#quick disclamer!!
zrenxa · 7 months
A Thornless Rose
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“I saw it growing in our backyard despite never having planted roses before, so I want to give it to you, maybe bring it to school?” asked the father tenderly, “Humor, an old man, would you?” Morro only chuckled upon hearing that. She nodded, accepting her father’s request. “Goodbye, Father.” “Be careful, Morro.” Outside, she inspected the rose more carefully. It has already grown but still hasn’t fully bloomed.
Grown but hardly bloom. Never planted in the first place, but still able to grow healthy. How cute…
On the other day, she will overanalyze the strange flower. On another day, she will look at it intensely and try to figure out how the plant can grow despite never being planted. But today, she holds that rose tightly but carefully. Today, she looks at the thornless rose with warm eyes. Today, she accepted that rose fully.
Well!! Look who's decided to post his artwork for the fanfic he's made! Me, the answer is me xD
This Morro artwork is an old artwork that I made back then as a character study!! I turn Morro into a burnt-out gifted child!! It's fun to do and I probably will do another fanfic in the same universe!!
For those who asked!! It's a high school AU (you can say it's just like the Ninjago movie but with some changes) that I made so I can learn how to write and do character studies and trauma dumping if we being honest again! UwU
Well if you interested, you can read my fanfic here!! UwU
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myladysapphire · 1 year
My Lady Strong (I)
Aemond had always been protective of his neice, obssessed even, insiting on keeping her sheltered, and purley his, he never let her stray far and following the incident at Driftmark, Aemma was rarley without Aemond as her shadow. How will the kind, sheltered girl fair in the dance of dragons?
word count: 1,645
CW: childbirth, Aegon being Aegon, Bullying, child abuse, fear of the dark, refrences to torture, loving parents, oc is described to have brown hair, streaked with silver and purple eyes
Fem!oc x Aemond Targeryen (can be read as x reader)
Masterlist | series masterlist | next part
disclamer:  i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and  fire charecters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all charecters are his  except for my OC          
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When Rhaenyra fell pregnant for a second time, she knew it would be different.
For the birth of Jacaerys, her pregnancy was followed with mass celebrations, house Veleryon showering her with gifts, proud that a child with Velaryon blood would sit on the iron throne. But after his birth, the celebrations ceased. Whispers swept through the court, questioning his birth. But after a few months, many came to the agreement it was his grandmother Rhaenys Baratheon’s blood shining through, she once looked more Baratheon than Targeryen and the child was merely taking after her.
But then she fell pregnant again, and though she was once more greeted with celebrations, the court held its breath.
One child born with the Baratheon looks was one thing, genetics was a mystery and it was pure chance he had brown hair and eyes.
But if this child too had the ‘Baratheon looks’ then it would all but confirm the rumours queen Alicent spun.
But that was not why Rhaenyra felt this pregnancy to be different, unlike her first pregnancy, she had different symptoms, morning skinniness, new cravings, and where before she had always had clear skin she was getting pimples and spots. She hoped for a girl, having always wanted a little sister, and now she would have a daughter. She had only ever imagined having girls, and though she was not disappointed at having a boy when the masters spoke of their predictions of it being a girl, she got a little jump in her step.
So, when she went into labour, whilst the court held its breath waiting for the legitimacy of her children to be confirmed, she held her excitement over having a daughter.
The day of her labour was not cheerful, the skies were grey and cloudy and when her contractions began rain fell from the sky, a storm from Stormsend having reached KingsLanding.
With the wind rattling against the windows, and thunder striking down from the sky, the family waiting outside, Viserys pacing the halls. Alicent biting her nails. This labour was tough, though Jacaerys birth had been easy, this had taken double the time his had, her screams, louder than even the storm raging outside. And when it all stopped the family feared the worse.
The young prince Aemond, only eighteen moons old had awoken, screaming insisting he is with his mother. Only to arrive just in time to hear his niece's screams and his eldest sister's laughter.
He rushed into her room, not even allowing time for his father to check on his daughter, before jumping up (as well as a toddler could) and sitting next to his sister insisting on holding his niece. Tired from the labour Rhaenyra agreed.
When her father and Alicent finally entered, they were quick to approach. Alicent caught a glimpse of black hair streaked with silver.
“A girl?” Viserys questioned, smiling down at the babe in Aemonds arms.
Nodding, Rhaenyra smiled “Aemma” she declared, causing a delighted laugh to leave Viserys mouth.
“She looks just like her, the Arryn genes are strong with her it seems, she even has your mother’s eyes.” And she did, Arryn blue eyes, not violet, as she had dreamed, but perfect.
She had attempted to take Aemma back from  Aemond, but he had not let go, simply smiling and babbling to his niece, his Aemma.
As the years went by Aemond continued to stay with Aemma, scarcely letting her stray from his sight, his hand always holding hers. Where one was, the other was always near. Being the only two without a dragon, his never hatching, and her own destroyed along following the storm on the day of her birth, they had the same lessons, with no dragon lessons, they were very rarely apart.
Aemma had grown into a sweet, beautiful, and intelligent girl. Her looks compared to that of her great-grandmother, Daella, alongside her sweet nature. She had an innocence around her, being the middle child and only girl of her mother, her mother wished to preserve the child-like wonder for her daughter, wishing to grant her daughter the childhood of being the heir and the only child of a king stolen from her. Aemond was all too pleased to keep her like this, wanting to preserve her wonder, her need for him. Though book smart, the sheltered life she lived kept her from the real world. She was even protected from rumours, though they still were whispered, all desired to keep her from them.
She was a kind girl and underserving of the cruelty of court, but even that did not protect her from her family. Alicent had always been fond of her, always allowing her near her children, being kind, braiding her hair and even commissioning gifts for her. She was close to Heleana, the pair, whenever Aemond left her alone, often found each other’s company. Aemma was one the few people to share her interest in insects, even going out of her way to collect any that she thought Heleana might enjoy. But Aegon and her brothers were another story. Aegon was a jealous person, envying his niece for the kindness his mother never found him, so he took it out on her.
When Jacaerys let slip Aemma’s fear of the dark, an idea struck him.
The black cells.
Aemma rarely slept alone, with Aemond often sneaking in and sleeping with her, hating the moments apart even when they sleep. When he was sick, they often slept apart, his fear of catching his illness, however little or contagious it was. And her chambers always had candles lit for when she did sleep, a reassurance that whatever lurked in the dark was stopped by the glow of a candle.
Aegon waited for Aemond to fall ill, for a time he knew she would be alone. And snuck into her chambers, her brothers by his side.
It was the dead of night, the boys aged 9 and 6 tired but willing to please their uncle, snuck into her rooms and carried her through the keep down to the third level of black cells.
Being a deep sleeper, she didn’t wake once, not even flinch when Aegon picked her up and then dumped her in the cells.
They had run off giggling, thinking it a brilliant prank, and a way to cure her of her fear, as Aegon put it.
They had thought it would be overcome morning, that she would wake in the dark before finding the door and leaving.
None of them expected her to be locked in there for a week, they did not know the doors were locked and only opened from the outside.
The keep was in disarray searching for her, neither boy spoke up, fear of their punishment keeping them.
Aemond was driving everyone mad, ordering and screaming for her to be found. He was normally a shy quiet boy, unsure of himself. But with his Aemma missing all that was left of him was a madman.
The rest of the keep was in disarray. All guards were on the lookout for the princess, searching high and low. She had completely disappeared, without a trace.
The boys were growing nervous, they couldn’t admit to what had been done and they feared the black cells too much to return and retrieve her.
Aemma had woken in complete darkness, she could even see her hand it was so dark.
She could hear screaming as if they were her own, but she didn’t notice, she didn’t even notice as she crawled forward in her small cell and pounded on the door, begging to be let out. Or as she threw her guts up after hours of screaming and pounding.
She did notice when it all went quiet. When even her screams stopped when the screams of the criminals being tortured turned quiet.
She didn’t know how much time had passed, there was no way to tell day from night.
She slept when she collapsed, her tears lulling her into a tormented sleep, her stomach empty and churning.
She had no food nor water, the dungeon master had no clue she was down here, and no one did.
 Not until a week had passed and Aemond dreamt of the black cells. She had refused to rest till she was found, but collapsing from exhaustion lead to his dream, leading his startling awake, and his racing to the cells. Ser Criston Cole was quick to follow him, though he did not care for the girl he still had a duty as a kingsguard. She was found after three hours of searching, three hours of Aemond shouting and ordering guards to search every cell on every level.
Ser Harwin Strong found her, he and her mother had, like Aemond, not stopped, fearing the worse, had not rested. When he found her she was sitting in the corner, head between her legs, rocking back and forth, tears streaming down her face. She was thin, with chapped lips, her face red and puffed with her never-ending tears.
She screamed when the light poured in, shuffling back into her corner.
“Aemma” Harwin breathed, before alerting the rest of the guard, Aemond came running over, taking her into his arms.
“Aemma” he cooed, taking her hand, she had flinched back from Harwin when he took her hand, but with Aemond she took it, and jumped in his arms, tears falling from her eyes once more. “it’s ok…it’s ok… your safe now” he spoke softly, stroking her hair.
Maesters were quick to attend to her, she was weak and dehydrated. And her mind was still in a panic. She refused to let go of Aemond, using him as a shield when her brothers and Aegon paid her a visit.
She never said who had done it, but her distance and new timid nature around her brothers and uncle was proof enough for Aemond.
