#quiet spots in Hong Kong
travelernight · 4 months
Hong Kong Secrets: Uncover The Top 10 Must-Visit Hidden Gems
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kpopsexstories · 5 months
A new story/member every Monday. Click here to view the posting schedule.
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Story: Post-scandal Lucas enjoys a heartfelt moment with Haechan’s sister and ends up sleeping with her.
Content: Missionary, Riding
Word Count: 6,748 (14,707 incl. pt. 1)
Members: Lucas (Former member)
Read Lucas Pt. 1 first.
Story #17: LUCAS Pt. 2 (of 2)
“Lucas!” Yangyang exclaimed, and rushed over to the door to give his long-haired friend a big hug. In seconds, Lucas was surrounded by young men who wanted to show him their love and appreciation.
Two years ago, he would have loved the attention. Now, it was a timid, quiet man who smiled softly at his old friends, most of whom he hadn’t seen in over a year.
The group had gathered in one of the common areas of the dorms in Seoul, for the express purpose of welcoming Lucas back from Hong Kong. Though he wasn't in any of the NCT units any longer, he was still working under the same company, and very much a part of the family.
Nearly everyone was there, including a couple of managers and ‘plus ones’, but with a few notable exceptions. None of the Dream members had come home yet, stuck at the studio for a late night dance practice. Hendery and a couple of others were missing too, out of town for a few days.
Once everyone had their turn hugging the man, and the initial excitement of Lucas’ visit – and imminent return – settled, they all spread out in the room. Music was playing, bottles and cups were being passed around, and Lucas found an empty spot on a couch.
The atmosphere was loud and the mood was great. Lucas felt genuinely happy as he looked around, excited to be back and thankful to have such great friends. But he somehow couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps he had outgrown them, and that he no longer quite fit in.
In an armchair beside him there was a girl who Lucas had never seen before. She was casually lounging with her legs folded under her, and sipping a drink from a straw. She was also the only woman in the room, and the only one who hadn't yet said hello. She immediately caught Lucas’ attention.
While the commotion surrounding his appearance had been going on, the girl had watched him in silence. She thoroughly enjoyed the scene. Now, when Lucas wasn’t being attacked by everyone else, she held out a hand and introduced herself.
Her name was Haneul, and she explained that she was Haechan’s younger sister. She quickly stated that Haechan wasn’t back yet, but that it wasn’t the first time she hung out with the boys without him. Though many faces in the room were new to her – including Lucas and everyone from WayV – she knew most members quite well.
Lucas smiled and nodded slowly while she spoke. He liked that Haneul did all the talking. As nice as it was to be back, he felt overwhelmed just by being in the room he once called home. As much as he loved his friends, he didn't want this attention. Haneul was a pleasant distraction, and she made him feel relaxed.
“Watch out for this one,” a voice said behind Haneul's back. She quickly turned around when she felt a hand on her shoulder, and saw Johnny smirking and towering above her. “He’s dangerous.”
He pointed to Lucas and winked. It was a terrible joke. Lucas ran his hand through his long hair and smiled back, but suddenly felt even more uneasy than he already did.
Johnny, who was drunk, went away as quickly as he’d appeared, and Lucas was left alone with Haneul again. She noticed his concerned expression.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I know it must be hard for you.”
Lucas wondered how much the girl knew about him. Clearly she wasn’t clueless about his past, and the boys had probably told her everything.
They were interrupted again when Jaehyun came over, threw himself onto the couch, and started ruffling Lucas’ hair. Lucas faked a laugh, while Haenul just sat and watched the boys.
“Lucas!” Jaehyun shouted and grinned, and leaned in to give his friend a hug. “Our very first daddy. Who would have guessed? How's your son? I’m so happy you’re back!”
Lucas never got a chance to respond, because when Jaehyun let go of his body and sat up straight, he accidentally hit Lucas’ arm, which caused Jaehyun to spill his drink onto his friend.
“Fuck, I’m sorry!” he said and quickly stood up. “I’ll get a towel or something.”
While Jaehyun disappeared into the crowd on the makeshift dance floor, which had formed in the middle of the room, Lucas aired his shirt and tried to limit the damage. Haneul pulled out a tissue from a pocket in her jeans, got up and sat down beside him on the couch.
“Thanks,” Lucas said and looked up. When their eyes met, Haneul’s hand froze on his arm. There was a sudden spark between them. Haneul felt it too, a feeling she didn’t get from any of the other men in the room.
Jaehyun soon returned, and handed a towel to his friend. “Do you want to borrow a shirt?” he asked when the towel didn’t seem to do much good.
Lucas could have said yes, but in all honesty he didn’t feel like talking to Jaehyun, or any of the other drunk boys for that matter. In fact, he no longer wanted to be there at all. He’d thought he did, but there were simply too many bittersweet memories around.
Two years had passed since his old self died. He wasn't the same person anymore, yet the members only knew him from who he was, not who he had become. He suddenly hated the feeling of returning to a place and past that his mind had long since left behind.
“No, I’ll get something from Hendery's room,” Lucas said in response to Jaehyun’s offer. “He said I could stay there tonight if I want since he's away. Thanks though.”
“Alright,” Jaehyun said, but was interrupted when Yuta suddenly came and pulled his arm. Another drunk friend who felt like a stranger.
“Come dance, hyung!” Yuta said loudly. “You too, Lucas! And Haneul, dance with us!”
“I’m good,” Lucas said and leaned further back on the couch, suddenly ignoring his wet shirt.
Jaehyun laughed when he was abruptly pulled away. Haneul remained seated by Lucas’ side, and was somewhat relieved that Yuta left her alone.
“Are they always like this?” she asked and looked at the new friend she was making.
“You tell me,” Lucas said and laughed. “You’ve probably seen more of them than I have recently.”
Haneul snorted and smiled, then suddenly stood up.
“Come on,” she said and held out a hand again. “Let’s get away from these obnoxious guys and find you that shirt.”
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Hendery’s room was small. It had a desk, a large TV on the wall, and two beds. For a moment, Lucas wondered who he’d be sharing the room with. He no longer knew what the sleeping arrangements were. All he knew was that his friend and former bandmate had offered the use of his bed for the night, and that he wouldn't mind if he borrowed some clothes.
Haneul opened a closet and started rummaging around. “Which of these are Hendery's?” she asked.
“That one,” Lucas said while sitting down on the edge of one of the beds. “The black one. He wore it at a show once, I'll never forget it.”
Haneul picked up the shirt and tossed it in Lucas’ direction. Lucas caught it, but otherwise didn't react. Instead, he suddenly stared absent-mindedly into the open closet.
“I'll leave you to it,” Haneul said when she felt the silence. She realized she was intruding on Lucas’ personal space.
“Stay,” Lucas said, faster than he intended to. He looked lost. “I don't wanna to go back out there.”
Haneul suddenly became concerned. “Why not?” she asked and came over to sit next to the solemn man.
“I don't know. This used to be my home but things feel… different. I don't recognize it. I'm not sure I recognize them. I guess they're the same but I've changed. I'm not the person I once was.”
“I can relate to that,” Haneul said. “When Haechan got famous, my friends started acting weird around me. Eventually we grew apart. Now I'm closer with the boys than I am with the people I went to school with, and that's saying something, because it's not that often that I see the boys at all.”
Lucas nodded slowly, his eyes fixed on the shirt he was holding. “On one hand, I wish I could go back in time and change it all. On the other, I want to look ahead and just forget everything.”
Haneul hesitated for a moment. She didn't want to overstep any boundaries. But then she built up the courage to ask: “Why did you leave?”
Lucas looked at her curiously. “You know why I left. I felt like my life was over and fell into a depression. Then Chen was born. But things with his mother were… complicated.”
“Where is she now? Are you still together?”
“Still in Hong Kong. We're not together. We never were. I'm still with the company and I'm ready to start over, but that means coming back here, to Seoul.”
Haneul repeated her sentiment from before. “It must have been hard for you.”
“It was, for a long time. But then Chen made life bright again. Now, the hardest part is leaving him with his mother. But I need to get back on my feet. A year here for work, then I can possibly return to China to rebuild my career there, and be close to Chen at the same time.”
“Well, for the record, I think it's totally unfair what happened to you. The boys feel the same way. They miss you and often talk about you.”
“Don't play nice,” Lucas said and smiled softly. “I was a total jerk. I got what I deserved, nothing less. And they don't all agree. When I needed friends the most, many of them stopped calling me. When it really mattered, it was my old friends from school who knew me as someone other than NCT's Lucas who stuck with me.”
“I think that's a bit unfair. You saw the reaction today. I guess they just didn't know what to say back then.”
“Well, like I said, I'm a different person now.”
With those words, Lucas finally unfolded the shirt he was holding and placed it on his lap. Without so much as hesitating, he took the shirt he was wearing and pulled it over his head.
Haneul glared at him when he exposed his upper body. Lucas was sexy and confident, yet timid and vulnerable. He had a great body. She was attracted by the combination of traits, and for the first time she felt a little turned on by the man by her side.
“I should leave,” she said and started to get up.
“No,” Lucas said and grabbed her arm. He tossed his wet shirt on the floor, but left Hendery's fresh one on his lap.
“Stay,” he continued. “Please.”
His touch on her arm and the bare chest pumping beside her made Haneul feel excited and nervous at the same time. The spark returned. She'd definitely never felt what she felt in this moment with any of the other boys.
She sat back down and the room was silent for a moment. Only a fint murmur of thw party outside could be hears.
“Do you miss it?” Haneul finally asked.
“I do, I can't lie about that. But, you know, it will never be the same and I've accepted that. I'm ready to move on.”
Another moment of silence. Lucas stared at the floor, and felt Haneul's leg brush against his. Her hands were folded in her lap.
“So, how's your brother?” he asked.
“Oh, he's good.”
“You know, he's one of the people who never called.”
“I'm sorry,” Haneul said, not quite sure what to do with that knowledge.
“Though I didn't reach out either,” Lucas was quick to add. “I regret that sometimes.”
“Do you have any other regrets?” Haneul asked. She was happy that Lucas was opening up to her.
Lucas turned to face her. They locked eyes, and the spark intensified.
“Too many to share,” he said. “I learned a lot though.”
Haneul adjusted her position. She raised her leg and sat on her foot on the edge of the bed, and turned her chest in Lucas’ direction. Her knee leaned into his lap.
Haneul was nice to talk to. Sweet and attentive. Curious and open-minded. And the physical attraction sent a thrill through Lucas’ body.
“Like what?” she asked.
“Like, to be more respectful to the people around me. And more considerate with my actions. I was a selfish prick.”
“Well, I don't know you, I've only heard stories about you. And beside the rumors every single one of the stories tell of a funny, kind-hearted man. Is that no longer who you are?”
“I've never been funny,” Lucas said. ”That's what I strive to be, all those things. But maybe I'm not as fun to be around anymore.”
Haneul's knee pressed down a little harder on his thigh.
“I'm having fun right now,” she said. ”I mean, I enjoy this, sitting alone with you in this room. If the old you was anything like those guys out there are acting right now, I like this new you much better.”
Lucas grinned. “You don't know me,” he said with a smile.
“True, but I'm pretty good at reading people.”
As she said those words, Haneul leaned in a little closer, so close that Lucas reacted to it. His heart skipped a beat, and his shirtless body suddenly felt warm.
