#putting the random pictures i take of trucks i see everyday to good use
th3e-m4ng0 · 7 months
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Freedom is the right of all sentient beings
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years
Chapter 18: Heaven
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warnings: suggestive
“Baby. Baby,” you call your husband, settling your body in between his legs, your head on his stomach. “Wake up!”
“What is it?” He speaks, eyes still closed.
“I want ice cream,” you say in a demanding tone, but your husband ignores you and goes back to sleep. “Babe, please. There’s a good ice cream shop in the night market!” You poke his cheek continuously, bugging him. Kita sighs and looks down at you, about to scold you. As he sees your pouty face and pleading eyes, he groans in defeat.
“What time is it?” Kita asks, rubbing the back of your head.
“2AM...” You respond timidly, preparing yourself for a scolding from Kita. Instead of getting mad at you, Kita chuckles.
“And you want ice cream?” Kita presses your cheeks with his fingers. You nod, puckering your lips and moving your body up so you can give him a quick kiss. “Okay.”
“Yehey!” Cheering, you jump out of bed and go to his closet. You take one random hoodie of his and put it on. Kita envelops his arms your waist, his head leaning on your shoulder. “We have to hurry babe! The ice cream parlor closes at 4AM!”
“Can you drive? I’m so sleepy?” He requests, and you willingly say yes. You carry him out of the bedroom, his weight slowing your walk. Rice wakes up from his sleep and glances at the two of you as if he’s judging you and then goes back to sleep.
“Even Rice is sleepy,” Kita whines so you stop walking.
“Then, let’s not go.” You shrug him off you and head back to your room. Kita sighs before pulling you back. “What? You said you didn’t want to go.”
“I never said that,” Kita defends himself, hugging you. Your furrowed eyebrows and puffed cheeks are giving off that you’re upset, and he doesn’t want you not to sleep in that mood just because he didn’t agree to buying ice cream with you.
“You did, but in subtext,” you argue and Kita lets out a laugh from your response. He pulls the hood of his jacket over you, pulling the strings until your nose, mouth and eyes are the only parts of your face visible. He peppers your face with kisses, making you giggle.
“You’re annoying but cute. Let’s get that ice cream you want,” he tells you, lifting your body in ease. He carries you like a sack, your hips on his shoulder. You poke his butt and he playfully smacks yours, so you let out a scandalous gasp. He puts you down and opens the truck door for you.
“I thought you wanted me to drive?”
“I changed my mind.” Kita starts the engine and drives off the night market. A few minutes in the drive and Kita wonders why you’ve become quiet. He takes a glance at your and sees you leaning on the window, eyes shut close. “I knew you were as sleepy.”
Since there aren’t much cars travelling, the road feels empty. Kita drives quickly but safely to the night market you mentioned. He gently wakes you up, teasing you. “Wake up. You’re the one who invited me to get ice cream at 2AM and you dare sleep.”
You get out of the car and head to the ice cream store. Even without a lot of people around, you are still diligently following Kita’s ‘No PDA’ rule so you are walking at least 2 feet away from him. He reaches his hand out to hold yours but you don’t notice it as you are staring ahead. “Move closer,” he orders.
“Oh, okay,” you reply, taking a step closer to his body. He takes your hand in his, and puts it in his pocket. Your head whips to face him, surprised. He has his usual nonchalant face so you blush. He’s holding your hand in public and even went out with you even if it’s already late. It’s a first. Kita’s spoils you too much, and you don’t mind at all. To be spoiled by Kita Shinsuke is a dream come true for you.
You arrive at the dessert place and order the ice cream you have been craving. After ordering the ice cream, which turned out to be a tub, you run back to his truck, not wanting it to melt. Kita is walking in his usual pace and just watches you waddle your way back to the vehicle. He snaps a picture of you, and smiles at the image.
“She looks adorable,” he says to himself. The fact that you are wearing only pajama pats and his hoodie makes Kita feel even happier. As cheesy as it may sound, it reminds him that you are his, and he’s yours. He finally arrives at the truck and finds out that you’re already eating.
“You want some?” You offer as he leans towards you to put your seatbelt on for you. He shakes his head and kisses your cheek before starting the engine. You are so focused on eating that you don’t notice that he isn’t driving back to your house but to the farm.
When you feel the car stop, you look up and finally see that you aren’t in your house. “Why are we at the farm?”
“The sunrise looks pretty here,” he reasons and gets out of the car. You get out as well, and head to the back of the truck, the tub of ice cream still in your hand. Kita is taking something out of the back seat so you stare at the dark space as you enjoy the sweet dessert.
“Isn’t it too early to for sunrises?” You tell him, checking the time on your phone which reads 3:30 AM. Kita shuts the door close and goes to where you’re standing, blankets on hand.
“Then let’s stargaze until the sun shows up,” Kita answers, bopping your nose. You can’t help but smile. He may not seem like it, but Kita is very romantic. The amount of saccharide he’s giving you through is action is more than the ice cream you are eating.
After he sets up the blankets on the back of the truck, you both lie down and stare up at the night sky. Your head is on his chest, body curled close to his. One of his arms is wrapped around you, the other supporting the back of his head.
“Do you know any constellations?” You ask him.
“No,” he replies and you laugh, confusing him.
“Then why are we stargazing?”
“To watch the stars?” Kita answers unsurely. “Isn’t that what stargazing means? To gaze at the stars?”
“Well, you’re not wrong,” you shrug and watch the twinkling stars. “You know, it’s my first time seeing stars shine brightly like this. In the city, they don’t show up because of the abundant amount of lights.”
“Is this a science fact?” Kita pokes fun at you so you hit his chest playfully in irritation.
“That’s basic knowledge. Stop making fun of me,” you pout and Kita chuckles, pulling your body closer to his. There is silence before you speak up again. “Thank you for showing me that stars actually light up the sky.”
Kita looks down to you and see your eyes fixated on the heavenly bodies. Your eyes twinkle more than all the stars combined and he can stare at them all night long. Cross that. He can stare at your eyes all day for the rest of his everydays. Your eyes are the most beautiful stars he has ever seen. The only stars he wants to gaze until he can’t see anymore.
Your mouth is the moon and the sun, and your voice the light they produce. They guide him throughout the day and night. Your lips the sunny day he loves. Your kisses the rainy days he’s thankful for. Without you around, he’d be lost. He wouldn’t know where to go, and what he’d do.
Your face is the blue skies he looks up to everyday. Your cheeks are the sunrise he kisses good morning. Your forehead the sunset he kisses good night. He loves the different colors of the skies, but he’s obsessed with your face. Maybe that’s why he sees your face in cloudy skies and empty horizons.
Kita had never believed that the heavens existed. His grandmother once told him that heaven is the happiest place on Earth. His mind changed when he met you. Anywhere he goes as long as you’re there, makes him feel bliss that he has never experience. Maybe heaven isn’t a place, but if it is, then you are his happiest place. His heaven.
“A shooting star! Make a wish!” You say excitedly, shutting your eyes close to make a wish. Kita smiles before doing the same thing. “I wish for a son.”
“If you say your wishes out loud, then they don’t come true,” Kita tells you, but smiles because of your wish. You two have been trying for a baby for a while now, so hearing that you really want one and even wishing for one, makes him feel at ease. You’re both on the same boat and hopefully, you arrive at your destination soon.
“That’s not true!” You sit up, folding your arms close to your chest. You glare at Kita, lips in a pout once again. “What’s your wish?”
‘You are my wish.’
“I told you already. If I tell you it won’t come true,” he explains and you huff. It’s childish, but he can’t afford to lose you. He won’t risk anything.
“That’s unfair,” you turn away from him. He pulls you back down and pins your body on bed floor while he hovers on top of you. “What are you doing?” You ask him as he starts kissing your neck, sucking and licking on your skin. “Shinsuke, someone might come.”
“No one will. It’s a Sunday and it’s 4AM,” he says to assure you, so you let him continue what he’s doing. You want this as much as he does so who are you to push him away?
He pulls the blanket over your bodies then his hands travel under your shirt. His cold fingertips burning your already hot skin. “Shinsuke, how about the sunrise?” You manage to ask.
“We’ll be done before that.” He pulls your shirt up, his hand cupping one of your breasts. He lips graze over your ear, nibbling on your lobe before he whispers to you. “Let’s make your wish come true.”
The stars at sky aren’t the only stars you’ll see.
Farmers were the first to use the constellations. In some areas the changing of seasons was so subtle that the farmers depended on the stars to know when it was time to plant and when the time was right to harvest.
The Greeks are responsible for naming the constellations. Names came from their mythological heroes and legends. (It’s always them)
You can only see about 2,000 stars on a very dark night with the naked eye. You need to be in a monless night and with less light pollution.
Most stars travel the galaxy in clusters. But not all stars do that; our Sun, for example, moves through the galaxy without a stellar companion.
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Taglist:  @vicassa​​  @ptv-hades​​  @steggy4ever​  @booklover240​ @toripersonalacc @mkazuyuh​  @smoltiddygf​ @adrasteiaxandromedaa @leinnah  @a-applepi​ @kellesvt @xxlightsaberxx  @youpieceofwasabi @bandolls @wheelzzzies @apollochjld @neomuxuxi @tnu-ree @mindofess @alittlebitofrain @agaashesmilktea​ @aquzairus @ynjimenez @sempiternal-amour @diyosku @dinablossom @atomicpie1115 @lililiynx​ @onlyshinji @melodiamore @bunnybitesthedust @angrylittleriri @rogueofbullshit @8zmingi @aam1na​ @yuueisteria @4kaashl  @ohhoneyvee @amberalisa​ @kouffee-ink @flavostella02 @mint-mai @iminlovewhaikyuu @alexandriamentos @tsumtsumsamu @izumikunmy @akaashi-todorki @nycvalntyne @yeibuub @todobruhski @koushiwrites @maitenight
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xnever-fade-awayx · 3 years
"you know I'll do anything you ask me to"-prompt (sofia by clairo)
just an idea, no pressure^^
AN: Quick note, this is unedited, also this is with default Male V! Enjoy~ 
V groaned as he rubbed at his eyes and slowly opened them. His head was pounding and he felt like he was hit by a truck. He tried to piece together the night before but all he can remember  is Kerry fucking him senseless into the mattress. Which he did enjoy. As V sat up in the bed, he glanced to his side to see Kerry passed out on his stomach, completely naked. 
V got out of bed quickly and he began searching for his clothes to at least put something on. He wasn’t trying to leave before Kerry left per say, he was just trying to make sure he was covered from the paparazzi this time. They ended up using a drone that went undetected by Kerry’s security last time to take pictures of both men completely naked, asses all out. 
The paparazzi called V Kerry’s “current JoyToy” which pissed him off more than it should have. Maybe it was because he was developing feelings for Kerry and wanted to be more than fuck buddies. V shook his head at the thought and ignored it as he threw his jeans on and made his way down to Kerry’s kitchen to try to find some food, some real food. 
V managed to find some bread that wasn’t molding, at least from what he saw, and ate a few slices of that before he was going to dip. He heard the groans of Kerry echoing through the large villa as he woke up, walking down the stairs, still completely naked. 
“Mornin’.” Kerry mumbled out gruffly as he went to the table that had all types of food and began to pick at the stuff on it. 
“Morning. I don’t think it’s safe to eat any of that.” V said as Kerry turned and shot him a small glare. “And I think you should put some pants on before the paparazzi caught you, again.” V tried to tell Kerry as he threw another grape into his mouth. 
“Fuck ‘em. Won’t be the first or last time they’ve seen my gorgeous ass.” Kerry laughed as he walked over to V and looked him over. 
“I was just heading out. Gotta see Vik for a tune up.” V heard Kerry hum in response to what he said. 
“You comin’ tonight? Playing another show tonight with the girls.” Kerry said as he walked over to V and looked into his eyes. V shrugged and placed his hands on Kerry’s hips and pulled him close. Kerry chuckled and moved his arms to wrap loosely around V’s neck. 
“I’ll try to drop by. I think I’m gonna check up on Wakako to see if she has something for me today. Need a few extra eddies for rent this month.” V admitted which caused Kerry to frown at the taller man. 
“You know I can send you some money. You can always ask.” Kerry tried telling his friend as V pulled away and began walking towards the door. 
“It’s fine, Ker. I can make my own money. You don’t gotta act like my sugar daddy. Now, I gotta get going. Vik’s gonna be pissed if I’m late.” V said as he opened the front door and was followed by V. 
“Seven tonight if you come by! Talk to Tasha and she’ll get you backstage!” Kerry shouted as he watched V walking down towards his car. 
“Put on some god damn pants!”
                             « ----------------------------------------------- » 
 Vik had done his check up on V as normal, giving him an upgrade or two but was happy that V wasn’t pushing himself too far. Wakako was happy to see V had assigned him a job that shouldn’t take too long. She had him go to a Tyger Claw hideout and find a person, making sure they were unharmed and alive. There was a shootout, which V tried to avoid, but it was okay. The person he was transporting wasn’t hurt which was a plus but V was a mess and covered in blood. 
Wakako thanked V for the person and quickly transferred the money to V before he drove home to shower and change. His entire shower he thought about Kerry, and about them. He had fallen for the rockerboy about the second time they fucked. It was just a casual friends with benefits thing that would happen once every few weeks then turned into almost everyday. Every concert in the city, V would show up, drink too much with Kerry and then they would end up at his place. 
V wanted to change it and he decided tonight was the night before Kerry and Us Cracks left Night City for their tour across the world. He shut the water off in the shower and quickly dried off before throwing on some jeans and a random shirt, which happened to be one of Kerry’s shirts he stole. Funny story behind the shirt: Kerry was trying to rush V out since Johnny was coming over and Kerry didn’t want Johnny knowing V and him were fucking. So, V grabbed the first shirt he saw and threw it on as Kerry kicked him out. 
V double checked to make sure he had everything before leaving his apartment and heading to get to his car. The entire drive to the venue, V thought of what to say to Kerry and honestly, how the fuck does someone say, ‘hey I love you’ without making it weird or awkward? V shook his head at the thought and said he was just going to do it, fuck it. 
He parked on the side of the building, weaving between the fans trying to get backstage and smiled at Tasha. She had learned who V was quickly and smiled at him and allowed him in. She was telling him how he could chill backstage or on the side during the concert before leading him towards where Kerry was. The moment V spotted Kerry, his heart dropped. He was standing extremely close to another guy, smiling at him and giving him those fuck me eyes he always gave V. 
“Oh, hey V! Glad to see you!” Red Menace smiled at the man and hugged him tightly. Over the last few months, he got close to Us Cracks just like Kerry did. Kerry turned towards the two and smiled as he walked over to V. 
“Decided to show up, I see. Well, I’ll have to give you a special thank you after the show.” Kerry smirked as he made his way to V and closed the gap between them. 
“I don’t know if I’m staying. I, uh, have things I need to do.” V avoided eye contact with Kerry. He picked up the change in V almost instantly as he started walking.
“Let’s go somewhere private, V. Just chat a bit before the show.” Kerry said as he walked towards what was currently his little dressing room. V didn’t want to follow him but did it anyway, so he didn’t anger him. Once the two were in the room, Kerry closed the door behind him and locked it. V stood in the middle of the room as Kerry went to lean against a counter where all the mirrors were.
“Why did you bring me in here?” V finally asked as Kerry turned and looked over the other male.
“What the hell is going on, V?” Kerry asked, his arms crossed over his chest. V just watched Kerry as he sighed out. It was now or never.
“Look, Ker… I-we… well, you know how last week we were in that magazine? And they called me a Joy Toy?” V asked as Kerry nodded.
“Yeah. Those mother fuckers got a bad picture of me!” Kerry said, slightly angry as V shot a glare at him.
“Not the point, Ker. I don’t wanna be known as a Joy Toy, okay? I don’t want to be known as your latest fling or your fuck buddy. I wanna be known as… as…” V couldn’t seem to say it outloud. He felt stupid and embarassed. 
“As.. my boyfriend?” Kerry finished the sentence. V felt embarassed as fuck at that. Kerry walked over to V and grabbed his face in his hands. “You know, V, I’ll do anything you ask me to. And if that is to be your boyfriend, then I’m fine with that.” Kerry said as he pressed his lips harshly against V’s lip. V melted into the kiss before Kerry slowly pulled away.
“I’ve wanted that for a while…” V whispered, causing the rockerboy to chuckle.
“I was waitin’ for you to say something. If this was just meaningless sex, then I was fine with it. I was hopin’ it would turn into something more.” Kerry said before leaning in and placing another kiss to V’s lips.
“So, does this mean Kerry Eruodyne is no longer going to be a slut? No more man whoring?” V teased which rewarded him a quick slap to the chest.
“Shut the fuck up or else I might take back talkin’ about being your boyfriend.” Kerry glared at V as the other male rolled his eyes.
“Mr Eurodyne? Concert starts in 2 minutes.” A voice called from the other side of the door. Kerry and V both looked at the door before looking at each other.
“Stayin’ to watch?” Kerry said as the two walked out of the door. Kerry followed behind V as they began walking towards the stage.
“Of course. For my boyfriend? Anything.” V said as they got to the side of the stage. Kerry smiled and placed a small kiss to V’s cheek.
“I promise after we will go get dinner, something nice, then back to my place.” Kerry said as he got himself pumped for the show.
“Don’t hurt yourself up there. Gonna need you all good and in one piece later.” V teases as Kerry and him share a rough kiss before Kerry rushed up to the stage to start the concert.
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thefloorisbalaclava · 4 years
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okay. i’m supposed to be editing the next pre-pragma one shot but i’m stopping to write a little something about this. can’t resist when it comes to frankie.
this was such an inspirational ask. thank you for sending it. nearly 2k words!
It’s early. The sun is barely over the horizon when he wakes you. And, of course, he never just shakes you awake, no, there’s kisses and nuzzles and a “come on, sleepyhead” or “good morning, beautiful”.
Frankie is certainly a morning person so you’re not surprised to see that he’s all dressed and ready when you finally wake up.
“What’s going on?” you ask, rolling out of bed.
He shrugs. “Let’s just go somewhere. I packed us a few things already.”
“How long have you been up?” You walk to the bathroom.
“A few hours. Come on.” He taps your bottom and you giggle. You shower as quickly as you can then throw on some comfortable clothes. You’ve learned that when Frankie says he wants to go somewhere that means it’ll most likely be a long drive. He loves getting away with you. He turns his phone off and everything.
By the time you get downstairs, he’s already loaded up his truck and is waiting for you. He’s leaning against the truck, arms crossed, shades on and smiling. “Ready to go, babe?”
“I’m always ready to go with you, baby.” You walk up and kiss him. “Where are we going?”
“We’re just…going,” he says as you walk to the other side to get in. Once he gets in, he pulls out his road trip mix CD and puts it on. It has a little bit of everything and you both always end up singing along to almost every song.
He stops about an hour and a half in to get gas and stretch his legs. You offer to drive but he always tells you he just wants you to sightsee. He knows how much you like to take pictures and he stops whenever you ask him to.
“Are you liking it so far?” he asks, putting the gas pump back in place.
“Of course. I’m with the love of my life going on an adventure. What’s not to like?”
And that’s what he loves about you. He loves that you call these little road trips adventures. He loves that you enjoy spending time with him. He loves you.
“What are you thinking about, Frankie?”
“You, duh.” He turns his head to you for a kiss before pulling back onto the road.
“I never noticed those mountains over there,” you confess, pointing. You realize that being with Frankie helps you notice and see things you never really have before. A new appreciation for everything around you had blossomed in your heart all because of him. He helps you stop, take a breath, and take in the world around you and what you’ve been missing. What can be greater than that?
“Wanna stop for pictures?” he asks when he sees the way you put you lean on your arms out the window.
“When we get closer.”
The sun is high in the sky now and Frankie pulls over for another little break. You both sit in the bed of his truck eating the sandwiches he packed. He passes you your water bottle—it's one he bought for you a few years ago. It is dented and worn from how many times you’ve used it on your hikes and adventures but you’ll never get rid of it.
“Thank you, sugar.” You take the bottle from him and just enjoy the peace and quiet of being away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. When you look at him again, he’s smiling from ear to ear. “What?
“I just…like when you call me names like that.” He shrugs shyly and lowers his head so you can’t see his face under the bill of his cap.
“You mean like baby, handsome, sweetie, cutie…Francisco?”
He nods, swallowing the bit of sandwich he had in his mouth. “Especially that but…” He puts down what he was holding and pushes you onto your back, making you giggle. “That’s liable to get you in trouble.”
“What kinda trouble?” you ask, taking his hat off and putting it off to the side.
“The good kind.” He kisses you and you run your fingers through his hat hair.
“Didn’t know there was such a thing,” you tease.
“With me there is.” He kisses you again, trembling as you scratch at his scalp. “We keep this up the road trip ends here.”
“If it did, I’d still love it. Always an adventure, remember?”
“Always.” He sits up and puts his hat back on before hopping out the back of the truck then helping you down.
Three hours in and he’s taken you towards the mountains you pointed out earlier.
“You didn’t have to, Frankie.”
“Yes, I did.” He takes your hand and kisses it.
“You’re so good to me.”
“No other way for me to be. Wanna stop for pictures now?” You nod and he finds a good spot to pull over. He reaches into the backseat and pulls out your camera. “Knew you’d need this.”
“What would I do without you?” You take the camera from him and get out the truck. He follows you, watching as you take pictures, moving here and there, kneeling, standing…then you turn to him.
“Uh…no…” He tries to cover his face but he’s too slow and soon he’s laughing and you’re capturing it all.
“You are in your element, sir. Pose,” you say dramatically and he rolls his eyes, leaning against the truck and crossing his arms. “Oh yes!”
“Stop it,” he chuckles, turning away which only makes the sunlight shine onto his face in the loveliest way. You always tell him he is a work of art and you mean it. “Don’t you have more interesting things to take pictures of?”
“Nope. There is nothing more interesting than you.” You snap a few more pictures of him then turn away, looking at the view. “I mean this view is great but you’re beautiful.”
