#quran in french
Say, “O people: the truth has come to you from your Lord. Whoever accepts guidance is guided for himself. And whoever goes astray goes astray against himself. I’m not a guardian over you.” (Quran Chapter 10 Jonah verse 108)
Di: "Oh pueblo: la verdad os ha venido de vuestro Señor. Quien acepta la guía se guía a sí mismo. Y quien se extravía, se extravía contra sí mismo. Yo no soy un guardián sobre vosotros". (Corán Capítulo 10 Jonás versículo 108)
Sprich: "O ihr Menschen, die Wahrheit ist zu euch von eurem Herrn gekommen. Wer die Rechtleitung annimmt, ist für sich selbst rechtgeleitet. Und wer in die Irre geht, geht gegen sich selbst in die Irre. Ich bin kein Wächter über euch." (Koran Kapitel 10, Jona, Vers 108)
Dis : "Ô peuple, la vérité vous est venue de votre Seigneur. Quiconque accepte d'être guidé est guidé pour lui-même, et quiconque s'égare s'égare contre lui-même. Et quiconque s'égare s'égare contre lui-même. Je ne suis pas un gardien pour vous." (Coran Chapitre 10 Jonas verset 108)
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Quran lecture in Dakar, Senegal
French vintage postcard
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adamyoussefmprahime6 · 6 months
ayat kursi repeated, ayat al kursi, al kursi, ayatul kursi,
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susanhorak · 6 months
#نور_ذكر_الله آية الكرسي مكررة 700 مرة | اية الكرسي مكررة mp3 للتخلص من العين والمس والسحر ayat kursi ايه الكرسي مكررة 700 مرة https://youtu.be/ErGEUybJBVw آية الكرسي مكررة mp3 وهي الآية رقم 255 من سورة البقرة في القرآن الكريم، لها أهمية كبيرة عند المسلمين، ولها فضل كبير. ﴿اللَّهُ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ الْحَيُّ الْقَيُّومُ ۚ لَا تَأْخُذُهُ سِنَةٌ وَلَا نَوْمٌ ۚ لَّهُ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَا فِي الْأَرْضِ ۗ مَن ذَا الَّذِي يَشْفَعُ عِنْدَهُ إِلَّا بِإِذْنِهِ ۚ يَعْلَمُ مَا بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمَا خَلْفَهُمْ ۖ وَلَا يُحِيطُونَ بِشَيْءٍ مِّنْ عِلْمِهِ إِلَّا بِمَا شَاءَ ۚ وَسِعَ كُرْسِيُّهُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ ۖ وَلَا يَؤُودُهُ حِفْظُهُمَا ۚ وَهُوَ الْعَلِيُّ الْعَظِيمُ﴾ [2:255][1]. اشترك معنا قناة نور ذكر الله http://www.youtube.com/c/Noorone. ساعدنا علي الإستمرار في العطاء من خلال عمل مشاركة وكتابة تعليق و الاشتراك في لمزيد من الفيديوهات الإسلامية
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tellingsblog · 8 months
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go-ro · 9 months
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Patriarchal gender norms meant female education wasn’t a priority in parts of West Africa. The content and duration of schooling differed as the goal of the school was to train girls to become proper wives. Still, Quranic schools educated more girls than French schools. And high caste girls were educated.
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i-cant-sing · 4 months
Do u think Baldwin speaks Arabic? I know he spoke Latin cause he’s French but there was Muslim and Christian citizens who spoke Greek and Arabic so I’m a bit curious if your version of Baldwin spoke Arabic, like he’s on conversational level of Arabic?
I like to think he is because you gotta know your enemy's language ok??? It's important. BUT the funny thing is, while Baldwin does speak Arabic quite good, he still doesn't get what Salauddin is saying when he talks to his men.
