#putting this in the main tag because i feel like this is swinging at a hornet nest and i enjoy violence
muniimyg · 9 months
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8.5: exiled 》 series m.list
note: hi.... bye..... lol
taglist request: send a request with the title of this fic “c2u” // DO NOT comment here or on the masterlist . it gets confusing and i prefer answering and tagging through asks !!!
🏷️ permanent taglist: @joonsjuice @taetaecatboy @pb-n-juju @miss-rainy-days @firesighgirl @whoa-jo @vantxx95 @pamzn @kakixaku @casspirit0705 @tae165 @defzcl @sopebubbles @leefics @ggukkieland @bebebutbetter @yoongimentita7 @boraength @era-genius @4ksj @vampcharxter @miss-jupiter @floweryjeons @taegijns @jeonqkooks-main @ellesalazar
fic taglist: @mint--yoongs @bloopkook @suciedad-divina @xelenavazquezx @kyjjk @parkinglot-nights @skzthinker @thisisaburnphone @rrjkive @hyuneyeon @chemicalclub @bbtsficrecs @ronyiboniyy @italiekim @02shifts @insomniaroses @jayjahni @jeonsh1ne @greybears123 @eunthv @petalsofink @aerikook
“Get off of her!” 
All eyes are on you as you shove a drunk guy off Mina. He's probably twice your size, but it doesn't matter. Her eyes widen as you take her by the arm and hide her behind you like a child. She almost trips over her own feet, but finds balance as Yuna catches her. Yuna stands behind Mina, keeping her in the middle. Automatically, Mina feels safe.
The man puts his hands up and feels all eyes shift to him. 
Poorly, he tries to take a step towards you. Glaring at him, you don’t back away. Yuna tugs your arm to do so, but you ignore her. Instead, you stay as you are. Why would you back down? Why should you be scared? The man chuckles, unable to process what’s happening. He slurs his words, “I was just trying to talk to her.”
You find his ignorance ridiculous. Coyly, you call him out. “Since when did 'trying to talk to her' involve your hands on her ass?” 
His crooked smile drops at your words. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Without much thought, you take a step towards him. Angrier than ever, you want to yell at his face, slap him, and tell him he’s a sad excuse of a man. You hate him. He boils your blood and you love the idea of swinging at him. It takes every ounce of strength for you not to.
It's not such a bad idea, right?
The moment you move your feet and raise your hand, Yuna calls for Taehyung. 
It's a little annoying how in moments like these, it’s difficult to deny that they just might be a match made in heaven. Like magic, Taehyung makes his way through the crowd and places himself in between you and the drunk man. 
Taehyung eyes the guy, steadily with an intimidating gaze. His tone is cold and irritated. He has never been the one to entertain drama—especially the kind that involves his friends. 
“You bothering my friends?” He asks. "I'd suggest you don't."
The man huffs at him before deciding this isn't worth it. He backs off, not bothering to look back or utter another word. The crowd parts for him as his friends help him out of the house. By the time he disappears, Taehyung yells: “Ayo, what the fuck is everyone on? Since when did we let creeps in? Since when do we let each other be treated like that?”
“No, Yuna," Taehyung pauses only to raise his voice. "That was so fucking weird! Since when do we stand around and let them do stupid shit—“
“Tae,” Yuna grabs his arm, and she attempts to calm him. “Everyone is drunk. No one is going to listen to your speech. It’s okay. Nothing escalated and you came right on time.”
He has a difficult time accepting her words.
“Just because it’s okay this time doesn’t mean it’s okay next time,” he huffs. Yuna hushes him and pulls him in a hug. Taehyung rests his chin on top of her head and murmurs, “You’re okay, right? Did he touch you?” 
Yuna shakes her head and proceeds to tell Taehyung to relax. She explains that it wasn’t even her that needed the rescue—it was Mina. Though it was a concerning matter, Taehyung doesn’t care. He takes any and every opportunity to protect Yuna. To him, only Yuna mattered. He pouts, feeling sulky at the fact that she was almost caught in an uncomfortable situation. 
The two drift into their own world, leaving you and Mina. 
Turning to her, you ask, "Are you okay?"
Mina nods, taking a breath in. She can't believe all of that happened within 5 minutes. It was all so fast. Hastly, she answers you. "Y-yeah, I am. Thanks for that..."
Simply, you offer a small smile and nod. Just as you're about to take off and find Yuna, Mina reaches for your hand. You hesitate, not knowing what to do. Although that doesn’t matter, The alcohol in her system gives her confidence as she takes your hand and tugs you in for a hug. By now, it’s clear that her state is well past tipsy.
Mumbling, she reveals, “My friends would’ve just stood there. The last time something like this happened, Jungkook swooped in to save me—”
“Why do your friends just stand there?” you ask rather angrily. That's annoying. Shouldn't girls stick together? Shouldn't friends do more than let bad things happen? Mina's words make you upset and lead you to a protective point of view. You pull away and look at her sternly. “You need new friends.”
She laughs, trying to play it cool. “They’re just shy…”
“That’s no excuse,” you tell her. “If that shit happens again, text me. Yuna and I will come to your rescue. I literally hate it when guys are—”
“You’re nice,” she says softly. Mina says it like it's the newest discovery the world needs to know of. She says it like it's mindblowing. You can't help but crack a smile at her as she continues. “L-like, I knew you were nice… But this is your first time being nice to me.”
You pause for a second.
Were you intentionally mean to her? You never meant to be (aside from the blowjob thing). Seeing her alone and in distress makes you feel like the most horrible person in the entire world. You want to say sorry. You want to beg for forgiveness and hope for a reset with her.
Let's be real.
Rebuilding or restoring—whatever the fuck you need to do to fix things between you and Mina—can't happen overnight. No flowery words or protective action can make up for the strain in your potential friendship with her.
You opt for the most rational path.
Baby steps.
“I guess I just never had the opportunity to be your friend,” you almost stutter.
Your words catch her off guard. 
Mina blinks at you. “I thought you didn’t like me. Why would you be my friend?”
You chuckle, a little taken back by her honesty. “Who said I didn’t like you? Jungkook?”
She shakes her head profusely. “N-no… No one really.. I just assumed. And, speaking of which…. Let’s go this way.”
By now, the crowd had already forgotten and moved on from what had happened 5 minutes ago. Everyone takes their place, occupying the house, and leaving you and Mina no choice but to move out of the way. Even though she’s drunk and stumbling through the crowd, she remembers where she last saw Jungkook. 
As she leads you to the backyard, she pauses at the sliding door. Outside, you can see Jungkook sitting on the grass with a drink in his hand. Yuna and Taehyung are sitting on the patio deck, talking to each other and watching over Jungkook. 
“I don’t not like you,” you admit to her. Your wording is confusing, especially to a drunk girl trying to comprehend your attempt at warmth. “Not liking you… versus not liking the fact that you like Jungkook are two different things… I think I was insecure. I was immature about it. I didn’t mean to be mean. I’m sorry I was selfish. I’m sorry if it ruined what you and Jungkook had.”
“You’re sorry about ruining my one-sided romance with him?” Mina frets, holding back tears. 
With no words to give her, you stay quiet. 
Breaking the silence, she asks with a sad smile: “What if I still like Jungkook?” 
It would be a lie to say that her words didn’t frustrate you. Truth be told, the entire idea of her still being into him makes you feel uneasy. Given that your fight with Jungkook blew up at the mention of her name—it’s not easy to move past. 
But you figure… Maybe you should. Maybe pushing through all the insecurity, ache, and pettiness is what needs to be done. There are so many good things in life and friendship is one of those things. She doesn't need to be your best friend or anything—but maybe she could be a good friend. At least, someone you could wave at as you cross paths.
Playfully, you nudge her. She reacts just as playfully and helps you unlock the patio door. 
“Then I guess you’re right,” you laugh, trying to sound as lighthearted as possible. “I don’t like you at all.”
For the first time, Mina throws her head back and laughs for real. 
You join her and laugh a little harder. Her reaction makes you feel a sense of relief and in that, for a split second, it felt comfortable and easy between you two. Like you had been friends all along. Like there was no bad start. No bad blood. When your laughter dies down, Mina takes a deep breath and makes a final confession. 
“I really wanted to be your friend,” her teary eyes give in. She lets a tear roll down her cheek as she continues. Sniffing, she admits, “I really wanted you to like me… You’re so pretty and you and Yuna have this nonchalant bestie behaviour that I'm honestly jealous of—“
“You’re so pretty too,” you say in awe. You can't help but feel flattered at her words but also a little bad that her luck seems to be quite the opposite of yours. “Let's put a pin on your friends for now... You’re really drunk, babes.”
“I know!” she cries with a smile. Mina throws her hands in the air like an overdramatic child. You've always known her to be cute, but this was the cherry on top.
She's cute! You don't want to rip her head off too! Progress.
Sighing, you ask, “How are you gonna get home?”
Mina shrugs.  “Dunno. Friends ditched me.”
You frown. 
“I’ll get Yuna and Taehyung to take you home… Is that okay? I'd do it myself but I think Jungkook needs my attention right now. Also, I don’t really trust the people at this party around you.” 
For the second time tonight, your words touch Mina. 
Oddly enough, your concern for her only makes her even more sad. It only makes her even more angry at the universe. In a sick way, she wishes you were mean. If you were mean, maybe it would be easier hating you. Instead, your honesty with your words pushes her into a dilemma. Should she hate you out of spite? Should she like you just because of this one good moment? Does she give it all up and let her growing resentment go? 
You look at her fondly and her mind is made up. 
You were forgiven. 
“I get it,” she sniffs, as she makes the connections in her mind. You tilt your head at her, eyebrows knit together.
“Get what?”
“I get why Jungkook wants to be loved by you so bad."
Mina doesn't continue her sentence. Puzzled, you aren't sure if there was more to it. You aren't sure if she was just that drunk. You aren't sure what it even means... Regardless, you're thankful.
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One thing about Jungkook is that he’s good at drinking. 
In every beer pong game, every drinking game, and ice challenge—he has never had an issue getting drunk. He always had fun too! Drinking was easy for him. At least, it was easy until you. 
Drinking and having feelings for you all at once is not his favourite mix. 
God, he hates this so much. 
It feels like no drink is enough. No amount of shots or refills in his red cup will ease how he feels. Every shot he takes, as he shuts his eyes and throws his head back, he dedicates to you. How could he not? You’re the reason he’s drinking so fucking much anyway. 
He can’t think straight anymore. There isn’t a single thought in his head that makes sense and even counting is difficult now. Jungkook doesn’t know how many drinks he’s had. He lost count of the amount of shots he took by himself and with others. At one point, he thought his alcohol was water and chugged it.
Then, when he realized it wasn’t water… He threw up on Taehyung.
But that was minutes ago. For a good 10 minutes, he was left alone outside in the dark. Oddly enough, it was the first time in two weeks that he didn’t feel alone. His usual emptiness wasn’t consuming him.
There’s a stillness under the night sky that simply gives him peace. It lasts for a good 10 seconds before he thinks of you again… Not that he hasn’t been thinking of you every second of every day for the past two weeks—right now, he’s really thinking of you.
He’s thinking of how you laugh a beat after the punchline is said. He’s thinking of how you always hesitate to hold his hand. He’s thinking about the way you always take Yuna’s side even when she’s clearly wrong. He’s thinking about how much he wished he could’ve been that stupid fucking perilla leaf because it meant being close to your lips.
Then, he lets himself laugh.
It’s silly, isn’t it? Aside from being jealous of Eunwoo, he was also jealous of the perilla leaf itself.
How fucking hilarious.
Then, it gets worse.
As he continues to think about you, he swears he can see you making your way to him. Your figure comes closer and closer. Jungkook rubs his eyes, not wanting this to be a dream. Could it be true? Is it really you? Why… How the fuck did you get here? When?
With Eunwoo?
Oh my god.
He feels like he might cry.
“Jungkook,” you rush over to him and take the red cup out of his hand. Without hesitation, you pour out the alcohol and then toss the cup aside. He isn’t sure how, but you have a water bottle. It appears like magic and you open it. You don’t bother exchanging words with him as you bring the water to his mouth and tilt it.
He takes three big gulps before turning his face away.
“You need to drink more water,” you say softly, moving in closer to him. He looks at you weirdly, still not processing that you’re actually beside him. 
It’s been so long since you’ve been this close to him.
It feels like a fever dream.
“___? A-are you really here?”
His voice cracks. He sounds unsure and almost afraid. As much as it breaks your heart, you force yourself to put on a brave face.
Nodding, you offer him a smile. “Yeah, it’s me,” you attempt to give him water again. He rejects. “Come on, Jungkook. You need to drink more water—”
He shakes his head, rejecting you. 
“Yah, ___!” Jungkook pokes his tongue against the inside of his cheek. “Don’t call me that. Fuck, ___. You should know when to stop.”
You blink at him. His harshness is difficult to be upset over. You can't blame him for feeling whatever he's feeling. It's valid. You've been an absolute idiot. Yet, your face can’t hide the disappointment you feel from being treated like that. 
Jungkook’s stern face suddenly drops. You’ve never seen such emotion. His lips twitch, as he tries to hold in his sobs. He hasn’t cried over you yet. In the span of the two weeks apart—he has just been avoiding his feelings. Avoiding you.
Now, here you are.
In front of him in all your heartbreaking glory and he can’t find it in himself to walk away. He can’t think of a single thing to say or do. Truth be told, he just wanted to look at you because holy shit.
He missed you so much.
“Seriously,” you press, “please… Just drink a little more water—”
Jungkook hits the water bottle out of your hand. It practically flies to the other side of the yard. You stand still, trying to keep yourself calm. It’s not like you were afraid of him or his temper—you’re afraid of what’s going to happen now.
His words.
“Do you honestly think I give a shit about water right now?” Jungkook growls. “Fucking think about it, ___.”
You take a breath in.
“What are you doing, Jungkook?”
You continue, “Why are you drinking so much?”
He stares at you with a blank expression. 
You can’t help yourself by saying something that you know will bring out a reaction from him. “Jungkook, why’d you ask for a break?”
The most that happens is that he squints at you. He remains silent. 
Sighing, you make one last attempt. “I’m not good at this, okay? Tell me what to do and I’ll—”
“Say sorry.”
Immediately, you do so. You apologize. “I’m sorry.”
“Tell me you have feelings for me too.”
That’s when you notice his fists are all curled up and his chest rises dramatically from taking deep breaths. You open your mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. He lowers his gaze, searching for your eyes. Then, Jungkook snaps. He can’t hold it in any longer. There are too many questions flooding his mind and at this point—ruining his life.
“Tell me you hate me then,” he insists. “___, tell me it’s my fault. Please. I’m begging you. Tell me I’ve been delusional about everything going on between us and that I had no right to act like a wuss over a fucking perilla leaf because I don’t mean shit to you. Tell me, ___, w-why don’t you wa-want m-me?”
His voice betrays him. It cracks as his words spill his sadness. A small sob, followed by a real one, escapes his lips. He buries his face into his hands as his shoulders shake from his cries. 
Jungkook is a mess.
He is mindlessly drunk and completely heartbroken. You reach out for him, but he shakes you off. “Let’s talk about this tomorrow, okay? When you’re not crying or this drunk—please, Jungkook. I’m begging you.”
“No! It’s no use.” Jungkook begins to sob even harder. He clenches the left side of his shirt, where his heart is, and hits it once, twice, and then a third time. It’s breaking and in no time, his heart will turn into stardust. He knows it. Even so, he cries like his words are his dying wish. “I like you so much my chest hurts. My words lose meaning because there is no way for me to explain that the answer doesn’t change—it’s always the same fucking answer to the stupidest goddamn question—oh my god, ___! I can’t keep pretending anymore—it hurts so bad. Being with you hurts so bad… Being without you is death. I felt like I was dying."
“Breathe,” you plead, as you search for his eyes. “Jungkook, take a minute.”
It’s devastating.
Jungkook is in complete agony and you don’t know what to say or do to ease his pain. If you say what he wants to hear—will that fix everything? Will he stop crying? Will he accuse you of lying? You don’t know. All you know is that it feels like the sky is falling.
“I think I’ve had feelings for you since the first time I’ve ever made you laugh… And I miss that, ___. I miss making you laugh.” In a sad attempt to compose himself, he reaches for your hand. You let him take it. What else can you do when the guy you’re falling for is falling apart in front of you? You let him take your fucking hand. You hold his hand tight and bite your tongue from letting your stupid words ruin this moment. 
“I remember it, y-you know?” he sniffs, trying to catch his breath. “B-but I don’t remember the joke I told you. In all honesty, I was too busy looking at you. Like, when I made you laugh, your eyes smiled before your lips did… A-and I remember my heart skipping a beat b-because it never did that before.” 
His confession moves you. 
Although, your heart feels conflicted. You don't even remember the first time he's made you laugh. He always makes you laugh. It’s flattering to find out how deeply he felt for you, but it is also extremely heartbreaking watching him go through this. It hurts you much deeper than you’re expressing. You feel frozen and it’s not by choice.
All you manage to say is; “slow down.” 
He does.
This was harder than he thought it would be. Not that ever thought confessing his feelings to you would be easy—he just never thought it would be like this. Drunk. Crying. Already brokenhearted before his actual confession.
He wanted it to happen better than this. He wanted it to happen lovingly, not desperately. If he had it his way, it should’ve happened at the party. 
He should’ve taken your hand as you walked down the stairs together. He should have asked you out as you two got dressed. Jungkook regrets it so much. If he had more time—if Eunwoo had never shown up… Maybe you two would have been together tonight. Maybe he would’ve been happy. 
Instead, he was downing shot glasses of tears and drunk in love. 
Jungkook turns away from you and tries to focus on his breathing. As he catches his breath, you gather your thoughts. You don’t want to lose him. You don’t want him to think that you’re okay with everything that’s going on—you’re not. You have feelings for him, sure, but you aren’t sure if they’re as deep as his… At least, that’s what you think. Then, that’s when it hits you.