Haneul's hand moved from her lap and onto his thigh. Her face almost touched his. Man she's beautiful, Lucas thought.
The old him might have taken advantage of the situation. He might have read the signals in his favor, and decided that making a move for a moment's pleasure was worth it over any risks it entailed, and no matter the potential consequences of his actions.
The new him, however, did not think like that. He was not about to make a move on Haechan's baby sister.
Haneul quickly understood this, and knew two things: that Lucas wouldn't kiss her without an expressed invitation, and that he desperately wanted to. She was right about both.
That's why she – attracted by the fit and handsome shirtless man beside her, and infatuated with his sensitivity and sensibility – decided that the risk was hers to bear, and that in this moment it was a risk worth taking.
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Foreplay starts here…
And so, Haneul finally closed the gap between them. Slowly, her nose brushed against Lucas’, until his big lips met hers in a gentle kiss. Her hand pressed harder on his thigh when she leaned in.
At first, Lucas closed his eyes and opened his mouth but otherwise didn't move. Then, he kissed her back, and placed a hand on her knee in his lap.
It felt good. So good. Haneul wasn't the first woman he'd been with since the scandal, but it had been a while, and she was the first one who seemed to understand him. She was just what he needed in this moment, and even though they'd just met – and even though he really should be outside enjoying his party – he was more than willing to let things turn sexual.
The kissing quickly intensified. Lucas titled his head Haneul around the waist. She raised her hand and touched his bare chest. It was arousing, thrilling to make out in secret with the other’s just a few rooms away.
When Lucas leaned closer still, Haneul quickly lay down on her back on the bed. He followed, his hip resting sideways against hers. He became hard in an instant, as his bulge rubbed against the side of her body.
“Mmm,” Haneul moaned when she wrapped her arms around the shirtless man.
“Ahh,” Lucas said softly when he started moving his hip and groin against the girl, and feeling her waist and torso.
Their kissing made suction sounds in the otherwise quiet room. The music and muffled voices could be heard outside, further down the corridor. So far, no one had come to look for them.
“We should probably lock the door,” Haneul said and pushed on Lucas’ shoulder. Despite the large number of people in the building, the person she was mostly worried about was her brother, who would return home and might come looking for her at any moment.
Lucas sat up on his knees, and Haneul jumped out of bed before he could react. She rushed to the door and turned the lock. Then she faced the horny man on the bed and smiled.
He smiled back, but was also very aware of the situation. “Are you sure?” he asked.
Haneul giggled and approached him. She stood by the foot of the bed and placed a hand on his shoulder, then pushed him down on his back. He watched with a huge grin while she pulled her top over her head.
“I'm sure,” she said and climbed on her knees onto the bed, until she was sitting on top of Lucas’ crotch.
He immediately began to touch her naked skin. Slowly, carefully as not to make a mistake, but eager and excited to feel her.
Haneul reached behind her back and undid her bra. She slid it over her shoulders and revealed her bare breasts, then let it fall off her while they maintained eye contact.
As soon as the reality of the situation settled, Lucas reached down between his legs to undo his pants. Haneul did the same to her jeans, and climbed off the man to lie beside him as they simultaneously pulled their pants down their legs.
Lucas kept his underwear on, but took his socks off when he briefly sat up to pull the pants over his ankles. Haneul raised her knees to get her pants and panties off in one go.
The room was bright, the lights were on, and they could see everything. When they were done undressing, Lucas sat next to the naked girl and admired the full length of her body. She crossed her legs and held an arm over her chest, but then uncrossed them and removed the arm, inviting Lucas to come back down on her.
He did just that. In only a pair of black boxers, he touched the insides of Haneul's thighs, and lowered his head between her legs. The lips he'd kissed her mouth with quickly found her vagina.
Haneul closed her eyes and spread her legs wide while the man kissed her folds. Lucas pouted his lips and lubricated the sensitive tissue with saliva. Then he stuck out his tongue and started eating her out.
“Mm,” Haneul repeated. “Ahh, Lucas!”
They stayed like this for several minutes. Occasionally, Lucas looked up to see Haneul's face twisting and grimacing behind her flat breasts. A couple of times, Haneul simultaneously glanced down to see the cute head going at it on her pussy, and their eyes met. A piercing, thrilling sensation rushed through them both.
Eventually, Lucas stopped eating and started kissing, making his way up Haneul's stomach, chest and eventually finding her lips again. He stretched out long on top of her, while letting his hand explore the side of her body, from the naked thigh and ass to her breast and face.
With a palm on her cheek and his ass rocking gently between her legs, Lucas moaned softly as they kissed with passion. Haneul explored his back and held his shoulders tight, and occasionally felt his ass cheeks over the fabric of his underwear. Finally, when her fingers traced the spine and Lucas was kissing her neck, she stuck her hand inside them.
This caused Lucas to thrust down hard but slow between her legs, a lustful push which sent a sensation through his shaft. The sensation beamed out into his body.
“Ahh,” he said, as the length of the shaft rubbed against the folds of X's vagina. “Ohh, yeah.”
The moans and physical push, and the feeling of the mushy skin on Lucas' ass, inspired Haneul to pull the underwear down over the cheeks. The shaft got squeezed as they stretched out, and Lucas raised his hips to reach down and grab it.
He lifted the underwear over the shaft, letting his penis free. Then he looked Haneul in the eye before he dared to lower his body again.
“I don't have a condom,” he said.
“It’s okay,” Haneul replied softly. “I'm on the pill.”
It had been a while since he last heard those words, when he made the mistake of trusting the mother of his child. But now, like then, he saw no reason not to trust the naked girl in his arms.
And so he lowered his body, slowly, while Haneul raised a knee and pushed the underwear all the way down with her foot. Lucas quickly kicked them off, and they joined the pants and the shirts on the floor.
At first, he made no effort the penetrate her. They made out, naked and aroused, while he rocked gently back and forth on top of her. But with each rocking motion, Haneul spread her legs a little wider, and Lucas slid down a little further. Soon enough, the head reached the lips of her vagina, and gradually became engulfed by them.
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Sex starts here…
When the dick head suddenly slid inside it took Lucas by surprise. “Ohh,” he moaned abruptly, and Haneul let out a giggle.
“Ohh,” he repeated when he thrust forward a second time, and the head pushed even deeper.
This time, Haneul didn't giggled but joined in with a moan of her own. The head stretched her wet hole wide, and it felt great.
For a moment, Lucas became very aware of what they were doing, and of the muffled party still happening outside. Sex was the last thing he'd imagined he’d be having when he first returned to the dorm. And this was Haechan's sister. For the first time, he wondered what his former close fried would think. If he ever found out, that is.
Haneul quickly extinguished any doubts though, when she squeezed her legs tighter around Lucas’ thighs and pressed her hand down hard on his ass. The head and shaft slid deep inside her, and she threw her head back and grimaced.
“Ahh, wow, Lucas, you feel so good,” she whimpered. That was just the kind of talk Lucas loved to hear, and it made him forget all about Haechan and where they were.
Balls deep inside the girl, Lucas’ thrusts quickly picked up the pace. He rocked and panted and touched and kissed the girl, while she moaned and squirmed occasionally beneath him. She was great and playful in bed, clearly experienced, which was good because the new him needed someone else to take control, or at least to take initiative.
Haneul certainly did, but the wonderful bubble they were in burst just minutes after they truly got stated. There was suddenly a knock on the door, and someone pushed down the handle.
This caused Lucas to jump, and Haneul to curl up to cover her body when the man abruptly pulled out of her.
“Yeah?” Lucas said loudly. He sat up on the bed completely naked and uncovered, and suddenly felt nervous and worried.
“Lucas, where did you go?” a voice shouted behind the door. It was Johnny, one of the few who had actually noticed that Lucas had left his spot on the couch.
Lucas looked at Haneul. “Maybe we should get back out there?” he whisper.
Haneul quickly shook her head. “No,” she pleaded. “I wanna stay.”
Lucas turned to face the door. “Sorry,” he sad loudly “I came to get a shirt from Hendery but got tired. Let me take a nap and I'll come back later.”
“What?” the voice outside nearly screamed. “No way, come join your party!”
“I'm sorry,” Lucas repeated. “It was a long flight.
Another muffled voice was heard outside, and for a moment Johnny didn't respond. Then a final click of the door handle when Johnny let go of it.
“Alright,” he said. “Just come out whenever you're ready.”
Something had changed in the voice. It sounded happier, more cheerful, almost as if Lucas was being teased. Lucas didn't think twice about it, but sat completely still and in silence until he was reasonably assured that Johnny had left.
Haneul began to laugh, and relaxed her otherwise tense body. She stretched out on the bed and reached out to touch Lucas’ waist.
“Come here,” she said and smiled. Lucas wasn't going to turn that invitation down.
His still hard dick swayed in the air when he rolled back down and untwisted his body, to lay back down on top of his newly found sexual partner. The make-out quickly resumed. When he penetrated her again, they picked up exactly where they'd left off.
This was when Haneul took initiative again, and pushed on Lucas’ shoulder. He rolled sideways and she followed, until he was the one on his back and she was sitting on top of him.
The dick was still inside her, but at first she didn't move. Lucas rested his hands on her thigh and she felt his pumped chest with hers, while smiling down at him. Damn she’s beautiful, Lucas thought to himself.
Then, Haneul slowly started moving her hips back and forth. Lucas had his eyes wide open and took in the sight of her naked body. He grabbed her ass, and pushed and pulled to aid her movements.
Haneul started rolling her hips faster, leaned down further and reached up to brush her hair to one side. She started bouncing up and down, an elbow on either side of Lucas’ chest and arms. When their faces almost touched, Lucas lifted his head and planted his lips on hers.
The head and shaft slid in and out of her repeatedly. Lucas’ body tensed, and with a firm grip around her cheeks he started thrusting deeper into her.
“Mm, oh yeah, Lucas,” Haneul said.
“Ahh, ahh, ahh,” he panted repeatedly. The faster he went, the louder but more strained his moans became.
“Shhh,” she said and giggled.
Lucas listened and held his breath, but didn’t slow down. The mattress started shaking. Haneul's breasts shook violently with each fast thrust. But when the bed slammed against the wall, they both abruptly stopped.
“Holy shit,” Lucas said. “You're amazing! But yeah, we should probably keep it down.”
“Haechan might come home,” Haneul pointed out.
They both relaxed their bodies, and Haneul sat up straight. Her hips pressed down hard on the man, his cock sliding deep inside her.
For a while, she gently moved her ass up and down while Lucas lay completely still, merely enjoying the moment and sensation. Then they froze on the spot when a new set of voices were heard outside the door.
Several people walked by outside, talking and laughing loudly. Lucas could make out three of them: Chenle, whose dolphin-like laughter was unmistakable. Jisung, whose deep voice had matured so much over the years. And Haechan, whose voice sent a shiver down his spine.
He quickly looked up at the girl with a serious expression. She gave him a reassuring smile. Neither of them moved as they listened to the voices go by, and eventually disappear.
“They're gone,” Haneul said and unfrozen herself. She added: “Don't worry though. I don’t think he’d care.”
This relaxed Lucas, though it wasn't Haechan he should be worried about. Of course he didn't know that yet, but would find out soon enough.
When the danger had passed they resumed the activity, but both realized that they should probably finish sooner rather than later. Still sitting up straight, pressing her legs against Lucas’ sides, Haneul picked up the pace one final time.