“Really? I don’t think anyone’s ever called me beautiful before.”
“Well, I am. You’re beautiful, Francisco.”
“Gimme this.” He takes the camera from you and starts taking pictures of you. “Pose,” he quips and you actually do—silly poses, silly faces that make him nearly double over in laughter. “Absolutely gorgeous.”
He stands beside you again, taking in the view before looking at you. “I mean it. You’re gorgeous.”
“Eh…not like this.” You look down at your clothes.
“I think this is when you’re the most beautiful,” he says. “Not a care in the world, relaxed, smiling. This is you.”
“You’re such a romantic.”
“Not trying to be. Just speaking the truth.” He pulls you against him and sways slowly. “We’re surrounded by all this beauty but I only have eyes for you.”
“Don’t get me wrong, this view is stunning but you’re even more so. And I get to look at you and see you every day.”
“Well…doesn’t that make me less special after a while? The same face over and over again.”
“But it’s not the same. I come home from work every day and the first thing I wanna see is your face. Whether it’s stressed out or sad or frustrated or happy…I get to see it. I get to kiss it better and be the one to make you smile if you’re sad. I’m luckiest damn guy in the world.”
“I didn’t think I could love you anymore than I do but you help me break my record every day.” You sniffle and wipe your eyes. “Thank you.”
“For what? What I just said…”
“Yes, but also for reminding me of the beauty in the world. For making every day of my life an adventure. For showing me this.” You spread your arms out. “But, most of all, thank you for loving me.”
“You don’t have to thank me for that.” The kiss that happens after he says that is a thank you, but it’s also an ‘I love you’ and ‘I can’t live without you’. It’s all those words that are left unsaid, all the things you may forget to say out loud. The kiss is an unspoken ode to love, an unwritten love letter. It takes you on another adventure as your heart beats in time with his.
You fall asleep on the way back so you miss the little glances Frankie sends your way. He is so in love.
He pulls onto the side of a quiet road and you stir a bit, but he still wakes you up in his own way—kisses and whispered sweet nothings. A nuzzle here, a gentle touch there and you’re awake.
“Damn, did I miss anything?” you ask as you stretch. The sun had set now.
“Nah. Come on, let’s stretch.”
You get out of the truck and look at him. “Let’s stay out here tonight,” you suggest.
“In the truck?” he asks and you nod.
“Another adventure,” you say.
“You got it.” He always kept a blanket in his truck.
“Look at those stars.” You are always so amazed when you look up at night. But Frankie, he didn’t need to look up to see his moon and stars. He didn’t even have to look up to see the sun. All he had to do was look at you. Every celestial body paled in comparison.
He helps you into the bed of the truck then hops in beside you, kicking off his boots and helping you take off yours. He pulls you close as you lie down and takes his hat off.
“You’ll protect me from the bugs, right?” you ask.
“I’ll protect you from all the bad things in the world especially the bugs.” He chuckles when you roll your eyes.
“You wanna know my favorite thing about our little random road trips?”
“Hm?” Frankie’s eyes are closed already.
“I get to go on them with you. I get you to myself for a day.”
“I’m yours all day every day…for the rest of our lives,” he says sleepily.
“That’s a pretty long time,” you say, snuggling up against him.
“A lifelong road trip, babe. A lifelong adventure.”
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oyesmendes · 4 years
i keep on missing you
a/n: so remember when i said there would be a part two to “all i wanted was a happy ending” ? ya its here.... this was largely inspired by Missing You - The Vamps and i miss you, i’m sorry - Gracie Abrams. hope you guys got some tissues ready HAHAHA sorry in advance! @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln​ @lonelyreputation​ 
read part one here
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'Cause I'm sat here in my front room with a girl who ain't you / Hopin' and prayin' you're breakin' up with another fool
The sunlight that streams through the small crack between his curtains is what wakes Shawn up. He has his hand draped across a body - or should he say, his girlfriend’s body and he finds himself frowning at the lack of the olive skin he’s grown so used to waking up to. He’s quick to change his facial expression once he sees the body roll around to face him. The girl grins at him, stroking his cheek and pressing a soft kiss on his lips which he struggles to return.
“Morning, sunshine”
“G’morning” He mumbles back. They don’t say much, only sharing a few kisses and cuddle for what felt like too long before they both stumble out of bed into their morning routines.
Shawn is sitting at the dining table, mindlessly scrolling through Instagram like he was reading the morning papers. He likes a couple pictures posted by friends back in Toronto, before he lands on one that makes his breath hitch.
@kiara_hammani: everyday is worth celebrating with you. happy three months, sweet pea!
It was a picture of her - Kiara. His finger hovers above her face, wanting nothing more than to feel her skin against his. She was in that blue sundress they bought on impulse during a trip to Hawaii two years ago, and she was posing at the beach. Wrapped up in the arms of another man. He’s contemplating if he should zoom in or tap on the tagged account of the man, but decides to just stare at it for a couple more seconds instead. It’s only been less than five months since she moved out, how could she have moved on so quickly?
“Shawn? Hey you there, gorgeous?” Shawn blinks his eyes a couple of times to bring him back to reality. He quickly places his phone face down on the table and smiles softly.
“Yeah? Sorry I got a little distracted.”
“That’s alright, would you like coffee or green tea today?” She was holding up a French press in one hand and pack of teabags in the other. She smiles sweetly at him and Shawn feels himself cringe internally. This girl was everything but Kiara. The tone of her voice constantly laced with sweetness, and pale skin covered with fake tan which made her look orange. He thinks back to all the times that Kiara would purposely use a high-pitched voice to mock the waitress or random girl that was trying to get in his pants and they’d have a good laugh about it. He knows she would’ve done the same right now. Shawn looks at the girl standing in front of him and he hides the disappointment that fills his chest when he realises that she’s not here.
“I’ll have the tea, thank you Chris.” She nods and spins around to make him a mug.
Christine was your typical LA girl. Yeah, the ones that have beach blonde hair, holding a hydro flask and wearing cut off denim shorts all year round. How she and Shawn ended up together for the last two months? Ask management. They initially paired him off with another girl but she was way too much of a blonde that Shawn ended up ditching her on their first meet. He put up a strong fight with the team afterwards and they eventually settled on Christine. She was no where near Kiara, but according to Shawn’s publicist - Christine was the cure to his falling reputation.
So they’ve spent every single day together for the last two months, drowning out all the dirty news of their breakup. Shawn didn’t hate it completely, Christine was too nice to him that he forced himself to enjoy every moment. But he does catch himself comparing her to Kiara, and he can’t seem to shake himself out of it. He watches as Christine turns around, two mugs in her hand. At first, he doesn’t notice the pastel pink mug that belonged to Kiara. But as she places it down on the table, he sees the faint lipstick stain on the edge of the mug and he stops her from lifting it up to her lips.
“What’s wrong?” Christine asks when Shawn’s hand lands on top of hers.
“Throw it out.”
“What? Babe, I just made this-“
“I said THROW IT OUT!” She jumps slightly in her seat when Shawn raises his voice and he immediately regrets it. Christine pushes her chair back, letting them scrape the hardwood floor because she knows how much Shawn hates it when she does that. She gets up from her seat and stalks to the front door.
“You can throw it out yourself.”
Nothing happened in the way I wanted / Every corner of this house is haunted
The front door slams and Shawn is left with the same deafening silence from two months ago. His eyes focus on the mug and then roams the house. Every corner was filled with the essence of Kiara. After their heated argument, she moved out the next morning, taking everything that she could without the need to turn back. Naturally, she left a few shared pieces in the house which Shawn never touched, and it was starting to feel haunting. Each object that she had left - the dark blue curtains from Ikea, the cream coloured throw from a boutique in London, and even that chipped porcelain vase she bought from a kid at a yard sale held three years of happy memories. Memories he couldn’t bear to relive or throw away. Shawn would much rather be alone than to share this special place with someone new, but he couldn’t lose Christine now, especially when his career’s on the line. So he forces himself to grab his keys and pull himself out the front door. He’s out on the streets and thankfully, Christine hasn’t made it too far from the apartment building.
“Christine!” She increases her footsteps but before she could make the corner, Shawn grabs a hold of her arm.
“What do you want, Shawn?” He pulls her closer to him and she’s resting her hand on his chest. Her touch felt different. But Shawn settles for it in the moment.
“You, me and the grocery store.” He smirks at her. A small smile erupts on her face and Shawn knows he’s immediately been forgiven. It’s been a vicious cycle that’s got them through the last 8 weeks - Shawn does something stupid, then he makes it up by suggesting Christine’s favourite activity which he would hate, on a normal day. He knows this isn’t the way to love someone, especially someone who only has good intentions for him. But he needs Christine to stay, at least he thinks he does. She makes the silence less deafening, and it stops Shawn’s head from reeling into his horror movie of thoughts. She was his imaginary safety net, somewhere he could fall into for a moment and not think until reality hits him like a truck again.
The store was quiet, and Shawn is thankful for it. He doesn’t need to put on a loving couple front for the cameras or fans that would recognise him from a mile away. He’s pushing the trolley behind Christine, empty focus on the squeaking of the wheels.
“Should we try cashew milk this time? I was watching Claudia’s vlog the other day and she was raving about this brand.” Christine holds up the cartons in front of Shawn’s face. He smiles at her, knowing well that he has to give her some sort of attention or care in order for this relationship not to crumble.
Kiara couldn’t care less about the type of nut milk we had at home. He stops himself before he dives further into that part of his brain.
“Well if Claudia says it’s good, I don’t see why we shouldn’t try it.” Her face immediately lights up when Shawn showed the slightest interest in her rambling. She drops the carton of cashew milk into the trolley and scampers off while he trails behind her. They wander around the fresh produce, and while Christine goes on about which kind of salad she wants to make next week, Shawn hears the distinct laughter and voice.
His eyes dart around the store until they land on a specific couple and he sees her. In all her 5’7” glory, Kiara stood next to the same man that was on her Instagram post, trying to catch her breath from all the laughing the pair had been doing.
“You’re telling me, you microwaved eggs?!” She’s still laughing, shaking her head as she placed the carton of fresh eggs into the trolley in front of her.
“Hey, no shame in that! We were in college and really dumb. Besides, you’re the one that burnt the kettle to a crisp while making tea last week.”
“Well, we’re both to blame for that.” Shawn watches as Kiara gives the man one of those cheeky smiles that she used to give him. He watches as he attacked her sides, tickling and then peppering kisses down her neck as she squeals in excitement. Shawn should look away, he knows he should before he gets caught, but he can’t help himself. Before he knows it he hears Christine next to him,
“Shawn? Did you hear me? What are you- Oh for god’s sake!” The couple turns when they hear Christine raise her voice and Shawn snaps out of his trance. His eyes meet briefly with Kiara’s and her face falls just enough for Shawn to notice. Christine shoves the packet of spinach she has in her hands back on the shelf. She shoots Kiara a death stare before pushing Shawn out of the way and storming out of the grocery store. He doesn’t go after her, instead his hand tightens its grip around the handles of the trolley and he forces himself to breathe. The man with Kiara is rubbing both sides of her arms, a concerned look on his face as he mumbles something to her. She’s shaking her head, giving him a reassuring smile as they continue with their shopping, not taking another look at Shawn.
I still love you, I promise / Nothing happened in the way I wanted
Shawn abandons his cart, the Canadian in him feeling guilty about not placing the stuff back on the shelves. But his mind is running too fast that his legs couldn’t comprehend his own actions. He finds himself squatting outside the store, baseball cap pulled far down on his face. He doesn’t know what he’s doing, sitting out here in the middle of nowhere, waiting for some damned miracle to happen. Something to fix his heart.
“I’ll drive the car up here? That way we don’t have to push the cart back.” Shawn recognises the same voice and he peers up slowly.
“Sure, I’ll wait here.” Kiara.
He waits for a couple moments before he scrambles to his feet and it makes Kiara jump out of her skin.
“Pinché pendejo.” She mutters under her breath. Kiara’s about to push her trolley further away, when she recognises the white and pink Dodgers baseball cap that used to belong to her.
He feels like a deer caught in headlights, looking down at her with widened eyes. The look on her face was unreadable as she puts her hands deep into the pockets of her hoodie. He tries to drink in as much of her looks as he can - the change in the way her hair now falls just above her shoulders instead of having it in those long beach waves; how she now has the confidence to be out in public with barely any make up on. The moment of staring doesn’t last too long though, when Shawn hears a voice call out for her.
“Babe, you good?” Kiara and Shawn both seem to be shaken back to reality quickly. She’s pushing her hair out of her face and smiling softly to her boyfriend.
“Yeah, yeah I’m good. Let’s load her up.”
And I know you said that we're not talking / But I miss you, I'm sorry
“Wait.” Shawn says barely above a whisper. Both of them stop in their tracks and look to him.
“Can I-can I talk to her for a second? I promise you it won’t take long.” Kiara’s boyfriend is already dropping the bags back into the cart, trying to go in front of her to give Shawn a piece of his mind.
“Ryan,” She pulls his arm toward her and he switches his attention to his girl, “I’ll talk to him. I won’t take too long.” Ryan looks at Kiara then back at Shawn and he stalks toward him, chest out, looking like he’s ready for some brawl. Kiara’s holding her breath as she watches him walk, the anxiety in her chest just become worse by the second. Ryan has his pointer finger up, voice low as he stares at Shawn in the eyes, “you hurt her again and I guarantee you, I will ruin you.”
He turns back around, kissing Kiara on the cheek before he loads the groceries into the car.
Shawn smiles awkwardly at her, “well, he seems nice.”
“I’m so sorry, he’s just protective.”
“That’s okay, I understand.” An uncomfortable silence fell between the two of them and Kiara think’s this is probably the worst idea in the entire world. To be standing out on a cold day in LA, next to her ex, with her boyfriend waiting less than 10 feet away. She’s wrapping her arms around herself, bouncing on her feet to keep herself warm. Shawn doesn’t say anything for awhile and Kiara’s growing frustrated by the second.
“Did you want to-“
“So I-“
They start at the same time, and it makes Shawn chuckle. But it makes Kiara sigh and she’s hugging herself tighter. Shawn finally sees the hint of annoyance on her face and his mind scrambles for the right words. (Though, I’m not exactly sure these are the write words, Shawn)
“How are you?” Kiara gives him a look, and she couldn’t believe her ears. After standing out in the freezing cold weather, he just wanted to ask how she was doing?!
“Get to the point, Shawn. I don’t have the time for small talk right now.” He’s fiddling with the loose thread from his sweater, trying to avoid Kiara’s intimidating brown eyes when he speaks.
“I just-I, I just miss you, Ki.” Kiara scoffs, very audibly and she takes a step back to look at him.
“Cariño,” He recognises the same sarcastic tone that her mother uses, “don’t you have a girlfriend you should be with?”
Breaking dishes when you're disappointed / I still love you, I promise
“Yeah I do, she’s standing right in front of me.”
“You did not just-“ Kiara mutters under her breath, shaking her head violently. She looks around her to ensure that there’s no one in earshot, then steps toward him and pokes his chest.
“Shawn Peter, you do not just squat out here wanting to talk to me after you argued with your current girl and then say that you want me back. You do not just walk up to me and say all those things after what you did, how you hurt me and-“
He grabs both her wrists and Kiara stops mid-sentence.
“What are you doing?” She mutters under her breath. Kiara knows that Ryan would be watching them both, and any bigger movement would send him running out of the car to punch Shawn in the face. She looks over her shoulder and she already sees the door of the Range Rover opening slowly.
“I miss you, I really do. I still love you, Ki, I still fucking love you.” He tries to lean in and Kiara finally had enough, pulling her hand out from his grip.
“Fuck Shawn, I’m happy now can’t you see? We’re over, it’s over.” Kiara turns around, her eyes meeting Ryan as he stands next to the car. She musters up a smile for him before she hears Shawn shout from behind her.
“Does he love you like I do?” She stops in her tracks and looks over at him.
“No Shawn, Ryan has done a better job in the last three months than you ever did in the three years I’ve known you.”
With that, Kiara walks away, and Shawn is left with half of his heart and the image of her back burned in his mind.
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hotarutranslations · 4 years
Heart Pounding Prank!
Its Ishida Ayumi
Tumblr media
I looked through Rikako's photobook <3
it's extremely, cute it was "beautiful"
Both her as adult-like and child-like are so beautiful
Yamazaki Mei-chan, Okamura Homare-chan,
They're also getting their first visual photobook,
They'll be released soon (in June and July) but
Just the offshots, are super cute so!
Look forward to these releases as well!
Further, on June 23rd, "Up To Boy vol.292"
Fukumura Mizuki-san Makino Maria-chan Morito Chisaki-chan Ishida Ayumi
the 4 of us will be on the cover
Thank you very much <3
Reservations have already started,
7net: DVD & 15th generation
2 kinds of random raw photos Rakuten: Ishida Ayumi or Morito Chisaki
Tower Records: Fukumura Mizuki or Yokoyama Reina
HMV: Makino Maria or Kaga Kaede
Thank you for checking it out!
this was uploaded today,
Ishida Ayumi Prank Project "What kind of reaction will I get if I suddenly send a message saying "I like you"?"
Wa---i! lol
On the day I thought, I want to do it! it became, lets do it! since I did it quickly,
the excitement was really high
it was fun
It may have been a fun project only for me......lol
The other members saw it, it would have been nice to have sent it to everyone,
I was also thinking about that,
I was being greedy...
To tell them it was prank for each of their turns, its pretty hard work, I would be too anxious not to spoil it, it would exceed my own limits! since its like that, I did it randomly, please understand! Certainly some people would be interested in the reactions! lol
Also please enjoy my silly idea
it was earnestly a fun video!
But its good now you know
I'm glad I did it in the moment lol
Really, since I shot it in the moment, I think there are some points that I missed but, You can watch it with warm and light feelings!
Please definitely enjoy it <3 Fufu
I completely forgot about it but!
In my blog the day before yesterday, "Colorful Character Truck Thing" I wrote that I would post a picture of it tomorrow......
Yesterday, I forgot
I honestly remembered today, really I wanted to take a selfie but,
since I suddenly can't take one←
I took this photo
Tumblr media
it depicts the miniature truck from, Colorful Character!
It seems like it was merchandise
since the loading tray opens up, you can store things,,,
but I feel like I don't know what to put in it lol
There isn't anything right now, it ended up being very nostalgic~
Its amazing! this!
Speaking of 13 Colorful Character
What's up? Ai was Dou na no yo~ Be Alive Lalala no Pipipi Zero Kara Hajimaru Seishun Namida Hitoshizuku Waratte! YOU
↑ This isn't all of them but,
This album has so many songs I like Its the first album for the 10th generation
it was released about a year after I joined
Remembering this many songs, we were recording it, about everyday?
the 9th and 10th generation song also makes me really happy,
its a work of memories
I recently became a fan...... since I think there are people that would say that,
Please definitely listen to it
Its good to be nostalgic over it together
see you ayumin <3
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splendidshinobi · 4 years
back at it again with the white vans
episode 6: the alchemy exam
alrighty then
um mustang calling edward “ed” is EXTREMELY offputting
ohhhhhhh noooooo not shou tucker
im wholly unprepared
them all being in central instead of east is low key jarring like my brain isnt computing it
alexander’s intro is basically the same 
nina bbyyyyy girl u deserved so much better
ed is such a fucking nerd...chemistry club modern au confirmed
god the more tucker talks the more i wanna beat his face in
al pretending to eat by tossing a potato in his armor i-
aww theyre playing in the snow theyre so pure
wonder how long thatll last
“bigger brother” and “little big brother” and ed doesnt even get mad
ed’s birthday party????????
so 03 had ed’s bday instead of elicia’s...CAUSE THEY GOT ELICIA IN THE WOMB
“it’s here!” “the tea?” “the baby!” hughes is a fuck head
ok so now they’re having elicia replace rush valley baby arc
this was winry’s time to shine in fmab i miss her 
if winry isnt here who is gonna birth this baby
oh my god they just realized ed can use alchemy without a circle
no wonder he’s been using circles this whole time
“i dont think thats very funny” NO ALPHONSE IT IS NOT
damn bradley what up homie
im so thrown off by the way theyre doing the exam omg
seriously what the hell is fuhrer bradley’s purpose right now is he even the fuhrer in this i feel like they wouldve mentioned it
oh lord ed is about to impress everyone with his clappy hands
ok so next episode is nina FUCK
episode 7: night of the chimera’s cry
havoc babeeee
im gonna marry him my himbo king
“huhhhhhhhh nina” ew tucker that was weirdly gross
wonder why
cant do it cant do it
do we think jean kirstein was modeled after jean havoc slightly looks wise
was that purposeful 
ill have to google 
serial killer who only targets women?  it cant be scar...scar drinks respect women juice
barry or slicer bros maybe? um ok
why did we start with liore if they were just gonna hop right back into the past for a huge chunk of episodes idk
assessment day??? oh noodles
ed r u writing to winry??? that’s a bit out of character for u good sir
no tucker put that baby down
im gonna fucking SCREAM
aww he burned nina’s picture thats not sus at all
wait does the ironblood alchemist know what tucker did to his wife? thats kinda the vibe im getting
looking like a pirate too damn
his voice sounds different is that j michael tatum 
apparently not it was dameon clarke in 03 ya learn something new everyday 
ew elicia has a lot of hair for a FUCKING NEWBORN
ed really is such a cynic very suspicious of everyone as he should be really
basque grand knowS SOMETHING
oh jesus oh fuck oh god please do not TOUCH THAT BABY
ed and al snuck back in to the house well u know what its for the best
im gonna cry again please god no
she’s hurting? oh my god
my sweet angel
ew his eyes!!!!!!! 
tucker is such a fucking failure...like look at the chimera squad and greed’s theatre troupe being the way they are. ugh it really hits how fucking unfair it is 
ed was really about to split them? boy you know better
where is nina going...im hurting
ed really tried to save her in this one
thats different
oh snap 
that was fucked.