They are, aren’t they? 
If they weren’t, you wouldn’t be here right now. You wouldn’t be holding his hand like a fucking bitch. 
Your feelings are just as deep as his. That’s why you’re here, holding his hand, and wanting to talk things through sober. You want it to mean more than a drunken confession. You want him to mean more than what you’ve been downplaying him to be. As you process these thoughts, he lets go of your hands. He takes a few steps away from you and paces back and forth. As much as he hates to do this, Jungkook draws the boundary.
“Do you even think about me?” He asks with a slightly irritated tone. “Because it feels like you don’t. You never texted me once—”
“You asked for the break.” Unintentionally, you say it like a smartass. 
He huffs at you. “Still. You should have texted—”
“Are you actually mad at me, Jungkook? Or are you upset that—”
“I miss you. Every day that passed, I missed you so much. You didn’t even text. You didn’t even hold your gaze when I caught you staring at me… And I had to play it cool, ___. I had to act like I wasn’t fucking dying inside. I’ve been so miserable—and you knew it. You must have known it because the happiest I’ve ever been has only been with you.” Jungkook’s mind spins faster and faster. He has to get all these words out. They’ve clogged up his mind and he’s so sick of it. 
He’s tired of this. How much longer could he live like this? How much longer does he have to wait for your heart to choose him?
“I waited for your text,” he whimpers. “I have waited for you every day. Over and over again. Day after day—and I c-can’t—” Jungkook pauses to compose his final words. “I did it all alone. I caught feelings by myself. I waited all by myself.”
“I got ahead of myself.” 
You can't believe how foolish he sounds. How the only he got ahead of were your words. Honestly, you can't blame him. All you can really do is let him cry. Then, without warning, he begins to storm away.
You run after him.
Before he knows it, you wrap your arms around his torso. Hugging him from the back, you hold him tight. Jungkook is startled and completely moved. He wants to turn around and melt in your embrace... But for some reason, he can't do it. He can't give in this time. He can't stay and wait for you to fucking get it together. That's why, he does it. It's like he takes hold of the knife stabbed into your heart and pulls it out.
Then, you're left there bleeding as he tears away from your grasp.
For the first time, you watch him walk away. As he enters the house and you're left all alone, you try to rationalize everything in your head... But you can't.
You've been exiled.
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streamafterlaughter · 4 months
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summary: a night out with your friends turns sour, but you’re rescued by an unexpected hero
A/N: i wrote a chapter based on this post for my main fic, but feel a desperate need to write it again putting more detail into it bc i love a fictional man covered in blood idk what to tell you!!! let me know if you want a part II, im feeling a miniverse comin’ on (dw, chapter 23 of FD is in the works, i promise!) reblogs and comments always appreciated!
tags/tw: friends to lovers, mentions of sexual harassment, blood, violence (eddie gets in a fight), swearing, slut shaming, confessions, drunkish!eddie. (lmk if i missed something!) fluff, angst, slight hurt/comfort. reader and eddie are about 22-23, out of high school, happy etc etc. best friend!robin and best friend!steve feature, of course.
Your friendship had been simple, at first. You and Eddie had met as kids, before boys had cooties and girls were lame. Eddie had been cornered on the playground, by some giants in the grade above you. They'd shoved him against the chain link fence, their greasy leader demanding he hand over his lunch money. When Eddie blubbered that he didn’t have any, that he hadn’t eaten lunch in weeks, the goons cackled at him, shoving him to the ground while calling him things like “trailer trash.” You couldn’t stand it, even at eleven years old. The poor kid, with hair buzzed closely to his scalp, dressed in all black, carrying around a battered notebook with doodles of dragons on its cover. Your face had warmed with anger, hands balled into fists ready to swing on the group that would outnumber you five to two, or five to one if you were being realistic. This kid clearly wasn’t a fighter.
“Hey!” You had shouted, stomping your worn out converse against the mulch of the playground. “What the hell are you doing, Jared?” You hadn’t been afraid to get in the kid’s face, brows furrowed together as you jabbed your tiny finger into his puffed out chest. “What’s he ever done to you, huh? I don’t think it’s his fault your mother left.” You know now, it wasn’t the nicest thing to say, but it had worked. Jared’s goons had gone silent, anticipating his retort, but all he’d done was cry. What a bitch.
When he’d run, tail tucked between his legs, you’d turned to the cowering boy behind you, offering your hand. “You okay?”
He’d nodded, clearly still shaken up but trying to be brave. “I can take care of myself.” Of course, it had been embarrassing. Not because you were a girl, or younger than him, but you were braver. You didn’t give a shit what people thought of you. Even then, he could tell. You were fucking cool.
”Yeah, sure looked like it. Whatever. I’m Y/n.” You held out your hand to him again, this time to shake, like you were a seasoned lawyer, or something.
“Eddie.” He’d taken your hand, given it a brief shake, but you could tell he was nervous by the way your palm stuck to his.
”Hi, Eddie. You wanna walk to Benny’s with me? Get some burgers?”
He’d shaken his head. “I don’t have money.”
You’d only shrugged. “I got it.” You didn’t think mentioning that Benny was your uncle, or that you and your friends could always eat free, was worth mentioning. From that day on, you and Eddie had been inseparable.
The Hideout is loud. You’re wrapped around your best friend’s arm as he leads you through the bar. It’s the only time you’ve seen this place busy, let alone filled with people that don’t qualify for a discount at Denny’s.
The crowd must be the fault of the band. They're full of life on the tiny stage in the back of the bar, somehow convincing patrons to take to the sticky wooden floor to dance.
“You wanna drink, sweets?” You hear him even over the loud music, like a siren call meant only for you.
“Yes, please!” You look up at Eddie, who’s already staring at you. His rich brown eyes sparkle in the dancing stage lights, and you find your tongue in knots at the sight of him.
He nods, sliding his jacket from your shoulders before seating you at a table. “I’ll be right back!” He promises before skipping off to the bar. You keep your eyes trained on him, hypnotized by the way he glided towards the bar, weaving between the mass of gyrating bodies.
You can’t exactly pinpoint when your feelings for him started changing. You assume it had to have been high school. He started growing his hair out, dressing in leather and denim, and listening to a lot of heavy metal. Something about it was attractive to you, watching your best friend become the man he is now, at twenty three years old.
Even with an exterior most find scary, Eddie is still the kindest soul you know. That’s what really pulled you in. He’s always treated you with kindness and care, never once letting you leave his house angry, and knowing just what to say to calm you down. He always makes sure you’re home safe after a night drinking, sometimes even willing to forfeit his own fun to drive you to your place, or crash at his trailer.
Of course, these feelings have stayed stuffed deep, deep down. You can’t bring yourself to ruin what you have with him, risking your closest friendship to maybe be told what you want to hear.
“Hey! You still in there?” Eddie waves his decorated hand a few inches from your face, and you’re dragged back to earth. He places your drink on the table in front of you.
“Yeah, sorry.”
“Penny for your thoughts?” He rests his chin on his knuckles, full attention on you, and you feel your face warm.
“Just happy to be out with you is all.” Not a lie, but not exactly the truth. Safe.
“Alright.” He’s never been one to pry. “You wanna dance?” The song has changed to something slower, and you try not to read into his timing as you nod your head cautiously, taking Eddie’s hand as he leads you to the floor.
Eddie places his hands on either of your hips, and you can’t help but stiffen. “This alright?” He must have felt it too.
“Yes, yeah,” You stumble to reassure him, nervous you’ll scare him off. He’s always been such a gentleman, so careful with you.
You drape your arms around his neck loosely, casually. Safely. Still just two friends, swaying to some angst ridden tune you can’t understand the words to.
It’s later when Steve and Robin arrive, already drunk from spending the night at a concert in the city. You’re still not down for the count, and Eddie’s nursing his sixth drink of the night as the music has switched from guitar driven to computer beats coming from a turntable.
“Since when does The Hideout hire DJs?” Robin shouts over the bass driven music, eyes squinting in the bright lights.
“Ever since the place sold to some big wig in Indy, they’ve been doing this shit on weekends!” Eddie informs her as Steve starts talking about how “this is actually a great business tactic.” You decide now is a good time to slip back to the bar for a refill.
Unfortunately, you are one of about fifty people to have that idea, and you groan as you fight to find an open space along the counter. You mumble “excuse me” after “sorry” after “move, please!” until you’ve almost reached the front. As you’re about to order, you feel a hand squeeze your ass.
You whip your head around, and come face to face with a large, muscular man in a tight t-shirt and even tighter jeans.
“Hey, baby,” He winks, the disgusting smirk on his face sending a chill through your body. “You here all by yourself, gorgeous?” Your throat tightens. This is what it’s like, you know that. You shouldn’t be by yourself, that was your mistake. Your throat tightens, impossibly dry, before looking back up at this man. He is seemingly a foot and a half taller than you, likely able to break you in half using only his bicep, and he’s is standing way too close. You can even smell the whiskey on his tongue. “Uh, well,”
“Cmon, let’s go dance, huh?” He interrupts, snatching your wrist with an iron grip, and you squeeze your eyes shut as he leads you towards the dance floor, already formulating an escape route. You’ll say you need to use the bathroom, then you’ll find your friends and leave. Easy enough, right? Unfortunately as you reach the dance floor, the song slows again and you find yourself flush against this beast of a man, his big arms caging you into his chest. You feel the tears start to well in your eyes, blurring your already obscured vision. Your heart drops into your stomach when you realize you are completely, fully, and hopelessly trapped.
“Sooo,” Robin turns to Eddie, who’s been staring across into space, daydreaming about you for the last five minutes. “Where’s your girl?”
“What?” He’d heard her, but he wants to hear it again. And again and again.
“Your baby, dingus! You’re one true-“
“Would you shut up?” He interrupts her slurring of teasing, aching jabs, feeling his face heat up with every syllable. “She’s not my- y’know, she’s not mine.”
“Oh, please!” Steve snorts, causing Eddie to whip his head to look at him. “We all know she’s yours, and you’re hers, and all that romantic bullshit, okay? No use trying to squirm out of it. Be grateful you got that much. We all know she loves you.”
He rolls his eyes, but his heart is skipping with each word. He wants to believe them, desperately. He can’t bring himself to have those hopes, though, not about you. He’d only disappoint you, or scare you off when he got too close. It’s better, keeping you at a distance. Safer.
“Is that… No,” Robin looks beyond Eddie, and he turns to follow her gaze. He finds you easily, the only figure he’d recognize in such a loud, multicolored environment. You’re squished against a boulder of a man as you sway to the music, but he can’t see your face. Eddie feels his heart catch in his throat as he turns back to his friends.
“See? I told you she’s not mine.” He clears his throat when he hears his own voice crack. Not fucking now.
“Who is that guy?” Steve asks, craning his neck to get a better view.
“Probably just some club sleaze, she’s probably not even having fun.” Robin shrugs. Her comment clicks in Eddie’s brain before it clicks in her own, though.
“I gotta go.” He shoves himself from the table.
“Should I go with him?”
Robin shrugs. “That dude is gigantic. Maybe watch his back.”
“Hey, um,” The song has ended, and you need to get the fuck out of here. “I’ll be right back, I gotta use the ladies’ room,” You peel yourself away from him, but he grabs your arm before you can.
“Nuh uh, you can use the bathroom at my place. C’mon.” There will be no talking yourself out of this. Usually you can confuse a man into leaving you alone, but this guy’s different. You can sense the danger, the complete lack of empathy, like it’s a scent he’s giving off. You have to make a scene.
You twist your arm, writhing to get out of his grip, when you feel the cooling rings of a familiar hand on your shoulder. “Hey, sweetheart,” Eddie’s voice is low, so this man/monster can’t hear him. “I’m gonna get you out of here. Hang on.” He moves in front of you, between you and the giant causing him to drop your arm. There’s an angry red ring of his lasting grip around your wrist. “You gotta problem, buddy?” The guy puffs his chest out at Eddie, like some weird, animalistic instinct to seem bigger. Like he needs that advantage.
“Yeah, I do. Why were your hands on my girl?”
You try not to think about the words too much. Despite the situation though, you feel your heart skip. Steve joins him beside you, placing his hand on your other shoulder protectively.
“Your girl, huh? Well your girl’s a fuckin’ slut then, she’s been dancing with me for the last ten minutes.”
“What the fuck did you just call her, you prick?”
“You heard me bitch boy, she’s a slut! And I like my girls dirty.” Before Eddie can respond, the guy swings his arm into Eddie’s unsuspecting face as you watch, frozen and helpless. Your hands fly to your mouth to muffle the shriek, but you catch the attention of some nearby patrons.
Eddie doesn’t go down, though. The adrenaline keeps him on his feet. “Oh, we’re doin’ this now?” Eddie smirks as he wipes the blood from his split lip. “Cmon, I know you got more in ya than that. You’re massive!” Eddie taunts him before launching at the guy, managing to double him over with a punch to the gut. “You’ll have to do more than that if you want her, big guy. I’ll lay down my fuckin’ life in this bar for that woman.”
The crowd has now turned their attention to where Eddie’s got the brute in a headlock. He gets one more punch in before his opponent breaks out of his grasp, sending his elbow straight into Eddie’s nose. “Oh, ho, ho,” Eddie cackles maniacally as he lifts away from the counter, blood now dripping from his nostrils into his mouth, staining his skin and his shirt. “Look at you, tough guy.” He spits a mouthful of blood onto the bar floor. “Real big of you beatin’ on someone a quarter your size.”
Before anyone else can make a move, the bouncers are rushing up behind them, escorting both men out the front entrance while you follow behind with Steve and Robin. It takes six guys to move the giant, leaving Eddie to comply with the disgruntled manager. You watch as your adversary curses at Eddie before walking into the night, disappearing before anyone could think to call the cops.
“Oh my god, what the fuck?!” Robin is laughing nervously as she looks between you and Eddie, then to Steve with that annoying, know-it-all glint in her eyes.
“Eddie, he could have fuckin’ killed you!” Steve, ever the babysitter, scolds his friend with an elbow to his ribs, causing Eddie to wince in pain.
“Yeah, maybe, but if it meant keeping her safe-,” He cuts himself off as he meets your teary eyes. “Oh, no. Sweets, what’s wrong?”
You shake your head, barely able to look at the bloody boy in front of you. He’s hurt because of you. You were supposed to keep him safe.
“I’m so sorry, Eddie.” You whisper, afraid your voice will betray you for speaking at full volume. “You shouldn’t have done that, I shouldn’t have let you.” The tears are warm on your cheeks when they spill, and as quickly as they do, you have six arms wrapped around you.
“Get some rest, we’ll see you guys tomorrow.” You shut the cab door behind you before following Eddie into his trailer. You don’t want to be alone tonight, and Eddie has graciously offered a sleepover at his place.
“How’s your face?” You ask, already on your way to the freezer for an ice pack.
“I’m fine, honey, I promise.” His voice says otherwise, low and scratchy from a night of straining it. “How are you doing, though?”
It’s a loaded question. How are you supposed to feel, watching your best friend risk his life for you? You’re grateful, sure, but the guilt eats at you still. “I’m just so, so sorry Eddie,” You carefully lift your hand to caress his swollen cheek. “You really didn't have to do that.”
“What was I supposed to do? Let him hurt you? I couldn’t live with myself.” He shakes his head, wincing in pain. “I meant what I said. I’d risk my life to keep you safe.”
You shake your head, not accepting his answer. “Why?” It’s meek, barely a whisper as you blot the remaining blood from his lip.
“What do you mean why?” His words are muffled by the tissue.
You huff, getting upset despite yourself. “You’re telling me you’d put yourself in danger if it meant keeping me out of it? What’s the point? Why do that to yourself because I’m too stupid to make the right decisions? What do you gain from that?”
He shakes his head, clearly frustrated. “Do I have to gain something from it? I do it because I love you, y/n. Simple as that.” You gape at him, and he rolls his eyes, the beginning of a smirk twitching on his face. “Do I have to spell it out for you?”
“It would be helpful, yes.” You’re just about begging now, the nervous sweat causing your shirt to stick to you.
“Sweets, I accepted that I would die for you a long fuckin’ time ago. If it meant keeping you happy, I would tie myself to the train tracks. Or, in this case, let some fucker twice my size beat the living shit out of me.”
You can’t accept it, logically. Your brain won’t let you believe any of his claims. “But I don’t-“
“No.” His voice is stern, almost scolding. “No more of that ‘I don’t deserve you’ shit. Okay? Absolutely not. Because you do. You saved my life all those years ago, and I promised myself I’d make sure to protect yours, too. You are my best friend, and the absolute love of my life, so I’m gonna give you everything I’ve got.” He laces his fingers with yours, and you watch as his rings catch the light.
“It’s okay if you don’t feel that way about me, I’ll never ask you for that, it wouldn’t be fair. But I can’t stand by when you’re in trouble, it’s not what I do.”
Your heart is fighting to free itself from your ribcage. It wants to jump from your skin, straight into Eddie’s open palms. Though the ever present coward in you wishes to curl up inside yourself and hide from him, everything else in your body is being pulled towards him, compelled as if by nature.
Before you even notice you’re crying again, Eddie wraps himself around your shaking frame, rubbing soothing patterns on your back as you sob, open mouthed and ugly, into his t-shirt. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m right here.” He coos, and you focus on his breathing, matching the pace to calm the stutter of your cries.
You claw at his jacket, inhaling his scent of cigarettes and pine soap. You need him closer. He tightens his grip on you, and you look up to face him. His own cheeks are wet with tears, his eyes screwed shut trying to stifle the bite of the wracking sobs you know the strength of well. This is the only chance you’re getting, so you move with calculation. Despite the anxious pounding of your heart, and everything in your head telling you that he’s not yours and never could be, you crane your neck to reach Eddie’s split and swollen lips, squeezing your eyes shut as you place your mouth on his, ever so gently.
