#pv ophelia
victory-duo · 2 years
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Late halloween post! Here's an old comic from when I got spoiled on PLA's isekai premise while playing The Great Ace Attorney 
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dystopianam · 11 months
Canon and Un-Canon ships I like and dislike (Uberhood: PV, ST, VV + Some Sims from University, BC, BWV and TS2 for PSP)
These are all personal opinions, if you don't agree please don't insult me or create a flame under this post, IT'S JUST A GAME. Instead, write your own! I'm curious!
Ships I Like
Don Lothario x Nina Caliente OR Bella Goth.
Cassandra Goth x Vidcund Curious.
Alexander Goth x Lucy Burb.
Dina Caliente x Brandi Broke.
Nina Caliente x Don Lothario OR Cyd Roseland.
Brandi Broke x Skip Broke OR Dina Caliente OR Antonio Monty OR Armand LeBateau.
Dustin Broke x Melody Tinker (it's your fault @bigmouth-sims2 !)
Darren Dreamer x Darleen Dreamer OR Cassandra Goth (But one-sided) OR Nina Caliente.
Dirk Dreamer x Lilith Pleasant.
Angela Pleasant x Tank Grunt.
Cyd Roseland x Nina Caliente.
Pascal Curious x Nervous Subject.
Lazlo Curious x Crystal Vu.
Olive Specter x Ichabod Specter x The Grim Reaper.
Ophelia Nigmos x Johnny Smith x Ripp Grunt (Poli-relationship!)
Loki Beaker x Circe Beaker.
PT#9 x Jenny Smith.
Tank Grunt x Angela Pleasant OR Almeric Davis (IT'S YOUR FAULT @f1shart ! )
Buck Grunt x Jill Smith.
Stella Terrano x Aldric Davis (IT'S YOUR FAULT @budgieflitter ! )
Kristen Loste x Chloe Curious OR Erin Beaker.
Chloe Curious x Kristen Loste OR Lincoln Broadsheet (Don't ask, I have him in my game)
Consort Capp x Contessa Capp OR Patrizio Monty (CONTRIZIO IS REAL, OK?!)
Goneril Capp x Albany Capp.
Tybalt Capp x Mercutio Monty (Friends to Enemy to Lovers ✨)
Juliette Capp x Romeo Monty.
Hermia Capp x Puck Summerdream (with a lil infatuation for Mercutio Monty)
Miranda Capp x Viola Monty (with a lil infatuation for Mercutio Monty)
Hal Capp x Bottom Summerdream.
Patrizio Monty x CONSORT CAPP.
Claudio Monty x Olivia Monty (with a secret affair with Hero Monty)
Antonio Monty x Hero Monty OR Brandi Broke.
Hero Monty x Antonio Monty (with a secret affair with Claudio Monty)
Benedick Monty x Bottom Summerdream.
Beatrice Monty x Beau Broke.
Titania Summerdream x Oberon Gossamer.
"Canon" couple I dislike or honestly bored me
Don Lothario x Cassandra Goth. (Dislike)
Mortimer Goth x Bella Goth. (Bored me)
Dustin Broke x Angela Pleasant. (Bored me)
Cassandra Goth x Darren Dreamer. (Bored me)
Daniel Pleasant x Mary-Sue Pleasant. (DISLIKE)
Daniel Pleasant x Kaylynn Langerak. (HATE THEM TWO TOGETHER.)
Jennifer Burb x John Burb (I'm sorry but they're soooo boring)
Buzz Grunt x Lyla Grunt. (They're divorced for a good reason)
Regan Capp x Cornwall Capp. (I really dislike this couple. Theirs look like a forced marriage to me.)
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11vein · 2 years
Didn't realize anons are off WHOOPS but I am curious, though unsure if you've answered this before:
What inspired you and the other 6x111 members to make RBB in the first place? Anything like major / sentimental or was it for a more so goofy reason?
it was more just us having fun! basically... if i recall correctly .... vane, ghost, maybe ophelia?? i forgot.... but we were in a vc and i was messing with GPT-2, specifically something where you can input your own text for it to train off of. i randomly thought of the idea of putting ghost and vane's lyrics into it and seeing what it would spit out... there was some funny stuff but there was also some really raw material??? we were all like "damn... that actually goes pretty hard... what if we made a song out of these?" and we all just went "bet" and here we are! i remember wanting to initially just be a song kinda lightheartedly making fun of the "the usual ghost song" or "the usual vane song" but then we were like oh what if we just made a pv that was just a mashup of a bunch of our inspirations and things we grew up on. basically RBB just became a blender of random chaos and ideas........ so thats why it was intended to be a silly one-shot but... of course we ended up getting attached to tamari and wanted them to have lore part way through the creation :]
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simstationdance · 1 year
C, T and U !
