#quick take this mess before I get too embarrassed and delete it
flemingsfreckles · 6 months
Be a Good Teammate pt. 2
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Jessie Fleming x USWNT!Reader (also Seattle!Reader)
Read Part 1
Warnings: none, this is a pretty relaxed chapter
WC: 2.8k
A/N: thank you so much for the support on what is now Part 1. Due to how many people requested a continuation of this fic, I figured I’d go for it! This is more of a filler/plot mover part of the story. There will be at least one more part that will be a lot more interesting but if there’s enough interest and I have the ideas, maybe it’ll be many more parts.
It had been a couple weeks since you had talked with Jessie on the field in San Diego. You haven't heard anything from her, not that you were expecting to after she had told you she had a lot on her plate. Not hearing from her had bothered you a bit in the beginning, thoughts of her constantly popping up in your mind. She was a minor distraction. As time went on and you didn’t hear from her you went back to the way you had been before you had seen her. You were able to brush off the thoughts of her easily, getting back into your routine as if you hadn’t even seen her.
Something deep down hoped you’d wake up to a text from her. That hope diminished as the days passed. It wasn't until the week before your team was supposed to take the trip to Portland to play that you heard from her.
Unknown: Hey, this is well overdue but I just wanted to apologize, I was rude to you after the gold cup game. Not an excuse but I was in a pretty rough state. Thanks for what you said too.
Unknown: by the way this is Jessie, I had to get a new number to use in the US. Feel free to delete my UK number. Keep the Canada one, I still use that.
Unknown: I got your number from Coffey.
Unknown: Hope that’s okay. You can just delete this number if you’d rather.
Reading her texts made you smile and let out a small laugh, she texted exactly how she would talk. You can practically hear her voice while reading through the texts, how she probably sat there overthinking each text only to then feel guilty for not just double or triple but quadruple texting you. You clicked on her number, changing her name in your phone to Jessie (USA).
Your thumbs hovered over the keyboard as you thought about responding. Deciding against replying at the moment, you lock your phone again and climb out of bed. You throw on your clothes for training then head to your kitchen to make a quick breakfast and coffee.
Training was rough. It was less that the physical workout was hard, it had actually been a lighter day being only 2 days away from game day. It was rough because you couldn't focus.
Your mind kept drifting to the few texts you had received from Jessie. Had she been thinking about you all these weeks? Why did she wait so long? Maybe she was only thinking about you since you would be seeing her this weekend. But maybe she was thinking of you for other reasons. Maybe she was ready to start being friends? Maybe you could end up as more? All the thoughts related to her were swarming around your head, leading you to be in a fog at practice.
It was embarrassing to say the least, missing touches, overpowering or underpowering your passes, even tripping over your own feet a couple times. After you had fallen to your knees while doing individual dribbling drills, for the third time that day at practice Quinn stepped over to you extending their hand.
“Are you good?” Concern in their eyes as they pulled you up.
“Yeah, just in my own head today.” trying to give a convincing smile shaking your head at your own behavior. You had managed to push Jessie so far back in your mind for years, why was she messing with you now.
“Alright, if you need to talk let me know, or go see the psychologist. The team has them for a reason. We need you to stay on your feet Saturday.” They pat you on the back and go back to finish their dribbling drill.
“Thanks.” You gave Quinn a smile, knowing damn well you wouldn't bring yourself to talk with them. They were one of the best listeners on the team and had heard out your other issues, anxieties and just general venting. There was no way you were going to talk to Quinn about their own national team teammate. You didn’t need it coming back to Jessie that she was on your mind.
You were so thankful when you were called to huddle up and end practice. Heading back to the locker room you peeled your sweaty jersey off, throwing a sweatshirt on instead, grabbing your phone and heading to the trainer’s room. You greeted the staff, walking over to the ice bath and hopping in. The icy water causes goosebumps to appear across your skin. It felt good, you knew it would, you often would use a cold shower to clear your mind, but this counted as your recovery as well so it was a bonus. You stripped off your sweatshirt leaving you standing shivering in your sports bra. You took a deep breath and let your knees give, sinking your whole body under the water.
Under the water was peaceful, quiet, the freezing water causing your brain to go blank, no thoughts of the bad training, no thoughts of Jessie, no thoughts of what to make for dinner tonight, nothing. So you waited, sitting on the bottom of the tub prolonging your peace. Running out of air, you resurfaced to find a few teammates and members of the training staff to be looking at you. Feeling suddenly self conscious you grabbed your sweatshirt throwing it back on. “What?” you harshly asked in the general direction of your teammates. None of them responding, shaking their heads or just looking away.
Before you could make it out of the locker room you heard your name called and saw your coach standing behind you.
“Can you come to my office before you head out?” She asked.
“Yeah no problem, just give me a second to change my shorts, I’ll be right up.” You tried to appear calm on the outside. On the inside you were stressing. Why did she need to talk to you, maybe you were being traded and you'd be able to dodge Jessie longer. Maybe she was taking you off the travel roster, maybe she was going to yell at you for your performance today. You quickly changed into some dry pants and walked over and into the coaching office.
“Go ahead and shut the door.” She pointed behind you when you walked in. Her words make your stomach sink. You sat down, not saying anything, just looking at her across the desk. She finishes up something on the computer, hitting the power button and turning back to face you. She taps her hands on the desk and starts talking. “Look, I’m going to tread lightly here, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m good.” Your best attempt at a smile comes across your face.
“You realize why I have to ask, right?” you just nod at her question. “I don't mean to be crass but that was the worst practice you've had since you started here. I get it, everyone has an off day, but that to me looked like a lot more than just an off day.”
“I’m good, I just had a bit on my mind.” She wasn't telling you anything you didn't know but hearing her criticism of your performance hurt, you didn't want to disappoint her.
“Do I need to take you off of our roster for this weekend's game?”
“No!” You're quick to protest her offer. “I promise, I’ll have it sorted by then.” Not sure if you're trying to convince yourself or your coach at this point you keep talking. “You can count on me.”
“I want to believe that, I do. I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt on this one, I’ll leave you on the roster, we really need you for this game, but I’d rather not put you out there if your performance is going to look like it did today.”
“Yes Coach, I understand. I’ll be good.”
She turns back to a stack of papers, grabbing off a small slip from the top. She hands it to you, you look at it recognizing the name and contact information of the team’s sports psychologist and the team’s standard psychologist. “Take this, I’m not saying you need to talk to anyone, but it's good information to always have.”
You look up from the paper, thinking it's silly how now two people had recommended that you needed professional help, all over the fact that you had a silly little crush on an old teammate.
“Thanks Coach, I’ll see you tomorrow.” You stood up pushing in the chair behind you, leaving her office. You walked down the hallway back toward the locker room to grab your bag. Before you head out you quickly pack your travel back, throwing in your boots, shin pads, extra socks, tape before dropping the bag at the front of the room where your teammates had placed theirs. You moved back
Part of you cursed Jessie for reaching out, you had been able to push your thoughts of her back in your mind after you had talked but now that she had reached out she was back in the forefront. Opening your phone as you walked out of the training facility, you opened your messages and clicked on Jessie’s name. You opened her contact, frustrated from your performance at practice and causing your coach to consider benching you, you wanted to blame it on her. You hover your finger over the delete button. You then moved your thumb to where it read Block This Number. Before you could think twice you pressed it, the messages from her disappearing, no trace of her new number on your phone. While you were at it you proceeded to delete her number from the UK. You left her Canadian number, she never used that one to talk to you, no harm in it staying. You were hoping blocking her new number would also block the thoughts of her.
You learned very quickly though the night that if anything, blocking her number made Jessie more prominent in your mind. She was in your mind while you drove home. You thought about her while you stood under the cold water of your shower, she was in your mind while you cooked. Trying to distract yourself you grabbed a book and the book worked. It kept Jessie out of your mind until you realized how much you liked the book, one of the best ones you had read in a while. You decided to open GoodReads, immediately closing it when the first thing you saw upon opening the app was Jessie’s name, she had recently rated a book. You had forgotten that you were even friends on the app, you hadn't read or rated a book in a long time. Deciding you’ve had enough, you pull yourself off the couch and into the bedroom to try and get some sleep.
Setting your alarm for the next morning, you climbed into bed, deciding to count sheep to prevent your mind from wandering. It took many minutes of tossing and turning before you were able to fall asleep. Despite the long day you had mentally and physically, sleep did not come easy. Unfortunately, once you were asleep, you didn’t stay asleep long, feeling restless when you woke up for the fourth time that night, the sky was still dark outside. You roll over checking the time 3:18am. Still half asleep you reach for your phone, sliding it open. Squinting at the bright light you find your settings, opening your list of blocked numbers, finding Jessie’s you click unblock. You open your messages, type in her name and then a message.
You: No problem, see you Saturday.
You're not sure what you're saying no problem to, if it's because she apologized, if it's because she thanked you for talking to her or if it's to the fact that she had asked Sam for your number. Sleep is still fogging your brain. You hit send, shut off your phone and roll over hoping you can get some more sleep before your alarm wakes you.
You wake up to the sound of your alarm. You gave yourself an extra hour in the morning to pack before you had to meet at the stadium to travel. You threw on your travel sweats and shirt before throwing an assortment of sweatpants, t-shirts, and shorts into a bag, not caring what you packed for the 3 day trip. Moving into the bathroom you packed your toiletries, before heading back to your bedroom to grab your phone and the charger.
Jessie (USA): See you Saturday.
You do a double take at the message, last remembering that you had blocked her number. You open it, seeing that you, in fact, had not blocked her but instead you had texted her at 3 in the morning. “Oh you idiot,” you insulted yourself. You threw your phone in your pocket while packing your charger in your bag.
It wasn't long until you were sitting on the bus, stretching your body across two seats, trying to get comfortable. The buses had to be one of the most uncomfortable parts of playing, unfortunately Portland was considered too close to justify a plane ride. You were reading over the itinerary that had been handed out. You were scheduled for a light practice this evening followed by designated stretching and recovery time, then it was dinner and lights out. Looking to Saturday you saw the early arrival time, the game starting at Noon, pitch walk just before that, and time to warm up. After the game you had recovery for an hour followed by the words “Free Time” It wasn't uncommon for you to get freetime after game days when you were traveling, it was nice to explore where you were playing or just getting to hang out, unregulated, with your teammates. Sunday consisted of a practice in the morning, then more free time, followed by the bus ride back in the evening. The large amount of free time on this trip caught your eye, giving you an idea as you dig your phone out from your pocket. You open it to Jessie’s messages again and start typing.
You: If you're up for it, dinner Saturday night?
You realize that feels a bit forward, adding a second message.
You: You can bring a teammate too if you want, it doesn't just have to be us.
Seconds after you send it you see the bubble indicating Jessie is typing pop up, you lock your phone and toss it as if it's on fire into the seat that your legs are resting on. You feel it vibrate against your calf, indicating she had responded. Instead of reaching for your phone you remain still, staring at it. It’s only once the phone vibrates again reminding you that you had a text that you reach and pick it up. Involuntarily you hold your breath and turn on the screen.
Jessie (USA): That would be nice.
The gray bubble appears again.
Jessie (USA): just us
You let the air out of your chest, feeling relieved at her response. She wanted to see you. She wanted to see you, just the two of you. A smile grows on your face as you read over her messages again and again.
You: sounds good, may need some recommendations on dinner locations
This time when you see her typing you hold onto your phone. Watching as the bubble appears for a few seconds before disappearing and reappearing
Jessie (USA): I’ll figure something out and let you know
You begin to type out “sounds like a date” before deciding that it’s a little too forward, against it, deleting it and changing it.
You: perfect!
You waited, seeing if she would respond, not that there was much to respond to but part of you hoped she’d say something else. When she doesn't you shut off your phone. You lean your head back so it rests against the window and you're looking at the ceiling of the bus. You let out a sigh of relief. It feels like a weight has been lifted off your chest for the first time in two days. You now knew she didn't completely hate you, you knew she was willing to let you talk with her again.
Feeling last night's lack of sleep catches up with you, your eyes close and you’re able to drift peacefully asleep, your brain no longer filled with anxieties or concerns about Jessie, you remain asleep until the bus stops and you hear your teammates gathering their belongings to get off the bus. You were finally in Portland.
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seelestars · 1 year
hellooo, if u dont mind could i request himeko, kafka and fu xuan reacting to their s/o being a highly talented dancer and seeing them dance to a really hard kpop choreo? thanks and have a wonderful day/night :D
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➴ ✫ * ✧ HSR WOMEN SEEING YOU DANCE TO A K-POP SONG ! (kafka, fu xuan, himeko)
a/n : i can smell how this post is gonna flop from miles away but i digress ☠️ anywaay i tried my best, hope u enjoyyy! + slightly ooc fu xuan ?
kafka :
might snap a few pics of you shamelessly while you’re dancing, a smug smirk on her lips as you hear the shuttering sound of her phone. (It’s def gonna be her wallpaper)
no matter how hard you try she won’t delete it😭😭she thinks you look pretty in the pictures she took, so why delete them?
or option B, she stands there watching you, seeing how long it takes for you to notice she’s there… whole jumpscare when you finally notice her (she likes doing it to see your cute startled reactions)
she’ll hum along to the lyrics of the song, maybe even lay her hands on your body as you danced. (it makes u immediately freeze up, a flustered expression on your face as she chuckles next to your ear)
she tells u things like, “with those skills, you could be an idol. im sure you’d be a very good one though, with your looks and all~” with a stupid smile on her lips
if you do decide to teach her one of the dances, she’d catch on very quickly.. she’s quite a quick learner ! except she purposefully messes up sometimes so u can adjust her posture etc (she just wants to feel ur touch on her skin ♡)
fu xuan :
is wowed by your impressive dance moves (but she doesn’t admit it “h-hmph, I’ve seen better.”) , she knew you were a good dancer but she had never rlly seen u dance before
she’s stuck in a trance watching you to the point she doesn’t even realize you’ve finished dancing and how you were currently staring at her. her cheeks flush as soon as she snaps back to reality as she turns her head away, crossing her arms. when you tease her about it, she’d only deny “i-i wasn’t staring at you!” even tho it’s insanely obvious she was
she probs has some toxic trait thinking she can also easily do that dance, getting all cocky w u and going “watch me do the dance better!” and proceeding to have to replay the vid a thousand times (except it’s no use, she’s still so confused <\3) she gets so embarrassed afterwards to the point u have to comfort her and let her know it’s okay ,,
she thought the dance u did was mesmerizing, and rlly wants to master it. so she reluctantly asks you for tips (with the tips of her ears flushed red hehe) in a way that makes u want to tease her about it
secretly tries to sneak up on u more to watch you dance more (you notice this but don’t point it out since yk how embarrassed she’d be)
himeko :
she heard loud music coming from your room, so she decided to check on you only to see u dancing to kpop songs lol
she’d make her presence known by clapping, her eyes slightly widened by how in awe she was of your skills !
might even start singing the songs (even if she’s unfamiliar w the lyrics) n dance along w u,,
or she’d most likely just sit somewhere and wait for u to finish before interrupting and stuff, her gaze fixed on you the entire time… she just thinks you look too good while dancing to take her eyes off of you! an approving look on her face as she stares you down intently, even though ur getting flustered by how much she’s staring </3
when u finish dancing to the songs, she’ll ask you for tutorials so she can dance along with you !! she’s also gonna give you tons of compliments, “you did so well” “you looked beautiful” “that’s so impressive” but as soon as you give her a tutorial she’s gonna be so confused haha ,, must be bcuz of her lack of experience when it comes to dancing..
she’s very supportive of whatever you do, if you decide to start a career w your dancing skills she’d cheer you on !
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sombrashe · 1 year
stupid fucking slut
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this is a repost because my original blog was deleted
relationship(s) valeria x reader
content afab gender neutral reader, chubby reader, dom valeria x brat reader, cunnilingus, scissoring, fuck machines, toy usage, triple penetration, slapping, degradation, praise
note(s) I love this woman with my entire being and I want her to smack me around
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Your eyes are closed as you shake like the first autumn leaf, leaving your familiarity and allowing the wind to take full control. The anticipation leaking from your prepped holes filled your flesh with goosebumps as the cool air of the underground room washed over you.
"If you make even the tiniest noise I will have you wailing on the fucking floor, do you understand me?"
Her voice is a growled hiss against the shell of your ear and you flinch at the implication.
"Yes ma'am."
You lick your bottom lip as your mind wanders to when the sunlight filtered through the high glass windows.
She's been nothing but a tease all day, working you up in front of her men as you became a pathetic mess for her. Her fingers would work you over during meetings, you like royalty sitting pretty on her lap as she refused to allow you to cover your lower half. One hand would pull lewd sounds from your soaking cunt while the other would slam down on the desk as she argued passionately with her right hand man.
"What the fuck do you mean he's dead, you were supposed to keep him alive until I could see him."
You struggled to keep up as the heel of her palm ground into your clit while she added another finger stretching you painfully. Your head lulls back as you clench around her perfectly manicured fingers, the man trying to explain what happened which caused an insignificant member of her crew to bleed out.
"I don't want to hear your god damn excuses, Diego! ¡Mierda! Sal de mi vista y limpia tu desorden. Un inútil hijo de puta."
The slam of the door syncs with the feeling of emptiness as she practically shoved you off her leg. You crumple to the ground beside her and she scoffs at the sight.
"What? You're useless now too? Get up." You stare at her, slack jawed and eyes wide. The fog invading your mind slowly leaks out and surrounds you both before disappearing into the vents above. She leans down and wipes your slick from her fingers onto the oversized hoodie you wore for modesty, as much as you can get as she fucks you in front of the cartel. You feel embarrassed as she treats you like a burden.
"Go clean yourself up and don't even think about touching yourself. Report to me in the main room when you're finished."
With that you're left alone as the door clicks closed for a second time except this time the fog invading your senses is fury. In retaliation you rooted through the box of toys you kept hidden pushed underneath your shared bed. Finding the deep purple c-shaped vibrater hidden amongst you test it in your hands until you find a setting which won't interfere with your plan.
You grin wildly as you happily slip it between your lips to settle against your g-spot, the front pulsates as it rests against your clit and you take a moment to catch your breath. Finally standing you slip a pair of plain panties on keeping the toy snug as a skirt follows suit, an unassuming piece of fabric which laid against your thighs. Your chin raised as you entered the main room, a group of dozen or so men and women filtered in and out of the room as you walked through. The buzz of your toy was muffled by your thighs. Placing a hand on the back of Valeria's bicep you're annoyed at her quick side glance before she goes back to her conversation. Not even an introduction is spared for her favorite person.
Nothing. You pinch at the skin where your hand rests and she's quick to smack you away the heat of the impact ignored as your ego is wounded.
You lean in close, "I have that new toy you got me last week in, if you don't pay attention to me I'll cum in front of everyone here."
She shoulders you away your threat nothing more than a nuisance to her conversation with her head dealer from the streets. Your eyebrows knitted together in annoyance as Valeria continued to ignore your advances. Taking a deep breath you close your eyes and pay attention to the toy which massaged your nerves the perfect amount. Letting out a soft warning moan only for her to hear, you feel small half moons form on the soft of your forearm as Valeria sinks her nails into you.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
You match her eye contact, your defiance meeting the fire which burned deep in her everlong eyes. Opening your mouth the next moan is immediately cut off as she yanks you back to where you first entered. Your arm is twisted and you're forced to walk backwards for a moment to keep from falling flat on your back again.
"Go downstairs, now. I will deal with you after this meeting."
You want to argue back, explain that you wouldn't act like this is she wasn't being such a pain in your ass and denying you your hard earned release.
"Don't fuck with me right now, and do as I say!"
