#raccoon x warren
geralts-yenn · 1 year
Something like that - Part 1
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Syverson (Sandcastle) x female reader (second-person pov) I tried to be as inclusive as possible (there's always room for improvement, please let me know how to do better...)
summary: this is the sequel to bonfire - Sy is finally taking you on a date
warnings: mentioning of masturbation, fingering, p-i-v sex (non barrier contraception - our sweeties are exclusive and have discussed protection)
word count: 3,5k
A/N: I got asked about the first date that my bonfire Sy promised at the end. Thank you for that, nonnie!😘
And then I started off with an idea, and then there was another, and another.... And when I was at 3,5k words and felt like I was halfway through the story, I decided I had to split this into two parts. So be patient, Sy is not done yet with reader...
Inspo boards for this part can be found here!
I'd love to get some feedback. Please don't hesitate to reblog, comment, ask. Like all my fellow writers, I long for every bit of interaction with my readers. If you want to make my day, hit reblog and tell me what you think🥰
taglist: @raccoon-eyed-rebel @deandoesthingstome @mayloma @fvckinghenrycavill @ylva-syverson @ellethespaceunicorn @kebabgirl67 @dopegardensaladhuman @kingliam2019 @peyton-warren
(please let me know if you want to be added or removed)
My masterlist
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You were smiling when you heard the notification on your phone. Since Sy had taken you home after the night at the bonfire, he sent you a photo of him every morning. And every day these photos were getting more suggestive.
Today was no exception, and you spat your coffee over the table in surprise as you saw the picture of him, holding his mug in position to cover his bits, because - he wasn't wearing anything. A smug smile was playing on his lips. “Tonight's the night,“ was the text he sent you with it. 
You hadn’t been able to see each other all week, but tonight Sy was finally taking you on a date. 
You weren’t exactly nervous, but you had to admit you felt giddy when you thought about seeing him again, knowing that he felt the same for you as you did for him. After this long time of longing, you could finally be together. It wouldn’t be you if you didn’t get a little anxious.
What if this isn’t going the way you had dreamed about it so often? What if Sy realizes he doesn’t like you that much? What if you said something stupid…?
But then you tried to calm yourself down. You had been talking to each other every night and it went great. You had never laughed so much with a guy and this was something that you really could get used to. 
It was exactly 6pm when you heard the loud noise of a motorcycle. You looked out to the street and in fact, Sy was parking a bike in front of your house. A minute later the bell rang, and you were answering through the intercom. “Third floor” you told him and pressed the button to open the door.
You just realized how stupid it was to say that. He must have visited Megan in this apartment before, they were friends for years. 
You opened the door to your apartment and Sy was almost there, taking two steps at once. He wasn’t even out of breath when he stood before you, smiling. 
“Hi, beautiful!” he greeted you and gave you a small peck on your cheek. 
“Is this all I get?” you pouted at him, and with his smile growing wider, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close. The kiss he pressed onto your lips now was nothing like that first one. It was fierce and greedy and hot. You opened your mouth for him and his tongue immediately started exploring and tasting you. 
When you finally pulled back, you both gasped for air and both of you were smiling like idiots. 
“So, we’re riding your bike?” you asked him with a raised eyebrow. Sy didn’t let you know what he had planned for you, so deciding what to wear was difficult enough. But now you stood there in your sundress and knew it wasn’t the right decision after all. 
Sy nodded with a guilty look on his face. 
„Sorry, last-minute decision. My truck let me down once again. So, it’s either my bike or you driving.“ He shrugged, looking apologetic.  
„I’m fine with the bike. Just come in for a minute, so I can get changed.“ You stepped back from the door to let him in. Sy rubbed his hand over his scalp and this shy gesture melted your heart.
As he entered your apartment you took in his appearance. He was wearing a blue Henley shirt that accentuated his beautiful eyes. Tight-fitting jeans hugged his thighs exactly in the right places. And the brown leather jacket could hardly hide what a bulk of a man he was. You were a lucky girl for sure!
You gestured for him to sit down as you hurried into your bedroom. There were piles of clothes spread over your bed, and you grabbed a simple black shirt and some skinny jeans. A minute later, you were back at Sy and, considering the way his eyes traveled over your curves, you had made the right choices.
You took your leather jacket and your backpack and held out your hand for Sy. He took it with a grin and let you try to pull him up from your couch. He didn't help with his weight, so you didn't stand a chance. Instead, Sy snorted and pulled at your arm himself, and you found yourself on his lap the next second. 
"I like you on top of me!" he whispered in your ear with his voice even lower than usual. Then he started to kiss you once more.
Right when you thought your date would both start and end with the two of you making out on your couch, Sy got up with you still cradled in his arms. He carried you to your door where he let you back down to your feet slowly. "Let's get you something to eat, sugar!" he told you and pressed a kiss on your nose. 
It had been a while since you were sitting on a motorbike, but with your arms around Sy's waist, you felt like it was the best place to be in the world. 
You enjoyed the wind in your hair and the scents that filled your nose as Sy drove you along fields and meadows.
After some time, the scenery changed into mountains. The road took a lot of turns and curves that made you enjoy the ride even more, as you clung to Sy’s body every time he tilted the bike around the corners.
Another fifteen minutes later, you saw where Sy was taking you to. There was a huge ferris wheel and other rides, crowds of people making their way around food stalls and stages.
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When he stopped the engine, you hopped down onto the ground, your legs still trembling from the vibrations of the bike ride. Sy immediately wrapped an arm around your waist and kissed your forehead.
"You good?" he asked and you just nodded. Another small peck on your temple and then Sy guided you through the crowds. He asked you where you wanted to go first. You didn't need time to think about it, a smile plastered over your face as you turned to the huge swing ride. 
"Oh fuck!" Sy groaned as he realized. "I've never been in one of those. I can't promise I won't get sick." You chuckled as you saw that big bear of a man nervously gulping as he watched the chairs flying around the pole. 
"Come on, Sy! You can hold my hand if it makes you feel better!" you teased him. You couldn't believe this was what made the big army captain feel anxious. And it amused you way more than it should.
When you were seated, you held out your arm, and you couldn't help but fall even more for him as you felt Sy's big warm hand wrapping around yours. 
Just another minute later, all the doubts were washed away from Sy's face and he was grinning from ear to ear as your chairs whirled over the festival grounds. He even asked you for a second round. 
But after that, you could convince him to get some food. You strolled along the stalls and decided to get some burgers.
Sy ate two of them and helped you with your fries when you couldn't fit any more into you. Smiling, you brushed some barbecue sauce from his beard and kissed him.
When you both had finished your meal, you meandered around the stands, holding hands. Sy got you some cotton candy and you headed to a calmer area at the side of the fair, where the two of you sat down on the grass. After you put the last bit of sugary fluff into your mouth, Sy licked over your lips, stealing a kiss from you.
"You're the sweetest thing, darlin" he drawled into your ear, brushing his lips once more over your neck. Goosebumps spread all over your skin.
"Good decision?" he asked you, smiling.
You mirrored the soft look on his face. "Letting you take me on a date? Definitely yes!" you nudged your elbow playfully into his ribs, but he didn’t even flinch.
Sy chuckled. "I was more thinking about if you liked the festival but good to know you don't regret that night at the bonfire yet."
You saw the mischief in his eyes, he knew exactly what he made you feel. But that didn’t stop him from teasing you further. “How about my messages? Did you like those, too?” 
Oh, yes, you did like them, a lot. You noticed heat crawling up your neck when you thought about that last picture he sent you this morning. And what you did after you saw it. His grin only got wider as he watched you, standing there with red ears, not answering.
“What?” he asked, laughing. You cleared your throat. Somehow you desperately needed a sip of water. Sy cheekily grinned at you, his eyebrows raised. 
“I liked them,” you simply said. But Sy didn’t let go of that topic. “How much did you like that last one?” Without even noticing, you bit your lip as you thought about that selfie that showed almost every benefit Sy’s body had. You couldn’t fight back a small laugh. “Too much” you murmured.
That was undoubtedly what Sy was hoping for. “Tell me what it did to you, sugar.” His voice was deep as he dragged out his words. 
Okay, he wouldn’t let go, he wanted you to tell him. So, it was time to be bold: 
“I went back into my bedroom after I cleaned up the coffee that I spat all over the kitchen.” You were pleased as you noticed that tiny bit of surprise on Sy’s face over your confession. But this was just for a second before his expression fell back to the smug smile that you knew so well by now.
You didn’t think his voice could drop any lower, but it did. “What did you do in your bedroom?” Damn, he really wanted you to say it. Cheeky bastard! Maybe it was time to make him shut up.
“I dropped my panties and got rid of my shirt, too. Then I got my favorite toy out of my night stand. I put my phone with your photo on my pillow, started to tease myself with that rabbit vibrator and pinched my nipples with my other hand. I edged myself for several minutes, but then I came hard all over my hand, thinking of you.”
Now it was on you to give him a mischievous grin. Sy’s face showed something entirely different. His eyes were wide and dark. His gaze appeared to be hungry, almost feral.
Sy’s Adam’s apple bopped as he swallowed hard. “We need to get away from here, now!” he said. “I need you somewhere where we’re alone” The way he said it made you press your thighs together in an unsuccessful attempt to keep your composure. You needed him, and he needed you.
You pulled him close and the kiss you pressed onto his lips was probably a little too much of PDA, but you just didn't care. 
And Sy didn’t care either apparently. He got to his feet, pulling you with him. And as he guided you back to his motorcycle, the whole way back to the parking lot he couldn't keep his hands to himself. You felt them on the small of your back, on your arms, on your hips… 
Without any further words, you got onto his bike. You were certain that Sy would bring you to his home, but after only a few minutes you realized he was driving in a different direction. You asked yourself where you were heading as Sy took a turn onto a narrow dirt road. The road led you through some woods and you were really glad that you trusted Sy. This wasn't a typical location choice for a first date.
But when Sy stopped his motorcycle, you were in awe. There was a cute little cabin in front of you, right by the edge of a lake. It had a wooden walkway that stretched from the house to the water. 
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Sy wordlessly guided you to the pier. He couldn't have used his mouth to talk because he just didn't stop spilling kisses all over your neck and shoulders.
While maneuvering you onto the deck, he managed to take off your jacket as well as his own. He threw both of them carelessly onto the floor.
"Sy, this is beautiful!" you told him and he just hummed in approval into your ear as he started lapping on your earlobe.
A gasp escaped your mouth at the sensation. That was a weak spot of yours. And Sy immediately took note of it and used it against you. Soon he had you squirming in his arms. 
He led you to sink onto a large sun lounger and followed you, kneeling between your thighs. Sy definitely had just one goal right now and you couldn’t blame him. You had teased him just a little too much.
He worked on your jeans and after he was still struggling with the tight piece of clothes a minute later, you took pity on him and helped him to get the stubborn fabric down your thighs. Your shirt, on the other hand, was no challenge for Sy and so you were finally spread out in front of him, only in your panties and bra.
You had chosen your best set of lingerie for him, but Sy couldn’t have cared less right now. He opened your bra and tossed it to the side, sinking his face between your boobs. 
His hands roamed over your sides, his fingers brushing with surprising tenderness over the swell of your breasts, your ribs and your waist. When they found the elastics of your panties, your last piece of garment was gone, too. As he sank his head further down your stomach, you stopped him. Sy gave you a displeased grunt as you tugged on his neck and pulled him up to your face again.
“I’ll let you do whatever you have on your mind in a minute, but please let me enjoy the view, too!” you purred. You tugged on his shirt and Sy took the hint in a second and hopped out of his clothes as fast as he could. 
You couldn’t suppress a needy whimper as he towered over you, his cock standing proud between his thighs. The last time you had him naked in front of you, it was dark and you were nervous and confused. You were still a bit nervous, but this time you took your time to take in his breathtaking appearance.
“Like what you see?” he asked, his smug grin once more showing. You bit your lip and pulled him down to you.
“I like it very much. Now show me what it feels like.” You cupped his butt cheeks in a firm grip and grinded your hips up to him. You moaned as you felt his erection press against you. But Sy pulled out of your embrace as he lay down on his side next to you.
“Let me take care of you first, sugar,” he rustled in between placing soft kisses all over your throat and chest. His hand moved over your thighs and with gentle pressure on your knee, he parted them. You squirmed as his fingers made their way back up your inner thighs. Then they finally helped you ease the ache that throbbed in your core.
Sy’s fingers brushed through your slick folds and circled your clit, enticing desperate moans from you. Sy answered your sounds with a deep groan himself. His other hand joined his ministrations on your pussy, he gathered your arousal and then pushed one finger into you.
Your head fell back. As if he could sense your needs, he hit every spot just right. A second finger joined, and with every pump, you felt the tension building inside of you. A few more jolts and you snapped, your rapture washing over you.
Still trying to catch your breath, you opened your eyes to see that cheeky bastard’s face over you, his grin showing how pleased he was with what he’d done to you. He bent down for a heated kiss and moved to settle between your legs once more.
He positioned himself and then you felt how he sank into you. Taking his time, he slowly stretched your walls, inch for inch until he was finally buried in you to the hilt.
A deep growl rustled through his chest. “Taking me so well, princess!” he praised you. His strokes were slow. Too slow. You wrapped your legs around his waist and pressed your heels into his back. “Please!” you whimpered.
“So needy! What do you want, sugar? Use your words!” He stopped moving completely and gazed deeply into your eyes. He really got off by teasing you, wanted to hear you plead. 
“Damn, Sy, stop making love and start fucking me!” 
He chuckled satisfied and then he fulfilled your wish. His arms wrapped around your legs and pulled your hips up to him. He lay your calves on his shoulders and started to pound hard into you. The sounds of your bodies slamming together mixed with your pants and moans. Drops of sweat were running down Sy’s temples. 
