#qualifies for red bc of his shoes
sage-nebula · 1 year
Honestly I think Tails should enter and win all the color competitions. Let him be a rainbow fox. The official mascot of Pride. This fox can fit so many colors in him.
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morvantmortuary · 2 years
for the request game, 64 + Hector. I can't stop thinking about it lord help
64: "I better leave my mark on you so everyone knows you're mine"
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1. I’m sorry this took so long bestie, feel free to bonk me with a foam bat :’D
2. I’m sorry for what’s about to happen, bestie
el quiere sangre -
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warnings: death scare, someone watches reader sleep, possessed!Hector, yandere behavior, ghosts, corpses, marking, possessiveness, some gore, dead person making less than wholesome insinuations to the reader. potential dead dove do not eat; we’re going scary and not smutty here.
reader notes: Hex’s Reader, established relationship! Reader uses ‘They’ pronouns, but Hex still refers to them by fem petnames and endearments in spanish bc those are what I know :’D Otherwise Reader is fairly neutral in all other aspects! Any tweaks to maintain that or to fix Hex’s spanish appreciated, as always!!
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You knew the seance probably hadn’t gone well when Hex didn’t text you back that night. Or early the next morning.
Your concern was confirmed the following afternoon, when not only one but both of the twins were at the front door when you knocked and neither one looked like they’d come remotely close to sleeping.
“Oh! Hi there, sweetheart.” Maxi gave you his best attempt at a smile, but the circles under his eyes were darker than usual, and you could tell from the wrinkles at his elbows and knees that he was still in his dress shirt and slacks from the day before. “We, uh. Weren’t expectin’ company today. Sorry.” 
Rora was lurking against the wall behind him - her hair a frizzy mess, her dress similarly rumpled, and her mouth poised like she was sucking on her teeth against a bad taste. 
You blinked before you remembered to speak - it was unlike anyone in the family to look so rough in front of company. Sure, you’d been spending more time around the House lately, but you thought you still qualified on some level. No one had let you see the basement yet, for example.
 “No, you’re fine! Totally fine, no big deal, ” you said, looking between the two. “I hadn’t heard from Hector yet, so I thought I’d swing by and see if anyone, um, needed anything. …Rough night, huh?” You tried to smile even a little at your own bad joke. Hex had warned you that sometimes seances left him a bit worn out, sometimes for a couple of days. He’d made it sound like getting over a bug, though, or something as inconvenient as a common cold.
But the way Maxi’s smile immediately dropped to reveal his bone-deep exhaustion, and Rora glared at the floor like it insulted her personally, you immediately realized that Hex had been selective in exactly what he told you.
“I’m sorry,” you said quickly, looking between the two. “Sorry, if that was, um. Bad taste. I didn’t know— He didn’t tell me—“
“No, no, it’s fine,” Maxi said, gesturing for you to come inside. “Just.” He ran a hand under his glasses as he shut the door behind you, muffling a sigh into his palm. “We didn’t want to have to do it to begin with, and then things just kept escalatin’, and the person we were lookin’ for kept puttin’ Hex through his paces—“
“It was a goddamn mess,” Rora cut him off bluntly, folding her arms over her chest. “Ectoplasm everywhere, and we just barely got what we needed. He’s still a mess.” She jerked her chin up to the second floor, towards Hector’s room in the back of the House. “I can’t remember the last time it went that badly, and he’s been doin’ this for almost thirty years.”
You looked from her to Maxi as you slid out of your shoes, who was shooting her a warning glare - something that gave you the slightest pause when you saw a faint red reflected in his eyes, a reminder that even the softie of the bunch could still be a bit frightening when you didn’t expect it. “Is he okay? Is he hurt?” You should’ve known the lack of contact was a bad sign - normally he at least sent you a joking ‘I lived, bitch’ selfie, but today there’d been not so much as a whisper across the static ether. You kicked yourself for not thinking to come over earlier.
“He’s fine,” Maxi soothed, holding up a hand. “Took me a minute to get his vitals stable when it left him, and he spent the night on an IV drip in the prep room.” His mouth flattened into a hard line for a moment at the memory. “We at least seem to be past the part where he keeps purgin’ ectoplasm.”
“For now,” Rora remarked over Maxi’s shoulder, still leaning against the wall. “What?” She lifted a hand in a languid shrug as Maxi shot her another look. “It’s come back before. We could just be in the eye of it before he starts leaking purple from—”
“Can I see him?”
Your voice - having gone up a couple octaves, at least, as the twins were sniping at each other - caused them both to look around. You weren’t entirely sure what your face was doing, but it must have been sad enough that both of them immediately looked more guilty than annoyed with each other.
“Of course, hon.” Maxi said, his smile all sympathy. “He’s just upstairs, I’ll take you.” He gestured for you to follow him, and you hurried behind his long strides towards the staircase.
“He’s been askin’ after you,” Rora drawled, tilting her head to look at you as you passed by her. “…I think it’s him, at least,” she added, so quietly you almost didn’t catch it.
You heard Maxi sigh ahead of you as you reached the second floor. “Don’t mind her,” he muttered to you, slowing down so you could catch up with his long strides. “She’s only grouchy when she’s anxious.”
You looked from Maxi over the bannister again, making sure Rora wasn’t lurking in the parlor below before turning back to him with a furrow in your brow. “But… she’s always like that,” you whispered, not taking the chance of being overheard.
Maxi gave you a good-natured wink. “Family secret.” The smile faded just a bit as the two of you turned the corner towards Hex’s room. “Hex’s channelin’ has scared her since we were little. Scared all of us, really, but probably Ror the most. She can’t… see ghosts quite like we can,” he explained quietly. “So for her, it always looks like he’s havin’ a seizure or somethin’. She’s missin’ most of the context and has to bear with it until it’s over. I can usually see what’s happenin’,” he added, frowning now. “But that doesn’t mean I can help, really. It’s all him.”
You stared at him, feeling your jaw drop slightly in horror. Hex had never mentioned anything of the sort to you. “Holy shit, why is he doing this if they’re that bad?”
Maxi’s eyes fell to his feet for a moment. “We don’t like him to, but he insists he can take it,” he muttered, shaking his head. “I keep tryin’ to explain to him that ‘can’ doesn’t mean ‘should,’ but… well, you know him.” He gave you an exasperated side-long look. “And there are certain things we need that only the dead know, so…” He shrugged half-heartedly. “He volunteers.”
The two of you stopped outside a familiar door, clumsily painted a faded shade of black and covered in faded and blurry polaroids that were at least a few decades old by now. 
“Last I checked, he was sleepin’,” Maxi’s voice had lowered to a whisper. “If he still is—“
“It’s fine, I’ll just wait with him,” you whispered back, shaking your head. Even if he wasn’t awake, the idea of leaving now felt impossible. You were trying not to picture him unconscious on the other side of the door, wracked by whatever the fuck had just put his body through hell. The very idea made your chest ache like you’d been punched there.
Maxi smiled, but the weariness of it aged him a decade. “That’s fine, sugar. He’ll be happy to see you when he wakes up.” He turned as if to leave you there, but immediately stopped, as if just thinking of something. You watched his face, seeing him briefly worry his own lip as he chose his words. “…If he comes to and doesn’t seem… himself,” he said slowly, meeting your eyes. “Or if anythin’ feels off, in any way - even if you don’t know why - you holler for me and Ror, okay?” His eyes were serious again, moving between you and the door. “He should be fine,” he repeated, though you weren’t entirely sure if it was for his sake or yours. “We’re well outside the usual window for a relapse, but… still.”
“Define ‘relapse’.” Your mouth felt dry, and you found yourself crossing your arms over your chest. Not… protectively, per se. But something about the way even Maxi seemed hesitant, of all people, left you feeling ill at ease.
Indeed, he sighed, briefly rubbing the back of his neck. “Sometimes, when he was younger, we ran the risk of somethin’… resurfacin’, for a bit,” he said. “Somethin’ that might not have given its hold up on him - not yet, anyway. It’s been a long time since that’s happened, trust me. Years and years,” he reassured you quickly. “I’m only sayin’ somethin’ about it at all just to be overly cautious, y’know?”
“Oh.” You felt your shoulders relax as you nodded. “Cautious is good, yeah.” You smiled the best you could. “I’ll let you guys know if anything’s spookier than normal.”
“Much obliged.” Maxi returned it with a grimace of his own. “Now, if you two’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go try not to fall down dead on the couch. Text me or Rora if he’s ready to eat somethin’.”
“Thanks,” you whisper-called after him, and he waved over his shoulder as he descended the stairs. 
You turned back to the bedroom door, and caught yourself taking a deep breath before you realized what you were doing. What were you nervous about? It was just Hector. Your Hector. He wouldn’t be feeling well after… whatever the fuck that thing did to him, but even if he was just a glimmer of the clever, chatty weirdo you knew him to be, you’d be content.
Smiling briefly at the thought - and tapping a vintage Selena sticker stuck to the door for luck - you finally twisted the knob and stepped inside.
Hex’s childhood bedroom was dark to begin with, but despite the bright sun outside the House, it seemed completely engulfed in shadows with all the thick curtains drawn over the windows. You stood uncertainly in the doorway for a moment in the small cracks of light from the hallway, the silence within feeling somehow… thicker, than usual. Almost ominous.
Like you weren’t the only one in the room.
A flicker of movement in the dim caught your eye as your vision adjusted, and you stared at the bed until a shape swam into view —
A bundle at the center of the mattress, wrapped in an old quilt and stirring restlessly. A soft, unintelligible mumble and another roll of the lump revealed Hector, his mouth hidden by his blanket, his eyes closed serenely in sleep.
Dumbass, you scolded yourself. Of course you weren’t the only one in the room. You felt yourself exhale and your shoulders soften, your heart aching at the bruise-like shadows you could make out around his eyes in the dim light around the blackout curtains. Hex had a way of always looking like he was anticipating something when he was awake - a feeling of never quite sitting still even when the two of you were lying on the couch, as if expecting something or someone new to enter unannounced at any moment. It was only when he slept that you ever got to see him looking so at peace, so… young. For a moment, it was easier to picture him as he might have been as a boy, carefree and sweet. Away from… this.
You crept towards your usual side of his bed on tiptoes, carefully easing yourself onto the mattress over the covers so as not to jostle him too much. “Hey, baby,” you whispered as you lay down, your eyes at last adjusting to the pressing dark. “It’s just me, okay?”
Hex made a faint questioning noise, his eyes fluttering open like there were weights attached to his eyelids. When at last they seemed to fix on you, he mumbled something you couldn’t quite make out, but immediately scooted closer to you across his bed.
You cooed softly to him, wrapping your arms around his thin shoulders as he settled next to you with an exhausted sigh. You pressed your forehead against his feverish one, trying not to shrink away from the heat and sweat of it as you felt his arm squirm through his tangled sheets to wind around your waist.
“Que tal, Bonita?” he mumbled, and you fought the urge to wince at the way his voice sounded cracked - like his vocal chords were bruised.
“Hi there, Sexy,” you joked back, hoping your voice didn’t give away just how hard this was to see. You’d seen Hex sick, of course - a virus here or there, a bad flu once - but this was beyond any of that. He looked like it hurt to fucking blink. Indeed, when he did, he looked bleary and barely conscious. “Maxi and Ror told me you weren’t feeling so hot,” you whispered, snuggling to him. “So I’m here to be your lowly jello-fetcher while you recover, okay?” You were trying not to panic at just how ironically hot he felt through his covers; since the two of you had started sleeping together, you’d always known him to run cold, to the point you’d have a fluffy blanket all to yourself in the winter months. For him to be shirtless and still warm through the thin cotton sheets between you was… new. It scared you.
But Maxi and Rora said he was better than he had been, so. You’d have to trust them on that one.
“You hungry?” you whispered, hopeful.
But Hex only groaned, shaking his head as he withdrew into his blankets.
“Okay, okay, don’t sweat it,” you soothed, following him with your arms still around his shoulders. “Don’t sweat it, baby, there’ll be plenty of time for that later.” You felt him ease back against you, hugging him tightly as you tucked yourself under his chin. “I’m not going anywhere, okay?”
“Yo se,” Hex murmured, burying the end of his nose in your hair. “Te amo, Querida.”
“I love you too, babe,” you whispered back, listening carefully as his breathing quickly slid back into the deep rasp of sleep. You closed your eyes, trying to content yourself with just being close enough to hear him, to know he was recovering even if he hurt to look at. You made lists in your head to try to pass the time: of things you’d run back to your place and grab once he was awake, so you could camp out here for a few days; of dishes you thought you could try if he was having a hard time keeping stuff down - Rora and Maxi had mentioned ectoplasm, what the fuck was that? Was it anything like in the Ghostbusters movies? Of things you apparently fucking needed to Google, not realizing quite what it meant to have a medium for a lover —
You made lists until your breathing fell into sync with his, and Sleep carried you, too, away down its dark river.
You were so far gone, you didn’t notice when something else woke up.
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It wasn’t the rustling that stirred you, or the broken-sounding giggle. It was the cold.
Hex had been so warm next to you that you’d eased into his heat, eventually rolling over so your back was against his chest. When at first the heat only disappeared, you continued to sleep, comforted by the weight of his quilt.
When the temperature dropped further, your dozing brain figured it was just the House’s rickety-ass air conditioning system kicking on at last - it was already temperamental, but in the summers it could be downright fickle, still as the grave one minute and then chilling everyone in the vicinity in the same hour.
…But this was something else.
You only woke up when you started shivering, pulling the quilt tighter around you until you were nearly tangled in it. Not quite wanting to open your eyes yet, you rolled over, one hand reaching out to feel for where Hex had obviously gotten up to go to the bathroom, or hell, even rolled off the mattress in a particularly restless dream.
Your hand skimmed flesh that was stone-cold to the touch.
Your eyes flew open, panicking. Oh god, oh god oh god what happened—
“Hex?” you croaked, squinting into the perfect impenetrable black of the room. Had it gotten dark outside? How long had you been asleep? How long had he?
He was still just asleep, right?
There was no answer. The figure beneath your hand, undeniably cold, stayed perfectly still.
You whimpered, the sound rising from your throat unbidden as your free hand frantically scrabbled across the mattress for your phone. You swear you’d had it with you when you walked in, you were keeping it close in case you needed the twins—
But that had been in case Hex got sick, or started running a fever.
No one told you he might not wake up at all.
The whimper in your throat rose in volume as you tried to get your brain to work, wanting to yell for someone to come help. This had to be a mistake, this was a nightmare, this couldn’t really be happening.
But your hand on his skin - his bare shoulder, you realized now - moved slowly upwards, desperately for a puff of breath of a pulse of warmth. You felt nothing, still, skimming his neck and finding his hair hanging in his face.
“Hex,” you demanded, your fingers desperately brushing his hair away as you still groped for your phone. “Hector, babe, wake up. Wake up right now.”
The only heat in the room seemed to be pooling behind your eyes as you begged yourself not to cry. This was a bad dream. This was a bad dream, or a prank. He was going to sit up laughing any minute now at how scared you’d been, how little it took.
But something in you knew that wasn’t true. Hex was a tease, but he wasn’t mean. He would never play a joke on you that made you cry.
He’d die before he’d do that, he was always telling you.
You let out a shaky breath as you finally found your fucking phone, fumbling not to drop it. “Hector, wake the fuck up and talk to me, goddammit.”
The dim light of your lock screen - a selfie of him ambushing you with kisses as you laughed - failed to penetrate the darkness around you, and you felt your panic begin to combine with a sense of claustrophobia.
You fumbled with your phone, trying to flip the flashlight on. Under your free hand, you felt Hector twitch ever so slightly, as if stirring from a dream.
“I’m awake.”
You jumped at the sound, feeling your own breath gush from you in a stuttering half-sob. “Hex, oh my god. I was so scared, you can’t do that to me.” You flipped your flashlight on at last, angling the phone upwards -
And seeing someone staring out of Hector’s face that was definitely not Hector.
You couldn’t explain it: it was his face, of course. But the expression - the grin, the rictus split of the lips - was entirely wrong. He didn’t smile with that much teeth, that much exposed gum. His lips were purple, like he’d been starved for air. His eyes were the wrong color, even: rather than his warm dark brown, staring out from between tangled locks of his hair, they were a sickeningly pale blue in his face. 
Or at least, from what you could see of the irises. The pupils, in the dark of the room, seemed to fill every available centimeter of space.
Worst of all - it still didn’t look like he was breathing.
The person wearing your boyfriend’s face stared at you, laying perfectly still with his nose an inch from yours on the pillow.
You stared back at him, struggling suddenly for words.
The room between you two fell completely, utterly silent.
The only light source in the room shook with your hand as your brain raced. He hadn’t moved yet. He was just… laying there. God knows how long he had been laying there; you realized with a sick jolt that you could’ve been sleeping for hours with this… thing right next to you, staring at you.
Remembering Maxi’s words from earlier, you took a breath as slowly and subtly as you could, trying to ready yourself to scream.
“Try,” croaked not-Hector, watching you from the pillow. “And see what happens.” His grin only grew wider, to the point where it threatened to tear the corners of Hex’s mouth.
You froze, your breath dying in your lungs. “…What are you?” you exhaled, staring at the thing next to you.
It didn’t blink, it never twitched save for its lips. “Dead.”
Somehow hearing it, having it confirmed, was worse. Of course it was dead - nothing living smiled that way. Nothing living had eyes that color blue, like they’d been soaked in some sort of preservatives. 
“Where’s Hector?” you whispered, the tears quickly returning to your eyes.
“Having his turn in the dark.” The thing clicked its teeth against each other in two sharp bites to punctuate this, then followed it with a laugh like a wheezing cough. Unbidden, you suddenly glanced towards the shadowy corners of the room, as if you felt something else standing there watching you. You couldn’t tell if the ringing in your ears was just fear, or the tail end of a distant shout.
You swallowed, trying to cover for the fact that you were definitely about to piss yourself. “G-give him back.”
“No.” The thing stiffly shook Hector’s head, and you covered your mouth as his neck made a noise that sounded entirely wrong. “No, no no, I like it here. I like this.” It gazed up at you and you wanted to vomit. “I like waking up next to you.”
You shivered, wanting to roll away but scared that moving would cause… something. Something worse. It took you a minute to try to breathe, your next question barely audible: “What do you want?”
“What we all want on the other side.” The too-pale eyes slid down to your neck, then slowly, torturously back up again, entirely silent in the process. “…To feel warm again.”
A black tongue moved wetly over the thing’s teeth, and as you finally went to scream, a withered hand shoved itself from under the covers to stick rotting fingers in your mouth.
You didn’t know when it pulled you under the sheets, but there was fabric everywhere - on your tongue, twisted around your wrists so you couldn’t thrash and between your legs so you couldn’t kick free. You were suffocated by moldering coffin breath as the thing above you laughed in a high pitched giggle, blue eyes still somehow luminous in the shadowy bedclothes. Every time you went to scream, you found cloth or hair in your mouth, and more than once you wretched, feeling like you’d drown in your own gag reflex. The thing holed up in your boyfriend, meanwhile, was pinning your chest with a chest that didn’t feel like Hector’s, like the chest of anything living - it felt too soft, somehow, and cold, like something left to rot in water. 
You felt something cold and wet drip onto the skin of your neck, and it felt like river water falling from the thing’s mouth, the black tongue inching closer and closer to your pulse —
Something shoved you both off the bed, like somebody had leapt on top of the covers in a blind attempt at a pile-driver. You cried out as your head hit the floor - thankfully with the old rug between you and the hardwood, but still hard enough to hurt.
You could breathe again, though. You sat up as fast as you could, tearing the sheets from over your face like a caul and practically drinking your breaths. Everything was still cold, and heavy, but you were out from under the dead man.
You looked around, spotting the soft outline of your overturned phone on the carpet, and snatched up the light to point it towards the sounds of the thing being attacked.
Then you wished you hadn’t.
The thing wearing your boyfriend’s body was sitting upright under the sheets and shrieking to bring the house down, furiously flailing at someone else that seemed to be under there with it. You heard hideous gagging noises, like a drowning victim throwing up brine, and the sheets quickly became soaked with a putrid-smelling dark liquid. The other figure wrestled the thing down and slammed his skull backwards against the hardwood floor once, then twice, causing you to panic as you wondered if that would somehow give Hex a concussion. You realized someone was yelling in a language you couldn’t recognize alongside the dead man’s screaming, and there was a third voice in there somewhere, wailing like the damned.
You looked around, terrified of another spectral assault, before you realized a full minute later that the screamer was you.
The dead man was losing, and at one point the water that hit the sheet was a pinkish color that made you scream even more. If he was bleeding, was Hector bleeding? Was Hector in there dying? What if he couldn’t get back, and his body strangled to death on whatever that was?
You screamed again as something banged loudly over your shoulder, like something crashing hard into the wall. For a moment, you thought something was trying to bust through into your world, another unholy terror - until you realized that was only the door.
“Fuck, it’s jammed!” You heard Maxi on the other side, and something hit it again, hard enough that you were surprised the door didn’t buckle. “Get me the shotgun. MAGGIE, GET UP HERE—“
But the sounds of outside were quickly drowned out by what sounded like the roof threatening to cave in, and you looked up, screaming as you saw what looked like a shower of disembodied arms reaching down through the ceiling. They swung backwards and forwards, groping blindly, and as they got closer to the floor you sank lower and lower towards the carpet, afraid they would try to grab your hair or your neck.
The struggle next to you on the floor suddenly had your attention again as the dead man wretched like something was pulling his esophagus out through his mouth, and you heard the sound of fabric tearing. A glimmer of purple slowly grew under the dense quilt, as if someone had lit slow-burning neon, and as you watched, it glowed until it was brighter than your phone.
Horrified, you watched the body suddenly throw the quilt off and sit up, panting. 
It was only when it forcefully pushed its hair back that you saw the eyes you knew.
“Hijo de puta, Duquesne,” Hex groaned, rolling onto his knees to wretch as he held his hair back out of his face. You watched, horrified, as black gunk like rotten plant matter ejected itself forcefully onto he floor. He sat there, panting, sounding on the verge of sobbing as he rocked back and forth to prepare for another wave. “Fuck you, you dead motherfucker—“
“Hector,” you croaked, and his eyes snapped up.
“Querida?“ he looked up at the sound of another rafter snapping, watching the ghostly hands wildly grabbing in his direction now. “What’re you— fuck, MAXI, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU BRO?” he yelled towards the door.
“I’M RIGHT HERE, HOLD ON!” You heard the sound of something clicking, then a loud crack like a car backfiring in the hallway, causing you to nearly jump right into a ghostly palm trying to grab at your face. “Fuck. HE JAMMED THE DOOR.”
You heard something scrabbling at the door like claws, like an animal was trying to dig underneath the door frame.
“I TOLD YOU WE NEEDED FUCKING BRONZE NAILS, YOU PRICK!” Hector bellowed, grabbing the hand next to your face and squeezing until you heard something squelch sickeningly. The hand in front of you glowed a bright purple and something above you wailed, dragging the appendage away from his grip as if it was broken. 
“Get out of my way.” You watched the door suddenly glow around the edges with an ominous shade of green, then heard what sounded like someone snapping a whole box of dry pasta in half one piece at a time. “C’mon, little girl,” you somehow heard Rora cooing over the din around you. “Your turn.”
Mesmerized in your fear, you saw something small begin to slide under the door, Rora was shoving pieces of fine china through the crack into the room.
You heard something scream in the rafters and whirled around, only to see Hector had just bitten into one of the hands in front of his face that had gotten too close to the back of your head. While the creature above you was obviously trying to pull it away, Hex only yanked it by the wrist and bit down harder, until you saw its thumb fold in a way it shouldn’t. It was only then he let it go, spitting something grey off to the side. “WE NEEDED THE MOON, I TOLD YOU—“ Hector ducked another hand, this one getting close enough to grab ahold of one of his ears for a moment. He swore through gritted teeth, twisting the wrist hard in his hands. “SOME HELP NOW WOULD BE FUCKING GREAT, YOU TWO!”
