#putin worshiping republicans
tomorrowusa · 4 months
Jordan Klepper is doing a special next week on how the Party of Reagan became the Party of Putin.
He spoke about it with CNN's Abby Phillip.
Here is what Ronald Reagan was saying about the Evil Empire in 1981 when Vladimir V. Putin was an officer in the Soviet secret police there.
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Change a few words and it could sound like Reagan is describing today's MAGA Republican Party.
So fast forward about 40 years and this is what some people are wearing to Trump rallies.
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Anti-vax nut Aaron Rogers, in that clip at the top, praised Putin for the way he "talked about the history of his country". Rogers apparently doesn't know the difference between history and disinformation. Rogers wants people to think he's really bright but he demonstrates again what a brainless dupe of Putin he really is.
The US Embassy in Kyiv published this funny but historically accurate meme which people should keep in mind when Putin claims that Russia is historically the mother (or whatever) of Ukraine.
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chuck-glisson · 2 years
Tulsi Gabbard is DOING her "Typical Grandstanding", with her criticism of GOP Congressman select George Santos's "Lies", and it's like the TYPICAL "Fire calling the Kettle Black" crap.
[1] Did Tulsi Gabbard "Mislead" the General Public concerning her record of "Combat Service"[or rather LACK of thereof]?
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[2] Has Tulsi Gabbard been "Transparent" with regards to her "Lifetime Involvement" with the Demented "Science of Identity" Cult that promotes "Guru Idol Worship", and "Systematic Abuse" of it's members, INCLUDING CHILDREN?
[3] Is it "Unusual" for GOP Politicians to "Lie"?
So SAVE me your FAUX OUTRAGE, Tulsi Gabbard, because it is nothing more than "Insincere Self Promotion", on YOUR part,
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beauty-funny-trippy · 2 months
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The vast majority of Republicans support Christianity in theory, but not in practice. They don't want to actually live by the teachings of Jesus. They believe that merely declaring themselves to be a Christian makes them a Christian. But by supporting Donald Trump, a man whose values are in close alignment with Putin and Pontius Pilate, Republicans have given us proof that they are only pretending to follow Jesus.
Trump has trampled on Jesus' virtues of being Kind, Honest and Humble. Instead, Trump has replaced them with Vengeance, Lies and Vanity. He rejects Jesus' philosophy of compassion. Instead, Trump prefers to greet immigrant neighbors with Razor Wire, and disgraces himself by ironically calling them inhuman "animals."
Trump's values are the complete opposite of Jesus' values. True Christians see Trump clearly and are appalled. But Fake Christians have covered their ears to the truth and closed their minds to reason — convinced, by the strength of their own gullibility, that they have found a new savior.
Republicans could have chosen any other GOP candidate. But instead, Fake Christians chose the most fake Christian they could find.
There are really only two possibilities as to why conservative "Christians" would support Trump over other GOP candidates:
• either, they are completely unaware of what Jesus actually taught, ...or...
• they are aware of His teachings, but choose to ignore Jesus anyway — preferring instead to embrace Trump's conceited self-worship and mean-spirited way of life. Thus, Republican "Christians" have, themselves, become the hypocrites and fake followers Jesus warned us about.
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misfitwashere · 8 months
Donald Trump has crushed his rivals in the Iowa caucuses. Should they drop out and let him take on Biden?
From Quora:
Let’s be honest, we all knew this was going to happen and the entire country and by extension the world were bracing themselves for it. However, the biggest news were the exit polls, 2/3 say they feel Trump won the 2020 election and the Biden Presidency is illegitimate, 44% said they were MAGAS and they would vote for Trump even if he was convicted of a crime.
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DeSantis and Haley are road kill at this point. They had their chances, Haley could make it a little closer, DeSantis will stay in only for the inevitable losses to come and drop out within a month, 2 at the most.
The real issue is this one:
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Joy Reid accuses White Christian Iowans of wanting to have people of color 'bow down' to them
Reid argued that evangelicals support Trump because they believe 'immigrants' and 'brown people' are 'illegitimate Americans'
Ok so what is it going to be folks. Trump has a 90% probability that he is going to win the Republican nomination, what are the Democrats going to do about it. Trump owns the evangelicals, all the mocking about him not being a Christian, the anti-Christ, none of them give a damn. He is their guy, their Jesus and he can say and do anything that he wants.
The General election effectively began last night.
The Republicans have made their agenda clear. Biden stole the election, doesn’t matter that everyone knows he did not, doesn’t matter how well he has led the country, doesn’t matter that Trump inspired and led an insurrection against the USA, what matters is what they believe.
Now what do the Democrats believe. Don’t even bother trying to convince evangelicals who have their Jesus martyr victim grifting them for money. Don’t think about those MAGA hatted folks, they want Trump.