Ok so if u guys read the translation of quran, or even quran directly in Arabic, you guys will notice that the words actually hold a much much deeper meaning. They're kind of like riddles???? Kind of, maybe you could say their like poems. Because every word has more than one meaning. Okay people who have done tadbeer/tafsir will understand better what I'm talking about. Most words in the Quran are usually a based on 3 or 4 letter words (which is the root word their derived from) and these words have many MANy meanings if u were to just look up their "root words" in the dictionary
So Salauddin only speaks in clear words when he wants Baldwin to know what info he wishes to feed the blonde. Everything else is said in riddles or slangs or another language
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the-golden-comet · 3 months
✨OC Facts Tag✨
Thank you for creating this tag game, @mysticstarlightduck ! And thank you for the tag @theink-stainedfolk , @illarian-rambling , @thecomfywriter , @topazadine , and @saturnine-saturneight ! I’m excited to try it out with my OCs! 💛✨
Rules: Make a list of fun facts about your OCs. Like a headcanon list, if you will! Except it's actually canon lol.
Let’s start with Peter Hart
Facts about Peter:
Shot himself through the back of his calf as a teenager. He got scolded relentlessly for it by Davey and Georgie who were quick to patch him up.
Before getting with Benjamin, I put Peter down as “treasuresexual” Yeah. Really. 😂He didn’t have any eyes for anyone other than Benjamin, making Peter canonically homosexual.
His moniker “Peter The Golden” holds many meanings. To rival pirates and ports, it’s on account of his golden hair and black-and-gold aesthetic. To his crew family, he is “The Golden Hart”
Peter was always a rascal from early youth to adulthood. Often times, Peter would get caught and arrested for pickpocketing residents in his hometown. Sometimes, Officer Ralph would bring Peter home to his scolding mother in metal cuffs. Other times, Peter spent the night in the clink. Due to his mischief, Officer Ralph and Mary Hart became acquainted with each other often, and eventually got together.
Facts about Benjamin:
Has an insanely high alcohol tolerance. He got used to the wine and frivolities of parliament when he was around all the royals.
Is bilingual in English and French. He can hold conversation with another bilingual crewmate Jacques du Lorraine. He’s also hurled insults at Peter in fluent French, causing Jacques to nearly double over in laughter.
Is the shortest and smallest member of The Golden Phoenix Gang. Most members of the crew are around Peter’s height of 196-199cm, though with VASTLY different builds (Davey has more of a dad bod, and Peter is just ripped). Benji, on the other hand, rests at 170cm with a very thin build. Canonically, he is a twink.
Is both the luckiest and unluckiest member of The Golden Phoenix Gang. In a tabletop game, he would either roll 1s or 20s. Nothing in between 😂
Moving on to YWIMC:
Facts about Noah:
Is originally from a small farm town in Georgia. He took voice lesson training to try and hide his southern accent, but when Noah lets his guard down and gets comfortable, it can sometimes slip through.
Double majoring in History and Architecture. He’s 23 and already in grad school, which should say a thing or two with how hard he works himself and almost can work off of fumes alone
Has Autism Spectrum Disorder (level 1). This is canon and heavily alluded in the story from his sensory processing difficulties, to his aversion to crowds, social anxiety, hyper focus on his studies, special interest in bridges and architecture, difficulties in expressing emotions, and finding the comfort of home to be his most productive and happiest space. ASD can be expressed differently in other people (I have it), so I pulled from my own experiences to write Noah here.
Facts about Ali:
Ali had a rich father who tried to get him to be a sultan/powerful influential figure in Saudi Arabia. His father arranged a marriage for Ali, who fled the day of.
Is a practicing Muslim. He is halal, observes Ramadan, and yes—prays from the Quran. A lot of his character is identity struggles; his religion says that his sexuality is sinful, but that’s how Ali was born, and that’s what makes Ali happy. This creates an internal conflict with how he tries suppressing his desires, and often wonders if he should have sacrificed his own happiness to appease his father, and his god. This dichotomy is very complicated, and has been a challenge to write….but he will get a happy ending with Noah 👍
Has had previous masters with wicked hearts die horrific and ironic deaths. For example, one of his masters wished for 70 wives who were all virgins. His death? Stabbed 70 times while he slept, each wife stabbing him once. Another master wished for glorious fame and fortune, only for dissenters to stone him to death. Ever heard of the tale of The Monkey’s Paw? That applies here.
