#qualifies for blue bc his eyes are blue
sage-nebula · 2 years
Honestly I think Tails should enter and win all the color competitions. Let him be a rainbow fox. The official mascot of Pride. This fox can fit so many colors in him.
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chaosandmarigolds · 3 months
Could we see a "Beauty and the Beast"-style plot, where the protagonist is a sweet new doctor at the base, and Simon falls in love with her for her kindness? And everyone else at the base is just stunned by the performances she gives to her and no one else.
Anyway, so this will be in the same lil format as Eek has been in- short lil segments whenever I get time to bc I HAVE PLOT and I’m just too busy to sit down and write a whole whooping 20,000 word story so instead-
As an EMT I feel qualified to write a medic (kinda sorta) but all the same, if I mess something up that’s my bad yall, I’m just dumb
Let’s begin!
“And any medical history I should know about?” He stared down at you, almost bewildered by the standard question you had probably been trained to ask for years. He didn’t want to have to call ems however since Johnny had been an idiot and crashed the car they didn’t get much choice, he had patiently waited with his slightly bruised arm and a cigarette. Since the accident was so close to base they had just dispatched the medic team. What he didn’t expect was you, bright eyed even thought is was early morn and your voice oh so soft.
“nothin that’s not on ma file.”
you hum to the answer and warm your stethoscope back around your neck, as the answer wasn’t exactly wrong, as you were very well accustomed with all of their fields. You nod, “I’m just gonna give you a quick little assessment, will you tell me if it hurts anywhere?”
Simon nods to that, straightening his posture as you stand, blue latex gloves feeling down his spine and quickly frisking his legs before going back to his arm. Your touch was gentle, experienced- he respected that.
“Okie dokey,” you mumbles and then kneel back down, looking at your bag and then back to the man, “I’ll give you some meds and splint when we back base. Is there anything buggin ya?”
he then nods, “Yes there is.”
to that you immediately look up from your bag, waiting for what he was going to say.
“When did you start?”
“I was transferred from New York about a week ago, it’s so pretty. Anyway! Let’s get you to the ambulance, would you like to get me the stretcher?”
“no no, Johnny need it more.”
you let out a little laugh to that comment, as it was a good joke taking how Johnny was very dramatically playing up the minor laceration on his forehead. “Perhaps so, Lieutenant, however you are my patient so you are my priority- please, how can I help you?” You smile at the end, a sweet gleam in your eyes and genuine intention shining.
If his pupils weren’t already dilated they were then, if he wasn’t already tachycardic he would be then, if he could induce psychogenic shock just to make sure you wouldn’t leave his side he might just do so. He certain…he was certain within that moment you would be the death of him.
(Um….yeah, I’m eepy, but!!! This had been brewing for so long and I felt bad so I’m so sorry!! I hope this is kinda what you were looking for! Toodles!)
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praisethegabs · 1 year
before sunrise
pairing: Leon Kennedy x reader
synopsis: he's alive and recovering. the sun is rising, it's time to start a new day and, possibly, a new chapter in your life.
warnings: mentions of injuries, being at hospital, deaths, and traumas. starts with angst, but has a happy ending like our boy deserves. fluff, leon being vulnerable and sensitive and the reader comforting him, references to id!leon and vendetta!leon. no use of y/n, second person (you)
author's note: the third and final part of before trilogy. this part took more time to write because i wanted a good ending. there's some quotes from infinite darkness and vendetta bc why not? i rly enjoyed writing this trilogy, and i'm sad that it ended. i hope you guys enjoyed it as much as i did writing this!
word count: 4243k (approximately, i've lost count)
before: part one | part two
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There was a soft breeze coming through the window, announcing the sunrise.
Although it was a cold day, the sun was shining in the blue sky outside. For some reason, you always enjoyed this type of weather. It wasn't cold enough, but it wasn't warm, too. It was perfect, even though you had to be satisfied with the view.
The walls were white, and you were starting to hate that color. Everything, absolute everything, was white. You sighed again, feeling the pain in your lower lip due to the cut you had. At least, it was something real, and you could feel it, and deep down, you were glad to feel something instead of cold, tiredness, and hunger. Even though you were safe, you hated to wait. And you hated even being at the hospital, especially when you couldn't do anything to change that.
But, just for some release of conscience, you weren't the one that was in there. Of course, the circumstances were terrible, but at least he was safe. Your mission was a complete success, but you were so worried. Nothing could make you feel better, and you were starting to despise that feeling.
Sure, patience wasn't your best virtue, and despite everything you did, all that was left was to watch Leon while he slept, completely medicated and out of danger.
You managed to call for help, and you couldn't stop remembering the fact that he almost died due to high fever. When you found him inside that house, he wasn't breathing anymore, and things happened so quickly that you couldn't even process everything yet. In one minute, he was presumed dead, and in the next one, he was inside the helicopter and being medicated, being resurrected by someone way more qualified than you. You had your share of cuts, contusions, and wounds, but still, he was your priority, and you wouldn't allow yourself to rest until you had sure Leon was safe.
And you brought him home safe.
Now, you were in the hospital and waiting for him to wake up. You glanced at your arm with the clean bandage and then at your hands. You were shaking, and you couldn't tell why, or you were just lying to yourself again like you always did when you were under stress.
"Hey, you" you hear Leon say, his voice weaker and husky, but still your Leon. Your eyes meet with his and suddenly, there's only peace. "Where are we?"
"We're safe" you said to him, your voice full of concern. You were trying so hard to make things easier, even though he was indeed safe.
"What happened?" he asks again, closing his eyes due to his tiredness, his voice low and more husky.
"I contacted Hunnigan, and she sent the rescue team. The medical team brought you here a few days ago" you explained to him, careful enough to not let him worry.
"I was sleeping for days? I guess I needed to rest" he chuckled, and his comment made you smile, your body starting to relax. Yes, it was your Leon.
"You always look like you need to rest" you teased him, a slight smile appearing on your lips as you feel more relaxed around him. "I'm glad you survived. You scared the living shit out of me... again"
"Are we doing scores now?" Leon teased you, the same sentence you used when you were helping him years ago during the outbreak in Raccoon City.
"How do you even remember that?" you ask him, laughing out loud, completely caught off guard by his question.
"I have a good memory, and besides, I couldn't forget the night you saved my life... twice" he said, smiling, and he looked very lovingly saying that way. Your heart melted inside your chest. "I owe you three times"
"Well, you made a promise to Marvin that day. I can't let you die, right?" you smiled back, feeling your cheeks turning red. After all these years, Leon still had that effect on you. "Even after we turned special agents, I'm afraid you'll stick with me till the day I die... and I'm pretty sure you'll still haunt me in the afterlife"
"Well, I'm glad you know that. I can't just lose the love of my life like that" Leon said, now opening his eyes and looking directly at you. "I'm sorry I scared you... I know you wouldn't let me die in peace"
"You're an asshole, Kennedy" You called him by his surname, but you laughed after you finished the sentence. "By the way, how are you feeling?"
"I'm in pain. Thank you for remembering it. Now I can complain about your terrible stitch skills" he tried to laugh, but his expression changed quickly, and he groaned in pain.
But you just laughed at him. Besides the laughs and the terrible jokes, he was still your Leon. The same man you had fallen in love with, and the same man you had the luck to share your home with. And, at the end of the day, he would be there. Home.
Life was weird sometimes.
You knew one day he wouldn't come home. One day, he could die during one assignment and leave you on your own. And the thought of that made your body shiver because you weren't prepared to lose him. The same thought was running through his mind. Although Leon had difficulty sharing his feelings, you could see and feel everything through his eyes. Words were unnecessary at that point. You knew him, and he knows you. That's all that matters.
"You look so beautiful when you're thinking about something else" Leon said, whispering, his voice soft as he looked at you, his blue eyes shining.
"When I'm distracted?" you ask him, smiling. True, he always loved to watch you doing absolutely everything.
"Yeah, especially when you're distracted. I love you, do you know that?" he asks you, a slight smile appearing on his lips as he declares himself to you.
"I love you too" you smiled again, your heart full of joy at the moment. He always expressed himself through actions instead of words, so hearing him say that, well, it completely melted your heart.
But suddenly, you caught yourself thinking about everything, starting with Raccoon City and ending with your last assignment, the one that almost ended Leon's life. You felt fear, although you usually didn't have time to feel scared like that. He was safe, right? Then why couldn't you feel the same? Your mind was tricking you to think otherwise, and you were starting to hate this.
"Hey, I'm fine" Leon said to you like he could read your mind and like he knew what was going on with you. "I'm not gonna die, trust me"
"I'm scared, and I don't know why" you replied, looking straight at his blue eyes, seeking comfort. "All that happened... Jesus, I can't let go, you know? I can't stop seeing Raccoon City all over again... you almost died in there and almost died again in our last assignment... and I just don't know if I can do this anymore. I can't lose you"
"I'm not going anywhere without you, babe. I promise you" his voice is full of comfort and kindness, as he talks very smoothly and caring. Sometimes, you just forget how lovely he can be. "I'm here, aren't I? I'll never leave you because if I do, then who's gonna haunt you in the afterlife?"
And with that, he made you smile. Even in pain and tired to the bones, he still tries his best to comfort you. You kiss his forehead gently as he sighs to your touch. He loved being kissed and spoiled by you, even though he wouldn't admit that to anyone, not even you.
"Get some rest, I'll go see if I can find any snacks to eat" you said to him before leaving his room.
He then sighed again, feeling much more tired than before. At least, he wasn't lost and alone in the middle of nowhere, and even though he also hated being in the hospital, Leon was feeling much happier having you around him. He glanced outside the window and started to thank every possible God out there to let them know he was glad to be alive again. The sun was rising, and he had a new opportunity to make things right.
Slowly, he started to close his eyes, embracing the darkness and diving into a dream.
He was again in Raccoon City. Leon could feel the cold rain touching his skin. He could see the nightmare that place was. Worse, he could see the tyrant that was hunting you both that day. His heart started to race inside his chest. He was scared to be in there again, being obligated to see his worst nightmare again and feel that all over again.
But, this time, something changed.
He saw you running from the same tyrant, and this time, he wasn't able to help you. Leon had to watch you die. He screamed and cried, he tried to get rid of whatever was holding him against the floor until the dream started to repeat and he realized he had to watch you die over and over again, unable to save you.
"NO, PLEASE! STOP!" he screamed, waking up. His breath was heavier. He was shaking and sweating. When he realized it wasn't real, he started to look around desperate, trying to find you.
"Leon? What happened?" you ask him, entering his room. He was still breathing heavily and shaking.
"It's... it's nothing. I'm fine" he lied, but he knew you already had figured out what happened to him. He was a terrible liar. "Don't look at me like that"
"Did you have a nightmare?" you ask him, sitting on the edge of his bed, your hands caressing his leg above the blanket that covers him.
But he didn't give you an answer. Instead, he remained silent, trying to calm himself down. His hands were shaking, and for some reason, words were unnecessary. You just knew what he needed. So, without telling him anything or asking him for permission, you just embraced him with your open arms, as if you could protect him from everything in the world.
