#queer chain
theysies · 5 months
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just a dyke and their axe <3
full set on fansly
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nicejewishsoyboy · 1 year
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Me by photographer Steven Harwick, AKA Bound Leather Zine (@intoguilt)
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orcusnoir · 11 months
"You know what I hate?" The Champion asked to no one in particular as he watched over the slow boiling pot of stew.
"Uh... Not having enough spices?" The Captain asked from his seat at the table.
Wild gave a nod. "Not what I was going for, but yes."
"Then what do you hate, Champ?" Wars asked while glancing over to the Vet. Legend was currently trying to stack his fork and knife on top of each other to no avail.
"How do I put this?" Wild tapped his chin in thought.
"As bluntly as you can." Hyrule chimed in.
"Fair enough. Why are certain clothes locked to certain people? It's fucking cloth." Wild complained with a laugh.
At first Wars was going to chide Wild for the language, but... He just couldn't. Wild had a point here.
"FINALLY!" Wind's loud voice startled Wars a bit as the Sailor had been awfully quiet in his seat. "Tetra and I both hate that stupid shit. What do you mean I can't wear heels? I'm trying to feel tall, and Tetra hates heels, and so somebody has to wear them."
"Tell me about it." Wild started. "Zelda let me try on one of her old royal dresses, don't ask how they survived a hundred years, and somebody had issues with that."
The Captain just laughed. Damn those social rules indeed. Wild in a dress wasn't something he was expecting to hear about today, but it was something that he could picture.
And the Champion would rock that dress.
"Heh, I've been thinking those rules were stupid since I knew they existed. So, since I was nine." Time joined the conversation. "I didn't even know what the big deal was back then."
"I'd ask how, but I'm afraid the answer would be too confusing." Twilight said.
"Oh, not at all, I was raised by forest spirits and a giant tree." The Old Man nonchalantly explained. "They didn't have concepts like "male" and "female." So imagine my confusion."
A claim that he made often but never elaborated on. Everyone, besides the Captain and Wind, thought it was a lie or a ruse.
Warriors just laughed, he couldn't help it.
"Oh little Mask and his insisting that he's a tree." Wars felt everyone's eyes turn to him.
Time laughed loudly. "You made that corporals life hell."
"I did not have time for that guy's bullshit. We are in the middle of a fucking war, if the kid says he's a tree then he's a fucking tree." Wars started to lose his composure from all of his laughing.
"What do you mean by "he's a tree"?" Sky asked while scratching his head.
"Again, I was raised by forest spirits." Time explain. "You lot, besides two, think this a lie. It's not."
"Time, your life profoundly confuses me." Sky said. "So they assigned you a tree?"
Time nodded.
"Instead of anything else?"
Another nod.
"Not like a boy tree? Just a tree?"
Another nod. "Two trees, to be exact. But yes."
"Two trees?"
"Maple and oak, to be exact."
Wars just watch the conversation with a grin. Oh, poor Sky. He must be feeling the same confusion that he and the Sailor had during the war.
"I feel so understood." Rulie said with the widest smile imaginable. "I'm just a Fae." He shrugged as the others turned to face him. "Not the legend kind of Fae. I was raised by Fairies."
"Well, now you can be a Fae tree. How lovely." Time stated with a laugh.
"What kinda tree?"
"Hmmm, you and the Captain both have the same one. Pine, and you can have maple too. As a treat."
"A Fae pine and maple tree. Nice."
"Are we just gonna brush over the fact that Wars already has a tree identity?" Legend asked.
"I do too!" Wind but in. "Take a guess, it's so obvious."
"Uh...Palm tree?" Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow.
"What tree am I then?" Wild asked while seasoning a few cuts of meat.
"Willow." Time and Warriors both spoke at the same time.
"Damn, that was fast."
"You had this conversation before, hadn't you?" Sky asked while keeping his gaze locked to Wars. "So tell us our trees."
"Oh, alright, I'll try to remember all the specifics. It's been a while." Time laughed while tapping his fingers on the table.
"It all reminds me of the Minish. They have leaves instead of trees, though." Four, who had been quietly observing this whole time, finally spoke up.
"Oh, the Kokiri had leaves too. That's a whole other thing."
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vinzred · 2 months
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im-thirst-trapped · 13 days
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For the night is dark and full of terrors ~
Stay safe with me and feel my warmth 💜
Tell me how much you want this dream to last forever ~
Stay with me and hear my heart 💜
(or just enjoy a grainy pic of my tits ~)
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read-alert · 5 months
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This does come with the caveat that I can't quite remember if the characters in How to Find a Princess, Funeral Songs for Dying Girls, and Chain-Gang All-Stars identity specifically as lesbians or not, but they are all sapphic. Full titles under the cut!
