#r: clary & luke
ladyhindsight · 17 days
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I’m still in sort of disbelief how Clare thought the canoodling part of the ending scene of this chapter was structured well or even well motivated. How it plays out just paints a pretty clear picture of Clare’s priorities and intentions as a story-teller.
Sometimes some things, especially ill-fitting and ill-timed almost-sex scenes just don’t need to happen, you know.
The chapter opens up with Team Good making their way to Luke’s farm upstate to summon Raziel. They get to talking about Alec’s sexuality and how the Lightwoods are taking it because of a joke Isabelle makes.
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This message about Robert is rather relevant here. Because, like R points out, the narrative surrounding Robert is incohesive at best, and his characterization fluctuates wherever the writing needs to without much consistency. There's a lot of fun discussion points about Robert (and Maryse) under his tag on the blog.
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Yes, Robert escaped to Idris to get away from his gay son that he loved, not to run for the position of the Inquisitor.
→ No phones in Idris, how would've Robert asked about the trip anyway?
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→ Jocelyn doesn’t like Jace (for her own reasons), so she never asks about Jace (Clary complains about this in City of Fallen Angels). → Robert doesn’t care about Magnus (for his own reasons which are a bit complicated and related to the Circle), so he never asks about Magnus.
→ Like the eye color is even guaranteed? Of course this highlights the idiotic opinions of bigoted people, but at the same time, that’s the best you managed to concoct? THE EYES. Though it goes with the little paper cuts for sure.
They are almost at the farm, and we cut to Team Evil. Clary has been sleeping but wakes up when she hears The Boys talking. Jace has been somewhere but would like to see Clary now. Something is off about their exchange and we learn why once Jace goes to see Clary.
We learn that Lilith’s rune on Jace’s chest has been damaged and that he’s momentarily himself again.
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The pugio was a dagger used by Roman soldiers as a sidearm. I don’t understand why Jace calls it that here when he later talks about an aegis with which Magdalena stabs him and how the aegis burned Lilith’s Mark.
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Again with the em dashes. “She staggered back and grabbed for her worktable, she threw it at me.” I can’t.
→ She staggered back and gabbed for her worktable. There was powdered adamas on it—she threw it at me.
Also “I cried out as she drove it towards my chest”? Awfully poetic retelling of the events that were basically I just kind a shouted when she tried to stab me in the chest.
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This is, if I may say, a preposterous claim. He really isn’t or wasn’t. See, Alec, for one. Let’s not rewrite history.
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This scene started out nice, the way Clary tries to comfort Jace. As if there could be this lovely and nice intimacy between them that doesn’t need the constant fervor.
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…Aaand it’s ruined because everything has to get hot and heavy and passionate between them.
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It’s funny how intentionally hilarious this whole conversation of it’s me, that is not me, it’s the other me, the not me me, this you, no the other you, the other me is. Such a mess.
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Oh hey, you remembered.
Jace then finally gets to the actual point of what happened when he was away. He also finally reveals what Sebastian’s actual plans are, which, you’d think, would take precedence over wondering whether this is the time to have sex for the first time. But what do I know.
Obviously they can’t have the make-out/almost-sex scene once Jace reveals he took the cup from Magdalena and murdered her so all of the physicality needs to happen before that. What I am saying is, it didn’t need to happen at all because the timing was inappropriate considering the following revelations. Intimacy between characters isn’t always being incredibly horny, especially when just comforting one another.
So far Clary and Not-Jace have been doing this every given opportunity, and I understand that it’s somehow different with Actual-Jace, though writing-wise not at all.
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So great that Jace finally got to the point. We almost lost this information because they wanted to bang. Anyway. Now that’s done with. Jace decides he needs to give the cup and himself up to the Clave before he returns to his controlled state, and that’s the end of that bullshit.
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hcllchesters · 3 months
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spell out your url using characters you love from any media
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h - prince henry fox mount-christen windsor ( red, white & royal blue )
c - clary fray ( the mortal instruments )
l - luke skywalker ( star wars )
l - lola bunny ( looney tunes )
c - cora hale ( teen wolf )
h - hercules ( hercules )
e - ellen harvelle ( supernatural )
s - santana lopez ( glee )
t - tigger ( winnie the pooh )
e - eddie munson ( stranger things )
r - rhysand ( a court of thorns and roses )
s - sabrina james ( the goal )
tagged by @salvatoraes tagging you reading this
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masterwcrk · 2 years
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🌾 :: An eerie plot of farmland with seemingly no one around for miles starters based on dev tea room trick ‘r treat prompts || @gracefallen​ (Juliet)
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she’s never seen this place before, but she knows it - it’s not unlike the betwixt & between she’s so familiar with from the Fae realms, even if something about it feels just somewhat different. if this realm borders on Faerie, it’s an outcropping of the realm she’s never charted before for sure. she’d come here because the Clave had charted some sort of strange energy not far from Luke’s farmhouse & while Clary might not feel ready to face her family, she wanted them safe. still, she’s gotten the sense she’s not in proverbial Kansas anymore. 
‘ you can come out now, ’ she murmurs, not bothering to reach for Heōsphoros on her belt. ‘ I heard you a while back. what is this place? ’
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tiwakufusu · 2 years
Shadow hunters and downworlders pdf
 SHADOW HUNTERS AND DOWNWORLDERS PDF >>Download (Herunterladen) vk.cc/c7jKeU
           vor 2 Tagen — fighting evil and darkness! Reads L to R (Western Style) Downworlders and. Shadowhunters and a new war could break out ; even worse,. 27.05.2012 — Amatis is older than Luke. Some mundanes are definitely aware that Shadowhunters, demons and Downworlders exist - Mortmain is one of them. I Ghosts of the Shadow Market is a Shadowhunters novel. There, the Downworlders buy and sell magical objects, make dark bargains, and whisper secrets theyBut once he was a Shadowhunter called Jem Carstairs, and his love, then and always, is the warlock Tessa Gray. And Jem is searching through the Shadow Markets, 02.07.2013 — This rune allows Shadowhunters and Downworlders to fight together with a Hi can you also please make a list of pdf extra stories that suddenly see Downworlders like werewolves, vampires, and faeries? If Clary left the world of the. Shadowhunters behind, it would mean more time with her Explore the world of the Mortal Instruments with Cassandra Clare and moreJoin Cassandra Clare and a Circle of more than a dozen top YA writers, including NewSignore Delle Ombre Dark Artifices Shadowhunters - Straumannvirtualevents.straumann.com › fulldisplayvirtualevents.straumann.com › fulldisplay pronouncement Signore Delle Ombre Dark Artifices Shadowhunters that you are However, tensions arise between Downworlders and Shadowhunters and a new war
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fraysbanes · 4 years
distressed princess
Characters: Luke Garroway, Clary Fray, Jocelyn Fairchild, Simon Lewis
Relationship: Clary Fray & Luke Garroway
Rating: G
Summary: "We roasted marshmallows. Clary got one stuck in her hair and and Jocelyn had to cut it out. Clary cried, like, the whole way home because she thought she looked like a boy. But you told her that she was still beautiful, and that you would always love her."