“DON’T RUSH HER, SHE’S DOIN’ HER BEST!” Rora yelled through the door. “Here, Maxi, give me the damn gun—“
“Be my goddamn guest,” Maxi spat back, and you heard something thud against the door again. This time the door itself seemed to glow a deep red…
But if you stared long enough, you realized it wasn’t the door that was glowing.
It was something in front of the door, something large that seemed to be blocking it. Something that seemed to pulse now with the red light, like the raw, scabbing flesh over a healing wound.
The little white pieces continued to pile up at the bottom of the floor, then sort themselves again, doing an odd little spiraling dance like debris in water. Eventually, they began to fold together into something, to build upon themselves one at a time with an alarming speed. It was only when you saw the skull fold itself back together out of flat little shards that you realized it was Magnolia, Maxi’s skeletal house cat. With a growl, she lunged at the pulsating door - and clung to something fleshy, dragging her claws down it and leaving bright green scratches behind her.
Horrified, you watched as the thing like a skin graft lifted itself off the doorframe, revealing itself to be some sort of creature trying to shove poor Maggie headfirst into a suddenly gaping, oozing mouth. Magnolia let out an eerie echo of a yowl, throwing herself at the thing headfirst and tackling it to the floor.
 Hector swore again, narrowly pulling you away from one of the hands. “You know what, fuck this.” He closed one eye as he looked up at the ceiling and began muttering something that was definitely not Spanish or English or any language you knew. He pointed with the index and middle fingers of his right hand and pulled back with his thumb, and you saw something worm-like in his familiar purple start to form and writhe around the extended digits. He made a sudden sharp gesture, like he was flinging it at the ceiling, and overhead you saw the spindly wraith arms suddenly lit up like there was a purple firework amongst them. The slimy, worm-like object spread across the ceiling and between the arms like a fungus or a root system, curling around the limbs and seeming to tighten around them painfully.
 Something in the attic wailed, and it sound like it was a crowd of people in terrible pain. 
You watched the hands turn on themselves, snatching at each other’s arms - only to scream when something grabbed the back of your shirt.
“It’s me!” Hector pulled you roughly across the floor so your back was against his chest, curling around you like a ball as soon as you made contact. “It’s me, Preciosa, I got you.”
“Hector!” You spun around to look at him as best you could in his tight grip, checking his eyes to avoid last time’s mistake. “Hector, what the entire fuck is going on?! Are you okay?”
“It’s okay,” Hector put one of his hands on the back of your head, pulling you closer to him and out of the path of a grasping hand that seemed to wither into a skeletal form before your eyes before crumbling to nothing. “It’s okay, it’s just some residual bullshit. It’s almost over.”
“Who the fuck is that?!” You pointed over his shoulder at the soaking wet quilt that seemed to sit up by itself, like there was a body from the embalming room underneath. 
Hector turned, following your gaze and swearing loudly. He looked back to you with wide, slightly panicked eyes. “Baby, tell me right now: do you trust me?”
You checked his eyes again, paranoid now. “It… is you, right?” you asked, your voice drowned out between the screaming creatures overhead, the sound of another aborted gunshot, and poor Magnolia caterwauling as she wrestled with something twice her size.
Hector leaned forward, pressing his forehead against yours. In his eyes, you saw a soft purple swirl of what looked like distant stars.
“It’s always me,” he said softly, and somehow you heard him over the cacophony of wailing around you. “And I’m going to give you something so you’re always mine.”
You stared at him, confused, your cheeks wet with sweat and bile from god knows what and your own tears - but you nodded, wordlessly.
Hex smiled, somehow soft despite how absolutely exhausted he looked, and he took your shoulder gently in one hand. He leaned down, finding your pulse - exactly where the dead man had been going earlier, you remembered with a wave of nausea - and kissed it gently —
Before you gasped in pain, feeling something cold and sharp puncture skin.
“It’s okay,” he whispered, and you whined in fright as you felt something drag through your flesh to tear it. “It’s okay, I swear you’re okay, I’m not gonna let anything hurt you anymore, just breathe. I got you, it’s just gonna hurt a little right now while it takes—“
Your hands flew up to seize at his wrists, wanting it to stop, to pull away whatever he was holding. God, it stung, you swore you felt your own hot blood flicking against your face as it felt like he was carving your throat open. 
But before you could establish a good grip, you saw something glow in a bright light you’d never seen before just out of your line of sight.
Hector sighed as if entirely absorbed in whatever was glowing on your neck. His eyes were soft, as if he was gazing at something sacred, despite the fact it hurt like all get-out. You gasped in turn, the wound now burning like something was being branded into you.
You gave another strangled cry when you saw the silhouette just behind his shoulder drag the quilt from its face, revealing the bloated flesh of a drowned man. Your mind reeled, panicking: if that thing had been hiding in Hector’s body — where did it get its own?
Hector saw your face and realized something was wrong, but time felt like it was moving in slow motion. He turned too late, just as the drowned man grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled backward—
But something bright green hit the intruder full in the face, dragging both the corpse and the necromancer to the floor.
You clapped your hand to where light seemed to be leaking from your neck, scrambling back to the end of the bed as you watched an enraged Maggie shove her claws into the eye sockets of the imposter beneath her. You watched, horrified and nauseated, as she freed her feet one at a time with a sucking squelch noise, the discolored milky eyeballs of the corpse speared on each of her feet. The corpse let out an unholy scream, splattering more murky brine as its head thrashed furiously.
In the distraction, Hector yanked himself free from the corpse’s grip, giving a muffled whimper as he sacrificed a good hank of his own hair in the process. He scrambled back with you, his hand shaking with fingers extended in front of him again as he landed back against the bed frame. 
But Magnolia seemed to be well in control of the situation, now ripping the corpse’s black oily tongue straight out of his jaw with her little needle teeth and standing triumphantly on the corpse’s collapsing, soggy chest as it writhed and gagged on more brackish-smelling bile.
The hands above all retreated as the door burst open, filling the room with a red so bright you thought it was fire, at first — until it was accompanied by a near-nuclear green just behind it.
“Maggie, move!” Rora called — but something about her voice was… unfamiliar. 
You saw Maggie leap nimbly onto the floor, and shrieked as the corpse seemed to explode with the force of a gunshot. Hector grabbed you and pulled your head against his chest, shielding you as you heard another loud bang and felt more cold water droplets against your face.
Under Hex’s arm, you saw Maxi and Rora walk into view, realizing they were indeed the source of the colored lights. 
You’d never seen them look like this before - not too unlike when Hector was… possessed, you guessed. Rora’s hair was wild around her from an unseen wind, her lips and the y-incision scar on her chest black as though with rot and age, her cheekbones ferociously prominent as though her skin only barely covered her skull. She tossed the shotgun to the side of the room and stepped hard on the corpse’s knee, and you heard it pop loose from its socket with a sickening noise. The crack almost seemed to reverberate down the corpse itself, and you watched as joints seemed to slide out of place in a wave of force, the thing howling in pain. 
Maxi knelt down next to her, and your stomach turned: his face looked… wrong. Like an accident victim without the funeral makeup, the flesh along his cheeks looking less solid and more like it was loosely holding his jaw together in thin strips. The red light shone through many vertical wounds in his face, and through them, you could see a tongue that looked like it’d been split in two. He kneeled in front of the corpse-like thing, peering at it with perfectly black eyes as though studying it. 
When he turned and said something to Rora, you couldn’t recognize the language. But something in you churned, as though some primal part of you wanted to get away from it as fast as possible. Like you shouldn’t be hearing it at all.
“Don’t look,” Hector whispered, trying to block your vision as you saw Maxi extend a hand with fingers like pointed bone towards the corpse itself.
You didn’t see what he did, exactly — but through Hector’s fingers, you could still see just enough.
Before your eyes, the corpse - still staring at you with unseeing too-pale eyes - seemed to eat itself inwards, flesh shrinking to bone, bone shrinking to dust, dust piling onto the carpet. 
Magnolia fell with an unceremonious rattling sound onto the floor, still chewing determinedly at the tongue in her mouth.
It took a moment for the twins to stop glowing, and a moment after that for the lights in Hector’s room to flicker back to life. You jumped at the sound of his laptop on his bedside table suddenly reviving, the rapid dialogue of one of his favorite old shows blaring through the tinny speakers in the relative silence.
You realized, with another sickening jolt, that the dark when you’d first walked into the room hadn’t been something he’d done on purpose. Something had been in here with you two the whole time, and had been holding the room in its sway.
Hex at last loosened his grip, letting you sit up. “Look at me, beautiful — you okay?”
You leaned back, studying him to make sure he still looked like himself. Like a human. “…Yeah,” you said at last, slowly. You didn’t know what you were, really, your head processing so much at once. 
You nervously glanced out of the corner of your eye, making sure the twins looked relatively normal before you let yourself look entirely. 
Rora was back to her usual self, her scars no more than a soft tissue on her décolletage that you only saw if you knew it was there. She was walking over to where she’d thrown the gun, picking it up and studying it with pursed lips before removing the empty shells and putting the safety back on.
Maxi was still kneeling next to the pile of corpse dust, human again but still frowning in deep concern. “They’re gettin’ better at that,” he mumbled. He shot Hex a look you didn’t quite understand. With a sigh and a slight crack of his knees, he got back to his feet. “We’re gonna have to figure out how, if we want to keep the House intact. …Maggie, honey,” he added, nudging her gently with the toe of his sock. “Spit that out, that’s nasty.”
Magnolia growled, clicking on her tiny toes with her prize under Hector’s bed, where she continued with her grisly chewing sounds. If anything, it just sounded like she was chewing faster.
“Claro, later.” Hex waved a hand at Maxi impatiently, still looking you over with concern. “Did anything grab you, love? Does anything hurt? How does your neck feel?” He added, glancing again towards the spot where you remembered it burning.
You took a breath to answer - and hissed as your skin moved, reaching up to the place where your neck still felt like there was an open wound. “What did you do to me…?” You pulled your hand away, expecting to see blood… but found none. Just a thick, viscous fluid that glowed with an odd purple sheen.
Hector opened his mouth to answer, looking oddly proud of himself —
“You didn’t.” 
You whipped around (wincing again), seeing Rora’s shocked expression. She frightened you further by crossing back and dropping abruptly to her knees in front of you on the carpet, one hand taking your chin to tilt your head further to one side so she could see your neck. “Hector, what the fuck.” She turned, glaring at him. “Did you tell them what this was?”
“What?” Hector gestured defensively to Maxi. “He did it to his!”
“Not on purpose.” Maxi was gazing at you with similar concern, kneeling down next to his sister. As a new tingling pain made its way up your neck, you distractedly noticed how eerily similar they were when they were that close together, despite looking fairly different when they were apart. “And I sure as hell didn’t do it the old fashioned way. Fuck, Hex, those lines are raw.” He winced, glancing at your face before looking back to Hector. “We gotta get some disinfectant on that.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Doctors, I definitely should’ve asked Duquesne to wait a second so I could scrub up first,” Hex muttered bitterly, folding his arms as he glared at the twins. “I made a call. It was the right one.”
“Will someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?” you asked, looking between the twins and Hector with a mounting sick feeling.
“I told you, Querida,” Hector said softly, holding up his unfolded pocket knife, where the blade seemed dulled in the low light by a dark viscous fluid. “I put my mark on you, so everyone knows you’re mine.”
Rora closed the space between them so they were practically nose-to-nose, her eyes blazing. “Did you tell them what you were doing or not?”
“It was going to happen anyway, we all know that!” Hector gestured frustratedly with the still-unfolded knife. “I didn’t have time for it to happen the new way, Duquesne would’ve jumped to them next—“
“We could’ve handled that without this, Hector,” Rora said sharply. “This is something else. This is permanent.”
“No the fuck we couldn’t, Rora, I could barely handle that,” Hector spat. “It would’ve killed them if it had gotten to that point. I wasn’t about to let that happen. And they are permanent.” He said, gesturing furiously to you. “They’re mine. We knew that.”
��Did they agree to it, though?”
“I asked them if they trusted me!”
“Oh, fuck, Hector, you know that’s not—“
“Shut up.” Maxi growled over his shoulder. Hector and Rora turned in unison to glare at him instead, as if annoyed he’d interrupted. “For god’s sake, the pair of you, we have enough to deal with already. We can talk it out later. Here, hold on,” he pulled his already loose tie off completely, folding it up and holding it to the spot on your neck. “Hold this and keep some pressure on it, hon, okay?”
“I can handle that,” Hector snapped, sliding over to put his hand over it instead. 
“Then do it,” Maxi spat, getting to his feet. “I’m gonna go get the goddamn gauze. You’re lucky they don’t need stitches.”
“I knew what I was doing!” Hector called angrily after Maxi. He waited until he’d carefully yet firmly held the ruined tie to your new mark before turning to Rora, glaring again. “I wouldn’t have done this if I didn’t.”
“I guess I’ll have to take your word for it,” Rora drawled, her face skeptical as she sat back on her haunches. 
“Goddamn it, Rora—“
“Is it supposed to burn?” you rasped.
The two of them looked around as if they’d forgotten you were there, despite Hex being the one to press the makeshift bandage to your wound. Immediately, both their faces softened, and they shot each other a slightly guilty glance.
“Only for a little while,” Hector said softly. He lifted the tie carefully, peering at the mark. “It’s just settling in. Making itself at home in your skin, that’s all,” he explained. He smiled his crooked smile at what he saw, and you at least relaxed at him looking normal again, if still slightly tired. “It’ll feel better in a couple hours, I promise,” he added, leaning over to kiss the corner of your mouth. “And you can have whatever you want when you get hungry, okay?”
You let yourself smile just a little bit, your head still feeling like it was swimming. “I thought I was here to take care of you.”
Hector leaned back to look at you, frowning and clearly confused. “Is that… what you were doing here?” He hesitated a moment, looking back over his shoulder to Rora for confirmation. “I don’t remember you coming over after…” he trailed off, concerned.
Rora met his gaze and hemmed for a moment, clearly unsure how much to say. “You were out cold, after,” she said at last, her voice low. “They got nervous and came over. Apparently you hadn’t texted them in a while, or something.” You could tell she was trying to be flippant, but her face couldn’t hide the way she still seemed worried. “…You looked like roadkill, if I’m bein’ honest.”
Hex laughed, but something about it sounded false. “That bad, huh?” He sucked his teeth thoughtfully, looking back at where the tie covered your mark with a new grimness. “Huh. So I was cutting it close with this, then.”
“That’s part of it, yeah,” Rora sighed, suddenly looking tired.
You felt your eyes go wide, looking from Rora to Hex. “Are you going to be okay?” You weren’t sure quite what was happening - you didn’t know how the fuck necromancers worked, and honestly who could blame you when they talked in code around you half the time. But the idea that Hex could look as sick as he had before from… whatever he’d done to you made you feel a new kind of queasy.
“Fine,” Hector reassured you immediately, kissing your forehead. “I’m gonna be just fine, gatita, don’t worry about it. I just might want to stick to chill hangs for the next couple of days, that’s all.” He kissed the spot next to your ear, the one he knew made you shiver pleasantly. “So don’t get any ideas, huh?” He didn’t move, speaking so you could feel him smile against your skin.
You giggled before wincing again, the literal pain in your neck giving another insistent spike. “Yeah,” you agreed with a careful nod. “That… sounds good for me too, probably.”
Something thudded to the floor next to your thigh, and you had to try not to jump. 
“It’s my phone,” Rora sighed, leaning back against Hector’s bed and closing her eyes. “Pick whatever sounds good, my delivery app is hooked to Maxi’s credit card.”
“Goddammit, Aurore.” You looked around with the other two to see Maxi standing in the doorway with a neatly arranged tray of bandages, antiseptics, and a magnifying glass next to a tiny pair of tweezers. He was frowning deeply. “I just had a whole argument on the phone with the bank today about how all the burrito bowls at weird hours were from someone skimmin’ my card.”
“What? I don’t have one of my own,” Rora said, her lips pouting with false innocence. “Dead women don’t get credit cards, Maxi, you know the government throws a fit about that.”
“Shoulda thought of that before you up and died, then,” Maxi sighed, kneeling down in front of you.
You saw Rora stick her tongue out at him over his shoulder. 
“And you could’ve at least not ordered extra guac every time,” he added, as if sensing that even if he couldn’t see it. He gently nudged Hector’s arm so he would put down the tie, and leaned forward, appraising your new mark with some teeth-sucking of his own. “Well, your hand was steady, I’ll give you that,” he muttered, giving Hex a sideways glance. “…You all good?”
“M’good, just drained. Give me a day and I’ll be conjuring circles around your ass as usual,” Hector muttered back. But you swore you saw him straighten up just a little at the compliment, whether he realized it or not. “I told you I knew what I was doing.”
“Apparently,” Maxi muttered, adjusting his glasses as he studied the mark some more. He glanced up at you over the frames, his eyes softening. “How’re you feelin’, sweetheart?”
“…I— Okay, I think,” you said, glancing between them. You winced as Maxi carefully dabbed some hydrogen peroxide on the wound with a wipe. “…Kind of still processing, to be honest,” you added quietly. Between the adrenaline whirling through your system, the pain in your skin, and the fact that you were pretty sure you weren’t going to be able to sleep tonight without jumping at every sound, your body was finally feeling everything that had just happened. Not to mention, the longer you sat there, the more you started to feel like there was something… else, under your skin. A second heartbeat, almost, alongside yours. You swallowed. “Today was a lot.”
All three Morvants made varying noises of understanding and agreement, as if you were talking about having to show up for jury duty rather than surviving whatever had just succeeded in temporarily possessing Hector and the House.
“Well, this’ll heal up just fine,” Maxi said softly, carefully applying a bandage to the spot. “I’ll let Hex talk you through the basics of it — he’s the one who put it there, after all,” he added, giving Hex another look you couldn’t read. (Hector gave him one back that you definitely read as irritated.) “But basically… well,” he hedged, clearly trying to figure out how to say something. “We think of it as… declarin’ someone part of the family.” He gave you a smile, shy smile. “Or at least, as intertwined with it.”
“‘Inextricable’,” Hector murmured under his breath, his eyes distant and hazy as if looking far into the past. 
“Congratulations, I’m sure you’re thrilled,” Rora said flatly, sitting with her eyes closed again. Both men gave her a withering glance over their shoulders.
You slowly looked from them to Hector, feeling an entirely different type of fluttering in your system. “…Is that true, Hex?” You’d heard him call you permanent, in the aftermath of things. But so much had been going on, it had run off you like rain while your nerves were still swimming with whatever fire had been placed in them.
Hex’s eyes returned to yours immediately, as if you saying his name had woken him from a dream. As he continued to keep eye contact, you saw something you’d never seen before: he seemed… flustered, almost. He opened his mouth as if to say something, then hesitated, closing it again. His gaze turned inward, and you felt a new edge to the fluttering in your stomach. It was unlike him to so at a loss for words, especially for so long - since you’d known him, he’d always had something to say, some flippant response on the tip of his tongue at all times.
The worry that this prolonged silence caused you must’ve been written on your face because simultaneously, without even a look between the pair, both twins reached forward to give Hector a soft ‘thump’ on the back.
Hector shot them both another irritated look before turning back to you and taking a breath. “…We don’t always… do it that way, anymore,” he said slowly, nodding at your neck. “Sometimes, a mark like that just… shows up.” He glanced briefly at Maxi, who pointedly was still fussing with your bandages. Hex looked back to you. “We don’t always know how, though. So I figured, y’know, give it enough time and it’d just… happen,” he said quietly. He sucked the inside of his cheek, still somewhat restless. “But we didn’t have time, Querida,” he continued with an exhale. “So I thought I’d... improvise.” He went to push his hair out of his face, wincing visibly when his hand skimmed the raw patch of scalp the imposter had grabbed. 
You leaned forward instinctively, hand up to soothe the hurt and causing both Hex and Maxi to start slightly. 
“Sorry! Sorry,” Maxi muttered, quickly smoothing over the bandage that might have warped. Hex set a hand on his shoulder, and Maxi froze, glancing between the two of you. “Actually, it looks fine,” he said quickly, giving you a hurried smile you assumed was meant to be reassuring. “Uh, Rora and I will go figure out dinner.”
“We will?” Rora opened an eye, and Maxi fixed her with a pointed stare as he picked up the tray he’d brought in with him. She looked between Maxi and Hector, who gave her the slightest jerk of his head towards his bedroom door. “We will,” she said, standing up and popping her back with a sigh. She gave you a dry smile. “Don’t worry, sweetpea. It’s a quick learnin’ curve.”
Maxi was holding the door open, waiting for Rora to leave before he glanced back to Hex. “…Do you actually want me to call FT?” he added quietly, glancing between you and Hector. “Because I’m sure they’re probably done for the day, or nearly.”
“C’mon, you were gonna call them anyway.” Hex gave him a knowing smirk. “...But sure.” He nodded, as if thinking this over. He looked between you and Maxi himself. “Might be nice.”
Maxi nodded, giving you a last reassuring half-smile, before slipping quietly from the room and closing the door behind him.
You could feel the confusion etched on your brow. You’d met Maxi’s partner before, of course - it was inevitable, with the pair of you spending so much time at the house - but you couldn’t help but wonder what they had to do with all this. What had the others meant, that these… things, could show up on their own time?
You wondered what the fluttering was next to your own pulse, feeling so rapid it was almost like a second panic that wasn’t yours.
You looked to Hector, worried — only to see him staring at your bandage with wide, liquid eyes. 
He met your gaze, looking like a sick little boy caught out of bed with the dark circles under his eyes. “…I would’ve done this different,” he said at last, his voice slightly raspy as the day seemed to be catching up with him too. He reached up with a finger, tracing the edge of the bandage as lightly as possible. “I would’ve waited for it to show up on its own, Querida, I swear. I know you’re mine,” he added in a hush, his eyes back on yours with a new softness to them. “I know it as sure as I know the Veil. As the stars in the sky.” He smiled, and you saw a flicker of his usual self. “If these things can just… happen, if they can just bloom on skin… then I would’ve waited. A hundred years, if I had to.” He took your hands gently - almost tentatively - in his, intertwining your fingers. The guilt returned, his eyes darkening. “But that thing felt like it wanted to tear me in half.” He shook his head. “And I couldn’t… if it got to you, I wouldn’t have been able to…” He trailed off, turning inward again at the possibility that clearly haunted him.
“Hey.” You pulled your hand loose to reach up, running your fingertips lightly through his beard and watching the tension in his forehead relax as his eyes closed. You waited until he opened them again, cupping his cheek. “You said it yourself: you made a call.” You gave him the best smile you could. “And I trust you, Hex. I do,” you emphasized, seeing him grimace. “I know you would’ve only done… this,” you gestured to the bandage, the thrumming still present underneath. “If you thought it would keep me safe.”
“That’s all I wanted,” Hex said quietly. His now-free arm wound around your waist, pulling you flush to him. He leaned down to kiss your forehead, lingering there for a long moment. 
You closed your eyes, enjoying the contact… and froze, feeling the thrumming in your neck slowing down. The longer the two of you stood there, the slower it became, until it moved like a weird echo of your own heart.
“…What,” you started, swallowing your nerves down. Hex leaned back so you could see his face, and you met his eyes. “…What does it do, though?”
Hex studied you for what felt like an age before he gave you a smile you couldn’t quite read — something adoring, and yet at the same time, the tiniest bit melancholy. “It means you’re mine, Preciosa.” He let it hang for a moment. “It means no one can hurt you… but me,” he added, almost as a whisper. His eyes were sharp, and his grip around your waist tightened. “And I swear to you, I would—“
“Die first,” you finished for him, holding his gaze. “I know, Hex.” You leaned up, kissing the end of his nose — and watching his face melt into an expression of relief. “I know.”
You would know much more by the end of the night, the three Morvants and Maxi’s partner fielding your questions over pizza at the kitchen table. The entire time, Hector held on to your hand under the table, squeezing it as if he seemed to know whenever your heart sped up in your chest.
When something thudded ominously upstairs during a quiet portion of the meal, the group of you barely looked up. 
There were more pressing matters at hand, now.