And, with that warm embrace, Leon started to cry.
It was unusual for him to be so vulnerable like that, but truth be told, he was so tired. Every night, he had the same nightmare, but he always thought he could deal with that. Until he saw you dying, and there was nothing he could do to keep you safe. He had to watch you die. He had to hear you scream and hear you blame him for everything bad that has ever happened. And this time, he couldn't take it. He was scared, truly scared.
"It's okay, it wasn't real, and you're safe" you whisper to him, your voice soft and caring enough to calm him down.
"I saw you" he sobs, covering his face on your chest so you can't see him cry. "I saw you die... and there was nothing I could do to save you"
You said nothing. Instead, your hands were running through his hair. You knew he always had a soft spot for that, and he always loved being touched by you. He was indeed touch starved, but he always worshiped you for touching him so softly, so kindly. Slowly, he started to calm down, although you could hear him sobbing.
"It wasn't real, Leon" you assured him, your voice calm and yet caring. He needed that. He needed to remain that he did all he could, and it wasn't his fault. "Nothing bad will ever happen to you again"
But he kept sobbing, his voice muffled by his face covered on your chest. And he cried and sobbed like that until he fell asleep again, tears falling through his face. You gently covered him with the blanket, and then you gave him another kiss on his forehead before you left his room again. You were tired as well. You missed your home, and you wanted so desperately to run away from the hospital. Your thoughts were interrupted by someone calling you, and when you saw 'Redfield' on the screen, you just sighed.
"Hey, you" Chris said when you picked up the phone.
"Hey, Redfield. What's up?" you ask him, walking around the entrance to the hospital, where you could hear the sound of the traffic and the city.
"How is he?" Chris's voice seems to be concerned, and you know he is worried about Leon. You glanced to the sky before thinking about everything that happened.
"He's fine... Leon woke up today, and to be fair, he's really tired" you tell Chris, still remembering everything that happened during your escape. Just the thought of Leon being so hurt like that made your stomach twist. "But I guess he'll be here for a couple of days"
"Yeah, I thought so" he said, and you could imagine him shaking his head, and you smiled. "Can you tell him I called?"
"Yeah, sure... I'll let him know," you said, nodding your head, although Chris wasn't there to see you. "How're you doing?"
"The same as always. I'm investigating a guy named Glenn Arias, and hopefully, I'll find him soon" Chris said, now sounding very excited. It was a surprise he had time to check on Leon. Sometimes, he was very busy at the BSAA. "But I need to get going, I just wanted to hear from you. Take care of yourself"
"Yeah, you too, asshole" you smirk slightly when you call him an asshole. Then, you heard him laugh as well before he ended the call. Your hands were shaking again, and you were starting to feel the consequences of what happened.
You weren't weak, but this time, you were feeling something different inside you.
Sure, seeing the love of your life almost die in front of your eyes while there was nothing you could do to stop that... You were tired and overwhelmed by something you had never felt before, and you hated it. You looked up again, observing the sky, trying to calm yourself and noticing the shapes of the clouds and the colors combined. It was beautiful.
You took a deep breath and then returned to his room. He was sleeping peacefully, although you could see his swollen eyes, the result of so many tears being released by his sudden breakdown. It was so unusual to see Leon vulnerable, but you knew that he was tired of saving everyone and having no one to save him or take care of him when he needed it. And you understood that you were the one to do that. You were his home and his safe place, the one he needed to assure him everything was fine.
Sometimes, he just needed you.
Saving the world was a tough job and took everything from him, except for you. Sometimes, he needed to feel your touch, feel your presence, and hear you tell him everything was fine the way they were. He wasn't the scared boy you met at Raccoon City. He was so different, and yet, he remained the same. His essence hasn't changed. Time couldn't break him, although it was rough.
He had to endure all over these years, but still, he was the same, Leon. His eyes only shine when you're around, and he can be very lovely and kind only with you, although he had a lot of trust issues you had to overcome with patience and love. Leon was your everything, and by now, you were seeing how close you were to losing him. And this memory was killing you inside, melting you like acid, poisoning your mind, and making you feel guilty.
"A penny for your thoughts" you hear his voice, even though he sounds husky for a moment. His eyes were swollen, but they were shining so beautifully.
"I thought you were sleeping" you smirk, sitting again on the edge of his bed, crossing your arms. "Chris called, just for you to know"
"He did?" Leon raised an eyebrow as he watched you nod your head. "Thanks, I'll talk to him when I leave"
"You should be sleeping" you said to him, sitting on the edge of his bed, making yourself comfortable.
"I can't sleep. I hate being in here, and I don't want to close my eyes..." he sighed heavily, avoiding looking at you. You knew what it was.
"It's okay to be afraid, you know?" you smiled gently, reaching for his hand. Your fingers tangled with his, as he slowly started to put his attention on you again. "We went through a lot, and we still have each other. This has to mean something, Leon"
"Do you think this will pass?" he asks you, and for a moment, you saw that he was truly scared. This was unusual, too, but you had to be there for him. He needed you.
"Yeah, I do. I have nightmares too, sometimes I'm afraid to sleep, I don't want them to scare me" you said to him, your voice full of empathy and kindness, as the comfort words were everything he needed at the moment. Leon seemed to be surprised, but he remained silent. "Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and look for you, to make sure you're here with me and safe... I know they twist your mind and make you feel worse, but they aren't real, and they can't hurt you. This is what I tell myself every night"
Leon nods his head as he silently asks for a hug. Your arms were around him in a warm hug, like you can protect him from everything else in the world. You both watched the sunrise outside. It was such a beautiful morning like it was telling you to start again. Like you both had a new chance to start a new chapter in your life.
"When you leave the hospital, we can start again, you know?" you ask him, your eyes still looking outside.
"What do you mean by that?" Leon glances at you, his eyes shining even more. They were like sapphires, and they had their glow. Such a beautiful pair.
"I won't risk losing you. I'm considering retirement... I've had my share of danger. And I'm done with it" you explained to him very calmly, but you were sure about your decision. The government could find someone else.
"Are you sure about that?" Leon asks you again, as he considers your words. You nodded again to him, and for some reason, you knew what he was thinking. "Maybe we can buy that house we've always wanted... travel the world like tourists and... grow old together"
"You don't have to retire just because I want to. I know you love your job and the adrenaline that comes with it... but I can't do this anymore" you tell him, trying to convince him to don't do anything he might regret later.
"Sweetheart, I know one day I won't be able to wake up again and see a sunrise like this. This time, I only escaped because you were there with me... but who knows what will happen next?" Leon said, his voice full of determination and certainty. He squeezed your hand to let you know he was convinced. "And if you won't be there with me, then I don't want to go alone"
You knew you couldn't change his mind. He was the type of person who once decided something, he wasn't going back. On the other hand, it was a tremendous surprise to see he was willing to retire just for you. He wanted so badly to have peace and a happy ending that he would do that.
"When I was a kid, I used to think about what kind of man I'd grow up to be. I never thought my life would turn out this way" Leon sighed heavily, avoiding looking at you while he was rethinking his entire life. It wasn't a secret to you that he was an orphan, that his parents were killed, and he was left alone, saved by a cop, which led him to become one of them. You just knew. "I keep fighting... and fighting and fighting. Instead of seeing an end to this shit, it just keeps getting worse. Is this what my life is supposed to be? Fighting the living dead and the bastards that make them? What's the point of it all? It feels like I'm stuck in a goddamn loop... how much longer can we keep going on like this?"
And there he was.
The broken man you loved and tried to heal over and over, the man you saved a thousand times. The same man that carried this trauma since the day you met, the same pain in those beautiful sapphire eyes. He was done. And you both knew that. He reaches for your hand, a desperate way to seek comfort, to know you both share the same thoughts and feelings. He needed to hear that. He needed to be sure you were on the same page.
"You never seemed so angry about something before..." you smirk, seeing his face relax for a moment. He hated talking about Raccoon City.
"I'm angry because the government wiped the city off the map and covered it all up, I'm angry because there were people alive in there. There were families alive in there. And they didn't even try to get them out. They also said it was a tough call" Leon sighed again, he never spoke like that before, it was like he was hiding it inside him, waiting for the perfect opportunity to let it all out. He needed to get out of that off his chest. "So, tough call my ass! You can not save a country if you don't give a damn about the people in it"
Then he sighed again. He was keeping it inside his chest for so long that he felt great to speak his mind without being concerned about the consequences. It felt so good to finally be able to say whatever he wanted because he knew you wouldn't complain or say otherwise to him.
"So, yeah, that's why I want to retire as well. I'm so done with this that I don't want to spend the rest of my life chasing freaks and preventing the end of the world. They can find someone as good as me" he finally looks at you, seeking some kind of approval, although he didn't need one.
For some reason, you didn't have an answer. Everything he needed at the moment was told through your eyes because you both shared a connection that sometimes, words were unnecessary. Leon felt relaxed when he noticed the way you were looking at him because you didn't have to say a word.
"I just don't want an end that means a coffin or wasting time with things that I don't like. I want to end my life living peaceful days without being scared and traumatized... I want to be happy" Leon finished his vent with a sigh of pure relief. He leaned back his head against the pillow, feeling a bit exhausted.
"Then I promise you, sweetie, we'll have the happy ending we both deserve." you smiled gently at him, finding the proper words to express yourself and to make sure he felt embraced. He just smiled at you, his eyes shining again. "You know, we create such unnecessary pain for ourselves"
"What do you mean by that?" Leon raises an eyebrow, his face slowly confused. He was so adorable when he was like that.
"Remember when we first met? You asked me about my perception of what happened in there, and I told you I was elaborating... I think now I have the answer" you said to him, smiling again. It was weird to think about that after so many years, but finally, it would have some conclusions.
"Yes, and what's your answer?"
"We think we're a failure because no one loves us. It's like we only exist if there's someone who sees us. Our life only has worth if we're living for someone else" you explained to him, your eyes looking outside the window, as you think about everything and everyone. "That restlessness we feel? It's our souls crying out to be set free from all the deceit we've been forced to believe"
"Your perception of the world always amuses me. I wish I could see things the way you see them" his voice is kind. He always loved to hear you, to listen to your voice as it helped him calm down during his dark days. You were light to his darkness.
Your face slightly turns red. It was weird. You always love to tease him and make him blush, but when he does the same to you, oh, dear God... you can't even react. He's the only one that has the power to make you speechless, the one that makes you blush harder and the same that makes your heart beat faster inside your chest. This man was Leon Scott Kennedy, and he would always have your heart.
"I love you" he said to you before starting to close his eyes.
"I know"
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bi-bats · 11 months
21 and konbart for the prompt meme?
hehehe for the record, this length qualifies as a drabble to me bc I cannot be brief. so 1800 words is totally a drabble, okay? anyways. if you haven't already, feel free to send me a pairing and a prompt from this list!! I'll be working through them over the next few days, and if I especially like any of them I'll probably post them on ao3 too! alright, here we go!
“Hang on,” Kon says.
