hi! I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a klaine fic based or inspired on the song Lover from Taylor Swift. I'm a bit obsessed with it at the moment :) thank you for all your work!
I found this fic which is tagged with Taylor Swift’s Lover album. I don’t know if it features the specific song. Here are all the library posts that feature a Taylor Swift song. - HKVoyage
all's well that ends well (to end up with you)by deadsapphicssociety
covid 19 hit new york hard, and with nowhere to go, two enemies find themselves stuck in an unbearable situation
in which Mercedes and Sam are well aware that their best friends are idiots
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blurglesmurfklaine · 8 months
hi aly my dear mutual how are you. ive decided to be a glee blog again and ask you— favorite klaine moment from your least favorite season of glee. also what is a klaine fic that has lived in your head from the first moment you read it
Hi Olivia my beloved mutual!! I’m alive! And well, I’m alive :) how are you!?
Good news: I’m still (and likely to always be in some capacity) a glee blog too!
1) okay so my least favorite season of glee is 4/5a (they are the same to me) but for clarity’s sake we’ll go with 4. And my favorite Klaine moment from season four probably has to be the Thanksgiving phone call. That shit had my MOM crying and saying “I thought they were going to sing an emotional song together!?”
2) oh god. There are so many??? I literally ALWAYS say LN and ATOG so I’m gonna wander away from the beaten path and say “Lost Voices” by TrickyDeepForest (I think?) an honorable mention to all the pretty things by @forabeatofadrum because that shit gave me glee dreams and kept me relatively sane during quarantine so YAH
Thanks for dropping in!! I’m having a hard time sleeping tonight so this was nice to see and keep my mind busy 💞
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theghostofashton · 1 year
get to know me
tagged by: @chaotictarlos @paperstorm thank you both!!
rules: tag nine people you want to get to know better
three ships: tarlos, klaine, and brittana
first ship: sam/freddie from icarly
fave color: it constantly goes between yellow and purple
last song: apple pie - lizzy mcalpine
last movie in the theater: shang-chi i’m pretty sure. i am not a marvel person but one of my friends is and she convinced me to go with her (which i was later glad about bc that movie was really good lol)
last show: the last show i finished i think is bojack lol (i got to 6x09 in my glee rewatch and then...... did not finish it)
currently watching: 911 lone star, bridgerton, and tvd
currently reading: giovanni’s room by james baldwin and take my hand by dolen perkins-valdez (i have been terrible w reading fics lately which is surprising for me lol)
currently working on: nothing concrete, wanted to give myself a lil writing break, but over the past couple days i have started planning my next fic which is probably going to be a tarlos exes to lovers au, also working on adjusting to work and trying to get my life together as always
current obsession: running. i got back into it when quarantine started and i (somehow) have stayed obsessed all this time. i used to go out almost every afternoon and now that i’m working i’m legit annoyed every day when it hits like 3pm and i can’t get up from my desk and go for a run lol 
tagging: @rarewubbox @phantaloon @xartofmovingonx @talkfastcal @sohoseance and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it!
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theyaskedmeto · 4 years
sour undertones - klaine oneshot
read at ao3
words: 1723
AN: this was inspired by a piece of fanart by animateglee, go check it out!
summary: Kurt finds Blaine's diary and is surprised at what he finds there. Blaine thought it was good at the time, I mean, he got an A in creative writing from Miss Eavesbridge once!
The days have been long for the both of them, and it’s not like he was snooping, really, he wasn’t. He was bored. 
Ever since the lockdown had started in New York, Kurt felt like he was going to go mad. His apartment with Blaine was only small (despite their success and newfound fame, prices to live in the city were still ridiculously high) and there was only so much they could do in such a tiny space. After multiple different jigsaw puzzles and games of monopoly and other miscellaneous things that didn’t involve sitting around and scrolling through Instagram, he was starting to go a little bit crazy.
It was also hard for them - they were different types of people; Kurt was an extrovert… and well, Blaine… not so much. For Blaine, it was much easier; he would happily sit around at home all day keeping himself busy doing nothing much at all. 
But Kurt, he thrived on socialisation, on meeting new people, new faces and interesting personalities. He was growing tired. So he wasn’t surprised when he found himself searching through the shelves and bits of storage in their tiny home, not really knowing what he was looking for. 
He found lots of old things knocking around in their draws - a photo album of their first year together as a couple, and smiled as he looked through the miscellaneous memories that had been captured and saved, something to hold onto for all their lives. The receipt from their one of their many dates, a recipe book Kurt had given to Blaine one year for his birthday in their old loft in Bushwick, and Kurt was a little offended to find it hidden away in a random draw next to their bed, but then he decided to search some more. 
He wasn’t sure why he hadn’t seen it before, but it was a beautiful thing, a notebook with a leather covering and writing on the front, stuck on with different clippings of letters from headlines of newspapers, and Kurt laughed to himself as it reminded him of The Burn Book from Mean Girls. A guilty pleasure of his, if he was being honest. 