But he couldn’t do anything, he was a victim of their bullying. Though they never did something similar or remotely as cruel again, Aemonds crazed state was enough for them to leave Aemma and him alone, at least until the pink dread.
a/n more of an intro chapter, half edited
next part
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This is the official thread for the hunger games! I will be reblogging this post with all the things simulated by the website
Quick disclamer: I am not responsible for what happens to your character in this thread. I do not control how it goes, it's okay to be dissapointed if you get knocked out but remember, be nice to others above all else. Also- the hunger games simulator only has F/M options, I picked the one closest to everyones character, I am sorry for any misgendering that happens because of this, but please be nice I am doing my best.
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idoodlestuffsometimes · 8 months
I initially wanted my take to be accompanied by a funny haha drawing, but I am too busy rn and the brainrot is too strong.
For a long time I tried to understand WHAT makes your version of Belos far scarier than he is in the show. It was so weird but it added to the angsty atmosphere perfectly, making the situation seem more hopeless.
But! Now I have a theory. (Little disclamer: I describe the reasoning through purely subjective lenses and how I came to understand the character from the original show.)
Your Belos is far scarier because he hadn't lost anything. Caleb is right there! Alive and "well". There is no buttons to push to trigger any emotional human response. Your Belos has no tragedy that would be painful enough to make him in any way irrational.
Even the grimwalkers are created with cold calculated reason in mind. They are not the irrational impulse to get his dead brother back. Philip just can't have any possible attachement to the blond boys. He doesn't see them as the extension of Caleb and therefore cant care less if they betray him or not. Pure manipulation of the tool.
Philip wasn't alone for 4 hundred years. He had the "fellow human" by his side the whole time. And that human is also the reason for the whole ordeal. So your Philip would care less about other humans, because he doesnt have this longing for the connection. Cross him? Bam! No mercy, even if you are human.
The same goes with his relation to the human realm. Your Belos wouldnt give a shit that the world has changed. Caleb is with him and that would is enough. Again, no buttons to push!
My mind is a mess, but I hope my points are understantable.
You think my boy is scarier than canon?
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[IMAGE ID: Belos looking smug, saying, "You flatter me..." /End ID]
Ah! Meta discussion in my inbox! I LOVE getting to see how people react to the stuff I make and why. It's half the fun, honestly :) Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts.
For my own part, I would say the tragedy that makes him irrational is his prejudiced upbringing and his stubborn adherance to it no matter what. He was taught to never question or reconsider. The beliefs he absorbed are always, always right, and those who disagree are always wrong or misled or evil.
Even when it's a fellow human. Even when it's Caleb.
What compels me about writing my version of Belos is that he's a version of the character who wants to have his cake and eat it too. Caleb is alive. Caleb is "bewitched." In his beliefs, it would be kinder to kill him. To save his soul. To return him to God.
He doesn't. Perhaps he's more hopeful than he is in canon. Perhaps he's more selfish. Perhaps he just got lucky in a fight that was never intended to end in Caleb's death.
Either way, this is a version of Belos who refuses to take the quick and "merciful" way out. He wants to adhere to his beliefs and keep his brother at the same time, even when it means that Caleb must suffer.
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astroariesblog · 1 year
Disclamer: These observations aren't always accurate. Everything depends on aspects and the whole chart and not just on Sun/Rising sign or one planet in general. I am posting about stuff I saw amongst friends/family/acquaintances.
Pisces Mercury - Every single person that I met with this placement has such a calm and melodic voice. They have very creative minds as well and they can even sing very good.
Aries moon - They can be very quick to anger, can be impulsive but also they are very independent. These are the kind of people to enjoy walks alone, sitting at coffee shops with just themselfs and spending time alone in general. Also they can be stubborn and act like literal children when arguing.
Venus in Virgo - Try to fix this about them or that... They are picky when it comes to choosing their partners that's for sure, but also have a bit of a hard time letting go of things. I know this is a stereotype about Virgo Venus but from what I saw it is somewhat true. They can be very loving and caring for their partners but they are also trying to fix partners behavior that is literally unfixable and even stay in toxic relationships rather then moving on and trying something new.
Libra moon - People pleasers, they don't like to argue and avoid conflicts unless it's necessary. They have large group of friends/acquaintances and can be shy at first when meeting someone new. They are good conversationalists and are diplomatic. Very aesthetic, they like pretty things.
Neptune in 6th house - Possible hypochondriacs (especially if it squares Mercury) getting that blood work done every few months lol. Skin problems like eczema could be an issue for these people. Having problems with daily routine like easily skipping breakfast not eating around the same time etc. Also headphones 24/7 on head listening to music and daydreaming. They like to have pets and have very special connection with them.
Sagittarius Sun with Aries Moon - Pure chaos energy, very fun people to have around. Can be a bit annoying at times. They are always on the move and are good organizers when it comes to traveling and party stuff. Can be childish at times.
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adonisbeloveds · 1 year
Part 2 of Yandere Wally, where the reader discovers that he was the one who brought them to Welcome Home and somehow managed to escape. But the question is: will the other neighbors help the reader?
Yandere Wally Darling with a male reader pt2
-Reader: He/him + Masc implied -He/him for Wally -He/it for Barnaby -She/they/he/it for Julie -They/them for Frank
Requested: No/Yes
Warnings: General yandere stuff, death, blood, angst, knifes. Disclamer: Characters personality, looks, ect may be different from canon due to either hc or author has just forgotten.
A/N: This was really long and I kinda didn't know what was happening at the end but I hope you liked it anyway! I know I had a lot of fun writing it
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^ Made by me
-🍎🔪 You didn't know how long you have been trapped in Home for, and at this point you didn't really care all you really cared about was getting out and back to your world. -🍎🔪 Wally always came to check that you were still there and always came to feed you, he would usally stay for 5-6 hours just talking to you about everything that happened in the neighbourhood and how much he loved you, he even told you that he brought you here from your world just so you can be with him forever. Now if you didn't hate him already you most certainly hate him now. -🍎🔪 You tried to get Wally to free you at any cost but he always denied, telling you it was the safest option to keep you here were he can feed and take care of you. You tried getting Home to free you but they always seemed to tighten its hold on you. "I'll be back soon okay darling? see you soon!" Wally waved goodbye to you as he left and went to wherever he was going, you couldn't care less about what happened to him, you even hoped something bad happened to the puppet that use to be your favourite. You thought about how to leave this forsaken place and your only thought was to some home get Home to let you free, you sighed "Home? please....let me leave...let me leave him, this place, everything! I just want to go back home" you said the last part in a quiet whisper when you suddenly fell face first into the ground.
You quickly stood up after realising what happened and started chanting small 'thank you's' as you opened the door and ran to Julies house, you didn't know why but all you knew is that you needed to leave the area of Home. Once you got to Julies house you startly pounding on the door, Julie opened it with a concerned look on its face "neighbour where have you been? are you okay? quick quick come inside and sit down! i'll get you some water and please tell me what happened" she rushed you in and closed the door, you have never been more thankfull for Julie being here in your whole life. After sometime has passed you finished telling them everything that happened and what Wally did, to say she was surprised was a understatement, he was terrified and quickly called Frank and Barnaby and told them everything. When the two showed up the ran to make sure you were okay, after you calmed them down and saying you were okay they started making a plan to get you out of this neighbourhood at all cost.
Meanwhile Wally just got home and was happy to see his darling, but when he saw you weren't there it was like his whole world just stopped...he went into a fit of anger and panic, did something happen to you? did someone take you? what if you were hurt? did....did Home let you free? he slowly looked up at Home and asked "Home? did you let my darling free?" Home didn't make a creak, a thump, nothing, just silence. That was all Wally needed to know and with that Wally grabbed the first knife he saw and left to find his darling, but before that he turned to Home and stared at it "we will be having a big talk after this"
While you guys were making the plan it was like something happened, something you dreaded, why did he find out so soon? you started panicking, would he hurt the others? would he hurt you? no. no he would never hurt you but that most certainly wasn't the same case for the others, when you stopped panicking with the help of the others you all heard a knock on the door.
Julie rushed you outside the back door and told you to stay and if you hear anything to run to Howdy, you stood still hearing small snip its of Wallys voice asking where you were, telling the others he knew they were lying, and than you heard it....Julies screaming, thumps, Wallys laughter, him calling for you to come out, and thats when you knew you had to run.
You ran, you ran as fast as you could, you ran until you heard him calling you "NEIGHBOUR!! come back darling! you know you can't out hide me! and if you try going to someone else you know what will happen, just come back home with me and Home! nothing bad will happen to you because it wasn't your fault neighbour" you slowly turned around to see Wally slowly walking towards you with blood on his clothing, a knife in his hand, and what seemed to be hearts in his eyes. You hated this, you hated all of this, and you mostly hated him! you tried walking back when you tripped on some chalk that was left out, you looked up to see Wally right above you and you screamed in a fit of panic "LEAVE MY ALONE!"
Everything went silent, confused you open your eyes to see your room, the room you slept in, loved, had all your Welcome Home merch, the same room you were in before you went to that hell. The same room you were watching Welcome Home on the tv, you quickly stood up and turned the tv off, unplugged the tv, threw all your merch out while whispering sorrys to Julie, Barnaby and Frank, all you knew was you were never watching another episode of Welcome Home.
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skyxol · 1 year
Kinktober Collection
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Credit ♡
This is a separate list for Kinktober Masterlists for a better overview and bc I freaking love Kinktober its literally one of my fav writing events!! And a quick warning here pretty much everything will be 18+ so minors pls stay away for ur own sanity. (same here I will gradually keep adding masterlists so be patient pls hehe <3)
Disclamer!!!! None of these belong to me so support the authors!!