episode 8: the philosopher’s stone
can yall get ed and al away from nina’s fucking MURAL 
get out of the car mustang
finally jesus christ
roy mustang talking about healthy coping mechanisms dont make me laugh but alright baby boy go off i guess?
im curious about who this goddamn serial killer is though lets turn to that plot thread
r u kidding me
mustang is making ed and al take over tucker’s research?? thats actually wildly messed up
oh tucker was straight executed that’s a choice i guess
tucker and the philosopher’s stone sounds inaccurate but ok
ed please stop being mean to your brother
03 mustang has got me reaching for a fucking baseball bat on GOD
scar and edward having this conversation right now i literally cannot
WINRY yes bitch
alphonse shut your mouthhhhhhhhhhh
im so confused what is bradley up to
“alchemists are not cold blooded murderers?”
i mean
kimblee would beg to differ for one
whos this creepy lady 
her voice sounds familiar
barry’s food shop?
the killer is barry ok got it
ok so i VASTLY prefer suit of armor original manga canon barry
this is such an odd plot what in fuck
um OW the meat cleaver
im so confused this fucking plotline
oh hey alphonse nice of you to show up!
is barry still gonna become a suit of armor later on
it makes NO SENSE to introduce him otherwise 
everytime i see 03 mustang i wanna beat his ass HONESTLY
literally i will shove my foot up his ass
fullmetal here we go
ed thinks he’s so punk rock 
oh great scar’s seen the watch
episode 9: be thou for the people
ed you simp buying winry all this stuff my edwin heart is ascending
“mr. elric”?? you mean MAJOR ELRIC
to be fair though fuck the military
im gonna need to read a full chronology of this show
 alphonse continues to be a precious angel 
where’s my boy yoki!!!!!
edward you idiot don’t go flaunting your money
woof woof ed
al looks so offended by ed saying they just met
whereas in brotherhood didnt he totally throw ed under the bus??? 
a choice to be sure
ah there he is hello yoki
who’s the chick
shes a lesbian
yoki makes me miss my baby girl mei chang
mei where r u
hawkeye getting a promotion yes bby girl
jesus theyre transferring them to east now OKKKKKAY thats not how it happened it the book but ill take it....just doing it the opposite way i guess
who is lyra who is she
cute some military bribery 
umm lyra what the fuck did you do
lyra is a homunculus im callin it now
they definitely invented/changed up some homunculi in fact im certain they did and shes one of em. gotta be
i feel like 03 wrote ed as much more insensitive towards others than he really is...just a vibe im getting
i know he was faking for the townspeople’s sake but i still get this vibe from other instances 
i mean i cant say its not “canon” because its 03 canon
anyways what a show off
i cant believe theyre going to east...fuery and breda better be there
ok finally some answers on their ages....ed got his license at 12 like normal and nina and youswell were when he was 12...liore was 15, 
if they didnt flash the ages on the screen id be lost honestly
at least we’re back up to “present day”
episode 10: the phantom thief
ed saying he doesnt wanna see mustang
03 mustang is activating my fight or flight and im choosing fight
ed cheating at cards totally checks out
um who the fuck is this woman
what is she wearing
idk but this is fem!hisoka
“hey shouldnt we talk first” after getting handcuffed??? christ almighty these innuendos
siren??????? siren is probably also a “fake” homunculus
ok so the nurse is siren
ya aint slick girly
alphonse control your crush
why is al’s hair so brown in this flashback anywayssss
oh its spelled psiren ope
like she’s literally a batman villain...
oh my god...............the tiddy grab. my son would never
my son is respectful
is this her homunculus tat or just a random alchemy tat
the added plotlines and original content continue to confuse and astound me every single time....
ok but if psiren really was doing this for the hospital she wouldnt be so flashy about it. like thats how you get caught sweet cheeks
girly stop flirting with this child on god im gonna fucking kick you
now shes a nun????????????????
Shes a fucking troll i hate her
im going to kick alphonse into the sun 
oh great now shes a teacher
wow shes a savior. the savior of amestrian venice. greatttttt
ed looking exactly like this emoji on this gondola rn 🧍‍♀️
alphonse plzzzzzzzzzz she aint your girl
ok so probably not the last we see of this ding dong con artist
ok so its starting to get muddy. im scared the 03 stans are gonna come after me like i do like it and im having fun watching it but some of the plot and characterization choices are just....odd??? idk i gotta keep going though!! im sorry i just stan arakawa and her work in all her glory!!!
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talesofpanem · 5 years
Tattoo Fixers : Panem
Author: @thegirlfromoverthepond
Rating: T
Summary: Katniss needs someone to fix a bad tattoo.
AN: Deepest, deepest thanks to the amazing @xerxia31 who beta-ed this piece.
Even though I liked the prompt, it took me times to find the idea for this story - until I watched my TV, which prompted an episode of Tattoo Fixers - London. Maybe some of you from the EuroClub know about it ? Anyways, here is my take at this week’s prompt.
Hope you have fun.
She would be fascinated by the ballet of assistants running around the shop if she wasn’t embarrassed to be sitting there, being prepped by a team of make-up artists and a hairdresser. 
Just looking at the people putting mascara on her eyebrows or trying to tame her hair was a spectacle in itself, with their tattoos poking out from under every bit of clothing, along with piercings or blue hair. 
Katniss felt utterly out of place, waiting for her turn to appear on a television show she didn’t even want to go on. Alas, it was the only free way to fix something she had regretted since she had woken up after a particularly drunken night with her cousin Gale.
It was all Gale’s fault. It had been the day of her father’ funeral, the day after Gale buried his own. After the ceremony, after everyone had gone home, Gale had taken Katniss out. She hadn’t asked, just silently nodded when he had grabbed the keys of his father’s old pickup, heading out to their favorite spot in town, to get drunk.
In the hopes they could forget the void left by their fathers.
They had spent hours in that bar, drinking until they couldn’t drink anymore, until everything faded into blackness. The next morning, however, they’d woken up together in the bed of the pickup truck, each sporting the mother of all hangovers and a lovely souvenir of their evening
Apparently, they had somehow found their way to a tattoo parlor.
Since that night, Gale had sported a wonderful peacock on his biceps, which he still found funny all these  years later.
Katniss wasn’t as lucky. She all but hated the cartoonish, badly drawn bow and arrow on the inside of her forearm. The only good thing about it was its size - tiny, so a wristband could cover it easily. She took to wearing one everyday. Solid. In leather.
Arrow. Her father’s name, had been inked forever on her arm. She would have loved it if she had been able to choose the drawing properly, instead of having been branded with a cupid-ike tattoo design.
Hence her presence on the set of Tattoo Fixers, a reality show where talented tattoo artists helped people cover up their tattoo disasters with gorgeous works of inked art. 
Removing the tattoo was way too expensive for her bank account. But Prim had convinced her to share her story with all the whole country, risking the humiliation of being branded as a drunk crazy woman on cable TV.
“Katniss? You’re on in five,” a young assistant told her, making the team of preppers buzz around her like there was a breach in a beehive. One man, Flavius she thought his name was, because why not, was complaining about the state of her nails, how chipped they were, how he couldn’t do miracles, how he couldn’t find time to fit in a manicure in the remaining five minutes.
“I’m a botanist. It would be destroyed by tomorrow anyway.” She shrugged the thought away, almost taking pleasure in the disgusted look on his face. Take that, Flavius.
When the assistant came back, all smiles and happy mood, Katniss followed her out of the parlor and onto the street. Just like any other participant, she would have to walk to the shop, entering as if she was a totally random client.
The only random part was which tattoo artist she would choose. At least she would be surprised by their drawings.
This was staged TV, reality-TV. She usually couldn’t stand it. 
She sighed, taking her place ion the street.
“Remember, start walking when the director shouts ‘Action!’” 
Katniss resisted the temptation to roll her eyes.
She started walking as casually as possible when she was told to, entering the shop as naturally as she could manage, trying to avoid laughing at the host’s attire of the day. Nobody ever bothered telling Caesar Flickerman that he might be colorblind. Today, he was mixing  a flashy orange shirt with beautiful purple bermuda shorts. No doubt the episode would air in summer.
“Here is our next client!” Caesar sounded a little too enthusiastic at her entrance into the parlor. “What’s your name, darling?” He took her hand, helping her sit on the couch facing the one where the three tattoo artists were sitting.
She took a deep breath before answering, hoping her voice didn’t falter. 
As she explained why she was there, Katniss took a good look at the three people in front of her, mentally thanking Prim for the briefing she’d given Katniss before she left that morning.
There was the woman, Jo, whose body was almost fully covered in tattoos and piercings. Only her face remained pristine, making her red hair stand out. She was sitting next to Finnick, who as the star tattooist of the program was sitting between his two colleagues. Finnick’s body was a work of art. Prim had swooned over it for much too long when she had briefed her sister, showing Katniss pictures of the man who appeared to live his life shirtless. Katniss had then been privy to the numerous tattoos that adorned his back, a chinese setting, dragon included. 
She had seen several shots of him, of his so perfect body that made women of all ages swoon over him. Of course, Katniss was well aware of the dispatch of muscles, the Greek-god physique Finnick had, and fully expecting to be struck with lust as soon as she laid eyes on him in person. Yet nothing happened.
Nothing. At. All.
She was much more intrigued by the third tattooist, sitting next to Finnick. If Jo was a picture of the bad girl, Finnick the perfection, this third person was something else. He screamed “normal”, standing out from the two others, in Katniss’ opinion. Maybe it was because she couldn’t see a single tattoo on him, not even the required tribal band around his biceps.
There was something about his blue eyes, about his messy blond air that made her look at him more than the two others. Something that attracted her.
“This is Peeta, but we call him Peet. He’s the newcomer as Cato decided he needed a year off,” Finnick said and Peeta smiled. “So, how do you want us to cover the tattoo? Any specific request?”
“Well, nothing arrow-esque, or cupid-like. I’d like something that’s more inspired by nature,” she said. She just wanted the stupid bow and arrow to be covered.
Both Finnick and Jo grabbed their sketchbooks and started to draw. But she could feel Peeta’s eyes on her, lingering for a few seconds before he in turn, dived in.
“Well, tell us about you, Kathy?” Caesar said,making idle conversation to allow the tattooists time to finish their drawings.
“It’s Katniss, actually. Nothing thrilling, I’m a botanist and I live with my sister, Primrose.”
“Oh, that’s nice, she’s named for a flower!”
Katniss couldn’t help rolling her eyes. She knew this part would be cut because nobody really cared about the chit chat between a host and someone they would forget as soon as she left the office. 
“Just like I am, it’s kind of a family tradition.”
“And you’re a florist! Isn’t it amazing.”
“I’m a botanist, but not far away.”
She was already over her talk with the host. A talk she was quite sure only lasted a few minutes, still felt like two long days. 
“We’re ready, Kitty Kat. Here’s my drawing.” Jo handed over her sketchbook, on which a beautiful cat was displayed. With red fun, he would have been a striking copy of her sister’s cat, Buttercup, aka the bane of her existence. “You strike me as independent and very focused, hence, the cat.”
“It’s beautiful, Jo, thank you,” Katniss said, as she took in the beautiful shape of the cat’s ear, the detailed eyes. The woman had talent.
“I went for something more… natural,” Finnick said. “ I hope you like it!” He handed her his sketchbook, then leaned back on the couch, taking a sugarcube out of his pocket before popping it in his mouth.
On the page in front of her was a display of gorgeous intertwining orchid flowers.
 “I can do them in different shades, like a watercolor painting, you know?” Finnick added, as Katniss stared in awe.
“It’s lovely, wow, I wasn’t expecting that, Finnick.” Between the two drawings, her choice was made. She wasn’t even sure Peeta would be able to compete.
“She’ll pick mine, guys, I’m ready to bet ten bucks!” Finnick lifted his arms in victory. 
“It doesn’t have to be a big one, right?” Katniss asked, hoping his answer would be a no.
“It can be whatever you desire, sweetheart.” Finnick’s voice was sugary, and his green eyes sparkled as he winked at her.
Which made Katniss roll her eyes.
“Well, Finnick, this one’s immune to your charms.” Peeta’s voice, amused, chimed in. “Katniss, here is my take for your tattoo.”
She put down Finnick’s sketchbook to take Peeta’s. There were no words to describe her feelings when she looked down at the drawing on the paper. She had expected something somewhere between Jo and Finnick’s like an animal in nature, or just a drawing of a beach, absolutely not what she had before her eyes.
Peeta had drawn a wave.
A single, simple wave.
Yet, the closer she looked, the more details she could see. The wave was made entirely of flowers.
Primroses and katniss were braided together with such precision, with such attention, it was mesmerizing.
From two feet away the drawing looked like a wave.
But to her, for the closer her eyes got, it was a flower wall.
She opened her mouth to talk, to express how incredible she found the drawing.
No words came out.
She had to take a deep breath before gathering her thoughts before she was able to talk again.
“This. This is what I want.” 
“Shall we go, then?” Peeta asked, rising from the couch.
She nodded her agreement before following him to the back.
She was glad the cameras didn’t filming the whole process. They were busy filming other segments with other “clients”. 
“What prompted you to draw this? I mean I had no idea that was what I wanted until you showed me…” she asked.
“Your talk with Caesar. You told him you were a botanist, that it was a tradition to have flower names in your family. So I checked what Katniss was. It came up with sagit-something…”
“Sagittaria sagittifolia.,” she said under her breath.
He laughed, as he charged his machine with ink.
“Yes, that. You said you live with your sister, and I remembered you told us you got this awful thing after a funeral so I added one and one… You must have a pretty close relationship with your sister.”
“Yeah, we do …..” She was watching him come closer with his machine. She had a question, though. “How do I know you can tattoo? I mean, you don’t even have any of your own?”
“I do have one tattoo, but it’s hidden. I’m not as extrovert as Finn and Jo.”
“I noticed.. Could I see it ?”
“Well, it would involve you seeing me at least half naked… “
She blushed. “Oh, my, sorry…”
“No need to apologize. I did Finn’s dragon, and can show you pictures of previous works I’ve done,  if you need references …. “
“It’s okay, I trust you.”
He smiled, a gentle, kind, warm smile at her words.
As soon as he started working on her forearm the cameras returned. He explained the steps he was taking, using the shape of the bow for the wave, the body of the arrow to line up the braids of flowers.
“It’s done. You can look.” His voice took her by surprise.  She looked down, finding herself at a loss for words, again.
There was no way she would hide this one under a wristband.
After the mandatory shots for the TV, Peeta was wrapping her arm in cello, when he asked.
“I kinda won twenty bucks earlier, thanks to you. Want to share it with a tea?”
“No,” she answered. As his face fell, she added, “But I’d love a hot chocolate with whipped cream, if you know a place.”
He knew a place.
(Turned out he had a tree of life tattoo along his ribcage. She could spend hours tracing it with her fingers. Or her tongue.)
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namjoonchronicles · 6 years
needy | nj
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↳  pairing namjoon x you
↳  genre fluff, angst, domestic au
↳  words 5k
↳  summary Namjoon usually have his priorities in order. the demands of his professional life frequently intrude the life he shared with his wife. pushed to the blunt end, cornered and helpless, Namjoon said the wrong thing to the most important person in his life, and now he has to deal with the aftermath: facing the wrath of his wife.
↳  song ariana grande ‘nasa’  
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And it began, with a blinking cursor on a blank page.
Namjoon exhales deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose. He had taken a break after earnestly trying to write a passable verse. He picks his phone after a while and saw that his beloved wife hadn’t replied to any of his messages. It had been roughly four hours.
Unable to keep his composure any longer, Namjoon resorts to sending voice notes after two of his calls went unanswered.
“Can we please have dinner together tonight? I haven’t seen you in days, I’m losing my mind, I’m serious, baby stop playing around,” he huffs angrily, before pausing and then he resumes with a new breathe, “Call me back. Please.” He stressed on the word ‘please’, in hopes that it comes into picture how much he was in dire need of you.
Your toothbrush was in a separate holder, and you have your own personal toothpaste for use. You have dinners without him, and when he wants to talk, you would be typing on your laptop or watching a drama--which you deemed is more important than whatever he wants to talk about. Tonight, he sent you messages, and none of them were replied. But he heard the front door open, so he dashes out to see you taking off your heels and walking past him in the hallway, like he’s just one of the furnitures.
“Where have you been? I’ve been calling and calling…” he gently scolded. His nose picks up on something that wasn’t usually on you. His face sours as he said, “Why do you smell like nicotine?” You unzip your jeans and took them off before shoving them in the machine along with your blouse, turning a new cheek on Namjoon’s accusative tone, you forced out a smile. “Relax, it’s not me… Nika hasn’t quit, so she got them on me because we stayed in this awfully-ventilated karaoke room. She needed a friend to cheer up,” you patted his tummy twice walking out with your bras and undies, “Couldn’t hear you calling on the cell.”
Namjoon gawked and tailed behind you, “You usually tell me where you going everyday, I can’t get use to the privilege being stripped away from me; and can’t help remembering when I wanted it to be stripped away. Babe,” he urges you, hoping the term of endearment will give him an attention, but you continued stripping your bra and undie before wrapping yourself in a towel.
“Honey bear,” you called him, “I’m very tired. I’m so sorry I didn’t get back to your texts, but I’m home now,” you sang and walked inside the bathroom, but stopped Namjoon with your hand on his chest from stepping in. Pulling a fake ass smile on your face, tipping your glasses while standing in just towels at your husband. “I have a lot to do, so I’m just going to shower,” you politely spoke to him, before slamming the door in his face. And locking it.
Locking it. Namjoon was alarmed.
He begins to panic. His heart is hammering against his ribs, pounding erratically so he marches to his home studio, unable to take the sight of the door. You have never done that before. No one locks their door after marriage. You had been strange since a couple of weeks ago. You wake up, make coffee and then disappear until he leaves for work. He imagined you’d be home when he does, but all he found is food on the table and you would be on your table, next to the bed, typing with your earphones on.
Like tonight too, right after you showered. Namjoon peeked through the gaps of the door and took a shaky inhale. Once he decided he had mustered enough courage, he enters the bedroom with a mug of warm water. He sets them on the left corner of your table but you don’t notice until he pushes it further in. You looked up, and took off one of your earphones with a huge beaming smile that he had missed.
“That’s so nice of you, sweetie...thank you, you didn’t have to,” you took the brim of the mug to your lips before you realised that it was too hot to drink and set them back down again. “But I wanted to. I need… I need to talk to you,” Namjoon stammered, leaning against the door frame, making random movements with his hands and it’s all suggesting that his terribly nervous. “Is everything alright?” You spin your chair to face him, lacing your fingers together, ready for everything he had to say. Genuine concerns splayed across your face, regarding your husband’s trouble, whatever it may be.
I’m horny. Namjoon mentally slapped himself knowing that you will not succumb that easily especially when he had been an ass himself, all this time. Namjoon used another approach, a psychological one; you, his wife who bore a golden soul with a kindred heart would never past a chance to help anybody. This time, it’s him.
“I’ve been hitting the slump, as of lately,” he hung his head low, bending his index finger on your table, slightly mulling his words while you listened to him intently, “I feel like I cannot write a decent verse. And I’m afraid that I can never do it again.” You reached for his hand, softly but brief caress, the kind that you give a not-so-close friends and it hits Namjoon like a truck because he knows you can give more than just that. You’re limiting your skinship.
“You’re six feet tall, you’re not afraid of anything!” you exclaimed. “I’m afraid of you, so that’s not entirely true,” Namjoon scoffs.
You gave him a bro-smack on the forearm and crumpled your face into a grin.
“Why don’t you take a walk or watch some movies, you’ll get them back. You worry too much, what did I tell you about doing that…” you squinted your eyes at him and resumed typing on your laptop, “Sometimes we just have to push through you know, maybe get some decent chilly air outside or maybe just have some good nachos, you know, get back to basics, like Christina Aguilera used to say…” you gave him a half-hearted advice, glancing at him once in a while. Namjoon shifts from one foot to another, pressing his lips together, looking like he was disappointed with what your answers were.
Usually, when he was uninspired, or tell you he was uninspired, you’d be all over him, taking care of his needs. Manly needs. To get the creative juices going.
But tonight, it was clear to him that he wasn’t going to get any. He pouts more now, than he ever did when he was younger. Defeated, Namjoon returns to his studio and sat in his chair, and did nothing. For 2 hours.
Maybe he needed a more ‘aggressive approach’. So he climbed into bed shirtless, while you continue type on the laptop, not paying him a grain of attention. At all. He moves to the side of the bed where your study table was, and he cleared his throat.
“I was thinking, that maybe we could grab coffee this sunday, in that little english cottage cafe we used to date in, it’s been awhile since we went there,” Namjoon rambled only to realise that you had your earphones on, in full blast. He chewed the insides of his mouth and wet his lips, looking away and clenching his eyes shut. I can’t give up now, Namjoon thought.
He taps your elbow with his index finger, lightly and he got your attention. You hummed and took off your earphones, turning to him.
“Can I have some water, please?” he asked, scratching his bare chest so your gaze drops to notice that he is deliciously shirtless and ready for love, but you passed him the mug without another word said, and he replied an emotionless, “Thank you.”
“No problem…” you puffed your cheeks and went on Google to do further research on the self-help article you were trying to write for your blog.
Before you put those earphones back on, and not wanting to lose your attentions, Namjoon sat up to lean against the headboard to say, “It’s really hot isn’t it?” Your glint at him and you frowned at the screen because of his words, “It’s literally -4 degree celsius right now, Joon. Are you having a fever?” You pressed your palm on his forehead and retracted them when you feel nothing abnormal, “Hmm no, you do not. Maybe some sleep will help.” Namjoon’s plan fails again. But he is not ready to give up just yet.
“Maybe you should join me, so I could sleep better…” he bit his lower lip, attempting to be sexy but you exhale through your nose with the crumple of your face, “Then you’d be a lot hotter than what you’re feeling right now because, thermal equilibrium, you know… plus, I have a tonne things to do. So if you can’t sleep, you can go back to your studio and maybe, work?”