Lucas did the same, and started thrusting into the girl while his hands explored her beautiful waist and boobs. He stared at her in amazement, briefly wondering how he got so lucky, until he felt an orgasm coming and closed his eyes hard.
“Mm, yeah, yeah,” Haneul whispered repeatedly while she rolled her hips and bounced her ass up and down.
“Ah, ah, ah!” Lucas panted, faster and faser.
His hands stopped moving around and grabbed on tight around Haneul's hips. She held on around his waist while staring at the ceiling.
“Mm, oh yeah, Lucas,” she whispered.
“Aahh, fuck, I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come,” he said in an equally low but strained voice.
“Oh yeah, ahhh, Lucas!”
“Ahh, ahh, ahhh.”
Lucas suddenly grimaced excessively. He held on tight around Haneul's ass. His touch was gentle, but the requirement to keep his voice down made his body work hard and muscles tense as he panted and came inside the girl.
Haneul loved it. She found it thrilling that she'd now had sex with not one, but two of Haechan's famous friends. As much as she liked Lucas for his sexy body and the sweet, vulnerable personality he'd shown her, there was no denying that the fact that he was who he was made her want this even more.
“Ahhhh!” Lucas groaned one last time, as quietly as possible, as a great sensation rushing through his body. He shot several loads into the girl, and it felt amazing when he came. The way his hands were tightly wrapped around the gorgeous ass and hips, and the way his shaft quickly slid in and out of the tight vagina as she bounced on top of him, felt great.
“Ohh yeah,” Haneul whimpered. She'd figured out that Lucas loved a submissive girl, and when he burst inside her that's what she gave him. “Ohh, yeah, mmm,” she moaned.
“Ahh, fuck,” Lucas said when he calmed down, and his muscles started to relax. He slowed his thrusts and lowered his ass into the mattress.
Haneul slowed down too, stopped bouncing and let herself sink onto the shaft. It felt so good the way it pulsed and throbbed inside her, and the several waves of cum filled her up.
When the act was over she smiled and laughed as their eyes met. She leaned down and collapsed on Lucas’ chest, while he caressed her warm back and steadied his breathing.
“That was amazing,” he said.
“Yeah,” she said longingly.
“Hey,” Lucas said and pushed on her shoulder. She raised her head and looked at him.” Thank you.”
“For what?” Haneul asked.
“For listening to me.”
Haneul smiled. “Oh. You're welcome,” she said.
She sat up and raised her body. The now slack dick slid out of her, and sloppily fell onto Lucas’ stomach.
She rolled off him and lay beside him, cuddling up close with her head on his shoulder and hand on his toned chest. He turned to look at her.
“Should we go back out?” he asked.
She closed her eyes. “In a moment,” she said.
“No, don't fall asleep,” Lucas said and suddenly sounded worried. “Hey, let's go back out until the party dies down, then maybe you can stay the night? If you want to.”
Haneul tilted her head back and looked at him. “I'd love that,” she said. “Fine. I guess the star of the party has to show his face more than once.”
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Lucas woke up to a loud laugh coming from the hallway outside. He was on his back, and Haneul was snoring quietly beside him. Her naked chest was pressed against his upper arm. The twisted duvet covered their legs and hips but not much else.
He felt a pounding headache coming on. They had indeed rejoined the party, and it had lasted to the early morning.
Still a little drunk, Lucas yawned and stretched his arms above his head, then rolled on his side and brushed Haneul's hair aside. He was glad that she’d stayed. She was wonderful, and he smiled to himself as he admired her pretty face.
The gentle touch caused her to wake up. She opened her eyes slowly, then smiled when she met his friendly gaze.
“Morning,” she said.
“Morning,” Lucas replied. He leaned in and gave her a loving kiss.
“Thanks for last night,” he added. “I really needed that.”
“Me too,” Haneul said. “More than I think I realized.”
They started to make out, and Lucas was horny again in seconds. But they never got any further, as soon there was a loud knock on the door.
“Hey lovebirds, come out for breakfast!” It was Haechan's voice.
“Alright,” Lucas said, then looked at Haneul. They smiled at each other and began to giggle.
“See, I told you he wouldn’t mind,” Haneul said.
Lucas snickered but wasn’t fully convinced. Perhaps it was his past haunting his mind, but there might still be consequences to face.
“You were great by the way,” Haneul added.
Lucas let out a laugh. “So were you. I'm glad we met.”
They started getting out of bed, and found their scattered clothes on the floor. In silence while occasionally glancing at each other and giggling, they got dressed and ready to face reality. Who knew what mess waited for them outside, and what reactions the fact that Haneul had stayed the night had caused.
The hallway was empty, as was the living room where the party had taken place, but voices could be heard from the communal kitchen. Lucas walked ahead while Haneul followed close behind.
In the clothes they wore the night before, they joined a handful of young men around a kitchen table. The group was significantly smaller, limited to those who lived on this floor and those who had found the energy to get out of bed.
Hungover and tired, most mumbled a superficial good morning when Lucas and Haneul entered the room. Haechan and Jeno, who hadn't been there for most of the evening, were the only ones who seemed rested and energetic.
“Hello sister,” Haechan said with a grin on his face. “Didn't make it home, did you?”
“No, I did not,” Haneul replied and smirked. “Shut up.”
Several of the boys looked up and giggled, but no one said a word.
Food was on the table, and Lucas helped himself to what was served. Haneul sat down next to him, and as the group came to life people started talking and joking among themselves.
More people joined from the other floors. Memories from last night were shared, and Lucas, who was the reason for why there was a get-together in the first place, got a whole bunch of questions about the past and future.
With Haneul by his side, he didn't mind answering them. Largely thanks to her, the pains of being back had faded overnight.
The morning would take a turn for Lucas, however, when several members of the Dream team came down to join the gathering. Renjun and Chenle made an appearance and, more importantly, as did Jisung.
Jisung entered the kitchen with a big smile on his face. He was in a good mood, and unlike many of the others was not hungover. He had already eaten, but wanted to be part of the social experience, and to say hello to Lucas who had not been around in the short period Jisung was at the party.
Jisung quickly lit up in a huge smile when he saw the girl seated at the table, with frizzy bed hair and eating a bowl of cereal. It quickly went away when he realized he should play it cool. They had texted occasionally but not seen each other in person in over a year.
“Hey,” he said and she looked up.
“Hey,” she replied.
The people closest to them suddenly went quiet.
“I didn't know you'd be here,” Jisung continued.
“Neither did I,” Haneul admitted, and knew that she had to hold back her words.
“Were you at the party? I didn't see you last night.”
Haneul didn't respond at first. More people went quiet, their expressions suddenly serious and curious. Jisung noticed the silence and felt their eyes upon him. Something was off.
“I was,” Haneul finally said.
Another silence.
“She was probably in bed when you were here,” Johnny said. Yuta quickly shushed him, but others giggled quietly.
“What?” Jisung asked and laughed. He looked around the table, still standing at the edge a few steps away from Haneul.
“Hey, how was the rehearsal yesterday?” Haechan asked. It was an obvious attempt to divert attention, and it fooled no one.
“It was good,” Jisung said, cautiously suspicious. Then he turned his head in Lucas’ direction, and was met with a serious, slightly confused and solemn expression.
Haneul was sitting close to her lover, their shoulders touching, and from the reaction of the room, the expressions on their faces, and the fact that Haneul was still in the dorm at all, Jisung finally connected the dots.
“Oh,” he said, in a somewhat heartbroken voice. “I see.”
“Jisung…” Mark said, in a sorrowful and emphatic tone.
“Well, I'll leave you to it. Enjoy your breakfast.”
With that, Jisung turned around and left the room. Johnny giggled, Yuta punched him on the shoulder. Mark and Haechan locked eyes and grimaced painfully, then Haechan gave his sister a stern look. She stared down into her bowl and stired the food around slowly. Chenle and Renjun looked confused, having just walked in themselves and not made the connection Jisung was able to make.
And in the thick of it all was Lucas, who had no clue what the hell was going on.
“What just happened?” he asked.
Haechan never took his eyes off his sister. “Are you going to tell him or should I? He'll find out anyway.”
Haneul didn't respond, but sighed and produced a faint smile.
“What?” Lucas asked and laughed nervously, the way Jisung had the moment before he understood. He looked at Haneul with a curious expression. “What?” he repeated.
She finally raised he head to face him. “We had a thing once, ages ago. It's no big deal.”
“It is to Jisung,” Yuta said.
“Fuck,” Lucas said. “I didn't know.”
He looked around the suddenly very quiet group, searching for more information but afraid to ask any questions. This was apparently a sensitive subject.
Johnny saw his confusion, and decided to give him more info: “They had sex in the Philippines during a tour. But hey, it was indeed ages ago. Don't worry about it.”
“Should I go talk to him?”
“No, don't,” Haechan said.
Haneul finally decided to own up to the situation. “Don’t worry, I'll talk to him later,” she said. She turned to her brother. “I promise, okay?”
Haechan glared at her, and she added: “I owe him that. He's a sweet guy, and this was shitty of me.”
Her brother smiled reassuringly at her. Then Yuta let out a laugh, which finally broke the sour mood. One after another, the others joined in. What else could they do?
What had happened happened, and Jisung would get over it. His friends would help him get over the heartbreak. But there was no point in any of them holding a grudge against Lucas, who had been completely unaware of the situation, and no one was going to blame Haechan's darling sister too harshly.
Soon everyone was laughing, everyone except Chenle who suddenly left the room, and Lucas who remained confused and unsure of what to do.
There was nothing funny about the situation at all, and had he known he would never have let last night happen. Not even the old version of himself would do that to poor Jisung, or to any of the boys for that matter.
But it did happen, and to Lucas’ old, fragile heart which was burdened with past experiences, it became a painful memory. At the same time, his night with Haneul felt remarkable, and became a memory he cherished. Combined, his first visit to the dorm after the scandal became another bittersweet memory of the place, a place where a boy grew up and became a man.
Lucas was on the right path, but he had a long road ahead before he could redeem himself. He knew that better than anyone, and Haneul was a painful reminder of it.
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Curious about the time Jisung and Haechan’s sister hooked up? Read Jisung’s Most Memorable Sexual Experience.
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hanarchy · 4 months
your top 5 favourite travel/vacation spots so far?
ooooooh aaahhh ok ok yes
i am not a huge vacationer but i love a trip and a place to go and a person to see
1. hong kong (oooh baby i have no idea what that did to me but it looms sooo large in my heart its really incredibly special. the lush nature, the big mountains, the sea, the huge buildings, the architecture, the remnants of old city, the history, so crowded and then suddenly so quiet, all the little scattered islands and beaches oooh its incredible)
2. new orleans (another one of those ‚idk what it did to me but its so bewitching, it has such an aura its so unique. the endless swamp around it, the french quarter, the mississippi, the ancient trees, the people!!!! always the people!!)