The memories float around your head like a cartoon. You flex your toes as you shift uncomfortably your knees hurting from the position you're forced to keep. You rest your forehead on the edge of the cot as you listen to the sounds of metal rings clinking against machinery. concupiscence fills the whole of your belly and the eagerness from before slowly invades you once again.
"Eres una maldita puta estúpida, ¿lo sabías?"
Your blistering cunt flexes around the air and Valeria's laugh cuts through you. Jumping you feel cool glass press against your weeping entrances. You hold your breath as Valeria coos, the click of the machine being turned on send shivers down the bumps of your spine. She always starts off slow allowing your body a moment to to adjust to the penetration. The steady pace of lube covered dildos has your entire body ablaze with hunger. You keep your breathing steady as per her demands, the cot giving you no relief from the burn.
"Open your eyes."
You blink and straighten yourself as you rest on your palms instead on your elbows. Looking up at her she tilts her head, your pupils were blown wide and soft as they stared into hers. She places a gentle hand on your cheek using her thumb to rub across before a crack echos throughout the tiny room. You're looking to your right and blinking back the salt which threatened to leak from your eyes. Keeping your word you give a shaky breath instead of your usual whimper.
"Look at me."
You do and she rubs at the bulge which strained against the luxury fabric of her slacks.
"Now why can't you follow directions like this normally?"
You wet your lips waiting for permission to speak. She raises her hand and gestures permission.
"I'm sorry, ma'am."
She grins at your words and you feel the eager urge to please her, say whatever it takes to feel her reward for falling in line.
"My stupid slut, say it. Tell me who you belong to."
You chew at the corner of your bottom lip as she slowly unzips her slacks.
"You, ma'am. I belong to you, only you."
She hums as she removes and folds her slacks painstakingly slow, walking around you to click at the machine. You grunt and grip at the edge of the cot as the speed increases. The thrusts timed but the speed has you bouncing slightly against it. She stays in place watching as the faux cocks disappears in and out of your holes.
She spits out watching as you shake softly.
"God you love this shit, my disgusting little slut loves it when I degrade them."
She kneels beside you and pulls a handful of your hair. You make wavering eye contact and you nod. You're panting as you dig your nails into the rough nylon below. She licks a stripe up your cheek and you jerk as she flicks her nail bed against your nipple. Removing herself from you she takes her place back in front of you. Your mouth waters as as taps the cock against your lips.
"Be a good whore for me and open up."
You relax your jaw and stick out your tongue putting on a show just for her. She hums and rubs the length of it against your awaiting lips. Without any prep she's shoving the whole of it down your throat staying still as you gag around her. Slowly pulling out she gives you a moment to breath before repeating her actions. She continues to painfully stretch your jaw and constrict your throat as she fucks your mouth.
"You are always so much more obedient when I stuff your mouth full."
You shake as you fight against the orgasm that was slowly ebbing. She notices your commitment to doing as she says, her thrusts bruising your palate. You drag one of your hands down her exposed thigh as she cums with a whine, the cock fully covered by your saliva. When she pulls away you're dropping your head and she grins at the sight of you fighting off another orgasm.
"Did you learn your lesson?"
You look up at her confused. She normally enjoyed pushing you close and over the edge for hours. Her eyes were frantic as she calmly removed the shiny leather from her exposed hips. Your mouth feels dry at the thought of you orgasm, the soft sweet feelings of her scarred hands against your skin.
"Yes, I did. I'm sorry."
You knew she loved it when you acted like this, a brat for her to put in their place. Something you take pride in. Getting under her skin in such a way she needed to take you immediately. She doesn't seem to care if you were genuine or not. She's behind you once again. The metal sounds stop and you're left empty and twitching.
"Valeria... please."
You voice is soft and teasing as you wiggle your lower half. She shoves you over the edge and you gasp as you plant the palms of your hands on the rough concrete. The grip she has on your waist is bruising and you can feel her strength in it. She shoves her tongue into your puffy sore cunt and your toes curl against the sides of her knees. You bite your lip still being the perfect little pet. She hums into the heat she couldn't get enough of. You whimper and you feel your muscles contract against her tongue. She's pushing her face deeper into your cunt and you have to plant your palms to keep from falling over. You feel her nails scratch their way down your thighs. The sharp addicting pain finally causes you to crash as you give a sharp shout. Your orgasm washes over you like a wave and you collapse. She's yanking you back and hoisting you until you could rest on your stomach. You pant as you continue to twitch below her burning gaze.
"I'm sorry." Your voice is raspy and you don't move until you hear her voice
"God you're fucking useless. I give you simple instructions and you can't even follow them."
You nod and struggle onto your hands and knees.
"On your back. Can't fuck this one up, hopefully."
You slide onto the rough nylon and grimace at the feeling against your sweaty skin.
"Legs open."
You let them fall to the side as you watch her move to the corner of the room. She's pulling something out from a small bag she kept on her person at all times. You feel heat rush up your neck as she exposes the small black vibrater to you with a grin.
"Going to be good for me and keep your slutty hands to yourself?"
You nod eagerly and pull yourself apart for her to have access to your sensitive clit. She barks out a laugh and shakes her head. You whimper at the look in her eyes, your hips dragging themselves against the air in anticipation. She slings a leg over your waist and straddles you for the moment.
"Going to be extra good for me? A pretty little pet with good manners?"
You suck in a breath as the still vibrator jumps to life against your nipple.
"Yes, please. I will, I promise."
She tsks and shakes her head, "that's what you said last time, pretty, and look at you. Soaking the bed."
You twist your head to the side trying desperately to stay calm. You practiced so many times but no matter how hard you tried you couldn't keep your orgasm at bay with her. Panting you dig your nails into the meaty part of your palms. She giggles and pulls at your perked nipple.
"God you love this filthy shit. You're so perfect for me, so easy to tease."
She grinds herself against your abdomen and you can feel the warm slick of her cunt. You have to draw blood, taste the bitter metal to calm yourself.
"Doing so good. Being such a good little pet. Do you want to cum?"
Her lips are a hot whisper against the shell of your ear and you cringe at the whine that covers your words.
"Valeria, please. God yes, I want to cum for you so badly."
She licks the outline of your ear before pulling away from you.
"You need to keep yourself calm, can you do that for me? Wait to cum until I'm ready?"
You blink at her and nod your head, pieces of hair stick to your face and you peel your nails out of your flesh to fix them.
"The messy hair shows that I'm doing a good job."
She grins as she places the vibrator against your heated clit and your arching your back.
"Calm." Her voice is soft unlike earlier.
You know she needs this as badly as you: you can see it in the way her chest rises, how her tongue wets her lips every few seconds, the way her fingers flex against the skin of your stomach. Finally after teasing all she can take she settles herself against your cunt. You feel feverish as she rubs her clit against the vibrator. You can feel her heat radiating into yours and you roll your eyes back at the feeling. Such soft skin rubbing against yours as her moans start to pick up.
"Oh god."
Your voice is shaky. You feel your chest swell as she coos.
"You feel so good lovely, want to cum with you."
You shake your head a few times as you grind your cunts together. Your thrusts cause her to bounce and each time her clit grinds against the toy harder than the last.
"I'm close."
Her voice is nothing more than a needy whine as her shirt rides up. You grip at one if her clothed breast. She nods as her head falls forwards. Black hair obstructs your view of her face but the way her thighs twitch against yours gives you all the confirmation you need. You grip painfully at her bicep as your orgasm causes your thighs to clench and the tips of your fingers to tingle. Your name is moaned out in such sweet melody. With one last twitch your yanking her by the collar against you. She's eager against your lips and you start to wonder if she was ever going to move the vibrating toy from you.
Almost like reading your mind she clicks the toy off before tucking it into her bag. Her movement away from you leaves you cold and you want to pull her in for another warm kiss. Picking through the discarded clothing she separates your outfits. Her first move is to get you both dressed and somewhere warm so she can inspect you. Tugging her clothes on in a hurry she's moving back to your blissed out smile. With gentle hands she's helping your tired limbs tug your clothes on, you were glad you choose a skirt today.
"We really need to finish this room."
"I know lovely, but it's hard to get someone down here without a bunch of questions."
You sigh and snuggle into her side, but she's pulling you away.
"No snuggling, not until I get you upstairs and into a bath."
You frown and yawn feeling exhausted, "I just want a nap, Valeria. Cuddles and a nap first."
She frowns, she hates the idea of not taking care of you after a rough night. These moments so intimate for her however far between they may be.
"You have to eat something first then."
You groan and allow her to lead you out of the room.
"Fine, but I get to choose what. None of that crackers and water shit."
She huffs, "Fine. No crackers, but you're drinking a cup of water. No arguments."
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jacemond-addict · 2 years
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Leaked Nudes
Aemond Targaryen x Jacaerys Velaryon
Modern au
Everyday for the past week at college, All everyone is talking about is the mysterious leaked nudes of a couple that have been broadcasted to the whole campus.
The students are trying to be Sherlock Holmes and connect the dots.
Only clue : Males: blonde and a brunette.
Jace just wants to go by his day, Away from the drama and be with his new boyfriend, Cregan.
The hacker has other plans.
“Did you delete the video?!” The boy asked, doing a terrible job of whispering. He blames it on the nerves and the queasy feeling in his gut. Just this morning he had a panic attack. His and his family reputation is on the line. He was sweating bullets. Whoever this maniac was, has to fuck off.
“Keep your voice down.”The taller boy slaps his hand on the brunettes mouth. His head peaked over the wall they were hiding to see, checking if the coast was still clear“I told you already. Yes!” The blonde groans when the boy bites his hand.
“That’s what you said about the nudes.”The brunette hiss, slapping the hand away.
“Your one to talk, about every girl and guy in campus has my dick in their phones.”The blonde frowned but his eyes had a mischievous glint to them .His hand went up on the shorter boys neck, his thumb caressing his adam’s apple, gently. The corner of his mouth lifted, seeing the reaction of the shorter male shivering just by his touch.
“They’ve pictures of me wearing…”The boy paused to check his surroundings, then continued,”What you made me wear!”. His face and neck flushed in embarrassment.
The older boy lips thin, his nostrils flaring and blue eyes turned dark, He didn’t like that everyone saw what was only meant for his eyes only.
“Let’s not kid here, you wanted to wear that.” The blonde taunts. He remember very clearly how enthusiastic the other boy was to wear it. How his skin broke out into goosebumps of the soft fabric touching his skin or how wet the boy got just by simply wearing the outfit and presenting himself to him.
Did the boy think he was going to fall for the innocent bullshit now, after everything they’ve done to this point? He steps forward until there was no space between them, leg slipping inbetween the other boy legs, their chest touching, breathing the same air. Not fighting off the urge to be impossibly close to the brunette. It’s been taking a toll on him, being away from him, seeing him now with a shitty replacement that won’t know how to satisfy him like he deserves, the way he only know.
This was how they got into this mess. Being too close, crossing the line where none of them should’ve trespassed. The older boy licks his lip, making brown eyes follow the movement. The younger boy could smell him, could feel him, and he desperately wanted to taste him.
As quick as the thought came he shuts it down. He has a boyfriend now, the appropriate person that he could be with. They’re never crossing the line ever again. He’s not dealing with this situation again, Now there’s someone, who has some kind of vendetta against them or one of the two , trying to expose their dirty secrets.
The brunette’s heart hammered against his chest, he felt himself close to slipping back to what got them in this mess. He shoves the guy away from him. A much needed distance .He ignores the smug smirk on the boys face and continues seriously,“We have to get rid of all the evidence. I don’t want to be known as the guy who messed around with his—-
“Hey Jace, Hey Aemond!!” Baela and Rhaena greet them swiftly before continuing their own way.
Aemond only grunted in acknowledgement to the girls. His focus never wavering off of Jace.
“—uncle.” Jace finished his sentence. Aemond gave him ‘maybe you shouldn’t have messed around with your uncle’ look. He was getting on his last nerve, Aemond’s calm composure really was triggering Jace’s mood. How could he be so calm when there’s a big chance everyone will find out about them.
(Who y’all think is the one exposing Jace and Aemond ???? Idk who it is.)
The plot is basically, Jace and Aemond fucked, sended nudes, recorded a sex tape —then somewhere in the middle of it ;after they did all that. jace is like damn I shouldn’t be letting my uncle fuck me , they stop, (Aemond is trying to get his baby back tho, never doubt.)—Jace gets a bf (even tho he still wants his uncle), but then the nightmare happens.Now they gotta fix this shit, either they find who is the hacker or hide their tracks before it leads back to them.
Also what y’all think Aemond made Jace wear???? I left that to y’all imagination .
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sanekibeko · 6 months
Heyo! Currently on break from socials while I finish up my final semester which includes my senior thesis film but while on Spring Break I found a some draws that never saw the light of day I thought I'd share.
Some got further than others but I'm only sharing those that got further along than just a very rough sketch. Another quick note from 2018-2020 I was mainly doing pokemon related stuff before I shifted my way to Vivz.
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Title: Mommy doesn't want you in here
Back then I was really involved in Pokemon Emerald's Battle Frontier and had to grind a lot of the best pokemon to breed. One of the pokemon I breed from was Gardevoir, which swept the floor getting me many of my symbols, and I thought of this very dark situation where a Gardevoir was breeding for the perfect child and that said child wandered into the incubation room finding her imperfect siblings. Pretty much how IV and shinny breeding goes in games. Reason I never finished it is it got too complex for my skill at the time. Wtf is perspective?
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Title: Dog Show
I'm going to be honest I have no idea what I was thinking when I drew this. Brionne looked too much like a dog I guess.
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Title: Gen 8 Drawing(Unfinished name)
This one hurt to scrap after so many hours but I was so unhappy and embarrassed with it. I wanted to make a big draw for Pokemon Sword and Shield but cause I was so focused on making a pretty picture instead of anatomy, composition, and flipping my canvas.
I swear I can draw humans better now! >.<
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Title: Escort missions
Ok so here's an interesting story behind this. You know how controlling partner pokemon especially escort pokemon in PMD1 sucks? Well I decided to take on a bunch of jobs in Fiery Field where not only has a bunch of traps but also you have to quick save before entering meaning if you mess up you lose everything. This is pretty much what happened. I was almost finished escorting that Surkern, who was pain my ass, where a warp trap happened and everything fell apart. I wanted to throw my DS Lite so bad. Later on decided to vent out my in a comic. However I never finished it cause it got to complex.
One note though this comic is half truthful. I'm the one who fell in the warp trap cause I didn't have that trap ability and that Surkern kept wondering around and ended up in a fight. I ended up deleting that mission cause I was getting paid jack shit.
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Title: (N/A)
Don't remember much. Just how I was feeling at that point struggling through school. I was also trying out using 3D for perspective and using Procreate.
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Title: Dad and Looney(Unfinished Name)
Just a quick doodle I never finished and was messing around in Procreate. I think it later lead to Free Hug.
The next few draws were cause I was on a Timber and Makasin drawing spree that didn't turn out the way I wanted it too mainly cause I was in a slump during that summer. I would like to go back to them at so point.
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Title: In her arms
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Title: Piggyback
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Title: Voice of Reason
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Title: Reading a book(Unfinished name)
I was close to finishing this one but never felt like finishing it.
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Title: Clip Studio Shitpost comic(Unfinished name)
This was back in Clip Studio announced their subscription for standalone Windows and Mac versions going forward and everyone got pissed off including me. I made a quick comic to vent but later got bored of it.
Soon after the company tried to put out the flames and gave everyone who bought a copy that year a free copy of v2 and a trial for update pass but I still use v1.13.2 copy and sometimes Procreate. The update pass still sounds dumb to me. If you pay for a new major version you should continue to get feature updates until the next major version comes out. That's what Affinity, Toonboom, and Final Draft does. Least they didn't go full out Adobe. Yet...
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Title: Mindscape
Idea I had to expand Saneki's backstory with his curse. Later turned into one of my many school project ideas but never did anything going forward. I just now realize I gave my dude a bakery. 0_0
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Title: Slay Ride
Little Chaggie idea I had but I was getting deep into my semester and Winter was coming to an end.
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Title: Snowy Ride Remake
Back in early 2015 after I adopted Holly I had a simple draw of my at the time main oc riding her in the woods. It aged badly and I wanted to remake it with Saneki instead. 8 years later when I was starting to remake it I needed an idea for a school project and decided to go with it thinking I could knock out 2 birds with one stone. However I had to follow a strict set of rules including a limited color pallete and using Photoshop which I hated. It didn't have the settings or brushes I was used to which lead to this. From that forward I began to hold a grudge against Photoshop like I do with Animate. Someday I would like to take another shot at this without involving Photoshop. -_-
One the bright side I did learn some color theory and perspective tips. ^^
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Title: Cowgirl Loona
This was my first attempt on Cowgirl Loona before I swapped over from Clip Studio to Procreate and finished it this earlier year. Just wasn't happy with what I was going for and felt like Procreate could get this done better.
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Title: N/A
I recently decided to can this. I thought of a cute idea of Stella at a hellhorse show but had no idea how I wanted to present it and this is all that came out of it.
And that's pretty much what I feel like showing. Looking back I think it's just more of a lesson in drawing. Not everything turns out the way you want it too. Either you didn't think everything through or just got bored with them and wanted to move on. Sometimes it's not worth putting in more hours in something that isn't going to turn out the way you hoped. But that's no to say everything you do should be scrapped. Sometimes It just needs reworked. Cowgirl Loona and Carousel Alastor went through hell but I got them out cause of the lessons I learned from continuing to draw. But also I want to stop focusing on the little details cause not everyone is going notice. Have you seen the many tangents in my earlier stuff.
Ok that's all for now. Like I said taking the time to finish up my final semester so I can soft reboot my socials afterwards. See ya in May!
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vvitchering · 3 years
This exists now in part because of this post and because @chamomileteainabuttercup is a dirty rotten enabler.
There's an old saying about bad omens coming from kindnesses left unacknowledged. Or there might not be. Who's to say; its a big universe. There should be, at any rate, Boba thinks, and he's had a hell of a kindness dropped into his lap that's been sitting unappreciated for far too long.
While it's true Din didn't personally hand the armor back over to him, he did go to a lot of trouble collecting it from its interim owner. The slaying of a Krayt isn't an easy feat. And all for an old set of armor the man could never have known still had a rightful owner wandering the galaxy.
That kind of dedication and care deserves to be rewarded ten times over.
The problem is Din himself. For a man walking his path in head to toe pure beskar, Din leads a surprisingly frugal and monk-like existence. Boba has recently come into some significant affluence with the take-over of Tatooine's ex-Hut syndicate complete. The short and sweet of it is he has credits to burn and he'd really like it if Din would be a little less frustratingly noble for a second and let Boba repay him.
He likes Din. It isn't just about balancing out his ledger or satisfying an old superstition that may or may not exist. It's rare he encounters someone he respects and genuinely likes as much as Din. It's been so long since he's last had the opportunity or the means to really spoil someone.
And if anyone deserves a little spoiling, its Din.
Maker knows Boba has tried. Din has (politely, always so damn politely) turned his nose up at any and all gifts he's been offered. All the new ships were not his old ship and therefore unsatisfactory. The latest and greatest in weapons also did little to entice him; he seemed dead set on reconstructing his lost weapons cache himself. Something about it being the "honorable" thing to do.
He'd only reluctantly accepted Boba's offer of hospitality because he had no way of getting off-planet himself, having turned down the gift of a ship for the fourth time. And he had promptly ruined that gesture too by insisting on making himself useful around Boba's newly acquired palace, rather than simply enjoying his status as an honored guest.
Karking noble bastard.
