#qsmp is going crazy I love it <3
mcaxolotl · 1 year
The whiplash I got from watching Jaiden’s stream to tuning into Charlie’s stream is WILD.
Jaiden and Roier taught Bobby archery, made him sushi and then they all painted together.
Charlie Slimecicle made a deal with Satan, murdered philza’s child and then gave Juanaflippa a gun-WHICH SHE THEN USED TO SHOOT AND KILL PHILZA MINECRAFT
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royalarchivist · 1 year
For anyone working on the #QSMPGlobal riddle, here are some resources:
Code Spreadsheet for people who have gotten to Question #4 (no one has solved it yet - the popular theory at the moment is that this is a code we need to solve together).
Likewise, this is another sheet recording codes. Please only add your code if it has not already been added.
Stuck on a question? Here's a thread with all the answers so far.
Happy hunting, and good luck!
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kadextra · 1 year
flipping from warm to cold, insisting how important having a name/identity is and simultaneously continuing to dehumanize, providing a nice little enclosure & talking with a tone like he’s speaking to a pet, one second cruel the next dripping with sweetness and praise, calling them friends, fish in his aquarium, oh q!bad you are sooooo twisted in the head
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vilwil-brr · 1 year
You tug at Pac’s bottom lip, and his hand shoots up to grip at your shoulder as he whines. You soak in the little noises he lets out, biting down harder, then sucking, soothing it with your tongue.
He pants, breathless, when you pull away. His forehead presses against yours as you catch your breath, his hands clenching into fists, tugging at your shirt. He looks at you through his long lashes, eyes watery and pupils blown wide.
He’s pretty like this. Debauched and desperate from your touch, from your kiss, from your teeth digging into his lips and biting them raw. They’re already swollen and red, and they work to drive you absolutely mad as he pouts.
“You’re so pretty,” you murmur, cupping his jaw with your hand and dragging your thumb over his bottom lip. He lets you tug it down without resistance, mailable like clay in your steady hands.
Then he opens his mouth and dips down enough to suck your thumb into his mouth, closing his lips around it and sucking.
“Que lindo,” you praise. He opens his lips up to bite, just enough to leave indents of his teeth above your knuckle, before closing his lips and hollowing out his cheeks.
You pull your thumb out of his mouth to kiss him again, bringing your other hand up to clutch at his hair. He moans when you nip at his bottom lip again, pressing himself against you, a pressure against your lips and your chest as he tries to get impossibly closer.
You want to squeeze him, to crush him in your embrace. You want to dig in with your claws and teeth and take everything he has to give, desperate, as if he’ll be taken away at any moment.
He whimpers, and your fist tightens in his hair, and he moans again, and god - you want him to keep making those noises for forever. You want to be the one to pull them out of him, again and again, until his throat aches.
You pull back and look at him again, long enough to take in his flushed cheeks, his lips, his glazed eyes that look up to you like he’s begging. Sweet and pleading and slightly unfocused in his pleasure.
You want to devour him, and all that he is. You want to bring him to ruin. With the look he gives you, pupils blown wide, desperate and already impatient for more, you think he just might let you. Demand it of you, really, with the way his hand grips your wrist and squeezes, prompting you to tug at his hair again.
You gladly comply, pulling his head back by his hair, hardly bothering to be gentle as you press kisses along his exposed throat. He gasps when you nip underneath his jawline, barely able to sit still as you suck a mark into his skin, and then proceed lower.
He‘s far more desperate at the thought of you ruining him than you are.
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splatattackz · 6 months
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"Personally, as I have been a victim of 3 swattings in the past including one where 7 PSIG agents¹ came to my house with famas², I understand more than anyone else Quackity's want to step back from everything after the doxxing. Even more so when he's in the US and he's hispanic. And you all forget during this that he's only 22 years old. It's crazy that in 2024, despite the known past issues with doxxing, people are still not careful. I've seen comments like "yeah but he should have a security team blah blah" or "well he's a CC he's a public person" and you are completely sick [if you say that] you no longer seperate reality from online.
In short, I think it's time everyone calm down. If you still like QSMP, share that love with those who also continue to like/play on QSMP and ignore everything else.
And for those who don't like it anymore, turn the page, go get fresh air, go save kittens, I don't know, something that brings you joy.
