infinitysisters · 1 year
This has always been the problem with the Howard Zinn school of history. Zinn’s history of the US resembles a biography written by a bitter former spouse. In lieu of a nuanced and accurate historical account it offers a deliberate slander of our own culture. The result is at once self-indulgent and self-pitying. A balanced account must not flinch from examining our historical mistakes and misdeeds and those of others, but the modern approach to history has too often become a neurotic wallowing in half-truths of our own failures. The corresponding utopian fantasies of other cultures more closely resemble the morality play of a Tolkien novel than the more complex experiences of people who actually lived on Earth.
As UK-based IEA economist Kristian Niemietz recently observed in a short Twitter thread about “anti-Britishness,” signalling disgust at our own culture and history has little to do with truth or helping marginalized communities. Rather, it is a way to advertise the superficial cleverness of radical self-criticism. By castigating the United States on social media or with our K12 or university students, we can flatter our moral egos without needing to donate money or time to communities in need. It fosters division and the main beneficiaries are not Native Americans or other marginalized groups, but whoever is collecting likes and followers online.
We can do better than this. US history should be clear and accurate about the US’s misdeeds, but we should also acknowledge that the US overcame its faults to become a beacon for progress. In the same way, we should highlight the wonderful culture, arts, religion, and so on of American Indians without turning them into pious exemplars of pastoral innocence and moral instruction. Our “ethnic studies” curricula too often lapse into propaganda designed to indict and shame the West and all its works. People and cultures are complex. If students were permitted to understand that human failings are universal but can be overcome, it might help to alleviate the depression and anxiety of those unjustly burdened by the sins of their ancestors.
Christopher J. Ferguson
excerpt from his book review of ‘Indigenous Continent’ by Pekka Hämäläinen @quilette
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emmy-94 · 2 months
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Who should Embry imprint if there was a short story made for him?
He could imprint on....
1. A mermaid he come across walking along La Push beach
2. A curious librarian reading about stories of the Quilette tribe and wolves
3. A "cousin" of the Cullen family that came to visit Washington
4. An artist that came to learn more Makah arts and an old friend of Emily
5. A new wolf pack member of the tribe
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mccnshne · 10 months
( kiana maderia → cisfemale → she/her ) / / * here lies the story of EMILY YOUNG, the 35 year old HUMAN who is AWARE of the supernatural world. if you've seen them around forks for the past TWO YEARS don't be alarmed, they're only here because SHE STARTED TEACHING. they've gathered quite the reputation for being ADRIOT, BALANCED and TRUSTWORTHY. that's probably due to them also being A TEACHER.
&. here is my final baby, miss emily young. now with any of my muses just either message me here or on discord.
so emily spent most of the holidays visiting her cousins in La Push. she is very much faily oreintated and would do anything for them. she did listen to the stories of the quilette tribe but she would never believe they were true. after all, not all stories are real.
emily went to univeristy of washington, where she majored in english. she went on to train to teach. she taught in her home reservation at the local highschool for a few years before she was offered a job to teach at forks highschool as a deputy of the english department.
it felt like a good oppurinity for herself to grow in her career. she decided to move to la push rather than moving into forks as she had her family there and it would be nice to see familiar faces. this was about two years ago.
erm yeah thats what i got so far, i shall probably add more in a different post once i've done a bit more plotting etc.
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newtclovers · 1 year
this history teacher is making me read an article from quilette (the very transphobic, very pro-eugenics website) for this assignment this has got to violate some sort of educational policy man. if i wasn't a coward i'd be like hey this is not right at all? the rest of this website's content is highly opinionated transphobic hitpieces? can we... can we use literally any other source when we talk about modern china?
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cullen-queens · 4 years
Forever Dawn - Twilight’s Unofficial Sequel
So I find it weird that since returning to my twilight phase in 2020 that no one on here has mentioned Forever Dawn that I know of. It used to have its own tab on Stephenie Meyer’s website I think too, but no one talks about it?
I guess it’s super weird, like, Edward never leaves so all that drama is not there. Jacob and Bella never fall in love, but Bella STILL has resume and Jacob still imprints on the baby, despite that never being previously introduced. And the wolf pack is never developed and none of them are really named.
BUT Laurent lives happily ever after with Irina and it’s Victoria who goes to the Volturi about Renezune.
I also remember reading somewhere that SM was pressured heavily by the people behind the publishing process to make it a series and thus had to scrap Forever Dawn and make up different events.
God what would our world have been like
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spjdergwen · 5 years
people who still write twilight wolf pack fanfics r doing god’s work
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arcticdementor · 4 years
It’s easy to decry cancel culture, but hard to turn it back. Thankfully, recent developments in my area of academic specialty—artificial intelligence (AI)—show that fighting cancel culture isn’t impossible. And as I explain below, the lessons that members of the AI community have learned in this regard can be generalized to other professional subcultures.
It’s a tale that illustrates a number of useful principles for those seeking to combat cancel culture. These include:
Find your friends. There’s nothing worse than facing a mob alone. Build your network in advance, so that you don’t have to cold-call free-speech advocates when a crisis already is upon you. Create relationships with people in your workplace and field who share your views. Find out whether there are unions or other groups that are responsible for protecting your rights, and find out what they can do to help if a mob ever comes after you. Join and support organizations such as Heterodox Academy, the National Association of Scholars, and the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE). Connect with like-minded people on social media. Your friends may come to your aid publicly or privately. Both are good. Even just receiving words of encouragement from like-minded individuals can make a big difference when you’re under attack.
