#questioning is totally ok and perfectly normal
naddiesflower · 1 year
Calling him by his name and not by a term of endearment
another one in the drafts that needed to see the light of day
Characters: Todoroki Shoto and Bakugo Katsuki
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You truly didn't mean to do it
You honestly just straight up forgot one day
You would always greet each other outside of class before school started
Like clockwork, you would give each other a small hug and you would always say “hi baby” or something similar, but you would always call him baby…..except for today
“Morning Shoto,” you pull away from the hug, and he has a frown on his face that looks different from the one he usually has
“You okay?”  
He’s quick to shake it off, “Yeah, come on, we’re going to be late for class.”
You guys were actually early, but you just brush it off as him wanting to be punctual
Shoto really wants to question you
But he doesn’t
Not outwardly at least
He’s thinking, “are they mad at me?”, “Did I do something to make them mad at me??”
He would do everything possible EXCEPT ask you what was wrong
The both of you walk inside the class and Shoto goes to your seat before you do and pulls out your chair for you
You’re surprised, it’s not like he’s never nice to you (though he doesn’t look it, he’s really nice) but you are perfectly capable of doing menial tasks for yourself
So you never expected him to do that, but you appreciated it nevertheless
“Oh, thanks Sho!”
His eyebrows crease
He hums in affirmation and gives a kiss to the top of your head before walking over to his seat
That’s when you know something is wrong
He wasn’t too keen on PDA 
So for him to nonchalantly kiss you on the head in class….was kinda fishy
Shoto can’t concentrate all that well in class now
Poor dude is wracking through his brain as to why you just called him Sho
And now he’s pouting for the entirety of the class
Every time you look over at him he’s like >:/
ngl it’s really cute
You don’t ask Shoto what’s wrong until lunchtime rolls around
You try to
When the lunch bell rings Shoto is like a man on a mission
He beelines toward you
If you hadn’t known what his quirk you would have thought it was super speed
Iida who?
Some of your classmates look at him weird 
This is just the image I get in my head lolol
Shoto: 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️   
But he gets to you in like .5 seconds and he holds his hand out to you
He doesn’t even say anything to you, so you assume he wants to hold your hand
You place your hand in his but he surprises you when he pulls you into a hug
Thankfully everyone had already filed out of the class or else you would have been a burning bundle of embarrassment 
“Call me baby please.”
His mouth was right next to your ear and you could feel his lips move against it 
Your knees would have surely given out had you not come to a conclusion
You hadn’t called him baby the entire day and he was now clearly perturbed about it
There was one thing you really loved about Shoto, it was pretty easy to fluster him
And you see a perfect opportunity open itself up
Grabbing his face between your hands you pull him away from your ear and smush his cheeks together
“Oh my poor baby, I'm so sorry my baaaaby.”
A blush was quickly creeping its way up his neck
Which only encourages you more
Maybe he shouldn’t have reminded you
“Ok that’s enough….”
“But I haven’t called you baby enough times.”
“I’m going to eat by myself.”
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You did call Bakugo terms of endearment like babe, sweetheart, and the one you use the most, honey 
Bakugo claimed to dislike your nicknames, but he secretly really liked them
One day you and Bakugo get into a petty argument
I totally feel like you and he would fight over the smallest shit lmao 
And you’re not hanging around his desk before class like you normally do
You’re at Ashido’s desk obviously ignoring him
Which irks him, but that’s fine, he can ignore you too
But he can’t help but eavesdrop on yalls conversation
because Ashido’s desk is very close and totally not because he wants to hear your voice because he already misses it
“Why aren't you at his desk by the way?”
“Hmm, Bakugo’s?”
Oh this catches his immediate attention
He doesn’t even bother hiding his blatant staring at you from across the room
Since the both of you started dating not once have you called him Bakugo
It’s always been your cute gushy nicknames or variations of his first name
Mina already knows what’s up and wants all the details now 
She’s huddling closer to you, almost practically on top of your desk
But you never get to spill tea because the bell is ringing
But i assure you that Bakugou is giving you a hard side eye
Cuz he still needs to focus in class (he’s still a good student!!)
Lunchtime rolls around and he very discreetly walks next to you
You turn to look at him and just smile at him with your stupid cute face
He’s happy you’re not outright ignoring him
But he was at least expecting a, “c’mon Tsuki, i wanna get a good table!”
He brushes his pinkie against yours hoping you’d get the hint and hold his hand but nope
You pick up your pace and he sees you wrap your hands around Ashido’s arm, the both of you now animatedly talking
He would have found it cute if you weren’t hanging off of Ashido
That should be me by justin bieber starts playing
Bakugo is now internally raging inside at the lunch table
You would normally sit next to him but you're sitting across from him in between Sero and Kirishima
Man’s is literally stabbing into his food
everyone is now staring at his dramatic ass 
buy you're the only one who ends up making a comment about it 
"the food is already dead, i don't think you need to do that Bakugo."
he stops murdering his food 
he's had enough
He stands up forms his seat, goes over to a very confused you
Very gently, takes a hold of your wrist and starts dragging you up to the school’s rooftop
You’re questioning him the entire time
When you finally get to the rooftop Bakugo lets go of your wrist and just kind of stares at you
He’s silent for a couple of minutes looking like he’s going through a mental battle
Until he finally says something
Something that you can barely make out because he’s turned his head away from you and is grumbling
You: https://youtu.be/Y_3vk411ALE
“Bakugo what?”
There you go calling him by his last name again
“I said I’m sorry, don’t make me repeat myself!”
“Sorry for what??”
You can’t be serious
“For our argument this morning, the reason you’re calling me by my last name.”
“I thought you were still mad at me so i wanted to give you space, i forgot about our argument way before school started.”
Bakugo just sighs
He’s too tired to even get frustrated and just wants your attention
So he pulls you into a hug and buries his face into your neck
“Don’t ever do that again.”
You can practically hear the pout in his voice
“I'm sorry honey, i just wanted to give you space.”
“I don’t care about space.”
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rosescarlette · 1 month
Right so zhongli hates sea creatures right?! So how about his s/o turned into a sea creature? How would he react?! Hm?👀
-> Zhongli takes care of the reader.. with a plot twist.
-> Fluff.
Zhongli loves to take care of you. No matter what or how busy it is.. he would always like to take care of you and check up on you.
Until one busy day when he came back from work.. to find his beloved missing. He searched for you everywhere. When he checked your usual spot where you would normally be.. he found something weird.
He stared at the round glass bowl for a good minute. And then he picked it up and then started staring at it again. He still wasn't sure if it was you.
"[Y/N] is it you..?"
He asked while being dumbfounded, flabbergasted, shocked and many more emotions which.. he could not describe all at a time. There was a nice gold fish which minds its own business swimming around.
Zhongli however was shocked. Who did this. Who made his beloved turned into a fish?! Whoever did this was going to pay. He was never the one to like sea creatures. The slimy, weird texture.. and the foul order it has.. he hates them. But now how could he hate his beloved? He would do anything for you.
He would then later clean the fish bowl neatly, buy you a ton of new decorations that would make the bowl environment look nice. When he realized he bought too many that there was no place for in the bowl he would just buy a bigger tank. If even that wasn't enough he would make an entire lake so that just you would be comfortable in your fish form while he finds out how to revert you back.
In the meantime he goes out and buys the decorations and a bigger tank. Then later he would just sit there after assembling everything and worry about how to bring you back to your human form.
He then hears the door bell ring, so he goes to open the door. Surprisingly he finds you outside IN your human form, perfectly fine.
"What? Is there something on my face?"
He then stared back at the fish tank and then at you.
"Zhongli? Are you alright?"
"You.. are.. perfectly fine."
"Excuse me?"
"It's just that.. you know what never mind. As long as you are safe and sound."
