murpledurple · 3 months
Guys I went to the natural history museum and tried to find all the Minecraft references in the gems and minerals exhibit:
Ores and gems and rocks:
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Fictional material lookalikes:
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disturbedgent · 8 months
Man, I really just wrote an entire essay in a discord server with a bunch of my friends about geology. I swear to shit. In all honesty, I'm kinda bummed that geology isn't a major in the college I plan on going to bc I feel like I would knock that shit out. I just love it so much. Like, don't even get me started. I just think it's amazing how not only have WE been able to create new minerals as well, but that we're able to study them. Whenever I go on a hike now, all I can do is look at the rocks around me. Geology, what have you done to me. I mean, it's not exactly something I can brag about because most people don't give a shit until I mention the fact that I have a rock collection. I have a few geodes, but they're ALL QUARTZ, which is nice, I guess, but it gets to a point where I'm literally begging for any geode I find to have anything BUT quartz in it. Quartz is nice, dont get me wrong, but I have SO MUCH of it. I remember one time I almost tossed away a chunk of diorite bc I thought it was quartz. Like come on, do better, Earth. Btw here's quartz and diorite.
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I know they look super different but my dumbass brain sees white on a rock and then goes "Oh yeah, that's quartz I don't need more quartz" but I was WRONG and an IDIOT. I really like geology and rocks and minerals btw did I mention that
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homoeroticvillain · 9 months
i may not currently be able to speak [lost my voice :[ ] but look at the 2nd floor of my main factory
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atthebell-moved · 2 years
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nexus-nebulae · 2 years
small but random minecraft stone fact before I sleep:
most people who know rocks would probably assume that regular minecraft stone is limestone, as it's incredibly common and visually looks correct
(and limestone being a sedimentary rock, it would make sense that mining it would easily break it into cobble. the same happens with deepslate- dev confirmed to be slate, which is also sedimentary)
HOWEVER the fact that you can generate stone using lava means that it should actually be an igneous rock!
also, firing cobblestone in a furnace causes it to revert to its smooth form, meaning it will naturally melt and reform that way
it just happens to be brittle, and softer than other stone types (meaning it's quicker to mine than things like, say, basalt or deepslate)
i haven't been able to find many igneous stones yet that are a match, but one potential match i think I've found is Felsite!
i have yet to do more research on felsite however so i could be wrong there idk i need to do more research on what minerals make up each rock
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angel-lightwolf · 1 year
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how we feelin about this courtyard lads
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cosmic-tuna · 2 years
…you know. one day, I need to actually organize my rock collection.
that day is nowhere in the near future.
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realitydisco · 1 year
The hermits I watch and which minecraft blocks I associate with them! Some are obvious, others aren't.
Bdubs: moss (duh), diorite, stripped spruce, green bed, black candles
Cleo: cracked stone bricks, lime terracotta, dark oak log, colored glass (but specifically all the colors in a rainbow formation)
Etho: stripped oak, slime piston, light grey glass panes
Gem: birch log (duh), prismarine, gravel, glass (the uncolored one)
Grian: quartz (S6 iykyk), sand, TNT
Impulse: yellow concrete, honey blocks, water (is that a block?)
Mumbo: smooth stone, redstone block, iron door, tall grass (is that a block? x2)
Pearl: acacia plank, pink terracotta, rooted dirt, mud
Scar: oak log, oak trapdoor, unoxidized cut copper, warped door
Tango: crimson planks, iron block, polished blackstone
Zedaph: pink wool, white concrete, barrels
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foggysilverfeathers · 7 months
Hermit Permit Masterlist
! This is a WIP due to not every hermit’s video being out yet !
! This is also not yet up to date with any trades, please let me know if any have happened that aren’t on this list !
Cub: Nylium, White Glass, Amethyst, Purple Terracotta, All Horns, Prismarine
Doc: Magma, Blue Glass, Dirt, Blaze Rods, Pots and Sherds, All Dyes (and flowers)
False: Totems, Saddles, All Nether Plants, Glow Lichen, Pink Terracotta, All Concrete, JOKER
Gem: Clay, All Nether Bricks, Yellow Glass, Moss, Tridents, All Coral
Scar: Orange Glass, Light Grey Wool, Cyan Glass, Black Terracotta, Bricks, Sand and Gravel
Grian: Leads and Bundles, Red Sand products, Campfires, All Ice, Mushroom Blocks, Iron and Gold
Hypno: Grey Glass, Cobble, Lava Buckets, Green Terracotta, Coarse Dirt, Tough Stuff (e.g obsidian, ender chests, etc.)