Before Eddie can react, you’re gone, face inches away from him as his eyes flutter open. “Whoa. Uh, w-what… what are you doing?” He sputters, face now bright red, and you feel your own cheeks blush.
“I’m- I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed… ” You cover your mouth with your hand to hide the shame, feeling the fire in your stomach. You have just ruined years of friendship, and for one stupid kiss! But Eddie’s beaming, and he’s still gripping you close to him. “I've just wanted to do that for so long.” You admit shyly, shifting against his grip, ready to retreat, but he holds you tighter.
“Can you do it again?” His voice is more confident now. You’re not sure you’ve heard him correctly, but when you look at him, it’s undeniable.
You mirror his smile, nodding before leaning into him again. He makes the connection, taking the lead as your body contorts around his, lips locking together as he holds you flush against him. His lips are so soft, and he’s so gentle with you, even though you can tell he’s eager, like maybe he’s also wanted to do this for a while. The thought causes you to smile against his lips, and you feel his own lips stretch against yours as your hands move from his shoulders to his hair.
One of his hands moves from your waist to caress your face, holding your jaw like a precious pearl he’s discovered after years at sea. Your tears fall freely now, ones of overwhelming love for Eddie, ones you never could have hoped to shed, content letting them simmer in the pit of your throat if it meant keeping your best friend. You’re breathless when he lets you go, fighting the urge to chase after his lips. After almost a decade of wondering what Eddie would taste like, what kissing him would feel like, now you get to know. “I have been in love with you since that day on the playground,” He confesses, tightening his arms around your waist to keep you close. “But I’m such a chicken shit, I didn’t wanna ruin anything. You were so sweet to me, I couldn’t risk losing that, losing you.” The words seem to spill from him now, like he’s been craving to tell you. You suppose he has.
You take in the sight of your best friend, battered and bruised for the sake of your honor, like a knight thrown into battle without armor. He’s beautiful, even in black and blue. You bring your hand to his cheek, rubbing small circles on his skin as he leans into your touch. You could stay here forever, you think. “I love you too, Eds. I have for as long as I can remember.” He smiles at you, lip splitting again but he doesn’t even flinch. You return the grin, feeling your cheeks ache from how wide you’ve stretched your mouth. “Thank you for keeping me safe.” You kiss him again, letting yourself taste the blood he’d spilled for you, a silent promise that you’ll make sure he never has to again.
taglist @children-of-the-grave :p
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bxtchycaprisun · 1 year
obstinate (3) | a. anderson
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summary: you’re a new medic in the WLF base. you’re young, hardworking, and the thing that abby anderson hated the most, stubborn.
notes: fem!reader, medic!reader, protective!abby, soldier!abby, angst, i swear they’ll get along eventually, abby’s just digging herself a deeper hole, size kink if you squint, but no smut (yet 🫡)
taglist: @caitlinisfruity @shaemonyou @mattm1964 @vigelvictoria @liabadoobee @shady-lemur (lmk in the comments if you want to be tagged)
an: i’m sorry to keep you guys waiting for so long! writers block hit me hard.
for the three dreadfully long hours that remained in your shift that night, the only thing that rang in your mind were those words that abby had left you with.
“you’re not going on that fucking patrol.”
what the hell did that even mean? what exactly was she planning on doing to make that happen? you knew that she had already tried to talk to Isaac once, and that didn’t work. was she really desperate enough to try it again?
and why was she so desperate? you had been independent since before you could even spell the word. you weren’t used to people going out of their own way to ensure your safety. and even then, everyone knew the risks of being a part of the WLF. soldiers put their lives on the line out in the field every day. how was it any different when you did it?
you supposed that her dislike for you was just that strong.
but despite all of those questions, and despite all the confusion, the main thing that really drove you crazy was the fact that abby saw you as utterly helpless, when you were anything but.
you tried to swallow down the awful feeling in your throat as you left your shift that night, and as you slept the following day away, nothing happened.
you checked the schedule posted in the cafeteria regularly, you waited anxiously for a knock on your door with bad news, and you every time a supervisor was nearby, you’d brace yourself for some sort of scolding. but nothing ever happened.
maybe abby was just bluffing.
. . .
it was a tuesday, and you had only one more day to go before you were in the clear for your patrol. you were in a good mood, mainly because your shift was during the day, and the hours didn’t go into the double digits.
and as you finally said your goodbyes to the other medics around 4 pm, you were thankful nothing had ruined your day. that was, until, you heard your name being called from your coworker.
“looks like there’s a note here for you” she says, holding it out to you with raised eyebrows, “says that you need to report to Isaac’s office when you get off.”
shit. shit. shit.
“did ya get in trouble?” she asks with a small smirk. you sigh and drop your head, taking the note in defeat.
“i sure as hell hope not,” you mumble as you begin to walk away, the familiar feeling of dread settling into your stomach.
. . .
the wait outside of isaacs office was long and dreadful. a constant ring in your ear made your eyebrows furrow as you sat stiffly beside his door. the room behind you was silent, and seemingly empty.
every sliver of hope you had that this spontaneous meeting wasn’t about abby was destroyed when you heard a familiar stomp down the hall. you turn your eyes up nervously to meet with your new companion.
the blue hue that typically filled abby’s irises was gone. her eyes were now dark and cold. you clench your jaw as her figure approaches, and instantly stand up to your feet.
“you’re fucking crazy, you know that?” you seethe as she bangs on the door with urgency.
“you really shouldn’t talk to your superior like that,” abby responds quietly, not even looking in your direction. you roll your eyes, feeling your frustration reach an all time peak. before you can open your mouth to unleash another jab, the door swings open, revealing an unamused isaac.
“abby” he begins, “i’d like to speak to you alone first.”
she shoots you a cocky smirk as she steps through the doorway. isaac closes the door behind her, leaving you in the hall with a gaping mouth.
“what the fuck,” you mumble, shocked at how you were just brushed off. you frown and eye your previous seat, deciding against sitting down, and instead opting to press your ear against the door.
it was difficult to make out any words, but the intensity of the argument was clear. “she’s only just got here” you manage to hear. “already low on medics” and “why take the risk?” follow closely behind.
you didn’t hear a word from Isaac during the pauses. either he had nothing to say, or abby was purposely being extra loud, knowing you would hear. it was likely the latter.
you sigh as you press your ear closer to the wood. truth be told, you really didn’t give a damn about the patrol. whether you were working in the infirmary or out on the field, it didn’t make a difference to you.
but now abby changed that. you didn’t want to let her have her way, didn’t want her to win. you wanted her to see just how wrong she was about you, to see how irrational she was being.
footsteps echoed closer to the door, and you stumble back just fast enough to gain your composure. isaac pulls the door open and mutters a short “come in” as he steps back.
you enter the room in slow steps, watching as abby stands stiffly by the window. you narrow your eyes as isaac gestures for you to sit. you lower yourself slowly, struggling to keep your breathing under control.
“abby has..” isaac begins, “expressed some concerns.. about your abilities on patrol.”
“so i’ve heard,” you respond through your teeth, and abby shakes her head, crossing her arms over her chest. “and what exactly do her complaints pertain to? i feel like i’ve proven that i can handle myself on the field.”
abby scoffs loudly and steps closer. “you most certainly have not,” she exclaims, and isaac pinches his nose disapprovingly. “isaac, she was injured on patrol and she hid it. can’t you see how reckless that is? she is not the kind of person that should be out there.”
isaac remains silent for a moment, before turning to you. “well, how many soldiers did you treat while you were injured?”
you’re a bit taken aback by the question, but respond quickly. “four. i treated four.”
“were any of the injuries life threatening?”
“no sir, but neither was mine.”
“bullshit,” abby raises her voice, looking between you and isaac with desperation. “it was an arrow to the back, isaac, she just ripped it out like it was nothing! she could’ve bled out.”
“but i didn’t.” you snap back.
“no. no you didn’t” she steps towards you warningly, “thanks to me.”
“oh please,” you roll your eyes. “who’s the medic here again? hm? last i checked it wasn’t you.” the response may have been childish, but you didn’t care.
“alright, that’s enough.” isaac steps into the conversation, his signature frown creasing his eyes. his hand gestures to you.
“listen, you’ve been really helpful on our patrols. your supervisor at the infirmary says that you’ve prevented at least a dozen infections so far, three of them being life threatening.” he trails off for a moment, and you can sense the let down approaching.
“but?” you ask, unable to hide your look of defeat.
isaac sighs, looking over to abby, who’s expression is unreadable. “but, abby is my best soldier. if she doesn’t think you’re fit for the field, than i’m not comfortable putting you out there.”
you look over to her with a scowl, as if to say, happy now? she, however, wasn’t feeling as accomplished as she thought she would.
“so until you can prove to her that you are capable of patrolling, you won’t be scheduled.”
you throw your head back, pinching your eyes as you try not to make this situation worse for yourself. “isaac. if you’ll just let me-”
“you’re both dismissed.” he cuts you off, his tone firm.
you sigh, keeping your head down as you stand up, at least until you were out of his office. abby shakes her head as she walks out in front of you, bee lining to the nearest exit. the door swings shut behind you, and you stumble to catch up.
“would you hold on for a second?” you follow behind her, staring at her tensed back. she doesn’t stop, nor does she respond.
“abby, slow down” you call out, shuffling your feet faster as you try to reach her. when she ignores you for the second time, you just about scream.
“god damn it abby, would you stop and just talk to me?” you yell, but she brushes you off once again. you stare at her, looking absolutely dumbfounded as she continues her storm out the room. you shake your head, breaking into a jog to catch up with her.
you put your hand on her shoulder and grab her slightly, pulling her torso to face you. she jumps back from your touch, and whips her face to meet yours.
“you heard the man,” she spits out. “no okay from me, no patrol. there’s nothing more for you to say.” she attempts to shake you off, but you grab her arm.
“oh there is a lot more for me to say.” you respond hastily, and her eyes flicker between your face and your hand. “tell me abby,” you demand, “how many other medics are you having private meetings with isaac about? or is it just me?” you ask rhetorically, glaring up at her.
she scoffs and throws her head back, moving her hands to her hips. “jesus, you’re so fucking difficult,” she mutters.
“no tell me, abby. why is it that you only try to control me?” you demand.
she watches you with a lip curled in frustration. “you know why” she says, more quietly than she had been before.
and as she stared into your eyes, your pupils filled with both anger and desperation, her brows furrow in confusion. what kind of question was that? she asked herself. were you really going to make her say it?
“no i really don’t,” you reply with a harshness to your voice, but there was a clear hurt laced in it. “i don’t understand what i’ve done to make you despise me so much!”
she blinks for a moment, the disbelief settling in. “wh- what?” she asks blankly.
“you heard me,” you await her answer with raised eyebrows.
“i…” she takes a breath, crossing her arms defensively over her chest.
what the hell are you…
her eyes widen, and she looks astonished at your words.
“you’ve got it all wrong,” she shakes her head, putting her hand out and stepping towards you. you instinctively step back.
“i’m not doing this because i dislike you, i-”
“you what then?” you demand, throwing your arms up. “you and i both know this isn’t about my abilities on patrol. you know that i can handle myself out there, i know you do.”
all urges to try to convince you that she does in fact like you quickly fade away at your words. that wasn’t something she was going to agree to.
she says your name cautiously, her tone becoming more stern once again. “you can not be trying to have this conversation again. you are not built for that kind of work, whether you think you are or not.”
“i am!” you exclaim. “i know i got hurt when you saw me on that patrol, and i know it was stupid to hide it.” you begin to ramble, “but i’ve had successful patrols before that one, ones where i’ve been a great asset!”
your words go in through one ear and out the other, and abby just lowers her head disapprovingly. “i don’t care about your other patrols.”
“oh come on,” you groan. “you act like you’ve never been injured on the field.”
her eyes meet yours in an instant, as if you’ve just opened a new door. “oh i have.” she says slowly, and her tone makes you gulp. “but i’ve never been stupid enough to hide it. and i really don’t think you want to go down that road with me, i haven’t been hit or shot in over a year.”
as much as you know you shouldn’t root for her to be injured seriously, that last part bothered you. it certainly didn’t help your case. you pause for a moment, taking a deep breath.
“i admit that i made some dumb mistakes,” you say carefully, and you struggle to keep your composure when you see abby nod arrogantly. “but i am capable. i’m good in combat. i’m good with a gun. i can defend myself.”
abby’s eyes don’t leave yours, and your impressed by your own faux calmness.
“prove it then” her words are simple, but her tone is icy.
“prove it how?”
she stays silent for a few seconds, and you see her tongue roll on the inside of her cheek. she seems to make up her mind about what to say, and nods her head sharply.
“come at me then,” she takes a step back, gesturing her hands for you to follow. “take me out. if you really want to prove how capable you are.”
you stare at her as if she’s crazy. there’s no way she’s actually suggesting that.
“what?” you ask in disbelief. “no way.”
“oh come on,” she whines a bit mockingly. “if you’re so tough, then take me out.”
you tilt your face away from her a bit, thinking she might actually be crazy.
“you said your good with combat,” she hums, “pretend i’m a scar. what’re you going to do?”
you were confident in your abilities, you always had been. you’d trained yourself well in self defense, you were always a natural shot. but this was different. an enemy like abby was one you’d simply pray never to come by. and she knew it.
you step away, shaking your head. “forget it,” you mumble, and she grins, leaning towards you.
“not so confident now, are you?”
before you can say another word, you yelp at a sharp pressure on your wrists. abby leaps in your direction, grabbing your arms with one hand and instantly pinning them above you . your back hits the cold brick wall, and you feel her free hand on the back of your scalp, softening the impact.
“abby!” you yelp, immediately squirming in her grip, “what the hell-”
“well go on then,” she urges, leaning her face close to yours, “break free. since your so capable.”
“get the hell off of me,” you kick your legs at her upper shins, but she doesn’t budge.
“y’know,” abby coos dangerously, “there are about thirty different ways a scar could kill you right now. that i could kill you.”
a frustrated groan escapes your lips as you thrash under her grip. her free hand travels down to your throat, her fingertips just brazing your neck.
“you could be choked,” she whispers. her hands go to your stomach, and she pinches you roughly on your ribs, causing you to yelp. “stabbed… shot.. hell some of those scars are pretty big, they could even beat you to death.”
abby wasn’t sure why she was continuing, knowing she made her point, but she was too riled up to stop.
tears well in your eyes as she continues her taunting, and you kick her leg even harder, causing her grip on your wrists to falter. the instant it does, you shove her off of you with all your strength.
she moves back about two inches, before she’s got your waist in her calloused hands, and your tumbling onto the ground.
her knee digs into your thigh, pinning your leg down as she glares at you from above. each of your hands are in hers, sprawled out above your head. she brings her lips close to your ear.
“nice try sweetheart,” she whispers sharply. her breath is cool against your neck, and her nose brushes against your jaw.
“get the fuck off,” your voice is shaky and uncertain, and your face is bright red. how dare she taunt me like this? manhandle me like a child?
how dare she make me like it?
your chest heaves with your panicked breaths, the straps to your flimsy tank hanging loosely off of your shoulders.
abby’s face grows hot as she removes her knee from your upper thigh. sweat glistens on your chest and collarbones, and she makes a point to keep her eyes off of it.
she quickly regains her composure, and controls her breathing. you watch silently as she removes her hand from your wrist. she slowly grabs the thin strap of your camisole, pulling it gently back to its designated place on your shoulder. her thumb brushes your skin when she pulls back her hand.
she climbs off of you, and you quickly sit up. you run your fingers desperately through your hair as you avoid her piercing gaze.
a sharp sigh escapes her lips, and you stare at the ground with wide eyes.
“i think i proved my point,” her voice is low and sultry. you don’t say anything in response.
abby rises to her feet, the muscles in her back tensed. she stared down at you for a moment, and you bring your eyes to hers, your lips parted in both anger and shock.
she steps away from you, and walks down the hall, the sound of her heart beat too loud to hear anything you call out to her. that is, if you said anything at all.
her hands are clenched into fists, glued to her sides as she takes her leave.
as she opens the door to the cool seattle air, she quickly shuts it behind her and lets out a guttural “fuck”. she rubs her temples, trying to clear her clouded mind.
you, on the other hand, remained sat on the tile floor, staring down the now empty hall.
you were furious at how far she took things. furious that she had embarrassed you in front of isaac once again. furious that she had such an unwarranted hatred towards you, and furious that she would use her physical strength to humiliate you.
but you were especially furious at the familiar heat that gathered between your legs when she had held you down, when her fingers brushed against your warm skin.
it was that same heat that built up in your body the night at the bar, when she had flashed you that toothy smile, asking for your name.
her name rang through your mind with a thick anger, but also a certain want that you could no longer ignore.
and your name rang in hers, all the same.
abby abby abby abby
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nicoline1998enilocin · 5 months
On my knees for you || Part 2
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PAIRING || Boyfriend!Tony Stark x Girlfriend!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY || After you left Tony’s office, he couldn’t stop thinking about everything that had happened before. Seeing you on your knees like that when everyone could have walked in has made him more than desperate for you, and he can’t wait to ruin you for the little stunt you pulled.
RATING || Explicit (E)
TAGS || Established relationship. Sugar relationship. Porn with plot. Explicit sexual content.
SMUT || D/S undertones. Subspace. Dirty talk. Praise. Light bondage. Spanking. Fingering. Oral (F receiving). Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!). Cockwarming. Squirting. Cream pie. Multiple orgasms. Aftercare.