Pick your battles. All workplaces and professional fields can present their share of dogmatists and unpleasant personalities. You can’t take on all of them, and not all battles are worth fighting. Pick the ones with high symbolic value—which is to say, battles that act as proxies for some larger principle—and which you think you have a reasonable chance of winning. In my case, I knew that taking on a notorious bully in the AI community was worth it because her rout would send a message to imitators. I also knew we had an advantage going in, because this individual already had hurt and angered many people. Moreover, her position as research director at a prominent company made her more vulnerable than me.
Know what to expect. The cancel crowd has its own bullet-point playbook. And they’ll respond aggressively to any symbolic act that threatens their status, or erodes the impression that they are the ones calling the shots. Remember that behind the social-justice veneer lies the brutal logic of power and ego. To maximize the pain you feel, they’ll tag activist groups on social media to inflate their numbers and reach. They’ll bombard every organization you’re part of with demands to censure, discipline, disown, fire, or expel you—often phrasing their appeals in the passive aggressive guise of “concern” and “disappointment.” At other times, they will insult, taunt, and, threaten you in a manner resembling middle-school children having a recess meltdown. In my case, the ringleader called me “a full on misogynist and racist,” “shameful bigot,” “hypocrite,” “clueless,” “tone-deaf,” “snowflake,” and “soulless troll.” She assailed my “privilege and patriarchy,” “lack of basic empathy and ethics,” and “zero self-awareness.” She also questioned whether I’m really a human, and called on NeurIPS to ban me, and for my department to expunge me. Her goal, in short, was to ruin my life. The cancelers will dig up anything they can from your past. And if they can’t find any, they’ll make it up. This will all seem terrifying, but much less so if you realize that you’re just the latest victim in what is basically a mechanical and dehumanizing process. Insofar as you don’t actually get fired from your job or suffer some other equivalent setback, these are all just words, and they don’t define who you are.
Don’t back down. Don’t apologize. Don’t make clarifications, and don’t try to appease the mob. All of these will only be taken as concessions, and embolden the mob to demand more. The real Achilles’s Heel of the cancel crowd is its short attention span. Once they bully someone into submission, they move on to the next victim. It’s a system designed for quick wins. If you don’t back down, they’ll raise the pitch as far as they can—but eventually they’ll be at a loss for what to do next, and all but the most fanatical will lose interest. The few that remain, now bereft of their backup, are just what you need to teach all of them a lesson, as we did in my case.
Mock them mercilessly. Fear is what keeps the silent majority from speaking up, and laughter is the best antidote. The cancelers take themselves extremely seriously, imagining themselves to be social-justice angels whose holy ends justify every imaginable means. Their sanctimonious spirit is a gift to you, if you call it out instead of playing along with its conceit.
Don’t let their narrative outrun yours. Once a false narrative is entrenched, it’s hard to overturn, no matter how many facts you have on your side. So while, as noted above, I generally would discourage you from focusing too much on defending your own actions, there should be some resource you can point to so that everyone can know the truth. Once you have established that resource—a blog post, a published article, a podcast, even a set of tweets or Facebook posts—point people to it where necessary, including your own professional contacts and potential allies. Keep it short, crisp, and compelling so that it gets widely circulated and isn’t thwarted by short attention spans. And keep the tone confident (and possibly even funny), so that it’s clear who the real inhuman fanatics are.
Goad them into overreaching. The cancelers’ overconfidence is your greatest asset, as I learned when the ringleader of the mob that came after me resorted to posting the above-referenced list of people whom she wanted canceled, many of them junior researchers whose only crime was to have followed me or liked one of my tweets. This crossed a line for a lot of observers, and of course the people on the list itself were aghast. Word spread of the shocking behavior. Even people on her side started turning against her.
Turn their weapons against them. You may find this to be the most controversial principle, but it’s also arguably the most crucial—as the cancelers won’t stop until they fear that they’ll endure the same consequences that they seek to impose on others. In my case, I watched as investors and customers leaned on the ringleader’s company to rein her in. Even companies that posture heavily in the area of social justice don’t actually want to be stained by the disgraceful behavior of mob leaders. Indeed, I have no doubt that it was an ultimatum from her employer that finally led the ringleader to stop her Twitter outbursts and apologize publicly to her victims, for all to see. Some will say that once we resort to this step, we become as bad as the cancelers. But that’s a false equivalence. The cancel crowd tries to ban people because of their views. We try to stop bullying—behavior that is reprehensible regardless of ideology.
Get the majority on your side. In the end, most cancelers can’t be dissuaded in the short run: They’ve invested too much in their roles as inquisitors to give them up easily. The goal isn’t to win them over—you won’t—but rather to persuade the much larger number of people in the middle. Just because these people aren’t vocal doesn’t mean they aren’t out there watching, reading, thinking.
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terflies · 5 years
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[original tweet]
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ultramaga · 5 years
Oh look. Purple dyed hair. I wonder which popular political movement she could be a part of?
