#racist customers
blessyouhawkeye · 22 days
whenever people bring up the canadians are so nice/polite stereotype my gut instinct is to say that it's propaganda to make you forget the awful things our country has done but after a weekend spent in the states i can safely say that propaganda is rooted in truth. i have never been so conscious of how much i apologize in my entire life.
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ersatz-anomaly · 24 days
Ok but what tf did she say that made everyone hate her and disown her and why tf would her own granny who hasn’t spoken to the figure who wasn’t speaking sign language (disappointed about that hand movement going nowhere) disown her when it was the mum who ghosted her, left in a taxi for some random amount of time and came back to change the locks.
And why did it have to do with Mad Jack and who even was Mad Jack
And I wonder if the Faerie Circle keeping the spirit of Mad Jack bound and distant has anything to do with The Faeries that showed up in Torchwood and if they have any relation to Ruby and her strange connection to the snow and why the Doctor vanished after breaking the Circle but not Ruby.
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butters-flower-mom · 2 months
Man, I suck at Phone Destroyer. I know I'm under-leveled because I'm trying to hold off on upgrading until I unlock more cards I know I want to use in the long run, but I just suck at PVP in general because playing against a human opponent makes me so nervous.
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the-maddened-hatter · 20 days
As much as I hate it, it is kinda funny when my anxiety brain comes up with something that even it logically knows is stupid.
Like still having the anxiety from the thought still sucks, but at least I can call my brain out for being a lying piece of shit
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albatris · 1 year
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binghe-malewife-goals · 9 months
I love watching Doll Customization videos but woof have I noticed some less than... eh, desirable behavior.
Not going to spefically name anyone because I'm sure they don't even realize they're doing this, but it sure makes me raise my eyebrow.
First is how feminine ≠ women. They were going to make a doll with the feminine prompt but didn't want to make a dude with that prompt because feminine is inherently... womanly?
Which is... strange. Considering when they got a masculine prompt they decided to do a women character. So.. If feminine can't be for men, then why can masculine be for women? (I will touch on this in a bit)
I've also picked up on some questionable ideas on what makes a character soft vs. masculine. While designing the aforementioned feminine male character, they said how they wanted to make him look soft and sweet and precious.
.. Right after saying how they wanted to make his skin tone very light.
Which I would've shrugged off as weird, but the fact they made their masculine woman a black woman is.. eh.
Having those two sentiments paired with each other is just yikes.
Like I said, I doubt they're doing this maliciously, but I do hope it's at least somewhat pointed out to them what their words imply.
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oceans11 · 8 months
how it feels to be an american tourist
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gamerhamlet · 11 months
being mixed is, well, a mixed bag sometimes when it comes to interacting w ppl but it’s always so viscerally painful to hear ppl talk (racist) shit about my ethnicity and my people Right In Front of Me without knowing who/what I am
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linharrdt · 7 months
that one coworker that's been giving us all issues might be getting fired soon which sucks for her but I'm honestly relieved because I just don't like her on a personal level bc she was depressing to talk to and creeped us all out with how she always wanted to talk abt her sexlife I hated working w her bc of how she was as a person
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magentahottie · 10 months
my game is finally coming together again time for me to make some cute sims again 🫵🏾
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orcelito · 10 months
Only scheduled 12-5 tomorrow :]
Have to make 8 batches of boba & stay later if needed to finish them :[
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goatpaste · 2 years
some of yall sending me ask to my inbox about the pillar men literally need to take a step back and start thinking about how you talk about them
because a lot of you dont talk about them normal, like instead of talking about them as ancient god like begins that are technically not human. yall like to talk about them as if their anIMALS and its FUCKING WEIRD. yall NEED to step tf back check out why your acting like that
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saiabolical · 1 year
i hate it when the customer is being rude and i can't say anything, yes. but i hate it even more when the customer is being racist and the same applies
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they--slash--them · 1 year
i hate nuance
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rocaillefox · 1 year
i will be honest. on some level zelda is a very infuriating franchise to me. all these great basic game mechanics concepts and you use them for this.
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