However, this expression changed as he opened the notebook. He saw on the very first page, ‘property of Blaine Devon Anderson’ scribbled messily onto the parchment. Around it was lots of different doodles and hearts and other little drawings that made Kurt smile. Then he turned the page, realising what he was actually looking at. 
15th March 2011
Dear Diary, 
Kurt’s eyes widened as he recognised the date. That date was special to them. He recognised it, even more so, when he read the words ‘I kissed Kurt today!’ in big, capital letters, confirming why it was so special to them. That was when he burst out laughing, deciding to read on. Half of him felt bad for reading through his husband’s diary from nine years ago, but dammit - they were husbands! It was healthy to have some secrets in a relationship, he thought. Reading again, a big smile lit up his face.
I don’t think I’ve ever been happier than I am right now. I’ve been so oblivious all this time, and only now I’ve realised how much I appreciate him. I can’t believe that this might turn into a real thing soon! And hopefully, his feelings are the same. I mean, they would be, wouldn’t they? He did kiss me back. Twice. Anyway, I think I love him. He’s beautiful, and his eyes are so blue… 
Kurt was aware that his face was probably lit up like a Christmas tree, but he didn’t care. His now-husband had written about him in his diary on the day of their first kiss. He was allowed to be happy. 
It was only then that Kurt closed the notebook abruptly, jumping up from where he was sat on the floor against the bed, dumping it on the floor and turning to face Blaine, who had now walked into the room. 
“What are you doing?” 
Oh god. Kurt looked suspicious. He was fully aware of that. He was trying to wipe his sweaty palms on his trousers (even if they weren’t allowed outside, didn’t mean his fashion game was going to falter) and his eyebrows were raised up far too high as he tried to keep a sense of nonchalance about his aura but failing. 
“Nothing, sweetheart.” He smiled. The tension in the room was suffocating. He shouldn’t have been nervous, really, he shouldn’t have, but Blaine was standing there looking very worried and curious and Kurt wasn’t ready for whatever would happen next. 
Blaine frowned, moving closer to Kurt. 
“You’re acting weird. What’s going—” 
He paused as he realised the notebook on the floor. He looked at it, sitting there, then back at his husband, whose eyes were now comically wide, and they stared at each other incredulously. 
“Kurt, I swear to fucking god—” 
Kurt broke the tension by letting out a giggle, deciding teasing was the best way to go about this situation. He bent down and picked up the notebook from the floor, and continued to read the page he’d been reading, but out loud to Blaine this time. 
“So, my soft but scratchy lips tasted exquisite… the sweet flavour of starburst fruit gums but also the sour undertones of orange juice, along with the sweet promise of love?” He burst out laughing. Blaine scrambled towards him, trying to snatch his old diary out of Kurt’s hands. 
“Kurt! Give that back!”
“Why... are you talking... about our first kiss... like it’s a fucking Michelin star meal?”  Kurt marvelled, between fits of laughter. Blaine was trying to grab the notebook but Kurt made sure to keep a hand on his chest, preventing him from stealing it back.  
“Kurt… please! I was excited!” Blaine shouted, exasperated. 
That only made Kurt laugh harder, running away from Blaine who was now getting closer to stealing the diary back, so he jumped up on the bed.
“No! I have a right!” He screamed, jumping down from the bed and now running around the apartment, trying to find another excruciatingly cringe-worthy piece of writing to read out to his very embarrassed husband. 
“When we pulled back, I stared into his piercing blue orbs… what the fuck are orbs?” He joked, collapsing onto their couch, reading some more, “and I was so dazed, the only thing going on in my mind was Kurt, Kurt, Kurt, then he said, in the softest, most beguiling voice—” he broke off his reading again, trying to understand Blaine’s writing, “sorry… Blaine? Why are you using such descriptive words? This sounds like a fucking fanfiction!” He laughed, then continuing, “he said we should practice,” he raised his eyebrows as he noticed Blaine was watching him at the end of the couch with an exaggerated pout on his face. 
“You’re so mean,” Blaine whined, he fucking whined, and that was when Kurt started to feel bad. 
“Honey, I’m sorry,” He apologized, “but you’ve gotta admit, it is pretty funny.”  
“You’re making fun of my sixteen-year-old self’s writing skills,” Blaine said, the pout on his face still prominent, “Miss Eavesbridge gave me an A for creative writing in English at Dalton once!” He said, referencing their Eleventh Grade English teacher.
“Oh, sweetie, I’m sorry for making fun of your creative writing skills,” Kurt laughed, affectionately, pulling Blaine onto the couch from where he was sitting, untangling his folded arms. “Although I don’t think this would be creative writing since it actually happened.” He cross-examined, stroking his hands through his husband’s hair. He was so grateful that Blaine had loosened up on the gel now, moving away from the brick-like hair he had five years ago. He loved stroking Blaine’s hair.
Blaine groaned in annoyance at Kurt’s display of his pedantic trait but obviously appreciated the attention, nestling his head into Kurt’s neck, wrapping his arms around his husband. 