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Main Masterlist -->
Kinktober Masterlist / lix-ables
Kinktober Masterlist / skzonthebrain
Kinktober Masterlist / surfinminho
Kinktober Masterlist / in2heartz
Kinktober Masterlist / linopls
Kinktober Masterlist / tasteleeknow, gimmeurtmi, tasteracha
Kinktober Masterlist / cbini, hyunsvung
Kinktober Masterlist / roseykat
Kinktober Masterlist / aerasx
Smutober Masterlist / dreamescapeswriting
Kinktober Masterlist / euphoricfilter
Kinktober Masterlist / lilquokka04
Kinktober Masterlist / chanswhxre
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bellasimos · 9 months
Tea & Confess (18+)
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ɢᴏʀᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇᴍᴜʀᴀ x ᴠ(ᴏᴄ)
You can read it on Ao3 ( x )  Words Counting: 9,291 Warning: Smut, Eventual Smut, My First Smut, oral (giving), Face-Fucking, Vaginal Fingering, Overstimulation, Missionary Position, Confessions, Unprotected Sex, slightly brainwash mentioned, idk what else to add  Summary: After hacking into Arasaka's float in order to reach Hanako, Vaike had alternative ideas to tell her personal problem with Takemura, which only lead to worrisome of regaining some of her memories, one particular that he is holding out hope for her to not forget about him.  Note: A disclamation, English is not my first language but I tried my best to edit and change grammar that makes sense. A little feedback/critique is alright, negative feedback/criticism is not the way to help writers to improve better. Enjoy :) Original was posted on my main but is now move fully here
"V, take the roof!" Exclaimed Takemura via the comm.
On a night mission to hijack the float to one step closer to meeting Hanako. To expose the real truth of who murdered Saboro rather blame a merc thief. Vaike, the real name, is helping out to get the truth out to save her sister and figure out how to save her life from the biochip that is taking possession of Yua's body. The only thing that Vaike has remains her family. As she glanced up at the roof opening in the Arasaka building. Vaike wasted no time in getting there, silent and quick. All thanks to Takemura for teaching her, she jumps twice so that she can sense the air. One more step and she is out, as her hand touches the reel of the roof; using her strength to pull herself out of the inside building. Vaike was met by a cool death at night but the sound of Arasaka's alarm remains. As she sighs, blink her eyes to resume the call with Takemura and Yua.
"It's done."
"Abouuuut time! I was worried that you would get caught!" Said Yua, who was hiding on the opposite side of the building.
Her cheerful voice still seemed the same, Vaike thought of that.
"Excellent job, V. With this, we can approach Hanako without any problem. I will discuss the next part of the plan tomorrow." Takemura explained.
"Alright, you can leave, for now, Yua." Vaike said, rolling her eyes as she already knew where Yua was going after this.
"No question where I'm going or?"
"No, just go. I'll pick you up first thing tomorrow morning, to discuss the plan."
"Huh, weird gesture but alright. I'll see you tomorrow then."
Vakie sighed as the call ended with Yua, things between them have been on and off ever since she got influenced by Night City, the heist mission costing TBug and Jakie’s life over a soulchip that currently is reprogramming inside of her. A loud, clear throat brought her sense back, realizing Takemura is on the other call on the line,
“I’m sorry, I dozed off. What’s the next step?”
“We wait for tomorrow, you’ve done an excellent job today. Do you need an escort back to your apartment?”
It was a long way to go back, a car ride with Takemura ain't a bad idea. Unlikely the last time it happened with Arasaka's troupe chasing them after retrieving Yua.
"Yes, I don't mind a car ride. Where are you at?"
"Opposite the Arasaka building, it's not hard to miss."
"Affirmative." Vaike hung up the call with a single shot.
From the room to the floor, she kneeled with support at the bottom of the boot. Years in training with Arasaka but Goro as her mentor. Taught her every single combat with hand maneuvers from swords to mantis blades. Especially on flexing and controlling the weight of your body in need of stealth missions. She does give her gratitude to Takemura for teaching her but not gratitude to Arasaka. Yua has helped her to see the truth of Arasaka but there is a chain that she cannot break from. Being away from them, they tug more and more until she cannot move on. Vaike is drowned by their corruption, fighting back to not kill her sister whenever the voice scratches her brain. Taunting her, filing false idealism of Yua is using her to destroy the Arasaka corporation.
Vaike shook her thoughts aside, not noticing her body move on its own to reach the other side of the building. Her ruby eyes scan the parking lot for a larger van that he came in from, the very own man itself sitting in the driver seat. Lost in his own world, perhaps plotting out some backup plan in case this one comes to fail. But she knows him, his plan never fails. Vaike carefully walks up to the driver's door, lifting her hand as it contacts against the windows. A couple of touches interrupt his brainstorming as he glances up.
He opened the door and gestured to the opposite door. “I’ll get it for you.”
“I- well thank you.” She gave her gratitude as Takemura opened the door for her.
Vaike hopped in the van while waiting for Takemura to get on and turn on the engine for a long silent ride to her apartment. To which, she stands to correct only half of it. It was a long ride, silence along with little jazz music playing on the radio. Vaike never had an idea of what Takemura's music would be. With a hint of relaxed energy filling in between their space, she lifted her eyes at Takemura, eyes glued on the road while his hands were in two and eight steering wheels. Her eyes trailed to his long, large hand on it, smooth but firmly on it, she continued to trail on his outfit all the way up his jawline. Perfectly structured jawline irresistible to leave kisses on. All the way down to his neck, the Arasaka chrome neckline, is so expensive to obtain a chrome like that. As Vaike continues to trail her eyes from the neck to his top outfit as it can be seen visible as he breathes in it. Her pupil grew slightly at the sight of him.
“What’s on your mind, Vaike?” He mumbles gently as he stops the van from a red light.
She immediately ripped her gaze away from him, trying to put her focus on the window as her face grew embarrassed. “It's nothing, uh, yeah.”
“Cat caught your tongue?” He chuckled as he started to move the van when the light went green. “I knew you were staring at me, V.”
“Oh, I, uh, I’m sorry?”
Takemura shook his head. “I cannot blame you, beauty and looks are meant to be seen. I don’t understand what you see in me.”
Vaike pressed her lip into thin, searching for words to say something. But she’s afraid it’ll come out more embarrassing. “We could discuss it back in my apartment.” She told him, slower and quiet.
Takemura nodded. “Privacy, that's the correct way to discuss.”
The silence crawled between them, reaching to Corpo Plaza Apartment as Takemura parked in front of the entrance. He turned his attention to Vaike, her eyes glancing at him.
“Go, I’ll meet you soon. I must hide the van.”
She nodded while opening the door to hover her leg on the street floor. Closing the door behind Takemura drove off, hiding the van somewhere else. Unknown were but she shook the question's thoughts away. Her sight glanced at the building, black tinted with red on the corner with the Arasaka logo. Surprisingly, none of the employees tried to warn Arasaka about Vaike living in this apartment. Traitors living under their noses sound about right. Vaike chuckled at her thought, for once, she found it funny.
She sighs, it was getting late as per usual, and not even once stepped inside to be in her own comfort space. As Vaike took one step, she felt a weight on her wrist, causing her to turn back but yet to find the Arasaka dog. Goro Takemura.
“My apologies, I took too long to find a place to set my van. Did I make you wait that long?”
His hand was smooth, gentle as she recalled. He wasn’t this gentle before, back when he was her own mentor. No pressure to stop her from walking, just his ghostly-feel-like touch made her stop. And, personally, she wishes he could use those hands on her face, waist, arm, anywhere where her mind lingers more.
She shakes her head. “Not at all, we should go inside.”
He nodded, as his hand slipped off her wrist. The warmth was replaced with a cold feeling, but his hand was secure on her back. Sending shivers down her spine but maintaining a blank expression. Takemura guides her inside, passing by the metal red light security for any false identification. Vaike was clear to go so she waited for Takemura to step in. Surprisingly, he was clear, he thought he was gonna get caught for sure but security in this was awfully strange. Unless Vaike had something to do about it; he hasn’t forgotten about Vaike’s blood relative of her descendants' parents. The couple entered the elevator, and Vaike pressed the button to thirty floors in her room. The bell sounds from the elevator while it slides shut in front of them as it pulls up to their destination. Takemura narrows his eyes and gazes at the young woman standing next to him. Giving a good look at the side profile with that golden chrome on her face. It was indeed in Arasaka 's best interest to keep her up to date, with the latest chrome beauty feature as such. Dare he say, but she was one eye-catching that he ever laid his eyes upon. If he was younger, roughly around the same age as she is, he would simply ask her out.
But how can he, he is not worthy of a date. He’s only Saboro’s bodyguard, he only knows how to obey, do the job and protect. Takemura never fit the idea of being someone else's partner, trusting, loving, and capable of being there for them. He is more of a killer machine working under the greatest and most well-known from Arasaka. Something definitely made him feel when Vaike came into his teaching. He wondered what it would feel like to be once in love with her.
“Are you alright, Takemura? You’ve been awfully quiet during this ride.” Her smooth voice interrupted his furrowed thoughts.
He blinks, looking straight at her. “Oh, um. Yeah, I’m alright. Just thinking about the plan.”
Vaike turned to his attention. “To get straight with Hanako?”
He nodded. “Yes, that is correct.”
