#queen rosalind
dragoneyes618 · 10 months
You know, I think Duncan and Rosalind were an arranged marriage.
She's not mentioned at all until the Battle of Hackham Heath where it says that she and Duncan got married. The previous book, mostly from Halt and Crowley's POV, had little reason to mention her, but still.
It would make sense for it to be necessary politically for Duncan to marry
Oswald was old and ill.
The people had turned against Duncan, thanks to Morgarath and Tiller, thinking that he was raiding and killing his own people.
Baron Morgarath was in the middle of a rebellion.
The scene at the tournament at Gorlan was not very conclusive for Duncan.
All this is making the monarchy look weak and unstable.
Also, Duncan was the only heir. He had no siblings or cousin who could take over if something happened to him. If he died - and as king, he would definitely be at risk in the war they all knew was coming - then the leadership of Araluen would spiral into chaos.
So Duncan needed to marry, so there is one more member of the very small royal family who could rule or at least rally the people and issue orders in his stead. And more importantly, he needed to marry, because he needed heirs.
So the scenario I'm picturing is any eligible young noblewomen, presumably daughters and sisters and so on of barons because that seems to be the only nobility in Araluen, being asked if any of them are interested in being courted by the king, and a bunch of them say yes, because who wouldn't want to be queen? And then Duncan meets whoever's interested, and luckily for him and Rosalind, they instantly hit it off.
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rosalie-starfall · 8 months
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Queen Rosalind
The Prince & Me - 2004
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I can't handle this Rosalind arc. No. Don't get me attached to her. Stop it. Save her baby Crowley, yeah, but save her too. Please 😭😭😭😭😭
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fuckyeahcostumedramas · 11 months
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Jenna Coleman as Queen Victoria in Victoria (TV Series, 2016-2019).
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inlovewithfairies · 1 month
I'm trying to raise funds for an adventure*, anyone want to commision a fic?
I promise in the last 3 years my writing got way better.
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* I do have a day job but bruh our economy is baaaaad these days
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sofia-in-nc · 4 months
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The mere fact that Rosalind runs this titan of a country, while Rogue runs an elusive independent city that the government cannot even annex. 👑
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mrssimply · 8 months
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War Queens.
[Rambling thoughts under the cut]
My obsession with Rogue strikes again, and I found her a worthy opponent. I know I'm totally biased but in my mind, Rogue can do no harm (wdym she worked with Smasher and sold her skills to anyone? Nope, never, she is perfect, my queen of darkness).
Myers, on the other hand, is a character I absolutely love to hate, and they did such a great job of making her likable, and nice, and you wanna believe her so bad. She is great as a character.
In reality, both have blood on their hands, and a very gray moral, and I love them both for that. It's just that to me, Rogue represents a kind of freewill, where Myers represent the system. But both fought their way to the top by killing people. And I'm a weak woman, I find it hot.
But anyway, I needed to do something to express my fascination with the women of cyberpunk, because I love all of them in their own way. Every character in cyberpunk is just amazing in their own way, and I appreciate the diverstity of women in the game, especially the fact that they're powerful, and just badass? As I said, I lack objectivity, I'm just in awe.
Wanna do something with Altiera next.
But first I think I'll make another version of the pic with the boys in it. Cause Queens must have knights in their service. And I love to see Johnny on his knees.
[feral noise]
It took me three hours, mainly because I built Myers throne from scratch. Rogue throne is from this pack, bones and flowers can be found here.
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merlgeim · 10 months
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costumeloverz71 · 7 days
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Queen Victoria (Jenna Coleman) Light blue dress.. Victoria (2016-2019).. Costume by Rosalind Ebbutt.
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swanqueensalad · 9 months
day 2 of convincing you to watch damsels in dicestress' show demons & daughters by sharing random moments of the two most heartbreakingly pining sapphic regency era teenage girls
(they're on a terrifying journey to find their missing fathers and fight demons, it just so happens some of those demons are patriarchy and their tragic dramatic former-childhood-best-friends past)
you need no prior knowledge of dnd, just a healthy dose of gay yearning or queer insanity
check out more here:
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princessanneftw · 2 years
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💐 To all mothers everywhere, and to those who may be missing their mums today, we are thinking of you and wishing you a special Mothers Day.
@RoyalFamily | 19 March 2023
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dragoneyes618 · 8 months
The Araluen royal family seems very small - riskily so. Royalty and nobility usually try to have at least several children, so in case the heir dies - the risk of dying young was a lot more common back in the old days, between sickness and accidents - there's still other family members to inherit if needed.
But Duncan has no siblings. Cassandra has no siblings. Madelyn has no siblings.
We don't know anything about Duncan's childhood. Maybe he did have more siblings who died. (I personally headcanon that Oswald and Deborah got married later for whatever reason so Duncan was the only child they had [which is part of the reason why Oswald changed the law to allow girls to inherit, because if he and Deborah only had a daughter and couldn't have any more children than someone needed to rule the kingdom] , but that's just my headcanon.)
But we know about Cassandra, and we know she's definitely an only child. Alright, so we know why Cassandra is an only child. Her mother died in childbirth. Maybe her father was too brokenhearted to ever remarry. Not to mention that what with having to deal with the aftermath of Morgarath's war, build himself a reputation as a good, strong king (with Morgarath not having actually been defeated, and with the army unable to get him out of the mountains, that probably didn't look very good for Duncan's first war as king) and raise a newborn daughter, remarrying was probably not high on his list of priorities at the moment.
But after a few years, even if Duncan himself didn't want to remarry, his court should have been beginning to urge him to. After all, Duncan only had the one heir. If anything happened to Cassandra, there'd be no one to inherit the throne. And indeed, Cassandra came close to dying many times. What if she'd died in Celtica? What if she'd died in Skandia? The future of Araluen's throne would have been in jeopardy. It would've been a lot less dangerous and risky if she'd had one or two siblings, just in case.
Moving on from Cassandra, there's Maddie, who is an only child as well. Again, it's risky for the monarchy to have only one heir. Especially now that she's no longer living safely at the palace but is training as a Ranger. Sure, she's not planning on actually becoming an active Ranger, but Ranger training in and of itself can be risky. Ranger apprentices are expected to go on missions and risk their lives just like full Rangers. Maddie almost died when she was wounded in the hip that time. What if she actually had died? What if she dies from an accident during training? All that would be needed is one bandit or whoever to get in a lucky shot, and that's it.
Royal families usually try to have at least "an heir and a spare." Just in case something happens to the heir, that's what the spare is for. But Araluen hasn't had any "spare" in generations.
The kingdom needs heirs, and generation after generation of only children in the royal family aren't enough of them to secure a stable future for Araluen if there is no direct heir. What if Maddie dies, and Cassandra at this point is likely too old to have children? Who will inherit the throne after Cassandra?
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rosalie-starfall · 6 months
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The Magical Miranda
There is Magic all around you if I do say so myself I have known this much longer than I've known you
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folklore-barnes · 2 years
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🧚🏽 alfea college | aes 🧚🏽
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awwwokay · 10 months
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I did a thing
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cataclysmcrows · 9 months
turns out all i needed to get hit with a massive burst of inspiration for villain rewrite was to essentially roleswap cece's mother figures
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