“You’ve embarrassed me.” 
“That’s what marriage is for!” 
“You’re cute.” 
Blaine looked up at Kurt then, lifting his torso so he was fully on top of his husband, holding himself up by his hands. “I can’t believe you found my old diary. Although I am sorry that I described our first kiss like a Michelin star meal. It’s just— it was special, you know? And I wanted to remember every bit of it.” 
Kurt’s face was glowing. He was so in love with Blaine, every day his love grew stronger. As he looked into his hazel (Kurt laughed to himself as he thought of the word orbs) eyes, he wondered how he had become so lucky. 
“It was special. Do you want to recreate it?” He replied.
Blaine hummed appreciatively, “mmm. Sounds like a good idea,” and leaned in for a kiss. They stayed like that for a while, breathing each other in, Kurt’s hand cupping Blaine’s cheek, eyes closed. 
When they broke apart, they stared at each other for a while, when Kurt mumbled, obviously quite dazed, “Any sour undertones of orange there?”
Blaine groaned, dropping his head back down onto Kurt’s shoulder, “That honestly sounds so fucking disgusting. I can’t believe I ever wrote that.” 
“Well, actually, you said you wanted to remember every moment of our first kiss, but you actually got a bit of it wrong in your writing.” Kurt acknowledged, picking up Blaine’s old diary again, “you see, here you wrote that I said we should practice, but I actually remember quite clearly that you said that.”
Blaine frowned at this, grabbing the diary out of Kurt’s hands, reading out loud where he had written that. 
“he said, in the softest, most beguiling voice, we should practice. Huh. I did get that wrong. Guess my mind was so dazed all I could think about was Kurt, Kurt, Kurt.” Blaine said, quoting his diary entry. 
Kurt burst out laughing at that, wrapping his arms around Blaine’s neck, pulling him in for a short kiss once again. “You’re such a dork.” 
“But you love me anyway.” Blaine smiled.
“Of course I do. And I know you love me too.” Kurt replied, pressing their lips together again. He loved his beautiful, ‘I-got-an-A-in-creative-writing’, beguiling husband. And he wasn’t going to see the end of this story in a very, very long time.
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klaineownsmysoul · 4 years
Do you know of any good quarantine fics?
I don’t have any personal recommendations, but the @klainecrisscolferlibrary has a quarantined!klaine tag that you can look through for some suggestions. Happy reading!
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Since I Asked You
Quarantine ‘Verse
Bonus 1: Since I Asked You
Summary: First date.
Notes: Rest of the verse can be found here on AO3
They had watched Moulin Rouge. Neither of them held back on singing along with the film. It was difficult when it was your favorite musical. How could anyone expect two Broadway boys to not sing? 
Kurt really did have a lovely voice, Blaine thought. It had been a while since he had gone to see him perform live. Suddenly, he wished Kurt had some studio-recorded songs just for Blaine to fall asleep listening to or have to use during his subway commutes. 
It brought back that feeling of being on the stage for Kurt even when he was sitting in his living room with his laptop open on the table in front of him. They ate popcorn and made mixed drinks in their separate apartments but it was like being together. Almost. 
They didn't know any different. Their whole relationship was building via zoom calls and texts. Taking on a whole new meaning of 'online dating.' 
At the end of the night, Kurt falls back against his bedsheets and hugs his arms tightly around himself. Even though he and Blaine weren’t sitting across from one another and despite not being able to reach out and touch him or kiss him goodnight at his doorstep, tonight was easily the best date Kurt Hummel had ever been on.  
Blaine was proving to be an earnest gentleman. When he started off their zoom call bashful and full of nervous energy.
“First date jitters?” Kurt joked. 
“Maybe a little.” Blaine backed up, hoping his room was dark enough to cover up his blush. 
In an attempt to make the night as romantic as he could, Blaine had lit a vanilla candle and turned on his colored Christmas lights hanging around his room. It was no candle-lit dinner in a 5-star restaurant but it was enough for now. 
“Don’t be. We’ve been zooming for weeks, you know me," Kurt assured him. "Plus, this is way lower stakes than meeting up in real life, especially nowadays.” 
Blaine chuckled and physically shakes off his nerves. “You’re right.”
Kurt smiled. He was trying not to show any of his own nervous energy. Blaine was special, he just knew it, and he didn't want to screw this up. 
“Since I asked you out, I thought I’d take the initiative to plan our night too,” Blaine said. 
Blaine then shared his screen with Kurt, who instantly clapped upon seeing which movie Blaine had picked for them to watch. 
"I'm very glad I splurged on movie-theater popcorn tonight," Kurt said. 
In turn, Blaine held up his own bowl of popcorn. "I sprinkled mine with m&m's." 
"Sweet and salty," Kurt replied. 
A perfect metaphor. 
The light vibrations of his phone bring Kurt back to the present. He sighs and smiles before picking up the call from his dad. 
“Hi bud, how was the big date?” Burt asks. 