C: Favourite Pre-Made ophelia nigmos and lyla grunt my beloveds...!
U: Best Sims Experience in my personal hood "blueblossom valley" (aka bluewater village + riverblossom hills + desiderata valley + pleasantview), lilith ran away at the end of the pleasants' round so i made it so that she ran off to live with dirk.
after moving in with dirk she was quite literally Thriving and became an overachiever. the whole round was just so chill and very fun and i didnt wanna stop playing it..
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also my take on darren in this hood..... he was sooooo cute
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T: Worst Sims Experience okay so my worst sims experiences are mainly from when i was a tiny child who barely knew how to play the game, so all of my sims died A LOT. as i got older, i got better at the video game, so now i can, if i wanted to, play big families on fast mode without minding Too Much.
However, there was this one experience i had that really sticks out in my memory and it was fairly recent, and it really hearkened back to the childhood era of "ALL OF MY SIMS ARE DYING HELPPPP"
this got super long and rambly so i'm gonna put it under a cut
also, a link to the questions post: [ sims questions ]
so, there's a version of pv for download where, among other changes, the brokes have a dog. because everyone in the hood got a pet. this is important because the brokes are already struggling financially with 3-4 mouths to feed (that's counting brandi, dustin, beau, and sortakinda the unborn baby all together) so i'm sure you can imagine how adding a dog into the mix would complicate things. and that's not even getting into the fact that the dog hadn't been trained to not piss everywhere or chew the everloving shit out of the furniture.
i also had a mod installed at the time that allowed teens to run away with the press of a button, so i was like "haha what if i made dustin run away?" yknow just to see what would happen. and i firmly believed he'd come back after i called the police. so dustin ran away, i called the police, and i waited. no sign of dustin. for HOURS. I Quickly Realized That I Fucked Up. I FUCKED UP SO BAD.
things rapidly went downhill after that, because their only source of income was gone and brandi obviously couldn't get a job because that would mean Leaving The Poor Little Ones Alone and the game HATES that. so i'm basically fighting tooth and nail to keep social services at bay and keep poor brandi from dying asleep in her cereal.
so days go by, and dustin is still missing, and by the end of ONE WEEK the whole house is a mess, covered in dog piss and diapers and the wrecked remains of the furniture because brandi was too tired to scold the dog enough times to stop the little menace from ruining everything.
i was so very confident that dustin would come home soon, if not immediately, and my confidence was slowly destroyed over the course of a single in-game week. of course, the alternative to a runaway teen returning immediately or soon after running away, is the teen returning one day before their birthday, and considering how Badly things were going, I Obviously Could Not Wait That Long. because otherwise dustin was gonna come back to a house full of dead bodies.
it got so bad that i eventually had to pull random neighbors passing by on the street inside the house to do the chores that the sole adult was physically incapable of doing, due to being incapacitated by sleep deprivation and hunger.
one of the passersby was dina caliente and i had brandi come running out of the house practically BEGGING dina to take the dog. once i got rid of the dog, things became slightly easier but it was still a total mess without dustin around. i eventually quit without saving because after a certain point it stopped being darkly funny and became just actually Depressing.
TLDR: don't let dustin run away ever. Ever. also don't give the brokes a dog unless you're willing and able to Handle That Responsibility.
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alittlefrenchtree · 10 months
(Spotify part 2)
Oh cool, thank you! I really like the context notes each time. It adds some narrative behind your songs; it makes it personal, I think. Not that songs can't be personal in themselves, but I don't know. It's just nice to see how these musics and you met.
Well, I might share it yep. It would only be fair, after all. Probably not anonymously 'cause, at this point, I'm not sure that it changes anything (and even if it did, it wouldn't really matters I guess).
Ophelia: Of course you have. I love this song too (which appears in my 2023 playlist as well, by the way). It's very catchy. I can listen to it many times without getting bored.
Katoum: Well, I already know the guy, so it's hard to judge your explanation. But it seems clear to me, for what it's worth. In fact, I'm glad that you mentioned him. You reminded me that I didn't listen to his album enough; and that's a shame, 'cause it's actually good? I mean, of course, he is technically not a singer (some could say that he is since he literally made an album but, yeah, it's not his first job), but I like most of his songs.