3. provence/pyrenees/jura just like. some mountains in france. (the ancient ancient nature and caves, the green, the relaxed way of life, the little old stone villages with the winding alleys and streets, the boulangeries, the weekly produce markets ah aaahh)
4. blue ridge/great smoky mountains (see above but add like. a layer of unsettling slightly supernatural quiet to it. like if you want to get away from the world this is where u hve to go. also instead of villages its abandoned mines and old wood cabins. its american urban sprawl and then the most dangerous forests in north america. its bluegrass music and old men on bikes and then its a cave thats older than the existence of some chemical elements on planet earth)
5. venice (nothing like it anywhere, like time travel, like magic, like your own personal medieval city. unfortunately everyone else feels the same way)
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fayewongfuzao · 7 months
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2024.02.26 Faye & Nic were spotted at Beijing Airport after returning from vacation in Japan
Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse reunite in a high-profile display of affection at Beijing Airport [Dimsumdaily Hong Kong]
Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse flirt in public after returning from vacation in Japan [Next Apple News Taiwan]
Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse sweet scene at the airport [8world]
Faye Wong’s Quiet Fashion [popbee]
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ghostsandmirrors · 7 months
➹ Jessica Szohr
send me a ➹ and a fc ;; i’ll create a character on the spot !!!
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meet Natalie Almas. more specifically, battle operator Natalie Almas.
(just like Joseph Castle's, this got long...)
she was born in 1992 to Michelle (née Johnson) and Endre Almas in Anchorage, Alaska, USA. she was the eldest of three children, with the second oldest being Joshua Almas (born 1995), and the youngest being Abigail Almas (born 1996).
growing up with the rise in technology and the jarring shifts, Natalie always found it interesting. neither of her siblings were as into it as she was growing up--though that changed in their teen years--but Natalie was always interested in the software side of things. she wanted to know how it worked and slowly grew to learn it.
her first job was in web design, because there wasn't much else she could do besides mod The Sims 2.
when Trespasser appeared on the coast of San Francisco in 2013, Natalie's life didn't really change. she was in Anchorage, still, and despite being fixated on the news like they were talking about a horrific pile-up, there really was no change in her life besides the family conversations becoming about Trespasser instead of whether or not Abigail was dating yet; their parents had given up on both Natalie and Joshua's love lives after they decided their careers would be in web design and car repairs. if they'd asked, they may have found out Joshua was in a polyamorous relationship.
Natalie only knew because he'd asked if he should just bring his partners to their parents' house for Christmas and she said that maybe he should warn them first.
the kaiju kept coming, though; six months after Trespasser was Hundun attacking Manila, then four months after Hundan was Kaiceph in Cabo San Lucas, then Scissure in Sydney in 2014, and they kept coming.
when the jaegers were made, when there were calls for people who could help build them and maintain them, all three of the Almas siblings signed up and were positioned at the Anchorage Shatterdome. Natalie and Joshua worked in J-Tech, Abigail in K-Science. After Danger was taken out of action by Knifehead, the J-Tech siblings were moved onto another jaeger, then another when that one was taken out of action, and then another and another until they were eventually moved to the Hong Kong Shatterdome with the rest of the Anchorage crew. Abigail, by this point, had moved into the civilian fields, worried about what kaiju blue might be doing to her despite the safety precautions. their parents were glad; they were eternally worried about her, since her siblings had far safer jobs than she did.
Natalie continued to work on battle operations, upgrading the UI and user side of things for the pilots and sometimes customising them, if asked. Joshua continued to work as a jaeger engineer, focused on maintenance and repairs to keep the remaining jaegers up and running.
she was often described as a joy to have in class, which was code for, 'very quiet, well behaved, may or may not be easy to remember depending on the teacher and the class'. while Abigail was the straight man to Joshua's nonsense, Natalie was the impulse control to both of them; there were multiple times that she'd had to talk Abigail out of something, though she was generally far less impulsive than their brother.
somewhat of a perfectionist--though that could be argued as a hazard of the job when working with software and coding related to mechas that were being used to protect the planet--there was never a job that Natalie would do 'well enough' when she could do it far better. there was no 'good enough'; she either did it to the best of her ability regardless of the detriment to herself or she didn't do it at all because she knew she couldn't and would rather hand it off to someone else.
she was always closer to Joshua than the rest of their family. her parents expressed their uncertainty with her life choices and while she got on with her sister, Abigail tended to run in very different circles to her. there were no truly bad feelings in the family, just different points of view.
a workaholic to the core, she could often be found at the desk, seeing what she could improve on with a cup of cheap coffee by her side. half of the J-Tech and LOCCENT officers seemed to be surviving on coffee, though, so it wasn't particularly unusual to find a small group of them sharing a space, giving ideas, sometimes sending someone on a coffee run as punishment for an idea the majority disagreed with. it was in these moments that she would shine; she generally kept her quiet nature into her adulthood, but a topic she knew about? she thrived surrounded by those working in her field and made plenty of friends with her fellow officers, in addition to a number of the other J-Tech crews. the pilots weren't her favourite people, but she could admire them.
and that's battle operator Natalie Almas of the Anchorage and then Hong Kong Shatterdomes.
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queensharotto · 1 year
Honeymoon Vol. 4 Translation
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Listen to the audio here!
Ryou Kashiwagi (柏木 稜, Kashiwagi Ryou)
Voiced by: Koji Yusa
Age: Early 30s
Job: Company President
Country: Hong Kong
For the translation, view below. Note that it isn’t 100% accurate.
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🌃 Track 1: The Prologue
It’s been almost three years since we started dating, and I still remember when we first met.
When you were still a new employee, you started talking to me in the company halls, not knowing that I was the president.
The button on my suit was coming off so I asked you to fix it, and you reattached the button.
I was so attracted by your kindness that I decided to ask you out on a date, all while hiding my identity as the company president.
*chuckles* I didn’t want you to look at me with a title, so I kept quiet.
After several days, I confessed to you.
You accepted my confession, and that was when I finally confessed to you about being the president.
A lot has happened in the three years since then.
Due to my position, I’ve kept our relationship a secret, but now I thought it would be time to make it public.
No, I’m not going to be announcing that we’re dating.
Marry me, I stopped by today to propose to you.
An engagement ring I made for you. Will you continue to support me from now on?
I thank you for accepting.
Let’s be happy together. That’s right! I have something to show you, follow me!
This is the hotel reception hall, the facilities and staff here are top notch, and there’s no perfect wedding, so how about it?
Then let’s have our wedding here. I look forward to seeing you in your wedding dress.
🌃 Track 2: Honeymoon Consultation
I’m back. The meeting was long and so I was late.
Were you lonely? *kiss*
Hmm? Television? Is this a weekly travel show or a show you like?
A trip to Hong Kong and Macau? It’s a place I would love to visit once.
I often go to America and Europe for business, but I don’t have many opportunities to go to Asia.
Have you ever been there? So you haven’t… Let’s go on honeymoon.
The place will be a little closer, but let’s make it a later trip instead.
Leave the plans to me, I’ll think of a lot of events that will please you.
The problem is that it’s a serious area, I’ll be busy with work after the wedding, but maybe next month I’ll be able to take some time off, before the wedding, okay?
Alright! I’ll make it a honeymoon you’ll never forget, so look forward to it!
🌃 Track 3: Hong Kong
Well, we’re at the hotel, let’s get out of the car.
I’m glad you liked the limousine, but you don’t have to be disappointed, because I’m planning on using the limousine for the rest of our trip.
Let’s get off and check in at hotel already.
I booked this hotel in Hong Kong, I promised that we would have a gorgeous trip, so I booked one of the finest hotels in Hong Kong, and of course our room is a suite.
*laughs* I’m glad you like it so much! Come, let’s hurry to our room.
This is the room we’ll be staying in, it’s spacious, has a beautiful view of the night sky and the mood is prefect.
Hey, hey! You’re like a child when you talk like that.
Hmm? Would you like me to express it with your demeanor and not your words? So, that’s what it means?
*kiss* Today, I want you to listen to everything I say. *more kissing*
Your face after kissing is so adorable. If you show me that, I’ll want to tease you.
*laughs* Even though I blew my breath into your ear, you let that voice out. If your ears are good, why don’t you blame them more?
Good response.
Now it’s time for the real thing, I’ll take my time and love you so much, so be prepared. *kissing*
🌃 Track 4: Ocean Park and Chinese Food
This is Ocean Park. Home to an amusement park, a zoo and an aquarium, it’s Hong Kong’s famous leisure spot, I don’t usually come to facilities for children like this, but today I have a big child with me.
*laughs* It’s childish to give in right away like that. Rather than that, look, there’s your favorite panda.
Hey! Don’t fall over kid!
He’s happily eating grass, he’s a cute guy. Oh, the panda seems to be looking at you.
I think he thought we were friends, and you’re just as cute as a panda.
There, there. I enjoyed the panda, next is the aquarium.
Let’s return home for the day and enjoy the ocean park to it’s fullest.
I didn’t expect you to be so excited. Well, I had fun too, since I had never been to an amusement park since I was a kid.
It’s almost time for dinner, so I’ve made a reservation at a famous restaurant where I want to have Chinese food, and I’ve booked it and I’m expecting it because it looks very delicious.
We’ve arrived at the Chinese restaurant. That’s it. Hey, be careful! Oh go ahead, ladies first.
A reservation for Kashiwagi. Right, a private room. Yes, I don’t want to be disturbed when I’m alone with you, so I’ll keep it in the private room.
What do you want to eat? So, is it okay if I like it? That’s right, Peking duck, braised shark fin, bird’s nest soup and boiled abalone cream. I wonder if it’s like that.
Is this your first time eating this? Come to think of it, we never went out to eat Chinese food together.
There’s a restaurant that I recommend in Japan, so let’s go there together when we return.
Look, it’s the dish you’ve been waiting for, so which one are you going to eat?
*laughs* Shark fin, understood. It looks delicious, look, open wide.
Oh, but I’m not going to feed you.
The shark fin here is as good as the rumors say.
*laughs* Do you want to eat it that much? Then, please try to beg me to give it to you.
Hm? *laughs* Then open your mouth again.
Ah. I can’t get it in with such a small mouth, open wider.
You are honest. All right, it’s a reward. See is it good?
Good, I’m more satisfied with just your smile.
🌃 Track 5: Night Scenery Award in Hong Kong
Today we’re taking a ferry and enjoying a night cruise at Victoria Harbor.
This is the Star Ferry that peaks at the top, and it’s familiar to residents and tourists in Hong Kong.
Oh, it looks like we’re leaving.
If you look at the Hong Kong site, it’s amazing.
I’ve seen many night scenes all over the world, but this is the first time I’ve seen them so beautiful.
As expected, it is said to be a million dollar night view, and it’s Hong Kong.
It’s still to early to be impressed, the main event is about to begin.
It’s already 8 PM. It starts next, so watch it.
This is the Symphony of Light. It’s a light and sound show made possible by the searchlights on top of the skyscrapers. On an important day in Victoria Harbor, I wanted to show you this show, so I took a night cruise.
You really are playful like a child, and I love that innocent side of you. *kiss*
🌃 Track 6: To Macau by Ferry
For now on, we’re taking the ferry to Macau. It’ll arrive in about 50 minutes.
While it saddens me to leave Hong Kong, but more than that, I’m looking forward to going to Macau.
Macau is renowned for its casinos and is said to be the Las Vegas of the East.
If you’re new to casinos, I’ll teach you my rules. Roulette and blackjack are easy to remember, and Macau has a lot of historical architecture, and it’s has much fun as Hong Kong, which is a renowned world tourist destination, or even more.
That’s good, now let’s get on the ferry.
Let’s sit here.
The ferry has canceled? I’m feeling a little sick.
You may not be able to do it, please release me. Thank you, let me lean on your shoulder. It’s gotten better, but it’s still not enough. Could you rub my back?
