chaosordoffl · 10 months
"you're falling for propaganda and propping up a terrorist group in doing so" well maybe if the other guys' pr wasn't ass :/
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tigercomplex · 8 months
related note the 3x3 grid morality alignment chart was a mistake and we need to put down every single redditor who goes "huh duh this character is this race so is inherently lawful good and that character is that race so is inherently evil and that is why that character is in the wrong" like dogs
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unwounding · 4 months
I told Kai how crazy-making it was to see how often my light-skinned, green-eyed biracial friend was approached and he told me I was being a femcel, and while it is the Obvious Answer it's not the Correct One. You know what the crazy-making part is? The racismmmm.
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chaos-in-one · 2 years
Terf: yeah so this cultural experience is actually just a mental illness
You: uh no wtf? That's racist
Other Terf: omgggg why are you focusing on the racismmmm
And they wonder why so many women of color want nothing to do with their community 😭
Even pulled the mf "well I have friends of this race!!" Card
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bucknastysbabe · 1 year
i know ur on hiatus but like, i don’t know who else to say this to. because i just read the most insanely racist fic and like. i am so fucking gobsmacked at the justification of “hehe horny” to post something like that. unhinged i hate it in this fandom every day (throws myself into the bin)
(also congrats on the nearly 2 years sober, absolutely rooting for you!)
NAURRRRR this fandom is so ass I’m done w it rn why would anyone justify racismmmm???? It’s okay to come to me about it hahaha
Thanks for the support I Am Close yet far away🤣2 months!!!
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cow-wizard · 4 years
what level of willful ignorance do you have to be on to think that the way elves (and dwarves, and qunari) are treated in dragon age isn’t allegorical to real life racism
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koholintkoholint · 4 years
when will nintendo write ganondorf like bowser im sick of this embodiment of evil shit
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luminecho · 2 years
wooooo racismmmm
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thereaaalharleen · 3 years
((let's get out of character for a second, hi! I'm cheese! (Main blog is @cheesebrackers ) This blog is a fun little thing I made to roleplay as Harley Quinn on tumblr
This Harley Quinn is based off a bunch of versions, but she's mostly my version! I have my own au, ysee?
Some info about her:
She/her bisexual, out of her old harlequin costume but decided to keep the hat.
This Harley is 100% friends with Joker, but will in no way ever consider dating him again. She's in with Ivy, finds friendship in every rogue and yet always finds something to, tease them about.
She'd do anything for her hyenas, bud and lou.
In my own universe, I like to associate characters to candies, so call her popping candy, because she's sweet but will explode at any given moment! You figure out if that's good or bad!
Do not interact for the basic criteria, yanno, homophobiaaaa racismmmm blablabla you get it. Please do not interact if you play as Gotham Jervis, as he is 100% an incestuous groomer piece of shit!
Also I'd rather you don't Gotham-base roleplay with me, as my Harley really does not fit the Gotham fox show))
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theflirtmeister · 5 years
It Chapter 2 Thoughts:
·       Opening your movie with a violent gay hate crime was GREAT, really enjoyed how everyone in my cinema acted disgusted at gay kissing but were pleased when Adrian was beaten up and then eaten by a clown, we love that
·       Bev as an adult has no fucking character at all – she has the screen presence of a wet flannel. Jessica Chastain is INCREDIBLE and all she did was: look scared, smoke, not tell the losers that she knew more than she was letting on, and mope over boys. It was painful when we kept cutting back to teen!Bev who was so much cooler!! And had a personality!! And actually did things!!
·       Not once did I watch James McAvoy on screen and think “Yep that’s Bill”, I was always thinking “Look at that funky XMan go”
·       Ben looked handsome and built things and you know what? That’s what I look for in a man
·       Not enough good scares/scary moments, like somebody else said, the same shot was done over and over of someone pulling back a screen expecting to see something scary, finding nothing, turning around and then seeing the scary thing
·       So Mike straight up lied?? To everyone?? And made them go on a fucking D&D scavenger quest that wasted like an hour of screen time?? And it wasn’t even useful? What was his actual fucking plan, that they’d get there and Pennywise would just be like “welp, you burnt some items, time to die”
·       Hearing James McAvoy seriously say “the ritual of chood” made me laugh
·       Also watching James straight up drown Georgie in the flooded basement made me laugh too, just because it was getting ridiculous at this point, let Georgie go, we get it, little boys in yellow raincoats are scary
·       Reddie seemed SO one sided because they didn’t focus on Eddie’s feelings at all? Like if I hadn’t seen Chapter 1, I would have thought Eddie was just a neurotic straight man who swore a lot.
·       Native American racismmmm
·       Not enough Pennywise at all – the scene with the firefly kid Vicky was PERFECT because of course Pennywise is having to change his methods to scare these kids!! I wish we’d had more of that, I wanted to see Pennywise manipulating and changing to catch the kids of today
·       Enjoyed Pennywise’s funky little song about Richie being gay
·       I thought Bev killed her Dad in Chapter 1 but apparently?? He lived?? Because Mrs Kersh said he passed a few years ago?? How did that man survive being brained by a toilet seat
·       The naked old lady scene was SUCH BAD CGI, like you honestly couldn’t just have a naked old lady?? What was with the bulging eyes – It just didn’t work at all??
·       Eddie pulls a knife out of his cheek and manages to survive with just a bandage, which was.... uhhhhh.... dumb as fuck
·       Henry did fuck all as a character apart from stabbing people and getting driven around by a zombie
·       The Stephen King cameo went on for way too long, we get it, you’re bad at endings, fuck off out of here gremlin man
·       Did Skateboard kid even have a point? Is he dead? He had far too many roles in this movie, I feel like we could have had a different kid speak to Richie, then another kid saying they heard voices in the drain, and then finally the kid that (presumably) gets munched by Pennywise. Also – why didn’t we see his death scene?