(And we can't even compare him to Trivia, who is already well-known for her singing ability. She showed it several times, including at two - if I'm not wrong - concerts. Of course, it was also for the Z-Event, but she is just so talented. Oh and her work with PV Nova? Amazing.
Blinding Lights and Toxic are obviously in my 2023 recap. I will put the links - in case some people were lost here, in the French side of Tumblr, and wanted to discover a really good singer. I may not be utterly objective 'cause, well, I love her. But honestly, you could make an unexpected discovery).
Mh yes, that's understandable. He makes it hard not to like him, I guess. By the way, it's ok for him to be handsome and charismatic, I can live with it. But he shouldn't be allowed to have that voice as well.
I still listen to the 2021 Z-Event karaoke sometimes (my favourite one, I think). It makes me feel nostalgic - obviously - but that's also very pleasant to hear (and also funny at some specific moments).
And, well, from what I remember, I was quite surprised by ZeratoR back there. I didn't know that he sang, or at least never heard him (I don't have the chronology and so don't remember when the album goal came; but anyway, as he said himself, it's almost common for a famous video maker to do some songs now, mostly for fun, so it's hard to know at what point it is serious). His Graver dans la roche cover was definitely something.
So, yeah, I don't really follow ZeratoR (I guess that - for once - everything is perfectly healthy. 😌 ) I watch Twitch sporadically, following my current random interest (streamer or even video game), so nothing surprising here. But I'm still interested in some of his projects - and this one is definitely one of them.
Now, which are my favourite songs from him? I'm trying to drop some titles, but that's not that easy. I would mention Anonyme, Katoum, Ralentis and The Void (don't get me started on Antoine Daniel's voice 'cause fuck, it doesn't help).
Oh and the two last ones - I Say and Décennies - are not bad either. And let's not forget Lyrics, which I'm listening to right now (and probably a good one to discover his album as a non-French speaker, so I will put the link too; I seriously doubt that any lost soul will ever read it but, just in case, a link doesn't hurt).
Belobezvodnoe & Moskva: Ooh it's interesting again! Not for the same reason I guess, 'cause I know nothing about Thylacine (not even his name). I also missed Arrête avec tes mensonges (like pretty much all the films this year). My last time at the movie theater was in September (if I don't forget anything), and it wasn't even for a discovery; so my true last time was in July with the last Pixar, Elemental (a very good surprise, by the way, I don't know if you saw it), which was a long time ago now that I'm thinking about it.
(Time flies again).
(I should take a cinema subscription. Well, it's not that easy of course; it's expensive. But at this point, it appears to be that or nothing. At least, with a subscription, you're quite "forced" to go (if not, it feels like a dumb waste; it's partially irrational, but it's here and it's a good motivation in itself) and - more important - you can go like that, just to give it a try. You can't waste anything else but time - which seems freeing. It's just about you and your envy. Nothing more, nothing less).
I don't even know what Arrête avec tes mensonges is about, but the soundtrack seems to have some potential. It's relaxing, but not only. The two songs that you mentioned are quite different, so I don't imagine the same things for both of them. I'm curious to know if I get them like we're supposed to - like they're used in the movie.
Anyway, thank you again. It influenced my Spotify recommendations in a nice way. It was like: "Wait, you like instrumental songs? Like really, you couldn't say it earlier?", and then Spotify suggested other instrumental stuffs.
Scar Tissue: It happens sometimes. Spotify Wrapped shouldn't be surprising (at least for our most listened to songs) but somehow it is. I don't know much about Red Hot Chili Peppers. I know well the few songs I downloaded like... a decade ago (omg 🫠). But this one wasn't in my playlist, so it feels like my first time. It's a nice one.
Weed For Speed: Ah, a song from You Suck At Parking (perhaps a bit of ZeratoR influence again). I see what it is (Z-Lan oblige, even if I didn't follow the whole thing), but nothing more.
(No context but it reminds me Etoiles and his nightmare (also known as the puzzle). I'm not gonna lie, it was quite funny to watch. But it was way less after on Trackmania. He was just a bit disappointed by himself, if I'm remembering well).
But to talk about the song itself, it seems quite unknown. Less than 1k plays on Spotify? That's not much (it doesn't even appear when you search the title only). Anyway, I like the vibe. It seems to be a good focus music (well, it's a video game song after all).
Your whole playlist: Mh, I literally have nothing to say since the link doesn't work. 🥲 It's not the first time I see that. It may be linked to your confidentiality settings on Spotify? The playlist may have to be publicly shared on your profile to work? I don't know.
But think is : when I just click on the link, it opens my Spotify application and shows me my own playlist. So then, I tried to open without being connected and had a message like "your link is broken", or something very similar.