There are 40% who are now ‘independents’ in the USA, they hold the balance of power. The Iowa caucuses have very few people but they have spoken for the Republicans, they want Trump, they worship and adore Trump. Trump could shoot them all on 5th avenue and they would gladly bow down. That is the GOP today.
Democrats, start your engines. No more whinging about Biden didn’t manage to overturn the Supreme Court decision to get your student loans cut, sorry kids you will have to pay, not as much as he did get you $50 billion back but not enough for you perfect kids. Millennials ditto, your raises were only 20% this year in your nice cushy jobs. Same for you African Americans, you are complaining the loudest, we hear you, you want more but you won’t get more if you don’t get up and vote for Biden, you will get nothing as Joy Reid has pointed out, you are illegitimate Americans to Trump supporters.
Same for you Latinos, you want to ‘bow down’ to Christian evangelicals. How about you classic Liberals, you like that Christian theocracy because if Trump wins it is surely coming. Oh and you Israel supporters bitching and moaning about Biden who is the strongest Presidential supporter of Israel ever, you don’t like him? Think about what Trump will give away.
Ditto to Ukraine and European supporters, you don’t want Trump, then you better wake up. How about those transatlantic Brits, you and the Aussies who are so dependent and deep in on AUKUS and everything else Biden has done for you, time to step up and support Biden.
I could go on but on the other side, the Saudis will clearly screw around with oil to raise the price of gas to push for Trump who will give them everything. They hate it that Biden is focused on renewables and the lies of Trump on Biden and oil? Hahaha what a joke, Biden is pumping more than Saudi the most oil pumped in the history of the world.
Putin is dancing in the street, he feels he just won the war in Ukraine. Make no doubt about it, Putin wants Trump as does Xi Jin Ping and every other authoritarian including Netanyahu. You like war, you like death you like the end of democracy on a global level, vote for Trump. He will take you down with him.
Oh and yes; Lies, lies and more damn lies you can see them coming. Daily, hourly ever more outlandish than the last ones.
This is the beginning of a 10 month campaign, buckle up, it is going to be the wildest and most important one in US history. Not hyperbole, reality.
Let’s get to work and make sure Trump gets crushed right back in November, 2024.
Henry R. Greenfield ·
Former Senior Consultant Global Digital Twin Technology at Integrated Facility Management (2019–2023)
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What Future Historians Say Will Shock You | Real Time with Bill Maher
And finally, New Rule: Someone, maybe AI, has to figure out a way to slow down time. Because what everyone has been saying to me lately is, "I can't believe it's May." Oh, Americans, we do nothing but bitch about everything under the sun, but damn it, life goes by too fast. It's Memorial Day in a week? Christ, I might as well start my Christmas shopping.
But it is, it's May. A month I have been anticipating for a long time because my book comes out next week. A book I have waited my whole career to write. One that is based on collecting the creme de la creme of these end of the show editorials and reimagining them, but also cover some virgin territory.
For example, I'm kind of obsessed with the idea of what historians of the future will say about us. Imagine it's the year 3024, and you're living in a colony on the planet Musk, formerly Mars. What will the historian say about the Americans of 2024? Well probably, that we were self-absorbed, algorithmically enslaved, on drugs and worshiped a god named Apple.
But what they won't do is write about the very thing that consumes us: our petty squabbles. In the myopia of the present our partisan differences make each side believe they're nothing like the other side. Libtards and deplorables. Historians will disagree. They won't see red on one side and blue on the other. You're thinking of Jaws 3D.
But historians see the character of a people as a whole. The Scots were clannish, the Spartans stoic, the Mongols expansionist, the Greeks were too into anal. And for us, it will be no different. Historians will say, we're also too into anal.
But also, the other thing. They will see us as a singular people with the same pathologies and unappealing traits on both sides. Traits that simply manifest themselves differently. For example, I believe, they will say, Americans of our era were unscientific. One side thought, climate change was a hoax. One thought, gender was a construct. One warred against Mother Nature. One against motherhood. One doubts Evolution, one wears masks when they're alone in the car. Which is kind of like wearing a condom to jerk off.
In medical schools now, professors are so fearful of being labeled transphobic, they have to apologize for saying words like male, female and pregnant woman.
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Katie Herzog writes, "Some of the country's top medical students are being taught that humans are not, like other mammals, a species comprising two sexes." "The notion of sex, they are learning, is just a man-made creation."
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Okay, but generally, the people with breasts and vaginas who give birth are the women and the ones with the penis, hogging the remote are men.
Historians will say that as a people, Americans lost our rationality. They'll say, we were conspiracy theorists. The right wanted to believe that Obama was born in Kenya. The left wanted to believe in Trump's pee tape. We have January 6th Truthers but the Washington Post reports that there are also now October 7th Truthers who believe Hamas never raped anybody and the hostages all died of natural causes. Now, does the right do conspiracy more? I think they do. QAnon and Jewish space lasers. Hillary's pedophile ring, microchips and the vaccine, Sandy Hook didn't happen, the election was stolen, Jews are trying to replace us. Yeah, but of course, on the left… Jews are the Nazis now. Somehow even enemies always find a way to agree to blame everything on the Jews.