“Hang on? I’m getting soaked!” Bart whines, tugging at Kon’s sleeve, trying to duck under his arm for some cover from the rain. His shirt is sticking to his back, his pants are sticking to his ankles, and he wants to peel all of it off. He wants to be somewhere dry and cozy, preferably with Kon warming him up.
“Just give me a minute, I want to feel the rain.”
“We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm, and you want to stop and feel the rain? We’re standing in the middle of a field! That is exactly what you’re not supposed to do!”
“Bart, you can outrun lightning, and it won’t do anything to me. Come on, just—gimme a minute.”
Bart throws a glance back at the hayloft, thinking about how dry and cozy it is up there. He’s been trying to drag Kon there all afternoon, but he does have to get through his chores for Ma. 
Bart isn’t going to cross Ma. The thought terrifies him. 
Plus, he wants pie later. 
But now is the perfect time! It’s not like they can do any chores with the rain soaking the field and the storm freaking out the animals and—
Kon’s voice breaks through the pattering thud of the rain on the dirt, dragging Bart’s attention away from the hayloft. 
He looks back at Kon—up at Kon. His bright blue eyes stand out against the black of his shirt, the gray of the sky, the pale color of the wheat in the field. 
A drop of water rolls down Kon’s forehead, between his brows, dripping down the side of his nose.
Kon raises a brow, and Bart realizes he hasn’t responded yet, he’s just been watching that drop of water roll down Kon’s face like an idiot. His face burns red, and he can feel heat creeping down the back of his neck, cooled by the water pouring down it.
“Yeah?” Bart finally answers, his breath hitching, his voice a little too high.
Kon reaches a hand for the strand of hair sticking to Bart’s forehead, so slowly that Bart doesn’t even need to slow it down. 
He does anyways, pulling out the possibility. The maybe of it has been between them for so long, so many moments that whisper maybe, so many looks that say maybe, so many touches that scream maybe.
Bart loves to pull out the maybe, to stretch it into something that could be yes before it turns out to be a no, like always. 
Kon’s hand touches down on his skin, warm, disrupting the water clinging to him. The strand of hair tickles as it slides lazily across his forehead, and Bart locks his eyes on Kon’s, trying not to blink so it doesn’t give his speed away. 
“Just feel it,” Kon says, and Bart’s heart stutters in his chest before beginning to pound, because Bart understood him.
Bart’s face burns hotter at being caught, but Kon’s hand doesn’t speed up. The corner of his mouth is tugging up like there’s a secret tucked into the corner, something just for the two of them. 
Normally, Bart hates being told to slow down. It always feels like a callout, like something he’s doing wrong. Like he isn’t already trying.
But Kon doesn’t make him feel like that, not right now. It’s not like he thinks Bart is doing something wrong, it’s like he’s trying to show him something. Like he’s telling him a secret.
Bart listens. 
His shirt still clings to his skin, his pants still cling to his ankles, the water is still cold on his skin—
But he notices the whisper of wind, gentle at this speed. The warmth of the air contrasting with the coolness of the water on him. The smell of wet grass and mud and ozone and summer, the way the air is thick when he breathes it in. 
The slow track of Kon’s fingers against his scalp. The nail of his thumb grazes the tip of Bart’s ear as he tucks the piece of hair behind it, his fingers lingering on Bart for what feels like twenty seconds, but is probably three.
Kiss me, Bart thinks as Kon’s fingers free the strand of hair. 
Kiss me, Bart thinks as the clouds behind Kon begin to glow in the distance, light spreading across them.
Kiss me, Bart thinks as he stares at the vivid blue of Kon’s eyes, like those poppies in the Himalayas or that lagoon in Jamaica or those dart frogs in South America or any other number of things he’s run past and never thought this hard about.
Kiss me. Kiss me kiss me kiss me kissmekissmekissmekissme—
It tumbles out of Bart’s mouth faster than he can stop it, even at his max speed.
“Kiss me,” he says. 
The lightning strikes behind Kon, flashing suddenly, a rumble of thunder so loud it feels like it’s shaking the ground, so loud he can feel it in his chest, but not quite loud enough to cover the sound of blood rushing in his ears. And probably not loud enough to keep the pounding of his own heart from hitting Kon’s. 
The one thing about having superspeed is that Bart can slow time down (almost) as much as he wants, but there’s nothing he can do to make it pass quicker. 
Maybe Kon didn’t hear, he thinks in the excruciating moment that Kon doesn’t answer. Maybe Kon doesn’t want to kiss him, and is trying to think of how to let him down gently. Maybe Kon is going to tell him he would never do that. Maybe Kon is going to laugh at him, god, that would be embarrassing, but look at him, he looks like he stepped out of a Greek myth, all muscles and golden skin and perfectly carved features. Maybe Bart just fucking ruined their friendship, because he’s been making up all of these maybes that were never actually anything in the first place, and now he’s fucked it all up beyond repair—
Kon’s fingers sink into the hair behind his ear, tickling the skin of his scalp, making a barely there tingle slide down his spine. Not quite enough to make him shiver, but enough to make his back straighten. 
Before he can think of another maybe, that secret in the corner of Kon’s mouth gives itself away, pulling into that one wide smile that makes a dimple form on his left cheek. His eyes sparkle, and another flash lights the sky up behind them, another rumble of thunder rolls through the air, and Bart doesn’t wait to hear what he has to say. 
He crashes his mouth to Kon’s, thinking finally. Finally, he knows what Kon’s hand feels like clamping down on his waist. Finally, he knows the exact temperature of Kon’s lips, how soft they feel against his. Finally, he knows what it sounds like when Kon takes a sharp breath of air in against his skin. 
Finally, he can stop thinking maybe. 
Bart kisses him like he’s been trying not to do this for years, and honestly, he has been trying not to do this for years, and Kon kisses him back the same way. 
The slide of Kon’s fingers into Bart’s hair whispers finally. 
The urgent press of Kon’s lips says finally. 
The way he hauls Bart closer screams finally. 
They kiss until their hands are sliding off of each other from the water, from trying to get closer. 
Also, until there’s another flash of lightning that was maybe a little too close to them. 
Bart flinches away, his head whipping to the side to see if they were actually in any danger of getting struck by lightning. Being able to outrun it is only helpful if you’re paying attention. 
“Okay, I think I should maybe bring up the whole field and lightning thing again,” Bart says, his eyes flickering back to Kon’s. 
Kon’s mouth is slightly open, his breathing still heavy. His lips are puffy and red, and his eyes are wide, his brows high—
“I thought… I thought maybe I was making it up,” Kon says.
The laugh that falls out of Bart’s mouth is a little breathless, and he tightens his arms around Kon’s neck, letting his palm lay flat between his shoulder blades.
“You weren’t.”
The laugh Kon lets back out at him is just as breathless, just as relieved. It tickles across the water on Bart’s skin, which reminds him that actually, he would very much like to be out of the water. 
“You were right about the storm,” Bart says, and suddenly Kon gets that look in his eye that he always gets before he’s about to start bragging. “I get it, but I am freezing out here.” 
Bart shivers for effect, and the look slides out of Kon’s eyes, replaced with concern. It’s sweet, how Kon always gets worried about Bart and cold. 
“Let’s get you dried off and warmed up,” Kon says. There isn’t a hint of anything in the tone, but Bart decides there should be, and a little smirk pulls at the corner of his mouth.
“I didn’t mean like that, Imp.” 
“You sure? ‘Cause you didn’t actually kiss me.” 
Bart means to be teasing him, means to be making a little joke out of it, but there’s a split second of panic, one last moment of maybe—
And then Kon leans in and presses his lips to Bart’s. 
It’s slower this time, easier, like there’s no big rush. Like they’re going to do this again and again and again, in the hayloft in two minutes and before they tug the covers of Kon’s bed over them tonight and when they wake up in the tower in two weeks. Over coffee and after dinners and during movies and before battles. Whenever they want, actually. 
Thunder cracks through the air around them, the loudest of it so far, and the wind picks up so much that Bart has to lean against Kon to brace himself, but of course, it doesn’t move Kon because he’s too solid. The immovable object to Bart’s unstoppable force or whatever. 
“Okay, inside,” Kon decides. A mischievous little grin pulls at his mouth in the second before he grabs Bart around the waist and tosses him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
Kon laughs at him as he starts towards the hayloft, letting Bart flail and kick his legs and giggle breathlessly into Kon’s shoulder blade. Even with all the water soaking them both, Kon never loses his grip. 
After they’re both curled up in the hayloft, dried out by Kon’s TTK and a few laps at superspeed, Bart listens to the rain against the roof and the muffled thunder and Kon’s heartbeat under his ear. 
He thinks he understands why people love thunderstorms so much. 
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woolydemon · 7 months
All your ninjago art reblogging has hit me hard with a realisation of fucking why do people bother to make Zane black if their gonna just give him the whitest blonde hair and blue eyes. It would be one thing if his hair was dyed but they put no effort into showing that it is, and he still has the brightest blue eyes ever. I get that they like the colour contrast, I get that they wanna show his ice connections, but if you wanna make a character black then at LEAST drop the euro centric beauty standards oh my god.
i do agree that I actually would like to see more of Zane with light hair that resembles actual bleached hair + brown eyes if he's going to be depicted as black.
Though I do think for the blue eyes part it is largely based on him being a robot, so like he's got led eyes that glow blue. maybe I'm not the best person to ask if this is bad or not, but I'm personally ok with this. It's not like ppl are supposed to think that's realistic (they're glowing robot eyes) + if ur depicting the other characters with non-eurocentric eye colors (like please. they're like all asian ....) as it further shows it's simply a robot feature (You can also argue his hair not resembling dyed hair is also bc of robot stuff like. Artificial hair ig??? Idk how I fully feel abt that one though)
but even then he does occasionally don looks where he's supposed to blend in with humans, so blue eyes can be a bit odd for that (in s8 though his human disguise had blue eyes in it... But whatever).
Another thing that would be cool actually for Zane to have light hair + blue eyes is for him to be an albino black guy. I do not see a lot of ppl depict characters in general like this, so it would be, as I said, Cool to see that. Still doesn't mean u can skimp out on making sure his features aren't eurocentric in this one as he's still black here
grain of salt for my takes on this since I'm not black I'm just passionate abt diversity in character design, feel free to wreck my shit or add onto it if ur more qualified to talk about it <:] ,,
#anon i also think a lot abt how ppl draw ninjago characters with white features and it makes me go bro cmon....#the other post i talked abt how i rlly specifically dont like blue eyes jay#give me brown eyed jay or give me death#like i said already i see all the characters as asian#(pls. just let me have this for my guilty pleasure butchered asian culture depiction media.#let me have them at least be asian and not white ppl in oriental aesthetic world)#so thats a no-no for me.#but also bc of the movie i attach the Pakistani headcanon onto him#so thats still asian. double no to blue eyes for me#Lloyd i can be a bit particular with too bc i like to think he has naturally brown eyes but Green Powers can make them look green.#like listen to me rn. You arent making the grandson of the guy who created this world White. You Arent. Dont Try It.#id honestly prefer if his hair was depicted as dyed too for that same reason#anywya this post is about Zane !!!!#personally i just cant stand white zane. too scary for me#and bc hes a robot i can be lenient on showing him with things like blue eyes and light hair as long as they're clearly robot features#like idk. due diligence besides that to appropriately show black features on him is the real make or break for me#thats my take a bit here ig. would still love dark eyes and realistically dyed hair#ESPECIALLY IF ITS A HUMAN ZANE AU. i wouldnt make that one blue eyes and naturally light hair#im typing this at 3am so if its incoherent and rambly. its bc it is#ask wooly???