So, to me, the easiest solution is to create a new public playlist with all the songs on your Spotify Wrapped. I don't have a better solution, at this point. But, well, you'll see what you want to do again.
And that was probably too long again (with a very approximate English, which wasn't even necessary). But, well, here it is I guess. I liked to listen to these few songs and see a bit of your pov. :)
omg please never do that again 😂 and by "that" i mean totally break my brain the first time i read this on a week day at 5am. For the first part I was like who the fuck i'm talking to and then it became pretty obvious - or at least 99.9% obvious (no offense but only you could right this 😘) but I had no idea you were following here? (or i feel like i didn't know, but maybe i should have?) Give me a quick second while i second think each of the 11,845 posts i ever shared on this website? 💀💀💀 bit of self-consciousness going on there but we're going to be fine. i think.
I'm not going to answer to everything but DM me your secret identity when you have a minute? it will be easier to talk, even if my brain doesn't fully grab the concept of writing in French on tumblr dot com 😅
Just a few things that could be interesting for general audience:
I've tried something else for the whole playlist, maybe it'll work better here? Otherwise I have no idea.
Also, as not-so-anon said, listen to Trivia (aka LittleBigWhale) :
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sims-for-semi · 2 years
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be careful not to mess with the balance of things because everything is not... what it seems
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asimplevampire · 4 years
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In this installment of Apocalypse PV: teen angst, skill maxing, and the teaching of a cat to play dead!
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jakomusiclover · 2 years
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Ophelia PV (2018). 
This video is so simple, but wonderful at the same time. I love how they all are close together doing their job and the way Atsushi expresses the lyrics with his body.
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Genetically Correct Clean Template Strangetown With Scripted Events - CC FREE
I’m back with another genetically correct hood! You can check out my GC version of Pleasantview with scripted events here - I also explain what genetically correct means there as well in case you aren’t sure :)
Today as part of my quest to make all Sims 2 hoods genetically correct, I bring you Strangetown!
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More pics, info, and download links below the cut :)
General Information:
This is a genetically correct version of Strangetown. All sim appearances have been corrected so they now resemble their ancestors! This hood was built on top of clean templates, and no other changes have been made to the hood aside from the adjustments to the sim’s appearances and DNA!
Notice: I used a mod, equal genetics while creating these sims. I do not claim to be anything but a simpleton when it comes to genetics, and I know that some of these sims’ genetics aren’t realistic - Like a blond and brunette having a blond kid. I don’t claim to know anything about genetics, so before you genetic purists come at me just know - I know this and don’t care.
My general notion was that if one of their ancestors had a gene, then they could too.
- This is CC FREE
- I used a default skin and eyes when taking the pictures. The sims will not come with these. I used Pitstop Skinblend and Poppet Clear Eyes
- All sims have been given recessive genetics - and I will say here and now they may not make actual sense scientifically speaking, once more - I don’t care about that. 98% of the sims - even the ancestors - have recessive genes. At the very end of the post you will find a chart of each sim and their recessive genes.
- Sims may get some wants or fears of their ancestors or dead relatives becoming zombies or resurrected, this is just because of the way I did this, their deaths are fresh in the playables minds.
- This hood was built on a clean template Strangetown, all ancestors and dead sims are safe to resurrect
- This was made with Ultimate Collection, so unfortunately you will need this or all packs for this to work.
- Pascal’s unborn baby will be genetically correct as well
- When you add the subhood version with townies, you’ll notice that the townie and NPC names get randomized and aren’t their original names. Though annoying, this is normal and you will have to rename them all yourself.
- The no townie version of ST STILL comes with Bella Goth, Crystal Vu, Abhijeet Cho and Meredith Lillard. 
- I used two different clean template versions for this hood. There may be slight differences depending on what the original creators of the clean templates did to the hood. See credits.
- Bella Goth is also genetically correct with her PV ancestors
- Some sims such as Ophelia Nigmos and Kristen Loste had no ancestors with the original hairs, skins and/or eyes they have in the BG hood. Because of this, I chose the next best hair/eyes/skins that I felt brought more genetic diversity to the hood and kept the original feel of the sim
Important notice about Scripted Events:
If you are having issues with the Scripted Events: FIRST - Navigate to your "Documents/EA Games/The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection (or The Sims 2)/Neighborhoods" and delete the NeighborhoodManager.package file within this folder. Reload your game. When you load the game back up it will automatically regenerate a new, fresh NeighborhoodManager.package file - See if this fixes the scripted event problem. For some reason it can break really easily and a majority of the time resetting this file will do the trick. HUGE thanks to Cindy from PleasantSims for suggesting this! All credit to her! SECOND - If the first suggestion doesn't work, you will need to redownload the hood, and BEFORE you run your game, take out all of your non essential mods (leave in mods like no unlink on delete, no townie regen, things that are essential) from your mods folder (just mods, cc is fine to stay in) and put it in a safe folder while you just play through the SE - then when they're done, put the mods back in. 99.9999% of the time either of these suggestions will fix the problem. If you try both and they don't work, let me know
More Pics:
Link to imgur album of most sims + ancestors
Link to imgur album of all families
With all that out of the way, let’s get to downloading!