For context don't hesitate to watch Quackitys stream [he links the vod]
And may I add, nothing justifys or excuses doxxing, and this is true for everybody, not just for the doxxing of CCs."
¹ PSIG is a specific part of the french national guard that specializes in going against high-profile criminals and such, huge deal.
² type of assault rifle
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titishq · 7 months
how i imagine dating quackity would be—
him showing you off on streams, bragging to his friends and fans about how lucky he is to have you, sharing secret kisses off camera whenever he gets the chance, his hand holding yours underneath his desk.
he’ll surprise you with your favorite things on random days of the week, going all out for anniversaries and holidays. on your birthday he’ll buy your favorite candies and snacks, gifting you one of his hoodies, and maybe a trip to the movies.
meeting his friends for the first time and he knows how nervous you are, especially if your face will be on camera. his arm is protectively around your he whole time, his lips ghosting the side of your head, whispering sweet nothings into your ears to calm your nerves.
if you’re a faceless creator he’ll make sure to edit his videos and pictures to cover your face with your profile picture, blurring your face in the backgrounds of photos, buying you a mask to put on if you’re on his streams, making sure you’re as comfortable as possible.
his fans absolutely adore you, constantly editing the two of you together, making fan art of the two of you, hell even in fanfics you’re together!
if you’re apart of the qsmp, you’re lore lines up so you’re almost always together, you may even raise your eggs together. if you were in the dsmp together you canonically got married and ran for presidency together, leading you both to be apart of the main lore.
he’s one of the sweetest people ever, he’s always so flustered being around you, whenever you kiss he reacts like a teenage boy holding his crushes hand for the first time, or he’ll run off and squeal like a little kid.
his main nicknames for you are “my love” “hermosa” and “mi corazón”. his contact photo for you is the picture you hate the absolute most, most likely one of you laying in bed with your hair a mess. his lock screen is the two of you on a date, you with flowers in your hands, a wide smile on your lips while his own were pressed against your cheek.
he always posts pictures of you two on his instagram stories, dedicating an entire highlight thing just for you. he’ll make sure you’re somehow included in almost everything he posts, whether he’s simply tagging you, or writing paragraphs about how he loves you.
he’ll drag you along with him for events, you right by his side for the streamer awards, even adding you into his speech when he wins an award. the fans would go crazy if he kissed you before he went up on stage, or if after he rushed back to you, pulled you into his arms, slightly dipping you down and kissing you then— just in the most dramatic fashion ever.
overall he’s probably the best boyfriend you could ask for<3
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foolbo · 7 months
post in english so more ppl can understand since most qsmp-ers dont know italian
the ccs absolutely arent going to let the admin mistreatment slide. from what i hear bbh keeps tabbing out to type for long periods of time and (speculation) but tubbo keeps looking away distracted by somethin else during risk rn. quackity cares entirely too much about qsmp to let something like this slide either. like he talks all the time about how inclusive he wants the qsmp i doubt hes going to let the only 2 french admins be investigated and removed. i believe the admin that spoke out said they dont think quackity knew before they said anything (this is what i heard? i dont speak french so im getting this second hand) but with the communities reaction to everything he def knows about it and will probs be doing something about it now. and im sure other cc's are fighting for the admins as well
as far as the pay it IS a volunteer project so its not like theyre gonna get paid super well since most volunteer positions dont even pay (at least where i live?? might be different elsewhere) but specifically not paying the rp admins is crazy when theyre the ones playing for what could amount to the time spent at a full time job and not getting any donos/subs like the streamers. and paying artists for commissions is kinda. how commissions work
unfortunately a lot of times in community projects like this the mistreatment comes from higher ups and the owners typically dont know whats going on but with the admins speaking out something will probs be done about it now that people are aware
also just to say, the idea of the rp admins not being paid is not new!! tubbo has directly asked sunny and other eggs (i think maybe it was empanada ?? i do not remember) if they get paid and they shook their head at him. at the time it was brushed off as a silly thing but its def not a recent revelation
be patient, send love and advocate for the admins, dont send hate to quackity or any other ccs who probs werent aware <3
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tsukana · 11 months
ok but for real forgetting any possible lore or drama that could come out of this i absolutely loved this event. i loved blue getting in on the action still after everything happened, loved blue and red getting to team up, loved seeing insane pvp strats and getting to see those who havent had the chance to pvp as much on the server as much so far and especially through purgatory so far get the chance to!! loved seeing the actual use of the bases and the way that green's was such an insane defense but also the way that red's is truly channeling the qsmp maze experience and pissing everyone off and still somehow managing to work so damn well despite being breakable!
