redux-iterum · 1 month
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In case you missed yesterday's upload.
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spacecravat · 1 year
joined the r/fountainpens discord and found this
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aha! thank you! definitely an older one i would've recognized anyway haha
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
you can enable/disable blazing on a per post basis
:o you can? this is great knowledge!
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I see it now! they've added a new menu!
thanks for letting me know
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eighthdoctor · 10 months
hello! so I've been following you probably since I got on here in 2013, but I've somehow managed to never really get into the EU (I mean, I did lose interest in dw in like 2015). now I'm finally going to be getting into it, but there's so much. any recs/any to absolutely avoid? I have looked through your blog but there's also a lot.
I'm pretty much interested in absolutely everything lol. and if you don't have the time or whatever, is there anyone else I could ask? thanks 💜 (I also have a decent list (hopefully) from someone on reddit for the VNAs, VMAs, & EDAs, and was looking at your propaganda for a lot of books in the poll. haven't gotten to the audios yet in my list)
-cracks knuckles-
Here is my #1 advice for the DW EU: Pick something that makes you nutty. Focus on that first.
As you have already noticed, there is so much and you will get so overwhelmed. The EU started right at the beginning and has grown exponentially without pause. So which doctor are you most interested in? What sort of story makes your brain vibrate? Do you want more fucked up time travel? More weird aliens? Romance? Porn??? DEEPLY fucked up torture?? Extensive worldbuilding? Canon welding?
For Eight: The audio onboarding points are either Storm Warning (Charley, Main Range) or Blood of the Daleks (Lucie, Eighth Doctor Adventures--which I tend to abbreviate NEDAs to avoid confusion with the books). In theory Dark Eyes was supposed to be another entry point but it hits so much harder if you come from Lucie/the NEDAs.
The best EDA to start with is Vampire Science. In theory this is #2, however #1 is The Eight Doctors which is just bad. All you miss is that Sam sneaks onto the TARDIS while running away from drug dealers who she was trying to snitch on to the police. Start with Vampire Science instead.
For non-Eight: Because everyone else has actual TV runs, their EU is much more fragmentary. All Eight by default takes place between the TV Movie and Rose, whereas, say, Seven's stuff could happen in between (or during) any given serial or after Survival.
The upshot to this is that you tend to be able to pick and choose more readily; there's some EDAs that make no goddamn sense (...end of sentence) without the books before them, but that (imho) doesn't tend to be true to the same extent for other Doctors.
That being said there is a Five/Six/Seven audio arc that I haven't listened to all of, but there's a list of those here.
Does that help?
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pleckthaniel · 11 months
people in britain go "unlike americans we can and should let our cats outside :)" first of all. do you not think cars exist there.
then like. just search the croydon cat killer. enough cats died outside and were scavenged that they thought there was a serial cat killer after them. nope! just fucking dangerous to have cats outside
Britain might be one of the very few places on Earth more completely ecologically devastated than the American Midwest. Coincidentally also 2 of the places where people are most militant about outdoor cats being outdoor (caveat: in my limited experience)
Now that I have a cat I'm even more angry about this because I now actually look at cat forums and advice columns and stuff and. Do you know how often people will just unironically write something like "My cat won't eat and is losing weight, what can I do?? btw he's outside 18 hours a day but its ok because i live 20 full feet from the nearest highway and cats cant walk that far :)" Like straight up, you're not going to find out if you refuse to supervise what he's doing lol. Why even pretend you care about your animal's health if you don't even care enough to do the one thing that's more or less scientifically guaranteed to double their lifespan?
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willowcrowned · 1 year
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childotkw · 1 year
Finally! After reading cs & ybtm in 2018 and then not reading any updates, I'm finally caught up on all of your hp fics, and all of your hp AU's I could find. been planning on doing this for years
I've been watching you go non-stop and I just want to say thank you so much!! It was an insane effort and I'm genuinely touched that you did it - every little ping of a notification with your name on it made me smile! I don't even have the words to really say how much I appreciate it! 🥰🥰🥰🥰💕💕
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inspjavert · 10 months
oh if Spotify tracked longer somewhere only we know would be a lot higher for me. I've been listening to it so much since I watched the lokius fanvid with it lol
sorry i just saw this my app hates giving notifs for asks dhdhdjdj
in sorry the WHAT FANVID 🥺
(it was on mine for ted lasso reasons lmao)
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lemememeringue · 1 year
I washed my weighted blanket in the washing machine and it was fine? I was so surprised. a regular load will sometimes result in the washing machine shaking enough that it moves across the floor, but the weighted blanket? not a problem
God dispatched thousands of angels to gingerly hold your washing machine in place just to be real niceys to you
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clairenatural · 11 months
someone made a post talking about Nov 5th I think, and they were downplaying the relevance of destiel or something? I haven't seen the original post, but have seen a few people talking about it
ohhhhh yeah I've seen people allude to that but not the original post 👀 probably a good thing though I think that sounds messy
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rravenwings · 11 months
is the kitty cat next to me (who is my icon) aware that I love her so so so much
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redux-iterum · 1 month
have you read feline wizards? read the first book with some friends (without any of us having read any of young wizards) and it's really cool how the cats actually feel like cats! they're not just people shaped like cats
LYNX: I have not! One day it shall be put on the table of options for the book club!
DULLARD: It's on the list.
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dilfsisko · 11 months
do you also find the covid virus interesting? I mean, there's so fucking much about it that we don't know about (saying this because I have a really weird looking white patch in my throat from it). almost reminds me of having hfmd and figuring out that pressure/friction/etc led to sores, as I was developing them where I always carried my water bottle
I do find the covid virus interesting! I must admit that my knowledge of it is next to nothing, it's a little too... recent and stressful for me to really dig deep into it but it's such a fascinating little virus
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
The person talking about the kitkats means the wrong way is to bite into the bar without separating the wafers at all, so just biting into more than one at once
I don't think I could make myself not separate the bars. I think it would break me to not break a kitkat
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spell-cleaver · 1 year
the bike helmet discourse seems to be related to what country you're from. like some people from the Netherlands saying that they don't need bike helmets, unlike americans
…huh. Alright.
Very strange.
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pleckthaniel · 2 years
congrats on the pan
Thanks! I got it for meatloaf originally but have been using it exclusively for banana bread ever since because an Instacart person brought me 3 bunches of bananas instead of the requested 3 bananas
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^banana bread in question
I've also had to improvise the recipe due to missing ingredients BOTH TIMES I've made it 😅 but on the bright side, I'm learning a lot about the best ways to make banana bread
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