Download Instructions:
This comes in 4 versions:
GC Main Hood Strangetown with Townies
GC Main Hood Strangetown without Townies
GC Subhood (Shopping district) Strangetown with Townies
GC Subhood (Shopping district) Strangetown without Townies
Download the version you want.
For Main Hoods, place the folder in the following location:
Ultimate Collection:
Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Neighborhoods
Disk Version:
Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Neighborhoods
For Subhoods, place the folder in the following location:
Ultimate Collection:
Program Files\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Best of Business\EP3\TSData\Res\NeighborhoodTemplate
Disk Version:
:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Open for Business\TSData\Res\NeighborhoodTemplate
Meetmetotheriver for the clean templates without townies
Dorsal Axe for the clean templates with townies
Genetically Correct & Clean Strangetown WITH townies
Genetically Correct & Clean Strangetown WITHOUT townies (Still includes Bella, Crystal, Abhijeet, and Meredith)
Let me know if you run into any issues, and as always, have fun!
Take care,
As promised, below are all of the recessive genetics of the sims in the hood in case you get a baby and go “Where the f did that come from?!”. The parts that say N/A are if the recessive is the same as their dominant :)
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Yes, I misspelled Kristen’s name lol
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thessaliah · 3 years
in the new PV mash starts running "backwards" on her own,stepping out of the train and seems to keep on running. do you think it's possible that that's meant to showcase that we'll end up rayshifting her/her memories back into the past to prevent everything (olga's death, beast of the end, romani's death, etc) from ever having happened? the train tracks go forward and split up meant to show the whole pruning thing (i'm assuming), and novum chaldea is all at these train tracks going most likely forward in the ce art, meanwhile mash is running back and out of the train even leaving it and the split up train tracks (aka the lostbelts) "behind" her. i think it could mean that we rayshift her/her memories into the past to stop everything from happening, yet don't/can't (?) do the same with guda and co. which is why it's only her in that train? idk this probably sounds pretty baseless and like rambling, it's just my interpretation of the PV
I think is likely just a cute PV but if it's not I agree with what you said, plus what I said here. I'm a little confused with the inclusion of Kirschtaria. In general, because he isn't someone Mash is emotionally connected with, like Pepe or Ophelia or Roman, or the "objective" to save like Olga. But there was a lot still of Kirschtaria even after he died (a Riyo chibi, that unique animated scene). Will his relationship with Olga become important in the future?
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ben-the-hyena · 3 years
Thank you so much @nintendogal55 thanks to you I got more PV lore info since you could access to all episodes ! (However seeing that @papabirdurskeks showed me screenshots I saw nowhere I feel like some episodes straight up had no visible thumbnail for me WHAT THE FU-)
Including (these episodes only) :
Pandora and the Captain somewhat see the 3 monsters as their children even if they are adults (probably because they are too dumb to live) hence why they probably are so patient with their shit. The Captain answering to a female monster asking if Marguerite was his and Pandora's son "In a sort of way. We are a reconstitued family" and them being very proud to see him on stage. Probably explains why they are the few adult males who don't want to bang Pandora, they see her like a mom
My doubts are confirmed, the cartoon HAS to be another continuity making it 3 continuities in total (4 if we count Grand Vampire in which the original comics are actually Fernand's imagination) The first episode probably has to be ignored since not knowing what to do yet the crew just had it be like the original comics even if it then contradicts a lot of future episodes (Pandora and her son who used to be humans and became vampires when she committed suicide yet in a lot of episodes we see they have a vampire family and I doubt family would have been vampirized, the same fact she and her son have been vampires for 300 years in that first episode but in another we see she dated a ghost named Douglas 400 years ago, Little Vampire is established to have been 10 for 300 years in that first episode yet if Pandora was already young 400 years ago and possibly a vampire already it means he had to be born after that since he is still 310 in the remaining of the franchise THEREFORE had to be born a vampire and thus had to grow until 10 meaning that either he stopped to age at 10 because he chose to or the age stops at random OR they age very slowly and he was physically 10 for a while and will still be, the Captain saying in that first episode he rarely get angry and in fact he is as cold and serious as the first comic books whereas he is his sanguine coleric goofy self we love in most following episodes, and he states like in the first comic book he was cursed because he had killed his wife in a fit of jealousy, but episodes later he and his crew were cursed after a mutiny against himself)
In fact yes vampires seem to be their own species in that cartoon universe, considered like undead sure but still reproduce : there is a Vampiric language, Pandora has an ex she dated 4000 years ago meaning that 310-years-old Fernand was actually born a vampire and his biological father probably was one too , she must has siblings among her other vampire relatives since she has a nephew and a niece whi both seem to come from different places (Didier comes from Toulouse and has the accent but Ophelia doesn't)...