He spread his thighs further apart and with this he slammed into you even deeper than before. You watched his abs spasm with every thrust. His movements got more erratic. His grunts were desperate and shaky now. Just seeing him like this pushed you close to your second orgasm. 
“Just like that!” you begged. “Please, I’m so close!” Sy moaned loudly at your confession. He tried to keep up his rhythm and finally, he felt your walls clench around his cock as he had brought you over the edge. 
Sy pulled back, letting your ass and legs sink back onto the mattress. You winced in protest as he slipped out of you, but Sy pressed a hard kiss onto your lips. “Shhh, darlin.” he muttered. He towered between your legs and pumped himself, watching you as you lay before him in post orgasmic bliss. He needed just a few strokes and then thick ropes of cum spurted over your stomach and tits. With his hips quivering, he pressed the last drops of his semen out of him and then he slumped down next to you. 
He pressed a kiss onto your temple and took some deep breaths. As you started to move, he stopped you by pressing a hand on your shoulder.
“Wait, darlin!” he told you. “Please, let me take a photo of you!” He sounded so casual for asking something so filthy, you just couldn’t suppress a laugh. 
“What, really?” You felt shy, but also kind of proud. The thought that he wanted to keep a memory of him marking you like that, felt strangely exciting.
You felt heat burning up your neck, but you nodded. Sy got up with a broad smile on his face and searched through his clothes that were spread all over the deck. He came back with his phone in his hand and pressed another small peck on your cheek before he leaned back and took some photos of you. You turned your head away, but Sy reassured you.
“You’re the most gorgeous thing ever, darlin! You can’t imagine what these pictures will do to me whenever I’m going to miss you.” 
That made you laugh. You turned back to Sy, as he lay down beside you again. “I’m pretty sure I know what you will do with these pictures, Sy!” you told him, grinning. Sy mirrored your expression and winked. “The same thing as you did with my picture, sugar. We’re even now.” 
You stirred on the lounger, slowly feeling more uncomfortable. You were still naked, it was getting colder and you still had Sy’s cum all over you. 
“Sy...” you asked, “do I have to worry about the owner coming around the corner with a rifle or can we actually get into that cabin?”
Sy realized your struggle, and got up with a guilty grimace showing on his face. 
“Stay, I’ll get you something to clean up.” he said. You admired his backside as he was wandering around on the pier in his birthday suit.
He grabbed his jacket and fished for some keys in its pocket. As he unlocked the door he turned to you, grinning. "My cousin owns the cabin, he knows we're here, so you should be safe."
A minute later, Sy came back with some towels in his arm and to your disappointment one wrapped around his waist. He sat down beside you and cleaned the reminiscents of his climax from your skin with a warm washcloth. Then he wrapped you up in a soft towel and kissed you softly.
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Part 2
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ellethespaceunicorn · 11 months
Don’t Take My Sunshine Away, Part I
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Title: Don’t Take My Sunshine Away, Part I
Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x Reader (Sunshine)
Fandom: The Gray Man
Word Count: 2.5K
Series Summary: You lived your life on a schedule. Everything is planned out from sunrise to sunset. But what happens when you go out on a limb and out of your comfort zone? Will it have dire consequences?
Chapter Summary: You’d agreed to meet someone from the internet and you find yourself tied up in a basement. 
Warnings: dark fic!, attempted mugging, drugging, abduction, suspension bondage, Murder Daddy™️, oral sex (m receiving), dub-con, non-con, unprotected p-in-v sex, knife play, biting, blood play
A/N: I had an idea about Lloyd Hansen. Here is that idea. I haven’t written for Chris Evans’ character since Steve Rogers pre-Infinity War so this was an exercise and a half! Also, many many many thanks to @peyton-warren and @raccoon-eyed-rebel for helping me entertain Lloyd and for helping me to not lose my mind whilst writing this. Unbeta’d, we die like people who tried their best. 
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics 
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art: by me
Spotify Playlist is here. 
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
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It’s just your luck, honestly.
You were in the wrong place at the wrong time. The place was a dark street. The time was 9:03 pm.
Well, technically you could blame your Tinder date for this. He didn’t fucking show up and he didn’t respond to your texts or calls. Like he just disappeared off the face of the Earth. You ended up waiting for an hour and decided to just pay for your third cup of coffee and leave.
Luckily for you, the buses were still running and there was a stop just across the street from the diner. You climb off your stool at the counter and exit through a particularly noisy door. It alerts some guys down the street and they turn to look at you before turning back to each other. Your sigh of relief is reversed when you get across the street and hear one of them shouting at you before moving closer.
You check the bus schedule that hangs in the bus shelter. You only have to wait for five minutes for safety. 
What could go wrong?
“Hey baby, can I have your number?” The overwhelmingly strong skunky smell of bad weed hits your nasal passage and you gag. “Oh, what? I’m disgusting to you? Stuck up, bitch!”
“Look, I’m just trying to get home. I don’t want any trouble.” Your hand went to your pocket where you had your safety keychain on your keyring.
“Too fucking bad because you just landed yourself in trouble, cunt,” Three long strides and he has you in his grip, pulling you behind the bus shelter into the empty alleyway. He pushes you onto the wet pavement and is on top of you in seconds. He watches as you open your mouth to scream and he clamps a hand around your throat, cutting you off. “Who do you think is coming for you, unlucky bi–”
“What the fuck…hey!” A voice is coming from the street and getting closer.
Your attacker is being pulled off of you and it’s so dark in the alley that you can’t fully see who grabbed him. You see a dark blur and you hear sounds of a struggle before a strong pair of hands is helping you up. 
“Are you ok, Miss?” You’re being ushered down the alley to the only lit streetlight. The more you walk under its glow, you notice the man who saved you. Your eyes are drawn to the push broom on his lip first, then to his slicked-back hair, and finally to his dramatically-patterned polo and pastel chino pants.
“Yeah, I’m fine…I think. Thanks.” You reach out your hand to touch his where it lingers on your arm. He doesn’t attempt to remove his hand, even after you squeeze it with yours quickly.
“No problem, why don’t I take you home? My car’s just around the corner here.” He does attempt to pull you towards the street. You know better than to let anyone take you to a second location, so you put your hand up with a smile.
“That’s quite alright. I’ll just wait for the bus if you don’t mind.” You try and remove your arm from his hand but his grip on you gets tighter.
“Let me at least walk you back to the bus stop?”
“I’ll be fine, I promise.” You try to turn away and he pulls you closer to him.
“Why did you have to make this difficult, Sunshine?” His angry growl is quiet but no less intimidating.
“I’m sorry, wha–” You don’t get to finish as you feel a sharp prick in your bicep. Looking down, you see a syringe sticking out of your skin. You go to pull out the needle but darkness fades into your eyesight and you slip off into the void.
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You awake to a pounding in your head. Your arms are sore. Your legs are numb. And you can feel the stiff presence of duct tape over your mouth. Opening your eyes, you try to raise your hand to shield your eyes from the sudden brightness but you realize your arms and legs have been immobilized.
Looking around, you see that you’re suspended about three feet above the ground in some pretty elaborate rope bindings. Your wrists are crossed against your bare chest. Your left leg is being held up straight, while your right leg is only supported by two lengths of rope on your thigh, leaving your foot to dangle which means your pussy is on full display. 
You hear a door open and two sets of footsteps walk down the stairs. As the steps get closer, you hear two voices as well. 
“...didn’t have to punch me so fucking hard!”
“Yeah? Well maybe if you didn’t have your slimy hands all over my things, I wouldn’t have had to bruise your fucking spleen. Don’t be such a pussy, Dougherty!”
 “Fuck you, Hansen.”
“Don’t be sad I have a new plaything and you don’t.”
“Yeah. Just don’t wreck this one like that last girl.”
You struggle in the ropes and try and grunt loudly through the duct tape and the metal anchor that holds the rope loudly jostles. You pick your head up and look to your right as the men come into view.
As you recognize the man who had you on the ground, you couldn’t believe your eyes when you saw the geometric-patterned polo-wearing man who tried to “save” you. 
“I’m so glad you’re awake. I know you must have a lot of questions. But, you’re gonna listen first,” He walks until he can grab onto the ropes that hold you up. Looking down at you, he smiles sweetly. He begins to swing you toward him, letting go and watching as you swing back and forth, “Now, my name is Lloyd Hansen, but you are to call me Sir. You now belong to me. From every thought you have to every step you take. I own all of it. You may be wondering why I chose you of all people. Well, it had to be you, Sunshine. You’re the one.”
You are at his mercy as his hands grope at your tits and he pinches your nipples. You turn your head to look away but he just grabs you by the chin and makes you look at him.
“Now, Sunshine, you take what Sir gives you and you are appreciative. Trust me, this will all make sense later. But for now, I think it’s time I claim what’s mine.” He stalks over to your legs, standing between them. He places a kiss on your left ankle as he grabs at your right thigh. Pulling your core flush with his clothed hardness, you can feel exactly how excited he is to own you.
“I’d hate to interrupt, but–”
“But yet, you are interrupting. What?” Lloyd says as he trails kisses down your calf, his mustache tickling you as he moves.
“Well, I just…you said you would pay me. And I don’t really wanna stay around for whatever this is, honestly.” 
Lloyd finally turns his head to the other man in the room before patting your leg, “I’ll be right back, Sunshine. Don’t you go anywhere, ok?”
Fucking asshole.
Pulling out a wad of cash from his pocket, Lloyd starts counting bills, “So what do you say to…a hundred bucks?”
“I say fuck you if you think I’m taking less than half a yard. Shit, I didn’t even get to fu–”
The pop of a gunshot cuts through not only his sentence but also his left eye. You watch as Lloyd pockets the money and turns back to you with a smile.
“Fuck, ok. I didn’t plan on shooting him in front of you. But…well, I did,” He caresses your cheek before ripping off the tape from your mouth. He tilts his head and raises his eyebrows, expectantly waiting for you to speak.
“What do you want from me?” Your wrists hurt from struggling against the ropes.
“Oh, Sunshine. I want everything from you…eventually. But for now, I want to use your mouth.” He unbuttons and unzips his pants, “Those fucking lips of yours look so delectable.” He traces your bottom lip with his thumb and you debate biting it. Then, you remember the dead guy in the room.
Just comply. He won’t have to hurt you if you comply.
You clear your throat to get Lloyd to look at you. “Um…S-Sir?”
“Look at you calling me Sir already like a good girl,” He beams, looking down at you and holding your face in his murderous hand, “What do you want to ask me?”
“Are you going to kill me, Sir?” You couldn’t stop the fat tears from falling as you blink up at his face. You watched as his smile fell and he crouches to bring his face to your eye level.
“I would love to tell you that I won’t kill you, Sunshine. But it really all depends on you. If you don’t give me a reason to kill you, I won’t kill you. It’s as simple as that, Sunshine.”
You feel your eyes glaze over as you thought about what Lloyd had said. You didn’t want to give him a reason to kill you. You also know that there was no one coming to save you. You had no family, no friends, no roommates. You had lived a solitary life. 
The sound of Lloyd clearing his throat brought you back to reality.
“Use my mouth, Sir.” 
No sooner does the half-sultry half-terrified sentence leave your mouth, than Lloyd is reaching into his chinos to pull out his fat dick as he walks around you. You tilt your head back and are met with his impressive package. Eight inches of veiny length in your face suddenly is a lot to handle. As he strokes himself, he makes sure to keep it just out of reach. You hate yourself for licking your lips and following his hand with your eyes.
He positions his dick slightly over your mouth and squeezes his length from base to tip so that a dribble of pre-cum hits your lips. You snake your tongue out to taste him, the salty bitter taste you expect turns out to be almost sweet. Why couldn’t he just taste terrible?
“Open up, Sunshine.” He steps closer to you as you part your lips. He doesn’t stop pushing in until you feel his balls touch your nose. You close your lips around him and breathe through your nostrils. 
Inhaling deeply, you’re hit with the familiar scent of sweetness mixed with musk—sort of Earthy. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say it was African black soap. You knew the smell very well, you used the body wash every day.
“Fuuuuck, baby. Gonna fuck this throat.” He wraps his large hands around your throat as he pulls out slowly, leaving just the tip before he slams back in making you gag. 
He starts a steady rhythm and soon his balls are slapping you in the face. You can deny it all you want, but the way he fits perfectly in your mouth is obvious. The way your hands clench into fists and unclench denotes the urge to grab him and pull him deeper. 
One of his hands moves from your throat to your tits. Pinching your nipples and groping the soft flesh must not be enough because soon he is slapping at your breasts, getting you to grunt around his dick. The groan that leaves him is so sinful, you wish you could squeeze your thighs together.
But you don’t have time to worry about that because Lloyd is pulling out of your mouth. A string of saliva connects you until he steps back. You try to follow him with your mouth but he’s out of reach too soon.
“Sir?” You don’t like the air of desperation in your voice when you speak. You watch as he moves to the other end of your body and you soon feel his hand roam from your thigh to your pussy.
In one swift motion, Lloyd is inside your cunt. With the grip his hands have on your hips, you know it’s going to hurt tomorrow. But, that’s a later problem because Sir is fucking you like he hates you. You should hate this, but you don’t. At least not yet.
“Fuck, Sunshine…knew your pussy was gonna feel good but DAMN!” 
You can’t help the slew of sounds that escapes your mouth as he fucks you. The last of which sort of sounded like “Hnnnngg”. You feel as if you are going to explode at any minute but a spike of fear hits you as you think about where Lloyd is going to finish. You’re not on birth control. The speed of his thrusts picks up and you can feel him swell inside you. Fuck it.
“Sir, cum with me!”
“Fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuuuuuuck…” Lloyd latches onto your stretched left leg with his teeth, leaving behind deep and angry bite marks as he empties inside you. Pulling out, he watches his spend leak from you, righting his pants.