loved getting to watch the love that the girls got to MURDER in pvp, loved watching etoiles fight and kill a bunch of people, loved watching the soulfire mains in the tag go off about the lore for their team loved watching the bolas viewers go crazy along side the team loved watching green viewers defending and cheering on and staying stubborn with their team.
it's been a rough first week in purgatory, but honestly watching everyone go crazy about every aspect of it all together was so fun and i can't wait for all the heartbreak and other lore to come <3
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qtubbo · 6 months
core morning crew is one of the most interesting relationships in the qsmp (especially from tubbo persoective) i will die on that hill.
at the beginning, to tubbo it’s just him making his first close friends on the island, but to fit and (especially) pac, it’s them finding solace in friendship to cope with the disappearance of mike and their sons.
they become a tight knit group who keep each other safe during hard times : the absence of the eggs, happy pills, and even through purgatory with tubbo reuniting the 3 of them at the first opportunity he gets. But I also think that it’s during purgatory that tubbo starts to realise that the triangle isnt and was never meant to be equilateral.
Then sunny appears in his life while Richas and Ramon are still asleep. Obviously pac and fit latch all their love onto her, but for tubbo it’s a big change and he starts developing himself as a father and as someone outside of his relationships with other islanders. This is the era where you can clearly see that you have tubbo&sunny on one side and fit&pac on the other, culminating with the infamous date day shenanigans.
Like imagine you’re tubbo you put all of yourself and you identity in a friend group, without having fully realised that the other two have had important bonds with other people before you even arrived but also it turns out that they like each other like That. I’d go a bit crazy too. Then follow the self destruction era of tubbo isolating himself while pac and fit don’t understand why he suddenly doesn’t hang out with them anymore
But then with time, as Tubbo grows more and more into the person he is, with the help of Sunny, making new friends by himself… Things get better. When you develop your own identity you realise that friendship doesn’t have to be something that stays always the same, dynamics change and it’s fine, the love is still there !
And with that acceptance, us, the morning crew lovers were blessed with extended morning crew w/ Mike, Phil, Bagi. We win 🥳🥳🥳
nothing to add
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sarcastictissy · 4 months
I have a lot of lovely asks and messages from people that I'm not able to respond to yet, but I just want to genuinely thank all of you for it ❤️ I was worried I was letting people down, but I'm so very thankful for everyone that reassured me otherwise. I will respond to you all. I'm not ignoring any of you, I promise.
Now onto something more serious. This is tagged as qsmp neg because I'm about to get really really angry with a certain part of this fandom.
Since Maxo unofficially confirmed qsmp is ending after the event, I've seen so many posts and reblogs along the lines of "the people upset because they had hope are in denial/ delusional/ crazy" or "the people thinking qsmp wasnt dead brought this upon themselves" which, basically, people are making fun of those who've had hope that the server will server. Now, don't get me wrong, we aren't exactly logical by having hope, and you're nit in the wrong for having a joke about people being "in denial" about the server closing.
That being said, the people blogging this only started doing it when Maxo unofficially confirmed its closure. So, technically there was still a small part of you that had hope, too, huh?
Not to mention, we are not in thr wrong for having hope or wanting to hold onto something that brought us so much joy, love, passion and creativity this past year. Leave us be. Let us be "in denial" or "delusional" or whatever you want to call us. It's fun over here. It's bright and positive and we all share the best memories of the past year. We don't WANT to look on the downside because it doesn't help us. It doesn't make sense to be consumed by all this negativity. It's very damaging to people's mental health if all they're seeing is "qsmp is dead" "quackity is cancelled" "all CCs hate qsmp" and other untrue statements.
As long as the fandom lives, qsmp lives. So why are you mocking us for seeing the qsmp in a positive and fun way? We're celebrating its life, not its death. This is a celebration, not a funeral.
