#old magic symbol? blood magic symbol? who knows
self-spaghettification · 10 months
All sightings of this symbol so far
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Aaravos’s hood (season 2)
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both end credits from s5. left appears to be a celestial elf. (5x04) right is 5x09
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the book with the infantis sanguine spells. “It’s one of the old spells.” (5x09)
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mirror breaking in the same pattern. (4x04) ( @raayllum post)
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back side of the coins (5x01) (thank you @its-leethee !!)
this is the symbol for deep magic actually!
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thank you! @ok12857
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noahsresources · 1 year
send an emoji/description of emoji to learn more about a writer's oc! many of these are taken from my munday asks meme, because i thought it would be fun to make a version for characters too! the prompts are categorized by emoji type and given descriptions in case anyone can't see the symbols. can be used for roleplayers and any general writers alike! for roleplayers, these can also be used for your interpretations of canon characters if you so desire as well!
𝐎𝐁𝐉𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐒. 💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)? 🚗 CAR — does your oc have a driver's license? can they drive/operate any automobiles/machinery besides cars? ✈️ AIRPLANE — does your oc like traveling, or do they consider themselves a more homey person? 🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies? 💍 RING — does your oc have any piercings? do they want any (more) piercings? 🖊️ BALLPOINT PEN — does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos? 📚 BOOKS — what level of education has your oc most recently completed/is currently in (GED, undergraduate, grad school, phd, etc)? 🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)? 🩹 ADHESIVE BANDAGE — does your oc have any physical and/or mental disabilities? 🩸 DROP OF BLOOD — what is your oc's blood type?
𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐁𝐎𝐋𝐒. 🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often? 💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know. 💤 SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits? 🔱 TRIDENT EMBLEM — can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming? 🔺 RED TRIANGLE POINTED UP — does your oc know how to use any weapons? 🔶 LARGE ORANGE DIAMOND — does your oc know cpr? do they have any other medical expertise? 🚫 PROHIBITED — does your oc drink/smoke? do they do it regularly, or is it more on occasion or for special events?
𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄. 🌈 RAINBOW — what is your oc's sexual orientation/gender identity? what pronouns do they use? 🎄 CHRISTMAS TREE — what is your oc's favorite holiday? 🐶 DOG FACE — does your oc have any pets? 🐈 CAT — does your oc prefer a wide circle of friends or a few close friends? 🐷 PIG FACE — what is your oc's favorite animal? 🐉 DRAGON — what is your oc's favorite mythical creature? 🍃 LEAVES FLUTTERING IN WIND — what is/was your oc's favorite subject in school? 🌴 PALM TREE — does your oc have a green thumb? do they enjoy gardening? 🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒. ❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc's positive traits? 🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits? 💔 BROKEN HEART — what are three of your oc's negative traits? 💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them? 🧡 ORANGE HEART — does your oc tend to prioritize family or friends? 💛 YELLOW HEART — how many languages does your oc speak? what language(s) are they learning, if any? 💚 GREEN HEART — does your oc prefer being inside or outside? 💙 BLUE HEART — does your oc have any cool/special powers and/or abilities? how are they with magic, if it exists in their world? 💜 PURPLE HEART — what is your oc's ancestry/genetic background? 🖤 BLACK HEART — has your oc killed or seriously wounded anyone before? have they broken someone's heart and/or broken someone's trust?
𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐒. 🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE — when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs? 🍝 SPAGHETTI — what is/are your oc's favorite food(s)? 🍰 SHORTCAKE — what is/are your oc's favorite sweet(s)/dessert(s)? 🍦 SOFT ICE CREAM — what is/are your oc's favorite ice cream flavor(s)? 🍔 HAMBURGER — is your oc good at cooking? are they good at baking? which one do they prefer? 🥯 BAGEL — what does your oc's typical breakfast look like? do they usually eat breakfast? 🥪 SANDWICH — what does your oc's typical lunch look like? do they usually eat lunch? 🍛 CURRY AND RICE — what does your oc's typical dinner look like? do they usually eat dinner? 🍸 COCKTAIL GLASS — what is your oc's favorite alcoholic drink, if they can drink? ☕️ HOT BEVERAGE — does your oc prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? how do they like to take this drink (ex. coffee with milk, hot chocolate with whipped cream, a specific kind of tea, etc)?
𝐏𝐄𝐎𝐏𝐋𝐄. 😊 SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES — what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life? 😖 CONFOUNDED FACE — is your oc an introvert, an extrovert, or an ambivert? do they let people in easily, or are they more reserved? 🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms? 🧐 FACE WITH MONOCLE — is your oc more logical or emotional? 🤓 SMILING FACE WITH GLASSES — is your oc chatty or quiet? are they at ease in social situations, or are they more shy? 🤩 FACE WITH STARRY EYES — is your oc a planner, or are they more spontaneous in their actions? 😥 SAD BUT RELIEVED FACE — is your oc prone to getting stressed out, or is it easy for them to keep their cool? 😓 DOWNCAST FACE WITH SWEAT — is your oc open-minded or stubborn? are they inquisitive or do they prefer to keep to their bubble of knowledge? 😞 DISAPPOINTED FACE — does your oc attract others, or do they tend to be left alone? 🤒 FACE WITH THERMOMETER — does your oc get sick easily? 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 FAMILY WITH MOTHER, FATHER, SON AND DAUGHTER — how many people are in your oc's immediate family? how many people are in your oc's extended family? do they have aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc? who in their family are they closest with? are they close with their birth family, or do they have a found family?
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evilminji · 8 months
You know what Damian deserves?
A Grand Chunibyo Epic Drama Romance of his very own. Something to REALLY make his parents wince and take a good, long look in the mirror. Because... YEP. Yep that's definitely Their Son all right.
They suddenly feel like they should apologize to several long suffering individuals.
Damian needs to meet a Fellow Dramatic, Too Serious, Feral Gremlin, "I AM The Heir Apparent! My Blood Is Mighty And My Heritage Noble!" Little NERD? Someone who matchs him, beat for beat, with all the flamboyant Stabby Drama and rooftop dramatic chase scenes of his parents but now?
With Ghost Powers!
Because she is a PRINCESS. In search of someone Worthy(tm) of her Hand(tm). Not because her DAD told her too, obviously, no no. She overheard some of the Ancients talking about how that's how THEY got married. And knows that princesses usually get spouses chosen for them. So SHES gonna chose!
Perfect plan.
And who BETTER? Then the Blood Son of... THE BAT*dramatic musical sting*! Prove yourself, Robin! *lunges with a blade!*
Obviously, love at first dramaticly back-lit monologs followed by sword fight and dramatic escape. She's a formidable opponent.
But? Who IS she? This dramatic Chunibyo WEEB of a child? She! Is Danny's SECOND Clone Daughter. It was discovered? The only way to truely, PERMANENTLY, stabilize Dani? Was to get cells from a stable Clone.
Meaning one that WASNT rapidly aged.
Danny was... conflicted. He was against creating a kid JUST for giving medical aid to his other kid. But? He WASN'T so against the idea of having a kid? Like... a baby. Doing Dad Stuff. Cause... cause he wasn't 14 anymore. He's just graduated college. Has a stable job.
Dani suggested they go for it. But only if they were sure it wouldn't hurt the kiddo.
And it didnt!
She was and is PERFECT. The light of their lives. A delightfully ghost raised little Stabby Feral Honey Badger Gremlin of a young lady! But she's ALSO? Missing! And Danny, king of the Infinte Realms, is Losing His SHIT.
Dramaticly martial arts fighting in the rain, DUH dad! She has to defeat the boy she likes, drop a symbolic gift at his feet, then leave with a cryptic but Cool And Meaningful Statement! You wouldn't GET IT, you're so OLD!
Dick blames Bruce for this. You see this? Do you Bruce? This is YOUR genetics at play! You added AL GHUL DRAMA to your nonsense and now he's discovered dating!! Look at him! He's pining! Dramaticly training in early hours! He's gotten JON involved!
Just? Let JLA Dark have FUN for once. Let them see THE princess of basicly EVERYTHING... harrasing Batman... by trying to date his obviously willing son... and just go "Read at 12:37" sorry Bruce! Looks like they're out of the office! Doing.... uuuuh.... MAGIC STUFF *sounds of popcorn being popped* YEP! Maaaagic! He he he >:D
@lolottes @ailithnight @nerdpoe @hdgnj @hypewinter @mutable-manifestation
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regal-bones · 1 year
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The Caldera Calvaria, of bloodied metal and stolen crown 👑🔥 “Mockery. Domination. Control. The Skullblades were more than just weapons. They were symbols. They showed that anything, even gods, could be killed. These weapons are relics, older than our history, from when dragons still ruled The Continent. The wars between the Auramics and the tyrannical lords of magic spanned eons - this was the time of ancient legend, before the golden tendrils ensnared the land, before the great palace in the north was built, and blood spilt into molten silver. They fought for that wild, brilliant power the dragons held close to their breast, that shifting entity that they eventually forged their empire with over their rivals scaly corpses.  When a dragon was finally killed, when man conquered nature itself, driving its shimmering blade into the beasts beating heart, their body was repurposed, and changed. A sharp, shallow knife to peel away the skin, precise cuts into tender flesh. Meat and scales pushed aside until thick fingers gripped the beasts skull, their thumb deep within its eye socket. They would change it then. Shift it to their whim - bone to gold, dirty teeth left gleaming into the light of the forge. And of course, that one singular eye. Like an artists signature, the Auramic eye was moulded into the centre of the skull. The old face forgotten, warped like warm clay to leave room for this twisted perfection.  Encrusted with gems from their hoard and infused with its stolen breath, the sword became a tomb, a regal headstone, and would likely find itself again surrounded by familiar blood, deep within the chest of its old kin.  Now, no one knows where they are. Some say the Skullblades are sealed within a vault in the depths of Palace Regalia. Others think they are hidden throughout The Continent, waiting to give unwitting travellers power more than they can manage, and angry, bitter dreams. We can only hope these ancient giants are well at rest, and that nothing, not vengeance or rage, will wake them from their slumber.”
A Skullblade - a relic of the Auramic history. I hope the people who have been following the lore of the Curated Curios universe for the past few years (if u guys are out there!) like this one. A very important and powerful weapon. There are more skulls out there - perhaps we will see this blade’s siblings one day.
Yesterday’s sword!
You can support me on Patreon for £1 and help me make stuff like this!
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jessybarnes · 1 year
Forbidden Love
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Severus Snape x Reader
Rating: 18+ Only
Word count: Over 5k
Tags: Acromantula, mentions of blood, death of a mythical creature, gore, angst, fluff, smut, bullying, broken bones, hippogriffs, unicorns, fluffy, centaurs, syringes, major character injury, near-death experience, age gap, teacher/18-year-old student relationship, unprotected sex, fingering, begging, forced reveal of feelings, forbidden forest, family drama, and I think that’s it.
Beta: @winecatsandpizza
A/N: This is a repost from one of my old Tumblr accounts. I altered the timeline a little to make this flow better. I realize that Gilderoy lost his memory during the Chamber of Secrets era. I also realize that Severus didn't take on the DADA teaching position until Harry's 6th year. I just wanted to make that clear for everyone. :) Enjoy! 
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"Hmm…difficult, very difficult. Mmm yes, lots of ambition and very loyal too. A hint of creativity, but you seem to mask it well with your bravery...”
As the sorting hat’s voice echoed throughout the Great Hall, your mind began to flood with the past week’s events. 
It was the day after your eighteenth birthday when you discovered your Hogwarts letter. Your grandmother had been a great witch and even taught at Hogwarts after she finished her seventh year. From the moment you were born, she knew you were destined for good things. Your parents had forbidden her from using magic around you and even went so far as to hide your letter of acceptance on your eleventh birthday. It wasn’t until you were going through some of your childhood toys in the attic that you came across it. 
The letter was stuck to the back of an old photo album, and the writing had nearly faded completely. You ran your fingers over the yellowing parchment, the tip of your index finger raising slightly as it slid over the sealing wax. You recognized the symbol immediately. Your grandmother had it all over her house, and you’d thought it to be your family’s crest. The wax gave way easily and you pulled the letter out as carefully as you could. Your heart began to race and your breath caught in your throat. The letter was for you! You had been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 
You blinked and brought yourself back to reality, the hat seemed to be finishing up his assessment.
“...better make it...Slytherin!”
The table full of students to the far right of the hall erupted in cheer as you walked towards them. You took your seat and after the rest of the first years were sorted into their houses, the Headmaster approached the podium. He raised his hands and without saying a word, the whole room went silent. 
“Welcome! Welcome, everyone! It is my great pleasure to start off a new school year with a few minor changes. As many of you know, Gilderoy Lockhart is no longer capable of teaching. It seems a memory charm backfired and he’s lost all memory of who he is. Be that as it may, I am very pleased to announce that our own Severus Snape will be the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.”
Your eyes scanned the teachers at the head table and stopped when they landed on a man who looked slightly younger than the others. He stood and nodded ever so slightly before taking his seat again. Your gaze lingered on him as Professor Dumbledore continued on with his speech.
“Thus it’s only fitting that the one and only Professor Horace Slughorn takes Severus’ place as Potions teacher.”
Another professor stood up from the table and smiled as a round of applause reverberated off the walls.
“Now that we’ve determined who will be teaching what subject, I have an additional announcement to make. All students will refrain from entering the forbidden forest. Anyone who isn’t experienced enough to handle themselves will most certainly die a very horrible death. Now, without further interruption, let the feast begin!” 
With a wave of his hand, the empty plates filled with a delicious-looking meal. You ate quietly as the other Slytherins talked and carried on. Every so often, you turned to look at the mysterious man with the all-black attire. Mysterious didn’t even begin to describe him. Even though it wasn’t classified as magic, you had always found yourself skilled in reading people.
He looked particularly confident, his shoulder-length, black hair bouncing slightly as he talked amongst the other teachers. There was just something you couldn’t quite put your finger on. Was it pain? The very moment you thought the word to yourself, his eyes snapped up to yours. Horrified that you were caught staring, you quickly turned your attention to your plate. Had he read your mind? 
Deciding not to dwell on it any longer, you continued eating your meal thinking about the new chapter in your life. Though you didn’t know much about Hogwarts and the world of magic, you did know that this house, in particular, had a bad reputation. Your grandmother was a Ravenclaw, and would sometimes divulge knowledge about the other houses. The one thing you remembered about Slytherin was that its founder believed only certain people should be allowed to attend this school and practice magic.
You were the farthest thing from being a pureblood. In fact, you were what other witches and wizards would call a Muggle. That was another thing you learned from your grandma. Muggle was a term used to describe someone who had non-magic blood, or the less liked derogatory name, mud-blood. The fork in your left hand scraped across your plate as you pushed your food around aimlessly.
Why on Earth would the sorting hat put you in Slytherin? 
Soon, dinner was over and the prefects led the students back to their respective common rooms. You followed the other female students to the girl’s dormitory and found your trunk and owl had already been brought in. Nova chirped and tilted her head when she saw you, and you couldn’t help but giggle.
“Miss me already, sweetheart? Well, I missed you too.”
The soft feathers on her head slid between your fingers while you talked to her. Even though she didn’t talk back, it was always nice to feel like someone was listening. 
You settled on your bed and began drawing in your sketchpad as the other girls in your room talked amongst themselves. Their conversation hardly registered with you, your focus solely on the drawing of Nova you were currently working on. It wasn’t until one of the other girls tapped you on your shoulder that you noticed they were talking to you.
“Hellooo? Were you even listening to us?”
You set your sketch pad next to you on the bed and looked up at the three girls staring at you intently.
“S-Sorry, I didn’t realize you were talking to me. I was um … I was focused on my drawing.” 
The girl closest to you rolled her eyes and huffed impatiently.
“I said, why aren’t you eleven like the other first years?”
There it was, the question you knew would be asked eventually. You just didn’t think you’d have to answer it this soon.
“My um… Well, I suppose it’s because my parents hid my acceptance letter from me.”
The one with the blonde hair began to laugh.
“Why that’s absurd. Why anyone would hide a Hogwarts letter from their child is beyond me. Unless… wait… are you, not a pureblood?”
A sudden feeling of shame overtook you and your gaze wandered to your lap, a loose string on your blanket became instantly more interesting.
“I-I… Well, no… I’ve got non-magic parents actually.”
The third girl scoffed.  “Daphne, can you believe they let scum like this into our house?”
Blondie, who you presumed to be Daphne, snatched your sketchbook off the bed and tore it in two, and laughed. “Serves her right. Mud-bloods don’t belong in Slytherin.”