That was a good exercise. I’m going to tag (no pressure): @gioiaalbanoart , @wyked-ao3 , @sunglasses-in-the-bentley , @honeybewrites , @drchenquill , @aintgonnatakethis , @willtheweaver , @jev-urisk , @noxxytocin , @thatuselesshuman , @theverumproject , +open tag for whoever else wants to divulge some facts about their OCs! ✨
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uwmspeccoll · 6 months
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It’s Fine Press Friday! 
This week, in honor of Ramadan, we’re taking a peek at a 1958 Limited Editions Club (LEC) publication of The Koran: Selected Suras from our collection. This modern, handsomely bound and illustrated collection of texts from the Qu‘ran was translated into English by Australian American scholar of Asian studies Arthur Jeffery (1892-1959), and features decorations in grayed blue and red ink from Italian American printmaker, illustrator, and author Valenti Angelo (1897-1982). The title page and the page opposite the opening sura were also hand-illuminated in gold by Angelo. The text, which features Bembo type and Civilité headings, is printed in black ink on custom made tan Arak paper from Curtis Paper Company, a paper mill in Newark, Delaware known for its manufacture of high-quality rag papers using 19th-century Fourdrinier machinery. The work was printed by Abraham Colish (1882–1963, otherwise known as A. Colish) and bound in cloth covered boards which were hand stamped with decorations in blue, red, and gold. It was released in an edition of 1500 copies, all of which were signed by the illustrator.  
رمضان مبارك (Ramadan Mubarak) 
Find more materials related to the Quran (including original manuscripts and alternate translations in Latin, French, and German) in UWM’s Special Collections 
View more Fine Press Friday posts 
View another Ramadan post 
View more Bembo and Civilité posts 
View more Valenti Angelo posts 
View more A. Colish posts 
View more Limited Editions Club posts 
-- Ana, Special Collections Graduate Intern
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Will they not ponder the Quran? If it had been from other than God, they would have found many inconsistencies in it. (Quran Chapter 4 verse 82)
¿No reflexionarán sobre el Corán? Si no procediera de Dios, habrían encontrado muchas incoherencias en él. (Corán, capítulo 4, versículo 82)
Werden sie nicht über den Koran nachdenken? Wäre er von einem anderen als Gott, so hätten sie viele Ungereimtheiten darin gefunden. (Quran Kapitel 4 Vers 82)
Ne vont-ils pas réfléchir au Coran ? S'il avait été d'un autre que Dieu, ils y auraient trouvé beaucoup d'incohérences. (Coran, chapitre 4, verset 82)
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stephensmithuk · 5 months
The Sign of Four: The Story of the Bald-Headed Man
The Victorians were rather into what is known as chinoiserie, the European imitation of Chinese and other East Asian artistic traditions, although the popularity had somewhat peaked by this point.
The stethoscope had been invented in France in 1816 by René Laennec and the two-ear version was commercially available from 1852. The practice before and without one - see A Study in Scarlet - was to listen to the chest by applying your ear directly too. This was a bit awkward when dealing with a woman, the reason Laennec invented it in the first place.
We've seen Tokay before, in "The Last Bow".
Since tobacco came to Europe, there have been people who couldn't stand the smell. James I of England/James VI of Scotland wrote A Counterblaste to Tobacco in 1604, one of the earliest anti-smoking works. He would impose an import tax on tobacco, then later made it a royal monopoly.
It was also considered taboo to spoke in front of women for much of this period; hence the use of smoking rooms. It was also seen as unladylike for a woman to smoke at all; if she did, it evoked an image of prostitution. Unless you were working class, in which case women widely smoked.
Hookah comes from the Hindustani word "huqqa". Hindustani is also known as Hindi-Urdu; Hindi being the Devanagari-written version used in India and Urdu the Pakistani version written in the Persian alphabet. Both countries have tried to make their two versions somewhat distinct; Hindustani is not used in official terminilogy in either. In speech, the two are pretty much mutually intelligible, if you keep things simple.