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vonkarma2 · 2 years
31 and 37 ^_^
sorry every time I do one of these oc ask memes it gets really long lol
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
This is so hard I’m trying to think of who would ever be on tumblr in any scenario. My only modern day teenager ocs would either not use any social media (grace + saida) or use tik tok + instagram + discord (melanie + tane). Maybe Angel I can see that happening. Not in the present day though, because to me he has to exist in the past him being in the modern day doesn’t feel right for his character. I think he’d be on it like 2010-2013. Running a naruto and vocaloid fan page. He wouldn’t really have any friends online? He’s pretty shy and I don’t think he’d view social media the same way he does real life, he’d want to get followers not make friends if that makes sense. Maybe he’d run like vocaloid-secret-confessions or bestvocaloidsongs or something. OR. Very in depth meta on death note or fullmetal alchemist or something. Either classic vocaloid or mainstream anime but not both, he’d focus on posting abt just one thing. 
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
Hmm there’s a lot of them that qualify for this (I really like it as a concept actually this was a good question to ask) so I’m gna list them and explain a little
Tane: First of all, he’s like the center of a multiverse type thing, so he has a lot of copies, some of which aren’t human at all instead being like a demon or something. Second of all, he’s technically not real, having been subconsciously manifested/summoned I guess into existence by Melanie’s psychic powers. Accidentally, she didn’t do it on purpose. He’s sentient and everything though, and usually has the physical qualities of a normal human, although this sometimes changes when under duress
Melanie: She is physically human but she has incredibly strong reality warping powers (that she doesn’t know about) 
Rocio (Inanna + Shamash + Yiming):All of these characters are wizards, who start out exactly the same as normal humans like anyone theoretically could do magic in this universe with enough time and study and resources. However, if you do it over a long enough period of time (we’re talking like decades it’s very gradual) it does modify your cellular structure or whatever in various ways, and it makes you age slower. As well as how your brain works like your neurons stop working and your consciousness becomes powered by magic instead. Lot of boring magic system stuff aha 😝. Rocio has actually only been doing magic for like 6 years so this hasn’t happened to her yet at all, she’s in this category because she almost turned into a constellation like she was THIS close but she didn’t but she kept like some of the omnipotent knowledge the gained in the process and it’s like things man was not meant to know type stuff. Also because she doesn’t have to eat or drink or breathe to live. It hasn’t happened to Inanna or Shamash either bc they accidentally cursed themselves to have like their physical state maintained perfectly forever (it’s been 80,000 years so far and they are completely insane) which also makes them not quite human. It is happening to Yiming though
Gabriel: He was turned into an omnipotent tree 😞
Daisy: They eventually get their consciousness uploaded into software and sadly the original dies 😞 so instead they inhabit like several robots at once. I think this still counts as partly human at least like they still have the same memories and personality they did when they were a human
Luke: Technically he’s dead. Like he’s fine but he did drown unfortunately. Does that count as not being human I think he’s sort of a separate thing due to being animated by magic + it like changed his appearance . By giving him blue anime hair and eyes he’s a magical girl basically who died by drowning but was reanimated in order to protect an undersea kingdom as part of a fairy tale. Yeah
Victor: In his universe, when you die you are reincarnated into like an underworld, but there’s not just one theres several like 800 roughly and when you die in one you go on to the next one like over and over. The only people who who go through this process are humans in the OG world (where the story takes place) so he is like, a human metaphysically speaking in this universe, and he was an actual human before he fucking died. After the first death you basically spawn in the second world the same way you were physically when you died (like age and size roughly) except you are instead a demon (in that they are considered to be scary + have like claws horns extra eyes things like that) and kind of a furry (furry in that they are usually based on one or two animals in appearance, but not just any animal it has to have some kind of a demonic/negative/deathly association like a goat or vulture or bat or something like that). So he himself is like a goat creature, but he also is human kind of. 
Mitchell: Originally he was a regular human, but he is subject to the corruption of a kinda lovecraftian. Bloodborneian. Entity that at first gives him visions of the future but later on like kinda drives him mad in the cosmic horror way sort of like he’s chill about it but it’s still an unpleasant experience sorry Mitchell
Adam: works for the United States government 
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demonwebs · 1 month
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A  FUCKED  UP  KISSING  MEME  bc  who  needs  soft  kisses  when  you  can  have  This   !
↳ @redemnation : 💔
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roll : 8. a kiss on an injury my muse gave to yours.
❝ oh , stop being a baby , ❞ are the words of comfort that first flee his mouth ; what , is he gonna whine to karlach about this too ? is he gonna bare his teeth and snap his maw at him like a mad dog ? ❝ i told you it was an accident . ❞ it was mostly an accident . not really . he might've let his arrow scrape his cheek on purpose while aiming for that minotaur . he was still feeling a bit resentful over the whole 'pushing him off a window thing ' while taking aim .
❝ it can't even qualify as a scratch . you're barely bleeding at all , ❞ cue the vapid eye roll as his gloved hands reach to cup the tiefling's blue cheeks without warning before he has a chance to protest , or whip him with that angry blue tail . he sticks out his tongue , licking the blood clean from the bruise he inflicted , leaving a sticky , wet trail behind instead . ❝ there . stop complaining now . ❞
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milflewis · 6 months
😭 angst or sad WIP snippet ! and 😍 published lines or a section of a fic that you loved writing? 💐 - @/red-flagging
wips and published fics ask game
😭 angst or sad WIP snippet: going with girl! sico that is gathering dust in my google docs to the point where i Did forget i had it until i went poking around for smth to show you
When Nico cuts her hair, Michael doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t even look at her, bent over data with his spikey-haired race engineer. Nico isn’t sure he notices.
Somehow, this feels just as bad as when he doesn’t notice her racing. That thought alone fuels her next decent qualifying run and the look on Lewis’s face when she rode him, refusing to let him come until she had three times.
(He hadn't said anything either when Nico showed up with her hair now short. Not until he tried to run his hands through it as he kissed his way down her neck, and frowned when they slipped through too quickly. He had seemed to like it later on when he was fucking Nico from behind, hair boy close around her ears.)
Nico isn’t simply pretty, she knows. Nico is beautiful.
Not in the wet hot dirty kind of beautiful like Megan Fox, or the statuesque gorgeous of Angelina Julie. No, she’s more old money cute — bitchy — beautiful; all blonde hair and blue eyes and perfect mouth and C cup tits that suit her skinny calves and small waist. She doesn't have many curves but her legs are long and her features are delicate.
Nico is beautiful. She has heard it enough. She has seen herself in other people’s faces enough.
Michael isn’t the first driver in her life to not seem to notice this. They are rare, but they still exist. Some days, it feels like Lewis only sometimes remembers. Jenson never lets her forget for all that it doesn’t matter to him.
But he is the first to not see her face and her driving at the same time. She hates it. Hates failing at a test she didn’t even intend to take.
The only thing worse is that Sebastian has won. Sebastian with her maybe B cups and her lack of hips and her badly chopped hair, nothing like Nico’s sleek bob, and her too wide chapped lips. Sebastian who is worse at everything than Nico except where it matters. Except when it comes to the car.
😍 published lines or a section of a fic that you loved writing? from my winner's room fic snippet
Lewis doesn't look at him.
He opens his mouth to say something terrible and most likely going to send several people here to an early death. Mick has realised over the last few months that Lewis is, like, sort of awful and that he should be grateful that he is so busy with all his different charities and rich bitch friends who eat hummus and whale sperm and whatever to have enough time to be a cunt like he used to be.
Jenson, it turns out, has a lot of opinions
this was v amusing to me to write - just the thought that jenson 'hardworking and industurious' playboy giving out about lewis's yummy mummy la friends to mick schumacher who cannot give less of a fuck is so funny to me. esp bc he can't go to nico (who will make it Weird) or fernando (who will make it Even Weirder) or mark (who thinks lewis is the coolest thing since sliced bread, therefore, also making it Weird) or sebastian (who has never not made things Weird a day in his life. esp when it comes to lewis). and mick, to me, who is a Sponge before he's anything else, just regurgitating it. even just in his head
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these-detestable-hands · 11 months
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Full name: Gregor Obsidian Floraz
Story he is from: trains and tragedy (same as Ione, Augustus and Delilah. He lives in the same world as Augustus)
Age: 34
Species: human
Occupation: nobleman, specifically he's a nobleman cause his family owns an estate (?) with a lot of ore (hence the last name Obsidian)
Hobbies: painting and writing poetry
Role in story: he's a family friend of the Mc and hides her when she's on the run after being framed for a bunch of murders. Also he's very close friends with Augustus.
Early story, a god gives him the ability to see ghosts and to kill and revive people as he sees fit. Gregor was absolutely not qualified for the job, the god just found him attractive and was bored. The weight of all this knowledge and the new abilities is too much and Gregor ends up gouging out his right eye. When he got these abilities, his eyes slowly started changing colors from dark brown to a greyish blue and it freaked him out a lot. (check end of post for more info bc this post isn't very well organized)
He has a wife called Sienna and two young kids, Carlotta and Dante. In the month long period when he got his powers then Sienna was not aware of what was going on bc he just said he was off on a business trip. She only finds out when he comes home and gouges out his eye. After that, they find some regent to take over the territory for a few months so Gregor could recover. When he regains power, he's a bit more distant and cold towards other nobles. He's normal with his loved ones cause time spent with them is just about the only thing that still feels normal.
Also about the eye thing, getting that much power in such a short amount of time made him really really weird and feral. Like you know how you act when extremely sick and overstimulated?? That cranked up to 11. And then even worse. Idk how to properly explain it but his noggin was completely screwed for a solid month.
Please ask questions cause I know I didn't cover everything but idk what else to add
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rainbluealoekitten · 1 year
I take deep, dramatic sigh as I gaze out of the cafe window. I adjust my long, rose pink hair as I think of him.
I eat a slice of chocolate cake. The icing reminds me of his hair.
I take a sip of black coffee. It's as bitter as his demeanour.
I quickly mask the bitterness with more cake before looking outside. His eyes are the same shade of blue as the sky.
I quickly shake my head to snap myself out of it - but it's no use. I've fallen too deep in this love - this obsession. Everything reminds me of him.