She drew her wand and pushed the tip into the skin of your throat making your whole body quake in fear.
“Listen up you vile little wretch, you’d better not lose us any house points if you value your life at all. Understand?” 
Tears pricked your eyes as you nodded quickly. “Y-Yes… Yes, I-I understand.”
She removed her wand and the two other girls followed close behind as they left the room. Closing your eyes, you took a few deep breaths trying to slow the rapid beating of your heart. A few minutes later, you let out a shaky breath and began to clean up the remnants of your sketch pad. Luckily, this was a brand new one and Daphne hadn’t torn up anything too valuable. 
Once you were finished, you slipped on your shoes and held out your arm to Nova. She chirped happily and sidestepped to your shoulder. Staying in your room anywhere near the other Slytherin girls was the last thing you wanted to do, so you decided to explore the castle grounds a little before bed. After all, it was only Friday night, and classes didn’t start for another two weeks. 
The crisp, fall air licked at your skin the moment you stepped out into the courtyard. It felt good to breathe the fresh air and you suspected that Nova felt the same. She immediately took flight and let out a happy screech. Part of you envied her. Being able to soar as high as the clouds away from all the negativity was something you could only dream of doing. 
You wandered around the castle grounds until you spotted a hut nestled at the edge of a tree line. The stone exterior and the pointed roof reminded you of the fairytales your parents used to read as bedtime stories when you were little. Light grey smoke billowed out of the chimney and you could faintly hear someone humming. Curiosity got the better of you, and you soon found yourself at the foot of the steps. 
Before you could knock, the front door swung open and none other than Hagrid looked down at you.
“Why ‘ello there, lass! Teh what do I owe yeh the pleasure?”
You’d only known him for a few hours, but you could tell that Hagrid had a big heart and good intentions.
“I just needed some fresh air that's all. Things are… a bit much in my house.”
Hagrid studied you as you spoke. It didn’t take a genius to know something was bothering you, and he saw right through the fake smile plastered on your face.
“Why don’t yeh come in fer a spot of tea? I can tell something is troublin’ yeh.” 
It became a sort of routine, the evenings you’d spend with the Hogwarts groundskeeper. After Hagrid had learned the way the other Slytherins were treating you, he’d made it clear that you could spend the night in his spare room any time you needed to. You insisted on paying him for his hospitality, but he always refused. All he had ever asked in return was help taking care of the mythical creatures. Most would probably view it as a chore, but you found it extremely therapeutic. 
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Friday evening before school started, you noticed Hagrid was missing from the teacher’s table. After dinner, you jogged along the path to his house and noticed the lights inside his hut were off.
Hmm...that’s weird, you thought to yourself.
Normally, he’d be making a pot of tea right about now. Tentatively, you walked up the steps and lightly knocked on his door.
“Hagrid? Hey, are you home? It’s Y/N…” You tried the door, and it opened easily. “Hagrid? I’m coming in…”
Fang peeked at you over his paw and yawned lazily. Other than the glow of the fire, nothing showed signs that he was home. As quietly as you could you walked to the back towards his bedroom. There, wrapped up in blankets and looking beyond miserable, was the half-giant himself. 
“Oh, Hagrid… what’s the matter? You look like you feel awful.”
He coughed and sneezed a few times before blowing his nose into a hankey. His skin was clammy, and he looked like he hadn’t slept in days.
“I’m sick, lass. Yeh shouldn’t come near me if ye know what’s good fer ya.”
Out of instinct you put the underside of your wrist against his forehead and grimaced.
“Hagrid, you’re burning up! Come on! We have to get you to Madame Pomfrey.” 
You helped him stand and carefully started to lead him toward the castle. It took nearly fifteen minutes, but finally, you were able to get him to the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey motioned to a bed and helped you lay him down. She insisted that she keep him overnight so she could monitor him, but Hagrid was having none of it.
“No! Absolutely not! I can’t stay ‘ere overnight. Who’ll feed Fang an all me other beasts? Buckbeak ain’t the nicest Hippogriff when he’s missed a meal yeh know.” 
Your hand came down to cover his as you looked him in the eyes.
“Hagrid, please...stay here and let Madame Pomfrey take care of you. I’ll take care of feeding them tonight, okay? It’s not like I haven’t helped you make your rounds for the past week and a half.”
The groundskeeper sighed with defeat and nodded.
“Alright Y/N, I’ll stay an let yeh take care o’ my pets, but yeh have ta promise me you’ll be careful.” 
You gave him a soft smile and stood to smooth out your robes. “Don’t worry, Hagrid. I’ll be quick and efficient just like you taught me. I even made myself a list so I remember which animal eats what as well as where they’re all located. I’ve got this!”
Before he could change his mind, you hurried out of the room and back to his hut to grab what you needed. According to the list, you had five different species to feed tonight. The unicorns, Buckbeak the hippogriff, Fluffy the three-headed dog, the centaurs, and Aragog the acromantula.
None of these mythical beasts ever acted like they were harmful, but they weren’t to be taken lightly either. Not to mention you were with Hagrid every time you’d fed them before. After loading up the bags with their food, you made sure you had your wand before approaching the edge of the forest. It didn’t matter what time of day it was, the shadow from the trees always made the forest dark and a thin layer of mist lingered near the forest floor. 
Fluffy was first on your list. His doghouse was about fifty feet within the forest. Brandishing your wand, you cast Lumos Maxima and took the trail to the west. A few minutes later, you could hear light snores echoing off the trees. Making sure you had the three slabs of meat at the ready, you whistled to get the giant beast’s attention. 
"Fluffy! I got you some dinner!"
The dog's left head yawned enthusiastically and you couldn't help but chuckle.
"Alright, that's enough sleeping. It's time for some yummy meat!"
The middle head began to growl and bare its teeth at you while the one on the right shook its head back and forth violently.
"There we go, nice and easy…" You slowly got closer and gently set the slabs of meat within his reach before backing off." 
You stuck around long enough to make sure he saw the food and then walked north towards the part of the forest where unicorns made their homes. It surprised you to learn that they preferred witches over wizards. Hagrid had told you that they were very fast, so much so that they could outrun a werewolf. 
Instead of trying to seek them out, he set up feed pails around their homes and filled them with food. As you were filling the pails, you saw a golden blur out of the corner of your eye. It startled you at first, but then you remembered Hagrid telling you that unicorn fouls were gold in color. 
Staying completely still, you waited until it poked its head out from behind the tree.
"Hi, sweetheart. You want some food?"
At the mention of food, the foul whinnied and slowly approached your outstretched hand. It broke your heart that these beautiful creatures were nearly extinct. You gave light scratches to the tufts of fur behind its ears, the serene moment nearly making you forget where you were. 
After hand-feeding the baby for a few minutes, you quickly filled the rest of the pails before heading towards the centaurs. Hagrid always made sure you remembered how proud the centaur breed was. They didn't like to be classified as "beasts" along with thestrals, merfolk, or werewolves. They also ate both human and equine food. 
It was a good thing you remembered to grab both types. You didn't want to upset them at all, let alone do so without Hagrid around to protect you. As you approached their den, a familiar face came to greet you.
"Good evening, Y/N."
Firenze stood tall as he looked down at you, his unwavering gaze making you a bit nervous.
"H-Hey! Sorry, it took me a bit to get here. Hagrid isn't feeling well, and I had to take him to the hospital wing." 
The creature nodded and uncrossed his arms.
"That's quite alright. I see you brought my colony dinner."
You offered a smile and held out two big knapsacks of food. "I did! I wasn't sure what you would prefer so I came bearing a variety of things...I-I hope that's okay."
Firenze chuckled and placed one of his large hands on your shoulder. "That's very kind of you, Y/N. Please give Hagrid my best. I do hope he recovers quickly."
With a nod and a wave, you watched him until he was out of sight. 
Adjusting the bag on your shoulder, you turned east and walked in the direction of the area Buckbeak frequented. You’d come to love the Hippogriff ever since Hagrid introduced you to him. It only took you about five minutes to navigate the trail before you could hear the excited bleats coming from a group of trees. Making sure to stop the moment you crested the hill, you made eye contact with Buckbeak and bowed low.
The Hippogriff turned and tilted its head momentarily and then bowed in return. You took the dead ferrets out of the bag and tossed them in the air for him to catch. When you ran out he nudged the side of your face and chirped happily.
“Yes, I love you too, Beaky. You’re a good boy!”
Kissing his beak sweetly, you bade him goodnight and walked south toward the heart of the forest. Time to feed the final species on your list.
Even though they were capable of human speech, acromantulas were the one beast you had a fear of. As you approached Aragog’s lair, hundreds of tiny spiders crawled on the ground next to you. Taking a few deep breaths to compose yourself, you crept into the pitch-black den with your senses on high alert. At the heart of it sat the beast himself.
“Who dares to come into my home?”
With a shaky hand, you reached into your bag and quickly pulled out a dead fox as an offering. 
“A-Aragog? It’s um…it’s Y/N, the one who has been coming with Hagrid to feed you. I have umm… I have some birds and foxes for you.”
The large arachnid stalked closer to you, its eyes like black holes as it seemed to stare into your soul.
“Yes… the young fleshy girl who claims to be a friend of Hagrid. Tell me, where is my keeper? What have you done to him?” 
The hairs on the back of your neck stood on end and your fight or flight instincts began to kick in.
“I-I-I didn’t do anything to him. He… he isn’t feeling well and I told him I’d come and bring you dinner…”
You hadn’t realized you were backing up until your heel caught a crooked root poking through the ground. Pain shot through your ankle as you fell against the floor of the den. Aragog clicked his fangs together and you flinched as his voice boomed around you angrily.
“I don’t believe you! I’ve known Hagrid for over fifty years, and not once has he missed a feeding!”
As graceful as your sprained ankle would allow, you scrambled to your feet and dumped the dead birds and foxes on the ground in front of you.
“H-Here’s your food… I… I’m just gonna go…”
The venom from his fangs began to drip on the ground as he moved even closer to you.
“Go? Oh, I don’t think so, friend of Hagrid. Those foxes and birds may sate my son's and daughter's hunger, but they won't satisfy me."
Ignoring the throb in your injured foot, you clambered out of the den as fast as you could. Branches swatted you in the face as you sprinted toward Hagrid's hut. Aragog was hot on your heels as the castle grounds became more and more visible. Just a few more feet and you'd be safe. 
A rotted tree trunk caught your eye, but it was too late for you to avoid it. You hit the ground with a sickening thud, your wrist that broke your fall was surely broken. Turning to face the fastly approaching acromantula, you pleaded for him to stop.
"Aragog, please! ….I...I didn't do anything to Hagrid… please don't hurt me!" 
The giant spider loomed over you, its fangs clicking together violently.
"Goodbye, friend of Hagrid…"
You let out a blood-curdling scream as its pincers tore into your flesh, the moonlight fading away until you slipped into unconsciousness. 
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Nights were usually the time Severus took to think. It was his free time, save for the occasional disobedient student wandering the corridors. He'd just walked past the open courtyard when a small owl flew down to land on his shoulder.
"Get off me you insolent bird!"
It let out a screech and circled him before settling on his other arm. 
"Merlin’s beard, what is it that you want?!"
Just as he was about to send it away, he noticed a small charm bracelet attached to the owl's left leg. Curious, he cast Lumos and read the inscription. 
Name: Nova Jane
Property of: Y/F/N Y/L/N
"I see...you're the property of the new Slytherin girl. Go on then! Go back to the dormitory."
Nova nipped at the buttons on his sleeve and screeched loudly. Just as Severus was about to scare it off, your scream echoed throughout the castle grounds.
"Take me to her! Now!"
Nova took flight and soared in the direction of the Forbidden Forest. Severus ran as quickly as he could, his robes flowing behind him like a cape. His heart thundered against his chest as he broke through the treeline. 
The moment he saw Hagrid's acromantula towering over you, he drew his wand and aimed for its head.
The spell sent Aragog catapulting backward, its body falling lifeless against the base of a large tree.
Seeing you lying there motionless made his blood run cold.
"Oh, Merlin…no no no..."
He sank down in the mud and put two fingers against your neck, a breath of relief falling from his lips when a faint pulse fluttered against them. His eyes scanned your body, worry prickling his skin at the number of deep cuts you had. He knew you wouldn't survive if he didn't act now. 
With a shaky hand, he pointed his wand to the deep gash in your abdomen.
"Vulnera sanentur…"
A glow illuminated from it and within seconds it was as if the wound never existed. He did the same for the other large wounds as well as your wrist and ankle before lifting you into his arms. He may have stopped the bleeding, but you still had the acromantula's venom flowing freely in your veins. He only had a few minutes to reverse the toxins. 
Closing his eyes, he apparated to his sleeping chambers and gently laid you on his bed. Severus worked quickly to mix up the antivenom. Once it was mixed properly, he used a syringe to inject it into all of your main arteries. 
It became a waiting game. You'd lost a lot of blood, nearly too much, and all Severus could do now was hope you'd wake up. He found himself pacing, checking your pulse every so often to make sure you were still breathing. Eventually, the adrenaline in his body wore off, and it made him realize how tired he was. 
He shed his robe, toed his shoes off, and with a snap of his fingers, a fire began to crackle and pop in the fireplace. He sat and pondered to himself. What was he supposed to do with you? It wasn't like he could take you to Madame Pomfrey now. Not after he'd healed you the best he could. Plus, he was sure the other Hogwarts staff would question him on why he took you back to his chambers. Honestly, he wasn't even sure why he'd done it. He acted on pure instinct. 
His gaze wandered over to where you were laying. Severus felt himself relax upon seeing your chest rise and fall. He'd done it. He'd saved you. His eyes began to get heavy as he listened to your soft breathing. Unable to stay awake any longer, he let sleep consume him. 
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The smell of tea filled your nostrils as you tried to recall where you were. Last night's events flooded your mind and your eyes immediately snapped open. 
Scanning the room, your brows furrowed in confusion. This wasn't the hospital wing, and it definitely wasn't Hagrid's. You sat up, your back against the headboard, and scanned your exposed skin. Other than a few bruises, there wasn't any sign of injury on you at all. Had it all been a dream? 
The sound of the door opening brought you out of your thoughts. Your eyes widened at the sight of your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher carrying a teacup and saucer.
"Oh, you're up. Good." He strode over and set the cup down on the nightstand next to you. "Drink this. It'll help you feel better." 
You blinked up at him, your eyes staring into his obsidian ones. Even though he wore a scowl ninety percent of the time, your professor wasn't bad looking. In fact, you found him quite attractive. His form-fitting robes with all those buttons and his confidence drew you in almost immediately. 
It was then that you remembered he'd spoken to you. Forcing your brain to form words, you stuttered out a response.
"I...um…th-thank you, Professor…"
His stone-faced expression didn't waver as he sat down on the comforter next to you.
"Why, Y/N? Why would you put yourself in danger like that?! You could have been killed! Merlin, if it wasn't for your insolent bird, you would have been!" 
You focused on your lap, your cheeks red with shame.
"M'sorry… I was just t-trying to help Hagrid fe-"
You slapped your hand over your mouth and internally cursed yourself. Hagrid made you promise not to tell anyone you were helping him, and here you've almost told none other than Professor Snape! 
"Go on…"
Shaking your head, you moved to get off the bed.
"I… I can't… Thank you for saving me, Professor. I'll just be going…"
His firm hand came to rest on your thigh and with little force, he pushed you back down onto the bed.
"Listen to me, Y/N. I'm your Head of House. Either you tell me what you were doing in that forest, or I'll make you tell me." 
The demand in his tone sent shivers down your spine. It really should be a sin to have a voice like his.
Severus rolled his eyes and stood to walk across the room. He came back with a vial, with a small amount of liquid in the bottom.
"Know what this is?"
You shook your head.
"This is Veritaserum. Three drops of this, and it'll make you spill your darkest...of secrets…" 
You watched as he poured the small amount of liquid into a glass of butterbeer.
Instead of obeying his orders you grabbed the teacup off the saucer and swallowed its contents.
"Thank you, Professor, but I’m no longer thirsty and I don't like butterbeer." 
For the first time since you arrived at Hogwarts, his lips gave a hint of a smile.
"It's no matter. What do you suppose I did with the rest of the serum, hm?"
All the color drained from your face, your mouth opening and closing like you were a fish out of water. 
"The tea…"
Your professor chuckled, "Yes, the tea. Now, tell me, what were you doing in the Forbidden Forest after curfew?"