Impulse: Brown Glass, Brown Wool, Grass, Light Grey Terracotta, Red Terracotta, Quartz
Iskall: Purple Glass, Horse Armour, Cut Grass, TNT, White Terracotta, Rockets (flight)
Joe: White Wool, F Tier Books (e.g Bane of Arthropods), Black Glass, All Leaves, Nametags, Oak and Birch Logs
Pearl: Mossy Cobble, Magenta Wool, Purpur, Bone Blocks, Grey Terracotta, All Templates (i.e armour trims)
Ren: Rails, Lily Pads, Light Grey Glass, Diorite, Honeycomb, Conduits and Beacons
Stress: End Rods, Coal, Light Green Glass, Blue Terracotta, Deepslate, Packed Mud
Beef: Dripleaf, Book and Quill, Basalt, Light blue Terracotta, Shulkers, Warped and Crimson Stem
Wels: Light Blue Glass, Red Glass, Stone, Magenta Terracotta, Blackstone, Redstone #2
XB: Cyan Wool, Black Wool, Ferns, Cyan Terracotta, Granite, All Food
Xisuma: Lime Wool, Grey Wool, All Bucket Mobs (e.g Axolotls), Rooted Dirt, Yellow Terracotta,
Cleo: Red Wool, Soul Sand and Soul Soil, Hay bales, Orange Terracotta, Lime Terracotta, S Tier Books (e.g Mending)
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Monday's Mineral: Feldspar Source Rocks
Well, the month is almost up which means I've almost finished teaching you all there is to know about feldspars.
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I had mentioned once before that feldspars form in magma at different temperatures. Each type of feldspar is associated with different kinds of igneous rocks. Let's take a look at them!
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Granite and rhyolite (shown above) have the same composition. They are 70-77% silica which is feldspar and quartz minerals. There's other stuff but for today, they aren't important. Granite and rhyolite often contain two types of feldspar; k-spar and albite (sodium feldspar).
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Diorite and andesite (shown above) have the same composition as well; about 50% silica and 50% other minerals. They are primarily quartz and albite sometimes with tiny amounts of k-spar or anorthite (calcium feldspar). So, mostly plag over k-spar.
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Finally, gabbro and basalt (shown above) have the same composition. They are primarily made of pyroxenes with some olivines and anorthite or calcium plagioclase.
Notice how the rocks gradually get darker are you remove the silica.
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And now you know where to find feldspars! If you want more content, please go check out my other platforms (Youtube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram) all under a variation of Minerals, Rocks and Fossil Talks. Just look for the logo!
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crowdsourcedgender · 7 days
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soil/rock pronoun pack!
1. No gems because I'm pretty sure they have quite a few lists already + there's a TON of types.
2. I tried to go for the most common rock types + ones that can be turned into pronouns relatively easily.
3. I generally only included variants I personally liked- pronouns cut like "dio/diorite" could also be styled "diorite/diorite" and so on. Rocks ending in -ine or -ite I tried to split there at the object pronoun.
4. Image IDs are available in the alt text to avoid clutter + also the images are just decorative.
format: subject/object/possessive adjective/possessive pronouns/reflexive. e.g. she/her/her/hers/herself, he/him/his/his/himself
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soil words
allu/alluv/allus/allus/alluself [from alluvium]
collu/colluv/collus/collus/colluself [from colluvium]
hum/hum/humus/humus/humuself [the first hum is pronounced like it is in humus]
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living ground-related words
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rock words
and/and/andes/andes/andeself [from andesite]
meta/morph/morphs/morphs/morphself [from metamorphic]
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minecraft · 2 years
you should be able to extract quartz from diorite in minecraft. maybe from a new pickaxe enchantment or something idk. also would be funny if you could break amethyst crystals down into quartz crystals and purple dye.
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cattimeswithjellie · 2 months
Stream Recap, Rendog 07/09/24
Not too many recaps this week, it's a busy week! I was gone all weekend for my 20th anniversary (yes, I have been married longer than quite a few of you have been alive), and now I have family coming to visit, but here's this Ren stream I started before I left and just finished up. In this stream, Ren gathers material for his autosmelter!
00:00 Ren opens the stream in video-with-music mode, running the countdown clock and bopping around the server to do various pre-stream chores. The title for today’s stream is “Gathering Stuff For A New Project” and Chat is happy to speculate as they filter in.
5:40 Ren turns down the music and greets the chat, welcoming them to the Tuesday stream. It’s been a week since he streamed because the Skulk Crane sucked the life out of him while he was building with it. He vastly underestimated the amount of copper required to make 500 copper trapdoors! He starts the day by checking to see if the shop actually made any money. He would be surprised. There have been no sales. Ren remembers that this is actually the worst permit in the world to have because nobody in the entire world (except Cubfan) ever does anything with skulk! It looks cool on its own but does not go nicely with any other block in the game. The skulk enthusiasts in Chat are hurt by this slander. Ren wishes he’d gotten at least one sale. Gem is doing a magic theme, maybe she will buy some in the future. Terrible sales aside, he’s very happy with the build, which is really very pretty and impressive.