A/N || This story is the conclusion to part 1, and I have had a lot of fun writing this story! I want to thank all of you for the love and support of my stories, and I'm glad to be back to writing after a short break! I want to thank @ccbsrmsf1 as well because this fic would not have existed without you, your help, and your amazing proofreading skills. Thank you so much! 💙
EVENTS Masterlist || @fandom-free-bingo Book Night || “Save your strength.” Masterlist || @fandom-free-bingo Maritime May || Shoulder kisses + Soothing touch Masterlist || @fandom-free-bingo Maritime May || Nipple play + Hiding their face in the other’s neck + “What do you want?” Masterlist || @mcukinkbingo || Position: Doggy style
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GIF: @ccbsrmsf1 || All graphics are made by @nicoline1998enilocin
Main Masterlist || Tony Stark Masterlist || AU Masterlist || Part 1
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Tony's order he gave when you walked out of his office still echoes in your head as you strip in the bedroom, overlooking the New York skyline. As soon as you slipped back into the house, you woke Moon up from his nap, which he wasn't all too happy with, but you figured you'd give him his feeding before Tony got home, and he was very content in your arms as you gave him a bottle.
"You'd better be naked and ready when I'm done with work in an hour, Sugar, because I'm going to fucking ruin you when I'm home." Those are the words he uttered to you almost an hour ago. Now, you're in front of the large windows as you look at your reflection in the floor-to-ceiling windows.
You are bare, your make-up wiped off and reapplied, and your hair loose around your shoulders again. Your legs tremble a little in anticipation of Tony's return, and when you glance at the large clock on the wall, you know he's about to come home any minute now. Slowly, you crawl onto the bed, unsure of what position to take, so you go for a simple one.
In the middle of the bed, you get comfortable on your knees, your hands folded on your lap, and your gaze lowered to just in front of your knees. Your breath is a little shaky, but once you're in the position, you calm down and prepare yourself as much as possible for what's about to come.
Less than ten minutes later, you hear Tony's heavy footsteps entering the penthouse, and your heart rate immediately picks up. Your eyes slip shut as you take a deep breath, and before you know it, the bedroom door swings open and your boyfriend enters. Before coming into the bedroom, he had already taken off his jacket and tie - which he's holding in his hands, and his shirt is hanging open, showing off the soft blue light from his arc reactor and his muscled body.
"Look at you, sitting on the bed like a good girl for Daddy. That's what you're going to be, aren't you? Daddy's good girl?" Tony asks as he walks over to where you're sitting, and you nod in response. You want nothing more than to be a good girl for Tony, and you clench your thighs in anticipation.
You feel the bed dip behind you, and Tony takes both your hands and puts them behind your back, limiting all movement you had before with them. With his tie, he swiftly ties them together before testing their strength. When he's satisfied, he lets out a soft hum of content, and that's when he gets off the bed and strips the rest of his clothes off as well.
"Lie back for me, and spread those beautiful thighs for me, Sugar. Daddy's hungry for that delicious little pussy you've been hiding from me this entire time," he tells you, and you try to do it gracefully, but it's not as easy as you thought, not when your hands are tied together like that.
Eventually, you manage to do as he asks, and all you know is the bed dipping between your legs before you feel Tony's warm, wet tongue licking a stripe from your entrance up to your clit, licking up every last drop of your arousal that he can reach. A broken moan escapes from your chest as he dives into your entrance with his tongue, and he starts eating you out like he's starved.
"Hmmm, such a delicious little pussy for me, Sugar. Just as sweet as I remember," he groans as he rubs his thumb over your clit, making you writhe in his hold and your hips bucking up, looking for more friction. Your heart rate picks up as he dives back into your folds, and he starts to slurp every last drop that threatens to leave your entrance.
Tony's gripping onto your thighs in an almost brutal manner as you try to escape from your restraints, but to no avail. You have to take everything Tony gives you, and he's more than willing to provide you with everything you desire and more - he can spend hours between your thighs, after all.
"Save your strength, Sugar; just let Daddy make you feel good," he tuts as he looks at the way you're wiggling, and he grips you even tighter, making you whimper in surprise. One of his arms stretches around your thighs until his thumb reaches your clit again, rubbing it in small, tight circles as he keeps licking into your entrance, and before you know it, your first orgasm washes over you.
You loudly moan your boyfriend's name as you cum, your back arching up as he works you through it with expert precision, ensuring you don't drop from your high. While Tony works you through your orgasm, he ruts his hips against the sheets, too, his cock rubbing against the bed just enough to give him the friction he needs not to go insane but not enough to cum just yet.
"That's it, you're doin' so well for Daddy," Tony whispers between soft kisses on your thighs and mound. As you think about what happened, your head lolls to the side with a dopey smile. But this is only the beginning, and Tony has a lot more planned for you—you two have all night, and he intends to make the most of it.
"Hmm, I wouldn't get too comfortable yet, Sugar. I'm not even close to being done with you tonight," Tony says in a raspy voice, and your eyes slip shut as you feel two of his fingers work their way into your dripping hole, and you spread your thighs even wider to accommodate the shift in Tony's position. He takes his time to work two, then three fingers into you, and when you're taking them with ease, he crooks them, hitting your sweet spot right away.
"That's it, be a good girl and cum for Daddy," Tony orders as he works his fingers in and out of you at a brutal pace, your lungs almost giving out from the screaming as the pleasure takes over your body, the heat burning in your abdomen as you feel the pressure building inside you. The moment Tony latches onto your sensitive clit and sucks on it, you're done for, and you cum on his fingers and face, coating his entire bottom half in your arousal as you squirt for him.
He keeps working his fingers to prolong your orgasm for as long as possible, and after seemingly an eternity, he finally stops, and your breathing starts to even out a little bit. Even though it's not the first time you've squirted for him, it's one of the most intense orgasms he's given you.
"Good girl, squirting like that for Daddy," he says, and all you can do is smile faintly as the praise sinks in. Then you float further away in the fuzzy headspace, your head filled with cotton balls.
Tony keeps praising you while peppering your entire body with kisses. He pays special attention to your nipples, sucking each one of them into his mouth before letting them go with a pop and rolling them between his fingers as you moan softly; your bottom lip is pulled between your teeth as you look at Tony with glazed-over eyes.
"So beautiful," he whispers as he keeps playing with your nipples, smirking as they're becoming more and more sensitive under his touches.
"D-Daddy," you whimper, and he lifts his gaze to meet yours.
"What do you want, Sugar?" he asks, and you smile at his words.
"You," you whisper, and he smiles back at you. However, before you can even try to think about what's happening, Tony grabs you by your hips and rolls you over onto your stomach, where you land with a loud groan. The tie around your wrists is quickly removed, and he rubs them softly - the soothing touch calms your heart rate immensely.
"Don't you worry for even a second, sweet girl. You already have me, and I'm right here," he tells you as he grabs your hips again and he pulls you up so his hips are flush with yours, his cock lying across one of your ass cheeks, and you're holding yourself up using your now free arms.
"God, I can't wait to ruin you, Sugar. I'll ruin you and your pussy so hard you won't be able to sit right for literal days when I'm done with you. Especially after the little stunt you pulled in my office earlier," Tony says with a mischievous laugh before grabbing his cock and lining up with your stretched, dripping pussy. You clench around nothing with those words, and you're looking forward to being ruined by Tony.
However, before pushing into your waiting entrance, he decides to surprise you with a spanking - one on each globe of your butt - that has you moaning loudly as you shoot forward. The feeling of his large, strong hand smacking your ass has you practically flooding now, as it only arouses you further. The burning sensation his hands left behind is quickly forgotten as he lines up his cock again, this time slowly pushing in.
He feeds the tip of his achingly hard cock into you, which is something he couldn't stop thinking about while he was in the meeting earlier. The sight of you on your knees with his cock in your mouth is also still engraved in his brain, but the way you moan when he bottoms out is like music to his ears. With a few slow, careful thrusts, he bottoms out with a deep groan, and he can feel you squeezing around this thick, long length.
"F-fuck, you feel so good, Sugar," Tony whispers through clenched teeth as he sets a slow pace, reveling in every time your hips meet his, and the sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room. Your head is hanging low as you let your boyfriend fill you, already on the edge as your being in this position allows him to reach every sensitive spot inside you.
Moans and groans fill the room as well, and Tony throws his head back as you clench around him involuntarily. He can barely move his hips with you clenching like this, so instead, he leans forward to hook his arms under yours, pulling you against his chest.
The change in position has you clenching even harder as your orgasm is threatening to spill over, so instead of trying to work himself in and out of you, he allows you to warm him for a moment. Peppering your shoulders and neck in soft kisses, you let your head fall against his broad shoulder as you enjoy the moment's intimacy.
"Squeezin' me so good, can't even move, Sugar. God, you've got to let me go if you want me to fuck you, Babygirl," Tony whispers in your ear, but all it does is make you clench harder, as it has the complete opposite effect he was hoping for as he groans out.
Tony's arms are wrapped around you as he holds you up, and one of your hands is holding his arm as the other is laced in his hair. His face is buried in your neck as he plants countless hickies where he can reach, and eventually, he starts to thrust in and out of you slowly. The veins of his cock give you the perfect amount of stimulation, and you pull his hair in response, which makes Tony groan against your neck.
"God, such a good pussy," he whispers as he manages to set a proper pace again, his hips slapping against the globes of your butt in a brutal pace while your back is arched. Every nerve ending in your body feels on fire, and the blood in your veins feels like lava as your heart beats rapidly.
"D-Daddy, I'm c-close," you mutter, and Tony squeezes you softly, pulling you closer to his body.
"Me too, Sugar, cum for me, and I'll fill you with every last drop of my cum," Tony says, and almost instantly, you clench around him, pulling on his hair before he lets you go, and you fall forward. He bends his body over yours before hooking his hands behind your shoulders, and he sets a fierce pace as he fucks into you, your pussy pulling him deeper with every stroke.
"God, can't hold it anymore, Sugar. 'M cumming so hard for you, take it! Take my fucking cum-" is all he manages to mutter out before his pace falters and eventually stills, and every last drop of his hot, sticky cum floods your waiting pussy. He lets you go, and you collapse onto the bed. Tony manages to avoid you as he drops his body onto the bed as well, and you're both panting loudly.
Before either of you do anything else, Tony pulls you against his chest, your leg draped over his, your head on his shoulder, and your hand lying on his arc reactor. He kisses your forehead softly, and your eyes slip shut at the soft feeling of his lips against your sweaty forehead.
"I love you so much, Sugar," Tony whispers, and you smile back at him. You two lay like that for a little while until Tony gets up to draw both of you a bath and prepare a bottle for your rescue kitten, Moon.
"I'll be right back, so you better not go anywhere, okay?" Tony jokes, knowing you can only go anywhere with his help for a little while. As he's preparing Moon's bottle, he can't stop smiling, thinking about how lucky he was to have found someone as amazing as you. You may only be living with him for a few days, but he's looking forward to the day you'll move in with him for good.
Once Moon's bottle is ready, he puts it in the fridge for later; he's still happily sleeping in the little hammock of his cat tree when Tony takes a peek inside, so he decides to give it to him later. In the meantime, the bathtub is filled with enough water, and he throws in a beautiful bath bomb you brought before heading back to pick you up and get you in the soothing water.
"Who's ready for their bath?" Tony asks, and you lift your arm in response. You are unable to speak as your voice is completely gone from the moans and whimpers he pulled from you. Every muscle in your body is sore, and Tony has kept his promise. He wanted to ruin you, and he did just that.
"Alright, let's get you into the bath. It'll help soothe your muscles," he says, and you hum softly in response, your arm draped around his neck as he carries you into the bathroom bridal style. As he lets you glide into the water, you groan softly, and the warmth seeps into your body, relaxing you completely.
Shortly after, your boyfriend joins you in the tub's warm water, and you giggle at how the level rises to just below the surface. He knows exactly how much to put in without making hit overflow, which you always think is his superpower. The following 30 minutes are spent in mostly complete silence as he massages your legs and feet between feeding you little bites of the chocolate bar he brought to strengthen you a bit as well.
"How're you feeling, Sugar?" Tony asks, looking at you with a love-filled expression. You smile back at him.
"Good," you croak out, and he nods in response. He's feeling amazing after everything that happened today, and he's more than happy you decided to surprise him in the office.
"Let's get out before we prune up in here; I wouldn't want to have a pruned-up girlfriend," he jokes with a wink, and you shake your head with a broad smile at his words. It doesn't take long for you to be out of the bath and dried off, and Tony has carried you back into the bed, where you immediately roll yourself into the comforter like a burrito.
"I'm going to give Moon his feeding, okay? You can go to sleep if you want. I know you're tired," he tells you. He softly kisses your head before putting on a pair of sweatpants and heading to the living room, where Moon is now awake and sitting atop his cat tree.
"Ah, you're already awake! Perfect timing," Moon happily goes with Tony as he knows he's about to be fed, and both Tony and Moon get comfortable on the couch during his feeding.
"We're both fortunate to have your Mommy in our lives, you know? She's loving, caring, and such a sweet woman, too. I still remember the day she found you in the box - she was distraught at the sight of you being abandoned in the rain like that. But now you're our baby, and I couldn't be happier with being your Daddy," Tony tells Moon.
"Maybe one day, you'll become a big brother, and we will adopt another little kitten, or your Mommy and I will have a real baby." With those words, Tony drifts into a daydream in which you have a few kids running around and another one on the way. He never dared to dream about having a family with anyone until he met you.
With you, it seems natural. It feels right. But first, he plans to put a beautiful ring on your finger, and he already knows exactly how he will do that. Before he can think about it too much, Moon finishes his bottle, and Tony puts it on the coffee table, deciding to clean it up later.
"You did such a good job, Moon; you finished everything! Mommy will be so proud of you," Tony says as he cuddles with Moon for about fifteen minutes before Moon returns to his cat tree, where he's ready to take another nap. Tony takes the hint, prepared to join you again in the bedroom. As the door shuts behind him, you turn around, smiling at your boyfriend's return.
"I thought you'd be asleep by now, Sugar," Tony says as he pulls off his sweatpants and joins you in the bed, the comforter covering you both. He pulls you close to him before capturing your lips with his, and his hand is placed softly on your cheek. His thumb rubs over your cheek as every last thought in your mind melts away.
As he pulls away, you smile slightly, and your eyes meet his. Lying here, in the arms of the man you love more than anyone, feels like a dream come true. You were convinced you knew what love was before meeting Tony, but you were very wrong. You have never felt like this before, and you know now that you have found true love in the man who saved you from a life you can't imagine ever going back to.
"What's on your mind?" Tony asks as he leans in to rub his nose against yours lovingly. The answer is short and straightforward, yet it conveys every thought and emotion in one word.
"I've been thinking about you as well," Tony says, his heart rate picking up as he takes a deep breath.
"Oh yeah? And what have you been-"
"Move in with me," Tony cuts you off mid-sentence, and your eyes shoot wide open at his words. Four simple words, and yet they have managed to render you completely speechless.
"I love you so much, Sugar, and I can't stand to be away from you whenever you have to return to your apartment. I can't stand coming home to an empty apartment because, without you and Moon, it just isn't the same," Tony says, tears slowly trickling down his cheeks and onto his pillow.
"So please, please do me the honors of moving in with me, Sugar. I promise you I will take such good care of both you and Moon, and whenever you're not here, I can take him to the office and take care of him-" Tony says, the speed of his words constantly increasing.
This time, it's your turn to cut your boyfriend off mid-sentence.
"Yes, Tony. We will move in with you!" you say as you try to fight your own tears. The kiss you two share is frantic and salty, but you have never felt this happy about anything before.
"I love you so much, Sugar. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you," Tony whispers after pulling away from the kiss, your forehead pressed against his. A large smile is visible on both your faces as the news slowly sinks in that you will move to his penthouse permanently, and you can't wait for that day.
"I love you too, Tony, and I know Moon will be over the moon to move in with his Daddy, as well," you say, and Tony bursts out in laughter at your words. He grabs your face carefully before placing a big kiss on your lips, and every emotion you feel is poured into it.
That night, as you're curled up against Tony's side, you dream about what it'll be like to move in together and start a family with him. Marrying him, carrying his baby, is everything you want and more; as long as you have Tony by your side, you want it all. But the first step is already done: you will be moving in with the man you love, and you can't wait to call his penthouse your home.
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iphoenixrising · 4 months
Have I posted this? Alpha!Jon, Alpha!Dami, Omega!Tim 🤨
I told babe I was thinking about this, but I have done this before? Meh, regardless.
And really, when all things in Gotham are quiet, you know it’s going to be a good night.
B shouldn’t have worried enough to call Red Robin out of Titan’s Tower, but still, it’s nice to run through the city, skimming rooftops, getting a little more down n’ dirty with street baddies than riding the usual international espionage with his team. A few weeks away and this kind of thing is really just an itch that needs to be scratched.
“I am almost disappointed,” Robin laughs from beside him under the wing of a gargoyle right on the roof of the Wallstone apartments. His veggie wrap is disappearing quickly because Baby Bat has been a bottomless pit of hunger since he started putting on height and heavier muscle five years ago. Sixteen had been good for Dami, and Bruce’s genetics kicked into high gear two years later. At twenty-one, he’s broad through the chest and shoulders, almost a head taller than Red and a few sparse inches from Hood.
It was about the time Terry had approached him in Titans’ Tower, and convinced Red to start coming back to Gotham again, fighting the good fight along with the family, taking a step back into Gotham’s underworld when the world seemed to be momentarily stable. 
At some point, he and Dami started working together, stepping out in the night with masks on and old hurts finally easing. 
“Meh. There’s always another night,” Red takes another bite and sighs through his nose because really, chicken wrap for the win. 
(Alfred is always going to be the man.)
“I suppose. However, I’d hoped this wouldn’t have been an...exciting night for you to make the trip.” 
Red waves him off, looking down at the street, chewing for a second, “all good, Baby Bat. Everyone is out of the Tower for the weekend anyway. This is a nice break.”
Robin laughs low, “only you would consider this a break.”
“Well, you know, my Wednesdays are hectic as fuck.”
“I suppose it is difficult to schedule brunch, yes?”
“You don’t even know.”
And just like that, the two of them are laughing. A little bruised from a few street fights, but nothing extreme, and Dami is getting so much better at vigilante banter that Red Robin can’t help but feel a little proud.