With that, Kurt gets to relive the entire thing again. 
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flowerfan2 · 4 years
Private Time
I’ve been reading and writing (and living with) so much angst lately, I decided to indulge in some silly, sexy funtimes with a fandom I haven’t visited in a while.  Enjoy.
Klaine, 2k, A03.
Summary:  Living with his grad student roommates in quarantine, private time is hard to come by...
Blaine is generally very happy living in the somewhat rickety four-bedroom house he shares with three other grad students.  It’s not too far from school, it’s got a workable washer and dryer in the basement, and the kitchen was renovated sometime in the past twenty years so it’s perfectly adequate for making whatever quick meals he manages to scrounge together after class.
But boy, are the walls thin.
This hasn’t been a problem until recently, when COVID-19 struck.  School has gone online, but unlike the undergrads, Blaine and his roommates have a lease and all of them decided to endure the quarantine here in Somerville, Massachusetts rather than go home.  According to Kurt, Somerville may not be where he wants to end up, but it’s far better than the Midwest town he grew up in and he has no desire to weather the quarantine back in Lima.
Thanks to the quarantine, Blaine has learned this and many more facts about his flatmates  – and yes, they have all taken to calling it a flat, after an evening which started out with teasing Sam about how he likes to talk with a fake British accent turned into one of the most carefree nights Blaine has had in a long time.  Apparently all it took was a few bottles of cheap wine and a defrosted cheesecake from Star Market to loosen them all up.
 “We’re proper mates, now,” Sam had announced, waving his arms and nearly knocking over a lamp in the process.  By the time they had all wandered off to bed, Blaine had learned that Kurt’s favorite singer was Lady Gaga, that Rachel had taken a year off from school to film a television pilot, and that Sam played the guitar rather well, as long as it was country music.
 Blaine has liked Sam since they met playing intramural soccer in the fall.  So when Sam mentioned last month that they had a spare bedroom, Blaine quickly took him up on the offer.  Blaine’s previous apartment was lonely and smelled like something had died in the ceiling, so it was really a no brainer.
 What had caught Blaine by wonderful, wonderful surprise, however, was that Kurt Hummel was one of Sam’s roommates.  Blaine had seen Kurt perform in a production of Macbeth back in October, and had been mesmerized by the man’s performance.  It hadn’t even occurred to him that Kurt was a regular grad student just like he was, not until Sam gave him the tour of the house and Kurt waved to him from the kitchen where he was gossiping with Rachel over skinny margaritas.
 With just a smile and a nod and an agreement to take his turn putting out the trash, Blaine gained three roommates, including the guy he had been crushing on for months.  Not bad for a Wednesday.
 Much to Blaine’s dismay, simply moving into the house didn’t result in any quality time with Kurt. Between school and performances Kurt was hardly ever home, and Blaine’s schedule studying history and music theory was hardly better.  Since the stay at home order was put in place, however, it’s a whole new world. Now the four of them can hardly get away from each other.
 For the first two weeks of their enforced togetherness, everyone was on their best behavior, and the drama of it all gave them a shared sense of adventure.  Kurt sewed them all homemade masks, Blaine carefully organized grocery trips to minimize time in the stores, Sam tried to get them to adopt home fitness routines, and Rachel kept them apprised of the most interesting celebrity bits to watch on You Tube.
 But they are entering into week three of the quarantine, and the novelty is wearing off.  For one thing, Rachel has been getting more and more demanding about household details (she is constantly editing the chore wheel and claiming someone else did it), and while Kurt generally has acted as peacemaker when confronted with Rachel’s whims, even he seems to be getting tired of it. Sam hasn’t done his laundry at all since they got locked in, and Blaine is running out of hair gel.  Kurt has taken to cleaning the fridge so often that Rachel accused him of stealing cleaning supplies and rubber gloves from health care workers.
 They are all becoming short-tempered and irritable.  Blaine even catches himself snapping at Kurt, which is the last thing he wants to do. He’s worried that by the time the quarantine lifts, Kurt will never want to speak to him again, let alone date him.
 Blaine has a few tried and true strategies for when he gets like this, but none of them are working. Sam insists on running with him every time he goes out, and his well intentioned chatter prevents Blaine from finding any escape.  He can’t let off steam by boxing, because his gym is closed.  And as for the things he really knows would do the trick, especially after an afternoon of watching Kurt do ballet stretches in yoga pants, well… the walls of their apartment are very, very thin.
 Blaine knows this because Sam apparently feels no shame in indulging in his own solo activities. It’s easy to hear him, even from across the hall.  Given that Blaine’s bedroom shares a wall with Kurt’s, there’s no way Blaine’s going to risk Kurt hearing anything of the sort from Blaine’s room.
 Towards the end of the third week, Rachel calls a roommate meeting.  Blaine has just finished an endless zoom call with his research supervisor, and he feels like his eyes are going to pop out of his head if he doesn’t get his contacts out soon.  But Rachel insists, so they all gather in the sitting room, Sam and Blaine on the lumpy brown couch, and Kurt sitting on the edge of an armchair, looking to Blaine like he could be posing in a fashion magazine.