The hookah remains popular in South Asia and the Middle East; smoking is not specifically prohibited in the Quran, but in recent decades, a number of very prominent clerics have declared it haram (forbidden). In much of Europe and North America, indoor smoking bans cover hookahs, places that offer them have had to switch to tobacco-free version.
In any event, hookah smoking is really bad for your health - you're basically inhaling the equivalent of 100-200 cigarettes in a single session.
Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot was a French realist painter. Works of his can be found in the Louvre and New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art, among various other galleries.
Pondicherry, which we've seen mentioned before, is a city on the south-east coast of what is now India; it was a French territory at the time - the British had taken it more than once, but returned to them each time, the last time in 1814.
The lightweight division of boxing today covers weights of 130 to 135 pounds. The current British lightweight champion is James Tennyson, but he has not fought a professional bout since a technical knockout to Jovanni Straffon in 2021.
Agra, located in Uttar Pradesh, is best known as the location of the Taj Mahal, built on the orders of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan between 1631 and 1653 as a mausoleum for his wife Mumtaz Mahal after her death in childbirth in 1631. He is also buried there himself.
£500,000 in 1888 would be the equivalent of over £54m at 2024 values. Not a bad chunk of change.
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adamyoussefmprahime6 · 6 months
ayat kursi repeated, ayat al kursi, al kursi, ayatul kursi,
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my-deer-history · 7 months
Francis Kinloch in the Müller-Bonstetten letters: Part 1
Here is the first batch of translated instances where Francis Kinloch is mentioned in letters written to Karl Viktor von Bonstetten by Johannes von Müller, a gay Swiss historian who Kinloch lived with while studying in Geneva. Throughout this period (early 1775 onwards), Müller is attempting to write his history of Switzerland, and the American colonies are starting to actively rebel against England.
The original letters were mostly written in German (source), with some translated later into French (source). I have transcribed and translated most of the mentions, but there's quite a lot, so I'm going to divide this into several posts. (@john-laurens - enjoy!)
My translations below, with the German and/or French transcripts under the cut. As always, corrections and improvements are greatly appreciated!
10 March 1775
I advance in the sciences; you love me, because I do you; Kinloch, who gives away his heart so sparingly, addresses his letters to the beloved of my heart,* and we see each other daily [...] When I am by Kinloch’s side at Bonnet’s, and spend an hour talking with him, I am happy and cheerful; thus, says the Quran, does a lightning bolt suddenly illuminate the darkest of nights, but the shadow becomes darker after him.
*This follows a mention in an earlier undated 1775 letter that Kinloch asserted he needed at least one year before he could call anyone "friend". Clearly it happened in a matter of weeks here.
18 Aug 1775
…and Kinloch’s questions made me more aware of many points of our constitutions, especially our lack of political arithmeticians. […] Keep well. Kinloch will write to you soon.
21 Aug 1775
If cruel fate separates Kinloch from me, I will hope to have 25 to 30 louis more per year, with which I will be able to carry out this plan of study by spending the summer months in some of the cantons.
23 Aug 1775
I also do not have time [in this letter] to continue my observations along the mark, the Zurich lake, into the drawing rooms of Füsslin, Heidegger, Gessner, Hirzel, Bodmer, etc., nor to assure you sufficiently of Gessner’s friendship; nor to tell you how much I augment my knowledge of Helvetia [Switzerland], and with what pleasure I read Livius with Kinloch; nor to paint Kinloch’s enthusiasm* for you, and his anger with me because it has been so long since I wrote to you; nor my irreconcilable hatred for you, B. To declare to you in very thunderous and defeating expressions that, contrary to your word and honour, despite my repeated requests in the name of the holiest friendship, you have committed the atrocious crime of not writing me any letters to this day. Write to me today, therefore!
*The archaic meaning of the German Enthusiasmus is more along the lines of fervour, inspiration, or passionate feeling than the modern “enthusiasm” suggests.
“Thursday” [1775]*
We are waiting at present for a letter from Mr Boone, which will inform us whether we, Kinloch and I, may travel together in France, or if I must stay where I am. In the latter case, I will quietly await some opportunity to travel with an Englishman, which would let me see Europe and fix me some income. If Mr Boone and other friends do not find anyone, I will go to England with K at around the end of next year and I will not leave him even if he goes to America.