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sumpix · 5 years
The Voice of the ‘Intellectual Dark Web’
The Voice of the ‘Intellectual Dark Web’ Claire Lehmann’s online magazine, Quillette, prides itself on publishing ‘dangerous’ ideas other outlets won’t touch. How far is it willing to go? By AMELIA LESTER November/December 2018
Over a 30-day period this fall, Quillette received north of 2 million page views—more than the New York Review of Books, and more than Harper’s and Tablet combined, according to data Lehmann provided from the analytics service Alexa. Twitter, the forum of choice for contrarians, is the site’s biggest driver of traffic. Lehmann herself has more than 100,000 followers, and giants like Peterson and Pinker regularly tweet links to Quillette articles. In June, Peterson, who has encouraged his followers to donate to the site, tweeted, “Quillette gives me hope for the future of journalism.”
(via The Voice of the ‘Intellectual Dark Web’ - POLITICO Magazine)
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avgdvl · 2 years
"The line between social psychology and activism, which was never rigid to begin with, has now dissolved entirely, and social psychology has become a form of activism masquerading as a science."
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The hit pieces that keep coming out on Peterson demonstrate 2 things: 1) many journalists cannot interpret cultural phenomena except through an ideological lens and 2) many journalists are simply incapable of consulting empirical literature.
Claire Lehmann
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eclairz1 · 6 years
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I kissed her the tip of her long nose and rubbed my nose against hers watching her smile grow into giggles that erupted as I tickled her, she tried to run from me but I was her wolf. I caught her waist from the back and before she could make a sound, swung her around and pinned her under me. I kissed her, pouring my need for her and desire to be her mate, my lips tight against her soft lips moving in perfect sync that had me swimming in her taste, slowly she parted her lips further and I deepened the kiss needing more of that delicious taste that I now associated with my imprint. The scent and intimacy of the kiss were starting to go straight to my cock. I moved so that she wouldn't feel my erection straining to get out. I felt her slip her tongue across the tip of canine and down my front teeth making my wolf growl, I snaked my arms to her back and crushed her to me as I bit down on her lip gently, she moaned then, soft and surprised, I couldn't control my desire anymore. 
The line between sweet and passionate dissolved as I kissed her with all my desperation, my pain in the last few months, the loneliness and my need for her. Only her. Her soft mewl made me pull away, my eyes instantly searching her eyes for any sign of discomfort but she only to took deep breaths her lips slightly apart. I could hear her heart race, her lips were slightly swollen from the kiss, her hair spread out underneath her on my pillow. I kissed her forehead needing some more contact. Our kiss had felt me wanting, dying for more. I needed to explore her mouth just as I wanted to explore her the rest of her. Inch by inch. The dusky caramel skin was tantalizing, soft dark lips inviting. Mine. All for me.
Slowly I rolled her to her side and faced her. I had more to tell her. "As you can see I can hardly keep my hands off you and my wolf goes ballistic every time another guy touches you or even looks at you so please forget everything your stupid brother said. I am dying to do things with you that are far beyond the boundaries of friendship and to be honest, I can't wait to mark you as mine but I can wait, as long as you need and until you are sure. No pressure." - Jacob Black, Alpha’s Mate.  Read Alpha’s Mate on Fanfiction - https://goo.gl/FCF16Q
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yolobloggers · 4 years
Bound To You
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~Summary: Some people are meant to be together, Bound to each other.
~A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!. How are ya’ll? I am so rooting for 2021 to be kind to us <3. As always thanks to my co-writer ( @justlostinautumn​​ ). Share your feedback xx :)
*You may see many of my oneshots/imagines being inspired by songs, music inspires me. I don’t think I can ever put into words how much music has impacted my life*.
~Characters and Pairings: Jacob Black x Reader, Jacob Black x Bella Swan(platonic), Mentions of The Quilette Tribe(Member specifically), The Cullen and The Volturi, Billy Black, Emily Young, Charlie Swan and OC’s (The Parents)
~Inspired by the song: Bound to you by Christina Aguilera💕
~Third Person POV:
(Readers Age = 09, Jacobs Age = 10)
*PreTwilight Phase*
Sweet love, sweet love
Trapped in your love
I've opened up, unsure I can trust
 Excitement filled the air as Billy prepared for today, he was having a little get together with the tribe and one of his oldest friends was visiting. It had been a long time since he had seen his best friend and his family. Billy couldn’t help but feel elated about this. It had been 9 long years since they moved after the birth of their daughter, his goddaughter, to expand their self made business. It was a sad day when the family left, but it was necessary and in the beginning they used to come back at least once a month. However, like everything over time things just ended up getting in the way and so they would delay it, until finally cancelling and saying next month… but next month never came. But, this time it was different. Both of them were refusing to allow anything coming in the way of them finally reconnecting and seeing one another again. So, much had happened in both of their lives that they had missed and it wasn’t fair that neither one of them could be there to support one another through the trying times that occurred.