 “Thank you for coming,” Rachel begins, as if they had any real choice in the matter.  She launches into an overview of their past few roommate meetings, and brings up an excel spreadsheet on her computer, on which she has apparently made further edits to the chore wheel.
 Blaine tries not to be distracted by the way the asymmetrical neckline of Kurt’s cashmere sweater drapes over his collarbone when he leans forward to look at Rachel’s chart.
 “So I decided on Saturdays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays,” Rachel says, looking around the room for approval.   Blaine realizes he has lost the plot completely, but luckily he’s not the only one.
 “Wait, what?”  Sam asks.  Kurt has found a nail file somewhere and isn’t paying much attention either, but his mouth quirks up at little at Sam’s question, so he’s probably glad Sam is taking the blame for this one too.
 Rachel lets out a long suffering sigh, and places an Amazon box on the table.  “As I said, I haven’t been able to use the practice rooms for weeks now, and my vocal production is suffering.  I need to be able to focus properly on allowing my voice to soar over my accompaniment at its expected volume, without having to censor myself.”
 Sam still looks confused, and Rachel glares at him.  “I need to listen to loud music, and sing loudly, ok?  So I got these for all of us.”
 Sam frowns.  “I don’t mind if you sing, Rach.”
 Rachel’s hands clench at her sides.  “It’s not about you, it’s about me.”  Kurt coughs not indiscreetly into his hand, but Blaine doesn’t quite catch what he says. “I need you all to wear these, for an hour, three times a week.  I’ve clearly marked this as private time on our schedule, from 11 to midnight, Saturdays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.”
 “But what if-“
 “Sam, let it go,” Kurt says. “We’re all missing <I>private time</I> these days.”  Kurt stands up and smooths his hands down his skin tight jeans.  “It’s fine with me, Rachel.”
 Blaine stands up too, and peers into the box, then takes out a set of headphones.  They are high end noise-cancelling models, clearly expensive, and probably quite effective.  “These are great, Rachel.  Thanks. But you didn’t have to do this. I’m sure we could have worked something out so you could practice.”
 Rachel glares at him now too, and tosses her hair over her shoulder.  “I <i>have</i> worked it out.  
Private time commences at eleven o’clock on each designated night.  I expect you all to go to your rooms, and wear the headsets.  It’s the least we can do to help preserve our collective mental health during this trying time.  Do I have your agreement?”
 They all agree, and Rachel smirks, satisfied.  Blaine chalks it up to roommate harmony and sets about seeing what he can make for dinner out of tortillas, one cucumber, and three apples (answer:  nothing,  they eat frozen pizza).
 Later that evening, he and Sam are on the couch trying to find something to watch on Netflix. Suddenly Sam leans over and slaps Blaine on the shoulder.
 “Ow, Sam, what was that for?”
 “I know why Rachel got the headphones for us,” Sam announces, grinning crazily,  “It’s so she can have a wank!”
 Blaine attributes Sam’s ongoing affinity for British slang to the amount of Sherlock fanfic he’s been reading lately, but now really isn’t the time to get into it.
He reflexively starts to deny it, but then he realizes with a flush of embarrassment that Sam is probably right.  Sam watches his face and his grin gets even bigger.
 “She’s kind of a genius, isn’t she?”  Sam grabs a set of headphones and bounds away up the stairs.
 “Sam,” Blaine calls out, wanting to remind him that it’s Monday, and therefore no private time is scheduled.  Not that it’s stopped Sam before.
 The next night Rachel reminds them all after dinner that private time will begin precisely at eleven o’clock.  After a group viewing of the first episode of Deadwater Fell (during which Blaine divided his attention between watching David Tennant, watching Kurt, and watching Kurt watch David Tennant), Rachel checks the time on her phone and orders them all upstairs.  At five minutes to eleven, she screams “put your headphones on,” and slams the door to her bedroom.
 Blaine thinks this is all fairly ridiculous, but he puts on the headphones anyway, and settles on his bed with his laptop.  He surfs around for a while, finding clips of some noteworthy Shakespeare productions (okay, fine, it’s Benedict Cumberbatch playing Hamlet), but then his mind starts to wander. Being cooped up with his roommates has been… constraining… for him too, and maybe he should go ahead and take advantage of the private time Rachel has arranged for them.
 Blaine makes himself more comfortable and slides a hand down his body, wondering if his roommates are doing the same.  Wondering, especially, if Kurt is doing the same.  He unzips his fly and takes himself in hand, letting out a long sigh at the sensation – and then freezing when he hears himself.  Blaine quickly realizes that as he got comfortable on the bed, the headphones had slipped off his ears.
 And if he can hear himself, what if Kurt can hear him too?
 Any interest in solo activities leaves him in a flash, and Blaine quickly zips himself up and plants his feet on the floor.  He makes sure the headphones are properly situated on his ears, and spends the remaining twenty minutes of private time organizing his sock drawer.
