pwincesa0 · 29 days
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Name(s): Ace or Sora Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality & gender: Gay Demisexual male Mbti: Interpretation is up to you Favorite ships & characters: Acevid, Xanvid, Xanace Edenruko. // Ace, Xander, David, Arei. Hobbies: Writing, Editing, and Drawing.
Name: Kat! Pronouns: They/He/She(In order of preference) Sexuality & Gender: Bisexual Nonbinary! Hobbies: Writing, Reading You may know me from the EXTENSIVE amount of blogs I have... @ask-the-drdt-cast @drdtstories @i-am-kat-hi so those have all the other info you need about me :D
This AU is based on this post!
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pwincesa0 · 1 month
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pwincesa0 · 11 days
Feel free to use however you want (with credits ofc)
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pwincesa0 · 5 days
DRDT MEMES !! (but a little different)
Art made by me!
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pwincesa0 · 2 months
PLEASE NOTE!!: There will ALWAYS be someone who disagrees with you about something, and/or doesn't like you. So unless if you have either some constructive criticism, or you're going to express how you agree. Don't bother being annoying and commenting something hateful, it makes you look dumb in the end. Not me. I feel like to me personally, David has very black and white thinking. Why do I think that? Take a look at what he says right here:
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"Will stay that way until they die" & "It only means you were a better person to begin with" Which is not true at all. But before we really get into it. Let me explain what black and white thinking is, as well as what grey thinking is. SKIP THIS PART IF YOU WANT! According to google: “Black-and-white thinking is a thought process in which people think in absolutes: good or bad". While with grey thinking, its when a person can see outside that to explore more possibilities. Its not all one thing or another. Back to David, this seems to heavily apply to him. Now why is this not true? Lets analyze both sentences one at a time. ⭐ "People who are born lazy, useless, and stupid will stay that way until they die." Lets say if someone grew up in an environment where they were constantly depressed, unable to do anything right, and stupid. Then this person meets the love of their life, their lover motivates this person into doing better in life and eventually does. Do they still end up dying the way they started? No! Because that sentence usually won't apply to people. Majority of the time, all the person needs is some motivation in order to not be "lazy, useless," or "stupid". And to be honest, is anything really born these things? That doesn't even seem possible. Nobody is born lazy, useless, or stupid. It develops over time. ⭐ "If you were able to 'improve' yourself into a better person, then it only means you were a better person to begin with." Again, also wrong. Something that confuses me is when he puts the word improve in quotations as if its impossible to happen. As if its impossible to improve as a person. Realistically, anybody can improve something about themselves. And if you say otherwise then you're a liar. But its all about whether or not the person wants to change. So it can happen, its just up to the person if they will change or not. So him putting the word improve in quotations was useless. And now with my biggest problem. "It only means you were a better person to begin with." Which again, is also wrong. There are people out there that use to genuinely be a horrible person but for whatever reason, changed for the better. That doesn't mean they were a good person all along, that's them becoming a better person. If someone improves something, then that means there was fixing needed to be making. If that person was "already a better person" then that's not an improvement because nothing was changed. Its like almost 12 and I'm tired so lmk what you think about this I guess
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pwincesa0 · 2 months
Arturo Is Overhated.