You are in a state of bliss so deep that you barely register as Lloyd bites into your right thigh enough to break the skin in a few places. But you can feel the sting of his butterfly knife as it moves over your skin.  The letters “LH” well with blood on your leg as silent fat tears roll down your face.  
“Now you can wear my bite mark like the badge of honor that it is. And when that fades, you’ll still have my initials so you can be returned to me if you are ever lost. I don’t plan on losing you, so you better not plan on getting lost, Sunshine.”
“I don’t want to get lost, Sir. I like it here with you.” The tremble in your voice doesn’t hide your fear, and part of you doesn’t want it to. You want him to know he doesn’t have to worry about losing you somehow.
“Think you can behave for a bath and a meal? I’ll have to supervise the bath, of course. And we’d be eating together. Unless you like being hungry, in your own filth with my cum dripping out of you all night. What do you say?” Lloyd offers, the fingers of one hand ghosting over his initials on your thigh.
“Would I still have to be tied up, Sir?” So many questions you could have asked, but you picked this one. 
Maybe if your hands were free, you could…do what? Fight him? Pick a lock? 
No, just comply. You can do this. 
“You won’t be tied up, but I do have a gift for you upstairs. But you can only have it if you’re a good girl. Are you gonna be a good girl, Sunshine?” While he spoke, he dragged a fingernail from your thigh to your upper torso as he walked around your body to your head.
“I’ll be a good girl for you, Sir. I promise.” The words on your tongue felt both foreign and familiar. Almost like you weren’t afraid for him to hurt you. 
You were afraid that he wouldn’t. And that scared you more than anything. 
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Part II
A/N: There will be more of this. I’ve never written for Lloyd before but I enjoyed him as the little devil on my shoulder.
@raccoon-eyed-rebel @peyton-warren
If you would like to be tagged in the next installment, lemme know 🫣
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t-dubber · 3 months
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Quick recap since I’m moving these over from X — this is my old ROTTMNT oc, Reggie Vega! She’s a human turned mutant raccoon who commits some minor criminal acts around the oc NYC with her new team (*cough cough* adopted dads *cough cough*), Hypno and Warren, as well as a few other villains from the show. She’s a part-time scavenger and full-time mischief-maker using her new powers to cause chaos.
(did I mention her tail is essentially a bag of holding from dnd?)
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She does, as you may be able to tell, wind up making friends with the turtles! Well, all except for Leo since they just constantly butt heads (and he may or may not have a baaaaad feeling about her). Reggie and Raph, however, wind up getting along extremely well. Unfortunately for both of them, they’re kinda working on opposite sides.
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Fast forward a few years and through some major personal growth (Aka THE MOVIE)— the two finally start dating. It’s a slow roll, but Reggie made the first move of the two.
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Fast forward a bit more and you can see where I was inspired by @star-sparkler ‘s August because I just loved the idea of an AU kid, but obviously that would be tough with Raph and Reggie. So, with a bit of movie magic, hand waving, and a lot of science— we decided that we could mash some genetic codes together with science and magic to create…
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In this AU, Kara is August’s younger cousin. A result of Reggie and Raph asking Donatello if it was even possible, and him agreeing to try it. And thus, Kara was born (…er? Created???). She got her papá’s height, her mamí’s fluffiness, and a WHOLE lotta love to give.
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That’s all for now folks!!!
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catierambles · 1 year
Feral Instincts Ch.10
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Pairing: The Rogue's Gallery (Geralt, Syverson, Mike, August Walker, Walter Marshall) x Stephanie Daniels (OFC)
WC 761 *shrug*
Warnings: Some mentions of pregnancy and such
@mclsquared , @brattymum96 , @ouroboros113 , @peaches1958 , @summersong69 , @eldarwen333 , @omgkatinka , @identity2212 , @lucypaulette , @teamfan7asy , @ms-betsy-fangirl ,@pagina16ps , @enchantedbytomandhenry , @foxyjwls007 , @nofoolywang , @margauxmargaux07 , @mrsevans90 , @ilikemilkchocolateh @peyton-warren , @lizzystuffsthings , @raccoon-eyed-rebel , @km-ffluv , @cavilllover , @deandoesthingstome , @write-r-die , @livisss , @miss-rebel-without-applause , @kebabgirl67 , @squeezyvalkyrie
August nearly had a stroke when he found out she had been planning on leaving, a far cry from how he couldn't wait to get rid of her when this whole thing started. It had taken her going to him and pulling him down into a kiss, her fingers running through his hair for him to calm down, his hands holding her waist and pulling her against him as if to confirm that yes, she was still there.
They sat around the living room watching a movie, Mike sitting at her feet, holding her legs as they crossed over his chest while she sat on the couch between Walter and Sy, each resting hand on her knee. She couldn’t concentrate on the movie, the howling in her mind growing in intensity. She’s been able to ignore it before then but was starting to become an annoyance, especially as it increased in volume.
“--anie?” She snapped out of it, blinking quickly and shaking her head. They were looking at her, Mike tilting his head back to stare at her upside down.
“Does it ever stop?” She asked.
“Does what ever stop, doll?” Sy asked.
“The howling. Does it ever stop? Or is it just something I have to get used to?” She asked and they exchanged looks.
“What howling?” Mike asked, “I don’t--do you guys hear howling? Is it an Alpha thing?”
“No.” Geralt said.
“When did it start?” August asked.
“Before I shifted when I ran off.” Stephanie said, “I was able to ignore it, but it’s getting so loud.”
“Have you heard it before that?” Walter asked and she thought back.
“First time was when Geralt and I went to get my things…and Jordan was there.” She said, “It got deafening, but Geralt was able to break through it and drown it out."
"He's still trying to Call her?" Mike asked, "Give it up, asshole!" She ran her nails through his hair at that and he shuddered, turning his head and pressing his lips to the side of her knee.
"Do you feel any compulsion to go to him?" August asked but she shook her head.
"He has to be in proximity, right?" Sy asked, more rhetorically than anything.
"Yes." Geralt answered regardless and got up from his seat, heading out of the cabin. The howling suddenly cut off and she sighed.
"Blessed silence." She said and looked over as Geralt came back, a scowl on his face. "He rabbit again?"
"Fucking coward." He grumbled and sat back down, but not before pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
"Who you bunkin' with tonight, babe?" Sy asked and Mike tilted his head back again, looking up at her with a pout and she covered his face with her hand, making him smile.
"If Mr. Needy here doesn’t stop giving me puppy eyes." She said, "I'll sleep with Sy tonight."
"Aw, man." Mike pouted.
"You had her all this morning!" Sy shot back.
"And you guys had her all last night." Mike retorted, rolling his eyes, and she blinked, shaking her head slightly.
"First off: that makes me sound like…a woman of questionable moral fiber, and secondly: you guys start fighting about it and I'm sleeping on the couch." She said.
"Female Alphas have a tendency to unite packs and birth strong Alphas that can control entire states." August said, almost offhandedly, and she arched a brow at him. "Not uncommon for them to keep multiple partners."
"Okay, well, I'm good with what I got, don't need any more," She said, "And kids?" She shook her head, "Not for me."
"You don't want to carry our pups, babe?" Sy asked, a shiver racing down her spine at the timbre of his voice.
"M-moot point anyway." She said, "I had my tubes tied years ago. Pain in the ass to find a doctor to do it, but I’m sterile now."
"It's reversible." Geralt said and she shot him a look.
"But I ain't getting it reversed." She said.
"Your body, your choice." Sy said, but he still sounded a bit dejected. "You'd be carryin'em anyway, so we have no say in it."
"So we can nut all we want and not have to worry about babies!" Mike said, "Nice!" She reached down and flicked the tip of his nose. "Ow!"
"No fully baked cream pies for us." Sy said and there was a pause before she burst into laughter.
"You did not just refer to children as "fully baked cream pies"!" She said.
"Am I wrong?"
"Not colloquially, but still."
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ylva-syverson · 6 months
📖 Fic rec time! When you get this, reply with three fics that you've read and loved to pieces, then pass on to at least five other people who read fics. Let’s appreciate fic writers and their amazing stories 💖
@raccoon-eyed-rebel literally anything she’s written, but this gave me endless joy.
Kissed by fire by @wolvesandhoundshowltogether
Eyes that See @just-chirpin
Anything from @littlefreya , @sillyrabbit81 , @geralts-yenn , @peyton-warren , @angryschnauzer , @gummydummy19
There’s so many I’ve loved but see where you go down the fanfic pathway it’s fun.
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ao3feed-danielsousa · 11 months
Doesn't Mean They're Lost Forever
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/iXEnM9y
by lizziesromanova
An Au set in a Marvel/Aos/Xmen universe where Y/n discovers that there have been unknown guests living in her house... and she's now determined to make everything okay for them.
Words: 16158, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, X-Men - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, Gen
Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Tessa | Sage, Jean Grey, Scott Lang, Scott Summers, Maria Hill, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Moira MacTaggert, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Raven | Mystique, Logan (X-Men), Ororo Munroe | Bloodstorm, Hank McCoy, Rogue (X-Men), Remy LeBeau, Kurt Wagner, Colossus, Bobby Drake, Jubilee, Kitty Pryde, Alex Summers, Warren Worthington II, Nathaniel Malick, Wade Wilson, Lorna Dane, Toad (X-Men), Pyro, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Vision (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, James "Bucky" Barnes, Hope Van Dyne, Carol Danvers, Peter Quill, Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Phil Coulson, Melinda May, Skye | Daisy Johnson, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Grant Ward, Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie, Bobbi Morse, Lance Hunter, Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez, Jeffrey Mace, Holden Radcliffe, Daniel Sousa, Wong (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Nick Fury
Relationships: Wanda Maximoff/Reader, Pietro Maximoff/Tessa | Sage, Jean Grey/Scott Summers, Maria Hill/Natasha Romanov, Moira MacTaggert/Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr & Charles Xavier
Additional Tags: Protective Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff Lives, Lesbian Wanda Maximoff, Teen Jean Grey, Jean Grey Lives, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Alternate Universe - College/University
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/iXEnM9y
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wqbytop100 · 29 days
Top 120* for the week ending May 12, 2024
Lighter --Galantis, David Guetta, 5 Seconds of Summer - 1
Sleep Tonight (This Is the Life) --Switch Disco, R3HAB, Sam Feldt -2
Love & Pain --Enrique Iglesias -3
What If We Met --Ali Gatie -4
Beat of Your Love --Ownboss, LAWRENT, Ekko -6
Jet Plane --R3HAB, VIZE, JP Cooper -5
Buscando Money --Twenty-Six, Tayson Kryss -15
Fallin Luv --Gordo, Jeria -16
Weight of the World --Bonnie X Clyde -7
Heaven Or Not --Diplo, Riva Starr, Kareem Lomax -12
Eyes Closed --Imagine Dragons -87
Kissing Strangers --USHER -8
Make Me Your Mrs --Mae Stephens -9
Young & Foolish --Loud Luxury, Charlieonafriday -10
Before You Go --Seeb -13
Reckless Child --Milky Chance -14
Low Again --Bakermat -20
Outlaw Love --Brooke Eden (Dave Aude Remix) -18
Without You --Disco Fries, Lavish Life -11
When I Wake Up --Lucas & Steve, Skinny Days -19
Hell Together --David Archuleta -21
One, Two & 3 --Galantis -22
Addicted --Zerb, The Chainsmokers feat/INK -38
Anthem --Diplo, Shram, Pony -59
Feel This Way --Victoria Nadine, R3HAB -
Electricity --Fast Boy, R3HAB -23
Monster --A7S, ALOK -24
The Moves --NEIKED, Muni Long, Nile Rodgers -29
Glad I Found You --Elderbrook & George Fitzgerald -60
The Afterhours --Kyle Watson -25
Save You A Seat --Alex Warren -31
Take A Moment --ATB, David Frank -39
My Body --Illusionize, Y&M -42
Underwater --Dubvision, Afrojack -43
Houdini --Dua Lipa -35
One On One --Robin Schulz, Oaks, Topic -36
We Ain't Good At Breaking Up --Brothers Osborne -50
Slide Out --Life On Planets -27
Lonely Dancer --Conan Gray -26
Waterslides --Tiesto, Rudimental, Absolutely -28
Lil Tune --Gus Dapperton -Electric Guest -37
Never Be Friends --Jost, Minogue -32
She's On My Mind --Romy -34
Cutting Loose --Disco Lines, J. Worra, Anabel Englund -30
Don't You Cry --Sunday Scaries, Discrete -41
Public --Mike. -44
Love Me --INNA -45
Loose Ends --Lucas Estrada, Syn Cole -46
Come With Me --Claptone -47
Monster --Don Diablo, Felix Jaehn -48
Home --CamelPhatt, RHODE (Vintage Culture Remix) -51
Mas Que Nada --Oliver Heldens, Ian Asher, Sergio Mendez -40
Anyone --Morgan Page -33
Do You Feel It --VAMERO, Cyril M. Mougleta -49
Level Up --Wolfgang Gartner, Scrufizzer -103
In Your Arms --Jess Bays, Jem Cooke -66
Triumph --Bishop Briggs -52 >>>
Murder on the Dancefloor --Sophie Ellis-Bextor -55
Undone --Forest Blakk -69
Enhancer --Northeast Party House -70
Nothing Ever Changes --Vintage Culture, MAGNUS -79
My Favorite Drug --Justin Timberlake -101
Eat The Bass --John Summit -73
Raccoons --Caravan Palace -57 >>>
Fantasy --Cosmo's Midnight, Frank Moody -58
Never Ending Song --Conan Gray -75
In The Cards --Jamie Miller -77 >>>
Wish I Never Felt --Nate Smith -80
***Shadow --Trixie Mattel -(new)
Yellow --Jxdn -71
Karma --JoJo Siwa -74
Same Drunk --Walker Hayes -72 >>>
The Weekend --Anti-Up -76
Lil Freak --bbno$ -78 >>>
Business As Usual --Eliza Rose, MJ Cole (Night Shift Remix) -81 >>>
Illusion --Dua Lipa -94
Good As It Gets --Blanco Brown -82
***Animal --R3HAB, Jason Derulo -(new)
Soultrain --Tripolism, Nandu, Radeckt -63
Mine --Michael Gerow -88 >>>
Everybody Knows I'm High --SHAED -56 >>>
Weak --Vintage Culture, Maverick Sabre, Tom Breu -54
Dirty Desire --Vicetone -53
Shipwreck --Mount Kimbie -83 >>>
Keep Your Head Up --We Are Messengers -89 >>>
I Hate You In The Morning --Otha -90 >>>
Kettle's Up --Mahmut Orhan, Axelax, Botin -86
I Don't Wanna Worry --NEEDTOBREATHE -68 >>>
You Know It --Gorgon City -67 >>>
Good For You --Dimitri Vegas, Chapter & Verse, Goodboys -65 >>>
Dance Alone --SIA feat/Kylie Minogue -93
End Of Time --Lucas & Steve, LAWRENT, Jordan Shaw -150
***Wake Up --Young Franco, Master Peace -(new)
***Why Should I --Z3LLA -(new)
***Stereo --Two Colors, Roe Byrne -(new)
***Don't Look Down --Lucas Estrada, James TW, SUPER Hi -(new)
Regret The Morning --SILK, Mali Koa -100
Better Me --Micheal Schulte, R3HAB -118
Whatever --KYGO feat/Ava Max -125
Outside Of Love --Becky Hill -112
Everything You Do --AFRONKI, Afrojack, Steve Aoki, Aviella -99 >>
Higher Ground --Purple Disco Machine, Roosevelt -98 >>>
Give Me --Will Clarke, BURNS -62 >>>
Fire --Alan Walker, YUQI, JVKE, (G)I -DLE -84 >>>
Sweet Love --Myles Smith -92 >>>
What Do You Do For A Living? I Do My Best --Iamnotshane, EMME -64 >>>
Forever (Stay Like This) --Armin Van Buuren -61 >>>
Lie To Me --Jubel, KIDDO -85 >>>
Me Voy Acostumbrando --Enrique Iglesias -106 >>>
20m Something --Jessica Baio -91 >>>
Out Loud --Cage the Elephant -97 >>>
Premedicated --FETISH -123 >>>
<>Life Goes On --HU - (re-entry) >>>
Mr. Useless --Shygirl, SG Lewis -82 >>>
Texas Hold 'Em --Beyonce -105 >>>
You're Hired --NEIKED, Ayra Starr -103 >>>
Close Your Eyes --Lucas Estrada -102 >>>
Bad Blood --Theresa Rex -76 >>>
Spicy Margarita --Jason Derulo, Michael Bublé -81 >>>
***Willing To Let You Go --Diplo, Anella Herim, Abby Anderson -(new)
*(Due to Character limitations on this platform, The List has been shortened to 120 as of this week) (If your interested in the full list, it can be found on WQBY's page on Spotify)
7 -New this week @# 69 Shadow @# 78 Animal @# 93 Wake Up @# 94 Why Should I @# 95 Stereo @# 96 Don't Look Down @# 120 Willing To Let You Go
0 notes
littleharpethcrossfit · 6 months
Sunday, 24 December, 2023.