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[*markiplier voice* IS THIS THE MARK OF ‘87?!
anyway. thank you again for your patience, rosie <3 idk for sure how the whole mark bit will play out in the actual arc coming up, but this was a fun hypothetical for sure. :) it was good to write some spooky shit, I obviously missed it.
thanks to everyone who read this far! sending you sweet dreams ;D]
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mika-loverjoy · 3 years
hey there! i don't why but i feel like lando just has trouble sleeping so i thought that something along the lines verstappen becoming gradually concerned with how much tired lando has been looking and trying to figure out something to help him out
this would be like before they"re together
Lando has been having nightmares after the Belgian qualifying
he starts sleeping less and less but manages to keep up with everything
Max starts noticing little things that changed with lando
hes become a little snappy to jim and the others
he has dark walls under his eyes along with red rims maybe even from crying
and he doses off mid conversation all the time
it hurts max to see Lando -who he has liked for quite some time now- suffer
He makes a little list of what he could do
first he asked Lando if he wanted to jog on the track together tomorrow
and he says yes omfg he said yes
after the early run landos exhausted so max pushes him a bit more saying lets get to my room and we can stretch there
lando just nods ignoring the little dots hes seeing
wben the get there lando sits down and max goes to give him a water bottle
nvm landos asleep
mission accomplished
when lando does wake up his head is laying on max lap and lets say both looked very flustered leaving the room
next one is lots of socialising
max came up to lando and kept talking with him about anything and tohis surprise the sleep from yesterday paid of a bit
the dark walls lighter now
after a long talk lando yawns
Max asks if he wants to rest
and Lando shyly nods
max takes him to his room again this time lando was holding onto max' sleeve as they walked
when they enter max sits lando down next to him and vets lando to lay his head on his lap once more
another victory
sadly enough he couldn't do that for the next week and lando was back to restlessness
so max asks Daniel what hotel landos in
Daniel smirks a bit and tells him "-go get him lion"
Max flustered goes to his car and takes off
Landos chilling in his room just checking some data he got from today
theres a knock and Lando fucking dies for a second bc no one expects someone at 2 in the morning
"open up its max"
oh okay
lando opens it and max comes in
"i knew it"
Landos just confused af
"knew what? why r u here?"
Max smiles athim after pulling the mask off
"u not sleeping, getting you to bed"
Max picks him up and lays him on the bed
"now take your shoes off"
max turns his laptop off and keeps the desk light on
lando doesnt know what is happening until max picks him up
A small gasp and Max sits down on the bed and places Lando on his lap
Okay there goes all his confidence
he hides his head against landos shoulder
"Why cant you sleep?"
Landos sits up a bit and rest his hands on max head
petting him bc he doesn't know wtf to do
"I dont know.."
Max sighs and moves his hand on landos waist in like a comfort way
"fuck- your so pretty"
Lando goes fucking mental inside
like holy *$&# max cursed AND called him pretty
"uhm well youre handsome"
Max smiles and falls backwards making Lando lay ontop of him
ill just end it with them cuddling and both confess in the silence of their room
Lando fell inlove with him on the first day he got into f1
and max was like wat rlly hol up
he says he fell jn love with him in the second season of Lando
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pinoyrella · 3 years
“A Love So Beautiful” Chapter 7
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Chapter 7: Two Days and One Night
FT: Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Hinata Shoyo, Kageyama Tobio, Yachi Hitoka, Fukurodani + Nekoma + Nohebi
TW: Mild Language + Minor Injuries (Kuroo get a lil booboo, Yaku ankle go brrr)
Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Angst, Coming of Age + Slow Burn
- This chapter contains fluff, comedy and drama.
WORD COUNT: 5,000+
“A LOVE SO BEAUTIFUL” Masterlist 🌸
A/N: HIIIII omg how r u guys 🥺 i was having a hard time figuring out how to... do this chapter, but i hope you enjoy! pls forgive me for the cringe and cheesiness of everything i fken swear im trying but i- ToT call me macaroni bc i be cheesy 🙈
PS: This chapter is taking place during the Cats vs. Owls OVA that comes after season 3! (and also a few minutes of s3 ep10)... I’m trying my best to line up the story w the actual series ToT, so it’s currently ur first year - spring time! Cherry blossom season is coming!!!🌸
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A warm Friday afternoon.
“What do you guys think of this design?” Yachi asks as she passes a paper over to you and Tsukishima as Yamaguchi leans in from her side. You drop your pen to your notebook before picking up the small flyer, bringing it closer to the three of you.
“This looks great Yachi! What’s it for?” She stands immediately, her hands clenched into a fist while her eyes shine with excitement. “It’s a rough sketch for the volleyball club’s poster!” “Whoa, that’s so cool! So this is what a manager’s job is?” She nods as you hand the flyer back, smiling to your friend; happy that she’s having fun and enjoying her job.
“Hey” The four of you turn your heads, watching as Kageyama makes his way through the door. “AAAAAAAHHHHHH!” The sound of a familiar scream comes down the hallway.
The four of you watch as Hinata shoves past Kageyama, nearly knocking him over. “HEY!” Kageyama begins to charge until noticing the presence of his classmates. He lets out a low grumble before following the orange boy, making his way to you.
“GUYS!” Hinata jumps excitedly, looking between the four of you. “Look!” He pulls his phone out, facing it to you guys, completely ignoring Kageyama next to him. “What is it?” Yachi asks, confused. Hinata takes his phone back and realizes his photo gallery is on-screen. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi hide a snicker before he immediately changes it to his text messages, bringing the phone back to you guys.
On his screen shows the flyer for “Japan’s National Tournament, Tokyo Area Qualifiers”. The five of you look up to him in confusion as he continues, “Let’s go!”
And this is where you found yourself, a suitcase in hand as you make your way to your seat on the Shinkansen. You try to lift your suitcase above to the compartment, but the weight of the baggage slips past your grasp. You brace yourself for impact before you open your eyes to see it in the compartment above you. Feeling a presence to your left, you turn to find Kageyama.
“Let me help you from now on” he says softly, his hand resting on the back of a seat as one is holding onto the strap of his backpack. You immediately take a step back before thanking him, making your way to sit beside Yachi.
Just behind Kageyama is Hinata, following Yamaguchi and Tsukishima, as well as other passengers. Tsukishima, obviously unamused onto why there’s a hold up “Hey King, could you hurry up?” Kageyama realizes there’s a line of people behind him, immediately sitting in the seat to the front of you.
Hinata throws his luggage above before plopping down to the side of Kageyama, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima following.
The announcement for the bullet train begins, and you soon fall into a quiet slumber, your head resting against Yachi.
“Y/n, Yachi-san… Yachi! Y/N!” You are awakened to Yamaguchi’s voice “Wake up idiot, we’re here” You turn to find Tsukishima’s face just inches away from yours. Surprised, you jump, bumping your head against Yachi’s, waking you both up.
“Ah!” You both yelp, holding onto your heads. Kageyama turns from his seat to the sound of your cry, only to find Tsukishima’s face close to yours. “Tsukki!” You hiss before apologizing to Yachi.
“Come on guys, let’s go” Yamaguchi begins removing your luggages from the compartment above, as the six of you make your way off the train. Moving through the crowd of people towards the station.
“Are we there yet?” You yawn, still exhausted, before bumping into Tsukishima’s back. “We’re here, open your eyes idiot.” You slowly open your eyes, looking up to the building in front of you. “It looks so cozy” Yachi compliments as the six of you make your way inside. “Akaashi and Bokuto-san sent me this address, one of their teammates’ relatives owns this place!” Hinata says. “No wonder you’re able to provide a place for all of us to stay for the night” Tsukishima replies, before noticing you were no longer behind him.
The sound of a huff causes him to turn around. As he turns, he sees you struggling to move your luggage above the doorstep. Sighing, he makes his way to you, but Kageyama rushes past him, helping and assisting you instead. The carpet had stuck to the wheel of your suitcase.
Tsukishima’s eyes widened in shock by the sudden movement of his teammate, before rolling his eyes, turning his attention back to his other friends.
“Thanks Tobio!” You thank as he gives another smile. “I told you, let me help you from now on” He says, tapping the right of your shoulder; before the two of you walk after your group.
Hinata and Yamaguchi make their way to the register, collecting the room key as the six of you make your way to your room.
Yamaguchi inserts the key, twisting it before Hinata opens the door, jumping right in. “TA DA!” He cheers, the five of you walking in, Tsukishima yet again, unamused.
“This room is insanely big” You comment as you settle your suitcase to the side.
“It’s going to be like a sleepover!” Hinata exclaims, Yamaguchi turning his head. “Oh, you’re right Hinata!” “Thank god it’s only for one night.” Tsukishima bluntly adds, before exploring the cupboards.
Hinata then brings his wrist up to check the time. “AH!” “What?!” The five of you turn in concern for your friend’s sudden outburst. “We have to hurry!”
The sound of shoes squeaking against the floor echo throughout the building along with balls.
“Wow, so this is the Sumida City Gymnasium?” You walk ahead of your friends, looking around before turning to face them. “It’s so much bigger than the one in Sendai!” “Well, this is Tokyo” Tsukishima replies, Yamaguchi giving a sheepish smile, before the sound of squabbling catches your attention.
“WHAT WAS THAT?!” “Stop it Yamamoto, don’t let that snake bastard get to you.” The man in green smiles, pointing his finger to the calmer guy in red. “You always have that hair, are you sure you’re not lying about your height? Are you actually 180 cm-” “HUH?! I’d never do something so petty!”
You watch as the three go at it, before someone from the red team’s group notices you guys. “Shoyo?” One says quietly as he makes his way over to you guys.
“Kenma-san!” Hinata runs over, meeting Kenma half way as the five of you follow. You hear Kageyama mumbling. “Nekoma’s setter… Nekoma’s setter… Nekoma’s setter…”
“You made it” Kenma says before Hinata nods. “Bokuto-san sent me the flyer! Akaashi-san’s teammate gave us a place to stay, and it fell into our weekend, I didn’t want to miss it!” Kenma nods before turning to face you and the others, feeling chills down the spine of his back when making eye contact with Kageyama.
“Hey, it’s skinny!” Tsukishima jolts, as Nekoma’s team follows their captain, making their way to your group and Kenma. “Long time no see, don’t tell me you’ve grown taller” “Kuroo-san” You watch the two, before the one named Kuroo turns to you. “I haven’t seen you before” He leans down, closer to your height. Tsukishima watches as he does so, feeling a bit irritated. “Hmm”
You become flustered, unable to move as his face comes closer to yours, before you feel someone pull you behind. Kageyama stands in between you two, having you to his back, silently staring at the taller senior. Everyone is surprised by Kageyama’s action, especially Kuroo before eyeing back up to his regular level as he smiles down at him.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare your friend” Kageyama ignores him, turning to face you and whispering “Are you okay?” Kuroo is left shocked by being ignored, and his teammates snicker behind him.
“I- I-” You stutter, still flustered before another player, much calmer and collected from Nekoma, approaches you. The tall figure gives you a sincere apology for his captain’s behavior. “I’m sorry about that, our captain can be a little…” He turns to look back to Kuroo, before looking to you. “A little bitch” A much shorter boy with strawberry blonde hair joins in, Kenma letting out a snort.
“HUH?! YAKU- if anyone’s a little bitch it's your short ass, Mr. 165 cm.” “165.2 CM DICKWAD!” You watch as the two seniors get into a catfight before another player walks into the situation. “Kuroo-san!” Said man turns his attention to his teammate. “The girls’ game will be done soon”
Kuroo responds with an “alright” before collecting his team together. “Be sure to cheer us on, kitten~” He winks to you before bidding your friends a farewell, walking off.
Your team makes their way up the bleachers, listening to the announcer announce Fukurodani and Nekoma’s match. You watch as a very muscular man throws his jacket in the air, only for his teammate to catch it. “BOKUTO-SAN!” Hinata cheers besides you.
The crowd from Fukurodani’s side begins to chant, before Nekoma is announced. You turn your attention to a much shorter girl with a megaphone. “Go, go Nekoma! Push it, push it Nekoma!” “Great job Cheer Captain Akane!”
The bell goes off as both teams make it to their sides, the lineup and game beginning.
Watching as Fukurodani takes the first serve, you turn to see the excitement in both Hinata and Kageyama’s eyes.
Turning your attention back to the court, Akaashi proceeds to set the ball to Bokuto. Your eyes sparkle as you see how high the man can jump, then the sound of him smashing the ball, as it hit’s Kuroo’s palm, causing it to fly up.
You don't realize the direction it’s flying too, your eyes widening as the ball comes directly your way. You bring your palms up at the perfect time, catching the volleyball immediately in your hands. You stare at it in shock as all eyes turn to you.
“HEY! HEY! HEY!!!” Bokuto cheers along with his school, getting the point.
The game continues, Fukurodani taking the lead. “Holy crap, Bokuto is a beast” You watch as the millionth spike he hit touches the ground of Nekoma’s side. “Right?! He’s so cool! Hinata exclaims before you both turn to the court, only to notice a sudden change in Bokuto’s mood, after Kuroo blocks his spike.
The crowd goes silent, and you turn to Hinata making a face of confusion.
Bokuto’s attitude changes completely, causing a break to be issued, Akaashi giving the man a pep talk.
The break ends, and they are back to the game. You notice Bokuto’s attitude had gone back to his original state, as he becomes happy to spike yet again.
“It must have been Akaashi-san who brought Bokuto-san backup.” Tsukishima comments, crossing his arms as he becomes invested into the game. You turn to smile at him, not knowing he was actually watching.
The gym goes quiet, the final set, and Bokuto’s team is winning. Nekoma is under pressure before Bokuto sends one final spike down, earning the final win for Fukurodani.
Nekoma falls in defeat, you feel remorse along with Hinata for them, knowing Hinata really hoped to play against them at Nationals.
The six of you walk out of the gym. “So… Nekoma isn’t going to Nationals?” You ask, feeling stupid for asking such a question, before Yamaguchi speaks. “No, not unless they lose this next match.” “What?” “For Tokyo, unlike Miyagi, they have two Representative slots open, while a third for venue sponsorship.” He explains as you tilt your head, still confused. “Dumbass” Tsukishima jokingly insults, flicking your forehead. “There are four teams playing here, only one of those four won’t be able to go to Nationals. The other three, will be going. If Nekoma wins the next match against the other team, they will be going to Nationals” Tsukishima explains in a much easier way. “Ah! Thanks Tsukki!” You thank him, not even realizing he had called you a dumbass.
“What are we waiting for? Let’s go cheer them on!” You exclaim, the five cheering after you. “Yeah!”
“Do you even know where the next match is being held?” You stop to turn, looking at Tsukishima. “Nope!” You say with a smile.
You follow as Yamaguchi leads you to another court, on the other side of the venue.
As you make your way past the gates, you stop with Yachi, the delicious scent of food surrounding the air. Yamaguchi and Tsukishima turn to see you too, before looking at each other. “Do you guys want to get food before the game starts?” You look up to your two friends, pleading with puppy eyes before Tsukishima sighs.
“Hinata, Kageyama!” Yamaguchi calls his friends ahead of them. The two stop to turn as you run up to them. “Do you guys want anything from the stalls?” You ask. “You guys can go find the seats! I can take care of everything myself!” You state, as Tsukishima looks to you. “By yourself? You have two hands. Two hands. You barely even know how to use them, and there’s six of us. There’s no way you can gather food for everyone, and make it back in one piece.” The blonde bean pole says, before you give him a pout.
“I’ll go with you boss.” Kageyama butts in, standing to your side as he ruffles your hair. “Tobio! Stop doing that” You laugh as you fix your hair before looking back to Tsukishima. “That settles it! Now go, get us seats!” You shoo your friends away before walking away with Kageyama, missing the glare Tsukishima gives Kageyama.
Standing in front of a takoyaki stall, you order the biggest plate, before noticing Kageyama to the stall besides you. Paying for your order and taking the ticket, you make your way to Kageyama as he pays for something.
“What did you get?!” You ask him in excitement. He jumps in surprise by your sudden presence before looking down to you, bringing the item he had brought up to your view. You stare as it dangles from his fingertips, a cute trinket in the shape of a strawberry milk carton. You blink before he grabs the ends of your bag, bringing it up to his level.
You watch in confusion as he is attaching it to your bag’s zipper, before speaking.
“It’s for you” He looks to meet you eyes as he gently drops your bag, letting it hang off your arm again. You stare at him, before looking down to it, then back up to him. “What? Tobio-” “It just reminded me of you.” He says giving a soft smile before taking the ticket from your hand and walking back to the takoyaki stall.
You watch as he walks off, looking down to the keychain with a small smile, really grateful for a friend like him.
Making your way into the gym, you scan to find Yamaguchi waving for you. “Kageyama- Y/n! Over here!” You make your way to them, Kageyama follows with the box of takoyaki in his hands. Handing out the sticks, you push Kageyama to be in the middle, then opening the lid to the box.
“It smells so good!” Hinata exclaims as he’s about to poke his stick into a ball. “Thank you y/n!” Yamaguchi and Yachi say in sync, as you make your way to Tsukishima, handing him a stick before he declines. “Are you not hungry?” “Not really” He bluntly replies, you pout again before turning back to the others, stabbing your stick into a ball.
Then turning your attention back to the court, seeing the game between Nekoma and Nohebi has already begun.
“Lev! Stop flailing your arms around! I can’t dig the damn ball!” Yaku yells, scolding the taller boy. “But Yaku-san, you’ll still get the ball no matter what!” He snaps back frustrated. You watch as the Yaku scratches the back of his head, taking it as a compliment. Kuroo gives him a look of annoyance before resuming back to their positions.
The game between the two continues, Nohebi taking the lead as Nekoma fights back. Just as Nohebi’s captain is about to spike, Lev jumps, sending it flying upwards. “One touch!” He yells, as Yamamoto runs after to hit it, then causing it to fly further away. “Shit!”
Just as the ball makes it into the audience, you watch as Yaku catches up to it, sending it back to the court. “WOW!” You cheer for him, impressed by his quick reflexes. Turning your attention towards the ball, you watch as Nohebi tries to keep the ball from touching the floor. Their captain, sending it flying up towards the net, before Lev jumps again, immediately smashing the ball back down to their side of the court.
The gym cheers as Lev turns to Yaku in excitement. Your eyes follow his, only to see Yamamoto assisting Yaku. “He fell-” Yamaguchi says. “He landed on someone’s foot as he was trying to get the ball.” You look at Yamaguchi before back down at Yaku limping. Yaku turns to apologize to the guest before facing the court. “I’m fine!” He yells, taking a step and immediately feeling a shock of pain course through him.
Just as he falls, Yamamoto catches him as their coach makes their way to them. “Shibayama!”
“I hope Yaku-san’s going to be okay” Yachi adds as the match continues. You watch as the coach tends to Yaku’s wound, before going back to the game.
Nekoma struggles, getting used to Shibayama now on court. Nohebi is still in the lead and the gym watches in anticipation.
Shibayama visibly looks calmer, adjusting himself before Daisho spikes the ball towards him. You hold your breath until Shibayama is able to stop the ball, sending it up before Kuroo smashes it back down to Nohebi’s side of the court.
“All right!” Nekoma cheers as you give out a sigh of relief. “You seem really invested into the game” You turn and notice Tsukishima looking down towards you. “Well, it’s really interesting…” You blush, stabbing another ball and plopping it into your mouth.
Nekoma begins catching up, getting used to the new player on the court, very close to winning the set.
The whistle blows, a new player making his way onto the court.
“A pinch server” You overhear behind you. “Didn’t that guy dislocate his thumb in the last match?” Turning your attention back to the court, you watch just as the ball barely hits the net. Kuroo and Nobuyaki catch it, before Fukunaga sends it to the other side. You watch the ball, thinking it would make it in before the whistle blows once again. “Out!” The pinch server yells.
“Out? No way!” Hinata cries. Bringing your hand up to your chin, “He blocked it”. Your friends turn to you, as you continue. “I saw the ball, it was in the court, but the pinch server guy, he extended his fists to block the referee from seeing it.” “Whoa…” “Talk about conniving” Tsukishima adds, before taking the stick in your hand, stabbing a ball and bringing it up into his mouth.
You turn to look up at him, watching as he puts the same stick you had placed on your lips to his. ‘Indirect kiss’ You think, bringing your palms up to cover your face, letting out an internal scream.
“Y/n-chan!” Yachi faces you. Kageyama and Hinata turn to look at you, then to Tsukishima, before Tsukishima looks back to them shrugging his shoulders as he focuses back on the game.
“Shibayama!” You watch the captain make his way off the court. “Wait- What happened to Kuroo-san?” “I think he busted his fingernail” “Ouch....” Turning your attention to the scoreboard, Nekoma is a point away from winning the game, to have their captain subbed out at a time like this is a big risk.
Daisho jumps, aiming for Lev before switching to Shibayama. Fortunately, the boy is able to receive it, sending it to Yamamoto before he aims to smash it. The ball then touching the Nohebi’s middle blocker’s hands before flying up, and far from the court. You watch as Daisho attempts to chase after it, only for it to fall, finally touching the floor. The match has ended.
“Thanks for the game!” The teams exchange before Yaku meets with his team, eyes filled with tears as he hugs them.
You watch as Kenma looks up to the stands, finding Hinata and giving him a nod. You turn to your friend, watching the smile spread throughout his face. He can’t wait to play against them at Nationals.
Walking out of the venue, you look up to notice as it’s night time already.
“I didn’t even think it was so dark outside already” You comment, Kageyama turning his head to you, watching the moon shine in your eyes. “We better get going before” Yamaguchi states, leading the way back to the cozy inn.
“Ah!” You let out, dipping into the onsen besides Yachi. “This feels so good!” Your cheeks redden from the temperature in the room. “This is so relaxing, I’m so happy we were all able to come together, traveling is so much fun, especially with your friends” Yachi replies before you give her a smirk. “And especially without your parents!”
The two of you share a laugh as the boys prepare the futons.
“One, two, three, four...” Yamaguchi counts. “I think we’re missing two more futons.” “Really?” Hinata recounts the futons. “Oh, I’ll go ask for more!” “I’ll come with you Hinata!” Yamaguchi exits the room with Hinata, unintentionally leaving Kageyama and Tsukishima together.
The two not even realizing they were the only ones left in the room, turn to face each other, then turning around to scan the room, only to notice Yamaguchi and Hinata are no longer with them. The tension is intense and super awkward.
They separate, going to opposite sides of the room.
As Tsukishima is about to place his headphones on, he feels a stare from behind him. Turning to see Kageyama staring at him. “What?”
Kageyama turns away immediately. “N-n… Kni.. Knife… N...” “Huh?” “Nothing!” “You should have said it clearly the first time.” Tsukishima glares back before you walk in with Yachi.
“Oh? Where are Yamaguchi and Hinata?” You ask. “Right behind ya! Excuse us” Yamaguchi replies, as Hinata runs in, dropping the futons down. “I told you I could have helped carry one.” Yamaguchi sighs before helping spread the last two futons out.
You turn your attention back to Kageyama, who is in the corner of the room. Making your way over, you squat to him. “Why are you so far away from us Tobio?” Kageyama snaps his head, coming face to face with you. He immediately stands, flustered from the close contact, before you rise up with him, giggling. All while Tsukishima hears your giggles through his headphones.
As night falls, you lay on your futon, your eyes shut as the sound of rustling keeps you awake.
“Hinata?” You whisper. The rustling stops, as he turns around facing you. “Yeah?” “You okay?” You ask in concern. “I can’t really sleep, did you bring your stationery pouch?” He replies quietly. “Ah” As you reach over to your bag to grab the pouch for him, the lights turn on, waking everyone up.
“Ugh-” “What happened?” “Hinata, what the hell” Tsukishima puts his glasses on, looking up slowly to the boy standing in the middle of the room, facing the five of you.
“Lets play a game!”
“A game?” The three question as Kageyama is still asleep in his futon.
And this is where you found yourselves, gathered in a circle around the kotatsu.
Hinata makes his way around, handing each person a slip of paper as your pens are spread across the middle of the kotatsu.
“Okay, now everyone grab a pen!” You all grab a pen, waiting for the boy’s instructions.