EDIT: Apparently Alice Walker is a big proponent of a famous antisemitic conspiracy theorist, David Icke, so be aware of that when considering The Color Purple
Happy Lesbian Visibility Week! 📚📖🏳️‍🌈
Hijab Butch Blues by Lamya H
In the Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado
How to Find a Princess by Alyssa Cole
Cantoras by Carolina De Robertis
The Color Purple by Alice Walker
Under the Udala Trees by Chinelo Okparanta
Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg
Funeral Songs for Dying Girls by Cherie Dimaline
Chain-Gang All-Stars by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah
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colourme-feral · 1 year
Troye Sivan's Got Me Started and its shared locations in Thai queer media
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Bed Friend and Chains of Heart (location)
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Gemini and Fourth's เขินให้หน่อย (You're Blushing?) (location)
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Even Sun
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KinnPorsche (location)
Edit: Truly embarassing of me not to recognise this building
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Never Let Me Go and 3 Will Be Free (location)
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nbnbd · 5 months
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Feeling stacked
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dblohginger · 1 year
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links-in-time · 5 months
This is my response to this writing prompt I saw. I can't remember who posted it unfortunately. If you know who it was perhaps you can tag them in the comments.
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Synopsis : Zelda finds herself admiring one of her aunts servants and can't resist dancing with her at a ball.
Breath of the wild, Pre-calamity Zelda.
Minors do not interact.
18+ smutt content. Lesbian/ wlw.
Please enjoy.
She was new in the castle. She had to be. Zelda was certain she had never seen the young woman in question before. The Princess took pride in getting to know all of the palace servants, no matter their station. It always put a smile on someone's face when the Princess of Hyrule addressed them by name. And wasn't it her duty to bring joy to her people.
After asking the butler and the head of the castle staff, Zelda discovered the woman's name was Jade. She was as a chamber maid for Zelda's Aunt Violet, accompanying her while she was staying in the castle, visiting her brother King Rhoam.
It took a while for Zelda to cross paths with Jade, as her Aunt kept her attendants busy day and night. But eventually they bumped into each other in the palace gardens. Jade was sitting on a bench bathed in the midday sunlight, the gold buttons and braiding on her royal livery glittering like jewels. She was gorgeous, stunning even. Zelda thought to herself if she could tidy Jade's wayward hair a little, she could pass for actual royalty.
"Hi. It's Jade, isn't it?" Zelda asked, as she approached.
Jade looked up with a start to see the Princess walking towards her. She quickly got to her feet and gave Zelda a curtesy.
"Good day Princess," she uttered.
"Good day. I'm sorry I startled you. I didn't mean to. You looked so peaceful sitting there. Please sit," Zelda insisted and Jade resumed her seat on the bench.
Zelda perched herself beside the young woman and instantly felt the warmth of the sun on her face.
"Mmm, gosh this is nice. I suppose you're hiding from my Aunt?" Zelda sighed, raising an eyebrow at Jade.
"Hiding?!" Jade exclaimed, eyes wide as though she had been caught in something terrible. "No of course not."
"I didn't mean..." Zelda sighed. She back tracked and softened a little. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply you were sherking your duties. I've seen you around the castle and I can tell you're a very diligent attendant."
"Oh, thank you Princess," Jade replied, visibly relaxing a little. "I was taking my break and I saw the sun was shining. I didn't think anyone would mind if I came to sit in the gardens. Honestly I thought I was alone out here."
"I often visit the gardens when I need to clear my head. Though I love being in the library and the Sheikah laboratories, having the chance to escape and relax with the sun shining and the birds singing is always a pleasant change. Also the flowers are particularly beautiful this time of summer."
"The foxgloves are my favourites," Jade announced, pointing to the the towering spikes of delicate purple and pink flowers.
"They're one of my favourites too. Though everyone assumes it should be the silent princesses. They're nice enough. But I get gifted bunches of them from admirers all the time." Zelda sighed, perching on the end of the bench.
"Hmm, speaking of admirers, where's your knight? The young soldier," Jade asked curiously, suddenly looking around for Zelda's usual retinue.
"I managed to give him the slip half an hour ago. Sometimes I get a little tired of him hovering around me all the time. And Impa is just as bad. I know they're both only looking our for my wellbeing. But sometimes their attention can feel a little suffocating. That's why I come out here."
Jade had observed the young Hylian Knight dutifully following Zelda to and fro. His bright blue eyes always alert and observant. Jade doubted whether Zelda had actually managed to sneak away from him, and if he was somewhere hiding in the bushes. Maintaining the illusion the Princess was unobserved, while still perfectly safe. Link was certainly loyal and devoted to his position. But Jade couldn't help but feel Zelda could do with destressing every once in a while.
"It's a shame your Aunt will be returning to her estate soon. I'd liked to have had the privilege of spending more time with your highness," Jade said warmly,
Zelda was surprised by Jade's statement. It felt entirely too familiar for a servant. But Zelda found she didn't mind it so much. It was refreshing to meet someone of a different station who treated her like an ordinary person. Not the Goddess reincarnated.
"Well Jade, there are still a few days until you have to leave. Perhaps I could put aside some of my duties until then?" Zelda suggested, flashing a bright smile at the surprised attendant.