“She’ll listen to us, I promise you that Takemura.”
His gaze softened at her promised word, sincerity made his heart beat a skip. Takemura lifts his hand and places it on her back. “Thank you, Vaike.”
Vaike felt a warm feeling on her skin, his hand being touched on her back made her heart skip a beat while she nodded. “You’re welcome.”
Elevators made their stop as the door slid open to be greeted by the hallway where some Arasaka employees were sitting on the sofa and another across this room. As they walked in, Vaike took off her boots as Takemura followed, it was rude to walk around with shoes inside the apartment. He taught her it brings bad luck, and spirit if she believes it. The decoration is fitting for a rich kind with black and red to match Arasaka. But, honestly, Vaike prefers her own kind of taste in decoration. He had seen it, and somehow, he does wonder how come she remembers a little bit about it. The decoration matches a Nomad, freely with your own taste along with your family. It still outstanding him due to the fact she was brainwashed. Guess he will never know. Vaike walked up to her entrance and slipped her security code for it to be open. The door slides open, her attention returning back to Takemura as she enters. Motioning her finger at him, he thought it was more spell-like. The way that this woman has him wrapped around her hand.
“Suit yourself, Takemura, do you want some tea or alcohol?” Vaike asked, making her way to the counter where the tea cup was sitting to make some.
Takemura looked at her and thought about it. Tea sounded like a good idea to settle down some nerves. “Tea sounds pleasant, thank you.”
Vaike nodded, focusing on preparing the tea. Takemura took his welcome to sit down on one of those stools next to the counter, his hand gently rubbing his thighs while waiting patiently for the tea. Taking the opportunity to observe around, the window next to the kitchen is the view from the apartment; he thought about how it would look waking up every morning to look at people walking in the street, how many troubles have passed by while consuming your morning drink. He then looks at the bed to his right, assuming that’s where she rests. If Vaike ever rests, Takemura has secretly readied her health. Barely got any rest ever since she has reunited with her only family alive. It was a concern for him but he never forced her to get rest. Not his position to tell her either way.
He ripped his thoughts aside to return to focusing on the woman in front of him. Setting his cup of tea on the counter table. Vaike has made a set of herself as well.
“Thank you.” He said, bowing his head and taking the cup directly to his mouth.
She smiled warmly, taking a small sip of her tea.
To his surprise, it tasted the same tea that he had drank once. The hint of warmth of his home with a sweet taste hint brings him time when he remembers bits of his family. He furrowed his eyebrows, how did Vaike know his kind taste of tea? It rather shocked him to find out that Vaike knew his personal taste in tea. Perhaps asking wouldn’t hurt so he settled the cup down and glanced at her. Vaike quickly noticed and lowered the cup from her lip.
“It’s everything alright?” She asks.
“The tea was marvelous, Vaike. But how did you know this is my favorite taste of tea?” He raised an eyebrow.
Vaike chuckled, waving her hand in front of him. “I took some studies from that time, reunion with your master, you remember?”
He scrunched his nose a bit. “Was it a personal business reunion?”
“The very one, yes.”
“Well, I’m not sure what to say but, good job.”
She shrugged. “Take it as a way of me repaying you back for teaching me.”
“You seem troubled.” He changed the topic, not being rude. He just felt a little embarrassed but grateful for her for trying to repay him, despite it being his own decision to train her.
Vaike sighs and puts her cup down as her hand holds the edge of the counter table. “It’s nothing, I don’t want to bore you with my problem.”
“Vaike, I’m here to help you. Trust me.” He reassured her as he stretched his hand to her, grasping gently with a force.
“It’s my sister, Yua. I feel-No, I believe she does not trust me. With the truth that I don’t remember anything about my parents; only I know that she is my sister, probably the old me made sure it was protected and secure before the brainwashing.”
He nodded. “I’m sure she trusts you, Vaike. It still feels fresh for her to fully trust you. However, I understand her concern about Arasaka-“
“That as well, since she lost TBug and Jackie in that heist mission. I still truly believe it was Dex's plan to fuck her up. But, I just want her to trust me; I still don’t know how I can approach her to tell her.” Vaike added.
“May I suggest but you deserve to know this as well.” He started. “But you can regain your memories back, however, there will be heavily guarded by Arasaka. Only the Arasaka family can enter.”
Her eyes light up as she grabs his hand, each of her hands holding it. “I can get my memories back?”
“As I said, yes, I’m not sure what would be the downside once you’ve restored your memory back.” He turned his attention to his empty tea cup.
“Huh, what do you mean Takemura?” Vaike took his chin as she guided them back to her face.
Takemura opened his mouth but words couldn’t get out, he was struggling to find the correct sentences to make it make sense. How can he, Takemura is not some attractive and well young look for Vaike, she probably won’t accept to date him. At this stage of his age, that is, still, his heart ached when he thinks in that way. Many possibilities pour into his mind as his voice froze. He cannot simply remain in eye contact with her any longer. It’ll hurt his only Moonlight.
“What I mean, Vaike.” He paused as his hand grabbed her wrist, guiding them to the top surface of the table. He adores the soft touch of her tanned skin, how he wishes to kiss those skin of hers. Worship every inch of her, tell her how goddess she is. Oh, his poor heart is crying.
“Yes Goro?” she lowered her face to look at him once again.
“I’m afraid if you restore your memory, of any chance, you’d forget about me and our moments together. I treasure it with all my heart - I, uh, I wasn’t where I was going with this.”
There was a smile, poking on the corner of her lips. Along with a warm, fuzzy feeling on her cheek. “I don’t think I would lose any precious memories about you, Goro. Is this some kind of confession?”
He was caught by a surprise, eyes grew wider as his face flushed embarrassingly about it. Takemura tried to recollect himself. “More or less.”
Vaike laughed lightly. “That’s really cute of you, Goro. I thought you wouldn’t like me or confess this way.”
“I don’t follow.”
Vaike stood up while his eyes followed her every move. “I’m in love with you, Takemura.”
Her sentences made his heart freeze for a moment, as his eyes lit up with hope and surprise to hear it coming out from her. For years and months, he thought she wouldn’t feel the same way, and share the same feelings for each other. All his emotions flushed in at once, Takemura only thought as it commanded his body. Kicked off the stool with his hand aside from the corner table and pulled her against his body. His lip captured her, and for a couple of seconds, it took her to realize what was going on. Goro Takemura was kissing right in front of her while frowning his brows. No loose attachment as she slipped her hand up from his chest to his shoulder then around his neck, gladly returning the kiss. Just as he exactly pictured it, her lips were soft and craving, with a hint of the tea they both were having with. He ran his tongue across her lips for permission entrance, but she had another idea, denying his permission by taking his bottom lip with her teeth. Takemura let out a groan into the kiss and understood what she was trying to do. He had another idea in his hand. He grabbed some pile of her hair while dipping the back of her head, exposing more skin on her neck. Leaving her swollen lip to trail down his wet kisses to her jawline into her throat. Flustered by his kisses, she rubbed her thighs together. A small mewls slip out from her lip after he gives a small nibble on the sensitive spot area in her neck. His lip curved, focusing on the tender spot with his tongue before sucking the spot. Leaving a wonder of his own mark on it, love bites as he continues to every inch of her neck as he could.
Vaike let out a long, string breath as she shook underneath him. Him being towered on top of her gave him empowerment to dominate her. He hummed while dipping his mouth in her collarbone, guiding his tongue on top of her skin. Feeling her body shudder at his touch once more fills his satisfaction. Yet it allows him to know her body reacts the way she wants to be touched. Takemura let go of her small pile of hair while he ran his hand down to her lower back, slipping his both hands into her rear ass as he pulled her into him. Vaike let out a harmless laugh while holding onto him, carefully taking her away from the kitchen to the bed that was not far. Her body made contact on a soft surface, her head dug into her pillow feeling his warm left on her, hovering on top of her. Eyes filled with lust and love, he wants to take all in and leave none, but Takemura wants to take it slow as well.
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niabang · 10 months
Only Me and You
Continuation of The Summer it Came True
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Next chapter
Chapter 1
Pairing: Bangchan × black female reader named Kel
Summary: You go to Seoul to spend some time with Chan.
Disclamer: this part of the story MIGHT eventually contain smut if I'm moved to. Other stray kids members are mentioned in this chapter.
I recommended reading The Summer it Came True before you read this but it can be read as a stand alone!
More under the cut!
Two years had passed since the man you loved suddenly showed up after 13 years of disappearing, lived with you for one week, just so happened to feel the same way about you and asked you to be his girlfriend.
Whenever you look back at it, it's kind of insane how that happened. You guys had been going strong for two years now. Today was your two year anniversary. You were taking a break from the company to go stay with him in Seoul for a while.
He was on tour the years that had passed, and you were bustling about in the company working on designs, shoots, magazines, and fashion shows.
You both barely had time for each other. The times you guys finally had time to even videocall one of you slept off midway or had to leave to take care of something urgent. You didn't mind, though. You were both hard workers and pretty independent. You both found joy in your work. It was your happy place.
But you both miraculously had a break at the same time. You decided you were going to go to Seoul to spend your break. It would do you some good.
You only ever travelled around for shows and meetings and didn't get to take in any of the new places you visited. You were finally going to experience a new culture, take in new scenery, and rest for a bit. Plus you were spending it with your boyfriend.
Your boyfriend. It still sounded weird to you. The only thing weirder than that was the man you were referring to as your boyfriend. Your boyfriend was Chan. Bangchan as the world knew him. How was it possible that was the man you were dating?