*The exact dating of this letter is unclear, but it is placed here in the source. 
Wednesday, Dec 1775
At this very moment, Kinloch is writing a letter to Mr Boone, which might influence my future destination. If I cannot live as I had hoped, according to what I have told you, I would hope that in the case that I must spend my life in solitude, that I may share yours; but that is the way to live!
26 Dec 1775
I find myself in the midst of great doubts. Kinloch cannot stay here past the end of March; we are waiting for letters from England to inform us whether we have enough money to travel together. The American matters make it very uncertain. And even when this journey is over, this unrest will hinder us from carrying out many projects. And now also comes the newly confirmed expedition against Carolina. In this land, so say the letters, is everything in such disarray, that reason has completely lost its power, all courts have decided that no law shall be enforced anymore, all the stations have mixed together, and the clergy preach nothing but rebellion. And the rebellious faction is so powerful that they have decided to send all women and children into the interior of the country, to burn the whole city of Charlestown to ash, and to fight the English over its ruins. Imagine Kinloch’s heart, and his noble mother in this horrid land, fleeing, exposed to all the malice of the soldiers, all the bouts of depredation, hunger and shortages of all kinds. It is very possible that Kinloch himself will lose everything, that his plantations will be laid waste. Imagine for yourself what we must think and feel about all of this. 
9 Jan 1776
We have letters from England that confirm the degree to which the entire coast of the North American sea is given to flames and devastation; they also state that the fleet against Carolina has already sailed. Kinloch and I have developed a project for our destination, which will, in all likelihood, be carried out for our shared benefit. At the beginning of April, my friend will go to France to a provincial town; I will go to Genthod to the wise men (these we, i.e. those from Genthod and I, are still keeping a secret at this time on account of certain people). Towards autumn, I will go to Marseille or Lyon, find Kinloch there, go with him to Rome and from there through Tyrol and Bavaria down into the Netherlands, right to the sea. In this way, I will be able to complete most of my material collecting in the summer and have an educational and enjoyable winter. And beyond that? you will ask me. Within one year, it will become clear if America is still inhabitable, if Lord North is still prime minister, if Kinloch will settle in England or America. We will decide accordingly.
19 Feb 1776
Your letters always bring me great pleasure, but it has been a long time since any letter or occurrence has caused me as much pleasure as your second-to-last one did. Your eloquence is Demosthenic when friendship has inspired you, but your heart is full of the greatest and noblest virtues. Bonnet and Kinloch felt a real enthusiasm for you. I however am more determined than ever to follow your advice. [Lists several of his good fortunes.] Mr Bonnet, Mrs Bonnet and Kinloch and all my best friends, besides philosophy and politics - to whom do I owe all of these? Ask yourself!
10 March 1775
In den Wissenschaften schreite ich fort; Sie lieben mich, wie ich Sie; Kinloch, der so karg sein Herz versschenkt, addressirt seine Billets to the beloved of my heart, und wir sehen uns täglich [...]  An der Seite Kinlochs bei Bonnet, und nun ich eine Stunde mich mit Ihnen unterhalten, bin ich glücklich und heiter; so, sagt der Koran, erleuchtet ein Blitzstrahl plötzlich die dickste der Nächte, aber die Finsfterniß wird dicker nach ihm.
18 Aug 1775
Les questions de Kinloch ont fixé plus particulièrement mon attention sur plusieurs points de nos constitutions, et m'ont fait sentir surtout combien nous manquons d'habiles calculateurs politiques. […] Adieu, mon ami: Kinloch vous écrira bientôt.
…auch haben Kinlochs Fragen mich auf eine Menge Punkte unserer Verfassungen, besonders auf unsre Armuth an politischen Arithmetikern aufmerksamer gemacht [...]  Gehab dich wohl. Kinloch 
21 Aug 1775
Si mon mauvais sort me sépare de Kinloch, je souhaiterais avoir par an 25 à 30 louis de plus pour me mettre à portée de réaliser ce plan d'étude en passant l'été dans quelques Cantons.