9:50 Ren checks the diorite shop (no sales) and beacons (some sales) and thanks subs and donos. Today’s plan is a new project! He showed Chat a preview last week, but he’s going to build an autosmelting facility! His current facility is terrible and he has to smelt _so much_, so it’s time for a newer, bigger, better smelter. He warns Chat that among other things, the new build needs over 900 quartz blocks, so he’s got his work cut out for him.
13:40 A chatter has been subscribed for 11 months. Ren loves the number 11, it’s his favorite sub month number and also his birthday! He reminds Chat that his birthday is 10/11 and he will be seven years old. That is so old! Chat is impressed. ((It is not clear whether this is just a random bit or whether Ren is counting his age in dog years, which would make him 49 on his upcoming birthday.)) Chat encourages Ren to go to Impulse’s quartz shop and save himself a lot of grinding. Ren says that being an adult is 70% boring and 30% awesome, with the 70% subsidizing the 30.
16:00 Ren begins laying out his workspace. He has done the whole thing in creative already and sent it off to get a schematic made. He hopes to be able to show it off soon! Ren remembers he wants to give Cherrifire and Foxxology the Artist Badge, but he doesn’t know how to do it. Chat helps him out. He does it successfully, he and Chat are very proud. He gives one to Sanistratus as well, then realizes he has no VIPs. How has he been streaming so long with no VIPs? He is the worst streamer ever. He tries to make his Hermit friends VIPs, but none of them are watching right now and can’t be targeted. He tells Chat to remind him, then begins collecting quartz in his Gigaplex villager complex.
21:30 Ren is not sure if he wants to show Chat the finished creative mode version of the autosmelter before it’s really built. He sort of wants to in order to get Chat’s help with naming the building. He thanks more subs and donos and talks with a chatter about their new PC. He greets his mods and welcomes in the new chatters still filtering in. He wants to get as much as possible from the villagers, but he also has a ton of quartz tucked around in random chests that he hasn’t sorted well. Ren spent all his diamonds on copper for the Skulk shop, so he does not really have much to buy Quartz with. He needs 15 stacks of quartz, but he has 16 stonemasons to meet the need.
27:30 Quartz collection is going surprisingly well for the moment, and Ren realizes he may need more to do in this stream. He thinks about completing the tunnel to his farmer trading hall, a project he partially completed and then ran out of juice on. A chatter points out that Ren should be selling conduits, Ren remembers he’s supposed to be selling conduits but wonders if anyone will buy. Chat points out that Impulse wanted a conduit last week but had to make one because no one was selling.
29:30 Ren finishes his quartz collecting and waffles about showing off the autosmelter. Chat wants to see it and Ren lets himself be persuaded. He opens his creative world and quickly faces the sky to preserve the surprise, then turns on shaders for maximum effect. He slowly and theatrically pans downward onto… nothing, because he is facing in the wrong direction. He quickly looks back up and spins around, then pans down onto the beauty and majesty of the new autosmelter. Chat stops laughing long enough to admire the new autosmelter. Ren explains that he didn’t want to just make a big square smelter, his design has an interesting shape and lots of moving parts that make it look cool and satisfying. It’s not a huge smelter, 32 furnaces, and needs to be manually loaded for that Gigacorp feel. He shows chat how the autosmelter works, then notices something is not working in the model smelter and fixes it. The most interesting part of the system is that the furnaces feed into a system of droppers that spit the items out and down through an observation window before being collected into chests.
37:40 Ren smelts a bunch of cobblestone to show Chat how the autosmelter will work. Chat very much likes the way the items rain down and fall into the collection hoppers. He does some troubleshooting on locked hoppers and takes suggestions for names from Chat. “Hyper Ore Thermonator” is a strong contender.
42:50 Ren heads back to the server to hunt for the next ingredient, four stacks of light blue concrete. Ren has three stacks already. He greets other Hermits online (Grian, Zedaph, Skizz) and goes shopping for concrete at False’s shop. In chat, Zedaph remarks that Xisuma’s cam account is hot. Skizz agrees that it is likely the best looking one. Ren explores the shop while thanking subs and donos, he finds that there is no light blue concrete available. He buys white powder and decides to dye it. Chat hears background noise on the stream, Ren says his neighbor is mowing the lawn. He dyes the powder and goes to make the concrete in a pond, then takes a break to fly back to his storage room and fetch a cauldron just to point out how much better it would be if throwing concrete powder in a cauldron would make concrete.