Written for father’s day 2019.
“I haaaaaate it!” Clary screams, tears still spilling steadily from big green eyes. “I hate it, I hate it, I HATE IT!” She crosses her arms across her chest and stomps her foot on the ground, as if that will somehow reverse the fates.
Jocelyn sighs impatiently. The non-stop crying from the campsite through the car ride and during the entirety of the impromptu haircut has drained her. “Oh, stop,” she says, stuffing her scissors back into the bathroom drawer and ushering Clary back into the kitchen. “It’s just a bit of hair, honey.”
“No!” Clary’s hands come up to clutch at her cropped hair. “I look like a boy!”
“No, you don’t.”
“Yes, I do! I’m gonna look like a boy. I’m gonna look so ugly!”
“Hey!” Simon mutters, voice muffled by the sandwich he’s been eating as he watched the whole ordeal play out like a very sad movie.
Clary pays him no mind. “Mom, I don’t wanna look like a boy!”
“You’re don’t look like a boy,” Jocelyn says again. “And I’m sorry, Clary, but you were the one who got that marshmallow stuck in your hair. There’s nothing we can do about it now. Don’t worry, it’ll grow back soon.”
That does absolutely nothing to soothe Clary, who just scrunches up her face and begins to sob in earnest once more. Simon puts his sandwich down on the counter, hops off the chair, and runs over to give her a hug. Clary lets him, but still doesn’t seem comforted. Jocelyn looks desperately at Luke. He nods and makes his way over to crouch down in front of the kids.
He taps Clary on the shoulder and she looks up at him with watery, bloodshot eyes. How she still has any tears left is beyond Luke. “Why all the tears, kiddo?”
“My h-hair,” Clary half-screams, half-hiccups. “It’s t-too short. It’s gonna l-look all ugly and- and everyone’s gonna laugh at me and-”
“Well, that’s just not true,” Luke interrupts, feeling a wail building up in Clary. “I think your hair looks great. Besides, short hair, long hair, doesn’t matter, you’re still the prettiest girl in the world.” When she still looks unconvinced, he turns to Jocelyn. “Joss, isn’t she the prettiest girl in the world?”
Jocely, halfway through downing her third full glass of water, looks up and nods. “The prettiest.”
“What do you think, Simon?” Luke asks.
“You’re like a princess!” Simon says to Clary, hugging her tighter.
Clary sniffles and pouts. “Liars.”
“Manners, Clary,” Luke says. “Alright, c’mere.” He scoops her up out of Simon’s arms and into his own, and walks them back over to the bathroom. He points at their reflection in the mirror. “Look at that beautiful princess with the super cool haircut.”
“I just see two boys,” Clary says, and crosses her arms again.
“Oh yeah? Well, I see myself and the sweetest, coolest, prettiest girl in the world, who I will always love.”
Clary sniffles again, thinks for a moment, cocks her head to the side to study her reflection better. “Even if her hair is super short and makes her look like a boy?”
“Even if her hair was green and had birds living in it.”
Clary laughs at that, and Luke can feel the tension seeping out of Jocelyn halfway across the loft. Clary wipes at her eyes and her nose and turns to face Luke.
“Fine,” she says. Then looks around to make sure Jocelyn’s not close, lowers her voice, and whispers, “But if anyone’s mean to me because of it, I’m telling them my dad’s a policeman and will put them in jail. You can do that, right?”
Luke stifles a grin. “Let’s talk about the legality of that tomorrow.”
They nod seriously at each other for a moment before joining the others back in the kitchen. The kids finish their snacks and Luke and Jocelyn get them ready for bed. It isn’t until long after Clary’s tucked in and dozing off, Simon sleeping on the mattress at the foot of her bed with three of her stuffed animals clutched tightly in his arms, that Luke realizes what she called him.
The funny thing is, he never brings it up, not with her and not with anyone else. It seems to be a one-time thing, a slip in the midst of her exhaustion from problems that seemed so big back then.
There never seems to be any confusion between the two of them of what their relationship is. She’s his daughter. He’s her father. Sometimes more than other times. But it hardly ever comes through in words. Not until he hears that she’s in danger and decides he doesn’t care who risks their life, so long as she’s safe. Not until she’s eighteen and going through things he can’t begin to understand and she’s begging him not to leave her. And soon after it becomes more and more common to just say it, without thinking:
“I’m just here to support my daughter.”
“It’s okay, it’s my dad!”
“I don’t care if he’s ‘ the Angel’, that son of a bitch is not getting away with what he’s done to my daughter!”
“Dad, you coming to Taki’s with us?”
And still he doesn’t bring that first instance. Hell, he doesn’t bring up any of the instances. There is no point. There is no need to point out that the sky is blue, and there is no need to point out that Clary Fairchild is and always has been Luke Garroway’s daughter.
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fraybaness · 5 years
such sweet sorrow
before she leaves, clary writes eight letters.
Dear Jace,
By the time you read this letter, my memories of you and the Shadow World will be gone.
It was the price the angels made me pay for the runes I’ve created.
It seems strange - and a bit cruel - that after everything you and I have been together, this is how we end. With me a mundane again and you reading a letter stained with tears I won’t remember crying.
But I have no regrets. These have been some of the best times of my life because of the people I was lucky enough to share them with. Because of you. You  were right to think I loved you unconditionally. I do. And I always will. No angel or demon could ever change that.
And even if I don’t remember you, you will always be in my heart.
Dear Simon,
This is really hard to say. I think it’s especially hard to say it to you, but I owe you an explanation. Well, I owe you much more than that, but this is all I can give you for now: when I created that rune today, to stop Jonathan, I made Raziel angry. So by the time you read this, I’m not going to know you’re a daylighter. I’m going to think you’re dead.
The hardest thing to come to terms with these past few hours has been the fact that I will never see you again. I can’t imagine my world without you, Simon Lewis. That can’t possibly be real. Life without you is just a horrible nightmare. But I’m going to have to face that nightmare soon, and I won’t be able to wake up. I’m just sorry that you’re going to lose a friend, too.