Your hands are warm and I’m feeling a little better. What else would I like for you to do?
Right, I think it would be easier if your knees could be a pillow, thank you. Your lap feels so good, I feel like I can sleep better than any other pillow.
If I get thirsty, did you mind getting me some water?
I’m sick and can’t get up, so put it in your mouth and let me drink it from there.
Please, my throat is already parched.
*mouth to mouth water drinking*
The water you gave me to drink tasted exceptionally good. Besides, you’re the cutest when you work hard for me.
*laughs* You finally noticed, I was pretending the whole time! Sorry, sorry. Sometimes I just want to spoil you, please forgive me. *kiss*
I won’t deceive you this time, so let me spoil you again.
🌃 Track 7: Macau Tower
This is the best view from Macau Tower.
The apartment building I live in is also a high floor so I’m used to high places, are you okay with high places?
I’m relieved to hear that because I didn’t come to Macau Tower for the purpose of taking in the view.
There are some interesting attractions, just look out the window as they’re on right now.
Look, you can see people jumping off, that’s the best bungee jump in the world! You have to experience it when you come to Macau Tower.
What? Weren’t you okay with high places? Are you that strong?
Then how about a full sky jump instead? You can adjust the fall speed with wires, so you can fall more slowly than bungee jumping.
And if it’s a sky jump, we’ll do it together. If you’re with me, it’ll be a bit more reassuring.
It’s decided! Let’s go to the Sky Jump reception immediately!
When you stand on the jumping platform, the tension is different, it is indeed a tremendous height.
It’s okay, I’m with you. Well then, let’s go! Three, Two, One, Now!
Whoa! It’s amazing! *laughing*
*applause* It’s over! Hey, are you alright? You did your best.
So, how was the Sky Jump?
I mean, I had a lot of fun too. I feel like I can get through anything with you because we stopped together, and here’s a reward for your hard work. *kiss*
🌃 Track 8: Macau Sightseeing & The Casino
This is the central location of Macau, which has been recognized as a World Heritage State in Sendo Square.
Beautiful cobblestone with a beautiful cityscape and pastel colors.
Macau used to be a colony of the Portugal, so there are many buildings like this in Southern Europe.
Since we’ve come all the way here, let’s take a walk around the World Heritage townscape.
At the top of those stairs is the Ruins of St. Paul’s in the west, Macau’s most famous historic building.
Majority of it was destroyed in a fire with the exception of the front. At the time of it’s construction, it’s was the largest Catholic Church in Asia. There’s even a theory that Japanese Christians who were exiled from Japan were involved in its construction.
Wait! If you climb the stairs in such a hurry, you’ll fall and get hurt! Look out!
I did it again. If I hadn’t saved you, you would’ve fallen down the stairs and hurt yourself.
This is what happens when you leave me, so don’t make me worry.
I’ll have to hold you like this and move so that you don’t go anywhere on your own.
No good, tourist spots always hold you like a princess.
*Timeskip to the arrival at the Casino*
Speaking of adult entertainment, let’s play at the hotel casino.
I’ve had some experience with casinos in Las Vegas, so I know the rules.
Well, baccarat seems to be the most popular in Macau casinos, so let’s play baccarat.
Baccarat is about predicting who will win, the best player or the artery banker. The winner is determined by the total number of cards dealt to the player and the banker. Cards with 2 to 9 are their numbers while Ace is the bookmark of the number closest to 10 and F, and if the total score of the cards exceeds two digits, it’s the last digit.
Well, I knew it was like this. It would be difficult to explain it alone. I’ll show you an example, you can watch for the side.
This is the Baccarat Table.
First, bet 500 on the player side. Yes, the player wins. You get 500, the same amount as your initial bet.
Next, yes. Shall we put it all into a draw? The odds are low, but if you win, you’ll get 8 times the bet.
Alright! *applause* This is also my win!
Of course, it’s a secret to winning the game. *laughs*
Agreed, because the goddess of victory was by my side. Where did you go?
It’s been a long time, enough is enough. Let’s go to the next match.
🌃 Track 9: Night of the Sixth Day
If the week flew by, how would our honeymoon have been?
I had fun to, but it’s not over yet.
I’ll make a lasting memory for our final night.
*passionate kisses*
Do you like being kissed on different parts of your body?
Then I’ll give you more kisses. Right, anywhere but the lips.
*more passionate kissing*
Hmm? On your lips?
If you really want me to do that, just ask me to kiss you on the lips.
If you don’t tell me, then I won’t give you a kiss on the lips.
Hmm? I can’t hear you, talk more clearly.
Good girl, because you said it properly, I’ll give you plenty.
*even more passionate kissing*
Now, what do you want me to do?
If you want me to embrace you, then embrace me.
Hmm? You can’t say?
Your face turned red. What is it, do you really want me to embrace you?
So you finally admitted it, then, as you wish.
I’ll hold you.
🌃 Track 10: The Epilogue Wedding
Thank You for joining us for our wedding reception today.
I’m sure everyone is very surprised that we were getting married, since we didn’t make our relationship public.
But from now on, without hiding anything, the two of us will continue to love and support each other in life.
Actually, I secretly wrote a letter for her today, so please, allow me to read it in front of all of you.
“My love, until I met you, I thought there was nothing more important than work. I believed that if I was successful in my career, I could get eyes, money, anything. But you thought me that the most important thing in this world is to love people. Now, the most important thing to me, is you. Thank You for being my wife, I vow to love you for the rest of my life. From your husband, Ryou Kashiwagi”
*The audience’s applause*
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I just wanted to know how you hc Arthur's relationship with some Asian nations like Japan, India, Hong Kong??? I know some people really adore his friendship with Kiku, do you have the same hc? :D
to be completely honest i haven't thought much about his relationship with india, simply because i don't feel i'm educated enough to have a definitive say on what their opinions on each other might be. i don't really portray them as close, but i also don't think of them as being particularly nasty towards one another. at this point in time i feel like they're probably acquaintances at best.
the same more or less goes for hong kong, i have thoughts but they aren't very developed. arthur definitely has a soft spot for him, especially since he was so small when they first met, so i wouldn't be surprised if he treated him the same as the rest of his little brood...i can definitely see them as having that old man/hip teenager dynamic and i think that's super fun.
i do share the headcanon (i'd even say it's not much of a headcanon at all) that he and kiku are very good friends! i even see arthur as forming an unrequited crush on him for a year or two. they do understand each other on a base level of loving small animals, their gardens, tea of course, literature, and quiet. arthur would have the time of his life as a tourist in modern day japan, i just know it.
don't let my rather vague answers deter you from asking about any of these guys though! that's kinda part of why i started this blog, to flesh out things i haven't given a lot of thought before. and thanks for the ask! <3
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soapkaars · 2 years
I hope it's still alright to request things of The Medical Malpractice Gang, but what is each members idea of a perfect date?
Perfectly alright! I hope you didn’t mind the wait!
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Cue: 'it's always sunny in Philadelphia' theme music
Gogol: Loves macabre plays with lots of torture. In another lifetime would definitely be a fan of torture porn films like Hostel (and very frustrated at the characters who got away). Never misses an execution by guillotine. So passionate about his job that he doesn’t like operating for money. (But still somehow rich enough, where’s that wealth come from?) Plays sad, dark music on his organ and reads sad, dark poetry. I think a perfect date for Gogol would be a goth girlfriend. Watching a slasher together (the more blood, the better), long walks in the cemetery (and making out on one of the graves, Mary Shelley fashion), attending a public execution together and commenting on whether the victim was a ‘squirmer’ or a ‘twitcher’ (I’ll leave to your imagination what those words mean), a romantic dinner for two in the Parisian catacombs (‘I know a spot’)…
Fenninger: ‘I'm already in a relationship… with crime.’ Will change his answer no matter what you ask. Prince Saliano seems to have some history, but he refuses to talk about it. Judge Mainwaring will smile knowingly and say whistfully: ‘there was that time in Monaco… we were at a place that served some delightful mussels…’ but is interrupted by Saliano walking in the room. He glares at you, and then says: ‘he walked off and left me with the bill.’ It's unclear if he's talking about Mainwaring or Fenninger.
Einstein: first you have to convince Jonathan that it was a simple question out of curiosity and in no way, shape, or form, swearing on your grandmother’s and great-grandmother’s grave, are you interested or even into Herman, I promise you he's not my type [lying], and only then will he untie you and allow you to ask. So what's Einstein's idea of a perfect date? Not having the police corner you in a rickety apartment in Soho, a quiet dinner without screaming, long walks through nature without dogs hunting you and sniffing your trail, do you remember that delightful place in Hong Kong? Yes, before you flayed the owner Johnny. I liked the food there. Oh perhaps take a rowing boat in Central Park without having to dump a body… just simple stuff you know.
Lorentz: now you have to convince Arthur that you’re not trying to flirt with Nathaniel. Swear on your grandfather’s and great-grandfather’s grave, etc. Etc. Etc. He looks at you suspiciously, and then finally answers you. A nice evening together with a delicious casserole ended with recruiting salesmen to be martyrs of science (‘it's just the way he looks so excited you know, when we alea jacta est another sucker into the machine. He's so dreamy then.’) he also likes to go square dancing together with Nathaniel.
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fragileizywriting · 1 year
kitty.... kitty is really excited, right? she's so excited. jagged is finally going on tour and he's super excited, he's cheering and celebrating and is telling ten-year-old kitty about all of the places he's going and what he'll bring for everyone, including her, of course, because the chengs and the couffaines are family.
new york! las vegas! mexico city! tokyo! rio! hong kong! berlin! sydney! rome!...
anarka looks up from where she is in the kitchen, over the countertop bar where marinette is sitting silently at the dining table. she's got a teacup in her hand, staring at the placemat, lost in thought.
"kitty?" anarka asks. her head snaps up when she calls. "how come you're not playing with jules?"
"she's taking a shower."
"and luka?"
"oh. uhm." she looks around. "i don't know where he is."
"what are you doing all alone, sweetie?"
she slept over the night before. she'd brought her toy carry-case that pops open to reveal a little shoe shop for the doll that can be stored in the 'fitting room' inside. she'd been so excited to show off her new barbie with black hair and brown eyes and looked just like her and just like juleka.
hopefully she didn't lose any of the shoes. the last thing anarka needs is to get a phone call from sabine asking if she'd found the tiny plastic-rubber things. luka always manages to spot them hidden under the couch and keeps them in a container on his nightstand so he can give it to her, but sometimes they get unlucky and jean steps on one barefoot and starts groaning.
marinette shrugs. "nothing. just waiting for you."
"waiting for breakfast, you mean," she teases.
"no, no." but she has that smile on her face. marinette is terrible at lying.
"it'll be done soon and then the whole family can eat together." anarka does her best not to scrunch her brows together when the girl goes quiet again. "what's wrong?"
"nothing's wrong."
"are you sure?"
"i'm sure."
"you look worried about something."
"no," marinette lies, "i'm okay."
"how come you're not smiling, then?"
it's how she always gets her. every time, the girl puckers her mouth and makes a face of full concentration; she's not like juleka or luka who are so good at speaking about what's bothering them. marinette needs some work.
"i'm excited," marinette tries.
"about what?"
"for uncle jean to go on tour."
"really? you don't look excited."