"Something tells me something happened here."
"Nothing. Really now please step inside."
You then later went inside to check up on your new pet fish.
"Aw.. you took care of him?? Thanks li. Though.. you didn't have to go too far.."
"Anything for you, my dear."
"Though.. I'd say... Why does it all have my favorite stuff in the tank?"
He took a great pause to tell a lie to you. He desperately did not want you to find out that he totally didn't mistake you for the fish.
"I thought.. that.."
"You thought what?"
"That... It would be nice."
"I does say it looks nice li. Thanks again"
You gave him a peck and went back to open the bag which you had bought along. And then there's another pet fish.
"See? I bought a friend for him just in case he gets lonely."
"Very well. As long as you don't disappear and turn into a fish that's fine with me."
He mumbled that last part to himself.
"As long as I what?"
"Ahem. As long as you're happy and alright with it."
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steddio · 2 years
Steve is used to pushing through pain. Sure, the adrenaline of a life or death moment is one thing but when that fades and all that’s left is stinging cuts and tender swelling and a full-body bone-deep ache there’s no excuse for letting weakness show. Or letting others see the lingering migraines, achey joints, and night terrors that continue to wound his body and psyche even once everything is “back to normal.” Ingrained in him since an unforgiving childhood, Steve’s grit-your-teeth-and-bear-it philosophy has served him perfectly well and he sees nothing wrong with it, thank you very much.
Until he meets Eddie. Eddie who curses, shouts, screams and cries his pain, broadcasting it to those around him with his typical dramatic flair. Eddie whose eyes betray every feeling and emotion, amplified tenfold by the flailing of too-long limbs and gesturing of ring-bedecked fingers. Eddie who sees right through Steve’s facade to the core of his pain.
It starts with Eddie giving Steve an obvious once-over each time he sees him, checking for visible injury, the lasting echo of shared trauma. Steve knows how to navigate this, having faked his way through countless minor sports injuries in order to stay off the bench and in the game. What Steve doesn’t know how to navigate is what comes after. Unlike Steve’s coaches, who accepted his apparent well-being without question, Eddie has an unnerving tendency to locate the exact source of Steve’s discomfort.
“Harrington, are you limping? Cut the shit and sit down over there, I told you not to overwork your bad knee.”
“Ok big boy, pull over. I’m driving and that’s final. Don’t argue with me, you can’t even see straight. Driving with a migraine is definitely worse than my driving, dude.”
“You look like shit, go home, I’ll help Robin close. Yes, yes, I got it, how hard can it be?”
Eventually, and even worse, Eddie moves beyond snarky well-meaning comments to saying nothing but doing everything. Like shooing the younger kids out of Steve’s house when he’s starting to squint against the bright lights and loud conversation. Or grabbing heavy bags from Steve’s hands before he’s even halfway from the car to the door. Or wordlessly turning up the stereo when Steve needs something, anything to drown out the ringing and echoing screaming in his ears.
At first, being seen hurts more than the actual pain. Stripped raw by the casual tenderness, the sheer humanity zinging at newly exposed nerves. Steve doesn’t know how to handle this breakdown of his primary defense mechanism. He tries to keep shrugging Eddie’s concern away, but Eddie is relentless. Eddie “willing to repeat senior year three times rather than drop out” Munson is entirely undeterred by Steve’s patented nonchalance. Despite it all, he keeps caring. And Steve has no choice but to accept the tidal wave that is Eddie’s concern.
It takes a while, for Steve to recalibrate his self-perception. So used to shoving it aside, he has to learn again how to really feel pain. How to acknowledge it, respond to it. How to attend to his own discomfort the way he attends to Robin’s, or Dustin’s, or Max’s.
The first time he cancels plans with the gang because of a migraine he’s overcome by guilt. He’s five seconds away from calling back to say just kidding he is totally fine and would love to drive everyone to the movies when he hears a knock at the door. Before he can even fully open the door, Eddie barges in.
“Harrington! Where are your towels, I brought you drugs, the legal ones don’t worry, go lay down, what are you doing standing there gawking, here swallow this and put this over your head.”
Before he can fully process what’s happening, Steve is manhandled onto his own couch, a cool damp towel over his eyes and forehead, and Eddie is back out the front door shouting that he’ll check in on Steve after the movie ends.
The second time he cancels plans, his bad knee too achey to make the trek out to Dustin’s radio to celebrate his and Suzie’s anniversary, Steve is still guilty, but almost unsurprised when Eddie turns up at his door, rented movie in hand, shouting at Steve to ice and elevate his damn knee already.
After a while, the guilt goes away, replaced by a bone deep security that’s brand new to Steve, a quiet reassurance that it’s okay to put himself first, it doesn’t make him selfish or bad or pathetic or weak or any of the things his dad used to shout at him before he learned to mask himself. Replaced by an overwhelming fondness for Eddie and his exuberant care, the way he wears his feelings like his tattoos, on his bare skin.
After a while, Steve realizes that not all of Eddie’s once overs are checking for pain, sometimes they’re simply for checking him out. And this, this he knows how to handle.
The tenth time Steve cancels plans, he’s waiting at the door for Eddie to arrive. Eddie is all blurred motion and Bambi-eyed concern, looking for Steve’s source of pain. Steve points to his cheek.
“One too many direct hits and my whole face gets achey when the weather changes.”
Eddie turns, no doubt intending to rummage through Steve’s kitchen until he can find ibuprofen, or ice, or anything. Before he can get far, Steve catches his arm and turns Eddie to face him.
“Maybe you can kiss it better?”
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thedreadvampy · 4 months
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What the fuuuuuuck is this though for real?
like this truly nails down so much that I find so offputting about the aesthetics of Netflix Sandman. it's so...put together. all the rough edges sanded off. hair smooth. faces perfectly made up.
and this is the natural end point. so fucking allergic to any kind of roughness or ugliness or disarray that you look at this character
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and think ah yes. this will be best represented by a fully clothed fully made up young woman with neatly styled hair. after all she's fat so that will convey the effect we're looking for of grotesque misery.
the promo image was what first caught my attention because she's literally wearing a full beat, a gown and has perfectly coiffed hair but I thought ok. this is maybe just meant to be an image of the actress. so I want to look for the show image and I think it's actively worse.
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this is just a normal woman dressed normally. you know. to convey total life-killing despair.
and as well as the utter blandness of the Netflix Sandman styling and the way it strips out all the flair and grungy goth-punk crunch from an iconic set of character designs, here's a couple of additional questions
What does styling Despair this way say about the visual meaning that you think "plus-sized woman in casual clothes" carries?
What does shying away from depicting Despair as naked, unkempt and ungroomed say about how we are willing to show women on film?
In the absence of greasy, unwashed, unbrushed and scraped back hair, dirty face, sunken eyes, colourlessness etc, and not squatting naked on the floor, what about this person's appearance other than her weight (and, in the show image, the fact that she isn't dressed to the nines and wearing a full beat) is intended to read as abject?
If she was played by a man, would anything in either styling convey despair, abjection or depression?