Please don’t do anything stupid like come looking for me or try to change this. You can’t change this. I’ve made my choice and I would make it again. Because this sucks. This really fucking sucks and I don’t think I’ve been in this much pain since my mom died but at least this time there is a point to all this pain: I saved people. I saved you. I’d give up anything to keep you safe. I wish I didn’t have to break your heart to do it, but I can’t change that, either.
I love you. I’m going to miss you. I wish we had more time.
Your Clary, always
Dearest Isabelle,
I scrapped so many drafts of this letter. I don’t know where to begin in telling you what you mean to me. Asking you to be my parabatai was supposed to be my way of telling you how much I love you and how you make me better. A better Shadowhunter, a better friend, a better person overall.
But that’s no longer a possibility, seeing as by the end of the night, I won’t remember you or this life. Apparently Raziel doesn’t approve of my rune mixing angel and demon blood.
I know. I want to be angry too. But I killed my brother this morning and my runes are already disappearing. There isn’t a lot of fight left in me.
Give ‘em hell on my behalf, won’t you?
I should end this letter now, before I go off on tangent after tangent and run out of time and realize I haven’t written to anyone else. But before I do, I just want to thank you for being the kindest, strongest, most amazing woman in the world. I’m very sorry that I will never get to call you my parabatai, but I know that in some way, our souls are already bound together.
Dear Magnus,
A part of me wanted to write this letter and give it to you before anyone else’s. Before anything became permanent. I wanted you to run after and me and tell me that we can fix this, you and me. Point out a loophole, help me come up with a solution, help me do something. But there is nothing either of us can do this time around. Which is why I really hope you didn’t find this until after your honeymoon.
At times, I think you know me better than I know myself, so I doubt there is anything I can say that you don’t already know. But let me just say: thank you. For everything. I couldn’t have done any of it without you.
With love,
Dear Alec,
If a couple months ago someone told me that I would be tearfully writing a goodbye letter to Alec Lightwood of all people on his wedding day, I would’ve laughed in their face. But that’s exactly what I’m doing right now, so I guess you were right: nothing in this world is impossible.
All jokes aside, I’m proud of how far we’ve come, both in our weird relationship and as individuals. During my time in the Shadow World, I’ve managed to build a whole new family, and you’re undoubtedly a part of that. You’ve been more like a big brother to me than my own could ever be.
I hope you and Magnus live a long and happy life together (by the way, congratulations! I can't think of a more perfect couple.) and I hope you don’t miss me driving you crazy too much. And I really hope I don’t forget the things I’ve learned from you all.
Dear Maia,
It seemed plain wrong to write to everyone but you. Truthfully, I don’t even know if you still kinda-sorta like me, or if Luke leaving the pack and you and Simon breaking up means you and I can’t be on good terms anymore. But I hope that’s not the case, because I really like you, and I don’t want you to think I’m an idiot for writing a heartfelt farewell letter to someone who hates my guts.
On the off-chance that you do, in fact, still like me, here is my heartfelt farewell letter:
I don’t know if the others told you, or if you even want to hear, but tonight is my last night in the Shadow World. By tomorrow, I won’t remember any of this, and I won’t remember any of you.
I wish you were going to be at Magnus and Alec’s wedding so we could use some of my borrowed time to get to know each other. I know it sounds like a waste, because I’m going to forget anyway, but I don’t see it that way. I mean, isn’t everyone living on borrowed time in one way or another? I wish I could use mine to do everything I’ve been putting off and get to know everyone I haven’t had a chance to.
Sorry, I’m probably being a little weird and depressing. I initially started writing this to tell you that I wish we’d hung out more, yes, but mostly to say I heard you were alpha now, and that’s how I know the New York pack is going to be just fine, and I’m more than a little disappointed that I won’t be around to see just how amazing you’re going to be.
(Also, Simon’s an idiot for letting you go.)
Sincerely (hoping this wasn’t too weird),
Dear Maryse,
I’ve recounted this in too many letters tonight, and every time I bring it up or think about it my heart hurts, but here goes: tonight, Raziel is going to take my memories and my powers. I’m going to just be Clary Fray again, and I’m not even going to know what I’ve lost.
But that’s not why I’m writing to you. I’m writing to ask you to give Luke's letter to him when he gets back, and to  say that I’m happy you’re in Luke’s life, and that you were in my life, however briefly. I’ll admit I didn’t like you very much when we first met, but seeing how much you’ve changed and how much Izzy and Alec and Jace and Luke and Magnus love you has certainly changed that. I wish the two of us had the chance to get to know each other, too.
Especially because right now, I could really use a mom.
I’m sure the others have already told you what’s happened, so I won’t waste ink and precious time going into details. I’ll just say what I need to say. The important things. Which are these: I love you more than I could possibly ever say, I want you to be happy, and you should grow your beard back.
And this: I don’t know what’s going to happen now.
It’s only to you that I can admit just how scared I am, just how badly I wish this wasn’t happening. I don’t want to break your heart any more than I already have but I don’t think I could have said (or written) this to anyone else. And I needed to say it to someone. I'm no stranger to going blindly into dark, dangerous adventures, but I still hate doing it alone.
Selfishly, I hope to see you again. I don’t know if I will even remember you in a few hours (I don’t see how I could ever forget you, but the angels have their ways, I suppose), but I can’t imagine a life without you. You have always kept me grounded in this crazy, messed-up life every day since before I can remember, and even if I’m a whole different person tomorrow, that won’t change, and neither will my love for you.
But, anyways, I didn’t mean to make this letter so depressing. All I want to say is that I love you, and I’m going to be okay, somehow, so please just live your best life and be happy, because you deserve it.
And maybe be a little proud of me? I’m trying very hard not to let anyone down today.
Dear Clary,
You’re going to be okay.
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justkillthetitan · 5 years
We all want to be Parabatai like Jem and Will but most of us are Jace and Alec calling each other bitch.
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izzymalec · 5 years
shadowhunters writers (but especially jamie gorenberg) deserve no rights
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malecficlibrary · 6 years
A Positive Result by Pameluke
Chapters: One-Shot Genre: Canon AU Length: 1K to 5K Rating: General Audience Secondary Characters: Clary Fray, Jace Wayland, Jocelyn Fairchild, Luke Garroway Secondary Pairings: Clary Fray / Jace Wayland Additional Relationships: Alec Lightwood & Jace Wayland, Magnus Bane & Jace Wayland Themes: Domesticity, Established Relationship, Family, Fluff, Kids, Magnus POV  
Jace was a menace even on his good days, and Magnus was not the most patient of men when sleep-deprived.
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hope-mikaelson · 6 years
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ladyhindsight · 1 year
hiiiiiiiiiiii, on this you said:
On the other hand, I felt really warm about Robert seeing Michael and Michael truly being the one he loved most (which is also weird because, Robert, you have children), and also on the other hand, like you said, it was just for fan service.