Wenn das harte Schicksal Kinloch von mir trennt, so wünsche ich mir jährlich 25—30 Louis d'ors, mit denselben würde ich in einigen Kantonen in den Sommermonaten diesen Plan ausführen können
23 Aug 1775
Je n'ai pas le temps non plus dé vous mener avec moi le long du lac de Zurich, dans les cabinets de Füsslin, de Heidegger, de Gessner, de Hirzel, de Bodmer, etc, ni de vous assurer tout au long de l'amitié de Gessner; ni de vous dire combien j'augmente mes connaissances sur l'Helvétie, et avec quel plaisir je lis Tite-Live avec Kinloch; ni de vous peindre l'enthousiasme de Kinloch pour vous, et sa colère contre moi parce que j'ai été si longtemps sans vous écrire; ni enfin de vous déclarer dans les termes les plus foudroyants une haîne irréconciliable, parce qu'au mépris de votre parole d'honneur, de mes prières et de notre amitié, vous ne m'avez point encore écrit. Ecrivez-moi donc aujourd'hui même!
Aber die Zeit erlaubt mir nicht, meine Observationen durch die Mark, den Zürichersee hinunter, durch Füßlins, Heideggers, Geßners, Hirzels, Bodmers &c. &c. Zimmer fortzusetzen, noch Ihnen Geßners Freundschaft für Sie genug zu vermelden, oder meine Zunahme an helvetischen Kenntnissen oder mein Vergnügen über meine Lectur des Livius mit Kinloch, und Kinlochs Enthusiasmus für Sie und Zorn über mich, der ich Ihnen so lang nicht geschrieben, noch meinen unversöhnlichen Haß gegen Euch, B. Euch in recht donnernden und niederschlagenden Ausdrücken anzukündigen, da` Sie wider Wort und Ehre ungeachtet meiner wiederholten Bitten gegen die allerheiligste Freundschaft das gräuliche Verbrechen begangen haben, bis auf diesen Tag mir keinen Brief zu schreiben. So schreiben Sie mir dann heut noch!
“Thursday” [1775]
Nous attendons à présent une lettre de Mr. Boone qui nous apprendra si nous pouvons, Kinloch et moi, voyager ensemble en France, ou si je dois rester où je suis. Dans ce dernier cas j'attendrai paisiblement quelque occasion de voyager avec un Anglois, qui me feroit voir l'Europe et qui me fixeroit quelque rente. Si Mr. Boone et d'autres amis n'en trouvent point, j'irai en Angleterre avec K. sur la fin de l'année prochaine et je ne le quitterai pas même, quand it va en Amérique.
*written in French
Wednesday, Dec 1775
Dans ce moment même Kinloch écrit à Mr. Boone une lettre, qui influera peut-être sur ma destination future. Si je ne peux pas vivre comme je le souhaiterois, d'après ce que je Vous ai dit, je souhaiterois, que dans le cas, qu'il me fallut passer ma vie dans la solitude, je puisse partager la votre; mais le moyen de vivre!
26 Dec 1775
Gegenwärtig befinde ich mich in sehr großen Zweifeln. Länger als bis im Märzen kann Kinloch nicht hier bleiben; wir erwarten aus England Briefe, ob wir Geldes genug haben, mit einander zu reisen. Die amerikanischen Sachen machen es sehr ungewiß. Und wenn auch diese Reisen zu Ende find, so werden diese Unruhen uns an der Ausführung vieler Projekte hindern. Nun kommt noch die neulich beschlossene Expedition gegen Karolina. In diesem Land, wir haben Briefe, ist alles in solcher Unordnung, daß der Rath vollkommen seine Gewalt verloren, alle Gerichte beschlossen sind, kein Gesetz mehr vollstreckt wird, alle Stände sich vermengt haben, und die Geistlichen nichts als Aufruhr predigen. Auch ist die rebellische Faction so muthig, daß sie beschlossen haben, alle Weiber und Kinder ins innere Land zu versenden, die ganze Stadt Karlstown in Asche zu verwandeln, und über den Ruinen derselben sich mit den Engländern zu schlagen. Stellen Sie sich Kinlochs Herz vor, und seine edle Mutter in diesem fürchterlichen Land, in der Flucht, ausgesetzt allem Muthwillen der Soldaten, allen Anfällen der Verwüstung, dem Hunger und dem Mangel. Es ist sehr möglich, daß Kinloch selbst alles verliert, daß seine Pflanzungen verwüstet werden. Stellen Sie sich vor, was wir bei alledem denken und fühlen müssen.