I think, future historians will see us as a sad people, saddled with a genetic predisposition to always break into factions and then be consumed with the hate that engenders. Each side in America right now considers the other an existential threat. To the point where both camps literally collaborate with foreign enemies over fellow Americans.
Republican news channels use Russian talking points. Their voters wear t-shirts that say, "I'd rather be Russian than Democrat" and their leader sides with Putin. When today's Republican watches Rocky IV, they root for Ivan Drago.
Meanwhile, on the left this happened. Americans chanting death to America. College professors and their students exhilarated by aligning with a theocratic murderous terrorist group with values fundamentally opposed to our own.
Finally, I think, the people of the future will ironically be puzzled by our common desire to live in the past. On Fox News they're always pining for 1950, to make America great again. And in The Huffington Post it's always 1619, and nothing has changed.
For people so being into the moment, nobody seems to wanna live in the year we're living in. Trump's entire shtick is to return America to some idyllic time when the traditional family was a husband, a wife, a couple of kids and a porn star on the side. A time when America was the only Superpower and you could drink at work. When a cheeseburger cost a dime and a girl brought it to you on roller skates and she liked it when you complimented her ass. Nikki Haley says, "America was never racist." And then there are voices on the left saying racism has never been worse.
And the normies in the center say, "how hard is it to meet in the middle and just not be stupid about shit?" And that's who my book is for. People who don't wanna be stupid about shit.
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schraubd · 1 year
Could RFK Jr. Succeed as a Republican?
The utterly unsurprising news that the majority of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s major financial backers are dyed-in-the-wool Republicans, and that his "surging" poll numbers are being driven primarily by newfound love from Republican voters, makes me wonder: how would he fare if he actually ran as a Republican?
Obviously, on the issues he's a much closer match to the GOP these days. The anti-vaxx paranoia and overall conspiracy mindset goes without saying. His foreign policy stances are called "tankie" when they're nominally coming from the left, but if you're a Republican they're just bog-standard "isolationist" Putin-worship. Even some of his seemingly more "progressive" government spending ideas could easily be folded into a MAGA-style "build baby build" argument; the same goes for his railings against big business vis-a-vis a Josh Hawley style of politics (it's all easier once you remember that all of these positions -- whether held by Kennedy or Trump or Hawley -- are all vibes, no content, so it's no struggle to assimilate them into a new host).
And symbolically, I think he has a lot to offer to the GOP. It's not just the high-profile "defector" thing (as absurd as that label is to apply to someone like Kennedy). He also -- again, symbolically, not substantively -- harkens back to "my granddaddy's Democratic Party", feeding into the larger grievance narrative of older White voters who retain some nostalgia for the mid-20th century glory days but are convinced that "the party left them". And even in presentation, Kennedy has some Trumpian vibes: the superficial visage of power and influence, paired with the superficial visage of being a "rebel" who's standing up to his own "class" (I can't keep repeating that this is all nonsense, but nonsense is very appealing to GOP primary voters).
Do I think he could oust Trump? No, because I don't think anybody can oust Trump in a GOP primary. Do I think he could become a serious player -- more so than the shooting star crashing meteor that is Ron DeSantis? Absolutely. And as, for example, a Trump VP pick, RFK Jr. makes an alarming amount of sense. The biggest question might be whether the delusions that prompted Kennedy to run in the first place will obscure the greener grass that awaits him on the GOP side of the fence; because otherwise going GOP seems like the obvious play for him.
via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/weyz4MG
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odinsblog · 2 years
funny how tankies are quiet about brittney griner. why do you think that is? their silence is deafening.
Meh, it doesn’t surprise me. Like not even a little bit.
It’s the same dynamic as when neoliberal Democrats don’t want to say anything bad about Biden (like how he’s still using Title 42 against non-European refugees), or when Trumpublicans don’t wanna say literally anything bad about Trump, because they think the truth getting out is a bad thing, and it could “hurt” “their” guy — in this case, their guy is Putin, the racist, homophobic dictator who murders political opponents and journalists who print negative stories on him.
It’s cultish behavior. Tankies think they’re “defending” “communism” by continually caping for Putin and victim blaming Ukraine for the “crime” of getting invaded by Russia. SMH.
If Ukraine was doing this to BG, tankies would never shut up about it, but it’s Russia, so they’re on mute.
Tankies who worship “communism” are exactly like Republicans who claim to worship “Christianity”. Same hustle, different game. They both wouldn’t hesitate to throw an innocent Black lesbian woman under the bus to further their warped ideology.
I haven’t forgotten about BG.
