#qsmp phil neg
tubborucho · 10 months
Yeah, I am pretty sure he thought of it as a light-hearted way to explain Sunny why Tallulah is moody. Doesn’t change the fact that it was a fucked up thing to say and genuinely hurtful for a literal toddler.
This and your point about people not being able to let go of the whole Dadza thing are two of my biggest problems with q!Phil. I know it's not cc!Phil's fault how people treat him but the way people overhype his parenting does make it more irritating as a viewer. It's not just fans, though, most characters seem to share this view of him as an amazing Dad. The fact that he stepped up for Tallulah when Wilbur left is great and the effort he puts in is great, but his parenting skills are just okay.
It feels like every time he talks to or about Sunny he ends up doing something bad that's brushed off because "that's just how Phil talks" or "he's just protecting his kids".
His reaction to Sunny's train was awful. I know he has a banter-y relationship with Tubbo but he was criticizing her father and her own choices right in front of her. It felt like he didn't even absorb any of what Tubbo was telling him. Like, why did he keep complaining about it feeling sterile when it was a brand new build and Sunny chose the white blocks themself?
The morality test about stealing the panda was completely unacceptable. Genuinely horrible thing to do to a child especially when he told her point blank at the end that it was a test that she managed to pass. Why would she trust someone who might be secretly testing her?
The talk in the museum was bad for both Sunny and Tallulah. Tallulah isn't "in a mood," she has genuine concerns but has still been making an effort with Sunny even while trying to maintain some distance. For Sunny he was playing up a very real insecurity to make a point. It's not really fair to Tubbo either, his game was having issues and he left his daughter with two of the people he trusts the most. I went to watch from the vod for slightly more context and chat reactions and Phil did not waste any time at all. The moment Tubbo was gone he rolled straight into it with Sunny.
There was also a point a few days ago where Tallulah showed some discomfort over Empanada and Phil responded with this:
Empanada’s nice, you like Empanada. You like Em. It’s Sunny you’re not a fan of. Sunny’s just all in your face with money and sunglasses and shit. But, like, Sunny’s fine too. Sunny’s just a bit much though. Sunny takes a while to get used to.
Sunny was not around for this but it's still a terrible way to talk about a child. They weren't even the egg Tallulah was concerned about at the time. And I do believe that q!Phil wasn't trying to be mean here but he still was. He is consistently unkind to Sunny even when he's trying to make a good point or a joking.
Wait, is the last thing a genuine quote? Because I haven’t heard this one before.
And yeah. Listen, Phil is a good parent. He takes care of Chayanne and Tallulah very well. He is a good parent, but it doesn’t mean that he is good that way for every other child ever. I think people forget that Dad figures in stories don’t mean that they are perfect in every adult-child relationship ever.
He is a great dad for Chay and Lullah. He is genuinely very condescending towards Sunny. It’s like every time they interact he just refuses to even try to see past his initial impression of them. Phil wrote her down for no reason as a shallow and tolerable at best kid in his books, and acts on that judgement in a way that he doesn’t care about her in any way past their basic safety and sometimes teaching them stuff if they need it immediately.
The only reason he pays Sunny any mind at all is that he cares for Tubbo. Also not in a parental way that people (and Tubbo lmao) seem to try and picture it as, but he cares. Sunny is just a tag along.
And don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that he should love her like his own or even really like her. It’s fine. I am saying that he still should treat her with the same grace as other kids that are not his – she is a child, you are speaking of and with a child, being mean about and to them is not okay. Especially because this child did literally nothing wrong.
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qsmpconfessions · 9 months
I cant take q!phil seriously sorry, bro fucking started one sided beef with a KID. Because he felt the need to rant about his kids trauma to this kid
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royalarchivist · 7 months
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I say this in the kindest way possible, but I think this style of prose is more appropriate for a personal account rather than an update account. I have no idea who's being talked about half the time. 🥲
[ Tumblr meme via @mikaikaika ]
#QSMP#Philza#Edited#Phil#Let me know if this needs an additional tag#I don't think this necessitates a discourse or neg tag or whatever because I'm being silly but I'm happy to add one if folks need it#I won't post this one on Twitter I don't think because I genuinely don't want to hurt anyone's feelings#but. I feel very strongly about this. It's not helpful#I say this as a fan and as a professional writer (who also worked in the Marketing and Communications field for far too long)#The prose is nice! It's very whimsical and they're having fun! But I don't think it's appropriate for an updates account#I recently turned off notifications for QsmpEN and I'm considering muting them because half the updates just aren't helpful to me#I want to be able to speed read through the update thread I don't want to spend an additional 30 seconds trying to decipher who's who#I don't like posting complaints so I tried to make it a funny complaint#because I do think feedback is good! And I know I'm not the only one who feels this way#but at the same time: these update writers ARE volunteers#(As a side note -- I personally think anyone running a large social media account should be paid)#(I did that for a few years and it was hell. I can't imagine doing that and NOT getting paid for it)#But anyways#They're all volunteers so I don't actually wanna go all pitchforks and torches on them (which I wouldn't do anyways even if they WERE paid)#I'm just venting my frustrations in what is (hopefully) a funny way#but you're welcome to disagree! That's ok too#Portfolio
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x-crowmancer-x · 7 months
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"I just wanna go home? But home doesn't even feel like home anymore..."