PLEASE NOTE!!: There will ALWAYS be someone who disagrees with you about something, and/or doesn't like you. So unless if you have either some constructive criticism, or you're going to express how you agree. Don't bother being annoying and commenting something hateful, it makes you look dumb in the end. Not me. ⛦ This is more of a subjective post. So let me know what you think about it. Me personally, I think Arturo is hated a bit too much. He isn't my favorite thats for damn sure. But I just feel people don't realize that there's more to him than just him bugging J. Hear me out. ⛦ I'm not saying Arturo is a good guy or anything, and that what he did to J can be overlooked or is acceptable. Its not. That's honestly the main reason why he isn't my favorite. So again I repeat, I am not supporting in Arturo's actions. There is no excuse for the way he made J feel. ⛦ Now that we have that out of the way, allow me to explain why I think he's overhated. I just feel that when people think about Arturo, the only thing that comes to mind is any scene with him and J. Which me too! But it's not the only thing I think about. ⛦ Arturo is someone who believes he is better than ugly people, so I find it interesting to see someone like him get all stressed out. As shown in scenes like this:
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Usually we just see him insulting someone, admiring someone, or being disgusted. But here in Chapter 2 Episode 10, we see him showing more negative emotions besides just those three. ⛦ This isn't about Ace, but you all know how he is usually just yelling when he’s pissed off instead of taking any physical action? Yeah, it's just like @thefandomenchantress said. It was like a jumpscare to those who saw this:
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That's exactly how I felt when I saw this:
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Arturo never taken any physical action, it was usually just him speaking angrily when he’s annoyed and/or disgusted. So him grabbing Eden by her hair was quite interesting to me. It was messed up of him to do, but still interesting nonetheless. This also adds to his character. I feel he's also all bark but no bite like Ace? But for some reason more likely to actually do something. I don't know. But the reason why I say that is because he never actually ended up hurting Eden. It was shown with the knife he had that he wanted to, but he didn't:
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⛦ I also like when he starts talking about his talent like this (the non weird and creepy parts):
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It shows how smart and educated he is with his talent and that there's more to him than lusting over beautiful women. ---------------------- BECAUSE THIS WAS A DRAFT I FORGOT WHERE I WAS GOING WITH THIS.. SO UH, NOW ITS PROBABLY SHORTER THAN I ANTICIPATED? ⛦ IF THERE'S SOMETHING YOU DISAGREE WITH, OR WANNA ADD ONTO THIS THEN GO AHEAD! LEAVE A COMMENT! Just be RESPECTFUL and use common sense.
🦇 pwrincesa
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pwincesa0 · 5 months
Ace Markey haters.
PLEASE NOTE!!: There will ALWAYS be someone who disagrees with you about something, and/or doesn't like you. So unless if you have either some constructive criticism, or you're going to express how you agree. Don't bother being annoying and commenting something hateful, it makes you look dumb in the end. Not me. Anyways. I don't like most Ace haters. It just seems like they're hating him just because they can. Maybe I just haven't seen any actual logical argument, but a lot of things I've heard were that "He's ugly" or he is a bully. ⛦ Literally no one cares if you think he is ugly or not. Beauty is subjective. Let's just get that out of the way. ⛦ As for him being a bully. I actually think that's an understandable thing to not like someone for. Me personally, I like antagonizing characters but I know that's not everyones cup of tea. But if you're going to make that argument, you also need to keep in mind that the way he starts yelling and him bullying the cast are two different things. Not to mention that Ace does everything for a reason. And he doesn't willingly get mad at people and shit for no reason. As shown right here:
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🐴-"You think I act like this for fun?" The way he said this is obvious proof that he doesn't just go around blowing up on people for fun. In fact he really doesn't like it. Though going back to the bullying parts, I suppose that in scenes like this:
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He does actively go out of his way to pick on others. Calling people losers is not a nice thing to say to people. So if you're someone who likes mostly nice and caring characters, then he isn't going to be your type. And that's fine. ⛦ People also say that they don't like Ace because he's "transphobic"? That is not true, and let me tell you why. Here in this scene:
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Ace threatens to expose Nico's secret. Nico's secret is that they're Nonbinary. However, Ace didn't know this at the time. Sure he knew that their secret said "No one accepted you because of your identity" But as proven in this scene here:
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Ace didn't know what that meant due to how vaguely worded it was. And it's not like he was the only one who didn't understand it.
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⭐- "I'm sorry, but I have no clue what this means" David also didn't know what it meant. In fact he was the first one to mention it since he read Nico's secret outloud. Therefore you can not use Ace being "transphobic" as an excuse to hate him because it's not true. To add on to this, Ace actually uses Nico's correct pronouns after learning that they're nonbinary. As shown here:
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🐴- "Did THEY tell you?" Ace said they, not he. And as far as I could remember, Ace didn't make any transphobic comments against Nico. Because you can obviously be transphobic while using someones correct pronouns. Ace doesn't say anything about their identity, but instead just use their pronouns. ⛦ I really don't like when people say "Nico ate when they tried to kill him" "Hu ate when she slapped him" ect ect. Like no all 3 of them are wrong. Maybe less of Hu but still. Ace shouldn't have provoked them, Nico should have thought about the consequences when commiting a murder instead of acting based on their feelings, and Hu shouldn't be going around slapping people. 💀 Though I do think it was good that Hu stepped in to shut Ace up. She shouldn't have stood there and watched it happen. Just, don't slap people??? But yeah between Ace and Nico its just like J said:
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🎧- "Basically, you both suck and are wrong!" Be like her!!! ⛦ All in all, I'm not saying theres something wrong with not liking a character. But for what I can remember, those are the only reasons why people say they hate him. So I just needed to prove to them that their way of thinking is wrong. But if you don't like him because you think hes ugly, annoying, a bully, ect ect basically anything subjective then good for you. I don't like Hu despite a lot of people liking her. It just seems that Ace fans don't ever back up anything they say when they wanna prove something. ⛦ IF THERE'S SOMETHING YOU DISAGREE WITH, OR WANNA ADD ONTO THIS THEN GO AHEAD! LEAVE A COMMENT! Just be RESPECTFUL and use common sense.