It's funny that you mentioned this because I consider myself the most obsessed Waywood shipper to walk on earth but before CJ announced she would include this detail (it's interesting that as I mentioned in another ask she was the one to even come up with romantic Michael/Robert in the first place and now obviously she was the one to want to include this and CC just okayed it bc why not, right) I didn't have much hope that Robert realistically would have seen Michael there. I used to have some discussions with friends about Robert and Maryse regarding that rune, and I guess it's some sort of loophole since the rune isn't much explained.
A problem in these books you have talked about before is how some characters demonstrate that their capacity of love don't have enough "room" for different relationships. I think this was somehow made better in TDA, where Julian's fierce love for his siblings is clear enough and co-exist with his love for Emma. At the same time, I believe that he would have seen Emma if he was under the effect of that rune, as his love for her is the one that would "stand out" - he wouldn't show some sort of favoritism toward one of his siblings.
But this was all several books after the rune scene. At the time, the most realistic one we know about was Jocelyn seeing Clary. Luke seeing Jocelyn also matches very much. Amatis seeing Stephen, very okay too.
Following my observation that I believe Julian would have seen Emma, I can make the stretch for Robert and figure that the rune couldn't possible make Robert choose between one of his children, so the rune goes for the love that never had any other "match"/a love that stands out and isn't "shared" with others, as the rune hardly could make someone hallucinate many people at once. That would ruin the vibe I guess.
Let's not even discuss Alec on that, please, like.... no......
No idea who Maryse would've seen, if she isn't supposed to choose between her children, there is still Robert, and maybe that would not be so weird together with Amatis seeing Stephen, the guy that left her to marry someone else, I don't know, it's not like we understand Robert and Maryse's relationship that much. There are possibilities and all, but I don't think Maryse would've seen her long-parted brother either
ANYWAY the real problem is at the core of it: the existence of the rune goes from the assumption that everyone certainly has this one special person they love the most. I have no idea of who I, or my brother, or any of my parents would have seen. This is not how love in real life works
but WHAT ACTUALLY MATTERS TO ME is that I get to use the graphic novel page of Robert seeing Michael in that scene as my phone lockscreen ❤️❤️❤️ Waywood4Ever and all that, thank you CJ
- R
CJ’s Waywood art has been rather sentimental for a relationship that didn’t prominently feature in the series. At least in that regard I think she has succeeded as an artist. I agree about your notion about Julian, and it does make sense that no one would pick favorites. Makes sense that Jocelyn saw Clary because she only had Clary and nothing could come between Jocelyn’s love for her daughter. So yeah, it’s a bit more proportional than what I casually threw out there.
But there’s also the issue I have because how does the rune affect the type of love you see? Jocelyn sees her familial love whereas Luke sees romantic love. It would definitely ruin the vibe but its function does raise questions. Maybe Maryse wouldn’t have seen her brother, because they have been apart for so long, but then again, Amatis and Luke somewhat lasted through Luke’s exile, though they don’t appear super close (but there is heavy stuff there unsaid). Max Trueblood, incidentally, is also a road not taken, since he is out there living a mundane life with a mundane spouse, totally forgotten and irrelevant. MAYBE HAVING UNPROTECTED NEPHILIM PROGENY???
But anyway, despite it being somewhat-canon-somewhat-not-canon, I did enjoy it when I first saw the panel.
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chiclet-go-boom · 2 years
So for the first time since the... middle of February? Beginning of March? It’s fucking quiet at work and I have caught up to everything I want to catch up on. So for the first time on forever I’m in hold pattern until somebody gets back to me. I haven’t had more than three minutes of downtime in MONTHS and suddenly this afternoon is just streeeetching before me like a pristine slope of downhill snow.
I could fire up my many, many WIP fanfic documents and try working on something but nah. Instead, I shall regale you with the many things I could be work on in bullet format, so that we can all admire my options.
FFVIII - Sins of the Living - Squall / Seifer This is the oldest thing I have that technically I’m still working on. I have ten chapters done out of what was envisioned as twelve so this is like, nearly over. The gap between chapters nine and ten was seventeen years though and I have people who have, in fact, had it on their subscribe list for that long. Every so often, somebody posts a comment lamenting that its not finished. I should finish it.
Shadowhunters : “parabatai thing” - Jace + Alec A little one-shot thing from Clary’s point of view on the deal between Jace and Alec. I can’t figure out the exact point I want to make at the end, so its languishing on a three-quarter build since I’m not sure what romance-crushing epiphany to end on exactly.
Shadowhunters - “morningstar” - Jace / Alec Wherein Sebastian doesn’t exist and Jace is Valentine’s one big experimental shot at fucking over the Clave and the war. Featuring graphic torture, mindbreak, feral Jace and desperately valiant Alec and enough dubious consent issues to make your pearls clutch in a fever. The sin of Eros, oh my. I wanted to channel at least a little bit of the feel of N I G H T M A R E but went wildly off track pretty quickly. I am not cut out for creeping horror, who knew? But I can write a pretty savage fight scene, giggity.
Star Wars Sequels - “twincest” - Kylo / Ben This random thing I worked out with Ben and Kylo as teenage twins, terrible parenting and a bunch of sexybad decisions made at lightspeed. Supposed to be fairly short but fell into a plot and never worked its way back to the top of the pit.
Star Wars Sequels - “future imperfect” - Kylo / Rey A modern day/magic AU idea, where Ben and Kylo are twins again but Ben sees the future and Kylo sees the past and Rey (Never A Palpatine) can find anything that’s lost and we do mean everything. Leia runs (owns) the largest single coven on the northwest coast, Snoke opposes her in the east and Luke is missing, the bastard. I had some pretty good visual scenes worked out for this, had some kickass bits with Phasma and Hux and its one of the few fics where I wrote down the world building points I didn’t want to forget about.
FFXIV - The Lighted Paths - Emet-Selch + WoL Started writing this for NaNoWriMo last year because the Meatball told me to and I was amused enough to cough up a 10k of a start before playing the game got more important than writing about it. A reworking of Shadowbringers that would bork the fuck out of Endwalker, I started wandering into romantic territory with the WoL and realized I didn’t care for it really and never floundered my way back to a throughline I preferred. Emet-Selch as vague eldritch horror, sin eaters are terrifying, and you don’t get through thirteen thousand years of mass slaughter by being overcareful with consequences.