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queermania · 2 years
Ok so I have a real question not trying to start discourse or any thing. If Dean knew how he felt about Cas slash knew he liked men why was he always so weird about gay people. I can see a reading where Dean knew how he felt about Cas but not one where he knew he was bi
this is totally a fair question and i don't think there's any one True reading or interpretation of the show/characters so it really just depends on what version of events resonates the most with you. the way the picture makes the most sense to me is that dean is a guy who was raised in the 80s-90s in a hyper-masculine environment with zero stability. i think all of those puzzle pieces slotted into place in his brain in a way that said "sex with men is okay, feelings are not." a furtive hookup with a dude in a seedy bar bathroom is fine. going on a date with a guy is prohibited.
and the thing is that this is kind of true for dean when it comes to women as well. a one night stand is a-okay. falling in love and settling down is not. so, you take that sort of mentality and then apply all the homophobia of growing up in the eighties and the nineties and a life lived out of a car bouncing between truck stops and, well, you get a dean who is absolutely flabbergasted when confronted with the fact that not only are you allowed to want something romantic with a man, you're allowed to say it out loud to other people. you're allowed to have it.
dean wasn't weird about gay people, necessarily. he was weird about people who were able to just be themselves. he didn't know that was an option. also, i don't know about y'all but as a queer person who doesn't necessarily read as queer at a glance, i too get Very Awkward when confronted with another queer person in the wild and it's not because i'm homophobic. it's because oh! new friend! must send telepathic signals that me queer too! my behavior around other queer people in queer spaces does not match my behavior around other queer people in random public spaces. i'm embarrassing and i see that part of myself in dean lol.
and dean being weird about other people making comments about his perceived queerness, to me, is a very normal reaction for a closeted person (or even someone who is selectively and/or quietly out). you can be perfectly at peace with who you are and still not want to be clocked. like???? homophobia is not a thing of the past. dean grew up during the AIDS crisis. he was, what? nineteen years old when matthew sheppard was killed? his reactions to people insinuating he might be anything even close to queer make perfect sense for someone his age, living the life that he did.
also, like, here's the thing: i realized i was queer when i was about eleven and i freaked out about it for about a day and then promptly suppressed the whole thing because of a deeply traumatizing childhood. being queer was the least of my worries and there was never any time to unpack it and deal with it so i just didn't. and then when i was about nineteen i started to have queer sexual/romantic relationships but continued to suppress the fact that EYE was in fact queer because, again, i didn't really have the space to unpack it. it wasn't until i was about twenty-three and surrounded by other queer people (in a platonic way) that i finally felt safe to fully admit to myself and to other people that i was in fact queer. and then i never really did a whole coming out thing. i just... lived my life openly as a queer person and let other people figure it out.
my point in all this is that i feel like my general experience/trajectory lines up really well with how i view dean's. he had a very traumatic upbringing so while he knew he was attracted to men, he had no time or space to deal with it. that didn't stop him from having sex with men, but he never really unpacked what it actually meant. it wasn't until he was older and had openly queer friends that he felt safe enough to fully acknowledge that part of himself. and then.. that was it. he just lived his life as a queer man. like, i feel like we actually watched that happen over the course of the show???
most importantly, i cannot handle any reading where everyone else knows dean is queer but dean does not know himself. i especially loathe the idea that sam Knows and has to explain dean's own sexuality to himself. that is so ugly. dean is a very self-aware person. you could even argue he is perhaps too self-aware at times.
anyway, this is all obviously just a watsonian explanation of dean's relationship to his queerness. it doesn't even touch on the doylist stuff but that's a whole can of worms i'm not really interested in opening on tumblr dot edu right now.
so, yeah. that's my personal reading.
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nightmarerodent · 9 months
The MK headcanons just keep coming
Takeda has a life size Snorlax plushie in his room at the SF base. One day he just found Cassie face down on it after a particularly rough day so he offered her tea and mochi to try and make her feel better. It worked and now it’s a thing that when someone is having a bad day they just lay on the Mental Health Snorlax and wait for Takeda to show up.
Sonya has pretty much adopted Kung Jin as her unofficial son. Don’t ask how this happened, she doesn’t know either, but whenever he’s around her mother instincts just kick in.
Fujin really enjoys hanging out with the Kombat Kids. Their antics are amusing and just not something he gets at the temple with Raiden. He will gladly drop whatever it is he is doing when they ask him to hang out.
Hanzo has a Kirby keychain that Takeda gave him when the boy was nine. He takes it with him on missions as a good luck charm. Only Kuai Liang knows that he does this.
Kung Lao is the prank master of the Shaolin and Kung Jin his greatest student.
There are three mandatory days of rest at the Shirai Ryu. The birthdays of Hanzo’s wife and son and the day of their deaths.
Sereena’s favorite place in all the realms is Disney. It is her life’s goal to go to all of the parks. Johnny pays for a trip for her every Christmas. She is the Demon Disney Princess.
Kung Lao has stolen Liu Kang’s headband a total of 10,587 times.
There are two small figurines of a horse and an ox on a stack of books in the Shirai Ryu library. They cannot be moved. It is an unspoken rule. Years ago Tiny Takeda had placed them there and when questioned he said that the statues were best friends. Moving the books would mean moving the statues which would mean separating the two friends, so there they have stayed for over ten years.
Kuai Liang always heads his letters to his brother with “I hope this letter finds you in a ditch”. Bi-Han’s replies always begin with “I hope you enjoy contact poison”. They have been doing this for years as an inside joke.
Johnny once swapped Bi-Han’s gear for pink hello kitty versions. Yeah, no one knows how he got out of that one alive.
There is only one being in all of Earthrealm that Satoshi fears, and that being is Jacqui Briggs.
Farra and Torr do not pass the mirror test.
Raiden is very confused with why the Kombat Kids keep referring to his brother as “the goat”. He is no farm animal. They should not be disrespecting a god is such a way. Why is Fujin ok with this?
Jacqui has a black and yellow version of her body armor, complete with face mask and Shirai Ryu symbols, and by the Elder Gods is it not the most attractive thing Takeda has ever seen her wear.
Cassie has taught Frost how to make snowmen. Now she will occasionally make a few doing some rather interesting things outside the SF base when the weather is right. (If you’ve read the Calvin and Hobbs comics then you know what to expect).
Hanzo is not overprotective of his sons, thank you very much. His reactions are perfectly normal and healthy. It’s everyone else that is wrong. He’s fine. (He’s not fine).
Cassie and Takeda are very unsure of if they should be counted as siblings or not. The jury is still out.
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randomwriteronline · 2 months
Krakua had survived almost up to the end of November.
This was not as obvious of an outcome as it could have sounded - not because of the kids: they were obnoxious, but his constant noise absorption made them more than tollerable, and besides he would have taken their rockus over total quiet any day.
It's just that between Tahu's very loud instinctual thoughts of mauling him whenever they were in the same room, Kopaka's incredible discomfort almost prompting him to stab him with a pen several times, and a variety of occasions in which his sudden perfectly silent appearance had nearly gotten his head bludgeoned in, everything had implied he would have ended up at least hospitalized once.
So it was nice that it hadn't happened!
There was still December.
But he had slightly higher hopes than on his first day!
Caught up in his thoughts as he was, he nearly smacked directly into someone else.
'Oh! It's Krakua,' he felt.
Oh! It's Pohatu, then, he reasoned in his head still with Pohatu's voice, as it tended to happen whenever he thought something too soon after reading somebody's mind.
He blinked hastily while a waterfall of apologies babbled out of his mouth, the other teacher's soothing voice reassuring him everything was fine with a slight laugh in his voice. With a noticeable lag he comprehended some kind of joke about him "not seeing too well right now" and properly saw first his hands, then his neck, then his mouth, and then the gigantic dark splotch of a bruise stretching somewhere between his left ear and right eyebrow.
Krakua stared for a couple seconds.
"That must have hurt!" he stated a little too enthusiastically, almost jabbing his finger into the offended eye.
Pohatu jerked his head back just in time: "Yeah, a baseball bat to the face will do that," he chuckled. He applied the packet of ice back to his face - so that had been the weird shape the music teacher had vaguely recognized - and shrugged: "You know how kids are."
The image of a recorder flying out the window came to mind: "Hm," the younger man nodded, "They can get pretty wild."
'Thank God Kopaka's got cold enough hands to replace this,' he felt while the other fumbled with the bag with a slight grimace: 'A frozen steak would be more pleasant...'