"Your highness I could hardly expect you to do that for me. Your duties are far more important than mine. And if your father found out I'd be dismissed for sure!" Jade replied, panic lacing her voice.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't think about that," Zelda sighed, her shoulders slumping as she sank a little.
"But the fairwell ball is tomorrow. My mistress is allowing me and another of her ladies to attend. Perhaps we could spend some time with each other then? No one would bat an eyelid if you decided to mingle with your Aunt's attendants." Jade proposed, turning her body a little to face Zelda.
Zelda considered for a moment. Jade was right. She often talked and danced with the higher ranking servants when her father threw a ball. It wouldn't be considered out of the ordinary to spend time with Jade. And Zelda really wanted to spend time with Jade. Her presence was so refreshing and warm. Just like the summer afternoon they were sharing.
The crunch of gravel suddenly caught their attention. Jade and Zelda looked up to see Link walking towards them up the gravel path. His bright blue tunic glowing in the sunlight. His gaze flashed across Jade, clearly assessing whether or not she was a threat to his charge. Apparently deciding she wasn't his attention returned to Zelda. He came and stood to attention before her.
"It's time for your meeting with the King," Link signed.
Jade's knowledge of Hylian sign was rusty, but she got the gist of what Link had said. She got to her feet and gave Zelda another curtesy.
"Good day your highness, I must return to my mistress."
Zelda watched Jade turn on the spot and drift away through the garden and out of sight. Her eyes lingered on the spot where she had disappeared for a long time. Eventually she could feel Link's gaze on her back and she let out a long sigh. At last Zelda stood, smoothed out her clothes and walked away. Feeling the familiar ghost of Link's form following three steps behind her.
When Zelda returned to her chambers that evening she slumped against her bedroom door with a heavy sigh. Her meeting with her father had not gone well. Rhoam had raved about the progress his forces were making excavating and activating the Devine Beasts, as well as the Guardians. Simultaneously, he was woefully disappointed with the progress (or lack of) that Zelda had made in accessing her sealing powers.
She was trying everything she and Impa could think of to access her inherited power. But nothing seemed to be working. No matter how much reading or preying Zelda did on the matter, nothing seemed to click. Her relationship with her father had slowly deteriorated over the past few months. They hadn't ever been close to being with, but with each passing day of failure on her part, Zelda could feel her father drawing further and further away from her.
Inside her bed chamber, Zelda noticed a flash of pink near her bed. Walking towards her side table Zelda smiled at the stems of foxglove flowers which had been placed in a vase by her bed. She trailed her slender fingers over the fragile blooms, drawing in their headdy scent. Jade. It had to be. Zelda thought back to their brief conversation in the gardens and found herself yearning to be in Jade's presence again.
Her maid servant entered a few minutes later and helped the princess out of her dress and into her nightgown. She dismissed the woman a little too eagerly before settling herself into her plush warm bed. Her mind on the charming young woman, Zelda's fingers crept under her nightdress towards the sensative warmth between her legs. Jade's vissage swam before Zelda's eyes as she pressed a finger between her folds and began to massage her clit.
"Mmm," a moan escaped the princess's lips and she continued to pleasure herself. Jade's curves and the fullness of her lips at the forefront of her mind.
The night of the ball rolled around quickly and Jade was rushed off her feet preparing her mistress for the nights festivities. Though she had the help of the other attendants, Jade bore the brunt of her Lady's demands. She wanted a long bath. She wanted her hair braided in a particular style. She wanted those shoes, not THOSE shoes!
By the time the Lady was dressed and satisfied enough to head down to the ball, Jade was fighting back her fatigue. The other girls were already dressed and helping each other do their hair and makeup ready to accompany their mistress.
"Aren't you coming Jade?" One of the girls asked with concern. She recalled Jade being particularly excited about attending the ball earlier in the day.
"I'm not sure. I'm exhausted after all that! You go on ahead with her Highness. She'll be late if you wait for me," Jade insisted with a wave.
Regretfully, Jade watched the other attendants escorts their mistress from her chambers and down towards the ball. The echo of music drifted up the stairs and Jade kicked herself for not getting ready sooner. With a woeful sigh she turned and walked back to her room in the servants quarters. It was only a short way from the guest suites and a few moments later Jade opened the door to her room.
In her dazed state she almost missed the object laid on the bed. Shaking herself awake Jade stared blankly at the dress on her single bed. It was a deep purple velvet with gold braiding. She had no idea how it had appeared in her room, but as she came back to herself, Jade had an idea who had left it here. She shook her head at the over familiarity of the Princess. It wasn't that the dress wasn't beautiful. And it wasn't that she didn't want to wear it and show her figure off before the enchanting Princess. It was the opposite. Jade wanted to do all those things and more. She had felt Zelda's eyes on her since the day she arrived in the palace. At the time Jade had thought she was kidding herself to think she warranted the Princesses attentions. But now, with such a lavish gift beneath her fingertips, Jade began to realise Zelda wasn't just being polite during their conversation in the garden. Had she been... Had the Princess actually flirted with her?