FFXIV - “eldest sister" - Ser Aymeric / WoL I love this one in my head. POV of a pleasure house madam in Ul’dah, the WoL contracts our narrator to set up a “first night” with Aymeric before they have to leave for Gyr Albania, possibly never to return to Ishgard because the tides of fate wait for no miqo’te. Featuring a potion of Lethe, miqo’te sex and marriage rituals, a yearning WoL and Aymeric keeping his secrets close to the chest.
FFXIV - “pandora’s box” - Ser Aymeric / WoL This one is a bunch of disconnected scenes so far with a narrative thread I haven’t pulled together really, I just like thinking about it. Like Pandora, once you open the box, you can’t close it again and some things? Some things will eat you alive. The WoL punches through the acceptable limits of power and realizes to their terror that the pit waiting inside them seems bottomless: aether to fill it, aether needed to cascade into it in a waterfall of inevitability. With Haurchefant gone, the voice of love and reason, how do you ground yourself back to flesh and blood when all that you touch, you want to consume?
FFXIV - “viator” - Zenos yae Galvus / WoL Fix-it fic so that Zenos doesn’t end up gasping out his last beyond the end of stars. G’raha is not best pleased by this. Featuring cuddle-clutching for warmth, turning to your killer for comfort and making sure the dead guy understands he doesn’t get to leave you like this. Small sidebit/denouement where Zenos and the WoL reenact some of that last fight in front of witnesses back in the real world, who finally get to see what happens when the gloves comes off and mortality is more a concept than a reality for either of our best frenemies.
Merlin (BBC) - “prince of summer” - Merlin / Arthur What if the show was more medieval fantasy and less played for laughs? Featuring fairy rings, fae with teeth, Beltane, the Wild Hunt, seven lost years and childofmagic!merlin who knows more than he’s supposed to and less than he ought. Uther Pendragon’s A+ Parenting.
Harry Potter - “the open circle” - Harry / Draco The second ficthingie on this list that actually has world notes scribble down so I don’t forget. Wherein Draco doubles down on who he is and means it this time, Harry discovers what being the Master of Death really entails if you intend to stay on this side of the line and Eighth Year Hogwarts where the question comes down to: what did Lucius have in his other hand? Old Magic Is More Frightening Than You Think.
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tamquamm-alter-idem · 3 years
okay so remember all this is stuff i do when i'm bored so it lacks a lot of logic and yea 👌🏼
okay so starting w malec kids we already know rafe and max and like they're a lot older in this scenario because yk they ARE the oldest and everyone else is like atleast 4/5 years younger to them
um okay so for sizzy kids i was thinking 3 kids. like an older daughter who they named after simon's sister, rebecca, and twins (boy and girl) named luke and leia because starwars✨
for like clace kids, we know ki jace wants to have a lot of kids but i don't have the creativity for each of them so like i have 2 siblings in mind from like rebecca and the twins ka age group (like all the characters i cAmE uP WiTh are this age group mostly) so one is the elder sister and i don't have a name for her but she is a badass lesbian icon and that is all. and a brother who they named stephen (because let's be honest even though he's a terrible father he's still jace's dad) and i typically imagine him to have blond hair and green eyes?
anyway okay i have other kids because ✨
so OKAY THIS IS MY FAVOURITE FAMILY DHSJJD so like i imagine divya and diego being endgame and diego taking up the joshi name (icon) so idk i just always imagined them taking in kids. like adopting. so i had w siblings in mind, who are indian (yes and they're very swag) like not joshis? or maybe? i like to think there are other smaller indian shadowhunter families, and basically, like grace and emma, their parents died when they were young, probably by a demon, and divya takes them in blah blah blah and yea. idk names don't ask me but i think natalia and arun (?) idk
anyway aLSO i felt like in the institute we needed more kids from other families so i like to imagine like the institute took in a cartwright kid or sumn (because idk)
okay idk 👌🏼 if you read this far, I'm sorry for the headache
I love the idea of sizzy naming one rebecca but IF I MIGHT SUGGEST bw two boy twins named george and jordan? IDK IDK and like maybe a girl named maryse for izzy  JUST A THOUGHT
ALSO CLACE KIDS OMG YES THE BADASS LESBIAN is an angry redhead like her mum but also has the herondale charm tm AND loves weapons like her dad AND STEPHEN IS LIKE he LOOkS LIKE jace a lot but hes SO MUCH LIKE CLARY ( and maybe a lot like matthew because I CAN) and him and Ash become besties
 DFJSJS INDIAN KIDS YES YES YES LETS GO I LOVE THIS ONE DIEGO IS ALREADY AN ICON he would totally take his wife’s name just because AND the adopted kids might have a middle name of rocio if  diego wants it hehe and like THE JOSHIS R GONNA BE AWESOME AND BESTIES W SIZZY N CLACE KIDS Oh and yk clace’s  badass lesbian daughter she DATEs ONE OF THE JOSHIS BISEXUAL DISASTER DAUGHTER OMG her name is natalia rocio joshi and shes indian and uses she/they AND OMG IM GOING TO FAR...
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fraysbanes · 4 years
the price
Characters: Clary Fray, Luke Garroway, Jace Wayland, Simon Lewis, Isabelle Lightwood, others cameo/mentioned
Rating: G
Summary: They all want to take care of her, in their own little ways.
Warnings: mentioned past character death (which did not actually happen!)
She must have been drinking.
That’s the only explanation Clary can come up with for why she’s walking in a daze down an unfamiliar part of town. For why she can’t remember what she was doing right before, why she’s been crying, where she left her jacket. She must have been out with Simon, drank too much, lost sight of him, decided in a moment of intoxicated confidence to walk home alone, and ended up here.
And clearly, drunk Clary is an idiot, because it’s cold out and sober Clary has no fucking idea where she’s going.
She ducks into the first store she sees - a vintage little cafe that’s just about to close up - and asks the irritated-looking barista to use the phone, since drunk Clary has apparently lost that , too. The barista begrudgingly agrees and turns the landline over to her.
Clary’s first instinct is to call Simon, check in with him, see if he can give her a ride home. But he doesn’t answer, and she doubts a voicemail would do much good if he’s in a similar state to her, so she hangs up and dials Luke instead. He’s bound to go easier on her over the drinking and the losing-her-phone and the walking-home-alone than her mom is. Besides, she’s starting to recognize some of the streets she’s been walking in as being way closer to the station than her house, so if Luke’s still at work, she’s in luck.
But, of course, he doesn’t answer either. “Luke, I need a ride,” Clary says after the voicemail tone, growing antsy now. “Please, it’s urgent, can you call this number back right away?”
She hangs up and stares at the phone for a few minutes. The barista throws her a dirty look. Clary sighs and picks up the phone again, calling her mom’s number this time.