It's actually starting to piss Boba off how Din deprives himself. He deserves riches, deserves the world. Deserves pleasure.
Now there's an idea.
One of the benefits of his new title is that everyone trips over themselves to obey his orders. When he barks out a command to clear out, people clear out. The throne room is empty and silent in less than a minute, no questions asked. Shand shoots him a knowing look as she leaves her post by his side and closes the heavy doors behind her.
He hears Din begin to move away from his position behind the throne where he'd been standing, spear in hand, looking suitably menacing.
"Not you, Djarin. We're overdue for a discussion." Boba says, and Din lowers the spear and cocks his helmeted head in that endearing way of his to show he's listening.
"You did me a great kindness in returning my father's armor to me, all those cycles ago, you know." he begins.
Din shrugs it off, as he always does.
"This is the--"
"Yes, yes, 'the way', so you've said. I don't mean to insult your creed or your honor, ner'vod, but you've left me in an awkward position. How can I show you my appreciation when you refuse every attempt?"
Din doesn't respond right away, seems to turn the words over in his head and consider them carefully, finding the best way to reassure Boba that he needs no compensation or thanks for doing what is right, but Boba is done letting Din make excuses.
He gestures the other man to the front of the throne, to stand in front of him. Din goes to kneel, as is customary in front of a king, but Boba flaps his hand at him to stop and then stands himself. It's remarkable that Din, who stands several noticeable inches taller than Boba, can make himself seem so much smaller than he is. Boba frowns at the act of deference; he's made efforts to make it clear he considers Din his equal and they've clearly been ignored.
"Have a seat." Boba steps aside and indicates the throne behind him. He can't see Din's expression but he does pick up on the quiet shocked intake of breath.
"Because I've asked it of you. Please."
For a few seconds Din simply stares him down, and Boba half worries his plan is going to fall apart before it can properly be put into motion. He won't force this on Din, but he dearly hopes he'll be allowed this attempt.
Cautiously, Din perches on the very edge of the throne, the spear placed across his knees. Boba smiles. They've passed the first hurdle. Now to really get down to business.
He moves to stand before Din and pulls his helmet off, enjoying how obviously Din's visor follows the motion. Din still clings to his creed, finds comfort in maintaining his devotion to keeping his face covered in the presence of others. He thinks Din might have originally found his own disregard for the practice a bit jarring, but judging by the way Din tries and fails not to stare, jarring might not be quite the right word for it anymore.
Boba can't see Din's eyes, but he can certainly feel their gaze.
The armor creaks as he goes to his knees and the clank of the helmet being set down on the stone echoes in the silence of the room. Boba looks up at Din and smirks as he notes the man's grip on the spear has tightened to the point where his gloves are squeaking quietly against the metal.
"What is this." Din asks, though it doesn't sound like a question.
"It's an offer." Boba explains, reaching out to take the spear in his own hands. Din releases it without a fight. "One I hope you'll find acceptable, since you've refused everything else."
"I'm on my knees, Din. I think you can call me Boba."
Din swallows so hard the click of his throat is audible. Boba's smirk stretches into a grin he hopes is still charming, despite his scars.
"Please. Let me show you my gratitude."
please line up in an orderly fashion to yell at me for stopping here, thanks~
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sparkbeast20 · 3 years
Get me a picture of Solomon Shirtless
“The first person who can get me a picture of Solomon shirtless, I’m officially yours.”
The room fill with sound of spilt takes, things falling, and hand slamming on the table. All the brothers turn to you, some widen eyes and others mouths open.
Lucifer asks you why would want a picture of Solomon.
Your simple answer “I want to see his pact marks” you got up and walk out the room, leaving them with “I’m dead serious”
· Child’s play
· He calls Solomon over to discuss “human” topics
· They were in the library with books display about pacts and effects.
· He’ll asks Solomon about his pact marks.
· But Solomon natural self, asks Lucifer to make a pact with him.
· Lucifer refuse, and ask about a certain demon he “knows” if Solomon made a pact with that demon.
· His say yes, unbutton his uniform, and points on the pact mark.
· Lucifer quickly brought out his phone and took the picture.
· But Solomon hands were in the way.
· Darn, he wasn’t quick enough.
· Solomon tells Lucifer, he’ll let him take a picture, if he says please.
· he wants this to be over so, he took a deep breath, gives Solomon a fake smile and said please, through his teeth.
· With that, Solomon opens his uniform and let Lucifer take one photo.
· Thanking Solomon, and walks away.
· He asks you to meet him in his study.
· You came, sat on the chair right in front of his desk while sat on the opposite side.
· He brought out an envelop with the picture, and slowly bringing closer to you, but quickly taking it back.
· His ask to you to only seeing it once, you nod and he gave it to you.
· You took it out of the envelop, take a long good look of it, then tearing it in front of him.
· Shock Lucifer was about to get up, when you place a hand above his
· squishing his hand tell him.
· “You won Lucifer, I’m all yours”
· He will get that photo at all cause.
· A loud knock at the doors of Purgatory Hall.
· Poor Luke had to get up to answer the door.
· He opens it to see Mammon with a camera that he “borrowed” from Levi or Asmo.
· He asks where’s Solomon with an aggressive tone.
· Luke tells him to go home, but Mammon just repeats the question.
· Luke just wanting to go back to bed, he points Mammon to Solomon’s room.
· Solomon making potion, heard his door kick open, he turns to see Mammon in the middle of the door frame.
· “Mammon! What are doing here- “
· “Take off your shirt”
· “What!”
· “I need a picture of your pact marks”
· “NO!”
· Mammon ran toward Solomon, he quickly dodges the demon, he grabs a potion and throw it at Mammon.
· He got hit, but for whatever he powers through the effect of the potion. (Power of love, I guess.)
· AH! It hurts but I NEED THAT PHOTO
· And he starts throwing potion, this fight took why too long.
· Early in the morning, you heard a knock on your door, you got up and walk over there.
· You open to see a tired Mammon, half of his hair colored, his shirt and pants is complete mess.
· Before you could say anything, handed over the camera with Solomon picture display on the screen.
· He drags himself to your bed and complete collapse on it.
· You called to him, he looks up to you, you’re still looking at the photo, then you look at him, with the camera screen face him.
· With one press of a button, you deleted the photo right in front of him.
· Mammon jaw drop, but you sat next to him.
· Cupping his face, rubbing your thumb on his cheek you tell him.
· “Congratulation Great Mammon, I’m all yours”
· He didn’t believe it at first.
· But when he saw his brothers is thinking, especially Mammon, he knew this was for real.
· Then a light bulb lit up in his head, his face grows devious smile.
· He has a plan.
· He invited Solomon over to help him with something.
· He opens the door to Levi’s room to see, a green screen and four sets of cameras all facing the center of the room.
· Levi greets Solomon, and tells him that he needs someone to model for his 3D character his making.
· Solomon agrees, but Levi say that he has to be shirtless for first part.
· Solomon asks why.
· He answers because the character has to have a default look, so he can add outfit in the future.
· With that, Levi got the photos, and proud of himself for not making things awkward.
· But he didn’t expect for Solomon to stay and watch how to make a 3D model.
· Oh I didn’t think this through.
· After a couple of hours of faking doing 3D model in a computer, the results were horrible.
· Levi feeling embarrass, he hides his face on the desk with his arms covering his head.
· Solomon tells him to find a different hobby, and leaves.
· It was the middle of the night when you heard a knock on the door.
· You told them to come in.
· The door open to revel Levi exhausted and red on the face, he raises his hand with the picture of Solomon.
· You got up, walk over to Levi.
· The two of you walk to your bed and sat down, you took the photos.
· You stared in each photo, then tear it in to pieces.
· Levi was about to scream because of your action, when lean your head on his shoulder, nuzzling it.
· Then you when near his ear and whisper.
· “Lord of shadow, I’m all your”
· He got angry a little bit about the task.
· there’s has to have a reason.
· Being cautious he messages Solomon about this.
· A laughing emoji pop up, then a text “they’re that desperate”
· Rage did begin to describe how piss of Satan was.
· Solomon had the gall to call you desperate.
· Later the evening, Solomon was in the common room of Purgatory Hall.
· Still thinking about his text with Satan, when he notices the window is crack open.
· He walks over, he was about to close it, when a hand grabs his wrist.
· Solomon looks out the window to see Satan in his demon form, mouthing “TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT”.
· At breakfast, everyone was eating and planning, when suddenly Satan walks in with a smile on his face.
· He saw you eating your breakfast, he walks over place the picture of a scare shirtless Solomon next to your plate.
· You almost choke to see it.
· While everyone else is shock and disappointed that Satan manage to get the picture.
· You grab the picture off the table, took a long good look then tear it.
· Most of the brothers were shock, and Satan was about to break something, when you gesture him to come closer.
· He leans near you, then you whisper in his ear.
· “Thank you, Satan I’m all your”
· That’s easy, Solomon wouldn’t say no to him, right?
· The next day, Asmo want to Purgatory Hall to get the pictures he needed.
· But when he asks where’s Solomon, Luke said that his hiding from him and his brother.
· Oh so, he wants to this game… well challenge accepted old friend.
· Asmo use all his socials give out a message.
· “If you spot Solomon, DM me his location”
· Within the hour, Asmo knows where Solomon is.
· But every time he gets close, Solomon manages to get away.
· After 20 attempts of catching Solomon, Asmo finally cornered him, but at a cause.
· Determine, tired and anger, a messes Asmo tells Solomon to give up.
· Knowing Asmo rage can rivel Satan, Solomon gave up.
· After taking the photo, Asmo asks Solomon why he was hiding.
· Solomon simple answer “I like a challenge”
· You were in the common room, when Asmo show up with the photos.
· He was is a mess when gave you the photos.
· After giving them a good stare, you rip up the photos.
· Asmo gasp, then quickly engulf in your embrace, and tell him.
· “I’m all yours, Asmo”
· He’ll just ask him, what could go wrong.
· He just when over to Purgatory Hall to get the photo.
· When he saw Luke and Simeon speed walking away from their dorm.
· Are they going out somewhere?
· The door open, Solomon welcome Beel.
· I have a bad feeling.
· Once inside, Beel when straight to the point, and asks Solomon a picture of his pact marks.
· He would gladly accept, but he has to finish his dinner all on his own.
· Sweat drip down from Beel’s forehead, he knows where this is going.
· With one final breath, Beel tells Solomon that he’ll help him with his dinner.
· Solomon smile and asks Beel to follow him in to the dining hall.
· Dizzy, Beel awakes up from a food coma.
· He saw Solomon taking picture of himself in the mirror.
· He turns to greet Beel, and hand over his phone.
· However, Beel asks him one more thing.
· “Sure, what is it?”
· “Tell me all about your pact marks, while I write the down”
· You were at the kitchen making cupcakes, when Beel comes in.
· He gave you the photos and notes about the pacts.
· You folded the note and hide it in your pocket, but the photos you tear it up.
· Beel’s jaw drop, but you place a cupcake in it, and gave him hug.
· “You did so much Beel, I’m all yours.”
· He thought to himself “just a picture, hm easy”
· When luck comes his way, Belphie saw Solomon at their gate.
· Solomon was about to enter woods nearby, Belphie asks what he was doing here.
· He said that, he was get some ingredients for a potion his making.
· Belphie tells Solomon, he’ll help him in exchange he wants one photo of him showing his pact marks on his torso.
· Solomon agrees, and the two when into the woods.
· The first thing they need was salamander slim.
· However, those things are slippering every time Belphie grab on to it, the Salamander slide out of his hands.
· After 5 attempts, they manage to get the slim.
· Then a certain fur from a cougar fang.
· Belphie got scratch.
· Then finally 10 seven leafs clovers
· Fuck! those things are rare, are you insane.
· After hours of looking, they found ten clovers.
· Once they got out the woods, Belphie brought out his phone and gave to Solomon.
· “Deals a deal I don’t want to see you shirtless so, take them over there”
· You were in the music room listening to favorite songs, when Belphie walks in, phone in hand.
· He sat next to you and gave you his phone with the picture.
· You look at the picture, while you took of your earphone off.
· Belphie widen eyes when he saw you delete the photo.
· You hand over his phone back, with an angry look on his face grab hold on the phone, but you didn’t let go.
· Instead, you place your other hand over his, rubbing it, he looks back to you.
· You smile and grab his hand, and tell him.
· “Wonder work Belphie, I’m all yours”
You were leaning in bed with the winner, the room was peaceful and quiet, you turn over him seeing his calm and happy.
A moment of silent was break by a sound from your D.D.D, you grab it and got out of bed, you bend over to kiss him on top of his head, and told him that you were going to the bathroom, he sleepy nod, then you walk out.
You close the door of the bathroom, and see how texted you.
That was really daring of you to ask them that.
I told you, I’ll get you back
But I didn’t expect him to that.
I always make things hard for your “champion”
You really did, but that not what a reply to you.
Oh! What is it
I want to thank you
Thank me for what, I gave him a hard time, well hard time for him.
Exactly, he when so far to get a picture of you Shirtless.
He was confused at first but I show him that I don’t need a picture of some else.
So, Thank you, Solomon I got a Boyfriend out of it.
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noteguk · 4 years
devilish | kth | m
— summary; in which Taehyung has a bit too much fun toying with your limits. 
— contents and warnings; pwp, smut, Taehyung x reader, established relationship, edging, guided masturbation, dirty talk, corruption kink, sliiiight dumbification, dom!tae, mentions of past virginity loss, mentions of blowjobs, mirror, begging, orgasm control, praise kink, use of the word “slut”, cockwarming, unprotected sex 
— words; 2,4k
— author’s note; this request has been sitting in my askbox since forever because I was stuck with the last version of it. Eventually I deleted that document and completely changed the plot (or lack thereof), and now here we are. I really like corruption kink so :) this was a nice ride 
Requested by anon! 
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Taehyung was almost convinced that you were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. 
Granted, he was biased. He had been dating you for some time now, but, in his defense, he was positive that the wind had been knocked out of him (how cliche) the first time he had laid eyes on you. And it all went downhill from there. Taehyung became a bit more crazy about you every time he saw you, paid a bit more attention to the small details that he might have missed before — the way you played with your hair, the shy tug of your lips every time he made a flirtatious remark, the fluttering of your eyelashes when you leaned away after a kiss. It was all beautiful, perfect, created by angels just for him. And he loved every second of it. 
It was just a matter of time before his little obsession leaked into the bedroom and Taehyung didn’t hesitate to make good use of it. Even if you were a bit embarrassed by it, always so shy, Taehyung liked to watch you play with yourself as he told you what to do: where to touch, how to move, when to stop. And you were always so good for him — following his orders eagerly, giving him more every time he asked you to. 
You were so, so perfect that he thought he was dreaming. He couldn’t have wished for a better girlfriend. 
“That’s it, baby, take it slow,” his husky voice sounded next to your ear, one of his hands caressing your hair gently. You had your back pressed against his chest, sitting between his legs, with your own thighs open and pushed up to the level of your breasts. He could see everything like that. “So pretty. You’re always so pretty for me.” 
Taehyung had his eyes zeroed in the reflection before you two, the large rectangular mirror presenting him with the glorious view of your flushed heat. He followed, mesmerized, as you circled your clit with two of your fingers, whining beautifully at your growing pleasure, back arching and eyes closing. 
Taehyung was used to your body, how it reacted; he knew the telltale signs that your orgasm was getting closer. And that was the dangerous part. “Shhh, you’re almost there, baby,” he mumbled, the venom in his tone telling you that he would do it again — ask you to stop just as you were about to cum, making you cry and whine until he allowed you to start over. But then your pleasure was almost gone, and you had to build it back up from zero. “Look at you, you’re so desperate. You like playing with your little pussy?” 
You nodded, a frail moan leaving your mouth. You could feel yourself clenching around nothing, begging to be filled up. 
“You do? That’s so dirty,” he teased. Taehyung’s hands were resting on either side of his body now, supporting his weight. No matter how much you wanted him to touch you, you knew that he wouldn’t. He found much more satisfaction watching you do it. “Is that pussy wet for me, baby? Does it want to cum?” 
“Yes, yes, please,” you implored, overwhelmed. Taehyung had made you edge yourself five times already, it had been going on for too long, and you didn’t think you could stop it again. You would try, though, of course you would, but you were afraid that your body wouldn’t respond in time. “I want to cum, Tae, please.” 
He hummed, placing a wet kiss against the nape of your neck. Taehyung was breathing heavy, fighting against every cell of his body so he wouldn’t bend you over and fuck you full of his cock. He also had his needs, but his objective was to teach you some discipline. He needed you to need him. 
“One more time for me, baby,” he said. His cock was unbearably hard inside his pants, leaking into his underwear as he heard the beautiful sounds of your soaked pussy. He was going insane thinking about how well it would wrap around him, how gorgeous you looked when you were full of his cock. “Stop it one more time.” 
You almost cried out at his words. “N-No, I can’t,” you whined. You could feel your orgasm just about to overflow, your thighs shaking as you continued to rub your clit. “I can’t do one more.” 
“Shhh, you can,” he calmed you down. Another kiss against your neck and you swore you were about to die. “Stop now.” 
And you actually stopped, because you were such a sweet, obedient girl for him. Taehyung watched as your chest heaved, your eyes closing as you pulled your hand away from your pussy, a shaky moan of frustration leaving your lips as you let your orgasm slip away for the sixth time that afternoon. He felt his cock throb in his pants when he saw how soaked and puffy your cunt was for him, caught himself groaning out in hunger. 
“That’s such an obedient slut,” he complimented, his voice a hoarse vibration against your shoulder. Taehyung knew you were on your limit, and he loved that, still, you followed what he told you to do. “You used to be such a good girl, baby, now look at you: edging that little pussy of yours, begging me to let you cum. That makes me so fucking hard.” 
You could only whine, because your limbs had turned to jello and you didn’t think you could find your voice quick enough. Your own reflection stared back at you in the mirror — your skirt pulled up and panties brushed to the side, your heat dripping against the bed, making a mess that you were sure Taehyung would tease you about later. You didn’t know what had happened to you, it seemed as if your life had completely turned around ever since he had walked right into it. 
And, as if he was reading your mind, Taehyung continued talking as your pleasure melted away. 
“When I met you, you couldn’t even kiss me without getting shy,” he started, one of his hands leaving the bed and resting on your waist. Your body shivered at the warm contact, sensitive. “You were this timid little virgin, you hadn’t even touched yourself yet, baby. You didn’t even know how to.” Another kiss against your neck had you shuddering, hoping for more. “And now you are soaking all over my sheets like a good slut. You learned how to take my cock so well, didn’t you? I taught you well.” 
You nodded, brain flooded with images from your past. Taehyung had always been drawn to your innocence, found his delight watching you discover your pleasure for the first time — rather, he loved teaching you, breaking that inexperience apart until he had you whimpering for more, embarrassed and needy, grinding your pussy against him just to feel something. He had turned you into a desperate little thing, an obedient girl that could cum just by playing with your tits, or that would start crying when it became too much — and still would ask him to keep going. 
You were a giver: you liked to provide Taehyung with whatever it was that he asked you to, loved to be showered with his praises every time you made him cum. You liked to play up your innocence just to see how he reacted, weaponized your apparent cluelessness because you knew that he loved to show you how to do things. It was a perfect game that you two played, and it always ended up just like both of you wanted to. 
Taehyung’s hand slithered up your stomach and groped your covered breast, pulling you out of your reveries. You pressed yourself closer to his chest, a shot of pleasure going straight to your core as his fingers brushed against your hardened nipple. 
“Taehyung, please,” you begged once again, your voice a pathetic little thing, “let me cum.” 