“Nah, I’ll sleep,” he rejected. You begin to unplug your laptop and gathering several papers with you. Namjoon switched to his side and asked, “Where are you going?” “Do my work outside because you need the lights off, to sleep,” you answered, and flipped the switch off, passing him a cute ‘goodnight’ and leaving the bedroom door fully shut. Namjoon has two choices: either he comes clean about what he wanted tonight and risk the rejection, or he sleeps being absolutely restless. A lot of things had happened.
He could go days into listing what they were but tonight, you crossed one more line. “Not even a goodnight kiss,” he grumbled and threw the duvets away. Before shoving his head through a thick hoodie because it was very very cold. Even colder when your wife wouldn’t make love to you.
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Morning rises, Namjoon ran his arms down your side of the bed and see that it wasn’t messy as it should be if you’ve slept in it. When he walks down the hallway, he realises why. You had been sleeping on the couch, the whole night. Half-filled coffee mug on the floor, papers stacks on the left corner of the coffee table, and your laptop turning to black screen for inactivity. Namjoon wouldn’t dare to stir you awake but he was feeling very lonely. Despite living with you. It’s hard to manage micro distance, knowing you’re always on for a cuddling session, and now, you’re not anymore. Something flips in you.
Your alarm wakes you up, and have you jolted a little. You saw Namjoon standing there with both hands in his front hoodie pocket, wearing a maroon shorts. “You’re awake early,” you yawn, sitting on the chair, stretching and fetching your phone, first thing in the morning.
“Can we go out today? Together? Spend time...maybe?” Namjoon shrugs, voice still groggy from the deep sleep. You begin typing a message to reply to your friends, “Today? Sweetie I can’t, I made plans with my girls to have a spa day today… maybe next time, alright?” Not once you looked at him and you put a fist in front of your mouth as you yawned. You weren’t taking the conversation as serious as he was.
“I miss you…” he confessed, “so so much.” “I miss you too baby boy, but we can’t always have what we want,” you scrolled down your phone, mindlessly. “Can’t you do something about the spa day?” he persuaded.
“It’s been booked and paid in full,” you stood up and tied your hair up in a messy bun, “Look, my love, sometimes we have to learn to be apart. Have some space.” You stressed on the word ‘space’ and it hits Namjoon like a truck. And in your face, you were implying that it’s exactly what he taught. Unfortunately. You walked past him and disappear down the hall, your back growing smaller and smaller, the farther you get from him.
Right. Space.
You’re in the bathroom now, getting ready to leave the house again and Namjoon sat on the sofa, thinking of what he had done. For you to behave like this.
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A few weeks ago, Namjoon returns home from being away for months. He has five weeks off. But his five weeks off doesn’t mean that he won’t be working. It meant, he has five weeks to finish writing the lyrics of the last few songs that may be included in the album. But it was a difficult theme to begin with, and he had been returning home, stressed. You’ve been a great help in reducing it. Cooking his favourite meal, driving him to places, hiking, walking endlessly etc. But one day, he felt smothered.
Usually, he wasn’t bothered by it. He was used to having you around, sitting on his lap, searching on his laptop instead of yours because his is always up and running, ready for use. So when he was in the middle of writing, you walked in with a mouthful of cookie, pulling his chair back like you always do, and sat in his lap to search for ‘Adverse Event Following Immunisation’ or simply, AEFI, since you were watching a debate between pro-choice and pro-vaccines in the television. It was a rerun and all your married friends in the chat room was discussing it, because they had children, asking you for explanation. But you can’t explain something you don’t understand, can you? This will be a quick revision and it could have waited but Namjoon snapped.
“Can’t you search it on your phone or something?” Namjoon spat, leaning back in his chair and you replied, “I wanted to but my phone died.” “I was literally doing my work, babe,” he sounds dejected and it didn’t take a genius to tell. “I’m sorry, let me just have a quick read-through,” you retorted.
“Please get off my lap…” his voice died. And you get off immediately, but move your hand to the mouse trying to close the window that you’ve used. “It’s suffocating…” he added and your heart tugged. But he isn’t finished there, 
“What’s a guy gotta do, to get some space around here, geez.”
You clicked the close button quickly and swallowed a bitter gulp of saliva when it pools. You took his empty mug and smiled, “I’ll just get this refilled for you, hold on for a sec.” Trying to change the topic.
But he knows his words hurt you. That’s why he ran his palm down his face, with a sharp exhale through his nose and hand covering his mouth. Shortly after, he dashed out after you. And it all begin with a click of the door shut.
He saw you standing in the kitchen in front of the coffee machine, with the coffee not yet quite ready. Your butt sticking out while your head disappear in the freezer part of the fridge, on top. The cold air escaping on the sides then, you slammed it shut, after you fetch a popsicle. Namjoon couldn’t find a good word to say so he started with a soft call of your name and you hummed, cheerfully, as if he didn’t just hurt you. You’re a good pretender.
“I didn’t mean--” “--no, no, it’s okay. I totally understand you,” you smacked your lips together, licking the sweet and sour popsicle. Namjoon leans his elbow on the kitchen counter but you were standing by the sink, away from him. “You need space, I understand. I can be very smothering,” you gave him a lopsided smile, biting the top of the popsicle and chew the ice. “Work is very stressful, and sometimes we need to not be around people, I get that. It’s okay… go, go back to work, I’ll send you your coffee when it’s brewed, no worries…”
Weary of the seemingly positive response he had, Namjoon reassured that things were okay by asking, “We’re good, right?” You nodded, enthusiastically. But pays more attention to your popsicle than you do him. In your head you were already exercising a plan to leave him space, as he wanted. Or preferred. You admit it, you were too clingy. Too needy. So, you cut him off.
As he walked away, he couldn’t ignore the ominous feeling, lurking in his chest, spreading like wildfire, like something is about to go wrong. Very wrong.
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You put on your red beanie, cream long sleeves, with a grey cardigan and jeans, ready to leave. There’s honks outside and your friends were waiting already. You managed to pass a quick bye to Namjoon and dashed out the front door and Namjoon’s despair begins. He has to get you back. And he had no idea how to do that. This space was too much space. He had to make it clear of what he wants and he has to woo you again. Question is, how?
Namjoon interfered with your changes, first of all. The separate toothbrush holder, gone. Your toiletries mixed up with his, like it used to. He vacuumed the whole house while you’re gone and put an incense to set the mood. You might have already eaten outside when you’re out with your friends but you wouldn’t pass a good steak.
Yoongi came over with bags of groceries, and rang the door multiple times. As he walks in to Namjoon holding the door open, he grumbled, “What the fuck did you do this time?”
Because the last Yoongi had to come was when Namjoon put his red socks in the pool of your white blouses for laundry that you loved very much and tried to play dumb.
“You asked her for space, rudely?” Yoongi thundered, “I don’t know if my steak is going to save you this time, man. I wouldn’t have let you live.” “I know, I know… I learnt my lesson, that’s why I’ve gone to great lengths. I plan to have this dinner with her, and talk about how we met. I bought her the frozen yoghurts that she loves, the one we had when we started dating. Then I’ll wash the plates while she showers,” Namjoon briefly tell Yoongi the plan.
“Why would you be washing the plates? You should be dicking her down,” Yoongi scowled. “I know my girl… she likes watching me do chores, it turns her on. But she’s rarely home to watch me so tonight, I’ll make her sit and watch,” Namjoon bit his smile, wiggling in his chair watching Yoongi cook, a diabolical plan in his mind. “What time is she coming home?” Yoongi asked.
Namjoon smacked his lips, and, “About that… can you call her for me? She won’t answer my calls and comes up with stupid excuses on why she couldn’t.” Yoongi dials you up, and after only two rings, you answered, “Hey Yoongs!”
“Hey… I’ve been trying to reach Namjoon, but I couldn’t get through his phone, do you know where he is?” Yoongi lied, and Namjoon sitting very close to Yoongi, that their shoulders touch. “Joon? He’s home, all that I know of. I’m outside, but I’ll be home at around 8pm, to check on him, will that be okay though?” you sounded like you’re in a busy street, walking on the sidewalks. “Yeah, that’s alright. Where are you? Why is it so noisy?” Yoongi asked trying to pry your location.
After a pause, you answered, “At the mall, I’ve been here all day. Window shopping, didn’t want to disturb Namjoon working…”
Namjoon dropped his head and stood up straight. Whatever Yoongi said after that, didn’t register in his head. He was feeling beyond guilty. You didn’t have a spa booked today, you don’t have plans with your friends, at all. You were at the mall, doing nothing, so you could be giving him space. Yoongi ended the call and finished setting up.
“Fix it buddy, I know you can,” Yoongi slapped Namjoon’s back firmly once, “I’m off.” “Thanks, hyung…” Namjoon sent Yoongi down and split second after that, your car entered the parking lot. At 8pm, like you said. Namjoon watched you from behind the pillar, looking at you with sad and frightened eyes. You stepped outside the car and locked them before heading to the lobby where Namjoon was walking out from his hiding to reveal himself.
“Hey…” you sang melodically, “I think I know you.” You beamed at the sight of him and he passed you a broken smile, extending his arm out so you could hold them but you held his sleeves instead. He had to manually put your hand where it was supposed to be, walking into the elevator. His chest heaves up and down at the most skin contact he had all week.
“How was the spa?” Namjoon asked, already knowing the truth.
“Expensive,” you lied, before shrugging the cold away. Namjoon kept silent, knowing that you decide to tell him lies. He walks ahead of you and a relaxed stride but you softly called his name, and stopped his swing of step. Then he turns his face to the side at you. You stood there, tiny and vulnerable, like how remembered.
“I lied,” you confessed, “I went to the mall and strolled around aimlessly after my friends dropped me back to the house at noon. I didn’t want to come home because I know you need to work… I’m sorry I lied.”
Namjoon extended his hand again, waiting for you to take them.
He entered the house and held the door open to let his lady love enter. “Wow, this smells really good, is that steak?” you commented and took off your jacket, “You have the incense lit up, what’s the occasion?” “Winning you back?” Namjoon tilted his head and pulled out a chair, waiting for you to sit on them before he pushes your chair in, all chivalry. “Chivalry is not dead,” you gushed as he took the seat on your left. He can’t bear to sit on the opposite end of the table, wanting to be as close as possible with you.
“Yoongi cooked this, didn’t he?” you asked. “But the idea was mine,” Namjoon shoved a grilled potato in his mouth, munching with a smile.
“We hadn’t spend time together, and I haven’t catched up with you in forever,” Namjoon shrugs. “Well, there’s not much to talk about from my side...I was trying to get more things to be busy with, and it’s kind of hard when my universe is centred around you, you know…” you gingerly cut a piece of meat with forks and knife.
Namjoon goes on talking about his friends at the office, and you returned with the similar situation with your family and friends. He learned that you attended an art workshop without him, and also got your laptop fixed while simultaneous working on an article on a rented laptop.
“It was rented… you didn’t notice?” you exclaimed with a huge smile. “It looks exactly like the one I got you!” he shot as loud.
“It was full of scratches, I would never let anything scratch my beloved laptop, not after all the services it had done for me,” you swirled the apple juice in your wine glass, taking a sip, while looking at Namjoon through your lashes. He rubs his hands together before he remembers he has desserts in the fridge with a small, “Oh!”
“Mango flavoured frozen yoghurts, for dessert,” Namjoon placed one cup on the table for you as he cleared the used dishes away and have it piled in the sink. You clean up your food really well. Maybe you didn’t have dinner after all.
“The same brand we got back when we’re dating?” You asked. “The very brand…” Namjoon confirmed. “They don’t sell these in the mart anywhere nearby, anymore,” you twisted your face while inhaling the mango yoghurt, pretty quickly for someone who had just eaten a plate of steak. “There is one small market down the west side,” Namjoon leans back, and took time with his cup.
“I like this flavour, reminds me of you,” you suddenly say. “Why is that?” Namjoon licked his lips, smiling at you, pressing his dimples. “Our first kiss tastes like mango,” casting your eyes down to your final spoon of yoghurt, you avoided Namjoon’s sultry gaze successfully. “If we kiss now, it’ll taste like mango,” he suggested but you just smiled and pushed the empty cup to him.
“I think,” you exhaled, “I’m going to shower after doing the dishes.” “No, I’m doing the dishes,” Namjoon passed his yoghurt, “I couldn’t finish mine, can you do the honor?” “You didn’t eat much of it at all!” Your eyes followed him to the kitchen. He chuckles but now has positioned himself by the sink, already washing off the first layer of grease on the plates, which weren’t many.
He hoped you still sit there, watching.
“You’re still there right?” he asked. “Yup…” your voice is muffled but it made him smile.
“The reason why I prepared this dinner is because I’ve been thinking about our conversations, regarding....space; that we had a couple of weeks ago?” he gave you his back, but you heard every word, clearly. “Yeah,” you felt the tension rising already. “I realised pretty much, immediately, how tactless my words were and even though I try to make sure everything is okay, by blatantly asking about them,” he pauses, and resumed after a deep inhale, “I know it’s not. I know you’re not.”
You hummed back, an indication that he has your attention.
“So this is me, fixing the shitty thing I did…” he sets one plate on the dish rack to dry, washing the other one now.
“I honestly feel that it’s truly understandable, that you need your space and I’ve been spoilt by you all these years, into walking in without permission, so I think it’s fair that I got called out the way I did. And I agree that I was too clingy, or needy…” So I gave you the taste of your own words, you thought.
“You set boundaries, and I understood that,” you added. “I didn’t mean putting your toothbrush in a separate holder; I didn’t mean you slipping in past midnight without telling me where you went; and I certainly didn’t mean for you to leave me in bed alone and left my calls unanswered. I needed space, but this was too much space,” he softens.
“I’m sorry, I was wrong,” you spat. “I didn’t plan for this dinner date, after so long, to result in another fight,” he turns around after the last dish set on the racks and wiped his hands dry with a cloth. Then he gives you, his back, to rearrange the chopping board back to where it was, the spatulas, the thongs, cleaning up after Yoongi’s stellar performance today. He made a mental note that he has to thank him later. He resumes,
“Through all these years that we’ve spent, we learn more and more things about one another. I love that we understand despite what’s not being said, and sometimes, even better than what we’ve verbally spoke of. I noticed that, I tend to be harsh in the way I put things. As how Taehyung would remind me. Shifting from being a leader at work, deciding and micro-managing pretty much everything, I admit that sometimes, I bring that attitude back home. On you. I realised that especially for you, I have to be careful on how I say it and when I say it. I’m still working on it. We don’t spend much time together to see how much I’ve progressed, and the times we already have wasted, because of what I said when I’m piled with work, certainly didn’t make things better…” He added a bitter chuckle.
He collects the cutleries and have it dried on a cloth, he turns the dish conditioner rack on for the night and then kept the peppers and salt on the top rack.
“I mean it, when I say I missed you, I miss us,” he murmurs to his chest, he looks up to see your eyes brimming with tears.
Your lips quivering, as a steady trail of tears fell down your cheek and settled on your chin before it pooled, and dropped to your lap when its weight was too much to bear. You roughly wiped it away with the back of sleeves, turning your face to the side.
“You don’t know what it’s like, having to be apart from someone you love, and be expected to wait in vain, no matter how long it takes, no matter how far; you just have to be fine,” your voice trembles as you spoke.
Namjoon didn’t interfere you and he stood there, listening. “I have this much time with my husband, just this much, before he has to go again, and I wanted to be as close as I can, with him…” you held your breath and resumed, “your words struck me at the wrong place, at the wrong time,” You wiped your tears away, harshly again. It just keeps falling doesn’t it? You felt pathetic.
Namjoon charges forward to you, and knelt next to your dining chair where you were seated. He gathered your hand but you needed them to cover your face so he covered both of his palm on your knees, instead. He looks at you with those doe eyes, pleading you for forgiveness.
“I did you wrong, didn’t I?” Namjoon purred, trying to look at your face, but you kept hiding it from view. “Fuck yeah you did,” you cussed, pressing the heel of your palms into the sockets of your eyes.
He rubs your clothed thigh, up and down, brushing his lips on your knee, pressing kisses on them. The only thing accessible for him right now.
“You think it didn’t hurt me? Having to stay away from you? But I had to persevere… because I had to, because you didn’t want me there,” you spoke through muffled cries. “I want you always,” Namjoon corrected you, “I do. I lashed out on you, like that. That wasn’t a healthy way of handling it.” “Namjoon, we need a code. Like, a way of saying ‘I need space’,” you started to gather your thoughts.
You put your hands in his, sniffing, and tipping your eyes up, in thoughts. Your face is red and flushed, your tear-stained cheeks, to Namjoon, you looked beautiful. Effortlessly stunning. For his eyes only. Your lashes are wet, nose turning pink, lips puffy and soft. Your voice was nasal, and you’re having hiccups. It was a painful sight, but adorable. Adorably painful. Namjoon didn’t want to ever see it again.
“We need to think of something that isn’t too strong because I have a weak heart,” you had trouble swallowing and breathing, post-crying, but it didn’t stop you from revising a good word to use, instead of ‘smothering’.
Namjoon pulled both of your knuckles and kissed each one of them, tenderly. He gave you a hug and you cried more. This was all you ever wanted. Your face in his nape, him nuzzling his nose on your shoulder. Namjoon clenches his eyes, twitching his face like he was scolding himself mentally.
“Can I please kiss you?” Namjoon whispered to your ears, feeling you pull away from the hug. “Hurry the hell up, what are you doing,” you scolded him.
He lands his lips on yours, kneading his flesh against your warm and soft ones, nibbling on the lower half, and tipping your chin up when you’re moving downwards. He lifts your arms to rest on either side of his shoulder, and you circled your arms around him in response. He switches to the other side, clashing noses with you, sucking your soul as gently as he can afford to.
You come into habit of lightly scratching his scalp with your nails when you kiss, tugging his hair once in a while, and it feels good. He would moan into your mouth at every tug, growing bolder with his tongue, biting gently, the way he remembers you like.
He lifts you from the chair without breaking the kiss, and you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist as he expertly maneuvered his way to the bedroom. The door is kicked shut behind him.
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“And this is the baby shoes…” he showed you on camera. “And what are those for?” you teased him.
“Uhhh, I just thought it was cute, so I bought it,” Namjoon answered. “Funny, because I just bought baby socks,” you fall to your side on the bed, and took them out from the drawer to show him.
Namjoon gasped out loud, cutely. Then the camera pans to him smiling, till his eyes turns into a pair of crescents. He set his phone on the work desk of his office, where you could see and hear him typing. His eyes tipped up to the screen, looking very busy.
“Are we initiating ‘cave mode’ now?” you asked, crawling into the thick duvet. Namjoon’s side of the bed, empty. “No!” he exclaimed, “Not yet. Please. Cave mode is dreadful… I hate it,” Namjoon panics and then sombers down. You could see from the way his shoulders dropped and immediately stopped typing. “But you need it…” you sang, smiling teasingly at the screen.
He pouts. Here we go. It seems like the last time the word Space was used, traumatized him, so to speak. Or he is just being cute.
“You know you can’t miss me if I’m with you…” you coaxed him, “And your kisses are sexier when it has been awhile.”
He inhales deeply through his nose, and exhaling, “Fine.”
“NASA mode?” NASA mode.”
Video calls end. Jungkook walks in just in time to hear the ending of that call.
‘What’s the difference between cave and NASA mode?” “Cave is when I need space, NASA is when she needs space. You know, like Ariana Grande’s song, NASA?”
Namjoon started singing an off-pitch version of that song, doing the little dance in his swiveling chair, amusing Jungkook. Yes, his hyung has this cute side to him, too.
♫ Give you the whole world, I'ma need space I’ma need space, I'ma, I'ma need You know I'm a star; space, I'ma need space I'ma need space, I'ma, I'ma need space (N-A-S-A) ♫
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wildroseofarran · 5 years
Moving Day || Tristan, Meg, & Jeremiah
Tristan: It had been nearly two weeks since Tristan's meeting with Jeremiah and a full week of Ronan telling him several times a day that he needed to get in touch with him so he could get laid.
Tristan didn't plan on doing that any time soon, but he did need to get in touch with Jeremiah. Especially once his mother had told him that she'd found a couple of potential places for Jeremiah to live.
{Text to Sunshine Man} Hey Sunshine Man :)
Jeremiah: Jeremiah smiled at the sight of the message. That must mean an apartment has been found, right?! Dobby will soon be a free elf!
Tristan: Oh, god. He'd forgotten how quickly and easily this man could get a smile out of him.
{Text} I'm doing good!
{Text} You?
Jeremiah: {Text} Good!
He sent a picture of himself in a bright yellow hoodie, hugging a boxset of Batman: The Animated Series
{Text} I've clearly been VERY busy!! How's your 1000 injuries?
Tristan: Tristan chuckled.
{Text} They've mostly healed. Got some new scars to add to my collection.
{Text} Too busy to have breakfast with my mama and find a new place to live?
Jeremiah: {Text} That's good!!!
{Text} I sent that message too quickly before I finished reading what you wrote It isn't good that you're gonna have scars im sorry
{Text} Unless you think it's a good thing in which case it's totally a good thing and I take back what I said!!!
{Text} But if you think it's a bad thing I'm sorry.
{Text} You shouldn't think it's a bad thing though Im sure they look great and that you'll make peace with them!
{Text} Unless they ruin your self-esteem in which case I'll help you look into ways of removing scars, if that's what you want. In which case that's okay.
{Text} Tristan: Tristan's face already hurt, this was ridiculous. Completely ridiculous. He was far too old to be having this kind of reaction to a happy man being himself.
{Text} I'm just fine with my scars, sunshine man, your reaction is fine
{Text} How about tomorrow? I can come pick you up around 9 and we can go to the bakery
Jeremiah: {Text} 9? am? That still exists? They haven't cancelled that yet?