"How's your boyfriend?" Krakua decided to inquire, since he was already thinking about him and from what he had managed to figure out in his years of somewhat successful social interactions it seemed like a normal subject for some small talk.
His good grade in Normal Person shattered like a thousand years old porcelain vase as Pohatu gave him a strange look: "My who?"
Oh, right!
He had not told him about his boyfriend, who worked here and whom he thought about incessantly!
Any questions regarding him would have been weird for Krakua to ask, since he didn't have that information and lacked any means to find out about it, such as telepathy!
He would have liked to blow up right about now!
"What?" he smiled.
"You said something about my boyfriend?" the other repeated.
"No, I don't think so!" he lied very cheerfully, trying not to sound shrill. "I asked about your friend, Kopaka, the science teacher?"
"You mean my boyfriend?"
"OH is he? I didn't know that!"
"Yeah, he prefers to keep quiet about it."
Ok, he was definitely going to get stabbed with a ballpoint pen now that he had officially acquired the news in an unsuspiscious manner. Goodbye world, it'd be fun until the ink poisoning hit.
Before he could vibrate hard enough to dissipate from reality all together, a door opened onto the hallway.
Vakama turned left and right as if searching for something.
He then raised a cautious finger into the air, looked again at both opposite ends of the corridor, and pointed at the two younger men, asking rather concerned: "Did you hear that?"
Pohatu glanced at Krakua.
'Ominous,' he thought.
Did he hear me?, the other teacher wondered worriedly.
"What do you mean by that, exactly?" Pohatu inquired.
"That sound," Vakama explained, furrowing his brows hard: "It was like twenty trucks in a pile up."
Krakua felt himself sweating.
Pohatu clicked his tongue: "I did not in fact hear that," he replied. "Are you sure that was what it sounded like? Because I don't think that sort of thing would be very easy to miss."
"I am certain, I could hear it from my office," the principal snapped.
'And now the buzzing is back,' he bemoaned to himself as he massaged his temple.
"I do hear a buzzing," Krakua intervened hurriedly to try and mask the actual sound, since it was rising from him even louder with his mounting panic. "A bit from everywhere around the school - various rooms and places and stuff... I, I thought it might've been the lights, you know, but I don't... Really... Know... This stuff..."
To their mutual relief, Vakama gave a long sigh: "Oh, thank goodness you heard that too. I really don't need auditory hallucinations... I'll have Gahdok and Cahdok look into this."
"Neat!" the music teacher squeaked.
Like a mouse.
He took in a big breath, big enough to keep him from focusing on the other two's thoughts as he automatically read their minds.
Then he released it with a big smile: "I'm leaving!" he announced without any fanfare, fully ready to disappear all the way home and slam his head on his drumset, "See you tomorrow!"
'Tomorrow is Saturday,' Pohatu thought.
'Tomorrow is Saturday,' Vakama thought.
TOMORROW IS SATURDAY, Krakua wailed at himself.
"Tomorrow is Saturday," he corrected. "See you the day after that!" then, after a moment, feeling sanity slip out of his ear like a worm on a string: "NOPE, that's Sunday!"
"We got it. Go catch up on that sleep, man," Pohatu reassured him.
Eternally grateful for the easy way out offered, Krakua grinned at him, said way too loud: "Thank you! Bugs bite!" and hurried out of the corridor as fast as he could in the hopes that his failed attempt at saying 'goodnight' would not catch up to him.
The other two watched him vanish behind a corner.
Once they were fairly sure he couldn't hear them, the Toa of Stone clicked his tongue: "Have you had any visions, recently?"
"Just hearing things," the Turaga groaned. "About what, anyways?"
Pohatu shrugged, jostling the now barely cold bag of ice in his hand with the motion, head nodding towards where the newest member of personell had left.
Vakama lifted a brow, somewhere between sarcastic and puzzled.
"You think him an agent of Makuta?"
"I was leaning towards... Toa? Maybe?"
"And why would that be?"
"The rest of us are. And he seems like he's got something weird going on - aside from his whole awkward je-ne-se-quois that makes you feel like you're on a very unpleasant tea cup ride sometimes."
"This school can have average people for a change, you know. Besides, excuse me-" and he tilted his head in a rather baffled expression "-Your metric for how likely a person could be a Toa is how weird and-or off-putting they seem to you?"
The Toa tightened his shoulders, smirking: "Well, would you call any of us distinguished, normal, functioning members of society?"
Vakama pursed his lips, trying to find a comeback or an argument.
In the time it took him not to succeed in his fruitless endeavor, a clacson went off outside.
It then continued to go off.
Looking out the window in the already dark November evening, they both nonetheless caught sight of Krakua sitting at his car, pressing his head hard on the center of the wheel, unmoving.
Much like the Plagues had rolled out remorseless and unstoppable across Egypt, the "bugs bite" had caught up to him.
They observed him for a while as he moved not an inch.
His clacson continued to wail for him.
"Maybe I should go check on him," Pohatu proposed.
"I think that would just kill him, actually." the principal replied.
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ganondoodle · 1 year
ok so i saw a post (not mentioning it here directly bc no hate to the op of it, but im so annoyed by that plotpoint that i gotta rant) about the scene were they undragonfy zelda and it was all like
- no actually the people that are upset that both zelda and link returned fully perfectly intact dont get that it makes so much sense and is so cool actually bc its sonias time power amplified and reverseing both zelda and links arm so that she was never a dragon to begin with (thats why she doesnt retain any of its features) and link never lost his arm and its such a cool callback to when sonia amplified raurus light laser thing and the reason sonia didnt do it earlier is bc ghost cant be everywhere i guess :) -
i talked about this once before so i wont go super into detail but ... yeah that doesnt make that any less unsatisfying imo
aside from it just feeling like a thinly veiled excuse to return everyone to perfect and unblemished status quo more than a 'cool callback' it also annoys me on a game design level bc (as i mentioned in that older post too) why would you not include ANY of the signifiers of the time power when they do it? like the TÖK sound that goes off when you activate it, the world going black and white with that wave animation, and zelda actually transforming back like a reverse tp link wolf thing, ANYTHING? no its just sparkly light beam in ghost dimension town and sparkly poof everyones back :)))
also the implications of that even being possible is just .. making everything even more messy imo like if you can time reverse not just a persons body, or just PART of a body but also a SOUL being lost, over such a long time too.... that raises so many questions, if sonias able to do something like THAT how come she cant send someone back in time bc that tbh sounds way less complicated (on a sidenote is it jsut me or did anyone else feel like sonia talking to zelda -lol i cant help you control your powers you just gotta vibe with it and figure it out yourself bro- was a lead up to zelda .. actually getting control of her suddendly revealed time powers? or was that meant as in oh look she reversed a few weapons once :) bc it felt like it was meant to be she has to find out how to return to her own time USING HER POWERS .. and then its jsut kinda dropped, like so many more things and oh look a dragon :) )
but overall i just .... ok you can find a flimsy excuse for that scene but it still feels ... bad? like oh cool bad guys deaded once again for sure totally this time and everyones back to normal like nothing ever happened and also it even reversed even zeldas memory i guess so she literally cant remember anything and why anything like that was never done before that is bc of reasons(tm)
it just feels so meaningless, sure you can find some wobbly explanation for why something went like that instead of all the other possibilites but its just ... unsatisfying
am i meant to feel whole having returned everythign as if nothing ever happened? bc i just feel empty, especially on top of all the things that left me with such an empty feeling in the game it just puts the cardboard cherry on top of a cardboard cake, pretty to look at but shallow like cardboard and just as tasteless
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camzverse · 4 months
Howdy!! I really like ur spider duo AU, I have some questions!!
1. What are Spider-Van and Spidey's power sets, and do they have any extra special abilities other than their spider powers?