 The next morning his roommates seem downright cheery, and Blaine starts to regret his nerves.  It would have been nice to get a little relief from the stress of quarantine, even at the risk of potential embarrassment. Maybe he just needs to be quieter, next time.
 Thursday night Blaine fluffs his pillows and arranges himself on the bed face down, so that any noise he makes will be muffled.  This turns out to be a brilliant idea, and he has quite a good time imagining that Kurt is underneath him, writhing and squirming and rutting against him, all long lines and warm skin.  It’s not a pillow stifling his cries, it’s Kurt’s wet mouth…
 When Blaine finally comes to, he feels a little guilty, but he’s more relaxed than he’s been in weeks. Maybe he’ll get through this quarantine after all.
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heartsmadeofbooks · 4 years
I like to keep track of my daily wordcounts (I use the nanowrimo page to check my stats and keep myself motivated) and I’m kinda blown away by my final September wordcount.
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Here are the results of the 2022 Klaine and CrissColfer fanfic awards. All the fics that made it through to the finals are worth reading. A list of all the finalists can be found here. When you go check out the stories, please be sure to leave kudos and comments. Thank you.
Remember that everyone is a winner! We are forever grateful to all the writers for gracing us with their talent.
We have established a Klaine and CC Fanfic Hall of Fame. See this post for the 2022 winners.
Thank you to everyone for participating!
1  Calliope_Melpomene | @calliopemelpomene 🏆
2  Starpunchsoup | @starpunchsoup
3  ANNA_TIMBERLAKE | @annatimberlakesworld
1  Turn Into A Pose by little_escapist | @little-escapist🏆
2  Ghost Kitchen by HKVoyage | VoyageAsia | @hkvoyageage
3  About-Face by quizasvivamos |  @quizasvivamos​
Favorite BLIND BLAINE/KURT/BOTH Klaine fanfic
1 Light Up The Sky by MrsCriss2012 🏆
2 I've Been Looking for You Forever by Chloe Winchester | [PDF and EPUB]
3 Glowing in the Dark by xxxraquelita | @xxxraquelita
Favorite DYSTOPIAN Klaine fanfic
1  Hell & High Water by mmerainbows | @mmerainbows 🏆
2  Husbandly Duties by anxioussquirrel
3  (Def)inition by hedgerose | @hedgeroseose (tie)
3  Hummel’s Home for Non-Conforming Adolescents by BeautifulUnseen | @xbeautifulunseenx (tie)
Favorite FAKE RELATIONSHIP Klaine fanfic
1  Loving Arms by heartsmadeofbooks | LauGS |  @heartsmadeofbooks (tie) 🏆
1  Turn Into A Pose by little_escapist | @little-escapist (tie) 🏆
2  Yule Be Mine by Scatterthestars | @scatter-the-stars
3  I Have Guidelines by hippohead | @hippohead
1  Miles to Go by hundredindecisions | @thnxforknowingme 🏆
2  Domus Civita by JayhawkWrites | @jayhawk-writes
3  100 Days by borogroves | @borogroves
Favorite MAGIC Klaine fanfic
1  Spellbound Verse by ItsNotEasyBeingQueen 🏆
2  Heartstone by sunshineoptimismandangels | @sunshineoptimismandangels (tie)
2  When Worlds Collide by TeddysHoney | @teddyshoney (tie)
3  Callaway Place by sunshineoptimismandangels | @sunshineoptimismandangels
Favorite ON-LINE MEETING Klaine fanfic
1  Interludes/Symphony Verse by shandyall 🏆
2  Is It Weird? by  a_simple_rainbow | @a-simple-rainbow 
3  Private Messages by GleefulDarrenCrissFan | @gleefuldarrencrissfan
1  Syrup and Honey by heartsmadeofbooks  | LauGS | @heartsmadeofbooks 🏆
2  Ghost Kitchen by HKVoyage | VoyageAsia | @hkvoyage
3  Crema by twobirdsonesong | @twobirdsonesongbirdsonesong
1  Expectation Fails by lilinas | @lilinas 🏆
2  Make You Feel My Love by MrsCriss2012
3  Reprise by Calliope_Melpomene | @calliopemelpomene
Favorite COWORKERS Klaine fanfic
1  The Hating Game by Anonymous (Orphan Account) 🏆
2  A Fresh Start by PickingViolets  [PDF] [Epub]
3  Letter to a G.I. by DyrneKeeper | @dyrnekeeper
1  Coffee, Black by ForgettingMorina 🏆
2  Quarantine Announcement by mvgsucks
3  Behind the Music: F*kn Around by mvgsucks
1  A Safe Distance by twobirdsonesong | @twobirdsonesong 🏆
2  Time Has Come (Let Us Be Brave) by scatter-the-stars | @scatter-the-stars
3  While You Were Out by magsforya
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blurglesmurfklaine · 3 years
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It Only Takes A Taste
Words: ~12k | Rating: T | Genre: Fluff/Humor | Status: Complete
Summary: Eight weeks. Sixteen of the self proclaimed worst cooks in the nation. Two very frustrated professional chefs. A fellow contestant catches Blaine’s eye. Will they cook up something more than just friendship? Worst Cooks in America AU and no I will not apologize for the pun.