Here is some super disheartening stuff 😞
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I hope she gets out very soon. No one deserves to be treated like an animal. Especially not for a trumped up cannabis conviction. Not in America, not in Russia, not anywhere. (read more)
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partisan-by-default · 7 months
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Why do they still claim to be anything resembling leftist/Marxist/communist/progressive/etc.? They'll happily support and vote for insane conservatives, dictators and outright fascists.
Brendy, firefucks, arabian, belle, tcm, wasps, and so on are -- based on their words and lack of actual action -- functionally Republican. Functionally Likud. Functionally Tory. Functionally Fidesz. Functionally AfD. Functionally New Azerbaijan.
Functionally capitalist, conservative, authoritarian, genocide-apologist nationalist pieces of shit when it suits them. When they worship the racists, 'phobes and dumbshits doing it, or decide the vicitims aren't "worthy" enough.
Luckily, they're also functionally impotent. Ineffective resistance, if you will.
Every right-wing talking point they repeat rote makes actual activists look better. Utterly pitiful compared to the "Zionists and Ukronazis and shitlibs" and anarchists that are doing more to oppose shitheads like Netanyahu and Putin, and help Palestinians/Ukranians/etc. than can ever be done than the trauma porn posted from the safety of your well-lit and well-paid for basements.
It is fun reporting them for their daily hate speech and gore and bad attempts at "I'm not threatening you, honest." Even if it is useless on here.
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lepartidelamort · 5 months
Cocksucking Four-Eyed Faggot Johnson Condemns Russians and Chinese People as Evil, Demands Ukraine Money
By Andrew Anglin
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Well, that didn’t take long.
In a dramatic break from his party’s hardline conservative base, US House Speaker Mike Johnson this week praised the country’s deep state, called Russia, China, and Iran an “axis of evil,” and vowed to put his job on the line to funnel more than $60 billion to Kiev. For months, Johnson has resisted bringing a $95 billion foreign aid bill to a vote, arguing that neither he nor his fellow Republicans could support the bill – which would give $14 billion in military aid to Israel and $60 billion to Ukraine – without it being tied to an overhaul of US border security. However, after a series of recent meetings with US intelligence chiefs, Johnson has changed his tune. “This is a critical time right now, a critical time on the world stage,” Johnson told reporters on Wednesday. “I think providing lethal aid to Ukraine right now is critically important. I really do. I really do believe the intel and the briefings that we’ve gotten.” “I believe [Chinese President] Xi [Jinping] and [Russian President] Vladimir Putin and Iran really are an axis of evil,” he continued. “I think they’re in coordination on this. I think that Vladimir Putin would continue to march through Europe if he were allowed.”
Oh, fuck you, faggot.
Ironically, the fact that these people keep saying that in order to justify attempting to destroy Russia actually justifies Russia marching through Europe.
What sort of adult says people are “evil”? What does that even mean?
Does he mean they are possessed by demons and/or worship Satan? What is an “evil person”?
In case anyone isn’t aware, let me tell you: this guy took this Speaker position from Kevin McCarthy on the promise of not funding the Ukraine. McCarthy was an extremist war shill, and was removed because he was out of control, just funding everything Brandon wanted.
Now, it turns out, Johnson is the exact same thing. This cocksucker came down from his Speaker seat to break a tie on an amendment to FISA which required the government to get a warrant before spying on people, voting in favor of no warrant.
Democracy is always tyranny. It doesn’t matter what you want. It doesn’t matter who you vote for. The people you vote for will just continue doing the things you don’t want. First they will lie to you, and try to convince you that you actually do want these things, and if that doesn’t work, they just do it anyway.
Neocon Jew David Frum coined the term “Axis of Evil” to describe a series of Islamic countries the US wanted wars with more than 20 years ago. Now here we are, yet again, with a completely unregulated government obsessed with wars for the Jews.
The Ukraine money doesn’t actually mean anything. It’s a long story that many people have already broken down in detail, so I won’t do it here, but the short story is that this is just a payout to people in Washington and to arms manufacturers. They don’t have the weapons to send.
“Funding Wars Good for the Economy”
The fact that they are actually saying “this is good for the military industrial complex and therefore the American economy” is still incredible. I heard this the first time a few months ago from some Jew promoting this bill, or maybe it was Mitch McConnell, and I was shocked. For the longest time, people would complain about US war projects and say “this is just a payout to the military industrial complex,” and now the government just says “yeah, you’re right – and that’s good!”
Biden just made a statement about the bill, saying it is going to build American jobs manufacturing weapons. I don’t think it will actually do that, but even if it did, how is “we should fight wars to help our economy” something that is justifiable?
War is horrible. Look at the videos from Gaza and the Ukraine. This is a nightmare. People should not be promoting war. It is psychopathic to have a national policy that says “we need more wars because it’s good for our economy.” It’s not good for the economy. There is some weird myth about how World War II ended the Great Depression. Insofar as that is true, it’s because the entire economy was shut down and turned into a war machine.