“In this game, we are going to write down a confession. Then, we are going to fold it, place it in the center of the table, mix it around, and we are all going to take one script!” He says as he plops back down to his seat in excitement. “What are we, 8? This is so stupid” Tsukishima comments before removing the cap of the pen, wanting to get this over with.
Intrigued, you take your pen, resting it above the slip of paper thinking of what to say. You try your best to sneak a peek from your friends’ slips, but you are all spread out a little too far. You put the pen to your chin before your eyes wander to Tsukishima, an idea finally popping to mind.
‘I really like someone in this group, but please keep it a secret.’ You write before folding your paper, being the first to drop it in the center of the table. Tsukishima glances up, giving a low smile seeing you excited, even for such a silly game.
Just as everyone drops their slip on the center of the table, Hinata jumps, swooping the papers up into his hand, and shaking them around if he were rolling dice, before bringing his cupped hands around, asking for everyone to grab a script.
You take one from his palm, waiting for the next instruction. Once Hinata makes his way to everyone, a single slip in his hands he begins. “Ready? Okay, let’s open them!”
You all begin to slowly open your scripts, reading what is written. You freeze as you read yours.
‘I’m in love with Y/n.’
You feel your soul leave your body, immediately looking around between the group of your friends, then to Tsukishima as he keeps his eyes on his.
“Yay! We’re done, okay goodnight” Hinata says before jumping back into the covers of his futon, immediately turning and falling asleep.
The five of you look at the boy in disbelief, before heading to bed.
You toss and turn in your futon, unable to fall asleep. Slowly getting up, you make your way out to the balcony, shutting the sliding door quietly as you lean on the railing.
Letting out a huff, you gaze up into the sky, resting your head against your arm, not noticing the door sliding open and close.
“What are you going?” You jump, turning around to see Tsukishima standing with his hands in the pockets of his team jacket. Letting out a sigh, you pout as he makes his way over besides you, leaning his back against the railing.
“Don’t scare me like that!” You quietly scold him before turning yourself to the night sky, missing the small smile he gave.
“I couldn’t sleep” You admit, as you rest your chin on your arm again. “That makes two of us” He replies, turning to lean on the railing with you, facing the night sky. “What happened?” You look at him before answering. “Nothing much really, I’m just overthinking.”
Tsukishima stays silent, the guilt still eating him up from the time he had brought you to tears during the Spring Interhigh Finals. Were you just as bothered by this as he was? Has it been keeping you awake restless at night? Did he really do this to you? He wishes, if he could promise to never hurt you again, he wouldn’t waste a second to commit.
But really, you were thinking of the confession you received on the script. You don’t realize how quiet Tsukishima’s been before you ask him. “Why are you still awake?” He looks to you immediately, staring into your eyes before shrugging. “I just felt off” “Off? What’s wrong Tsukki?” You ask concerned. He lets out a sigh, before standing up completely, facing you.
You watch as he gazes down at your features, confused as he takes his hands out from his pockets.
“I’m sorry y/n” He begins, looking straight into your eyes. The look he gives you, is a look of absolute sincerity. You tilt your head, still confused, as you were about to respond he continues. “I’m really sorry about what happened during the Spring Interhigh Finals, in the infirmary.” Your eyes widening, remembering that day.
“I…” He continues, and you listen. “I didn’t mean anything I said. I was very frustrated with the game, and how useless I felt when I had to leave because I let myself get hurt during the match… It’s still honestly, not an excuse to take everything out on you. But after seeing-” He stops himself, his eyes turning away as he was just about to admit his final outburst was due to seeing you in Kageyama’s jersey.
“After seeing?” You question still looking up to him. “After seeing… you… in Kageyama’s jersey…” He mumbles the end as he takes a deep breath looking back to you, completely flustered. You blink, looking down, registering what he just said. ‘After seeing me copy a jerky?’
He takes a step closer to you, “It was the last straw, and I allowed my harsh emotions to drown you.” You turn your attention back to him. “You didn’t deserve that. Especially when you were there for me. When you came to support me, and the team. And, I know it doesn’t look like it at most times, maybe all the time, but, I appreciate you so much. I’m very fortunate to have you in my life, even after so long.” You look up to him. “I’m really sorry y/n.” He finishes, his gaze stuck to you as he awaits your response.
You blink once more, eyes tearing as you give a warm smile. These are one of those very rare moments with Tsukishima you have come to treasure deeply. “I forgive you Tsukishima Kei.”
His eyes widen as his body comes closer, his arms wrapping around you unconsciously. You still, surprised by his action. Before exhaling calmly as you feel the warmth from him around you. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you cling to him. Your face pressed into his jacket, mumbling something.
“Huh?” Tsukishima pulls away, his arms still wrapped around you as he looks at you in confusion. “What did you say?” “Can you make me a promise, Tsukki?” He stares, waiting for your request. “Can you promise to never hurt me again?” Not even taking a second to think. “I promise, pipsqueak.”
“You get three strikes, this is your first one” You give a final cheeky smile before muffling your face back into his sweater as he lets out a sigh of relief, placing a hand to the back of your head, bringing his chin to rest above it.
He promises to himself as he holds you close, a smile warming his face.
‘And it will be the last.’
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A/N #2: WAAAA!!! thank you so much again for reading💞 im sorry if tsukki seems a little off, i wanna think tsukki is actually v soft when it comes to emotional and sentimental situations.. at least w the ppl he doesnt mind showing that side to, u kno what i mean?
ohh!!! i also have one more or 2 exciting news!!!
i have another series wip on the way! once im able to get the prologue and at least plan the next 5 chapters, it’ll be posted!! im so excited bc i love osamu sm pls.. oops i said his name 😳
i also plan for another series but, im still debating whether or not to write it bc, as u can see, i cant write angst for shit let alone write in general how r u guys still here ASDFGHJKL😭
anyways, i hope to see you in the next chapter!! thank you so much for putting up with my bad grammar and english, i love uuu guys 💖
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i will now go back to my excessive amount of homework and studying to do, let us pray for my dumbass, amen.😔🙏🏼
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TAGLIST: @cvlliesstuff , @strawberries-en-cream , @beanst0ck , @kimiiiiiiiiii, @lucyheartfilias-wife , @lanatheawesome , @owlnymph​ . 
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“A LOVE SO BEAUTIFUL” Masterlist 🌸
52 notes · View notes
nicollekidman · 3 years
Jeez, I couldn’t even tell you what kind of genre! All I’ve been watching lately are Agatha Christie adaptations and campy mysteries. And period pieces! Idk if there’s something along those lines on that app, but I generally trust your taste
skdfj qualifying with “generally” was a good idea bc we all know i enjoy trash
television faves i’d recommend to anyone: chernobyl, the leftovers, true detective (s1), westworld (s1),  sharp objects, anthony bourdain parts unknown, barry, the comeback, snowpeircer, i may destroy you, luther, pushing daisies, search party, six feet under, succession, thick of it, true blood (yeah i know but i love it), the west wing
period dramas/costume dramas: emma (2009), gentleman jack, pride and prejudice (1995), his dark materials (i haven’t seen s2 yet but), the knick, mildred peirce, my brilliant friend, parade’s end, phantom thread, emma 2020
romance: beginners, casablanca, brief encounter, desert hearts, the english patient, a hidden life, in the mood for love, my brilliant career, once, the red shoes, singing in the rain, secretary, umbrellas of cherbourg, up in the air, you’ve got mail
suspense/mystery: ocean’s eleven + twelve, all the president’s men, cruel intentions, the invisible man, mullholand drive, maltese falcon, north by northwest, whatever happened to baby jane?
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babiedeku · 4 years
Hello! Your Atsumu is the best! Can I ask D, J, K, L, M, O, R, X from Fluff Alphabet for him? If it's long, you can make just half from it.
thank you babie this means the world to me! and dont worry i did them all bc im fuckin soft for atsumu. im so fuckin in love with him
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D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Atsumu just can’t imagine his life without you.
He wants to give you a stable and happy life with him, and he’d do just about anything to be able to provide that and be the man that you deserve. He wants to give you the whole world on a silver platter, it’s just what you deserve. But right now he’d settle for buying you your dream house where the both of you can just be the complete dorks you both are, have lazy days together, and even possibly buy you the pet that you’ve been showing him videos of.
Mans just wants your life with him to be perfect :’)
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Miya Atsumu is a jealous man, but he knows that your heart yearns for him alone and you always politely dismiss the advances of any guy who has the balls to approach you. He’ll only ever interfere when he sees that you’re uncomfortable and the prick still can’t take a fucking hint.
“Hey, baby, who’s this asshole?” Atsumu asks nonchalantly as he puts an arm around your shoulder, but the venom in his voice evident as he stares the guy down.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Atsumu gives the best kisses, the kind of kisses that always leaves you wanting for more.
It was during one of their games back in high school, they had just won the qualifiers for nationals. You were their manager at that time, Atsumu rushed to the sidelines and captured your lips in a kiss. You’d expect the Miya Atsumu’s kisses to be more fervent and steamy, but this was soft, slow, and passionate.
“How ‘bout I take you out on a date after this, baby?” Atsumu smirked, as you stood there, red as a tomato.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He gave you a bento box of your favorite meal that Osamu he cooked. “I really like you, (y/n)-chan, d’you wanna try out that new boba tea shop that just opened after training?” Atsumu asked almost shyly, a stark contrast to his usual cocky and confident demeanor, scratching the back of his head.
Atsumu was trying his best to be sweet because he wanted to show you that he truly is serious with you, and that you’re not just another girl he’d flirt with.
“Are you asking me out on a date, Miya?” You asked, laughing a little at how red his cheeks turned. “But I like you too, pretty boy.”
He perked up, smirk back on his lips and his eyes absolutely shining. “You think I’m pretty, (y/n)? Tell me what else you’ve been thinking about me.”
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like
10/10 wanted to wife you up the moment he saw you.
He had taken you out for a little date night out in the city, wining and dining you, and as you two were strolling through the streets enjoying how pretty the colorful lights were, Atsumu dropped onto one knee and you froze as he seemed to be searching for something in his pocket. “Babe, wait, I need to tie my shoe.”
You huffed, looking the other way in embarrassment.  “But, I do have a  question.” Looking back at him, Atsumu was still down on one knee as he held out a beautiful diamond ring. “Will you marry me, angel?”
Married life with Atsumu is nothing short of beautiful - he still flirts with you as if you were still in high school,calls you “Mrs. Miya” for a good month, and breakfast in bed whenever he doesn’t have training. Domesticity is truly a wonderful thing, especially with your husband.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
What’s obvious is that he’s mcfreakin whipped for you and wrapped around you pretty little finger.
Everyone can just how happy he is with the smile that’s always present on his face ever single morning whenever he enters the gym for training, a little less harsher with his words, on top of his game, and is stealing glances at you from across the gym.
Atsumu’s love languages are physical touch and quality time - he’s not one to shy away from pda being more than happy to kiss you in front of the whole batch and loves having you with him with his hands in yours or draped around your shoulders as you both just lounge around cuddling.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Whenever you’re in need of cheering up, he drops everything to rush to your side. Atsumu buys your comfort food on the way to your house so that you can have something to lift your spirits as he just cuddles you up and cuddles you, giving you kisses.
Atsumu: a simp for you and only you
He’s a romantic, a big soft romantic man, taking you out on the spontaneous dates after class or during the weekends, buying you things that remind him of you whenever they have games outside of Hyogo, leaving you notes on your locker when your both busy with academics, and always kisses you good bye whenever he walks you home.
Is a little on the cliche side since he’s a big softie (only for you though), but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s endearing and heartfelt :’)
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He’s incredibly affectionate, and gets whiny when you don’t reciprocate his affections.
Loves pda - holding your hands, having his arms around your waist, kissing you in public, having you sit on his lap - he just loves you, always wants you near him, and he thinks you pretty when you’re blushing and smiling.
Atsumu is the biggest cuddler there is, he can be the big spoon yeah but he just loves loves loves being held by you and just having your warmth envelope him. biggest babie ever.
Always a little needy and clingy whenever he’s had a long and exhausting day or whenever the both of you have been apart too long for his liking.
“C’mere, sweetheart, wanna smother you in so much kisses, I missed you today.”
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zid1an · 4 years
ok so. I’m avoiding my problems. here’s the context, the pitch, if u will, for “thirteen years is a long time” because things have changed VASTLY from what they were two months ago. biggest thing is that its zhancheng. please bear with me, This Is Going To Be Long. and also incomprehensible. :]
- sunshot happens. lan wangji goes into three year seclusion, jiang wanyin continues building up lotus pier from the ashes. bleak!
- so you’d think I’d make this sad. tempting! but I make the conscious decision every morning to pull on big red metaphorical clown shoes and a shiny red metaphorical clown nose and angst makes me feel physically ill so ah. No ❤️
- so in those three years a-yuan gets raised by lan xichen and lan qiren while lan zhan kinda figures himself out. why does lan zhan need to figure himself out? good question. flashback noises
• so imagine we’re at cloud recesses, before sunshot, before everyone has lost someone important to them to a war they didn’t ask for. jiang wanyin, jiang yanli, and wei wuxian arrive with the other yunmeng jiang disciples and somebody not naming any names is just like. wearing the big red clown shoes and shiny red clown nose but less metaphorically and they’re about to look at second jade of lan, lan wangji, and be like “You Want To Be My Friend So Bad”. and it worked. Somehow.
• lan zhan had a fleeting crush on wei ying that faded almost immediately, and so they were friends*
*wei ying would get into problems and lan zhan would watch torn between exasperation and genuine endearment, if that qualifies friendship. the extrovert adopting an introvert trope is good, actually
also wei ying didn’t know about that crush. which is probably for the better, he’d make a mess of it somehow
• what wei ying DID know though was that his shidi had a crush on lan zhan, jiang cheng has never been very subtle about these things, and he liked teasing him about it because that’s what a good older brother does. HOWEVER, wei ying had NO IDEA that lan zhan had a crush on jiang cheng. probably in part because lan zhan also had no idea that lan zhan had a crush on jiang cheng.
so lan zhan, admiringly and longingly, awful at nuanced romantic social cues, was like “jiang wanyin’s sword forms are very elegant.”
and wei ying, the biggest fan of his siblings and their number one cheerleader, also awful at nuanced romantic social cues, was like “yeah jiang cheng’s great!!!”
• where does jiang cheng himself sit in all of this? big embarrassing hero worshippy crush on lan zhan. thinks lan zhan is super super cool and perfect and because of [despondant mumbling] he Yearns from afar. I actually already posted screenshots of my thoughts on [despondant mumbling]. Anyway
• so for all of you watching from home, that’s lan zhan with a crush on jiang cheng, jiang cheng with a crush on lan zhan, wei ying entirely unaware of lan zhan’s crush on jiang cheng and delightedly aware of jiang cheng’s crush on lan zhan, and wild card nie huaisang who knows about all of the above and nonetheless just fucks around with wei ying and has his own shit going on, which I do also have planned in elaborate detail. ‘great that clears up everything!’ you are certainly thinking. fantastic let’s continue
• so how’d everything get so fucked up?
- (It Was The War.)
- so. lan zhan figures himself out. I had to go back and check where I was going w the flashback noises bc I got so caught up in the euphoria of needlessly complicated relationship graphs but . Lan Zhan. ‘if he figures himself out does that mean he realizes that he had a crush on jiang wanyin back then?’ you are perhaps asking yourself. Haha :]
- (no)
- he gets out of seclusion, three years older and a bit more at peace with the loss of his best friend (not entirely though, obviously, we’ll get to that) and he’s like “ok. I will visit shufu, then xiongzhang and a-yuan, then da-ge and nie-xiong, then look for wei ying. this is a good plan.”
• oh yeah huaisang lan zhan childhood friends. another time.
- so lan zhan Does All of That and you know. just .. happens to find himself on bichen flying top speed to yunmeng from qinghe because that’s exactly the kind of thing that can happen on accident. lan zhan touches down on the docks at lotus pier, however, and realizes that it very much is not the kind of thing that can happen on accident and also He Has No Plan.
- ah lan zhan lan zhan...... you fool
- meanwhile jiang cheng is just trying very very hard. hasn’t cried in years (not that he doesn’t want to) has incredibly calloused hands (listen I don’t want to get sad about the golden core I don’t but. But.) pretends that he doesn’t care about his disciples (they know better). the usual. this is a very shallow description on purpose
- so where does THIS leave us. the plot, that I’m working on. cool great now for the part that REALLY doesn’t make any sense!! aka all of the Everything Else
you thought THAT was long..... I am so sorry that tweet that goes “I will try to be brief (1/437)
WEI YING: this bitch doesn’t stay dead. the original draft had him staying dead but I got really sad and immediately changed my mind. he comes back in .. his.... body? a body that’s his and he tries not to think about the implication that the demonic cultivation remembers clearly enough what he looked like to not only create him a new body, but to create him a new body that looked like it aged. creepy! also it’s up for debate whether the demonic cultivation also shook somebody out there down for a golden core. who knows ! I don’t!!
MO XUANYU: hey guess what! I’m going to craft a happy ending for this dude if it fucking kills me. so he still gets taken into lanling jin after jin zixuan’s death (rip king I’ll do better by you in another au), that stays the same. it’s just that jin guangshan just straight up fucking Dies . like unprompted jin guangyao didn’t even get to fucking do anything yet. it doesn’t even matter what killed him in the end as long as it hurt but mo xuanyu is technically next in line to inherit lanling jin because of technicalities. good for him
JIN GUANGYAO: hey so. I will try to be brief (1/437). ohh man ok so the quickest possible way I can sum this up comes down to this, and I am so sorry because this is about to spiral into something wayy beyond jgy: lan zhan and nie huaisang are childhood friends (I know, this IS a great place to elaborate further on this, isn’t it?), and that means that lan huan and nie mingjue are also childhood friends. because lan huan and nie mingjue are childhood friends, it means that lan huan has been playing clarity for da-ge since he learned clarity, which means that da-ge’s doing better qi deviation wise. so when meng yao gets invited into qinghe nie, he’s getting whats essentially a free pass into Lan Huan’s Clarity Concerts, which means he gets free clarity.
SO. jin guangyao is still cunning and scheming and generally a sneaky sneaky little man but he’s also chosen his loyalties better this time around. I am absolutely going to have to make a separate post for him and huaisang. and da-ge. and lan huan. why did I write all of that out, actually,
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rudjedet · 5 years
I hope it's fine since I couldn't check the faqs on mobile. I have a blurred memory about Cinderella's most ancient version being Egyptian. Is it true (with a pharaoh, the Nile and a shoe made of papyrus? 🙄). And if it's really so, how old is it? Where can we read that story? Thank for all your down to earth Egyptian curiosities! Take care!
It’s more or less Egyptian - that is, the tale is said to take place in Egypt, but whether its origins are completely Egyptian is doubtful. It was likely an oral tradition, and it was first recorded by Strabo in his Geographies around 7 BC. The girl in question is called Rhodopis, and he writes the following passage about her:
They tell the fabulous story that, when [Rhodopis] was bathing, an eagle snatched one of her sandals from her maid and carried it to Memphis; and while the king was administering justice in the open air, the eagle, when it arrived above his head, flung the sandal into his lap; and the king, stirred both by the beautiful shape of the sandal and by the strangeness of the occurrence, sent men in all directions into the country in quest of the woman who wore the sandal; and when she was found in the city of Naucratis, she was brought up to Memphis, became the wife of the king.
I’m not aware of a fuller version than this passage by Strabo, and a much later version noted down by the Roman orator Aelian in his Miscellaneous History. As far as I know more elaborate recountings don’t exist. Aelian does specify the Pharaoh’s name as Psammetichus (pardon the old-fashioned translation):
The Egyptians relations affirm that Rhodopis was a most beautiful Curtizan ; and that on a time as she was bathing her self, Fortune, who loveth to doe extravagant and unexpected things, gave her a reward : sutable, not to her mind, but her beauty. For whilest she was washing, and her Maids look’d to her clothes, an Eagle stooping down, snatched up one of her Shoes, and carried it away to Memphis, where Psammetichus was sitting in Judgement, and let the Shoe fall into his lap. Psammetichus wondring at the shape of the Shoe, and neatness of the work, and the action of the Bird, sent throughout Ægypt to find out the Woman to whom the shoe belonged ; and having found her out, married her. 
As for the origins of this story - Herodotus wrote down a somewhat similar story about the Thracian courtesan Rhodopis about five centuries before Strabo’s passage, and I believe this documentation of events is considered the origin of the later tale, but I’m not a Greek scholar so I’m not qualified to comment on it. Herodotus’ backstory of the courtesan specifies that during the time of Amasis II, Rhodopis was a fellow-slave of Aesop, and that she was taken to Naucratis by her owner. Here, Sappho’s brother Charaxus, who was there as a wine merchant, fell in love with her and bought her freedom. 
(2.134) This king, too, left a pyramid, but far smaller than his father’s, each side twenty feet short of three hundred feet long, square at the base, and as much as half its height of Ethiopian stone. Some Greeks say that it was built by Rhodopis, the courtesan, but they are wrong; [2] indeed, it is clear to me that they say this without even knowing who Rhodopis was (otherwise, they would never have credited her with the building of a pyramid on which what I may call an uncountable sum of money was spent), or that Rhodopis flourished in the reign of Amasis, not of Mycerinus; [3] for very many years later than these kings who left the pyramids came Rhodopis, who was Thracian by birth, and a slave of Iadmon son of Hephaestopolis the Samian, and a fellow-slave of Aesop the story-writer. For he was owned by Iadmon, too, as the following made crystal clear: [4] when the Delphians, obeying an oracle, issued many proclamations summoning anyone who wanted it to accept compensation for the killing of Aesop, no one accepted it except the son of Iadmon’s son, another Iadmon; hence Aesop, too, was Iadmon’s. 
(2.135) Rhodopis came to Egypt to work, brought by Xanthes of Samos, but upon her arrival was freed for a lot of money by Kharaxus of Mytilene, son of Scamandronymus and brother of Sappho the poetess. [2] Thus Rhodopis lived as a free woman in Egypt, where, as she was very alluring, she acquired a lot of money—sufficient for such a Rhodopis, so to speak, but not for such a pyramid. [3] Seeing that to this day anyone who likes can calculate what one tenth of her worth was, she cannot be credited with great wealth. For Rhodopis desired to leave a memorial of herself in Greece, by having something made which no one else had thought of or dedicated in a temple and presenting this at Delphi to preserve her memory; [4] so she spent one tenth of her substance on the manufacture of a great number of iron beef spits, as many as the tenth would pay for, and sent them to Delphi; these lie in a heap to this day, behind the altar set up by the Chians and in front of the shrine itself. [5] The courtesans of Naucratis seem to be peculiarly alluring, for the woman of whom this story is told became so famous that every Greek knew the name of Rhodopis, and later on a certain Archidice was the theme of song throughout Greece, although less celebrated than the other. [6] Kharaxus, after giving Rhodopis her freedom, returned to Mytilene. He is bitterly attacked by Sappho in one of her poems. This is enough about Rhodopis.
So Sappho wrote a poem ridiculing her brother’s decisions in this matter, though she named the woman in question Doricha instead of Rhodopis. Because of that, as far as I know “Rhodopis” is considered either Herodotus just doing his usual by giving as her name the Greek equivalent of “rosy cheeks”, or the woman Doricha’s actual “stage name” as courtesan.
Whatever the origin of the name Rhodopis, it seems acceptable that the name of the girl in Strabo’s recounting of the tale was taken from Herodotus’ writings and/or the courtesan herself. In most if not all modern adaptions of the “Cinderella story”, Strabo’s and Herodotus’ accounts are definitely conflated and mashed together.
This, then, leads to a reconstructed story about the slave girl Rhodopis whose freedom is bought by a kind merchant called Charaxus who lives in Naucratis. She becomes part of his household, either like a daughter or a lover, and the first gift he gives her is a pair of beautiful red slippers. One day, one of the slippers is stolen by an eagle (or in some adaptations, a falcon, which is a far more appliccable bird for a story set in Egypt) as she is bathing. The bird flies to Memphis and drops the slipper in the lap of Pharaoh Amasis. The Pharaoh, blown away by the beauty and craftsmanship of the slipper, and impressed by the majestic bird, takes this as a sign from the gods and vows to wed the woman to whom the slipper belongs. Eventually Rhodopis is tracked down, and brought to Memphis to marry the king. They live happilly ever after.