You both had planned to rent an apartment out for a month because spending alone time together with seven other men wasn't ideal. You guys wanted your space.
He was going to pick you up from the airport and take you to the dorms to meet the guys before you both left to the apartment to start your month of relaxation.
You were so excited to see him. The last time you saw him in the physical was when he dropped him at the airport two years ago when he was leaving for Melbourne to see his family. Just the day after, he had asked you to be his girlfriend. Time flew by so fast.
"Just when I thought I was the only man in your life." Cj, your friend said, snapping you out of your thoughts. You were still in the process of packing up some things before you left later today. Your flight was in the afternoon at two
"Oh, shut up. You're talking like you aren't engaged to your girlfriend of three years. By the way, how is Melissa doing?"
"She's doing great, we're almost drowning in wedding plans, and I actually came by to give you this."
He handed you a pastel colored envelope, and inside it was an invitation to their wedding and a letter from Melissa asking you to be one of her bridesmaids.
"Awwn, stop, this is so cute. I'm going to call her once you leave. Thanks for the package delivery guy, you can go."
"What an interesting way to treat your global ambassador and one of the most decorated models in the industry." He said, feigning annoyance
"After all your accolades, I'm still your boss so shoo."
"Okay, whatever you say, boss, go enjoy your holiday with mister Bang. The last thing you guys should be doing is banging, though." You cringed at his awful play on words and threw a flip flop at him.
"Leave!" He laughed to himself and said a quick bye before leaving and shutting the door to your house behind him.
He was so annoying.
You had already left the spare key to the main house, the beach house, and your car with CJ. It was time for you to leave for the airport now. Your flight was at 2 pm, and it was a 10 hour 30 minute flight, but Sydney was two hours ahead of seoul, so you would be arriving in Seoul at around 10 pm.
You were in for a long flight. You ordered an Uber to take you to the airport, and during the ride, you were mostly on the phone with Melissa, CJ's fiancée talking about wedding plans.
You finally got to the airport, and while you were still going through security, you decided to text chan and tell him you were about to board the plane. He replied, telling you he would be there to pick you up when you land.
You sorted your luggage, boarded the plane, and actually slept through the entire flight. It was so peaceful and you hadn't had a good sleep in a while.
The plane landed, and you got off, then went to get your luggage at the terminal. You looked around the huge airport building for chan but no sign of chan. You were about to call him when you felt someone tap your shoulder.
You looked back, and it was your boyfriend. You instantly dropped the bags you were carrying and jumped on him. Embracing him in a tight hug. He laughed when he caught you and placed a kiss on your forehead.
You placed your head on his shoulder, and you guys stayed like that for a while. Your hands were locked round his neck, legs wrapped and his torso, and he had his two hands round your waist. You both didn't care that you were in the midst of people.
"I missed you." He said, placing a peck to your cheek when you had lifted your head that was buried in his neck.
"I missed you too. Happy anniversary." As you said that, he let you down and picked up your bags.
"Let's get going." He led you to where the car was parked and opened the front door for you then he put your luggage in the trunk and went round to the drivers seat to start the car for your drive to the dorms and then to your apartment.
"Your car is really nice." He owned a black G Wagon. You had always found cars of this model cool.
"Thank you. How was your flight?"
"Honestly bro I slept through the whole thing, I only woke up when we were served food." You looked at him while you spoke, and you could see him smiling. The soft night lights were hitting his features just right. He was so handsome. He was yours.
"Why are you laughing? Did I say something funny?" You asked in genuine confusion.
"You called me bro." He said, still smiling.
"Oh sorry princess I don't know what I was thinking." You said to him sarcastically
"You can come down from the car and find your way." He said and actually stopped the car on the side of the road.
"Are you serious right now? Let's go." Cars passed you both by, and their headlights gave you a better view of your boyfriend. He was giving you a long look from the drivers seat. God give you strength this entire month. You didn't want to do anything crazy.
"You're lucky I love you." He said and immediately put the car in gear to continue your drive.
"Thank you for loving me, Mr. Bang."
"You're welcome, Ms. Mitchell." You laughed a bit at you guys' silly jokes and relaxed into your chair.
"I'm kind of scared to meet the guys." You confessed to chan after being quiet for a while.
"Why?" He asked, sounding concerned.
"What if they don't like me? You've been their leader for years, and I just waltz into their lives, taking you away from them."
"They're not children, Kel. They've known about you for two whole years. Plus, they have their own girlfriends, too. You'll be fine."
"Okay." You said feeling reassured.
You were kind of nervous to meet the guys. They were celebrities. You got to know a bit of their personalities through clips on the Internet, but you really didn't know how they truly were.
You kind of forgot that you were sort of a celebrity yourself. You owned one of the biggest brands worldwide. Why were you worried?
"We're here." Chan said, snapping you out of your thoughts. You looked at the building in front of you. It was a standard looking duplex. It was painted grey, and it had a huge front yard.
You got down from the car and chan held you by the waist.
"You ready?" He asked.
"Yeah." He dragged you towards the door with your answer.
He opened the door with his key, and you guys were met with pitch darkness and complete silence. You could only hear the sounds of electronics.
"Han?, Seungmin? Lee know? Felix?" He made out to flip a light switch, and as he did, you were met with a surprise.
"Happy anniversary!" His members popped up from their hiding spots holding a banner, balloons, and a cake. You looked at Chan to see if he was surprised as you were, but he wasn't. He looked like he expected it. The sucker knew all along. He planned it.
You didn't realise when tears started to fall from your eyes.
"No, no, no! Don't cry!" The man you recognised as Felix exclaimed. Chan looked at you and started to laugh while pulling you in for a hug. You were still crying tight in his hold. No one had ever done something like this for you before.
Chan signalled to the boys to leave the living room, and they all went into what you assumed was the kitchen.
Chan cupped your face with both his palms and used his thumbs to wipe your tears.
"Honey, why are you crying?" He was still laughing a bit when he asked.
"It's just... you guys are so nice. You put this all together for me. No one has ever done this for me before." You said still crying a bit.
"Come here." He pressed you back into him and told you to stop crying.
"Let's go meet the guys, okay?" You nodded and followed him into the room they went into, and you were right about it being the kitchen.
When you got into the kitchen, the guys were sitting on chairs around the island.
"Hi everyone." You said with a little wave to them.
"Guys, this is my girlfriend Kelly." Chan said to all of them even though they clearly knew who you were.
"Hi i'm-" You stopped the man who extended his hand towards you for a handshake before he could finish his sentence.
"Wait, don't tell me your names. I want to see if I remember them." You started placing names to faces while pointing at them one by one, and when you were done, they all started clapping.
"Wow, you did so well." Felix said, standing up from his seat to give you a handshake.
"Thank you. Thank you, guys, for the nice surprise."
"No need, it was all the old man's idea. He practically held us at gunpoint." You laughed at seungmin's joke, and Changbin hit him on his head for it.
"I always watch your fashion shows on tv. I love your designs." I.N. said to you
"We're happy to finally meet you. Chan is always talking about you." Changbin said.
"Awwn, thank you, Changbin." His English was the cutest thing you had ever heard.
"You're very beautiful." You couldn't believe that hyunjin the "visual king" was saying that to you.
"Thank you. You guys are all really handsome, too, if I do say so myself."
"Okay, okay, she's my girlfriend. Okay? You guys get your own." Chan said from the corner he had been standing in.
"I'm going upstairs to go get my bags. You guys had better not do anything stupid." As Chan was leaving the kitchen, they all followed him, and you were left in the kitchen with Felix.
"Do you want some cake?" He said to you, pointing at the cake Chan got you guys for your anniversary.
"Yes, please." Felix, cut a slice of cake and put it in a plate for you. He also handed you a fork.
"Do you mind if I have some?" He asked you, and you were stunned at how well mannered he was.
"Oh no, why would I? Please go ahead." He got himself a slice and sat down at the island with you.
"Thank you." You didn't understand why Felix was suddenly thanking you. Was it for the cake?
"For what?" You asked.
"For everything you're doing for Chan. I've not seen him this happy in years. Now I'm not saying he was depressed or something, but he came back different when he came to Melbourne two years ago. He came back brighter, and it's all thanks to you. He said you completed him."
You had no idea what to say after everything Felix just said to you, and thankfully, chan walked in before you had the chance to reply.
The rest of the members came down with him, too.
"We have to go now. It's getting late." Chan announced as he entered the kitchen.
"Okay, I'm coming." You said.
"Felix, when are you leaving with Melinda?" Chan asked him.
"She'll arrive tomorrow, so let's say in two days?" Chan nodded his head at felix's answer, and you assumed Melinda was felix's girlfriend.
As you and chan were leaving to the car Felix ran out with the remainder of your cake saying you forgot it but you told him to keep it since the rest of the boys hadn't had some yet and he adhered to your instructions.
Chan opened the front door for you, put his things in the trunk of the car, and got into the drivers seat. As you guys were driving out of the front yard, the boys were standing at the door waving you guys goodbye, and you rolled down the window to do the same.
"Don't come back!" Seungmin yelled from the door, and changbin hit him on his head again, just like earlier in the kitchen.
Chan was laughing as he drove out of the yard.
"They're all really nice." You said being the first one to speak.
"See. I told you you'd do fine. I don't even know why you were scared in the first place."
"Shhh. Remind me to send some clothes to I.N. later. He said he liked my designs. You didn't even tell me he followed the brand."