48:00 Chat suggests Giga-HEAT as a potential name, the Hyper-Efficient Alloy Thermonator. Ren likes it very much Ren decides it will be the GigaHEAT-1 or maybe the GigaHEAT Facility. He decides that to keep the lore orderly, he should review all his existing names and see if there’s a way to keep some kind of pattern going. He has the GigaCorp Hangar Bay, the GigaCorp Terra-M1, then the GigaPlex, then the GigaTruck. The naming conventions are a mess! He considers the GigaCorp H.E.A.T Station. (Hyper-Efficient Alloy Thermination) Chat likes the Thermonation Station.
52:00 Ren returns to the storage area and decides that corporate rebranding over time is the cause of the naming differences between builds. He collects white concrete and looks around for the wood to make acacia trapdoors. He doesn’t know why False complains about his storage system, he only had to look in two buildings to find his trapdoors! He gets trapdoors and sandstone slabs, then powered rails. He needs more gold and heads for the gold farm, where there is one single block of gold available. Nothing is spawning in the farm at all. Ren is confused until he remembers that Xisuma is online. When Xisuma is online, nothing works! He flies up to the AFK platform anyway, whereupon piglins begin to spawn. Ren apologizes for his aspersions on Xisuma’s good name. He takes the opportunity for a short ad and bio break.
1:00:20 Ren returns from his break and checks in on the amount of gold that has accumulated. He got 11 blocks of gold in 3 minutes, not bad at all! He doesn’t need tons of gold, so that should do. Ren heads home and thanks subs and donos. He talks with Chat about who does and does not get served ads during ad breaks. Advertising on Twitch is not actually very lucrative. YouTube either, really. He finishes the powered rails and goes onto quartz slab. He might charge at the door for use of the autosmelter, but give free use passes to a few select Hermits. He moves on to quartz stairs, then briefly quails at the 107 hoppers. He convinces himself that it’s not really thaaaat many hoppers, compared to what other people do. He can always lagbust it later.
1:07:40 Off to the Gigaplex for black terracotta. A chatter tells Ren to give himself a compliment. Ren stutters for a moment, then says he’s a pretty good cook. Chat offers many other ideas for compliments. They know many good things about Ren! Chat also wants to talk about baked watermelon again, but Ren hates that. Baked watermelon disturbs him in his soul. Grape soup, too. Smooth quartz is next, but that’s the acutal reason he wants an autosmelter in the first place! He hates smelting quartz. A chatter drops subs, Ren thanks subs and donos. He welcomes the new Gigacorp employees, telling them of the many benefits of working for Gigacorp with only the small caveat of being plugged into a Giga-building for the rest of one’s life. The description of how this happens is nothing Chat wants to hear. Chat does want Gigacorp merch though, so Ren takes Chat down a Google rabbit hole of possible merch designs.
1:18:00 A chatter makes a big donation with a Do-Not-Read message, which accidentally triggers the text-to-speech. Ren dives in and catches it before it gets to far and warns chat that Rosie does not understand DNR and will read any dono above ten pounds. He talks with Chat about trainers and retro shirts in Gigacorp colors. Chat is into it. Ren is Googling without a net, Safe Search turned off, but so far so good. He really likes the 80s style knit polo shirt. Chat thinks it looks like a dad shirt. Ren says of course it does, dads are from the 80s these days. Ren doesn’t have the selling power to do a whole line of merch, but he’s pretty sure he can do one or two things successfully. Chat agrees with merch, but think Dads may also be from the 90s these days.
1:26:00 More materials gathering! Ren has most of the next few things he needs, though he has to smelt even more quartz. He does more farmer trades and buys more quartz. Chat is coming up with more merch ideas for Ren. Ren thinks about a Gigacorp tin lunchbox. Chat is into it. Ren thinks about a Gigacorp calculator. Chat doesn’t think calculators are still a thing. Ren thinks about a Gigacorp Casio Watch. It would be difficult, but would be a cool piece of merch. Economies of scale might not be in his favor. A chatter sends a dono with a gently sarcastic message about how often Ren talks about merch without making merch. Ren admits that is true, but he can’t afford to take a loss on merch. He has to be really careful.
1:36:00 Ren smelts his stairs and thanks subs and donos. Speaking of merch, he has a new exclusive preview for something coming soonish! He can’t show too much and he can’t talk about it, but he can show a little, little bit. He shows Chat an image of what appears to be the top 25% of a plush Rendog, which is mostly a Ministry hat with diamond band, some curly hair, and the top of pointed ears. He tells Chat he will not be answering questions, this is all they get. He is nearly done with gathering supplies, good progress is being made! Ren is better about this than he used to be, getting stuff together first makes it so much easier to build than finding something every time you need it. He is down to items he only needs one stack of, so the gathering is going quite fast now.