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tubboscreation · 7 months
tubbo: you can go hang out with phil if you like? (... or bagi and empanada...?)
sunny: i'd rather sleep
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pikmininaplane · 9 months
fucked up in the crib thinking about how qPhil trusts qFit so much that he told him about his ‘hallucinations’ but Fit trusts Phil less than he used to because of Phil’s ‘hallucinations’
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doubleslashkarma · 8 months
Yknow what it's 1am. I'll say it, I'm kinda tired of people using the Pissa kiss to be like, "Oh, how can it be platonic Phil?" Like, idk how to tell you guys this, but platonic partners can kiss. They're allowed to do that, stop trying to prove their "wrong" about their own relationship status
(This is completely seperate from whether or not they're romantic in canon, or how you personally want to interpret their relationship, this is just about the justification people use to "prove" its /r canon and how it smushes relationship types into boxes)
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qtubbo · 7 months
When will people admit treating an egg differently from other eggs because of the relationship you have with their parent is bad actually, and you need to treat them as their own individual.
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yelow-heart · 7 months
I've been seeing a growth on hatred towards Tubblings (Tubbo's community) in here. Aswell as some explicit hate towards Philza.
It's not a huge issue yet, but before it is: know that we don't tolerate plain hate in here and u will be reported. Tumblr HAS a report system that works.
You ARE responsible for the things you say online.
Doesn't matter if you're famous, or a public figure, or just a jane-doe. You're not just another number or comment and u will be held accountable.
Be gone trolls
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phatcatphergus · 10 months
Phil: okay I’m listening to you
Phil: immediately interrupts and tells tubbo he’s wrong while actively trying to kill him
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tubborucho · 10 months
i can't stand all the people acting like the way phil treats sunny is ok because he's not intending to hurt them. he still is! even if he doesn't realize (which he should because the body language is pretty telling) his wording is bad and so is his timing. i get the idea of comparing traumas to show perspective but that is not ok. you don't go up to a child who is currently missing their adult and tell them to focus on the bad feelings in order to understand someone else. you could maybe try a delicate discussion of those feelings later but not while her pa isn't on the server! that's just cruel!
Yeah, I agree. I saw the argument that he said those things while they were in the museum, so it’s out of rp, but that’s just wrong. CLEARLY it was treated as an rp moment, considering Sunny’s reaction in the clip and her convo with Tubbo later.
Phil is really being, in nicer words, not considered or caring to her at all. And I mean, I get that he doesn’t care for her, it’s fine, Sunny is not his child, they just randomly popped up in his life. But it doesn’t excuse him of at least trying to treat her with some sort of respect and awareness.
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qsmpconfessions · 1 year
Confession time. Ive got a thing about cc!phil. It might just be me, but sometimes I wish he’d take RP and lore stuff a bit more serious. Man’s doesn’t have to be all in like Celbit or Jaiden or anything, but he usually pokes fun at lore stuff. An example being when Tallulah gave him the book talking about Will and wanting Phil to adopt her, he made a lot of jokes and 4th wall breaks. It was hilarious, don’t get me wrong, but it seems like Tallulah admin has a whole character they like going all in on and Phil is just kinda… silly? Idk, it makes me kinda sad because it can take away from some really great moments. No hate on him, but sometimes I wish he’d take things a bit more seriously. It is just a block game, but usually it has to do with OTHER peoples lore and… idk.
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rocking-space-dragon · 9 months
I stg people are just upset that they didn't blindly listen to Tubbo because they liked his theory more, and decided that he was actually right the whole time and everything went wrong because people didn't listen to him.
Like, Purgatory had plenty of issues, but I'm tired of people saying they did it 'wrong' somehow.
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anartisticdreamer0 · 10 months
can i add something to the sunny and phil thing? because im a philza main and i love tallulah, but i also love sunny!
so i’m going to start with no neg to anyone and i don’t really “side” with anyone either. i watch both povs (but phil more than tubbo) and i like all the characters! i also think it’s important to mention that most of the drama is v obviously caused by admins, so characters!