I have had so many people message me, send asks, and tag me in posts to thank me for being positive about this situation even in the worst of times. And it's not that I'm saying "the admins are being mistreated? Oh well!" Because I'm not. What I'm doing and what I've done the past 3 or so months is remind people to take a breather, remind people to care for themselves and offer a place for them to vent to. I've shared my favourite moments of qsmp as a way to relive the best times whilst we go through the worst.
Can you not see that? Do you really think it's worth mocking me and others for?
If you genuinely believe I'm crazy or other insults because I see qsmp as a good thing, despite its faults, then please, unfollow me. Block me. Block the 'qsmp positivity' tag.
I will continue to spread hope about qsmp because I need it as much as others do. I owe myself to stay level headed and clear on qsmp because its done so much for me this past year. And so so many others see it the same way. I'm very grateful to be a place of positivity and safety during these trying times. I'm so thankful to everyone who has messaged me, sent me asks, followed me or even became my mutual because of this server.
I am so sorry for anyone that has been incredibly negative and doomposting excessively these past few months. It's very sad you felt the need to bring others down because you were sad too. But the there's a difference between being negative and actively ridiculing others for not being negative. And for those that have been doing the latter, stop. Stop trying to make us feel small for having hope for a server that has been our home for over a year.
If anyone feels like I'm being harsh, it's because I am.
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prismartist · 1 year
(if you saw a similar post to this uhm. ignore that. i don't know why that's there. this is the actual post.
also spoilers for ace attorney 3, though my memory of the game is spotty so forgive me if i get anything wrong)
anyway. fucking fascinated with how cellbit incorporates the themes of ace attorney into his own lore, actually.
because the thing is, prosecutors in ace attorney are almost always at least a little bit evil. they're cruel, they're ruthless, and they prioritize winning over discovering the truth. which absolutely makes sense for the front cellbit's putting up; he seemingly no longer cares about unmasking the federation, and instead cuts off everyone around him and selfishly wants to keep richarlyson to himself. already a fantastic fucking decision, 10/10.
and then there's the fact that he chose godot.
godot used to be a defense attorney called diego armando. after he got poisoned, put in a coma, and woke up to learn his girlfriend got murdered, he felt immense guilt over her loss, and projected that guilt onto phoenix wright, her successor, even though he had virtually nothing to do with it. godot's whole thing is baseless accusation, becoming a prosecutor to "test" wright when he's not even that good of a prosecutor; he doesn't even hate wright! he even admits this plan was a "stupid fantasy" of revenge. this guy is a stubborn mule, who only wants to make up for the fact that he failed to protect his girlfriend mia, though his efforts are flawed and arrogant.
the fact that cellbit chose this guy. the guy who switched from defense to prosecution parallel to cellbit's own apparent switch from anti- to pro-federation. the guy who was blinded (literally) by emotion. the guy q!cellbit has aligned himself with, not just in the recent stream but all the way back in the early qsmp streams when he would play his theme all the time. this is definitely the best guy that cellbo could have chosen to trick the federation. the feds will look at him and see a changed (mentally unstable) man, a man who is willing to serve them by whatever means in order to pursue his own stubborn goals––godot wanted to protect mia more than anything, cellbit claims he wants to protect richarlyson more than anything, even more than his other family. i mean, i dunno if the feds are buying anything that's cellbit's pulling, but if they realize who cellbit is kinning that's gotta add some credibility points to the front.
but also... though godot wanted to protect those he cared about, he is a self-sacrificial dumbass who foolishly took everything upon himself. in wanting to prove and redeem himself, he refused to communicate or ask for help, and his plan to protect was half-baked and rash and got people killed. godot, in the long run, caused more harm than good in his effort to protect his loved ones and in his self-absorbed pursuit of redemption.
and well, if one puts it that way... q!cellbit's cosplay may be less of a charade than he realizes.
but you know what? i'm just glad he didn't actually go crazy over a vivo commercial
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royalarchivist · 7 months
ExtraEmily: Hey! Hey! Oh my god, Tubbo! Tubbo! Nice- Tubbo, great to have you here! How are you feeling today?
Tubbo: Good good good, back for round three. Can't wait to see the show, very excited, very excited to see everyone again. Aw, it's gonna be wonderful.
