#raay reblog
self-spaghettification · 10 months
All sightings of this symbol so far
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Aaravos’s hood (season 2)
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both end credits from s5. left appears to be a celestial elf. (5x04) right is 5x09
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the book with the infantis sanguine spells. “It’s one of the old spells.” (5x09)
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mirror breaking in the same pattern. (4x04) ( @raayllum post)
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back side of the coins (5x01) (thank you @its-leethee !!)
this is the symbol for deep magic actually!
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thank you! @ok12857
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imaginestevetony · 4 years
For people reading Read All About It, I have a question. Or anyone who can help.
Would it still be okay for me to continue using Chadwick Boseman's pictures as T'challa/Black Panther?
I'm honestly stuck on that part. Foremost I want to honor Chadwick's memory so I don't want to come off as insensitive if I will use his pictures on my edits.
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jelzorz · 3 years
So... Raayllum is the acct that is bad and has been harassing you?
What, no? @raayllum and I are really good friends. The guy who's been bugging me has been bugging them too. The initial link you see in that post is a rebuttal @raayllum wrote in response this guy's claim that rayla doesn't respect Callum. You'll notice that they reblogged their own post instead of the one raay responded with from a different blog bc raay blocked the first.
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jokersfangirl84 · 5 years
I was tagged by @punk-courtesan (thank you!) I’m starting a new thread so as to not reblog a huge post. Here’s me.
1.). I'm 35 years old and still a virgin. Seriously. Never married. No children. (Please don't ridicule me!)
2.). I have a long haired Persian cat named Layla who is my child. LOL. I have had her 10 years, since she was a kitten.
3.) I love to write stories. It's been a hobby of mine since I was about 10 or 11. I used to write stories for my friends in school about them and their crushes. The longest story I wrote was 137 pages. BY HAND. Most of my stories i write by hand.
4.) I'm very socially awkward, especially around guys that I find attractive. I'll say hello but I'm not good at starting conversations. I'm normally a very quiet person. I usually don't speak unless spoken to. Once I get to know you though I become more talkative and relaxed.
5.) I love to laugh. I laugh at the silliest, simple things. I love inappropriate humor. I love being around people who make me laugh.
6.) I love music. Pretty much any kind of music but I absolutely love country. Ever since I was really little I've been a fan of country music. I listen to music when I get ready for work, when I'm cleaning, when I'm bored, when there's nothing I want to watch on TV. When I'm showering. I can't fall asleep without my stereo on.
I can't wait to hear about you guys! @nothing-but-a-comedy @lady-carnivals-stuff @arthurskitten @callmejokerr @lavenderheartz @mur-raay @clown-prince-of-pussy @joker-flecked-me @jaylovesbats @joaquinscircletattoo
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raayfrancylives · 6 years
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♡ o hey, so I got my first stylus last month on a whim. and I gotta admit, initially, learning how to translate my stilo into digital art was a trip.. it was frustrating at times, confusing and sometimes disappointing. but the more I’ve messed with it and experimented, the more it is becoming inspiring. ♡ any and all feedback is welcome! if you’d like to support, please reblog or ♡ ~! these might be for sale as framed prints someday soon, I’m mostly just proud and wanted to share it w ya’ll. (ꃋ‿ꃋ) ♥ thank u so much! ~ raay ψ francy
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alice1290 · 4 years
Frantically searching for that ONE specific post. Accidebtally clicks something that makes you return to the beginning halfway down. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- Gives up, goes ALLLLLLLLL the way down. Scrolls slowly up it. Stops to check out other posts. Found it. YES! YEEEEEEEEEEES! GUUUURL I SPENT ALMOST AN HOUR ON THIS! SCREEEECH OF HAPPINESS!
Good morning lovely. 😊 I’m not exactly sure what you were looking for but, I’m going to assume it wasn’t a regular or event request as all of those are found on my Masterlist. So that leaves reblogs, my randomness, sleepover weekend stuff, or RAAI snippets. 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️
Either way, I’m glad you found it. 😉 and you gave me a good giggle and a smile this morning.
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