From Phil, he doesn’t dislike Sunny. this is something i’ve seen a lot of people saying that phil dislikes sunny and he doesn’t?? like from everything i’ve seen he does like them, she’s just not his egg. phil constantly is teasing the eggs, and when he originally introduced sunny literally all he did know of them was that she liked money and stealing. that was literally their only interaction at the time. but take for example yesterday, at the parkour, he took the time to wait for her, he left his own kids with tubbo to quickly teach them how to use the grapple, and complimented her new outfit.
I think the idea comes from him letting Tallulah not interact with Sunny. (which she is starting to change). to that i say, he’s a father first. obviously he’s going to put his child’s needs before anyone else’s. and even he has been hoping tallulah will warm up to sunny. saying yesterday when they were talking that he knew lullah just needed time. HE WAS LITERALLY HOPING THEYD GET ALONG.
Now I should make clear, Sunny is completely valid in feeling how she feels. i just think it’s important to mention that just cause that’s how they feel doesn’t mean she’s accurately seeing the situation. no, tallulah hasn’t liked her and is acting more hostile than she’s ever acted before. but with phil? that’s a misunderstanding. phil doesn’t dislike them and even if he did, it wouldn’t be her fault. From what i’m seeing the problem is tubbo.
he’s not communicating sunny’s needs to phil like phil told him about how tallulah was uncomfortable with the new eggs. (which i don’t see anyone mention?? phil told tubbo that lullah wasn’t comfy with the new eggs) he hasn’t even confronted phil on how he didn’t like what phil said while introducing her. which i can get he might not want to talk about lullah’s actions, but phil’s own feel like something he could confront. of course, i’m not blaming him, just saying that the main “problem” point is the lack of communication. sunny doesn’t want to confront the death family, phil doesn’t know there’s a reason to discuss! (which i can say from personal experience sucks to know you were hurting someone and they just chose to hold it against you but not tell you.) so tubbo, who at least knows how sunny feels and believes phil doesn’t mean for it to come off that way, should be the middleman.
TLDR: Sunny and Phil have the big miscommunication, Phil doesn’t dislike Sunny he just doesn’t really know her, and ideally, Tubbo should intervene.
i know i didn’t mention lullah really, but like personally fair that she doesn’t trust the new eggs. and really i haven’t seen anything so neg about her other than people just straight up hating her for not getting along with sunny. which is it’s own situation. but that has nothing to do with the characters so it’s not my point. as i prioritize talking about the characters over the meta.
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svtskneecaps · 5 months
ok i do need to ask, do we like KNOW know that some egg admins have been playing as other silly npcs during this downtime or are we speculating. like i've seen people identifying admins with varying strength of basis since the eggs first existed but like. for a while there anytime an npc spoke portuguese everyone thought it was richas and then occasionally it would be agent 18 lmao so. . . are we doing that now or do we like Know lmfao
oh and to be clear i do mean varying strength; people were apparently spotting a leo admin's speech patterns earlier and since leo has such a distinct pattern (tho i'm not fluent in spanish LMAO) i'm inclined to believe that. but yea for a while people seemed to think portuguese=richas and to be fair there weren't many non-english npcs for a WHILE and really no portuguese besides richas (that we knew of) but it does mean i'm a bit more skeptical now when the audience starts trying to clock npc admins lmfao
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guckies · 8 months
Since I’m seeing discussion about it… time for me to put in my two cents
Bolas isn’t just Cellbit, Baghera and Philza and I know you’re aware of it… So could y’all please stop naming everything they do as bolas. When Bolas is them three, Slime, Jaiden, Foolish and Carre. Then after elimination, Roier, Etoiles, Mouse and Maxo. (Plus Antoine who didn’t log on after first few days(Just so you’re aware they were put in the order of least to most forgetten in their catagories :| it’s so obvious who y’all do and don’t remember))
If we’re really at it too, then I could circle back to the whole Bolas rescue mission and how I felt it made no sense that Foolish wasn’t included in that at all. Especially since his character was the closest to those characters, Cellbit specifically.
Or how y’all minimise the work that Carre and Jaiden put in simply because you didn’t see the work happening right in front of your eyes. Or even the fact that they weren’t all fighters but still managed to strategise a way into fighting everyone off in egg wars so they didn’t have time to find the egg but y’all credit it to three people as if they weren’t doing the fight like with Baghera’s chainsaws.
But I guess some of y’all aren’t ready for that conversation because you guys are too attached to the idea that they are a perfect nuclear family. It really do be your own people..
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