🦇 pwrincesa
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pwincesa0 · 16 days
My edits on tiktok have been flopping really hard lately.
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pwincesa0 · 24 days
PLEASE NOTE!!: There will ALWAYS be someone who disagrees with you about something, and/or doesn't like you. So unless if you have either some constructive criticism, or you're going to express how you agree. Don't bother being annoying and commenting something hateful, it makes you look dumb in the end. Not me.
Teruko: Any pronouns. (She/Him pref) Charles: Transmasc. He/Him. Demiaroace + Bisexual. (Male lean) Whit: Bigender. She/Her + He/Him. Rose: Asexual + Demiromantic + Lesbian. Any pronouns. (She/Her pref) Arturo: Aroace. He/Him. Levi: Genderfluid. She/Her + He/Him. Bisexual (Female lean) Eden: Asexual. She/Her. J: Transmasc. He/Him + They/Them. Bisexual (Strong male lean) Hu: Pansexual. She/Her. Nico: Aroace. Ace: Transmasc. He/Him. Arei: Bisexual. She/Her. Min: Asexual + Demiromantic. (Lesbian, but claims to be straight.) She/Her. Xander: Pansexual. Polyamorous. He/Him. Veronika: Girlspike. She/Her. David: He/Him. (Prefers masculine terms, but isn't opposed to She/Her either.)
🦇 pwrincesa
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pwincesa0 · 2 months
PLEASE NOTE!!: There will ALWAYS be someone who disagrees with you about something, and/or doesn't like you. So unless if you have either some constructive criticism, or you're going to express how you agree. Don't bother being annoying and commenting something hateful, it makes you look dumb in the end. Not me.
This post was inspired by the Youtuber: Liam Lestin. He did an amazing job at explaining his video "Born to lie" and I think you all should go watch it as well if you haven't already :) VIDEO Just like Liam said, what if when David met up with Arei and she began to confront him about his secret.. He still thought that his secret was his depression? And instead of confessing his little secret the way he did in the trial, he proceeds to share the fact that he's depressed. Then Arei obviously not wanting to be manipulated any further, choses to not trust him. Then David's worst fear comes to light. He gets pushed away from Arei and doesn't get accepted for who he unfortunately is. And after her confirming that she's not going to accept someone like David, this may make him believe that the rest of his classmates will respond accordingly. So to prevent this, he goes batshit crazy in the trial and completely lies about what happened in order to protect himself. Because if he tells the truth about what really went down with him and Arei then he'll be shoved in a corner where he has no other choice but to confess how Arei didn't believe him when he said that he was suffering from depression. Its very very likely that David hated the way Arei responded to his confession, and probably assumed that Arei never actually changed to begin with. Which is also probably why he went on that tangent about people never changing. You guys remember when David "forgot" the conversation he had with Arei?
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Yeah he obviously did that because he's a little bitch boy and him discussing what he and Arei talked about would hurt his pride and ego a little too much. And now take a look at this:
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This doesn't make sense at all. Because first of all just as Teruko said, this is very out of character for someone like Arei. And secondly, this doesn't line up with Ace's testimony when he described the scene. However, because David has to back up what he's saying.. He's most likely twisting his words around in order to prove his point. And was probably describing himself too. When he said "she was looking for validation from me", he was likely projecting onto himself. He was the one who seeked out validation from Arei after her meltdown in hopes that he could get the same comfort he was giving. What if she even went a step further to make David feel shitter about himself? David states how he tried to convince Arei to kill herself. But what if it was the other way around? Arei used what she learned from her sisters to fuck David up in the worst way she knew how. She told David to go hang himself with the rope in the storage room. As we can see, David clearly didn't go through with it successfully. But what if he truly made an attempt to and took what she said to heart? And because of this, Arei likely didn't die at 7:30PM. Because if he went to the playground later that night to off himself, then she wouldn't be there. But of course this prideful man can't tell the class this because that would require him to also share his suicide attempt. Therefore he confesses to the murder in order to stop the investigation. That's what I think is going on with crazy boy over here! And tbh this is what I'm really hoping is the outcome too because that would be so sick!!! :)
🦇 pwrincesa
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pwincesa0 · 5 months
Not Misogyny.