·       Pennywise’s final form was just a clown head on a spider body – you couldn’t be anymore less original
·       To defeat Pennywise.... eater of worlds.... they yelled “clown” at him....... until he turned into a baby........ hmmm.......HMMMMM........
·       Stan’s suicide being presented as something “good” and “useful” as if suicide is helpful
·       So everyone gets a happy ending but Richie - re-carving R+E into the kissing bridge while crying like we supposed to get that he was in love with Eddie when all they did was yell at each other for the entire film
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deadscottblog · 5 years
(`・ω・´) : What does your muse completely gush over? , (・A・) : What does your muse consider to be bad?
What does your muse completely gush over?
His mother 100 percent 
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He is a great big mother fucking mommas boy its no question that his mom is his favorite parent  he never has anything negative to say about her as oppose to his cheating father who he bashed a lot
. He wears her wedding dress on mothers day/ on her birthday,  and will probably wear that wedding dress if he ever has a wedding day of his own ..  Growing up he had a close bond with her as his dad was out for 4 months due to his football career plus the whole cheating thing made him resent his old man and to him his mother is perfect with no flaws.  
And his robots/inventions he’s very proud of his inventions 
What does your muse consider to be bad?
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happy ever after my fucking ass hate this lying company true love reallllyy worked out for my parents didn’t it?
 bunch of fairytale bullshit 
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Foster care system could use some work I read a lot of cases about abuse and well I never made it into that system after investigations went into hiding and in some aus I live with a trust adult I did proper research on .  child abuse obviously is bad.. if its done by a parent 
well I never considered what I did to be abuse it was just...  harmless fun.. some people ..  just have no sense of humor
Lying to your family for years
Ginger hate hollywood keeps erasing us Annie/ Starfire/ Little Mermaid and you can’t complain because.. blahhhh racismmmm. Well I happen to be a big fan of CHEF  so there. 
The only gingers  in the movies are the bullies and the  evil corn worshipping ginger . The guy playing Archie was not a real GINGER..  Its disturbing what if theres a secret plot to get rid of all gingers?  
The whole anti men thing going around doesn’t bold well either  we live in terrifying times and I can’t wait for it to be over.. 
Last thing
Fat people 
other than Chef
not a big fan
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transwolvie · 6 years
the hatred of MSG is cuz of racismmmm
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taflan · 7 years
my fav lines/dialogues from b99 (4x16):
“Hello, Captain Raymond Holt. It is I, sergeant Terrence Jeffords, your friend but more importantly your employee.”
“Cagney can’t sleep without moo moo and if Cagney doesn’t sleep Lacey doesn’t sleep and if Cagney and Lacey don’t sleep-”
 “-Terry doesn’t sleep.”
 “NO, Jake doesn’t live!”
“0oh my G0d”
“Oh, and one more thing: I love you.”
 [angry but forgiving Terry] “I love you too, Jake.”
“Get woke, Scully!”
“So what are you gonna do? Slash his tires? You shouldn’t do that but just out of curiosity what kind of car does he drive and where does he park it?”
“Make them go to bed”
“It’s 6.30pm they’re not tired.”
“Make. theM.
“Oh, come on Jake! Just explain the deep-rooted institutionalized racism that remains pervasive in this country to this day.”
“Gina, they’re children.”
“So put it in a song, Jake. Watch this:
🎶“Racismmmm RcisMMm. RaAAacism.”🎶
“Ask Amy if she wants to come over!”
“And while you’re talking to him, Jake and Amy can babysit your kids...unless they’re too busy making babies on their own hwichagdagow”(srsly what did charles say there lol?)
“Get out of us!!”
“TV and cake were MY parents hehe..he..  :’’’( ” 
“You real worked up about Margo.”
“Shhhhhhhh. I hear Margo’s squeaky shoes in the hallway.”
“But I wanna munch the cake batter while we do it. If you don’t eat the raw egg fast it makes you even more sick.”
“What’s a orgasm?”
“I’m sorry I told them orgasm was another word for oranges. I panicked.”
“Yeah, it did make it awkward when they asked for orgasm juice this morning.”
“You should consider modifying your handshake it’s sending the wrong message.”
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bloodclotboy · 7 years
Saw a dude spit on a cop in the emergency room, best thing I've seen all day 😂😂😂😂
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anarcho-compass · 8 years
Me: asks for sources
Person: condescendingly/ mockigly replies to me, though without sources, and no-not in the rudest way I've ever been addressed- but obviously rudely.
Me: mocks them for being rude and condescending, because it's so uncalled for
Person: pretends they weren't being rude and then throws in some bullshit small comment collectivizing all Israeli people on Tumblr to try and personally offend me while hiding behind "edgy" humor
Me: mocks them for being both a rude unaware loser and using a racial comment, but doesn't have add 10 paragraphs saying my use of "racism" wasn't meant to suggest literal nazism
All of you fucking assholes suddenly: UMMMM??? Shelllyyyu???? U used the evil word "racismmmm", you're beig a sjw uwuuuu also we're disensitized to rudeness so we think it's fine to be rude to some extent on the internet though we'd find it gross face to face, so ur being illogical saying he's rudeeeee
All of you feel free to unfollow, what the actual fuck. I don't owe it to people to exempt them from being condescending or using race to try and agitate me just cause' I'm online. Go fuck yourselves.
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wandering-mindddd · 8 years
Opinion on racismmmm
Wtf..uh I strongly strongly hate it everyone is equal and should be accepted and loved no matter what U look like ur skin tone ur hair type eye color religion etc we’re all human we breathe the same air pump the same blood etc and I wish it didn’t exist but I love everyone and accept everyone and always will!
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