Another proof Pandora loves to be admired and flirted with and flirt in return BUT only for her ego but she is still faithful in the end : every year for a few minutes she meets her ex Douglas, a ghost, so that he can court her and tell her how he loves and misses her and tells her to come back to him, to which she is amused and gladly accepts his flowers and even so far to give him some kisses on the cheek sometimes jut she always says no, in fact tells him to stop when he goes too far like hold her waist, which he does since the guy is just desperate and can't move on but is not mean. She probably just tells Michel not to tell anything to the Captain because she knows how jealous he is and how he would hurt Douglas with whom she probably had a tender relationship for them to remain that way (he must not be Fernand's father though lol), but it's obvious she has nothing to truly reproach herself, since she is not mad when seeing Michel saw them and she laughs when he angrily (thinking she was actually cheating and her and the Captain are his OTP) reproached her to see another man, so probably another reason
Whether Pandora lived long enough to have known medieval times and Tepech (Vlad Tepes/Dracula parody) in battle or not is unknown, but one thing is sure, even if her and her are not related, they care for each other deeply like siblings making him the only male adult after the 3 monsters not wanting to bang her to the point he sees Little Vampire like his nephew, having himself called Uncle Tepech
Pandora has a divination gift making her read the Tarot accurately... so does Michel but he doesn't want to train to master it
Pandora sometimes has redecorating fever making her change everything at home. In these days the Captain can't stand her and desperately hides in a pub. Which is a vicious circle since Pandora hates it when he drinks too much
Ghosts, monsters and undead have a different approach of theatre and plays from us : while we are just spectators coming for one play at night, undead theatre plays several improvised plays at once and you decide which to watch OR in which to play since it's open for everyone and I love the concept
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victory-duo · 2 years
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More protagverse sketchdumps from 2021 and earlier this year, feat. some of our AUs! 
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dystopianam · 11 months
MY HEADCANONS: Sexual and Gender Orientations (BG NHs)
Sexual and gender orientations of premade sims according to my headcanons (PV, ST, VV - No Ancestors, no Townies, no Decesead sims, for now) I group sims by their natural hair color because I find it funny.
(🌴 = PV, 🌵 = ST, 🎭 = VV)
⚫ Black Hair Sims
21 Black haired alive Sims (10🌴, 5🌵, 6🎭), 14 heterosexual, 3 gay, 2 bisexual, 1 bicurious, 1 pansexual.
🌴 Mortimer Goth - he/him, het.
🌴 Bella Goth - she/her, het.
🌴 Cassandra Goth - she/her, het.
🌴 Alexander Goth - he/him, het.
🌴 Don Lothario - he/him, het.
🌴 Brandi Broke - she/her, bisex.
🌴 Darren Dreamer - he/him, het.
🌴 Dirk Dreamer - he/him, het.
🌴 Mary-Sue Pleasant - she/her, het.
🌴 Jennifer Burb - she/her, het.
🌵 Pascal Curious - he/him, gay.
🌵 Lazlo Curious - he/him, het.
🌵 Nervous Subject - he/they, gay.
🌵 Ajay Loner - he/him, het.
🌵 Lola Curious - she/her, pan.
🎭 Patrizio Monty* - he/him, gay. (Contessa was a fake story, CONTRIZIO is real)
🎭 Mercutio Monty - he/him, bisexual.
🎭 Romeo Monty - he/him, het.
🎭 Cornwall Capp - he/him, het.
🎭 Benedick Monty - he/him, het.
🎭 Beatrice Monty - she/her, bicurious.
🟤Brown Hair Sims
13 Brown haired alive Sims (2🌴, 5🌵, 6🎭), 6 heterosexual, 2 bisexual, 2 pansexual, 2 bicurious, 1 lesbian, 1 polyamorous.
🌴 John Burb - he/him, het.