PLEASE NOTE!!: There will ALWAYS be someone who disagrees with you about something, and/or doesn't like you. So unless if you have either some constructive criticism, or you're going to express how you agree. Don't bother being annoying and commenting something hateful, it makes you look dumb in the end. Not me. ⛦ I really hate when I tell people my favorite characters and they call me "misogynistic" because most of them are male characters. For those who are confused on what a misogynist is, here's the definition of it: A person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women. The reason why this does not apply to me is because just because my favorite characters so happen to be male, doesn't mean I suddenly hate women. I have favorite female characters too! For example: Arei Nageishi and Teruko Tawaki are my favorites in DRDT. And in the original Danganronpa, you have Kyoko Kirigiri and Maki Harukawa. So how can I hate women when some of my favorite characters are women?? It's not even like I've ever made any negative comments to women in general. It's just people assuming shit that isn't true. ⛦ "Okay but why are you saying this?" One may ask. And here is why I'm even having to explain this. Do you all recognize these screenshots?:
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Yeah, I have some people agree with my opinion. While a lot of people had the audacity to backlash me for it. I didn't know why, because there is quite literally nothing wrong with what I said. But I was told a while ago that its because people thought I was misogynistic. Which I found completely insane because I'm not obligated to like what someone else likes. I like whoever the hell I wanna like and if you got a problem with that, then that's a YOU problem. ⛦ For those who are confused and need context for that, I said I liked the red and black haired dude more than Teruko. Literally that's it. I never said I hated her, or anything like that. Infact I do like Teruko. She just pisses me off sometimes. And that is NOT Misogyny. That is simply liking one FICTIONAL CHARACTER over another. Need I remind you of the definition one more time?
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I don't hate characters based on their gender. But based on their actions and the things they say. ⛦ I never really liked Twitter, but now I don't even more. It just proves my point that almost everyone on there has no idea what they're talking about.
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That's why I really love this person right here !!!!!!! ⛦ IF THERE'S SOMETHING YOU DISAGREE WITH, OR WANNA ADD ONTO THIS THEN GO AHEAD! LEAVE A COMMENT! Just be RESPECTFUL and use common sense.
🦇 pwrincesa
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pwincesa0 · 3 months
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My Tumblr suddenly got terminated one day, finally got it back though!
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pwincesa0 · 4 months
I can’t believe I didn’t follow you until just now! I missed some of your posts so sorry for spam liking all of them. But anyways I was wondering why you dislike Mai. Not because I disagree (I have literally no opinion on her because she hasn’t been shown much), but I’m curious. :)
Great question! ⭐
Mai Seems low-key like another Tsumugi, where she seems like this kind angelic girl but she's really just an evil son of a bitch. Kinda like David but 10x more annoying than him.
I also seen people ship her with Xander and David and I just personality didn't like that because I feel she gets in the way of my favorite ships.
Also I like to think that she's the mastermind as well. MonoTV stated how the mastermind is someone who knew everyone individually. That fits Mai's description. Which makes me not like her more because she's supposed to be a good person???
But I'm not too strong on me disliking her considering we barely know anything about her. And it's not like I hate nice characters, I love them! I love Whit, Levi, Xander, And chapter 1 David! And Arei if you consider her a nice person. It's just her specifically!
But one thing I do like about her is how pretty she is. She's gorgeous :)
She also reminds me of this Rachel from Law Of Talos:
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And I don't like her either despite how beautiful she is.
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pwincesa0 · 2 months
David is bpd coded !!! (im right, trust !)
pwrincesa approves !!
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pwincesa0 · 5 months
Teruko DOES Miss Xander.
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🦇 pwrincesa
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