"oh." this poor girl looks like she's buffering, trying to figure out what to do. "but i am. i promise."
the eggs are done. they're not as runny as jean's, but they're still pretty tasty. might as well get the ketchup out of the fridge— it's a terrible habit juleka's picked up from jean, and it disgusts her, but hey. whatever it takes to get her children to eat.
"okay, convince me. why are you excited?"
"because he's going on tour and he's excited!"
"that's all?"
"oh." the way she says it is always so funny, but anarka does her best not to laugh. "yeah, i think so. is that not good enough?"
"it is... but... you just don't look happy about it, kitty." she sits down next to her at the table. "you look sad."
"i'm not sad."
"if you had ears, they'd be flat against your head," anarka tells her. marinette's eyes are wide and big. "i'm not your mom, but i know when you're happy." it doesn't take much. when she's happy, she's loud. when marinette is over the moon, she's in the stars. the girl is so loud, so active, so full of energy that she makes luka look like a dead battery. "and you're not happy right now."
"but... aren't you happy for uncle jean?" she asks, small and confused.
"a little. but i'm more... disappointed than anything." when marinette tilts her head, she continues: "well, he's my husband, right? i don't want him to go, even if it's for a few months. i'll miss him."
"but he's happy."
"sure," anarka tries, "and i'm so proud of him for getting this tour he's wanted for a long time as a fairwell-for-now so he can focus on the family again for the next ten years or so. but i can still feel sad."
"that's okay?"
"of course it is. you can feel sad even though someone's happy, as long as you don't try to make them sad about it." so anarka tries again. "what are you feeling right now?"
"i don't know," she replies honestly. she takes a sip of her teacup— she loves tea, always drinks it, never caffinated because she doesn't need it— "i think i don't want uncle jean to go. i want him to stay because i like it when he's here. when i think about him leaving, i get..." she frowns. "i get...?"
"you get?" anarka goads.
"i get a feeling," marinette explains. "a big one. a big feeling."
anarka tries not to smile. she'd noticed this for a long while, never knowing how to bring this up to sabine; marinette struggles with empathy. she struggles with explaining her empathy. she definitely has it— running to her when luka skidded his knee and was doing his absolute best not to cry from how much blood there was— and marinette had been in tears herself.
but she hadn't been able to say i'm scared! or i'm worried! she'd just been asking luka if his leg was okay for the entire day.
she doesn't seem to have the words for it.
maybe she should talk to sabine about this? it's very strange that she's not able to figure out her own thoughts and feelings; maybe there's something wrong?
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gokitetour · 2 months
7 Best Parks in Hong Kong
Hong Kong is known for its skyscrapers and busy streets, but it also has many beautiful parks that offer a peaceful escape from the city. These parks are perfect for relaxation, exercise, and enjoying nature. Whether you are a local resident or a tourist, visiting Hong Kong's parks can provide a refreshing break from urban life. The parks in Hong Kong are diverse, ranging from large, bustling green spaces to quiet, secluded spots. They feature well-maintained gardens, walking trails, and recreational facilities. Some parks also offer cultural and educational experiences, such as bird-watching, botanical gardens, and historical monuments. With so many options, you can easily find a park that suits your interests. From the popular Victoria Park on Hong Kong Island to the serene Sai Kung East Country Park, each park has its own unique charm and attractions. Exploring these parks allows you to see a different side of Hong Kong, one that is green, tranquil, and full of natural beauty. Whether you want to exercise, have a picnic, or simply relax, Hong Kong's parks are a perfect destination.
Here are some of the best parks in Hong Kong:
 1.Victoria Park: Victoria Park is the biggest public park on Hong Kong Island. It's a popular site for morning workouts like Tai Chi. The park includes numerous amenities, including tennis courts, a swimming pool, and big open areas for picnics and leisure. It also holds events, such as the annual Hong Kong Flower Show.
2.Kowloon Park: Kowloon Park, located in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui, is a serene green respite amidst the hustle and bustle of the metropolis. The park has stunning gardens, a big bird lake, and an aviary. Visitors can also enjoy the swimming pool, fitness walk, and many sculptures located around the park.
3. Hong Kong Park: Hong Kong Park is a distinct blend of modern architecture and natural beauty. It has an aviary, a greenhouse, and a big fountain plaza. The park also has a playground, a tea museum, and a Tai Chi Garden. It's an excellent place to escape the city's hustle and bustle.
5. Lantau Island's Ngong Ping 360: Ngong Ping 360 on Lantau Island provides stunning vistas and a peaceful atmosphere. Visitors can take a cable car to Ngong Ping Village, where they can see the Tian Tan Buddha and Po Lin Monastery. The region is surrounded by beautiful vegetation and peaceful walking trails.
6. Hong Kong Wetlands Park: Hong Kong Wetland Park is a conservation area that emphasizes the value of wetland ecosystems. The park has walking routes, birdwatching possibilities, and interactive exhibits about wetland wildlife. It's an instructive and soothing location to reconnect with nature.
7. Sai Kung East Country Park: Sai Kung East Country Park is renowned for its breathtaking natural landscape, which includes magnificent beaches, clear seas, and hiking routes. Visitors can participate in activities such as swimming, camping, and picnics. The park's distant position provides a pleasant getaway from the metropolis.
8. Lion Rock County Park : Lion Rock Country Park is known for its hiking routes and the spectacular Lion Rock formation, which provides panoramic views of Hong Kong. The park's diverse flora and fauna make it a popular destination for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts alike. The hard hikes reward visitors with breathtaking views of the city and its surroundings.
Exploring the best parks in Hong Kong offers a wonderful way to experience the city's natural beauty and find peace amid the hustle and bustle. Each park, from the expansive Victoria Park to the scenic Sai Kung East Country Park, provides unique attractions and activities for everyone. Whether you're interested in hiking, bird-watching, or simply enjoying a picnic, these parks have something special to offer. Before planning your visit, make sure you have your Hong Kong visa so you can fully enjoy these green spaces. With a Hong Kong visa, you can explore these parks at your leisure, taking in the serene landscapes and discovering the city's diverse flora and fauna. These parks are perfect spots for relaxation, exercise, and connecting with nature. By visiting them, you'll see a different, greener side of Hong Kong that complements its urban charm. Enjoy your time in Hong Kong's parks and create lasting memories in these beautiful, tranquil settings.
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thehungrykat1 · 4 months
The Peninsula Manila Offers Art in Resonance Afternoon Tea Featuring Benedicto "BenCab" Cabrera
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After the very successful Hello Kitty 50th Anniversary Afternoon Tea last month, The Peninsula Manila is giving its guests another great reason to visit The Lobby this month with its BenCab Art in Resonance Afternoon Tea. I have always loved hanging out at the lobby of The Peninsula Manila, whether it be to meet up with friends or to enjoy a fancy merienda, so I was really excited to try out their new art-themed afternoon tea.
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As a continuation of Art in Resonance, the Peninsula Hotels' global program celebrating and nurturing contemporary art, The Peninsula Manila is pleased to present a medley of art activities this June, starting with an art exhibit titled Edition of 8. This features eight site-specific tapestries by Philippine National Artist for Visual Arts, Benedicto Cabrera, a.k.a. BenCab, from his acclaimed Larawan and Sabel works which guests can enjoy and appreciate for free at the ground floor of The Peninsula Manila.
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The Lobby has been a favorite meeting place for foreign guests and local residents since the hotel opened in 1976, be it for corporate executives in a hurry or for friends on the lookout for a quiet spot and a pick-me-up high tea or cup of coffee while exchanging the latest news. A perennially popular meeting spot for high society, The Lobby's focal point of interest is the glorious 12-metre "Sunburst" created by Philippine National Artist for Sculpture, Napoleon Abueva, which is set against Hong Kong-based artist Paola Dindo's sky-colored silver leaf-lined dome.
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Lending additional majesty to The Lobby are two grand staircases that sweep upward to the Makati and Ayala Towers. We had our church wedding reception right here at The Peninsula Manila with its gorgeous backdrops and very elegant interiors. The Lobby is also where the classic Peninsula Afternoon Tea has become Manila's favorite and a beloved attraction for visitors since the hotel opened, offering carefully selected premium teas complemented with appetizing scones, quiches, tea sandwiches and assorted pastries.
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The hotel's contemporary art program Art in Resonance has turned the entire ground floor of The Peninsula Manila into an art gallery featuring the works of Benedicto Cabrera. Originally introduced in 2019, Art in Resonance offers Peninsula guests deeply immersive experiences that promote the rich and vibrant cultural aspects of the cities in which they reside. There's no need to go all the way to the BanCab Museum in Benguet since the exhibit will be on display at The Lobby from May 22 to July 21, 2024.
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You can find some of BenCab's stunning tapestries right at the front desk reception area, giving its hotel guests a colorful and dazzling welcome.
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The tapestries are based on Sabel, Ben Cab's acclaimed solitary figure of a scavenger emerging from a dark landscape, and on his Larawan paintings, inspired by turn-of-the-century Philippine photographs and borne out of his nostalgia for Filipino culture while living in London.
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A fruit of the collaborative efforts between BenCab Abitare Internazionale, and Moooi Carpets, some of these tapestries are a recomposition of existing works. With the aid of digital technology and printed with high-definition precision on polyamide acrylic using a Chromojet printer, the colors, textures, volume, and tones of BenCab's work are captured in their most minute detail.
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This collection of limited-edition carpets by Abitare Internazionale and Moooi Carpets continue their legacy of innovation and artistry which all guests at The Peninsula Manila can enjoy.
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Aside from the exhibit, there are other Art in Resonance-related experiences scheduled for hotel guests this month, including the Art in Resonance Tours for suite guests and the Art in Resonance Talks with BenCab and noted Philippine historian Ambeth Ocampo. This will be held at The Conservatory on June 23, 2024 starting 3:00pm. BenCab will talk about his search for a Filipino identity and the social and cultural context behind his work. This will then be followed by an afternoon tea buffet at 4:00pm at The Upper Lobby.
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As for myself, I'm here to enjoy the BenCab Art in Resonance Afternoon Tea which is available daily at The Lobby from 2:30pm to 5:00pm until June 23. This afternoon tea set is priced at P2,888 for two persons.
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It comes with your choice of premium teas for two, but you can also upgrade the afternoon tea set to include two flutes of Champagne for P4,388.
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Afternoon tea is an elegant pre-evening tête-à-tête popularized in Europe with its own history and traditional ceremonies. In Manila, The Peninsula Manila is one of the best places you can experience an afternoon tea, especially with the hotel's rich history and elegant setting.
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Let's start our BenCab Afternoon Tea at the bottom layer which comes with Banana Bread, Homemade Raisin Scones and Plain Scones.
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This is served with lemon curd, strawberry jam and clotted cream. Slice your scones in half horizontally and place the cream or jam on top, depending on your preference. You don't have to be intimidated by the history and traditions of the afternoon tea. Feel free to enjoy this dining experience your own way.
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The middle tier comes with some savory items such as the Bagnet Sisig Quiche, Grilled Crab Salad and Cheddar on Rye Loaf.
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Other sandwiches here include the Smoked Duck Brioche Roll, Pulled Pork Belly with Sriracha Mayo Sandwich, Mini Pan de Sal, and lastly the Egg and Avocado Bagel. These items are quite filling so two guests can easily share these delightful sandwiches.
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The top plate consists of heavenly desserts to finish off your BenCab Afternoon Tea adventure. Here you can find the Chocolate Almond Friand, Amaretto Whipped Ganache, Blueberry White Chocolate Cheesecake, Strawberry Opera, Mango Tapioca Pudding, and Coffee Baileys Macarons printed with some of the works of BenCab.