A/N: I’ve been watching too much Food Network since my tia moved in. Competitors to friends to lovers, maybe a side of (not so) secret dating? Title is from Waitress because I am a slut for Sara Bareilles
Huge thanks to Adri @somefeministtheatrepls for her set of eyes on this!
Enjoy :D
Week One
It starts off as a joke, really.
Blaine’s over at Wes and Angela’s place. She wants to put on the CW, but Wesley insists they watch the Food Network. About halfway through an episode of Chopped , a casting call for Worst Cooks in America flashes across the screen.
Naturally, Angela and Wes make many jokes at his expense—what type of friends would they be if they didn’t?—Angela saying he should apply through a laugh and Wes responding that even the critically acclaimed chefs Anne Burrell and Alton Brown couldn’t fix his cooking.
Blaine had led a pretty privileged life growing up. His parents aren’t filthy rich or anything of the sort, but he’d never had to worry about there being enough food on the table, and they’d even helped him through college so that he didn’t have to take out any loans. So far, he’s lived a blessed life and he is eternally grateful for it.
But it also means that now, at the ripe old age of twenty seven, he’s a woefully terrible cook. It’s something he never had to worry about before, and upon graduation, takeout and simple turkey and cheese sandwiches became his best friends.
If you were to ask Blaine, he considers himself to have a somewhat refined pallet, but failure after disastrous failure in the kitchen has proven that he simply doesn’t have the tactile skill necessary to create anything decent… or edible.
So Wes and Angela had pulled up the online application and made Blaine submit. As a joke.
Now, as he enters the colorful kitchen area—stocked with fruits and vegetables galore, more ovens and five-burner stoves than Blaine can count, and an array of kitchen gadgets that seem more like alien probing tools—it feels a little less like a joke.
Continue Reading on AO3
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Prater the Gator
Chapter 2- Zoom Mates
By GleefulDarrenCrissFan
Kurt Hummel is a once-respected illustrator that's being punished for one misfortunate mistake by being assigned to novice writers that either lack motivation or inspiration until his boss introduces him to a talented up and coming author and former teacher, Blaine Anderson. The catch. It's March 2020, and they are quarantined and they have to conduct their meetings over Zoom
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annoyingvoidzombie · 4 years
I need an extended version of Quarantine Dream by Darren Criss please 😍♥️
And another zoom reuinion with all OG ♥️ (most of them, but still)
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kurtstinypurse · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Glee
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel
Additional Tags: Future Fic, 5 Times, Blangst, always blangst, can’t help it, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Pre-Canon, a little bit, Established Relationship, references to the break up(s), ummm - Freeform, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, niche kitchen appliances, Therapy, implied mental illness?, attempts to justify canon
Summary: 5 times Blaine resorted to using a niche kitchen appliance to help him cope, and one time someone finally understood why. Alternatively: justifying the writers’ crazy plot/character decisions for Blaine via single-use cookware.
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theyaskedmeto · 4 years
i’m gonna try and write some klaine one shots, probably only short but feel free to send me some ideas!!
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somebodylovesyougcv · 2 years
Also i feel like all mentally ill people had their ‘thing’ during quarantine/early pandemic days that kept them from breaking down or just killing themselves
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Or Is This The Way It Ends?
Quarantine ‘Verse, part 1 here part 3
Summary:  Immediately following Would You Be My Little Quarantine?, Blaine talks to his roommate.
Notes: To avoid doom scrolling this election day, I thought I’d offer the gleeks something pleasant to read.  I hope y’all enjoy this follow-up! 
After leaving the meeting room, Blaine sits back in his chair and sighs. This was how meeting your idol went in your wildest dreams, not in reality. Had they met in person, Blaine is confident he would’ve made a total fool of himself and fallen over his feet to talk to Kurt Hummel. 
He only lets himself smile like an idiot for a few minutes because he really needs to talk to his big brother. Whether or not it will be to yell at him or thank him remains to be seen. At the very least, Cooper had told Blaine there was something important they needed to discuss. 
Blaine: Wrong Zoom ID, doofus
Blaine knows it’ll be a couple of minutes before Cooper answers because even if he’s on his phone when he gets a text Cooper likes to let them ‘simmer.’ Something about not seeming too eager. However, this rule only seems to apply to Blaine and their mother because Cooper answers any call or text from Hollywood in under two seconds. 
While waiting for a text back, Blaine walks to his kitchen and puts the kettle on. He’s becoming a bit of a tea hoarder. Not by his own choice, his roommate hates the taste of coffee and exclusively drinks various teas in the morning and late afternoon. There is an entire cabinet in their little kitchen dedicated to different types and flavors of tea. 
Luckily, even if his blissful state, Blaine has the mind to yell to his roommate that the kettle’s on. 