2. How did Vanessa and Gregory first meet? Must have been a chaotic story.
3.  I'll be blunt with this one but, does Gregory have alive parents or is he an orphan/foster kid? 💀💀 also, does he live with Vanessa?
4. Does Cassie know/met Roxanne in person?
5. Bc Roxy doesn't know she's a werewolf bc of memory loss, how does she cope with the massive gaps in her memory when she goes back to normal?
6. What does the media think of Spider-Van and Spidey? Which comes to my personal favorite question, have either of them been cancelled for something stupid?
7. Does Fazcorp want to capture Ness and Greg or do they not care abt them being spider-people?
ok so their powers are mostly the same but there are some discrepanciesss. spider-van doesnt have wall-crawling (since the spider that bit her was an early prototype it lacked that ability) and spidey only got somewhat increased strength rather than super strength. they both have organic webbing, spider sense, increased agility and balance, ykyk. i think thats everything ? also i was thinking of giving spidey the venom strike power (aka miles morales' electricity thing) but idk idk. and as for any other special abilities, cant really think of any.. ^_^;
storytimeee :3 so it happened the day after gregory got bit. so like his powers just kicked in today and he has no idea wtf is happening. and it was on a school day so hell broke loose a bit. anyway he runs out of school bc hes in a. kerfuffle. to say the least. his powers are going haywire hes got various objects stuck to his hands etc yk how it is. so hes walking down the street and unbeknownst to him vanessa (as spider-van rn) is engaged in a fight with some villain. hes waaay too focused and concerned with his own situation to even NOTICE the fight. and like its a pretty big messy fight and at one point van hits the villain and they go crashing down RIGHT at where gregory is. van quickly moves him out of the way (he falls onto the ground though and also the stuff that was stuck to his hands falls off) and is like "woah hey you alright??" and literally as shes finishing her sentence he webs her in the face. Not intentionally. but yeah his powers are still going totally haywire and he accidentally shoots a web RIGHT in her face. he tries to run away bc hes incredibly panicked but she doesnt let him go bc she realizes the material of the web he just flung at her head is identical to that of her webs (prob not a common material so shed recognize it) so shes asking like "how did you do that?" and she kinda grabs his arm bc she assumed he had built some device that can shoot webs like that but thats when they have like a Spidey Sense Thing like in into the spiderverse and she Realizes. more happens after that but yeah thats how they initially met 😋😋
in typical spider-man fashion gregs parents are dead. dead as hell. what shoes they got on in their grave. (/ref) but uhh idk i was thinking he lives with an aunt or smth and id have her die early in the story like how uncle ben dies ykyk. but im not rly solid on that. i just havent thought of a living situation for him in this au that satisfies my brain perfectly.. so take everything i just said with a grain of salt bc its subject to change (except his parents will still be dead that part im solid on)
cassie has met roxanne one time :) she goes to her races a lot but there was one time when she was younger that her dad got like vip tickets or smth that let her actually meet roxy in person
well at first she didnt even notice the gaps in her memory because she had been transforming at nighttime and wouldve been asleep, but soon the transformations started happening earlier and multiple times a day and she was. extremely concerned. about the memory loss. but she was really trying to act as if nothing was wrong bc for all she knew, maybe nothing was wrong . maybe she had just gotten confused. and if something was wrong it could be smth bad for her career or whatever and she did NOT want to risk that so she covered it up/ignored it/hid it yk. she doesnt even know what had happened until she gets apprehended as the "she-wolf" (as shes nicknamed by the press) by spider duo and wakes up in a containment room of a lab that would then try to fix her whole werewolf problem
oh the media LOVES them. or at least the public does. theres still like one newspaper company thats on their asses 24/7 but generally yeah the people are big fans (people actually even sell merch of them in universe its funny. theyve bought some of their own merch too) . and YEAH lmfao they have both been cancelled at least once. spidey moreso than van. like she gets cancelled maybe just one time but hes been cancelled likee 3+ times. its always some crazy ass misunderstanding too like he'll make a harmless goofy comment and people will b like "Oh so he thinks babies should die." like its crazy. or he saves someone and theyre like "what can i do to thank you" and he makes a joke like "can you do my science homework? Lol" and suddenky some rnadom group of parents is trying to cancel him for promoting academic fraud or some shit idk man. but yeah no lmao rvery once in a while some rando starts trying to cancel them. also think it woukd be funny for them to get kinda cancelled like how miles morales did in atsv with like the baby powder or whatever LMAO. its funby. But on a more serious note they technically got cancelled during the glitchtrap/venom arc since they pretty much turned evil and everyone turned on them. took a whiiile to come back from that after ut was over. thats not some stupid silly thing tho so whatevs
at first fazcorp didnt care about capturing or stopping them like at all. they actually cooperated a couple of times before. they were on decent terms. however when freddy shows up things change in the fazcorp-spider duo dynamic.. after freddy goes rogue from fazcorp and is about to be taken down by spider duo, someone from fazcorp shows up to apprehend and take back freddy but van and spidey dont want them to take him back since at this point they know what they built him for and do Not want rhat to continue. so they fight and win but fazcorp is furious theyve interfered with their operations. before they had a 'you dont bother me, i dont bother you, and maybe ill help u too' type of deal but. well that wont work anymore. afterwards fazcorp begins doing things to create more villains and try to take them down. etc etc. so by a later point yeah they do definitely care about capturing them. plus they can study them. but them being spider-people alone wasnt enough for them to try to capture them yk
THANK YOU FOR THE QUESTIONS!!!1!1!1 im so joyous 🤗🤗 i love talking about this au
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utilitycaster · 2 years
absolutely no pressure, but when you have time, would LOVE your thoughts on the Adventuring Academy Dropout posted today with Matt and Brennan - they talk a bit about spotlighting and when it’s important and i would love to hear your take
So, I just watched it because I was not yet in the mood for Neverafter.
I think it was overall a very good discussion, and while I don't think it always comes out perfectly in practice on their respective shows, for the most part I can't fault them on that because that's how D&D goes; a DM plan never survives contact with the players.
I think to hit the high points:
Brennan's point of "we have 6 PCs and 2 hours so everyone gets 20 minutes would be an absurd system" is extremely correct and it's one I think people would be well served by remembering
The discussion of Caduceus, Ricky Matsui, and Orym as characters who explicitly do not have an internal darkness and whose role is by design one of party support (either mechanical or RP) is also a very good one; basically, if a character doesn't have much internal conflict, that's totally cool! Just make sure the player is aware that this will put them in a particular position within the narrative and that they won't usually have a huge big spotlight but will have other crucial opportunities in the story because they don't have that inner turmoil weighing them down. (And of course Matt and Brennan's praise for Taliesin and Zac was extremely well-deserved).
The talk about the Briarwoods arc and also the art devil fight in The Unsleeping City were both excellent, namely, it's ok and even good to have a character who is particularly in focus for an arc - even a long arc - provided other characters still have plenty to do that's not just surrounding the focus character, and also it's normal to have multiple characters in focus. I've said this before about Briarwoods and Pirate arcs but truly, I can name absolutely crucial moments for every single C1 and C2 character present in those arcs.
Brennan's statement of how a good player could diffuse even the most lopsided spotlight is a very worthwhile one. Not to get corporate but some of you have never had to work around a shitty but not actually fireable offense-type manager and it shows.
The final point of table trust and the fact that both the DM and the players should, and indeed must communicate, is key. I think there is an unfortunate mindset that exists in some D&D spaces that you shouldn't have to speak up if things aren't to your liking and REAL FRIENDS NOTICE. This is wrong, and bad, and an undue burden on everyone around you, and frankly assumes that you (or the person you feel is being wronged) is in fact the main character of the universe, and explains a lot of other bad opinions in actual play spaces, but anyway. Speak up! If you feel another player is getting all the time, either because of them or because of how the DM has structured the game, speak up, and as Brennan said, also ask what you can do!