1:46:00 Ren reorganizes the shulkers and then goes for the last bit of stuff, including the 32 actual furnaces the autosmelter requires. He realizes he may not have enough redstone, and does a time check with the chat. Some chatters are just waking up (10am Pacific) while some chatters are up very late. He realizes he doesn’t have enough lightning rods, but he cannot possibly give even more money for copper to Xisuma! Xisuma already has all his diamonds! Pearl shows up in Chat and Ren tells her to stay put so he can VIP her. He does so successfully and is satisfied, but does not know if VIP actually does anything. Chat explains that it makes Pearl a Very Important Person. (One clever chatter suggests Pearl is a Vertically Inverted Person) and that it’s basically just a free sub but it also allows her to talk in emote-only chat like mods do. Ren thinks that’s an abuse of power waiting to happen and laughs about it. If Chat bothers him he can make them emote only and only Hermits and mods can talk, perfect! He also thinks about who else he needs to make VIPs, and whether some of the OG chatters should be VIPs. That will be for a future stream.
1:55:00 Back to the item collecting! Except Ren wants to show Pearl the crane he spent all his copper on, and Iskall shows up in chat and needs VIPped! Pearl somehow runs afoul of the automod in Chat and gets timed out, then logs onto the server to tell Ren about it. Ren admits that his Twitchbot is very grumpy and decides to just mod Pearl so she’s immune to the bot. He VIPs Iskall, Jono and Cub. Iskall lets him get some copper from his chests. Ren realizes that nobody can be a VIP and a mod, and that Mod Pearl is no longer VIP Pearl. He does not like this. Chat points out that Mods are Very Important by default. Ren decides to keep Pearl a mod so the automod has no power over her. He realizes he also needs to remod Iskall and Jono. Now it all makes sense! He knows why he has no VIPs, because he makes all these people mods instead!
2:04:00 Back again to item collecting! Ren is deeply, deeply pained at the idea of using waxed copper trap doors for anything. He goes back to the creative world in the hopes that maybe there aren’t actually copper trapdoors in the design, but it turns out they are there and they look cool, so Ren cannot bring himself to exclude them. He shows new arrivals the autosmelter, which is broken again, and fixes it. The torches he placed earlier to unlock the hoppers has broken the loader. He hastily backs out of the creative world and decides he will fix that later. He gathers more items while still complaining about the lack of sense in the mod/VIP dichotomy on Twitch.
2:11:00 Ren needs a bunch of redstone blocks that he definitely doesn’t have. He thanks subs and donos and reminds Chat that he has no diamonds to purchase redstone and redstone components. He collects up all the rest of the things he needs, which are generally in his chests. He notices chat talking about court cases and demands to know if he is being taken to court for anything. He should not be taken to court, he insists, because he always follows all of the rules of the server. In fact, he used to be the king of the server! They can’t take him to court! Chat is not sure, but they are somewhat concerned that Doc might be trying to divorce Ren. Ren thoughtfully considers the possibility of divorcing Doc and suing for half his diamonds. The trial was extremely stressful, after all, and Ren has not been the same person since. The press was also extremely critical of his lawyer’s performance! Chat hates the idea of this divorce and thinks Ren should sue Skizz for emotional distress instead.
2:16:00 Ren gets so caught up in court talk that he breaks one of his soul campfires. He replaces it and threatens to sue Chat for their intimations that his lawyer was wooden. He needs hay bales and goes to sneak some from Beef’s fields. Chat points out that Doc doesn’t have as many diamonds this season because he’s only taking payment in sand. Ren doesn’t really want sand. But Ren’s farms are going great, producing so many pumpkins and melons! Ren does replant the wheat fields, claiming this is one of the great unwritten rules, along with not farting in the bank. Chat may have been breaking that latter rule. Ren is appalled to hear that some chatters also break wind in the cinema. Chat is fascinated to hear that Ren goes into the bathroom to fart. Ren doesn’t want to talk about it and changes the subject to the weather. It’s windy.
2:24:00 Ren grows some acacia trees to get the fence gates he needs, still castigating Chat for their farting habits. Ren has some surprisingly complicated rituals for farting in public. Chat is pleased to be appalling. Ren tries to make a detector rail by memory and gets almost there. He has everything except the redstone blocks that he needs for the GigaH.E.A.T Station. He’s going to build it on top of the chicken coop, which is no longer needed.
2:30:00 Ren drops into the Giga-Truck, has a seat in the driver’s chair and goes to F5 mode to address the Chat. He thanks subs and donos one more time and says it’s time to call it a day. He wants to get an episode out very soon, but the smelter build may take longer than he thought. He thanks Chat, raids into SoupForEloise and ends his stream.