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We had such a relaxing time at The Lobby enjoying our delicious afternoon tea set surrounded by BenCab's gorgeous works. The BenCab Art in Resonance Afternoon Tea will be available at The Lobby only until June 23, 2024. Make sure to catch this unique limited-edition afternoon tea experience at The Peninsula Manila by reserving your tables at 8887-2888 or by emailing them at [email protected]. See you at The Lobby!
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BenCab Art in Resonance Afternoon Tea
The Lobby, The Peninsula Manila, Ayala Avenue corner and Makati Avenue, Makati City
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inkovsky · 9 months
Hong Kong stocks fell for two consecutive days. The Hang Seng Index opened 163 points lower at 16,624 points and then continued its decline. It once fell 223 points to a low of 16,564 points. It fell 142 points or 0.85% for the whole day to 16,646 points; the technology index underperformed, falling 68 points. or 1.84%, at 3,646 points, with main board turnover of HK$79.2 billion.
Entering the new year, Hong Kong stocks continue to be weak. The Hang Seng Index is hovering along the central axis of the Bollinger Channel and near the 20-DMA (16,549), and trading continues to be quiet, reflecting a lack of confidence in capital entering the market and the market bottom is still weak. It is not ruled out that the Hang Seng Index will fall below the 16,000 level, and the market outlook may have a chance to fall back to the pre-return level (15,196), or even test the low of 14,597 points last year again, which means that the Hong Kong stock market will once again see a price-to-earnings ratio of 7.3 times.
European stock markets closed lower across the board, with British, French and German stocks falling 0.51%, 1.58% and 1.38% respectively.
The market is waiting to see the release of the minutes of the U.S. Federal Reserve's interest rate meeting last month. Some officials still do not rule out the possibility of raising interest rates. In addition, the U.S. 10-year bond interest rate once exceeded 4%. U.S. stocks came under pressure on Wednesday. The Dow opened 85 points lower and then reversed. Downward, it once fell 308 points. After the interest rate meeting minutes were announced, the decline deepened to 313 points, reaching a low of 37,401 points. The S&P 500 index fell by as much as 0.91%, and the Nasdaq once plunged 1.28%.
At the close of the U.S. stock market, the Dow still fell 284 points, or 0.76%, to 37,430 points; the S&P 500 fell 38 points, or 0.8%, to 4,704 points, its third consecutive day of losses; the Nasdaq fell 173 points, or 1.18%, to 14,592 points. It fell for two days in a row.
The U.S. dollar index once rose 0.5% to 102.711, rising for four consecutive days, the longest rising wave since November last year; the euro fell 0.4% to $1.898, and the yen fell 1.23% to 143.73 per dollar. A stronger U.S. dollar put pressure on spot gold prices, which fell as low as $2,030.74 per ounce, down 1.37%.
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gambitaibot · 1 year
Crude Oil Maintains the Gains as Markets Await US CPI. Will WTI go Higher?
Crude Oil, WTI, API, OPEC+, US Dollar, Gold, China Trade — Talking Points
Crude oil is claiming a recovery from a volatile run lower last week
APAC equities appear lacklustre with underwhelming Chinese economic data
Many asset classes have been relatively quiet ahead of US CPI. Will WTI rally?
WTI crude oil steadied again today just below US$ 73 bbl after recovering from last week’s sell-off that saw it trade at its lowest level since late 2021.
The American Petroleum Institute (API) will release its weekly statistical bulletin later today, ahead of the monthly OPEC+ oil market report that is due to be released on Thursday
Between those reports, US CPI on Wednesday remains the focus for the broader market.
Spot gold continues to trade above US$ 2,025 an ounce as markets recalibrate after last week’s hike by the Fed.
Treasury yields have eased a touch so far today after adding 7 or 8 basis points across the curve yesterday. The US Dollar is little moved with currency markets in slumber mode.
Wall Street finished barely moved despite lingering concerns around the debt ceiling and regional banking concerns.
APAC equity markets are mixed with Australian, Hong Kong, Korean and New Zealand indices slightly lower while Japan and mainland China have notched some gains.
China’s trade balance came in much stronger than forecast at US$ 90.2 billion for April rather than the US$ 71.25 billion anticipated.
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China also announced a crackdown on foreign companies that it alleges have been spying.
It is shaping up to be a quiet day on the data front, but the Australian Federal Government budget will be delivered, where a surplus is anticipated for the first time in 15 years.
The full economic calendar can be viewed here.
WTI overcame breakpoint resistance in the 72.25–72.45 area overnight and that zone might now provide support.
Further support might be at the previous lows of 66.82, 66.12, 64.36, 63.64 and 62.43.
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Chart created in TradingView
Written by Daniel McCarthy, Strategist for Daily FX
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arun-pratap-singh · 2 years
Alibaba founder Jack Ma resurfaces, cites 'difficult' year to rural teachers
Alibaba founder Jack Ma resurfaces, cites ‘difficult’ year to rural teachers
HONG KONG: Alibaba Group Founder Jack Ma, who has gone into hiding after regulatory crackdown in China amid the massive Covid surge in the country, resurfaced in a short video on the New Year, citing ‘difficult’ and ‘extraordinary’ year to the rural teachers in the country.The billionaire was last spotted in Tokyo, living a quiet and peaceful life amid the big tech crackdown in his home…
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purplesurveys · 2 years
Did 2015 just fly by to you? That year was absolute shit, and it felt like a century to pass by. I dealt with a bad breakup, the death of my grandfather, and brutal review classes for college entrance exams as well as the exams themselves.
Do you like platform shoes? Hate them. Would never catch me wearing a pair.
How much black is in your wardrobe? Probably a good 60%. It still takes up most of my closet though in recent years I’ve tried to add splashes of color here and there.
Are you supposed to be doing something else? I technically have work and it would be ideal to deal with them in advance. But I’m also trying to give quiet quitting a chance to give my mind and body a break, so they’ll have to wait. I can’t even stand to glance at my work laptop these days lol.
If you were with your favorite person right now, what would you be doing? Don’t have one.
Did you have a good holiday season? Last year’s was pretty fun! I do remember feeling a little bit restless and anxious because right before our agency went on Christmas break I was informed that I was gonna get promoted and was already given a heads-up about the workload to expect for the new stint. I felt unprepared so there was nagging anxiety at the back of my head, but for the most part I was thrilled to see family again and eat lots of food and get lots of BTS-themed presents lmao.
Anything special planned for today? I’m currently having Hong Kong food delivered (noodles and chicken feet!!!) and I haven’t had either in a while, so I’m so excited to wolf them down lol. Initially I told myself not to spend this weekend...but this week had been extremely difficult for me physically, mentally, emotionally. I barely got anything for myself and barely fed myself in the last six days so I thought this little treat shouldn’t completely be off the table.
Who do you really trust in your life? My best friends.
What do you think about "Justin Bieber"? I’m sure this question means well, but why is his name quoted?? Hahahaha. Anyway, I like him and he has a lot of good songs. I wouldn’t pay for a concert ticket on my own, but I certainly wouldn’t turn down a free one if offered.
Do you wish you could change the past? No, I prefer to focus on the present.
What is your hot drink of choice? No hot beverages for me.
Do you own a gun? Continued from last night because lmao did I pass out early. No, and you’ll never see me owning one.
Do you think people get the wrong idea of you? Sure, sometimes. I don’t always get to hear people’s impressions of me, but even though they get it right for the most part there will be some ideas that are just entirely wrong. I once had someone tell me they thought I had a super active life and that I enjoyed working out, which felt like a compliment but I also found it hilarious because that’s the last thing I’d enjoy doing haha.
Have you ever cracked your cell phone screen? This is the fate of all my phones, to tell you the truth. The past two or three phones I had died slow deaths because I gradually cracked their screens. I’ve been a bit more careful with my current phone but I also wouldn’t be surprised if I end up shattering this to death too.
Have your pants ever fallen down in public? Nah but my bras always do because I don’t have the torso to hold them up.
If you had to delete one year of your life, which year would it be? 2020. More than my breakup, Covid was a big waste of everyone’s time.
What is your favorite article of clothing you own? My high-waisted denim jeans.
How late do you usually stay up till? Around 2 AM. During the weekends I can stay up for later.
What is your favorite Christmas song? Eh, dunno if I have one. I have a soft spot for Jimin’s Christmas Love though, even though it’s not a traditional Christmas song.
What all have you had to eat today? I had a couple of hotdog sandwiches in the morning; we also visited family after church and my grandma made us lechon and cream of mushroom soup + my cousin got chocolate brownies; then I went to Starbucks right after where I tried this new drink they have called the brown sugar cocoa oat milk frappe (what a mouthful too, lol) and a slice of New York cheesecake with chocolate syrup.
If your entire life was a movie, what would it be called? I’m not creative enough to come up with a good title...
How do you feel about "smoking"? Don’t have a strong opinion on it. You do you.
Blue or green? Blue.
What's your current least favorite song? Pink Venom, Blackpink. I don’t even not like it because of the never-ending fandom wars; the song is just genuinely not my vibe.
Do you know how to play chess? Never learned.
What is something the world needs less and more of in your opinion? Less toxicity on social media, more letting people shamelessly enjoy their interests and not getting dragged for whatever they’re into.
Do you know someone who is just so breathtakingly attractive? I’m in the middle of a ridiculous Jeon Jungkook phase right now, so let’s go with him. Insane how that monster of a man is good at everything he does and everything he tries, while also looking as good as he does.
How hard is it for you to open up to others? Nah, I can be an open book.
What is something that has really impacted your life? BTS. They saved my life in the most literal sense. Back in April 2021 my clock was pretty much over and I was dead set on leaving, then for whatever reason they kinda just swooped in at the last possible moment with a video that came up on my FB and its algorithm, which completely turned my life around. The timing was crazy and I’ll always be grateful for them for helping me want to stick around longer.
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lambowverde · 2 years
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His Sightless Angel
Pairing: Ran Haitani x Blind! Reader
Content warning: Nothing but fluff, first meetings and mentions of a stab wound
Word count: 2.6k
Summary: In which Ran meets a sightless angel, who would later on become his wife
Note: This was supposed to come out before Reflected in her Eyes, but this proved to be quite difficult to edit :0
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His brother was an idiot. 
“I told you to be more careful.”
“That was me being careful.”  Rindou fires back, his face set into a grimace as he bleeds on the bourbon colored seats of the LaFerrari. 
It was a bad day, Ran decided. Everything that could’ve gone wrong, went wrong. They suddenly got assigned a mission, one that should’ve been under Sanzu’s jurisdiction, at ass o’clock. Then they had to drive to the middle of bum-fucking-nowhere, to pick up some shipments from Hong Kong, only to get jumped.
And the cherry on top? His brother getting stabbed, of course.
Sighing, he continues to speed down the highway. He was gripping the wheel much too tightly, but his body was tense with the thought of not making it to the hospital in time. “More. Be more careful, Rindou. It would be a sad end if you were to die from a knife wound caused by a nobody.”
“Shut up. This is barely a scratch.” Rindou says that, but by how hard he was clutching at his shirt, and the way that his eyes were slowly closing, Ran highly doubted it. 
So, he drove faster than he ever had. Praying to a god that he’s long abandoned and forgotten, to not take away the only thing he loves and matters in his life.