{Text} I'll do my best O Captain, My Captain! See you then! : D
Tristan: {Text} We could make it 9:30 if 9 is too early? Or 10 even
Jeremiah: {Text} NOW I FEEL BAD
{Text} Please make it for 10 my body would appreciate it...
Tristan: He laughed.
{Text} 10 it is XD
{Text} See you tomorrow!
Jeremiah: {Text} Thanks!!! See ya. Take care!
He should probably... go to sleep right now...
Tristan: After texting Jeremiah, Tristan called his mom and told her they'd meet her at the bakery tomorrow at ten and to save them a table if she got there first.
The next morning at 9:50, he was knocking at Jeremiah's door.
Jeremiah: Tristan would hear gasping.
"You're EARLY!!"
Tristan: "It's ten!" Tristan laughed.
Jeremiah: "Ten TO ten!" and now for frantic attempts of dressing and drying after spending forty minutes singing in the shower.
Tristan: "Close enough! Sorry, I tried really hard to be late."
Jeremiah: "You didn't try HARD ENOUGH. You have a BOAT, you could've been HOURS late!"
Tristan: "I didn't sail here!" he chuckled. "I drove. And being hours late would've been rude."
Jeremiah: He opens the door, adjusting the collar around his neck. Why is it so - oh. His shirt is on backwards. He'll just... slowly... close the door and fix that...
Tristan: Jeremiah would be greeted with a grin that slowly became a laugh as the door closed.
Jeremiah: Okay! The door swung open again to reveal Jeremiah and his wide smile.
Tristan: Tristan smiled back. "Well good morning, sunshine man. Ready for food?"
Jeremiah: "Pff. Always." He checks he has everything and then steps forward to shut the door behind him.
Tristan: "Then follow me." Tristan led them back downstairs and out to his truck.
"It doesn't smell like fish, promise," he said as he opened the door for Jeremiah.
Jeremiah: "I'll be the judge of that, sir." he replies as he gets into the truck. He looks around, inspecting everything, especially what was or wasn't hung over the rear-view mirror.
Tristan: "It's clean!" He closed the door and made his way around the truck.
Which it was. He'd taken extra care to make sure his truck was clean in preparation for today, and had even hung an air freshener from his rearview mirror along with the various bits of sea glass and seashells that were already there.
Jeremiah: "Hey I've got a question." he says when Tristan joins him in the truck. "Why can people hear the ocean in seashells? What's that about?"
Tristan: "It's not really the ocean," Tristan said as he pulled onto the road. "It's the ambient noise resonating inside the walls of the shell. The pitch of the sound depends on the size of the shell, how much air is in it, that kinda thing. But, boring facts aside, that resonating happens to sound like waves crashing on a shore."
Jeremiah: "Hey! That's so not boring." He got comfortable in the seat, looking at the other. "Pretty cool, and sad. People think they're hearing something... big and open but they're really just hearing a small little shell. It's like... the illusion of freedom."
Tristan: "I think it's just this very human need to inject wonder into our everyday lives. It's sad if that's the only source of wonder in someone's life, though."
Jeremiah: Hmm...
"I think that's good. The injecting wonder into the mundane part. Like, there's nothing wrong in being amazed by everything. Look at this truck! How awesome is it that all you have to do is push your feet and move your arms and this super heavy piece of machinery does what you tell it to?! And how cool is it that your phone is literally just wires and electricity and you can TALK TO PEOPLE INSTANTLY?!"
Tristan: No one on earth would be short of wonder in their lives with Jeremiah around. His sense of wonder was healthy enough for ten people.
"You're absolutely right. We're literally living in the future we imagined as children. We've got electric cars and VR videogames and huge, colorful cities, and bullet trains and AI."
Jeremiah: "And yet we STILL haven't found a way to keep boats from tipping over when waves are a bit big!"
Tristan: "Ah well, Mother Nature can't be contained with technology."
Jeremiah: "What about with hover boats?"
Tristan: “Those defy physics.”
Jeremiah: "In WHAT WORLD?"
Tristan: “In this one,” he chuckled. “Mother Nature doesn’t keep you on the ground, gravity does.”
Jeremiah: "Listen. The more you learn about science, the less you know and understand. The possibilities are endless. Hover boats will totally be a thing one day!"
Tristan: “They kind of are. Don’t know if they actually hover but they’re called hover boats.”
Jeremiah: LOUD GASP.
Tristan: “I’d have nowhere to put it! Or any use for it for that matter.”
Tristan: "I already have a ship and a car!" he laughed. "Got land and water travel covered."
Jeremiah: "What about air travel, Tristan? What. About. That?!"
Tristan: “Plane.”
Jeremiah: "And DO you have a plane?!"
Tristan: “No, but it’s super easy to get a plane ticket whenever I need to fly somewhere, which is almost never.”
Jeremiah: "That's not the same. Soz, dude."
Tristan: Tristan laughed. “Be that as it may, I don’t think the hover boats we currently have actually fly. I think they float like...an inch off the ground?”
Jeremiah: "Huh. I wonder how much power it takes just to float an inch above the ground. They should make salt-water fueled boats and wind-powered airplanes. That just makes SENSE."
Tristan: “It does. But the people in charge rarely do things that make sense.”
Jeremiah: Jeremiah gasped, "Don't talk about the people in charge!" He whispered, "They're probably listening right now!"
Tristan: “You’re right,” Tristan whispered back. Then, at normal volume, “I mean of course they made the right decisions! And so smart too!”
Tristan: “Right? I feel so safe all the time!”
Jeremiah: "I don't know about you, but I never ever cover my laptop webcam with tape because of how safe I feel. Also Black Mirror should be cancelled."
Tristan: “Well of course not, there’s definitely not some random FBI dude watching our every move. Completely insane. Black Mirror is trash TV.”
He was trying his best not to laugh as he parked in front of the bakery.
Jeremiah: Jeremiah grinned tapped his index to his lips. Yep! Keep it shtum!
He stretched when the car parked and went to open the car door. "Is she already here?"
Tristan: “Um....” Tristan got out and looked around for his mom’s little convertible. “No, not yet. Let’s grab a table. Inside or out?”
Jeremiah: "Uhhhhh INSIDE 'cause otherwise you have to deal with flies!"
Tristan: “Inside it is,” he said with a grin.
The door was held open for Jeremiah.
Jeremiah: "Damn, you really know how to treat a lady!" His smile matched Tristan's as he entered and looked around.
Tristan: “I try my best. Hey, Laura!” he called to the woman behind the counter.
“Hi! I’m out of blueberry muffins, you have to wait for the next batch.”
“And my mama says she knows me better than I know myself.”
Laura chuckled. “Your mama stopped feeding you breakfast every day. Sit, I’ll bring you some coffee.”
“Coffee and...” Tristan turned to Jeremiah. “What would you like to drink?”
Jeremiah: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Tristan is a blueberry muffin man!! Muffins must look so small in his big beefy fisherman hands.
"A STRAWBERRY MILKSHA- I mean. Coffee. Pfft. I'm an adult. Coffee. Tea. Water. Taxes. I'm-" gonna go sit down now.
Tristan: Laura's face was a mixture of confusion, amusement of delight as she looked to Tristan for some clarification.
"Two coffees and a glass of orange juice," he said, following Jeremiah to the table.
Jeremiah: .............. Dammit Jeremiah doesn't LIKE coffee!
"So excited about my coffee." he sat down and folded and refolded the napkin. "So - such a - coffee. Caffeine.  Because I don't have enough energy naturally."
Tristan: Tristan just grinned and watched Jeremiah be flustered for a little bit.
"Coffee's for my mama. Ordered you juice."
Jeremiah: "... Oh. Cool. Cool, cool, cool. Thanks." he pushed the napkin aside. "I lied, I don't like coffee and I'm not an adult, I'm sorry."
Tristan: "No problem. I don't think I count as an adult either so don't even worry about it."
Jeremiah: "Really?! Do you watch cartoons?"
Tristan: "Old ones, yeah. Looney Tunes, Yogi, that kinda thing."
Jeremiah: "Awwww that's cute. Little blueberry muffin man."
Tristan: "Wait, what?" he chuckled. "Little blueberry muffin man?"
Jeremiah: "Yeah! Didn't that individual over there say you're basically addicted to blueberry muffins?"
Tristan: "Addicted is a strong word. I just have one a minimum of three times a week and prefer them over all other muffins."
Jeremiah: "That's just what an addict would say!" Jeremiah placed a hand on Tristan's, "It's okay. We'll get you help."
Tristan: He laughed. "Just wait until you see these muffins, you'll understand completely."
That was the sight Meg walked in on. Her son's happy, laughing face as a handsome man she didn't recognize touched his hand.
Could this be...?
"Oh, hey, Meg!"
Laura's voice turned her attention away at the same moment it drew Tristan's away from his companion.
"Hey, ma!"
Jeremiah: Jeremiah looked up, standing with a smile.
"Hi!" he waved, "I'm Jeremiah, the homeless guy."
Tristan: Oh, goodness, there was a lot to process here. Focus, Megan, she told herself.
"Hello, Laura! And hello to the two of you!"
She approached the table and held out a hand to Jeremiah. "I'm Meg, the fisherman's mama. And I'd say you're far from homeless, the Wayside is lovely. Lovely but not a permanent home." She sat in the chair Tristan pulled out for her and kissed his cheek in greeting.
Jeremiah: Jeremiah hesitated but didn't want to be rude. He'll just ignore the visions. He can do it!!! He took her hand and shook it, smiling widely at them both.
"Awwww." He said to the little kiss, "I won't say that I'm jealous out loud but just know that I totally am. Parent kisses are the best kisses." He returned to his seat. "Did you have to travel far to get here?"
Tristan: Meg smiled. "Well all of Tristan's friends have called me mama for as long as I can remember so if the spirit moves you, go on and do the same." She shook her head. "Not at all, my house isn't too far off the square. Ya'll been waiting long?"
Tristan shook his head. "Nope, just got here a little while ago. Ordered you coffee. Here it comes now."
"Aw, thank you, baby. And thank you, Laura."
"No problem!" Laura set down two mugs of coffee and a giant glass of orange juice for Jeremiah. "What are ya'll having this morning?"
Jeremiah: Mama?? Jeremiah probably took that a little too to heart. He had never had a mother. He wondered what it was like.
"Thank you!!! Do you do waffles?!" The deep train of thought came to an abrupt stop at the thought of food.
Tristan: Laura grinned. "Yes, we do, and let me tell you I fought hard for them to be on the menu. We do them topped with powdered sugar and your choice of fruit."
Jeremiah: "Well then you're an ANGEL and I choose strawberries and you're the ruler of all the land. Also this orange juice is the best thing I've ever had and I haven't even tasted it yet, I just know."
Tristan: Watching Laura's reaction was like a flashback to watching Elsie's. Her face lit up and her cheeks colored ever so faintly.
"Goodness! You just made my whole entire week!" she chuckled. "You're getting a whole heap of strawberries." She turned to Tristan. "Your weight in blueberry muffins for you." Not a question, a statement that went uncontested by Tristan. "And for you, Meg?"
"Give me one of the cheese souffles."
"All rightie, will do. Back in a sec."
Jeremiah: "A cheese soufflé?? That's a thing?" Whispered to Meg, as if it was a secret.
Tristan: She nodded. "Not just a cheese souffle. A four cheese souffle."
Jeremiah: Jeremiah gasped. "People who are lactose intolerant must seriously hate it."
Tristan: "They really must. It's a shame, really. They're missing out."
Jeremiah: "I bet it's delicious. I hope you enjoy it!"
Tristan: "You should try it sometime! They make one with spinach, too."
Jeremiah: "I will! Will you come back here with me so I can? Wouldn't feel right without you. It would be like... if there was a bunch of leaves everywhere but no trees. Just wrong. And kinda scary."
Tristan: Another one bites the dust, Tristan thought, smiling as he watched his mother be utterly charmed by Jeremiah. The sunshine man had a real talent for that.
"Aren't you the sweetest? Where on earth did Tristan find you? All his friends are salty sailors."
Jeremiah: "It was my birthday so I was having a birthday meal and Tristan got sat next to me and told me happy birthday and I said 'you too' and then died and came back to life."
Tristan: Meg laughed, not unkindly. "Well it's good someone finally said it to him. He forgets it every other year."
Jeremiah: "FORGETS his birthday?" He looked at Tristan incredulously.
Tristan: Tristan squinted at his mother before saying, "I'm a busy man! Days start to blur when you have to get up before the asscrack of dawn every day."
Jeremiah: "When is it??" He brought out his phone so that he could make a note in his calendar.
Tristan: “March fifteenth,” said Tristan. “I get all the Caesar jokes.”
Jeremiah: "Wait... we met on February 28th... and it's been... so your birthday is..." He counts on his fingers.
Tristan: “In a couple of days,” Meg supplied.
Jeremiah: "OH MY - WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO FOR IT?! Or, y'know. What are you gonna do for it? I totally don't expect to be invited if you do something, even though I would definitely day yes, but you gotta do something!"
Tristan: Meg chuckled and looked at her son. “Go on, Tristan. Tell him what you’re gonna do for your birthday.”
Jeremiah: The light in Jeremiah's eyes died. He picked up his orange juice and leaned back in his seat, sipping and judging Tristan at the same time.
Tristan: “Aw, come on now. Tourist season is upon us, people are placing bigger orders.”
Jeremiah: "Theeeeeen let me help! One more person would make the whole thing quicker, right? We can do it, you can get off work earlier and celebrate without missing out!"
Tristan: “I can’t ask you to work for me on my birthday.”
“Just bother him until he takes the day off,” Meg offered. “He gets real annoyed if you send him multiple texts in a row.”
Jeremiah: Jeremiah laughed, "What?! I always send like a thousand in one go! I must seriously piss you off. Oops - sorry!" He covered his mouth, looking at Meg. "Ironic that I have the sailor mouth, huh?"
Tristan: “Oh honey, you’re fine, I’ve heard worse. The kind of texts I’m talking about aren’t multiple helpful texts.” She smiled at her son’s glare. “They’re the kind where you send one for every word in a sentence.”
Jeremiah: "I mean... I definitely do that. Do you hate me, Tristan?!" He gasped. "You should take the day off work on your birthday to decide whether or not you hate me. The fishes will still be there the next day."
Tristan: Tristan shook her head. “Nope. You’re nowhere near her level. She’s an English major, she finds the most complicated way to structure a sentence and then goes and sends me texts that only have a comma. She’ll break you.”
Jeremiah: Jeremiah grinned. "Please do it to me!"
Tristan: “Look what you did, Megan.”
Meg burst out laughing.
Jeremiah: Fear and confusion flashed over Jeremiah's face. He was ready to clear the table so that her swing wouldn't knock anything other... but she... laughed...
White people... are wild...
"Did y- did- uh-" he's broken.
Tristan: “Mama has a troll sense of humor, forgive her.”
“I hang around college students all day, blame them.” She smiled at Jeremiah. “I would love to send you whole sentences in individual texts. I also still say you should talk Tristan into taking his birthday off.”
Jeremiah: He leaned across the table and whispered to her, "Do you think I have that kind of power? With great power comes great responsibility..."
Tristan: She nodded. “I really think you do. I believe in you.” Look how much you already make him smile and laugh, she added in her head.
Jeremiah: He hummed and leaned back.
"Sir Tristan! I now declare you not working on your birthday!" He grabs a napkin and pretends to bang it on the table. "COURT ADJOURNED!"
Tristan: Tristan gave a good-natured chuckle. He should’ve known her mom would take to Jeremiah enough to gleefully enter into cahoots with him.
“What if I take a half day?”
Jeremiah: "Then I'll work with you. Is that what you want? Really? I'll end up making friends with the fish or feeling bad for them and sending them back in the water. You might as well take the whole day."
Tristan: "A couple of hours early in the morning then. I have traps I need to bait and check."
Jeremiah: "Can't the dude you work with do it?"
Tristan: "I'm the one with the ship."
Jeremiah: "What's the worst that could happen if you didn't work at all?"
Tristan: "Well..." Okay, you got him there.
Jeremiah: Jeremiah slyly offered his hand down the side of the table for Meg to give him a low high five.
Tristan: She grinned and high-fived him as Laura came over with their breakfast.
"Here we go. Waffle with strawberries, blueberry muffin, and four cheese souffle. Ya'll need anything else?"
Jeremiah: "Yaaaaaay!" He made room for everyone's food. "WAIT! You gotta put a candle in the muffin, it's almost Tristan's birthday!"
Tristan: "Aww, did he actually remember this year?"
Jeremiah: "Yep! He even got the day off."
Tristan: "Well how about that! I'd say that earns him a candle. Any preference?" she asked Tristan.
"Surprise me." Might as well lean into it.
"Will do."
Jeremiah: "Yaaaaaaay..." Jeremiah quietly cheered, clapping a little.
Tristan: Tristan smiled. "Proud of yourself?"
Jeremiah: "VERY."
Tristan: Tristan and Meg both laughed. "At least there's that."
Laura returned with a candle shaped like a mermaid tail. "Felt appropriate," she said, sticking it in the muffin and lighting it with a lighter she'd also brought with her. "Make a wish and blow it out."
Jeremiah: Ooooh, yeeeees! Jeremiah clapped more. A wiiiiiish! Yaaaay!
Tristan: Tristan thought for a moment and blew out the candle, while Meg and Laura joined Jeremiah in his quiet applause.
"Did you make it a good one?" Meg asked.
"Tried to. We'll see if it comes true."
Jeremiah: "WHAT WAS IT?! Wait don't tell me!" He covered his ears.
Tristan: He laughed. "You wouldn't wanna hear it anyway, it's boring."
Jeremiah: "Is it about fish?"
Tristan: "Nope, not about fish."
Jeremiah: "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm weather? More muffins?!"
Tristan: "You told me not to tell!" he chuckled.
Jeremiah: Dammit!
"I WAS JUST TESTING YOU." nice save. Now eat your waffle, Jer.
Tristan: "Uh huh, sure." He grinned as he took a giant bite of muffin and proceeded to sigh happily.
Jeremiah: He tucks in, making a similar noise of pleasure.
"Laura you're the best!!"
Tristan: "Thanks, honey!" Laura called from the counter.
Jeremiah: He gave a thumbs up in her general direction before continuing to chow down.
"Oh! I almost forgot. Literally the reason we're here. You think you've found me a place?"
Tristan: "Oh! Yes." Meg nodded and set her fork down for a moment. "I have a few potentials, one of which I strongly advise against unless you're willing to take the risk. Charlie Brandt, the owner of O'Charlie's bar, has a little 'apartment' above his garage that he's renting."
Tristan immediately shook his head. "No, not there."
Meg nodded, that's the one I was going to advise against."
Jeremiah: "... Why not there? Who's Charlie Brandt, the owner of O'Charlie's bar?"
Tristan: "Let's just say it's the grossest and shadiest bar in Edenton. Charlie himself isn't that much better."
Jeremiah: "... It's uh- it's gonna be a hard pass on that one, Meg. What else ya got?"
Tristan: She nodded. "I figured. Another possibility is renting one of the smaller cabins that are scattered around here. The man who owns them all isn't that fussy, he just cares that your rent is paid on time."
Jeremiah: "Where are they?"
Tristan: "Scattered near the coast and around the woods," said Tristan.
Jeremiah: "Like a dead body?" He whispered.
Tristan: "I promise there are no dead bodies, sunshine man. Just pretty, peaceful cabins in your choice of scenery."
Jeremiah: "A cabin. In the woods. There's LITERALLY THOUSANDS OF HORROR MOVIES ABOUT THAT!"
Tristan: "They're not murdery, they're nice. Lots of people rent all year, plenty of people nearby."
Jeremiah: "... What's the other option?"
Tristan: "Third option is an apartment. There's a complex of outdoor apartments that might work.  But honestly, I'd go for one of the cabins. One of the ones near the beach if you don't like the woods. They a little bigger and more private. But of course, the choice is yours."
Jeremiah: "Oooh a beach! That could be cool?" He was looking to Tristan for approval.
Tristan: "I'd go for that, too. Mind you the ones I've seen aren't right on the beach. Ultimately, price is the deciding factor."
"Price wise Charlie wins by a longshot," said Meg. "But once again, no offense to Charlie, I don't think that's a good idea."
Jeremiah: "... Oh." Uh... "I don't really have... that much."
Tristan: "In that case, I have another potential. One I was only going to bring up if I liked you, which I do."
Jeremiah: "Awww, yay! What is it?"
Tristan: Meg smiled. "I have a spare room I've been thinking about renting. I don't have any pets, I don't smoke, my neighborhood is friendly, quiet, and nice. I tend to stay up late to grade papers but my home office is in my garage which I converted years ago so the light and noise doesn't reach the bedrooms. If you feel comfortable--and feel free to think about it--you are welcome to rent the spare room."
Jeremiah: "Wh..." He blinked. "I mean I - for now at least I can't pay you by card, and..." He scratched his head, "would you be okay with that?" Asked to both Tristan and Meg.
Tristan: "Card or cash doesn't matter to me. I'd actually prefer cash, cards annoy me. And I'd be willing to discount your rent if you agree to mow the lawn. Those are my terms."
Jeremiah: .... Tristan???? This offer is sounding really good???? Are you okay with this???
Tristan: Tristan simply smiled. He wasn't even surprised; this was exactly the type of thing his mother had done all his life. Probably all her life.
All he said was, "Her yard isn't too big, it's a good deal. And there's always cookies in the cookie jar."
Jeremiah: "YOU HAD ME AT COOKIES. I'd love to! I swear I'll be SUPER clean! Thank you so much!"
Tristan: Meg laughed. "All right, good. I was serious about the lawn thing. I will discount your rent to avoid ever touching the lawn mower again."
Jeremiah: "I'm crazy clums- I mean. I'm epic at mowing. I promise you won't regret this! Yay! Thank you!"
Tristan: "I believe in you, sunshine man," Tristan said with a smile.
"I do, too."
Jeremiah: 'Awww. Gonna make me blush."
Tristan: "It's a risk we're going to have to take." Meg finished off her coffee just as Laura swept by with another. "Just let me know when you wanna come see it and then move in."