(Really, witty banter is their superpower. Superboy and Kid Flash will totally vouch.)
They finish the wraps and swing side-by-side to the Bowery, talking shit over comms, playing tag around the strip mall down on 44th, and genuinely making themselves pretty obvious for people that actually look up.
It’s easy to jump in the big car at the end of the night, lean back to work on his wrist computer while Dami drives them back to the Manor.
“Hey, hey, you can just drop me a few blocks from the Perch.”
“Tt. Stay at the Manor tonight. You can brief me on R&D’s projects for the board meeting.”
“Pfft, like I need to.”
“Your perspective is always better.”
“Fine, fine. You’re so needy, Dami.”
“And yet, you still put up with me, Tim.”
“Well, you’ve got me there.”
And their smiles are wide in the darkness of the car, Robin and Red Robin riding back to the Cave with coffee waiting and hot showers to wash away the night. 
They meet back at the big computer, sweats and t-shirts, hair damp and bare faces, switching places from the main chair to their workstations, talking through the next week, repairing their gear or working on separate projects from their laptops. 
Alfred smears goop on bruises and gives a final please be certain to persuade Master Tim to actually sleep this time, won’t you Master Damian?, disappearing up the winding stairs, the calming scent of home lingering behind him, his natural Beta scent.
With his scent blockers scrubbed off, the air around Tim is faintly sweet, following him like the smell of a good latte. Dami’s scent is still more shampoo and soap since Nulls don’t really have a discernible scent to the second sex. 
And when they’re finally stretching and yawning, still a few hours to sleep before dawn, something in the air shifts.
One second, he’s got Dami laughing at the story about Bruce busting his bat ass against Mr. Freeze–while still being the Night, mind you– when Baby Bat stops abruptly, hand going down on Tim’s workstation top to catch himself when his knees unexpectedly give way.
Those eyes go wide, a hand going to his chest, fast and shocky enough that Tim sweeps forward to catch his youngest partner by pure instinct.
“Little D?! Dami, talk to me.” He keeps it calm, being Red Robin, staring at the sweat beading on the fourth Robin’s forehead while he gasps in a few fast and furious breaths. 
“T-Tim,” but his eyes flutter closed and his knees wobble, his weight falling further down on Tim’s shoulder.
Shit. Tim manages to maneuver Dami down to his chair, holding him steady, wracking his brain for anything, anything they could have come upon tonight. Fear toxin, Joker gas, Ivy’s array of poisons and venom, an awful rooftop burrito from the questionable cart downtown. Anything, anything he could have a cure for right here in the fucking Cave–
When he starts to move away, to jump in the Bat Med-Bay for a syringe to take a blood sample and start up the quickest analysis he’s ever pulled off before, when he’s tamping down panic to be on point, when he sees the distress happening when those eyes look up at him–
He completely misses the way Damian’s scent abruptly gets muskier.
A hand shoots out, grips his wrist, stops him from moving away.
“Okay, I’m getting worried. C’mon D. Tell me what’s–”
He reaches down, lays two fingers over the throbbing pulse, tries to get some vitals, and something deep and dark rumbles through Baby Bat’s chest, something all about need.
Most people present in their early teens, you know, about the time Robin had been a little dead, or so Tim’s sputtering thoughts try to explain away while the grip on his wrist gets tight, pulls quick enough to reel him in closer. The nose in his neck is a sudden indication since Dami as a Null had never really been able to scent like the rest of them.
The way the youngest vigilante is now inhaling against Tim’s throat like he’s dying, holding the Omega so fucking tight is the first piece of evidence. But when his mouth opens and a noise, a deep purr, rolls out against Tim’s jugular, he has an inevitable moment of oh fuck, panic.
Because he’s down in the Bat Cave with a presenting Alpha Male, and he probably smells like fucking dessert.
“D-Dami,” and he gives himself about a million vigilante points because his hands aren’t shaking when one cups the back of the new Alpha’s neck, fingernails scritching lightly at the fine hair. “Hey Baby Bat, it’s me here. I can help you, but you’ve got to ease up a little, okay?” He makes a small move to pull out of those arms, get Dami to actually look at him.
The whine is low, a noise he’s never heard out of their Robin before tonight, but those arms tighten on instinct, and now they’re pressed together from chest to hip and–and…
“You’re going into a RUT?!”
Because of course. His luck is that awful.
“T-Timmm,” is growly and low, deeper than Robin’s usual voice, and Tim can’t suppress the shudder that goes through him.
“You’re presenting, better late than never, right?” He keeps petting even when something wet moves up the side of his throat, making a tremor go through him. “We need to–to call Jon, okay? He can help you.”
“Tim, you…” and there’s another lick to his throat, dragging over his skin like Dami’s savoring him.
“I-I’m not–” but Dami abruptly lets him go and drops down to kneel, shoving his face in the soft t-shirt over Tim’s stomach.
Hands are on his hips now, the tight hold gripping him.
He pulls the comm out of Dami’s ear, the presenting Alpha not flinching away, staying where he kneels, inhaling the scent of Omega.
Tim fumbles the comm in his ear, tapping frantically until the sound of whoosh is in the foreground.
“Hey babe,” Jon’s voice rumbles over the line, “have a good night with Red Robin?”
“Sorry, wrong Robin,” Tim stares down at Dami’s slack features with wide eyes, taking in the closed eyes, “We...that is, Robin needs you in Gotham ASAP.”
“Diverting course now,” is the immediate response, Jon’s voice changing to Superboy’s. “T, is he hurt?”
Unsure of who could be listening on the line, Tim makes a fast decision, tries to take a small step back. The hands tighten down immediately, Dami’s back straightening, eyes snapping open. The growl is something deep, vibrating the chest against his thighs, pulling at his inner Omega.
“He’s not hurt, but he might get out of control if I don’t get someone here quickly.” Tim gently lays a trembly hand on Dami’s shoulder, gets the Alpha to look up at him with those green eyes.
“Baby Bat, this isn’t...you don’t really want to do this, okay? Try to think for me, Dami. This is just because I’m an Omega, so I need you to try and think.”
“Wait, what?” Jon’s voice sounds horrified.
Shit. Forgot to tap the comm off. But, really, his inner Omega is starting to enjoy all the attention of an Alpha male, newly presented or not, so Tim totally gives himself an out here.
“Jon,” he tries to be calm, but Dami is lifting up his shirt and sticking his goddamned nose right in Tim’s belly button. His eep probably isn’t helping anything.
“Hold on, Tim, I’m almost there.”
The snuffles of breath against his stomach, brush of mouth, and Tim’s instinct to get the fuck away hits abruptly–
(Your boyfriend is going to kick my ass if he sees this.)
–and he moves fast, both hands on Dami’s wrist to loosen the hold and spin away from the Alpha male to give himself some space, pulling the current Robin off balance.
He ends up back by the big computer, eyes going wildly to his harness and utility belt discarded at his workstation.
The low growling reverberates through the Cave, making the bats above screech and start to flap around, and Tim’s whole body goes tight with what he’s sure to be an oncoming fight, wondering how that’s going to go with a rut-fevering Alpha, one that’s also his partner, his friend.
(The Omega in him doesn’t give a shit, just knows how good that musk smells, how much the Alpha is in need, how much it craves the attention, how much it wants.)
Dami’s eyes are glittering green, muscles tense as he stalks closer, eyeing the Omega he wants, the one that smells...delicious.
The rumbling purr breaks out of him again, something soft and soothing, meant to entice. 
“Don’t make me fight you,” Tim swallows, eyes all for Baby Bat getting closer to him, body language giving away everything. “Dami, I don’t want to hurt you.”
But it looks like his words are lost to the Rut haze since the Alpha only purrs louder, his musk stronger even in a place as spacious as the Cave. 
All right, then. It’s time to have a plan.
He feins right, darting half a step, then takes off near the bad guy trophies. The massive penny is probably a perfect distraction right about now. 
Dami leaps from his side, cutting him off, the Alpha manifesting in him giving chase. Tim manages to leg sweep him, escaping reaching hands. 
He doesn’t make it to the penny before Dami is pretty much body slamming him into the Cave floor, bigger hands pinning his wrists over his head, knees spreading him, and the growling Alpha is looming over him, the musk calling to his inner Omega.
“No! Dami, Dami!”
But the swipe of wet over his jugular makes his knees tremble, his back arch and not in that I’m trying to escape kind of way.
(But really, it’s been a long time, and he’s an Omega, the scent of a strong, able Alpha is like Fear Toxin or Joker Venom, it gets in his lungs, makes his inner Omega plaint, makes his scent stronger to appeal to the Alpha. Their bodies work against them.)
Dami’s free hand holds his jaw to the side so he can shove his nose in Tim’s scent gland and inhale deeply. He’s laying on top, their chests pressed together when the purring starts, and the rumble against him is obviously affecting him. 
He almost wants to cry when Dami rolls his hips down, and fuck, he’s– he’–
“No,” Tim moans in Dami’s hold, his hips juttering up because he’s starting to get hard, their sweatpants making it easy to tell. “We...we can’t. J-on, Dami, you’ve got to remember Jon–”
But he loses all thought when that mouth latches on to his throat and sucks.
He cries out, bucks up when his body responds with want. 
If he doesn’t do something fast, Jon is going to viciously–
“O-oh, oh wow, I…”
Because Superboy is suddenly right there watching Tim writhe on the floor under Dami, and Jon’s eyes are huge and blue, his face pink.
“It’s not–” Tim tries, “it’s just because I’m an Omega!”
“If you want to believe that,” Jon lands on his feet, moves easily to wrap both arms around his boyfriend to lift him off Tim without any effort. “Then I’m not the one to tell you differently, right Dames?”
The newly-presented Alpha tries to lunge out of the hold, to go back to the Omega scrambling to his feet.
Tim is sure his face is red enough to match Dami’s tunic, and he turns slightly to try hiding the obvious erection in his sweatpants.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Tim sputters, arms around himself, “but if he did something to me while he’s very obviously dating you, he’d never forgive himself.”
But Jon seems very undisturbed about finding his boyfriend all over another guy, “sure, if we hadn’t already talked about it before. Him presenting as an Alpha this late wasn’t part of that though, so you might have a point.” Jon suddenly grins over the struggling Robin at Tim’s shocked face.
“Jon, he could barely stand me for years–” and the bitter scent of old pain takes over Tim’s sweetness because fuck, he’d wiped off the scent blockers.
But the change in scent makes Dami stop struggling against Jon’s hold, for both Alphas to suddenly have laser focus right on him. Caught up off his feet by Jon’s arms, Dami stops struggling, those green eyes intensely on Tim, hunched over slightly, holding himself.
“Oh Tim,” Jon sighs softly, and it comes out in a soft purr, “he’s been crazy about you for years. I mean, c’mon, you’re the best Robin detective!”
“But he’s with you. I-I would never do anything to fuck that up,” he’s starting to inch away, closer to the winding staircase, “you have to know that, Jon. I would never–”
“I gave him permission, Tim,” Jon cuts him off, “if you ever gave him the chance. O-or if you ever gave us the chance, we would take care of you."
Tim.exe has stopped.
"Geeze, do you even know how many times we talked about seeing you through your Heat? Even if he was a Null at the time, just talking about having you in bed with us was enough to make him go multiple times. I’m half-Kryptonian and I still had to tap out after round --“
“You would do that?” Tim cuts him off, voice strangely strained, “you would - you and Dami would - would take care of me? During my Heat?”
And Jon pauses in his ramble, only one arm around the presenting Alpha’s chest, still holding him slightly back. But Damian hears something in Tim’s tone that is upsetting. It makes him angry, makes him reach out an open hand in the hopes Tim takes it.
“Yes,” is edged with a growl, his hand open and waiting.
“We absolutely would take care of you, Tim, Heat or not. I swear, we won’t hurt you.” And Jon means it, says it unconsciously with his Superboy voice like Tim is a scared civilian and not a seasoned vigilante. “You would be safe with us.”
“I…” but his eyes dart to Jon who is churning out the most pleasant happy Alpha scent. “I can help make the Rut easier. If - If it- “
“Yes,” both Alphas growl at the same time, but Jon wasn’t holding Damian back anymore. 
It was both of them inching forward, Dani’s hand out, his other clenched in Jon’s cape, brining his Alpha mate with him.
"It's statically easier for Alphas to have an Omega the first time," he rambles breathlessly, watching them come closer, the tension in his shoulders easing at the scents. He seems to sway with bare feet, hand twitching toward what they're offering.
"It'll be easier if Dames has you, not just an Omega," Jon rumbles while Damian slyly snatches Tim's hand, reels him closer. "We've got a Rut room at his place in Wayne Tower."
"Bet mine is more secure in the Perch," Tim mumbles in Dami's neck, eyes rolling up to look at Jon while the presenting Alpha inhales sharply again his throat. The noise coming out of him reverberates through all three of them.
"Decision, decisions," Jon smirks over his mate's shoulder, nose barely skimming the other side of Tim's neck, a ghost of a touch.
It still makes a certain scent spike.
It's Damian that makes the final decision, lifting his head and one hand to pull Jon's mouth to his, growl and lick and bite while Tim watches, the tension in his abdomen getting tighter, warmer, the ust surrounding them as the Alphas fight for dominance.
Right in front of him.
The noise that comes out of Tim's throat is enough to spur someone into actions because--
-- the next second, the cave camera blur and the three disappear from sight, leaving behind discarded suits. Twenty seconds later, the lights click off for the night, leaving the bats to settle back down.
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kichiyosh1 · 1 year
A little sneak peek at what it's like being with cross-dresser!scara
Main story: Deceitful youth
(keep in mind you think he's a girl)
Cross-dresser!scara that once he's well acquainted with you, enjoys going out with you whether it'd be for shopping, arcade, salon, you name it!
He enjoys running around with you, carrying around paper bags filled with the stuff you bought, and when you question how she can carry that much amount of weight despite her size, he just laughs it off, saying how she's used to carrying heavy things because she shops a lot too. Even if his arms grow sore and his fingers grow numb, he's still following you around the mall with a skimpish look on his face.
Flaunts his unparalleled high level gaming skills when it comes to arcade. Finishing all the games with a high score, eradicating whoever it was that used to be in first place, but goes easy on you when playing multiplayer games. It really surprised you when she was able to hit the bell on that boxing game. The way there was so much force put into that one swing and how the score meter went straight up. She said that you just needed a proper calculated approach and the right amount of momentum, of course she was able to do it because she understands how the game works. What he's not telling you is that he may have used a little too much force and may have broken a few of his fingers, not to mention how he thinks he might have dislocated his shoulder.
He was holding onto his arm when he led you to another part of the arcade. "Hey, we don't have to play another game if it's too much for you, you're hand-"
"I'm fine, really! and what else am i gonna do with these coins?" and yes, it was a claw machine.
It was down right adorable seeing you in your pajamas, your favorite salon was closed so he had the great idea of suggesting to do everything at your apartment instead (He couldn't bring you into his, oh no no no, he couldn't risk being exposed). His left hand resting at his side as you held his right one in the palm of your hand, applying a glossy coat of black nail polish. Your hands were so soft, he can barely contain himself, hoping you couldn't feel how much he was trembling all over. What really knocked him out was when you left a small peck over his hand, saying it was a protection seal so the nail polish would last longer.
yeah, he could get used to this treatment.
(Please tell me if you only want to be tagged for part 2 of the main plot and I'll remove you from here <3)
Taglist: @r0ttenhearts @kazuuhhaaaa @ahseya @reirea-002 @silaswritesthings @scaraapologist @magica-ren @sketcheeee @dan9a-00 @bdf2 @tearsin @randomnl @xinhar @after-determination-tale @valeriele3
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seravphs · 1 year
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ੈ♡˳·˖✶ — RIN x FEM READER
True love stares you in the face and calls you an idiot. 
wc — 1k
tags — fluff, post enemies to lovers
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“Do you find me lovable?”
Rin squints at you. “Where is this coming from?” 
The question is wary, like you’re setting a trap, and he’s the rabbit that’s dumb enough to fall for it. To be fair, when you do mess with him, he does fall for it every single time. 
But not this time. 
“Don’t you think I’m annoying?”
He rolls his eyes at you. “Yeah, actually. Super annoying. Worst mistake of my life.” 
You stretch your leg out to kick him in the shin. He rips it back, yelping. 
“Be serious,” you scold. 
He blinks at you. When Rin is confused, it’s very obvious. He never manages to be ugly - it’s those sexy Itoshi genes - but his confused face comes the closest. He squints like he’s smelled something distasteful and his entire face screws up. His nose crinkles. His mouth puckers. 
Rin is, at heart, a very simple creature. If it’s not about football, he doesn’t tend to think too hard. He’ll make the attempt for you, but in general, he’s a little less developed than other people his age on important concepts like emotional awareness. 
You decide to throw him a bone. “Like when we met, remember?” 
It’s a memory that you laugh at now (okay, not now, because you’re in a mood at the moment, but in every other scenario). At the time, however, you went home and screamed into your pillow to escape from cringing at yourself every five seconds. 
It was your first day working for the Japanese National Football Team. You had been so excited to be here! Of course, it’s more glamorous to be playing the actual sport, but the team can only function at their best because of people like you.
Scanning in with your fancy new lanyard feels so professional. You still haven’t gotten over the excitement of a new job yet, and it’s written all over your face. Your new boss laughs when you tell her profusely how grateful you are to be here. She’s kind and funny. You can already see yourself fitting right in. 
“I don’t have too much for you right now,” she says. “Why don’t you go meet the team?”
Your eyes practically sparkle with delight. “Can I really?” 
“Sure! Just tell them I sent you,” she says. 
The football pitch isn’t attached to the main building, but a short walk away. Your head is in the clouds as you all but float down the sidewalk. You still can’t believe you’re really here, but when you pinch yourself, the world remains as clear and vivid as it was before. This is no dream. 