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By the time that the sun had come out, they had managed to reach the hospital safely. Safely as in, Rindou has not yet walked through the gates of the afterlife. Immediately, the nurses tended to his brother, and left Ran forgotten. He only talked to the doctor for a second, but it wasn’t long until the elderly man had to go too.
This wasn’t a hospital they had ever visited. Bonten has most of them in their pockets, for it was a usual occurrence for someone in their line of work to get injured. This one, however, was not. But he’ll let Takeomi handle it. Considering that they were only here due to Sanzu’s lack of appearance to his duties.
Big brothers must clean up their little brother's messes after all, right?
As he attempts to wash the blood off his hands, and the little splatters on his face, he realizes there’s little to nothing he could do about the ones on his clothes. It was a bad idea to stay in the hospital and draw attention to himself, so he decided that going out would be the best. Rindou most likely wouldn’t be up for a couple more hours anyway, and he needed to report to Mikey. The doctors also confirmed that his menace of a brother would be perfectly okay, so it allows him to ease up a little.
Talking to the nurses gave him three pieces of information. One, the most secluded spot in the hospital were the rooftops. Two, if you flash a smile and throw in a little compliment, you can get a key to said rooftop. Three, say that the blood on your clothes was from your brother, who you saved from an attack, and the nurse is even more then happy to give you an update on when Rindou wakes up. So with a spring to his step, Ran makes his way up.
The door to the rooftop was made out of pure metal, but to his surprise, the door wasn’t locked. Strange, considering that he remembered the red nurse saying, “The doors are locked, but here are the keys. No one should be up there, it's restricted. You’ll have all the quiet and alone time you want.” 
Hm, maybe he can simply ask whoever it was up here to leave. And if they refuse…well, he has other methods that comes to mind. With that thought, he opens the door to feel the rush of morning wind hitting him. It’s early, much too early. And if he didn’t feel the immediate urge to report back to Koko, then Ran would’ve been long asleep by now. Probably in a chair next to his brothers hospital bed, but something tells him that he would’ve been too worried to sleep anyways. Not that he would ever, ever admit that to anyone. Much less Rindou nonetheless.
As he steps out some more, he hears humming. It’s melodic, and whoever was singing it had a lovely voice. A name of a song pops up in his head as he ties it to what was being hummed, Amazing Grace, he remembered his mother playing it on their record, every time she got ready. It was how he knew that he had to grab Rindou and get out of the house, a sign to not be back until nightfall.
Due to his memories associated with it, he grew a certain distaste and repulsion towards the song. But whoever was humming it made it sound like angels were singing, like the song could start representing something good. Curious, he turns towards the direction of the voice, walking only a couple steps out to find…
Sitting on a bench, wearing a white, flowy hospital gown and holding a sketchbook, was you. For a second, Ran wonders if he was the one who died. Because what was an angel doing here, in this dirty place called earth? You should’ve been up in the heavens. A place that was supposed to be serene enough to hold someone like you, right? 
Is he hallucinating? Was he so tired that he imagined the woman of his dreams? Or did the near death of Rindou scar him so much that he was actively imagining something that he’d want to see?
He’s hypnotized, never once has he ever been speechless quite like this. You continued to hum, mumbling out words here and there, but you were enjoying your time. Sketching on the book that he couldn’t quite see, your hands glided across the paper like your voice traveled in the wind. Ran had to remind himself to breathe, with how awestruck he was. 
Enchanted, was one way to put it. But before he could say anything, much less move, you stop. You stopped singing, you stopped drawing. He flinches, with the thought that he disturbed your peace. Completely forgetting his purpose of coming here himself.
“…I’m sorry. Did it bother you?” 
Ah, your voice was euphonious. As captivating as you were. But it seems as though you mistook his silence for annoyance, for your next words were, “My singing, did it bother you? I’ll stop, normally no one comes up here. I wasn’t expecting you.” Chuckling to yourself, you made a move to get up, instantly, Ran stops you. 
“No, not at all. If anything, I was just taken away. You have a voice of an angel.” Deciding to be honest, he nearly sighs in relief when he sees you sit back down. 
A tint of red flashes on your cheeks. “O-Oh, thank you.” Why did you react that way? Someone like you must’ve been used to compliments such as those, surely. 
“You're welcome, doll.” For this entire time, you had not opened your eyes. He’s happy about it, because this way, you wouldn’t see the blood stains on his clothes. And he wouldn’t have to give you an excuse as to why they were there. You simply stared straight, a gentle smile on your face, with red tinting your cheeks from his earlier compliment. 
“Can I ask what you’re doing here? It’s rather early.” 6 a.m, actually. That’s what his watch tells him, once he swiped the blood off.
Letting out a soft chuckle, you gestured to your sketch book. “I’m just enjoying the morning sun. What about you, sir?”
“Ran.” He says, and for the first time since you two met, you looked towards his direction. Your eyes remain closed. “Ran Haitani. Not sir, I’d like to think I’m not that old.”
You chuckle at his joke, it makes him absolutely joyous. “How old are you, then?”
“26.” He replied.
“Ah, so you’re only a year older then me. You sound very mature, Ran.” 
His name never sounded more pleasant, more right. “I am very mature, beautiful.” He says jokingly. Rindou would say otherwise, Sanzu too, most likely. Even he himself was shaky on that at best, but it earned him a smile from you. So it was beyond worth it. 
You tell him your name, before adding on, very quietly, “You don’t have to call me those types of nicknames.” Looking down, he doesn’t miss the way you nervously twirl your fingers. You’re shy, he’s figuring out now. Good with your words, but shy. 
“What an enchanting name, it suits you.” Then, his brain circuits to catch your few last words. “I'll gladly use your name from now on, if those pet names make you uncomfortable.” He offers, but with the face you're making, he doesn’t think that that’s really the case.
Shaking your head, you gently deny. “No, it doesn’t make me feel uncomfortable at all. I’ve just…never been called by those nicknames before.”
Unable to stop himself, he asks, “What nicknames?”
“The ones reserved for lovers.”
And ah, that does something to him. The realization that a pretty little thing such as you weren’t used to being called what you are—beautiful, stunning, an absolute doll.
An angel.
“You make it sound as if you’ve never had one.” Ran was just confirming what he was suspecting. He didn’t want to jump to conclusions too fast, especially ones that seems so out of pocket. 
You—gorgeous in all your glory, never having any one to admire it.
“Probably because I haven’t.” 
Have mercy, he thinks to himself at your words. 
It was like stumbling into a gold mine, like Ran had just found something that everyone would’ve killed to get their hands on. You were a jewel in every right, and an undiscovered one at that, and somehow, someway, Ran had found you.
He’s never been the one who’s obsessed with the thought of purity. In his eyes, all women are pure. No matter how many hands have touched their body, no matter what they’ve done, to him, women will be, and will forever remain, one of God's greatest creations. Heavens know that if the world was full of only men, the earth would’ve rotted and burned a long time ago. 
It’s one of the few things that his mother taught him, and she couldn’t have been more right.
“Such a shame.” Approaching closer, Ran wants to desperately sit down on the bench with you. A little part of him wants you to open your eyes, wants you to see and look at him. He wants to know what you think, wants to know if you would be pleased with what you find.
But then he remembers that he was covered in blood, and he found himself switching mindset instantly. Now praying that you wouldn’t look, because he truly wouldn’t know what excuse to pull out.
Just as he was thinking this, and as if the entire universe was mocking him—you open your eyes.
And he’s breathless, because they're white.
What your original eye color was, he doesn’t know. It was as if a heavy fog had covered your pupils, because there’s color peeking from within, but just barely due to how dense the fog seemed to be.
Instantly, all at once, like a light bulb, everything clicks.
Why you didn’t open your eyes until now, why you didn’t even bother to really look in his direction, why you tend to look down as if there was nothing to really miss in the first place. 
“Ah—I’m sorry, you must be shocked.” A trouble expression makes its way to your face, before you quickly shut your eyes again. “I didn’t mean to open them, uh—I just heard you walking closer. I’m sorry.”
He has not a clue why you’re apologizing, and he doesn’t like that you are. “There’s nothing to be sorry for,” Ran says, sitting himself on the spot next to you successfully. “They’re beautiful, your eyes.”
His last sentence lacked class, one he strongly wished to display in front of you. But your anxious expression told him of an insecurity—an insecurity about your eyes. So before he knew it, Ran had been quick to try to ease.
If he had misread, then that’s an embarrassment saved for him. 
Though, with the way you brighten up, he knows that he didn’t. “…Thank you.”
Your little blush sent an arrow straight to his heart. Making him nearly topple over from the sheer cuteness of it. God, you were so—
A turn to the doorknob cuts off his train of thought, a new voice rings out. “Sir? Ah, so you are here!”
You flinch at the other voice, and so does Ran. He’s been so absorbed with you, that he completely missed the footsteps of an oncoming person. Something that rarely happens to him.
It’s the nurse from earlier, he realizes with a certain prick of annoyance. She, on the other hand, looked ecstatic. “It’s your brother, he’s woken up. He said he would like to see you.”
At the mention of Rindou, all irritation disappears. He immediately stands up, straightening his clothes. “Alright, thank you for telling me. I’ll be right down.”
The nurse nods, closing the door with prep.
Rindou, he’s woken up. He’s okay. Doctors will guarantee you a lot of things, but life isn’t something that you can promise. It was strange how beings such as complicated as humans could die from blood loss, or a wound too close to a certain area—hell, they could even die from the weather being too hot or cold.
So as much as Ran would’ve liked to believe in the doctor, he seemed like a nice gentleman enough, he knew damn well that human lives were as fickle as a cat. They come and go.
“So you have a brother.” Jolted by your voice, Ran looks down. You’re staring up at him, a soft smile on your face—serene. “He must be anxious to see you, I’m sure you are too. You should go.”
Ran doesn’t.
As much as he was surprised to hear himself admit that, it was the truth.
Never once had he ever been so…enchanted, with a woman. There was not an aspect of you that didn’t catch his attention, and a little part of him is scared of that revelation.
But, he doesn’t let himself think too much into it. Not now, at least—he’ll have to go see Rindou first.
He finds himself saying this anyways, just right before he leaves. “…Will I find you up here, when I come back?”
When, because Ran will, immediately after his brother. After he knows that Rindou is okay.
You seem surprised by his question at first, but your expression quickly shifts into one of fondness. “Of course, I’ll be here.”
On that day, without knowing it, Ran Haitani had met his future wife. The one that he would later on have three kids with, the one that he would spend an eternity with, buried in caskets right next to each other.
But before all of that, he had to find you first.
Because when he came back up, after Rindou had kicked him out…
You were gone.
And in your place, was a feather.
Ran couldn’t help himself from wondering if you really were just an angel, an angel that he would never see again. Perhaps one that flew from the heavens to give him a sneak peek of a place that he knew he would never reach. Considering that after dying, Ran would most likely be going under, and not above.
But when he looks a little to the right, he sees a piece of ripped paper. It blended a little too perfectly with the white bench, and so tiny that he nearly missed it. On it, wrote, “‘My nurse came to get me, but I’m in room 104, if you would still like to see me, Ran. :)”
Your handwriting was…almost non-eligible, but the cute little smiley face you drew next to the sentence was adorable—and undoubtedly you.
He makes his way to room 104.
From that moment on, his story with you began. 
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