“My baby wants to play with her pussy again?” He asked, his voice an octave lower. You nodded. “Hm? Want to make that tight little cunt cum?” 
“Yes, yes, please,” you were losing your mind, droplets of sweat running between your breasts. The bedroom was so hot, you felt like you couldn’t even breathe. “I need it so bad.”
He chuckled devilishly against your skin, his thumb grazing your nipple. “Alright, baby, you’ve been good,” Taehyung finally gave in, making you breathe out in relief. “But sit on my cock first.” 
Your heart hammered against your rib cage, your pussy clenching in anticipation. “What?”
“You heard what I said, baby.” He removed his hand from your tit and used it to unzip his pants. The sound was harsh and loud, shooting straight to your dripping core. “Come on, I’m not very patient.” 
Taehyung was patient, though, that was how he managed to edge you so many times without losing his cool. But you bought his act and moved forward so he could fumble with his pants, your eyes following his movements on the mirror as he pulled his cock free. 
You sighed at the sight, your mouth watering with the thought of licking his cock clean. He was so hard and heavy, leaking all over himself, and if you weren’t so desperate to have him inside you, you would’ve turned around and sucked him like he had teached you, until you were crying and he was cumming down your throat. 
“Don’t ride it. Just keep it in.” Taehyung shattered your dreams just as fast as he had built them, a frown covering your features as he placed his hands on your hips, pulling you towards him. “Keep my cock warm as you touch yourself, baby. Make a mess on it and I’ll think about fucking you, alright?” 
Taehyung always had wonderful arguments, because that had you agreeing within a second. You struggled to place yourself over him, lining his tip with your entrance and, just as you were about to sink down, he stopped you. 
“No, baby.” Taehyung placed his hand on your chin, tilting your head towards the mirror. “Want you to watch too.” 
“I’ll watch,” you guaranteed, earning a soft smile in return. 
You sat down on his member with ease, thankful for how absolutely soaked you were. Ever since Taehyung had taken your virginity, you realized that you would never get enough of that feeling — of his length stretching you wide open, hitting every spot and throbbing inside you. Back when you had your first time, you had been so flustered that you couldn’t even watch when Taehyung entered you and, now, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from your reflection, your hand clenching the hem of your skirt so it didn’t cover the view. 
Behind you, Taehyung moaned out at the sensation, his eyes closing. “That’s it, baby, fuck.” He breathed out. “This pussy was made for me.” 
And you felt the same, felt like the two of you were made to be together like that, a perfect match for one another. 
Before you could react, his hands were back on your body, playing with your tits as you squirmed under his touches. The movement of your hips against him was automatic, filling the room with the sounds of your wetness and a beautiful whimper coming from your throat. “T-Tae, I’m…” 
“Sit still,” he commanded, ignoring your shy requests for forgiveness. You managed to stop your body from moving, instead focusing on how perfectly he was buried inside you, his pelvis glued against your ass. “Didn’t you want to cum? So, go ahead. Play with your clit, baby.” 
Another moan left you as he pushed your breasts together. “But I want to—“ 
“No, no. You already asked for what you wanted,” he interrupted. Taehyung’s eyes were hooded and dark, looking at you from the reflection like they were daring you to disobey him. “Play with your pussy for me, baby. Cum all over my cock. That’s all you’re gonna get for now.” 
You agreed with a frail movement of your head, your fingers moving back to your sensitive nub. You coated them in your juices before pressing down on your clit, crying out in sensitivity as you started to rub yourself again. This time, with the feeling of Taehyung’s cock inside you, it was much easier to find where you had left off, your walls clenching dangerously tight around him as you searched for your high. 
Taehyung continued to watch you, his gaze burning your body. He was biased, yes, but you were the hottest thing he had ever laid eyes upon. And he wasn’t ignoring the way you were moaning out his name, your perfect cunt clenching around his cock, the sweet smell of your perfume infiltrating his nose. All of you was perfect, handmade for him, and he was going insane knowing that you were all his. 
“Gonna cum,” you warned, looking at him through parted lids. Taehyung, of course, knew that already. He knew your body better than yourself. “Can I cum?” 
Taehyung smiled — you were so cute. He had already allowed you to and, yet, there you were, making sure his desires hadn’t changed. Even though you were about to break, you still needed his permission. “Of course, baby,” he said. “You’ve been so patient. So perfect for me. You can cum whenever you want.” 
He could not even blink when you finally tipped over the edge, your pussy gushing down on his cock and pulsating around it as you finally — finally! — found your high. Taehyung knew all those small mannerisms already — the opening of your lips, the rolling of your eyes, the high pitch of your voice — but he couldn’t help but feel like he was experiencing them for the very first time. 
And as you came down from your moment of euphoria, your thighs jittery from overstimulation, Taehyung had erased every single doubt from his mind: you were, undoubtedly, the most precious, beautiful thing he had ever seen. 
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buckysbbyy · 3 years
here, stevie (part 1)
part 1 | part 2
pairings: bucky barnes x reader(established), steve rogers x bucky barnes, steve rogers x reader, stucky x reader (dom!bucky, sub!reader, sub!steve)
synopsis: bucky has noticed how you and steve act in each other’s presence, he can tell you’re both holding back from one another. tonight, he decides to give the two of you what you thought you were hiding gracefully, while also getting the fun he deserves.
warnings: dom/sub dynamics, dom bucky, sub steve and reader, threesome, M/M SEXUAL INTERACTIONS, oral sex (m and f receiving), unprotective penetrative sex, dirty talk, pet names, kissing, daddy kink, spitting, slight voyeurism, choking for a moment, sex in the compound living room, filth, its porn. 18+ ONLY! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!
word count: 2.4k
a/n: well, this is complete FILTH. I’m scared to post this, honestly. I was going to wait until tomorrow to post but I honestly want to get this deleted from my computer LOL. BUT I hope someone other than me has these filthy stucky thoughts. feedback is always welcome!
It was your honest intent to just watch the movie with your boyfriend, Bucky, but he picked some action movie that you were only half paying attention to, and he just looked so good in the grey sweats and tight black t-shirt that he had on. It started with you kissing his cheeks for attention, but it quickly got heated after he picked you up and placed you on his lap to straddle him. Being that you were in the living room of the compound, this was a bad place to start getting frisky.
Bucky didn’t care though, he’d take you right there with everyone watching if he knew you wouldn’t die of humiliation. Of course, right at that moment when Bucky’s tongue is in your mouth, his hands grinding you against his hard-on through his sweats, Steve walks in, not expecting to see, well, that.
As steve catches sight of the two of you, he means to turn away, he really does, but he just can’t. The sight of Bucky’s hands on your hips, grinding you into him, his tongue in your mouth, the soft moans spilling from your lips, it sends blood rushing to his cock.
With your back to Steve in Bucky’s lap, you can’t see him, but as Bucky parts his lips from yours to start trailing them on your neck, his eyes open, catching sight of Steve standing there, his hard cock evident in his thin gym shorts.
Steve’s face reddens as Bucky sends him a wink, and finally, he gathers the strength to turn away. “God, sorry!”, Steve half-shouts, covering his eyes and turning his body the opposite way.
Steve’s voice frightens you as you turn to look where his. “Steve!” Your face is red, embarrassed beyond belief at the fact that Steve saw you in such a way. “I’m sorry! We shouldn’t be doing that in here!” You scramble to get off Bucky’s lap, but he holds you in place.
“I-it’s fine, I’ll go”, Steve says, starting to walk away, but Bucky calls out to him.
“Steve.” Bucky is looking right at him, waiting for him to turn around. But he won’t, because he’s afraid you’ll see the tent in his pants.
“Yeah, Buck?” he asks, still turned the other way. “Look at me. No need to hide.” Bucky is smirking, knowing he’s finally getting this chance.
“Bucky, what are you doing?”, you whisper shout at him, wondering why he’s not letting Steve leave or letting you get off of his lap.
“Hush, kitten, before I spank you right here.” He says back, squeezing your hips and keeping his eyes on Steve. You’re still turned on from just moments ago before Steve walked in, and Bucky’s words to you don’t help any.
Steve turns around slowly, trying to discretely cover his groin area with his hand. Bucky chuckles at his red face and nervous behavior. “Come here, Stevie.”
Both yours and Steve’s eyes widen, looking at each other momentarily before breaking eye contact, Steve looking back to Bucky and you burying your face in his chest. Steve walks over slowly to where Bucky is seated on the couch with you in his lap. Bucky looks up at him, smirking.
“Stevie, correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you were just watching me and my girl from the doorway there. And I think you liked it, according to the strain of your shorts. Yet, I can’t seem to figure out who you were looking at more, me or her.”
The arousal in your core has never been more evident, and you’re trying your hardest not to rub yourself into Bucky’s lap again. The way he’s talking down to Steve that way is making your head spin.
You bring your face out of Bucky’s chest to look at Steve, finding him speechless, eyes darting between you and Bucky.
“I-I- I’m sorry, Buck, I-“ Steve starts, but Bucky grabs his hand in an attempt to calm him.
“Stevie, would you like join to us?” Bucky asks nonchalantly as if he was asking him to join the two of you for dinner. “I know my girl here doesn’t mind. Every time you walk in the room, she gets all shy and wet and subby, I know she wants to fuck you.”
You are now joining Steve in being speechless, not sure whether to start apologizing because it's true, or to deny it. Bucky looks at you for a moment, sensing your concern. “Don’t worry kitten, I’m not mad. I know you can’t help it, and I know you’d never do anything to betray me.”
He turns back to Steve, “And I know you feel the same way for her. In all the years I’ve known you, I’ve never seen you get so nervous and shy around a dame. I can’t blame you punk, I do have one hell of a special girl. But you know what else? I hear you moaning her name at night sometimes when you’re touching yourself. You’re not the only super soldier around here with increased hearing abilities.”
Steve’s eyes widen at what he knows is coming next. “I hear my own name fall from your lips too.” Bucky looks at him in the eyes, and you feel his cock twitch under you. You suppress a moan at both that feeling and at Bucky’s words.
Steve looks at him, his eyes softening from their widened state, his hands coming to their sides instead of covering his hard cock. He walks closer to Bucky, standing right next to his knee. “Come here”, Bucky says softly.
Steve slowly sits next to him on the couch, your leg touching his as you’re still straddling your boyfriend. You look at Bucky, he can see it in your eyes, and feel it on his pants, how desperate you’ve become.
He brings his hand up to cup Steve’s jaw before turning to kiss you. It’s a slow, deep kiss full of raw emotion. While he’s kissing you, he’s guiding Steve close to your joined lips. Bucky pulls away and quickly replaces his lips with Steve’s on your own before you even know what’s happened.
Bucky sits back and groans as he watches Steve kiss you. He kisses slow like Bucky, but you can tell he’s holding back, that he wants to devour you. Bucky’s cock is twitching in his sweats as he puts both of his hands on the backs of yours and Steve’s heads, keeping you in the kiss for a moment before pulling him off your lips and crashing his own into his.
Years of built-up tension is coming out through this kiss unfolding right in front of you. Both Steve and Bucky’s faces are distorted in pleasure as they find each other’s tongues, Bucky’s easily dominating Steve’s in the heat.
Bucky brings his flesh fingers to your mouth for you to suck while his lips are still on Steve’s. You moan around his fingers and start to move your hips against his crotch, forcing a moan into Steve’s mouth. He pulls away from his friends’ lips to look at you, you’re so desperate you could cum right there just from rubbing on him, and Bucky knows it.
“Aw baby, you’re soaked through your shorts. Look at the mess you’ve made on my pants.” Bucky mocks you, pulling another moan from your mouth. He grabs your jaw, pulling you so close to his face that your noses are almost touching. “Stand up and strip.” He says quietly, yet sternly. Your eyes widen at the thought of stripping in front of Steve, but you do as he says and stand up in front of him.
Bucky turns to give Steve a quick kiss before finding Steve’s cock through his shorts, a moan falling from Steve’s mouth. His shorts are stained with precum, Bucky can feel it. They both watch as you remove your t-shirt and shorts.
Standing in your bra and panties, your face turns red as you start to shy away.
“Don’t- don’t hide, y/n. You’re gorgeous”, Steve says in awe, never having seen your body in this way. “That’s right, doll. You know daddy’s rule, no hiding. Take the rest of it off so you can get back in my lap, pretty girl.” Bucky says, smiling softly at you.
You remove the remainder of your clothes, quickly returning to Bucky’s lap, where he’s rid of his sweats but kept his boxers. As you begin to straddle him, he stops you.
“Nu-uh. Other way, kitten. I want your back against my chest.” You oblige and turn around, his arms grabbing beneath your knees and pulling your legs apart, spreading your bare mound for anyone to walk in and see.
Bucky brings his fingers to Steve’s mouth, where he happily takes them. “Get them nice and wet for me, Stevie”, Bucky says, pulling his fingers out and bringing them to your pussy. You moan loudly, finally getting what you needed. He begins making slow circles on your clit, Steve watching your face turn in pleasure.
Bucky turns to Steve. “Shirt and shorts off, now.” Steve stands up and strips the clothes Bucky told him to. As he sits back down, Bucky grabs his jaw, kissing him sloppily for a second before pulling away.
“Open your mouth, tongue out.” Steve obeys, and Bucky spits on his tongue, the excess dripping on his chin.
“Good boy. Now get that mouth on my girl’s pussy.”
Your eyes widen as you hear Bucky’s words, but before you can say anything, Steve’s mouth is on your mound, and god is he good. His tongue licking wide stripes up and down, focusing on your clit before going further down to tongue your entrance.
You’re a moaning mess, on edge and so, so ready to cum. Steve begins sucking on your clit as he brings a single finger to your hole. Bucky’s hands are on your breasts, squeezing and caressing as his lips suck purple marks into your neck. Steve’s index finger and tongue work your pussy, bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
“Daddy!” You moan to Bucky, “Daddy, m’gonna cum!” Bucky smirks, “Oh no baby, not yet” Bucky gently pushes Steve’s face from your mound, pulling a pathetic whine from you. “You’re cumming on my cock, sweet girl.”
Bucky pulls his boxers off him, his cock now free, the tip oozing precum and prodding at your entrance. Steve looks at his friend's cock wide-eyed. He looks to Bucky nervously as he watches him push his cock into your wet hole.
“Oh fuck, kitten, so wet for me, aren’t you?” You nod yes and moan desperately, trying to move your hips against him, but Bucky reaches his arm across your hips, holding you still. He looks to Steve,
“Go on, Stevie, keep working your tongue on her. She’s gonna cum so hard for us.” Bucky groans, moving his cock excruciatingly slow in and out of you.
Steve brings his head back down to your core, all his focus on your clit now as Bucky continues to pump slowly into you. Steve can feel Bucky’s cock rubbing against his chin occasionally, making his cock twitch in his boxers, which are covered in precum. You’ve never experienced pleasure like this, and you’re so close, you’re right there.
“Daddy can I cum?! Please daddy, feels so good!” Bucky groans as he feels your walls beginning to tighten around him.
“Yes baby, be a good girl and make a mess on my cock” At his words you fall apart, your head thrown back and your legs shaking as you cum hard, your eyes squeezing tight as you experience ecstasy like never before.
You finally come down, your body going limp in Bucky’s lap as Steve’s tongue comes off your clit. You’re trying to catch your breath as Bucky pulls his cock from you, cooing at the mess you made on it.
“Such a good girl, baby. Now Stevie, be a good boy and lick my cock clean.”
Steve’s eyes are full of lust as he takes no time to obey Bucky’s orders. He licks his cock from base to tip, cleaning your cum from it and moaning at the taste. Steve’s tongue is pushing Bucky closer to the edge,
“Yes Stevie, keep licking me like that, fuck” Bucky groans at the feeling as Steve starts to focus on his head. Bucky kisses you deeply, his hands finding your throat and lightly squeezing as he gets closer to cumming.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum” Bucky groans, Steve not slowing down his tongue as Bucky’s cum shoots up and lands on your exhausted pussy, covering it in his thick white ropes.
“Ah, fuck! God, yes!” Bucky groans through his orgasm, his head falling back for a second before looking back to Steve.
“Okay Steve, I think you’ve earned the privilege to fuck my girl. But you better not cum in her, punk, I’ll kill you”, Bucky smirks at Steve. You look at him as he discards his boxers in front of you, watching his angry red cock bounce free.
Steve gets between yours and Bucky’s knees as he lines himself with your entrance, looking at you for silent permission as you look at him with begging eyes, needing him to fuck you. He finally begins to push himself into you, moans escaping his mouth as you squeeze him tight with your walls.
“Oh god, Steve!” you moan, holding Bucky’s hands as he starts to pump in and out of you. “Fuck, m’not gonna last long”, he says, out of breath already from the pleasure. Bucky grabs his arm and pulls him down to capture his lips in a kiss, then turning Steve’s head to kiss you once more.
He’s pounding into you, the sound of skin slapping filling the room, his face scrunched in pleasure as he feels his peak approaching. “Oh god, I-I’m gonna cum, y/n, feel so good around me”, he whimpers into your kiss, pulling away suddenly and fisting his cock over your stomach, where he groans as ropes of his cum cover your stomach, some getting on Bucky’s thighs.
Steve collapses beside Bucky on the couch, catching his breath as he looks over the two of you. “Wow” is all Steve can get out, honestly in shock over what just happened. “Wow, indeed,” Bucky says, chuckling lightly, standing up with you in his arms.
Your eyes are closed as you rest against his chest, too tired to speak. “I’m gonna take y/n to the bathroom to get cleaned up.. join us?” Bucky smiles at Steve. Steve nods in agreement as he follows the two of you to your bathroom, where the three of you share a warm shower and cuddle in bed afterward. The three of you fall asleep for a nap, your body sandwiched between the two super soldiers’.
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foli-vora · 3 years
more than words, pt.5
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A/N: thank you so much for your patience! Honestly I struggled so hard with this chapter and I don’t know why, I wrote and deleted things so many fucking times (overthinking, as usual), so I hope this lives up to your expectations! ☺️ and thank you for all of your love for this fic—you’ve all truly made my heart explode! 🥰 also, really sorry if I’ve missed any tags! Okay, here we go!
Pairing: Francisco ‘Catish’ Morales x f!reader
Word count: lmao... just under 5.6k I’m sorry
Warnings: okay, let’s see... swearing, ✨ smut—finally ✨ 18+, no minors! fingering, oral sex (f & m receiving) unprotected p in v sex (wrap before you tap people), masturbation (f), cum shot, cum eating, Frankie’s a messy pussy eater and no I will not be taking constructive criticism because he’s a thirsty man and you know I’m right. I think that’s it! (please let me know if there’s something I should add!)
pt.1 / pt.2 / pt.3 / pt.4 / pt.6
Fuck. He was really here.
He was really here, in the dim lighting of your tiny apartment, hands buried in his pockets as he watches you shuffle on the spot.
Well shit. Now what?
“Um, so... this is my apartment.” Duh—you idiot.
You frown a little at yourself, palms clamming up with nerves. Your usual moves had all but vanished from your mind. You used to be good at this, so fucking good, but now, with Frankie standing right in front of you in all of his fucking glorious flannelette perfection, you felt a little out of your depth.
How did this shit usually go? You can’t remember. Fuck, you can’t remember. How did you get from point A to point B? Shit. You’re going to embarrass yourself. You can feel it. Oh my god, are you sweating?
Oblivious to your inner turmoil, his gaze flickers around at your words, taking in the many small personal details that make the space your own which he had missed earlier, before landing back on you, eyes darkening as your tongue slips out and runs along your bottom lip.
“It’s nice.” He comments, voice coming out a lot huskier than normal. You can’t help but clench in response, insides twisting pleasantly as his raspy tone settles in your ears.