One last personal takeaway, which is that Brennan as a tiny sidebar (in discussing Ricky) mentioned that playing a character who isn't in some way in internal conflict can be difficult, and referenced Superman as an example. I think this is actually the key: to be a truly great player, who builds characters who are genuinely interesting and who can carve out a spotlight in every story, you do either need to understand your character's inner conflict such that you can generate story from that; or you need to be able to look at Superman and understand the inherent conflicts that must have existed to bring him to that point. Honestly, because of the earlier context on worldbuilding and continuity/narrative's importance in good worldbuilding, I had that in mind, and the same applies to character. If your character is tortured, why? If they're not...why? Because if you can't answer those questions there's a reason the spotlight's not on you.
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Hello, its me again, the ‘’long ask anon’’ i should totally stop being na anon, i’m too chatty to only show up once in a while, but being the kind of insane anon that shows up from time to time just to ramble is my true calling.
First off i’d like to thank you for being so sweet, i’m glad you enjoyed my feedback to this degree and took time to answer my questions, i really enjoy knowing your thought process in the creation of this fic and what it might become in the future. Anyway, onto your answer.
I totally agree with you on the importance of wintertime for the group, i think its really a shame how they didn’t show us any of it, though its understandable why they didn’t show us its like, come on, winter is prime apocalypse time, even normal winter is tough as we see in the comics. But here’s the thing, Rick in the comics doesn’t really grapple with Lori’s pregnancy at all like we see Daryl do in this fic, and i think its brilliant, sure everyone else is getting it rough too but reader and Daryl are in a constant state of worry, which makes the joyful moments that much more intimate and special and its portrayed perfectly, i get the sense that in the beginning Daryl deals very well with the negative stuff, but really doesn’t know how to behave during the good times (Like Birdie’s first kick etc.) and yea, that’s the essence of Daryl, a great caretaker, kind of self sabotages tho. Poor guy.
And omg i had no idea babies were capable of that sort of stuff, like recognizing who is who even in the womb?! Kind of amazing, i can barely recognize people through phone calls nowadays lol, and the fact you based it on your own little thumper? Ugh i could die from the cuteness.
And Merle, oh well, i know he hasn’t done anything in the story and i have the sense that he will ( leave birdie alone!!!) but wherever he is i hope he’s getting his ass beat right this instant, excited for him to show up tho! He better not start messing up Daryl’s head!!! Or he’ll suffer the consequences!!! I know our reader would not let it slide. :).
And about Lori, i’m still obsessed with the Lori Reader duo, recently rewatched season 2 which has, so many Lori scenes, So many, and it only makes me like her even more in the BT universe, and you really hit the nail on the head with your interpretation of her, she truly is mainly motivated by fear but strongly adheres to her sense of right and wrong. I also love her offering Daryl advice, the fact that most of the interactions between these two in the show are hostile never sat right with me and i’m glad that she is a trustworthy figure to Daryl, enough for him to take her advice to make our reader feel better. It really is sad that the burden she carries is not the baby (ITS RICK!) and that she tries to seek in others what she can’t have is tragic, but very noble in my opinion.
Carol is our perfect angel, best cheerleader ever, she’s Always there for backup even while she is working through her pain, i imagine her pregnancy wasn’t easy on her (cause Ed) and she wouldn’t want to see any other woman struggle with it, the fact that even in the show she tries to learn from Hershel about medicine to help Lori, and sticks next to her Always, and when Hershel is out of comission starts training her C-section technique thinking of Lori, Carol has Always deserved the world honestly. And she is such a great friend in the fic as well, one thing about her is that she really has the reader’s back no matter what, so sweet.
About chapter 30
After Reading it over and over for like an hour i can say, I’M OBSESSED. Daryl??? So cute??? Omg the fluff had me rotating in my room like a rotisserie chicken , You’ve done it again, It really shows that at this time Daryl is aprehensive, but still so in love with Birdie from moment one, that the first thing he does after making sure everything is ok is to make himself presentable for his daughter,OMGGGG, that he doesn’t really want her to see all of him yet and has to trust that his little Bird will accept him as he is (and she Always will!!) is just peak fluff to me, but also sad that it makes me think that he’s Always been afraid of his father, so much so that he believed it would be the first thing she would feel towards him too. I’m enjoying the hell out of the scenes of them both just hanging out and being cute with her and seeing as Daryl gains more confidence as the chapter progresses, when he realizes Birdie loves him as well, when they both hold onto each other, maybe i’m wrong but in my interpretation that’s when Daryl gained the confidence he needed to think of a name for her (who knows, maybe i’m dead wrong, but that’s how i interpreted his silence) And Carol too, being emotional over Birdie makes me wanna scream, what a bittersweet moment it must have been for her, i just know she’ll be the best aunt ever.
This chapter has really entered a new territory of Daryl’s development in my eyes, now that he is so passionate about birdie, he’s already trying to show service for her and reader in a way, i just know that serving his Family and making sure they are happy will be so good for him in the long term, he’s got it all to be happy now. And i’m eating it up.
Anyway, a Thousand words again who would’ve though, no objective analysis this time, just rambling non-stop, being an overly-chatty anon is my true calling fr.
The fact that some random person out there in the world can write more than a Thousand words about your work must make any author proud tho, so i sincerely hope its the same for you, from what i’ve read through it seems you’ve been having a few Hard days, so i hope to make it even a little better with my feedback and appreciation, better days will come for all of us even if the world is an ugly place right now, we still have beautiful things to look foward to and to keep working towards.
About the fanart i cited in the last text, it does indeed exist. Now it does .      
Since my last ask i’ve challenged myself to have it more or less ready by the time the next chapter was here, and though its not anything impressive i took a little of my day to work on it every day, i hope you enjoy knowing that ( and since copying and pasting a link from any anon is not safe, i recomment pasting it to VirusTotal if you feel the need, and i don't really know if the anon mode just gets rid of them completely, if yes let me know and i'll find another way to get it to you after i get over my embarrassment)
Bye bye <3
Okay! As you saw, I got a little distracted from doing this. Also, if my post affected you negatively in any way, I'd like to apologize to you too. It was in poor taste regardless of my intentions. I am so sorry. I really wish we could have seen more about their survival. What we saw, they were always on foot and barely had food. Well, we will get to that soon. Daryl is scared shitless but there's just that bond that was formed while reader was pregnant. That's his baby girl. And he's already wrapped around that tiny finger. I absolutely cannot WAIT to bring Merle into the mix. It might be a little different as far as timeline but it will be at the prison. So we have a ways to go. But it will be interesting. Oh, the plans I have!
Lori will play a more pivotal role in the next couple of chapters. Daryl is going hunting. Reader is alone with Birdie. "HELP!" I feel like Lori would have gotten along with Daryl if she didn't have so much on her plate and could really see him. Yeah, he could be an asshole but he was hiding behind his walls, deflecting. She just had way too much going on, no time to offer that chance. Well, goddamnit, I'm giving her that chance. I want to delve into the problems with her and Rick a little more too, with reader involved. Daryl is going to be a helicopter parent, absolutely no doubt. I think he will be more in tune with her feelings and how to handle them because he didn't have that growing up. He'll know the cues of anger or sadness. And she's his daughter. -squeal- I can't wait to write more of daddy Daryl and little Birdie.
I'm not sure if you noticed but at first, it was always reader suggesting the names and he stayed quiet other than to say nah. But every time he had Birdie, she had her little bird blanket. However, he's going to give an explanation of her name in the next chapter. He was too damn sleepy in this one, lol. Carol is my warrior queen! Forever and always! There will be a bond there that is unlike any other. Not just because of losing Sophia but because Carol has found best friends in Daryl (well, it's a work in progress, lol ) and reader. So Birdie is a product of two of the most important people in her life. She will absolutely fight tooth and nail, savagely to protect her.