You couldn't stop them. It was as if you were possessed. The words came flowing out of you on their own accord.
"I was helping Hagrid feed his mythical creatures. He's in the infirmary sick and I offered to do it so he didn't have to." 
Severus narrowed his eyes. "How long have you been doing this?"
You swallowed thickly. “Since the first day of school. Some of the other Slytherin girls were bullying me so I went for a walk. It was then that I formally met Hagrid. He offered me his spare bedroom, and I’ve been sleeping there ever since…”
He rose to his feet and began pacing again, his hands behind his back. “And he lets you stay...for free?” 
“I can stay as long as I help him tend to the mythical creatures that live in the forest. He taught me everything he knows and I help him with feedings.”
Severus stopped and turned to face you. “Did you ever think of coming to me for help with the bullying? I am the Head of Slytherin you know.” 
Oh, how you wished you could hold back the words threatening to escape. No matter how hard you tried, it was no use.
“I was too nervous to come to you, Professor.”
He raised an eyebrow, his hands fidgeting out in front of him. He knew his presence intimidated most of the children attending Hogwarts, but he decided to use this to his advantage.
“Obviously...And why, do you suppose, I make you so nervous, Y/N?” 
“I suppose it’s because I’m in love with you.”
Your response came out just above a whisper, but he still heard every word. Out of every scenario in his mind, Severus did not expect you, a young woman, to say that. For a rare moment in his life, he was rendered speechless. It took him a moment to collect himself, but once he did he noticed your face was buried in your hands. Merlin, help him, you were crying and it was all his fault. 
He slowly moved to where you were laying and sat down so he was at your level. Without giving it any thought, he pulled you into his chest and began rubbing small circles on your back to soothe you.
“Merlin, what was I thinking? I shouldn’t have forced the truth out of you like that. Please...forgive me.”
You clutched at his robes and moved your tear-filled eyes to his.
“I forgave you the moment it happened, Professor.”
A few silent moments passed between the two of you and he continued to hold your gaze. Severus was the first to move. Ever so slowly, he leaned down to capture your lips. 
His mouth melded with yours perfectly, and he didn’t stop until his lungs demanded it. Your eyes closed, your forehead coming to rest against his.
“Professor I-”
He silenced you with another chaste kiss. “Severus…Call me Severus, Y/N.” 
“Please Severus…make love to me.”
His resolve broke the moment the plea fell from your lips. Severus gently laid you back and gently rid you of your tattered robes. His calloused hands slid over your smooth skin making your breath hitch. He peppered kisses down into the crook of your neck, his path moving to the space between your breasts.
“S-Severus...please…need you…”
He nipped playfully at your jaw and sat up slightly to take his shirt off.
“Patience, Y/N… I’ll take care of you.” 
Once he was bare before you he made his way between your legs. His touch was tentative, his fingertips brushing your folds gingerly. He circled your clit making you arch off the bed.
“Oh, Merlin!... Fuck!”
Severus chuckled and slid two of his fingers inside you curling them upwards.
“Bloody hell, you’re soaked, Y/N…”
He easily found the sensitive spot inside of you, the coil in your core winding tighter and tighter with each passing second.
“Please! Oh…shit… Se-Severus! M’gonna cum… please… please make me cum!”
His cock twitched at your words, precum leaking from the tip.
“Let go, Y/N...cum for me…”
With a cry of his name, you fell over the edge. Your chest heaved as you pulled him up for a heated kiss. 
“Need you, Sev. Need you inside me. Please…”
As carefully as he could, Severus lined himself up and pushed into you.
“Merlin, you’re so tight!”
His thrusts were steady and his kisses were fervent as he made love to you.
“Oh, fuck! Sev! Oh, you’re so good… so good, baby…”
Both of you wanted it to last, but it was clear you both needed the release more.
“Y/N, I won’t last much longer like this… you feel amazing...so amazing.”
You slid your fingers through his thick hair and pulled his mouth down to yours. “Cum with me, Severus…” 
A moment later, both of you soared into bliss together. His lips rested against your own and his body shook as he spilled into you, your walls clenching around his cock. Severus was spent as he settled behind you, his arm wrapped protectively around your waist.
“Y/N, I need to know you’re okay with this...with us…”
Threading your fingers with his, you planted a sweet kiss on the back of his hand.
“Severus, our love may be forbidden, but I’d choose you no matter what it cost me. I’ll take you as you are. Your highs, your lows, all of it. I’ll love you until my last breath.”
He turned you in his arms and cupped your cheek.
“I never thought I’d ever love another. Not after Lily, but seeing you in the forest like that sparked something in me. Something I haven’t felt for nearly fourteen years. I’ll spend forever protecting and loving you. 
As your eyes grew heavy, you felt a new sense of worth. Coming to Hogwarts was something you’d only dreamed of growing up. The moment you found your acceptance letter, you knew your life would change. You never thought you’d find someone to love here, but for once you were happy, and that’s all you’d ever wanted.
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zvezdacito · 7 months
A Different Perspective on the Raverne -> Crowley theories, who to trust and a way of tying it to the themes of the story
Preface: This isn't really gonna be a super serious compilation of solid proof, symbolism or anything, more like just me yapping abt something I happened to randomly think of yesterday and thought "it would actually be kinda interesting from a writing standpoint if this is the thing they go for instead of what everyone was expecting". Kind of long but I promise it will be at least interesting AU material if anything so just bear with me lmao
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Ok so basically so far the general trajectory of theories is something bad happened to Raverne while he was missing that made him into Crowley who is doing some kind of evil scheming that will disregard the safety of his family and students sooner or later. Generally Raverne is the good self while Crowley is the fucked up self, and it would probably be better if Raverne was here instead of him
But what if it's actually more like the other way around. That Raverne is the one we should be looking out for, and Crowley is the trustworthy version of him this entire time?
What if everything Raverne went through made it inevitable for him to snap and be vengeful and do evil shit so Crowley is basically his sane self's last ditch effort to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone and ruin people's lives, basically using the goofy Crowley personality to suppress and forget the vengeful Raverne personality
Like the "Raverne's soul got fractured and split into pieces and the pieces that remember his past are sealed away" theories, but instead of usual reasons it's him who sealed them away ironically to remain as true to his original self as possible, than if it remained and he turned into someone violent and hateful against his own principles.
I feel like it would be even more of a twist since they keep emphasizing how kind and peaceful Raverne is so I don't think neither Meleanor, Lilia nor the audience would expect the OG Raverne described that way to actually turn out cruel and untrustworthy who the seemingly suspicious and cowardly Crowley was actually trying to manage the whole time
Also it would kind of be more straightforward as to why he would choose to forget Lilia and Malleus than if Crowley was fucked up Raverne and forgot them even though his goal would be to revive Meleanor and his old life with them anyway
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It's hard to tell right now but Crowley despite his goofiness doesn't really seem to harbor any malice against anyone, nor would he be the type to seriously blood sacrifice any of his students, even if he does abandon them sometimes. In this new context maybe it would even make sense if he abandons them so the subconcious Raverne doesn't try to find opportunity to break out/cause trouble through blot and magic related situations?
So yeah it would be cool if it turned out Crowley was the "good" version of Raverne all along, and Raverne overtly and subtextually is just trying to gaslight the audience into distrusting Crowley so they can set a chain reaction of events going to unseal him so he can do whatever he wants to
Also Crowley probably knows he has to keep Raverne locked away no matter what but also doesn't dare try to remember what Raverne remembers because that would go against the whole point of keeping Raverne locked away in the first place. His memory of his past is just puzzle pieces w/o the bigger picture. He has to be atleast partially aware that he has to not give in to the voice in the back of his mind for the sake of others
Like he knows he had to leave behind a family behind and forget them so he would not hurt them, but he doesn't exactly remember who anymore which is why he isn't really flinching or anything when around Malleus and Lilia at NRC
Though I feel like him suppressing Raverne lowkey also took a toll on his mental state. So they actual conclusion would for him to basically symbolically stop suppressing his trauma in an attempt to be a perfect victim because it's not working either way and the only way for Raverne to rest in peace is if he finds closure. Whatever that may be.
Maybe if Yuu and co. find out they encourage him to do this to his surprise basically saying "Don't worry headmage we'll beat the shit out of evil Raverne for you if he goes out of control (you are so annoying so we've always wanted to do this)"
The reveal and Crowley needing to stop supressing Raverne in his subconcious to let him process what he should have would make sense, since it would also tie in to the overarching theme around the overblots:
That even though they're ugly and hurtful manifestations of trauma they need to play out so the OBer can finally grow as a person instead of bottling it all up and being in denial
And also so they can finally come to terms with something that happened to them even if they can't change it
^ Accidentally sort of also combined this with the "Crowley's mask is hiding the fact that he's in a paused state of overblot that he just managed to sorta control" theory. Maybe overblot is what he had to stop Raverne from devolving into in the first place
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↑ This ties back to my HC for Raverne's personality being a natural coward and not as battle-oriented but tries to be strong, as he sees Meleanor and Lilia to be as well as making the most out of the skills the does have (using cowardice and sensitivity to be a master diplomat and educator instead) so he can feel like he has the right to continue to stand by their side. Maybe he didn't even care much for being considered kind until that's what Mel and Lilia saw his actions as instead of weak or foolish, that being what made him want to work on that newly defining trait of his now
Lilia at one point mentions that even tho Raverne tries to perform honor student he could be as picky of an eater as Meleanor was and Lilia would have to eat his spare food too
Adding to the possibility Raverne was always the type to make twice an effort to be 'kind' and strong to compensate for his nature that he sees as inherently lacking. This is also probably why he'd be super harsh on himself as Crowley
Oomf also suggested that this may add a layer to why his catchphrase ended up being "For I'm so gracious". As if to remind himself to keep up the effort to be such because he fears his natural state is one that isn't, as well as him encouraging himself to always be forgiving so Raverne doesn't gain the upper hand from his subconcious
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↑ Ok so I don't have the brainpower to paraphrase this too so I'll just copy paste what I talked to another oomf about here because it's also interesting
That's pretty much it, hope the general idea and effect was conveyed properly🔥🔥🔥 I don't think the exact details need to be followed since it probably has a bunch of holes itself, but the general gist of Crowley being the more positive side of Raverne instead of the expected inverse all along + it making more sense as to why Raverne would be motivated to forget + tying into the themes of overblotting and trauma would be interesting I think. Kind of a clever misdirection. All of this is not super substantiated though since even now we barely know anything about either Raverne or Crowley, so really only time will tell. Personally kinda got attached to this direction for Crowley's character so I hope they go with something adjacent to the heart fo it at least
The other option is he's not Raverne at all and we're racking our brains over this for no reason lmao
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enehana · 28 days
Chthonic Gods' Cabins Headcanons
Children of Hades, Persephone, Nyx, Hypnos, Nemesis, Hecate, Thanatos, Eris, Geras, Selene, etc. Any God that lives in the underworld or is a child of God that lives in the underworld.
They refer to themselves as Hellspawn endearingly.
They are so much more loyal to each other than to children of other Gods. They're all united by the underworld.
They have sleepover in the Hades Cabin. Chiron doesn't know, and he wouldn't allow it if he did. The Hecate Cabin masks their presence so others can see, hear, or sense them.
They treat children of Hades like royalty. They're all the pretty princesses of the underworld. They put a pink, fuzzy crown on Nico one time. He didn't particularly enjoy it, but he didn't stop them.
They make homemade candles and hold rituals in cemeteries and abandoned playgrounds.
They always make sure Hazel is welcome at camp. She is a queen. She can't be uncomfortable or unhappy at camp half blood.
They held a grand funeral for Bianca. She has a beautiful burial plot. Fresh flowers every week.
Sometimes they go frolicking through the underworld, holding hands and skipping. Purely for the irony.
They kind of consider Will one of them? They're a bit iffy about him because he's a son of Apollo, the sun god, but they appreciate how happy he makes Nico.
The underworld children that can summon spirits (Mostly Hades children. Children of Hypnos can make dead people appear in dreams. Few children of Nemesis can control vengeful spirits. Few children of Ares can call upon dead soldiers who lost their war. Thanatos children.) will gossip about the spirits they spoke to. They'll also work together to try to summon a lost friend or family member, to give one of them some form of closure.
The Hades cabin leads their little clique. Planning outings and meetings.
The Hypnos cabin regulates their dreams, making sure everyone sleeps relatively okay. They keep their dreams not terrible for the most part.
Children of Selene will use their powers to radiate moonlight, effectively making other children of the underworld slightly more powerful.
Children of Nemesis act as their regulators, their judges. If someone wronged one of them, the entire Nemesis cabin will get revenge for them.
Children of Nyx are their guards. All they have to do is look at someone, and they'll think a million times before they even interact with one of them.
Children of Persephone will grow flowers and fruit for them. They keep their lives bright and meaningful. A symbol of peace, even if only in short periods.
Children of Hecate will enchant anything for them. Magical weapons mean more security. And Tarot readings. A small glimpse into the future will calm them down so much.
Children of Geras will give them wisdom. Old age comes with experience. And experience leads to knowledge. An excellent guide for young, inexperienced demigods.
Children of Eris will remind everyone of what someone has done. Never forgetting someone's blatant wrongdoings. They warn everyone when they hear about something someone has done, trying to keep them out of trouble.
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Dream Diary of Irene Lovejoy
characters: irene lovejoy (aka the prefect), ace trappola
supporting characters: deuce spade, jack howl, epel felmier, ortho shroud, sebek zigvolt, grim
cw: weird and realistic dreams, liminal spaces, references to the backrooms™, use of blue matter to replace blood
first dream: the endless hallway (ace trappola)
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they didn't know what they were expecting when they went to ramshackle dorm that day. the prefect and grim weren't present in classes as usual, so naturally, they were rather worried.
well, deuce and jack were, the others were more confused than worried.
deuce knocked on the old wooden door. "prefect? are you there, prefect?" he called. "grim?" but nobody replied.
"maybe they're still asleep?" epel suggested, but ace furrowed his eyebrows in doubt. "prefect doesn't sleep that much. usually, she should've been awake and walking by now."
now they were getting even more worried.
deuce tried to open the door. however, it did not budge at all. not even a single creak indicating its moves. it as as if they were in front of a solid brick wall. "it's... locked?"
"i say we force the door open by magic." sebek, who had been (surprisingly) quiet the entire time, proposed a plan with a serious solemn look on his face. they nodded and held up their pens, pointing at the dorm's door.
it took them a few tries before the door was blasted off of its hinges. the five stepped inside the dorm. immediately, a cold atmosphere engulfed them whole, sending shivers down their spines. even ortho had a feeling of utter dread blaring in his system. the hall was void of human presence, completely. there was no signs of the three ghosts who resided in this dorm either. it was like a no one had been here in decades, and that whole idea had never felt more wrong than in that moment.
the moment they made it to the lounge, they felt their heart dropped simutaneously. "great seven, what the hell happened here?" the entire place was wrecked from top to bottom. nothing was whole and blue splattered everywhere, on the floor, on the walls, on the broken furniture, on the prefect-
"wait, prefect!?" there she was, sprawling face down by the broken couch. grim was also found unconcious near her. deuce held the prefect in his arms as jack picked grim up. both of them were stained with the same metallic blue that covered the room, and on the prefect's wrist had a strange mark literally carved into her skin. and, by the looks of it, the mark was fresh and... glowing(?) a deep blue hue.
"what's that?" ace picked up her arm and stared at the symbol in confusion. and he touched it.
the next thing they all knew, was a sudden drowsy state, and five loud thuds as they dropped to the floor around the prefect, falling into a deep sleep.
ace woke up, feeling disoriented. his head was throbbing painfully as he tried to sit up.
"what... happened...?" he cradled his head.
as his vision soon cleared, ace found himself in a hallway. the monotonous grey walls and the constant buzzing of fluorescent light were gnawing at his mind, ace thought he would go crazy if he stayed too long.
"hey. you're awake."
ace jolted at the sudden voice echoing next to him. he snapped his head towards the source, only to see...
the prefect was sitting close to him and staring at him with unreadable wide eyes. chills crawled down his spine, ace felt as if there was something so... wrong about the prefect- should he even call the one in front of him 'prefect'?
"you've been there for almost an hour now. come on, get up." the 'prefect' ushered him up, grabbing his arm rather roughly. "the others are waiting at the base."
there it was again. ace felt a pit of dread formed in his stomach. the prefect would never manhandle anyone like that. and she practically never called his name.