“Can I—can I get you anything? Coffee?”
Stop. This is ridiculous. The both of you were damn near close to combusting in the truck and now you’re offering coffee? You might as well just show him his way out.
He senses your nerves then, relieved he wasn’t the only one seemingly unsure of how to move this along, but keeps his eyes on you, testing the waters as he speaks, “Maybe in the morning.”
Well, fuck. Okay then.
You swallow, chest heaving slightly as you inhale, heart fluttering away in your chest. God, just kiss him. You don’t need a build-up, just do it. You could feel the ghost of his previous kisses along your lips, could feel the heat of his hands run across your body from when he had pressed you up against the windmill. You needed it all again.
It’s quiet as you both study each other, lost in feeling of growing arousal as your clock ticks slowly somewhere in the background, and then something just snaps.
You both jump forward at the same time, Frankie’s arms immediately wrapping around your waist and bringing you flush against his body while your hands tangle in his hair, tugging sharply and pulling a low groan from him as his lips eagerly mash against yours.
The strength that you meet each other with throws you both off balance, and you stumble into your dining table, breathing a quiet chuckle at the apology he mutters against your lips. You shift to sit on the edge of it, widening your thighs to make room for him as he steps closer and presses his hips tightly against yours.
Your hands shake as you desperately attack the buttons of his flannelette shirt, all but ripping the damn thing down his arms when it eventually parts, and making a small noise of impatience when your hands slide along cotton instead of skin. He briefly pulls away from your mouth, hands quick to tug the plain t-shirt he had worn underneath his shirt up and off his torso, melting back into you the second he drops it to the floor.
Holy shit.
His skin is warm and smooth under your palms as they hungrily feel along his chest and dip along his stomach, grabbing desperately at his waist when his tongue slides into your mouth. He responds eagerly to your touch, pushing your dress up and out of the way to run his hands along on the bare skin of your legs. They stop just below the line of your panties, his thumbs tracing along the inside of your thighs and smoothing dangerously close to your covered pussy.
He feels your muscles move under his touch, feels the whimper fall from your mouth and into his when he squeezes your thighs. Your hips roll forward automatically, needing his touch to go just that little bit higher.
“Please touch me,” you plead quietly, lashes fluttering as you gaze up at him and his chest tightens.
His fingers are quick to move the lace aside and fuck—
He watches your face with open wonder; watches how your eyes close when his fingers lightly trace over you, watches how your breath catches when his thumb swipes through your arousal and spreads it over your swollen clit, rubbing soft insistent circles that have your toes curling in your shoes.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmurs against the skin of your throat, tongue circling over your pulse point before his nose trails up and along your jaw, pressing a kiss at the corner of your lips while your face pinches in pleasure, brows burrowing and grip tightening on his arms.
“More… please—”
He hums lowly, a finger soon swiping through your folds and prying at your entrance, sliding into the wet heat of your pussy with no resistance. You’d been ready for hours, practically dripping for him the second he first laid his hands on you. Your breath catches when he curls it, curious and searching, his lips twisting into a smug grin when your back suddenly arches, a startled cry falling from your lips.
“There we go.” And then he’s pressing soft kisses along your temple, adding a second finger into the mix and thrusting steadily, grinding his palm along your clit as he does so.
He drags it out and you hate that you fucking love it.
With the patience of a saint, he works you slowly, more than happy to drag out your pleasure as long as he likes. He holds you close with his spare hand supporting the back of your neck as you arch into him, lips never straying too far from yours as his fingers drive you closer and closer to the edge.
And then he changes something, moves his fingers just the right way, and it hits you out of nowhere.
Slamming into you like a freight train, the blissful torture hits its peak, and then you’re crashing down, nails digging into his arms as your pussy gushes around him and he’s quickly leaning in, swallowing the cry that flies from your lips.
His fingers slow before he gently pulls them out and then your hands are desperately reaching for his face, teeth clashing slightly as your mouths meet harshly.
“Bedroom?” He mutters hoarsely, throbbing in his jeans and aching to spread you out somewhere more comfortable, to see and feel more of you properly.
It takes a moment for your mind to catch up and register what he says, but when it does, you’re slipping off the table onto unsteady feet and grabbing his hand, stumbling in your haste to get to your room. He works the dress from your body on the way, hands eagerly spreading across the newly bared skin as you spin in his arms, meeting his lips as he backs you to the bed.
“My turn?” You question sweetly against his mouth, hands trailing lightly over the bulge digging into you before landing on his belt, fingers making quick work of the buckle.
He grins, stilling your hands. “Not even close—get on the bed.”
As soon as your ass meets the bedding, he’s on his knees in front of you, warm hands smoothing up along the soft skin of your legs and gently spreading your thighs. You brush a stray curl from his forehead softly as you recline onto your elbow, fingers gently trailing along the side of his face as he smiles at you, turning to kiss your palm softly before his hands are greedily grabbing at your panties and pulling them down your legs.
There’s no working up to it this time… no patience, no soft strokes.
Frankie dives in like a man starved, fingers digging into the flesh of your thighs as he spreads your legs and licks a long, wide strip along your pussy. You feel him groan against you, your hips squirming on the bed as he tries to pull you closer against his mouth, tongue probing at your pussy and hungrily lapping up the mess he had made of you on the table.
Your hand moves to wind into his soft hair, whimpers falling from your mouth as his facial hair tickles at your thighs and tongue rubs relentless strokes over your clit.
Body still strung out and sensitive from the orgasm he had all but ripped from you before, it doesn’t take long for the gentle strokes of his tongue to build another, your stomach clenching as he tightens his hands, feeling the unsteady shake of your legs in his hold.
You dance precariously on the edge, stomach clenching in anticipation. “Frankie, I—fuck—I’m—”
His mouth works you faster, “Fuck, please—”
You shatter at his softly spoken plea, back arching and hand tightening into a fist as you tug harshly at his hair, crying out and drowning the sound of his own groan as you flood his mouth. He takes everything you give him, tongue diving to push into your pussy as you ride out and come down from your high. He pulls off of you with a small pant, licking his lips and brushing his chin with the back of his hand.
You make a small noise of contentment, “Thank you.”
He chuckles quietly, grinning at the look of blissed out mortification that washes your face following your words as he climbs over you. “You’re welcome.”
You grind your hips against his when he presses into you, hissing when your sensitive clit rubs against the rough denim, but your message gets across loud and clear, Frankie’s eyes darkening as he moves in to kiss you slowly. He breaks away for a brief moment to kick his jeans off, and then he’s covering you again, warm body pressing you into the mattress.
“I have a—”
You make a noise of refusal, hands reaching around to grab at his back to keep him on top of you. “Wanna feel you… ‘m safe—”
He can’t help the small groan that falls from his lips, nodding as he dives in for another kiss. “Me too—”
You whimper when he shifts his hips, slotting further between your thighs. He slides the head of his cock between your slick folds, slowly rocking back and forth across your clit and your chest heaves in anticipation, eyes falling shut when you feel him start to slowly slide into you. Fucking finally—
He fills you slowly, cock rubbing deliciously against your walls and you arch into him when he finally bottoms out, his face falling to rest in the curve of your shoulder. He shudders under your hands when he pulls out, thrusting softly into you and cursing quietly when your pussy flutters around him.
You whine, “Fuck. You feel so—”
He doesn’t give you a chance to finish. He starts moving, hips moving back before slamming forward again and again, the breath escaping your lungs as he moves to rest on his forearms, lips seeking yours for one more bruising taste of your mouth before he pulls completely away. A hand grabs your thigh, hitching it high around his waist and groaning quietly when he hits deeper on the next push.
You’re lost in a hazy sea of pleasure as he starts to move, frantic in his thrusts, the incoherent mumbling falling from your lips driving him to push harder. You have to smother your mouth with your hand to stifle your scream when he grabs your head board, using it as leverage as his hips start to ram harshly into yours.
He knocks the hand away from your mouth, eyes fierce, “I want to hear you.”
A thumb starts rubbing at your clit and you sob from the overstimulation, the burn of it sending shocks throughout your body as your body tenses beneath him, fighting the overwhelming sense of it being too fucking much while clinging to the heat of climax quickly building in your core.
“Come on—”
Your body responds to his words immediately. You’re not even sure what sounds comes out of your mouth when your body completely shatters from the inside out, stars blinding you as your pussy clamps down around him. His hips stutter and then he’s quickly pulling out and away from you, fisting his cock with a quiet groan until his cum is painting your pussy, covering your clit and sliding down your slick folds, mixing with your cum leaking from your entrance.
He all but collapses on top of you, chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath. You’re too tired to open your eyes and watch him as he moves away, bed dipping as he stands and disappears.
A wet warmth covers your thoroughly wrecked pussy, and you blearily blink your eyes open to watch him softly clean you with a face cloth, smiling lazily at him when he glances up at you softly. He throws it into the laundry basket by the door and climbs up next to you, gently manoeuvring your tired body under the sheets before wrapping around you.
You blindly reach for his hand, interlocking your fingers as your body slowly calms and melts into the mattress and into the body radiating warmth behind you. The last thing you feel are soft lips pressing against your temple, a hushed goodnight ringing in your ears.
Soft fingers tracing down along your nose drags you gently from sleep the next morning. The smile that stretches your lips is automatic as your eyes focus on Frankie, dressed in his clothes from yesterday and perched on the bed next to you.
“I have to go.” He mutters, eyes soft and apologetic as the backs of his fingers brush lightly over your cheek.
“Oh,” you try not to let the disappointment flood your tone, but your face doesn’t get the message as it falls into a pout.
“I know—I’m sorry.” He smiles, fingers still caressing the skin across your face. Your chest tightens the longer he gazes softly at you, something shining deep in his eyes that makes your heart race. “Can I take you out for dinner sometime in the week?”
Delight radiates from your chest as you smile, nodding eagerly. “That would be nice.”
“Last night was…” he trails off, unable to find the words to describe what he felt about the evening before, and a flush of pink grows along his cheeks, his stomach flipping as your moans echo in his ears.
How the fuck is he meant to go about his day and run errands when the picture of you spread out beneath him and crying out his name as you cum keeps playing over and over in his mind like a fucking prime time movie?
“Incredible.” You provide softly, blinking shyly up at him as he grins.
“Incredible.” He agrees just as quietly, feeling like a complete idiot with how hard he was smiling. What was it Benny said the other day? Whipped.
You hold your breath when he leans down, nose scrunching slightly when his moustache tickles your upper lip, his mouth moving unhurriedly as his tongue slides against yours and quickly turning your brain to complete mush. You hum as he moves away, nose brushing softly against yours.
“Are you sure you have to go? You can’t stay for just a few more minutes?” You breathe against his lips, heat spreading across your skin as his eyes darken and slowly lower to where the sheets only just cover your breasts. He groans quietly, flicking a hand out to check his watch and brows pinching as he studies the face of it.
“A few minutes,” he finally decides, hand ripping the sheet away and lips curling up as you yelp in surprise.
He spreads your legs with firm hands, shuffling onto his stomach as he flings your thighs over his shoulders. You sit up onto your elbows, laughing quietly.
“This wasn’t what I had in—oh.”
His finger’s part you gently before his tongue is softly moving over your clit in wide, lazy strokes, and you fall back onto the bed with a whimper, unable to resist grinding against his mouth. Your hand blindly reaches down and soon warm fingers are interlacing with yours, his thumb rubbing across your skin as his lips wrap around your clit.
Fire erupts in your core, electric heat spreading throughout your body as he steadily works his mouth against you, nose brushing your clit as his tongue dives into your pussy, his groan muffled as your taste floods his mouth.
“Fuck Frankie, so good—”
His movements turn frenzied, face pressing up harder against you as his tongue swirls sloppily around your clit, the sounds filling the room obscene as he hungrily laps and sucks at your pussy. All you can do is hold on, the hand intertwined with his tightening as your other flies to his ruffled curls, tugging sharply.
Holy shit, just like that—
You struggle to fill your lungs, struggle to feel anything other than his mouth and how it works savagely against you, pushing you higher and higher until you’re right fucking there—
He feels your legs tense, and anchors himself to you with an arm across your hips, groaning when you cry out and gush around his mouth, coating his tongue and chin.
His mouth is still on you when the wave of bliss dissolves into a dull tingle, hurried movements now languid as his tongue smooths through your folds, his head resting against your inner thigh. You watch him through tired eyes, hand gently brushing his hair from his forehead as his eyes close at the soft caress, tongue curling one more lazy swirl over your pussy before he presses a light kiss to your clit and sits up.
“Now I really have to go.”
“Where the fuck have you been?!” Benny yells across the café, ignoring the heads that turn to frown at him. Frankie rolls his eyes, hand running through his hair as he quickly advances to the small group and slides into the booth.
“Sorry—truck wouldn’t start.”
“Mhm.” Santiago hums lowly, hiding a grin behind his cup as he sips his coffee, eyeing Frankie with a critical eye. “What was wrong with it?”
Benny crosses his arms on the table and leans forward, eyes narrowing in suspicion. “Your truck—what was wrong with it?”
Frankie shrugs, eyes falling to browse the menu in front of him. “Battery.”
Now fucking drop it.
Pope raises a brow, “Was it flat?”
Fucking Pope—
Will snorts across the table, grinning wryly as Frankie glares at him. “’Sure’? It was either flat or it wasn’t.”
Fucking Miller—
“Look—I’m here now, let’s just eat so I can go and get Mena.”
The table goes quiet and Frankie sighs in relief, his eyes falling back to his menu. It stays quiet for so long that Frankie actually starts to think the subject has been dropped.
He should’ve known better.
“Fish got laid.” Benny coos softly, Pope and Will snickering behind their menus as Frankie sighs deeply, lips twitching as he fights the grin spreading from their teasing.
Rain softly pelts the roof of the truck as you giggle against Frankie’s lips, his dark gaze softening as you smile up at him. You brush a hand softly across his cheek, pressing another zealous kiss to his lips which he returns eagerly, hand smoothing along your thigh and pushing under your skirt to squeeze your thigh, grinning when you whimper into his mouth.
You had said goodbye a few times already, each time ending the same way—lips locked in a bruising, passionate frenzy, neither of you quite ready to let the night come to a close. You break away with a sigh, head tilting as his mouth trails greedily along your throat, tongue soothing the sudden sting away as he nips at your skin.
“I wish you could come up.”
“I know, baby. I’m sorry.”
You shake your head. He shouldn’t be—it’s not like he didn’t want to. He had a toddler to get home to. You understood, of course, but it didn’t make the goodbye any easier.
“It’s okay.” You smile at him, his chest tightening as you do.
“You could...” he trails off, chewing his cheek in thought as he looks out of the windshield before turning to you, eyes showing the nervous uncertainty that had flooded him. “You could come back to mine, if—if you want to.”
You blink, pulling away to look up at him searchingly. “What about Mena?”
Would he want you out before dawn or something? Sneak out of the house like you were teenagers or some sort of one night stand? You know he meant no harm by it, but the thought of having to grab your clothes and disappear in the middle of the night had you feeling a little insulted.
“I don’t mind you staying... if you want to meet her. You don’t have to, I was just... I don’t know. I’m just saying it’s—it’s on the table, if that’s something you’d be interested in.” His hands rub along his jeans, wiping the nervous sheen of sweat that had gathered on his palms.
You’re quiet, letting his words soak in and thinking over it seriously. You had no kids, obviously, and no friends that had kids, either, but... wasn’t it a little early for something like this? Although, she was still young—it’s not like she’d know any different.
“I’m sorry—I shouldn’t have said anything. I know it’s early—”
“Can you wait while I pack a bag?”
His heart speeds up as he nods. Shit—was he nodding too fast? He returns your grin as you quickly hop from the truck and rush through the light rain and into your building, disappearing from his view as the door slams behind you.
Did he do the dishes? Fuck—he left his folded laundry on his bed. Why didn’t he just put it away earlier?
It’s fine. It’s fine. Maybe he could fake going to the bathroom and just throw them into his cupboard before you saw anything. Yeah—that’ll work. It’s fine.
You reappear sooner than he expected, a small overnight bag slung over your shoulder and he can’t help the elation that floods his face, grin making his cheeks ache as he quickly leans over the seat and shoves the door open for you. His hand doesn’t leave your thigh the entire way to his place, your fingers drawing random patterns on the back of it as you listen to him sing softly to the music playing from the speaker.
The first thing you notice when he pulls into his driveway is how perfect his house seems to fit him, and he chuckles when you tell him as much. You stay wrapped into his side as he holds his jacket over your head to keep you from getting too wet, quickly ushering you up and onto his porch just in time as the rain comes down heavier.
He ushers you in when he finally gets the door open, and your giggling stops short at the amused gaze you get from the dark-haired man shrugging his jacket on in the entryway.
You wave politely, feeling like an idiot, standing close to the door as Frankie steps in behind you. “Hi,”
The man fixes his jacket on his shoulders, his dark knowing eyes sliding from you to Frankie as a sly grin starts to work its way onto his face.
“Hi. I’ve heard a lot about you.” He replies, grin widening as Frankie comes to stand next to you, nervously fiddling with his keys.
How the fuck did he completely forget about Pope? Jesus Christ—
Santiago reads the message rolling through his friend’s eyes—a big fat ‘get the fuck out now’, but instead of heeding the unspoken warning and disappearing, he leans his hip on the back of the couch, thoroughly enjoying the twist of Frankie’s features as he makes himself comfortable.
He holds a hand out, “I’m Santiago—the good looking one of the group.”
Frankie rolls his eyes as you give your name in return and shake the outstretched hand, turning to throw his keys in the bowl sitting on the table next to the door, and hissing a quiet insult under his breath.
“That’s debatable,” is your immediate reply, your eyes shooting to land appreciatively on Frankie with a smile, watching the angry flush of pink rise along the skin of his throat as he grins back at you.
Pope watches quietly, eyes flickering between the both of you before he chuckles. “You guys are cute. You need a rubber, Fish? Whoa—hey—okay, I’m going—”
You bite your lip to stifle the laugh bubbling in your chest, watching Frankie immediately wrangle Santiago under his arm and all but shove him out the door. Pope throws you a wave over his shoulder, grinning as he mutters something you didn’t catch in Spanish that had Frankie straightening up and growling a retort.
Your eyes roam around the room as the two men bicker behind you, taking in the comforting warmth that oozes from the space.
You step forward to wander the lounge quietly, smiling as you study the many pictures hung perfectly square on the walls. Your eyes find the familiar faces of Benny and Will in a few of them, along with Santiago and another taller man.
You pause on one, heart fluttering and chest tightening as you study Frankie, darks eyes locked on the blanketed bundle in his arms. The one next to it is newer, more recent—a bright eyed little toddler perched on his hip as they both grin at the camera, colourful streamers hanging above them and a giant ‘1’ balloon in the background.
Fatherhood suited him. He was glowing.
The sound of the door closing has your attention returning to him, eyes fond as you watch him start making his way to you.
“She’s a mini-you.”
He grins, looking at the photo of him and Mena, and nodding. “I know—poor thing.”
He laughs when you slap his chest lightly, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before leading you further into his home. “Would you like anything?”
“I won’t say no to another kiss, and maybe something else.”
He turns on his heel instantly, brow rising as he winds an arm around your waist and dips you slightly back with a curious ‘oh?’. You grab at his arms, giggling as you clutch his sleeves, “Frankie!”
He chuckles deeply, lips pressing softly against yours. You sigh at the feel of them, your hand cupping his cheek as his tongue slides out to meet yours, his hand grabbing a greedy handful of your ass and bringing your hips flush against his. You’re both completely oblivious to the door reopening behind you.