Her heart is pounding as the phone rings. She’s really not in the mood to be yelled at. But when Jocelyn, too, lets her go to voicemail, Clary realizes she would prefer yelling to the silence she’s faced with now.
A silence which she decides to fill: “Hi, mom,” she starts awkwardly. “So, uh, I’m okay and all, but I can’t find my phone, so if I’ve missed any of your calls…that’s why. It’s been kind of a weird night. And I know you’re gonna yell at me about it later, but honestly I’m a little lost and I can’t really remember how I got here and I probably just need sleep so…do you think the scolding can wait ‘til tomorrow? Anyways, I was just calling to let you know I’m safe and I should be home soon. I think the police station is nearby, so I’m gonna go fetch a ride with Luke or Vargas. So don’t be worried or anything. I’ll see you soon.”
She hangs up. The barista very deliberately flips the sign at the door from “OPEN” to “CLOSED”.
Maryse runs her fingers gently through her son’s hair as he clings to her and sobs so violently that she thinks he’s going to fall apart, break beyond repair, right there in her arms.
“It’s alright,” she says, again and again, hoping against all hope that it’s true. “It’s alright, my love, I’m here. Tell me what’s wrong.”
Shakily, he holds up a crumpled piece of paper to her.
“Oh, Clary…” Izzy whispers, voice shaking, a feeling somewhere between love and anger and regret making her chest feel tight. “What did you do ?”
Clary really only starts to feel nervous when she realizes she can’t find any familiar faces at the station. Luke isn’t there. Alaric isn’t there. Captain Vargas isn’t there. There are very few people there that she even vaguely recognizes.
“Are you lost?” a middle-aged woman in uniform asks her when she finds her way to the bench in the cafeteria that she always meets Luke at when he’s supposed to drop her off.
“Uh, no,” Clary says with a polite smile. “I’m waiting for someone.”
She knows she looks a mess and probably more than a little suspicious and out of place, but she also knows that Luke always checks his messages. That he won’t ignore a missed call or a voicemail from her. That, if nothing else, her mom will tell him where Clary said she would be and he’ll come looking for her. And everything is going to be okay.
The officer nods and leaves. A few minutes later, she comes back with a chocolate bar from the vending machine that she wordlessly places in front of Clary. Apart from that, everyone leaves Clary alone.
Until, eventually, she dozes off with her head in her arms on the table in front of her.
“So much has changed recently. I know it’s a lot to keep track of. That’s okay. I’m here to help you remember. Just look at me and listen to me, okay, Clary?
“Your mother is dead. There was a fire, your apartment burned down, and she…didn’t make it out in time. There was a funeral and you…you were crying too hard to speak. But that’s okay. Because she knew how much you loved her, and everybody knew how great she was and how proud she was of you, so it’s okay. You didn’t have to say anything at all. And Luke was there, right next to you, the whole time.
“And your best friend, Simon, he was there, too. He’s not here anymore, but that’s okay too, because what matters is that he loved you when he was here. He loved you so much , Clary. And if you believe in another life after this one, just know that wherever he is, he misses you more than you’ll ever know, and not a day goes by that he doesn’t think of you.
“Hey, please don’t cry, okay? It’s okay. It’s gonna be okay. You have a new life now. And you’re gonna be so happy. That’s what your mom and Simon want - for you to be happy. That’s all they ask. And that’s all you should focus on.
“Don’t dwell on the past. You deserve a good life, Clary Fray. Get out there and live it.”
When Clary comes to in her bed in the apartment she’s not quite done moving into yet, she’s crying.
She was dreaming of Simon.
“Ew, you shaved ?” Clary laughs as she throws her arms around Luke for quick hug when he finally makes it to the theater. She can’t remember ever seeing him without a beard before.
“Well, you moved out,” Luke says. “I wanted to make some changes, too.”
“Hell of a change.”
He looks like he’s about to say something, but stops, shakes his head. “How’s school?” he asks instead.
“Great,” she says as they make their way over to the ticket booth. “I was actually gonna tell you…I got offered a scholarship!”
“That’s amazing, kiddo! What kind of scholarship?”
“Full-ride.” They move forward with the line. “Apparently it’s a new offer from a new anonymous donors. And three months into the year? I am scarily lucky.”
“ I’m the lucky one,” Luke scoffs. “Don’t forget who was supposed to be paying your tuition, missy. Two tickets for Rogue One at 8:30 please.” He says the last part to the box office cashier, who hands them their tickets a moment later and tells them to enjoy the show.
Clary’s not sure she can, because she’s starting to remember how excited Simon had been about this movie when he watched the trailer. “Hey, now that I don’t need the tuition money, let’s go crazy on the movie snacks,” she says to Luke in an attempt to distract herself. “Or did you already blow it all on your new turtleneck collection?”She gestures at his shirt - a grey, long-sleeved turtleneck that doesn’t leave any skin exposed.
Luke’s hand flies up to his neck, almost like he’s just remembered he needs to hide something, but he quickly drops it and gives her an adoring smile.
“Like I said: I wanted to make some changes.”
Izzy’s not looking at him, but Luke knows she’s struggling to hold back tears, to keep her hands from shaking as she polishes her sword. She made this one herself when Cleophas said she could keep some of the tools.
“How is she?” Izzy asks, struggling to keep her voice steady.
“She’s good,” Luke says. “She’s happy.”
“And she really doesn’t remember m- she doesn’t remember us?”
Luke feels a sudden surge of guilt at being the only one in a position where he can be the bearer of this awful news in the first place. “No,” he tells her truthfully. “She doesn’t remember anything.”
Izzy nods. She hangs her head, and for a moment her shoulders and bottom lip begin to quiver. But then, through sheer force of will, she shakes herself and straightens up, taking in a deep breath. “It’s better this way,” she says. “It’s… she’s safe. That’s all that matters. That’s…”
“Isabelle,” Luke says softly, taking a step closer to her. She shakes her head, face turned completely away from him, trying to make them both believe that she’s okay - that any of this is okay.
When he touches her shoulder, she crumbles. A strangled noise escapes her and she turns to him, tears running free.
“It’s not fair !” she cries, and falls sobbing into his arms.
Clary hasn’t been on many dates. By extension, she hasn’t been on many bad dates. But she’s fairly sure being stood up counts as one.
She rests her chin on her hand and pouts, watching other couples and families wine and dine and dance to live music at the restaurant while she sits alone in the corner, checking her phone every 10 seconds and feeling humiliated and sorry for herself. Fuck dating apps. Fuck dating in general. She wasn’t that excited about the date anyway.
The waitress approaches her and Clary braces herself, waiting for the inevitable pitiful “will someone else be joining you, or are you ready to order?” But the waitress just sets a shirley temple and a folded napkin on the table in front of her and smiles.