There is no specific profit for a nation in fighting wars. Especially not in the current year. Living space is not an issue because people are willing to live in midrise condos. Furthermore, global trade makes stealing people’s resources pointless, especially in light of how expensive modern war machines are. Faggots used to say that the war with Iraq was “about oil,” which is so retarded it makes your skull numb to try and think about it. Saddam was selling oil very cheap. US spent trillions of dollars fighting a war against Iraq – orders of magnitude more than they could ever spend on Iraqi oil (and then didn’t even keep control of the oil fields anyway).
Chinese people are obsessed with money, and they are also obsessed with avoiding wars. It’s because wars are bad for business. Look at the difference between China’s economic growth and US economic growth over the last 50 years. It’s a ridiculous thought to even compare the two.
The reason the US wants wars is that they can’t think of anything else. Yes, the US has a very powerful “economy,” but it is an absurd monstrosity that is not capable of real world honest competition. The US has to maintain the position of global military superpower, or the dollar fails and the US economy and therefore the state fails. The only way to do that is through war.
The Trump 2016 platform was an actual plan to shift the US into a mode of actually being competitive economically and ending the wars. That could have worked back then. It wouldn’t work now. Now, America is very doomed, and their only remaining idea is to light the whole world on fire and hope their enemies are the ones who suffer the worst burns.
All of these government people are morons and lunatics and they all belong in jail.
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tomorrowusa · 7 months
« The former president has sent a dangerous, and shockingly, frankly, un-American signal to the world. Just a few days ago, Trump gave an invitation to Putin to invade some of our NATO allies.
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No other president in history has ever bowed down to a Russian dictator. Let me say this as clearly as I can: I never will. »
— President Joe Biden on Trump's submissiveness to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. Quoted at NBC News.
I would add that Trump bowing down to Putin would be a little less servile than the way Donny usually worships the kleptocratic former colonel in the Soviet secret police...
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Don't neglect to frequently call out Trump as un-American. Anti-democracy and pro-Russia MAGA Republicans have forfeited the right to define what is American and what isn't.
If Trump Republicans love Russia so much then they should just move there.
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Another way of putting it: The choice this year is between Democracy and pro-Russia Fascism.
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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s surprise arrival in Washington on Wednesday for a meeting with President Joe Biden and a speech before Congress has unhinged the always-seething anti-Ukraine Trumpian right, triggering a deluge of snark and grievance. For instance, after the Washington Examiner’s Byron York tut-tutted that Zelensky was about to tell Congress that U.S. aid to Ukraine so far was not enough, the former First Son weighed in with this:
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“National conservative” pundit and Newsweek opinion editor Josh Hammer, who played the “obviously Putin is a thug and Ukraine is the victim here, but . . .” game in the early days of the war, went full Putin this time around.
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To top it off, Hammer, who shares Zelensky’s Jewish heritage, also accused the Ukrainian President of being a bad Jew—unseemly under any circumstances, but all the more so considering that only a few days earlier, Hammer had been spotted at a New York Young Republicans’ Club Gala in the company of various alt-right types with, shall we say, a complicated relationship to anti-Semitism. (Among them: Rep. Marjorie “Jewish Space Lasers” Taylor Greene, the founders of the white-nationalist website VDARE, and erstwhile Jew-baiting troll Jack Posobiec.)
Hammer’s deputy op-ed editor, progressive-turned-populist Batya Ungar-Sargon (for whom, I must mention, I used to write during her stint as an editor at the Forward), at least made an effort to stay classy while making a de facto pitch for throwing Ukraine under the bus:
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That’s more than can be said for the vast majority of the “no money for Ukraine” crowd, from the Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh (“Get this grifting leech out of our country please”) to Tucker Carlson, who referred to Zelensky as a “Ukrainian strip club manager”—apparently because he was dressed in a olive-drab sweatshirt—and asserted that “it may be impossible to imagine a more humiliating scenario for the greatest country on Earth.” He also insisted that Zelensky is seeking not just to “push the Russian army back to pre-invasion borders,” which even Carlson conceded “sounds reasonable,” but to topple Vladimir Putin and bring about “regime change” in Russia. After Zelensky’s speech to Congress, Carlson brought on former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, the “maverick” Democrat from Hawaii, to sing along with his assertions that Zelensky was actually an autocrat muzzling critical media outlets, jailing opposition politicians, and now trying to shut down an entire church because he finds it insufficiently loyal.
(In reality, the situation involving the Moscow-affiliated branch of the Orthodox Church—one of the two Orthodox denominations in Ukraine—is massively complicated; in wartime, there are legitimate security concerns about its clergy’s reported activities in support of the invaders. However, a quote Carlson attributes to Zelensky, threatening “economic and restrictive sanctions [on] any Christian caught worshiping in unapproved ways,” does not seem to have any source other than Carlson himself.)