This is a nightmare, actually. The gates that allow you into training grounds are locked with a code that no one told you. You flutter around it, trying to decide what to do. Should you go back and bother your boss? You don’t want to seem stupid on your first day. You look around, but you don’t see anyone to ask. You pace around the lock again. 
You don’t know where to go. If there was someone you could ask, you wouldn’t know where to find them. How is it only your first day and you’re already messing up? 
“What’s the hold up?”
You gasp and whirl around to find Itoshi Rin, one of the star players who came out of the Blue Lock program. You’re starstruck, but that quickly fades as he pushes past you to put the code in. He doesn’t even hold the door open for you, leaving you to rush to grab it before it swings shut. At least you’re inside the facility now. 
The coworkers you meet are much nicer than Rin. Even though your boss told you not to work today, they’re so friendly you don’t mind pitching in. As the players trickle in to warm up, you run around offering water bottles and balls. It’s starting to feel like an okay day, especially because Rin doesn’t seem to recognize you from this morning. 
When you offer him a bottle, he takes it with a nod of appreciation, so you know it’s not personal. It’s not that reassuring to think that he might just be a bit of an asshole, but at least it’s not targeted. 
Whatever your feelings on Rin are, he’s undeniably an incredible player. When he scores, every member of the staff stops to watch the arc of the ball. It’s perfect. It’s a thing of beauty. 
You’re working up a sweat yourself carrying out the tasks you’re asked to do, so when the team finally wraps up, you’re grateful to finally start heading home. You pick up a stray ball heading your way and deposit it in the nearest basket, but a hand catches yours before you can let the ball drop. 
“Are you stupid? That doesn’t go in there,” Rin says, taking it from you and trotting across the field to another basket. 
Your jaw drops. 
You hate this man. 
But in a few months, he’ll take you on your first date, and you’ll be head over heels. You still don’t remember why or when it happened, just that one day Rin showed up with an apology and a dedication to doing better. 
“When did it change?” You ask, curious now. 
“I dunno,” Rin says. “Probably when you called me stupid after I fumbled the keys you gave me.” 
“What?” You laugh at him. 
“I’m serious! I was like oh, that was kind of shitty of me.” 
“Sometimes I wonder how you’re still alive.” 
“I’m a professional football player, not a therapist,” he says. 
You hold your tongue about how emotional awareness was not a trait relegated to therapists alone. 
“Anyway,” he adds, reaching for you. You stumble and nearly fall on top of him, but he doesn’t mind. “You’re still kind of stupid. But that’s what I like about you.” 
“Rin,” you say, slowly like you’re talking to a very dumb toddler. “You forgot to hit start on the washing machine this morning.”
It doesn’t phase him. “I know I’m stupid too. That’s why we work.”
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pretending-ican-write · 6 months
Cowboy Up - Pt.11
A/N: Hey guys just letting you know what the situation in terms of updates going forwards. I am making no guarantees as to updates from now until June because I am at the end of my final year of uni and gonna be v busy with assignments. This won't be going anywhere though and I will have plenty time in the summer to work on it.
As always feel free to send in any requests for this pairing, I likely won't get round to them for a few months but know that I see them and I love you all for engaging with this story which is now nearly 15,000 words! Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list.
Pairing: Ryan (Yellowstone) x Dutton!reader
Previous part - Next part
Once all the morning jobs had been seen to, everyone had congregated in the corral for some fun roping the dummy on the back of the quad.  They’d invited hands from a neighbouring ranch for a bit of friendly competition, although it stopped being friendly the moment bets had started flying.  Most of the hands were betting on themselves, obviously confident in their own abilities, but a few from the Yellowstone had put money on y/n who had partnered with the other ranch’s female hand, despite the shouts of ‘traitor’ coming from her co-workers.  The only response she’d dignified them with was a middle finger and a guarantee to wipe the floor with them all.  Ryan and Lloyd had just had their turn when she lined up to take their shot.
Y/n exchanged a look with the other hand, getting a determined nod in return before she looked at Ethan on the quad and gave him the signal.  The quad didn’t go as fast as a steer so the horses could comfortably lope after it as opposed to going flat out like they normally would.  Their horses followed it easily and she held steady as the other hand swung her rope over the horns quickly off the mark.  Once the horns were done, y/n took her turn swinging the loose rope over head before aiming it at the back legs and hitting her mark.  As soon as the loop had tightened, she shifted her weight in the saddle back to which Comanche responded instantly by sliding to a halt in the sand.
Cheers came up from the onlookers at their speed, Rip turning to rib those who’d just gone, “y’all just got beat by some women.”
Lloyd turned to Ryan, “you rope like shit.”
“You’re the one that missed!” He defended
Rip rode up to them, “y’all rope like shit.  I’m gonna take those women with me today and y’all can just go fucking pack it in.”
Y/n loped down the arena to stop in front of them, “you should really learn to never bet against me.  Jake and Colby made smart choices, I expect my share of your winnings boys!”
“Ladies think you can go two for two?” Rip asked to which they both nodded, “get your ass in there let’s go.”
They watched as the girls reset and ran behind the quad to catch the plastic steer again with practised ease.  Lloyd rolled his eyes at the ever present fond look Ryan had in his eyes whenever he watched his girlfriend.  At this point everyone in the bunkhouse had figured out they were together, it was just a matter of time until Rip worked it out and he did not envy Ryan when that happened.  The foreman’s approval likely meant more to her than any of her family’s did (except maybe what Lee had given her with his gentle teasing in the trailer).  Next to him said foreman was looking at the girl with a similarly affectionate smile.
“You’re a soft touch when it comes to her aren’t you,” Lloyd said to him.
He kept his eyes trained ahead, “I don’t know what you’re suggestin’ Lloyd.”
“Bulllshit.  I know you put this together today so her mind wasn’t stuck on her mom all day,” he pointed out.
Rip chuckled, “don’t act like you ain’t the softest on her.”
For the first time in a while, y/n had denied joining the hands in the bunkhouse and instead chose to have dinner in the main house.  Part of her had hoped that her family might be able to have one normal dinner on the anniversary of their mother’s death but she should have remembered that the Dutton’s were never capable of normal, especially when it came to the dinner table.  When she’d reached the house, the living room was full of men in suits surrounding Beth and her father, clearly some political play that she’d made clear not to involve her in.  Jamie was sulking on the porch listening to the chatter so she decided to ignore him, in no mood to deal with her older brother acting like a child.
Instead she sought out Gator for dinner, which he was happy to accommodate considering she’d brushed off pancakes that morning, before having a shower and settling on the opposite side of the porch to Jamie where the talking didn’t reach her ears.  As she listened to the noises of the mountains surrounding her and the comforting whickers from the horses, she indulged in the only alcohol she ever did.  One beer, on the evening of the anniversary of her mother’s death.  Evelyn’s favourite beer.  It wasn’t even something she particularly liked the taste of but it made her feel a little bit connected to her mom as she imagined all the gossip they might have been exchanging if the horse never crushed her.  Y/n refused to believe John would have done what he did to Kayce if their mom had been around to talk sense into him.
“I thought you didn’t drink sweetheart,” a familiar voice came out of the darkness to interrupt her ‘what ifs’.
Y/n opened her eyes to see her boyfriend in front of her, “just the one for mom each year.  Ain’t even that good but it's hers.”
She watched as he came across the grass in front of the porch to lean on the railing in front of her.  Ryan tipped his hat at her teasingly which made y/n giggle.
“What’s got you so close to the house cowboy?  Aren’t they missing you in poker,” she joked.
He stuck his tongue out at her, “you ain’t much better at it than me sweetheart.  Something told me I shouldn’t let you be alone tonight.”
“The house is full of fools tryna get into bed with my father and Jamie’s out here somewhere sulking like a child!” Y/n said the last bit louder in hopes that her brother would get the message and go inside.
Ryan laughed at her lack of subtlety, “Jamie can stay out here for all I care.  If everyone in the house is busy suckin’ dick I doubt they’ll notice us sneaking up to your room.”
“Ry are you suggesting I sneak my boyfriend up to my bedroom like a teenager,” she giggled.
He smirked, “well you did say you never got to sneak around when you were a teenager it seemed only fair that I give you the chance to do it now.  We’ll both be at the barn in the morning before anyone here is even considering waking up.  You know you want to say yes sweetheart.”
“You make a convincing argument.  Come on then cowboy.”
Ryan climbed over the porch railing to take the hand y/n was offering before letting her lead him into the house.  He made a joke about it being the first time he’d be going through the front door which prompted his girlfriend to elbow him in the ribs.  When they entered, she closed the door as quietly as the wood would allow before gesturing for Ryan to take his boots off.  Jamie must have heard his sister because he’d moved his sulking to the kitchen where he was sat at the counter burning a hole into his laptop screen.  Y/n turned, putting her finger to her lips, before darting past the kitchen entryway and to the stairs.  Both of them made it up to her bedroom, making sure the door was shut before bursting into laughter.  Y/n felt lighter than she had all day, the weight of the day finally off her shoulders.
She swiped the hat off of his head, putting it on her damp hair with a smirk.  Ryan watched her carefully as she moved around the room to put her boots away.  When she turned back around he was still by the door, leant against the wall with his arms crossed, eyes trained on his hat still on her head.
“You know what you’re doing there sweetheart?” He asked.
Y/n shrugged, “you askin’ if I know the cowboy hat rule, Ry?”
“Do you?” He pushed off the wall to stand in front of her and placed his hands on her hips gently.
She slid her hands up to rest on his shoulders, “I been around buckle bunnies since I was 15 Ry, course I know the cowboy hat rule.”
The next morning, y/n was awoken to the loud noise of her alarm blaring from her bedside table.  When she tried to turn it off she found herself too far away to reach her phone.  Pulling herself further into consciousness, y/n became aware of an arm around her waist and the feeling of Ryan’s lips against her shoulder.
“That’s so fuckin’ loud,” he complained.
She laughed as he let her go to turn the alarm off, “how else do you expect me to wake up before the sun rises?”
“Can’t remember the last time I used an alarm, normally just get woken up by the others getting up,” he explained.
They stayed wrapped up in the warmth of the bed for a few minutes before forcing themselves out of the comfort to get ready for work.  Ryan watched as his girlfriend got dressed before putting her hat on his head, not his this time, and followed her down the stairs.  Y/n slipped into the kitchen to get two apples, brushing off Gator’s questioning as to why she was taking more than one.  After grabbing her jacket from the peg, they walked down the drive to the barn in comfortable silence.
Y/n stopped part way there when she saw the cattle trucks and her dad stood outside, “shit he should still be asleep.”
“Don’t stress I’ll go round the corral and go in the back to the bunkhouse,” Ryan reassured her, dropping a kiss to her cheek, “in a bit sweetheart.”
She watched him go with a smile before taking a breath and steeling herself to speak to John without caffeine.
“Fell asleep in a stall?” She greeted him outside the barn, noting the shavings stuck to the back of his jacket.
John looked over at his daughter, “what you doing down here so early?  The hands won’t be out for a bit.”
“I’ll go get Comanche and ride up to meet these at the pasture,” Lucy tactfully ignored her dad’s question, “tell Rip to bring me coffee when they come up.”
Taglist: @child-of-of-the-sunshine @kendallroydefender @qardasngan @thecobraghost @little-diable
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deobienthusiast · 8 months
what to expect when you’re expecting | lee sangyeon
• pairing: idol!sangyeon x nonidol!female reader
• word count: 1.9k words
• rating: PG (i’m reluctant to put G but there are a few sexual innuendos)
• genre: fluff, super cute, i’m inclined to say suggestive but there’s like one measly moment
• warnings: sickly cute, like super sugary sweet that it might make your teeth rot, there’s like one suggestive comment made by sangyeon, babies, and pregnancies
• tagging: @deoboyznet and @mars101 for the banner and beta reading! she worked really hard for me on this one and i love her dearly for it! and @heemingyu for also betareading it!!!! ILY BOTH SM🩷🩷🩷🩷
• notes: this concept with sangyeon hit me like a fucking truck. i literally was just sitting at work, thought of the not-so-original title and immediately went “ahh this is perfect for sangyeon”
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“sweet girl, you are more than we ever expected and better than we ever imagined”
The word perfect isn’t a word you would use very often. Especially when it comes to your life. Nothing about your life has been simple. You had a distorted vision of what perfect might look like due to your parents' crumbling marriage. Fighting and screaming all the time wasn’t exactly the image of a picturesque marriage.
There was a period in your life that you used to want to forget. The fucked up image of love that your parents engraved into you made you run through guys like they were going out of style. Each one was worse than the last. You swore you’d give up on love after your last boyfriend. That was until you met Sangyeon.
Oh sweet Sangyeon. A dashing, lovable man that managed to steal your heart, and the hearts of many others. Sangyeon was an idol, a star amongst the stars. He was the main vocalist and leader of a very popular boy group, and no matter how much his members teased him, they wouldn’t lie when they said they depended on him a lot. Sangyeon was a natural born leader, great with anyone and in any situation.
The fact that you, in your must insecure and fucked up state, were able to catch Sangyeon’s eye was a feat in itself. When he approached you, you couldn’t believe it. What would an idol want with you? But he was so kind, so soft spoken and sweet. He made you feel so special, all the time.
Your relationship was secretive at first, with his idol image and him being a leader he had no choice. It was hard at first, your insecurities getting the best of you, but he never faltered. He never gave up on you. He fought tooth and nail to keep you and your relationship together. When the news came out, fans were supportive. Most of them at least. The good outweighed the bad, and the two of you couldn’t be happier.
People became even more supportive when Sangyeon proposed. The world seemed to be warming up to the idea that Sangyeon was beginning his life outside of being an idol. Which is why the news of your pregnancy wasn’t a surprise to anyone.
Sangyeon took the time to ease people into it, wanting people to understand that he was still the same old Sangyeon, except he’d be coming home to a wife and soon, a daughter.
Preparations for your little girl were in full swing. Gifts being delivered, cute cards, diapers (because you can never have enough), clothes, balloons. Your little apartment that seemed to be perfect for you and your little family was beginning to seem a little crowded. Sangyeon didn't seem to mind, though. Too enamored with the idea of attending lamaze classes, and what you would consider his personal favorite, decorating the nursery.
In one of his very rare off days, Sangyeon had been spending the entire time buried in ripped open boxes, instructions, and pink and lavender colored paint cans that Kevin had specifically asked not to touch until he could get to your home. Hobbling from your place in the kitchen, one hand on your stomach and another on your lower back, you made your way towards the open door that smelt more new than the rest of the house. The pristine white furniture scattered all about, some even covered in plastic so as to not get droplets of paint on it in the future.
A smile makes its way to your face when you notice the three in one crib Jacob had bought for you guys was perfectly intact, Sangyeon standing over it proudly. As if hearing you at the door, he whipped his head around, a smug smirk on his face.
“I told you I’d get it done.”
Your husband was met with a roll of your eyes as he chuckled. “My hero.”
He swiped at his forehead with the sleeve of his shirt as he walked towards you. First laying a soft peck on your forehead, then bringing both hands to your growing stomach, leaning down to place an equally soft kiss on the top of it. Almost as if feeling him place the kiss, the baby kicked. The small bump hits Sangyeon on the tip of his nose as he scrunches up his face.
“Easy. I know I stink.” Sangyeon whispers to your stomach.
You giggle, bringing a hand to run through his slightly damp, dark brown locks as he stands up.
“Well, what do you think?” Sangyeon asks, gesturing to the bed.
“I think she’s going to need more than just a bed, Sangyeon.” You counter.
Sangyeon drops his hand, beginning to pout. “Well I know that! I’m not finished yet.”
This time you let out a chuckle. “Babe, it took you three days to put the bed together. At this rate, the nursery won’t be done when she arrives.”
Sangyeon looks around the room, taking in the still full cans of paint, the partial design that Kevin had started of white lilies that surrounded your daughter’s name, and the rest of furniture that still needed to be put together.
He smiled as he turned back to you. “Being parents is chaotic, right? You gotta expect the unexpected.”
You couldn’t help but smile back. “I think the saying is what to expect when you’re expecting.”
“Well we definitely didn’t expect this.”
A breathy laugh made its way past your lips as you made your way through the chaos, laying both hands on the baby crib. Sangyeon followed closely behind you, a firm grip on your hips to make sure you don’t fall. His senses were immensely heightened when it came to you and it seemed they were heightened even more if that was even possible now that you were pregnant. You hadn’t so much as lifted a finger for anything, Sangyeon being at your beck and call.
“What do you need me to do? Anything?” He questions.
You turn to look at him. “The blanket your mother knit, it’s in our room. Can you bring it to me?”
Sangyeon smiled, turning to make his way out of the room, but not before tripping over a ripped box that still holds pieces of the pale pink rocking chair that needs to be put together. His face turns beat red as he speed walks towards your room. You giggle at your husband’s cuteness as you turn back towards the crib.
Sangyeon put the purple sheets on the mattress, and had even placed the pillows on the bed. A teddy bear that Changmin had gifted you sat in the middle of the bed. You laugh to yourself as you remember the pleas Sangyeon made to the younger boy, promising not to get anything scary for your baby girl.
“I found it!” You hear Sangyeon yell, his fleeting pounding across the hardwood floor as he rounds the corner into the room.
The small, pink and white checkered blanket swings back and forth in his hands from the movement as he hands it to you. The soft material glides through your fingers as you lay it over the mattress.
Sangyeon lays a peck on your shoulder as he whispers. “Perfect.”
You smile as you let him wrap his hands around you. He brings them both to the bottom of your enlarged stomach, putting pressure as he lifts up your bump. You groan slightly as your husband chuckles from behind you. You feel him start to release his grip on the bottom of your stomach as you whine.
“Don’t stop.” You say softly, placing your hands on top of his.
Sangyeon snickers. “I think that’s what got us in this position in the first place.”
You couldn’t help but smile at his comment, a rush of heat blooming up your neck. You turn in his arms, slowly so he can gently let your stomach down from his hold. The size of your bump leaves a substantial amount of space between you and Sangyeon as you have to just lay your hands on your shoulders. Sangyeon looks you over as he smiles slightly.