“I forgot my phone—don’t mind me.”
“Pope—” Frankie barks, frowning over your head as Santiago jogs to the couch and holds his phone up, wiggling it in his hold.
“What? I’m not looking.”
Santiago disappears, the door clicking softly behind him and you grin, kissing the corner of Frankie’s lips as he eyes the door, half expecting Pope to come waltzing right back in with some other bullshit excuse.
His dark eyes meet yours instantly, his stomach flipping at the mischievous shine in your gaze.
“There is something I’d really like.” You continue quietly, straightening up and slowly pushing him back towards his couch.
He’s putty in your hands, wide eyes blinking at you in awe as you run your tongue along your lip. He drops onto the couch with a small exhale when you push him, heart thundering in his ears as you drop to your knees in front of him.
“Can I?” You reach for his belt, fingers running along the cool metal of the buckle.
Fuck. You’re so pretty.
He must’ve spoken aloud because a shy smile curls your lips, eyes briefly falling before flickering back up at him from beneath your lashes. Your fingers move when he gives a shaky nod of consent, quickly working the belt open and diving for the button of his jeans.
“Hold on a second?” He stands, carefully stepping around you and walking to his door, locking every latch and bolting the deadlock securely before turning and making his way back to you. “I don’t need Pope interrupting this.” He mutters in quiet explanation, lips twitching at your chuckle.
He settles himself back in front of you, inhaling deeply when your fingers work his jeans open and pull them down his legs. He’s already half hard, the mere idea of your mouth going anywhere near his cock enough to stir a hunger deep in his belly.
“You didn’t let me have a turn when you stayed over.” You accuse quietly, hand wrapping around him and giving a slow tug, working him softly until he was fully hard and pulsing in your hand.
“’m sorry,” he mutters, tongue running his lower lip as you continue to work him gently, his hips squirming under your ministrations.
“I think about this all the time.” You admit, eyes watching his cock throb in your grasp. “How you’d feel, how you’d taste.”
Holy shit—you did?
He makes a quiet noise when your thumb brushes over the head of his cock, collecting the small drop of precum that beads there and smoothing it along his skin. You watch it glisten, pussy clenching as it smears silkily under your thumb.
“Can I taste you, Frankie?”
He’s nodding before you even finish.
The wet heat of your mouth envelopes his cock and he exhales sharply, hands flying to grab at the cushion beneath him. He can’t help but buck into your mouth when your tongue slides along his slit, collecting the precum you had spread there, before running it along the underside of his cock.
You moan at the salty taste of him on your tongue, hands finding purchase on his thighs as you push yourself to take him deeper, fighting the resistance at the back of your mouth and taking him down your throat, holding steady as he curses above you.
Pulling back, you inhale sharply before starting to bob your head, lips wrapping tightly around his cock and sucking lightly as your hand moves to pump what you couldn’t fit in your mouth.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty, so perfect—”
Your panties feel slick as your thighs rub together, your arousal soaking the fabric as Frankie moans quietly, head dropping to fall back against the couch in bliss. You run your free hand under your skirt, whimpering when your fingers press against your clit through the lace and start to rub little circles in time with the movement of your head.
You take him deeper, saliva pooling and spilling from your mouth as you gag around him, your pussy aching with the need to have something, anything, filling it. You hear nothing but Frankie; nothing but the small whimpers and whines that fall from his lips, and your fingers slip into your panties, swiping along your slit before thrusting them into your pussy, your moan muffled as you take him down your throat again.
His eyes fall to the hand disappearing under your skirt, your hips moving in time to whatever the fuck your fingers are doing and his stomach tightens.
“Fuck. Are you—” his eyes flicker up from your hips to watch your brows pinch together in pleasure and then he’s fucking done for; the thought of you getting yourself off while sucking his cock completely tearing him to pieces.  He groans loudly, cock throbbing and twitching as cum spurts from his tip and floods your eager mouth.
His hot release hits your tongue and back of your throat, and paired with the incoherent praises spilling from his mouth, it triggers your own body shattering climax. You choke out a moan from around him as your walls tighten around your fingers, his cum overflowing and spilling from your lips as you struggle with the fullness of him down your throat.
You slip your fingers out from your fluttering pussy and sit back on your heels with a heaving gasp once his cock starts to soften in your mouth, tongue messily lapping at the cum that spilt over your skin.
He dives forward eagerly, lips wrapping around your fingers and groaning as your familiar taste floods his tongue. He soon moves to your mouth, tongue catching the drop of his cum from your chin before he’s pushing it into your mouth, groaning when your tongue eagerly swipes along his.
Your kisses soon turn tender, gazes gentle as you part from each other.
Something’s happening—you can feel it in your chest. A feeling tugs at your heart, soft and insistent. It grows when he smiles, radiates warmth when his hands take yours as he helps you from the floor. You briefly wonder what it could be before shaking the thought from your head, devoting your attention back to Frankie as he walks you through the house to his bedroom.
Tags: @anu-simps​ @seasonschange-butpeopledont​ @withasideofmeg​ @you-got-me-starry-eyed​ @mouthymandalorianalso​ @frannyzooey​ @wyn-dixie​ @intu-witch-tion​ @amneris21​ @mad-girl-without-a-box​ @pinguinstudiert​ @sergeantbannerbarnes​ @betterthanbucky​ @emilykjh​ @peterhollandkait​ @sara-alonso​ @starlightsearches​ @bookishofalder​ @empress-palpat1ne​ @shadowolf993​ @rosiefridayrogersunday​ @canyonmirrors​ @eoz-stuff​ @blackonemasie​ @layniapetrovnaaa​ @alberta-sunrise​ @goldielocks2004​ @linkpk88​ @afootnoteinyourhappiness​ @livilottie​ @hailmaryyramliah​ @kesskirata​ @blueeyesatnight​ @a-perfct-stranger​ @melaniermblt​ @dragcn-queen​ @gracie7209​ @mrsparknuts​ @janebby​
641 notes · View notes
yunhofingers-writes · 3 years
Rings- Yeosang
Note♥︎- I’m so deleting this when I wake up out of embarrassment. Totally didnt write this in 45 minutes WHATTTTT?!???? Me?!?? Never HAHAHAHAHAH🥲 as always, if you want to be in the taglist, here it is <3
Genre♡︎- Smut
Warnings/Tags♥︎- Ring kink? finger kink, finger sucking, penetration, fingering, dry humping, grinding, nipple play, pain play (not really)
Pairing- Yeosang X F!reader
Word count♡︎-1230+
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❥- You never expected for your boyfriend to suddenly grow a habit of wearing rings and you sure as hell didn’t expect for you to love it the way you do. Yeah, you do have a thing for Yeosang’s fingers, but with rings?? that’s fucking sexy.
Anything Yeosang does with his rings is hot. You’d kill to have them in your mouth.
And that brings us to the reason you’re now in Yeosang’s lap, kissing him as hard as you could. You don’t really remember how exactly you got here, but you’re not worrying right now.
Yeosang grabs your hip with one of his hands and guides them over his covered bulge. You have a dress on today so you felt how hard he was. You throw your head back and grab his other hand. Your eyes wide open from the quick arousal that slapped you in the face.
You bite your lip and whine at the rings on his finger today. He had two silver rings on his middle finger, one on his index finger, and another silver one with your name imprinted on his thumb.
Yeosang’s eyes follow where yours are and smirk at you quickly.
“You like my fingers or something?”
Your hips rotate and you both let out a needy groan. “Y-yes.”
Yeosang didn’t believe that was all though. He seen how you’d react to his fingers and it’s more tame than the way you were acting now. You’re basically drooling this time, thighs tensed, and mouth wide opened.
He pushes two fingers in your mouth, watching quietly at your reactions.
Your mouth hollows on them and your eyes roll back. You drool all over his finger, with a needy whine leaving your lips.
Yeosang takes his fingers out of your mouth and picks you up, laying you lightly on the bed. He takes your dress off, throwing it somewhere in the corner.
He’ll never get over your body figure. You look so good in anything you wear and it kills him.
He trails his finger down your body; between your breast, down your stomach, and to your panty line. He looks at you again and there you go, still staring at his fingers again.
His dark eyes stare at you, grinning from ear to ear at the way your body squirms.
Your dress didn’t need a bra, so you didn’t wear one and you’re happy that you didn’t.
Yeosang grips your chin with his fingers, forcing you to look at him.
“Fuck, I didn’t think you’d have a thing for my rings. He licks his lips.
“Your fingers look pretty with them. It drives me so crazy. Do something please.”
Yeosang, without saying anything else, leans down to kiss you. As the kiss got rougher, he drags his hand down, thumbing your nipples.
Your back arches off the bed and you break the kiss again. He bites your bottom lip, loving the way it stretches with his teeth.
He pinch your nipples, trailing his kisses down your body, giving you hickeys everywhere.
“Y-yeosang.” Your voice light as your hips buck up.
“Hm?” He knows exactly what you want, he just wants to hear you say it.
He sucks a hickey right on top of your breast, looking up at your expression as his pretty hands continue to play with your nipples.
You gasp, trying to get a sentence ready. “M-more, i need.”
He softly smacks your thigh, signaling you to spread ‘em and that’s what you did.
His hand slips inside of your panties and quickly adds a finger.
“My favorite thing is to see you legs spread, mouth open with tears down your face.” You were shocked. His voice somehow got deeper.
He takes your nipple in his mouth and sucks on it hard, as he plunges his finger inside of you.
You can feel the way his ring is hitting your pussy lips and your mouth opens wide.
Yeosang lifts his finger, hitting your g-spot all while harshly biting your nipple.
You let out a loud scream at that and urged him to continue.
He licks where he bit you and moves to the other nipple.
You harshly pull at his hair when he repeated the earlier action. He groans and adds a finger into your heat.
“All I did was play with your pretty nipples and let your pretty pussy feel my rings and you’re a mess. Pathetic.”
Your face contorts into a pleasurable face at the mention of his fingers. The reason that you’re in this position anyway.
Your hips circle around his fingers, letting yourself feel his rings.
”I wanna see you suck on my finger though.”
Yeosang push his thumb (the one with your name on it) in your mouth and groan at how desperate you look.
“You like my fingers in your pretty mouth, baby? The way you’re desperately rolling your hips on my fingers is snitching on you.”
You clenched around Yeosang’s fingers and that was when he knew.
He needed to be inside of you
He pulls his fingers from inside of you. He took his pants off and threw them somewhere where your dress was, his underwear following.
He takes one more look at your state and thrust inside of you, roughly to see the way your boobs jiggle.
Your eyes roll in the back of your head and you spread your legs further.
Yeosang quickly grabs your hips and starts pushing inside of you with swift movements.
“You like this?” He looks down, taking in the way your heat took his cock with no problem.
“I-I love it so much.” You whine out, trying to match his eager hips.
His hand reached out to pinch your nipples again, groaning.
“Of course you do. I’m sure you love the way my rings probably left a mark against your pretty pussy too?” He raises his eyebrow at you and angles his hips to hit your spot.
Your mouth opens to let out a silent scream and he pushes his finger back in your mouth.
“You’re too loud”
Was all he said before his other hand pinches your clit, forcing you to cum quicker than you expected with a moan to his name.
His hips still pumped into you, leaning down on your body.
You try to close your legs, but he pushed them back open.
“Uh-Uh, baby.” He shook his head, giving you slow strokes until he felt himself ready to cum.
“gonna give me another one?” His smirk was so quick, you could’ve missed it if you weren’t looking.
Your mouth let out needy, pathetic noises until you legs locked up on you and you came around Yeosang again.
Only this time, he came with you.
He groans your name, pulling out quickly to cum on your tummy.
“Shit, Yeosang.” You breathe out.
“You’re so gorgeous with tears falling out of your eyes.” Was all he said before leaning down to kiss you.
You whipped your eyes and kiss him back.
Once the kiss let go, you look up at him with a daze smile.
“I love you.” He said first
“I love you too, sweetheart, but can you get your ejaculation juice off of me?”
“What the fuck?” He wheezed out along with you, getting up.
“Never ever say that again.” He shook his head and you nod.
“Yup, I won’t.”
A/N: Tell me what you think :) I like to hear feedback
Krusty crew: @serialee @galaxteez @multidreams-and-desires @a-soft-hornytiny @yeotlny @lizsvcks @build-a-roleplay @moonxteez @yeosang99 @yunsangoveryonder @twancingyunhoe @seongsangsgf @chvngbxn @ki6hyun @latte-fairytaekwoon @sansbun @little-precious-baby @ateezappreciation @yutasyiddiepiercing2 @empenguin01 @violetwinters @its-bsma @underratedmisfit @sourmist @lunarteez2 @http-lovelyknow @wonderlandless @rainteez02
Network ping: @8makes1teamnet
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writertitan · 4 years
Midnight Snacks
pairing: eren x reader 
words: 2058
themes: college au, lots of fluff, eren being a little embarrassing with his gas station order 
requested by anon
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Finals week had both you and Eren on high alert and in high panic. Truth be told, you didn’t need to really worry that much; you had prepared yourself for this all semester and had really kept up with your workload. Mostly, you were just stressed about the finals themselves and how, well, final they were. And so close together. A gift and a curse. You’d be done before finals week was even over. 
What really had you in a panic was Eren. The boy, bless his heart, was not apt for cramming. He’d kept up with his work like you had, but you knew him like the back of your hand; he was prone to leaving the harder things until the last minute. 
You glanced at your phone to check the time as Eren flipped back and forth between a page in his biology textbook, grumbling to himself under his breath. It was almost 12:30 in the morning and both of you had been at it all night, cramming and rememorizing things just to be prepared, and Eren especially was deep in concentration. You smiled to yourself as you watched his brows furrow even more than they already were, a feat you thought impossible. Just as you set your phone down to continue your own last-minute preparations, Eren sat up straight with a growl and pushed his textbook off your bed with his knee. 
“I feel like my head’s about to explode,” he complained, flopping over onto your lap. His eyes found yours immediately and he pouted as he reached up to stroke your cheek, then turned his head to glare at your textbook, as if personally offended by it, and pushed it off your bed to join his own. 
“Eren,” you whined, about to push his head off your lap, but he stopped you by reaching both hands up to cup your face. 
“C’mon, let’s just take a small break. We’re probably gonna be at this for a few more hours,” he said, fingers lightly caressing your jaw to entice you into going with his plan. You pondered it, then thought about arguing back with him about needing to study, but then realized he was probably right. All of this endless cramming with no break was just going to end up in you not retaining any of it. 
“Just a small break,” you relented, giving him a warning stare. He sat up, much brighter now, and pulled you off your bed immediately. He stretched his legs out and then reached his arms up to the ceiling for a full body stretch, already in a better mood. 
“Let’s go buy some snacks,” he suggested, wrapping an arm around your shoulders to pull you in. “That’ll help with the brain juice.” 
You hated Eren’s term, brain juice, but you knew he had a point. You had to keep up your energy. 
“Okay, let’s go to the vending machines and pick something out,” you said, moving to put some shoes on. 
“There’s a convenience store just down the street, babe. Please can we go? Your dorm’s vending machines aren’t gonna cut it,” he said, the pout back again. You rolled your eyes playfully but again relented, happy to just get out of your dorm room for a second. 
“Okay, fine. But you’re not supposed to be here, remember? It’s way past visiting hours. We have to be so sneaky,” you said, voice already lowering to a whisper. If you’re RA found out you’d been holing Eren up in your dorm well past 10pm, she was going to lose her mind. 
Eren made a show of zipping his lips and acting stealthy, which made you snort. You grabbed his hand after putting on shoes and jackets, and carefully slipped out to start your trek to the convenience store. 
You had to admit, it was a nice idea. And Eren was right, your vending machines didn’t hold a candle to all the other savory treats you really wanted. 
The night was a little breezy, but the impending summer weather kept the spring chill at bay. Eren had your hand engulfed in his, fingers laced as he swung your hands lightly, other hand messing with his loose bun. The night wrapped around him beautifully, streetlights casting glows that defined the most handsome parts of his face. 
He caught you staring after a minute of him being deep in thought, and you flashed him a mischievous grin which he returned.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” he teased, the lame phrase making you giggle. 
“Okay,” you said cheerily, which took him off guard. You pulled your hand from his and giggled again at his confusion, before moving to stand behind him, hands reaching up to grasp his shoulders and give a small tug to make him stop walking. He knew immediately what you were getting at and crouched down enough to let you hop on, catching you easily and gripping your thighs as you wrapped an arm around your shoulders. Your other hand reached into your pocket to pull out your phone and you wasted no time in pulling up the camera app, jutting your arm out so you could capture Eren’s face right next to yours, the two of you flashing cheesy and ridiculous smiles as you snapped the picture. The automatic flash activated due to the low lighting and Eren whined and blinked, squeezing his eyes shut as the flash went off. 
When you looked at the end result, you showed Eren with a pleased laugh. You looked fine, all smiles and bright eyes. Eren, on the other hand, had blinked a little too soon. His eyes were shut, eyebrows raised, a dopey grin on his face that matched yours. 
“Delete that,” he complained, letting go of one thigh to try to reach for your phone. You were too fast, however, and eased it back into your jacket pocket. “Babe, delete it!”
“Nope! That’s my new favorite picture of us.” 
“I’m not buying you any snacks once we get there.” 
A lie, completely. If anything, Eren would play the little devil on your shoulder and egg you on in just a few minutes, into making not-so-smart choices. Why choose between the chocolate and the gummies when you can have both? 
You moved to hop off once you were in front of the store, but Eren’s grip tightened on your thighs. You angled your head to give him a confused glance, which he ignored, but he turned his head to peck your lips. 
“We’ll be quick. You’ll be my hands,” he said, and you rolled your eyes at his words, but hid your big smile into his shoulder. You knew he could feel the way your lips turned up over the thin fabric of his jacket and even thinner shirt. 
“Alright, what do you want?” you asked him, letting him lead you where you knew he’d go first: the Lunchables. 
“Ham and cheese and crackers, please,” he requested, but you already knew that and were grabbing at it with one hand. He kissed your wrist as a thank you and then asked, “Okay, what are we getting you? The usual?” 
“Yes, please,” you hummed, nuzzling into his neck as he made his way over to your preferred snack of choice. And, after grabbing two drinks, your hands absolutely full, you made your way to the counter to pay. The clerk gave you a bored look, not at all interested in the sight in front of him, and rang up your items slowly and announced your total. 
A contest as always, you and Eren both reached for your wallets. He somehow managed to be quicker, mostly because you were trying your best not to lose your balance as you held onto him with one arm and fished around for money with the other, and you grumbled as he paid for both of you. 
You held onto the bag as you exited the convenience store, again trying to hop off, and again being secured in place by Eren’s tight grip. 
“Aren’t you getting tired?” you asked him, genuinely curious, but Eren nearly guffawed at the question. 
“Are you joking? I wouldn’t even consider this a warm-up, babe. Carrying Jean’s blacked-out ass home after a party, though... that’ll make me break a sweat. I don’t know how he’s so fucking heavy.” 
You giggled, vividly remembering one of those times, and you rested your head on Eren’s shoulder after letting a yawn slip out. 
“I wish we didn’t have to go back to studying after this,” you pouted, pressing a pouty kiss into Eren’s shoulder. “I hate finals.” 
“Let’s eat our snacks before we get back to it,” Eren compromised. “My brain still feels heavy with knowledge. I gotta let it soak it all up.” 
“Always saying the weirdest things,” you teased him, squealing at the pinch on your thigh. 