9 Jan 1776
 Aus England haben wir Briefe, welche bestätigen, wasmaßen das ganze Ufer der nordamerikanischen See den Flammen und der Verwüstung gewidmet sey; auch sagen Sie, die Flotte gegen Karolina sey bereits abgesegelt. Kinloch und ich haben über unsre Bestimmung ein Project entworfen, welches allem Ansehen nach zu unserm gemeinschaftlichen Nutzen ausgeführt werden wird. Anfangs Aprillens geht mein Freund nach Frankreich in eine Provinzialstadt; ich nach Genthod zu den Weisen (dieses halten wir, d. i. die von Genthod und ich gewisser Leute wegen noch zur Zeit geheim). Gegen den Herbst gehe ich nach Marseille oder Lyon, finde daselbst Kinloch, gehe mit ihm nach Rom und von da durchs Tirol und Bayern hinunter in die Niederlande bis ans Meer. So werde ich diesen Sommer meine meisten Materialiensammlungen vollenden können und einen lehrreichen und `vergnügten Winter haben. Und was ferner? werden Sie mich fragen. In Jahresfrist wird es sich zeigen, ob Amerika noch wohnbar, ob Lord North noch Staatsminister sey, ob Kinloch sich in England oder in Amerika niederlassen werde. Accordingly werden wir uns entschließen.
19 Feb 1776
Vos lettres me font toujours grand plaisir mais aucune d'elles et en général, aucun événement ne m'a causé, depuis longtemps, un plaisir aussi vif que votre avant-dernière. Vous avez l'éloquence de Demosthène quand l'amitié vous inspire, et votre cœur est ce qu'il y a au monde de plus noble et de meilleur. Bonnet et Kinloch vous aiment avec enthousiasme, et moi, je suis plus déterminé que jamais à suivré en tout vos conseils. […] Mais, et Bonnet, et Mad. Bonnet, et Kinloch, et mes meilleurs amis, et les lumières que j'ai acquises en philosophie et en politique, à qui dois-je tout cela, mon ami? vous le savez.
Ihre Briefe machen mir immer sehr viel Vergnügen, aber seit langer Zeit hat kein Brief und keine Begebenheit mir so viel Freude verschafft, als Ihr vorletzter. Ihre Beredsamkeit ist Demosthenisch, wenn Sie von der Freundschaft begeistert sind, Ihr Herz aber der größten und edelsten Tugenden voll. Bonnet und Kinloch haben einen wahren Enthusiasmus für Sie gefühlt. Ich aber bin entschlossener, als noch Ihrem Rath zu folgen. [...] Hrn. Bonnet, Md. Bonnet und Kinloch und alle meine besten Freunde, nebst der Philosophie und Politik, wem bin ich alles schuldig? fragen Sie sich!
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daughterofmytribe · 1 year
Language plays an important role in forming identity. When a country gets colonized the language is imposed on the people, and their culture and identity starts changing. An example of this is North Africa and French colonization.
This is why it’s so important for every Muslim to learn Arabic and teach it to their children at a young age because it’s the language of the Quran. The Arabic language is part of our Islamic identity, and every Muslim must put in the effort to learning it.
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9amartt · 8 months
#archive - Words of Umm Khadija Al Andalusiyyah, a Muhajirah to Shaam:
Shaam, 1437H/ 2016
(Text translated from French)
"Assalamu Alaykum.