Reinvigorated by the potential night of enjoyment escaping her, Jade dressed in the long slippery dress Zelda had left for her. Tied some simple braids into her hair and decorated them with a few small purple flowers, then hurried down to the ball.
After a quick glance around the ballroom in the centre of Hyrule castle, Zelda's heart sank. She hadn't spotted Jade at all. Wearing the dress she had secretly gifted her or not. Her Aunt had entered attended by two other girls, but Jade was nowhere to be seen.
Half an hour later Zelda found herself being spun rather violently around the dance floor, by a noble she had only been introduced to five minutes previously. Just as she felt herself becoming dizzy, a flash of deep purple passed before her eyes. Mercifully the song the musicians were playing came to an end and Zelda stopped spinning.
Link started to approach and her dance partner bowed low before turning away to join a group of other young nobles. Zelda's eyes were already scanning the crowd once more for Jade. She felt Link squeeze her hand. Their prearranged signal for him to ask if she was alright. Zelda smiled sweetly at him and nodded. She had to admit he did look handsome in his royal guards uniform. The dark blue might have matched her dress, but she thought it brought out his eyes rather well. While hers were green and she considered the royal blue a terrible clash.
"I'm alright Link. Thank you. I'm just looking for someone." Zelda replied in a hushed voice.
An instant later she found Jade's face amid the crowd, standing close to a wall near where her mistress was gossiping with a gagle of noble ladies.
"I'm going to talk to someone," Zelda said to Link, as she hurried away.
Link watched as Zelda practically skipped across the room towards the girl he recognised from the gardens the day before. A small smirk found its way to his lips and Link quickly forced it away before turning away and finding a spot from which to observe Zelda from afar.
"You look awfully fetching this evening Miss," Zelda remarked, as she approached Jade leaning against her patch of wall.
"Your highness," Jade said politely, dipping low to curtesy. "I believe I have you to thank for this gorgeous gift."
"I thought it would look good on you and I do believe I was proved right. You look absolutely radiant Jade," Zelda grinned at her own success in having gotten Jade to wear her gift.
Jade flushed a little. She thought she was pretty, but radiant might be a step too far. But if the Princess thought such a thing, perhaps it wasn't far from the truth. She certainly wasn't going to argue.
"Thank you your Highness," Jade sighed, a sweet smile playing on her lips. "I really do appreciate it. And it's certainly more beautiful and well fitted than the dress your Aunt picked out for me. But please don't tell her I said that!" Jade exclaimed quickly. Suddenly afraid her mistress might be within earshot.
Luckily she was nowhere near and Zelda chuckled at Jade's candid remark. Jade enjoyed listening to Zelda laugh. It was a sweet sound like birds in spring. Though she had often heard Zelda could be a somber and cold Princess, that hadn't been Jade's impression of her thus far.
"Would you, would you care to dance with me?" Zelda asked, suddenly unable to meet Jade's gaze.
Surprised by her sudden shift in temperament, Jade held out her hand for Zelds to take and fixed her with a reassuring gaze.
"It would be an honour to dance beside you Zelda," Jade replied.
A little relieved, Zelda took Jade's hand and slowly the pair stepped onto the dance floor together, eyes locked on one another. As the musicians picked up their next tune, Zelda's ears twitched and her steps felt a little lighter. Jade noted the change and grinned.
"I take it this is a favourite of yours?" She asked, stepping forwards to stand face to face with Zelda. She nodded.
"I learnt it when I was young. It was one of the first songs I learnt to dance to and also to play."
"I didn't know you played an instrument," Jade remarked, curious about other things people didn't know about their Princess.
"I don't play in public. Impa taught me to play the harp. She said it might help connect me to other Princesses of the past. I find it brings me comfort when I'm playing alone. My mother used to play. It's one of the few things I remember about her." Zelda enlightened her, shrugging her shoulders a little.
Jade nodded, not wanting to interrupt Zelda's favourite song by talking over it any more. The two women too each others hand and waist, pulling each other a little closer. Their torsos touched and Jade couldn't miss the moment Zelda's eyes flicked down at her cleavage pressed against her own. Unlike Zelda's dress, Jade's had a much lower neckline, while Zelda's covered her all the way to her jaw line. Jade wondered how Zelda might look in something a little more, revealing.
The music began to rise and the other couples began to dance. Jade knew a few dances. She had had them hammered into her as a ladies attendant. Luckily Zelda had chosen a step Jade knew fairly well. Zelda decided to lead as she could feel Jade's hesitance. She assumed it was due to the eyes staring at them from all around the room, her father the King included.
"Everyone's watching us," Jade whispered, after they had spun around the room a few times. Zelda nodded.
"I know. I'm used to their attentions. But if you'd like to stop that's alright," Zelda insisted, feeling the way Jade gripped her hand and tugged on her waist.
"No, I like dancing with you," Jade said a little too quickly. Zelda chuckled.