ExtraEmily: That's awesome! How do you think this year's gonna compete next- compared to the last two years since it's- you've been to all three
Tubbo: Well, I feel like we're gonna have a- in terms of like, my nomination, I'm feeling a bit of a repeat. I feel like- I feel like that's ok though! I'm down to go 3 and 0, I think that's alright, but I'm just here to meet everyone, say hi to everyone again, here for the vibes.
ExtraEmily: Well, I love the vibe, Tubbo! You're great, got to keep the energy up! Is there anyone you're excited to see today, since you do live far away, right?
Tubbo: Oh god, well I'm excited to hang out with the QSMP lot more, we be- we rarely get to hang out like, often, so it's always like very very nice to see everyone.
ExtraEmily: Oh, that's great! Do you have any favorite people in the QSMP? Ooh, drama.
Tubbo: Favorite people- you can't ask me to pick a favorite one of my friends! That's crazy! That's like- well, which one of your friends is your favorite? Like- no, no, please go on!
[ Transcript continued ↓ ]
ExtraEmily: Uhh, I like Bob! And Bob, ok, you don't have to answer that. But we love QSMP! That's so awesome. How much Minecraft would you say you've played in the past year in terms of hours?
Tubbo: I think I got my thing back and it was like 3000 hours? I think it was like, yeah, I think it recorded 1200 hours, but I have a lot of other hours on another account.
ExtraEmily: Oh my god, have you ever thought of speed running it?
Tubbo: Oh god no, oh god, no way! No, the people who speedrun are psychopaths.
ExtraEmily: You think so? A little crazy? Do you have any tips for someone that wants to try all Minecraft, aka me? I've never even beat the Ender Dragon.
Tubbo: Oh god, I'm so bad at it. I'm not even kidding, I could not consider myself good at this game.
ExtraEmily: Well, that's awesome! But Tubbo, last question: what'd you eat for your breakfast today?
Tubbo: Oh god, I didn't have breakfast today. I just woke up and I'm here.
ExtraEmily: Good morning, Tubbo, and thank you for the interview! Let's hand it off to the next interviewer. Byeeee!!!
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alchemicaladarna · 4 months
I've had a little more time to gather my thoughts after today's events, and while I do still feel sad and upset that this particular chapter has come to an end, I'm still very grateful that it happened.
I'm so grateful to all the good it has brought so many people. Helping many communities around the world unite and be able to talk to each other, breaking down language and cultural barriers just to freak out about their favorite cubitos.
I'm grateful for all the memories we made. The good and the bad. The sad and the happy. The ones where we all laughed at the silly moments and cried in the tragic ones. I'll look back on them very fondly, and I'm so glad to have been a part of the journey for most of the way.
I never thought I'd get back to watching another SMP after the dsmp ended to be honest. I was just kind of there for that server because I joined at the very end and only watched clip compilations and stuff. So when I heard Quackity was launching a server with Spanish and English speakers with some CC's who I already knew previously, I thought, huh. That's a neat concept I guess. I might not stick around for very long, but I'll check it out I think.
So I began to watch Phil's pov and vods, and I'll never forget the first time I saw an egg live- and just how their characters and stories completely captured my heart in a way that I can't even begin to explain. After that, I decided you know, I might have to stick around for a little while longer. And lo and behold, a year later, here we are.
I also admittedly didn't watch every streamer's pov so I'm not knowledgeable in every character's story, but because of you guys here on qsmpblr, I really felt like I was a part of every community when I read everyone's posts, theories, admire art, or fics people would write too.
I've switched povs a lot throughout the year and I just wanna say thank you to the Crows, Doozers, Jaiden fans (I forgot what you guys are called I'm sorry D':) and especially the Ghosties <3 for keeping me company. I genuinely feel so blessed to have interacted with all of you. Thank you for having me.
And yeah Ghosties, because of your streamer, I'm permanently stuck in that bell now so thanks a lot /j XD
To every fan, on tumblr and elsewhere, thanks for keeping this project- the characters and all the memories we made of it- alive in the fanart and fanfiction. You guys all work so hard and are so very talented too!