"what- who are you?" ace muttered, ripping his arm out of her (surprisingly) tight grip and keeping his distance.
"what are you doing?" the 'prefect' said calmly. she turned her head to ace in a slow but strange manner. "we don't have much time. we have to go, now."
it was then ace saw her face. she had the prefect's face, but her eyes. her eyes were a dull blue, while the prefect's were sea green. this further solidifying his doubts.
she- this person wasn't the prefect.
"you- you are not her."
ace took a step back, alarmed and on guard. who was the impostor wearing her face in front of him? where was the real prefect?
the 'prefect' only stared at him, never even blinked once. then, her head snapped to the side as if her neck broke. the thing began to take a step towards ace, who staggered backwards. his hand reached towards his shirt pocket, only to find his magic pen gone. the thing kept getting closer to ace, its skin began to melt like candle wax, revealing the grotesque bone structure that made up its being.
eyes glanced towards the thing, he ultimately decided. "oh, fuck this." he turned his heels and ran.
ace continued running, knowing full well the thing was chasing him down, considering the heavy footsteps gaining up on him.
"how long is this damn hallway!?"
ace glanced behind him. his heart nearly stopped when he saw the thing only a few steps away, its hands reached out just waiting to grab him.
'is this how i'm gonna die? to a creature before even finding the prefect or the others?'
no. of course not.
a hand outstretched from the endless wall, grabbing his hand and pulling him through. ace's heart almost leaped out of his chest when that happened, and before he could react, the hands slapped over his mouths, rendering him speechless.
"shhh quiet! it will hear you!" the person whispered-yelled. ace widened his eyes once he got a better look at the person under the flashlight they held.
"p-prefect?" his voice was muffled under her hand.
the person in front of him now had a rather disheveled look. messy black hair with wisps of white framing her face, tired sea green eyes marred with dark eye bags hiding behind a pair of round glasses. ace also saw the beauty mark under her right eye, just barely hidden behind her hair. this was the real prefect.
"prefect, where—"
"you touched the mark on my wrist, didn't you?"
the prefect gave ace a hard glare, to which he gulped nervously.
"i already sent my absence note to the professors the day before, but the little monster just have to touch my wrist, now you guys too?"
"w-who's the 'little monster'? gr-"
he was interrupted yet again.
"don't, and i mean don't, say your or anyone's name here."
he wisely shut up. the prefect sighed, a hand fixed her glasses as another hand ran through her messy mop of hair. "this place, where we're in, is my dream. in here, people like me are called the dreamers. the glowing mark you saw acts as a key leading people into a dreamer's mind. and those people can't return to the real world only until a dreamer found them, because if you somehow die here, you disappear from the real world too."
"us dreamers have to find a series of things or people who had fallen into our dreams the... wrong way. i can't explain how or why it's wrong, it just is." the prefect turned to look at ace. "like my tasks now. it went from finding my earrings to finding you guys."
the prefect shook her head. "i think i've said enough. you have to return to the real world, right now. and when you do..."
her hard stare turned softer with concern as she gripped his shoulders. ace could feel her hands shaking. "please, never try to come get me like that, ever, again."
a beat of silence. ace nodded grimly.
"okay, prefect."
she let out another tired sigh. in this moment, the prefect seemed to have aged more than she ever was. she rubbed her tired eyes, looking back at ace with a serious gaze she always had on duty.
"when you return, inform the dorm leaders about our... situation. text them, call them if you must, no one can leave or enter ramshackle until i've found all of you. am i clear, ace of hearts?"
ace nodded again, this time more firmly. "yes, prefect."
"good, good." she lifted a hand to cover his eyes and chanted something under her breath. his eyes went all blurry again, and he closed his eyes.
ace woke up with a gasp. he scrambled to sit up as chills creeped down his back. he looked around, and surely, he was back at ramshackle.
he then noticed the rest of the first year gang was still unconscious, and he remembered what the prefect had told him. he quickly pulled out his phone to send riddle a text, then he waited.
they'd wake up soon. ace sat there, waiting for the next person to wake up.
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rise-my-angel · 3 months
How people hear the logo "fire and blood" and not think of fascism baffles me. Like it literally sounds like something the nazi's said. I know it might not be fair comparing real life history to fiction, especially in a medieval setting that doesn't match ...BUT THEY HAVE FLYING NUKES GUYS
Bear with me, but I think a lot of it stems from the dragons. In normal, or at least traditional fantasy, dragons are usually used differently in other stories. They can both be antagonists and companions to the hero. They are normally written to be while large and dangerous, also sort of majestic and awe inspiring.
So people see the dragons here, they see people riding them, and they think automatically it's cool. So if you're already someone more inclined to enjoy creatures like dragons, there's a perfect basis. A people whose culture revolves around dragons. It's an easy buy in to the Targaryean propaganda. You will automatically start seeing them in better lights because you like the dragons, whether you realize that or not.
But the problem is, grrm does not use dragons in the traditional sense. Grrm has been very clear that he has written the dragons as essentially, one for one metaphors to weapons of mass destruction. Grrm is also very anti war, a sentiment felt throughout all of his work, how no matter what justification one side or the other feels, it is the people, the lands, the smallfolk who suffer from war the most. So, the use of nuclear weapons in war, is essentially, the worst case scenario in terms of war. Which is what the Targaryeans use dragons for. Thats what Valyria has always used them for.
Fire and Blood sounds cool beacuse it is menacing, but it is more then that. It is the statement that they will burn the country to the ground so they can be kings of the ashes. Valyria used dragons to burn cities to the ground and were incredibly cruel to the slaves they took as a result that places like Bravvos are still massively anti dragon/anti valyrian. Two seperate people of Essos fled across to Westeros to escape them (The Andals and the Rhoynar), then the Targaryeans come to the same place and do THE EXACT SAME THING TO THE SAME PEOPLE WHO FLED THEM ORIGINALLY.
I am certain grrm is not writing dragons as "Its actually okay to use nukes if you're nice to them when you're building them." He's probably more likely to say "no matter what justification you tell yourself, access to such catastrophic destruction at your will and fingertips is a power no one should ever wield."
Yes the dragons are sentient creatures, but these are not like a creature such as a direwolf. One was sent to their human companion by a fate beyond them, and acts more like an extension of their identity and a friend as human and direwolf protect each other. Such as Nymeria biting Joffery to protect Arya, and Arya chasing Nymeria off to save her life for saving hers.
Dany murdered her own slave in order to use blood magic to force dragons back into a world after a peaceful number of centuries without them. Dany then uses them to burn her enemies alive, threaten those who stand against or disobey her and doesn't even consider taking steps to control them until after Drogon burned alive an innocent three year old girl, and even then all she does is lock them away in a manner that will no doubt only make them more angry and resentful of humans.
Not all sentient creatures are the same, and dragons specifically within the world of asoiaf are symbols of the dangerous balance of the world tipping too far. The Doom of Valyria was the result of using blood magic and dragons to tip the worlds balance too far and there is nothing left but a cursed, blighted hellscape left behind to remind man not to toy with nature in ways they will never be able to control. I don't think it's a coincidence that some stories say they found the first dragons in the Fourteen Flames, and it was the eventual eruption of the Fourteen Flames that destroyed Valyria and its dragons.
The Targaryeans didn't need to die with them, it's probably good that at least one family managed to safely leave so at least some aspects of a long, forgotten culture can be remembered in the history books from somewhere. But they do not act like just people. The Targaryeans still see themselves as something like gods.
In their eyes, they are better then the people of Westeros, those people taint their bloodline. They used dragons to force them to be subservient to them when all of those Kingdoms ruled independently for thousands of years before. Then they used those same dragons to tear the country apart.
No one is looking forward to or likes talking about the storming of the Dragonpit beacuse we want to see animal death. We want to see it for what it stands for. An uprising of people pushed too far by a monarchy that uses weapons of mass destruction recklessly beacuse they see themselves as gods. They refused to be subjected to that anymore, and they knew doing it would kill more men then it would dragons but they did it anyways. They looked at the free use of nuclear weapons and decided they will not live in that fear anymore.
Fire and Blood is literally their dragons. It is why they call themselves dragons. They are the destruction of the world, and they see nothing wrong with that.
Dragons plant no trees, and neither do the Targaryeans.
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amikaelsonstory · 2 months
Not the end, but a new beginning - I
Chapter one.
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“All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way” Lev Tostoy, Anna Karenina
As the brothers stood up, eyes full of tears, racing hearts with fear and gratitude, a breathless, loud scream cut the silent moment
Hope was running fast followed by Freya, hugged Klaus back, almost following on her knees, gasping with tears running down her face.
Klaus and Elijah turned fast, lowering their pieces of white oak daggers as they approached.
- " What do you mean, darling? I need to go, please understand"   Klaus whispered, lifting Hope face up, whipping tears from his daughter's face.
 Elijah remained speechless, his lips slightly parted in surprise, as Freya reached out and hugged him tightly, making him close his eyes and take a deep breath in some sort of relief.
- It's true brother, I found a way, the Old Gods... they finally gave me an answer. I will explain everything, but please, let's go home"
As they found their way into the compound, Rebekah, Marcel and Kol stood apprehensively up from their seats, relieved to see the girls were able to reach them on time to avoid the tragedy. 
- It seems it's not gonna be tonight you're gonna get rid of the almighty Klaus Mikaelson!  Klaus orotund, opening his arms with his crooked smile, trying to mask his remaining fears and doubts.
- Nik! Rebekah cheered running to hug her brother tightly, while Marcel and Kol tapped his shoulders, welcoming him and Elijah back.
- Let me show you what I found out.  - Freya commanded, guiding the family to follow her to the study room. 
The room was dark, as they entered and approach the table Freya showed them. It had some runes symbols written in blood on a old manuscript, a dead white bird, some herbs and a pendulum spinning fast over a bowl on fire. The air around was thick, heavy, with a slight purple mist around them.  
- Since this whole thing started I've been searching for a way to overcome the hollow power, it had to have another way, she is not the biggest power in the universe. Freya pleaded. "So I had no choice but to reach the Old Gods, from motherland, where our family comes from"
- Norway? - Elijah whispered, lifting his eyes from the runes to meet Freya's, who slowly nodded. She closed her eyes for a second and took a deep breath before opening them again.
- Odin heard my prayer but the spell hasn't been fully revealed yet. For now I can suppress the hollow effects in Klaus, but until the full moon we must find The Undead whose sunlight cannot harm. 
- A vampire that doesn't burn in the sun? With no magic, no ring? Kol bawled in disbelief, crossing his arms against his chest - That should be easy - he taunted ironically.
- It doesn't matter, we will find it - Rebekah assured, touching Marcel's shoulder - Can you ask your people to track it and bring it to us?
I'm on it, I'm gonna make some calls and my guys will bring it to us. - Marcel stated, picking up his phone and walking out of the room - Dead or alive, or it doesn't matter?
- ALIVE - Freya's voice sounded louder than she expected - Please, we still don't know what we will need to do next, for now, you can go rest. Klaus you stay, I need to make the ritual to hold the hollow until the next full moon.
As the days passed, the Mikaleson's basically turned the whole vampire world upside down, reaching all the possible sources in order to find this so-called "sunlight proof vampire", but they were running out of time and all they had was a whole bunch of nothing. 
Okay, not nothing. They knew there was a woman, but nothing sounded like the real deal, more like gossip if much.
Elijah, Klaus and Hope were at the study room, digging deep into all they could find.
- Alright, I managed to filter all we have, names, places, stories and got into 3 possible names. - Hope shared with them, without taking her eyes out of her laptop screen. - Natalya Fyodorova, a ballerina from Bolshoi ballet, last seen circa 1970, in Moscow. Sister Ionescu, the oldest register, seen in Romania in the beginning of 20th century and - she folded her index fingers quoting- the most "recently" - we got Minna Murray, 2007, UK. No job, no city info, just a name.
Klaus paced side by side in the room, placing his hands on his hips, looking down as he was hearing his daughter.
- Most likely it's the same person - he paused - But how do we find this bloody woman? It's not possible that nobody knows her whereabouts!!  - Klaus exploded while pouring himself a glass of bourbon 
Elijah placed his papers down on the desk, paying attention to the names Hope said. His eyes wandered away, frowning his eyebrows.  - Niklaus... weren't we in Moscow in 72?
But before Klaus could answer, Freya stormed into the room.
 - We have visitors, they found something.
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dailyadventureprompts · 6 months
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Mystery: Oh, How the Iron Coffin Hungers!
There's been a rash of graverobberies across the kingdom that have the authorities suspecting necromancy. For their part, the necromancer's guild has nothing to do with these crimes and is willing to hire your party to help clear their name. The investigation will lead you to through tombs, black markets, and haunted crossroads of the realm, as it becomes clear the culprits are seeking far more than coin or corpses at the bottom of those defiled graves.
Clues & Complications:
A missing body is usually a dead giveaway that a necromancer has been involved in a grave robbery, as most criminals only care about grabbing what valuables they can and wouldn't result to bodysnatching unless someone was going to pay them for it. How unusual then when a few of the bodies begin turning up days after they were exhumed, one in an abandoned cellar, one on the side of the road, and one in a completely different town, which may give a hint as to the culprit's movements.
Working for necromancers has its benefits, the guild is aware of the habits of the corpse trade (only in a theoretical sense, you understand, yes?) and can use their magic to extract information from the cadavers. Strangely enough it appears all the corpses bear the marks of previous magical questioning, hinting that it might be information the robbers were after, not flesh or treasure.
The bodies all belong to minor gentry or well-to-do merchants, the ideal targets for graverobbers who don't mind breaking into a tomb or fussing with a trap (both of which the party might have to do during their investigation) if it means access to better plunder. If the party press deeper however they'll notice a recurring symbol, on a ring or a tattoo or etched into the gravemarker, resembling the crudest sketch of a jawbone.
Just like it seems the party is getting answers, the corpses they've been trailing sit up and lunge for the nearest individual's throat, transformed by dark power into a rampaging ghoul. Chaos ensues as this awakening occurs not just with those corpses that have already been found, but also with those that were previously undiscovered as well as a half dozen or more random bodies scattered across the countryside. Though they seem too possessed with hunger to be capable of speech, if the party manage to restrain one of the ghouls and sate its unholy hunger, they may just get the last few clues they're looking for.
Background: In life all of the bodies belonged to a secret society known as the jawbone club, a bad pun on one of the first mystical objects they'd obtained; a crude weapon made from the skull fragment of some great beast, unearthed on one of their founder's estates by some adventurers clearing a nest of monsters.
Their association started a few generations before as a mostly innocent affair, a nameless but exclusive social lodge where those in the know could smoke and gamble and make the sort of back room deals that occupy much of the energy of the idly wealthy. Those who took an interest in the jawbone realized that whoever held it had greater luck in their personal affairs, in no small part because of the unlucky and sometimes disastrous circumstances that would befall their rivals. They became secretive, an inner circle within the lodge that took on more authority as their powers grew, understanding emerging that if they fed their blood to the jawbone it would grant them power.
Power does not spring from nowhere however, as the weapon was infact an artifact dedicated to the ghoul-saint Doresain, the avatar of a hungry and terrible demon god who was in turn feeding on the hungry ambitions of the inner circle. Unconscious impulses became whispers became visions, as the tithe of blood raised to sacrifices of flesh and fingers, because what was letting the razor teeth of some dead beast scar your body if it meant your hateful old uncle suddenly took ill just after rewriting his will to leave you his fortune.
Things came to a head with Catiro Wayte, the youngest and least favored son of a large noble family. The Wayte clan owned land and mills aplenty and were no strangers to ambition, Catrio and his siblings were practically weaned on it. So when the opportunity came to take hold of his fortune at the price of only a little pain Catrio was only too happy to pay it, and keep on paying so long as he had blood to let and skin to scar. After they'd come to understand what it could do the Jawbone Club had made rules about how often its members could make use of the artifact, fearing not only discovery but one of their number growing in power above the others. Catrio begged, bartered, and blackmailed to jump the line every time he could, hacking away a little more of himself each time, not giving his wounds time to heal up between sacrifices.
One night, when the itch of pride and avarice overwhelmed the pain in his infected flesh Catrio broke into the jawbone's sanctum. It was too late when the others found him in the morning , he'd carved open his belly looking for more of himself to cut away and had died with the artifact buried in his guts. Such heedless sacrifice opened a door for the ravenous hunger of the gnawing god, transforming Catrio's corpse into its mouthpiece, hungry and cruel. For all their resources the Jawbone club were unable to slay their former friend, instead sealing him in the lodge's basement and later an iron coffin they had constructed. They had a select number of their most trusted find a place to entomb Catrio's body (along with the bone it still clutched) in some unknown location and swore all the rest to secrecy, dissolving the jawbone club and swearing never to speak of it for the rest of their days.