Then there was this from Red State commentator Brandon Morse, asserting that Zelensky has done much more damage to the United States than the January 6th rioters:
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A few other right-wing pundits, including career plagiarist-turned-conspiracy-theory-peddler Benny Johnson and Turning Point USA grifting leech Charlie Kirk, homed in on the really important stuff: Zelensky’s outfit.
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Of course Zelensky’s clothes were meant to visually convey the fact that he’s in the middle of a brutal war. When you’re just back from a visit to the front lines in an area that looks like a ghost warscape from World War I come back to life, you’ve earned the right to make that particular fashion statement—even on a visit to Washington, D.C.
But wait, is it a military outfit or a mafia one? The American Spectator’s Melissa Mackenzie has got the goods:
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I could go on and on. But perhaps this parade of indecency should come back full circle to a literal obscenity from Don Jr.: a photoshopped image that put a naked Hunter Biden next to Zelensky on the podium addressing Congress. (Warning: this tweet may be hazardous to your eyes.) It’s vile, of course. It’s also the sort of thing you post when you have no substantive way to attack someone.
* * *
The extent and purpose of U.S. military aid to Ukraine is certainly a legitimate subject for debate. Right now, there is a powerful consensus in the United States and Europe that Ukraine, for all the flaws and imperfections of its still-young democracy, is fighting for freedom against an authoritarian Goliath and that its fight is also a fight for the free world and its values.
The question of why the Trumpian populist right is so consumed with hatred for Ukraine—a hatred that clearly goes beyond concerns about U.S. spending, a very small portion of our military budget, or about the nonexistent involvement of American troops—doesn’t have a simple answer. Partly, it’s simply partisanship: If the libs are for it, we’re against it, and the more offensively the better. (And if the pre-Trump Republican establishment is also for it, then we’re even more against it.) Partly, it’s the belief that Ukrainian democracy is a Biden/Obama/Hillary Clinton/”Deep State” project, all the more suspect because it’s related to Trump’s first impeachment. Partly, it’s the “national conservative” distaste for liberalism—not only in its American progressive iteration, but in the more fundamental sense that includes conservatives like Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher: the outlook based on individual freedom and personal autonomy, equality before the law, limited government, and an international order rooted in those values. Many NatCons are far more sympathetic to Russia’s crusade against secular liberalism than to Ukraine’s desire for integration into liberal, secular Europe.
Whatever the reason, the anti-Ukraine animus on the right is quite real and widespread. (When journalist Bari Weiss, who has a largely “anti-woke” following, retweeted a Hanukkah greeting from Zelensky, the responses from her followers in the thread were mostly hostile.) But right now, it also smells of desperation. Ukraine’s cause is still massively popular in the United States, with two-thirds of Americans supportive of sending money and arms. Disingenuous laments about the poor Ukrainians exploited by American and European globalists ring hollow and false when the vast majority of Ukrainians are so clearly determined to resist the invasion. And Zelensky, as the smarter among the aid opponents, like Ungar-Sargon, can see, is a genuine hero: patriotic, incredibly courageous and charismatic, and a speaker so compelling that even congressional right-wingers who initially refused to join in the standing ovations (including Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, and Andrew Clyde) finally rose up during the last portions of his speech.
There’s a nineteenth-century Russian fable called “The Elephant and the Pug” in which a pug yaps furiously at an elephant to get attention and show off how tough it is, while the elephant simply ignores it. Zelensky would obviously be the elephant in this scenario; but that would make the Zelensky haters the pugs—and that’s frankly a hideous insult to pugs.
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truthdogg · 2 years
After Putin’s speech declaring western democracy Russia’s enemy, this is what American conservatives had to say:
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CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Committee, is consistently on the bleeding edge of the US right wing. Their statements deliberately push the American political debate further right, and the Republican Party always follows wherever they lead. From going all in on trump, to going all in on authoritarianism, to all sorts of smaller issues in between, CPAC has been and remains one of the most influential conservative groups in the US.
Conservatism is authoritarian, and it always was. When conservatives face change they will always abandon democracy and impose their beliefs through force to retain power. It has happened here before and it is happening here again.
Small government? That has always applied to one thing, and one thing only: reducing the power of the state to regulate the wealthy. And today that means reducing the ability to vote. Rules limiting what you can read, how you worship, what you can do in private as a consenting adult, where you can speak and what you can say, that’s where conservatives adore big government. But letting the will of the common people prevail? That’s where conservatives want to drown democracy in a bathtub.
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theculturedmarxist · 2 years
LJUBLJANA ― Ethical progress produces a beneficial form of dogmatism. A normal, healthy society does not debate whether rape and torture are acceptable, because the public "dogmatically" accepts that they are beyond the pale. By the same token, a society whose leaders speak of "legitimate rape" ― as a former Republican congressman in the United States once did ― or of tolerable torture is exhibiting clear signs of ethical decay, and previously unimaginable acts can quickly become possible.