To every admin who was part of the project. Thank you for pouring so much love and contributing so much of yourself to the server. It wouldn't have been the same without you. Regardless of if you were a builder, an actor, a writer, etc. you made this project beyond amazing. If it weren't for you, I doubt this project would have reached the same heights that it did. Thank you for all the love, the memories, passion, and care you gave to the qsmp. You all are the best <33
A special thank you to my fellow ghosties here as well. Bad has genuinely become like, my comfort streamer this last year, and I wouldn't have discovered him if it weren't for you guys going crazy over his lore on the dash XD
Thank you everyone. Thank you admins. Thank you CC's . Thank you everybody. This was a wonderful experience and I hope this won't be the last.
This place will always hold a special place in my heart but for now...obrigada, merci, gracias, and buenas noches everyone <333
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somebluemelodies · 1 year
i love that there’s an ongoing theme with a lot of the qsmp ships (especially the canon/close to canon ones) that is just this typically serious, nonchalant character - likely with a heavy/angsty backstory - and a character who’s oftentimes silly/chaotic, dramatic, or simply exudes wet cat energy, with or without the angsty backstory
i’m mainly looking at spiderbit, fitpac, and pissa/phissa- read my nonsensical ramble under the cut-
spiderbit!! you have q!Cellbit: a former child solider and an ex-convict from Alcatraz bc he was a cannibal and essentially a crazed serial killer. and his husband is q!Roier, who spent his earlier days on the island flirting with anyone and everyone, has Drama Queen™️ tendencies, and has an alter-ego who lives a double life as a stripper and psychologist. i don’t think Chafaland is canon so we don’t have much of a pre-island backstory for him, if one at all. granted, q!Cellbit we all know that sometimes has the wet cat or chaotic moments, so different dynamics can be interchanged between these two
fitpac!! q!Fit comes directly from the anarchy hellscape known as 2b2t, and as far as i’m aware, has spent most of if not all of his life there. led wars, killed a shit ton of people… yknow, all that jazz. literal war veteran. and yet!! who softens him and literally makes him fucking blush but none other than q!Pac. yes, q!Pac literally got his leg eaten and was also put into Alcatraz but up until he got kidnapped a couple weeks ago, the sheer chaos of this man?? regardless of the angst?? and now he’s slowly healing and getting back to normal too?? a silly lil inventor guy fr
pissa (why was this the chosen ship name again?)!! idk what the hell is going on with q!Phil’s backstory other than that he’s an/the Angel of Death, so there’s whatever angst and/or drama that comes with that. but this man just wants to chill and take care of his kids. and then… you have q!Missa… the MOST pathetic wet cat (/affectionate) on the entire island. and yknow what? i love him for that! the way this man has acted with q!Phil since he returned? i don’t even think i need to elaborate
but on a more serious note tho, i love that the relationships can (and do) run so much deeper too
i’ve talked about spiderbit plenty, but i’ll keep talking about them bc they just mean sm to me. the way they balance each other out and complement each other, the way they’re always there for each other. the way their relationship is so heavily built on trust. these two have so much love and commitment for each other it’s almost sickening. meus pais </3
fucking fitpac man they grew on me so fast :’D there’s a certain depth and potential with them that makes me crazy. they way they could (and do) help each other and always look out for each other. the way that they, regardless of inadvertently or intentionally, help each other heal from all the baggage they each carry is just… ough. i need them to become canon at this point idc. they’re both clearly into each other i don’t make the rules. THE POTENTIAL
i really hope we get more pissa bc it’s literally so crystal clear they care about each other, regardless of how much distance or how much time has passed. and that’s big. just like fitpac, there’s so much potential with them too, even if their marriage is platonic. i just wanna see their dynamic explored more please and thank you. it’s been so long </3
ANYWAY that’s… whatever this was. did this make any sense? idk. these gay cubitos man, i’m telling you. gotta love the lgbtqsmp. if you read all that, thanks :D
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mademoiselle-cookie · 11 months
The Green lost
And I have mixed feelings about it.
1. First, good.
In-universe, bc having the good guys teams being eliminated first is so bittersweet and I love this shit. No one is free of sin, everyone did something wrong and fucked-up at some point, but each team has its thing : the Red are the crazy one, the Blue the bad guy one and the Green are the kind one. It's the group who's leader has forbidden to burn stuff bc it's not nice, who chose to help a team even after they destroy their stuff in the most cowardly and spiteful way, who still had principles in this nightmare of an island. They had really strong members with exp in this kind of situations. And they lost. Wonderful.
