.
Mikey… are you mad?
I’m not mad at you. I’m sure you didn’t do it with any bad intentions.
But you still have to take responsibility.
Eh? Responsibility…?
I’m leaving it to you to clean your mess up.
Eh!? By myself!?
It won’t be long until Emma and the others arrive. I’m leaving it to you.
ちょっと! まだまだいっぱい いるんだけど!? オレー人はさすがに!!マイキー!!!!! Wait a sec! There’s still a lot of people out there!? And by myself?! MIKEY!!!!!
_ _ _ _ _
It’s true that this situation’s my fault, but having to deal with this many people myself? That’s just cruel…
Well, it’s not like that, cause Mikey’s gonna deal with redecorating the venue.
Ah, I see. This place is a mess ‘cause of the rampage.
Yeah, that’s why
Wait… but, Mikey redecorating!? Isn’t that impossible!! Eh? Is that gonna be okay?
I’m sure he’ll get tired of it eventually and leave it all to Draken
That’s for sure.
So what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be helping with the decorations? Your mom’s coming, right?
Well, you can’t handle this many people, can you?
I’ll help you out
For real!? Thanks Baji!!!!
Though I’m not too sure about leaving for Mikey and Draken in charge. Let’s get this over so we can join them.
_ _ _ _ _
The invincible Mikey… I’m looking forward to this.
Where are you Mikey? I’m tired of all these small fry.
_ _ _ _ _
Whew, is that everyone now?
Baji!!! Over there!! It’s the Haitani brothers.
Roppongi’s Haitani brothers?... This’ll be annoying.
Pretty rude to call us annoying when we came all the way here for Toman, isn’tit?
We didn’t invite you guys. Sorry, but can you guys just go home?
I heard we'd be able to fight Mikey, but I'm tired of all these small fry.
I can’t be going home after finally meeting one of the captains. Right, First Division Captain?
...What a pain in the ass. It’s your fault for calling them here, IDIOTORA!!
Who the fuck else?!!!
Hey, did they forget about us?
I know you guys are friends and all, but can you get your shit together first?
You done with the decorating?
We haven’t. And there’s no way I can work with Ken-chin.
He’s got no sense of style.
Who you saying has no sense of style, you bitch? I don't wanna hear that shit from someone who ruined the floral decorations.
That's why it'll be more efficient if we work together to kick 'em all out. Right?
Efficient… What a great idea!
This conversation sounds stupid as hell, but anything to have a go at Mikey.
I don’t care about any of this, so come at us!
_ _ _ _ _
All right, that's everyone. Let's get these decorations up, then call Emma and the others.
Mikey’s little sister. Mikey’s a bit of a sis-con, ya see.
Kazutora, stop talking.
Mikey’s little sister… I heard she’s supposed to be pretty cute.
Heeh, is that so? Well if she’s coming, then we’ll leave once we’ve checked her out.
H U H ?
The hell you saying, you bastard? Just go home already.
We’ll go home once we’ve seen Emma-chan
Looks like we haven’t beaten your asses enough yet.
Huh? What’s with the switch up?
Haha! Thought we'd be going home with things unfinished, but we'll take you up on that.
…So we having this party today or what?
Probably not.
Think I’ll just go home and make mom some yakisoba!
I wanna eat too! I’m so hungry!
_ _ _ _ _
Was that a good enough warm up?
Nah, it doesn’t even count as one.
Hahaha. Don’t be so nervous.
Let’s see how you like this next one.
As expected of the “Invincible Mikey”. This is even better than I imagined!
Hey bro, this is getting interesting!
_ _ _ _ _
TRANSLATOR'S NOTE: Ran and Rindou are not romantically interested in Emma. This was very likely antagonising talk to get Toman to keep fighting them. In an official tiktok, Ran is shown not even acknowledging girls who try to give him gifts for Valentine's, so I interpret this as Ran and Rindou just messing with the guys.
You can view all my translations for Tokyo Revengers: Puzzle Revengers & Hypnosis Mic: Alternative Rap Battle in my discord: HERE.
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