He doesn't remember me.
have been going back to this every few hours because i genuinely do not know what to reply? not sure what has prompted this and becoming paranoid trying to figure out if this is about me lol
i really love the similes and this reminds me of "fire and the thud" by arctic monkeys, with the whole concept of seeing the person you love in absolutely Everything (which i am also obsessed with)
just based on your writing here and also. PINK HAIR?? (so fucking incredible) idk how he could ever forget you bc you seem really cool, though idk if i'm really qualified to judge that lmao
keep writing though bc this is cool genuinely :)
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sugar-petals · 3 years
german national team intro masterpost
since these utter buffoons officially qualified for the world cup (let’s do this ⚽️) it’s about time i rec you our football dudes, here are some key clowns i mean essential players to watch for 🇩🇪👋
first, have one of our hot weirdos with his puppy to bait you
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if that interests you maybe nice thighs and arms will as well
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that being said we’re good to go 
so who are these shapely men in black then
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the german football team 2021 — coached by our nation’s tiny football dad hansi flick 
can you spot him, hint hint... he’s surrounded by a bunch of drama divos
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hansi is very important as he recently joined for a new era, not just because’s he’s walking all these attractive models around to drop our jaws but um i mean
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anyway i digress, more about father hansi in a minute. 
for overview purposes have a cheesy overedited pic of everyone who is currently kicking the ball around for us, not 100% up to date (edit: some changes for 2022 apply) but you get a good idea
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(”kader” translates to “our squad” basically)
but to us they are family, football is a big ole deal in germany
we all lose our marbles over the games (picture: pre-covid public viewing) and i’m about to explain you why our sexy football husbands are kicking up such a storm 
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welcome to our world. send in the clowns
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now you have to understand there’s no such thing as rational german composure you’ve been lied to
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our chancellor & president are always the most feral people in the stadium VIP lounge and intricately color-coordinated with the team and/or flag. everyone else (except maybe italy) is just watching football. we are living it
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even the introverts show up when the whistle goes, we’ve had retiring strikers do goal somersaults oh my god things can get 11,000% lit
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as of now our 2021 men have the right skills the right lewks the rainbow agenda and finally the right coach to turn the party back up again after the drought 
so it’s an honor my comrades let’s get cooking
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traditionally we play in black (away games) and white kits (home games) with four stars on the tiddies, and a surprisingly decent grey or blue for training — sweater paws included so everyone looks very cute and lovely
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i especially love the crisp white design, look at these handsome lawn runway stars
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our guys are very hard to miss they’re so notoriously dashing ugh the prettiness of them
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our ginormous captain has to wear much-commented-on shades of neon since he’s the goal keeper and we want to bamboozle the eyes of our enemies with the colors of the rainbow but the same goes for him
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... four stars since we won the world cup in 1954, 1974, 1990 and 2014 
(translation if you have no clue about football history: we’re quite decently competent, the team can always be reckoned with, only brazil has one more star and we famously beat them 7:1 at their own world cup)
2014 was the last wc win with our golden generation and 90% of our favorite but slightly embarrassing granddads retired since
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nowadays our mischievous pretty boys are 25 on average and we’re in the advanced construction phase to prep for the world cup next year which means we are cuter, sassier, more frustrated, and the eyebrows are immaculate
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in germany our dear eyebrow team is called “Deutsche Nationalmannschaft” (oof) as an official tongue twister but in english we gladly say germany nt for short and that’s the tumblr tag you find the fandom in
...where we provide you with spiritually fulfilling content like this
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it’s not an astronomically large fandom but there are blogs that update super often bc so much stuff (= our captain’s antics) can be talked about, during big tournaments this horny mob suddenly explodes, germany nt twitter is also alive and memeing. it’s no surprise, our drama club regularly delivers viral pictures that look like a rennaissance painting 
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lmao perfect
and ps: don’t worry about any lengthy german names etc — most of our national circus clowns have a short nickname it’s tradition, and a lot of their social media also have an international version or insta english captions, and the football fandom also posts in english
so why don’t we check them out with some short intro trash talk bits
what better way to get to know them than some gossip, we got that judge fest energy
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i can’t cover all of them so we’re going with 11 crucial clowns i know a thing or two about, who i can both praise and slander with confidence, followed by honorable mentions, plus of course model scout hansi
basics first, the only normal person in there: our highly anticipated team miracle manager and already former co-coach hans flick (56), stoic but touchy football father who should have gotten this job like. years ago cuz the buffoonery escalated at the last tournaments. you missed nothing, i guarantee this thread found you at the right time. hansi hands out hugs and quality head pats for all the bottoms so i truly respect him, since he signed up we did nothing but win which hasn’t happened in 84 years so bless the man. specializes in comforting babies, of course he’s a pisces, kinda incognito as 50% of our players are like 7′5+ glam towers but he looks like the suffering meme guy in younger so that’s how you know it’s hansi
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lgbt stands for love goalkeepers because tall: veteran human wall and nature hiking hoe manuel neuer (35), our rainbow team leader, has both nerves and green-clad booty buns of steel, living legend in germany, everybody stans him he’s famous famous, get ready for his ‘alternative’ aka straight up reckless methods despite pushing 40, this mf is anywhere but standing in his goal, most untrustworthy maniac i know but he walks with his chest pushed out plus he ruins christiano ronaldo’s penalties so he’s allowed 💚, can throw the ball as wide as he wants and where he wants, brilliant & bonkers in equal measures, aggressive ballerino playboy, we always wanna brag that we play fair but when manu clobbers another winger with his flying stunts we revoke our statement, he’s every striker’s worst nightmare, saves our ass 98% of the time but at what cost, dangerous bombshell blonde and thoroughly insane with cringy college humor, you’ve been warned, most objectified man in german history, he rolls with it and makes us sweat even more because he’s so cocky, all of football tumblr talks about how he layers and customizes his clothing because he’s so buff, our entire nation would risk it all to protect the holy fists and arms, dude can play in every position he’s nuts, our number one since years, but his name ironically translates to “neuer = the new one” in german so we always make puns with that, causes memes and a stir everywhere
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(...he’s ridiculous i hate him)
head corner kick clown in charge with the mouth catching flies: wild & tiny midfield einstein joshua kimmich (26) who wouldn’t stop yelling even if the pope god and the queen were present, when manu isn’t playing he’s the captain, kimmy boy is a high IQ twink that’s why, collects all the guys you crush on with his mustache so prepare, gives 300% bc why not, piercing eyes with small pupils, great ass great hair great legs great everything, has an extremely perfect face, this brat is hot shit, and holy moly work ethic, a breakup is peanuts compared to seeing kimmich weep for minutes about getting an injury or losing a tournament, he’s irreplaceable, “last time kimmich lost a ball? when he gave it to his son when they played in the garden”, josi believe it or not is a father of two yet he’s the one looking like a kid, reliable and out of his mind at the same time how does he do it, collapses if he doesn’t get extremely tight embraces from everybody, zesty life of the party, very expressive and whiny whirlwind to say the least, if you don’t know how to spot jo just look for the firecracker i mean look at him are his lungs ok, shakespeare has nothing on kimmich
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and those pupils... ⬇️⬇️ holy mother of manuel neuer look at that
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ok enough about the unhinged blondies, here comes the distinguished chill dude with the stirring pot goal celebration: our even tinier sweetheart serge gnabry (26) who goes by sergio when he feels like it, if i remember it correctly his aunt lovingly calls him that (awe), doing some great stuff on the wings, we stan quality, he’s a class act, same with his outfits, very couture very polished, very poker face brand of cutting swabian humor (swabia + bavaria = the southern counties in germany), if you cross him there’s a scathing jab reserved just for you, defends all of his best friends like no other, the master chef has some sick burns waiting in his oven, other than that he’s introverted and does his own thing, he even has decent goalkeeping skills, yeah he’s that bitch honestly, and everyone hypes him, his fellow but much taller players always lift him up a little too enthusiastically when he scores a goal and serge almost dies every time because his massive butt i mean center of gravity tips him over, here we can see on-site footage of jo kimmich saving gnabry’s dear life
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now tumblr’s favorite: terrifyingly buff and resident balding BDE man leon goretzka (26) who straight people lose it over like the world’s about to end, like how many spiralling stans does he have, they want a piece of him man they’re out for his curls, meanwhile leon’s good at his job i guess, extremely politically active too, has a signature frown which makes the hets sexualize his mysterious wrath, we get it you want to be topped just get out, generates conversation so you’ll never run out of content if you stan this dude, his whole personality consists of becoming more and more beefy but his redeeming quality is being diehard friends with the previously mentioned josi kimmich, these two lunatics make the football world go round, everybody talks about this duo, they donated 1 million for covid relief so that’s nice, in their free time they serve 20cm height difference cuteness and judge everyone together like the two aquarius trainwrecks they are, sometimes sergio joins, they just beam, but they also cause a lot of crackheadery, every minute leon gets even more ripped how does he do that
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(^...he can’t be serious)
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our human radio on two legs: good ole chatty southern man, 2014 world cup winner, another curly head, great large curls in fact, staple court jester, bs-dispelling troll and skinny legend thomas müller (32) who you’ll probably pronounce and write as muller and that’s ok, our team dearly needs this comedian and we dread his retirement since he’s from the golden gen, directs the midfield masterfully and off the field notoriously cracks every uncle joke you can think of, lmao nobody’s safe from his imitations and puns, once kimmich grows up he’s gonna be like thomas these two are so similar, if someone says germans aren’t funny direct them to this crazed bavarian card player crack, in any case he’s a must-know and underappreciated legend, his whole personality is all rustic, he likes horses, one of the few guys not dating some influencer but married since 2009, roasts the press as a hobby and trolls arrogant players, he’s a keeper, he’s the MVP, the meme machine, mü is the best. he’d so deserve the world cup next year i really hope we can make it happen
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that one scary viking guy: broad meme irl niklas süle (26) who is our token immovable object and tattoo jock regularly leaving the defense to play as an attacker and he’s pretty good at it, constantly improves, he’s from frankfurt which is where germany grows our skyscrapers so of course he’s 6′5, fans have baptized him with the honorable nickname of sülinho so the commentators regularly mess up and announce him like that in formal settings lmao, well then if you like a rough around the edges cryptid nikki is your dude, he looks very collected and intimidating which is great because nobody dares to come close to our goal, this dude weighs 100 kilograms or 220lbs, you can spot this mountain easily he’s like taller like the rock just without the eyebrows
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and now! cheekbones guy who scored THE champion’s league winning goal: hobby farmer and pianist kai havertz (22) who seems like he’s brooding existential questions all day but actually thinks about donkeys and dogs, chelsea paid a 100 (!!!!!) million to get this spaghetti frame, impossibly chill in front of the goal, has a notoriously cold neck & hands let me knit a scarf and gloves, very taut angular face so he gets called everything from emo habsburg heir to lizard prince, bisexuals + modelling agencies love kai so he’s approved, one arresting gen z masterpiece, unhappy without his blonde emotional support bff julian brandt who is currently not nominated for the nt so expect grumpy havertz, topples over often and struggles currently so i worry a lot, looks p harcore and plays the english way but his personality is cutesy without a single braincell, talks like he’s high 365, does this silly grin where his cheeks are like fish gills so i call him koi havertz, squints seductively to be the most f-able guy on the field, look at this expensive bitch it’s working
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👇and that’s mr. julian (25), seated, also plays in the midfield, he’s angelic i love this dude. also ‘never two beautiful best friends’ is a hoax as we can clearly see, the hoodie sex appeal is pretty banging right here
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more english-inspired style, our undercover goal jesus who could need a little hand from above every now and then please: resurrected chaos striker timo werner (25) whose streak of milennial pain and slander-laden misfortune always haunts him for months until one game where suddenly he explodes with skills and luck like ketchup from the bottle, understandably desperate and emotional man who you feel everything with, great at one-on-one with opponents but usually too fast to escape offside, that’s why his undercuts look so sleek, yeah that’s how you recognize him tbh he’s timo with the good hair, they see him rolling, they hating, at chelsea he’s playing with kai as forwards so you often see them hanging out flaunting their p(r)etty priviledge, in any case let’s hope for the best, you can see the pain in his eyes gee
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his name is complicated and has a dutch ancestry flair to it: our second goalkeeper and guardian angel marc-andré ter stegen (29), we all call him just ter stegen and basically never marc-andré like ter is his first name it’s tradtion, anyway he’s top notch, usually has nothing to do in the national team since our manuel’s aggressive ballerino booty can fly in all directions and catches balls from space but marc is a given and a goalie god at fc barcelona, so stop hating on him he’s great, germany is the nation of goalkeepers with good reason and he is no exception. pretty normal and likable bloke so less clown mode to be expected — usually, nobody’s truly in their right mind in this ass parade, i think marc’s insanity manifests in the fact that he does his saves like superman so this guy is a bit ridiculous as well, in any case he’s an absolute luxury to have as our backup, i love ter stegen, he’s superb, did i mention that i love ter stegen? 