🌴 Lucy Burb - she/her, bisexual.
🌵 Olive Specter* - she/her, pan...? (Grim Reaper WTF is your gender)
🌵 Buzz Grunt - he/him, het.
🌵 Tank Grunt - he/him, bicurious.
🌵 Ripp Grunt - he/him, bisex poly.
🌵 Kristen Loste - she/her, lesbian.
🎭 Isabella Monty* - she/her, het.
🎭 Goneril Capp* - she/her, het.
🎭 Hal Capp - he/him, het.
🎭 Antonio Monty - he/him, het.
🎭 Bianca Monty - she/her, bicurious.
🎭 Bottom Summerdream - any pronouns, pansexual.
🟡Blond Hair Sims
19 blond haired alive Sims (4🌴, 8🌵, 7🎭), 10 heterosexual, 3 bisexual, 4 bicurious, 1 gay, 2 polyamorous.
🌴 Dina Caliente - she/her, bicurious.
🌴 Dustin Broke - he/him, het.
🌴 Beau Broke - he/him, het.
🌴 Kaylynn Langerak* - she/her, het.
🌵 Vidcund Curious - he/him, het.
🌵 Ophelia Nigmos* - she/her, bisex poly.
🌵 Loki Beaker - he/him, het.
🌵 Jenny Smith - she/her, het.
🌵 Johnny Smith - he/him, bisex poly.
🌵 Jill Smith - she/her, het.
🌵 Buck Grunt - he/him, het.
🌵 Erin Beaker - she/her, bicurious.
🎭 Consort Capp - he/him, bisexual.
🎭 Regan Capp - she/her, het.
🎭 Kent Capp - he/him, gay.
🎭 Albany Capp - he/him, het.
🎭 Miranda Capp* - she/her, bisexual.
🎭 Desdemona Capp - she/her, bicurious.
🎭 Ariel Capp - she/her, bisexual.
🔴 Red Hair Sims
14 red haired alive Sims (5🌴, 3🌵, 6🎭), 4 heterosexual, 4 bisexual, 1 bicurious, 1 gay, 3 pansexual.
🌴 Nina Caliente - She/her, bisexual.
🌴 Angela Pleasant - She/her, het.
🌴 Lilith Pleasant - She/her, bicurious.
🌴 Herb Oldie - he/him, het.
🌴 Coral Oldie - she/her, het.
🌵 Circe Beaker - she/her, bisexual.
🌵 PT#9 Smith - he/him, pansexual.
🌵 Chloe Curious - she/her, bisexual.
🎭 Tybalt Capp - he/him, gay.
🎭 Juliette Capp - she/her, het.
🎭 Hermia Capp* - she/he/they, het.
🎭 Oberon Gossamer - he/they, pan.
🎭 Titania Summerdream - she/her, bisexual.
🎭 Puck Summerdream - he/they, pan.
📌 Inconsistence
* Patrizio Monty hair is black ⚫ in The Sims 2 (as you can see in the in-game storyline photos), but brown 🟤 in The Sims 3. I don't like this inconsistence in The Sims 3 even if TS3 is set A LOT before TS2 in terms of timeline. So, for me his natural hair color is black, NOT brown.
* Olive Specter had brown hair 🟤 as adult but both her parents are black heads. ⚫ People keep insisting that it's not possible, and in this case it's correct. Because she has no grandparents, so no ancestors from whom she could have inherited recessive genes. But only parents.
* Isabella Monty's hair is brown in both The Sims 2 and The Sims 3, but simPE says she has the genetic code for blonde hair. If it wasn't an error by the developers, it would still make sense and it's possible that she could have blonde hair, as she could have inherited it as a recessive gene from her paternal grandmother Julia Pantalone or her maternal grandfather Lucio Zanni.
* Goneril Capp's hair is brown in The Sims 2 and The Sims 3 but simPe says she has the genetic code for red hair. If it wasn't an error by the developers, it would still make sense and it's possible that she could have red hair, as she could have inherited it as a recessive gene from her paternal greatgrandmother Queen Thebe.
The curious fact is that Goneril already show a recessive gene. Both of her parents, Contessa and Consort, are blonde, but she show brown hair because she could possibly have inherited her maternal grandmother Scribonia Capp's brown hair. So, why change the recessive gene shown if the genetic codes still show that she has red hair? Mh, that's very strange!
