#put away childish things
actualbeanforest · 9 months
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thesquireinvictus · 1 year
I think a lot of people play fast and loose with their diet and health because the consequences seem so far off. You don’t hit the proverbial brick wall until middle age, after doing yourself decades of damage, and science is so advanced that what used to kill you outright now takes its time. But watching people live painful, debilitated lives even from a young age, and watching people have heart attacks and strokes in their thirties and forties, and watching people die slow, years-long, uncomfortable or painful or even devastating, gruesome deaths...
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sheilamurrey · 1 year
you put away childish things
Silver Birch was a spirit guide who spoke through Maurice Barbanellyou put away childish things
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rwby-confess · 1 month
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Confession #221
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literary-illuminati · 6 months
2024 Book Review #14 – And Put Away Childish Things by Adrian Tchaikovsky
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This book I basically came across by chance. Or, well, not exactly chance, but I’d never even heard of it before until I checked what Tchaikovsky books my local library system had copies of and saw it. Which in a sense is a terrible way to come into this – it’s an incredibly dramatic swerve from any of Tchaikovsky’s other stuff that I’ve read – but coming in totally blind pretty much worked, I think. Genuinely very fun read.
The story follows Harry Bodie, a children’s TV presenter facing down middle age with a career that’s never really lived up to expectations. Somewhat desperately, he signs on to a tabloid-ish program about digging into the family tree, hoping to use the residual fame of his grandmother and her fairly famous and successful series of postwar children’s fantasy novels as a career boost. Instead he gets his face rubbed in the fact that his great-grandmother is only recorded as an indigent madwoman, and the famous author was born in a sanitarium. That the famous Underhill stories were, in fact, based in large part on delusions told as childhood fables and family histories.
Somewhat unsurprisingly, the stories turn out to be less delusional than previously reported. Bodie is in quick succession accosted by a faun, approached by a suspicious PI, and kidnapped by a surprisingly moneyed fan-club-cum-occult-coven. Soon enough he’s getting his first taste of Underhill first hand – or, at least, what’s left of it after a century and change of economizing and entropy.
I’m on record as being fairly dismissive about the whole category of ‘stories about stories’, and I guess I need to eat my words a bit because I actually really enjoyed this. To an extent that’s probably just because it doesn’t get too meta – storyland is a work of deliberate artifice, the stories themselves don’t shape the world or do magic, it just generally never tries to get too cute or didactic about it – but still. This is a book where the hero at one point describes his situation as ‘Five Nights at Aslan’s’ so there’s no real principled distinction for me to cut here. One of the main characters is literally a folklorist.
Though, it’s less about stories than one specific story in particular. The unremarkable schlub plucked out of their mundane life and told that they’re special, that they’re the hero or the true heir and possess some inherent numinous essence that makes them the most important person in the world. This is a terribly appealing story, and one Harry feels the lure of very keenly – he’s self-aware enough to say quite clearly that he goes back to the frozen, decaying world full of half-dead monsters less out of morality or rationality than simply because it was a place where he mattered, for good or ill.
It’s probably not reading too deeply into the book’s themes to note that the story is a lure in a fairly literal sense, or that the true heir is destined to ‘save’ the world by being hollowed out and possessed by those who came before them.
Of course as much as this is in conversation with Narnia et al, it owes at least as much to whole genre of ‘what is nostalgic children’s property, but fucked up?’ creepypasta. Fairyland is choked with fungal growths and creepy, staticy not-snow. The scampering, troublemaking faun is miserable and worn out with bad knees. The Best Of All Dogs is a rotting, terrifying hellhound. There’s even a titanic evil scary clown. Aesthetically the book owes far more to r/nosleep than Lewis Carroll.
Harry himself is an absolute delight as a main character. By which I mean he just sucks so bad, but in very mundane and endearing ways. Who among us can not relate on some level to a failing middle-aged actor who always made a point of not trading on his family name but is secretly pretty resentful it hasn’t helped him more? He refuses the call to adventure then decides his life’s kind of shit and he’d rather get stabbed to death by goblins, so he comes crawling back and begs for a second chance. He’s left a glowing magic sword that will defeat all enemies, but it’s stuck in the body of one of his kidnappers so he just runs screaming and it spends the rest of the book in an evidence locker somewhere. I love him.