Sneaking up to your dorm room was as easy as sneaking out, and you pulled Eren for a quick kiss as soon as the door locked behind you. You tossed the bag onto your bed and then began fishing your snacks out once your shoes and jacket were off and you were both able to situate more comfortably on your bed. Eren held you in his lap as he leaned back against your wall and browsed through his phone, the two of you watching dumb compliations on YouTube while you snacked. It was nice to turn your brain off just for a while, to rest up and come back to studying rejuvenated. 
His hand would occasionally sneak up your neck and grab at your hair, lightly massaging your scalp as he pressed tender kisses to your temple. You shared your snacks and really took your time with finishing, letting yourselves soak in your study break. 
“Thanks for making me take a break,” you told him, leaning your head back against his chest. “I forget sometimes.” 
“I know you do,” Eren chuckled, squeezing you into a hug and pressing you into his chest even more. He noticed yet another suppressed yawn from you and hummed in acknowledgement, and you knew what he was going to say before he said it. 
“I can’t go to sleep, I have to keep studying,” you said, beating him to it. 
“You’re studying for your final tomorrow and it’s not even until noon. You know a really important habit before taking a big test is to get enough sleep before it.” 
Damn it. You hated when he used logic against you. 
“Fine, but just a nap,” you grumbled, sitting up to grab at your trash and discard it in your bin. You set an alarm and gave Eren a tired smile. “I’m gonna drag you down with me, though. You need to sleep too.” 
Eren scoffed, his voice a little panicked when he spoke again. “No way. Unlike you, I have to cram. I’m nowhere near ready for my final tomorrow.” 
“Yours isn’t until the afternoon,” you pointed out, hitting him back with the logic he’d used on you. “Like you said, a good habit is to get plenty of sleep before a test.” 
Eren sighed, but you could tell he wasn’t going to argue with you. He looked just as tired as you and the two of you arranged yourselves in your cramped bed to doze off, if only for a little bit. 
His hands found your hair and he played with it softly as you both curled up into one another. 
“Love you,” he murmured, drowsy already, and you smiled to yourself, head on his chest with your hand tracing loving circles at his torso. 
“Love you too,” you answered, warming at the soft touch of his hand on your chin. He tilted your head up to steal a quick kiss to your lips, then to your nose. You closed your eyes and let yourself relax, about to really drift off when you felt Eren shift under you. 
Your ears picked up the quiet sounds of Eren taking your phone from your nightstand. You peeked an eye open, careful to stay quiet lest you arouse suspicion, and resisted the urge to let a huge grin overcome you as you watched him go to your camera roll, tap on the ridiculous picture you’d taken earlier, and send it to himself. 
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invaderzia1 · 3 years
Hate me
(Jean Kirschstein x Fem!Reader)
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“Okay truth or dare, (Y/n).”
Everyone’s attention was turned to me, childish whispering and laughing filling the room. I awkwardly rubbed the back on my neck, nervous as to what I should pick. Though my decision wasn’t that hard to make after taking another quick glance around the room, seeing Ymir wearing a pair of boys boxers on her head and Connie rubbing a fresh bruise on his head. Yeah, probably not a good move to choose anything but truth.
Everyone’s attention was turned to me, childish whispering and laughing filling the room. I awkwardly rubbed the back on my neck, nervous as to what I should pick. Though my decision wasn’t that hard to make after taking another quick glance around the room, seeing Ymir wearing a pair of boys boxers on her head and Connie rubbing a fresh bruise on his head. Yeah, probably not a good move to choose anything but truth.
“Truth.” I muttered, looking away from the group. I could feel everyone eyes glued on me, waiting to see what Hell I’d be put to.
That’s when a louder male voice cut through everyone else’s voices, cackling to himself. Jean Kirschstein. The resident foul tempered, loud mouth of the 104th. Me and him were good friends, but this situation only made me worry even more.
“Alright, so that’s how you want to play this, huh? Well...” Jean paused for a second, thinking to himself what he would ask, before a wicked grin appeared on his face. “Is it true you stuff your bra every morning?”
The sound in the room quickly disappeared, everyone shocked by this question. There was a wide range of emotions on the face of every cadet. Some were holding back their laughter while others, mainly the girls, seemed horrified at this question. Jean just sat back in his spot, his shit eating grin present on his face as he confidently looked at the rest of the group.
On the other hand, I was staring at him, my mouth agape in shock. My arms crossed over my chest due to being uncomfortable with the teasing stares from certain males in the room. I couldn’t form sentences as I stared at him, feeling anger and embarrassment bubble over inside of me. Tears pricked at the edge of my eyes as everything came crashing down. As I looked around the room, taking in everyone’s reaction i swore if a Titan came in and ate me I wouldn’t even be angry.
Marco elbowed Jean, whispering his name in a harsh tone in an attempt to get Jean under control, but this made him prod even more.
“What, I’m just asking what everyone is wondering? Besides, if it’s not true she shouldn’t have any reason to be upset.” Jeans dickish nature pushing through hardcore as he spoke.
It was like someone opened the gates at that point, majority of the trainees present laughing harder than ever at my humiliation. The others stifled a forced laugh, shooting me apologetic looks. But it was all too much. As I looked back at Jean, he still had his cocky grin on his face, laughing to himself at his own joke. He seemed to notice how upset his little joke made me.
“Oh come on, don’t be such a baby. It was just a joke. Unless you really do stuff your bra?”
My eyes widened as my hot tears began sliding down my cheeks. My breathing got heavier and my throat felt like it was closing in on me. Everyone was now staring at me in shock, realizing how unfunny Jean’s joke had been. I must’ve looked like a mess, some teenager that can handle training for a war, but not some dumb joke. The room became very uncomfortable as nobody knew what to do anymore.
I felt betrayed and humiliated. How could Jean do this to me? How could someone I considered a friend humiliate me in front of this many people?
A wave of energy pushed me to my feet as I ran out of the room, running to any place I could feel safe. I couldn’t even see what was in front of me, my tears blinding me as I relied on memory to get me to my destination. I pushes the doors to the girls dorm open, rushing through the maze of beds to my safe haven, my little bed nestled up in the corner of the room. I threw myself onto it, curling into a ball facing away from the room.
The memory of Jean humiliating me haunted my thoughts as I cried, replaying itself at its own leisure. I was unable to think of anything else. My crying continued, with me hugging and puffing harder as it replayed. I knew other girls were in the dorm with me, but I couldn’t muster any reason to care.
It took me sometime to calm down, but when I did I noticed some hushed voices behind and a someone’s hand rubbing my back. I whipped my head around to see a few familiar faces behind me, Sasha rubbing her hand on my back while Armin and Eren gave each other worried looks and Mikasa showing the tiniest amount of kindness to you. Sasha continued to rub her hand on my back, shooshing me as my sniffles continued.
Sasha helped me sit up as Mikasa pushed Eren out of the way, helping clean my face off with her shirt. Once I felt less disgusting, my crying subsided and I straightened out.
“Are you okay?” Armin’s sheepish voice asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence in the large dorm.
“N-Not really... I feel fucking horrible.” I could feel my throat ache again, the sadness creeping up again. “Why did he do it?”
“He’s an asshole, (Y/n). You should be asking why you were even friends with him to begin with.” Eren broke in, spitting venom as he spoke.
“Eren.” Mikasa scolded, elbowing Eren hard into his ribcage.
Eren grabbed his side in pain, cradling it in his hands as he recovered.
“I don’t think he meant to hurt you like that, I think was trying to be funny.“ Sasha jumped in.
“He did a poor job at that. That dick.” You cursed, feeling more tears well up. “I thought we were friends, goddamn it. Does he hate me?”
“Of course he doesn’t hate you, he just has a weird way of showing how he cares.” Sasha explained, wavin your suggestion off. Surprisingly she was pretty good at calming you down.
“Someone who cares wouldn’t say something like that. Nobody in their right mind would embarrass someone like that.” I ranted, slamming my fist onto the bed.
“Don’t talk to him, you deserve better than him as a friend.” Eren jumped back in, his wild energy making itself known.
“I-I don’t know if I can... hes one of my friends... I can’t just throw that away.” I defensively said, feeling my conscious clear up ever so slightly.
Eren got closer to me, placing a hand on my shoulder and staring into my eyes. “Listen, if he makes you feel like this, then he doesn’t deserve to be your friend. What he did was uncalled for.
I stared up at him, slowly processing Eren’s words. My memories of my entire friendship with Jean flashed through my eyes. Every high and low point, I weighed through each and every one to decide whether I could. Everything hurt. I just wanted to curl back in bed and forget about this entire day. I looked around at everyone, seeing them looking away from me almost like they agreed with what Eren said but didn’t want to say it.
Eren rubbed my shoulder softly, regaining my attention. “Listen, ignore him for the next couple days and think about it.” Eren released my shoulders, sending me a soft smile before moving away from me.
“Thanks...” I murmured, leaning into Sasha’s embrace as she continued to brush my hair.
Waking up the next morning was horrible. My eyes were red and my throat felt sore from crying so much. As I got up I noticed how many of the girls in the dorm were giving me weird and pitied looks. My heart hurt from the attention I was receiving from everyone, reminding me of what happened last night.
Suddenly a hand grabbed my shoulder, causing me to jolt in surprise. I turned around to find Sasha behind me, smiling brightly at me, as if trying to get me to ignore everyone else. However, I noticed Mikasa behind her giving people some pretty serious glares.
The three of us made our way to the showers and got ready for the day. Everyone had heard of what had happened by now, evident by the amount of stares I received when I made my way into the cafeteria. As I manevued to go sit at my usual place next to Jean, Erens words from last night came back to me. Instead, I turned my ass around and went to sit with Eren. I knew the entire cafeteria knew what was happening, due to the not so stealthy whispering that was happening, but I spared no look back to Jean.
Armin’s bright eyes were the first thing that greeted me as I took a seat next to Mikasa. He smiled softly at me, continuing to eat his food. Mikasa looked at me and just nodded, making me feel at ease with my decision. While Eren on the other hand smiled brightly at me, welcoming me immediately to their table.
It was easy for me to quickly fall into place with the trio, feeling less like i was being pitied and more like they saw me as a friend. It actually made me feel a lot better about everything, even if it was just for the moment.
I knew Jeans eyes were on me, due to the way Eren was shooting glares over my shoulder at him.
Once we all finished eating, we made our way outside, where Eren took my hand and lead me away from the crowds. His piercing green eyes staring into mine, as if he was searching my soul.
“Hey... how are you doing?” He asked, sincerity lacing his voice.
“It still hurts a lot, especially cuz everyone know now... it’s just so weird having people staring at me everywhere I go.”
“Understandable, but just remember I’m here and if you need me to, I won’t mind going after them.”
I let out a soft laugh, finding his offer pretty funny. I gave him a soft smile before we returned to the training field. Immediately upon returning, I made eye contact with Jean, who was standing away from the group. His piercing gaze bore into my head, making it hard to ignore him.
The rest of training went by uneventful, keeping my distance from Jean and trying to ignore the every so often bra comment from other male cadets.
As I began to make my way to dinner, I felt someone grab my arm and tug me in another direction. Everything around me became a blurry mess as my brain tried to catch up to this sudden change. I tried to struggle against the grip, but was unable to. I let myself follow this figure, beginning to make out certain features in this figure. Notably, it was an average height male with auburn hair. Oh.
When we were far enough away from everyone else, I felt my back hit the wall of the equipment shed. Jean caged my body in between his arms, staring into my eyes.
Anxiety was hitting me, hard. I couldn’t breathe. Everything I was hoping to avoid was happening and I wasn’t ready. Where was Eren? Where was Mikasa?? Why me??
Jeans voice caught me off guard, knocking me out of my anxiety induced trance.
“Look at me.”
When I failed to corporate, Jean moved one of his hands to my chin, forcing me to look at him.
“I just want to talk about last night, can we do that?”
I nodded my head, staring up at him to give him the sign to talk. He took a seat and ran his fingers through his hair, clearly stressed out. Awkwardly, I sat myself on one of the wooden boxes within the room.
“Listen, I know I said some things, some really horrible things yesterday.”
Nodding, I couldn’t help but feel my heart hurt remembering those words again. My eyes turned to the side as I looked away, unable to stand looking at his face any longer. Which clearly upset him more, as he sighed.
“Fuck, what I’m trying to say is I’m sorry. I fucked up.”
Still silence, I had no idea what to say, because I was still definitely angry at him. And I definitely didn’t
“Can you at least say something?” He pleaded, the way his voice snapped shaking me for a second.
“Uhhhh…” I started, unsure what to even say in this situation. “Listen Jean, this whole situation is fucked. And I’m not sure I’m ready to forgive you.”
Just letting my mind speak freely, I came up with the only words I could. Which I think for being blindsided completely by all of this, was pretty good.
“I know, I fucked up big time, and I can’t take back what I said. But I want to do anything to make up for it.”
“I’m sorry, but I don’t know what can make up for that. Like, you can’t just erase the whole situation.”
Well no shit, but I had no idea what to say. And by the looks of it, he didn’t have any idea either. So neither of us were saying anything as we stared off, awkwardly trying to figure something out. Until Jean slammed his fist onto the palm of his hadn’t, exclaiming loudly, startling me.
“What if I told you some secrets I’ve never told anyone else?”
I stared at him like he was crazy, which I was starting to think he might be. If he told a lie to me in front of the entire cadet corp, how would only telling me his secrets help? Either way, I was willing to hear him out.
“Go on.”
“I tell you a bunch of embarrassing things about me to make you feel better, shit I’ve never told anyone else.”
“I don’t think you can tell me anything more embarrassing than what you did to me,” I pouted, pulling my knees up on the box as I hugged them close.
“When I was six years old, I took my mothers bra and ran around my neighborhood wearing it.”
My eyes doubled in size as his words resonated in my head. I couldn’t stop myself from laughing at this new found information. Looking up, I saw the way his face had heated up red, the tips of his ears bright red from his embarrassment. Laughing even harder, Jean crossed his arms and let me laugh it out.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. My mom likes to use that story against me when we have family over. I swear it’s her favorite way to embarrass me.”
“Oh my god, that’s golden.”
Jean gave me some time to laugh it off, before continuing. The rest of the night was spent between us as he happily gave up some of his most embarrassing secrets, making me promise by the end to never tell another soul. It didn’t stop till it was nearly 10 pm, most of the other trainees were fast asleep by then, but we were still awake and having fun.
As we came to the end of Jean’s last story, we looked outside, seeing the dead of night.
“We should probably get some sleep.”
Jean nodded, yawning as he realized just how late it was. Jean stood up first, stretching before helping me off the box I was on. His hand lingered slightly longer than expected, my eyes looking up at his as I noticed him staring down at me.
It was weird, I knew I should still be mad at him, but spending most of the night listening to his most private secrets only brought me closer. My heart pounded against my rib cage as I realized just how close we were. He took one step closer and I didn’t push away, letting him get closer to me.
“(Y/n). I’m really sorry about everything.” He started, keeping eye contact as his thumb stroked the side of my hand. “I…I care deeply about you, and I don’t want anything to get in between us again.”
Hearing his words, my cheeks heated up. Fuck, I knew I had these feelings for him but was now the time to start acting like some love sick fool. Especially after what he had done just a few days previous.
Jean began to lean down, pushing my bangs back as he pressed a kiss to my forehead. His action took me by surprise, my eyes wide as I stared up at him with a red flushed face.
“I am sorry I hurt you, I hope you can forgive me.”
Jean let go of my hand, and began to make his way out of the equipment shed. Finding some courage, I grabbed his arm before he could get too far, taking him by surprise now as he looked at me, his face now as red as mine.
“Wait, Jean,” I stuttered out, trying to find an ounce of courage to continue. “I have an idea for how you can make it up to me.”
Jeans eyes widened as he looked down at me, seemingly to say for me to continue.
“Take me out on a date, next time we have a day off.”
If his eyes weren’t wide before, they sure were now. That red blush on his face as near neon red as he became as embarrassed as me. Neither of use spoke as we just kind of awkwardly stared at each other.
“Sorry, I uh… it was a stupid idea.” My disappointment was immeasurable, my day was now ruined. Letting go of his wrist, I started to make my way past him towards the door, sad enough I already made a fool of myself.
Jeans hand shot to grab mine, stopping me before I could make it to the door. He pulled my body into a hug, tightly wrapping both arms around me.
“I’ll take you on how many dates you want until you know how much I care for you.”
I could feel his chin resting on top of my head, comfortably. All my sadness and negative emotions dissipated as I took in his words. My body relaxed into his touch, cuddling closer to him as I smiled brightly.
I knew when Eren and everyone asked where I disappeared to and I told them what happened they would be surprised, Eren would probably be upset I forgave him, but I couldn’t be happier.
“I’d like that.”
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I just need some dream angst
Anything works!
I honestly did not know what to write for a good few hours. I kept deleting things and rewriting things, but I just couldn't figure out what to do.
I didn't know if you wanted a No Comfort fic, but if so I could just write a part two.
This is a completely fictitious version of Clay. This is not in the DreamSMP Au, this is out of character.
It wasn't specified so I went with hoodie speedrun boi.
TW: Yelling, bits of swearing
Lost (In The Screen) (Dream x GN!Reader)
Every time you would come home, his almost screams of panic or delight filled your ears. No matter how much foam padding you put on the walls, his voice always seemed to bounce through the house.
Your boyfriend was the famous speedrunner known as Dream, or Dreamwastaken.
You knew he loved his job dearly, and who wouldn't? But... Sometimes he forgets to look away from his life on screen.
The two of you had been dating for a long time, even before he had become obsessed with figuring out the youtube algorithm. You had even helped him quite a lot with ideas for videos, but you didn't have a PC so you couldn't play along. That didn't stop you from sitting beside him and listening to his angry mumbles at a line of code that wasn't working properly, or a failed speedrun on a good seed.
Once he got the record, he was FLOODED with popularity. Girls, boys and everyone else were practically drooling over him without even seeing his face! It... Made you a bit uncomfortable at first... But it only got worse when he began "flirting" with George.
Was it.. Wrong to be uncomfortable with your boyfriend being shipped with others..? Or be unsettled by comments saying that they want to fuck him? I mean, he's absolutely hot! But.. still..
So one day, when you were bringing lunch into his room while he was streaming, you noticed he immediately muted his mic but didn't take his eyes off the screen. After double checking that he was just on the SMP, you decided to talk as you set down the plate of sandwiches, "Can I say hi to your chat?" You asked innocently.
The flinch that your body made caused you to step back quite a bit. You weren't expecting that answer, or at least an answer that harsh. "O-oh... Okay.. So you don't want them to know I exist.." His lack of response didn't exactly make you feel better as you fixed your posture. "I see.. Come to bed tonight at least... Please. It's been a week.."
As you walked out, you heard the click of his mic being unmuted and he gave a plain excuse of he had accidentally choked on some water and didn't want to cough into the mic.
'Love you too...' You thought sadly as you sat on the couch, hugging your knees to your chest.
From then on, it only got worse. He rarely ever came to bed and slept on the couch in his streaming room, having no cares about waking you up, screaming at George or wheezing at some joke someone made. He refused to let chat even know he had another person living with him, which at first you thought was for your own safety, but then you began to wonder if he was embarrassed of you...
Exhaling silently, you put the food on the plate before bringing it to his streaming room. It was a speedrun stream, so you waited outside the door for him to fail or succeed before slipping inside and walking over to set the plate down in the usual place. Once you did that, you picked up the dirty plate and half empty cup of coffee that was actually still very hot because of his electronic mug warmer on his desk. ((I just think he'd have one of these because of his ADHD and forgetting things when he's focused))
While you didn't particularly enjoy doing this, and didn't think he exactly deserved it for ignoring you for so long, he would always forget to eat and drink. Trust me, he had nearly passed out from doing it before.