I was blowing the rain puddles off the mats again this morning, even though it was still drizzling. Optimism reigns over rain.
20 Light KettleBell Swings EMOM X 5
Deadlifts: 3 Reps EMOM X 10 Minutes
Begin Light And Progress Heavier
Tom=225 Warren A=215 Coach=205 Kayla=145 Linda=105 Lew=95 The Goodrich Clan failed to Post
4 Rounds
50 Double - Under's (100 SU)
15 Hang Power Cleans (95/75/55)
25 Sit-Ups (GHD)
15 Push Presses (95/75/55)
Run 400 / Row-Ski 500 / Bike 1000m
Lew=22:29 Coach=22:30 Warren A=23:27 Kayla=25:57 Tripp=27:09 Tom=27:35 Linda=30:39 (5 rounds) Faith (The Kid)=37:40 WG and Elisa=did it.
The Goodrich Clan (Warren, Elisa, Tripp, and Faith The Kid), Tom, Big Lew, Warren A, Kayla, Miss Linda, and I were in attendance.
FORTUNE SMILED ON US !! Miss Esther just went to the Barn and sent me a picture of the results. It wasn't on WhatsApp so I wrongly assumed it suffered a premature erasure.
The Schwartz Clan did 12 Days of Christmas at the Beach and were more reliable sending in their results than Warren A. It's a sad sign of our presently disturbed times that a sweet Jewish family has to disguise their Shabbat CrossFit on the beach.
Kayla was 60 pounds below her Deadlift PR and could not be provoked to lift more. She said she was too cold and, besides, her usual Coach Cheri wasn't here.
There is much debate as to what the stink is at the Barn. Some say leaking Propane, some say dead animals due to the success of all the rodent poison I've dispersed at the Barn. So far, the vote seems to be 50::50. If it's dead animals, the stink should dissipate in a few days. It will take longer if the animal is an Armadillo, Raccoon, or Possum.
Warren A campaigned for recognition today, so I must point out that he did a lot of the clean-up chores today. He even bravely searched the Barn attic and declared that there were no dead animals up there.
The next workout at LHCF is Tuesday at 4 PM. Finally the Christmas season will be over and I can quit being a Scrooge.
0 notes
xprojectrpg · 9 months
Ben Russell's birthday, Clea Lake's birthday, Jessica Jones' birthday
2015: Amara posts asking what she should do after being asked out by an ‘ugly’ boy. Julian leaves a teddy bear for Megan. Gabriel and Rahne share a bag of chips until Rahne shifts and eats them all, which amuses Gabriel. Amanda leaves a necklace for Clea. Warren announces his return on the journals. Bas texts Clea, unhappy that after he and Stephen throwing a surprise birthday party for her she left a raccoon and family of mice in their suite. Maya posts saying that she’s made the cheerleading squad.
2016: Laurie makes a journal entry looking for others potentially interested in archery. Clea makes a journal entry about her birthday. Hope talks with Emma, Doug, and Julian about taking a position in the White Court.
2017: Green-Eyed Monster: Emma notes the Sapien League is active again and asks X-Force to investigate a potential attack they appear to be planning. Clea gets a package from her parents for her birthday; Topaz gives her an adult colouring book with cats; Stephen offers to take Clea out for her birthday.
2019: Logan posts to let everyone know Rogue has moved to Montreal for an art therapy residency. Gabriel is in denial about summer being over and asks who wants to celebrate his birthday with him.
2022: Amanda mentions the downsides of being connected to London as a nation mourns the loss of their sovereign. Terry mentions the Queen’s passing with a phrase in Gaelic, Go Raibh Suaimhneas Síoraí Uirthi (May she rest in eternal peace). Wanda mentions having returned and thanks Clint for taking care of her books among other things. Topaz texts Amanda about buying alcohol. April talks about how she’ll miss the lady with the hats and delightful Corgies. Betsy reflects on the Queen’s death and how it makes her miss her parents.
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geralts-yenn · 7 months
Memories - part 1
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Walter Marshall x OFC Maxine (second-person pov)
summary: At your brother's wedding you have to face a ghost from your past - Walter Marshall - and you find yourself lost in memories
warnings: 18+, minors DNI! drinking alcohol, vaginal fingering, hand job, protected p-in-v sex
word count: 4,8k
A/N: a little idea that got me out of my writer's block 😍 special thanks to @peyton-warren for being my wonderful beta and @raccoon-eyed-rebel for the constant support ❤️
My masterlist
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“Oh, hello! Who’s that guy and why are you not throwing yourself at him?” Your brand-new sister-in-law nudged you in your side and pointed her chin towards a man standing at the bar. You followed her gaze and noticed a pair of wide shoulders under a head of untamed chocolate curls. For a second you weren’t sure, but then the man turned to the side and you cursed. You’d always recognize that dimpled nose, even when he gave his best to hide the rest of his beautiful face under a wild beard. 
“Oh, for heaven’s sake, it’s Walter fucking Marshall.” Your eyes were rolling in your head furiously. Up to this moment you were praying to all the goddesses in the universe that he would be stopped by a blizzard or whatever would have kept him in Minnesota. But there he was, which meant you had to face him. Something you’ve dreaded ever since your brother told you he’d invite him to his wedding.
Vicky snorted into her champagne flute. “So that’s why Josh never showed me any photos of his most precious childhood companion.” Her eyes were roaming over Walter’s features unashamedly. “He’s delicious. Now I’m really curious why you hate him so much.”
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Your prom night should have been the best day of your life. You had been so excited, your friends and you were giggling and cheering for weeks every time you were speaking about what you had planned. After dating Paul for almost a year now, you had promised him to let him get to the fourth base that night. Not just to do him a favor, you were ready. Or so you told yourself. But then the day came and with every minute that passed you got more nervous. Paul had sneaked a flask of liquor into the place and you took a sip, hoping it would loosen you up but it only made you feel more nauseous. 
When you left the party, Paul’s hands kept running up and down your thigh that was revealed by the high slit in your dress. You wanted to tell him to stop, but you couldn’t. You had promised it to him after all. When Paul parked his car at the motel, you were about to vomit. You really, really couldn’t do this. And so you stopped him just as he was about to unlock the door to the room where you were supposed to lose your virginity to him.
You were scared to tell him, and rightfully so. As soon as you had finished explaining, he started yelling. Calling you a frigid whore. You still remember how you thought that this didn’t make any sense. But that night you couldn’t laugh about it. You were shaking and crying when he drove off from the parking lot, leaving you sitting on the sidewalk. The rain starting to fall felt like punishment for your stupid decision. Though you weren't sure yet if your foolishness was to say no or to come here in the first place. Either way you were cold and wet and alone.
What were you supposed to do? You couldn’t call your mom. How would you explain to her that you were in front of a cheap motel instead of your friend Kelly’s house, where you told her you’d spend the night? You couldn’t call Kelly either, she was with Charlie and probably doing exactly what you had planned for tonight. Going through all your friends in your head, you didn’t come up with one name that you dared to tell the truth about what had happened. 
But then it didn’t matter anymore because a car stopped next to you and when the window rolled down you were ready to die of embarrassment. 
“Need a ride?” Walter’s face was hidden in the shadow of a tree, so you couldn’t make out whether he was hiding amusement or showing concern. It didn’t matter anyway. He was your only option to get away from this stupid place, so you nodded and got up. You hadn’t expected Walter to actually get out of the car, but he did. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and guided you to the passenger’s door that he held open for you. 
When he crawled back into the driver’s seat you finally could make out his handsome features. He didn’t look at you, his eyes were glued to the road. You noticed that he was clenching his jaw constantly, his muscles flexing, and the knuckles of his hands were white as he held the steering wheel in a murderous grip. Definitely concern. You were relieved about this. If there was one guy you really cared about what he was thinking about you, it was Walter, your older brother's best friend, the guy you had a crush on since forever. 
“Did that stupid asshole leave you there all alone?” His voice was shaky. He was mad. You nodded with a sniffle. “I’m going to kill him! Did he hurt you?” You were shaking your head, but Walter turned to look at you, his eyes piercing. “Use your words, Max! Did he hurt you? I need you to tell me!” 
You swallowed hard, trying to find your voice. “He didn’t.” It was a whisper but the tension in Walter’s face diminished a little, so you guessed he had heard you. “I told him that I don’t want to do this and he just got a little angry and left.”
Walter grunted through gritted teeth. “A little angry? Max, do you even hear yourself? You’ve got every right to say no and that bastard should have taken it like a man and accepted it. Fuck! I’m so mad, I want to rearrange his face.”
Walter’s anger somehow made you feel better. The way he was protective of you left a warm feeling in your chest. “I appreciate this, Walter, but there’s no need to. I told him to fuck off and never ever try to call me again.”
There wasn't really more to say and you were grateful to Walter for letting you sob in silence and not making this more embarrassing than it already was. 
But then he stopped at a crossing, looking at you. “Can I bring you home? Or do you want to go somewhere else?” His look was a lot softer than earlier, as he studied your face. “I know Charlie has taken Kelly to our cabin. Else I could have let you spend the night there. But you can sleep in my room if that's ok with you. I will take Charlie's. My parents are visiting friends for the weekend.”
The thought of spending the night in Walter's bed got your heart's pace to speed up again. It almost made you laugh. Isn't this what you had dreamt of for years? The crush you had on Walter never really faded, even after you had started dating other guys. But all of this wasn't even nearly the way you had imagined it so many times, laying in bed and picturing Walter's face. Yet, it was your best option right now and so you agreed. 
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Walter even asked you if he should change the bedding, but you shook your head firmly, hopefully not revealing how much you wanted to sink into those sheets that held Walter's scent. You were just finished changing for the night, fortunately you had packed a pair of sweatpants and a shirt, when Walter knocked on the door. After you answered with a yes, his curly head appeared in the door frame, glancing carefully into the room. 
“I brought you some water.” When he had checked that you were decent and comfortable with him in the room, he took a step forward and put the bottle on his nightstand. “If you need anything, I'm in Charlie's room.” He had already turned to leave, but then you heard yourself calling his name, not knowing what made you do it. And you couldn't believe your next words yourself either.
“Would you stay a little with me? I don't want to be alone.” 
Walter froze in his movements. A small eternity later, he turned to face you. “Are you sure?” 
Ignoring your racing heart, you nodded and rolled to the side of the bed, making space for him to join you.  
Walter moved carefully, almost as if he feared you would change your mind if he startled you. He crawled under the duvet with you and wrapped an arm over your shoulder, his hand stilling at the nape of your neck.
“Comfortable?” he asked you, and you couldn't get out more than a small yes. More comfortable than you had ever been in your life, you thought, but you would rather die than tell him that.