Related fun fact: I wrote a retelling of the story myself back in 2006, but it’s crap because I was 17! 
If you enjoyed this little foray into the classics and ancient versions of fairy tales, please consider donating to my Ko-fi. This has the added benefit of keeping me fed tea while I write better stories about ancient Egypt than I did when I was 17.
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sanchoyo · 5 years
14 + 26: Characters of your choosing.
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Thank you! (I assume these 2 messages went together sdkhasd) 
SO: Massage fic + bodyguard au
I CHOSE TOMURA X READER bc if I'm being told to feel better soon why not try and feel better with self indulgence. Revelry in Decadence. Hope u like this. ore bodyguard than massage, but,, yes. :3c
     You couldn't believe you were being let into the Paranormal Liberation Front! Well, okay. You could, because they were fairly lax with their new members and you'd signed up because certain jobs had pay, as in, cold hard cash, and you needed cash; you weren't really one for cults or big groups- they made you nervous, but hey, money was money.
No, what was unbelievable was the position you were in now. 
So you had been born lucky, right? Your quirk was strong, you'd always been praised for it. You could make people faint with eye contact. You could've gotten a job somewhere less shady easily if you didn't have a criminal record. But here they apparently didn’t care about that kind of thing, and appreciated your quirk, maybe too much...You'd planned on making a quick buck and leaving, but that idea was quickly slipping out of sight.
You were told you would be Tomura Shigaraki's bodyguard.
Yeah, that Tomura Shigaraki. Kidnap hero kids, jump off a moving truck, fight a whole city Shigaraki. You'd heard his little..speech? If it could be called that, earlier, standing to the side of the crowd. You had barely been able to see him from where you had been, and you expected to never get closer. 
You were wrong.
"I-I'm hardly qualified. I mean, he took down the big guys under you, didn't he? I wouldn't be better at defending him than he already is-"
"Nonsense! Your quirk is well suited for this. He's undergoing a few procedures for the next few months and will be unable to do much. And you've shown loyalty to us plenty!" Normally you'd be stunned the CEO of Detnerat Co. was talking to you, but mostly you were stunned about the fact you were in a room with him and Tomura freakin' Shigaraki and a doctor you didn't recognize. The doctor was shuffling around, muttering to himself. Tomura was sitting on a medical table, swinging his feet.
"This is who you hand picked? What kind of quirk do they have? Show me."
You hesitated, eyes staying firmly on the ground. "I wouldn't want to, erm, hurt anyone-"
"Is it non-lethal? Use it on Re-Destro."
“Sure go ahead!”
The businessman sounded sure, so you looked in his eyes and he fainted. His head made an unsettling noise when it hit the linoleum floor.
"He'll be out a few minutes. Usually it only lasts around ten at most." You fidgeted. "Should I have gotten a pillow?"
Shigaraki snorted. "He's survived worse." 'From me.' Was the unspoken. "How does it work?"
"I just have to make eye contact."
"You can't turn it off."
"No. But I've gotten really good at staring at my own feet."
“No, sir, I haven’t found any that work.”
He was staring at you pretty intensely now. You could feel him from your peripherals. You had gotten really good at ignoring people staring, but you really wanted to know what kind of look he was giving you. After a few more tense seconds, he spoke.
“You must have good control then. You’re hired.” 
You were so surprised you slipped up and looked at him with wide eyes, and oh god, oh fuck.
The first day of your new job started with you making your boss faint.
     The first week brought a schedule for you: first thing, you woke up and showered and ate- about fifteen minutes worth of blissful alone time at the base before you headed to the medical bay, standing outside the door. Shigaraki kept a weird schedule that his naggy doctor insisted was unhealthy, so he was up early too, complaining about that, and reminding you every time he passed through the door that he still had a lump from your quirk. You would stare at your feet the first few days, bright red and praying he wouldn’t fire or kill you for it, but he seemed to be joking, so after the first few days you tested the waters and teased back, sticking your tongue out at him.
“Oh, Medusa has a sense of humor after all.” You looked at his crutches; they’d been decorated with stickers and scribbled on with markers, several different signatures. You’d thought people were supposed to sign casts and not crutches, but you didn’t say that; the original league stopped by enough that you could guess they were behind it, and almost guess whos handwriting was whos.
“Medusa?” You crossed your arms. “Is that my official code name now, sir? I don’t have snake hair, unless something’s changed since the last time I’ve looked in the mirror.”
“Can you even look in a mirror? Won’t you faint?” Oh, and you’d heard that one at least a million times. You huffed, rolling your eyes. The come back came easily, in the same tone he’d used.
“Can you even jerk off? Won’t it disintegrate?” And, oh, hello foot, nice to see you in mouth. You had never been so glad you couldn’t look at people, because you did not want to see that glare, no, noooo thank you. You had this horrible tendency to not think before speaking, and it was going to get you killed for sure. Except he was snorting, not killing you, so, yay?
He didn’t answer you though, and you were left alone in the hall to wonder, your only solace was that he was maybe wondering about you, too. 
“Y’know, it won’t do much good if someone decides to attack and you can’t see if it’s a friendly or not.”
“A friendly won’t be shooting or using their quirk on me. Also, all your friends greet me, I know who’s shoes to look for.”
“Medusa is popular now, huh.” 
You had been employed a little over a month now, and had gotten into a nice groove of standing against a wall, staring at the floor for several hours at a time. You’d gotten really good at daydreaming, and had several stories running in your brain at any given time, plots interlinking. Heck, you could quit this villain bodyguard stuff and start a podcast or something, those were popular right? Probably wouldn’t pay as well, but passion projects rarely did. 
“I guess. Hey, when do you eat?”
“I mean, I don’t get a lunch hour. Not complaining, but do you get to eat in there?” Actually, you had no idea what sort of ‘procedures’ he was undergoing; he always came back with more bandages, limping and sometimes even in a wheelchair. Some days seemed easier than others, sometimes he’d come out of that room hours later than expected, not even bothering with banter, and you were most concerned those days.
You were concerned in a professional way, of course, because he was your boss, even if he was young and fun to talk to, and it never ever bordered on flirting, not even if his voice was nice and a little hot- 
You cut that train of thought short.
“I have food.” He confirmed. “You don’t eat at all during the day?”
“I have breakfast and dinner sometimes, but-”
“Come eat with me today.”
You blinked. “Doesn’t that defeat the point of a body guard? I’m suppose to stay out here?” 
“Who’s the boss exactly?”
You shrugged, following him in. Hey, couldn’t argue with that. Also, you couldn’t argue with free food. It wasn’t even hospital food, it was like, good food! You could feel his eyes on you because you were kinda pigging out, but free was free!
“So long as you’re with me it should be fine.”
“Mfm?” Your mouth was still full of food, so the question came out muffled, but he humored you.
“I’m saying you should eat lunch in here, at least. The doctor is out for a while around this time anyway.” 
“I thought you were the boss, why does it matter if he’s out?”
“It’s not like I know anything about this medical crap.” you looked around the room, unable to parse what any of the equipment did either. “I need his help, so…”
“Oh.” You knew asking what they were doing might be pushing the lines of how much he was willing to give, so you stared at the wall behind him. It was hard to not let your eyes drift towards him. Only seeing his torso and below was driving you a little crazy, and it wasn’t like you were totally oblivious to your own feelings, but still; he was your boss and that was definitely an inappropriate crush to let develop. “I probably shouldn’t eat in here then, huh?”
“You won’t? You don’t want to?”
“I.. shouldn’t.” 
You could hear his chair scrape against the floor, and your breath hitched when his hand was on the table in front of you. 
“I want you to. Didn’t you just remind me I’m the boss?” And he was crouching beside you, so quickly that you had to turn your head. He was inches away, so close you could feel his body heat. “Well? Or are you going to make me go stand in the hall with you to eat every day?”
“So gentlemanly,” You murmured softly, your voice catching in your throat. “Asking me to lunch. I guess if I don’t have a choice, sir.”
“Is it such a chore for you? Do you hate me that much?” There was a teasing tone to his voice; you wouldn’t figure out until later what he was really asking.
So, professionalism had totally been thrown out the window, kicked to the curb, and given the boot. You were originally supposed to ‘guard’ the room where he was vulnerable due to...’operations’, but you were eating with him, and following behind him to meetings. ‘Just in case’, he’d said, but you wondered. And it made you weirdly proud, to know you were wanted by someone so important to the whole organization.
Or, maybe you’d been properly brainwashed into a cult. This was how people became stupidly devoted to the cause. You weren’t going to slip down that slope, or at least that’s what you’d thought, but…
Someone interloped into the meetings and pulled out a gun. It was a bad day for Tomura, he was already snappy and heavily bandaged, so it was your first time getting to defend him. And you hadn’t even hesitated.
You caught a bullet in your shoulder, but managed to look the guy in the eyes, and he dropped like a fly. Four villains were on him instantly, but your breath was still ragged, clutching your shoulder and eyes darting around wildly. Assessing threats, putting yourself in front of your boss.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“My job. Sit down.” You were surprised to hear your own voice come out so stern. “We need to get you out of here.”
“I can-”
“What, fight? You can barely walk today, and I was hired for a reason. Let me do my job, sir.”
He actually shut up- you were amazed. 
You got him to the med bay, both of you slow, him because he was covered in bandages, and you because there was a bullet in your arm.
“I want you to look at me.” 
“You know I can’t-”
“It just can’t be eye contact, right? I’m not looking at you, so…”
You looked at him, and you didn’t find the cold eyes of a villain, but warm red eyes that were full of concern, pointed firmly at the wall. He was beautiful. You, selfishly, didn’t want to stop looking, even if it meant him fainting and you bleeding out.
“I wanted to look at you, too.” You let your eyes drift back to your lap. “So what’re we going to do about your quirk? I can’t be the only one hating my quirk right now,” You let your hand drift to his, resting it right on top of it. You had your suspicions, but you wanted to hear it from him; you wanted to know he was going as crazy as you were.
“You have a bullet wound.” He said in a deadpan voice, and you were laughing again.
So you’d healed up nicely, a few weeks had past…
And you hadn’t heard from Tomura. You’d shown up one day, and the doctor had waved you off, saying Shigaraki would ‘be under’ for a few weeks. You had demanded to know what that meant, and the doctor had asked in a very condescending tone if you had clearance to know that.
Hmfph. You should have if you didn’t already!
So you loitered around. The paychecks hadn’t stopped, even if you weren’t really doing anything important. Sometimes you’d wander to the loading docks where the trucks dropped off supplies and would help unload, just to keep busy with something, anything to distract you.
Then, one day, you got a notice you were to be at your post the next day and actually made a very loud, high pitched noise. You could’ve sworn it set off a nearby pack of dogs.
You didn’t even wait until the next day, you practically sprinted to the med bay.
“Don’t come in here yelling, Medusa.”
“I wanted to see you.” You whined. You wanted to see above his arms, actually; they looked more rough than usual; he was still in a medical gown, barefoot on the medical bed.
“Well, I want to touch you.” He snapped.
Oh. You sucked in a breath.
He finally admitted it.
“Are you on drugs?”
“Like, uh, hospital drugs- like- the ones that make you loopy-”
“I’m coming off them,” He admitted. “But I’m not lying.”
“Sure, okay.” You took a breath. “So how about this? You- you look at me all you want since I can’t look at you, and I’ll touch you since you can’t touch me. I’ll be your touch if you’ll be my sight?”
Was that too forward? No taking it back now, but-
“Deal, starting now.” He didn’t even hesitate. 
“Yeah. I’ve been unconscious for weeks, I’m pretty cramped up.” 
Oh, of course. Yeah. Obviously.
You settled behind him, letting your fingers drift over his shoulders. His bare shoulders. You started to untie the gown, letting it drop to his lap. Modesty was out the window along with that professionalism.
“To be honest, I’ve been looking at you since you got hired. So I’ve already got a head start on this ‘deal’, you owe me a lot of touches.”
“Is that so?” You kneaded your fingers into his back, letting one hand roam to his neck and drift over it, brushing his hair over his neck as you went, slowly. He actually shivered.
“I don’t let a lot of people this close.” He admitted. “I hate pretty much everyone, but you…”
“You seem pretty sweet on your league. Not that paranormal whatever, but the guys who always bug you and hang around.”
“It’s different.” He leaned into your touch. “Different with you…”
“You’re so high right now.” 
“I’m so sore. You have no idea what I’ve been through lately.” He sighed. “It’s done, though.”
“Hm? What is?” 
“The operation was a success. Once I recover, I won’t need a bodyguard.” You paused only for a moment before twisting your thumb into his spine, and he let out a hiss.
“Don’t fire me, I got shot for you.”
“Well I know you’re no good at massages; what could I keep you around for?”
“Oh, you poor thing.” You leaned forward, letting your lips linger at his ear. “You think massages are the only type of ‘touch’?” 
“...I’m giving you a raise.” He declared, and you laughed. Maybe you’d stick around regardless of money; you were having fun, and Tomura Shigaraki, yeah, that Tomura Shigaraki? The one that had totally seduced you into a cult? Well...
“Okay, I guess I don’t hate you either.” You confirmed, and his hum told you that was the right answer.
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Survey #237
just a warning beforehand this survey has some probably tmi stuff.
Which is better: good 'ole southern food or sea food? Despite coming from and still living in, I legitimately enjoy almost NO southern food. Absolute garbage. I don't enjoy much sea food either though, save for shrimp, so I guess that. Have you ever had a very strong spiritual experience? I dunno. What do you think you want to major in at college? I'm an Art & Design major right now. Minor in? English is my minor currently. What song do you have on repeat lately? Quite a lot, actually. What’s something important you could be doing now? I could be working on finishing the draft to my Writing paper and this week's Art History chapter, but... yeah. I procrastinate all to hell, but I "justify" it with me having SO much extra time in the library while Mom takes her classes that I have a great deal of time to just do everything in there. How do you feel about Circuit City going out of business? I have zero clue what that is. About how often do you go on cleaning sprees? LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL what're those? What’s the best story you’ve gone over in an English class? The Outsiders. Is your house haunted? Don't think so. What kind of tissues do you prefer? At least thicker as a single sheet of wet paper and soft. But ultimately it's nota a big deal. What face wash do you use? I prefer the Biore charcoal scrub, but I've been out of that for like... ever, and it's pricey, so we haven't bought any more. So now I use this peach scrub stuff Mom gets. I don't like it much because it's kinda abrasive, so probably bad for my skin, but it at least makes it feel cleaner. Do you reject Satan? I don't even know if a head demonic entity exists. Got no opinion on him. Are you violent? Far from it. Do you use google search or yahoo? Google. Was your step mother terrible? Her political views are fucking trash, but she herself is a wonderful person. Do you know anyone who doesn’t care about anything but themselves? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Are you single? If no who are you dating and for how long? I'm single for now. I don't believe prayer or "good vibes" have any power, but nevertheless, I almost DO pray Sara and I will come back together once she figures herself out and one of us is brave enough to move. Do you enjoy going for walks? Nowadays, no, but only because I'm still recovering from muscle atrophy in my legs, so it hurts quiiite a bit. But in a way, yes, I do enjoy walking as I know it's good for my legs, but it's still painful - but improving immensely. Before it started to get real bad, I fucking loved going on walks down the path by Sara's. When it wasn't cOLD AND WINDY AS A MOTHERFUCKER What are your favorite accessories? Do piercings count? If yes, totally those. And spiked chokers are fucking hot. I'll wear mine again someday, just fkn watch me. Do you wear makeup on a regular basics? Not at all. I am asking for *genuinely* black eye shadow and also quality black lipstick for Christmas, though, for when I do wear makeup. Ours suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. When was the last time you really established your favorite TV show? Oh, idk. It's been years. Write one lyric that really explains the way your life is going as of now? HAHA I'm actually listening to NSP's "Danny Don't You Know" right now and if "you're just going through an awkward phase from 12 to 29" aIN'T ME- Do you ever have any fantasies that involve certain celebrities? Who? Yes. Take an. idk. Wild guess. You can read like one or two of my surveys and already be absolutely sure lmao What is your favorite brand of shoe? Where can you buy these shoes? Converse, and... multiple places?? Does anyone ever judge you for something you naturally cannot help? Oh, I'm sure. Do you support homosexuality in general? Why do you or why don't you? Of fucking course I do. It's natural, and especially after realizing I was bi and experiencing a genuinely loving female-female relationship, I've only grown more ferocious in standing for gay rights. Fuckin try to tell me I can't love her without some sky demon firing me into Hell for it. I'll bring sunscreen. If you had your own personal dance crew, what would you name it and why? I dunno??? Has anyone ever called you an exact replica of one of your parents? Agree? No. Have you ever claimed to be in love when you knew you really weren’t? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I don't joke around with that shit. If you had the chance to meet an annoying celebrity, would you still do it? No?????? Why would I want that??????????? Do you ever lie in the grass during summer or are you afraid of ticks? 1.) That sounds boring and too hot and 2.) I'm fucking terrified of all parasites, so ticks are zero exception. Does it bother you when you see slutty girls getting all the cute guys? *chaotic eye twitching* In winter, would you rather wear jacket or hoodies? Why is this? HOODIES! Mega cozy. Would you consider yourself a good singer or are you tone deaf? Depends on the song, but generally, I don't think I'm real good. My voice isn't stable. Do you think regrets are better left unspoken or should they be out loud? Y'know, a real good question for once. I think maybe... it depends, I guess? Some things are just better unsaid, sometimes vice-versa. I suppose it depends on who you're telling, too. What color is your remote? Does it have any special/interesting features? Uh I know it's black, but that's it. I never use the TV. Name a time when you cried the most: The night of the breakup when Mom drove out to get me (I was walking to his house to talk bc she wouldn't take me), and she had to physically hold me down when we got in the house because I dashed and she knew I was about to do something stupid. I just fucking collapsed. That night is so blurry, but I'll never forget the crying. Fucking NOBODY deserves to go through that goddamn night. What color is your keyboard? It's black, though the keys are rimmed with red light. Have you ever thought about suicide? Too many times. Please please please please seek help if you have even a moment's consideration about it. How do you feel about Obama? I don't know much about him politically, but he was funny as fuck, I do know that. Seems like a chill dude. What was the last lie you told? I dunno, something little. Name 3 things in your purse (or wallet): My Harley Quinn wallet, hand sanitizer, aaaaand my keys. What time does your favorite TV show come on? *shrug* Where is the scariest place you’ve ever been? I haven't been to many seriously "scary" places, honestly... so idk, really. Do you like string cheese? NO. What color was the coolest insect you’ve seen? No clue. Probably some butterfly or moth. Do you own any pink clothing? ... How do I not know this. How do you usually style your hair? It's directed to the right with no part through it and swoops over/close to my right eye. Do you use anything to whiten your teeth? I'm also asking for whitening strips for Christmas. .-. Ah, how gift desires change as you grow. I took awful care of my teeth during the worst of my depression, so yeah, I need them. I'm honestly stunned they're in a decent condition now. Have you ever collaborated with anyone on a project (not for school)? Hmm, don't believe so. What is (going to be) your career? I refuse to drop my career aspiration of a photographer. Not giving up on that no matter what. What is the difference between an alligator and a crocodile? Crocodiles' teeth protrude both upwards and downwards over their lips while alligators' only show downwards; crocs have a more tapering snout, alligators' are more rounded; and crocs are generally bigger. I didn't obsessively watch Animal Planet for nothing, y'all. :^) Were you breastfed as a baby? Yeah. That woman had five goddamn kids with no epidural or anything. She ain't afraid of no pain, and she's also like, MEGA into child health, safety, etc., and while formula-feeding is completely fine and valid, it's factual breast milk is a lot healthier for babies. What does your favorite shirt look like? Man, that's hard to pick. My most comfortable and well-fitting one is a Metallica "King Nothing"-inspired design, which is black and just has some gnarly skull designs 'n shit on it. HA HA WAIT, found it! This is it. Just a few days ago though, my mom's coworker went to the NSP 10th anniversary show in Chicago AND SHE GOT ME A FUCKING SHIRT BC SHE KNOWS I LOVE THEM AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH I SQUEALED SO LOUD AND SMILED MY FACE IN HALF. What is the cutest breed of puppy in your opinion? Do not EVEN with this, omfg I couldn't even try. What is the cutest baby animal in general? Have you, like, SEEN baby meerkats????????????? They're not the cutest for the first, like, two weeks (BUT still cute!!), but once they're outside the burrow? Jesus fuckin CHRIST they are the cutest creatures known to the galaxy and beyond. If we're talkin' like, cutest from birth, maybe cats. I adore kittens. Do you have some sort of odd fascination with anything? Perhaps my "strangest" is what's referred to as "vulture culture," which is essentially using naturally-deceased (usually wild) animals for art, such as those popular crystal-covered skulls, necklaces, creative use of wet specimens, stuff like that. I find some odd beauty and respect in creating art of the dead - it's like... making death beautiful and honoring the creature by immortalizing it in an art form. I personally photograph roadkill (that shit's confused the fuck outta drivers lmao) with the goal of forcing the brutality of it onto viewers and just make you think "okay yeah I need to drive more carefully." I don't know if that technically qualifies as vulture culture as I don't really... use the corpses, but nevertheless, I really enjoy doing it. I do kinda question the morality of it, like you can't ask an animal "hey do you wanna be art when ur dead?", so you're left to decide for it, but I think I lean ever so slightly more towards it being respectful, showing the beauty of its life. I WANT TO SAY HOWEVER, I DO FUCKING NOT support hunting trophies. I even question taxidermy outside of being from hunting considering you're not really making art, something new, some sort of message, out of it. There's no creative purpose other than to show "hey look at this dead animal!!", and besides that, it kinda creeps me out. Wow sorry for the ramble, I'm just into this stuff. Who was the last person to text you? Sara. What did they say? Paraphrased, that life has been a serious cunt to her lately. Which is true. have you ever broken someones heart? He fuckin acted like it after two goddamn weeks. I suppose maybe Jason, though I can't really tell you that since he fucked off after the breakup, so it's not like I was around him. I'll admit his health and general demeanor was withering as time led up to it (I knew something was wrong, he'd just never tell me), so he was obviously suffering. I feel awful for that shit, seeing I was apparently that goddamn stress-inducing. Had yours broken? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO I think the whole Internet knows, oops. Do you consider past relationships a waste of time? No. Well, maybe just one. I kinda wanna say Tyler was, but then again, as I was healing, it showed exactly what I would not tolerate. So I guess it had a silver lining. Do you think you’ll be around to see the world end? I wanna say no, but I wouldn't be surprised. It's gonna be climate change (reason #1 for me), the super volcano finally blowing, or nuclear war. Scientifically, we are far, far, far from overdue for another mass extinction anyway. Do you believe in second chances? Yeah, sometimes. Depends. Do you swear? Way more than needed. Swearing a lot just became part of my normal vernacular through exposure to Jason and his family lmao. I was just about always there, and whew does his mom swear like a sailor. Italian New Yorker to the core. To me, "swear words" are just normal vocabulary. What is the nearest photo to you of? A family of meerkats on my wall. Are you good at being quiet? Sure? Who has your heart? I'm guessing you mean romantically? Two people are tearing at it, then. One that's fuckin stupid and needs to stop. Do you like it that way? No. No. Sara is, realistically, the best match for me and a very healthy partner for me. But now that for whatever goddamn reason Jason sneaked back into the picture (metaphorically; he hasn't reached out or anything), hints of obsession/addiction are coming back. I know it's fucking creepy, but I was legitimately obsessed with him. I sent him a perfectly polite and genuine email of ME apologizing to HIM, and I guess that just shot my feelings back up. God, typing this makes me realize to a fuller degree that this is an awful idea. Where is this person? Sara's probably at home; hell if I know where the other is. When was the last time you saw them? I saw Sara this past February. Jason, not since February of '17. Do you prefer desktops or laptops? Laptops because of portability. Sunrise, or sunset? I think maybe sunrise, considering the colors tend to be more pastel. But both are gorgeous. What kind of mood are you in? A confused as hell one. The Jason thing is driving me insane, and TMI WARNING I've been dealing with a fucking ginormous libido that I'm guessing sprouts from my new birth control, and it led me to doing to thing I said I'd never ever do because I only want to share that experience with my partner. Y'know, the "m" word. Saying it feels too weird and dirty. That's the problem: it's so instilled in my head that masturbation is lustful and just "wrong" that my brain is still trying to process that it's okay and natural and, as I found, relieving. I had to look it up and everything to convince my shameful ass I wasn't being "dirty." Hey, on that note: Planned Parenthood offers way goddamn more than abortion, friends. I swear it's beyond wild what I used to believe. But yeah ANYWAY, I'm just feeling weird and still kinda "tail between my legs" today. Do you like fans that blow directly on you or oscillate? Depends on how hot I am. What is one thing you worry about most in long-term goals? "not having enough money to get there.." <<<< YUP this. Right before you fall asleep, what is your usual position? It's hard to tell considering you're falling into unconsciousness... but I THINK on my left side, hugging an edge of the blanket to me. When you have sex, do you keep your eyes closed or open when finishing? I wouldn't know; I've only ever been on the brim before freaking out and we stopped because I was literally scared of how overwhelming the feeling was. That and my family was home and I was having trouble staying quiet lmao. When you have mail do you open the biggest one first, or doesn’t matter? Uhhhh. I honestly don't get mail enough to answer this. I'd probably go for the smallest? When you wake up what is the first thing you usually look for? My phone. Think of the last habit/addiction you quit. What replaced it? Hm. I really don't know. Your phone rings but you don’t know the number, would you answer it? No sir-ree. Do you always take a shower after you have sex? I didn't always back then. Do you let your girl/boyfriend drive, or do you prefer to? 1.) I don't drive and 2.) I'm single. The last time you had sex was it in the morning, afternoon or night? Hell if I remember.