While you were lost in thought, you didn't notice Clay had started another speedrun and had died, causing him to yell in frustration and throw his hands in the air.
The shout caused you to turn in surprise, which lead him to smacking the mug in your hand. The tan coloured liquid spilled all over your shirt, the heat easily soaking through the fabric and burning the skin of your chest and stomach. You gave a loud yelp and dropped the plate as well as the now empty mug, causing them to clatter on the floor but thankfully not shatter into tiny ceramic pieces.
Clay immediately clicked something and whipped his head in your direction, "What the- What do you think you're doing!? I told you to be quiet when yo-..." His eyes (respectfully) wandered down to your shirt that you were holding away from your skin, seeing the clothing soaked with hot coffee. That he knocked on to you.
You were just giving him food...
And now you were gasping out apologies, trying not to let the tears in your eyes spill onto your reddened cheeks. He watched you look at the ceramics on the floor before his third monitor that had chat going absolutely ballistic on it.
Why did they gasp!?
That gasp sounded painful!
Did he hit them?!
I think they dropped something!
A person??????
Oh now the lagging idiots are seeing it
They knew... When he looked back at you, he saw that you were practically bawling your eyes out now, begging for apologies before scrambling out of the room.
"(Y/n)!" Clay cried, standing up and going to run after you before quickly getting caught up in the mess of wires around him due to forgetting his headphones were on. He quickly umuted himself and briefly explained that he had to do something really quick before re muting himself and throwing his headphones off.
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astrablossom · 4 years
Brothers & Undateables reacting to seeing Male MC almost naked
You sigh out loud to yourself as you step out of the shower, water dripping down your now fresh and clean skin. It had been exam week and you were stressed out beyond belief, you deserved a little alone time. As you open the door steam rushes out and you grab a nearby towel, wrapping it around your waist. Just as you were about to sit down and dry off you realize your phone isn’t on your bed. 
I probably left it in the living room, you think to yourself and before you have a second thought you left your room, the towel being the only fabric giving you decency. As you trek down the halls your mind drifts to what the brothers might be doing. It didn’t occur to you that they might be in the living room. As you approach the living room you hear noise, specifically Levi badgering Mammon to give him his money back.
When you peek your head in you see all the brothers and surprisingly Diavolo and Barbatos in the room. Belphegor was eating with Beel, albeit nodding off every few seconds, Asmodeus was curled up on one side of the couch on his D.D.D no doubt checking his social media. Satan as usual had himself engrossed in another thick covered book. Diavolo, Barbatos, and Lucifer sat a nearby glass table discussing amongst themselves something to do with RAD. Out of the whole scenario Mammon and Levi were the loudest, bickering away as usual. You momentarily forget about your phone and enjoy the somewhat domestic scene before you.
Subconsciously you let out an exasperated sigh, leaning your body against the empty door frame as you watch the brothers bicker for a few more minutes. After a bit you raise yourself off the wall and make your way to pluck your D.D.D off the glass table.
“Mammon! Give me my money you no good dirty thief!” 
“I ain’t a thief! Besides I said I would pay you back anyways.” You could practically visualize Mammon rolling his eyes beneath his shades as you unlock your phone.
“That’s a huge lie” you quip, not bothering to look up from your phone. You continue talking to the two as you check your messages, unaware that everyone was looking at you. “Do you two ever stop complaining?” Mammon turns, ready to defend himself when his words die in his throat. Levi was about to laugh but soon he too stops, gawking at your naked back. Water from your hair drips down your face and you unconsciously raise a hand to push the offending strands away, unaware of how you were affecting each demon in the room.
Lucifer: Hears Mammon screech and is about to scold him for interrupting his meeting when he stops mid sentence. He feels his mouth tighten at the sight of you and is conflicted between scolding you or carrying you up to him room.
"Honestly, you could've wait until you put some clothes on?" He wasn't fooling anyone. Those red eyes of his trailed your every move. Diavolo teases him for this.
Mammon: Literally the first one to screech if Levi didn't beat him to it.
"Why aren't you wearing clothes!?" The tips of his ears are extremely red and he is annoyed that you aren't too flustered yourself. His eyes kinda follows this one drop of water that glides down your skin and he has a problem looking away. Will try to shoo you away from his brothers eyes, this is only a scene he should have the glory of looking upon.
Leviathan: A entire mess. Will stop bickering at Mammon to look at your backside, starts stuttering and mumbling about how this is exactly like a scene from "My Roomate Has No Boundaries and Is Constantly Making A Mess But I'm Slowly Falling For Him!"
Covers his face but will peek out to look at your chest. It's not like you're built like Beel but for some reason he can't look away. He can feel his Henry down below awakening and is quick to scamper off to hide in his room. In the process he trip and falls on top of you.
"A-Ahh!!!! I'm so so sorry, this is way too boss level for a otaku like me!" He's lucky your towel didn't fly off.
Satan: When he looks up to see what his brother were screaming about he certainly couldn't blame them. You were absolutely marvelous in his eyes, it reminded him of a scene in a book Asmodeus lent him a few months back. He really enjoys the dip in your back and can't help but wonder what that towel is hiding.
"I must say I'm enjoying the show." His book is covering his face mostly. He may sound calm and collective but the slight blush on his cheek is a dead giveaway to how he feels. Will ending up trying to find the book Asmo loaned him.
Asmodeus: Literally squeals because it the first time he's seen your skin on display.
"MC look this way!" He would call out your name as you flip your hair back and you hear a shutter go off. You end up becoming embarrassed and begging him to delete the photo and he merely declines, promising its safety in his files. Will lick his lips and the one eyeing you the most like eye candy. When your about to head back into your room he'll give your ass a nice spank which almost drops the towel.
Gets a message later from his brothers for that photo.
Beelzebub: At first he was too engorged in his food to really notice. But when he does he gives a genuine smile at how pretty and handsome you look. Won't hesitate to tell you as well. He thinks you look like a angel since the living room lights are shining on your wet skin.
"You're really handsome" he gives a small smile, ignoring Mammon screaming at him about how only he should be able to say that and you find yourself becoming bashful, scurrying off to put some clothes on.
Belphegor: Probably the only one besides Barbatos and Solomon that didn't make a big deal about it. He's seen you naked once anyways.
Will opt for watching you walk in and out but will smile if you look his way. He secretly agrees with his brother about your looks and he wonders if your soft as you look. Would probably ask if you would like to sleep together later.
Diavolo: Is drinking his tea when you walk in and is surprised that one of his exchange students feel so comfortable around all the avatars to do such a thing.
"I see you made yourself home here." He would say in a warm voice and when you give him a nervous chuckle, you quick to notice how his golden eyes are looking down towards the V near your legs. Will probably asks you later to come to a private meeting. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Barbatos: Just like Belphegor he is silent. He enjoys the view as he sips his tea and honestly it's hard to pinpoint what the butler is thinking when he has such a poker face.
"Are you enjoying the view?" Diavolo asks cheekily. Barbatos would turn and nods his head before replying. "He has such nice skin. I wonder how it would look after being tied up." You can hear Lucifer choking on his tea.
Simeon: Will avert his eyes out of respect. No sir this is a good angel of the Lord. If you aren't paying attention to how you're affecting the brothers will kindly escort you out.
Solomon: Shady magician will probably chuckle lowly and admire you from afar, sipping his tea and reading a book. He too takes a few pictures but plans to use it as blackmail.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
Ateez: Getting Walked In On By Another Member (Rated)
Contains NSFW material, read at your own discretion.
Kim Hongjoong:
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It was another day spent inside the studio with Hongjoong. Except recently he seemed to be struggling producing new songs. You could see how he stressed himself out, pushing himself to come up with something, only to later delete it cause it wasn't right.
"Maybe you should take a break." You suggested to him.
Sighing, Hongjoong leaned back on his chair.
"Maybe you're right....maybe I need to relax"
An idea suddenly popped in your head. Your boyfriend needed to relax, so why not help him? Slowly, you made your way over to him. Standing behind him, you began to gently rub his shoulders, hoping to release some of the tension he had built up. It was working as Hongjoong's head fell back, his eyes closing, enjoying the feeling of your hands on him.
Leaning down, you whispered in his ear.
"Baby, why don't you let me help you relax?"
When he opened his eyes, he could see you smirking at him and right away he knew what you were implying. And he was definitely not going to say no to that.
Soon enough, he was sitting on the couch, his pants and boxers pulled down to his ankles. His head was thrown back, tiny sighs and moans escaping his mouth as his fingers were tangled around your hair. The sight of you taking him so well, sucking on his entire length, it was enough to push him closer to his edge.
"Fuck-- baby, I'm going to-" but before he could get out the last part, you two were startled by a piercing scream.
Looking over, you saw poor Jongho covering his eyes. Hongjoong quickly sat up and started pulling his clothes back up.
"Jongho! What are you?!- Why are you-?!" Hongjoong couldn't even speak.
"I was bringing you food Seonghwa Hyung made, said it'd help you relax, but clearly, you already got that covered!"
Jongho simply set the food down on the floor, hands still over his eyes before bolting out of there as fast as he could.
"I'm never looking at you the same way again!!"
Park Seonghwa:
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If there was anything Seonghwa liked when it came to your relationship, it was privacy. Privacy from the public, and especially privacy when it came to the sexual aspect of it. That's why you guys usually did it in your apartment, or he'd bribe the boys to go out for a long time if it was at the dorms.
And that was the current situation at the moment. He made them go somewhere else so he could take his sweet time with you. And boy was he making good use of it. You were currently on his bed, fully naked, while he was still fully clothed, in between your legs, eating you out like a starved animal.
"S-Seonghwa..." you breathed out, hands reaching for his hair.
He only replied with a moan against your lips, sending shivers up your body.
"Please Seonghwa....I need you" you were begging him to just fuck you senseless against the bed.
"Patience sweetheart, be a good girl and wait a little, I'm not finished yet."
He went back to continue sucking on your sensitive bud, his tongue working his magic on you. Slowly, his fingers began to poke at your entrance, teasing you mercilessly as you wished for nothing more than to just feel them inside you. Seonghwa was so addicted to your taste, your scent, so bewitched that he didn't hear the sound of the door opening. And he most definitely didn't hear the footsteps that stopped by his room.
"Daaang! Who knew the old man had moves?"
Both of you whipped your heads towards the door, seeing a giggling Wooyoung standing there. You were so mortified, you couldn't even move. Seonghwa, on the other hand, was furious that someone else had seen you in a way only he was allowed to. Swiftly, he pulled the blanket over you, covering you up before getting up and walking over menacingly to the younger boy.
"You have 5 seconds to run before I kick your ass." Was his only warning.
Jeong Yunho:
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Having the dorm to yourselves cause most of the members were out visiting family or friends, Yunho and you decided to take advantage the moment and spend time together. At first, everything started off soft. You two were tangled in his bed, watching a movie while cuddling each other like koalas.
Things soon ended up taking a different tone though. It had been a while since you two were intimate and you couldn't handle it anymore. Clothes were soon thrown across the floor, marks were being plastered all over your body and it was getting more heated by the minute.
You had already came twice by Yunho's tongue and now he was trying to push you even further past your limit. His long fingers were currently deep inside you, hitting against that spot that was sending you to cloud nine.
"Y-Yunho-" You whimpered, gripping the sheets as you felt something completely different in the pit of your stomach.
Yunho smirked, knowing full well what was happening to you.
"I know baby, I know. Be a good girl for me and let it all out."
You couldn't hold back anymore. With curled toes, you came violently, squirting all over Yunho's fingers and arm. He used his free hand to press down on your stomach, holding you in place as his fingers never slowed down inside you, overstimulating you. You were a quivering mess by the time he finally pulled them out of you.
You were left panting and when your eyes were finally focused, you let out a sharp gasp when you saw Mingi standing in the doorway, mouth wide open. Yunho looked back and immediately got embarrassed now that he knew his best friend just saw what happened. For a while, nobody could say anything, too stunned by the situation, until Mingi asked.
"Can you show me how to do that?"
To which Yunho could only laugh and cover his face, but wasn't planning on saying no.
Kang Yeosang:
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It was supposed to be nothing more than a fun party. Yeosang and you were definitely having a good time. The other boys were definitely having the time of their lives, San and Wooyoung already drunk, Yunho and Mingi dancing wildly, while Seonghwa and Hongjoong were making sure they didn't break anything or keeping Jongho from following in their footsteps.
You and Yeosang were currently on the dance floor. What started off as innocent dancing though, turned into heaving grinding and slight gropings. One look was all it took and soon you both ended up inside a closet. Shutting the door behind you, Yeosang was already attacking your neck, sucking and biting down, leaving red marks all over. His hands were roaming all over your body, until they rested on your ass. He started kneading at your cheeks and started grinding his erection against your ever growing wet core.
You weren't going to let him have his fun only. Reaching down, you started palming him through his jeans, causing him to growl against your ear. You smirked, knowing full well how to get him to submit to you. Making a quick work of his zipper, you pulled them down along with his boxers, just enough to be able to cup his length in your hand.
"Ahhh-ahh." Yeosang hissed at the feeling of your hand around him.
You peppered kisses across his jaw as you slowly began to stroke him, making sure to spread his precum along his tip.
"Such a good boy for me." You chuckled as you bit down on his lower lip, causing a moan to escape from him.
The moment was ruined by a loud San, who almost stumbled inside. He gasped when he saw you two in such a compromising position, before a smile was plastered on his face.
"I knew it! I fucking knew you two were going to hump each other! Guys!! Guess what?! Yeosang and Y/N-"
You didn't hear the rest as he was already gone, running no doubt to tell the others. Yeosang was beyond mortified, face a crimson red, and he was almost shaking.
"Please let's just go home." He desperately asked.
Choi San:
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To say San was shameless was an understatement. Truth be told, he loved the risk of getting caught. Whether it'd be when he was out on a normal date with you, or if it meant getting caught with you doing something very sinful. The latter never had happened before, but that a changed one day.
Not only did San had the audacity to get naughty with you in the dorm, but he didn't even bother taking you to his room. He decided he needed you and the couch was going to be perfect for now. Clothes were gone in the blink of an eye, hot and steamy kisses were placed all over your body and San was practically insatiable.
Turning you on all fours, he pumped himself a few times before slipping inside your wet core, stretching you out and filling you up so nicely. His thrusts were deep and rough, the grip he had on your hips were sure to leave bruises on you, but you didn't care. The only things leaving your mouth were moans and pants.
"You like that baby girl? Yeah? You like being fucked like the little slut you are?" San groaned.
You let out a whimper when you felt his hand come down and slap one of your ass cheeks, quickly soothing it before repeating the same thing he did before.
"Go ahead, scream my name. Let everyone know who's making you feel good. Let them know who your Daddy is Princess."
"Oh my! San!!!"
Both of you were startled by a traumatized Yeosang standing in the hallway, face covered as he slowly sank to the floor.
"Couldn't you at least give a warning?!" Yeosang cried out, not wanting to uncover his eyes.
Although you were feeling sorry for the poor boy and wanted to go hug him or something, San's grip on you tightened and with one look he warned you not to move.
"Well since you're here Yeosangie....why not join us?" San smirked at his friend.
Yeosang peeked out a little.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!"
Song Mingi:
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Although Mingi was your tall and athletic boyfriend that seemed to dote on you extremely, no one knew that behind closed doors, in the 4 walls of your room, you were actually the one in charge and he was always at your mercy.
Mingi couldn't help it. He just loved you topping him, loved it when you were putting him in his place, and most of all, he loved being a good boy for you cause he knew it meant you'd make him feel so good. And that's exactly what you were doing at the moment. You were currently on top of him, grinding your slick folds along his length. Underneath you, Mingi was already a mess, sweat dripping down his face, hair stuck on his forehead. It was such an erotic visual.
Finally, his obedience paid off when you sank down on his long length, taking a moment to adjust cause boy was he big. Mingi didn't hold back his noises when you started moving on top of him. He couldn't even take his eyes off you, he loved the way your breasts bounced, he loved seeing his cock disappear inside you and then reappear, and god did he love hearing how good you felt.
"Ba-baby....I- I wanna c-cum..." Mingi could feel himself becoming undone.
"My baby wants to cum does he? Do you remember the magic words?" You smirked down at his disheveled appearance.
"Can I please cum? Pretty please?" He got out the words so fast due to his desperation.
He never got his question answered cause you were interrupted by Yunho's loud laugh in the doorway. Both of you looked like deer caught in headlights.
"Oh my god! Song Mingi is a freaking Sub?! Who would have thought?!" Yunho actually doubled over and slapped his knee at that.
Mingi was so embarrassed but so annoyed by his friend.
"Yah! Haven't you heard of knocking first?!" He screamed as he chucked a pillow at him.
Jung Wooyoung:
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Wooyoung had a tendency to want to do things together with you. If you were going to dye your hair, he went with you and dyed his hair. If you were going shopping, he tagged along. Some called him clingy, but really, being an idol took up most of his time, so any spare time he had he loved spending it with you.
Right now he was enjoying the break they finally got after promotions ended, and there was nothing he loved than going out with you. You had a day full of activities and both were exhausted when you got back. You were also feeling dirty and Wooyoung suggested both of you take a shower together and you instantly agreed.
What started out as blowing bubbles at each other, ended up with you being pressed against the shower wall, Wooyoung trapping you with his body. His tongue was busy exploring every inch of your mouth as his hands gripped your ass and pulled you closer to him. His hands went to the back of your thighs and he lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist, easily slipping his cock inside you.
He gave you no time to adjust as he pounded harshly into you, hitting your g-spot every time he pushed himself back into you. With your heavy panting and the shower head on, neither of you heard the knock on the door nor when it opened and Seonghwa came in, eyes widening at the scene.
"What are you doing?!" His voiced boomed inside the bathroom.
Both of you were so surprise that Wooyoung almost dropped you, but luckily he didn't.
"Hyung! I can-"
But Seonghwa raised his hand.
"Don't say anything. This never happened, I never saw this. But please, lock the door next time."
Seonghwa then proceeded to walk away from there, but not before saying:
"And don't take too long! No wonder our water bill was so expensive last month!"
Choi Jongho:
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Jongho wasn't a very big fan of PDA, especially not in front of his Hyungs. They already teased him too much. They teased him when they found out his crush on you, they teased him when you started dating, they teased him the first time he got jealous, it was seriously annoying. That's why you kept the affection very low so they wouldn't bother him.
So of course they never suspected that you and Jongho were actually very much active in the sexual aspect. But their fears came true one day when Jongho couldn't help himself and just threw you over his shoulder and took you to his bedroom to have his way with you.
"Oh my god! Jongho!"
You cried out as he pounded into you fiercely. With the angle he was hitting and the strength he used, it was all it took to send you over the edge, cumming all over his thick cock.
Feeling your walls clench around him, Jongho sped up, chasing his own orgasm.
"Baby, I wanna cum inside you. Let me fill up your pretty pussy with my cum?"
You nodded eagerly and that was all it took for him to spill himself inside you, pumping every last bit of cum in you. When he pulled out, he groaned at the sight of some of his cum pouring out of you.
"Fuck, you take my cum so well baby."
"Excuse me?!"
Both of you turned to the door, seeing Hongjoong's horrified expression as he took in the scene. You and Jongho scrambled to cover yourselves.
"Hyung! I swear it's not-"
"Don't deny it! I know what I saw! And you didn't even use a condom! Oh my God!"
Hongjoong covered his face before getting out his phone, dialing a number quickly.
"Seonghwa! Get your ass over here! We got a code red with Jongho, family intervention asap!"
Jongho sighed softly. "And this is exactly how I die."
Gifs not mine, credit goes to their respective owners.
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