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lunar-writes-things · 2 years
16) Seeing Things
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Y/n stared at Xisuma as he walked away and Y/n blinked before feeling their face heat up at the implications X had just said to them
Did he mean?
he couldn't have-
did he? 
... no. He must have meant their builds. 
Yeah! That was it! There was no way he was referencing to... them. 
Y/n shook their head and took in a deep breath. They were exhausted, especially since they finally relaxed for the first time in hours. Maybe... Maybe it would be okay to rest their eyes a little bit. 
They faded in and out of consciousness for the next few hours, never truly sleeping but never truly awake. As they were half asleep Y/n heard partying then, then quietness, and then more partying and finally, cleaning and whispers
"What should we do?" a familiar voice asked 
"Should we carry them?" Another asked 
"Are you strong enough to carry them Mumbo?" Someone else teased 
"Please He's a lanky and tall potato. His arms would probably break!" Someone joked 
"Someone should probably take him home. He's drunk." A girl spoke up 
"I'll drag him." Another voice said, this was the first voice again and it was almost fond "You get them Impulse." 
"Pearl you help Impulse," The second voice, now identified as Mumbo murmured and a hand stroked their head "I'll help Scar with Grian." 
"I really like them Impulse," A female voice said, they sounded so nervous "Goodness I hope they don't wake up right now." 
"Pearl do you like them or do you love them?" Impulse questioned  
A hand was massaging their scalp gingerly and two others were massaging their right hand and were laying on a soft and warm bed. Did it always feel this nice to be taken care of?
"How would you classify love?" Pearl asked "If it's wanting to be by their side more than anything in the world, wanting to not hurt them even if it hurts your teams chances at MCC, and letting them go even if I don't want to so they could be happy? Is it wanting to give them the moon? Is it wanting to press kisses along their most insecure features? Is it wanting to do everything in my power to make sure they smile every day?"
"Oh- You are down so bad." Impulse murmured, "Just like the rest of us." 
Pearl said something else but at that point, Y/n was already asleep again
"Y/n?" Mumbo walked through their starter base door with armfuls of quartz "I have some materials for your cathedral."
"Oh! You didn't have to!" Y/n grinned and opened their bag for the man (Potato?) to dump in their inventory "I really appreciate it!" 
"Of course!" Mumbo smiled and looked at Y/n like they hung the stars "Quartz is hard to get. I understand." 
Y/n flushed at the attention they noticed and shook it off. When they looked at Mumbo again and his face was the same 
It had been a week since Y/n had a dream of what she thinks was pearl and Impulse talking. Y/n didn't say anything nor did they act different, but the words still rung in their mind. It was... interesting to say the least.
Y/n was now seeing the small things her friends did for them
and they wondered if...
"Y/n!" Pearl, Scar and Grian stormed up to Y/n up on their cloud
They had just finished their cathedral after working on it for 4 days straight with no break and it was looking gorgeous. The white quartz, calcite, and polished diorite glimmered in the sun along with their respective stairs and slabs that detail the place. Withing the outside walls was a courtyard, with quartz bricks spanning the floors and hallways winding into the church part of the cathedral. Multicolored glass stained the inside of the cathedral with rainbows and gold and the lights shone bright amongst the spires. With the chairs being storage chests and the chancel being where their bed is placed and hidden from below the cathedral was almost finished with the interior.
"Hi!" Y/n smiled at the three turning around, almost falling when they attempted to take a step forward  "What do you guys think?" 
"It's beautiful Y/n," Scar validated and warm calloused hands gripped their shoulders, Y/n's knees buckling when they felt the comforting touch of Scar
"Oh goodness!" Grian exclaimed and moved to catch Y/n before stopping as Scar hooked his arm under their legs and carried them Bridal style 
"Let's get you to bed Y/n," Pearl said and pet their head once with a soft smile "You did wonderful on your cathedral." 
So their theory was right.... huh. Let's see what else
Y/n stared at Impulse as he worked on his factory. 
He was always so pretty. Not too lean but not to buff either. With the most gorgeous black eyes that sparkle like it has stars within it and soft-looking lips that would probably taste like candy. And don't get them started on his smile, it brightened up the room just like the rest of the boatem members and-
"-n! Y/n!" Impulse called them and waved his hand in front of their face 
"Hi!" Y/n smiled as they shook themselves out of their stupor "Sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me. I've been like this with everyone all week." 
"Have you now?" Impulse asked and walked up to them before cradling the base of their head and pressing a gentle hand to their forehead and cheeks "Well, you're not sick. So that's good, have you been resting?" 
"Yes, I have. Trust me Scar has Bdubs visiting me every day so he can force me to sleep." Y/n groaned "I love Bdubs, he's awesome, but that hurts my ego knowing that-" 
At this point, Impulse put everything down to listen to Y/n with his full attention. Y/n flushed when they noticed this and turned to hide it. 