I really have no idea to what degree it was intentional, but it also does rather muse me that – okay, you know the standard bit of feminist media analysis where male characters are the actors, while female characters are generally walking set decoration and plot devices? It really deeply amuses me that Harry spends the better part of the story as a magical blood bank getting led around or terrified and awaiting rescue, whereas Seitchman (our counterfeit PI/folklorist) repeatedly forces herself into things through obsessive research skills and a complete disregard for her own safety (and at one point an enthusiastic if unpracticed willingness to sword people). Though to be clear this was mostly amusing to me because it was absolutely never highlighted or commented upon.
This is probably the first book I’ve read that’s recent enough to be set during lockdown without really being a COVID novel, if that makes sense? You could set this the year before or the year after without really losing much, and it lacks the ‘this was written in quarantine’ vibe of a lot of books I read last year. But it definitely adds a sense of specificity and timeliness to it that I rather enjoyed.
So yeah, do not open it expecting anything like Children of Time, but good book!
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a-flickering-soul · 2 months
fics where tauriel is like "idk where dwarf heaven is but it will become dwarf and tauriel heaven as soon as i can find it" <<<<<<
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moomeecore · 1 month
on that subject, obsessed with today when i was like "hey guys, can you two stop playing the jumping game for now because it's giving caden a headache" and my 6 yr old cousin is like "you mean 'me'. it's giving 'me' a headache, because your caden". it's like yeah man ur right. my bad . and then they stopped jumping. it was awesome
#the thing is like. the jumping hurt my headright away#but i let them do it for a while before they told them to stop. and then they did#and i think thats part of it too. for somw things you have to wait and let kids have whay they want for a while before swooping in and#asking for them to stop#so they dont feel super controlled#and like. as an autistic person I HAVE TO DO THAT ANYWAY USUALLY#there's so many adult people out there who i have to put up witj their noises because i KNOW if i ask for them to stop theyll get mad#or even on a lesser extent. like as an autistic person w my sorta issues. you have to a let a lot of things go that are genuenly painful#and stressful. bc if u ask people to do things too much they often get upset. even if theyre overall nice#same with kids#but with kids you get to ask them to stop way more and you get to ask earlier than you would with most adults#like. ill be trying to put up with somethinf and struggling and get to the ppont where im visibly shaking and stuttering and on the verge#of tears#and the mere request of 'could you turn the tv ofd#still gets whole ass adults telling me im entitled and bossy#meanwhile child will hear 'thats making me feel bad' and theyll hear that and theyll think about it#and often times theyll stop#and even when they dont they dont insult you!#and people still say little kids are annoying????#when i tell a little kid 'could you turn the sound off on the video game or take it to another room the sounds its making are upsetting me#they LISTEN.#adults have a strong tendency to#use the ironicallt imature logic of ' i like this thing. so it dosent matter if it is upsetting you. i like it so i want to have it. even#though we are in a shared space together. i wont change what im doing because i want to do the thing i like. and thats more important than#not upsetting you. because doing the thing i like makes ME feel good.'#like. litterallt this mindset is easily more promient in adults than small children 100% . on god#and its just about the most childish thing ever.#its understandable. but its immature#and with something this simple its silly people cant let that go. its not complex at all. its stop making noise it is hurting me. easy
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bunnihearted · 3 months
the earth is getting hotter and hotter and nobody's doing anything about it but im misanthropic and depressive because i can see nothing that inspires hope 🤙
