#putin is a loser
tomorrowusa · 8 months
Russia, a fossil fuel superpower, is experiencing significant heating issues this winter.
Thousands of Russians have been affected by heating systems failing across the country, including Moscow and its outskirts, the Moscow Oblast, as they face one of the harshest winters in decades. The wave of breakdowns started in December and shows no sign of stopping. This week, at least 16 people suffered burns in the city of Nizhny Novgorod when a large-bore heating pipe exploded, spouting boiling water into the street. The pipe failure also left more than 3,000 people without heat, according to a local news channel on Telegram. [ ... ] The most severe breakdown occurred in Klimovsk, a district of the city of Podolsk in Moscow Oblast, just 50 kilometers (30 miles) from the capital. On January 4, the temperature dropped to -34 Celsius (-29.2 Fahrenheit) — the coldest spell for the area in at least 40 years. On the same day, a Klimovsk heating plant failed. Some 20,000 people were left without heat in the district of 50,000 people. Thousands of them remained cut off from the heating grid for several days. Other cities and towns in the region also experienced multi-day heating failures during the extremely cold weather, with residents of the city of Elektrostal lighting bonfires in front of their apartment buildings as a sign of protest.
Putin has his priorities. The Brezhnev-era infrastructure in Russia is falling apart but he is still diverting resources to his 3-day 696-day "special operation" in Ukraine.
Experts warned that the heating network in Russia is poorly maintained and outdated — especially in the areas that have massively increased their population density since the Soviet times. Even now, some parts of the country still use decades-old steel pipes, well past their projected 25-year lifetime, according to Russia's The Bell outlet. Official figures cited by The Bell indicate that some 3% of the heating, water and sanitation network is labeled as being in a state of "emergency" every year. Still, only 1%-2% are being modernized, leading to thousands of breakdowns.
Putin gambled about who would "suffer" – and he lost.
Following Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, state propagandists issued dire warnings over EU sanctions on gas imports, claiming Europe would "freeze" without access to Russian gas for its heat. Nearly two years into the war, however, heating in Europe appears stable while Russian officials scramble to respond to the heating crisis. This contrast is pointed out with glee by Putin critics and Russian-speaking users from war-torn Ukraine. "They decided to freeze out Europe, but that didn't work. Then they decided to freeze their own to intimidate others," a YouTube user commented under a video reporting on the breakdowns.
Europe had already been increasing the amount of energy it gets from renewable sources. And after Putin's illegal invasion began, many European countries greatly decreased the amount of natural gas they import from Russia. Being less reliant on Russian energy has made Europe more independent. It's never a good idea to become dependent on neighboring dictators.
This report on people freezing in Russia is from UATV in Ukraine. You'd never get anything this candid about the Russian heating crisis on Russian state media.
Dictator Putin's invasion of Ukraine has only spotlighted Russia's shoddy army, its decaying infrastructure, its endless corruption, and its police state repression. If Putin was trying to demonstrate what a great world power Russia is, his invasion has only proven the opposite.
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dzthenerd490 · 4 months
... Oh no.
But seriously though, Fuck Putin for convincing the youth of his nation that they were fighting nazi's and would die with honor. They didn't, they all died for nothing, and he should burn in hell for it.
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ManChildTrump is a wannabe mobster, and a Russian asset!
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trump666traitor · 2 months
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jokeshappinesemotion · 10 months
I have an EX Boyfriend who always complained we were not having enough sex .(!) Like it's food and he is at the verge of malnutrition.
I'm like ???twice every day ain't enough??? ...Can't go on having sex 13 hours straight literally I had to stop him before the 14th hour I was so exhausted I'm like ; let's rest.. he then says . We don't have enough sex and that he is being deprived of the very thing that belongs to him and he don't know if he can still be with me acting like this...gave me a talk of how intimacy is important in a relationship...bla bla blah.. I'm like this is no intimacy..
It was vandalism of the pussy. I had to run no wonder he is an EX. Jesus. Son of virgin Mary help me
I was like WTF. that's enough I'm never having sex with you again ,
Because clearly You are The most Unappreciative human of a dick. Jack ....head out of my vagina. And not to head in again.
Women lets speak out vandalism itself is a crime .. I mean what about vandalism of pussy .. Stop this masking of abuse in the name of love .. tell them to fuck love ..
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originalleftist · 1 month
I fear that one day, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and Vladimir Putin will all meet in the same place together, and the concentrated mass of that much failure in a single place will cause a singularity, a black hole of sub-mediocrity that will consume the universe.
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ernestbruce · 6 months
Ukraine has liberated several villages in its Northeastern territories
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World, let us get behind Ukraine and kick rusky ass!
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viatalium · 2 years
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piekhana · 5 days
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dodelof · 5 months
Real dumb American writing a letter to Putin.
Guess what: No From Russia with love for America. What all of those people don't understand: Putin hates them. Putin hates their way of life. He doesn't simply care about them. They are indeed just useful idiots for him. Just like Trump, like Greene, like Boebert and many, many others. And I guess, not the majority of America. I would like to have proof, if it is the majority or more or less. And then calling the other side sheep. Yeah: if you've nothing, really nothing: no argument, no proof, no nothing, you start to call people names. What a loser. What a coward. And he has not idea, what Putin really wants. I mean; Putin tells it all the time and has also written something like a manifest, in which you can see and read, what his ideas are. Oh man. I am so fed up with those people. Instead of doing some research, a little bit of reading, a little bit of watching Russian Propaganda; Spoiler: The Russians hate America. They do not care if you support Ukraine or not; for them, you're just toast on two legs.
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dannyhellman · 7 months
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Congratulations to resigning Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland for making the cover of Time Magazine. 😉
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qqueenofhades · 2 months
I've seen a lot of doom today. Thank you for the bracing positivity!
Look man, idk if I would call it positivity. I'm fucking furious that the media and/or the billionaire class could have chosen at any time, ANY TIME, to carry out this coordinated ratfucking on Trump, and nope, they did it to Biden. Not coincidentally after he openly started espousing even more leftist/progressive tax and wealth policies. I'm also fairly certain that Putin (who is well used to playing the American elections ratfucking game) is involved here somehow, because he desperately wants Biden out and Trump back in. Two plus two, etc.
The elected Democrats who went along with this and/or who contributed to fucking Biden over also have a hell of a lot to answer for, and I hope we, the voters, let them fucking know. The only way this makes sense is if Biden is actively dying of Covid right now and/or if it's bad enough to permanently damage him. In that case, he might have had a modicum of actual say about this, rather than falling victim to the Anonymous Sources who stabbed him in the back every step of the way.
That said: Kamala is a genuinely good candidate. I am excited to have the chance to vote for her. This does turn the whole Referendum on Two Old White Men With Mental Issues narrative on its head. She might be able to reach some constituencies that Biden couldn't. I don't know for sure if all the Democratic/never-Trump GOP votes will translate, but I am so motherfucking tired of fascists thinking this will be a walk in the park. They asked for this, they fucking got it, people are really fucking mad (including me and like, everyone), and if all this maneuvering gets our first female AND Black president, the fascists are going to absolutely fucking lose it and cry for eons. And idk about you, but I want to see some sore loser fuckboys cry cry cry. I want revenge for 2016. I want Trump dead and fucking gone and yknow, Black women have played a huge role in his bad bad times so far. So it's only fair, I suppose, that Kamala gets the chance to finish the motherfucker off. I don't know if it's positivity, but that's what is fueling me right now. So yeah.
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trump666traitor · 4 months
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originalleftist · 2 months
Hey Vlad, did anyone ever tell you the story of David and Goliath?
Hint: it didn't end well for Goliath.
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