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madokasoratsugu · 6 years
to good fortune and luck
[rod/lucette; post-canon (good end)]
summary: five blessings Lucette receives from the people dearest to her.(and the one blessing she'll never beg for.)
a/n: i really like them /chinhands/. i also really like lucette metaphorically giving the middle finger. as usual pls read on ao3 bc tumblr probs didnt catch all my italics and stuff lmao
read on ao3
“Lucette, you’re with Rod, are you not?”
Lucette’s hand comes to a perfect standstill. Gently setting the teacup back down on its saucer, she forces herself to meet Ophelia’s eyes.
There is no judgement in her patient gaze, but no doubt either.
Lucette doesn’t allow herself a second breath, a second thought of denial to run through her mind.
The spring breeze flips pages of a book Emelaigne left open on the picnic blanket. The owner is nowhere to be seen, having dragged her brother off to procure more baked goods.
“I see.”
Ophelia quietly smiles. It’s tinged with pain, and the expression cuts deeper into Lucette than she likes.
“Then I suppose i’ll have to dig out my wedding veil. It’ll need some work, but I hope you won’t mind. It’s always been a tradition in my family to pass down the veil as an heirloom.”
Lucette blinks. Her hand is shaking too badly to lift her teacup to her dry mouth.
“Of course not.” Lucette manages. She blinks harder, and tries to suck in a discrete breath. “Your lacework has always been lovely.”
Ophelia’s smile grows. It’s still dampened at the edges, but in Ophelia’s sudden embrace, it’s clear as day to Lucette that the grief isn’t directed at her.
Rather, it exists for her.
Not for the first time, Lucette mumbles thanks to her mother, who loved Lucette so deeply she suffered tenfold at the thought of Lucette ever, ever being hurt.
Who would support her, even if the world wouldn’t.
“When you get married to Rod - .” Emelaigne stops to sigh dreamily, and Lucette secretly loves it; the way Emelaigne uses her words, the way she says ‘when’ and not ‘if’, ‘married’ and not anything less.
“When the both of you get married, I want to arrange your bouquet.” Emelaigne flops backwards onto her bed, spreading her arms out above her.
A wide grin stretches on her face. “It’s the only thing i’m better than you at, so you can’t say no!”
Lucette laughs, pressing her hands into her lap. “Why would I?”
Emelaigne pulls herself up as abruptly as she laid down. “Maybe because you already have someone else you want to do it, or someone more qualified, or - .”
Emelaigne pouts. “Okay, okay. That means no one, right? Then i’ve called dibs!”
She pauses, eyes dipping to one side that hints at something else.
“There’s more, isn’t there?” Lucette asks gently, prodding Emelaigne’s side.
“Well….” Emelaigne flushes.
She reaches to her nightstand, opening the drawer to reveal a matte silver box.
Handing it to Lucette, she motions for the auburn to open it.
White stargazer lilies bloom outwards, surrounded by artistic sprigs of lily-of-the-valley and baby’s breath.
Lucette slowly lifts the beautifully decorated golden barrette, wide eyed.
“I know I’m jumping the gun here, but.” Emelaigne clasps her hands before her middle, smiling hopefully. “It’s an engagement gift. I noticed your old one was fraying at it’s petals.”
“It’s lovely, Em.” Lucette breathes.
Every petal was angled with dedication, faux beads of water giving life to the mini bouquet.
“It’d look nicer if Rod would just propose already, so you could wear it.”
Lucette bursts into giggles, red faced.
She’s welling with embarrassment and childish glee unbefitting a princess, but with Emelaigne laughing by her side, Lucette cannot imagine herself as anything else.
“Take this.”
Fritz shoves a practice sword against Rod’s chest. He stands towering before Lucette’s door, shielding Rod from any passerby’s sight.
“Go back using the South staircase behind the kitchen. There shouldn’t be anyone using it at this time, but if there is, tell them you were having a private training session with me. If they try badgering you for any more information, just mention the name Varg.”
Rod nods once, before walking briskly away, immaculately dressed like Lucette is not.
She shuffles backwards in her nightgown, uncertain. It wouldn’t do to have her knight see her like this.
It wouldn’t do to have her knight see her secret lover sneaking out of her room either, but there’s that.
Still, all Fritz does is send her a reassuring smile. “We still have half an hour, princess. Plenty of time to get ready for breakfast.”
When Lucette next exits her room, everything is encased in silk, pressed out of sight with powder.
It takes everything in her to look at Fritz directly.
“With five minutes to spare. Let’s hurry, though.”
At the sight of Fritz’s warm grin, the coldness in her middle melts. Yet a chunk of ice remains as she stands before the dining hall doors.
A sick feeling grows in her. She doubts it’s the overpowering scent of syrup, this time.
Still, the sticky feeling of the silenced topic that hangs in the air tastes just like it, if only not as sweet.
“Princess, want to know a magic trick?”
Bewildered, Lucette turns to see Fritz drawing two strokes diagonally away from each other on his palm three times before he mimes eating it.
“I heard its a spell for confidence.”
The half-witch feels her face twitch with a smile.
“I can tell you that is not true.”
“But I can tell you that the fact that i’ll support you no matter what is.” Fritz says, knowing, understanding. “I hope at least that inspires confidence.”
Lucette stares at Fritz, at the streak of black that curls around one side of his face, the bright curve of his lips and remembers the way her silver knight had tamed his wolf just to serve by her side.
“It does.”
And Lucette pushes the doors open herself.
“Are you adjusting well to the Tenebrarum?” Waltz asks, grinning wildly.
“As well as you are to your role as magical advisor to the kingdom.” Lucette immediately replies, cracking a smile at their silly inside joke.
Waltz chuckles, patting the space beside him on the wide fountain rim.
“You look tired, little star.”
“Secrets are hard things to keep.” Lucette says, shaking her head as she sits.
“You’re doing quite well, for one of this magnitude.” Waltz says, stroking her hair, and Lucette allows herself to indulge in his pampering.
“Although I do have something that might help.”
Waltz pulls out a tiny drawstring bag, and tips out from it a pair of earrings.
Attached to delicate white gold clasps, the clear blue crystals capture shooting stars within streaks of white.
Lucette cannot hold back her startled gasp.
“They’re blue kyanite. It helps with balance, communication, and fresh beginnings.” Waltz explains. “Perfect for you and Rod.”
Putting them on, Lucette delights in the way they gently reflect the starry expanse above. “Thank you.”
Still, the thought of what Waltz’s encouragement entails makes her happiness falter.
“I just wish - .” Lucette says, words trailing off, full of unfinished thoughts and endless desires.
“So do I.” Waltz hums. “We all do.”
Lucette laughs at the philosophy, and Waltz doesn’t hold back his smile.
“But you’ll do more than that, won’t you little star?”
Lucette yelps as he picks her up, spinning her around once before settling her on his arm.
“You’ll grant your wishes, because that’s what stars do, with a little help. You’ll be happy, and you’ll shine like all stars deserve to.”
Waltz looks at her with such pride and fondness that Lucette laughs aloud again, a little breathless, a little choked.
Within the arms of her closest friend who never stopped believing in her, Lucette thinks that it’s time she repaid that with some belief in herself, too.
“You let your hair down.” Rod murmurs, twirling a loose lock with his forefinger.
“I am supposed to be in bed right now.” Lucette says, glancing at the high moon.
Rod smiles ruefully, in a way that implies she stay, in a manner that asks to be kissed.
So Lucette does, carefully, gently, and relishes in his returning tilt of his head.
Moving apart, Rod hesitates. His fixed stare on Lucette inspires a slight smile, a rising blush.
At that tender expression, he turns to take a plain box behind him on the window seat, resting it on his lap.
“I couldn’t get a ring.” Rod starts slowly, with eyes averted. “Not as myself. And I didn’t want anyone else to do it for me. So I….”
He opens the shoebox, and Lucette claps her hands over her mouth.
Intricate silver filigree vines twine up the heels and partway down the side of her glass slippers, with miniature stargazer lily blossoms by the counter, supported by well placed leaves.
“A silver sixpence in her shoe, right?” Rod says softly, smiling.
Trapped between a sob and a laugh, all Lucette can do is watch as Rod gets down on one knee before her, as his bandaged fingers cradle the glass heels, her hand.
The grip of their interlaced fingers hurt.
“Lucette Riella Britton, will you marry me?”
“I will.”
The words tumble out easier than she thought it would have.
Salty tears roll down her face, and she finds Rod tastes the same when he leans forward to seal the promise.
“I will.” Lucette breathes, again, pressed against the glass window as pleasantly cold as the heels on her feet.
“I took some liberties with the rhyme.” Rod confesses, running a hand through her long hair. “But I still wish I could have given you more.”
“This is plenty.” Lucette says, tilting her head up to look in Rod’s eyes. “This is more than I dreamed of. You’re more than I dreamed of.”
Rod kisses her on the jaw, just below her ear, and Lucette sighs helplessly.
“Don’t go back tonight.” Rod says aloud, this time.
Lucette thinks there isn’t any need to tell her that, not when her solace is already embracing her tight.
“I never intended to.”
And when Rod laughs, brilliant and jubilant and filled with infinite hope, Lucette feels on the verge of tears, on the verge of everything all at once.
But with his every kiss, every touch, Lucette finds herself coming back down, coming back to her tingling senses, coming back home to Rod.
Some secrets are worth keeping.
But in his embrace, Lucette thinks this is not a secret she wants to keep.
Not anymore.
The throne room falls eerily silent.
Genaro stares at Lucette and Rod, and their connected hands.
Lucette’s announcement has swallowed the atmosphere whole, echoing in the whispers of the maids, in the minds of all occupants present.
“An engagement.” Genaro finally speaks, laboured and confused. “With Rod?”
Lucette doesn’t answer the rhetorical question.
“Why not?” Lucette says, less of a challenge and more of a statement.
In the conflict of denying his blood daughter the only thing she’s ever asked of him, Genaro turns helplessly to Ophelia standing beside.
“Listen to them.” Ophelia encourages, and Genaro’s eyes grow wide at the realisation of being the only one left in the dark.
Genaro turns towards the pair again, expression somber.
“Lucette.” He tries again, brows furrowing.
Genaro sinks deeper into his throne, pinches the bridge of his nose. “I apologise. This is all...quite a lot to take in.”
Lucette does not tell him to take his time.
At the side of the room, Emelaigne shifts from one foot to another anxiously, while Fritz keeps a steady hand on his sword’s hilt. Waltz doesn’t tell him to let up, not when the sparks of a protective barrier dance upon the fingertips of his hand behind his back.
Genaro sucks in a breath.
“I cannot approve of this union.” He says heavily. “Not for the sake of Angielle.”
“You abandoned me for it, too.”
Genaro’s eyes fly open, taken aback by Lucette’s words.
“You misunderstand me, father. I have never asked you for anything. I would not start now.”
Weathered lacework chuffs at her wrists as she raises a hand to press against her chest, hair pinned back with nearly-alive sprigs of lilies and baby’s breath fastened by gold.
Her palm burns with borrowed courage carved with nails; white stars caught in blue crystals glinting as she holds her head high.
Glass and silver making a clean, crisp sound as she takes a single step forward.
Blessings don’t just belong in magic folktales, in old wives' tales; they come in words and gifts, and love.
“This isn’t me seeking your acceptance, father.”
Rod’s grip anchors her, reminds her who it is she goes home to, who it is that taught her what it meant to be loved.
Who it was that held her during her darkest hours, who became the light of her future.
“This is a declaration.”
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bokunoheroimagines · 6 years
Can I request Deku, Iida, and Todoroki's reactions when a business course student comes up to them during the break at the sports festival and says she has a crush on them? (I'm so sorry if that's worded in a weird way orz)
((hey everyone it’s me ive been in the worlds worst downward slump so how else to deal with it than writing cute stuff and putting it on the internet))
((also under the cut bc it’s long))
Midoriya was exhausted. As it turns out, breaking your bones multiple times in a fight only feels alright when you’re on an adrenaline high, and actually hurts way too much immediately afterward. So when an unfamiliar person holding a clipboard scurried into the infirmary and sidled up to his bed, he felt a little out of it and very confused.
“Um, Midoriya Izuku?”
He blinked, slowly. Did he actually know you? “Er, yes?”
You seemed relieved. He looked pretty dead, so his response must have been good to hear. “I’m [Name], from class 1-G.” The business course, Midoriya thought to himself. That’s why he didn’t recognize you. You forged onwards, the confidence of an entrepreneur painting your words. “While I have been familiar with you for some time, this festival is the first time I’ve seen you go up against another person. You were an impressive force, despite your loss.”
Midoriya realized what this must have been about. He’d overheard some upperclassmen talking about how business course students tried to become agents for hero students, and they usually started after the festival. Midoriya suddenly felt very nervous.
“Ah, I’m flattered, but I’m not really sure I’d like an agent…”
You blinked, eyebrows furrowing. Now that he was truly awake, Midoriya noticed you were quite cute. His nervousness spiked immediately. “Agent? No, no, I’m not here for a business deal! Sorry if I came off that way, but I’m here for something quite different.” Your face seemed to tint red, and your hands drifted to play with the hem of your shirt.
His eyes drifted to follow your motions, failing to notice how hard you were blushing. “What… what are you here for, then?”
“I like you!” You blurted, having lost any semblance of the composure you had when you’d first entered the infirmary. “I think you’re really cool! Even though you lost your last fight it was really impressive and you’re really cute and I like you!!”
If Midoriya’s face was warm before, now it was comparable to Todoroki’s newfound flames (which, at this point, Midoriya was starting to feel the aftermath of). A strangled noise came out of him while he did everything in his power to avoid eye contact with you, but you maintained your gaze with all the power of any top hero. You were frazzled and still messing with your shirt, but your voice did not waver when you spoke next.
“So that’s my pitch. What do you think, Midoriya?”
Iida knew that the Sports Festival was going to be a day of intense competition, strong wills, and strenuous physical activity. What Iida didn’t know about that day was that he was going to go from top of the world to rock bottom in a matter of hours.
It was after the obstacle race that you approached him, powerwalking in a way that almost reminded him of himself. You caught him mid-orange-juice, but he glanced toward you while taking a swig to indicate that he’d listen to whatever you had to say. When you opened your mouth to speak, though, he was totally unprepared for your words.
“My name’s [Name] from the business course, class 1-G, and I think you’re really hot!”
Iida thought spit takes only happened in the movies, but the orange juice painting the air in front of him proved otherwise. Really he was just thankful you’d been standing to his side. “I-I beg your pardon?!”
Despite his horrible display of rudeness, you kept speaking to him with zeal. “Honestly, I’ve thought you were interesting since the Emergency Exit incident, but the race really cemented it for me. You’re really cool! I want to get to know you better, even if you don’t feel as strongly for me! Does that sound like something you’d be interested in?”
His hands felt clammy. Iida didn’t have much experience with confessions, but here you were, staring at him eagerly. You were direct, interested in him, and, Iida admitted to himself, very attractive. Finally, Iida mustered up the words that he wanted to say next.
“I-If that’s the case, then would you like to attend a movie with me this weekend? The theater by the station is showing an American Hero film, if you’d like to see it.”
Your eyes lit up, but before you could respond, Midnight’s voice came over the loudspeaker, summoning all qualifying students to the field for the next task. Iida looked back at you hesitantly, but you waved him off.
“I’ll come find you afterwards and give you my phone number. You have a festival to win!”
Iida turned pink at the thought of you giving him your phone number. “Y-Yeah!!”
It was after the Battle Royale that Iida got a call from his mother, filling his heart with fear and grief. He left the Sports Festival early, and sprinted to the hospital where his brother lay, injured and barely conscious.
Iida did not get your phone number that day.
Iida had hit rock bottom.
It was immediately after getting a new shirt that Todoroki noticed you, idling in the hall and mumbling to yourself. He paid it no mind, instead focusing on his hands as he walked past you, checking for signs of burns or frostbite. But your voice, loud and clear like a bell, stopped him in his tracks.
Todoroki turned to face you, only now actually getting a glimpse of you. You had on a sticker, indicating your name and class, and were actually pretty cute. Well, Todoroki wasn’t gonna let that mess with his day. He had a point to prove.
But first, he supposed he had to answer you. “Yes?”
You seemed almost surprised that he’d responded, but picked yourself back up quickly. As expected, Todoroki thought, of a business student. “You were really cool against Midoriya. Well, that other guy too, but…” You seemed lost, but Todoroki knew it would be rude to interrupt. “A-Anyway, I just think you’re cool, and now just seemed like an opportune time to let you know my feelings.”
He quirked an eyebrow. “…Feelings?”
“Yes. I like you, Todoroki Shouto.”
Oh, so that’s what this was about. Todoroki had seen this happen in middle school sometimes, with love letters in someone’s shoe locker, or two students hiding behind the gym, red-faced. But things like this did not happen to Todoroki Shouto. Always so busy with training, detached from his classes, irreversibly scarred… Todoroki hadn’t received a confession since preschool, when a little girl decided she was going to marry him. That didn’t work out, of course, as preschool marriages often don’t, but the fact that this was the first real confession he’d gotten was… a bit more jarring than he’d originally thought.
You snapped him out of his spiral with that bell voice again. “I understand if you don’t feel the same way, but I felt like I had to make that known.”
“I don’t know you.”
Okay, that was harsh, he realized, looking at your face. He should probably reel it in, he’s not trying to start a fight here.
“We don’t actually know each other, really. I know your name and your class. You know… I fought well in the festival. I can’t return your feelings if I don’t know who you are.”
And that was that. You muttered something about understanding, and turned around, walking away dejectedly. Todoroki had no time for dating.
But you had looked at him so sweetly, and he found himself a little curious about you, and…
“If you’d like to eat lunch together sometime, that would be fine.” You stopped, and he took that as a sign to say something else. “We could try… being… friends. First, if you want.”
He was so awkward, that probably killed that option then and there, he thought. But when you turned your head just enough for him to see you smile, he felt a little better about it. “I’d like that. I’ll see you then.”
Todoroki Shouto had never really liked anyone, but if there’s one thing this day had taught him, it’s that there’s a first time for everything.
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taocastleprincess · 7 years
inktober for writers - day 8 - impasse / eijiroctober - day 8 - w Kaminari Denki
A/N: Sero is 100000% the instigating friend who you hate to love but you totally do anyway bc they’re supernaturally charming and hella fun. enjoy my fave boy stirring up trouble in this kirikami drabble.... (also, can u believe that i went from having a slight distate for this ship to obsessing over it??? this is my 2nd kirikami-centric fic and im... crying? thank u for showing me the light, my fellow krkm shippers. bless!)
Sero leans back in his chair and puts his hands behind his head. His smile is childishly impish.
“I mean... I can come back later. Or we can do this another time.” He laughs, enjoying the scene of the two boys in front of him in the midst of an argument.
Kirishima whips his head, forgetting all about the blond across from him. “No, it’s already been settled. We’re not ordering from the burger place. We ate there three times this week!” The redhead turns back to the blond with a stern expression on his face. “We’re ordering sushi, Denki. That’s it.” He snatches a lone menu off the table and starts to leaf through it. “If you really insist on beef today, I’m sure you could find something to order from here. But we’re not eating at that burger place again. Everyone’s tired.”
Sero shrugs. He never really had order-out preferences. As long as the place that they ended up ordering from had salad, he was fine. And most places do offer salad, so he couldn’t be bothered to truly care. He was only concerned with the pre-order drama. Kaminari catches the minute movement and starts pointing towards him. “See? Sero doesn’t mind, he’s just gonna get salad anyway!” Sero nods wordlessly, goofy smile still in place. Kirishima rolls his eyes. “Let’s get burgers! I promise next movie night I won’t even get a say,” Kaminari begs, folding his hands together in pleading. Kirishima sighs tiredly. “You said that last time, babe. And the time before that. And—“
“The time before that too,” Sero finishes, laughing. The look that Denki shoots at him is lethal.
“Whose side are you even on?”
“The side of getting food. We do this every weekend. We’ve gotta make a system or something. This is why Blasty and Mina stopped coming.”
Denki wrinkles his nose is disagreement. “Bakugou stopped coming because he hates the idea of fun,” Sero thinks about this and shrugs. He means, yeah, it was probably actually that but still. “And Mina is.... busy.” Sero raises an eyebrow and smirks.
“Or she stopped coming because she, too, has grown tired of ‘Sushi vs Burger’ debates. It’s old. Let’s just do Indian.”
“No,” the other two reply in unison. “You just said you didn’t even have an opinion though,” Kaminari starts again. “So you can’t switch it up. No Indian. No sushi.” Before Kirishima can dissent again, Kaminari slinks towards him and wraps his arms around his torso. “Pleeease? It’s just one more night, Eiji, and you haven’t even tried everything on the menu.” Sero watches on in amusement. The blond’s argument was weak (who needs to eat at the same place four times in one week? And who cares if everything on the menu hasn’t been tasted yet? They don’t want it!) but the core of his winning strategy was not words...
Sero watches on as Kaminari’s gold colored eyes widen as big as saucers, irises expertly eliciting intense melancholy. Sero’s always impressed at this grand display, wondering how the transformation from ‘stubborn, brattish boyfriend’ to ‘pathetic child with only days left to live’ is made to look so easy. It’s almost like he has a second quirk! His lashes even play along, carefully accentuating the look, looking longer and more voluminous. Sero’s heart swells in admiration.
That’s his best friend. His partner in crime. He couldn’t have asked for a more inspiring friend. 
Scam on, buddy ol’ pal.
Kirishima looks conflicted. His cheeks burn pink, but he tries to maintain a look of sternness. “Denki, stop it,” Kirishima says, voice much too affectionate for a guy trying to put his foot down. Sero snickers into his hand. He’s losing. Like always. Kaminari doesn’t let up, eyes getting wider and drawing out more compassion by the second. Kirishima looks weak, face no longer molded into a look of defiance but, instead, resignation.
“Fine,” he pouts, his pink face clashing with the bold red of his hair. “Now, move. So we can order the same thing we get every time.”