When Billy heard the doorbell ring, a deep happiness as well as a sense of nervousness filled him, what if too much time had passed and it was awkward? Rushing to greet his guest he pushed aside those thoughts and feelings and opened the door beaming. “Anthony, Brother!” He engulfed his friend in a bone crushing hug who reciprocated the same feelings of adoration and love. “Billy, I’m so happy to see you,” He exclaimed. “Age hasn’t been kind to you my friend!” Billy jokes, making Anthony laugh. “If you had my daughter you’d be ageing early too!” Anthony jokes, receiving a light slap on the arm from his wife who also chuckles at her husband and gives a small nod. Y/N was a lively and inquisitive child which meant she found herself in situations that stressed her parents often. 
Pulling away, Billy welcomed Zubi with a soft hug and kiss on the cheek, “looking as beautiful as ever.” Billy smiled at her and she laughed, “Thank you Billy, you’re looking great too.” His eyes landed on a small Y/H/C haired girl hiding behind her parents. Her aura calm and shy, she looked up to Billy and mumbled a greeting. “Hello,” she softly spoke, it was almost whispered. Shyness oozed off her but the aura he could sense from her was filled with calm, light and hope. It wasn’t something you see in this world.
He put his hand out for the girl not wanting to scare her away and patiently waited for her to take it. Y/N held his hand a few seconds later and hugged Billy back, whatever she saw made her pull him into a tight hug. He noticed her eyes analysing him, it looked like she was looking into his soul searching for something he doesn’t know. “She was just a baby when I last saw her and look at her now. So pretty like her mum” Billy said, kissing her forehead. Y/N instantly became comfortable with Billy and his daughters, Billy couldn’t help the smile that stretched across his lips. “Bill, Where is Jacob?” Anthony asked curiously to meet the boy who was a year older to his daughter, the boy who had an amazing future ahead of him. “He’s with Charlie, the Sheriff. His daughter is friends with Jake and is in town. They’ll be joining us shortly.” Billy replied as his daughter helped him set the table in the backyard with snacks for his guests. Soon the backyard filled with the tribe families with their children playing around and Charlie arrived with Isabella and Jake, many happy to see Anthony and Zubi again. Billy immediately introduced Jake to Anthony and Zubi. “Jacob, meet Y/N.” said Billy excitedly. Jacob had a huge smile on his face and greeted the girl who shyly shook his hand. She looked at him with those same soul searching eyes like she had done with Billy. Isabella stayed around her father even when Jacob invited her to play with Y/N and himself, this didn’t go unnoticed by anyone; they could all see the slight frown on the girl's face… was she jealous? By the end of the night, Jacob had already given Y/N his wolf carved bracelet and in return got her crescent pendant, promising each other that they would always wear it. Always keep them close to remind each other they are never alone. Anthony and Billy saw this scene unfold in front of them and smiled.
 (Readers age = 14, Jacobs age = 15)
*Twilight Phase* (Main focus is on the loss of her parents and the aftermath of that)
My heart and I were buried in dust
Free me, free us
You're all I need when I'm holding you tight
If you walk away I will suffer tonight.
Numbness was all that she could feel. Y/N was engulfed in the cold, emptiness that grief and despair brings people. The sad truth was this left her feeling dead, like her life ended when theirs did. A massive part of her has been lost. What is she meant to do? Y/N was sitting on her window seat back against the wall, knees pulled close to her chest as she stared blankly at the wall opposite her; she had no more tears to cry. The only thing that was reminding her that she wasn’t dead and the fact that the world was moving on without the two most important people to her, was the tapping of the rain on her window and the cool glass against her arm. The world is a cruel place, she prayed this was all some sort of sick joke, maybe even a prank… that maybe, just maybe she didn’t just attend her parents funeral… this had to be a nightmare, right?
Down in the lounge, Billy cried silently, both Anthony and Zubi had passed away in an unfortunate car accident. He lost his brother and sister. It felt like something was missing as he was seated in the middle of his living room. He wasn’t just mourning his loss, but also the loss of the girl upstairs. The light in her eyes has dimmed. Filled with emptiness but also an alarming sense of despair, her eyes were drowning in it. He was expecting Anthony to walk into the house and look at him with a frown at why his brother is crying. He expects Zubi to walk in from the kitchen with plates of cookies and muffins calling the kids down to eat… but, that would never happen again. They named him as the legal guardian for their 14 year old daughter, Y/N. “Dad, please stay strong. We need to be a steady rock for Y/N.” Jacob kneeled and held his hand. Jacob wiped his father's tears and kissed his head, Jake was the one who was staying strong for everyone but Billy could see the fear in his son's eyes and knew he needed to take control of everything that was going on. Guilt filled Billy, his son was carrying the weight of this on his own. Billy could see the sadness in his eyes of having to watch his best friend suffer his eyes falling on the crescent pendant around his son's neck… the one he never took off, he knew what had to be done.