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dc has flash but we have: lightning fast wing tech deity leroy sané (25) who already has several kids at home and all the clubs fight for him, oh boy he’s truly in demand, can’t be blamed he’s our most beautiful player: looks-wise, playing-wise, recently bounced back from a nasty mental block with the help of hansi, does extraterrestrial things with his pretty feet, v pleasant to listen to his voice is so deep, signature laugh, always somewhere giggling and snuggling w/ manu and especially his bestie sergio, cutest bunch, sané sounds like whipped cream (”sahne”) in german so we say he’s “allererste sahne” meaning creme de la creme so that sums him up, leroy is trained by pep guardiola in england, bag of tricks kinda guy, very tongue in cheek/teasing but he’s also a slutty capricorn, truly a combination of opposites, a talent and sight to behold, he gets several pictures because he’s leroy and my crush
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and last but not least, basically a child: nobody calls him jamal musiala (18) anymore because bambi is the best ever nickname for him, german football lore has it that it was leroy who invented it out of nowhere, the rest is history, bambi has the looks and playing style of a deer plus some remarkable talent but prepare to suffer if you stan him the child protection agenda has him sitting on the bench often as of yet, nevertheless he is our future and he’s really popular, we all baby him, his skills and sudden goals are truly shocking he’s born 2003 like what do we do with this toddler?! in any case everyone adores bambi and he is in — as we saw — crazy, but good hands so fingers crossed, you spot him by the way he pulls his brows up and looks v small despite being 6′0, don’t underestimate him he’s always ready to go off on that goal
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- honorable mentions, including some golden gen players:
antonio rüdiger (28) - also from the chelsea squad, very tall, defends, used to play with a mask due to injury, toni nibbles at our opponents’ backs to catch them off guard i’m not joking
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mats hummels (32) - tumblr famous to unhealthy degrees, it needs to stop, currently on break, caught between our golden gen and eyebrow twink era, gets called D**F a lot but we don’t use that weird word here, defends, king of own goals, nice black hair though
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toni kroos (31) - retired this year which i’m sad about, skillful real madrid midfielder who looks a little exhausted, infamously no-nonsense in interviews, badass with his tats, 2014 world cup winner, i miss toni </3
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robin gosens (27) - new on the scene, from zero to hero, made a good impression at the last euros, very honest soul, now injured, he looks like the younger brother of the guy next on this list
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lukas podolski (36) - poldi, was a sunshine himbo before it was cool, legendary retired winger, luke is cute and funny and confused he’s a national treasure, proof that geminis can be adorable, golden retriever
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bastian schweinsteiger (37) - retired captain and silverback, basti is now pundit, made a huge impact back in the day, best friends ever with poldi they made legendary meme adverts for crisps together
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miroslav klose (43) - the somersault guy, man he was the best striker ever, also retired a while ago i miss him tremendously, very stern but humble and a good man, miro is also a world cup winner, paved the way
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philipp lahm (37) - another retired captain from the golden generation, several defensive positions, infamously smol and very talented, bffs with big manu, brainiac short king, we owe him everything
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BONUS: robert lewandowsi (33) - he’s not german, he’s not in our team, he can’t join us since he already plays elsewhere (for poland nt), but our whole nation acts like he can because we want him as our striker lmao! get off tiktok lewy we need you 
(the four stars are from the munich club jersey which is unrelated to the national team, we like him since he plays there and is extremely successful, a lot of our national players are sent from munich it’s the talent factory, check them out for further germany nt research if u want, the club is legendary)
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and that’s it thank you for sticking with me here i hope you adopted some new ridiculous boyfriends and gained sexy insights about germany
as you saw we have pretty boys ranging from XXL to XXS so the buffet is open we have something for everybody
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collect yours and tune in for more november world cup quali games 2021 and the tournament next summer where we will spread more rainbow buffoonery than ever and smize the competition to the ground
totally official predictions:
during semi finals, serge gnabry will evaporate christiano ronaldo in his cooking pan, then bounce the ball into the goal with his big booty: instant man of the match
hansi flick will chant a magic spell and timo werner scores 15 times
thomas müller’s horses will eat france, italy, and whatever other team is good
kimmich distracts messi by hitting the high c
manuel will end england in a penalty shootout wearing a torn neon pink camoflage jersey
when we play against poland, lewy will cause an own goal so he can finally be our striker in spirit 😔✊
leroy sané will look very hot
leon goretzka debuts a tenpack
kai havertz will credit his dogs and donkeys for his success after scoring the overly dramatic winning goal in the final with those long noodly legs <3
it will either be clownishly tragic or eyebrowly glorious but in any case it’s good fun and you get to see some pretty people running from left to right and vice versa ⭐️ (and memes are pretty much guaranteed no matter what happens)
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for those who are already in the fandom and want to add their own husbands or some more sexy stats to this or if something needs correction go right ahead let’s go and thank you for reading + reblogging
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sorry if this is lame buttt a puzzle date with armin? or maybe just a bunch of different puzzle stuff Like word search, or crosswords and stuff maybe we get a little competitive and what not Sorry if this is too lame tho yikes
Y'ALL. *toots horn* I just wanna say that I have a special guest who VERY VERY kindly wrote this prompt! I hope the original requester doesn't mind! You are in for a TREAT bc @anlian-aishang is a genius with a very wrinkly brain. I on the other hand, am HORRIBLE at puzzles bc I am too impatient @@ so I apologize for failing you, dear anon who requested this date. BUT WTHOUT FURTHER ADO. Please enjoy.
tags: Armin x reader, fluff, food mention, modern AU!
Written by @anlian-aishang <3
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Puzzle my Heart
Two busy students you both were. Study jams this night. Extracurriculars that night. Lives that were overtaken by school - and you supposed it made perfect sense - that college was where you found each other. Midterms brought you both to the library, to that same fated table where only textbooks separated you. Ever since then, as your grades thrived, your relationship did as well. A campus made the background to your love story.
But it was now winter break. And suddenly, the grind had screeched to a halt - not in your relationship, but in activity. Staying in pajamas all day, no need to leave the house, television droning on until nightfall when you would go to bed and do it all again. At first, the reprieve was nice, but after this many days - it was almost boring?
Armin strove to change that today. Leather knapsack slung over his shoulder, box of chocolates in one hand, knocking on your door with the other. Jolted up from your nap, you ran to the door, flannel pants ruffled with your jog, slippers sifting on the wooden floor.
“A-Armin!?” You stammered, “You - You...? What are you doing here?”
At your frenzy, he chuckled. “Nice to see you too.” Stepping into your place, knocking his shoes of snow, his gaze kindred, “Sorry for showing up unannounced, I just realized, it’s been far too long since we’ve had a date.”
“B-But, you were over yesterday?” We watched reruns and ordered delivery, didn’t we? Err… Was that yesterday?
“Yeah, well…” Armin brought his hand to his nape and displayed a bashful grin, “I was thinking about it, and I think that - to qualify as a date - I am required to change out of my sweats and run a comb through my hair at least.”
A hand on your hip, brows knit, you teased, “And you didn’t think to text me?”
Armin gave a mild, knowing smile, “There was no need.”
Lips parted but speechless. Hands curled to your old wrinkled t-shirt and looked to him, embarrassed, Does that mean I need to change out of my sweats and run a comb through my hair?
Blue eyes glimmered. Like I said, “No need.”
You did anyways.
And it was only your apartment, only a random Sunday, but he had been right: for the first time in a long time, you were on a date again. Chocolates and crosswords. Record player and word searches. Not only doing your best to make a good time, but an added level of competition as you also aimed to beat the other. Using your minds as actively as you had for all the previous semesters you spent together.
Just like your brain felt that familiar feeling, you realized your heart did too. Golden locks shimmering in the sun. Slender fingers and a particular hold of his pencil. Eyes narrowed and attention deliberate on the puzzles in front of him, every so often, they would sneak a peek at you.
And just like you, he felt his heart aflutter, its pace racing again. The rapid descent of your gaze down the page, curiosity brimming. The love of learning. The thrill of studying a page. He felt it within - how he had really found someone who saw the world the way he did. Finally, there was someone that enjoyed his company as much as he did theirs. At last, found someone who could make the hours pass like minutes.
“We should do this again!” You snapped your gaze to him, enthusiasm sparkling in your eyes, “Armin! What do you think? Tomorrow?”
Armin nodded, gleaming, Today and tomorrow and forever after that.
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presidentbungus · 3 years
pls i am BEGGING ,,,,,, pyro/scout ,,, tha way how u write it is so good . mayb a little angsty thing ?? bc there isn't a lotta pyro/scout angst
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺, and hello thank you this is an excellent request thank you!
not sure if this exactly qualifies as “angst”, but hope it scratches the itch Anyway. enjoy. also read on ao3
There’s not much Scout’s expecting when he sprints into the little wood room behind point since literally no one ever comes in here unless they’re actively flanking, and in fact he almost totally misses it, but he tosses a little glance backwards and he sees blue in the corner and his brain goes Spy.
So he shoots, and he misses, and for a second his mind fizzles out until he sees the suit and the symbol and the still-sparking flamethrower and he realizes that’s Pyro, ain���t it, which is extra disturbing considering their mask is set on the floor besides them and they are staring up at him with wide unblinking eyes and he can see their eyes and something is very wrong.
They try to say something but it comes out as a sob. Scout falls over on his way to them but he scrambles up onto his knees and grabs their mask, tries to put it back in their hands even if they won’t take it, and finally he just gives up and looks at the ground and squeezes them and tries to convince himself nothing’s probably that wrong.