Jeremiah: "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh now? Wait, this isn't like a Get Out kinda situation, is it?"
Tristan: "Sure, we can do it today," she chuckled. "What's Get Out?"
Jeremiah: "You haven't seen Get Out?!"
Tristan: "Name doesn't ring a bell."
Jeremiah: "Guess when we're living together we're gonna have to have loads of movie nights, huh? And Tristan can come! Have you seen Get Out?"
Tristan: "No, but I can tell you now you're neeeever gonna get her to watch it. Megan don't do horror movies."
"It's a horror movie!?"
Tristan smiled and gestured as if to say 'see?'.
Jeremiah: "ACTUALLY according to the Oscars or whatever some people think it's a comedy so you're okay!"
Tristan: Meg squinted. "But is it really a comedy?"
Jeremiah: "To... some people. Some parts. Kinda."
Tristan: "I'm gonna have to disappoint you, honey. Can't do it."
Jeremiah: "Even if Tristan holds your hand?!"
Tristan: "Tristan thinks it's hilarious to see me suffer during horror movies."
Jeremiah: Jeremiah gasped.
"Bad son!" He threw a napkin at him. "Actually I need that--" he's gonna have to reach over and get it. Waffles get messy.
Tristan: "I do not think it's hilarious to see her suffer," he chuckled, offering Jeremiah a clean napkin. "I just think it's funny when teeny little things make her jump."
Jeremiah: He took the napkin and shook his head. "I'll protect you, Meg!"
Tristan: “I couldn’t even watch those parody versions of scary movies. But I will give it exactly one try. And I reserve the right to go hide in my room.”
Jeremiah: "... We also have to have ice cream with us."
Tristan: “Oh there’s always ice cream in my house.”
Jeremiah: "We're gonna be best friends, Meg."
Tristan: "I rather think we are. Oh, almost forgot. My house pretty much doubles as a library at this point so you're free to borrow any and all of my books."
Jeremiah: "What kind of stuff do you read?"
Tristan: "Biographies, poetry, sci-fi, classics, plays, you name it."
"And, get ready for the ironic twist of the century," Tristan deadpanned around a bite of muffin. "She has a dedicated section of horror novels."
Jeremiah: Jeremiah laughed, "Aweeeesome! I'm super into philosophy and science and comic books! Do you read any comics? Oh! What's your favorite horror book and did you see the movie for it if it had one??"
Tristan: "Frankenstein, and yes, I've seen nearly all the adaptations of it. I've also read a number of graphic novels, but not really comics like the ones Tristan read when he was younger. I don't share the public's infatuation with superheroes."
Jeremiah: "Ooooooh shit. Oops, sorry!" Bad, Jer! Bad! "You don't?? You know I'm a superhero?"
Tristan: "You're fine," Meg chuckled, leaning back in her seat with her coffee now that she'd finished her souffle. She really was having a lovely time, and was so far pleased with her decision to bring up her spare room for rent.
There was always a chance it wouldn't work out, of course, but she doubted it wouldn't. Jeremiah seemed like a truly lovely man to know.
"Really, a superhero? What powers and qualifications do you possess?"
Jeremiah: "It's a secret... but I'm awesome." He wasn't exactly joking, but he wasn't exactly being direct, either... He had woken up to a strange man bestowing powers upon him. He didn't know what he was meant to do with them yet, but he's sure they held some greater purpose.
Tristan: “I thought superheroes were supposed to keep their identities a secret,” Tristan said with a grin. “He said I had to get to level 5 friend before he told me his powers.”
“Oh?” Meg smiled as well. “What level is he currently at?”
Jeremiah: "Hmmm... three. Not long left, but there's some room for improvement."
Tristan: “I’m already at three? That’s good progress. How did I get that high?”
Jeremiah: "You watched Star Wars with me and offered to help me find a place to live." Those are obviously on par.
Tristan: “That’s what any friend would do, regardless of clearance level.”
Jeremiah: "But you did it the first time you met me."
Tristan: “Call it small town hospitality.”
Jeremiah: "I've been in this town for fifty years and nobody else has done that!"
Tristan: Tristan laughed. “Fifty, huh?”
Jeremiah: He put on his best old man voice and trembled, "I'm old!"
Tristan: “Oh yeah, you’re ancient.”
Meg shook her head at them. “How long have you been here Jeremiah?”
Jeremiah: "I don't..." he laughed anxiously. "I don't remember."
Tristan: “Feels that way sometimes, doesn’t it?” She sighed wistfully. “Time feels like it moves slower here.”
Jeremiah: He rubbed his arm. Yeah. Let's go with that. He smiled sadly and finished off his food.
Tristan: Meg studied Jeremiah for a moment. She'd only known him for about an hour but already she could tell that wasn't his usual smile.
"Do you have family in the area?"
Jeremiah: "Uh... no." He twirled his fork anxiously.
Tristan: She gave him a sympathetic look. “That must be hard. But for what it’s worth, you’ve got us now.”
Jeremiah: He smiled, scratching his head. "Awww, don't make me cry in public!"
Tristan: She just laughed. “I mean it. Just call me mama.”
Jeremiah: Jeremiah gasped in excitement, "I've never had one of those before! I mean, y'know, apart from I obviously have some kind of mother. I'm not a test tube baby... that I know of. But, like, in the concept sense of a mother - growing up with one. In the grand scheme of things."
Tristan: Tristan was having real trouble not smiling. "He has two dads," he said, simplifying.
"Gotcha," Meg chuckled. "Well now you have a mama, too. My first act as your surrogate mama is to ask how your breakfast is. Good waffles?"
Jeremiah: "Delicious!" He grinned. "How's your orange thing I forgot the name of?!"
Tristan: "The souffle? Incredible. Josie--Laura's mama--really knows how to bake. Everything they sell is delicious."
Jeremiah: "Aww sweet! How's your muffin, Muffin Man?"
Tristan: Tristan just sighed contentedly in response. While the two of them had been talking Laura had brought him his second muffin and he was already halfway through it.
Jeremiah: With another laugh Jeremiah nodded. "I'm happy for you and your muffins."
Tristan: “So am I,” he said with a grin. “Want one?”
Jeremiah: "Ohhhh nooo I couldn't poooooss- yes, yes I do."
Tristan: “Laura! Can we get another muffin?”
“You haven’t even finished that one!”
“It’s for Jeremiah!”
“Oh, okay, I’ll bring it right over.”
Jeremiah: "Thaaaaaaaank yoooooooou!" He called out to her.
Tristan: "You're welcome, honey," she said, coming over with the muffin. "Anyone want more juice or coffee?"
"Coffee," said Tristan.
Jeremiah: "Uhh no thanks! I'm god - good. Not God. Yet. Wait is that blasphemy? I'M GOOD."
Tristan: "For what it's worth, I think we'd be better off if you were God," Laura said as she walked back to the counter. "Did you want any coffee, Meg?"
"I'm good, darlin'."
Jeremiah: Oh, that's an interesting compliment. He smiled at Tristan, as if silently asking how he felt about the whole God matter.
Tristan: Tristan found himself agreeing with Laura, although the only outward sign of that was a smile.
“Try the muffin, sunshine man. I promise your life will never be the same.”
Jeremiah: "YOU TRY THE MUFFIN." He was objecting for no reason other than to object. He'll reach out and break a little piece off to try anyway.
Tristan: He laughed. “What a contrary superhero we have. Whatcha think?”
Tristan: "Laura makes really good custard," said Meg. "I think she only makes it in tart form though."
Tristan: Meg gave a sage nod. "Genius. Laura, honey, can you bring us a custard tart?"
"Coming right up!"
Tristan couldn't help but laugh again. "This has got to be the most unhealthy breakfast in the history of the universe."
Jeremiah: "YOU'RE WELCOME! Happy birthday!" He grinned and put his hands in the shape of a heart.
Tristan: "Thank you," he chuckled, finishing off his own muffin and his coffee as Laura brought Jeremiah his custard tart.
Jeremiah: "Thank you, Queen!" He pushed it closer to Tristan. "You try it first."
Tristan: "The tart or the dunking the muffin into the tart?"
Jeremiah: "Dunking. Dunk away, sir!"
Tristan: "All right." Tristan grabbed a piece of muffin and dunked--more like scooped really--into the tart. The grin that broke out across his face when he tried it was instantaneous and blinding. "Holy shit. That's so fucking good."
Jeremiah: Jeremiah laughed. "RIGHT?! Come with me and you'll see a world of pure imagination I guess?" It was his turn! Yum, yum.
Tristan: "Done. Got any other brilliant food ideas?"
Jeremiah: "Uhhhhh......................... OH! CANDY! ADD SUGARY CANDY TO IT!"
Tristan: Meg shook her head. "You two are going to have so many cavities."
Jeremiah: "WORTH IT! Try it, Meg?"
Tristan: "The dunking or whatever sugary candy concoction you're dreaming up?"
Jeremiah: "Dunking!"
Tristan: "I'll try a dunk." Which she reacted to in nearly the same way as her son.
"Next time I make muffins I'm making custard to go with them."
Jeremiah: "This is why you should always listen to random people you meet on their birthday after you've been attacked by the ocean."
Tristan: "That's a damn good quote for one of those inspirational posters."
Jeremiah: "You gonna make one?" He smiled, getting more custard and muffin into his face hole.
Tristan: "My artistic talents aren't good enough to make one."
Jeremiah: "I believe in yoooooooou - HOM." he stuffed his face.
Tristan: Tristan laughed and shook his head. “Thanks, sunshine man. Maybe I will one day.”
Jeremiah: He giggled with his mouth full. "Good! I'll be counting the days."
Tristan: "Just don't count too many." Maybe he could get someone else to make it, give it to Jeremiah as a surprise.
Jeremiah: "I can't count past twelve so you're okay."
Tristan: "Okay," Tristan chuckled. "I'll be right back."
He slipped away to the counter to pay before either of them could stop him.
Jeremiah: "Okay!" Jeremiah doesn't notice, he immediately starts having a chat with Meg about... nothing in particular.
Tristan: Meg noticed, but she said nothing. Just smiled and talked to Jeremiah until Tristan came back.
"Ya'll ready to go?" he asked. "Jeremiah's got a house to get acquainted with."
Jeremiah: "Yeah!" He grinned, standing. "I bet the hotel is gonna be SUPER glad to get rid of me."
Tristan: "You kidding? They'll be devastated."
Jeremiah: "No way. They're totally betting on how long I'll end up staying there for... maybe I should enter the bet and then take all of their money!"
Tristan: Tristan laughed. It...actually wouldn’t surprise him at all if the inn staff had a pool going. He knew for a fact they’d had them before.
“You’re too sweet to bet on. They know a good guest from a bad one, trust me.”
Jeremiah: "Sweet? You're full of compliments, Tristan. You're like a compliment machine- oh! They should SO have those! I bet everyone would want one!"
Tristan: "You know, they really should," said Meg. "Maybe you can invent the first one ever and make your fortune on making people smile."
Jeremiah: "THAT WOULD BE AWESOME! Gotta think of some good compliments though. Hmm.... oh! I can use inspiration from people around me..." he pointed at Tristan, "You're the type of person other people appreciate." then at Meg, "You're the type of person other people can rely on." he pointed at Laura, "You're the type of person who brings other people delicious food! Without you we'd be hungry!" he laughed, "I'm good at this!!"
Tristan: Tristan just smiled. "Yeah, he's going to make ten billion dollars without breaking a sweat."
"Ten? Don't be silly. Twenty, easily."
Jeremiah: "Twenty?? Who needs THAT much money. I'll give it all to Laura."
Tristan: "I knew you looked like an angel," came Laura's voice from somewhere in the kitchen.
Jeremiah: "Awwww. That's gotta be blasphemous."
Tristan: “God’ll forgive me. I make the communion wafers.”
Jeremiah: "So you're gonna turn his son into a wafer and you think that'll earn you points? Nu-uhhh."
Tristan: “Other way around,” Meg chuckled. “The wafer becomes his son. I think. I don’t know. Point is, you’re very sweet for giving Laura your imaginary twenty billion dollars.”
Jeremiah: "The secret catch is..." He whispered, "I want a lifetime supply of waffles."
Tristan: Meg laughed. “I say that’s a fair trade. Mine aren’t as good as Laura’s, but if you’re lucky I might make us some waffles for breakfast sometime.”
Jeremiah: "Ooooooh! Breakfast AND a bed all in one place - OH MY GAH - THAT'S WHERE 'BED AND BREAKFAST' COMES FROM!"
Tristan: She laughed again. “Exactly. Just with less cat themed decor. Oh! Speaking of, are you allergic to them? There’s a feral one that kinda lives in my yard.”
Jeremiah: "Uhhhhhhhhhh...." Is he allergic to cats...? "I don't... think so."
Tristan: “Okay, good. He doesn’t really get close enough to pet or anything but it’s best to be safe.”
Jeremiah: "What's his name?"
Tristan: “He doesn’t have one. I just call him Cat.”
Jeremiah: He frowned. "How could you be so meaaaaan?"
Tristan: “Names have significance. I don’t know him well enough to choose one that suits him.”
Jeremiah: "Maybe that's exactly why you should name him! Something like... 'Mysterious'... 'Secat' (instead of secret. Get it? Get it?)"
Tristan: Meg smiled. "Maybe 'Mysterious' is too on the nose. We should scour movies, TV shows, and literature for a name."
Jeremiah: "Hmmmmmm.... What colour is the cat?"
Tristan: “Orange and white.”
Jeremiah: ".... Garfield?"
Tristan: "Sold," said Tristan. "He'll be Garfield the feral cat."
Jeremiah: "Yaaaas! We should get him a cute little hat too! With bells!"
Tristan: Tristan chuckled. "He doesn't let people near him, remember? No hats."
Jeremiah: "That's because you didn't name him! It will all change now."
Tristan: "You hold on to that hope."
Jeremiah: "What do we have if not hope?!"
Tristan: Meg nodded. "A very good point. Shall we go meet Garfield and your new home?"
Jeremiah: Gasp! "YES! Please! Yay! Thank you!"
Tristan: "All rightie, let's go."
"We'll follow you," said Tristan, getting to his feet. "Come on, sunshine man."
Jeremiah: Jeremiah stood, waving to Laura.
Tristan: "Bye, angel!"
Tristan chuckled and shook his head. "Got better game than every straight man in this town."
Jeremiah: "Game? Huh?"
Tristan: "You've managed to charm three women in the short time I've known you." He held the door open for Jeremiah and his mother.
Jeremiah: Jeremiah gestured for Meg to go first.
"I have literally NO idea what you're talking about. Did Laura put drugs in your muffin, Mr. Sailor Moon?"
Tristan: "The muffins are the drug, sunshine man."
Jeremiah: "Ooooh. I'm banning you from muffins! No more! Ever again! Muahahaha!"
Tristan: "I regret to inform you that your ban is not enforceable. See you in a bit, ma!"
He waved to his mother and opened the passenger door for Jeremiah.
Jeremiah: "Thank you kind gentleman," he grinned, stepping up into Tristan's truck. The moment the other sat down he had a question coming his way. "You won't mind if I live with her, right?"
Tristan: Tristan shook his head. "Not at all. I think it's great, actually. You'll like living with her."
Jeremiah: "Do you visit her a lot?"
Tristan: "As much as I can. I try to have dinner with her at least once a week."
Jeremiah: "Huh. Guess I'll be seeing you once a week."
Tristan: "Guess you will. How you feel about that?"
Jeremiah: For some reason, that question had him fidgeting with the seatbelt he hadn't yet put in place.
"Uhh why don't you tell me what you think I feel and I'll tell you if you're right?"
Tristan: That caught Tristan off guard. He could suddenly hear Ronan's voice in his head.
"Well..." He pulled onto the road. "I like to think we're becoming friends, so hopefully the thought of seeing me on a regular basis doesn't disgust you."
Jeremiah: Jeremiah laughed. "You're just trying to wiggle your way to level five to get to know my powers. I've unveiled your evil master plan! You can't slip anything past Doctor Jeremiah Jordan!"
Tristan: "Sure," he chuckled. "That's exactly what it is." He paused for a beat. "Seriously, though. You okay with seeing me all the time?"
Jeremiah: Why this weird tension? This weird ENERGY? Jeremiah could cut it with a knife. A huge knife! Not a butter knife - it would need to be a butcher's to get through this air.
"Why wouldn't I be? Like you said we're... friends. It's nice to be around someone familiar. You're the most familiar I've got."
Tristan: Tristan's expression softened. "I'm flattered, sunshine man," he said softly.
Jeremiah: "Whaaaaaat about you? You okay with seeing my epic face all the time?"
Tristan: "Of course. Still gotta get to level five."
Jeremiah: "You've got a lot more movie marathons to sit through before you get there!"
Tristan: "Bring it on. Next time we need popcorn and slushies."
Jeremiah: "Oooooh yaaaas. I looove the way you think!"
Tristan: “We can turn the living room into a movie theater, like my mom did for me when I was little.”
Jeremiah: "That's so cute!!! We HAVE to!! When??? Tomorrow! Your birthday!"
Tristan: "Well since I'm apparently taking the day off, my birthday seems like the perfect time. We also need pizza."
Jeremiah: "Yaaas, Tristaaaaan! You read my mind!"
Tristan: He laughed and turned onto his mother's street. "Might as well lean into my birthday festivities, right?"
Jeremiah: "Damn straight!" He wiggled in his seat. "Your car is so comfy. I could totally take a nap in here."
Tristan: "Well thank you. I've taken it camping a few times, makes a great tent."
Jeremiah: "Ohhhh I bet camping here is awesome! Like, the stars and stuff!"
Tristan: "It is, accounts for a good bit of the tourism. Used to camp out in the woods behind my mom's house all the time when I was a kid. Found a frog once."
Jeremiah: "There's a WOOD behind her house?! Can we camp there?! We SO should! Are there frogs? I feel like there would be frogs for some reason. Am I right? Do I have froggy-senses?"
Tristan: "There's a little creek that runs back behind there so yeah, there are some frogs. And we definitely should go camping."
Jeremiah: "Yay! That's awesome! When? Tomorrow? Your birthday?"
Tristan: Tristan laughed. "Why don't we leave all the fun stuff for my birthday?"
Jeremiah: "But then it will all be over in one day!"
Tristan: "There's no limit on camping trips and movie nights, sunshine man."
He pulled up in front of his mother's eclectic, colorful house.
Jeremiah: "Ooooooh. You're saying you wanna spend muuuuuultiple days with me, I s- is this it???? I'M GONNA BE LIVING IN, LIKE, A DREAM HOUSE!"
Tristan: That got another laugh. Jeremiah would consider this a dream house, with its myriad plants and garden gnomes and sun catchers and windchimes. It was distinctly bohemian, a reflection of the woman herself.
"Wait until you see the inside. No two rooms are the same color."
Jeremiah: "WELL THEN!" he opened the door and eagerly went to jump out, but his seatbelt caught him flung him back. "Argh! I'm trapped!"
Tristan: "Jesus, come here." He fought a laughing fit as he freed Jeremiah from his seatbelt. Never in his life did he'd encounter this situation in real life. "There you go. And there's mama," he added, nodding over to her approaching car.
Jeremiah: "Yay, my hero!" He hopped out of the car and shut the door behind him. "This place is awesome!"
Tristan: "Thank you, sweetie!" Meg called. "I agree. It's a mess of styles but it's my mess of styles. Come on, I'll give you the grand tour."
As stated, the house was much of a cheerful mess on the inside as it was on the outside. Books dominated rooms painted in soft earth tones and all sorts of knick-knacks and photos sat on nearly every surface. It was utter chaos, yet somehow neat. The house was pristine and the various mess carefully and deliberately organized.
"Tristan says he thinks this is what the inside of my head looks like," Meg was saying as she showed Jeremiah around. "I'm inclined to agree."
Jeremiah: Jeremiah would be amazed and captivated by every single detail in every single room. It was the type of utter chaos he could get on board with. It was new, different, exciting! He felt right at home already. It was incredible. He was... so... lucky. He couldn't remember any other home, not really. He remembered bits and pieces, he remembered rooms, but couldn't put them together.
This house... it would be his first house. This would be the first of many, perhaps... but this is where it would begin. This is where he would start to create memories. Hopefully these memories would last.
"That's so cool! Can I make my room look like the inside of my head? What would that even look like? Really dark and probably kinda gooey?"
Tristan: "Absolutely, go crazy! Hang up posters, get plants, make a fort, whatever you want. Make yourself at home."
Jeremiah: "A FORT!" he grinned at Tristan and tugged his sleeve, "Tristan, a FORT!"
Tristan: Tristan ginned. "Do it, sunshine man. Make a fort around your bed."
Jeremiah: "I WILL! CHALLENGE ACCEPTED - it will be the mightiest fort of all time!"
Tristan: "In that case you should see what you're working with," said Meg, opening the door to a bedroom at the end of the hall on the second floor.
It boasted a big bay window, soft teal walls, and a queen-sized bed.
"This is it."
Jeremiah: "Oooooooooooooooooh! This is way too nice for me. We'll need to tone down the niceness by at least 40%."
Tristan: Meg laughed. "You kidding? This is the bare minimum. I've got some end tables in the attic that'll make great bedside tables. They don't match, but barely anything in this place does. One of them has a stained-glass top."
Jeremiah: "So fancy! I'll be sure to get a top hat so I can fit in."
Tristan: "Get outta here with your fancy, I got it at the flea market."
Jeremiah: Gasp! "You can afford FLEA MARKETS?!"
Tristan: "Oh yeah, we're living in the lap of luxury over here. More than half the furniture in this house came from flea markets."
Jeremiah: "Woooow. You never told me you were so fancy, Sailor Moon!"
Tristan: "Eh, I try to be modest. And get this, the furniture that isn't from the flea market is from garage sales."
Jeremiah: "Woahhh. I don't think I can stay here, sorry. Thanks for the offer but I'm just not comfortable living above my means."