You lay in silence next to each other for what felt like hours, even though it probably wasn't more than a few minutes. Then you finally had gathered enough courage to speak.
“Thank you, Walter. I wouldn't have known what to do without you.” His fingers started to draw little circles over your skin. 
“No need to thank me. I'm glad I found you.” He was staring at you with an intensity that left you completely unable to form any word or even thought. So instead you raised your hand to his face and carefully traced the sharp line of his jaw with your fingers. 
Walter's lips parted ever so lightly, but it was the only sign it took for you. You leaned forward, your nose brushing over Walter's, his warm breath scraping over your skin. Without a second thought, you crossed the last little distance and your mouths found each other. Your heart skipped a beat as you felt his warm and soft lips against yours. This was better than everything you could have ever imagined. Walter parted his lips, inviting your tongue to explore and taste him. Butterflies were fluttering through your stomach, you felt like you were floating in midair, as his tongue started dancing with yours. 
Walter’s hands roamed over your back as he deepened the kiss even further. You moaned into his mouth. You had never felt like this. There was this strange tension building in your center that you had never experienced with someone else before and it was shooting straight to that point between your legs. You wanted him to touch you. You wanted his mouth on your skin. You wanted him. So bad. But Walter seemed to hold back. His kiss was not that urgent and consuming any more and his hands stopped whenever they were touching your skin, going back to your clothed shoulders. 
“Please, Walter!” you begged. Your own hands found their way under the hem of his shirt and as you brushed your fingers over his abs, he flinched, accompanied by a groan. You felt the soft tuft of hair that ran down from his stomach into the waistband of his pants. Damn, just minutes earlier you would have been sure that it would be gross to feel this. But now you were clenching your thighs together in an unsuccessful attempt to still your desire to feel something. He was everything you ever wanted and he lay here in your arms right now, grinding his hips against your thighs and pressing kisses onto your neck, making sure you felt how much he wanted this, he wanted you. 
You gladly noticed that his will to resist you crumbled under your touch. He pressed himself against you and you could feel what it did to him, feeling his cock hard against your soft thigh. 
Taking a deep breath, you gathered your courage and brushed your hand over his length, restrained by the fabric of his jeans. 
Walter answered your touch with a sharp breath followed by a grunt. “Fuck! Are you sure you want to do this?” His reaction made you insecure for a tiny moment, but the way he rutted into your palm gave you new courage. 
“I am.” You sounded confident, but Walter wasn't convinced yet. “Promise me that you will tell me if you want me to stop, Max!” You saw the tension in his face as he waited for your answer. Nodding wasn't enough for him, his eyebrows furrowed. “I promise,” you breathed finally. 
After he had heard you, Walter wasn't able to hold back anymore. He grinded his crotch up against you as his hands found their way under your shirt. When his fingertips brushed over your sides, electric shocks ran through your whole body. 
Frantically, both of you tried to remove each other's clothes. Your hands got tangled as you tried to unbutton Walter's jeans. He chuckled and then helped you with the task. 
You swallowed hard when you saw his erection hardly hidden in his boxer briefs. He was a lot. Definitely more than you had ever seen. Not that you were very experienced in the department of hard-ons, but it made you hesitate for a moment. 
Of course, Walter noticed. “Are you okay?” You nodded as you bit back your insecurities and gave him a determined yes. You reached for him, but Walter pushed your shoulders back onto the mattress. His body pressed you down while he was licking and sucking along your neck. Your shirt was in his way as he moved down your collarbone and he gave way just long enough for you to tug it over your head before his mouth was back nipping on your tender skin.
Walter's head sank lower, his face soon buried between your breasts. You felt his lips and tongue move over your chest, leaving a trail of wetness behind that made your skin prickle. 
When his mouth found its destination on one of your hardened nipples and he bit down on it, the sensation shot right to your core. You wouldn't have been able to suppress the lewd sound you made, even if you wanted to. His tongue lapped over the hard bud to soothe the ache but it only made you moan louder. Walter responded to the noises you made by grinding his cock against your thigh. 
All this felt incredibly good. Way better than everything you had ever felt with Paul. When Walter moved to your other breast and treated it in the same passionate way, you pushed the thought of your ex aside. In fact, you just stopped thinking at all and let your instincts take over. Your head fell back as you moaned loudly when Walter pinched your one nipple while sucking on the other. All this wasn’t enough, there was this need between your thighs that made you feel so desperate. Your hand wrapped around Walter's wrist and guided him firmly into your panties. 
“Oh, fuck!” he groaned when his fingers met the wetness that pooled between your legs. He ran his fingers along your slit a few times, gathering your arousal before he switched to rubbing circles around your clit. You bit your lip when he found just the right spot and pressure, only to curse when he left it way too soon. “No, please, this felt so good.” You weren’t even ashamed of begging. You just wanted to feel more of this. 
“Let me make it a little more comfortable?” Walter asked you as he tugged on the waistband of your panties. You lifted your hips and he made quick work of rolling your underwear down your legs. Your knees fell to the side, opening up for him. And Walter was eager to get back, his fingers now moving with even more skill through your folds and around your bundle of nerves. His mouth was back on yours now, kissing you hungrily, his tongue darting into your mouth and swirling around yours the same way as his fingers were now circling your entrance. 
You rolled your hips in response, showing him to move on, to finally give your aching pussy something to clench around. And Walter obeyed your silent pleas, pushing one of his fingers into you in a painfully slow movement. He was not just pumping into you, he was exploring you, inch by inch, feeling for every spot that evoked a reaction from you. And when he found what he was looking for, when you arched your back, crying out, he curled his lips into a smile and he added a second finger. You noticed the stretch, but it felt good, the way he pressed against your walls exactly where you wanted him.
Now he started to thrust his fingers into you in a steady rhythm. You moved your hips against him, fucking his fingers. Walter’s other hand held your jaw firmly as he devoured your mouth, swallowing all the sounds that wanted to pass your lips. You felt the tension building in your core, spreading through your body. “Please, I’m close!” you whimpered, Walter answered with increasing pressure against your sweet spot and you snapped. Waves of pleasure ran through your body. You were a shaking mess in Walter’s arms.
“Shush, I got you!” he whispered in your ear, pressing kisses along your neck. He held you close until your soul was finally back in your body. And you couldn’t help it, you weren’t able to suppress the stupid giggles. Walter grinned down at you. “What?” he just asked, with the smug confidence of someone who knew exactly what he had done to you. “This was good!” you told him with a wide smile.
You continued with kissing and hands roaming over each other’s bodies. But the hard cock pressing against you reminded you that Walter hadn’t gotten nearly the attention that you got from him until now and you really wanted to change this. You brushed a finger up his length until you were at the waistband of his boxers. Your thumbs dug into it and carefully pushed it down to free his cock. 
Your hand wrapped around his length and you found yourself surprised at how soft the skin felt over his hard flesh. Slowly you started to stroke him. Your thumb ghosted over the tip of his cock and Walter let out a sharp hiss in response. Your eyes shot up to him, fearing you had hurt him, but the expression on his face told you had done quite the opposite. He had his eyes closed and his lips parted and when your hand started moving up and down his length again, he bit down on his lower lip. Seeing him like this made you all weak in the knees and you drank in the sight of it. Your pumps got more hasty now in the attempt to make it feel better for him, but that made Walter’s hand reach for you and stop you. “Wait!” He immediately saw the panic flashing over your face and he tried to chase it off by kissing you softly. “It’s just a little too dry. But we can change this.” 
He had his hand already reaching out to his nightstand when you took it and guided it between your legs. “I know a place where it’s not too dry.” Walter cursed at your suggestion. His chest was heaving. “Baby, do you really want to do this?” His voice was deep and raspy. His constant check-ins half annoyed you, half melted your heart. “You already made me promise, Walter. If I didn’t want to, I wouldn’t suggest it.” To make your point clear, you steered his fingers through your wet folds and he moaned as he felt the slick at your entrance. Walter swallowed and then moved to sit on his heels. “Okay then.” He couldn’t hide his nervousness in his shaky voice, and it was relieving to know that you were not alone with your excitement. He rummaged through the drawer of his bedside table until he held a condom and a bottle of lube in his hands. He rolled the condom over his dick and spread some lube over it. You watched him pumping his sheathed cock a few times, your heart almost breaking through your chest. So this was really happening.
Walter moved to settle between your legs, holding his weight on one elbow as his other hand guided the tip of his cock to your entrance. His eyes locked with yours, a last reassuring that you wanted him, and then you felt him enter you. The feeling took your breath away, it was overwhelming. You had expected to feel pain, but there was merely a small stinging that ebbed away immediately. Slowly Walter pushed deeper, until he was buried completely in you. He was looking at you with an expression you had never seen before. Something deep and vulnerable. His chest was heaving as he hovered over you. “Breathe!” he whispered and you obeyed, taking in a deep breath as Walter started to move. You whimpered as you felt him deep inside of you. “Does it hurt?” he asked you, concerned, but you just smiled. “No, it feels unfamiliar, but in a very good way. Keep going.” And so Walter started, retreating from you and thrusting back in. It was amazing, it made you scream, nothing had you prepared for feeling this way. It was heaven. And it must have been the same for Walter. He lost his rhythm, now slamming his hips desperately into you. You loved how vocal he was, grunting with every stroke. And then he threw back his head with a loud growl and you felt his hips shudder as he reached his climax. 
He pulled out of you, carefully, not to lose the condom. You felt empty without him and the kiss he pressed so firmly on your lips could barely make up for it. He held you in his arms as you both gasped for air. But when your breathing was almost back to normal, he left your side. “Just a minute. I need to take care of this.” He made a vague gesture toward his softening cock that was still covered by the condom.It took him only a minute until he was back in bed with you. “I’m sorry.” he said and you weren’t sure what he meant until his fingers were parting your lips and rubbing circles over your clit. “Let me make up for it, okay?” he asked you. You moaned but then held his hand in place. “You don’t have to do that, Walter.” you told him. And you meant it. All that you had felt with him tonight was better than you had ever imagined.“But I want to.” He resumed his ministrations between your legs. “I want you to feel good, too.” Another shaky breath later, you were able to answer him. “You already did that.” Walter smiled as he pressed a kiss on the corner of your mouth. “Another one surely won’t hurt.”
You were sitting in the kitchen, making up your mind how long it would take you to walk back home. Too long. But did you have any other choice? Just as you were about to get up and head back home, you heard keys in the door and a few seconds later, Walter’s little brother was standing in the room looking at you confused. 
“Hi Charlie! Would you please drive me home?” He blinked at you and scratched his head. “Do you want to talk about it?” he just asked, probably running through all the possible scenarios how you ended up at his home early in the morning. But fortunately, he let go of it as you shook your head. So you had at least a little part of dignity left in his presence until Walter had time to fill him in about his last night’s conquest.
That afternoon, you found Walter standing on your porch when you were on your way to meet Kelly. “Josh isn’t home,” you told him indifferently, not even slowing down as you passed him. You had ignored all his calls and the messages he had sent. You didn’t want him to feel obligated to talk to you. To act as if he cared. Seeing him wouldn’t change this. Though it made it impossibly hard. It was just unfair how handsome he was. And when you looked into his face, he almost appeared to be sad. But you knew better, he was just tired of you already. 
His hand wrapped around your wrist as he stepped in your way. “Maxine, stop acting like nothing had happened. We need to talk.” You rolled your eyes at him and tried to free from his grip. Walter let go of your hand with a sigh. 
“Don’t make this bigger as it was, Walter.” you told him, rubbing your wrist as if his touch had burnt your skin. “We’ve been having fun, that’s it. Can we go on with our lives now?” You couldn’t even convince yourself with your words, but that was never the plan. You had to keep Walter away from you. Getting your heart broken by him was more than you could bear, so you decided to run before it was too late. 
Walter was shouting after you as you stormed down the steps. “Let me take you on a date! Give me a chance, Max!” A heavy weight pooled in your stomach as you heard it. This was all you ever wanted. But you were way too scared to act on it. Just thinking of your night with him almost broke you. How would it be to have more precious moments with him and then losing it all? Because that’s what was supposed to happen. He’d go back to college and find someone else. In no way could he ever be truthfully interested in you.
You had to turn him down a few more times. Later you started ignoring him just completely. That didn’t stop him. He gave you his damn puppy eyes and tried to talk to you. So you started to be mean to him. You said stupid things you didn’t mean, just to keep him away. And after a while it worked. The looks he gave you had changed. They were filled with anger and frustration now. And soon you found yourself hating each other. Initially, you weren’t sure if you just pretended to feel so, but after a while you had convinced yourself that this was what you felt for him. You hated looking at his stupidly gorgeous face, you hated his voice, the jokes he made, the way he was strutting, as if the world belonged to him. You hated that all the girls lay at his feet, acting as if he hung the moon. You hated him.
And Walter hated you. His jokes always went against you. He mocked every one of your life decisions. He laughed about every single thing you did.
And then he moved away. And somehow it almost felt like you missed him. And that made you hate him even more.
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“I guess you never told Josh about that night?” Vicky smiled at you with amusement. She loved hearing about dramas like that. But you couldn’t be mad at her. It had been such a long time. It should be a funny story to tell by now. Yet, it still hurt to think about it. You never managed to get over that heartache. Well, that’s just how it is when your heart gets broken for the first time in your life, right?
“You know, you should have talked to him.” Vicky told you and you looked at her quizzically. “Who, Josh? No! He would have killed Walter. Or me. Probably both of us.” 
Vicky chuckled but shook her head. “Not Josh. Walter! You should have been honest with him about your feelings.”
You sighed. It wasn’t as if you had never thought about it. To be fair, you have asked yourself the same questions every day ever since. Should you have told him? Would it have been a bad idea to let him take you on a date? Would you two have had a chance? But it didn’t matter because you didn’t let him. And you would never know what could have been if you had decided differently back then, when you were eighteen and so much in love and so incredibly stupid.