"I like dancing with you as well. Would you mind if I spun you?" She asked.
Before Jade could answer, Zelda let go of her waist and Jade span away from her. Letting out a small yelp, Jade spun a short way across the dance floor, her hand still gently held in Zelda's. Her dress floated around her like the trumpet of an enormous flower. Jade could feel herself blushing from her cheeks to the tips of her pointed ears. But Zelda was back beside her a moment later. Jade found her embrace an enormous comfort as they continued to dance slowly around the room.
"That's wasn't so bad, was it?" Zelda teased, as she caught Jade's eye.
"I'm going to let it slide because you're a princess," Jade huffed, her face still flushed.
"And if I wasn't a princess?" Zelda asked out of curiosity. Jade stifled a laugh then leaned a little closer so that only Zelda could hear her whisper.
"If you weren't a princess Zelda. There wouldn't be so many people watching us right now. And you wouldn't be so covered up!" Jade uttered.
The hint of playfulness in her voice sent a shiver up Zelda's spine and she came to a stop. Luckily the song had also ended and no one noticed the abrupt stop to their movements. No one but Link that is. He had been watching Zelda and Jade the whole time, trying to guess or lip read what the pair were saying to each other. He had a feeling he knew where this encounter was headed.
Zelda and Jade drew apart a little to applaud the musicians with everyone else. But unlike the other dancers they didn't fade back into the crowd. They remained standing together for a long time. Not noticing or not caring that they were still drawing suspicions glances from the people assembled.
"Would you like to leave?" Zelda asked a little breathlessly. Her leaf green eyes fixed on Jade's.
Jade was continually surprised by Zelda and found she couldn't predict what the Princess was going to do next. What she did know was that she wouldn't be able to survive another dance and she would very much like to leave, so long as Zelda was coming with her. Jade nodded, and Zelda could see the eagerness behind her eyes. With a smile she quickly turned to find Link. Finding him nearby where he always was.
"Can I ask you to do something for me?" She asked, stepping close to him and flashing Link a pleading grin.
He raised an eyebrow at her.
"If my Aunt or Father asks for me for the rest of the night, can you cover for me. Tell him I was tired and wanted to go to bed early. I'll apologise to my Aunt in the morning."
Link continued to stare at her with an expression which seemed to convey the sentiment, 'really?!'
After eyeing the Princess for a moment Link inclined his head towards the double doors of the ballroom. Zelda's pleading expression washed over with gratitude and she squeezed Link's hand.
"Thank you," she breathed.
Link stepped forwards, holding her hand for a moment as he bent to whisper in her ear.
"Make sure you aren't discovered your Highness. I can't cover for you if you aren't careful," Link insisted.
Despite the shock of hearing Link speak and what a rare occasion that was, Zelda took his warning to heart and stepped away casually. She bowed her head to Link and he gave her a low bow, sweaping his berret off his head and holding it to his chest. Zelda thought it was a bit much. Link thought it was appropriate.
Turning back to where Jade was waiting, Zelda tried not to hurry across the room. She grasped the other woman's hand and kept walking towards the doors to the ballroom. Zelda preyed she wasn't drawing too much attention. But even if she was she didn't care. Zelda wanted out of that ballroom and she wanted Jade to come with her.
Just before they left, Zelda spotted her maidservant close to the doors and she beckoned her closer. Jade heard Zelda whisper something to her but didn't make out what it was. A moment later the servant disappeared through a side door and the two women left the ballroom.
After hiking up a few flights of stairs Zelda and Jade emerged onto a large balcony looking over Castle Town and Hyrule Field beyond. Braziers had be lit along the walls and flags fluttered in the orange light. A few stars were visible overhead but clouds had drifted in, obscuring the view.
"I haven't been up here before!" Jade exclaimed, walking over to the banister and leaning over the edge slightly.
In an instant she felt Zelda approach behind her. Jade turned around so they stood face to face. But she didn't have long to register her rurprise before the Princess's lips were on hers. Jade's eyes flew wide open as Zelda's lips crashed into hers. For a moment she was frozen with surprise but slowly her inhibitions relaxed and the warmth of Zelda's embrace coursed through her. Pressed between Zelda and the balcony, Jade had no where to go. Not that she wanted to. The Princess of Hyrule had snuck out of an important ball to be with her. Jade wasn't going to waste a moment of this never-ending luck.
"Mmm, Zelda," she said with a huff, as she tries to draw air into her lungs. Jade didn't want to stop kissing Zelda, but she also needed to breathe.
"I've been wanting to do that all night," Zelda sighed, closing her eyes and touching her fingers to her lips.
"You have?" Jade asked hopefully, as she wrapped her arms around Zelda's middle.
"Uh huh." Zelda nodded, bitting her lower lip. "And now I don't want to stop."
She leaned in for another kiss and this time Jade wasn't so hesitant. After a while their tongues met and Zelda moaned at the feeling of Jade's tongue dancing inside her mouth. She pressed her breasts against Jade's body and relished in the tingling sensation building inside her.