“Stop stressing.”
You frown. “I’m not. I swear. I just,”
“Want everything to be done before she gets here. I know. Everything will be done, I promise. Some of the guys are supposed to be coming over later on today to help. Kevin wants to finish painting the room, Jacob and Younghoon are going to help me put together the rest of the furniture, and Eric and Sunwoo will…” Sangyeon trails off, making you laugh.
“Just keep them away from the paint. I have a sneaking suspicion more will end up on you all and the furniture than the walls.”
Sangyeon laughs as he leans forward to peck your nose. Your eyes close at the soft contact, feeling a bump at your stomach again, letting you know that your daughter has once again kicked.
“She seems to know when we’re being affectionate.” You tell Sangyeon.
He grins before you both head a cough.
“Don’t let me interrupt, but you should really start locking the front door.”
You both pull apart as Sangyeon speaks.
“Sunwoo, please stop just entering my house without knocking.”
You laugh to yourself as Sunwoo makes his way towards the two of you.
“I did knock. You guys were too enthralled with each other to bother hearing me.” Sunwoo says.
He bends down to whisper to your growing belly. “Hi baby! It’s your favorite uncle!”
You scoff playfully as he turns his head, laying his ear on your stomach, nodding as if the baby is talking to him. You look at Sangyeon who's watching his younger member in amusement.
“Saying anything interesting uncle Sunwoo?” You ask him jokingly.
Sunwoo lifts his head giving you a smirk. “Just that she likes me more than Jacob.”
You snort as you back away from the boy. You didn’t bother commenting back knowing that even he knew that statement wasn't true. Jacob was already the favorite uncle with how much your baby girl kicked whenever he was around. Everyone knew that, but you kept quiet so Sunwoo could have his moment. You were able to hear the chime of your keypad this time around as you heard more voices enter.
Sangyeon grabbed your hand, leading you into the family room where everyone was gathering. They all smiled and said hi, some giving your stomach light pats in a gesture to say hello to your unborn daughter. Just as you had expected, the moment Jacob patted your stomach the baby kicked making both you and Jacob laugh. Sangyeon gave out the assignments for everyone as they took off towards the nursery.
“Look at the fearless leader, leading the way to build a nursery.” You said softly.
Sangyeon grinned. “Who would’ve thought, huh?”
You heard commotion in the nursery as you sighed. “Oh boy.”
Sangyeon helped you over to the couch, turning on your favorite show as he pecked your forehead. “No more stress. Everything gets done before she gets here. I promise.”
You nod. “Just as long as they don’t break anything.”
Your husband laughed, kneeling down in front of you. “I’ll rough ‘em up if they do.”
A look was thrown Sangyeon’s way as he laughed at you, the both of you knowing he doesn’t have a single violent bone in his body when it comes to his members.
“Very funny.” You say softly.
Sangyeon grins. “I guess this is what we can expect while we’re expecting.”
You grinned. “Oh baby girl, you are in for a real treat when you arrive!”
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qqtxt · 1 year
[🎈] sway with me [🦊]
[!] this is for the 1k followers mini fics. click here to find out more!✿ pairing: yeonjun x reader / idol!txt / employee!you / fluff / 712 words / minor cursing (none with ill intention!) ✿ request: [dance] + yeonjun (for our muses to dance together) ✿ note: this is cute. i'm invested in this. [main masterlist 🌸] / [event masterlist] / [tag: #qqtxt: 1k]
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it wasn't uncommon for you to be in the practice room whenever yeonjun had to practice his dancing. there are moments where he'll find an empty practice room and decide to text you: i'm at practice room 101 if you wanna swing by... 👀. and you do swing by because why the hell wouldn't you?
you brought something to keep you busy; nothing much but a couple of files you could proofread a couple of times to make sure you don't miss out on any details for your next briefing. yeonjun sneaks a few peeks at you from time to time and it's this giddy, child-like feeling blossoming in his chest when he notices you looking at him.
if anyone was watching, they would think the two of you were outright disgusting. but given the privacy you two shared in the empty practice room, yeonjun finds the perfect opportunity to–you look up from your file when you notice a shadow blocking half the page you're reading (or was reading).
it makes you snort, putting the file to the side with a raised brow at the sight of his hand extended out to you.
"what?" you scoff a laugh, keeping him waiting like this was hilarious given his puppy eyes and small pout. "take my hand," he wiggles his fingers impatiently.
"i'm not much of a dancer, jun. you know this and should've known since the last time i stepped on your feet a million times."
"eh," he shrugs, bending down to grab onto your hand so he can pull you up, leading you to the middle of the empty space, "it wasn't even close to a million,"
"i don't even–"your words get clogged up when the familiar voice of michael bublé echoes off the walls and yeonjun maneuvers one of your hands to rest on his shoulder as he grips the other, holding it up as he guides you with his other hand on your waist. "i take no responsibility if tubatu loses their main dancer," you announce as he begins to make you move along with him but he stops with a laugh, head thrown back at your remark. it makes you giggle seeing his reaction; how effortless it was for you to make him laugh all the time.
he shakes his head and faces you with a smirk, "it's gonna take more than you stepping on my feet to do any real damage, baby."
"aren't you a cocky motherfu–!" your voice fades off into a squeal when he spins you around as if he's half-dragging, half-floating you around the room with ease but in actual fact, it was because your body trusted him more than your mind did. the muscle memory of feeling safe with him made your heart leap over your head, allowing yeonjun to maneuver you around and avoid your feet stepping onto his to his best ability.
after a solid minute of spinning you around, he slows down to a more mellow pace; ignoring the upbeat tempo from the song as you two catch your breath. he chuckles when you rest your head on his chest, shaking your head with a laugh.
"not so bad, huh?" he murmurs, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before you look up to him with a resigned smile, "you just do the darnedest things, don't you?"
"let me spin you around again?"
"as long as you're there to catch me."
"oh," yeonjun grins, already gripping onto your waist and tightening his hold on your hand, "i'll always be there to catch you."
(("what are you, the fbi?" a voice makes soobin's shoulders jump, but he relaxes when he processes it's just beomgyu. "huh?"
the latter snorts, motioning with his head at soobin's hands holding onto a phone, recording past the tiny gap of the practice room where you and yeonjun resided and where you're still dancing.
"why are you being a creep recording them like that?"
"because it's cute and–you know what? use your phone. your quality is better."
"fuck's sake..." beomgyu muttered under his breath, but his actions prove otherwise when he pulls out his phone to comply, "i'm gonna get hyung to buy me that new coat i want if he wants to get this footage."))
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ppumeonae-bigvibe · 3 months
barista's special
↖ navigation: enhypen masterlist || main masterlist
pairing: barista! jay x part-timer! reader
↬ tags: (guys im so tired i dont know anything anymore i was in bed and realized i forgot to post this so i had to get up) wholesome fluff surely, a short read about developing feelings! (i like this one very much and pondered a lot about what to write for this) jay being self-aware and heeseung being some kind of a friend c
summary: continuation from this // now that jay has got to know you for a while, perhaps things are brewing where he first met you
word count: 1.03k words
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jay wiped down the countertop for what seemed like the umpteenth time that day. he folds the cloth neatly and parks it to the side, shifting his weight from one foot to another.
just then, the doorbell jingles and he stands up straighter, ready to receive the customer. the door swings open gently, and jay smiles at the sight of you almost immediately when you meet his gaze.
you shoot him a wry smile when you see the confusion flit across his face as you made your way closer to where he stood.
"last i checked, you're off today. and i'm working with heeseung." jay teases and you responded with equal humor, "i miss working with sunbae so much that i decided to accompany you at work despite it being my off day." despite the sarcasm lacing your words, jay knows you didn't mean any harm. in fact he sees the way your eyes twinkle with mischief and finds you rather endearing.
you held up the thick laptop bag snug tightly on your left forearm, "i'm here to do some school work because there's some renovations going on at home. you gonna chase me out or something?"
jay was glad that the cafe wasn't crowded that day.
he leans over the counter, shaking his head all while a smile tugs on his lips, "you can stay here, but you gotta get something to eat or drink here. cafe rules." you waved him off, huffing at his banter, "i know." you pause to look at the menu, before returning your attention to him, "sunbae! can you make me that drink? your..." you moved closer to him causing his heart to beat in trepidation, "your special drink?"
"yah, you're taking too much advantage of me here!" you made a face, "but, please? can't a struggling student have something special to focus on their heinous amount of work?" you looked pointedly at your laptop bag. "i really like the special drink you make. i crave it all the time but i don't know what you put in there that makes it so addicting." you admitted sheepishly, a silly grin on your face.
jay relents (he had already intended to make you something nice even before you asked), rolling his eyes like it was a big deal (it wasn't), "i'll bring it to you."
you beam and nod at him so brightly, jay thinks he must have done something great in his past life for him to melt so easily just by that action alone. he watches as you move to sit at a cozy spot away from the machines, taking out your study materials.
from his peripheral vision, he occasionally flits his focus to you as he prepared your drink and a snack despite you not asking for it. absorbed in your studies, he was reminded of when he was first starting university just like you were right now.
he graduated just recently and you had about 3 more years to go in school.
"huh, it's been a few months..." jay wonders aloud to himself. it felt like yesterday when you had first joined, the shy part-timer that he warmed up to after comforting you on your first busy shift. but with the passing of time, it was almost nearly 10 months of you joining the crew.
and somehow in this time and in this small space of a cafe, he realized he's taken quite a liking to you.
well, according to google at least (google says its a platonic crush), he surely doesn't have an infatuation on you: he thinks that he clicks rather well with you, having so many common topics to chat about. his logical mind relates it due to the fact the full-time staff here were much older, hence you two getting along well was only bound to happen. he doesn't think about you romantically, nor does he feel that "butterflies in stomach" sensation when he interacts with you.
more often than not, jay finds himself subconsciously glancing past the staff roster to see when his and your shifts aligned, never making it too obvious when he swaps a shift with his coworkers just so that he could work with you; he definitely does feel a sense of pride when he watches you master some coffee grinding techniques or latte art he taught you, and also even enjoys hearing you vent about the professors you two shared.
the oven dings softly, bringing him out of his revere. heeseung who was coincidentally back from his toilet break, stands beside jay. "well, well. who is this for?" jay looks at the older male, one side of his lips quirking up, "the poor student over there."
heeseung looks over jay's shoulders and hums, "said 'poor student' comes here to study quite often actually. during their off days and occasionally weekends, like today."
"really? i didn't know that..." jay stores that information to the back of his head. heeseung side-eyes him, "why, you curious as to when they come? i could tell you if you want~"
"ah hyung! mind your business!" jay sputters and hurriedly pulls the pastry out onto a plate. with the drink in his free hand he makes his way to your table and set it down to escape a prying heeseung.
"for you."
you perked up, "thanks!" he never fails to notice the way your entire demeanor brightens around him (and only him, he hopes). he peers over to look at the notes sprawled all over the table,
you brought the mug to your lips, exclaiming after the first sip, "why did this get even better than the last one you made me!"
jay felt the tips of his ears warm up, spouting whatever reason that popped up to his head, "y-you're just caffeine crazy! i'm sure you don't even start the day drinking water." you sighed dramatically, "sunbae is such a spoilsport. but thanks for making this though! i'm gonna get this A for my assignment!"
as he steps away from you, he catches heeseung staring at him funny, his head cocked to one side, as if calculating jay's every move.
he's got some avoiding to do.
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@ppumeonae-bigvibe 's work ; likes and reblogs are appreciated !
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cat3ch1sm · 1 year
Hi hope you're feeling better 💙 if I may ask again (cause ur writing is so good 💕)could I please have some wholesome and funny camping headcanons with the main four?(killua, gon, kurapika and leorio)
🪐~ hi there! thanks for asking abt my health, im taking it one day at a time :) here’s ur request!! to be clear there is no limit on how many requests one person can send in! so if u think you’re being annoying by sending in several requests don’t. i love you guys’ ideas
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𝐡𝐱𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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gon is definitely the one who proposes the idea of camping. the others have to be convinced. but when gon really wants you to do something his eyes get all sparkly and big and earnest and he’s hard to say no to so eventually everyone always pulls up at the campsite
gon and killua have a ton of fun on the hike to the campsite in the woods. they’re just playing tag and chasing each other and swinging on trees and running up this steep ass hill like nobody’s business. kurapika isn’t as eager but he doesn’t have trouble actually hiking. but by the time they reach the site leorio is half dead
gon still pulls up in his fuck ass green shorts and cardigan even though they’re near water and they’re outside in the woods and there are a shit ton of mosquitoes
kurapika in a tank top. that’s all
killua does not even bother avoiding things like anthills and beehives and shi he just walks straight through them and the insects don’t even bother him
gon teaches the whole gang how to fish and Kurapika is a natural for some reason. leorio eventually gets the hang of it. but killua is positively disgusted by the worms they have to use as bait
doesn’t stop him from tossing a few down leorio and kurapika’s shirts though
kurapika is actually really proficient in the wild somehow- he remembers to pack all the essentials, knows how to set up a shelter (even though they have a tent) and knows what to do in case of things like flash floods or forest fires
there is always this one squirrel that will not stop following gon. he keeps feeding it and even though everyone says not to because then it’ll never leave him alone, gon doesn’t care. the squirrel seems genuinely attached to him and likes to chill on gon’s shoulder
there is also a squirrel that follows leorio simply to steal his food.
leorio and killua argue nonstop about how to set up the tents until kurapika swoops in while they’re busy fighting and just wordlessly puts them up himself
of course killua and gon share a tent while leorio and kurapika share the other
kurapika is basically gon and killua’s parent on camping trips because they’re twelve year old boys and super reckless. so before they go running off somewhere kurapika always drowns them in bug spray and sunscreen and makes sure they have full water bottles
for some reason killua is dead set on catching his own food. not like casual fishing like gon does, but he literally just wants to go into the woods and kill animals with his bare hands and bring them back to cook even though that’s definitely not how that works
of course Kurapika is prepared though. he brought things like trail mix and sunflower seeds and nuts and some meat. he also brings s’mores for them to make over the fire
starting the fire, by the way, gives them absolute hell. kurapika’s matches won’t light and killua’s lightning flashes too quick and gon can’t muster up enough heat energy from his nen to make the fire. after an hour though, when leorio leaves his glasses sitting right beside the pile of wood, the sun catches in the lens and finally lights the fire. leorio barely saves his glasses in time from the blaze
gon is a literal mosquito magnet for no reason. even despite the bug spray he comes back from his escapades with killua itching like crazy until Kurapika to the rescue gives him ointment to help with it
kurapika for some reason always burns his marshmallows in the fire when they’re making s’mores. he does it on purpose too and killua always makes it clear that he’s judging him for eating the burnt marshmallows
killua thought it would be fun to light the marshmallow on fire and then try and eat the literal flaming marshmallow. gon wanted to try too, but both leorio and kurapika shut that down real quick
when it’s time to go to bed and it’s dark gon climbs the trees and looks at the stars because he thinks they’re pretty. killua calls him corny but always joins him in the trees
kurapika just stays awake below, quietly watching the two talk and laugh in the tree
gon and killua always wind up falling asleep in the trees despite claiming that they’ll come back down
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kyleoreillylover · 8 months
Polaroids and Kisses 📸- Loyalty Prequel
Summary: How a kiss sparked the flames of a 20+ year relationship/friendship.
tagged:@southerngirl41 @venusesworld @jeysbae@reci1996@tbonesteakwithasideofmashngrav @hope4more @selena-tyler-564 @saintaquarius@whatdoeseverybodywant@raya-hunter01
word count: 1912
a/n: could be read as a standalone but is part of the loyalty universe. Hope ya'll enjoy!
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You will never forget your first kiss with Sami.
Most people would assume that because of his bubbly, sunshine persona, that it was a moment crafted out of a picture perfect rom com. Your favorite flowers planted on the ground, soft music playing in the background, and maybe even a gentle breeze to carry the scent of romance. But no, that's not how it happened with Sami Zayn.
The year was 2009, and it was the night you won the Ring of Honor Championship. It had been the main event of the PPV, the first in which a women headlined, and Sami and Kevin had listened to you ramble excitedly all week about how much this opportunity meant to you. Sami had seen the dedication and hard work you put into every match, and he couldn't have been prouder when you emerged victorious.
The celebration was in full swing backstage. Balloons, confetti, and the joyous atmosphere filled the air. Sami, despite not having a match that night, was buzzing with energy. He found you amidst the celebration, a bright smile on his face.
You were mid-conversation with Finn Balor (who was your opponent but real life friend) and Becky, but you sensed Sami's presence and turned towards him with an even bigger smile. "There he is! The man of the hour!"
Sami wasted no time and pulled you into a bear hug, your feet slightly off the ground. "I told you that title was yours, champ!"
You laughed, feeling the genuine happiness radiating from Sami, the euphoria of the victory coursing through your veins. "We did it, Sami! This is for everyone who supported me, including you, and Kevin."
You saw Kevin walking in the hallway, presumably trying to find you, and you called out to him. "Kevin! Get over here, we're celebrating!"
Kevin grumbled something under his breath but made his way to the celebration. His usually tough guy act crumbled at the look of genuine happiness on your face, and he cracked a smile when you released Sami and brought him into a hug.
"Did you see me out there!" You rambled about the match, excitement bubbling out of you. "When I hit that finishing move, I knew it was over. It's like time slowed down, and I could see the title in my hands."
Sami and Kevin exchanged amused glances, both appreciating your enthusiasm. The three of you continued the celebration, sharing laughter and stories from the night. As the party began to wind down, Kevin saw the perfect opportunity for the two of you to be alone and decided to play the role of a considerate friend.
"Hey, I think I left something in the car. Mind helping me grab it?" Kevin suggested, shooting a knowing look at Sami.
