#quran mp3
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The Qur'an is the final revelation sent by God, as guidance to mankind. God sent down His message, either by way of Gabriel, or through direct inspiration to the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace). The Quran consists of only that which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, sent down in stages, for a period of twenty-three years.
At every stage, the revelation was immediately recorded in writing, or committed to memory, by the Our Prophet's companions. Today, all Muslims wherever they are, read the same Quran. (In our day, the Qur'an of Uthman, the third Caliph, is displayed in Topkapi Museum, Istanbul.) Evidence that the Qur'an is from God is the total absence of any sort of contradiction in the Qur'an.
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quranindex · 7 months
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Discover Quran Verses about #Harut and Marut @ https://quranindex.info/search/harut-and-marut [2:102] #Quran #Islam
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susanhorak · 6 months
#نور_ذكر_الله سورة الفلق مكررة لعلاج الحسد بصوت الزامل , القران الكريم | surah al falaq عدد كلمات سورة الفلق هي ‎:23 كلمة تبدا بقُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ الْفَلَقِ سورة الفلق عدد الحروف بها هو ‎ ‎71حرف - وعدد الآيات بسورة الفلق هو 5 آيات وسورة الفلق هي سورة مكية وهي احب سورة في القرآن الكريم الي الله تعالي والله اعلي واعلم دعو الله ان تكون في ميزان حسنات كل من اشترك في انشاء هذا الفيديو وكل من سمعة او ساعد علي انتشارة
قناة "نور ذكر الله " ادعو الله ان تكون نور لي ولكم في الحياة الدنيا والآخرة للتدواصل https://www.facebook.com/dhikr2allah/
للمزيد من الفيدوهات الاسلامية https://goo.gl/zi8ZZF
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adamyoussefmprahime6 · 5 months
Surah Al-Falaq -Very beautiful voice | surat al falaq- quran
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omarnoblemarriage · 10 months
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Navigate the delicate balance between physical intimacy and spiritual devotion during Ramadan. Explore Quranic insights on permissible nighttime relations and learn about the consequences and atonements if fasting guidelines are inadvertently broken.
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Competing for more distracts you. Until you visit the graves. (Quran, 102:1-2)
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In the alternation of night and day, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, are signs for conscious people. (Quran, 10:6)
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Say, “O people: the truth has come to you from your Lord. Whoever accepts guidance is guided for himself. And whoever goes astray goes astray against himself. I’m not a guardian over you.” (Quran Chapter 10 Jonah verse 108)
Di: "Oh pueblo: la verdad os ha venido de vuestro Señor. Quien acepta la guía se guía a sí mismo. Y quien se extravía, se extravía contra sí mismo. Yo no soy un guardián sobre vosotros". (Corán Capítulo 10 Jonás versículo 108)
Sprich: "O ihr Menschen, die Wahrheit ist zu euch von eurem Herrn gekommen. Wer die Rechtleitung annimmt, ist für sich selbst rechtgeleitet. Und wer in die Irre geht, geht gegen sich selbst in die Irre. Ich bin kein Wächter über euch." (Koran Kapitel 10, Jona, Vers 108)
Dis : "Ô peuple, la vérité vous est venue de votre Seigneur. Quiconque accepte d'être guidé est guidé pour lui-même, et quiconque s'égare s'égare contre lui-même. Et quiconque s'égare s'égare contre lui-même. Je ne suis pas un gardien pour vous." (Coran Chapitre 10 Jonas verset 108)
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Will they not ponder the Quran? If it had been from other than God, they would have found many inconsistencies in it. (Quran Chapter 4 verse 82)
¿No reflexionarán sobre el Corán? Si no procediera de Dios, habrían encontrado muchas incoherencias en él. (Corán, capítulo 4, versículo 82)
Werden sie nicht über den Koran nachdenken? Wäre er von einem anderen als Gott, so hätten sie viele Ungereimtheiten darin gefunden. (Quran Kapitel 4 Vers 82)
Ne vont-ils pas réfléchir au Coran ? S'il avait été d'un autre que Dieu, ils y auraient trouvé beaucoup d'incohérences. (Coran, chapitre 4, verset 82)
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It is We Who have sent down the Reminder (the Quran) and We Who will preserve it. (Quran, 15:9). Somos Nosotros quienes hemos enviado el Recordatorio (el Corán) y quienes lo conservaremos. (Corán, 15:9)
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The entire universe and everything in it was created by God. Before the Creation of the universe, nothing existed, in the material sense. It was all non-existence. At the moment when the universe was created, the Al-Awwal (The First) and Al-Akhir (The Last) God, Who is beyond all, created time, matter and space.
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The essence of Islam is to know of the existence of God, and to understand that there is no god but God. To practice Islam is to allow this truth to manifest itself in every aspect of one's life.
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Fingerprints are accepted as a very important proof of identity exclusive to their owner. Scientists discovered this important feature only in the later 19th century. However in the Quran God points to the fingertips, which did not attract anyone's attention at that time and calls our attention to their importance.
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I created demons and humans only to serve Me. (Quran, 51:56)
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He raised the sky, and He balanced everything. So don’t disturb the balance. But keep the weights with justice. And don’t violate the balance. (Quran, 55:7-9)
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He created the livestock for you. They provide you with meat to eat, warmth, and much more. There's beauty in them for you; when you bring them home and take them to pasture. They carry your loads to territories you couldn’t reach without great difficulty. Your Lord is Compassionate and Kind. And horses, mules, and donkeys — for you to ride, and for luxury. And He creates what you don’t know. (Quran, 16:5-8)
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