“Jake, you’re the only person she may respond to. Please get her out of that room. She’s been radio silent since the funeral.” Jacob nodded and rushed upstairs towards Y/N’s room, his best friend who was hurting. He knocked on her door but there was no reply, so he pushed the door and the sight inside broke his heart. His best friend in the world was blankly sitting on the window seat motionless, silhouetted by the grey storm sky. Even in her worst moment of grief there was a beauty to her that Jacob noticed. He could see it consuming her but in the grey light she was silhouetted looking like she was being bathed in the light like an angel… a broken angel. Jacob took a seat next to Y/N and wrapped his arm around her. It was like his touch brought her back to reality because she leaned into his touch and hugged him tight when she noticed the pendant. “They’re gone, Jake, They’re gone. They left me. They said they’ll come back, Jacob. They promised… they prom-prom-PROMISED THEY’D NEVER LEAVE ME! They’re gone, they can’t be gone… they’re all I have left. What am I going to do?” Y/N ranted, breaking down broken sobs causing her body to shake violently, “Jake take me away please. I can’t breathe here. Take me away please!” She screamed, hugging him tight as she clenched his shirt, Billy could hear her pleas and his heart broke more for the girl. Jacob held her tight and whispered soothing words until she calmed down. He picked her in his arms and took her home with them. Billy, Y/N and Jacob had mutually decided that it was best for her to stay with them at La Push. Billy knew one thing and that was he was going to protect her no matter what, that the light would return to her eyes… She deserves more than what life has given her.
 I found a man I can trust
And boy, I believe in us
I am terrified to love for the first time
Can't you see that I'm bound in chains?
I finally found my way
I am bound to you
Y/N was still depressed and refused to step out. Though she did help Billy around the house and did the chores to keep her mind off the pain in her heart. “Y/N, my girl, you don’t have to do the dishes. Jacob will do them.” Billy said wanting to keep the girl from doing household chores. “Uncle, I’m fine. I like taking care of the house and caring for both you and Jake'' Y/N said smiling. “You’re the best'' Billy said taking her hand in his and kissing the back of it. Y/N found this gesture similar to what her father used to do and found herself hugging the man. She cried on his shoulder as he patted her back and mumbled “it’s okay” repeatedly. She found living with Billy and Jake no different from living with her parents. She finds herself catching herself before she calls Billy Dad and Billy notices, but he could also see the battle raging in her eyes. It was almost like she felt guilty about feeling happy and at peace with Billy and Jake. To her it feels like she is somehow dishonouring or forgetting her parents in some way. 
Later the day, after Jacob returned from the garage, he took Y/N for a walk. They decided to sit on the beach and watch the sunset. As Y/N looked back at the sunset admiring every ounce of it, Jake stared at Y/N in awe. It wasn’t the first time he had observed her but somehow this time she seemed to be more at peace then she had been for a long time and it was amazing to see. It made his heart skip a beat. She noticed and smiled at him. “What’cha looking at?” She said smiling. “You’re so beautiful, I love your smile.” He said, tucking some strands of her hair behind her ear. Y/N blushed and looked down. “Thank you Jakey” he smiled back, “for everything. I know Billy has lost his friends too and I became a sudden burden but y’all just welcomed me with open arms and kept faith that I’d heal.” Tears threatened to escape her eyes as Y/N launched forward and hugged Jacob close. Jacob holds her close and they talk more. He holds her hand and notices the bracelet and smiles at her. She could never be a burden to either of them because what she fails to see is how much light she brings into their lives.
 (Readers age = 15, Jacobs age = 16)
*New Moon Phase*
So much, so young, I've faced on my own
Walls I built up became my home
I'm strong and I'm sure there's a fire in us
Sweet love, so pure
A year has passed already and Y/N felt at ease with her pain. She has been trying to make peace with it and has learned to live with it. Jacob has been a constant in this journey and has been taking her on these little dates. Once they almost kissed but were interrupted by Quil walking in. They’d been in the garage fixing up the car that Billy got him and they were laughing and listening to music. Jake had pulled her up and they were dancing together swaying back and forth in each other's arms and as they leaned in closer they heard the call of Quil looking for the two breaking the moment.
Though it’s been some time since, Jacob has been a little distant. Y/N befriended Jacob’s friends, Embry and Quil, they were currently sitting around the bonfire listening to Billy tell them stories about the Quileute legends. “So Y/N, what's the story about this Bella chick and Jake?” Asked Embry, nudging her side. “What story Em?” Y/N asked, confused. “Um.. nothing.. just a slip up,” he mumbled and rushed away from the scene. “What the hell?” Y/N mumbled under her breath and waited for Jacob to show up. Later the night, when Jacob arrived, Y/N thought of asking him about this “Bella chick”. “Jake, can we talk?” Y/N asked nervously. “Sure, what’s up?” He asked back, curious. “Whose Bella and what’s her deal?” Y/N asked curiously. “Bella, she’s the sheriff's daughter. She came back to stay a year back and has been going through a bad break up. Remember we met her at First Beach with her friends. So, I’ve been helping her get over her ex.” said Jacob giving a look of disgust over the word ex. Jacob had then spent the night ranting all about how he has a crush on Bella and hoped that she’d fall in love with him; he spent hours talking about what they are doing together. Each time he’d crack a joke, Y/N would laugh while her heart was in agony. Excusing herself for the night, Y/N cried herself to sleep knowing that she made a mistake falling for her best friend. It’s not like he would ever love her back, right?