Charlie shouts from their bedroom, “Be right there.” 
He really lucked out with his apartment. A decently priced two bedroom with a medium-sized kitchen, and a spacious living area. The one downside was only having one bathroom because both roommates loved their primping time. This was mostly solved because Blaine liked to shower at night (to wash out gel and grime of the day) and Charlie used their morning shower as an additional wake-up call. 
Blaine takes two mugs from the cabinet before opening the tea cabinet. Charlie kept all the tea leaves in mason jars which they labeled in washable marker. In this apartment, they only used tea leaves. Most days, Blaine was happy to be a coffee drinker because Charlie wouldn’t say anything about his use of already grounded coffee instead of grinding the beans himself. 
In the time it takes Charlie to join Blaine in the kitchen, the bliss of meeting Kurt Hummel is gone. Blaine’s spent those two long minutes thinking about giving Kurt his number and ‘oh god, what if that was weird and he never calls me.’ 
Charlie looks over Blaine’s shoulder, Blaine moves a little out of the way so Charlie can grab the cinnamon orange tea leaves. 
“This Berry Creme is to die for by the way but it’s always sold out. McNulty’s is just–” 
“–the best. I know. Opened in 1895, tea kept in glass apothecary jars, and just so convenient cause it’s in the West Village near school.”
Charlie gives him a “who pissed in your cornflakes look” look. “Drop the attitude, Anderson.” 
“Sorry, I’m a little stressed.” 
“Was Cooper really that bad today?” they ask. 
“Well, first off, he gave me the wrong Zoom ID so I haven’t talked to him yet.” 
“So, who were you talking to that got you all worked up? Cause, I heard your voice. Unless you started talking to yourself again which is a whole other matter.”
“I only talk to myself when you’re not here.” Blaine huffs. “And I was talking to someone.” 
“Um, Kurt Hummel actually.”
Charlie’s eyes widen and he spins Blaine’s body around so they’re facing one another. “Excuse me? HOW?” 
“Dumb luck.” Blaine shrugs as Charlie lets go.
“You’re like obsessed with him!” Charlie adds their leaves into a diffuser. “Haven’t you been following his career for like the last five years?” 
The kettle whistles. While Charlie pours water, Blaine turns back to the cabinet to choose a tea.
Blaine rolls his eyes, even though Charlie can’t see, but doesn’t deny his thing for Kurt. 
“Since I saw him as Peter Pan.” 
“Five years ago,” Charlie says. “I listen when you talk, you know.” 
Blaine grabs just regular black tea leaves and shuts the cabinet door. His phone buzzes but Blaine decides to let Cooper’s text ‘simmer’. Give him a taste of his own medicine as it were. 
Charlie hands Blaine a second diffuser this one looks like a cat and hangs on the edge of the cup whereas Charlie’s is a plain silver one. 
“So, what did Kurt Hummel have to talk about with you?” 
“Just get-to-know-you stuff.” 
“Oh,” Charlie draws out the word, their interest piqued. 
“Shush,” Blaine tells them. “It’s no big deal. And I’m stressed cause I gave him my number and he’s never gonna text me.” 
“You don’t know that.”
“Look at me!” Blaine exclaims. “Why would gorgeous, future Tony winner Kurt Hummel want me? Blaine Anderson who’s very first role on Broadway was postponed.”
“You’re taking credit for the global pandemic now, bold of you,” Charlie comments. 
“He’s all tall and intelligent and funny and so, so, beautiful.” 
“And you aren’t?” Charlie inquires. “Are you not the same Blaine who gets asked out by at least two girls a week…”
“Not true, more like once a month,” 
Charlie ignores this correction. “The Blaine who asked a professor for extra credit because a 93 wasn’t good enough? The Blaine who wore lifts just once on a dare and declared being short was better and proceeded to kick off his shoes and climb on top of the fridge to prove he could reach the cabinets above it? Is that not you in this photo on top of said fridge?” 
Charlie holds their phone out with the photo of Blaine giving the camera two thumbs up and grinning at his accomplishment. 
“And you weren’t even drunk that time!” Charlie adds. 
Blaine blushes. 
“My point being, you’re amazing Blaine and if Kurt Hummel can’t see it...you’ll be like everyone else who meets their idol: elated, slightly starstruck, and reasonably terrified of fucking up but accepting that you can’t date and aren’t likely to meet again.” 
This time Blaine laughs. 
“If you weren’t such a tea snob, you’d be the best roommate in the world,” Blaine replies. 
“Well, nobody’s perfect,” Charlie tells him. “Except Kurt Hummel.” 
Charlie, then, grabs their Star Wars mug and starts heading back to their room. 
“And Blaine,” they say. 
“Call your brother.” 
He grins. “Will do.” 
Blaine situates himself back in front of his laptop and pops his earbuds back in before checking his phone.
Cooper: new id 411-9f9-7623
Blaine: There aren’t any letters in Zoom. I’ll just email you a link.
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