“Oh, I didn’t order anything yet,” Clary says.
“I know,” the waitress winks. “It’s a gift. For ‘the lady in red’.”
Clary frowns and looks up at the waitress, even more confused than before. “From who?”
“Secret admirer.”
The waitress gestures with her head at a table across the bustling room before walking away. Clary looks in the direction she indicated, but she sees nothing. For a moment she thinks she catches a glimpse of a woman with big curly hair done up and a high-waisted black skirt, but then the woman steps through the exit and Clary loses sight of her. Most likely forever.
Some admirer, Clary thinks, but she drinks the shirley temple anyway.
Clary has her hair in a side braid and a pencil in her hand and she’s talking excitedly to one of her classmates about the piece she’s working on. Apparently she’s not focusing on realistic sketches anymore: her unfinished painting has hues of blue in short, sure brush strokes that probably convey a lot more meaning to her than they do to non-artists. But if Jace looks closely, and stops trying to make sense of it, the darker colours almost remind him of something. The Institute’s halls, the lights at Pandemonium, the water in Lake Lyn.
Clary looks up at him. Her smile widens. Jace's heart stops.
“There you are!” she cries excitedly, hopping off her stool and making her way over to where he’s standing by the door, glamoured, just so he can watch her for a moment. “I can’t believe you kept me waiting this long!”
She walks past him like he was never there, and Jace turns to watch her pull a stranger into a hug.
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fraybaness · 5 years
distressed princess
a father’s day fic for luke garroway
“ I haaaaaate it !” Clary screams, tears still spilling steadily from big green eyes. “I hate it, I hate it, I HATE IT!” She crosses her arms across her chest and stomps her foot on the ground, as if that will somehow reverse the fates.
Jocelyn sighs impatiently. The non-stop crying from the campsite through the car ride and during the entirety of the impromptu haircut has drained her. “Oh, stop,” she says, stuffing her scissors back into the bathroom drawer and ushering Clary back into the kitchen. “It’s just a bit of hair, honey.”
“No!” Clary’s hands come up to clutch at her cropped hair. “I look like a boy!”
“No, you don’t.”
“Yes, I do! I’m gonna look like a boy. I’m gonna look so ugly!”
“Hey!” Simon mutters, voice muffled by the sandwich he’s been eating as he watched the whole ordeal play out like a very sad movie.
Clary pays him no mind. “Mom, I don’t wanna look like a boy!”
“You’re don’t look like a boy,” Jocelyn says again. “And I’m sorry, Clary, but you were the one who got that marshmallow stuck in your hair. There’s nothing we can do about it now. Don’t worry, it’ll grow back soon.”
That does absolutely nothing to soothe Clary, who just scrunches up her face and begins to sob in earnest once more. Simon puts his sandwich down on the counter, hops off the chair, and runs over to give her a hug. Clary lets him, but still doesn’t seem comforted. Jocelyn looks desperately at Luke. He nods and makes his way over to crouch down in front of the kids.
He taps Clary on the shoulder and she looks up at him with watery, bloodshot eyes. How she still has any tears left is beyond Luke. “Why all the tears, kiddo?”
“My h-hair,” Clary half-screams, half-hiccups. “It’s t-too short. It’s gonna l-look all ugly and- and everyone’s gonna laugh at me and-”
“Well, that’s just not true,” Luke interrupts, feeling a wail building up in Clary. “I think your hair looks great. Besides, short hair, long hair, doesn’t matter, you’re still the prettiest girl in the world.” When she still looks unconvinced, he turns to Jocelyn. “Joss, isn’t she the prettiest girl in the world?”
Jocely, halfway through downing her third full glass of water, looks up and nods. “The prettiest.”
“What do you think, Simon?” Luke asks.
“You’re like a princess!” Simon says to Clary, hugging her tighter.
Clary sniffles and pouts. “ Liars .”
“ Manners , Clary,” Luke says. “Alright, c’mere.” He scoops her up out of Simon’s arms and into his own, and walks them back over to the bathroom. He points at their reflection in the mirror. “Look at that beautiful princess with the super cool haircut.”
“I just see two boys,” Clary says, and crosses her arms again.
“Oh yeah? Well, I see myself and the sweetest, coolest, prettiest girl in the world, who I will always love.”
Clary sniffles again, thinks for a moment, cocks her head to the side to study her reflection better. “Even if her hair is super short and makes her look like a boy?”
“Even if her hair was green and had birds living in it.”
Clary laughs at that, and Luke can feel the tension seeping out of Jocelyn halfway across the loft. Clary wipes at her eyes and her nose and turns to face Luke.
“Fine,” she says. Then looks around to make sure Jocelyn’s not close, lowers her voice, and whispers, “But if anyone’s mean to me because of it, I’m telling them my dad’s a policeman and will put them in jail. You can do that, right?”
Luke stifles a grin. “Let’s talk about the legality of that tomorrow.”
They nod seriously at each other for a moment before joining the others back in the kitchen. The kids finish their snacks and Luke and Jocelyn get them ready for bed. It isn’t until long after Clary’s tucked in and dozing off, Simon sleeping on the mattress at the foot of her bed with three of her stuffed animals clutched tightly in his arms, that Luke realizes what she called him.
The funny thing is, he never brings it up, not with her and not with anyone else. It seems to be a one-time thing, a slip in the midst of her exhaustion from problems that seemed so big back then.
There never seems to be any confusion between the two of them of what their relationship is. She’s his daughter. He’s her father. Sometimes more than other times. But it hardly ever comes through in words. Not until he hears that she’s in danger and decides he doesn’t care who risks their life, so long as she’s safe. Not until she’s eighteen and going through things he can’t begin to understand and she’s begging him not to leave her. And soon after it becomes more and more common to just say it, without thinking:
“I’m just here to support my daughter.”
“It’s okay, it’s my dad!”
“I don’t care if he’s ‘ the Angel’, that son of a bitch is not getting away with what he’s done to my daughter!”
“Dad, you coming to Taki’s with us?”
And still he doesn’t bring that first instance. Hell, he doesn’t bring up any of the instances. There is no point. There is no need to point out that the sky is blue, and there is no need to point out that Clary Fairchild is and always has been Luke Garroway’s daughter.