I need to be careful or I'm going to spoil so much! But I love getting the chance to talk about it like this! Just to explore the thought process and where it's headed without too much detail, I hope.
OKAY. THAT ART. OMFG. I screeched, even half asleep! When I woke up properly, I was just in awe. It is SO beautiful and I would love to add it to the series Masterlist and share if you are comfortable with that. I mean I realize the link is right up there but I want it to be seen every single time someone goes to see the chapters. I cannot say thank you enough for that. It is GORGEOUS. Perfect. And captures them so well. My three favorite things are reader with the vest and that belly, Daryl holding onto her leg, and Caryl hovering in the background! But I also LOVE that you included the truck! Everything about it is just perfect. Perfect, perfect, perfect! My heart was just so full. Thank you so much. 🩵🩵🩵🩵
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askfriskandcompany · 1 year
ok, so chara does not acknowledge white chocolate as real chocolate and will get annoyed if anyone calls it chocolate, but how do they feel about other candy that is called something it isn't? Like jelly beans aren't beans but they totally would be my answer if someone asked what my favorite kind of bean was.
I feel like this is a dumb question but im asking it anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jellybeans are made of jelly and shaped like beans. A perfectly normal name. Chara has no problems with them. It’s the same idea as Pop Rocks. They aren’t actually rocks, they’re just rocklike in shape and texture.
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atom-writings · 1 year
Hello!! Can I request France, England and Germany with a s/o who is demissexual (you know, ace spectrum, need deep conection, takes a long time to want sex etc) and haven't had sex yet and feels very insecure?
(France, England, and Germany X Reader) Demisexual S/O!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N sorry this is shorter its very specific. Anyway happy pride month any queer related requests r gonna get fufilled first for a while!!!
Trigger Warning: Mentions of sexual subjects, but no real discussion.
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This is absolutely NO problem for Francis. He is like, the number one boundary respecter. Before he initiates any physical contact, even little things like holding your hand, he asks for your permission. And if you say no, there are no questions asked. He would NEVER ask anything of you that you don’t 100% want.
Once you tell him about your insecurities, he freaks out. His beloved? Feeling bad for doing nothing wrong? No! Not on his watch! Anytime you bring up feeling you missed the time were it was acceptable to have a first time, he’s immediately batting that thought down and insisting that “he’s been around for thousands of years, he knows a little more about acceptable timeframes.” Whenever you feel especially ‘broken,’ he’s there to hold you close and whisper affirming words all night. Your sexuality and your experiences with it say nothing about your character! Feeling safe and comfortable is more important than doing what society expects of you! He loves you no matter what.
He’s totally willing to lay his dignity down on the line to defend you about that too. If someone made fun of you for being a virgin, he is totally willing to shout, “I WAS VIRGIN UNTIL 121 SO IF YOU’RE TEASING ONE OF US, TEASE ME!” which is… embarrassing for the both of you, but it’s better than nothing. Also, anyone trying to say demisexuality is invalid is getting a death glare as he physically moves you away from them.
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Arthur has always had problems with that kind of intimacy, so it’s quite a relief to him that you aren’t super into it. He’s perfectly happy with the way things are now, don’t worry. Take as much time as you need.
He might be a little surprised when you tell him you’re a virgin, but he doesn’t judge you at all! No matter how old you are! It doesn’t change how he sees you in the slightest. If anything, it’s a good thing. It means you haven’t been comfortable doing that and haven’t forced yourself to. Which is great! It’s a little embarrassing, but he’s always been quite… promiscuous… and that’s often gotten him into pretty terrible situations. He’s glad you haven’t had to deal with all that.
Despite the fact that he is godawful at communication, he wouldn’t pressure you into anything you’re uncomfortable with. Even if he doesn’t understand, he won’t say anything about it (well, anything more than an “oh. ok!”)
Also, he’s known plenty of people throughout history that barely had sex. It’s totally normal. Anyone saying that demisexuality is a new concept is dead wrong.
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Personally, I strongly believe that Ludwig is on the asexual spectrum himself! But regardless of whether that exactly is true, he has no problem with a relationship that lacks that aspect. It’s quite hard for him to get comfortable around anyone, so he’ll need as much time as you do anyway.
Seriously, don’t feel bad about still being a virgin. He was a virgin for a long, long time (longer than you’ve been alive, probably) and his life changed very little because of it. It’s always better to be sure you want something rather than just doing it because of social pressure.
Everyone has their timeline <3 Like, he didn’t learn to read until he was like, 20, but would you hold that against him? No. So don’t feel guilty for not experiencing that yet.
He won’t ask you anything about it either. Only if you come to him first asking for it will he ever initiate anything like that. Holding hands and staring deeply into each other's eyes satisfies him perfectly. (He was raised Catholic, cut him a break.)
And if anyone tries to invalidate your sexuality, he can always pull the “I’m hundreds of years old and have been experiencing this kind of thing the whole time. You’re just ignorant” card. He’s very happy to!
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dykeyote · 10 months
ok my dndads queer hc post randomly gets notes but i disagree w many of the takes now so im updating it . spoiler warning theres a WHOLE lot of lezzies . just doing the dads kiddads and teens HOWEVER i will say that mark likely is for sure a lezzer
darryl: bisexual and probably the most cisgender one here but he's actually SO cis that it becomes almost gnc . he/him
ron: transhet guy but he thinks his transition is like very unique to him and everyone else is doing it the exact same as each other so he doesnt really get that hes Transgender bc he thinks everyone else is doing it in a really different way than him all together . not in an angsty way hes perfectly okay w that . he/him
henry: trans bi guy we know this to be true . he/him but if you called him they/them prns he would be like well yknow ive never thought about that before but you know what go right ahead (: he doesnt exactly enjoy it but he appreciates just how gosh-darn nonbinary positive you are that he'd still encourage it
glenn: bisexual and like .... hes cis he doesnt really care abt gender much but when nick came out as trans he definitely said something about like . "dude if i was trans? id totally use they/them pronouns thats sick as fuck" and then moved on and this sort of haunted nick for a while . he/him but again he doesnt really care
jodie: cis and bisexual but in such a boring way that he might as well be straight
sparrow: tgirl lesbian who was out at one point but is not now for Normalcy Reasons . she/her in theory
lark: transneu nonbinary and aroace . not out about either of these things but not really as a like Actively Closeted thing they just dont really think abt it . they/he in theory
terry jr: tgirl lesbian also but this time out AND butch . she/he
grant: gay of course . and like .... he is cis and this wont change but he'd be a good deal happier if he was more gnc i think
nick: tguy butch lesbian . he mostly but he doesnt really care that much
link: kinda-stealth tboy (not really intentionally or anything he just doesnt really see it as relevant that often so most people dk) and gay . he/him but he doesnt really care that much
taylor: honestly idk what i think is going on w his gender but i DO know hes aro and bi . give me some time to think on that ok
scary: out nonbinary tfem lesbian!!!!! we know this!!!!!! she/it and when she writes her pronouns down she always writes the it in VERY BIG AGGRESSIVE HANDWRITING to make it clear that its SUBVERSIVE AND WEIRD
normal: bisexual tgirl . currently in a like . Questioning Phase in s2 i feel like ..... her turmoil abt being a Normal Son is tied to that . any pronouns but she primarily
hermie: bigender (girl + boy) gaybian :3 was an open bisexual tguy originally but around the poison ivy era had some Gender Complexity . he/she but certain Method Personas have diff pronoun leans whereas normal herm is pretty 50/50
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sensei-venus · 2 years
could u mayb write smtg where hawk and demetri find out theire preggers gf is having a baby girl?