Your sister-in-law watched you with narrowed eyes as you sat there thinking about your past with Walter. “It doesn’t matter, Vicky. We’re not teenagers anymore. It’s too late for that now.” 
But she shook her head. “It’s never too late. He’s here. You can tell him now.”  
A ridiculous voice in your head told you that she was right. That all it took was to take a step towards him and see what would happen. But you shook it off.
Part 2
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ellethespaceunicorn · 10 months
use a photo on your phone camera roll and write a quick scene/hc for it
Hi Nonnie!!! Funny story, the last time I wrote for these two, I was on pain meds for a tonsillectomy. Now, I've got Covid and I'm awake at 4:19am posting this story. I hope you enjoy!!
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Title: My Little Strawberry 
Rating: Mature, 18+, Minors - DNI 
Pairing: Syverson x Black!Reader (Peaches) 
Fandom: Sand Castle 
Word Count: 556 
Summary: A follow-up to Shape Up. Sy has a conversation with his baby girl while she’s still in your stomach. 
Warnings: mention of creampie, sexy fluff?, mention of oral sex (f receiving) 
A/N: Unbeta’d, we die like people who tried their best.  
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics 
Support/Reblog banner by me
My Masterlist 
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“There she is. Eating her breakfast. Looking mighty fine as usual.” Sy walks up to you and kisses the side of your head. 
“Whatchu want, boy?” You smile up at him through your lashes. 
“I ain’t want nothing at all, Peaches,” Sy holds your chin and gives you a peck on the lips, “But there is one thing I had to talk to Strawberry about.” 
“Strawberry?” Your cute little eyebrows scrunch up in confusion and Sy turns your chair around to face him as he laughs. 
He runs his hand over your swollen six-month-pregnant belly before kneeling to talk to it. “Hey there, Strawberry. How’s Daddy's little girl?” 
“I see you stuck with the fruit theme. And since I’ve been eating strawberries for months now, you named her after my craving?” You could barely hold in your laughter at your husband’s tenderness. 
“I don’t know. It seemed perfect. And I know she’s gon’ be sweet if she’s half you,” Sy planted a kiss on your belly before standing up to his full height. “And since she’s half me, I apologize in advance for her temper.” 
“I knew what I was getting into when I wouldn’t let you pull out, you know that right?” You bite your lip and wink at him. 
“And I knew what you were doing when you turned on Tennessee Whiskey and poured me two fingers of Jack. And you were wearing that damn sundress with the little yellow flowers on it. Pretty as a picture.” Sy remembers the night you made Strawberry fondly. 
“So, what did you have to talk to Strawberry about, baby?” Popping a sliced piece of fruit in your mouth, you chew and wait for Sy to start talking to the baby. 
“Alright, Strawberry, so look. Mama here has been such a sweetheart. She has given you a nice first apartment while continuing to take care of your old man. So, I was thinking of getting her a little something. And I wanted your opinion on it,” Sy leaned in to whisper into your belly so you couldn’t hear, then turned to place his ear close to listen to what the baby says. When he leans back, a smile paints his features. 
“Well? What did she say?” You ask, more than invested in Sy’s little conversation with the baby. 
“She told me to thank you for taking care of her and me. And she told me to make sure I pay attention to you when you’re being ornery because that just means you need a firmer hand.” Sy rubs the sides of your belly. Moving his hands up to your waist and then further up your sides to cup your face. 
“She said all that?” Your eyes close as he rubs a thumb over your cheek, already feeling warmth rise under your skin. 
“She did. She also said I could probably take you upstairs right now and have my way with you. But I’m gon’ let you finish your breakfast first.” Sy sits next to you, picking up your fork and feeding you. 
You take the offered bite and get up from the table, picking up the bowl of sliced strawberries. “C’mon, I can eat these in bed while you eat me in bed.” Winking again, you turn to scurry up the steps with Sy on your heels. 
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@brattymum96 @ambinxe @avengersfan25 @kebabgirl67 @thabiddie23 @astheskycries @enchantedbytomandhenry @rebelangel1102 @raccoon-eyed-rebel @geralts-yenn @peyton-warren
115 notes · View notes
Ashes In The Fall - Chapter 18: Paradise City III
Book 2 of the Calendula Chronicles
Resident evil, Wesker X OC
Story Summary: Marigold Ashford escaped the mansion, only to face new incarceration with a familiar jailor. She may yet have to make a deal with the devil, if she can unearth what this Faustian bargain would cost her.
There is always something left to lose.
Chapter summary: Marigold swats an annoying little gnat, and makes a phone call. Also some contemplation of what 'coming to terms' actually entailed between Marigold and Wesker (maybe a bit NSFW, but more suggestive than anything).
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5:45 a.m.
Irons had just barely settled in behind his desk with a tumbler of scotch - a double, from his special occasions bottle of 1965 Laphroaig - when the timid knock rang out at his door.
Something about the knock was off - his officers knew just enough to give him space after an all-nighter like this, and Umbrella…they were keeping their faces away from his precinct. He’d done his job, disbanded STARS, and doused the rumour mill as best he could, but he couldn’t erase this past summer from their minds.
Dispatch had mentioned that Warren’s daughter had been picked up from her home and brought in though. Oh, what the hell. He took a long draught and called out, “It’s open.”
The handle turned, and a young woman - not Katherine, but about her age - peered through the cracked door. “Hello?” She said in a soft voice. “Katherine told me that I should talk to you about a missing person?” The woman pushed the door open and slipped inside. She was tall, and moved in an awkward, coltish manner that seemed oddly endearing. The young woman closed the door behind her. “My brother works for Umbrella. He told me that I should get in touch with Chief Irons if he didn’t call back within the hour.”
Irons chuckled. He couldn’t help himself. This town…it had a way of delivering him gifts when he kept to the party line. If the girl’s family worked for Umbrella, they were either on their way out of town, or…well on their way out, in a permanent fashion. “You’ve caught me at a good time, young lady. Come on in.” He watched with a genial smile that didn't reach his eyes as the woman pulled the door shut behind her and stepped towards the desk with a frail, hopeful smile. Irons noted that she clasped her hands tightly together, probably to hide the tremors.
If the station hadn’t been on high alert, he might be tempted to start the festivities early. He stood up and circled the desk to stand in front of this girl, frowning. He’d had the roster of Umbrella’s research staff for years. Was Umbrella really risking bringing in replacement staff with things as messy as they’d been?
He’d have to talk to the Birkins about this. William in particular had been getting sloppy lately. Neither of them was picking up in the NEST as of yet since the lockdown had started yesterday….
He frowned, looking down at the young woman. Something about her face seemed familiar. There were the old legacy families, of course, but…not so much in Raccoon City. Those types kept to remote locations, old country varieties. Hell, the last one to show any real interest had been an early ‘missing person’ case back in ‘81, and, well, Umbrella likely knew exactly where the shallow grave for that one had been dug.
This girl…was way too young for any of that, but she had the same look. “How old, are you, kiddo?” He said in a voice he thought might sound gentle.
The girl winced, then said. “Twenty-one. My brother was letting me use the spare room while I looked for work in town.”
So, a new transplant. The brother might have been on the roster, though. “Sounds like you’re having a rough night, then. Here.” Irons pushed his glass towards the girl’s clasped hands so that she accepted it out of reflex. “You probably need this more than me.”
The girl eyed him dubiously, then raised the glass and took a drink. She immediately started coughing, holding it out for him take back. “Ah, it’s an acquired taste,” Irons said with a chuckle. He took the glass and downed half its contents. No use wasting good scotch - certainly not a Laphroaig, anyhow.
“Alright, let’s get to the bottom of this, young lady.” As much as a distraction would hit the spot better than any fine scotch, he’d been up all night, and the station was hardly empty. Some Umbrella whelp was unlikely to be the softest of targets anyhow. He reached out to tip her chin up, getting a better look at her. She really did have one of those faces. The young woman’s face twitched, then smoothed back into a soft, worried expression.
The scotch was already mellowing the sharper edges of his perception to something he could almost stand. Either it was very, very good, or his tolerance had fallen to shit when he wasn’t looking. Most likely, it was a bit of both. Umbrella had been generous with him, but time hadn’t. “It’s been a long night, but I happen to have swung by their offices in the last few hours. Who’s your missing brother?” His vision began to blur, exhaustion creeping in. At least the other officers weren’t seeing him like this. He couldn’t appear weak now, not while there was so much he needed to do still.
So much to break.
“Alexander Ashford,” The woman said, and suddenly the little girl act was gone, replaced by a cold British woman’s voice, and yes, he had met this person before. There had been a weeklong impromptu executive party the year Warren’s daughter was born. Everyone who was anyone coming up in the executive pool or helping them build their presence in the city, had been there. She had been there. The cute, anxious cherubic face had morphed into something vicious and glacial without changing almost at all.
“Have a seat, Brian,” the impossible woman said in a cool, pleasant voice. The yell he had been trying to bring up abruptly died in his throat. Irons stumbled back to his desk. She kept speaking as if nothing of note was happening. “As it happens, you are going to help me. And then you’re going to get some sleep. You do seem to need it after watching this town start to dissolve for the last, oh, twelve hours.” She huffed in feigned amusement.
“You’re in luck. I don’t have the time to ponder whether you ought to suffer, although, based on where you’re sitting, you very much will. Soon. But then again, so will many, many people. So I’m going to ask very little of you, and hope you can manage the load.”
She strode around the desk, eyes taking on a feline glow in the low light. Irons moaned in fear, unable to move. A moment ago, he might have been able to do something, but it was like his tired mind hadn’t wanted to make the connection. Now…he wished he never had known.
The woman’s eyes roved over the desk. “It’s been brought to my attention that senior management has a dedicated line to your office. I’d like you to make one little call, and then you’re going to drop any security alarms that come through for the rest of the morning. The ones that require Umbrella’s Security Service.” She leaned down to bring her face level to Irons’. “I’m sure we can both agree that they’ve caused you quite enough trouble for one day.”
Iron’s eyes went wide…then a slackness began to creep into his face. He’d had a hell of a night, and today wouldn’t be any better. If he didn’t get some damned shuteye soon, he’d be of no use to anyone. Let Umbrella deal with its own mess for a few hours. He reached out with a shaking hand - your gun is right there, you fucking idiot, SHOOT her - and opened the bottom drawer, pulling out a red rotary telephone and setting it heavily upon the desk. He pulled out a small black book under it, thumbed a few pages, and looked up at the woman again. “Who…who are you looking for?”
“You’re going to contact Annette Birkin for me. And as soon as you get her on the line, you’re going to go to sleep.”
Ada watched the hallway from the shadows after “Callie” - a.k.a. Marigold Ashford - had slipped into Chief Iron’s office. For several moments, things seemed quiet. If Ada strained her hearing, she could pick up voices, so she hadn’t knocked the man out on sight. That was good.
That little performance of hers had been interesting. Miss Warren would have been just a few years old when ‘Callie’ had gone missing, but to look at them, they might have been sorority sisters. Or classmates. Good spy work relied on the persona, but also on telling as few lies as possible, in order to keep the important lies straight. And the aggravation in her voice when questioned about the ‘boyfriend’ had felt real.
Several minutes passed. Then a few more. Ada slowly realized that she could no longer hear the tone of Iron’s gruff voice, but Callie had continued to speak - had slipped back into her old accent even. Checking the hallway - still empty, R.P.D. clearly wanted nothing to do with the ghosts of this floor - Ada decided to move the short distance to the Chief’s door and risk a peek.
There she stood next to Iron’s desk, speaking into the receiver of an old red telephone like she owned the place. Irons himself was slumped over his desk.
He was beginning to snore.
Callie was watching the door with a sharp eye. “I appreciate your time,” She said softly into the mouthpiece. “I think I’m out of time for this call. I should be able to start in ten minutes, fifteen at the outside. Once it starts, you’ll need to move quickly. I haven’t actively tried to do this before.” She sighed. “Goodbye. And, good luck.”
Callie hung up the phone, then looked down at something behind the desk. “It’s fine, you’d best come in.”
Ada let herself in, pushing her unease down. She instead focused her attention on Irons. “What did you do, drug him?”
“Not precisely, but close enough for now.” Callie had reached down into a drawer and pulled out a stack of about a dozen folders, all marked with the Umbrella logo. “He mentioned a roster of researchers in town. I’m assuming you don’t need this?” She began to flip through the pages, scanning quickly.
Ada shook her head. “Probably not. I’m here for architectural plans. Those will be in the library.” She smirked. “We’re ahead of schedule, I believe. What’s this about being able to start in ten minutes?”
Callie glanced at her, then pulled out several folders from the pile and shoved them into her bag. She replaced the rest in the drawer and set the phone on top with a small black book. Pushing the drawer shut with an audible thud, she straightened and closed her eyes for a moment. She seemed to be collecting her thoughts.
Ada waited her out. Finally, Callie opened her eyes again with a visible shiver. “We’re headed in the same direction,” she said, voice subdued. “We need to wait for the shift change to empty out a bit. I can set up in the STARS office.”
There’s a private office at the back of the main STARS office, Wesker had told her. I may have left something behind that needs to be retrieved. The signal was faint, but still clear enough to work with. Marigold had told him that they were looking for a quiet place to wait out the shift change. It was a frail excuse, but apparently enough for now.
They crossed the wide landing at a fast walk. A throng of RPD officers was milling around in the main hall below but failed to notice them. Lucky. Ada kept to the wall, using Marigold to shield her from their eyes. It seemed that Miss Wong was a familiar face around these parts.
“What are you trying to do?” Ada whispered to her as they cleared the landing, pushing into the library wing. Marigold glanced around in the darkness, making a beeline for the door emblazoned with the STARS emblem.