"Sorry. It sort of skipped my mind. But it's kind of crazy how someone you met like 16 minutes ago is getting gifts before the actual boyfriend." Here he was again with the teasing.
"Maybe I should just date I.N. instead of you." You said teasing back.
"Then I'd sit back and watch you get arrested." You scoffed at him and told him to shut up.
"Does the apartment look the way it does in the pictures on the site?"
"Pictures don't even do the place justice if we're being honest."
You both were in for a good time this month.
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pocket-ghostie · 6 months
I have been thinking about Ace Attorney So Much lately so here is my ace attorney playlist and which songs are which characters! (I absolutely have thoughts about these songs more in depth... if you wanna hear feel free to send me an ask.... I have been thinking about ace attorney for months now...)
Quick disclamer and warning that I have only played the first three games, and also I have played the first three games so there will be spoilers!
The first three I have because of animatics! (And you should watch them, and if already have, watch them again!!!)
Hero by Faouzia! (Awesome Animatic by Modoo) Phoenix and Edgeworth <3
Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift (Lovely Animatic by delightful mochas) The ace attorney games in general
The Garden by The Crane Wives!!!!!! (Amazing Animatic by Kiwinatorwaffles) Edgeworth <3
Anymore by CircusP/Vocacircus. This is a Godot song for sure!
My Boy by Billie Eilish, Dahlia signing about Feenie
She Doesn't Sleep by Anthony Amorim, is a Dahlia song!!!!! It's So Dahlia <3
One Day by Vocacircus, Mia singing to Godot <3
Can't Stop Me Now by The Score, this is a Edgeworth song but Only the first verse. The rest of the song doesn't fit him, but the first verse sure does.
Breathe by Vocacircus (Cover by nostraightanswer), definitely Godot singing about Dahila no doubt about it! (SUCH a Good Godot song!)
Teeth by 5 seconds of summer, Phoenix singing about his confusion between Iris and Dahlia <3
Someone New by Vocacircus, switches between Phoenix and Edgeworth a lot. Also (I think the bridge?) Dahlia sneeks in there (Phoenix starts singing about Dahlia)
Villain by Stella Jang (english cover by Justine's Mic), absolutely a Dahlia song. Maybe singing to Iris? Could also be singing to Godot, or both.
Monster by Kira... Dahila again <3 for most of the song she is singing to Feenie/phoenix, but the bridge is her signing to Mia.
Golden by The Score is phoenix, probably first game phoenix. It's a very hopeful song, I could see it working for the whole trilogy too.
Ok... that's my phoenix wright playlist <3
Love analyzing music and video games and stories and and and.... <3
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kleefkruid · 9 months
okay maybe a weird question but you're the only other belgian person I know on this site 😭 I'm from a small belgian town but would love to know more about the big cities, and about POC culture within the big cities like Antwerp and Brussels. I'm a writer and have thought about writing belgian poc characters but wish to do so with accuracy and utmost respect. My searches so far have given me nothing, BUT I'm really bad at research. Which is why I'm reaching out to you, I'm wondering if you might have an idea of a starting point or how I could better do my research?
(okay for why doesn't know, a quick 'I am so so white' disclamer, so I' can only refer to other sources :)'m not talking from experience here)
Hi! Id recommend Kif Kif, they're an Antwerp non-profit focused on anti-discrimination and fighting racism, they're pretty much always putting out rescources, from workplace discrimination laws to political commentary to empowerment projects for people of color and they also share a lot of news or protest of other organisations so they're a good source to keep you finger on the pulse of everything
Hand in Hand is also an antidiscrimination platform but as the name suggest they work from the base of having both people of color and white people protest together so they provide more rescources white people can use, like Kif Kif is more self-advocacy and peer-to-peer support, so if you keep track of both you get both rescources you yourself can use and a perspective of people of colors side and the projects they set up internally, so that's a more well rounded view
So that's it for the theory, now the best way to know the culture and the life of people is of course to know the people themselves.
There probably isn't much going on in your town but I'd recommend travelling to a city and see/do some activities with a multicultural audience, spoken word/rap/hiphop shows have the added benefit that people do open up about their lives there, but you also can be more interactive with food kitchen projects, art exhibitions, other projects... Volunteering is a surefire way to get interaction.
And long term, if you have written something or you have put your storyline together it's never a bad idea to have a conversation with a paid advisor who can point out if you're for instance accidentally perpetuating a stereotype, bc how much research we do and how many POC we know we'll never have the entire picture bc we're not living it, and it's better for everyone involved to have someone point this out nicely before you publish than have a negative response later! :)
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hopelessromance21 · 2 years
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥
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ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2,074
It's 5:23 PM. The tv plays faintly in the living room, white noise that falls into the subconscious of those in the room. The small, 2 bedroom apartment is utterly silent aside from this.
On the couch lies a man and his son, both sleeping in comfort with the warmth of the other. Father and son, bearing similar resemblance with their shaggy black hair and charming features, are clothed in their pajamas.
Glenn Close is a 30-something father and husband. His home and life is humble, with the father just starting up his Christmas Cover band; The Glenn Close Trio. Between the Christmas Season, he gets by, working as a DJ for weddings and other events.
He barely begins to stir, shaggy black hair draped over his eyes and obscuring his vision. He’s starting to grow it out, for the so-called “Rocker look” he feels will do well on stage. At the moment, is it in the awkward stages of its growth, but he still sports it well.
Opening his eyes, Glenn raises one hand to brush away his hair, his chest rising and falling in a yawning sigh. On his chest, he feels the small weight stir. His other hand remains on his son’s back; Nicholas, sleeping soundly.
The father and son fell asleep around an hour ago, while enjoying a lazy Sunday watching the Disney channel. Nick rested comfortably on his fathers chest, lulled to sleep by his warmth and the rhythm of his breathing and heartbeat.
Glenn smiles with parental love for his child. Only seven years old, bringing both calm and chaos into Glenn’s life. Filling his life with a love and purpose he never thought he could find.
Feeling the need to awaken his tired limbs, Glenn carefully lifts Nick up— he is a heavy sleeper, always has been— and lays his son on the couch, a pillow under his head.
In his very plain pajamas, simply a band t-shirt and sweats, Glenn raises his arms up in a stretch, groaning quietly at the effort. He sluggishly shuffles to the bathroom down the hall.
He notes the silence of the apartment while he uses the toilet— he knows his wife, Morgan, left an hour and a half ago to run to the store, but he expected her to be back by now. The store is only a 15 minute drive, and she only needed a few things.
Leaving the bathroom, Glenn takes a quick peek across the hall into his shared room. Empty, and silent. He also looks into Nick’s room, just for the sake of looking. Again, nothing.
The man scratches his stomach lazily, stepping out of the short hallway. He crosses the living room, making an effort to keep light-footed, letting his son nap undisturbed. He steps into the kitchen, the space separated from the living room only by the countertop and rickety dining room table.
He finds the remote phone idling where it was last left on the kitchen counter. Picking it up, he dials his wife’s number, the set of digits memorized years ago.
The phone rings in his ear as the call is sent out, and Glenn waits calmly for Morgan to answer. As the sound drones in his ear, he pops open the fridge, peering inside at the meager leftovers. He grabs the little bit of orange juice left, taking a swig from the container.
“Hey, this is Morgan. I can’t get to the phone right now, I’ll call you back when I can. Later!”
Glenn pouts half-heartedly as the recorded voice of his wife answers his call. He glances at the time on the stove as the phone beeps and waits for him to input a message. Nearly 5:30
“Hey babe, uh, I was just wondering where you’re at. Me ‘n Nicky here are missin’ ya. Lemme know when you’re heading home, m‘kay? Love you.”
Satisfied with his message, Glenn hangs up the phone. As he lowers his hand to return the device to the countertop, it rings in his hand, startling him with the abruptness.
He answers, clearing his throat subtly.
“Is this a Mr. Close?”
“Mhm. Who’s this?”
“This is Officer Foster. Mr. Close, I’m calling about your wife, Morgan Close.”
Glenn feels a pit of dread begin to form in his gut. He shrugs it off, swallowing the sudden lump that forms in his throat.
“It’s- its uh, Morgan Freeman-Close, actually…”
“.. Mrs. Freeman-Close was in an accident, Mr. Close… A head-on collision.”
“She was dead on arrival, sir.”
Glenn’s free hand grips the edge of the countertop, his mind dizzy and his legs turning to jelly. His balance wavers, as if someone pulled the ground out from under him. There’s a horrible nausea in his gut, climbing up his chest.
The phone clatters out of his hands, onto the countertop and into the empty sink. He can hear the faint, polite apologies of the Officer. Meaningless condolences as Glenn’s world crashes around him.
She’s dead. She’s dead. He saw her just this morning and now… she’s gone.
Glenn crumbles, leaning over the countertop, throat choked with tears. His hand cradles his face as a sob leaves his mouth, soft and muffled.
“... Daddy?”
The soft, sleepy voice of Nick awakens Glenn from his grief.
Oh God- Nick…
Glenn wipes his eyes that were wet with tears. He swallows hard.
Nick lost his mother. All he had now was… him.
Turning to his son, Glenn forces a smile, looking down at the sleepy boy. He’s clothed in a plain blue pajama set, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with his little fist. His hair, similar to Glenn’s in shade and texture, is messy and laying flat on one side of his head.
Kneeling to be level with his son, Glenn affectionately ruffles Nick’s hair. His son smiles at him and yawns.