The blond obeys happily, eyes back to normal and shooting Sero a conspiratorial look. The other boy laughs and extends his palm, wordlessly initiating a high-five. Kirishima looks on with an unreadable expression.
Sero turns to him and smiles, shaking his head. “You’re gonna have to shake it up sometime, dude. This is getting sadly predictable.”
Kaminari laughs while Sero gets up to stretch. “Now that that’s over, what’s the movie for tonight? We did a comedy last week, so I’m thinkin’ maybe a thriller tonight?”
Sero shrugs. “Didn’t Kirishima wanna do a Disney film?” Sero glances over at the boy in question. “Yo, which movie did you wa— What are you doing?” The redhead is sneaking off towards the bathroom, a sushi menu and cellphone in either hand. Kaminari gasps dramatically.
“You already said we could do burgers! You can’t go back!” The blond’s face is marred with an intense look of betrayal. “You don’t even know what I’d want from there!”
“You’re not hard to order for, babe. We’ve been dating for two years. I’d like to think that I know what you like by now.”
Kaminari scoffs. “No, you don’t. Come back so I can see my options.”
Kirishima shakes his head. “You’ll just pull the puppy-eyes out again.” The boy gives the other an unimpressed look. “We all took the same Villain Strategies course.”
Sero bursts into laughter as Kaminari places his hand over his heart in offense. “You think I’m a villain?”
“Low-level terrorist,” Kirishima corrects and Sero doubles over with tears in his eyes. Almost immediately, Kaminari begins to run at Kirishima. The other boy turns to continue running towards the bathroom. Sero barely has time to recover before he has to follow after the two of them, his stomach sore from laughter. The hallway echoes with the noise of shoes hitting the ground and the strained yelling of out-of-breath boys. Soon, Sero hears the slam of a door. After he rounds a corner, he finds Kaminari not too far away, breathing heavily and pushing up against the bathroom door in vain.
“He’s leaning up against it in his hardened form,” Kaminari explains without sparing a glance in his direction. His face is red and slick with sweat. Sero fights the urge to crumple into laughter. Before he can say anything, a muffled voice escapes from inside the bathroom. “Hello? Wasabi?... Yes! Are you guys delivering right now?” Sero bites his tongue to keep from laughing at the distressed face of the blond near him. “NO, BABE. DON’T DO THIS! COME OUT, LET’S TALK ABOUT IT!” Kaminari bangs on the door repeatedly, the noise echoing throughout the hallway.
From inside the bathroom, Kirishima continues speaking into the phone. “Huh? Oh, no, everything’s fine. That’s... some weird guy outside. Yeah, yeah, it’s cool. So, I’m gonna go ahead and order the seared sa—“
“I’m not just some weird guy! I’m the boyfriend! The boyfriend who DOES. NOT. WANT. SUSHI.”
Sero laughs, unable to control himself any longer. “So you’re the weird-guy boyfriend?”
Kaminari glares daggers. “Don’t you have something better to do?”
“Like what?”
“Like helping me.”
Sero shakes his head, grinning. “I told you two that I wouldn’t pick sides in an argument, like, ever. I think this qualifies.”
Kaminari’s eyes narrow. “You’re a snake, Sero Hanta.”
“Says the guy getting the bulk of his debate skills from Strategical Villainy 101.”
Just as Kaminari bucks up to respond, Kirishima wails defeatedly from inside the bathroom. “No, dude. Dude. It’s not even a serious argument. Like, I just happen to want this and he wants... He wants some other place. Look, it’s fine. We can go through with the—“
The redhead’s voice is cut off and the only thing that can be heard from the bathroom is the barely audible voice of the person on the other line. Sero raises his eyebrows in curiosity. “He’s FINE. He’ll eat anyth—“ Another pause. “What? Are you ser— Yes, he’s just being dramatic, we ate what he wanted three times this week.”
“Okay, but one of those times my order got messed up!”
“Babe, that doesn’t matter. We still ate there and... Ooh! And Lily-san agrees! It still counts!”
“Okay, well, you tell Lily-san about how you don’t even really eat there! You order fries and then you order out by yourself later!”
“That’s not relev— Wait, Lily-san, yeah, that’s what happens, but that’s still compromise.”
Sero’s amusement slowly tapers into casual indifference as the conversation continues on between Kirishima, Kaminari, and “Lily-san,” who he assumes is a nosy cashier with way too much time on her hands.
“So... Are we ordering food soon?”
“Uh, yeah, dude, but Lily is in the middle of a story right now, don’t be rude,” Kaminari whispers. The couple is now sitting beside each other in the hallway, prior argument completely forgotten, as they listen to Lily intently on speaker with Kirishima’s cellphone on the floor between them. Sero rolls his eyes, feeling slightly annoyed for the first time today. Instigating isn’t supposed to end like this. This is not what he signed up for. “Alright. Well, I’ll be back later, I guess. Maybe I’ll come back with Mina.”
“Uh-huh,” Kirishima replies distractedly. “Bye.”
Sero rolls his eyes again as he walks back around the corner and up the hallway again. He fishes his phone out of his pocket and starts typing. SEROtonin: @ALIEN_QUEEN @EXPLODOKILLINKING anyone wanna go 4 pizza ALIEN_QUEEN: @SEROtonin @EXPLODOKILLINKING omg yes im starving ALIEN_QUEEN: @SEROtonin @EXPLODOKILLINKING wait ur not w k+k? SEROtonin: @ALIEN_QUEEN @EXPLODOKILLINKING theyre havin a couples therapy session w Lily the Cashier ALIEN_QUEEN: @SEROtonin @EXPLODOKILLINKING ??? EXPLODOKILLINKING: @SEROtonin @ALIEN_QUEEN already here. hurry tf up b4 i decide 2 dip SEROtonin: @ALIEN_QUEEN @EXPLODOKILLINKING its a long story SEROtonin: @EXPLODOKILLINKING @ALIEN_QUEEN chill out we’re coming EXPLODOKILLINKING: @SEROtonin @ALIEN_QUEEN its a long story that ur gonna tell us as soon as u get ur asses here so HURRY TF UP ALIEN_QUEEN: @SEROtonin @EXPLODOKILLINKING i told u 2 stop having movie night w them!! me + blasty moved on to GAME NIGHT! SEROtonin: @ALIEN_QUEEN @EXPLODOKILLINKING game night? ALIEN_QUEEN: @SEROtonin @EXPLODOKILLINKING yup! w dekusquad + todoroki!! it’s a BLAST ALIEN_QUEEN: @SEROtonin @EXPLODOKILLINKING literally. cuz bkgu is a sore loser EXPLODOKILLINKING: @ALIEN_QUEEN @SEROtonin U FUCKIN EXTRAS R CHEATS ALIEN_QUEEN: @SEROtonin @EXPLODOKILLINKING see? SEROtonin: @ALIEN_QUEEN @EXPLODOKILLINKING ...sounds like disaster. Sero smiles wickedly at his phone, thinking of all the delicious trouble he could stir up. SEROtonin: @ALIEN_QUEEN @EXPLODOKILLINKING im in. He’ll learn his lesson one of these days. ...Not today, though.
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Being Alone, Animals, and Apparently: 54428 -1 years 4 months old, 54 lb:s Young, handsome, hopeful, social, outgoing, playful, housetrained cat & dog friendly Just needs some basic training Lived in harmony with 4 kids & a cat! @Brooklyaacc waiting tor LoVE Happy Valentines **** TO BE KILLED - 2/14/2019 **** DUMPED FOR BEING TOO BIG, BUT TOO CUTE IS WHAT HE ISI!! <3 INTRODUCING BLADE <3 Who could resist this face? We spy some incredible Boxer features on this one year old, who happens to have a heart full of joy.. Who could part with this bundle? Apparently his prior home felt his exuberance and playfulness were more than they expected, especially now that he is no longer a tiny puppy. A regular scenario of pets that are growing up and no longer appreciated. At the shelter Blade allows all handling, carries himself with a loose and wiggly body, and socializes well with the other doggies. Traits his breed are well admired for. Naturally he is unsure of his present environment, when he has only known a home, with children to play with. Surely he is puzzled at why he was discarded, he loved his family without limits. What is a youngster with a face worthy of swooning over, a disposition eager to play and interact with, and a hopeful heart doing on death row? More importantly, Blade is in urgent need of a foster or adopter before the shelter disposes of him. If you would like to save this super adorable, young boy from an unjust fate, please message this page now. BLADE, Id 54428, @ 1 Yr. Old, 54 lbs, Unaltered Male Brooklyn ACC, Medium Mixed Breed, Black / White Owner Surrender Reason: Too Active, too big Shelter Assessment Rating: New Hope Rescue Medical Behavior Rating: 2. Blue AT RISK NOTE: Blade has been observed to display conflicting behavior when interacting with handlers; at times loose and wiggly and then becoming tense and freezing. Because of the observed behavior combined with the reported behavioral concerns in his previous home environment, we believe Blade would be best set up to succeed if placed with an experienced rescue partner who can allow him to decompress in a stable home environment before permanent placement. He has been diagnosed with a heart murmur but there are no other medical concerns at this time. MEDICAL EXAM NOTES: Observed Behavior - allowed all handling, tense body posture at times, face was handled but muzzled afterwards for injections. Evidence of Cruelty seen - no Evidence of Trauma seen - no. Objective: P = wnl R = wnl BCS 5/9. EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted. Oral Exam: unremarkable adult dentition. PLN: No enlargements noted. H/L: NSR, multifocal holosystolic apical heart murmur, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic. ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated. U/G: male intact 2 testicles soft symmetric, no leakage or discharge MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat. CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities. Rectal: visually normal. Assessment heart murmur grade 4. rognosis: good. Plan: recommend cardio consult for heart murmur SURGERY: perm waiver murmur 9/02/2019 Your newly adopted pet has been diagnosed with a heart murmur and the staff veterinarians are issuing a permanent waiver from the spay/neuter requirements of the City of NY. Follow up care at your regular veterinarian is recommended to ensure continued treatment. Your veterinarian will advise you if surgical sterilization is appropriate. INTAKE NOTES - DATE OF INTAKE 2/9/2018: Behavior during intake: Blade had a loose and wiggly body during intake. Counselor was able to scan for a microchip, collar and take a picture without any issues. OWNER SURRENDER NOTES - BASIC INFORMATION: Blade is a 1 year, 4 month old male that has no previous or current medical issues that the owner is aware of. Owner had Blade in the home for 1 year but had to surrender due to Blade having too much energy. He previously lived with 2 adults and 4 children. When a stranger would come to the owners home, Blade was friendly and outgoing. When he is taken on on-leash walks outside and someone would approach him, he was friendly and playful. Blade lived with 4 children ages 5, 8, 9 and 11. Owner stated that Blade did not realize how big he is and would jump on the children too hard sometimes causing them to fall. Owner did not have any other dogs in the home so behavior is unknown. When he was taken on an on-leash walk outside, Blade would pull on the leash to go towards the other animal with a wiggly body. Blade lived with a female cat in the home previously. Owner stated that he would play rough with her by jumping on the animal. Blade is not bothered when the owner would take away his food, treats or toys but would growl if the children tried to do so. Blade is housetrained and has a high energy level. Bite history:: Blade scratched and nipped a family member 1 month ago leaving a puncture wound on the victims lip. Blade has never had any medical issues. Other Notes:: Blade is not bothered when the owner would hold him/restrain him, being pushed off furniture, being disturbed while sleeping, being given a bath, having his paws touched or having his coat brushed. When an unfamiliar person would approach the home, Blade would bark. For a New Family to Know: Blade is described as friendly, affectionate, playful and excitable. He has a high activity level and likes to play with squeaky toys and stuffed animals. In the home, Blade liked to follow the owner around from room to room. HE was kept mostly indoors and is house trained. Blade was fed both wet and dry food brand Purina. When left alone in the home, Blade would destroy household items such as pillow and shoes and walls. Blade is crate trained and would spend 6 hours in a crate daily without any issues. For exercise, Blade was taken on brisk walks on the leash. When on leash, Blade tends to pull very hard. Owner was able to walk Blade off leash and stated that he would wander around at first but then come right back when his name was called. Bite history:: While son was in the bedroom with Blaze, he heard crying and son ran out with scratch on cheek and puncture wound on his lip. Owner is unsure of specific details as to what happened. SHELTER ASSESSMENT SUMMARIES - Date of assessment:: 2/11/2019 LEASH WALKING Strength and pulling: Moderate pulling Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: SOCIABILITY Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Wanders, distracted, aloof Call over: Approaches with coaxing Sociability comments: HANDLING Soft handling: Soft initially then freezes and whale-eyes Exuberant handling: Did not conduct Handling comments: AROUSAL Jog: Follows, distracted Arousal comments: KNOCK Knock Comments: Moves away, startles TOY Toy comments: Minimal interest PLAYGROUP NOTES - DOG TO DOG SUMMARIES: According to Blade's previous owner, Blade was the only dog in the home, so his past behavior around other dogs is unknown. But the owner also stated that when taken for on an on-leash walk outside, Blade would pull on the leash towards the other dog with a wiggly body. 2/10: When off leash at the Care Center, Blade is introduced to a novel female dog. He is sexually motivated when he greets her; he stands on his tip-toes, heightens his posture, chatters his teeth and places his chin over her back. He does not attempt to mount her and listens to handler interruption. He reciprocated the female's play bow and engages in a brief but of cooperative play with the female before wandering off to explore the pens. He is tolerant of the female's paw slaps and body slams. INTAKE BEHAVIOR - Date of intake:: 2/9/2019 Summary:: Loose bodied, wiggly, allowed all handling MEDICAL BEHAVIOR - Date of initial:: 2/9/2019 Summary:: Allowed all handling, tense at times ENERGY LEVEL:: Blade is reported to have a high energy level in his previous home environment which matches what has been observed in the care center. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: New Hope Only Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13): Blade has previously bitten a child in his previous home environment though circumstances are unknown; for this reason combined with his sensitivity to handling, we believe he would be best set up to succeed in an adult only home environment. Place with a New Hope partner: In the care center, Blade has been observed to display conflicting behavior when interacting with handlers; at times loose and wiggly and then becoming tense and freezing. Because of the observed behavior combined with the reported behavioral concerns in his previous home environment, we believe Blade would be best set up to succeed if placed with an experienced rescue partner who can allow him to decompress in a stable home environment before permanent placement. Force-free, reward based training only is advised as well as guidance from a professional trainer or qualified behaviorist. Potential challenges: : Bite history (human),Resource guarding,Basic manners/poor impulse control,Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition,Fearful/potential for defensive aggression *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** BLADE IS RESCUE ONLY. You must fill out applications with New Hope Rescues to foster or adopt him. He cannot be reserved online at the ACC ARL, nor can he be direct adopted at the shelter. PLEASE HURRY AND MESSAGE OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE! HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account \ Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications.
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Driving a slightly older car (87 Tbird), newer driver; no faults fines or tickets. Resident of BC.""
Car insurance rate (red light ticket!)?
Sorry if this is too long, but i really need help! I just got a ticket for turning right on red w/o stopping in WA state. i googled and know that insurance companies don't often check driving record. unless when you make some change to your policy, make a claim or every 2 renewal cycles? my questions are: -How long does it take for my insurance company to notice this if i don't make any changes to my policy or make a claim within 3 yrs (this will stay on my record for 3 yrs right?)??? -Usually how long is ONE renewal cycle in car insurance? -If i tick the mitgation hearing option, and explain the infraction to the judge and he/she reduce my penalty, Does that mean the record will stay on me shorter? the penalty money will reduced? and hopeful insurance company will not increase my rate? -I am a student and I am cover under my dad's insurance, so if they increase my rate, does that mean the whole amount of premium increase or just my part? PS: if this help, my insurance company is American Family Insurance. I just switch to it 3 months ago.""
Can I get cheaper car insurance if my mums with the NHS?
I'm turning 17 soon, and I know someone who's mum work with the NHS and they're getting 10 a month insurance on a new mini 1.6L. I just don't know where to look for the insurance, however I am looking at cheap, used corsas (obviously the cheapest with the cheapest insurance). Anyone help?""
Cheapest Auto Insurance In NJ?
What's the cheapest auto insurance company in NJ for someone who is a first time driver and doesn't have anyone elses insurance to go off of? I keep getting different quotes, rangeing between 200-400$ a month, which is a little bit insane. Are these quotes just accounting for things that I don't really need?""
What car would be cheapest for insurance?
When I turn 16 I am deciding on getting a v6 1998 firebird or a 1998 v6 camaro what one do you think would be cheaper for insurance. I live in nebraska in a small town
With a driving permit in California ? Insurance ?
Can I drive my dad's car but with somebody else teaching me to drive. Do I need to be in the insurance policy ? How does that work?
Insurance payout after lien paid?
My insurance recently sent my lien-holder, Chase Bank, the agreed amount for my totaled car. I owed about 3k less than what they paid out so am now left wondering when I will receive the difference. Chase received the payment a week ago.""
Car Insurance - 17 Year old!?
part time motor trade insurance - That's the insurance policy that my dad's on, would it be possible for me to be added onto this policy then drive the cars that are insured on it. If not what's the best way about getting cheaper insurance policies? The way I thought I got cheaper insurance was that my dad would start a policy then add me as a named driver, is it still the same? Thanks in advance!""
""Best insurance for my small business? im 25, non registered business 0-10 jobs per week.?""
Best insurance for my small business? im 25, non registered business 0-10 jobs per week.?""
Is $40.00 a month cheap for Full Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250?
Is $40.00 a month cheap for Full Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250?
Car insurance issue(s). Please share your experience and help if you can. Thanks?
My car caught on fire due to some electrical wiring, im fully comp, and have never claimed before. But sneaky as they are, they have told me that they do not cover electrical wiring faults, which has caused the fire. But the AA who towed my car in has catergorised it as fire damage. Surely they must cover the fire damage. I took it to a repair centre near me, and have asked them to have a quick check, and they also say its fire damage and what not, this has been procrastinated for so long by the insurance company, (claims company rather) that i can't remember what the repair centre has stated. Surely, fully comp covers something like this? THEIR engineers have said that there was no further damage to the rest of the car, but can i trust THEIR engineers? A full check up costs a lot, as they would have to take apart the car ( i believe? ) When i rang up the lady at the claims centre, she had no idea what case i was on, she literally said 'give me a moment to read up on your case' for me, thats a bit pathetic. While speaking on the phone with her not only was she rude, almost shouting at me (as i pressed on further ) . She told me she would send the company policy booklet to show that electrical wiring is not covered, and a letter stating the case was closed and in detail what the whole case is about. A week and a half has gone by (she said couple of days) This is the most annoying thing. She was rude, unhelpful, unwilling to help, and just taking the pee with the whole thing. I just find it sketchy that the letter has not been made, and no further actions or anything has happened (i have also opened another case about another incident - no info .. still) . I think they are just hoping i'd give this up as they are so unwilling to pay out. This is the reason I have insurance. Whats the point otherwise? Sorry for the long read. I have no idea what to do now, can i take it to a small claims court or talk to someone in the city council to further my case? Thanks""
WIll my mom know if i go to planned parenthood under her insurance?
I am 18 years old and under my mom's insurance. I want to go to planned parenthood, but don't want her to find out. I can't afford to pay on my own, but if i use the insurance, would the insurance company notify her?""
What happens if I cancel my car insurance policy?
I can't pay my monthly car insurance note. What will happen if I just cancel the policy before the payment is due? Will they still flag my license if I just cancel the policy?
""How much, on average, is contents insurance?""
I'm attending university soon and I will be flatting. I want to get contents insurance for my belongings. I will be taking $10,000 worth of things with me (Clothing, Shoes, Accessories, Laptop, iPod, Bedding, Books, small shelves, clothing rack etc) What is the average cost for insurance per week? Any answer will help. I'm working out my budget! Thanks in advance.""
What is the average rate of car insurance for 16 year old driver?
I am going to be 16 and i am just wondering how much will the insurance charge is i get added on right when i get my license?
I need to find cheap car insurance?
I am looking for car insurance and from where i am at right now with geico i will be paying over 300 dollars and thats the cheapest i could find. im currently 17 i have a permit not a licence and im about to turn 18 in a month. would it be cheaper to wait till im 18 should i get my licence now? im so confused......
Can u recommend any car insurance for 6 months rather then 1 year ?
i may need to sell car after 6 months and that's why i do not want to pay insurance for 12 months upfront
How to get good discounts for insurance?
i am 17 years old and i am getting my license in 2 weeks so im underage and i wanna know how to get good discounts my parents have all-state i will be driving my moms car a 2004 nissan altima (4 doors) can anyone help with some tips !!!!! thank you very much
What is average insurance rate for liability only for a 19 year old female?
in N. C. on a family type car
What is the cheapest student health insurance plan?
What is the cheapest student health insurance plan?
Cheapest insurers for a first time 18yrold with pass plus??
Hi iv'e just brought a 2002 vw polo and wanted to get my first insurance on it. Can you recommend any cheap insurers for first time drivers and young drivers. I've completed my pass plus as well. Thanks for the help xxx
Does the Year of your Car affect Insurance Prices?
Does the Make of Your Car Affect How Much you are Charged for Insurance? Does the Year of Your Car Affect How Much you are Charged for Insurance? Does Having 2Doors Always Rise How Much you are Charged for Insurance? No Baby Answers.
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car home insurance quotes online
How do I fight an insurance company over biased eyewitness testimony?
I was driving in a parking lot with wide lanes and perpendicular spaces when another driver backed out into my passenger side door. The other driver claimed that I was driving too fast and her insurance company is only willing to accept 75% liability for the accident, because of her statements and those of her friends. I don't have any witnesses of my own, but it seems rather unjust that they can base their decision on obviously biased witnesses. Neither the physical nor the circumstantial evidence supports their claims. I've written letters to the insurance company in response to their letter to me, but they haven't replied or made any effort to address my concerns. How do I fight them? This occurred in California.""
What is a good company to get affordable E&O insurance?
What is a good company to get affordable E&O insurance?
I'm getting sued from an old car accident? will my insurance pay?
two years ago i was involved in an accident with another vehicle. we filed a police report and we each reported the accident to our insurance companies. i filed a claim with my company, but the insurance companies had us each pay our own damages. we both walked away from the accident. two years later, i receive a certified letter that i'm being sued for $10,000 (within my liability limits) for medical damages and other losses. i need to appear in court or have a lawyer. it's been two years, will my insurance company still cover this after such a long time? and, do i have to find my own lawyer, or will the insurance company help me? (they're a very good company) i just found out and i contacted them, but they can't get back to me til monday while they find the old adjuster's files.""
Car insurance question?
If something happens to your car and it falls under comprehensive coverage, will your insurance premium go up after the incident?""
How much does it cost on average to insure your license?
through any insurance company. :) I just want to know how much on average.
Why is car insurance so expensive in the UK?
I'm a 19 year old male with 2 years no claims. I have just come back from the USA where everyone there drives huge engined trucks and cars, including even the 16-year-olds. Fed up with driving a tiny hatchback, I enquire about insuring my Dad's dormant K reg BMW 735 auto LPG which is a really nice cruising car ideal for long journeys. However the insurance companies reject me almost immediately. Why is this the case in the UK? Why am I not allowed to drive a nice car albeit old just because I am young? I'm a keen car restorer and take the utmost care whilst driving, and living on a farm have driven most vehicles, so would not say I was inexperienced. Does anyone know of any bespoke insurers or do I really have to stick to driving a tiny hatchback until I'm 25? It seems as though the whole system is unfairly against me :(""
How much does insurance cost for a teenage driver?
So the car would be a scion frs I'm a guy....it's a coupe and with which company would it cost the least I live in Orange County california
What is the best motorcycle insurance for military personnel?
i am joining the military and i was wondering what insurance company offers the best rates for motorcycle insurance for a 19 year old male?
What are the requirements for car in surance in the usa states?
I would like to know what kind of car insurance do you need to have in every state.
Average 1 million dollar term life insurance premium?
Average 1 million dollar term life insurance premium?
Young drivers car insurance!!?