“Hey, c’mon, what’s this?” he says, anyway, just for good measure and all that. “I swear to god Mumbles. Tell me.”
They sigh for a long time, and finally they say: “Scoutie? Can you be honest?”
“Yeah,” Scout says—he rubs their back, rocks, tries not to look up even if they don’t seem to care. “Y-yeah, you know I will. What’s up?”
“… Do you hate me?”
“That’s… that’s stupid. Don’t ask that.”
Pyro flinches and sobs for a long time and god, this is the freakin’ worst. Remind him not to do whatever got Pyro like this ever again.
Eventually, they clear their throat and they gasp ‘n groan and say: “Have I hurt you before?”
And to be completely honest, Scout isn’t sure how to answer this.
He can’t say no, because that would be lying. He wants to say no. Instead he says: “Well so has Engie, but you don’t see him crying about it,” and Pyro makes a weird kinda laughing sound and they grip him a lot harder, and this is at least sort of better than a few seconds ago.
“Are you afraid of me?”
“Again with the questions, god.” His shirt’s soaked through with—to be honest probably both of their tears at this point. “And what! No way. Why’d I be scared of you, you’re like a—“ come up with something Scoutie—“like a, uh, animal… or something. A cute one.” Good one. “I mean like unicorns. No offense but—“
“But I kill you all the time. And set you on fire and stuff. And—and that’s not what I’m supposed to do, is it? You don’t like that?”
“Well… I don’t like it, at all. But it’s your job, and anyway after we go out for ice cream and bowling and watch TV and set things on fire and I think that makes up for it.”
Pyro is quiet for a long time, and Scout almost thinks they’re done.
This is a mistake.
“One time on Dustbowl,” they say, and Scout knows this is going to be a headache. “One time I was chasing you around—you, instead of the medic, and instead of the spy, ‘cause I was having so much fun and you’re so fun to catch and—and I cornered you cause you’re bad at looking ahead and you said Pyro, stop it, come on, don’t kill me, and then I didn’t listen and I set you on fire anyway and…”
Pyro chokes. “And you screamed. I… heard you scream. Actually.”
“… Yeah?”
“I mean you didn’t laugh, or nothing… just hurt. I hurt you. And I think all those other times I hurt you too and… couldn’t think hard enough to notice that.”
Scout’s throat is completely totally dry, but he swallows. “Big whoop.” Is he really gonna say this? “It’s your job. I get it. It’s not that big of a deal, okay? I’m here right now.”
What’s the word? Patronizing. You’re a gigantic fucking dickhead Scoutie. “And even right now you’re trying to hard to make me think that I’m… not hurting you. I know I am. I can handle it, Scoutie.”
“And so what if you are? How many times do I have to tell you you’re fine ‘fore you just shut up and listen?”
“I just don’t understand why… why you try so hard for me. Even though I do nothing back. I don’t think I deserve it—“
“Shut up or I’ll punch you.” Scout means it. “You’re wrong. You’re fuckin’ wrong, okay? I—just ‘cause you go around setting shit on fire—setting me on fire—just doing your thing—shit. Look, I… look. God, this is hard.”
Pyro squints, but thankfully says nothing.
“Look—if I was good with words I would prob’ly say some big stupid thing about how great you are and how freaking stupid you’re being right now and—and all that. But obviously I ain’t, so…” Scout takes a deep breath, hopes the words start comin’. “D’ya remember that time—that one time you stole your Engie’s truck, right, and drove it down to my base even though it was a stupid idea and Sniper shot out the headlight and we went ‘n got ice cream in Teufort and… and made out in that alley behind the bookstore that ain’t there anymore?”
“And then we got mugged,” Pyro says, sniffling.
“Yeah. Then we got mugged. An’ you grabbed that guy on the shoulder and flipped his whole ass over onto the ground and took his wallet and then we split before the cops rolled up.”
“You’re terrible at telling stories. The cops did roll up. We got arrested.”
“And we burned the jail down and didn’t pay them a cent of bail money,” Scout says. “That’s like the first time that happened. And—and then I remember, specifically when I was getaway driving and shit ‘cause you hurt your hand—“
“You’re the worst driver I know.”
“I know. You said that. But we crashed the car in the ravine and I remember you turning to me, and your mask was just a lil’ like off and I remember seeing you grinning like the widest I ever seen. And you turned to me and you said ‘that was fun’. Like, completely straight.”
“That’s not what I sound like.”
“Yes it is. And anyway you just—I mean, we just got arrested and your hand was prob’ly broken and we crashed the truck in the ravine and we both knew both of our Engies were gonna kill us, probably at the same time, and I was just crying ‘cause I was worried I ruined everything and I heard that and, like, wow. And you leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and I realized you were just having the time of your freakin’ life and I think that’s when I knew that it was all worth it—that no matter what I did you’d just be okay with it, because you’re insane in a good way. Cause you’re so weird and out there and nothing like anything I ever dealt with and I love it, and I love you, and don’t you ever say you don’t deserve anything ever again, okay?”
And Scout reaches for more words, and he finds that there is none.
Ran out of things to talk about. Imagine that. And Pyro just shakes for a long time, and holds onto him tight tight tight, and it must be like five minutes before they open their eyes, he feels them smiling against his forehead, and they say: “Scoutie, you’re too good for me.”
“Shut up, no I ain’t.”
“Okay, fine.” They’re laughing. That’s a good sign. “Fine. I’m too good for you, huh?”
“There you go.” He’s still crying. Why is he still crying? “Now you’re gettin’ it.”
Pyro doesn’t say anything after this, for a little while. They just sit, and hug him, and he hugs them back, and things explode outside, and Pyro smells like smoke and antifreeze and probably asbestos and Scout just buries his head in the crook of their neck and tries to hold on tight as he can.
“… I take it back,” they mumble, after a really really long time. “You’re good at telling stories.”
“You know it, numbnuts.”
“We should probably get going at some point.”
“I think we should stay here… longer.” Good one. “Just for a little bit. Please?”
“Yeah. Definitely.”
“… Thanks. I love you. All that mushy stuff.”
“Hmph.” Pyro laughs for a while, and Scout releases a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding. “All that mushy stuff to you too.”
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Comfy, my darling, I come requesting the delight that is Jaskier as Persephone! Please and thank you 🐺🌼
Ily and i’m very glad we’re interweb friends!!!
Pomegranate Seeds
I took some heavy creative liberties here and twisted the myth a little bit for the sake of the vibes. Geralt is Hades, Jask is Persephone and that’s the only character crossover bc I wanna give them all my attention. There will be more too 🥰
Warnings: ...none? jask runs away? its greek but like we got rid of the shitty bits.
Geralt seethed as he stalked up the winding path through the gardens of Mt. Olympus. He liked the underworld. It was his home, his realm, and more importantly, his brothers never ventured there without warning. He grumbled about the ‘fucking humans being needy and bothering him’ as he cut through an orchard.
As he neared the largest tree, he slowed his walk, feeling his irritation melt away little by little as he heard an entrancing voice floating from its upper branches. The song was sorrowful and filled with a simmering resentment Geralt had never heard anywhere but his own thoughts. He came to stop under the tree and leaned against its trunk, listening in rapture. 
When the voice went quiet, he spoke without thinking, “That was beautiful.”
There was a yelp and a couple cracking branches before a young god dropped almost gracefully to the ground, “It’s rude to eavesdrop.”
“Is it?” Geralt chuckled, still leaning against the tree and watching the god closely as he righted himself and brushed his soft brown hair out of his eyes, “I live with the dead. They don’t talk much.” 
“Oh?” there was a flirtatious glint to the younger god’s blue eyes before he finally put two and two together, “Oh! Oh no, you’re- shit- My apolog-”
“No need,” Geralt interrupted, “I intruded on your singing,” he hummed with a sly smile as he brushed past the confused god to amble along his path to the wretched meeting he was due at. 
“I- well, yes you did! Why?” the god seemed to get his wits about him as he jogged to catch up. 
Geralt shrugged, slowing his walk, “I… appreciate the lyrics.”
“I’m Jaskier. By the way,” the singer bounced along in front of Geralt, walking backwards as he chattered, “You appreciate my mourning the loss of my autonomy? That I am forever to be singing in a garden to make things grow just because of my mother?” 
“Demeter’s Jaskier?” Geralt frowned, knowing very well how Demeter liked to control her human pets. He couldn’t imagine how… well yes. He could imagine what kind of a controlling mother she would be. Gea had been no picnic after all. 
Jaskier wrinkled his nose and nodded. 
“You don’t want to sing?”
Jaskier spun on his heel and fell into step next to Geralt, “I love to sing. But I want to do it for me. Making it a duty sullies the… the…” he trailed off for a bit, staring at the blossoms and fruits in the trees with his tongue peeking out of the corner of his mouth. Geralt found it unreasonably endearing and waited patiently for him to find the word.
“When I sing for myself it is cleansing. When I do it for others it feels disingenuous and wrong.” Jaskier decided. Clearly, he had been spending time with the muses. 
Geralt nodded, “You want more than what you’ve been offered here.”
They had, to Geralt’s dismay, come to the edge of the orchard.
Geralt stopped and faced Jaskier, a slight upturn in his lips, “Maybe you should find what pleases you.”
Jaskier smiled like the glittering diamonds embedded in the walls of Geralt’s palace, nodding fervently as Geralt turned to go. Just before he was out of reach he heard the singer whisper, “I think I just did…” 
Geralt paid even less attention to the discussion than usual, his mind wandering back to Jaskier. He decided, as he glared at his brother boasting of his bastard child and that bull thing he’d made, that he would find Jaskier and… and what? He wanted to whisk him away to his realm and spoil him with fine jewels and the most delicate of silks. He wanted to hear that voice and see that brilliant smile everywhere he went. 
But that was selfish.
How could someone so full of life and ambition ever be happy in the underworld? He couldn’t possibly expect Jaskier to leave the color and warmth of the surface world behind for a shadowy cave system that barely qualified as Geralt’s palace. There would only be Geralt and the Furies for an audience, for the most part, and the only trees in his courtyards were haggard at best. No child of the harvest would flourish there. 
He left the way he’d come, hoping to find Jaskier in the orchard again, but he was long gone by the time all the other gods had aired their ‘concerns’. 
Weeks passed and Geralt found himself even more withdrawn than usual. 
His time was spent glaring down at his pathetic little courtyard with the one tree still bearing fruit. He had always been resentful to have been stuck below ground, where the humans feared him and the other gods judged him for having made a home. Bitching and moaning wouldn’t make anything better, so he played the hand he was dealt and enjoyed his solitude. But now? Now he was simply bubbling with rage. Had he been made god of the sea this wouldn’t be a problem. He would pick a comfortably private but not secluded inlet, build his lovely little singer a castle, and spend all their free days wandering the beach.
Not that he’d laid awake at night thinking about it. 
He dealt with his duties with a biting tongue and vicious sneer as he pondered what to do with himself. 
Nothing seemed to satisfy.