The Culprit & The Consequences:
Catrio left much behind on that night he met his end, including a commonborn mistress and a daughter named Heliana only a few years old. One could theoretically source his ambition to his desire to make a place for them in the world, but that would be making things far too simple.  Unrecognized by her father’s family and cut off from Catrio’s support Heliana and her mother ended up scraping to get by, with her ending up in the gravemaking trade out of one part practicality, one part wistful desire to perhaps one day find where her father was buried.
after nearly four decades after she and her mother were forced out on the street, Heliana’s crime spree began when by chance she found the first of the Jawbone marked graves. Remembering the stories her mother had told her about the club and its excesses, It took only a little convincing to have her fellow undertakers help her unearth the body, and a few charms learned from a travelling death priest to get the cadaver talking.  After that it was just a matter of asking which corpse knew what, tracing her way through the postmortem ranks of the Jawbone club until she found out what had happened to her father and where his body lay. 
Originally, all Heliana had wanted to do was give her father a proper burial alongside her some years dead mother, as she was told was always his wish. Plans changed when her father began to speak to her within the iron coffin after she’d unearthed it from its secret hiding space. Through the magic of the ghoul-saint he knew her, knew of her hungry years, and of the long dormant pride and ambition he’d handed down to her along with his blood: a desire to be recognized no matter the cost. He whispered a plan into her mind, a way for him to return to life and use the artifact he still carried to make everything as it should be. Naturally when they caught her agreeing with the corpse, most of Heliana’s muscle deserted her, and might give your party a much needed lead in their tall tales.
The animation of the other jawbone club members as ghouls was only a warning sign, a byproduct of Heliana breaking through the outermost layer of the iron coffin’s wards in preparation of something far more calamitous. Her father’s plan (or rather, the thing wearing her father like a mask) is to have Heliana burn the iron coffin along with her mother's bones in a ritual pyre at the heart of the Wayte estate. Catrio’s spirit will be free, devour the grounds (and his unwelcoming family) and use the power of the jawbone artifact to remake them all as they should be, with him as lord of the manor, united with his lover and child.  While she’s more than willing to even the score with the people who denied her birth and threw her mother out on the street, why Heliana doesn't suspect is the horde of flesh eating undead and other malign spirits that will be unleashed should the ritual be allowed to finish.  
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m-jelly · 5 months
Mask of the heart - Chapter 1
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Levi x fem!readerRoyalty, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Curses, Curse Breaking, Demons, Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Alternate Universe - Magic, Romance, Drama & Romance, Falling In Love, Love, Love Confessions, True Love, Demon Levi Ackerman, Eventual Smut, Fluff, Running Away, Arranged Marriage, Obsessive Behavior, Soft Levi Ackerman, Levi Ackerman Needs a Hug, Protective Levi Ackerman, Possessive Levi Ackerman, Cuddly Levi Ackerman, Masks, Curvy Reader
When the psychotic prince of your country tries to force you to marry him you manage to run away to the next country over and right into the arms of a demon Count called Levi. Levi has been cursed to be forever stuck in his demon form, believing he is ugly and scary to others he always wears a mask. Levi looks after you and helps you learn how to trust others again. While Levi teaches you the world's joys, you teach him how loveable and handsome he is. With encouragement from yourself and a lot of your pure love, Levi starts taking his mask off more and allowing his people to get to know him. With romance blossoming between you, the prince of the other kingdom wants you back and tries everything to get you back. Levi helps you and works with King Erwin to stop the prince of the other land and free the people of his tyranny.
This first chapter mentions blood, the prince hurting workers and possessive behaviour.
Part 2
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Pleasure flowed through the prince as he pressed the hot symbol against his servant’s chest. Every scream that was emitted from the man was incredible. The prince took joy in hurting others, it was his favourite pastime. When he wasn’t hurting someone, he was busy partaking in the flesh of many women. Never loyal to one woman, there was always another each night. Sometimes he’d have them for just a week.
However, a part of him longed to have someone he could devote his heart to. No matter how many times he met countless women, not a single one of them stirred his heart or moved him. As he placed the hot brand against the man’s flesh again, he decided that a ball was needed. The prince was determined to meet the woman of his dreams.  
He lifted the hot iron and inspected the skin clinging to it. “Mr Clarke? Organise a ball for me and make sure that every single bachelorette of age is invited. I want a wife.”
Mr Clarke gazed at the prince as the words settled in his head, it was shocking to hear his master tell him to gather women so one can find a bride. Prince Jareth Lovell was a cruel man to all those around him, yet charming and alluring to those he needed to be. It was hard not to be captivated by the prince with his chiselled jawline, angled cheekbones, almond eyes were icy blue, lips plump that always held a wicked smile, a tall frame to tower over others, muscles over every inch of him, small waist, large hands and a mane of long silver-white hair with a few pieces at the front to create layers.
He bowed to the prince. “Yes, Your Highness.”
Jareth lowered the iron and gazed at his helper. “I want it soon. I crave a wife. No more temporary lovers. Make sure the ones I have are cleared out.”
“Understood, Your Highness.”
The whole palace was in a frenzy about organising the ball, as soon as everything was in order the invites were sent and news broke out. The charming prince was after a wife. Most women were excited to be the one the prince married, especially those who had taken him as a lover some nights. However, one rare woman despised the prince and the country after everything that had happened.
Your parents had owned a lot of land, and your father was a well-loved Lord by many and cared for those in need. The royal family were not keen on your father and his influence on people. Your father and mother wanted to take their money and run away to the next country over. During a trip to the border to organise their escape with you, their sweet eight-year-old daughter, there was a carriage accident. With every fibre in your body, you believed the royal family did it.
After your parents died, your uncle and aunt took you in. The two of them were obsessed with money and fame, so they tried everything to take what was your father’s but thanks to the will your father made, it was all yours. When you came of age, you moved out and returned to the land your family owned and lived in a small home. However, your aunt and uncle were always around and wouldn’t leave you be.
Today you were even more irritated by them because your cousin, who was younger than you, was screaming about an invite from the palace. “Ruby, please stop screaming.”
She shoved the white invite card in your face. “The prince has invited us to a ball!”
“Am I supposed to be excited?”
“Yes!” She huffed. “It’s a chance to be a princess and then a queen!”
The idea of being a royal did not interest you, so you looked back down at your work. “I’m good.”
“I’m telling mum!”
You rolled your eyes. “You do that.” It didn’t take long for your young cousin to rush out of the room and return with your aunt and uncle. “Before you speak, no I am not going.”
Your uncle huffed as he said your name. “She is only 20, she is of age to marry the prince. You don’t need to go as a potential bride, but you could at least escort her! She’s younger than you and she’s not used to those types of places. At least escort her.”
You glanced over at your cousin. “You do know the prince is a monster. His whole family are terrible.”
Ruby pouted. “I just wanna go to a ball.”
Part of you felt bad because she’d never been to a ball or a grand event but you had. So, you decided to push your issues aside. “Very well, I’ll escort her.”
“I ah…” She hesitated.”
You cast your gaze on her. “Yes?”
Nerves began to show on through her playing with her dress. “I do not have a ball gown.”
Your aunt moved closer. “Help her, please? We aren’t rich enough to get her something so fine and beautiful.”
You rose to your feet. “I know of a local lady in my land who will give us a good deal.” The clacking of your heels on the wooden floor echoed in the room. When you noticed no one was falling you paused. “Are you coming?”
It was a nice day with Ruby in the shop, to see her so happy dressing up warmed your heart a little. For a long time you’d been hurting and rather closed off, it had become so bad that your ex left you and said you were a cold-hearted bitch that didn’t understand love. It was true, that you were rather cold-hearted but you did know love and it wasn’t for him. A part of you craved and longed for love, but you believed it was somewhere out there, not within this country. You were going to finish what your parents started, you were going to take your money and power then leave this place and never return.
Sometimes you would feel bad about leaving, mainly because Ruby was sweet and the people you looked after in the small land you owned were incredible. There was this sweet bond that was between everyone in the town and you, so walking away was going to be hard. The land was near the border on the beach, so a part of your plan was to possibly sell the land to a royal or lord in the country bordering this one. Someone had to be better than your royal family.
After helping Ruby with her dresses, you spent a few days teaching her how to dance and greet royals. You ensured she knew that her head must be slightly bowed and eyes downcast when she spoke and only to lift your head when requested. The greeting bow was also important, the deeper the bow the more respect you had for the royal. Ruby had told you she was going to go for a very respectful bow, which you supported.
When the day of the ball arrived, you felt sick to your stomach about going but you had promised Ruby to take her. Ruby was too young to go alone and was not educated enough to speak to royals and powerful people. It was sweet seeing her bounce in her carriage seat, but for you, your anxiety was eating away at you the closer you got. Wearing a corset and a tight ball gown was a little bit soothing for you, it was like a tight hug.
As you walked up the stairs and held your dress you gave Ruby the last bits of information. “Now, when we go in there they will announce us. You will have a Miss as a title and I Lady. This is a little odd because the prince will already be there. Normally at balls, the prince or royal enters last, but he wants to see every woman enter.” You stopped at the top. “This is like a parade of things he can shop for.”
Ruby nodded. “I understand. Are we first or last? It’s always good to be around there.”
You handed over the invites to the butler. “We’re middle.”
The butler checked the cards. “Correct, you are in the middle. Do not worry miss, the prince cares for all ladies.”
“A word?”
“But of course.”
You moved to the side with the butler. “Ruby is a potential bride, but I am not. I am here as her escort.”
He was in utter shock. “My Lady, you were invited as a potential bride.”
“And I decline that invite. I am just an escort, nothing more. Please announce me as the escort.”
A slight fear shot through him, he was sure the prince would not like this. “A-Ah um…very well, my Lady.”
The grand white doors with gold leaf trim were pushed open to reveal a large hall with a white marble floor sprinkled with gold. In the ceiling were paintings of battles, women taking lovers and grand scenes of royal successes. Two chandeliers sparkled in the light like the sunlight bouncing off the sea. Below was an overhearing throne with the prince sitting upon it, quivering behind him was Mr Clarke and a few women on the floor begging for attention.
As the soft music played, the prince brought his gold chalice to his lips and felt unamused by the women so far. Not a single person had interested him and he was beginning to get antsy. When the doors opened he dragged his bored eyes up and felt his ears prick with interest when he heard Ruby being announced with a female escort. As soon as he heard your name, he held back a laugh and couldn’t believe you had come here.
Jareth smirked. “Is that the girl whose parents died due to my father?”
Mr Clarke leaned closer. “Indeed, Your Highness.”
“It’ll be interesting to see that little welp. I find it amusing that she is an escort and not a potential bride. She must have rejected me.” He downed some of his red wine. “Rightly so, that disgusting…” Words failed him as soon as you walked out with Ruby in your figure-hugging dress and hair up and away from your stunning face. “Such beauty.”
“She is a fine one. Let’s see how she bows.”
Jareth saw Ruby give a deep bow, but you gave a small one which was disrespecting the prince. Rudy was blushing, but you could not care less about this occasion and didn’t even bother to sneak a glance at him, like most of the ladies tonight.
Clarke gasped. “How disrespectful, I am so sorry Your Highness.”
Jareth rose to his feet. “Don’t be. I liked it. What a hypnotic creature.” He moved past the pleading women as Clarke scrambled to follow. “I must have her. She will be my bride.”
“Your Highness?”
Jareth turned to his helper with a glint in his eyes. “Being a lady means she is well educated. She is beautiful like a goddess. She is willing to speak and act her mind even though there could have been a risk to her life. She was bold too by rejecting me of all people. Send an invite to her. I wish to see her in private.”
Clarke bowed. “Yes, Your Highness.” With quick movements, Clarke made it across the room to you. Getting closer to you now, he was beginning to understand why the prince was so taken by you, you were a vision. “My Lady?”
You turned with a glass in your hand and a smile on your face due to speaking with a rather charming Lord, a friend of your father’s. “Yes?”
“The prince would like to see you privately.”
Your nail tapped against your champagne glass. “Does he now?” You flicked your gaze to the prince as he watched. “Tell him I decline. I am an escort tonight and I am conducting business. I am not interested in marriage or a roll in the sheets with him.”
Fear shot through Clarke. “M-My Lady! Please.”
“I understand your situation, but I decline. He can find a play toy elsewhere.” You returned your attention to the man you were speaking to. “As I was saying, I am happy to meet up to create a contract of trading between the two of us.”
The gentleman chuckled. “Excellent. You remind me so much of your father, he was a good man. He would be so proud of you.”
“Thank you, that means a lot to me.”
Mr Clarke cried out your title and name causing people to stare and the prince. As soon as you turned to him he spoke. “His Royal Highness would like a meeting with you.”
“As I explained to you the first time.” A strained smile spread over your lips. “I decline his invitation. I am an escort tonight, that is all. If it upsets him so much that I say no, then he can come here himself and I will tell him no to his face.”
Mr Clarke felt irritated when he saw people were trying to hide that they were laughing. “Fine.” A part of him was excited at telling the prince you said no because then you would get tortured, Clarke rather liked it when that happened. “Your Highness.”
A tingle rushed through Jareth. “Well? When is she meeting me?”
“She declined.”
Amusement and excitement now consumed him, this was even more exciting. “Declined?”
Clarke glanced over at you. “She did.” Seeing you be strung up and tortured by the prince was exciting him. “She said you can talk to her and she will reject you to your face.” He gazed at his prince and waited for a reaction of disgust, but was shocked.
Jareth laughed. “What a woman. I will speak with her.” People parted out of the way as Jareth’s long and muscular legs moved him over to you. He towered over you with his height. “Excuse me.” He softly said your name and felt arousal when you turned to face him. To him, you were incredibly beautiful and your plump breasts were wonderfully pressed in your dress and corset. “I was told you wanted to tell me your response to my invitation.”
Your neck hurt a bit looking up at him. “Goodness, you are too tall.” You huffed a little. “I informed your little messenger that I will not meet with you in private. I am escorting my cousin Ruby, that is all. If you want so woman to roll around in the sheets with for a night or few nights, I am not the woman for you. So, no I will not have a meeting with you.”
“I am not looking for a woman to lay with. I am looking for a bride.”
You bowed your head to your friend and started walking away. “You are not husband material.” You stopped in a hall half open to the garden. “Knowing you, you would have countless affairs. You cannot stick to one woman.”
He grabbed your upper arm and yanked you to him, he made sure you looked him deep in the eyes. “You are different. I will give everything to have you. I will destroy anyone in my path. You are everything I could ever want and more.”
“I do not want you.”
He gripped tighter making you wince. “Perhaps I will have a word with your uncle. You may be a lady and have power, along with being well over the age of 18, but he still has the final say. The law states that the male of the family has the final say on marriage.”
A cold fear went through you. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“I enjoy a challenge and you are the biggest challenge. I desire you deeply and I will make you mine.” He pulled you close and forced a kiss on you. “I will visit your uncle soon.”
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It hurt deeply in your heart that your Uncle and Aunt went against your pleas. No matter how much you told them both you did not want to marry the prince, it fell on deaf ears. Arrangements were being made for you and as soon as your Uncle said yes, you were whisked away to the palace. Being in the palace was so deeply lonely and soul-crushing. The prince was deeply obsessed with you in a very disturbing way. Anyone who said anything against you was tortured personally by his hand.
There was only one good thing about the palace and that was one maid and a carriage driver. The two of them cared for and looked after you, they even made sure you stayed mentally healthy. Sometimes when you were alone with them, you would just talk for hours which gave you a boost to keep going. When they saw you weren’t going to get any better, talks of escaping started and a plot of you running away began.
It was hard to plot your escape, mainly because the prince had spies all over the palace who were very loyal to him. Plus, the prince made sure he was with you as often as possible and took you on countless dates. The prince wanted you to fall in love with him, he knew it was a hard job to do so wearing you down first was the best option and hoping the Stockholm syndrome would kick in.
Today you were hoping for an easy day. You’d been sleeping more and hardly eating, so you were weaker than normal. You were a plump person, but the weight was starting to drop off. It scared you that it was happening because you liked your curves, you were proud of them and Jareth was just draining you of so much happiness and health.