You raised an eyebrow, but agreed, "Sure, Kevin. Sami, you holding down the fort here?"
Sami nodded with a smile. "Go ahead, I'll be right here."
As you followed Kevin towards the parking area, he made small talk about the match and your victory, but you could sense a subtle tension in the air. Once you reached the car, Kevin opened the door for you and gestured for you to go in first.
"Thanks," you said, slightly confused but appreciative of the gesture.
Kevin took a deep breath before getting in after you, and for a moment, there was an awkward silence. He looked at you, his usual confident demeanor replaced by a hint of nervousness.
"Listen, I know I can be an ass sometimes, but tonight was a big deal for you, and I didn't want to ruin it," Kevin admitted, scratching the back of his neck.
You chuckled, "Kevin, you're not ruining anything. We're celebrating, remember? Besides, you've been supportive tonight."
He sighed, "Yeah, well… I wanted to give you a moment alone with Sami. It's obvious he's got a thing for you."
Your eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, what?"
Kevin smirked, "Come on, don't tell me you haven't noticed. The guy's practically glowing when he's around you. And I've seen the way you look at him too."
You felt a blush creeping up on your cheeks. "I… I don't know what you're talking about."
Kevin chuckled, "Sure, whatever you say. But just keep it in mind, alright? Sami's a good guy, and you deserve someone who makes you happy."
Before you could respond, Kevin opened the car door and stepped out, leaving you in a state of shock. You sat there for a moment, processing his words, and then decided to head back to the celebration.
When you returned, the party was still going strong, and Sami was engaged in a conversation with a few colleagues. You joined in, but your mind was elsewhere, contemplating Kevin's unexpected advice.
As the night progressed, the group gradually dispersed, leaving you and Sami alone in the celebration aftermath. You both ended up sitting on a bench outside the arena, the cool night air a welcome change from the heated atmosphere inside.
"Tonight was amazing," you sighed, looking up at the stars.
Sami nodded, "It truly was. I'm so proud of you, Y/N."
A comfortable silence settled between you, but the tension from Kevin's words lingered in the air. You decided to address it, unsure of what Sami might think.
"Kevin said something interesting when we were alone," you began cautiously.
Sami turned to look at you, curiosity in his eyes. "Oh? What did he say?"
"He mentioned… he thinks you have a thing for me," you admitted, watching Sami's reaction.
Sami's cheeks turned slightly pink, but he didn't look away. "I, uh …well, yeah, I guess I do," Sami admitted, scratching the back of his head nervously.
Your brain shut down at this revelation. The adreadline from the match, the celebration, and now this unexpected confession from Sami had your heart racing. You stared at him, processing his words.
"Oh." Was all you could manage to get out, and Sami's face turned to panic at your lack of response.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make things weird, and I-I didn't want to ruin the night for you." Sami stammered, his eyes filled with genuine concern. "I understand if you don't want to be best friends anymore-"
"Sami!" You interrupted his confession, placing a hand on his shoulder to calm his nervous rambling. "You're not ruining anything. In fact, I appreciate your honesty."
Sami looked at you with a mix of relief and uncertainty. "You do?"
"Yeah," you smiled, "Because I like you too."
Sami felt as if hearts were doing a synchronized dance in his chest. The relief on his face transformed into a bright, genuine smile. "You do?"
You nodded, your own smile mirroring his. "Yeah, Sami. " God you looked stunning, yellow dress, curled hair perfectly resting on your shoulders, the glow of victory still evident on your face. You were almost at the same height because of your heels, and any other time he would have teased you for having to wear them to be closer to his 6 foot frame, but tonight was different.
Sami couldn't believe his luck. The night that already felt like a dream turned into something even more magical. He reached over, taking your hand in his, his smile never fading.
"Is this real life?" You giggled at Sami's remark, and Sami couldn't help but chuckle along with you.
"I think so," You replied, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. "And if it's a dream, then I hope I never wake up."
And with that, you slightly leaned up, and pressed your lips onto Sami's.
The kiss was soft, sweet, and filled with the shared joy and excitement of the night. Sami's initial surprise melted into a reciprocated warmth, and he closed his eyes, savoring the moment. You sighed into his mouth, gripping onto his shoulders, and he licked your bottom lip as a reward.
As you pulled away before it got too heated, both of you wore matching smiles, and the air was charged with a newfound connection. Sami couldn't help but express his elation.
"I never expected this night to get even better," Sami admitted, his eyes still gleaming with happiness.
You laughed, leaning into Sami's arms around your waist. This setting would be the most ideal for people-a crappy arena with dim lighting, remnants of the celebration scattered around, and the distant sound of equipment being packed away. Yet, for you and Sami, it was perfect.
"With you, I always feel like I'm living in a perfect moment," you confessed, resting your head on Sami's shoulder.
Sami tightened his grip around you, savoring the warmth and comfort of having you in his arms. "I feel the same way. You make everything better, Y/N." And he couln't resist, and brought you into another kiss, this time more heated then the first one.
The kiss deepened, fueled by the emotions of the night and the mutual feelings you both had just confessed. Sami's tongue swirled around yours, and the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in that magical moment. Eventually, you both pulled away, breathless but content.
Sami rested his forehead against yours, his eyes filled with adoration. "I think this is officially the best night of my life."
You giggled, pecking his cheek. "Mine too, Sami. Mine too."
"Come on lovebirds, we have to clean the ring before they close the arena," a voice interrupted, and you both turned to see Kevin standing there, a playful smirk on his face.
You chuckled, feeling a rush of gratitude for Kevin's timely interruption. "Alright, alright. We're coming."
As you and Sami stood up from the bench, Kevin offered a knowing smile before turning to head back inside. You exchanged a glance with Sami, both of you sharing a silent understanding of the momentous turn your relationship had taken.
And even though you had to clean the crappy ring and pack up the arena, you didnt care because in that moment, under the starry sky, with the echoes of celebration fading into the night, you knew that your first kiss with Sami Zayn would be a memory etched in your heart forever.
You laughed as Kevin and Sami chased each other to clean up, the joy of the night still lingering in the air. You spotted Becky walking and jumped on her back, beckoning her to run with them. "Show them how the ladies do it!" The two of you giggled as Becky carried you off towards the arena, joining in on the post-celebration cleanup with enthusiasm.
Sami and Kevin worked alongside you, sharing jokes and stories as you worked efficiently to clear the ring and the surrounding area, and when the night was finished, you grabbed your flip phone, and turned the camera on.
"No pics!" Kevin glared half-heartedly at you, but you all ignored him, and Sami wrapped an arm around you both as Becky hugged you as you snapped a photo. The picture captured the essence of the night – the messy arena, the tired but content smiles on your faces.
But what they didn't see was Sami's hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him, and the warmth of his touch sending shivers down your spine. It was a moment frozen in time, a memory you would treasure forever.
And it was a moment Sami would both love and regret for the rest of his life.
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sol-consort · 8 months
Oh yeah, this fandom is like dead dead. Which is a shame because the thirst potential alone is *chef's kiss*. Anyways. I remembered what I wanted to talk about with Kaidan+biotics, but it's too long for me to formulate properly rn, so have a thirsty thought instead:
I want to ride Kaidan until he is dry orgasming and mindless from overstimulation, not used to 1. having a partner this giving 2. said partner being so giving he is almost passing out from it. Not to mention the uncontrollable buotic bursts he emits with each roll of their hips.
And then I want to lovingly pamper him and whisper praises to him as he is trying to wrap his head around the fact he just got fucked within and inch of his life without having to lift a single finger. Is this what heaven feels like?
I had not-shepard!s/o in mind for this, but it could swing that way too tbh
Then grab a shovel anon and meet me at the graveyard because we are reviving this bitch, anyone who has any Mass Effect unfulfilled desires please come and form a line, we offer complimentary cookies.
I usually don't tag my drabbles with the main fandom tags but this is a special case and the fandom is already dead so I might as well take over like a fungi growth.
Also when you said non Shepard my heart shattered into a million pieces, but oh well, non Shepard it is.
Kaidan feels like the pampering service king type in bed, the one who'd spend hours eating you out or fingering you just to get you ready. Ignoring his own throbbing cock leaking below.
That's why flipping this script on him would get such a strong reaction.
Like always when you bring him into the bedroom, he's immediately on you and trying to get you undressed, to get your needs fulfilled with the sweetest smile on his face.
But you just push him down on the bed instead, telling him to keep his arms above his head as you take off his clothes. Trailing kisses down his body as he squirms, pampering his skin with your lips and soft touches.
Reaching his cock, you give a small lick and his his jump out. He's clearly as surprised by his needy reaction as you, not expecting himself to be so sensitive.
So you continue with the soft licks, using your hand to cup below his cock gently and giving the head all of your attention.
He's so close, it hasn't been much time but he's already spilling his cum down your throat with the sincerest apologies.
What he thinks is the end of this encounter, is only the beginning as you straddle his hips. Fingering yourself and putting on a show for him as you rub his cock with your other hand. Driving him into intense painful pleasure.
By the time it's finally inside you, he's so on the edge that it takes one pump into your soft insides before he's spilling his cum again. A loud cry followed by the shaking of his strong arms that he has kept above his head.
You feel a tingling sensation of electricity when you start moving, a reminiscent of the feeling of his biotic shield. The constant pleasure melting his brain is confusing his biotics and allowing a satisfying feeling of a buzzing electricity to slip through every now and then.
He feels so good inside you, his own cum easing the way for his cock to thrust in and out as you ride him to your heart's content. And like the good boy he is, he lets you use his cock and drown him in pleasure.
After an hour or two, there are dry tears collecting at the corners of his eyes. Poor face flushed with a constant needy look of being fucked out. Another orgasm is being forced out of him by your expert hips and he embraces it, lets it drive through him in waves and send his biotic parts into a momentary frenzy.
But nothing comes out, his cock has nothing more to offer as you milked all the cum out of him. Even as he's given on orgasm after another, he ran out of cum to offer back.
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yopossum · 3 months
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Not Anyone Who Says
Series Masterlist - Main Masterlist - AO3
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“Ms. Lee, this was perfect. I can’t thank you enough for coming,” Sarah beamed across the podium. The last of the guests had trickled out of the room, warmth of the crowd’s broad smiles lingering in the air. Ellie and another volunteer busied themselves stacking chairs and clearing the tables.
“Oh Jesus, call me June, Sarah! I put my underwear on backwards this morning; I don’t think I’m deserving of any formalities,” June laughed, gesturing at herself mockingly.
“Noted,” Sarah snorted. “Can I just tell you, I was so nervous about today.”
“What? Why?! You clearly know what you’re doing with stuff like this; it went more smoothly than, hell, every other stop I made this whole tour.” Sarah flushed and smiled, and June reached a hand across to her shoulder. “Seriously,” she insisted with a pat.
“I mean, yeah, I’m generally pretty confident with planning these kinds of events,” Sarah smirked, “but meeting you specifically! I thought for sure you’d be weirded out when I messaged you, and then I thought for sure you’d be too busy or uninterested to come, and then I thought for sure everything would go wrong and I’d make a fool of myself in front of you and I’d have to, I don’t know, flee? Change my name? Get in the car and drive straight to Galveston and throw myself into the Gulf of Mexico?”
June barked a laugh, shocked. “Are you kidding me?! Oh my God, Sarah, no. I was losing my mind earlier because I didn’t want to let you down and mess this all up. I puked in the bathroom! I’m a disaster.”
“That makes me feel a lot better! I’m so glad we both managed to avoid imploding.”
“Would’ve been a huge mess and I’m a terrible housekeeper.”
“Hey, me too!” Ellie grinned as she approached the two women, chairs and tables now returned to their respective homes. “I'm Ellie, nice to meet you. Sarah hasn’t shut up about you for weeks.” She reached a hand out to June and winked at Sarah, who rolled her eyes and winced with embarrassment.
“June, this is my sister. She’s a menace.”
“I’m a delight!” Ellie bumped shoulders with Sarah with a grunt, eyes teasing. “But seriously,” she turned to June again, “this is great. The talk was awesome and we really appreciate you coming out. What are your plans after this?”
June quirked her head in thought. “Hm. You know, I’m not sure. I kind of burned myself out working up to this and that’s as far as my brain got,” she cackled. “I guess I need food at some point. I’m staying at a motel a few blocks away – I booked a week there. Not a lot of amenities but it does have a Magic Fingers Bed, so I’m only a few quarters away from a good time,” she raised an exaggerated eyebrow before dissolving into giggles.
“Want to grab dinner with us?” Sarah offered. “El and I usually swing by La Neta on Thursdays, it’s a taco truck that posts up in the lot across the street from our apartment every week. Nothing fancy.”
“Oh my God, nothing fancy tacos sound perfect. Is that weird for me to tag along? Am I being weird?”
Ellie cackled. “Yeah, kinda. But like, the right kind of weird. Good weird. We like weird,” she assured. Sarah nodded affirmatively, smiling wide. “I’ll AirDrop you the address, meet you there?”
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Hours later, stomach stuffed full with carne asada and Bohemias, June slunk under the covers of the motel bed and let herself sink into the mattress (which was still, since she had decided against feeding any change into the coin box at the head.) It had felt surprisingly natural to fall in with the Miller sisters, with their easy banter and openness. They’d talked about writing, of course, about words and language and stories, about Mary Oliver and Pablo Neruda and Isabelle Allende and Joan Didion and James Baldwin and Ocean Vuong and Gabriel García Márquez. They talked about Sarah’s career and her love for the library, about Ellie’s classes and her art, about music and singing and dancing and twangy guitars and crackling records. And more, about hurt and loss and doubt and fear. About family, June’s lack thereof and Sarah and Ellie’s chosen sisterhood. About home, a thing June didn’t have either, and the Millers’ lovingly-restored Victorian, the garage apartment, Sarah’s place that now was also Ellie’s place.
About belonging, somewhere, to something, to someone.
June dug through the dusty file cabinets of her mind, searching for evidence of any time when she’d felt comfortable, known, the way she did with Sarah and Ellie, and came up empty. She’d always preferred to present herself, to craft the narrative of her being. This was… not that? And, for the first time, being bare in that way didn’t feel like an intrusion, didn’t prickle and sting in her chest like a numb limb waking up. It was curious.
June let her eyes close, content, belly full of food and something not as tangible, but no less comforting and warm. As the edges of her consciousness fuzzed, June half-sensed herself floating, fluttering, a slow lazy dance like a piece of paper dropped from a window, into a peace she’d long believed was out of her reach.
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rochelle-echidna · 10 months
@micheladee tagged me in the "post a couple paragraphs of your WIP" share-a-thon, so figured I'd go through my Word docs and see what I could find - thank you so much for the tag, Michela :)
Truth be told, if y'all will allow me to vent a bit first... it's been a bit of a shitter these last couple years, especially wrt getting any sort of writing done. Never mind with fics (of which I feel awful I've barely started anything new, even the WIP below is from last year) - but I've also been trying to finally write a novel of my own after realising I really, really want to... and the words just aren't coming. Whether it's because of fear of ridicule, fear of failure, fear of not being good enough, fear of financial stresses, fear of whatever... it's been really fucking rough since my spouse and I moved cross-country, and I've def been feeling ashamed at my lack of creative output :(
On the bright side, I'm getting some help with therapy and I'm doing a couple workshops to get me back into the swing of being creative so that I can tackle the work-life balance and not feel like the entirety of my (and my spouse's) survival rests squarely on my shoulders. Whether that means I'll be able to post any new work soon is up for debate, but honestly just taking these baby steps is better than nothing, so I'll take what I can get (and my body + mind can give).
And I know there's no "admission fee" to partake in fandom, but I still feel I'd be remiss if I didn't offer a huge apology for not positing fics recently, and especially for not commenting on fics y'all have made in these last several months - please believe me when I say I see y'all's work and it's great and makes me feel so many necessary things, even if I'm not able to type the words on AO3 atm.
Anyhow, just wanted to share an update with y'all and let you know I'm still here, still alive... just taking it one day at a time for now in order to keep my sanity strong!
Enjoy this little snippet of a WIP below, and I tag whoever so chooses to participate in this game - even if I'm quiet, I love seeing everything you lovely people write :D
When he was thrust back to reality in his own body, there was the usual disorientation that was to be expected of someone summoned through the dark arts. After all, if the infamous Thief King from 3,000 years ago had existed as a separate being before, there was no reason Malik’s other half couldn’t, too. Except… Ryou Bakura hadn’t exactly planned for this extra passenger to crawl his way back from the shadows alongside the former spirit. And what “Malik’s other half” – the phrase enough to make said individual gag – definitely hadn’t expected was for such confusion to be tainted by a profound sadness… one that had permeated his entire being for the last six months. Or however long it had been. Malik had gotten what he’d wanted, Ryou had gotten what he wanted, the Thief King had kind of gotten what he wanted – and all that “Malik’s other half” had gotten was a sense of displacement, dysmorphia and disdain. “You know… he’s welcome to stay here, Malik.” “You weren’t conscious during that damned duel fifteen years ago, host. Just be glad you weren’t privy to his cruelty firsthand.” “He’s right, Ryou. You’ve done enough already. There’s no need to put yourself in more danger.” “But there’s not much harm he can do now. I mean—" “I can hear you all.” Three pairs of eyes had greeted him when he’d first turned over on a – soft – bed. His hands had been bound, and he’d growled and snarled so much that he’d made Malik and the Thief King back up – but not the white-haired man in-between them. “You probably have lots of questions right now. And…” The blush that formed on the man’s cheeks had sent a – strange – shiver down his spine, warming his bound wrists. “I’m sorry I don’t have many answers.” He had merely hmphed at that, avoiding eye contact with his “main personality” and the thief who’d dared face him. Instead, he focused on the wide eyes of the man who must have been called— “Ryou… it’s no use. We need to send him back before he does some real damage again.” “Snap out of it, landlord. Just look at how he’s staring at you.” But the man – Ryou – had just tilted his head and let loose a very small smile. “What’s your name?”
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