Consider Russia today. In an unverified video that began circulating this month, a former mercenary from the Kremlin-linked Wagner Group is accused of switching sides to "fight against the Russians," whereupon an unidentified assailant smashes a sledgehammer into the side of the mercenary's head. When asked to comment on the video ― posted under the header "The hammer of revenge" ― Yevgeny Prigozhin, the Wagner Group's founder and a close ally of Vladimir Putin, replied that, "A dog receives a dog's death." As many have observed, Russia's behavior is now identical to that of the Islamic State.
Or, consider Russia's increasingly close ally, Iran, where young girls who have been arrested for protesting the regime are reportedly being married off to prison guards and then raped, on the grounds that a minor cannot legally be executed if she is a virgin.
Or, consider Israel, which proudly presents itself as a liberal democracy, even though it has gradually come to resemble some of the other fundamentalist-religious countries in its neighborhood. The latest evidence of the trend is the news that Itamar Ben-Gvir will be a part of Binyamin Netanyahu's new government. Before entering politics, Ben-Gvir was known to display a portrait in his living room of the Israeli-American terrorist Baruch Goldstein, who massacred 29 Palestinian Muslim worshipers and wounded 125 others in Hebron in 1994.
Netanyahu, who was Israel's longest-serving prime minister before being ousted in June 2021, is fully implicated in this ethical decay. In 2019, the Times of Israel reports, he called "for a fight against rising Muslim and left-wing anti-Semitism in Europe, hours after the [Israeli] government published a report that said the far-right posed the greatest threat to Jews on the continent." Why does Netanyahu ignore far-right anti-Semitism? Because he relies on it. The Western new right may be anti-Semitic at home, but it also staunchly supports Israel, which it sees as one of the last remaining barriers against a Muslim invasion.
Unfortunately, all this is just one side of the story. Ethical decay is also increasingly apparent in the "woke" left, which has become increasingly authoritarian and intolerant as it advocates permissiveness for all forms of sexual and ethnic identity ― except one. The sociologist Duane Rousselle has characterized the new "cancel culture" as "racism in the time of the many without the One."
Whereas traditional racism vilifies the intruder who poses a threat to the unity of the One (the dominant in-group), the woke left want to do the same to anyone who has not fully abandoned all the One's old categories of gender, sexuality, and ethnicity. All sexual orientations and gender identities are now acceptable unless you are a white man whose gender identity corresponds with your biological sex at birth. Members of this cisgender cohort are enjoined to feel guilty just for what they are ― for being "comfortable in their skin" ― while all others (even cisgender women) are encouraged to be whatever they feel they are.
This "new woke order" is increasingly discernible in absurd real-world episodes. Just this month, the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center at Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania planned to sponsor a student-organized event for all those who are "tired of white cis men." The plan was for attendees to "come paint & write about" their frustrations with "comfortable in skin" white men. Following an outcry and charges of racism, the event has since been postponed.
There is a paradox in how woke non-binary fluidity coincides with intolerance and exclusion. In Paris, the prestigious Ecole Normale Superieure is now debating a proposal to establish dormitory corridors reserved exclusively for individuals who have chosen mixity/diversity (mixite choisie) as their sexual identity, in order to exclude cisgender men. The proposed rules are strict: anyone not fitting the criteria would be prohibited from even setting foot in these corridors. And, of course, such rules would open a path to even tighter restrictions. For example, if enough individuals define their identity in even narrower terms, they presumably will be able to demand their own corridor.
Three features of this proposal are worth emphasizing: it excludes only cisgender men, not cisgender women; it is not based on any objective criteria of classification, but only on subjective self-designation; and it calls for further classificatory subdivisions. This last point is crucial, because it demonstrates how all the emphasis on plasticity, choice, and diversity ultimately leads to what can only be called a new apartheid ― a network of fixed, essentialized identities.
Wokeism thus offers a quintessential study in how permissiveness becomes prohibition: under a woke regime, we never know if and when some of us will be canceled for something we have said or done (the criteria are murky), or for simply being born into the forbidden category.
Far from opposing the new forms of barbarism, as it often claims to be doing, the woke left fully participates in it, promoting and practicing an oppressive discourse without irony. Though it advocates pluralism and promotes difference, its subjective position of enunciation ― the place from which it speaks ― is ruthlessly authoritarian, brooking no debate in efforts to impose arbitrary exclusions that previously would have been considered beyond the pale in a tolerant, liberal society.
That said, we should bear in mind that this mess is largely confined to the narrow world of academia (and various intellectual professions like journalism), whereas the rest of society is moving more in the opposite direction. In the U.S., for example, 12 Republican senators voted this month with the Democratic majority to codify the right of same-sex couples to marry.