#sure... we CAN stop it...#but... most ppl are denying climate chrisis.... most ppl in the world are currently voting for rightists#(who are all against making improvements and trying to stop our imminent demise)#in fact.. ppl are voting for rightists and the right are making decisions that only accelerates global warming......#ppl in general dont care nor believe in this chrisis.. outside i often overhear ppl's convos and they say stuff like#'those crazy environmentalist freaks' 💀#and yk those few protestors that do that thing where they lie down on roads and stuff to cause an interruptance in trafic....#they're constantly verbally assaulted but also physically assaulted and run over#by ppl who just fkn HAVE TO GET TO THEIR 9-5!!! or they'll explode bc they loooove working sm#yeah i just dont know... tbh i think soooo many ppl#are like just plain dumb... there is hope if we actually decide to fkn do smth#but just putting your head in the sand and go lalalalal hha peace and love on earth humanity is amazing omg i love ppl 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 wont do sh#now you're just being childish and toxic and fake 🥴#ppl dont even wanna make small changes in their everyday lives for the environment... nobody is ready nor willing to do real things to chan#bc im sorry but skipping around and being a positive little uwu bean is just harmful.. bc theyre not acknowledging reality#and reality is that the earth is getting so fucking hot and it is only getting hotter and there is bno hope in sight#bc ppl are destined to be fucking stupid!!!!#i mean what if ALL of us just simply refused to participate in society?#ppl everywhere all over the world should just go outside and sit down and refuse to contribute to capitalism and the#then* force politicians into taking action#the issue with this? nobody fkn cares! nobody wants to do anything#the earth is being killed. but nobody believes in it bc they just think it's 'conspiratory bullshit' ....#so yeah ofc u can walk around and go nooooo dont hate humanity! we CAN stop it uwu 🥰👍#ummm ok so then why arent anyone doing shit? theyre all still travelling and working and caring abt dumb shit and going to concerts and buy#ng too much and throwing away food and riding their cars everywhere and just fkn doing soooo much damage to the earth in every single littl#thing they do...... they dont care.#plussss dont y'all know that environmental activists are like straight up murdered? bc they're capitalist enemy no 1.#in south america they'll kill CHILDREN who are dedicating their entire lives to fight for the earth...#if u even mention the global warming thing to normal ppl out in the world they'll sigh and shake their heads and tell u to stop being so dr#dramatic*
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aspirant1598 · 1 month
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rhetoricandlogic · 1 month
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“And Put Away Childish Things” by Adrian Tchaikovsky
June 11, 2023 ~ Nataliya
“I just wanted to be the promised prince and heir to a magical kingdom,” he told the walls of his cell. “Is that so much? Is that bad of me? I mean, what did I do to earn this clusterfuck, precisely?”
There are portal fantasies (hello, Narnia — for those like me who haven’t read Narnia books, that’s the association that the wardrobe on the cover is apparently supposed to evoke), and there are anti-portal fantasies where the world behind the magical door isn’t all that hunky-dory (Lev Grossman’s Fillory). And then there’s whatever Adrian Tchaikovsky does here, with his off-kilter take on the portal fantasy set during the early pandemic months — what remains of the fantasy once the titular childish things have been put away and a bit of horror undercurrent comes into the story, with an eventual science-fictional flavor.
“He had his own problems, not least of which was discovering that not only was Underhill real, it was a bloody nightmare of epic proportions.”
This novella is rather a delightful mix of dilapidated fantasy setting and snarky reality, set in the shadow of lives full of wasted potential. The world through the portal – Underhill – is not a happy shiny Narnia place (“… childish things they hadn’t put aside when they grew up”), but neither is it a dark gritty setting. It’s a world bubble in strange decay, with quite a bit of odd creepiness there, the vibe of an abandoned playground just before full dark. Tchaikovsky pokes a bit of fun at the good old portal fantasy tropes here, yes, but with a bit of a thoughtfulness, skillfully and sometimes sneakily cynically, and overall in a weirdly enjoyable but twee-less way with the cuteness mercilessly stripped away.
“They were the usual sort of post-war kids’ stuff, born out of a world of rationing so that the young protagonists’ rewards for fighting giants or recovering stolen jewellery was often no more than a decent meal, which they were glad to get. They were ’50s nostalgia that the Baby Boom generation had grown up on, about another world that was green and magical and nice and constantly under threat by monsters both buffoonish and genuinely monstrous.”
I liked that Tchaikovsky grounded this book is present day reality by using the early days of Covid pandemic as the background for the “real world” part of the story. I haven’t quite seen this in my reading so far — and like it or not, this recent shared experience is not something we can pretend never happened.