"Zelda," Jade uttered, trying to speak between Zelda's insistant kisses. "Zelda," she said again, more firmly.
"What wrong?" Zelda asked, her eyes filled with hunger for the woman standing before her.
"Nothing's wrong, but don't you think we should find somewhere more private?"
"Oh I hoped you'd say that. But I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable," Zelda sighed, seemingly relieved. "We can go to my chambers. No one will disturb us up there."
A short while later Jade found herself being bustled through the door to Zelda's chamber. It was a large room with an enormous fireplace and a large four poster bed to one side. The rest of the room was a blur as Zelda pulled Jade to one side towards another door. Upon opening it, Jade found a circular room with an enormous bath tub sunken into the centre. The pungent scents of lavender and rose pettles wafted out towards them along with a good amount of steam.
"I asked my maid servant to draw us a bath. That's why we had to take our little detour to the balcony. Would you like to have a bath with me Jade?" Zelda explained a little bashfully.
A smile of surprise and joy wove across Jade's face, as she turned to Zelda and cupped her cheek with her hand.
"Nothing in the world would make me happier Princess," Jade insisted. Touching her forehead to Zelda's before kissing her softly.
Zelda couldn't help but let out a giddy chuckle as she tugged Jade behind her into the bathroom. Closing the door behind them Zelda began to unfasten the belt over her dress, fumbling with eager fingers.
"Here, let me. I know a think or two about dressing royals." Jade insisted, laughing at how Zelda could be so assertive, yet struggled to undress herself.
Begrudgingly Zelda allowed Jade to help remove her dress and her corset. Though it's familiar embrace was quickly replaced by Jade's hands on either side of Zelda's hips. Tugging the princess closer Jade kissed her, pulling Zelda as close as the world would let her.
"Am I having this bath alone ore are you going to join me?" Zelda teased, as she slipped off her stockings and her underwear, now standing fully naked before Jade.
"Um," Jade hesitated, her mind filled with the naked image of a goddess. She shook herself and began to unfasten her own dress. "I'm right behind you, I promise."
Zelda smiled and stepped down into the bath in the middle of the floor. Bubbles and rose pettles drifted away from her as she sent small ripples across the surface. Sinking down to her shoulders Zelda turned and watched while Jade undressed. She allowed the velvet dress to fall away and pool on the floor where it landed with a muffled flump. Jade's hooded eyes caught Zelda watching her, so she made a little more of a show of taking off the rest of her clothes.
She took her time unhooking the front fastenings of her corset before tugging her slip off over her head. Jade kicked off her heals and slipped her underwear down to her ankles before stepping out. Zelda's heart raced watching Jade undress for her. Every moment sent shudders of anticipation racing through her. It was a fantastic extra treat she hadn't expected.
Eventually Jade stepped forwards and dropped into the bath opposite Zelda. The water was hot and the bath was deep enough to stand up in, though there were places one could sit down around the edge. Zelda moved closer to Jade and once again tried to pin her against a wall. But Jade realised what Zelda wanted to do and submerged herself in the water. Disappearing beneath the bubbles, Zelda couldn't see where Jade had gone.
A moment later Jade popped back up through the surface of the water behind Zelda. The Princess gasped as Jade's wet hands snaked around Zelda's body to settle on her chest. With a groan from Zelda, Jade began massaging and squeezing Zelda's breasts. One of Zelda's hands reached back and rested on Jade's wet hair, while the other found her hip.
"How would my Princess like to have her bath? Clean? Or dirty?" Jade hummed in Zelda's ear, giving an extra squeeze to emphasise her last word.
Zelda drew in a shocked breath as she shuddered against the other woman's body.
"That's no choice to offer a princess!" Zelda protested, though she grinned despite her objection.
"I didn't think you wanted me to treat you like a princess. In fact," Jade focused her attention on Zelda's nipples, rolling the perky buds between her fingers and thumbs. "I think that's why you like me. I think you like being treated like a person. A person with needs and desires."
As she spoke Jade stopped playing with one of Zelda's breasts and slowly moved her hand below the water, down Zelda's torso towards her crotch. Zelda shuddered again and tried to turn around, but Jade was stronger then she looked and she was having far too much fun turning Zelda into a puddle in their bath.
Though they both stood in Zelda's bath tub, Jade could feel the difference in wetness as she slid her fingers over Zelda's clit towards her folds. Zelda's breath hitched as Jade started rubbing her middle finger against Zelda's vulva. She grinned as the Princess started to grind herself against Jade's hand and gripped at the wrist playing with her nipple.
"Oh!" Zelda gasped out.
"You didn't give me an answer Zelda. So it's going to be dealers choice. Why don't you go and take a seat on the edge of the tub?" Jade cooed into Zelda's ear, sending more shivers down her spine.
Zelda simply nodded and when Jade released her hold Zelda slowly moved away. With a little effort Zelda pushed herself up out of the water. All the while Jade's eyes were on her ass, watching the water running down Zelda's long golden hair towards her butt. Jade couldn't help but smile as she waded through the water towards Zelda and watched her turn to sit on the edge of the bath.