 I catch my breath we're just one beating heart
And I brace myself, please don't tear this apart
Jacob has been more vocal about his crush on Bella and bought her home once to meet Y/N. Uptil now, Y/N has been trying her best to not let this bother her. Billy could see through her facade but chose to not interfere, he noticed that look in her eyes coming back but hoped the two of them would fix it themselves. He knew that with the rate of vampire visits in the area, Jacob had a strong chance of shifting and then his imprint would be the one that matters most to him. “Happy Birthday Beautiful” Billy greeted Y/N as she walked out fresh from her room. She hugged him and thanked him. “Where Jacob?” She asked. “Out and about. You know him, he’s been in a mood these days. I’m sure he’ll be back soon” Billy said looking at the girl trying to mask her disappointment. Jacob had officially forgotten her birthday and was out with Bella at the movies. He came home in a frenzy screaming at everyone. For the first time ever she looked at her wrist and felt alone and broken. She didn’t get her usual warmth from it.
“I made a mistake Y/N. I forgot. What do you want me to do about it huh?” Jake shouted at Y/N who looked at this sight in shock. “You know what? I shouldn't have expected anything. Go to your precious Bella.” screamed Y/N back and what happened next shocked the living hell out of her, a rage filling her, a feeling she hadn’t felt since her parents died. Sam and his buddies were in the house. Jacob was about to snap at Y/N but Paul Lahote pulled her away in time. Jake growled at Paul for touching Y/N and not liking it, he hated that someone else was holding her, she was his to hold… and yet he hated that thought, he couldn’t love her, it was Bella. It had to be Bella. She then saw Sam pulling Jake away behind the house where he shifted into a huge russet-colored wolf. Y/N stared at the scene for the longest minute. Jacob had transformed into a huge wolf, his first action was looking back at her. Y/N felt like a surge of electricity that passed through her body, Jacob in his wolf form tilted his head slightly while staring into her eyes like he was looking right through her soul. It was like love at first sight, really. It's more like the gravity moved… suddenly. It was not the earth holding him there anymore, she was… Jacob was ready to become whatever she needed him to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend. “Calm down Jacob!” ordered Sam in his alpha tone that broke Jacob’s trance. He saw Y/N trembling in Paul’s arms as he whispered soothing words to her. This sight alone tickled his anger to the fullest and he found himself wanting to launch at Paul. He growled loudly at him and was about to strike when he heard Y/N say, “I don’t feel ver….”  before she passed out in Paul’s arms. 
After witnessing it all, Jacob and Y/N avoid each other as much as possible. As much as they were tied together, the walls they both built were ripping them apart. Everyone could see it, but it seemed that Y/N was the one to be suffering. The pack was beyond livid with Jake’s attitude and how he was with Y/N, Paul, Jared and Jake ended up in a lot of fights about it. Y/N was innocent and yet she was the one who was in the most pain.
*Eclipse Phase*
I found a man I can trust
And boy, I believe in us
I am terrified to love for the first time
Can't you see that I'm bound in chains?
I finally found my way
I am bound to you 
Y/N kept her distance from Jacob since the phasing incident and the incident at Emily’s, Leah was unafraid to show her disappointment to him. She was beyond pissed about what was going on and she wasn’t afraid to tell him how it was. Leah and Y/N had gotten really close, it was Y/N who helped her through her grief after her father passed, it was Y/N who helped her face the fact of what she is and help her handle it more than the pack. Y/N was her sister and she was tired of seeing Jake hurting her. Leah is aggressive towards Bella, she hates what Bella is doing. Bella must know and she gloats about the lives she is destroying by being selfish. Leah decides to drag Y/N to Emily's, it had been too long and Emily and the boys missed her. But, as they’re walking up they run into Bella, the tension is thick and Y/N pulls Leah to her side as she feels the rage rolling off her. Y/N knew that Bella would be a part of her life no matter what happens, but she missed Jake. All she wanted was her friend back, she was scared and tired, the nightmares that once haunted her have returned and all she wants is her friend… she just needs him to talk her through it like he once did, just a warm hug and the soft reminder it was a dream and everything will be alright. But that wasn’t going to happen.
Paul, Jared and Embry keep her close; they worry about her. They could see the bags under her eyes and knew something was going on. The light was dimming again and they feared what might happen. At the bonfire, everyone saw Jake walking towards them with Bella closely following and in that moment, Y/N felt like she couldn't escape her and she's drowning. Y/N feels a pang in her heart and curls in tighter to herself resting her head on her knees closing her eyes as she listens to the stories… She didn’t know how much longer she could do this for. “Hey” She heard and felt someone sit by her. Y/N lifted her head up to see Paul beside her smiling. She smiled back softly and whispered a reply. Gradually the conversation about the most random thing started to flow where Y/N found herself giggling at his weird antics. What she did not see was the silent showdown between Jacob and Paul. Jacob felt territorial, seeing Y/N touch Paul’s arm while laughing at something he said to his Y/N or when Paul wrapped his arm around her shoulders. Jacob knew Paul was riling him up; it was a result of their conversation earlier while patrolling. Paul may have used words like “Hot”,“Sexy as hell” and “fucking beautiful” for Y/N that caused a fight between them. Jacob felt a light tap on his shoulder pulling him away from the painful sight, Bella stood next to him; expressionless although her eyes held clear jealousy. She was seeing the silent exchange between the boys and the fact that Y/N has an affect on Jacob. Later that night, at the Black’s residence; Y/N was checking on Billy before heading over to her room. Walking in her room she saw Jacob sitting by the edge of her bed. Y/N’s heart skipped a beat, seeing how much he has physically changed since his wolf gene activated. “Jake, what’s up?” She asked, not expecting him to be there at all. “Nothing, I just need you to stay away from Paul and the pack in general.” He said softly though his aura held authority. “Why?” Was the only word Y/N was able to blurt out, silently pissed at him for asking this of her. Jacob stood up and chose to give in to his instinct, he walked up to Y/N and pinned her to the nearest wall. Y/N was too shocked to react and Jacob was holding on to every ounce of control he had. “Because I don't like the way they touch you and fucking pisses me off.” Jacob answered, clearly bothered beyond levels. Y/N regained her consciousness and decided to go against her anger and try to calm Jacob instead. His one arm wrapped around her waist holding her close and pushing against the wall. Y/N caressed Jacob’s cheeks softly and whispered, “Calm down Jake, Relax.” Jacob leaned into her and pressed a soft kiss at the side of her lips. In a split second, Y/N was by herself and all she saw was Jacob jumping out from her window and transforming into his wolf form. 