Tristan: Meg laughed in utter delight. "Oh yeah, we're gonna get along just fine. You keep exploring. Tristan, come help me get the end tables."
Jeremiah: "Cool! Thanks!" Jeremiah would begin by sitting on his new bed.
Tristan: While they retrieved the furniture, Meg wasted no time in gushing to Tristan, utterly delighted with her decision.
"He's so sweet. He's gonna be a great roommate."
"Yes, he is."
"I'm glad you met him, you need more friends."
"Hey, I have friends."
"You need more friends who aren't Oliver and the cook at the Inn."
Jeremiah: If Ronan could hear the conversation he'd be offended. His name should definitely come before the Goddamn cook at the Inn! RUDE!
Jeremiah bounced a little on the bed before standing. He inspected the curtains with his fingers, felt the walls and drawers.
He was filled with sorrow that he couldn't share this with his fathers. He swallowed at the thought of moving forward with his life, this unfamiliar life.
Tristan: Tristan was also offended by this. "I have Ronan!"
"Ronan is married. You need single friends to do single man things with you."
He squinted at his mother. "You mean boyfriend."
"You said it, not me."
Tristan didn't get a chance to say anything else before Meg entered the room.
"We've got end tables!"
Jeremiah: At the sound of someone approaching Jeremiah quickly wiped his face. A smile followed a little sniffle.
"Cool! By the way, where should I leave my shoes? I still have them on but I know some people don't like other people wearing shoes in their house. Is it like a Leave-Them-By-The-Door kinda situation or a Take-Them-Off-Wherever, or?"
Tristan: "I don't mind either way. The floors are all hardwood so there's no worry about anything getting ruined."
Jeremiah: "Okay!" he stepped out of them and used his foot to push them aside neatly.
Tristan: Meg and Tristan each took an end table and arranged them beside the bed.
Meg looked at them thoughtfully. "You need lamps.  I might have some of those up there, too. Be right back."
"And a mirror," Tristan called after her.
"Oh, I'll grab the one you made!"
Jeremiah: "Thank you!" he grinned, bouncing a little, "You MADE a mirror?"
Tristan: "Not the actual mirror, just the frame. Used driftwood and sea glass."
Jeremiah: "That's so cool! Are you SURE you want me to have it in my room?! I'm suuuuper clumsy!"
Tristan: "It'll be on the wall," he chuckled. "It'll be fine."
Jeremiah: "That's a lot of responsibility!"
Tristan: "I'll still read it to you. I've actually never read it so we'll both get to enjoy it."
Jeremiah: "Awww CUTE! Okay! You've got yourself a deal, Mr. Sailor-Moon. I'll buy the books... I've never read them either, I just know they're long."
Tristan: “That means we’ll have plenty of reading material. I recommend getting them from my friend’s store. Gotta support local businesses.”
Jeremiah: "Mmm tooooooottally. Plus... friend discount, right?!"
Tristan: "Yep.  He calls it the childhood friend discount."
Jeremiah: "Sounds like we'll be spending a helllllllll of a lot of time together, huh?!"
Tristan: Tristan laughed. "Looks like. Gonna be able to handle seeing me that much?"
Jeremiah: "I could ask you the same thing, old man." he put his hand in a fist as if holding a microphone and moved it closer to Tristan, "Tell the audience, Mr. Sailor-Moon. How does it feel?!"
Tristan: "To be called Mr. Sailor Moon? Interesting to say the least. To be here with you? Great. To be helping you move? Also great."
Jeremiah: "Awww SO ROMANTIC!"
Tristan: He chuckled. "Yep, helping someone move is the absolute height of romance."
Jeremiah: "Daaaaaaaaaamn Tristan. ESPECIALLY moving in with his mom! You're just too good for me, I can't handle it!"
Tristan: Oh look, his face was starting to hurt from smiling again. “I’m a regular Mr. Darcy. I don’t know how I walk down the street with all the floating hearts and chirping birds I leave in my wake.”
Jeremiah: Jeremiah laughed but stopped just so he could jokingly gag.
"I'm more of a... Dorian Gray guy myself. Gotta have that bit of danger y'know? Corruption makes romance!"
Tristan: Danger was the last word on earth he would associate with Jeremiah, but he still smiled.
“Hopefully without the creepy secret painting.”
Jeremiah: "ESPECIALLY with the creepy painting. How dare you?!" Of course, he was being sarcastic.
Tristan: Tristan just grinned and shook his head. “We have interesting conversations, don’t we?”
Jeremiah: "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nah. Ya basic."
Tristan: “I’m wounded to my very core.”
Jeremiah: "To YA BASIC core?!"
Tristan: “To the very core of my core.”
Jeremiah: "That one-" he went to poke Tristan's core only to- "woahhhh, dude!" Poke, poke, poke! "You're, like, Iron-Man! What the hell?!"
Tristan: Tristan had to laugh. “It’s all the manual labor.”
Jeremiah: "Sharing is caring you know! Spread some muscle around!"
Tristan: “You want my to share my manual labor?”
Jeremiah: "Uhhh I really don't. Just the benefits. Thanks!"
Tristan: “Sadly it doesn’t work that way, sunshine man.”
Jeremiah: "Then be GONE from my presence. I have to jump out of your car now, your muscles offend me."
Tristan: “I’ll throw on a burlap sack when we get to my mom’s.”
Jeremiah: "That would be nice of you, thank you. Think about other people when you go around like that! UGH!"
Tristan: “You’re completely right, I should be ashamed of myself.”
Jeremiah: "Uh huh. Now eat some cake and think about what you've done."
Tristan: “I accept my punishment,” he said with a sage nod.
Jeremiah: "Good 'cause I'm gonna get you SO much cake for your birthday."
Tristan: "I am but one man, there's a limit to how much cake I can eat."
Jeremiah: "Hmmmmmmmmmm OKAY! How about this: I will get... three cakes. Just three. If you eat them all - you have the whole day, so you don't have to do it in one sitting - then... uhhh... you get one wish!"
Tristan: "Three cakes? You have a very high opinion of my metabolism."
Jeremiah: "So does your big buff... booty? I COULDN'T THINK OF ANOTHER WORD BEGINNING WITH B."
Tristan: Tristan told himself not to read too much into that particular choice of words. "How about body?" he chuckled. "A bit obvious, I know."
Jeremiah: "... OH, DUH! How did I miss that?! Anyway. Deal or no deal, sir?!"
Tristan: He just smiled as he pulled and backed into his mother's driveway. "Deal."
Jeremiah: "Ssssshhhhweeeet. Imma tell your mama about it and she'll referee!"
Tristan: “She’ll referee my cake eating?”
Jeremiah: "Yeah. Who knows if you might try to cheat!"
Tristan: “I never cheat. Especially when ice cream cake is involved.”
Jeremiah: "Can I trust a man who's been hiding an eightpack this whole time?"
Tristan: “How have I been hiding it? I don’t think wearing clothes counts.”
Jeremiah: "Uhhhhhh PRETTY SURE IT DOES."
Tristan: "I call foul. I'm innocent on all hiding charges!"
Jeremiah: "How DARE you!!"
Tristan: "Oh, I dare. I dare so hard." He grinned as he got out of the truck.
Jeremiah: Jeremiah gasped as he followed, pointing at the other. "You ADMIT it! I'm sorry, Tristan. I'm gonna have to arrest you now."
Tristan: He laughed. "You're gonna arrest me, huh? Can't eat cake if I'm arrested."
Jeremiah: "I didn't realize every cake business in the universe would shut down if you went to prison! You must eat a LOT of cake if you're the one guy keeping them all open."
Tristan: He nodded with great emotion as he grabbed the box from the truck bed. "It's a heavy burden to carry but I do my best."
Jeremiah: "Awww." He went to do the same, taking the suitcase and what contained his laptop, "Not all heroes wear capes, some wear... uh... scuba gear? What do sailor's wear?? Those little white h- OHHH Em GEE. Do you have a little white hat?! I bet you look like a little puppy in it! PLEASE tell me that's a thing. If it isn't I know what I'm getting you for your birthday."
Tristan: Tristan laughed his head off all the way to the front door. "The only place I've seen those hats besides a box of Cracker Jacks is on Navymen. I just wear work clothes. Boots, gloves, that kinda thing. The only time I wear scuba gear is when I'm diving for fun or diving beneath the ship to clean her up."
Jeremiah: "You mean you don't have a uniform?! Boooooooor-RING."
Tristan: "It's about utility, sunshine man. You know how many pairs of pants I go through?"
Jeremiah: He laughed, "No!? How many?!"
Tristan: "Six so far this year."
Jeremiah: "... What the heCK do you do?" he knocked on the door with his elbow.
Tristan: "They get torn, they get stained, they get wet, they get mysterious marine stuff on them, so many things. I put my work clothes through the wringer. Gloves, too."
Jeremiah: "Huh. I bet you keep the uh... clothes-washing... people... in business. Y'know the ones I mean. With the machines!"
Tristan: "Why yes, I do keep myself in business. I do great work."
Jeremiah: "You wash it all yourself?"
Tristan: "Who else is gonna do it? Ma, we're back!"
Jeremiah: "Woooow, impressive! You must be a pro at getting out mysterious marine stuff by now! You should start your own show. I'd totally tune in every week."
Tristan: "Oh, I definitely am. Wanna know my secret?"
Jeremiah: Gasp! He leaned in closer. "Yes."
Tristan: Tristan leaned in conspiratorially. "Irish Spring."
Jeremiah: "Eh??"
Tristan: "Irish Spring soap. That stuff can get out anything."
Jeremiah: "I've never even HEARD of it."
Tristan: "Seriously? It's all over the place. I get out the stains with that and some hot water and then toss whatever it is in the washing machine."
Jeremiah: "You'd make SUCH a good househusband."
Tristan: "Good? I'd be the BEST househusband," he declared as he started up the stairs.
Jeremiah: "Wait wait WOAH WAIT-  what are your cooking skills like?"
Tristan: "Seafood wise? Excellent."
Jeremiah: "Hmm your husband will really have to get used to the smell of fish."
Tristan: "Well that's a given."
Jeremiah: "Maybe you should marry....... a merman!"
Tristan: He chuckled. "If there were any around these parts, I would've found them ages ago."
Jeremiah: "Take ALL the magic out of life, why don't you..."
Tristan: Another chuckle. "There might be one or two that managed to evade me. Hell, there might be a whole colony of them that's managed to live their lives without me ever so much as detecting their presence."
Jeremiah: "Let's hope that's true, Tristan!"
Tristan: “Let’s hope what’s true?” came Meg’s voice.
“Jeremiah thinks there are mermaids around here and that I should marry one.”
Jeremiah: "Yeah. Duh!"
Tristan: “I feel like my mermadic son-in-law would take issue with Tristan’s chosen profession.”
Jeremiah: "......................... Uhhhh... I didn't think about that!! Okay. Maybe some kind of pelican-man. Pelicans eat fish, right? I bet he'd appreciate it!"
Tristan: Tristan paused and turned to look at Jeremiah. "A pelican?"
Jeremiah: "... They're real right? Or was that just a thing for Finding Nemo?"
Tristan: "Oh my god, Jer. Yes, they're real. And real weird first choice for marine bird for me to marry."
Jeremiah: "... Is there a LESS weird option?!"
Tristan: "Ignoring the general weirdness of this conversation, there is a very obvious first choice, yeah."
Jeremiah: "... Like what? Owls don't eat fish, Tristan." DUH.
Tristan: "........Seagulls."
Jeremiah: Lips part and his back straightens. It's as if he has a response... but... "Fine. YOU WIN THIS ROUND. SPOKEN LIKE A TRUE... FISH-MAN. FISH- fisherman."
Tristan: Tristan just laughed and shook his head, continuing on to Jeremiah's room.
Jeremiah: Once in his new room he set everything down and collapsed back on the bed with a groan. "Arrrrrghhhhhhh so comfy!"
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uci-fanfic-requests · 7 years
Can I please request a story in which Kirika and Ayako BOTH go on vacation at the same time and the escorts need to take care of everything by themselves? How long will it be before they realise they haven’t done something basic, but important, because these two were always doing it so of course no one thought of it? And when the girls come back, what state will the manor be in…? Thank you!
Admin Notes: But, on the other hand, maybe they’ll be surprised that the manor is in a generally good state, but the escort don’t know how to take care of themselves…? -Admin Hirahara
One day, while out shopping, Kirika had won first prize in a lottery for a one week vacation to a hot spring for two people. Although she was very excited, she didn’t know who to take with her. She thought of asking Rokkaku, but she felt somewhat bad taking the captain away from his duties. Asking any of the escorts would be a no go either; she couldn’t just pick one. So, she asked Ayako if she’d like to go with her. The Futakuchi Onna couldn’t thank Kirika enough when she heard the news; she had never been to a hot spring before.
The two let Rokkaku know about their one week vacation, to which they were told to relax as long as they wanted. They’d worked really hard every day, and deserved a long break. So, on Monday, when Kirishima went down for breakfast, he was greeted with an empty kitchen, along with the smell of something burning.
“…Kirika?” He asked, popping his head through the door. Instead of seeing the purple haired housekeeper, Saitou was standing there, something on fire in his hands.
“Oh, Kirishima, good morning,” he smiled, calmly putting the pot in the sink and spraying water on the flames. “Kirika and Ayako are on vacation this week, so it’ll be up to you and the others to cook and clean the manor.” Whatever was in the pot was a smoldering ash now, but Saitou was scraping it onto a plate anyways. Kirishima didn’t know if he should stop the vice captain or not, mostly because he didn’t know if that was for him. Saitou seemed to follow Kirishima’s line of sight, but just smiled. “Don’t worry, this is for me,” he nodded. “I’m going on a long term mission, so I’m eating early.”
“Good luck on your mission,” Kirishima’s eyes never left the black smudge on the plate. “Saitou-san, um, do you want me to make breakfast?”
“Oh no, it’s fine,” Saitou laughed, walking out to eat in the cafeteria. “As soon as I finish this, I’ll be off.” And, to Kirishima’s surprise, the slate eyed man actually was eating the burnt… whatever, before heading out. Which left Kirishima alone in the kitchen. Luckily, he wasn’t a bad cook, and he had watched Kirika sometimes when she made lunch. So he put together the one thing he knew he was good at making: curry.
When Kinoshita came downstairs, breakfast was ready, even if it was a dinner food. When Kirishima explained the situation to Kinoshita, the man only laughed, saying that it was good their housekeepers were taking a break. “We’ll show them that we don’t need to rely on them all the time,” Kinoshita said in confidence. But, it never occurred to anyone just how much the two girls did for the escorts.
It was actually going okay, at first. By the end of the day, the escorts had planned out who was going to cook everyday, and what things would need to be cleaned each day. As long as they followed the schedule, they should be fine by the time Kirika came back. And it almost worked out.
On the third day, it was laundry day. Ayako, as it turned out, used different methods for different kinds of clothes, which none of the escorts knew about. Tanizaki, while doing the laundry, ruined most of the bed sheets when he learned the hard way that he couldn’t wash them with clothes. They ended up becoming spotty with detergent, and didn’t dry evenly. It made sleeping on them practically unbearable, because everyone could still smell the detergent.
On the fourth day, the escorts found that their cabinets were empty. Kirika was actually responsible for buying what vegetables and fruits they needed throughout the week, and since no one knew what her shopping list was, Hirahara bought a strange array of ingredients based on what he thought was “tasty”. Which made cooking difficult because none of the foods went together. From then on out, the dishes were an utter mess of mixed and matched vegetables and meats.
By the fifth day, they’d had curry every single day, and it was by a miracle that Kinoshita was able to make something else for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.But that day was also garbage day, and it was Kirika and Ayako that separated the garbage as burnable and non-burnables. Which meant that the escorts weren’t entirely sure which things went in which pile. When the truck came to pick up their garbage, Tagami got yelled at for mixing up their trash, and had to fix the whole situation by spending the whole day separating them out. And by then, the truck was long gone, and they’d have to wait until next week to take out the trash.
The sixth day was probably better than most; the escorts spent the day cleaning the manor, as usual. What they didn’t know was that when they broke something, Kirika actually fixed it in her free time, so it was almost concerning when they realized there was a stack of broken things, and they didn’t know what to do with it. They ended up just throwing it out, which made Tagami yell at them because he had spent the day before figuring out burnables and non-burnables.
Most importantly, though, none of the escorts knew this, but the housekeepers actually took very good care of them when they came back from missions. Kirika would take the time to leave out a special snack after they returned exhausted, and Ayako would immediately go to fix their clothes or switch out their uniform. The break in this routine really threw everyone off, and being that they weren’t all good at sewing, sometimes they’d go out on new missions in poorly fixed clothes.
When the week was over, and Kirika and Ayako returned Monday morning back to work, they were pretty happy when they walked through the front door and found that everything was still rather held together. Of course, they didn’t see the handrails on the stairs, which was strange, and sure, there was a random new picture somewhat low to the ground that looked like it was covering a crack, but the manor was more or less still standing. 
“See? I knew they could take care of themselves,” Kirika smiled, heading for the kitchen. There was a pause, before a shriek was heard in her direction. “What happened in here?” The kitchen was a mess of foods that were probably going bad due to lack of refrigeration, it reeked of curry powder, and she couldn’t make sense of why there were a bunch of potatoes on the floor. “Oh dear, I spoke too soon…” She sighed, rolling up her sleeves.
Meanwhile, Ayako was blankly staring at the laundry room, which was full of clothes that had holes in it, along with bleach stained futons and still drying sheets that smelled like someone spilled lavender softener all over it. “They’re all idiots,” her second mouth groaned. Ayako sighed, grabbing the wash bucket. There was a lot of recover work to do, so the sooner she got started, the better.
The escorts, on the other hand, were never happier to see the two when they woke up that morning. They openly expressed how they didn’t realize the two housekeepers did so much, and that they would never take them for granted. The housekeepers were also happy to know they were well needed, and then followed up with a very long lecture for half the day on proper food storage and the correct way to wash the laundry.
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natilepoop3 · 4 years
I Have a 2006 Buick Lucerne, While Driving with AC on, a Message Come Out That Says Turn AC Off, Car Is Overhe?
If the overheating problem is being caused by the AC then change your thermostat as that is the most likely problem. Note: This is assuming that you have appropriate level of coolant and its not leaking, proper working fans that spin fast enough and spin when they are suppose to, no blown head gasket, no clogged radiator and a good radiator cover that holds the pressure required. • Other Questions Is radiator cleaner safe to use?
deposits of crud or corrosion could be sealing a potential leak. You run the risk of having a leak develop. A regularly maintained car had nothing in the cooling system that needs any cleaner.
Now if you have a nasty cooling system that hasn't been maintained then cleaning out any corrosion or build up will very likely cause a leak so I wouldn't put any cleaner in it. ------ 1997 grand am question, about removing the frame on top of the radiator? The Grand AM does not have a radiator cap, it has a pressurized resivor.
This means that the resivor is a full part of the cooling system, and not just a place for overflow. The cap on the resivor is threaded onto the resovor and is sealed just like a standard radiator cap, this is where all the filling/top offs are done, there is no radiator cap, but there is a resivor cap. Many vehicles are like this.
------ I can't get heat in my 92 GMC Sonoma, what should I do? Ive had a lot of problems with after market thermostats, even though it new dosent mesn its good, i reccomend going and buying a dealer (chevy) theromstat and then try it again, also your radiator could be stopped up and not cirulating properly, dont use the dexicool antifreeze long term i know it to stop up radiators i went through the dsame probs you are, try having the radiator recored or replace it, i bet it will work ------ wat would happen if i cover my front grille of my car will this do any harm to it? Depending on the vehicle it can absolutely do harm.
Some diesel vehicles in the winter will cover their grills with a finer mesh to limit the cold air going through, but most gasoline vehicles require the airflow. When the car is stopped, if the coolant heats up too much the radiator fans will kick on and pull the air through forcefully. If air cannot get in, the engine will overheat ------ should i buy this used car?
What year is it? If it's a '94-04 S-10, I'm not surprised that it needed a transmission seal or a valve cover gasket. Especially if it's a V6 with the automatic.
If it's an older S-10 then there will be less to go wrong, but if you do buy it make sure the seller throws in a free water pump. If the radiator needed re-coring, chances are the water pump is the next to go. ------ What is the best cleaner to clean bugs off a radiator?
I've never known anything that was considering good in removing bugs from a radiator. I drive a semi and I assure you that my truck is covered in bugs. I simply wait for them to literally dry out and then you can brush them off.
There are screens that you can get that are easy to remove and clean instead of letting them get into the vanes of the radiator. Give that a try ------ What happens when bike engine is covered with a water which is covered by a box? That would be called a 'water cooled engine' .
they usually have a radiator to exchange the heat from the water surrounding the combustion chamber and a mechanical water pump to transfer the waste heat into cooler air passing threw that radiator allowing accurate temperature control under sustained continuous use under varying load conditions . Unless you have any thing other than a new 2014 Harley Davidson.the idea has been around in commercial use far longer than a century now!
------ Can I put a couch next to a radiator? its summer time now,,right? so not to worry.
anyway a radiator will never get hot enough to start any fire. But in the winter when you need the heat you have to keep the couch about a foot away so the heat can radiate about the room. Also keep the winter drapes short so's it wont divert the heat up the wall.
Hope this helps answer your question. ------ How to replace Valve Cover Ground Cable on 2000 Honda Civic Si? Anyplace on the engine block will do it - I always thought the valve cover was an odd place for it anyway.
An alternative is to get a battery negative cable that has an extra lead to screw down to a chassis ground near the battery. That wire (in either location) provides the engine ground. If it is not making contact all sorts of weird electrical things happen ------ Recently installed 12v Bosch horns on my Accord.
I don't think that there would be any problem at all since horns found on civics (atleast those sold here in the Philippines) are installed in the same general area behind the grill and just infront of the radiator and airconditioning unit. Actually, I was thinking of replacing my stock bosch horns with FIAMM horns. They're longer and would probably be installed in the same place as my stock ones.