Great read as usual, and yet again Tchaikovsky doesn’t disappoint..
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warlordfelwinter · 1 day
can't believe they took all the posters and stuffed animals out of my orbiter. can't have shit in the drifter's camp
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krytus · 2 years
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you’re hurting right now, and i want you to heal. i’m right here.
#cobra kai#cobrakaiedit#amanda larusso#daniel larusso#s.gif#breaking my silence........i'm an amanda apologist#LISTEN. LISTEN. PUT THE TOMATOES DOWN.#amanda gets so much shit but she really. is consistently the Adult of the situation.#YES even in season five!!!!!!!!!#like ok. in e4 they make it. ABUNDANTLY clear that her anger is justified#BUT BUT BUT. and here's the kicker!!! it's NOT daniel's fault either#the thing abt daniel is that when he's hurt he either lashes out or isolates. he can't talk abt it.#just like. god. that scene from tkk when he throws away his bike.#i wanna go home i don't like it here i wanna go home.#he can't talk abt it he can't say why.#and its. something he never really got over. he doesnt ask for help. its stupid and childish but he doesnt.#SO that being said. season five episode four.#amanda doesn't KNOW that terry silver burned down a store. that he cornered and threatened daniel.#that he was willing to have his guys beat up chozen.#she doesnt know any of that!!!!!!#all that she knows is that daniel pretended everything was fine.#and then (from her pov) picked a fight w terry at an event that mattered a lot to her.#she's justified in being angry about it. but neither of them were necessarily the bad guys in the situation.#and then when she REALIZES how badly she fucked up. she immediately tries to help daniel HEAL. not put the past in a box not lock it away#she's right next to him. she's going to stay with him.#and that's what GETS me.#because like. daniel's trauma leads to isolation. and amanda understands that. finally.#so she's not gonna do that to him again. she's going to trust him. she's going to help him Win.#do what you have to do. i'm right here. GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD#larusso women i would die for you ask me to die for you
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getting tired of myself and everything around me again 😐
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literary-illuminati · 7 months
'guy loses a month and change in faerieland, comes back in the middle of COVID lockdown, spends a considerable amount of time wondering if he fucked up and ended up in some kind of alternate nightmare world' is actually a pretty great bit ngl.
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artemisaed · 1 year
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#from kile#vi feel like vi shouldn't call vyself gray-aroace anymore#not because vi don't connect with the term. vi absolutely do connect with the term and it just Clicks in a way that other terms dont#but every post vi see says ''aroaces dont feel love'' ''aroaces dont ever want relationships'' ''all aroaces have 38034083480 qpps and HATE#and DESPISE all allos and any normal relationships'' and similar stuff#and like vi absolutely support people who dont want romantic/sexual/normative relationships! if you dont feel love then thats awesome!#one of vy best friends is a loveless aro who doesnt want any romantic relationships and vi think ze's amazing for that#vi think amatonormativity is stupid and dumb and nobody should be forced to conform to any standards of ''your relationship has to be like#this!''#but vi just. dont feel like vi should be in the community. vi feel romantic love and vi am in an at least semi-normative mono relationship#vi dont hate allos or relate to even most of the ''all aspecs relate to this'' posts or want to be poly or hate all romance or any of the#other things that are defining features of the aspec community. vi feel stupid and privileged and like vi dont belong here and vi feel like#vi'm taking away their safe spaces by being here because vi'm not aspec enough and vi don't share their hatred for romance/love and vi'm#basically the amatonormative person that theyre all supposed to be fighting against because vi'm just so extremely not aspec. if you ignore#the fact that vi dont feel attraction very often then vi'm literally just another 100% allo person. vi dont belong in aspec communities and#vi'm afraid that vi'm hurting people by being here because vi'm not really aspec enough. vi cant really put into words exactly why vi have#this uncomfortable lonely hated feeling?? vi cant even describe the feeling well its just. every time people talk about ''omggggg allos do#this and aspecs do that'' vi relate to both of them but usually vi relate to allos more because its always like. ''allos need relationships#and aspecs dont lol we're so much better and cooler aren't they sick freaks for wanting love and romance wow how childish and gross''#and vi just feel. so alone
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