Finally, he made a decision. He would pay Jaskier a visit and ask to hear the song one last time. Just once before he promised to leave the lively singer alone. 
When he arrived at the gates to Mt. Olympus, he expected to have to search for Jaskeir or at least search out his voice.  
Jaskier, however, was furiously charging down the path, his angry scowl turning into a feral grin when he recognized Geralt, “Oh! Hello! This is perfect! I was just coming to find you!” 
Geralt blinked, “Find me? Where would I be but home?” 
“Here. Apparently,” Jaskeir pointed out, with raised eyebrows.
“I’m here to find you,” Geralt smiled, feeling something akin to hope soothing the loneliness that had nested in his chest. 
Jaskier positively beamed, “I have chosen to find what pleases me. And now that I’ve found you, I would be eternally happy if you absconded with me to your realm.” 
If he were nervous or hesitant in the slightest, Geralt couldn’t see it even as he looked for any hint in his features. 
“You want to come with me to the underworld?” Geralt frowned, not believing his ears.
“Sounds more fun when you say it my way,” Jaskier answered, rubbing at the back of his neck, that little bit of embarrassment and worry finally showing through his facade, “but yes. That is exactly what I want.”
“I have no gardens.”
“All the better.” 
“I would be your only audience.”
“You’re the only audience I’ve cared about since I met you,” Jaskier’s tone became defiant as he puffed up his chest just enough for Geralt to think he did it unintentionally.
Geralt let himself melt a little bit more with his every reply, “The sun doesn’t warm your face in my home.”
“Are your eyes not a brilliant golden warmth enough?”
Geralt blushed for the first time in centuries, “If it is truly what you want…”
Jaskier hesitantly stepped closer, staring Geralt right in the eye, “I want you.”
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koushisbabie · 4 years
Lovebites w Kenma
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“i think i should submit here but may i please get a fluffy kenma one-shot where he kinda tackles the reader away from their study stuff because he needs attention and their relationship is relatively new so kissing and makeout stuff is rare but he's just kissing up on the reader's neck, nibbling on their neck, then just cuddling them after leaving a pretty hickey there, admiring the color on their skin before offering words of affection and just massive cuddles? i would love u forever” Request from @haikyutiehoe​
I kind of took creative liberty with this one, and it’s KIND OF suggestive near the end?? I hope you like it! (I also didn’t reread and edit it bc I’m supposed to be doing my essay lol)
TW: lovebites/hickeys, general fluff, suggestive at the end, probably doesn’t qualify as nsfw but like, be wary.
Pairing: Kenma x gn!reader
Word Count: 1,037
Soft lofi plays in the background as my fingers hover over the page in front of me. Loose documents and various writing accoutrement lie strewn across the kotatsu and spill over onto the floor surrounding me. Three almost empty mugs sit amongst the mess, their remaining contents long gone cold and stagnant.
I glance at the time, briefly scanning over missed messages waiting to be acknowledged. One message in particular catches my attention. A simple ‘what are you up to?’ Followed by ‘just a heads up, I’m streaming soon, wanna hang out after?’ And a third message ‘y/n, are you done yet?’.
Exhaustion seems to have made a permanent home in my limbs, but that not prevent me from instinctively smiling at the phone screen. I type back a hurried ‘I'm still studying, we can hang out later’ before turning the phone face down and shifting my attention back to the ruckus in front of me. I inwardly groan at the idea of trying to stuff copious amounts of information into my already tired brain, yet despite the hassle, somehow manage to force myself to open the next textbook and begin reading.
An indeterminate amount of time passes before a shrill vibrating erupts from the phone to my right. It pulls me out of my trance, and I reluctantly pick up the phone.
‘You’re still alive.’
‘Just barely.’
Kenma’s quiet laugh sounds on the other end.
‘What did you need?’ I ask, holding the phone between my cheek and my shoulder, using my free hands to write a few words down into my study notes.
‘Just checking up on you, you’ve been at this for hours,’ Kenma replies. ‘Come upstairs, give yourself a break, we can watch a movie or something.’
‘Tempting, but there’s some methods I haven’t completely wrapped my head around yet,’ I say, hoping that frustration does not wind its way into my voice.
‘Have you even eaten yet?’ Kenma interjects.
I glance guiltily at the snacks I vaguely recall him silently leaving on the table hours ago. ’I drank the tea,’ I quickly add, ’thank you, Kenma.’
He sighs audibly. ’Y/n...’
‘I'll eat, I promise, just a few more hours, okay?’ I smile into the phone, knowing very well he cannot see me.
‘Sure, Y/n,’ he says finally.
The phone goes silent and for a split second I consider just going upstairs to check that he isn’t sulking. He can handle a few more hours, I think. Turning back to my notes, I continue to read.
Before long, there is the muffled sound of footsteps on carpet, a door sliding open, and the gentle kneeling of a person behind me. Warmth envelopes me as sweatshirt clad arms encircle my waist, a cold nose nuzzling into my neck, the tickling of outgrown blonde hair against my skin.
‘Kenma?’ I peer at him out of the corner of my eye. ‘What’s up? You okay?’
‘Do you know what time it is?’ Comes his muffled voice. His lips press against my neck as he speaks, sending shivers down my spine.
‘It’s, uh,’ I go to check my phone, but Kenma’s hand grabs my wrist.
‘It’s time for you to listen to reason,’ he kisses my neck in between speaking, ‘and spend time with me.’
‘This is out of the blue,’ I laugh nervously. ‘Since when do you make the first move?’
‘Just because I haven’t done it before, doesn’t mean I don’t want to do it,’ Kenma blushes. ‘Is it really that weird?’
It’s now my turn to be embarrassed. ‘No, I like it.’
He presses his mouth against my neck more firmly. ‘What is it that you like, Y/n?’
‘That,’ I murmur in response, closing my eyes. ‘When you kiss me.’
His arms pull me ever closer, before using one cool hand to pull the neck of my shirt further to the side, exposing my collar bone. He places kisses fervently against my skin, the warmth and the firmness growing with each movement. I resist squirming in his grasp, not wanting to ruin the romance of the moment, despite the flustering in my belly. ‘Tell me if it hurts,’ Kenma murmurs into my ear, his lips tickling my earlobe deliciously.
‘It doesn’t.’
A moment of hesitation passes before the next kiss turns into something sharper, more urgent. He bites me hard enough to hold the skin between his lips before sucking gently and placing a soft kiss. I turn my gaze to his, the flecks of gold in his eyes shimmering innocently back at me, as if he wasn’t pushing every button I have in this moment. Almost every button.
‘Did you like that?’
The curiosity in his question almost makes me want to laugh. ’I did, yes.’
Kenma shifts his attention to my neck, his lips forming a lovely ‘o’ in surprise. He takes a hand and strokes the tender area. ‘You beginning to bruise.’
‘Am I?’ I cannot quite see the bruises.
‘I didn’t think I was that hard,’ Kenma gives a tiny smile. ‘Sorry.’
I grin mischievously at him. ’Something tells me you aren’t actually sorry for that at all.’
‘Maybe not,’ Kenma buries his blush in the crook of my neck, pulling me into an even tighter embrace.
‘Wanna go continue this upstairs?’ I ask, taking a hand and running it through the stray strands of his soft hair. This elicits a soft moan from Kenma, not unlike a cat’s purr.
‘That’s what I’ve been asking you for hours,’ He whines.
‘Ah, so you were sulking!’
‘Was not,’ Kenma argues. ‘Just, come be with me for a bit. I’ve missed you.’
Guilt tugs at my heartstrings. ’I’ve missed you, too.’
He meets my eyes with a tenderness that renders me speechless, and for a long second, nothing existed besides the two of us. God, he’s beautiful.
I stand and offer him my hand, to which he takes without hesitation. He eyes the mess I’ve made of my textbooks and study notes. 'I'll clean it tomorrow,’ I shrug. ‘Right now, I want to see how many more love bites you can give me.’
‘Anything for you,’ Kenma replies as he leads me by the hand to the sanctuary of the bedroom.
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imtoohotmilk · 3 years
I had a dream and the basic premise was Thomas opened a interactive museum (although my mind forgot ab the interactive part halfway through)
that feature the sides rooms.
Me and my sister wanted to check it out so we went while it was still under construction (all the rooms wernt finished).
We started with Janus's room witch was HUGE. A bunch of people in fancy Victorian era outfits were there as guests. Everyone had to have a top hat on to enter the room.
There were a bunch of features such as chess, swimming (???), and snake judging. I asked out loud if "is anyone really qualified to judge snakes here" to witch Thomas Sanders walked up to me and said with a dead look in his eye "No" and walked away.
The next room to tour was Logan's.
(my brain gave up on the interactive part here)
I don't remember exactly what it looked like but it was very blue and very bland. It was a a basic Hotel room and nothing more.
Patton's was next.
It was my kitchen but sqished so there was no walking room and you had to crawl on top of the counters instead of walking.
The counters were also detached from the walls so you could see 4 small doors witch is how you got out. We opened the cabinets and this is what I found.
- go gurt pouches (apple flavoured)
- various bags of chips
- red vines
- too many hot chocolate pouches
- a stuffed animal (cat)
after that we got out of the room via the weird behind-the-counter doors.
We went to the middle of the lobby where there were two big dogs who were there for protection. One of the dogs name was buckaroo
At this point we saw the under construction sign for Romans room and left to come back another day.
The next time I came back without my sister.
Roman's room.
Roman's room was more of a story.
He had an outdoor room that was a lot more of a wooden ramp than it was a room. If you know jungle wood planks from Minecraft that's what it was. I walked up the ramp where I found Roman (?)
It was open air and there was a Street near by where a car drove up and out stepped someone who looked like the human version of the king from SpongeBob and a kinda princess.
Roman and I met them halfway down the ramp and the King (who was Roman's father) addresses him as "-- Bifvord"
And I started laughing bc that means Roman's and Remus's last name was Bifvord and I found that funny (?).
Roman kissed the princess's hand and the King started saying stuff like "it's time for you to marry here I've found you a bride" and Roman Looked Horrified. This was a good a time as any to leave so I'm gone.
I then spent a while looking for Remus's room witch was next to Virgil's.
It looked like one of those Pinterest rooms but very messy. Fanart of himself was on the wall and it actually looked like a normal bedroom.
(side note: up to this point Logans was the only room to have a bed)
Remus's bed had white really fluffy sheets and there were fairy lights sparked about.
On the wall was fanart of him in the sides dress. It was an off the shoulder with a corset top? It was kinda light green (sage?) and very floral.
he was surrounded by pink petals.
I then got excited at the idea maybe he put my fanart up in here? So I walked around and at the top of his bed coverd by a little cloth was my fanart of roman.
(I looked through my entire Tumblr this morning because it actually looked like something I drew but couldn't find it)
He also had a drawer witch just had a bunch of colourful socks.
Then it was time to leave the museum.
I guess I didn't want to see Virgil's bc it was already in the show and didn't feel like it'd be any different? though I got a weird sense it would be hello Kitty themed for some reason??
I think it's a good time mentioning that went we left the museum the first time I woke up check the time and fell back asleep.
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