Jade reached forwards to run her hands up the inside of Zelda's legs. Planting soft kisses as she went, Jade gently pushed Zelda's legs apart. Zelda chuckled to herself and watched eagerly while Jade's hands moved closer and closer to her crotch. Jade pulled Zelda's legs further apart and pressed a thumb into Zelda's clit, making her shriek with the feeling of the sudden stimulation.
"Uh!" Zelda tensed for a moment, but relaxed as Jade began massaging little circles into the sensative bud.
Zelda hummed contentedly to herself while Jade continued to pleasure her clit. Her other fingers slipped easily between her folds and began to slide up and down over her hole. Zelda shuddered and quaked, biting her lip and letting out little gasps of breath. Jade loved every reaction she managed to draw out of Zelda. Every moan and every hitch in her breath. Zelda was her play thing and she was going to enjoy every second she had with her.
Slipping a finger inside Zelda, Jade hooked the digit inside and pushed back and forth. Zelda let out a long laboured groan and her eyelids fluttered for a moment. Jade added another finger, then another, stretching Zelda out to accommodate her soft fingers. The water had wrinkled them slightly but Zelda didn't seem to mind. Jade moved her hand at a steady pace, but the way she was stretching Zelda had her gasping for air. With each little movement Zelda wondered if she might come undone. Jade was doing everything she could to draw Zelda towards her climax, she was close and the ball of tension inside her kept growing and growing. At last, with a forceful thrust from Jade, Zelda came with a shudder that Jade felt up and down her arm.
Jade pulled her sickened fingers out and washed them off in the water. She stared up at the blissed out expression on Zelda's face above her. Her head tipped back, her chest thrust forwards accentuating her breasts. Jade watched in satisfaction as the post high shudders rocked Zelda's body. The Princess leaned back on her arms and let out a long satisfied sigh.
"Oh, oh, I've never cum so fast! Where have you been all my life?" Zelda exclaimed in a breathy voice. Jade chuckled, making little circles on Zelda's thigh with her finger.
"I'm only here to serve your highness," Jade teased.
Zelda leaned forwards and Jade stood on tip toe to reach Zelda's lips. They shared a long kiss before Jade dipped back into the water. As she did so, she eyed Zelda's vulva hungrily.
"Can my Lady take a little more?" Jade asked, a musical note to her voice.
"Hmm, I think I can manage a little more. So long as you allow me to return the favour you at some point."
"Of course," Jade grinned, her eyes hooded as she dropped her head between Zelda's legs.
Once again, words failed Zelda and she let out another cry, as Jade's tongue slid over her folds. Quickly flicking her tongue up and down, Jade pressed her face into Zelda's crotch. The sweet and tangy arhoma of Zelda's body filled her senses. She swirled her tongue around Zelda's hole for a moment before sliding inside. While Jade fucked Zelda with her tongue Zelda couldn't help moving a hand to Jade's head. Her slender fingers tangling up in the woman's hair as she bobbed up and down.
"Fuck! OH Jade! Mmm Fuck!" Was all Zelda could summon to say, while the other woman continued to lap at her entrance.
Zelda's jumbled expressions were all Jade needed to hear. While her tongue continued to slip in and out, she moved a hand towards Zelda's crotch and began to rub her clit in unison.
"Oh Fuck! Oh yes!" Zelda cried out, her voice going up an octave. "Uh, oh, oh, OH!"
Zelda came once more and Jade lapped at the hot sweet cum as it spilled down her chin.
"Good thing we're already in the bath huh?!" Jade asked, a little out of breath as she drew back.
Zelda was no longer sitting upright. She had fallen back onto one elbow, her head dipped down towards her chest. While Jade watched Zelda enjoying her orgasm, she noticed the bath water beginning to cool around her.
"Perhaps we should dry off and get warm. Not that I'm not enjoying our bath," Jade giggled. "But the watter is starting to get cold."
"Of course," Zelda replied in a breathy sigh.
She tucked her feet under her and stood up with some difficulty. Jade watched her carefully, ready to catch Zelda in case she fell back into the tub. A moment later Jade pushed herself up out of the water and joined Zelda by a heated rail on the wall, where large fluffy while towels were hanging waiting for them. Zelda wrapped a towel around Jade's shoulders and gently rubbed her arms and back.
"Mmm, so warm!" Jade hummed.
Zelda smiled as she continued to help Jade to dry off a little. There wasn't much to be done about their wet hair. But neither woman minded too much. Not when Zelda started to guide Jade back into the main chamber towards the enormous bed. She sat down on the edge with a towel wrapped around her chest. As Zelda crossed her legs it fell away slightly exposing her thighs.
"Now, I promised I would return your affections. And I have something you might enjoy trying out." Said Zelda, as she reached down for a drawer in her nightstand beside the bed.