Since my arrival to Shaam, I have been greatly disturbed to see the entire world agreeing to k/ll these poor people, and what surprised me even more is to see how the Syrian people have so much patience. I cried every day, and at night I couldn't sleep due to the bombings. Living in war is horrible, and not being able to defend ourselves is heartbreaking. I have seen bombs falling from planes so many times that I know I will die soon in these days or nights. But we know that we will die as Shuhadaa Insha Allah. It calms me to know that we will not go through the torment of death or anything like that, and the fact that we made hiجرة will make us enter Jannah in sha Allah. Dying here for this purpose relieves me. Making H is obligatory on every Muslim living in a land ruled by taghut. Not even three days after arriving here, we thought it was a journey towards a dream. Being here is the strongest feeling of iman I have ever had. Thanks to my dear sister Umm Adam al Almaniyyah, she gave me the courage to come. Alhamdulillah, we are inseparable now. The best part here is that it is a constant reminder of Allah. We live only for Him and follow His law according to the Quran and the sunnah. We were given a home and money upon arrival. I am so happy to see such believing and beautiful sisters from all over the world, ma sha Allah, and there are many reverts. Allah guides whom He wills. But I miss my family immensely.
If you read this, I hope you will understand my choice one day, and I hope to see you in akhirah, Insha Allah."
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aromantic-enjolras · 2 years
Muslim and Maghrebi Amis headcanons
So I said the other day that this fandom needed more Muslim Amis, if we’re writing Modern AU set in France. I don’t have much time right now, but let me try to put my money where my mouth is for a bit.
For context, my usual headcanons of the Amis are that Jehan is Jewish Algerian (his family moved to France after the independence), Feuilly is Egyptian and arrived to France as a unaccompanied minor, and Bossuet is Senegalese and got to France as an adult. Marius’ dad is Moroccan, but of course he didn’t know until he was an adult. For the time of this post, Grantaire’s mom is Greek.
Feuilly works at a kebab place. It is hell during Ramadan, because it means he has to work the entire day in a hot place, surrounded by food, without drinking or eating. His boss is Muslim too, so at least the minute sundown hits they close and go home to eat.
Another, less dramatic bad consequence of his place of work, is that he spends his days cringing at French people pronouncing the items on the menu horribly wrong. He sometimes slips and uses that pronunciation when speaking to other Maghrebis and he wants to die. Those words just have no meaning to him at this point. They’re just sounds customers make.
Jehan and Feuilly bond around speaking similar Maghrebi dialects. Also, the struggle to find restaurants that serve Halal and Kosher food. Jehan complains that it isn’t fair that Feuilly can eat kosher but he can’t eat halal.
Feuilly and Enjolras (and Marius, later) are always the designated drivers/herders of drunk people because they are the only Amis who never drink.
When Marius discovers his dad was Moroccan, he converts to Islam (his far-right grandfather is horrified). He’s very serious about it, he’s super diligent with his prayers. Bossuet teases him a lot about it, he calls him “imam” and “haaji” and he asks him when he’s going to do the peregrination to Makkah.
Marius immediately starts learning Arabic to read the Quran. Enjolras decides to join him, because it’s important to be inclusive, and is very frustrated to discover that Quranic Arabic does not help him communicate.
Bossuet can read and write Arabic because he learned in Quranic school as a kid, but he doesn’t speak a word of it (and if you take the vowels out he’s lost as hell).
Bossuet is not a practicing Muslim. He eats pork, he drinks excessively, the whole shebang. He’s quite unapologetic about it. That said, he does have a different set of “clean” social media for the people at home. One time Grantaire posted a picture of them having a beer at the Musain during Ramadan to the wrong account by accident and Bossuet almost had a heart attack.
The rest of the Amis end up picking random sentences. Courfeyrac one time said “ya Allah” in front of his parents and his dad flipped his shit over “bad influences”.
Grantaire is super into Ancient Greece, and whenever there’s a debate in the Amis about whether something is Greek or Maghrebi or Middle Eastern he ends up saying some variation on “you’re all Greeks, anyway”. If Feuilly tries to say he isn’t, he simply goes “you’re from Alexandria, shut up”.
And believe me, there are a lot of debates over whether stuff is Greek or not, especially food. It usually ends with Grantaire and whoever the other person was making the dish and bringing it to the Amis to let them decide which version is better. The others aren’t complaining!
Hope you enjoyed this!
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