Your maid moved closer to you as you sat up in your grand bed. “Good morning, my lady. Did you sleep any better?”
You shook your head slowly. “More nightmares. I don’t know if I can keep doing this. Marrying him…” Bile rose in your throat. “I feel sick.”
She helped you out of bed and to the bathroom. “I will get you some water, my lady.”
Jareth shoved your bedroom doors open. “Doll! Where are you?”
The maid flinched at seeing the prince. “Your Highness.” She bowed deeply. “My lady is in the bathroom.”
A devilish smirk spread over his plump lips. “Bathing?”
“N-no, she is unwell.”
The smile faded away. “Unwell?”
“She had a restless night and is currently being sick.”
You walked out of the bathroom and hummed. “I am fine before you start a tirade.”
Jareth was soothed as soon as he saw you. “Doll, you look so cute in your night dress. Your maid has told me you struggled with sleep, perhaps sharing my bed would help.”
You glared at him. “I would rather sleep on a bed of broken glass.”
“I do adore your sharp tongue.” He clicked his fingers. “Maid, dress my bride up in something beautiful; it’s date day.”
You walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. “Are you not tired of this constant charade?”
“It’s entertainment for me.”
You released a grow. “Leave so I may change.”
A dark and deep chuckle came from him. “Leave me waiting until the wedding day, hm?” He glanced at his maid. “Hurry up and dress her, I don’t like waiting and if I am not pleased…”
You stormed over to Jareth and shoved him out of the room. “I asked you to leave. Please don’t pressure my maid either.”
He stopped outside your room as he chuckled. “You continue to surprise me.” He turned to face you. “Such a beautiful thing.”
You slammed the door in his face. “Let’s get this over with.”
It didn’t take long for the maid to dress you up into an incredible dress that fit you perfectly, you were like a walking goddess. Jareth was speechless and over the moon about how you appeared. After joining him, you were escorted all over the palace so he could show you off. Eventually, he took you to the garden for some lunch together.
Jareth paused while eating and noticed you weren’t. “Why are you not eating?”
You sighed. “I’m not hungry.”
“You haven’t eaten all day!” He stood and dragged his chair closer to you before sitting again. “You need to eat.” He put some food on a fork made of gold. “You like fighting me all the time. You can’t fight me if you’re weak.” He offered the food to you. “Besides, your plump and curvy frame is divine.”
You released a long sigh and knew he was right. You had started to like how you looked and you needed your strength. “I will eat but, please don’t feed me.”
He handed the fork to you. “I will get you to love me.”
You started eating your lunch and rather enjoyed it. “Mm.”
He caressed your cheek. “So cute and precious.”
“Do you really think I’ll love you? You’ve used your power and the law to force me to be your fiancée.” You downed some of your drink. “Love will not happen between us.” You flicked your gaze to him. “Are you even capable of love?”
He leaned his cheek on his hand as he took you in. “I love you, so yes.”
“You torture workers for your amusement and I am sure your father was behind the death of my parents.” You leaned closer to him. “You love it when people get hurt or die by your hand. Plus, you have slept with so many women who knows what diseases you have inside you. I would never want to touch you or let you near me. I will never give you a child because I don’t want your infected body to touch mine.”
The rage inside Jareth built up, he had never been called disgusting and infected before. As soon as you finished talking he flew into a fit of rage. When he stood up the chair scraped loudly against the floor. It all happened in a blink of an eye. One minute the butler was standing waiting for instructions, the next moment Jareth had smashed the hot teapot against him. Blood flew through the air when Jareth’s fist connected with the butler’s face over and over.
You launched yourself at Jareth and hugged his arm. “Stop!” You pulled hard. “Stop it!”
A fearful scream escaped you when Jareth grabbed and threw you across the grassy floor. The thud of your body was loud when it connected with it. Jareth didn’t give you a moment to think because he was on you pinning you against the ground. His large bloodied hand gripped your jaw and mouth in a painfully hard squeeze. You breathed heavily through your nose causing his hand to heat up.
Jareth panted a little as his silvery white hair created a curtain around you both. “I am not disgusting or dirty.”
Part of you hoped someone would come to pull him off you, but no one would dare because he would break them. Plus, it seemed a lot of people who worked for him enjoyed it when he was violent. You were doomed if you stayed with this man. As he pinned you in place you knew that you had to run away because no one was ever going to save you.
He leaned down a little more so he was inches from your face. “I might have enjoyed fucking a lot of women or having them suck my cock, but I ensure that everyone was well protected. I don’t want a dirty child being made from them. You have me all wrong, little doll. I never came inside a single woman. I protect my seed.” He released your face and caressed your cheek. “I am saving myself for you.” He dragged his thumb over your bottom lip. “I was to fill your breedable cunt with all my seed. Our children will be perfect.”
You went numb when he leaned down and kissed you. You didn’t kiss him back, so for him, it was like kissing a doll. Even when his teeth pulled at your lip, you didn’t react. As soon as he gripped your breast, then you got angry. You slapped him hard causing him to pull back. You sat up and wiped the blood off your lip and felt annoyed by him.
Jareth sat back and rubbed his cheek. “Doll.”
You stood up and gently rubbed your jaw. “You will never have me.” You glared at him. “I won’t allow it. You don’t deserve a woman like me.” You released a long sigh. “I am done with this date. I don’t want to see you for the rest of this day.” You walked over to the hurt butler. You took his hand and helped him to his feet. “I’m sorry you got hurt because of my words. Let me care for you.”
The butler shook his head. “I’m okay, my lady. We have a medic.”
You pulled back and smiled. “Let me know if you need anything.”
Jareth stumbled to his feet. “Doll, please don’t leave me. I am sorry for my actions.”
You turned to your maid. “Please could you take me to my room?”
She bowed. “Yes, my lady.”
After returning to your room, the maid helped you change. The room was silent for a while before the maid started talking about helping you escape the palace. It was unexpected to hear her want to do that for you, but you weren’t going to turn her down. So, you started plotting your escape. You worked hard and passionately, but something seemed off with your maid and she seemed to be putting a bit of her ideas in the open.
The way your maid was sometimes with you was a little harsh after how romantic Jareth had tried to be recently. Even though not everything seemed right, you still had some sense of hope and you made a little backup plan with the carriage driver just in case. Your carriage driver was a wonderful older man who seemed the most genuine.
One day your plans came crashing down and breaking your heart. You were enjoying some peace in his grand garden, which seemed to be the only nice place in the palace. Your peace was ruined when Jareth came storming over with two guards and Mr Clarke. Whatever he wanted brought him some sick joy because he had a smirk on him that said he was going to hurt someone.
“You think you’re so slick, don’t you?” Jareth chuckled. “You thought you could get away with this.”
You closed your book and looked up at him, but it seemed he wasn’t looking at you but your maid. “Jareth?”
He glanced over at you and kissed you. “Not you, my doll. You’re a good doll. Someone has taken advantage of you to get my attention.”
“I don’t understand.”
He played with your hair. “Your maid.” He smiled as he took in your beauty. “I still can’t get over how beautiful you are.”
You looked over at your maid as the guards grabbed her. “What are you doing with my maid?”
She smiled at you. “Looks like I’ve been found out.”
“Found out?” Fear shot through you, it had to be your escape plan. “What do you mean?”
Jareth sat next to you on the loveseat and released a long sigh. He pulled you close and held you. “Well, have you ever wondered why you’ve been so unwell?”
You gripped your book. “I thought it was due to stress.”
“Well, this little bitch has been poisoning you. While she’s been doing that, she has been leading you on and pretending to help you go on a trip.”
You felt a pain in your heart. “Oh…why?”
Jareth hummed a laugh. “Why indeed. Why don’t you tell us why, little bitch?”
The maid huffed. “You have had countless women, but you never once wanted me!” She shook a little. “I could give you everything you could ever want.”
Jareth held the side of your head and pulled you close so he could kiss your temple. “You are nothing because you are not my doll.” He held you close. “Clarke, you know what to do with this bitch.”
Mr Clarke smiled. “Yes, Your Highness.”
He waited for everyone to leave before speaking to you. “I am ever so sorry for the treatment you have received, but now you are protected and safe. We’ll get your health back on track.”
Tears stung your eyes. “Mm.”
He hugged you tightly. “Now it’s just me and you, no more maid in our way.”
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A few maids hurried around you as you were pushed and pulled into your wedding dress. The number of layers and the tightness of the corset were too much. Since your maid was taken away, Jareth was with you every second he could meaning it was impossible to plot your escape. It seemed like there was no escape for you and you were stuck. All you could think about was having to sleep with Jareth because of the royal rules that the marriage had to be consummated.
“My lady?”
You lifted your head and registered your carriage driver standing at the door of your carriage. “Today is the day that I die. As soon as I marry him, everything inside me will die.”
He watched you sob into your flowers. He reached inside your carriage and placed his hand on your arm. “I won’t let that happen.”
You sniffed. “What do you mean?”
He clenched his jaw. “It has been an honour.”
You flinched when he slammed the door and climbed into his seat. “What is happening?” You yelped when he cracked the reins and the carriage sped off. Your back slammed into your seat as the carriage raced off. “Harold!” You clambered over to the other seat and opened the little window to the driver seat. “Harold?”
The loud thumping of the horse's hooves and their breathing was so loud, but he managed to shout over them. “I’m setting you free. I’m getting you to the border!”
“Harold, he’ll kill you.”
He sighed. “I know, but I cannot let you do this. Run across the border, do not look back. Get yourself safe and find love.”
You let the tears fall. “Thank you, Harold.” You pulled back and started pulling at your dress so it’d be easier for you to run. You yanked your engagement ring off and tied it to the flowers. After shoving the door window open, you tossed the flowers out. “Freedom.”
As the carriage shook and travelled along the road to the border, you sat back and closed your eyes so you could enjoy some peace. A shout made your whole body jump. It seemed like Harold was shouting about something. You leaned out the window and looked behind you to see it was the royal guards in the distance racing towards you as well as Jareth.
Harold cracked the reins. “Don’t worry, my lady! I’ll get you close to the border! We’re almost there!”
You breathed out to see it was cold out. The mountain path was the only way you could escape. “Harold, thank you!”
“I’ll race into the woods. You need to jump out and start running, okay? I’ll draw them away.”
You nodded. “Okay.” You braced yourself against the door. “I’m ready!”
He turned the carriage into the thick snow-covered woods. He glanced back to see you were out of view. “Now!”
You threw the door open and leapt out and into the snow. You cried out when your body slammed against the floor on a bank then you started rolling. You yelped as your body rolled over hidden rocks. You kept rolling until you banged into a tree causing the air to be knocked out of you. “Ow.”
As you lay there in the snow you heard the carriage race away. Horses hooves and shouting got closer, meaning Jareth was getting close to the carriage. You winced as you leaned up and listened closely to what he was ordering, it seemed like he didn’t know you had jumped. Knowing you’d be safe for a bit, you pushed yourself up onto your shaky-cut legs and started sprinting as fast as your broken body could take you.
Time seemed to mean nothing to you as you stumbled through the forest. It was hard to see where you were going now, but you were sure hours had passed. You had prepared for your sham wedding in the morning and now it was the middle of the night. The bright moon lit up your path as you stumbled around. The once glamorous wedding dress you wore was not ripped, wet, dirty and had your blood on it.
Exhaustion bit away at your body, you needed to stop and rest but another part of you was telling you to fight. You slowed down and spotted a light from a lantern moving closer to you. A boost of energy rushed through you. You ran towards the light and saw a man dressed in black with a long cloak with a thick fur collar. When he moved into the moonlight you felt breathless.
The man was muscular and of average height. The clothes he wore indicated that he was rich, but likely not a royal. His hand gripping the top of the lantern was not fully human, it was black with claw-like fingers that seemed so soft and warm. The cold winter air blew his raven undercut hair a little to show off his stunning face that was dotted with black markings and some scales. Two reddish horns curled from his head and framed his handsome features. There were dark marks under his eyes to show he lacked sleep. A tail flicked behind him as he looked around. The most beautiful part was his steel blue eyes, you wanted to look deep into them for the rest of your life.
Levi had gone out for a night walk because he had heard there was a runaway bride who had escaped the prince in the neighbouring country. He had heard that the love of his life would run right into his arms and break his curse. This runaway bride might be his destined love that the one who cursed him was pissed off about. Levi had been cursed by someone who loved him but he didn’t love them, they tried to see Levi’s love future and saw a woman dressed as a bride running into Levi’s arms. So, they cursed Levi to be unable to change out of his demon form.
Tonight Levi had not worn his mask because he knew he wouldn’t meet anyone, so no one would be scared of how he looked. Levi was ashamed of how he looked, he believed he was frightening and ugly. He moved his lantern a little and squinted to see there was a figure running towards him. Something hopeful gripped Levi’s heart, it was just like he was told. His beloved bride and the love of his life seemed to be running right to him.
A gasp escaped him when the light caught you, you were his bride. Levi felt a hot rush go through him, you were the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen even though your wedding dress was ripped. He dropped his lantern when you jumped into his arms. He held you close to him as butterflies fluttered in his stomach. He glanced down at you to see a sparkle in your eyes.
You reached up and caressed his cheek. “You’re so handsome.”
Levi felt a rush of emotions, one was panic that you saw his real face but pure happiness and love fought with the fear because you saw the real him and liked it. “Th-Thank you.” He studied you. “My bride, you’re hurt.”
You rested your head against him. “Worth it all because I ran into your arms.”
He blushed hard. “Mm, yes.” He gazed at your pretty face. “You’re cold.” He yanked his massive cloak off and put it around you. “Here.”
You hugged it around you. “Smells wonderful.” You looked up at him. “You smell nice.” You cupped his face. “My saviour.” You leaned up and kissed Levi.
Levi wrapped his arms around you and kissed you back, but then you went limp. “My bride?” He pulled back to see you’d passed out. “Poor thing.” He grabbed the lantern and scooped you up. “Let’s get you home.”
The walk was short to his black horse, but he knew the ride would be a little long. It was spring in his land which meant the mountains were covered in snow, but when he took you down from the mountains to his home, it’d be a lot warmer for you. He made sure you were held against him as he rode back down the mountain path.
As the excitement of finding you died down a little, he realised how awful this was for you as well as how bad you looked. There were cuts and bruises all over your body, along with your toes and fingers looking blue. He was going to get you back and help you soak in a hot bath. Levi was very aware of the terror that was the prince in the other country because he was working closely with King Erwin to help people cross the border and escape him.
The land Levi lived in was welcoming and loving. It was a mixture of humans and other magical beings. Levi, like King Erwin, was part of the demon clan but preferred to appear human in form. There were a lot of policies to keep things fair and people to be treated equally. The balance between the poor and rich wasn’t massive, people were happy and comfortable. The biggest focus right now was making sure people fleeing Jareth’s country were cared for, kept safe and moved somewhere they wanted to go.
Levi dragged you off his horse once he arrived at his stables. Using the darkness, he rushed you inside his grand home and upstairs to his room. He lay you on his bed wrapped up in his cape and hurried over to his mask. He pulled on the mask that only showed his eyes and felt comfortable now he had hidden away.
Once Levi felt comfortable, he rushed out of the room and found a maid. “Ah, Anne. I need your help.”
Anne gazed at her kind, shy and sweet master. “Of course, I’m more than happy to help you.”
He fiddled with his hands. “Th-thank you.” He turned and hurried down the hall. “This way.” He opened his room door. “I ah…I found my bride running through the snow up in the mountains.”
Anne walked over to you as you slept, she could see the damage on you was horrific. “Poor thing, she needs a good bath, lots of food and new clothes. “She is very beautiful though.” She smiled at Levi. “Did she run into your arms like you were told she would?”
“Y-yes.” He smiled as his tail flicked. “She’s perfect. I-I want to help her.”
“Could you carry her to the bathroom for me?”
Levi nodded. “Y-Yes.”
She followed her master. “Is she the runaway bride? I heard that the tyrant prince lost his bride yesterday.”
Levi carefully lay you on the lounging sofa in the bathroom. “I think so. She must have been really scared to run all this way and get this hurt.”
Anne knelt by you and started undressing you. “Could you check your pool bath? It should be warm. I think something nice should be added to it.”
Levi checked the different bottles. “Ah, lavender.”
“Perfect.” She held you close and light woke you. “My lady, I know you are tired but we need to bathe you.”
You inhaled deeply and hummed. “Okay. Thank you.”
“Anne. It’s lovely to meet you.” She looked up. “Your Lordship, I need to get this lady naked.”