Cancel culture, with its implicit paranoia, is a desperate and obviously self-defeating attempt to compensate for the very real violence and intolerance that sexual minorities have long suffered. But it is a retreat into a cultural fortress, a pseudo-"safe space" whose discursive fanaticism merely strengthens the majority's resistance to it.
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dlnorton · 2 years
A rant coming.. prepare..
I fucking hate Republicans.. especially the Colorado ones who are MAGA bent. I saw one of our many digital billboard signs around Denver that said something in the order of, “Colorado - #1 for cocaine use” .. this is pure bullshit of course, fear tactics are now their only weapon because they will (or can’t) no longer debate you because they don’t have the capacity to sit down and logically discuss true issues like homelessness, poverty, property rental issues, infrastructure issues, gun issues, maintaining marijuana legalization, employment, crime issues, police and policing issues, class imbalance, Covid and Covin vaccines, employment, inflation, feeding the hungry, legal abortion, free healthcare for all, climate change, the Ukraine war, Stop The Steal bullshit, anti-woke, white culture embracing, etc. ..no.. they just want pander to the common denominator with no consequence .. fucking low lifes..
Of course they’re probably trying to blame Colorado Gov. Polis for all this “cocaine use”, our first openly gay democrat governor. The republicans basically want to debate you on pointless sound bytes and conspiracy.
I know we’re a month away from the 2022 election cycle, so this shit is just going to get worse. Sometimes I wish the democrats would just come out and call the republicans for what they are, a bunch of child hating, woman hating, minority hating, immigrant and immigration hating, goose stepping, nazi/fascist, racist, gun loving, QAnon/Alex Jones worshiping, pro-choice hating, freedom hating, MAGA fellating, backward thinking, fear mongering, Putin loving.. and yes, cocaine using fuck sticks. But they (we) won’t because we’re better than that and more educated (which republicans truly hate educating and education [blame Nixon on that one] because they want their constituents to be stupid, uneducated, gun toting and will believe anything).
..and besides.. where are these republican cunts finding all this cocaine? That shit’s expensive.. ☝️😐
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almaqead · 15 days
"The Shamiri." From Surah 20. "Taha, the Char."
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In Thuringia, Germany, dead people called the AFD are protesting the construction of a new mosque. They are not following the path God laid out for mankind and will not be in its way for long. These are the same persons called the Heritage Foundation in the United States of America, rabid dogs Joe Biden allowed to spread and infect and infest the rest of the world and cause the massacre in Israel on October 7, 2023, leaving Muslims all around the world, holding the bag. This is blasphemy against God. The AFD, too.
About THIS the Surah says we must follow the right person to the right path, and right quick!
They -these Nazi filth are called Shamiri, "insulting, sarcastic hedges, the dregs" and mankind must hurry to leave them behind for the fire to consume:
˹Allah asked,˺ “Why have you come with such haste ahead of your people, O  Moses?”1
He replied, “They are close on my tracks. And I have hastened to You, my Lord, so You will be pleased.”
Allah responded, “We have indeed tested your people in your absence, and the Sâmiri1 has led them astray.”
So Moses returned to his people, furious and sorrowful. He said, “O my people! Had your Lord not made you a good promise?1 Has my absence been too long for you? Or have you wished for wrath from your Lord to befall you, so you broke your promise to me?”2 
They argued, “We did not break our promise to you of our own free will, but we were made to carry the burden of the people’s ˹golden˺ jewellery,1 then we threw it ˹into the fire˺, and so did the Sâmiri.”
Then he moulded for them an idol of a calf that made a lowing sound. They said, “This is your god and the god of Moses, but Moses forgot ˹where it was˺!”
Did they not see that it did not respond to them, nor could it protect or benefit them?
Aaron had already warned them beforehand, “O my people! You are only being tested by this, for indeed your ˹one true˺ Lord is the Most Compassionate. So follow me and obey my orders.”
They replied, “We will not cease to worship it until Moses returns to us.”
The Shamiri "the waste at the bottom". Like the AFD and the Republicans in America they are making the human race carry firewood to our own funeral pyres. As Muhammad stated, "carrying their gold so they can make their own golden calf."
They are liars, child molesters and filth. I recognize them all from America, they are on the run from the law here and they think they have found safe haven in Germany in order to trouble gay people, Muslims, Jews, and help Vladimir Putin win his war in Ukraine.
This is not to be tolerated. Persecution of minorities is the opposite of Taha and is a crime against God. Oaths are now legal on the members of the AFD. They are all criminals and must not trouble the human race any longer.
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meandmybigmouth · 3 months
Republican extremist tells crowd ‘The man that I worship is also a convicted felon’
"The man I worship"?
Failed businessman, Pathological liar, Putin puppet? Traitor to his country? That about sums up this dingbat!
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