“I got some information in exchange for giving them a window, down below. It won’t last long.” Marigold looked back at Ada. “I’m sure someone will give you a file on me eventually, and I really don’t have time to give you the whole story.”
The STARS office was lit only by streetlights outside, and the lightening sky preceding the rising sun. The smell of dust and the hastily boxed-up cubicles told her that this space had been left empty for weeks. Months, even. No wonder - it held the air of a graveyard.
It would do.
“Private office,” she breathed. Wesker had mentioned a key tucked away over the doorframe. She strode up and ran her hand along the dusty wood frame - and yes, there it was. Ada stood back, watching. She held the key up for inspection.
Ada walked forward, less out of camaraderie and more to avoid having to raise her voice in the quiet office space. “You do seem to know all the right people.”
Marigold blinked, then looked back at the door. The words Captain A. Wesker was clearly visible on the nameplate, right at eye level. “Oh, hell,” she muttered. Of course, he’d send her here.
Ada took that as an opening. “I heard some stories after I tucked you away for pickup. Our mutual friend nearly had a heart attack when I showed him a photo of you.” Her stillness in the darkness was oddly unnerving. There was a time when Marigold would have felt the effect. Now, she found it endearing. Ada pressed on. “What happened with your pickup? Not that I didn’t appreciate getting some of my things back.”
Marigold tried the key, let herself into the office. The smell of dust was stronger here. “You really don’t know. Who they sent.” Her nerves were frayed. Dealing with Irons had given her a horrid sense of nostalgia. Dealing with Katherine had been like meeting herself thirty years ago. So much energy, and only peripherally aware of the fetid swamp of corruption she lived within.
Marigold had to be as a ghost in the few hours she had here. Had that not been the case…Irons might have been a smear on the wall right now.
Goddamit, she thought. She needed every advantage to see today through, but it was going to cost her. The first light cramps were already beginning to twinge around her belly.
Ada watched her closely, trailing behind at what Marigold noted seemed a safe distance. Smart. “Someone you know?”
Marigold didn’t answer. Instead, she got behind the desk and shoved, pushing it forward a few feet. She knelt, drawing a knife to lever up a loose floorboard. It popped loose. Marigold moved it back and reached down into the space beneath it to come up with a small padded envelope. It was heavy- papers, and what felt like a very small, heavy sample case. She looked back up to meet Ada’s eyes, which were beginning to dawn with understanding. “How?” Ada asked.
“There is not enough time in the world,” Marigold answered. “Or alcohol. There really isn’t.” She replaced the board and reached for the chair, taking a seat. This next part was going to be rough. As far as the mission went it wasn’t necessary. But Annette had been truthful with her. She had told her, frankly, what she’d wanted to know, and a few things she might have been happier not knowing.
A deal was a deal.
Ada looked back at the desk, decorated with its own nameplate and very little else. “Even if…how in the world did they convince you to work with him?”
“We came to terms,” Marigold replied shortly. The room still held his scent - very faint, but he’d inhabited this office for at least a year. Not the sharp, viral mixture of man and predator, but the one she’d picked up on back at the mansion, right before everything had gone to hell for her.
If Annette had been right, she was entering into some very dark waters.
A long pause. “Terms?“ Ada asked. Wary. But also intrigued.
“For now.” Marigold closed her eyes. “Twenty minutes. I can explain all of this later. If we get a later. I’m going to sit here and see if I can reach the NEST. If I haven’t snapped out of it in twenty minutes…toss a book at me. I really would rather avoid any accidents over this. The NEST does not feel like a den of serenity.” She shut her eyes, shutting out Ada’s incredulous expression.
Trying, and failing, to shut out just what ‘terms’ seemed to mean to Albert Wesker.
Six hours earlier.
Wesker towered over her, hand moving from her jaw to gently wrap around her throat. His thumb moved up and down along her windpipe, never pressing, but making its presence unavoidably known.
Marigold kept her expression cool, though he must have heard her heart speed up. Must have felt it, with his hand wrapped so securely at her pulse. She looked up with only her eyes. “What terms?”
Wesker looked contemplative, holding her in place down in the chair with one hand. “You’re offering to work for HCF. For me. What assurances do I have that you won’t cause mischief the instant you’re away?” There was no real force behind the gesture. This - the posturing - was pure dominance on his part. More games, the way the trap set at Arklay all those years ago had been. Except, this time…
This time the veneer of harmlessness was gone. There was no hiding what she was anymore - something volatile, something powerful.
When she had been poisoned in that little village back in ‘72 - a lethal dose of hemlock - she had reacted on instinct, but quickly pulled back out of deference to the stronger party whose territory she had been sent into unawares. Back in ‘81, she had been the polished executive until the very last minute, acting out more to create chaos for those trying to subdue her. She knew it had made an impression on Wesker.
Simply submitting here, meek little girl, was the obvious choice, but it was also the wrong one. For one, he wouldn’t believe her, not after spending weeks together. It would be too obvious that she was up to something.
Agitating and throwing her weight around would fail just as spectacularly, in a way that would land her in a secure cell. Wesker had gone out of his way to make it clear just how easily he could do such a thing. For another, he’d been beginning to probe around the edges her family’s work. He’d get there with or without her. The time for throwing tantrums to create a little space hadn’t only passed, but had shown itself to backfire horribly.
She did have another path available, more suited to her strengths. She’d have to start playing his little game in earnest now. Marigold shifted her weight to the balls of her feet, getting them under her so that she crouched more than sat in the chair. Wesker’s arm tensed, hand exerting just the smallest amount of pressure. This close up, she could see his eyes dilate.
Marigold locked her own frame, but kept her movement slow, sinuous. She reached up to take hold of the arm at her throat for leverage, eyes locked on his. “I’d thought I’d made it clear,” she said in a low voice. Her other hand shifted up to grasp at his bicep, just above his elbow, both bringing herself closer, and preventing him from closing the distance.
She straightened her legs, uncurling her body to bring herself - well, face to collarbone. This would have been more effective in her stilettos. Too late to worry about that now, she thought, and continued. “ I don’t intend to run. I happen to have an aligned interest in seeing Spencer declawed. We can work out details when we’re not under a deadline.”
Now on her feet, she slipped her hand down under his arm and drove up in a short, sharp movement - just enough to get him to break his hold. In the reflection of his glasses, she could see that her eyes took on an animalistic sheen in the low light of the office, brightened with adrenaline.
The moment stretched out, unbearably elastic. Wesker inclined his head, and a muscle in his jaw twitched. “Look whose claws came out,” he said, voice pitched low and teasing. “You might actually be able to do as you say. But,” he continued, stepping around to stand behind her, with one heavy hand taking hold of her shoulder to prevent her from turning. “I’ll still have assurances.”
Wesker ghosted the knuckles of his other hand down the back of her neck, chuckling in her ear as she suppressed a shiver. She could feel the vibration of it through her body, the way she had when he had ambushed her the day she had tried to flee Raccoon City. Marigold felt him ball the back of her collar in one hand, slowly pulling it away and down while the seams began to give way, and the front drew tight around her throat. “After all, the place will be crawling with Umbrella operatives. And the government agencies, of course. Does your friend control them all?”
Marigold didn’t answer. Wesker’s leather-clad thumb began to rub light circles at the nape of her neck, changing pressure every few seconds. Seconds later, he replaced it with his mouth, sucking at the soft flesh before biting down, hard.
She could smell blood.
Marigold yelped in surprise - or would have, if his other hand hadn’t clapped tight over her mouth. Teeth hit leather, and Wesker groaned quietly behind her. A deep cramping pain bloomed in her lower abdomen, accompanied by a searing sense of heat. Her knees threatened to buckle. The world fell out of focus. His grip only tightened. Marigold sagged back against him, disoriented.
“There’s one sure way into the city for you, and one way out,” Wesker murmured in her ear. “And I think you can only go so long before you’ll attract Umbrella’s attention. So here’s what’s going to happen here…”
The timer on her watch would beep once and vibrate at fifteen minutes. With luck, she’d be able to hear it and keep going to the next phase of this little sit-in.
Taking a deep breath, Marigold sent her mind down into the burning pit that she perceived as the NEST. Normally she relaxed into this. Dealing with Irons had left a bad taste in her mouth that had nothing to do with scotch. They’d left a wolf to guard the henhouse.
The predatory gleam in the eye of Katherine’s ‘uncle’ left a bad taste in her mouth. Her own ‘uncle’ had never looked at her quite like that, but the parallels were still jarring.
Perhaps it was for the best that she couldn’t relax. She needed to brace herself for that pit of seething rage, even as she attempted to lull it into a temporary calm. Annette had better be ready, she thought.
Because once she held on for long enough, she was going to try something new.
0 notes
catierambles · 1 year
Feral Instincts Ch.12
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Pairing: The Rogue’s Gallery (Geralt, Syverson, Mike, August Walker, Walter Marshall) x Stephanie Daniels (OFC)
WC 2108
Warnings: Mentions of injury, abuse, and violence Minors DNI 18+ ONLY
@mclsquared , @brattymum96 , @ouroboros113 , @peaches1958 , @summersong69 , @eldarwen333 , @omgkatinka , @identity2212 , @lucypaulette , @teamfan7asy , @ms-betsy-fangirl ,@pagina16ps , @enchantedbytomandhenry , @foxyjwls007 , @nofoolywang , @margauxmargaux07 , @mrsevans90 , @ilikemilkchocolateh @peyton-warren , @lizzystuffsthings , @raccoon-eyed-rebel , @km-ffluv , @cavilllover , @deandoesthingstome , @write-r-die , @livisss , @miss-rebel-without-applause , @kebabgirl67 , @squeezyvalkyrie , @luminescentlily , @ellethespaceunicorn
Mike was sitting on the couch, eating from a bag of frosted mini-wheats when there was a knock on the door. Dusting his hands off, he got up and went to it, opening it and seeing Sy on the doorstep. He had spoken to him last night after Geralt had gotten settled in the bedroom with Stephanie, letting him know the gist of what happened and that the white wolf was safe now.
"Hey." Mike said and Sy grunted at him, walking into the apartment as Mike moved aside.
"Where is he?" Sy asked.
"He and Steph are still asleep in the bedroom." Mike said.
"He say what happened?"
"Just that a hunt had gone wrong."
"Wounds musta taken a bit to go south, the check cleared this morning. He was able to turn it in before shit hit the fan." Sy said.
"Did he say who they were sending him after?"
"Just a feral few hours north of here that left some bodies. He was workin' with Staties on it." Sy said.
"You don't think it was Lewis, do you?" Mike asked.
"Honestly hadn't considered that. I told the Council about Lewis and what he had done to Steph, as well as the shit he pulled after, so they know about him and how dangerous he is." Sy said, "But if it was him, Geralt probably would have told us, unless he didn't know until he got up there."
"I didn't check. His bike out front?"
"Parked at an angle, but not in danger of gettin' hit."
"It was bad, Sy. I don't know if it was the lighting, but I could swear I saw bone." Mike said and Sy gave a sigh, running a hand over his shorn hair. "Steph did something, though. Last night. I felt her, and Geralt. I felt their wolves."
"She may have pulled at his wolf to help him heal." Sy guessed, but then shrugged. "Bedroom this way?" He pointed and Mike nodded. "Imma check on'em." He headed down the short hall, stopping at the closed door and easing it open. He immediately saw them on the bed, Geralt laying on his back, his side plastered with gauze that was tinged red in places. Stephanie was against his side, her legs tangled with his as she held his arm, cheek pressed to his shoulder. Going to her side of the bed, Sy brushed her hair away from her face gently and she woke with a deep inhale through her nose, her eyes opening and it took a second before they focused on him, a sleepy smile coming over her face.
"Hey, you." She said and the corner of his lips perked up.
"Hey, doll." Sy said, pitching his voice low, "How's he doin'?"
"Fever's gone." She said, looking at him, "Color's better. I'd say he's out of the woods." Propping herself up, she pressed her lips to the corner of his mouth and he made a small noise as he woke up, his hand coming up to weave into her hair as he pulled her into a kiss.
"Missed you." He said, his eyes still closed.
"I missed you too." She said, "Sy's here."
"Hey, man." Sy said and Geralt moved his head at him a little as Stephanie relaxed again on the bed. 
"How's it feel?" Sy asked and Geralt shrugged.
"Better." He said and Stephanie slid off the bed, but not before tapping the tip of Geralt's nose with a fingertip, getting a cracked open side eye in response. She went around to the other side of the bed and he lifted his arm so she could carefully peel off the gauze. The wounds were gone, the skin pink and shiny where they had been, but that would eventually fade into scars adding to the ones he already had.
"There you go." She said, wiping away the remnants of the antibiotic ointment with a clean section of the gauze before bending and pressing her lips to his ribs. His hand went to her hair when he felt the touch of her lips, fingers moving through the strands.
"Missed you." He said again.
"Missed you too." She said and his eyes opened as he finally heaved himself up into a sitting position, swinging his legs over to sit on the edge of the bed.
"Geralt, Mike made a good point." Sy said, "Based on where you were sent, was it after Lewis?"
"No." He said, shaking his head, "Someone else. I've got feelers out with the other trackers, but no one's seen him."
"I don't like it." Stephanie said, "Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he's leaving me alone, but he was pretty fucking persistent before. Why give up all of a sudden?"
"I don't like it either, don't feel right." Sy said and Geralt just grunted in agreement.
"Whatever. Bad vibes aside, if he's staying away, he can continue to stay away." Stephanie said and went to Geralt, holding his face between her palms. His hands slid around her hips as he looked up at her, his eyes soft. "You, my good dude, need a shower." He snorted, his lips curling into a small smile. "So do I, come to think of it."
"Save water?" He asked and she grinned at him, pulling away as he stood from the bed.
"I'll be out in the living room." Sy said with a snort.