They ran into each other everyday now and then considering they lived together but there was tension in the air that was pissing Billy Black off. Jacob was acting weird though, like he was at war in his mind. Billy often catches Jacob giving longing stares towards Y/N and that has given him the idea that Jacob may have imprinted on Y/N; however his strong feelings for Bella and his stubbornness is causing him to go off track. On the dinner table, both Jacob and Y/N were in silent mode and that’s when Billy broke. “Damn it you both. Make up already. I won’t have these teenage dramas in my house anymore. Jacob Black, get your act together!” He roared his authority to which both Y/N and Jacob surrendered. Later on, Jacob and Y/N shared a heart to heart where he promised to take her out to make up for all the lost time and gossip, skipping the late night encounter they had earlier that week. The next evening, Jacob arranged for a personal cinema moment on the beach where they watched Y/N’s favourite movie and had dinner. Heading towards their residence, Y/N glanced back at the beach and enjoyed the calm atmosphere. She took Jacob’s warm hands and placed it on her waist, putting her own arms around his neck. They swayed silently, the only sound being the waves from the shore. Y/N felt like home, right there in his arms. This is where she always wanted to be..
 *Eclipse and Breaking Dawn Phase*
Suddenly the moment's here
I embrace my fears
All that I have been carrying all these years
Do I risk it all, come this far just to fall, fall?
Y/N had been stressed out since the battle against Victoria’s army. She was told that Jake and the pack would be taking part in a battle against vampires to save Bella’s well being. Right after this chaos, Jacob was sent an invitation to Edward and Bella’s wedding. He has since then been missing. He ran off and left Billy and Y/N alone. Making Y/N realise no matter what she does or how ever many cute dates they go on it’ll always be Bella. Y/N did that one thing she knew best, making her pain and trying to be the strong one. She got herself a part time job, took care of Billy and the house. She knew he was worried sick for Jacob but there was nothing she could do to soothe the father. She was tired of years of pining over Jacob and thought of giving up hope and love seemed like the only option because she didn’t know how much longer she could take this pain. Billy begins to worry that Y/N was overworking herself.
Weeks later, Jacob returned and Y/N chose to stay away from him and his matters. She sees him go back and forth to the Cullens' house caring for Bella even after she was married and pregnant. It broke her heart each time and her night would still pass by crying herself to sleep. Jacob fails to notice Y/N’s ill health. Paul, Embry, Leah and the Pack try to make him see what he’s doing to her. But nothing sinks in, not even the images of Y/N filling their minds in their wolf link. It's like Jake is blind to his imprint. She didn’t know why but negligence from Jacob gave her a sense of rejection like no other. She was tired, but she had to keep going… keep working because otherwise she’ll fall and she wasn’t sure she would survive this fall.
Months kept passing and Y/N felt weaker and weaker. She was done and had no energy to fight her heart. “Get some rest sweetheart” Billy spoke softly, caressing her head as she slept on the couch. Y/N was so overworked from the strain on the imprint bond. Sam visits to check up on her and Paul tries to comfort her as she cries begging him why. She woke up to the news of Seth imprinting on Bella’s daughter. Honestly Y/N couldn’t have cared, she just felt empty. Jacob on the other hand has been coming home more often now. Though one thing she noticed was that each night he’d sneak in her bed and kiss her forehead. He thought she’s asleep. This gesture was warm but not enough for her to break her walls and crush her more. It was then he noticed the bracelet on her bedside table and it hurt him deeply. How had he been so blind?
“This war is necessary Y/N. The Volturi will kill the girl. She’s just a child” Jake exclaimed trying to set a point in front of Y/N and Billy. “I don’t fucking care Jacob!! You could die out there. Is that what you want to put us through? Oh wait, you know what? Go and fight. It’s not like you are here for us anyway.” Y/N screamed tears falling from her eyes. Jacob was too stunned to answer and Y/N walked away. For the first time he had to watch Y/N walk away and for some reason that killed him. They’d barely spoken since everything and when he told her he was going to fight the Volturi for some reason he had the idea that she would kiss him before he went off into battle, but for the first time he was realising how much strain he’d been putting on their bond… how much hurt he’d actually caused her.