Jade frowned as she watched Zelda pull out an object, an inch and a half in diameter, and 12 inches long.
"Purah and I used some ancient Sheikah tech to build this together. It has a miniature motor inside which emits a steady pulsing rhythm. I've had it for some time now and, believe me when I say it's effects can be extremely... stimulating." Zelda shot Jade a conspiratory smile.
Jade joined her on the bed, sidling close to Zelda and stealing a kiss, as Zelda began explaining far too much technical information about the strange device. Distracted from her explanation their kisses reached fever pitch quickly and the flames ignited by the bath were fanned anew. Jade pulled back to gaze into Zelda’s eyes. She didn’t want this evening to end.
“I believe I promised to return your affections.” Zelda teased, as she pushed Jade onto her back on the bed. Jade was taken by surprise and fell into a fit of giggles, her towel falling from her body.
“Oh Princess are you to ravish me here in your chambers?” Jade mocked light-heartedly.
She still couldn’t quite believe it was real. It all felt like a dream, one she had had several times since arriving in the castle.
“I think I will, but I’ll have to gag you if you don’t keep quiet," Zelda threatened playfully.
Zelda’s tone mocked her official royal tone, but the authority in it had Jade melting beneath her, as Zelda placed kiss after kiss over her collar bone. Moving down her body Zelda placed strategic kisses, teasing Jade relentlessly. Kisses over each breast but only the slightest brush of her lips over her firm nipples. Jade’s back arched to try and entice Zelda to take the bait, but Zelda continued her teasing descent down Jade’s body. Snaking her way down her stomach, Zelda lingered along the top of her pubic area.
“Zelda … please” Jade whispered, barely audibly.
Zelda couldn't resist any longer, she was getting just as excited seeing the affects her teasing was having on Jade. Zelda positioned herself between Jade’s legs and this time making her way up Jade’s thighs she made a beeline for her wet folds. Zelda slowly slid her tongue up and down. Jade's breathing became heavy and laboured as Zelda’s tongue zoned in on the spot that made Jade’s moans louder. Jade’s thighs were stronger than Zelda anticipated for an attendant, but she loved the feel of them pressing her face harder against Jade’s wetness.
With a reluctance Zelda pulled herself away with a gasp. She intended to show Jade something new, and gather extra data on the design of her and Purah’s device. Jade was reeling. She felt like her insides were burning. She wanted Zelda to continue. She wanted her to ride her face. She wanted to fuck Zelda or be fucked by Zelda. She wanted all this and more. She couldn’t think straight. All she knew was that if she didn’t have Zelda that instance she would explode.
Zelda slowly crawled back up to eye level with Jade. “Now that you’re all warmed up, are you up for joining my experiment?”
Zelda pulled the device from behind her, hitting a button on the base. It buzzed and glowed blue as energy seemed to flow through it. Jade was apprehensive, she had never used a device like this one, but she was also incredibly worked up and very much interested in trying the sensations Zelda promised.
“I’m always willing to help the pursuit of science” Jade giggled. Zelda laughed, as she leaned in for a kiss, sloppy and full of passion.
The toy whirred to life in Zelda’s hand, she slowly traced the toy up and down Jade’s wet folds. The device created a low buzzing vibration that Jade had never felt before. It sent sparks of sensations through her body. Jade could only lie back on the bed and hang on as her moans grew louder and louder. Zelda’s hand reached up to fondle one of Jade’s breasts eliciting further gasps and moans of pleasure. Dialling the device up, the vibrations grew more and more intense. Zelda knew from her own experience that this level was particularly good and Jade was clearly also enjoying it. Jade gripped the bed sheets as pleasure filled every part of her body. All her nerves were firing. Zelda knocked the toy up one more setting. Jade’s eyes flew wide as her whole body convulsed. Wave after wave of her orgasm rocked through her.
“ZELDA!” Jade screamed, as she collapsed back onto the bed. Zelda quicky switched off the toy and put it to one side. She carefully laid herself down in Jade’s still twitching arms as she watched the final waves of Jade’s orgasm dissipate.
“So on a scale of 1 – 10 how would you rate your sensations?” Zelda jokingly quizzed Jade.
Jade tried to speak but the incoherent nonsense said more than she could. She resigned herself to a thumbs up, which left both of them in fits of giggles.
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theysies · 5 months
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made a nsft twitter for things tumblr doesnt like, go follow me at theysieee!
reply or dm me with ur twt if u want a follow 😎
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nicejewishsoyboy · 1 year
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Me by photographer Steven Harwick, AKA Bound Leather Zine (@intoguilt)
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poison-uwu · 7 months
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New Artwork 👀✨
I was requested to draw Donna Beneviento in a BodyChain from AintBornTypical sooo… here we go 🙈
This is my first NSFW art piece so… be warned 😅 also NSFW MINORS DNI
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I Hope you like it 🥹❤️🫣
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andrewdundundun · 9 months
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this chain is about to be my entire personality for the foreseeable future
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
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finally my obsession with zoot suits becomes useful
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