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“I'm nervous, are you nervous? My stomach kinda hurts and my head feels all weird- you think that's normals? I know-”
“Dem we are literally in the middle of a doctor's office, no one wants to hear your weird rambling. I don't think Reader wants to hear it either.”
“Wait what? Sorry I wasn't really paying attention.” Reader looked up from where she had been playing with her bump with her hands.
Hawk rolled his eyes as he watched Demetri fight his own thoughts. He had been rambling all morning since they woke up. Talking about weird and strange pregnancy facts, more so than normal. Hawk was just about done with it after being stuck in a car with him on the way to the doctor's office. Reader didn't seem too bothered by it and opted to focus on her new bump.
She was starting to fill out ready. Her bump was pretty big now and was snug in all of her regular shirts. She started wearing Eli’s old sweaters and some of his hoodies for more room.
“I don't think you should be nervous, it's exciting! Today we get to find out what we are having. A boy or a girl! It's fun.” Reader smiled at the goofy nerd. Demetri rubbed at his eyes as he groaned. Why did she always have to be so happy?
“Dude come on, I'm not nervous. We get to find out if we are having a little boy or a little girl. It's something you should be excited about not panicking over.” Hawk rolled his eyes as he put a hand on Reader’s bump. His hand rubbed soft circles into her skin as he grinned down at her.
He quickly took one of Demetri’s hands and placed it on her belly. His long fingers worked on the now tight skin. Feeling her under the thick material of the sweater she had on. Slowly his nerves started to relax and he broke down.
He sighed before saying “Ok I get it your right. I shouldn't be so upset about this....”
“See all better!”
Reader laughed making her belly jolt up.
A nurse said from the doorway of the doctor's office hall, a smile on her lips as she ushered the three back. Both boys jumped up, helping Reader her up and out of her chair. With a light hand on her belly, she got up and followed the nurse back. They walked down a short hallway, the boys following close behind. The nurse sat them in an exam room for saying the doctor would be right in.
Reader climbs up onto the exam table and lays down. Both of the boys stand next to her the whole time.
“So what do you think it is?” Reader says as she lifts her sweater up, exposing her belly. Her bump big and round. Her fingers ghost over her belly button.
“I think it's a boy...”
“No way, I get the feeling it's a girl. Something just keeps telling me that it's a girl.”
Hawk smirks as he talks about his intuition on their baby being a girl. Demetri just raises a brow but lets it go.
“Thought you would want a little boy more, you know so you could train him more or something? Be a little rough?”
“Let’s take a step back, it’s a feeling ok. And yeah having a boy is fine , I like that idea. But having a girl would be nice too, plus who cares if it’s a girl I’m still going to teach her how to be a total badass anyway. Doesn’t matter if she’s a girl or not.” he puffs out his chest. Reader can only giggle at his confidence.
Everyone went quiet when the door opened and the doctor came in.
The doctor was a nice women, she smiled the whole appointment. She asked a few questions, just asking about how the pregnancy was going over all. Any new symptoms, new diet, prenatal care, how she was feeling over all. Reader was honest the whole time. How morning sickness was slowly fading, her feet hurting more, back pains.
She even admitted to the mass amounts of heart burn and how much back acid she had coming up now randomly thought the day. The doctors assured her and the boys that it was perfectly normal.
The talking slowly stopped as they moved on to the more physical part of the checkup. The doctor felt up her belly a bit, her legs and thighs, along with her blood pressure and sugars. Everything was normal so far.
“So I hear this is your ultrasound scan for the sex of the baby. Are you guys excited to find out what your having?”
Reader nodded and the boys gripped her hand.
“Overall we are a little nervous, but we are really excited to find out.”
She smiled at the first time parent’s. She turned on the ultrasound equipment and started getting everything ready for the scan.
“That’s perfectly normal, all parents tend to be a little nervous during sex scans. New and old. I think you will be happy either way.” She smiled as she got the ultrasound gel out and spread it along Readers bump. She hissed for a moment at the cold, shivering a little before it warmed up a bit. That feeling never got old. The doctor took out the wand from the machine and slowly pressed it to her belly. She slowly moved it around the gelled up bump, looking around.
After a few minutes she turned the screen towards the three. She hit a small button and paused the scan. She pointed at the shadow like form that was their baby. Demetri squeezed Reader and Hawk’s hands. He chewed at his bottom lip as he looked at the screen. Haw tried to squint to get a better look at the rough screen. The doctors pressed her finger around the screen.
“So what I’m seeing right now is a healthy well developed, baby girl. Congratulations your having a little girl!”
All three of them had tear filled eyes at this point.
“She’s so tiny…”
“It’s a girl I knew it! Called it!”
“I told you it would be fine.”
Reader smiled as she kissed Demetri’s cheek, his lips stuck in a wide smile as he continued to look at the screen. Reader giggled and squealed, tears welling I her eyes. Hawk fist pounded the air for a quick moment before regaining his composure. He coughed into his free hand saying.
“Told you so.”
“Shut up!”
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uniquely-plural · 3 days
I am pretty sure I'm a traumagenic system (undiagnised because my parents just think im "moody" amd dont belive i have other people in my head) but I have so many questions.
Is it OK that I still think of me as me and my alters as other people? I see alot of people who say "us" and "we" but I feel like I can't speak for them.
Is it normal for, when another alter fronts, me to still see through my eyes and know what's happening, but not ve able to control or stop it? It's like my consciousness is only in the alter I consider "me" and then there are other non-me people in my head, is that weird?
Would it be weird for me to say that at some points I've had conversations with my alter out loud, and it was like i could feel a vertical split in my physical body as to which alter was where? They were sort of like a caretaker whenever I was at my darker points, so they would talk to me and I'd talk back and it allowed for physical contact like hugs, ect, but I've never seen anyone describe something similar
Also, how on earth do people figure out what alter is what? It's like my consciousness (me) is in the front park of a semi truck abd the rest are all in the back so I can't see them but I am really sure that they're there.
I havr so many questions and no one to ask T T sorry if this is too much
It's always okay to ask questions! We can do our best to answer.
There are a lot of frameworks we use to understand plurality, and I don't believe any one of them is inherently superior to another. So when you're asking yourself, 'is this okay?' - I would try to ask yourself, 'does this feel right to me? Does framing things in this way help me function better and be happier?'
One person, just as an example, could have DID and figure out that understanding their alters as completely separate people from him was holding back his trauma recovery. Understanding his alters as part of himself and developing compassion and acceptance for them could be therapeutic.
For another system, knowing they are completely separate people who just happen to share a body is the understanding they need to be respectful towards each other and work together.
So yes, in your case? It's totally okay, normal, and common to feel like your alters are other people and you cannot speak for them. Some people always feel this way, and then some people feel like that at the beginning, but their understanding changes once they get to know their system more, or if they work on improving disordered dissociate barriers.
We can speak as an unit because we have a monoconscious, median system core. In other systems, each member prefers to speak only for themselves. That's also perfectly fine.
As for still seeing through your eyes while another alter fronts, that does sound possible if you have no amnesia barriers and possibly co-fronting, in the sense someone else is fronting as in 'control of the body' while you are still in front as in 'awareness of the outside world'. You could look into possession and possession style switches.
In polyconscious systems, members have their own individual consciousness.
It's not weird to have conversations out loud, if that's what helps you communicate. And that link to the possession entry mentions how it can also be experienced as an alter taking control of part of the body, so it sounds like you might have been in control of one half and your alter was in control of the other one, which makes sense to me. I'm very glad to hear they took care of you.
Not being aware of a lot of information about your alters or system is very common. Developing a better understanding is often a process of trying things and finding what works for your system, and it can vary a lot depending on things like level of internal communication, what barriers are present, etc. This post on Mapping your system could point you towards some possibilities.
I hope you found that helpful, and thank you for sharing your experiences.
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