* Kaylynn Langerak's hair is black in The Sims 2 and The Sims 3, but simPE says she has the genetic code for blonde hair. In The Sims 2, Kaylynn is an NPC and doesn't have a family, so she can't have recessive genes and the only thing you would think is that she dyed her hair, but in The Sims 3 they justified this by giving her a family. Her father Dustin Langerak and her maternal aunt Zelda both have blonde hair, while her mother Iliana has black hair.
* Ophelia Nigmos' hair is naturally blonde on simPe too, but that's a mystery because NO ONE in her family tree has blonde hair.
* Miranda's hair is genetically "custom", meaning that the game does not read it as any natural color (which is also why you cannot change her eyebrows when changing her appearance in the mirror). But her eyebrows are blonde, which means she should be naturally blonde, like her father Albany, her maternal grandparents and half the Capps from her grandpa Consort family tree.
* Hermia Capp's hair is red as her father Caliban and her two siblings Tybalt and Juliette, but simPE says she has the genetic code for blonde. This is not an error. Hermia is naturally blonde since in Beta VV, she was the daughter of Regan and Cornwall and not Cordelia and Caliban. The developers decided to change her hair colors when they made her the daughter of Cordelia and Caliban and probably forgot to change her genetic hair color, but even so, if the player decides to make her blonde even now that she is the daughter of Cordelia and Caliban it would still make sense. Regan is one of Cordelia's sisters, and Cordelia is also blonde, and furthermore, Hermia could have inherited blonde hair from anyone in her family tree.
So yes, Hermia natural color is blonde in vanilla Veronaville, but red in fixed version of the Neighborhood like Meetme fixed template. I like to think she as a red head, so I put her with the red heads.
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njamil21 · 6 years
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“It’s the first day and we’re already late for school!!”
PV Appreciation week Day 1 - Back to School
This took all day to complete as I was just so busy! I didn’t want to draw anything too complicated so I opted for a more simplified style but I thought it would be funnier to add more characters and this is what happened. Along with Bridgette is Joelle, Ophelia, and Lillian (concept art versions of Alya, Juleka, and Rose respectively). It was already so late, I didn’t attempt with a background and ruin the whole picture in my rush. Hopefully, I’ll be better prepared for the next prompt.
Please do not edit or repost without permission.
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katatty · 6 years
what alignment will the teens belong in?
I’m not that into DND alignments because I think the terms are slight fuzzy?? like it really depends how you define them, so for reference I’m thinking about lawful vs chaotic in terms of how rebellious they are! then good vs evil in terms of whether they’re self-centred or motivated by helping others 
i’m confident in my picks for PV but the veronaville ones are definitely debatable especial in terms of y game since they change a lot over time, ah well whatever
dustin - chaotic good
angela - lawful neutral
lilith - chaotic neutral
dirk - lawful good
johnny - lawful good
ophelia - neutral good
ripp - chaotic good
tank - lawful evil
tybalt - lawful neutral
juliette - lawful evil
hermia - true neutral
miranda - chaotic neutral
puck - neutral good
romeo - lawful neutral
mercutio - lawful good
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chrissybrown1127 · 3 years
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Looking back at these photos (for nostalgia , pretty much) I will admit that I never realized how many twins have been born to the combined Pleasant family of Daniel Pleasant, Jennifer Burb and John Burb along with the combined family of Dina Caliente, Nina Caliente and/or Mortimer Goth.
Jennifer Burb had twin girls Julia Burb and Jasmine Burb
Dina Caliente had twins, Natalia Goth and Abner Goth
In my head, Nina Caliente had twins Carmen Caliente and Matthias Pleasant (who had twins Irene Pleasant and Gabriel Pleasant)
Julia Burb had Esmeralda Goth and Casper Goth
Cassandra Goth had Ilona and Victor Lothario then Oscar Lothario and Stella Lothario
Jasmine Burb had Oliver Lothario, Bianca Lothario and Franco Lothario (triplets really though)
Oliver Lothario had Martina Lothario and Don Jr Lothario
David Dreamer had Dylan Dreamer and Damien Dreamer
Esmeralda Goth had Edward and Vincent Roseland then Imogen and Gustav Roseland
Paul Pleasant had Ruth Pleasant and Patrick Pleasant
Bianca Lothario had twin daughters Rosa Lothario and Isabella Lothario
Maya Goth had Ophelia and Olga Oldie then Odessa and Olivia Oldie and finally Owen Oldie and Otto Oldie.
(Of course, there’s been much more twins born in PV, but I could only add 10 images and whenever I try to make a collage with these photos it turns out looking bad, honestly so I picked the 10 most memorable).
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