"Y/n?" Impulse asked them softly "Everything okay?" 
"Yeah!" Y/n squeaked out before clearing their throat "Yeah, Every- ahem- everything fine. Just a little flustered with all the attention you're giving me." 
"Oh hoho! You like my full attention on you?" Impulse asked and crowded them with a smirk teasing his lips only to receive a gentle hand to his face pushing him away while Y/n could barely look him in the eyes
... What was this feeling? ... Is it? No, it can't be... not after.... him. 
"Y/n!" Stress came up to their door with a smile almost stumbling as they landed in front of Y/n as they opened the door "Perfect you're here!" 
"Hi Stress," Y/n smiled at the girl with pink roses in her hair "What can I help you with?" 
"Gem and I wanted to invite the girls to a sleepover!" Stress smiled and gave Y/n an invite within a beautiful sage green envelope 
"I appreciate it!" Y/n smiled "But I'm not exactly a... girl?" 
"Well, whatever you are! You're well liked by the girls and I so we have adopted you into it." Stress joked "Anyway, Time and date is tomorrow at 6pm. Bring snacks and blankets! Okay we'll see you there bye!" 
The next day, Y/n arrive at Gem's base a little bit early. They were excited and could barely wait for the time to come so they had busied themselves with finishing their megabase. Halfway through the season and they finished.
How slow
Gem was waiting outside and lit up when she noticed the godling who had just came. Soon, Stress, Cleo and False joined the two and everyone gathered inside the warm home. 
"Where's Pearl?" Y/n asked once they realized the other boatem member wasn't there 
"Oh! You didn't know?" Gem asked "I figured you would. Pearl couldn't come. She went on vacation to a new dimension. Said she'll be back in a week or so." 
"Oh-" Y/n said, voice dropping to a whisper 
why were they so upset? It wouldn't be the first time they left for another dimension. Why'd did it hit so hard now?
"Yeah, it sucks they couldn't make it." Cleo muttered "Moving on, What snacks did you guys bring?" 
"I made some cookies!" Stress smiled and held up a plate of cookies wrapped in napkins that look homemade 
The rest of the girls chimed with something they made, maybe a snack or some sort like that. It ade Y/n feel extremely embarrassed knowing they made a full meal for each of them. 
"Y/n what did you make?" Cleo asked 
"I made- uh- I made dinner." Y/n smiled softly and pulled out the containers from their pile of things "It's simple, Steak, mashed potatoes, caesar salad, and well, cake." 
"woah!" Gem exclaimed "You made all of us dinner?"
"well, yeah! I figured everyone would bring some snacks so I made dinner so we would have a full meal... was it the wrong idea?" Y/n asked with a slight flush to their face 
"I see it now." Cleo whispered to false who smirked 
"Same." False smiled softly as Y/n while they were being bombarded with praises from Gem and Stress 
"Soooo," Stress chimed in, a sly smile on her face "Do you have any crushes? Or partners yet?" 
Y/n spit out their drink. It was barely midnight! WHY WERE THESE QUESTIONS HAPPENING NOW????
"I think its time for me to head to sleep-" Y/n attempted to make an excuse and dip only to be pulled back into Cleo's lap and being held 
Curse Cleo for being overly observant of them melting into everybody's hugs 
"Oh no you don't!" Cleo said 
"You can tell us! We promise we won't tell anyone!" Gem pleaded 
"yeah Y/n!" Stress spoke up 
False watched from the background with a mischievous smirk and arms crossed under her chest. 
"I- I don't have anyone I can think of that counts as a crush," Y/n said with a pout "Plus, I doubt anyone would take interest in me like that anyway!" 
"What about Grian?" Gem asked, "Or Impulse... or Pearl... or Mumbo.... or Scar?" 
"Wha- Why bring up their names?" Y/n asked, "They're my best friends." 
"Are they now?" False asked and quirked up an eyebrow 
"Yeah!" Y/n smiled proudly 
There were murmurs of words between the girls and the one sticking out the most was "oh they're oblivious-oblivious." 
"When you think of them what do you think of?" Stress asked 
"Well, I think about Boatem," Y/n responded 
"What else?" False urged Y/n on "Surely there's gotta be something outside boatem." 
"Well, I think of how they take care of me. I think of how they woke me up with water and then for the entire day we all terrorized each other and the rest of the server, I think of when they preened my wings and made me dinner, I think of the countless times they carried me to my bed when I was closed to passing out or was passed out.
"I think of their smiles and how they laugh, I think of how Grian's wings flutter when he's excited, how Scar's eyes crinkle when he smiles, ho pearl's eyes twinkle when they see the stars, how impulse's imaginary tail wags when he sees the color yellow, how mumbo always smells like a crackling fireplace with a hint of redstone spice. How they look at me like I put the sun and moon in the sky as if I was some sort of angel that blessed them. 