“Hey- hey bud,” Glenn speaks with a voice that initially croaks, before he clears his throat to right his vocal chords. “Hey, uh… you want pizza for dinner? Pizza an-and.. ice cream! Yeah, does that sound good?”
Nicholas, unaware of the turmoil his father is silently going through, visibly brightens with excitement at his suggestion. “Yeah! Pizza and ice cream!”
“Alright, yeah!” Glenn inwardly grimaces as he smiles down at his son. “You, uh, put something on to watch, I’ll call for a pizza and… and ask Mrs. Reed to watch you while I run to the convenience store to get the ice cream.”
“Okay!” Nick beams up at his dad, running back to the living room.
Sitting in front of the entertainment system, Nick opens the doors to the multitude of movies inside, picking from the Disney content Glenn had amassed.
In the kitchen, Glenn’s hands shake subtly as he types in the Papa John’s number and orders a pizza. His eyes grow blurred and wet as he slips on his shoes and a jacket. His throat becomes tense and sore with building tears as he knocks on their neighbors door and employs her help.
He keeps it together for the rest of the night. He thanks Mrs. Reed when he returns with two pints of ice cream. He pays the pizza guy with a good tip. He gives Nick dinner, and the two watch Disney movies on the couch. He pretends everything is fine, and watches Nick look around curiously, wondering where Morgan is.
As Glenn puts Nick to bed, his resolve is tested. His son looks up at him with a thoughtful expression as his father puts the storybook away.
“Daddy, where’s Momma?”
Glenn’s movements stutter, sliding the book back into its place on the bookshelf. He glances at Nicholas, mustering a smile that has weakened through the hours.
“She, uh.. she had to go somewhere… she isn’t gonna… u-um..”
Glenn swallows, absently holding Nick’s teddy bear in his hands.
“Let’s uh.. I’ll explain it all tomorrow, okay? I’m beat, and you’ve got school tomorrow.”
Nick stares up at his dad, his head sinking into the softness of his pillow. He nods, beginning to suspect everything isn’t as good as Glenn tries to make it seem.
Glenn smiles down at him, passing his hand over the curls of hair that fall over Nick’s forehead. “Okay, g’night buddy.”
Leaning down, Glenn presses a kiss to Nick’s forehead. Nick wraps his small arms around Glenn’s neck in a brief hug.
“Night Daddy.”
Standing up, Glenn places Nick’s bear next to him on the bed. He silently walks to the door, switching off the light. Nick’s night-light gives off a soft glow beside his bed.
The apartment is silent again. This time, the absence of noise is suffocating; surrounding Glenn, choking him.
He steps away from Nick’s door, left open just a crack by his preference. The father takes the three steps it takes to cross the hallway to his door. He shuts his door, remaining in the dark of his room.
It’s messy, in the space he and Morgan inhabited. Clothes tossed here and there, the bed unkempt. Morgan mentioned cleaning up that morning. Glenn forgot to.
This room was once warm and inviting to Glenn; now, it's bathed in a somber grief. It only invites pain.
The man crosses his room, pausing at a pile of clothes. He stoops down, picking up one of Morgan’s shirts— initially his, but she stole it so often it became hers.
Holding the shirt in his hands, Glenn sits on the bed, on her side. He holds the shirt to his face, taking in a breath— smelling her so clearly, as if he was holding her in his arms.
A single sob shakes his body. It rips out of his throat, as silent as it is. And from one, a second and third erupt forth, until he is sobbing without stop into her shirt. Tears fall from his eyes, turning the black fabric a shade darker from the moisture. He cries desperately, grieving violently.
His choked and muffled cries bring his body to collapse and crumble in his bed. He feels the softness of their pillows under his head, smells everything so familiar and so agonizing. Wafts of her shampoo. Notes of her perfume. The lingering musk of the last bowl they smoked.
His mind wanders back. Back to the previous night. How they laid together, warm, content. Cuddling, their room smoky and musky. How they talked about their dreams, about the bigger picture. About how much they loved Nicky, how much they loved each other. How it turned into kissing and giggling, whispering “shh”, and “don’t wake Nick up”...
And that morning, laying together, chest to back. How he woke her up with playful kisses on her shoulder and neck, and ran his fingers over her ribs to make her laugh and giggle.
How he traced her tattoos and mumbled soft things to her. Mumbled her praise and his gratitude. Marveled over the life he has, married to a woman that showed him compassion and love, scolded him and taught him how to be something more than he was raised. Showed him he could be a good father. Better than the shitbag he had.
And how that was all gone.
That night, Glenn Close grieved heavily. He fell asleep in tears, his last thoughts of tomorrow. Of having to sit down Nicholas and explain to him how his Mommy is never coming home.
Explaining that, in several week’s time, they would have to dress solemn and black, and stand in a field blemished with grey tombstones and watch a coffin be lowered into the earth.
Sending him to school with that knowledge. Going through the day himself, with that knowledge.
Knowing Glenn will do his best, and his best will be lacking in every way. Knowing he will fall back into old habits while trying to keep things together. Knowing as he begins to look strangely reminiscent, his habits will grow hauntingly reminiscent, and his actions will be shadowed with similarity.
Knowing while he may never fail to kiss his son on the head and tell him he loves him, he will fail to comfort him in the right ways, as he has always struggled with. He will hesitate and ultimately avoid addressing the problem, and go on pretending everything will be alright.
Knowing, for certain, in 10 years time, or sooner, he will hate himself, and who he sees in the mirror.
And won’t be alright.
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emocloud-yaoi · 6 months
this blog is kinda for the purpose of archiving, maybe even interaction?
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Pretty sure this is gonna be a blog dedicated to these 2 freaks ^__^
info drop real quick: that other mf's name is Dies Irae!!! they use they/them pronouns :3c
I don't see myself interacting with anyone, or assuming anyone would be interested in my shameless self indulgence of an oc, but if you do like my content then that just makes my day ^__^
info drop 2!!!: this oc was my coping mechanism when I was younger and weather was my only comfort character when I was really depressed, so pls don't be mean to me 😭
and like I said this is probably for archiving, even including artworks from 2022. my art back then may not be the best, so please don't be mean if some of the things I post look god awful (Irae's lore and design changed overtime as well sooo)
Boundaries and disclamers‼️‼️‼️
if you don't like my oc x canon content, it's fine! I don't have a problem with other ships involving weather, but I do have a problem with being harassed for what I enjoy. just click away from this page and pls don't harass me for the shit I post </3
Irae is like 34 and I'd be uncomfy af if anyone were to portray them as really young, the 2 met when they were like in their 30's which are both consenting adults!!
Fanart is appreciated!! just pls no nsfw fanart/comments. that would make me uncomfy (like really red flag interpretations)
there might be some suggestive implications in some of my content, but even so the thing above still stands. I don't really like drawing nsfw and the most I could do is dialogue in the form of a shitpost?? I do make sure to tag it though
please don't comment weird shit about any of the characters involved in my posts I'd cry </3
Questions about my ocs and stuff are very much appreciated!!! I like talking about my lore :3
I don't think I'll post often, I often forget about social media. I'm also kinda new to tumblr I dunno if people would be nice or not
Anyways look at this thing I made back in 2022
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I think that's all for now byeee!!!