 Oh, I can trust
And boy, I believe in us
I am terrified to love for the first time
Can't you see that I'm bound in chains
And finally found my way
I am bound to you
I am
Ooh, I am
I'm bound to you
Y/N knew that the battle with the Volturi was on today and that Jacob chose to fight nonetheless. Pacing around the house she felt anxiety. All she kept thinking were worst case scenarios and the slight thought of harm to Jacob was driving her into insanity. They may be arguing but she cares for him, more than she cares to admit but she still cares. She called for Billy to tell him that she’s stepping out and will be back late. She drove towards the Cullen residence and saw the house empty. Her heart dropped but she patiently waited in her car and chanted “He will come back, safe and sound” until she dozed off. Rose is the one who wakes her with a soft tap on the window and smiles. She may not like Jake, but Y/N means something to her. They had met a couple of times and shared stories; there was something so pure about Y/N that Rosalie admired and loved. Somehow spending time with Y/N made her feel human again and she loved it. A few moments later she felt movement around her and saw a few unknown faces looking in through the windshield of her car. Shocked, she looked through the crowd, searching for that one face she was dying to see and spot him far away, speaking with Edward. Y/N got out of her car ignoring the stares and ran towards Jacob, Leah tapped Jake and pointed in Y/N’s direction. He was surprised to see her and quickly picked her up as she threw herself forward to hug him tight and wrapped her leg around his waist. Jacob snuggled his face in her neck and kept saying “I’m sorry”. Y/N cried in his arms silently. Pulling away, She screamed, “Jacob!! You stupid idiot!! I thought you’d die, damn it” tears streaming down her eyes as she hits his shoulder repeatedly. Jacob pulled her closer, if possible and rubbed her back. This scene was witnessed by all and their reactions were mixed. Some saw the scene in awe and some in confusion. The pack is smirking and cheering. Not that it mattered to the couple. Jacob put Y/N down on her feet but kept her close to him. He leaned in to kiss her to which she responded immediately. Pulling away for air, Jacob caressed Y/N’s cheek and wiped her tears away. “I know we have a lot to work on. I have been an ass to you and neglected my imprint,” Y/N eyes widened at the confession and all seemed to fall in place, her feeling of rejection, the depression and her obsessive love. She thought it couldn’t have been that but with Jake's obsession with Bella she dismissed it. “I promise to make it up to you, you don’t have to answer me now but marry me please? One day... someday!” he asked, leaning in against her forehead. “Yes” Y/N breathed out and kissed him. Threats from Jared, Embry, Paul, Leah and Sam if he ever hurts her again they would hurt him just as bad.
“I’m bound to you. I would never change that. I just wish I realised sooner.” Jacob said softly as they laid on the sofa, with Y/N lying on his chest. Her hand clutched around the pendant she’d given him all those years ago and he couldn’t help the soft smile when he saw the bracelet he’d given her on her wrist. Warmth filled his chest, and things were back on the right path. He closes his eyes and lets sleep take over. Billy watched with a knowing smile, he knew all would end well… all would end as it should!
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(Gifs credits goes to the rightful owners)
~Song Link~
Bound to you.
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The problem, of course, is that it has been the PCA branch of progressivism that have been ascendant in recent years, at least in the United States. Whereas the dominant strain of cultural leftism once was primarily characterized by a spirit of compassion, it increasingly has come to be dominated by intolerant scolds who seem more eager to shame heretics than to do actual good in the world. Studies like this one should serve as a wake-up call: Given the strident manner with which progressives denounce bigotry, it surely should trouble them to know that, where underlying personalities are concerned, priests and heretics look very much alike.
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elladastinkardiamou · 5 years
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For debt-stricken Greece, the migrant crisis is hardly over. The new center-right government is grappling with a surge in migration and deteriorating conditions in the country’s asylum centers.
Migration in the Mediterranean has increased in recent weeks to the highest level since the EU-Turkey deal in March, 2016, and Greece is back to being the main entry point for hopeful migrants. So far this year, some 36,000 people have entered the country through its sea and land borders, already surpassing last year’s influx of roughly 32,000. By contrast, the other two European frontline countries, Spain and Italy—both economically and politically less fragile than Greece—have received a total of 26,000 migrants together in 2019.
The situation could escalate even further; Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan threatens to re-open the route for migrants into Europe, if he does not receive adequate international support for his plan to resettle one million asylum seekers from Turkey to northern Syria. (Turkey has nearly 4 million Syrians, by far the biggest group of refugees.)
Meanwhile, conditions are worsening at Greek asylum centers. For the first time, migrants and refugees on the Greek islands number more than 21,000, in reception centers built to host less than 7,000 people. Thousands more people live in abysmal conditions outside the centers. Tents have been set up in open fields, where people are exposed to disease, violence and adverse weather.
In the infamous Moria camp on Lesbos island there is only one doctor per shift, who can attend only emergencies. There is also an acute lack of nurses and translators, according to aid groups. All the camps are experiencing large numbers of suicide attempts, but many suicidal migrants are routinely returned to the same living conditions after receiving emergency treatment.
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