I..." Y/n began to trail off "I see the way they smile at me. I notice how my heart warms when I look at them. How they make my head dizzy with pure joy anytime they're around me. How... I see how I know I care for them in some of the weirdest ways I've ever seen anybody care. I see them... for everything they are... and I adore them for that. " 
There was a thunderous silence until someone spoke up after what felt like hours 
"Y/n," False looked at Y/n their face pained and lips pursed "You're in love with them." 
"What?!" Y/n felt their face flush red, even after everything they had just admitted, "NO! They're my best friends! How could I be in love with them? I just really like hanging around them all the time, and maybe I purposely overwork myself so they can take care of me, and sure I have a history with 4 out of the five and maybe I love their smiles and everything about them, and Okay, Fine, maybe I wanna kiss their pretty lips until we both can't breathe but that doesn't mean i'm in love with them! Not all of them!" 
Y/n panted after their short monologue, talking so fast with so little breath in face of trying to deny their feelings and defending themselves. 
"Y/n-" Stress gaped at them and Gem and Cleo were in the background laughing their asses off "Y/n darling, what was the last thing you said?" 
"I'm not in love with them?" Y/n asked
"The other last thing," Gem said still laughing 
"I wanna-" Y/n paused as they went over the sentence again "Oh... Oh."
and Suddenly, Y/n was very happy Pearl was on a vacation and not with the other girls and them.
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albonoooo · 3 months
hiii emy i hope you are ok lately, i love seeing ur presence on the timeline
is there an underrated part of germany u would recommend ppl check out
what are some ways you give yourself grace / are gentle to urself?
what is your favourite playlist lately
-- wiz not on anon lmfao
hi wiz! i'm doing okay, just ready for exam season and this semester to be over. this got very long, so my answers are below the cut 🫠
1. there actually are a lot of beautiful places in germany! you can get a little bit of everything here, coasts, lakes, castles, stalactite caves, mountains, beautiful old towns and so on and so forth, it just depends on where you are.
some castles: burg hohenzollern, schloss neuschwanstein (1st picture), reichsburg cochem, schloss schwerin, schloss braunfels, schloss celle, schloss nordkirchen, schloss drachenburg (2nd picture), burg eltz (3rd picture), schloss moritzburg, schloss wernigerode (schloss is german for castle, if that wasn't obvious by now)
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✨️nature✨️: the devil's wall in the harz mountains (rock formation of sandstone and chalk), the stubbenkammer and the königsstuhl on rügen (two most famous formations in the chalk cliffs), the saalfeld fairy grottos (stalactite cave; 1st picture), the bastei in saxon switzerland (sandstone formation and natural monument; 2nd picture), the hainich national park (beautiful deciduous forest, unesco world heritage site), the old castle rocks in the palatinate forest (group of red sandstone rocks), the sea of rocks in the oden forest (large block accumulation of dark gray quartz diorite), the extern stones in the teutoburg forest (striking sandstone rock formation), the morsum cliff on sylt (steep coast in a unique geotope in europe), the lüneburg heath (flat undulating heath, geest and forest landscape; 3rd picture) (never realised we had so many rocks lol)
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some waters: the triberg waterfalls in the black forest (highest waterfall in germany), the königssee in the berchtesgadener land (1st picture), the mecklenburg lake district (including the müritz, the biggest lake in germany), the blautopf in the swabian alps (karst spring with intensely blue water due to its lime content), the waldnaab valley in the upper palatinate, lake constance (in the foothills of the alps between germany, austria and switzerland), the eibsee in the wetterstein mountains (2nd picture) (see is lake in german)
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old towns (with timbered houses and all that jazz): quedlinburg, heidelberg, rothenburg ob der trauber (1st picture), lübeck, erfurt, meersburg, trier, dinkelsbühl, marburg, freiburg, wismar, bamberg (2nd picture)
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there also are plenty of nice museums and so much more, but this is already way too long. in short, you'll find a lot of gems aside from the big cities (which usually really aren't that great lmao).
2. permitting myself to take longer for things than other people. for example, i've recently (mostly) come to terms with the fact that i will need significantly more than the three years standard period of study to get my bachelor's degree, for a bunch of reasons, and i am constantly reminding myself that that's nothing to be ashamed of. my reasons are valid and taking the time i need does not make me less qualified to get this degree.
3. i've been making a lot of f1 playlists lately which is a lot of fun and my favourite is one i haven't completely finished and posted yet 🤭 this one is for a much beloved ship so i want it to be as accurate as possible.
thank you for the questions <3
anonymously message me (3) things you want to know about me.
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