Levi flinched. “S-Sorry. I will get some clothes.”
You hummed a laugh. “Cute.”
Anne giggled. “The Count is as sweet as anything.” She helped you out of the last of your clothes and then over to the bath. “I’ll help you bathe.”
You sat there for a while as your body warmed up. “Is the count married?”
“No, he is single. Why?”
You released a long sigh. “I think in my ill state I kissed him.”
Anne smiled. “That explains why he’s so happy.” She washed your hair. “He’s a good man, very shy and gentle. He helps out those in need. All of us who work here for him have escaped your country.” Anne lifted her dress and showed you that one of her legs was a prosthetic. “The prince is a monster.”
You reached over and touched her leg. “I’m so sorry.”
“I’m happy here and I have a handsome boyfriend.” She giggled. “So, it’s okay. Now it’s your turn to be happy and okay.” She helped you out of the bath and dried you off. “His Lordship will take care of you. You won’t be hurt anymore.”
You welled up. “I’m so glad.”
Anne hugged you. “You’re safe here.” She smiled and then ushered you out into Levi’s room to see he was fiddling with some clothes. “My Lordship.”
Levi flinched. “A-Ah! I uh…I bought clothes. A-are they okay?”
You walked over and looked them over. “They’re beautiful.” You smiled up at Levi. “Thank you.” You leaned closer and kissed his mask right where his lips would be. “You saved my life. I owe you everything.”
Levi gulped hard. “Y-You’re welcome. A-Ah, you should r-rest. Y-you can use my room.”
You held his clawed hand making him flinch at the contact. “You’ll be sharing it with me, right? I’m afraid to be alone.” You looked down and welled up as your body shook. “What if he comes back?”
Levi wrapped an arm around you and pulled you against him. “I’ll stay. The bed is massive.” He released you and turned his back. “Anne? Could you help her?”
Anne took the towel off you and dressed you in a lovely night dress. “Here you go, my lady. So pretty.” She stepped back. “She’s all ready for bed, your lordship.” She bowed and moved to the door. “I will take my leave.”
Levi turned to face you as soon as Anne left and was glad he had a mask on because he would be bright pink with a blush. To him, you looked incredibly beautiful with your hair down, the soft white nightdress on and it being lowcut. “P-pretty.” He went to reach for you before pulling back. “S-sorry, I shouldn’t touch.”
You smiled. “You’re nothing like him. That makes me so happy and safe.” You let out a big yawn and looked so adorable to Levi. “Mm, tired.”
You looked up at him. “Bunny?”
He whined. “Sorry, you remind me of a cute bunny.”
He walked over to the bed and pulled back the covers for you. “Bunny’s are amazing. They’re strong, durable and determined little things. They might be cute, but they have a mean kick.”
You climbed into the bed. “You don’t see me as a fragile thing?”
“N-no.” He tucked you in. “I will change.”
You lay back and felt so exhausted that you didn’t fully contemplate your situation, that some demon man had scooped you up, brought you to his massive home, washed you up and now had you in his bed. Your thoughts and slight worries washed away when Levi walked back over in a very loose and lowcut white shirt and high-waisted comfy trousers. The muscle you could see was plump and kissable with a few black markings and scales on.
Levi stopped on his side of the bed and whined. “S-sorry, my body is ugly.”
You sat up. “It’s the opposite! You’re the most handsome and beautiful man I’ve ever seen.”
Levi sat on the bed and felt confused. “Jareth is supposed to be that.”
You shook your head. “No, you are.” You reached over to his mask and lightly touched it. “I wish I could see your wonderful face again.”
“Mm, you won’t like it or me after you’re well rested.” He helped you to lie back. “Sleep.”
You softly said your name and title. “It’s lovely to meet you.”
Levi smiled behind his mask. “Count Levi Ackerman. I am the right-hand man to the King.”
You tried to fight sleep, but it was hard. “Mm, pleasure.”
Levi watched you drift off. “Pleasure is all mine.”
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nayziiz · 6 months
Shadows | LN4
Summary: [Mafia] In the face of dire financial troubles, Lando receives a desperate plea from his father to unearth a lucrative solution within the family business. Fueled by the pressure to rescue his family from ruin, Lando stumbles upon a seemingly perfect venture—using luxury cars as a facade for the clandestine world of drug trafficking. With the unexpected partnership of Amelia Rossi, his father's best friend's daughter, Lando believes he has found the ideal accomplice. However, as the Norris family collides with the ambitious Russells in a ruthless bid to establish their dominance, the perilous path Lando has chosen places not only his newfound enterprise at stake but also entangles Amelia in the dangerous crossfire that unfolds.
Warning: Violence, drugs, blood, smut, fluff, guns, pregnancy
Pairing: Lando Norris x OC (Amelia Rossi) - appearances from other drivers
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Chapter 16
News of Steve and George Russell's arrest sent shockwaves through the underworld and the upper echelons of society alike. The headlines blared the downfall of the notorious crime family, striking fear into the hearts of those who had once cowered under their influence. For Lando, Amelia, and Adam, it was a bittersweet victory, a crucial step in their quest for justice and redemption.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an orange hue over the skyline of São Paulo, Lando paced the villa's terrace, his mind swirling with a whirlwind of emotions. Steve's arrest marked a significant milestone in their plan to dismantle the Russell empire, but it also brought a heightened sense of urgency to their mission. With the Russells on the defensive, they would stop at nothing to protect their secrets and retaliate against those who had dared to challenge their reign.
Inside the villa, Amelia sat by the window, her fingers tracing the contours of her growing sixteen week old belly as she watched the city come alive with the glow of streetlights and the hum of nightlife. The weight of their situation pressed heavily upon her shoulders, the reality of impending motherhood mingling with the uncertainty of their future. But amidst the chaos, one thing remained constant – her unwavering faith in Lando and their love, a beacon of hope in the darkness that threatened to consume them.
Lando's heart swelled with love and pride as he beheld the sight of Amelia's burgeoning baby bump. It was a tangible reminder of the new life growing within her, a symbol of their shared journey and the unbreakable bond they shared. He approached her with a tender smile, his eyes alight with warmth and affection.
“Hey there, little peanut.” He murmured, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. “How's our little one doing today?”
Amelia looked up at him, her eyes shining with a mixture of joy and anticipation.
“I think peanut's doing just fine. You want to feel?” She replied, reaching out to caress his cheek.
Lando nodded eagerly, crouching down beside her. He pressed his hand against her belly, feeling the subtle movements of their unborn child beneath his fingertips. It was a moment of pure magic, a connection forged in the silent whispers of their shared dreams and hopes for the future.
“I can't believe we're going to be parents. It feels like just yesterday we were kids ourselves.” Lando murmured, his voice filled with wonder.
Amelia smiled, her gaze softening with affection.
“I know.” She agreed, leaning into his touch. “I really want to go home, Lan.”
“I know, baby. Just a few more weeks so we’re sure it’s safe to go back, then we’re on the first flight out.” Lando's words were filled with reassurance, but Amelia couldn't shake the feeling of longing for the familiarity and security of home.
The past months had been filled with uncertainty and danger, and while they had found temporary refuge in their secluded hideaway, it was far from the comfort of their own home.
“I need to have this baby back home.” She admitted softly, her voice tinged with homesickness.
“You will, just a few more weeks.” Lando murmured, wrapping his arms around her in a comforting embrace.
“I miss my Mom, believe it or not.” She sighed, resting her head against his chest.
As the details of her passing unfolded, it became clear that Marilyn, Amelia’s mother, had been in the wrong place at the wrong time when Harold was shot and killed. She had been going about her day, perhaps running errands or attending to her own affairs, when fate cruelly intervened.
“My father said my Nan sent down a whole box of that chocolate you like so much.” Lando informed Amelia, attempting to change the subject.
As Lando attempted to shift the conversation away from the sombre topic of Marilyn's passing, his mention of the chocolate brought a faint smile to Amelia's lips. It was a small gesture, but a welcome distraction from the weight of her recent loss. The thought of indulging in a sweet treat, especially one that held sentimental value, offered a brief respite from the grief that loomed heavy in the air.
As Lando stepped out of the room to make the call, he couldn't shake the sense of unease that had settled in his chest. The distance from home weighed heavily on both him and Amelia, amplifying the usual challenges of pregnancy and adding an extra layer of complexity to their situation. With each passing day, the longing for the familiar comforts of home grew stronger, tugging at their hearts and fueling a deep-seated yearning for the safety and security they had left behind.
With a heavy sigh, Lando dialled his father's number, his mind swirling with a myriad of concerns and uncertainties. He needed guidance, reassurance, anything to ease the burden of responsibility that weighed so heavily upon him. As the call connected, Lando's voice was laced with a hint of apprehension, a reflection of the tumultuous emotions that churned within him.
“Hey, Dad.” He began, his words tinged with a mixture of relief and anxiety. “We need to come home.”
Lando's plea hung heavy in the air as he awaited his father's response, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. He knew the risks involved in returning home prematurely, but the thought of Amelia enduring the challenges of pregnancy without the support of family was unbearable to him.
“I understand, son.” Adam's voice resonated through the phone, his tone weighed down by the gravity of their situation. “But we can't afford to take any chances. You know how dangerous it is right now.”
Lando's jaw tightened as he absorbed his father's words, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. He couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness that gnawed at him, knowing that he couldn't provide Amelia with the comfort and reassurance she so desperately needed.
“Dad, she’s pregnant.” Lando insisted, his voice tinged with a hint of desperation. “She needs Mum, and Savannah, and anyone who can just support her through this. Please, Dad. I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t absolutely necessary.”
There was a brief moment of silence on the other end of the line, the weight of their conversation hanging heavily between them. Adam's sigh echoed through the phone, a testament to the internal struggle he faced in balancing his desire to protect his family with the undeniable need for support and comfort.
The gravity of the situation weighed heavily in the space between Lando and his father, the urgency in his voice underscoring the importance of his plea. Adam's silence spoke volumes, the weight of his own concerns mirrored in the sombre tone of his response.
“I understand, Lando. I'll arrange for a secure escort to ensure Amelia's safety.” Adam replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of apprehension and determination. "But I need you to promise me that you'll prioritise her safety above all else. There’s a baby to think of now.”
“I promise, Dad. Thank you. It means everything to us.” Lando affirmed, a sense of relief washing over him at the prospect of finally bringing Amelia back home.
As the call ended, Lando felt a sense of resolve settle within him, a renewed determination to do whatever it took to ensure Amelia's well-being.
Lando entered the room, his heart buoyed by the prospect of bringing some relief to Amelia amidst the uncertainty they faced. As he approached her, he found her sitting on the edge of the bed, a mix of anticipation and apprehension etched on her features.
“Hey, baby.” He greeted softly, taking her hands in his as he sat down beside her. “I've got some news.”
“What is it?” Amelia looked up at him, her eyes reflecting a blend of curiosity and concern.
“We're going home. Dad’s making all the arrangements now and he’ll let me know once everything has been sorted.” Lando announced, a flicker of excitement dancing in his eyes. 
“Really?” A wave of relief washed over Amelia, her tense shoulders relaxing as the weight of uncertainty began to lift. 
Lando nodded, a tender smile gracing his lips. Tears welled in Amelia's eyes, a mix of gratitude and overwhelming emotion swelling within her.
“Thank you, Lando. Thank you for everything.” She choked as she tried to hold back her tears.
Wrapping her in a warm embrace, Lando held her close, his heart swelling with love and determination.
As the jet's door swung open, the familiar sights and sounds of London greeted Lando and Amelia, signalling their return to the place they called home. Max Fewtrell, Lando's trusted childhood friend, stood at the ready by the armoured SUV, his expression a mix of relief and anticipation as he awaited their arrival. With practised ease, Lando emerged first, swiftly retrieving their luggage before returning to assist Amelia down the steps of the jet.
Max's eyes widened in surprise as he caught sight of Amelia's unmistakable baby bump, a visible symbol of the new chapter awaiting the couple. His expression softened into a warm smile as he approached, offering a hand to help Amelia onto solid ground once more.
“Welcome back. Looks like I arrived just in time to see the next generation of troublemakers in the making.” Max greeted, his voice laced with genuine warmth and excitement.
“Thanks, Max. Flip, have I missed you.” Amelia chuckled softly, a hint of exhaustion mingling with the overwhelming sense of gratitude flooding her senses.
With Max's help, they made their way to the waiting SUV, ready to embark on the next leg of their journey home. As they settled into the familiar comforts of the vehicle, a sense of hope and anticipation filled the air, a testament to the unwavering bond shared between friends and the promise of new beginnings on the horizon.
As they settled into the SUV, Max couldn't contain his curiosity, prompting him to broach the topic that had been swirling in his mind since he laid eyes on Amelia's baby bump.
“So, a baby?” Max inquired, his tone a mix of surprise and genuine interest.
“Yep, a little surprise that kept our spirits up while we were away.” Lando's smile widened at Max's reaction, a flicker of pride evident in his eyes.
“How far along are you?” Max's eyebrows shot up in amazement.
“Just over sixteen weeks.” Amelia replied, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and tenderness as she glanced at Lando, beaming with impending fatherhood pride in the passenger seat.
“Wow, you two were away for a long time.” Max remarked, a hint of playful teasing in his tone.
“Yeah, yeah. Missed you too, mate. But now that we're back, we've got some catching up to do.” Lando chuckled in response, reaching over to give Max a friendly pat on the shoulder.
“Your parents are going to do somersaults about their new grandbaby.” Max remarked, causing both Lando and Amelia to chuckle in response.
Almost an hour later, Max pulled up in front of the Norris family home and almost instantly, Lando’s family came rushing out from his father, to his mother, to his sisters and brother. Lando got out in a haste to open the back door of the SUV for Amelia to step out.
As Amelia stepped out of the SUV, she was greeted by the enthusiastic embrace of Lando's family. His sisters, in particular, were ecstatic to see her and the baby bump. They showered her with hugs and affection, their excitement palpable as they welcomed her into their home.
“Amelia, you're glowing!” Lando's mother exclaimed, her eyes shimmering with joy at the sight of her son's partner.
“We've been waiting for this moment for so long.” Flo, one of Lando's sisters chimed in, her smile radiant with happiness.
Amelia felt overwhelmed by the warmth and love emanating from Lando's family. Despite the challenges they had faced, being surrounded by such genuine affection filled her with a sense of comfort and belonging. She exchanged grateful smiles with Lando, silently acknowledging that they were exactly where they were meant to be.
“Careful, girls. There’s special cargo in that belly.” Lando’s mother, Cisca, warned her daughter as Adam wrapped his arms around his son and kept him tight against him.
As Lando's family continued to fuss over Amelia and the baby bump, his mother's gentle reminder brought a sense of protective unity to the moment. Cisca's words served as a subtle reminder to everyone that Amelia and the unborn baby were precious cargo, deserving of extra care and consideration.
Adam's embrace around Lando spoke volumes, conveying both love and a silent promise of protection. In that moment, Lando felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for his family's unwavering support. They had been through so much together, and yet, here they were, embracing the future with open arms and loving hearts.
With his father's reassuring presence anchoring him, Lando felt a renewed sense of determination to ensure the safety and well-being of Amelia and their growing family.
“You did a great job, son, keeping her safe.” Adam acknowledged as he whispered into Lando’s ear.
“Thanks, Dad. And, thank you for your help.” Lando told his Dad.
“Amelia, dear, what do you need?” Cisca asked Amelia as she led her into the house.
As Lando and Amelia made their way into the house, the warmth of familiarity enveloped them. The comforting scent of home-cooked food filled the air, triggering a wave of nostalgia and anticipation for the meal ahead. Despite the challenges they had faced during their time away, being back in the familiar embrace of family brought a sense of peace and reassurance.
“Just a hot shower for now.” Amelia chuckled, keeping her exhaustion at bay.
“You do that, sweetie. I have a full roast going at the moment. I assumed you kids haven’t had a real home cooked meal in a while.” Cisca assured Ameli and Lando.
“That sounds lovely, Mum.” Lando smiled. “I’ll take Amelia up and get her settled and we’ll come down for dinner.”
As had become a norm in their relationship, Lando ran the shower allowing it to heat up for her. Amelia caught Lando's gaze lingering on her as she undressed, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Despite the familiarity of their relationship, there was still an undeniable spark between them that never failed to ignite a rush of warmth and affection.
“Not as hot as you thought I’d be pregnant?” She wondered, suddenly self-conscious like she had been all the times he paraded his model ex-flings.