Out-of-universe, bc whatever shit the admins have in mind, the player can leave now. Etoiles was starting to get tired of Minecraft and it was taking up a lot of his time. Taking a week's break and getting away from the drama will be good for the team (especially Bagi, poor girl got harassed a lot. I love you Bagi)
2. Wasted potential.
If the event was really for pvp, and the team members had been able to be present earlier, the Greens would have been the strongest. And now we will never have the opportunity to see the full extent of their strength and talent.
BUT ABOVE ALL, their team dynamic. The players weren't that used to playing together, so it was an opportunity to see them exchange more, create or explore their relationships more… The creation of a found family is super interesting!
Seeing the friendship between Roier and Etoiles, two fighters who absolutely want to fight but still have honor (what an idea to put them in the same team) with the added dynamic of a knight and his leader to protect (Mario and Peach lol), Forever very intelligent and strategist who calls himself the mother of the team, Elquackity the traitor who did not show his true potential (except when he voluntarily gave victory to the Red on the 2nd day), Ironmouse who had a very touching and interesting moment with Etoiles about their chronic illness… is something I wanted to see develop. And it will never happened.
3. It was a foregone conclusion.
The competition with the punishment of being eliminated for the loser was announced a few hours before said competition. The day when many Green players are normally not there, where the leader and strongest and most present member on the server had another more important event at the same time. You're not going to make me believe that any of the admins didn't know that this tournament existed, or that Etoiles, a Smash player, would ignore it despite its great importance. The competition could have taken place on Saturday instead of shutting down the server, or it could have been closed for another day, or the admins could have warned the players that something important would happen on Sunday so they could have tried to work something out.
I ask everyone watching Green's POV, did you even have hope that they would win? Well not me. I love them, I think they're the best, but I had no illusions. They were going to lose. The tie was impossible, the event would have been pointless otherwise, and the victory too because the clues indicate very clearly that the Blue are the cursed team. The Greens could not, and should not, win.
It sucks to be a Green Team fan.
4. I'm afraid of what's next.
I'm hoping for two scenarios now that the Greens have been "terminated":
They die and players can do other things until the end of the event. That would be great but unlikely. QSMP is not going to exclude several of its players like that, that would be unfair. There aren't that many of them already.
The Greens are sent elsewhere. That would be giga top. This would promise interesting and different content (and perhaps allow players who want blood to obtain satisfaction) in addition to making the threat of Purgatory credible. The players are inaccessible to others - even considered dead - and must suffer because of some thing that the eye has invented.
See my vision: Cellbit mourning his dead husband, while Roier is having the time of his life in whatever hell the Eye send the Green. That will be so perfect.
But that would require a lot of preparation, while the admins are not even sure that the players will stay or that they will like these new changes.
What I really don't want to happen but is very, very likely:
The Greens are redistributed among the other teams. Lost their new team dynamic, lost everything they had started to create, they now have to adapt to a new group, who were once their enemies and who have at one time or another done a nasty deed to them, and fght their former comrades. They will also have to obey a new leader whom they did not elect. You can think what you want about Etoiles but he was chosen, and him as leader allowed a certain dynamic that would not be possible with other people and another leader. And that would ruin the danger and credibility of Purgatory which threatens people's lives and then leaves them alive and in the company of their friends.
Worse, Etoiles ends up on the Red team. First, I want to see them lose (which should happen anyway since they're not the cursed team), and also because I don't trust the Red fanbase with Etoiles at all. Not even with an anti-atomic suit. There's a reason I hate Bolas, and it's not the cc's fault. (One day we'll have to talk about using a character played by an Algerian to be a literal white man's dog)
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elcucurucho · 4 months
I’m going to miss richas so much, he had so much personality I loved him basically from the start, even before I started regularly watching any of the brazilian creators
The first time I really heard portuguese spoken was when the brazilians joined the server, so when I first started watching cellbit more I relied pretty heavily on the translator. it’s funny, I remember not being able to read his egg signs at all, but when I go back and watch vods now I don’t have much trouble with it. My favorite egg for almost a year. I can’t thank Ricardão, and the qsmp team as a whole, enough for being that bridge for me. It’s been a crazy year, and even with the struggles I wouldn’t trade it for anything. você estará na minha coração pra sempre richas <3
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