Peace. ------ How do I fix a radiator leak I know is in my engine? This is known problem with those engines.
I would check the timing cover on the inside. When the timing chain guides break, the chain rubs the inside of the timing cover and rubs a hole into the water jacket. Most people think that its a blown head gasket.
Aftermarket water pumps also may wear a hole in the timing cover from the impellers rubbing through. I recommend factory timing components and water pump ------ My 2006 Chevy Malibu isn't heating up right.Any suggestions?
first id check to see if thermostat is opening and closing and if its really cold put a box flap infront of radiator just dont cover the whole thing just a small part like the flap of a box works great to close off some air should help it heat up back east or up north but most likey its thermo stuck open if it doesnt get hot or it takes a long time its open and stuck ------ Anyone have any information from start to finish about a 93 Ford Tauru? The fan relay tends to go bad and is located on top of the radiator under the plastic cover. Remove the plastic top cover located around the top of the radiator.
If your going to keep the car, you might as well just buy a new fan relay and replace it. If it doesn't fix the problem, you'll have a spare if needed in the future ------ Engine overheated & will not start plus spark plugs are covered in oil. Sorry to hear, but it sounds like a blown head gasket.
Check for water or a white film on the plugs also, and if and when it does start again, look for steam coming out of the exhaust, lots of it, it may just be something simple due to it overheating. But I would be real careful, and try a junk yard for a used part like the hose. No duct tape.
. that's a shame. ------ Hi name is Jay I have a 98 Oldsmobile intrigue and I do a little work on my own.
Sounds to me Jay like your converter is plugged up. How's the acceleration? Sluggish.
Try a night drive and when it acts up, wear some old clothes and check out for an orange glow in front of the converter. Careful you don't get burnt. If it isn't that, you have a cracked head or bad head gasket and it isn't showing up yet, so watch for white smoke.
good luck. ------ Cannot find radiator bleed valve? Can anyone help?
Pictures included!? Higher pressure in boiler could be sign of many factors including air bubbles in the system.
Air comes in from where water is leaking out. So find that location. Radiators or pipes leading to radiators must have air vents to let air out.
Boilers have valves for fill or drain. If none of the above helps, the only way would be to loosen (not open) the union next to the radiator valve to let water to leak out. ------ What Does the BMW Maintenance Program Cover?
The initial 4yrs/50K miles warranty and maintenance would certainly cover those leaks. Other than that they also cover brake pads and rotors, oil change, drive belt, brake liquid, and more. For more information see: http://www.
bmwusa.com/standard/content/owner/bmwultimateservice/default.aspx The extended CPO warranty (6 yrs/100K miles) doesn't cover maintenance costs beyond the initial 4 yrs/50K miles and has some limitation on warranty compared to the initial period as well.
------ what is the plastic thing holding up my lower radiator hose? my cars a 1995 3.4 camaro?
Take a picture, and take it to any Auto parts dealer, show them the picture and explain it what it is. They can usually pull up pictures (maybe). I did this before because there was a missing cover piece at the bottom of my transaxle, they identified it for me and it was called an inspection plate.
Your piece that snapped must be called "radiator hose support" (just a random guess) ------ i need help changing my radiator on my 2000 volvo v70se? Drain rad. plug on bottom of radiator,remove fan and shroud,unplug wires, usually two screws.
may have to disconnect top hose first. remove top and bottom hoses on rad. disconnect trans.
line on side of rad. if auto trans. May have to remove plastic cover over rad.
Should be a bracket at top each end remove, then lift out. Reinstall reverse order make sure tangs on sides go into slots in frame ------ 95 12v cummins oil leak location? start fresh, pressure wash the engine.
It will not affect the engine like it would a gas engine, i do it everyday. Pressure wash every thing, the radiator, engine, the under carriage, oil pan, transmission, the works. Make sure fliuds are ful land drive it.
Possible casues: powersteering mounting gasket, front crankseal, blowby/roaddraft tube, oil pan gasket. if youneed anything , email me [email protected].
happy turkey day. alan ------ Anyone else have steam radiators throughout their house and a baby? This might sound bad, but most kids will burn their hand(s) at least once when they are little.
So sometimes it might take your kid that one time to put his hands on it and know that some things do burn. Not unless you are watching your kid 24/7 it will most likely happen. I would suggest not using them and getting the space heaters instead.
They are inexpensive and don't cost much to run them ------ How much should it cost to change radiator in 2001 chevy impala? There is a price estimate book we use in my dealership I will quote you the cost.To replace the radiator in a 2001 impala that also covers coolant,clamps,and a new radiator cap parts and labor a dealers cost is $737 plus tax.
Independent shop price for the same repair is $531 plus tax. These prices will not be off by more than 10%.Best of luck with your impala ------ is hitting a deer covered under "basic" insurance?
.or do I need collision/comp? If you have only liability or "basic" coverage, it pays nothing for damages to your own vehicle, under any circumstances.
Liability covers damages and injuries caused to others by your insured vehicle. Submitting a claim soon after changing your coverage would set off all kinds of red flags at the insurance company. You could be investigated and prosecuted for fraud.
Are you sure you want to do that? ------ Does spray painted Styrofoam help heat a house? Well, most spray paints will melt styrofoam so there's that problem.
It would be better to cover the styrofoam with foil, and quite frankly, as the radiator shouldn't be getting hot enough to affect the wall behind it you could just put the foil on the wall. I suspect the result would be negligible as most of the heat is already just going up, not so much out. ------ Reasonable radio antennas range from1 centimeter to5 meters in diameter.
What frequency range does this cover? 1cm is communications and radar. 5 meters is communications.
1 cm is about 18 GHz. 5 meters is about 56 MHz. These are estimates, so give or take a few MHz.
We use 3 cm radar on ships (9GHz) and 10 m in ham radio, which is about 28 MHz. And it isn't diameter that is important, although at high frequencies that isn't true, but the length of the antenna is important for good transmission. ------ Does using a piece of cardboard in front of you radiator really allow your car to heat up faster on cold days?
You are correct. Your thermostat will remain closed until your engine reaches the right operating tempature. Your cooling fan only comes on when your engine reaches a specific tempature, and this is well after it warms up.
The cardboard will only help if your thermostat is stuck open all the time. At that point just spend the 5 bucks and replace the thermostat instead of messing with a big peice of cardboard
0 notes
mcritzaisms · 7 years
hi ya’ll i’m harley and if you manage to read this whole thing honestly bless your heart!! i’m nineteen and in est, but i’m on randomly because college and i’m a mess. i’m excited to bring my girl in here this is rosa diaz but not rosa diaz, ja feel?? i’m such a plot hoarder so if you wanna plan things out feel free to IM me or hmu on discord (harley 💫#8884) because i’m literally always down for anything.
 tw; eating disorders, r*pe, abortion abuse
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maritza’s parents were kind of hard on her growing up. she was pressured into being a model daughter. mari wasn’t allowed sugar or television, she wasn’t allowed to have friends over or go to friends house, she couldn’t eat dinner until her homework was done. went to catholic school and was in ballet (pointe), and had the joy of piano lessons. ballet was the only “fun” she was allowed and it was never fun. she was always called out for being too tall or too fat.
which lead to her having her first eating disorder. at eleven she was already binging and purging behind her parents back. food was tucked into napkins and pushed around the plate. but she was so good at dance and no matter how much she begged to leave or take an off season, her parents wouldn’t let her, they had “already put so much time and money into it”
she hated herself so much and felt that others hated her too. she was incapable of having friends outside of school, so people would just stop talking to her all together. she was sitting by herself at lunch and spent her summers locked up in her room.
so the first time a boy payed her attention, mari was completely at a loss for words. at fourteen no boy had ever payed her a second glance until one day at lunch a random group of boys invited her to sit with them
and she was so excited to finally have a friend group, even if they weren’t ideally what she imagined. she sat with them at lunch everyday for a month before the incident
they had invited her out like they were going to a party, mari was dropped off at dance like usual and as soon as her parents pulled away the guys pulled up, fully intoxicated. mari was passed around the back of their truck as each of the five guys raped her.
mari walked the whole way home crying and when she came through the door her parents didn’t let her explain. she was no longer allowed to go to dance without supervision. & she was too scared to tell anyone at first because she had no proof of the situation, she didn’t have any friends and telling any of her teachers felt like an embarrassment. she was angry with herself for believing people could like her or want to be friends with her.
she finally spoke up two months after the incident when she found out she was pregnant. she finally told her mother in exchange to get an abortion. her mother didn’t believe her and assumed that mari had been running around sleeping with as many men as possible and refused to take her to get an abortion, as it was a sin.
mari had no choice but to lie on her forms about her age and aborted a fetus that she couldn’t emotionally stand to keep. to this day she feels bad about it, as her mother often threw the ‘murderer’ card at her for the situation. she was basically beat for disobeying her mothers wishes and was told to never speak about it again. and so mari didn’t, as much as she wanted to see the group of boys go down, she couldn’t. she had no proof to back herself up anyways, so she went without justice
martiza joined the police force to let out her rage, in spite of her parents wanting their picture perfect daughter. after eighteen she was allowed to do whatever she wanted, so she never looked back. she’s a devil with a gun, and hasn’t been known to show mercy in real cases.
she’s not really sure how she ended up here, it was kind of like she got off the bus at the first place it stopped and never returned who she used to be. recovering from her eating disorder and having never made a genuine connection with a person, she was basically like a newborn learning how to live.
and what better way to learn than with the scum of the earth? it’s basically all she’s ever known anyway. no longer quiet, maritza is now a blunt, loud-mouth that isn’t afraid of anyone of anything. she knows she lives in a town full of people who could hurt her and loves the thrill of it.
if she cares about you, maritza is the go to girl to get your open case missing. she’s quick to convince escaped victims that the full situation would be taken care of as she’s dropping case notes into the shredder. if she doesn’t like you or know you, she doesn’t give a fuck, the case is going in. but situations like what happened to her get sent in no matter who it is, and she does it without one shred of guilt. she had wanted to see her parents, her abusers, her assaulters taken down but this was the next best things
this is all over the place im so sorry but god i love plots so much and have a few in mind so pls pls pls message me i promise im nice and not as rambly and messy as this is thank u goodnite
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1.There are many than doubly lots of resolutions as thoughts. While a good many questions or concerns attained no explanations, many people gotten 7, five, or maybe more.
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Huge types almost everywhere are keeping Search engines like google Answers and questions unanswered
I did some random searches for big brands around the state and around the country, i chose San Francisco for my case study because of its general reputation for being hip to new tech.I ran across issues in short supply of individual resolutions for Whole Foods, Sephora, Taco Bell,Macy’s and Denny’s, Cracker Barrel, Preferred, and T-Cell, but just in case my limited focus was presenting a false picture of how local businesses are managing this feature. I noted that Walmart has cumulatively garnered thousands of questions with no brand responses, as I looked around the nation. The wrists and hands-straight down champion for that one locale in short supply of standard explanations is Google and yahoo in Mountain Point of view, however. 103 inquiries during my research and nary an master reply to coming soon. Alphabet should think about setting a more impressive sample along with their private product… except after i am misunderstanding their eye-sight of methods Google and yahoo Answers and questions is meant to be applied.
Huge types all over the place are keeping Search engines like google Answers and questions unanswered
But just in case my limited focus was presenting a false picture of how local businesses are managing this feature, I did some random searches for big brands around the state and around the country, i chose San Francisco for my case study because of its general reputation for being hip to new tech.
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dbl07 · 7 years
5 Date Night Ideas You Haven’t Tried 5 Date Night Ideas You Haven’t Tried I met my wife at freshman orientation for college and we started hanging out as friends then we started dating officially after a few months. That was 27 years ago and we have had a lot of dates in between so I thought I would share a few fun ideas to keep your dating your spouse fun and fresh. These are a variety of things we have done that vary in time and $$$ so you should be able to find a few that fit. 1 Dog Bowl Adventures – Time Needed 1 Day – Cost $ ​ My wife got Teddy when our baby went to college a few years ago and so now we have a new baby to take with us on dates. So I came up with Dog Bowl Adventures by taking Teddy’s collapsible water bowl and using it as our pot to draw from. Here is how you play: Go to google maps​ zoom out so you can see your entire state and the one next to you. Now write down all the cities on a piece of paper that are within a 2 hr radius from where you live. Some big, some small towns mix things up with places you have been or never been to before. Now cut paper into a small strip for each city and place in the dog bowl. Now this is where things get controversial. (at least at my house The way the game, that I invented, is “supposed” to be played, is you wake up Saturday am, get dressed, go to dog bowl close your eyes and reach in and grab a city, hop in the car and begin your adventure for the day. To me that is fun! Surprise, adventure, not knowing what is next or what you will find. However, some people don’t like surprise as much, they like to plan and know a little in advance, so just draw a city the night before then they have some time to look up things to do in that city. One other rule to this game is you can’t eat at a chain food restaurant, you have to eat local. So we rely on Tripadvisor​ or google reviews to find those unique eating experiences that each city has to offer. The fun thing about this is you don’t have to book hotel or spend a lot of $$$ on gas or food and every date is unique. We visit local shops, parks as we explore each city and sometimes we cheat and use Tripadvisor to look up “Things to do” if we get to a city and can’t find anything. #2 Deluxe Drive In Movie – Time 6 hrs ish – Cost $$ ​This is one I like to do as a surprise, but it takes a lot of planning on my part but totally worth it! Ask spouse if they want to go to the movies this weekend, of course they will say yes, and tell them you will pick them up at 6. They will look confused, because you live in the same house, why would you need to “pick them up”?? Just tell them you want to go old school, like when you first started dating. DON’T tell them you are going to a drive in! Okay now the fun begins! 1. Find a Drive In Movie theater near you, here is a website to help I found: http://ift.tt/2ILValF 2. Rent a Uhaul 10ft truck​ the afternoon you are to go to movies. 3. Take afternoon off, go to your house and pack your living room into the back of the u haul. Set up the living room so couch is facing out the back of the truck and don’t forget accessories like rug, plants, coffee tables etc. You can go nuts and hang pictures on the wall, put some battery powered leds on ceiling with clear packing tape or just in a bowl. Park the Uhaul a few doors down at a neighbors house. 4. Get some flowers at walmart or some place cheap, she won’t care where you got them from, so when you show up in a u haul for a date she will be somewhat disarmed. ​5. Park somewhere near back row so you don’t block anyone’s view with your big truck AND if you want to make out like you did when you first met, you can! Open her door, escort her to back of truck, open and you will probably have to put things back together unless you ducktape things in place. Make sure your date is comfy and go grab some popcorn and drinks and enjoy the show! #3 Random Thursday Skeeball – Time 2hrs – $ ​It’s Thursday, you typically come home from work, one of you cooks while the other one falls asleep on the couch, then you watch something on TV go to bed just like you did everyday this week. Well mix it up every now and then with a random date night! It’s not Friday, not aniversary, not some other day Hallmark says we need to go on a date, it’s just a Thursday. So when your spouse gets home from work, ask if they want to go with you on a quick errand? Then find a place nearby like Dave & Busters​ and go split an appetizer and play some Skeeball or Mario Kart and just have fun together for an hour taking turns picking games. It is usually not crowded on a weeknight so you can be a big kid like Tom Hanks in…Big. #4 Cheap Expensive Date – Time – 2hrs – $$ Find one of the best restaurants in town with the best food and best views. You know, the one that cost $150 last time you went there for a dinner for 2! Now book reservations for sunset if you have a place with a view. Get dressed up for a nice swanky place, you know a suit and her black dress. Now go to dinner and order drinks and split a desert. You can get out for around $30, just make sure to Tip waiter well! Then you can go to taco bell and get dinner #5 Ride ALL the rides at the ALL the Disney Parks around the world ​for Free! ​Now I know what you’re thinking, “I don’t have that kind of money$!$!$!” Neither do I, but it is on my bucket list. So here is a fun thing to do together one evening. Pop some popcorn, move couch in front of TV like you are on the rides. Now Go to youtube and search for your favorite rides “pirates of the caribbean ride at disney world​” Then you can see what the ride is like at WDW in FL and then hop on the ride in Disneyland California and then get nuts and travel to Shanghai Disneyland to ride the newest and coolest version. Or you can pick a park and look at the Disney Park Maps​ for what rides are at each park so you know what to search for. Have fun, put your hands up and act like you are on the ride together without the crazy lines!​ Here is a good youtube channel to start with https://www.youtube.com/user/SocalAttractions360/videos​​ Have FUN Together and as Frank Sinatra says “The Best is Yet to come!” Matthew Rings The post 5 Date Night Ideas You Haven’t Tried appeared first on DBL07 Consulting & Website Design. http://ift.tt/2ufeggS http://www.dbl07.co
via DBL07 Consulting & Website Design Greenville SC http://ift.tt/2yXafQ1
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
People are sharing nice things about celebrities in the wake of mass sexual assault allegations — and some of them are really delightful
Daisy Steiner/Twitter
Numerous celebrities are being accused of sexual harassment and assault in the wake of allegations against Harvey Weinstein.
One Twitter user is asking for positive stories instead.
In response, people are sharing heartwarming anecdotes about lovely celebrities.
  Amid a wave of sexual assault allegations against celebrities, one person is asking for positive stories instead.
"If anyone has any nice allegations against a celebrity that would be great too," the San Francisco-based artist and photographer Oliver Leach tweeted. "Does a famous actor give good christmas presents? Does lady comedian alwyays smoke people out?"
More than 8,000 people replied to the call for stories, which range from Chris Martin making unpublicized visits to children's hospitals to Tom Hiddleston buying someone a new cup of coffee after accidentally spilling one. All of these are unverified, so approach with skepticism. Still, it's nice to see so many everyday folks — and even a few celebrities — talk about how stars can be sweet even with all the fame.
Tweet Embed: https://twitter.com/mims/statuses/928747844332167168?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw harmony korine paid for a pack of smokes i was short for in a deli onceTweet Embed: https://twitter.com/mims/statuses/928795681673814016?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw all of the 6 lead actors on the good place are unbelievably kind, cordial, and complimentary, in addition to being way funny & talentedTweet Embed: https://twitter.com/mims/statuses/928748071504117760?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw Lou Diamond Phillips stuck up for me against a really rude customer at a coffee cart I used to work atTweet Embed: https://twitter.com/mims/statuses/928779485016502272?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw Billy Gibbons would play acoustic guitar and tell me stories and his GF would bring me coffee while I removed his viruses which were manyTweet Embed: https://twitter.com/mims/statuses/928779653912735744?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw Kenny G would always tip $100 whenever I came to his house to fix whateverTweet Embed: https://twitter.com/mims/statuses/928779913313665024?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw Jason Alexander's wife was one of the nicest and most appreciative customers I've ever met. Mr Alexander was a close 2ndTweet Embed: https://twitter.com/mims/statuses/928780362498547712?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw I helped install Cuba Gooding Jrs home theater and he was SO excited and appreciative when we set him up to play different music in different roomsTweet Embed: https://twitter.com/mims/statuses/928781263489531904?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw Also at coffee cart I helped Salma Hayek a few times, she always tipped heavy and was very niceTweet Embed: https://twitter.com/mims/statuses/928755960960598016?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw Will Forte is the kindest and best human I have ever met. Method Man rules too, and he smells FANTASTIC all the time.Tweet Embed: https://twitter.com/mims/statuses/928790186464387073?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman let me stay with them when my mom was in the hospital for cancer surgeriesTweet Embed: https://twitter.com/mims/statuses/928836780303855617?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw Nathan fillion is amazing and often gets food truck service and similar as thanks to the production crews on shows/etc he appears inTweet Embed: https://twitter.com/mims/statuses/928747648269635584?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw i got to meet pete postlethwaite backstage after watching him do king lear. when i congratulated him on his performances he smiled warmly and tickled me on the belly before wandering offTweet Embed: https://twitter.com/mims/statuses/929184143174275073?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw I worked on a movie with Brad Pitt back in the late 1980s. He's incredibly funny, talented, and kind. He's also a really good card player, and he taught me how to play poker. He taught me so well that I was finally able beat him.Tweet Embed: https://twitter.com/mims/statuses/929107516960722944?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw I met Brie Larson once and she was super sweet and made sure we got a good selfie together. As did Liam Hemsworth (he actually took the photo)Tweet Embed: https://twitter.com/mims/statuses/929108098438062081?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw Sure http://pic.twitter.com/j2kPrMRruCTweet Embed: https://twitter.com/mims/statuses/929083826483032064?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw I once served Tom Hanks at my old job. Once I was off I was leaving & he was too. I asked if it would be okay for us to take a picture together. He smiled & said “walk with me.” So I did & we talked, he gave me some life advice, then we took a few pictures together. Super nice.Tweet Embed: https://twitter.com/mims/statuses/928867273770700801?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw One day on the location shoot for Hobbit a group of kid Laketown extras came up to Peter Jackson just as the crew broke for lunch. He sat and chatted with them, signed autographs and pretty much made their lives. I've got photo proof, too! http://pic.twitter.com/IDaUsixxunTweet Embed: https://twitter.com/mims/statuses/929207451211239425?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw Nicholas Cage and Jared Leto called me and my sister and niece over for an autograph and picture even though we were all roped off while they were filming 'lord of war' next door to my building.Tweet Embed: https://twitter.com/mims/statuses/928746470634807296?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw i ran into nick offerman in my office building the morning after trump got elected. we commiserated, and when he ran into me later in the day he said "things are looking up. nobody got elected today." first thing that made me laugh about the election. i really appreciated it.Tweet Embed: https://twitter.com/mims/statuses/929152490247000064?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw One time I tweeted @SarahKSilverman about being too broke to go to her show and was reading her book instead- she DMd me that she put me on the list for the show. My future wife and went to that show togeather. I hope she knows how much that meant to me, I cried with joy.Tweet Embed: https://twitter.com/mims/statuses/928764716012507136?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw David Tennant not only graciously accepted an academic paper from a random fan in the Richard II stage door line but actually read it and sent me an appreciative note about it
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