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lumonafox · 1 year
Watching Van Helsing for the first time and I have thoughts and feelings
Disclamers first: My previous experience with the movie was clip of the masquarade on youtube and some Leather-Jackman encounters on my dash every once in a while. I only know Dracula and Van Helsing by name and at this point I can’t be bothered to memorize the rest. My taste in men is questionable and unapologetic, if fancy vampire Count kissed my neck and said he wants me to be his spouse, I would simply fold. Not entirely into the idea of laying clutches of cocoabean-like-gremlin-eggs for him, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it I guess. With that out of the way, let’s begin. Quick notes during the watch: 1 they gave Jackman machinegun-crossbow and he still can't hit shit with it 2 if Dracula got pegged every once in a while he might be a little less edgy and murdery which would make the world a better place overall 3 Catherine Zeta Jones got even more faisty, corsetty and not-catherine-zeta-jones-y, I guess the budget only had place for one big name 4-derpy little monk with his derpy little sunshine invention and derpy little forshadowing 5-Zeta Jones is surprisingly tan for a Transylvania native. 6-why does everyone seem to want to fuck everyone? To be fair... I too want to fuck most of them. Point taken. 7-if thes had stopped dropping their weapons for one second the plot would have been over in first 30 mins...you mean to tell me that trained killers can't keep a hold on their gun? 8-ofc the bro is the new werewolf but also does his transformation NEED to be such artistic spin-aroundy balerina style? (Also naming the werewolf brother Velkan is about as clever as naming him Remus, Lupin, Remus Lupin, Barker, Wolfer Mc Wolfenstein etc...) 9-nobody in this movie takes fall damage and Dracula has literal gravityhacks. It should be threatening but it is hilarious 10-young Jackman during night rainstorm looks like Orlando Bloom in Pirates of carribean (I refuse to elaborate, just trust me) 11-Vampire kids look like cocoa beans before they hatch. After getting tazed they turn into bat gremlins. Then they feed (?) and turn into hot-wife-in-grayscale material (?) Having larval and mid stage would imply that vampires are some sort of insect which makes them considerably more yucky 12-Gabriel? Is he also a vampire? Serving the church? Is he anti-vampire? 13- *little evil man voice* we have SUCH history Gabriel (we broke up during the crusades and I have gotten three wives to compensate) 14- funky little monk, sorry, a friar, and funky little loopholes 15- not to ruin your happy moment but the roof is still very much on fire and there is still mr Wolfenstein trying to kill you 16- can't turn into a werewolf it you already are one my dear Helsing, yknow. friar found the knight fighting gif... 17- Did she just MOAN? (lowkey same sis) 18- the whole masquarade thing is slightly disturbing but mostly hot 19- he just proposed to her 20- monsterhunter with few levels in rogue, undersood 21- sorry to break it to you love but you will not kill all of them vampires with one flail and rage 22- so he IS werewolferized? Shouldn't that be fixed by rubbing some wolfsbane on him? 23- the group shares one braincell, which is mostly with the friar, sometimes borrowed by van Helsing to keep them alive in the more pragmatic sense 24- so NOBODY touched any of them ‘inconspicous’ wall decorations or translated the latin text on the SUSPICIOUSLY large wall map even though they have been searching for clues for hundereds of years in the house...sure 25- password protected mirror teleport 27- say friend to enter...wait, wrong movie 28- the banter, the writing, god I love this (why should I not kill you? Uhmmm...) also (Cut off his finger...I'll cut off SOMETHING) 29- convenient amount of storms in the area 30- assuming they need a living matter to conduct the electricity couldn't they just strap a jellyfish in the box and be done with it? Does the matter need to be inteligent? If so, how much? Would like Eel level sufice? Was this tested or did he just go like NAAAH NOT DRAMATIC ENOUGH 31- conveniently placed ball of steel-melting acid in a glass jug 32- fidget-spinning-vampires 33- what method of conduction do they use ffor reanimation process? Nobody wants partly fried offsprings or an undercooked batch 34- nobody in this movie takes fall damage...except for poor Igor 35- after a brief pause, Dracula accepted Gabriel as a furry and tried to get back together with him 36- slowest clock ever, since the first strike, they managed to throw eachother around, Zeta Jones befriended the Frankenmonster, defied gravity, killed vampirewife, almost killed the friar, boys had some more toss-around and we’re still not done... 37- we could have been friends, partners, brothers in arms (no homo) 38- convenient cloud for conversation purposes 39- she dead? She dead dead? 40- *sad werewolf noises*(but seriously...after ALL THAT FALLING the thing that kills her is lying down a bit faster on a cussioned sofa??? Seriously?) 41-yep, she dead...lol
Afterthoughts: 1-so what exactly is Van Helsing? Apparently immortal yet neither vam nor were? 2-can't bring myself to care enough about the monster to dive deeper into his very much unresolved ending or story in general but big F for him 3-Zeta Jones got into heaven because Dracula died like three minutes sooner than she did, imagine if the timing was other way around. Gotta love contracts. 4- so is this like post-high fantasy?  Lost technology (teleports and cures for werewolfism) and ancient order with access to higher technological level than common folk (Helsing's spinning pizza cutters, machine-bow, the holy sun-granade)? It could also read as steampunk but there is not nerly enough cogs, brown and brass and too much horny, edgy and dark for that I think. 5- Faramir? In this economy? More likely than you think. 6- I couldn’t get the spelling of friar right, so I settled for calling him a fryer during the watch. It didn’t seem right but it looked wrong enough to be something christian. Spellchecked after and I’m glad I did. 7- The soundtrack slaps and the writing is solid, 10/10 would recommend
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islaytonlost · 1 year
What Have I Done? LB;MR Fic
First Part, Previous Part, Next Part
Disclamer: Alfendi isn't a representation of DID. Threatening people in the street isn't a good idea.
------- “Did I tell you I’ve been looking for our dad? Did I tell you that I’m adopted?”
“I know you’re adopted Katrielle, I was there,” Fendi smiles at his sister.
“Oh! Well, I didn’t remember I was only a baby after all, anyway I’m going to find him, I’m so close actually, there are these stones you see, and I’ve been working on this theory…”
Fendi tunes his sister out, preferring to let his mind wander.
You messed that up. What’s Lucy going to think? Oh god, he got arrested. Lucy’s never going to forgive us!” Al nags at he back of his mind. Fendi ignores him, so Al gets louder. Why did you do it! I’ve been trying so hard not to ruin this life and you let it go in one move! His head hurt now; Al was too close to him. A hand moves unwillingly to his face, he stops walking as a wave of pain overwhelms him.
“Alfendi?” Katrielle notices something’s up, “Alfendi?” she moves closer to him, “are you in pain? Do you need help?”
“It’s just a headache,” he mutters, “it’ll pass in a second. I get them sometimes I think it’s stress.” Al pushes forward. Somehow breaking through, past Fendi into control. His head hurt, so much.
“Oh…” Katrielle looks up at him, “I know what’ll make you feel better! We should get some sweets!” she drags him towards the sweet shop Hershel used to take them to. Well Katrielle too, Alfendi had always insisted on waiting outside, not wanting to hear their mind-numbing chatter about puzzles. Everyone else in his family seemed to be puzzle obsessed and sure, being a detective was a bit like being a puzzle solver, but he found it much less tiresome than the way his father presented them.
“I’m sure it’ll make me feel much better, we should get some for Flora too.”
“Why was Flora so upset?”
Al sighs, “I think she was just disappointed in me. I was very aggressive.”
“And violent. You used to threaten people a lot but never with actual knives.”
“I know, it’s like I’m going insane or something,” he laughed, dryly, Katrielle just looks confused, “no, I’m just really stressed. It sorts of all just came out at once. I’m sorry for worrying you, Katrielle.”
“It’s okay! I promise I’ve seen scarier; did I tell you about the haunted house case? I can’t tell you who it is exactly, but she dangled a sheet out her window!”
“That doesn’t sound very scary.”
“It wasn’t, not even the lightbulb eyes but everyone else was terrified. It was so cool though! And there were these wind-up dolls there too and Earnest was terrified.”
“Where is Earnest anyway?”
“Oh, he has a whole lot of deadlines, so he’s been too busy to work for me, his loss this case is the most complex one yet! Other than finding dad but that can come later. This needs all my attention.”
They arrive at the sweetshop, Katrielle points at a cake inside, “dad made up a puzzle about cake, do you want to hear it?”
“No!” Al says, a tad too loud, “you know what, I’m going to wait outside actually, just be quick, and get something for Flora.”
“Okay,” Katrielle pauses, “you’re not going to run off, are you?”
“I promise I won’t.” She hesitates, he couldn’t blame her. That promise had been given to them too many times, and broken too many times, “they’d have to drag me away, okay? And if they do I’ll scream.”
“Okay! Do you want anything?”
“Surprise me.”
“Okay!” she smiles, running in.
As soon as she was gone a familiar shade of green catches his eye, the jacket was nothing like the one he was used to but close. Lucy liked green.
“Hey there, traitor,” she smiles at him.
Al tries to talk but nothing seemed to come out, his heart stutters as his mouth goes dry. This wasn’t his Lucy, she’d killed Hilda, he needed to stop her before she hurt his family, but this was Lucy.
“You got my brother arrested I see. They won’t let him go you know. They want to know about me, any lead is good. Was taking my life not enough for you? You had to take my brother?”
“No, Lucy…”
“I see how it is, don’t worry. I get it. Well threaten mine and I’ll come after yours.”
“No! No Lucy I’m sorry I lost it. I lost my temper! I’m sorry, I never meant for him to get arrested, I just. I needed to know what stopped you from becoming my assistant.
“There ain’t a mystery room, you considered that one? There were nowhere for me to go. You inspired a generation an’ I never got in. I got tired for working for pricks like you. Who don’ think about other people’s feelings.”
“I’m sorry, Please Lucy, I just want to make this better, I don’t want to keep hurting you.”
“Too late. It’s my turn now, to hurt you to get in your way, to take everything from you an’ when I’m done maybe you’ll get it.”
“No! Lucy please, I made this mistake not them, not them. I’ll do whatever you want.”
Lucy leans in close, so close he could smell her, she smelt like Diane Makepeace’s perfume, “suffer. Mourn your lover, mourn everyone who comes after.”
“Hey!” Katrielle’s voice rings out. Lucy runs, Katrielle hot on her tail. Al just stands there stunned.
This is all your fault! Al yells at Fendi You said things would get better, you made it worse. I hate you!
Right, as if you fought me, as if you made any of this better! Fendi yells back, the headache comes back as Fendi fights for control. He manages to break through Al’s defences.
Katrielle barrels back, skidding to a stop in front of him, “why didn’t you scream?” she pants.
“She wasn’t dragging me away,” Fendi shrugs, then smiles, “she’s set this out like a case, the stakes are high, I could lose you, and Flora but all we need to do s catch her before she corners one of you!”
“That’s no problem!” Katrielle grins, just as exited as her brother. Unbothered about the death threats. She believed in her skill and her siblings’ skill.
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intro post let's gooo
been a decent year or two since i made this blog and i haven't made an intro post yet (don't remember when i started this blog, actually)
anyways, this is a fan blog for Salt Raiders content! you'll find me rambling about SR-related things and occasionally some fanart will be posted here (i write fanfics as well but i post them on my main)
you can call me whatever you like lol i have no name and pronouns
Edit: asks are open btw!! ask me anything about my AUs, send drawing/drabble suggestions, or just send me random stuff lol
QUICK DISCLAMER: this is only a personal fan blog. i just felt that it was necessary to make this since i post about salt raiders a bit too much on my primary blog lol. if you want to check out my other SR-related posts from my primary blog, just find it somewhere. call me cringe if you like, even i think i'm gonna regret this soon :l
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