I am 17 at the moment but planning on getting the insurance when i turned 18 at the end of this month to make it that bit cheaper, I already own a Renault Clio (1.2L, 16v, 02 plate). The cheapest quote ive got is 4,000 (300 a month) and that's with co-ops new fit smartbox for young drivers, and i also have my dad as an additional driver and my mum on it with her provisional licence and I really just cant afford that price, any ideas on what i could possibly do?""
""I got rear-ended and my car insurance was cancelled a month ago, what's going to happen?""
I live in Oregon. I've been faithful with car insurance for about 4 years now, full comp and coverage. My auto-magic payment did not go through one month and my insurance was cancelled. An insured driver hit me, police cited him at fault. What is going to happen to me, my license and vehicle. The police didn't take my car or cite me for no insurance after knowing mine was cancelled. What will the DMV say and what should I do to save my butt?""
State farm car insurance?
recently i got my license and am now added, without charge, to my parents' car insurance. i'm 23 and from texas. my question is, if was to get married, would the company drop me off of the insurance?? i'd really like to know any info pertaining to this...i already called, but couldn't talk to anyone right now, so any knowledge would be great. thanks!!""
Why do insurance rates vary so much between states?
Sometimes states that are right next to each other have totally different insurance rates from the same company for the same car and driver. It's not like driving magically becomes more dangerous when you cross the state line, so why does this happen?""
Average cost home insurance in UK?
How much does it cost to insure a rented property (house) in the Uk for a year? I know it depends on many different aspects but I would like to have a rough idea of the cost. Probably renting a 2 bedrooms house in Bristol with a small garden. The quoting companies ask me for too many details that I don't know
My health insurance ends when I turn 19?
So does that mean I can chose any location and place for regular checkups? I know I will pay the cost fees. But in general, is it all the same cost or??? I'm so confused.""
Whats the average cost of insurance for a 21 year old female?
Whats the average cost of insurance for a 21 year old female?
Is this car insurance company good?
http://www.4youngdrivers.co.uk/ I got a very reasonable quote of 1,500 a year from that website whereas everywhere else the minimum I could find is 4,700 to insure my dad's bmw 325i under my name ( he bought a new 5 series). But the downside to this is that the excess fee to any claim is 3,000. Either way it is cheaper than most insurance companies so what do you think of the company? because Iv never heard of it before and it does sound a bit fishy. In case it helps...im 24 and have been driving a gsxr750 for 2 years until last november during the snow I was involved in a horrifying crash which ended up my bike being written off.""
Are BMW more expensive to insure?
Specifically a White 2006 BMW 325i. I'm 21, never had any traffic violations, had my license since I was 17. I'm looking to get rid of my old 1994 Crappy Mustang, and getting a White 06 3 Series BMW. Will my insurance be expensive? Additional Details: I plan on financing, which means it will require me to get full coverage.""
How much would insurance be for a 125cc motorbike in the UK? Just a ball park figure.?
How much would insurance be for a 125cc motorbike in the UK? Just a ball park figure.?
Where do I look for health insurance after Heart Surgery? Dropped by current provider..?
After having a valve replaced last fall my insurance opted not to renew my policy. I am 63 and currently have a short term policy that only can be renewed once and then I am out of luck. Where can I look for coverage? I'd take something even if it excluded my prior condition even though I am now much healtier than I was before the surgery.
Anybody know the cheapest way to get car insurance?
Im 18/ female and this will be my first car , first time driving...prices are soo high it's hard to get cheap insurance at my age being a new driver. Does anyone know a loophole or just a way to get it real cheap?""
Need information on affordable senior health insurance?
I need information on affordable senior health insurance policies. Im leaning toward a private insurance company, like this one- http://seniorhealthinsurance-fl.com/ (if possible) in the Florida area. Thanks!""
Inestment in Gold or Life insurance ?
it is better to invest in gold or invest in life insurance / same amount
""How much do i have to pay to cancel my auto insurance, if the vehicle is parked?""
My vehicle is currently parked and has parking insurance, this vehicle has been parked for over a week now, but i currently found some cheaper insurance and i would like to cancel my insurance, how much will it cost me to cancel it.""
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car home insurance quotes online
I have a question about my insurance for...?
ok i am 16 years old...17 in September and i am wanting a motorcycle sometime before i go to college...i have farm bureau insurance and i've not had a wreck before...so what would my insurance cost me to be driving a motorcycle at the age of 17 with no wrecks or tickets or anything?
Can fleet insurance be cheaper than insuring 2 vehicles?
My boyfriend and I got in a debate about this. I will be graduating college in a few months and told him that I wanted to purchase a pickup sometime within the year, but wanted to ...show more""
What will an insurance company offer to settle for a possible neck injury?
I was rear-ended by another car. I reported to the insurance company of the person who hit me that my neck was a little sore. They offered me $700 to sign a release form without me even asking. I told the claims adjuster I needed to think about it. Short of getting a lawyer, what could I expect to be offered? I am sure insurance companys have a set amount that they will pay to get me to sign the release form. Anyone know about how much that would be?""
Purchasing insurance to cover maternity leave in California?
Is there any sort of insurance you can buy in California so you can get approximately your regular wages during your unpaid maternity leave? I've heard that state disability doesn't pay too much. And how long can you take off? Some women say they've gotten 3 months off but I don't know what I need to do to get that, and still have approximately my regular income coming in. I'm not pregnant yet, so I could buy something without having a pre-existing condition. Thanks!""
I have a question about my insurance for...?
ok i am 16 years old...17 in September and i am wanting a motorcycle sometime before i go to college...i have farm bureau insurance and i've not had a wreck before...so what would my insurance cost me to be driving a motorcycle at the age of 17 with no wrecks or tickets or anything?
ok so my parents haveLibertyy Mutualinsurancee covering their house, life, car insurance and some other things as a package throughlibertyy mutual. Anyways, I took driving school classes and passed. Its supposed to lower myinsurancee.I'mm turning 17 in October and my permit says i can get mylicensee on september 19. ( i got it late and in az you have to wait 6 months) Is there a way thatLibertyy mutual can insure me? I heard from one of there reps that they wont insure a new driver unless they've had theirlicensee for 6 months. Please help Also if i got a truck could i just insure it under my parents name even though they already have cars? or is it one car per person?""
Where can I find results of auto crashes and speeding tickets by age and the average price one pays for auto..
insurance by age.
How much would it cost to insure my scooter?
I'm looking for a fairly inexpensive way to get around So I found a 49 cc Honda Ruckus moped/scooter that I'm looking to buy and insure (because of mandatory insurance laws in Florida) How much would it cost to insure it if I'm looking for the lowest available plan for be in the confides of Florida law. I keep it inside my house at night. and BOTH if I HAVE HAD a learners permit for a year and DON'T and just got a license I'm 18 and want to see if the savings will be worth waiting a year to drive the thing.
Where can I buy health insurance?
I'm an self-employed worker. Need some health insurance because you never know when I'll get injured.
Anyone know of affordable dental insurance for western Ky? ?
i need to have dental work done, but no insurance.""
Im 16 and just had my second wreck!? what will insurance do?
I just had my second wreck today and both of them have been my fault! Im 16 and my first wreck was last year in late November. Will insurance just raise my rate, drop me, or offer high risk insurance?? have any options on how to get low insurance if i do need to get another insurer?""
Do I really need insurance for a motorcycle in California?
Do i need insurance to ride a motorcycle in california? To get a license for motorcycles? please help!
Should I insure my house for what i would sell it for??why or why not?
This is my first home and not my last. I have a mortgage of 90k, the house is appraised for 125k.If my house were to burn down i would not rebuild it. Would an insurance policy of 125k sound about right? 90kish to pay back the loan and my equity of 35kish.Plus now I own an empty building lot that I can sell ? I know some money will be withheld for demolishing etc.... I m trying to save some money on my current insurance policy that is a replacement value 227k. Should I change my coverage to the price i would sell it for 125k?""
How much is motorcycle insurance in michigan?
I know it is hard to get an exact quote without knowing all the information, but I just need a range. I am looking at a 196cc 5 speed dirtbike that has been made street legal, and just need ~3 months of insurance. Would this be in the $100-200 range? Higher? Lower?""
Compare Auto Insurance Quotes With Local Agents?
I know there are many different sites where I can compare auto insurance quotes. I am wondering if there are any sites that have local agents available on them? My local agent just retired and I am looking around for new coverage, I just don't want to call everyone in the phone book you know.""
Quad bike insurance help?
Im lookin into getting a quad bike possibly but have searched to get an insurance quote online but no one seems to want to help me ive got a full car and full bike liscence but just wanna get a quote to see what im dealing with can any help or advise many thanks
How much would the Insurance go up for a sports exhaust. 10 POINTS?
Hi at the moment my boss pays my insurance on his business fleet as I work in his office in the week, therefore I have a business car (ford feista) I asked him as he's my uncle can I get sports exhaust for it if I pay for it and the additional cost Of the insurance every year IF it goes up. I'm 18 he pays 1200 for the year and I think that goes to about 600 this year.. As he's got 5 business cars on the same fleet. How much extra will it cost me?""
Health insurance question for California.?
I am sixteen and my mother is low income. Is there a state program for health insurance in California?
Do insurance companies go by residence address or by mailing adress?
I live in the city, but I have an upstate house to which I want to register my car to so I can get cheaper insurance. What should be changed?""
""Confused about car insurance...stacked, unstacked??
i am looking up car insurance quotes online and for Uninsured Motorists Bodily Injury Option there is a stacked option and a unstacked option. Does anyone know what this means? What the diff is? This is for PA
Car insurance without a driving license?
I know there are insurance companies in california that sell car insurances without requiring a driving license. does anybody know some of these companies and what is the average price of this kind of insurances? thanks
Health Insurance: How Much Will COBRA cost me?
I'm not one who likes working for others, and I'm getting enrolled in my company's health insurance. It's only for me, and they'll wind up deducting like $160 per month from my paycheck. I'm looking to leave as soon as I can, but if I choose to maintain the insurance through COBRA, will it be close to around the $160 or is it likely to be much higher, like $300 or more? Is there any way I can find out at this time?""
Im 15 planning on getting license when 18 need know how much insurance will cost?
ok i am 15 and parents told me i can get my license if i can afford insurance i just need to know how much it will cost when im 18 cause i need 2 years driving experience before i can get my license.. how can i find this out.i havent gotten my perrmit yet plan on getting it on my b-day when my parents leave me alone..my little 16th b-day present to me
What happens if I forgot to show proof of car insurance in Minnesota?
I got pulled over in my car a year ago for an unrelated issue. But I did not have proof of insurance even though I did have insurance at the time. The officer told me to show the proof of insurance later and I will be fine. So, later I mailed a copy of my insurance to the citation place but got a letter back that I needed to show up in person. I put this aside to take care of later, but forgot about it and just remembered it a few days ago because it came up in a conversation somehow. It has been a year now and I am really scared about getting a misdemeanor. I am otherwise a good person who always pays my fines. Am I going to be arrested for this? I haven't heard from them since the letter I received a year ago which I cannot find any more, and I have also moved since then. If I go and tell them it was an honest mistake will they go easy on me?""
Is a 2000 Mustang GT expensive to insure?
I'm 16 and looking for a first car. I have my heart set on a certain mustang but the only thing is insurance cost. Its a 2000 GT and im going to be insured with state farm. Im 16 getting my license in 2 weeks so I know thats a big factor. Also I was trying to get some ideas about what it might cost and found this on the state farm website. http://www.statefarm.com/insurance/auto_insurance/veh_rating/ford.asp Not sure if its relevant but if it is than can someone explain what it means?
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car home insurance quotes online
""Getting my own car, insurance and registration.?""
I'm getting my own car, but I don't have a license yet. So I was just wondering should I put it under my dad's name first? And also the registration and insurance. Should it be under my dad's name first or can I put it under my name? They were thinking about getting the insurance for me because it would be cheaper but would it be possible for them to get the insurance if the car is under my name?""
I need cheap insurance for me and my baby?
I recently moved out of my mom's house to live with my boyfriend. She was covering me on her insurance but now it's been dropped, We moved to where his new job is and we are letting a friend live with us. My boyfriend's yearly income is about 65,000. I can't be covered under his insurance because we aren't married. I have a 11 month old baby and I have to take pills regularly... I need to find an insurance plan that can cover me and her. If it makes any difference I'm 18 and I'm turning 19 in October... I know some insurance plans cover certain ages. I'd prefer something kind of cheap but I also need something that has decent copay..even if it raises the price a little. Does anyone know a good carrier?""
I'm uninsurable! How can I lower/get car insurance?
I am a insurance company's worst nightmare. 17 year old male, I have a job in a rough town, no experience and to top it all off I only finish work at 11pm so ill be driving at night. I have not passed my test yet but need the car for work. Whenever I use go compare or compare the market I am either quoted a stupid amount 10,000+ or I am uninsurable. I cannot get a box monitor installed because the car needs to be home at 11and I don't finish work untill then.""
Is a subaru wrx a good car for an 18 year old?
I'm 18 and I'm thinking about buying a wrx. It has 150000 miles with maintenance history and was run on high octane gas... seems to be mechanically taken care of. It needs a new paint job but I don't mind the project. Is it hard to drive this car on 5spd for people who have minimum manual experience? (i can drive a manual but I haven't had much practice) I plan on taking care of it and running it easy. How much does insurance increase if there's a lein in the car? Is it difficult to transfer leins? Car has 6600 left on lein and its a 2003.
Where should gain on life insurance be located on the income statement?
The item reads as follows: When one officer died, the company realized $110,000 from an insurance policy. The book value was $50,000. My gut feeling tells me it should be placed under other comprehensive income, but the solution to my homework problem says it should be under non-operating expense. Why is that? Shouldn't it be under other comprehensive income because the company doesn't really have control over it? I think it is under non-operating because it's REALIZED. Is that enough of a reason? Thanks.""
Geico Car Insurance Down Payment?
Im looking at car Insurances and was wondering if Geico makes you pay a down payment when you first start off? I know you have to pay the first months payment but what about a down payment? Do you remember paying a down payment?
I got a no insurance ticket so I bought insurance less then an hour after.?
The date on the ticket is the same date my insurance started. Anybody know what the outcome might be?
Sex change car insurance?
If a man gets a sex change into a women with boobs and everything would he be then entitled to womens only car insurance?
Which auto insurance companies in California offer auto insurance for international driving license?
I already called a few but they tell me there don't offer auto insurance for someone w/ IDL
I wanted to know how comes my insurance is so cheap now but when i did it 7 moths ago it was 2800?
so 7 months ago i got my insurance third party fire and theft with 2 additional drivers me as first driver and i am 20 for 2800,, and now i checked with the same details i did last time i didnt put down any experience or anything did it same exactly as last time and its about 1950 now ??? wth did i get ripped off? car is a vuaxhall corsa 2000 model""
Cheapest car to insure at 17?
Hi, I've applied for my provisional and on the 26th of Jan I'll be 17 and starting lessons then. However my parents are getting me a car before hand so when I do lessons, I can drive with my parents too and my brother to work. I need to find a cheap car to insure? I would be interested in a Peageuot 106 (Small engine obviously) and just plain. Would these be expensive?""
""If a person lies about their age on a life insurance application, will the claim be deniable?
Full coverage Insurance question ?
Would I be covered if my fiance puts me on his full coverage insurance? I just sold my car so I will be driving his until I get my new one. I canceled my insurance. So I need to know if I need to have my own insurance, or if I will be covered by him just putting me on his. Thanks guys.""
My Car Insurance Company Is Telling Us To Add My Two Sons Into My Policy.?
My sons had their license for a while now. Few months if I'm correct. They are 18 and one is 16 turning 17 in a month. Ever since they got their license, they haven't drove because they didn't have insurance. I refused when they asked because the cost was about $250 a month for each. We live in California and have State Farm. Recently, I've been getting mails and calls that I NEED to add them to my policy. I was wondering is it was really necessary because they never drive and they don't have access to my car. I only have two keys to my car and I keep it with me all the time and I'm a house mom. So the point is, they never drove the car and never will until they get insurance. So my question is, do I really have to add both of them to my policy? and if I do, do I have to pay? and if so, how much? Would it be the same as what I was told when I first asked about the cost of insurance? Which is $500 dollars a month for both.""
Are vauxhall corsa's cheap on insurance?
Are vauxhall corsa's cheap on insurance?
What car insurance is cheapest?
im enlisted in the marines right now and i haven't shipped out to boot camp yet, i will be 18 years old and planning on getting a used jeep wrangler after boot camp, i just want to know which car insurance will bee the cheapest for it, thanks!""
Will insurance be different on any of the 5 Camrys?
My dad wants to get a new Camry. I really want the SE (i'm a 16 yr. old guy) But he doesn't want to pay a whole bunch more insurance. We have Allied. Our options are CE, LE, SE, XLE, Hybrid. Will there be a huge insurance difference?""
What do you think it would cost for a 2001 cavalier coupe monthly for car insurance?
I just need an estimate, thanks. I don't know where to look...""
""I'm 17, can a go under my parents insurance for my car?""
Hi, im going to buy my first car soon, im looking at a Pergeot 106, with a 1.4L engine. I've had a quote to insure it under my name, and lets say it's more than i can afford. So i know it's cheeper to under my parents insurance. Is this safe and how much would it cost for this car im looking at? My parents havnt had any crashes if this helps? Thanks so much""
Cheapest full-coverage Insurance Company?
I am trying to narrow down my options for Automobile insurance and find the best for my money... I am a high risk so State farm wouldn't accept me after I carelessly let my insurance policy cancel. I have been quoted 189.00 a month from Al Boenker Insurance and I am really not wanting to have to pay that much.... But any suggestions would definitely help! Thank you!
Do you have car insurance through Costco? Did you save money?
Thinking about getting an estimate from Costco. Im a member of Costco and thought I would look into it. Ever have any experience with their insurance? I know its an outside company.
I need help with car insurance.?
I am saving up for a car but I don't wan't the car to be a sports car because the insurance would cost to much. Could you tell me which cars are not sports cars. 1967 chevy impala 1969 chevy nova 1969 plymouth Barracuda 1995 chevy camaro 1970 AMC Javelin Ford thunderbird ford firebird Thanks!
""My family makes 80,000 but can't afford health insurance. I have loans and all, what do I do?""
We are currently living in Pleasanton CA because I want my daughter to go to a good public school (cant afford private schools)We have no family here in California, its just the two of us with our 5 year old daughter.(my husband is an only child, both of his parents died) It is very expensive to live in Pleasanton, but we rather live someplace nice where the school system is good and we are also interracial couple. We have credit card loans,(25,000) and my husband has a student loan. My daughter is on a Kaiser individual plan which is 300 a month. We have a car payment of 312 a month and still have 6000 left to pay off. We have a low interest rate on the car loan like 4%. We tried consolidating our loans but it did not work. Now my job offers health insurance, but it is very costly, 280 a month which I can't afford, and we are not qualified for the covered California. Please anyone has any advise we would love to hear some feedback.""
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How much would insurance cost for a 2003 bmw 330 ci? 17 years old?
How can I get affordable health insurance for my husband and I in the state of Florida?
I am a healthy 23 yr. old and my husband is a stable 32 yr. old.
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car home insurance quotes online
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hyacinthony · 7 years
dude how
Tagged by: @pengwenno lol how do you keep tagging I pretty much never do these
1. Are you named after someone?
lol so my dad was a daycamp teacher for a lil when he was in seminary and apparently I was named after a girl in his thing. he liked the name (it was a Christian daycamp, a girl was named eve, wow. such creativity)((also when I asked my dad, I was surprised, and I so I said “you were a ga-daycamp teacher?”))
2. When’s the last time you cried?
that was probably when I had a breakdown a few weeks ago. It was a really awful week for me, plus that interview was like the next weekend, so I just kind of snapped.
3. Do you like your handwriting?
yes. i love it. my f’s are all fancy and my y’s don’t loop so they just look like a u with a long tail
4. What’s your favorite lunch meat?
turkey. it’s funny because I hate actual turkey, but I love the lunch meat turkey
5. Do you have kids?
lol no. I’m probably not ever going to, either. i don’t like how high-matinence dogs are, I could never handle a kid. my brother is good with them tho
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?
honestly? absolutely. I’d be able to bounce shitty insults off of me
7. Do you use sarcasm?
oh, boy, i wonder
8. Do you still have your tonsils?
this is a very sorey subject with me. there is actually a 99.9999% chance that I’m going to be getting them out this summer even though i fucking h ate surgery
9. Would you bungee jump?
h ell no. abso-fucking-loutely n ot. I’d like to stay alive, thank you very much
10. What’s your favorite kind of cereal?
honey nut. bc I’m your honey~ (nah, it just doesn’t taste like shit like others. plus i practically grew up on it)
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
12. Do you think that you're a strong person?
somewhat? but I think it’s just because (surprise!) I’m actually a pretty optimistic person, or I try to be anyways. that and i have to be strong for all of my friends (i take care of them, honestly)
13. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
idk. I want to try more tbh so idk
14. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
honestly? idk. probably how they look? and that sounds, like, really awful, but i was raised that way (It’s the american south. It’s not great. It’s full of close-minded, shitty people who judge on looks. I was raised to love everyone, and yet no one here does, and.. yeah)
15. Red or pink?
gh tf idk
16. What’s the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself?
I’m assuming what I don’t like about my looks? honestly, I don’t have much problem with this (that sounds like bragging) unless I’m compared with others, but probably my arms and legs? I have a mild case of keratosis pilaris, and while I don’t really get bothered about it by my peers, (scary brother, plus i am nice to everyone) it’s shitty having tiny red bumps on your arms and thighs
17. What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now?
I took my shoes off already, and I’m wearing black pants
18. What’s the last thing you ate?
uh. uh. uh. when was the last time i ate? I think it was a valentine wafer?
19. What are you listening to right now?
h eh. Andrew Allen - Sooner
20. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
i asked my friend and she said a dark magenta. she did not give me an explanation except for that she immediately thought of a dark pink color, so..
21. Favorite smell?
my house after coming back from a long trip (reminds me of when my dad, brother and i first moved it when it was raining)
22. Who’s the last person you spoke to on the phone?
mm, the friend I asked about being a crayon. she is also the one that taped a fucking ding dong on my locker for valentines day and gave me a giant ass cupcake plush
23. Favorite game?
dude. the last time i played a fucking video game was with my brother and it was NBA2k. I’m not really a gamer.
24. Hair color?
brown. thats literally it. it’s just brown, with light brown and blonde undertones or whatever the fuck people say to make themselves sound prettier
25. Eye color?
they’re literally just blue. that’s it. I’m not about to go on some spiel about how my eyes change color or whatever
26. Do you wear contacts?
nah. I wear glasses
27. Favorite food to eat?
macaroni and tomato soup~~~~~~~~~~
28. Scary movies or comedy?
29. Last movie you watched?
Hidden Figures
30. What shirt are you wearing?
well, it’s grey, and it’s a Hollister shirt. (yay for being extra)
31. Summer or winter?
whenever it’s one, I wish for the other, so idk
32. Hugs or kisses?
I’d say hugs, but my hugs are like really long things where I wrap my arms around you and bury my face in your chest or whatever and stand there for like 30 minutes, so..
33. What book are you currently reading?
eh, I have the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them original screenplay, but I’m not really reading it. school has kept me too busy
34. Who do you miss right now?
I’m not sure if it would be qualified as missing, but I want to try and talk to this old friend of mine that I had like.. 4 or 5 years ago before I moved schools
35. What’s on your mouse pad?
lol i don’t have one
36. What’s the last TV show you watched?
I just finished the first season of The Magicians about an hour or two ago. (I love Eliot)
37. What’s the best sound?
raaaain. or sometimes if you’re really desperate, when you tune with the whole band and it’s actually in tune
38. YouTube mashups or ambient noise?
i have no fucking idea what you’re talking about, so ambient noise??
39. What’s the farthest you have traveled?
I’m sad. I have family that lives in California, so from the east coast to the west.
40. Do you have a special talent?
I mean, everyone always tells me how great of a writer I am, so I guess that could be it
41. Where were you born?
Burbank, California (but we moved lol)
42. People you’d like to participate in this survey?
literally anyone. It was actually pretty fun.
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