“The exact opposite, actually. You’re beautiful, Amelia.” He assured her and then proceeded to place a loving kiss on her lips.
With a teasing glint in her eyes, Amelia stepped into the shower, feeling the warm water cascade over her skin, washing away the weariness of their journey and leaving her feeling refreshed and invigorated. She closed her eyes, relishing in the sensation, until she felt Lando's presence behind her, his strong arms enveloping her in a gentle embrace.
As he began to massage shampoo into her hair, his touch was tender and intimate, sending shivers of pleasure down her spine. She leaned back against him, letting herself melt into his embrace, feeling his heartbeat against her back as they stood together beneath the soothing stream of water.
In that moment, with the comforting sound of the shower filling the room and Lando's reassuring presence surrounding her, Amelia couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude for the man standing beside her. Despite the challenges they had faced, their bond remained unbreakable, a testament to the strength of their connection and the depth of their love. And as she turned to meet his gaze, her heart swelled with a profound sense of contentment, knowing that she was exactly where she was meant to be - finally out of the shadows.
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teecupangel · 7 months
Once upon a meadow, in the heart of the Enchanted Forest, lived a curious rabbit and a vibrant blue bird. The rabbit was known for his insatiable appetite for stories, while the bird had a talent for composing beautiful songs. One day, they discovered an ancient oak tree with a magical mailbox that promised to deliver letters to any faraway places.
Excitement sparkled in the rabbits eyes as he hopped around the bird. "Let's write many letters to put in it! Imagine the tales and tunes we could share!"
The bird, with a melodious chirp, agreed, and they began crafting heartfelt letters under the rustling leaves of the old oak tree. The rabbit added his whimsical anecdotes, and the bird penned verses that echoed through the enchanted meadow.
They wrote as much as they can and placed it in the mailbox hoping anyone could stumble upon some of the letters. Some were replied sooner, others took time but one specific letter was found by a courier and in haste did he went to deliver it.
Inside it says: "Desmond turns into a lamb. You could do whatever you want I just want to see Desmond as a lamb because symbolism lmao."
At the age of fourteen, the recruits of the Brotherhood were required to present a kill to the mentor. It could be any kind of animal but the Brotherhood preferred it to be some kind of animal that can be cooked and shared to everyone.
It was a way to prepare them to the inevitable time that they must take the life of another.
Their kill must always be in the presence of an Assassin of Master rank or higher. Someone who can provide guidance and protection for unforeseen circumstances.
They would usually be someone connected to the recruit, the one who found them or a blood relative.
Altaïr had neither.
Had his father been alive, he would have been the one to guide Altaïr.
Al Mualim, who had taken over Umar’s duties since Altaïr was eleven, could not do it. It would have been seen as something more in the eyes of many Assassins.
So the duty befell Faheem Al-Sayf as one of the few remaining Assassins to have known Umar Ibn-La'Ahad back in Alamut that was still of good body necessary for this tradition.
Tomorrow, he would do the same for his oldest son.
Faheem had never interacted with the young Ibn-La'Ahad. Those blindly loyal eyes trained at Al Mualim reminded him too much of Umar, making his mind annoyed and his heart ached in equal measure.
It was a travesty for him to be in charge of the young boy’s first kill. He and Umar had opinions and they were, for most part, on opposite sides. What their brothers call friendship was build on mutual annoyance and the stubborn desire to win against their opponent’s opinions.
Umar had been closer to Ahmad, the man who dogged at Umar’s every step.
But both of them were dead.
And it was small mercies that Ahmad’s boy would be guided by another than Faheem due to scheduling conflicts.
Faheem could feel a headache coming.
He knew something was wrong the moment they exited Masyaf and went to a nearby woods to hunt, only for a lamb of pure white color to come tumbling out of the bushes and run towards Altaïr, letting out sweet sounds as if trying to talk to the boy.
The boy had froze for a moment and locked eyes with the lamb before he began to pet the animal, slowly at first, seemingly in a trance or just plain confuse by what was happening.
When Faheem said that they were lucky and ordered Altaïr to make it quick and painless, both the boy and the lamb turned towards him with wide eyes.
Faheem felt like he was the villain all of a sudden.
“Altaïr…” Faheem rubbed his face before letting out a sigh.
If it was Malik, he would have told the boy to remember his mission and he knew his son would do it.
If it was Kadar, he would have done the same and his youngest would do it as well with tears streaming down his face, apologizing over and over again.
They would both get over it quickly enough.
But he didn’t know about Altaïr.
All he heard about Altaïr was that he was the best of the recruits and never complained over anything, no matter how hard or unfair training becomes.
But he also saw the way the boy’s face softened and the small smile he gave when he started to pet the lamb.
A bleeding heart was nothing but a weakness in the eyes of the Brotherhood and their master.
It might be harsh but Faheem needed to curb such a weakness before it leads to Altaïr’s downfall.
“Altaïr…” Faheem knew it was not his place to say such things. For a moment, he wished he could curse Umar for accepting his death so easily, “You must throw away what feelings you have for that animal. You cannot afford to be weak.”
Altaïr’s hands trembled before they gripped the lamb’s neck. The lamb stared at him with eyes that made Faheem uncomfortable.
There was intelligence in those eyes.
And understanding.
The lamb shook Altaïr’s hands off and bumped his head against the bow strapped on Altaïr’s back.
A quick death.
Was… was the lamb asking for a quick death?
Faheem stared at the lamb and realized…
Why was it alone?
Why did it approach them?
Why did it approach Altaïr?
Faheem watched as the lamb walked away from them, turning around and letting out a sound towards Altaïr as if…
“Altaïr, wait!” Faheem ordered as Altaïr followed the lamb but the boy did not listen.
The lamb began to run and Altaïr chased after it.
Faheem chased them but the woods seemed to be against him for some reason.
Altaïr was following the lamb’s steps better than him as it led them to the more dense part of the woods.
By the time he caught up to them, he froze when he realized that the lamb had led them to the claws of a wild bear.
There had been sightings of it from worried villagers and the Brotherhood had guessed that bandits had captured it from somewhere but had either left it or they had grown too greedy and the bear managed to escape.
“Altaïr!” Faheem shouted as he ran towards the boy who held the bow in his hands.
Faheem stopped when he noticed the determined expression on the boy’s face as he nocked an arrow.
The lamb was running in circles…
It was bait.
The bear was chasing it and it knew it.
Altaïr fired one arrow, hitting the bear in the eye. He quickly fired another arrow, striking the bear between the eyes.
Altaïr didn’t falter nor slow down, striking the bear on the face with all the arrows he had.
The bear fell on the ground with a loud thump before Altaïr could fire his third to the last arrow.
The lamb slowly made its way towards the bear and tapped its head with a hoof before jumping back quickly. When it didn’t move, the lamb ran towards Altaïr and let out a loud energetic sound.
Altaïr returned the bow to his back before petting the lamb’s head as he said, “The Brotherhood do not accept unnecessary deaths.”
Altaïr turned to stare at Faheem and, for a moment, Faheem saw Umar’s face.
The same annoying face of that idiot who believed in the drivel he was saying with such faith that he would defend it to the bitter end.
“If caring for this one means I am weak…” Altaïr’s determination and stubbornness were clear in his face as he said, “Then I just have to become stronger than anyone else.”
“Strong enough to be weak just this once.”
That wasn’t how it goes.
Faheem knew he should say it but…
Instead, he sighed.
“Protecting the innocents is part of our duty as an Assassin.” Faheem said instead as he rubbed his face.
He was getting the same headache he always had when he was dealing with Umar.
How annoying.
He turned around as he said, “It’s your kill so you drag it back to Masyaf.”
The sound that came from the sheep sounded a bit like a thank you.
Faheem shook his head.
He was thinking too hard about this.
If the boy wanted to have a pet lamb…
Faheem wasn’t anything to the boy. He had no say in this.
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad would have to take care of this himself.
= For those interested in the alchemist that sometimes appears in this tumblr =
“I… I don’t think we’re allowed to deliver any kind of living creature.” The courier said as he looked at the big innocent eyes looking up to him.
“It’s not a real creature.” The alchemist said absentmindedly, seemingly looking for something inside that huge container that was even bigger in the inside, “It’s a golem. Pretty much just clay imitating life.”
“Well this ‘clay imitating life’ looks and acts like a lamb.” The courier countered, “So unless you make the proper arrangement mandatory for shipping live creatures which includes enough food to cover the longest estimate for the entire delivery trip, a cage large enough for the creature to walk around a bit and-”
The alchemist let out a long suffering sigh and went towards the nearby table. They picked up some kind of long ribbon and a piece of paper, quickly writing something in it before walking towards the lamb.
The courier watched in horror, eyes widening and mouth gaping, as the alchemist just… struck their entire arm into the lamb. The lamb didn’t make any noise but there was some kind of squelching sound that made the courier want to gag. The alchemist pulled their arm out and the lamb froze, eyes glazing into nothingness. The alchemist shook their clay-covered hand before covering what seemed to be some kind of wooden trinket in the rough shape of a four-legged creature in their hand with the paper they wrote. Afterwards, they used the ribbon to secure both the paper and the trinket before tying it around the lamb’s neck.
“There.” The alchemist patted the lamb’s head and walked back to the container as they said, “Now it’s just a normal clay statue.”
It looked more like a taxidermy but… the courier wasn’t going to say anything more. He simply sighed and took the… statue… while saying, “I’ll place the order slip on the table before leaving.”
The alchemist simply waved a hand instead of answering him.
He sighed once more.
Thank the stars this was his last stop for today.
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mayashesfly · 5 months
Radio Killed the Video Star
"HAHA! Fucking finally"
Vox grinned as blood and coolant dripped from the crack on his face.
His suit in disarray after coming into his demon form, skin ripped by his own cords and wires that dug deep in his skin and erupted outside.
He felt his power drain from him as a spark of electricity left the crack on his face.
But he did it.
He defeated the Radio Demon!
Alastor fell on his knees, covering the burnt skin that irritated his angelic scar.
His cane laid broken beneath his feet.
And oh! The fucking irony of this scene! HAHAHA!!! THIS WAS SO MUCH BETTER IN PERSON!!!!
"Y-You're celebrating too early... old pal" Alastor got out through gritted teeth. And Vox merely smiled despite the blurry and fragmented scene before him.
"Oh please. You really think I would let you escape just as easily as last time, Alastor?" Vox asked rhetorically, mocking him as he knows just how difficult and painful it is for the demon to travel through shadows in blinding light.
Especially with how weakened he is now.
"Don't make me laugh"
"HA!" A cough wracked through the radio demon's throat from the laugh, blood dribbling underneath his chin, yet he still continues on with a smile. "Oh please, my old pal. You're the one laughing at your own high for your ego!"
"F-zzt-UcK YOU!" Vox hissed, electricity crackling over his form despite his diminishing powers as he slowly walked over Alastor's prone form, claws moving from the ache in his systems.
"You're just ge-GEtting unDER my sKiN... Beca-caUzzt you lost, you pathetic liTtLE HA-HAzzt-bin"
"How sharp of you to notice something so obvious, my d-dear....!"
Vox paused in his approach as he stared into the distance.
The Radio Demon's quips falling in deaf eyes as his eyes widened.
Ice flowing through his veins despite the warmth of his systems.
Alastor was still talking despite his waning strenght.
But when he noticed Vox stopped responding, he rose a brow and looked behind him.
"Now what's the matter Vox? For you to—"
The air around him burned as electricity crackled through the air.
Eyes widening upon seeing blue and red color angelic steel.
Ears pinning down as he stared at shocked eyes beneath the cracks and distortions.
Despite it all...
He smiled.
"I'm the only one that gets to kill you..."
That softened gaze disappeared into an abyss of darkness as his old friend powered down for the very last time.
The air crackled.
Not with electricity.
But with magic as he absorbed the ambient radio waves that fueled them both.
"How dare you come between us"
His neck creaked like a broken radio as dials burned in his eyes and green symbols tore through the air around him.
The lights around them flickering before promptly cutting off.
"How DARE you come between us you impudent low life"
Screams erupted from the holy being as shadows soar through the darkened sky, coiling around the angel before ripping them apart limb by limb.
Bright golden blood littered through the air like stars in the night sky.
But the gruesome sight in front of him did nothing to quell the aching hollowness that burned through his chest.
As if he was the one who's been hit.
As if he was the one who died.
His body creaked as if he was the one wailing.
The crackle and crunch of broken bones accompanying his breaking unbeating heart.
When did he start crying?
The shadows wasn't satisfied with the mangled corpse, dragging the body into the void as he curled around the cold form of his old companion.
The wound in his chest burned.
But he paid no mind as he hugged the still frame of his friend.
Stupid, stupid little picture box.
Always making harsh mistakes and emotional decisions that one.
And now he's.... and now he's.......
Alastor gulped down the pooling blood in his mouth as his body turned ice cold.
He had always been cold-blooded despite his deer-like appearance but Vox....
He shouldn't be cold.
He shouldn't be this cold.
Why is he cold?
"You stupid old picture box...."
"Why....? Why did you do it.....?"
"I'm the only one that gets to kill you..."
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talonabraxas · 2 months
Tumblr media
St. George with the Swastika Gustav Adolf Closs (1937)
The Swastika – A Pure Spiritual Symbol
As rightly said by H. P. Blavatsky, the swastika or svastika is “the most sacred and mystic symbol in India.” It is a pure spiritual symbol which can be found on the historical remains and records of almost every nation, originating initially in India, the ancient Mother of our modern civilisation. It was also an important and much cherished symbol of the early Christians, who called it the “crux dissimulata” and often accompanied it with the inscription “Vitalis Vitalia” – “Life of Life.” They used the swastika for centuries, long before the crucifix form of the Cross was ever invented.
The symbol of the cross with the crucified Jesus on it did not exist until 700 A.D. or later, just as the doctrine of vicarious atonement and salvation through the blood of Jesus did not exist in its present form until the beginning of the Middle Ages.
It must be repeatedly emphasised that the swastika was never thought of in any way by anyone as being an evil or “dark” symbol until Hitler misappropriated it as the symbol of Nazism. Tragically the image of the swastika continues to strike fear and horror into the hearts of many, due to their not knowing its true spiritual origins and meaning. Despite its modern negative connotations, Hindus, Jains, and Buddhists all over the world retain their right to the use of the swastika as a spiritual symbol.
It’s true and unspeakably tragic that millions of Jews were “slaughtered under the sign of the swastika,” as a visitor to the site unnecessarily reminded us, but why should millions of Indians and followers of Indian religions be denied the right to use the symbol which is theirs by right? Should Hitler still be allowed to triumph over the minds of men, even in death?
He also misappropriated and misrepresented the word “Aryan” – using it to mean a so-called “perfect race” of blonde haired, blue eyed, fair skinned people – whereas in its actual and historical sense, which is the sense in which the term is used in Theosophy, the word “Aryan” means “Indian.” Ancient India was called Aryavarta and the Aryans were the inhabitants of this land. The swastika symbolises and represents:
(1) Auspiciousness, since the true and literal meaning of the Sanskrit word “Swastika” is “All is well.”
(2) The continual motion and revolution of the invisible forces of the universe and the cycles of time, represented by the four arms of the cross being bent at right angles to signify motion and rotation.
(3) The Seal of the Heart or Heart’s Seal of Buddhism. It can be seen engraved on the chest of Buddha in many statues of him around the world.
(4) Fohat, cosmic electricity.
“Applied to the Microcosm, Man, it shows him to be a link between heaven and Earth: the right hand being raised at the end of a horizontal arm, the left pointing to the Earth. . . . It is at one and the same time an Alchemical, Cosmogonical, Anthropological, and Magical sign, with seven keys to its inner meaning. It is not too much to say that the compound symbolism of this universal and most suggestive of signs contains the key to the seven great mysteries of Kosmos. . . . It is the Alpha and the Omega of universal creative Force, evolving from pure Spirit and ending in gross Matter. It is also the key to the cycle of Science, divine and human; and he who comprehends its full meaning is for ever liberated from the toils of Mahamaya, the great Illusion and Deceiver. . . . So ancient is the symbol and so sacred, that there is hardly an excavation made on the sites of old cities without its being found.” – H. P. Blavatsky, “The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 2
There is a need for articles such as this, in order to let people know the true origins and nature of things. The swastika is undoubtedly still very taboo in the Western world but spiritually educated people can help to bring about something of a reclaiming of what is originally, initially, and inherently a pure spiritual symbol and what is still such for followers of Eastern religion.
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