"Nuh uh, Mister." She said, and hooked her fingers in the neck of his t-shirt, pulling him into the attached bathroom with Geralt close behind, Sy's laughter following after them.
Much later, they were sitting in the living room as Stephanie made them food, Sy talking to Walter on the phone to update him on the situation. There was a heavy knock on the front door and she stepped away from the stove, going over and looking through the peephole, a small smile coming to her face at the familiar visitor. Throwing back the deadbolts, she opened the door and was immediately pulled into a kiss that made her toes curl, his mustache rasping over her upper lip.
"Walter told me Sy and Geralt were here." August said when he pulled away and she nodded, moving aside to let him in. The others called out their greetings and she went back to the stove, flipping the pancake before it got too done on one side. "Walt said you got injured, Geralt. You okay?"
"Steph took care of me." He said simply, sipping from his mug of coffee. There was another knock on the door, a more timid one this time and they looked at it.
"It's not Walter." Sy said.
"Mike, watch the food, please." Stephanie said and he jumped up from the couch.
"You got it." He said and they swapped places at the stove. Going to the door, she looked through the peephole again, seeing one of her neighbors, a young man with curly brown hair down to his collar. He looked nervous and her head tilted to the side slightly before she opened the door.
"Uh, hi." He said, giving her an anxious smile.
"Hey, what's up?" She asked and he rubbed at the back of his neck in a nervous gesture.
"This is embarrassing." He said and she gave him a questioning look. "Fuck it. Can I join your pack?" Her brows jumped in surprise, "I felt you pull at someone's wolf last night, and I had no idea you were even a wolf, much less an Alpha."
"It's fairly recent." She said and his eyes widened slightly.
"Oh." He said, "I'm Hunter, by the way, probably should have led with that."
"Hunter, why don't you come in and we'll talk, okay?" She asked and he nodded, stepping into the apartment as she stepped aside. He stopped as the guys all looked at him.
"I didn't know--I thought you were the only Alpha." Hunter said.
"They're--it's complicated." Stephanie said, "I live here with my Beta, Mike--"
"Hi, there!" Mike called from the kitchen.
"He and the others took care of me when I got infected."
"Oh." Hunter said again.
"Easy, son." Sy said, having gotten off the phone with Walter. "We ain't gonna hurt ya."
"Now, how about we start from the beginning." Stephanie said, "Geralt, make room for him, please." He got up from his seat, gesturing slightly and Hunter thanked him as he sat down, twisting his fingers together nervously. "Hunter, look at me." He did immediately and Stephanie went to him, holding his face in her hands. "You're safe here, no one is going to hurt you."
"Thank you." He sighed, closing his eyes. "The pack I'm in now, the Alpha…he's a bully. He picks on the Betas and mistreats the Omegas."
"How?" Geralt asked, folding his arms over his chest.
"He pushes us around, we have to give him all our wages so he controls all the money. I've seen him lay hands on Omegas, hurt them." Hunter said and they weren't sure who gave the low growl, but one was definitely let out.
"Have you told the Council?" August asked and Hunter nodded.
"I made an anonymous complaint, but when they sent someone to investigate, everyone was too scared to say anything." He said and August sniffed. "He knew it was me, I don't know how, and he ripped my wolf out of me."
"But I--"
"Doll, you pullin' at our wolves is a gentle thing." Sy said, "You do it with care, but it can be done with violence and it hurts. A lot."
"I felt you." Hunter said, looking up at her again. "When you pulled at someone's wolf last night. I felt it. I could tell it was you because of how it felt, it felt like…warmth, and love, and…and…"
"Pack." Geralt said and he nodded. "I was injured, she pulled at my wolf to heal me."
"Kinda wonderin' how far out it was felt." Sy said.
"I live right next door." Hunter said, looking at him, "I think we share a wall."
"So not that far." Sy said.
"I want--I can't--" He said and she held his face again, making him look up at her with pleading eyes. "Please."
"Easiest thing to do would be to take over his." August said, "If this Alpha is that much of a bastard, he doesn't deserve his own pack. This building his territory?"
"And the one next door." Hunter said, "He owns them."
"Geralt?" Stephanie asked.
"I'll talk to my contact on the Council." He said, "Let them know what's going on so they don't think we're poaching."
"It's your show, doll. He came to you." Sy said and she nodded.
"Hunter, it's going to be okay, okay?" She said and he nodded. "I'll take care of you."
"Thank you." He said, moving his face into her hands.
"Geralt, can you come with me please when I confront him?" She asked, "I want backup and you're the most intimidating looking in the room."
"Yes." Geralt said and her hands dropped as she stretched her neck. "If it gets dirty, I'll step in."
"Good thing I took kickboxing and Brazilian Jujitsu a few years back." She said.
"Really?" Sy asked and she nodded.
"You try being the smallest in your family of mostly guys, see how short of a time it takes before you get picked on. One good head lock and the teasing stopped." She said and he snorted. "Sy, August, stay with Hunter. Mike, don't let the food burn and make extras for our guest."
"You don't have to--" He started but she gave him a look, "Thank you." He said, giving her an appreciative smile.
"First apartment left of the entrance, right? It's where I go to hand in my rent checks." She said and he nodded. "Okay, let's get this over with." She and Geralt left, heading down the stairs and passing a few units before she stopped at a door just past the entrance to the building. Raising a hand, she knocked on it and backed away a bit before the door opened. He was a large man, with more of a strength build than that of a competition body builder, long hair tied back and a bushy beard on his face. He gave them both looks, his shoulders tightening somewhat as his eyes settled on Geralt just behind her shoulder. Wrong person to focus on. "Hi." The kick to the chest she gave him sent him careening back into the apartment and she walked in after him, Geralt smiling slightly as he followed, closing the door behind him.
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nocturnegyser · 4 years
Warren x Reader(raccoon)
Warren was tossing and turning all night, he was having a nightmare. All he could see was (y/n) in a room, he couldn’t move or speak. Soon he saw Apocalypse appear behind her and he raised his hand and (y/n) began screaming in agony, Apocalypse was altering her mutation.
Warren was almost hyperventilating when (y/n) had finished her transformation, she rose and there he saw her. (y/n)’s ears and tail were white and had golden quills and her claws had grown by 10 fold and were also golden. (y/n) turned her head towards Warren and jumped and slashed at him.
Warren shot up awake, tears in his eyes and sweating perfusely, Kurt woke up at the same time.
“Hey hey, are you ok?” Kurt was concerned for his roommate. Warren didn’t know what to say so he just got up and walked out the room. “Wai-“ Kurt was still trying to help.
Almost immediately Kurt picked up his phone and called (y/n), he knew she was still up, she picked up immediately.
“Hello? Kurt?” (y/n) answered
“Hello (y/n), so Warren just woke up freaking out...” Kurt answered, he didn’t know what to say other than what just happened.
“What??! What happened??!?” (y/n) was immediately concerned. “Where did he go, do you know??”
“I think I might have an idea of where he went.”
“Think you could teleport to my room and teleport me to him? If you can at least,” (y/n) was putting on her jacket
“Sure thing,” Kurt did as she asked, he teleported them to the roof.
Sure enough, Kurts hunch was on the money. There they saw Warren, sitting looking up at the sun. He turned around almost immediately.
“Kurt? (y/n)? what’re-“ Warren was a little shocked to see them.
“Kurt told me you freaking out.” Kurt waved and smiled nervously, Warren just glared. Kurt just teleported away to avoid further problems.
“Babe look..” Warren began. “It’s nothing, really.”
“I thought you promised me you would tell me when you had a problem or if you needed to talk.”
“Babe, it’s really nothing to concern yourself with, it’s just me being my usual dumb self.”
“Stop, you’re not dumb, an idiot at times, but you’re not a complete dumbass. If you’re not going to tell me I’m just going to keep pestering you until you do, and we both know I can go all night.”
Warren sighed and looked her in the eyes and saw she meant what she said, “Ok. I’ll tell you.”
Warren then began to tell her the nightmare he had, (y/n) almost couldn’t believe it herself.
“Then you looked at me with a blood lust in your eyes and...” Warren couldn’t finish his sentence.
“I just... it just made me feel so helpless, because I felt like I couldn’t help you and I just.. I just..” Tears began welling up in his eyes.
“Hey hey,” (y/n) then took Warrens hands and held them in hers as a sign to show him she was real. “I know seeing that must’ve... I’m just.. I’m sorry, but it should relieve you to know that.. I would never make a deal with Apocalypse.” (y/n) still trying to comfort Warren
Warren was still looking at the ground almost crying, in a last attempt to comfort him, (y/n) placed Warrens hands and her ears. Warren was feeling and rubbing her ears, coming back to reality and realizing she was still the (y/n) he met.
“Do these feel like white, golden quilled raccoon ears to you?”
Warren chuckled a bit with tears streaming down his face, “I’m not changing any time soon, I promise.”
(y/n) went to hug her metal winged angel, both embraced and held each other for a brief moment, before looking at the moon set and sunrise.
Both looked back each other, (y/n) smiled and wiped Warrens tears, Warren smiled back and rubbed her ears one last time before they both decided to head back inside.
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kurt-nightcrawler · 4 years
Alex Summers, Scott Summers, and Warren Worthington with a feral S/O
Request: Alex summers, Scott summers, or Warren Worthington with a chaotic feral so (who's practically the personification of a raccoon) and how they deal with it. For reference @theyreonlynoodlesmike just did one about the lost boys with a feral so and that's kinda what I mean (like that personality type).
Alex Summers
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 Alex is more mature and tired most of the time, but being with you humors him
You’ll give him a few grey hairs for sure, but you always tell him he needs to live a little
Alex doesn’t want you leaving an impression on his little brother
Kid’s more uptight than you!” 
There’s a rule you can’t be on the roof of the mansion, you always find a way up there
“Who’s that on the roof?” “huh? What?— oh god damnit! (Y/N)!”
“Like the view babe!?” “Get down from there!”
You eat his leftovers when he EXPLICTELY says not to
You starfish in bed and steal the covers in bed
Alex generates a lot of heat so he doesn’t mind, but sometimes he’ll shove a foot near your face as revenge
Warren Worthington
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He will fully get into chaos with you
Starting unnecessary fights with cops or jackasses in Germany
Fucking around the x-mansion
One time you two got in a mini argument and warren watched you bite into an onion like it was an apple just to spite him
You were walking around the city and you saw some pigeons
“Look, Warren! It’s your family” he jus glares at you 
There was a raccoon in the trash at Xavier’s and Warren jokes “aww your cousin came to visit :)” 
You threw a pillow at him 
This vine is definitely you and warren
You call him mama bird, pigeon man, furry
He calls you stinky bastard and feral 
People wonder how you work out together so well together when they listen to you talk
Sometimes you yell and argue but then you’ll end it like “bye mama bird, i love you” “c’mere stinky bastard” he just kisses you
Scott Summers
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It’s not secret Scott has a thing for powerful women who can go unhinged
Emma Frost, Jean Grey
He may not want to indulge in your antics, but he will be supportive
Listen, you could stand on this guy’s face and he’d thank you
You’re a little like Wolverine, sometimes— a bit reckless and always wanting to go headfirst, never backing down from a fight
“You could have died!” “And?” 
If anyone gives Scott trouble for his glasses, you bet your fist is in their face
People wonder on your relationship, for Scott is a super uptight leader and you are wild and live by the motto “act first, think later” 
You tease Scott for his love of soup and how emotionally attached he gets to his soup time
Neither of you can really cook but you try your best
And by “try your best” I mean if it’s not soup, half the kitchen will probably end up on fire
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ao3-spideypool · 4 years
We're Insane But Not Alone
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2YMmj2q
by AislingKaye
A collection of shorts and drabbles within the Marvel universe. Each short/drabble was inspired by a single word.
In regards to timelines and canon and such: I kept what I liked, discarded what I didn't, and mixed it all together with my favourite headcanons until I had something I liked. This was very much written to be self-indulgent and for my own tastes.
NaNoWriMo 2012 project. Title from Soundgarden's "Live To Rise".
Words: 2755, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel (Comics), Young Avengers (Comics), Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), X-Men - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Pepper Potts, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Clint Barton, Darcy Lewis, Phil Coulson, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Nick Fury, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Jane Foster (Marvel), Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Gamora (Marvel), Groot (Marvel), Peter Quill, Rocket Raccoon, Drax the Destroyer, Nebula (Marvel), Tommy Shepherd, Billy Kaplan, America Chavez, Teddy Altman (Marvel), Logan (X-Men), Gwen Stacy, Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Charles Xavier, Rogue (X-Men), Bobby Drake, Warren Worthington III, Kitty Pryde, Piotr Rasputin, John Allerdyce, Remy LeBeau, Ororo Munroe, Thaddeus Ross, Original Characters, Maria Hill
Relationships: Clint Barton/Darcy Lewis/Loki, Pepper Potts/James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Past Clint Barton/James "Bucky" Barnes - Relationship, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Jane Foster/Thor, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Teddy Altman/Billy Kaplan, Past Nebula (Marvel)/Original Female Character, John Allerdyce/Bobby Drake, Pietro Maximoff/Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: NaNoWriMo, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Asexual Character, Polyamory, Canon? what's that? can I eat it?, Drabble Collection, Not Canon Compliant, Not Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie) Compliant, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Parent Tony Stark, Darcy Lewis is Tony Stark's Daughter, Fix-It of Sorts, Loki (Marvel) Needs a Hug, Asexual Darcy Lewis, Asexual Sam Wilson, Sam Wilson Is a Good Bro, Odin (Marvel)'s A+ Parenting, Intersex Jotunn (Marvel), Jotunn Loki (Marvel), Families of Choice, Slice of Life, Deaf Clint Barton, Temporary Character Death, Aromantic Natasha Romanov, Frigga (Marvel) Lives, Queerplatonic Relationships, Mentions of homophobia, Mentions of Racism, mentions of Xenophobia
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2YMmj2q
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