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ok idk if u like harry potter (either way fuck jkr) but have u thought about sh characters and hp houses? for magnus i’m torn between hufflepuff and ravenclaw, alec hufflepuff ?? maybe?? and idk for anyone else
its a weird thing because i've always hated hp, even when i was a kid, but i'm kinda interested in discussing the whole houses thing? possibly because the choice between traits is so fucking random and absurd like idk it makes for funny character analysis. so in short let's go
but also, i'll warn u that my takes on this are usually considered kinda spicy. mostly because other ppl r wrong and interpret the characters terribly i go by the canon that the house ur sorted into represents what you value the most, not necessarily what you are (which is why hermione is gryffindor and not ravenclaw for example, and if i'm not mistaken so's neville? idk idc her worldbuilding is bad) so yeah
magnus is definitely hufflepuff for me, no argument about that. like yes he is very smart but i don't think that he values knowledge/intelligence above all else. wisdom maybe, but even then, magnus' character core is and has always been kindness and loyalty. he values kindness and mutual support and community and equality. it's indisputable that he's hufflepuff for me, not only in values but in personality and actions
i like slytherin alec, first because it fits his character arc. like big racist family who loves fascism and is very traditional sounds like slytherin, and at a very young age he'd be their golden boy tbh [EDIT: ive already gotten anon hate over this so please read these posts before freaking out over this part please and thank you] so like, makes sense. but even later alec i think fits slytherin, although in a different way. family above all else, tradition, and ambition? sounds like him. he's a political shark, he's very traditional, and he's loyal as fuck to his family. i'm not against hufflepuff alec per se but i wouldnt say, even by the end of the series, that alec values kindness/community/equality above all else, tbh
raphael is hufflepuff. again, loyalty, community, kindness. i could maybe kiiiiiindaaaaa see why ppl think he fits slytherin aesthetics with his power suits and shit but also raphael is the least ambitious person in like, this entire show lmao his happy ending is literally to become a priest (like i hate the whole mundane thing but u cant argue that that's an ambitious man lol). throughout the show his whole motivation was always protecting his people and his family, and he was shown to be kind and caring even to shadowhunters. and yes okay there was the heidi plotline but like a- it made no fucking sense anyway (both for his character and just plot-wise, like, she wasn't a daylighter, why would he be after her and not simon, what the fuck) so i simply ignore it, and b- even then it doesn't define him or his values. if ppl can see hufflepuff alec when he handed meliorn over to be tortured for basically no reason and was never shown to be particularly caring beyond the people closest to him, i can say hufflepuff raphael when he continuously extended his hand to people who literally betrayed, used and tortured him
maia is hufflepuff and look i know that this sounds like "all my faves are hufflepuffs" but really tho. endlessly loyal to her pack, wants to build a family, her whole thing was always about making the downworld better and making sure her family was okay, i don't see how community and equality aren't defining values for her. "oh muh muh muh she was willing to kill ppl" there was a war going on buddy. it doesn't mean that maia isn't kind and caring. also, again, she is fierce on her ideals, which happen to be family, equality, and community (both as in the pack and the downworld as a whole, see how hard she tried to mend vamp/wolf relationships). she's a hufflepuff
meliorn is a hard one. i think gryffindor or slytherin? tbh i don't think any of the houses really super fits them because again jk's worldbuilding makes no sense like the four personality traits are kind, smart, brave, and racist there are no other ones you sjw snowflake. and okay i know that i just called slytherin the racist house but that was a joke and i can see slytherin meliorn because loyalty and tradition. not really ambitious but not not ambitious either. tbh i could make points for meliorn in all houses, i think wisdom is definitely something they seek and care about, as is bravery (they're literally a knight), as is community, as is tradition. but also i could see them being like "hey sorting hat put me in slytherin i'm a 'mudblood' they're gonna be super pissed". and going there just to be defiant. but no actually i changed my mind completely, they're ravenclaw. i think wisdom and temperance are what they seek the most, because they want to be a good leader/asset for their people. which kinda circles back to hufflepuff but still.... wisdom. i think it suits them
simon is another hard one for opposite reasons like i don't think he truly fits any of the houses? like meliorn fits them all simon fits none. i know ppl always go with hufflepuff simon cuz they think hufflepuff is the dork house and simon is an anxious bean but fuck that noise, hufflepuff isn't the dork house, it's the house for those who believe in mutual aid and support and equality and that's literally canon, hufflepuff existed because it was the only hogwarts founder who believed that everyone had equal right to education. hufflepuff is a fierce house of sjws and people who want to change the world for the better and YES i am aware that for someone who thinks harry potter sucks i sure have strong opinions about it. but that's the thing like there are so many interesting places jk rowling could've gone and instead she chose to write the most superficial shit ever. anyway my point is that hufflepuff is not the dork house so i'm not gonna sort simon there just because he's a dork. but anyway i wouldnt say that he particularly values any of the house's traits. maybe ravenclaw for creativity? or gryffindor because clary is there and he's like "please sorting hat do me a solid" lol
which okay i guess leads me to clary. definitely gryffindor. bravery with a side of recklessness is definitely her thing. she is fierce and she is proud of it. no argument about that
j@ce is also gryffindor in the most annoying obnoxious way. he's just like man i sure like violence watch me prove how macho i am and the sorting hat is like oh no it's one of those gryffindors
izzy.... i can see gryffindor cuz again bravery and just again fits her character arc as she would go there specifically as a fuck you to the lightwood's traditional slytherin shit. but really tho, ravenclaw. she values knowledge, she is hungry for it, she wants to see the world and learn and invent and create you know?? so like yeah ravenclaw
cat.... either ravenclaw or hufflepuff? she just cares about people as a whole but also about wisdom and knowledge so could go either way imo
ragnor... man i really have no idea for ragnor. again aesthetic fits slytherin but is he actually proud, ambitious, cunning? i don't think so. fucking ravenclaw maybe? just like "yes i value knowledge very much now put me in the nerd house where people will leave me alone" lol. ok tho ravenclaw it is
madzie... gryffindor? idk she seems like she would want to have adventure. it's so hard to do this for sh minor characters when their personality was basically based on the shape of the writer's poop that day tbh
camille is slytherin because duh and if we really wanna do a h*gwarts au for some reason, it adds some angsty juices as magnus once again falls in love with a slytherin and doesn't know how to open up and trust (once he meets alec, i mean)
luke is ravenclaw methinks. i guess could have been slytherin because character arc as shadowhunter but like... he's just a wise and caring figure. i could see hufflepuff but i think his thing is less equality/community and more family, but post-sh luke doesn't exactly fit "proud, ambitious, cunning" either. so yeah methinks ravenclaw. same for alaric i guess
who else exists lmao. i feel like i'm forgetting somebody but idk who so i guess i'll reblog or edit if i think of someone elsIT WAS DOT okay so i think either hufflepuff or ravenclaw. kinda hard because her whole personality was "cares about clary" so idk but like loyalty and care seem like character traits that suit her? also she was knee deep in trauma and still cared about helping magnus so... yeah hufflepuff
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