#racist lorry driver
otherwindow · 6 months
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disco-archetypes · 2 days
YOU - "Just hang in there, lorryman." (Pat him on the shoulder.) "It'll get better."
RACIST LORRY DRIVER - "I'll believe it when I see it." He shrugs off your hand. "Whatever, I don't care. It's all the same to me..."
EMPATHY - It's not. It's really not.
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Ulixes, also known as Exilus Bücher or Echo Maker, is one of the student communists found in the Capeside Apartments. He is a Mazovian who writes La Fumée alongside his friend and fellow book club member Steban.
The Racist Lorry Driver is an otherwise unnamed lorry driver who, in extension to being a racist nationalist, is an incel.
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🎵 Martinaise, Terminal B
Cross your arms and nod.
KIM KITSURAGI - "Then I presume you're familiar with his *peones*?"
RACIST LORRY DRIVER - "Yeah," he says, unsure where this is leading. "They're his little bitches. He's got them all over the unions."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Not just the unions. He has peones *everywhere*. Some say he even has them in the RCM." He gets closer to him. "Dirty fucking peones who'd do *anything* for him. Multi-ethnic drug addicts..."
DRAMA [Medium: Sucess] - The lieutenant adopts a rodentine quality. Be cool, sire. He's getting *into* this.
Say nothing.
"Wait, are *we*-"
RACIST LORRY DRIVER - "You're not peones," he says. "You wouldn't be investigating a drug-thing, if you were."
KIM KITSURAGI - "No. Of course not. *We're* not peones. But *if* we were... and one of Madre's drivers were to be stealing from him -- then it's a good peone's job to find out who that is."
DRAMA [Medium: Sucess] - He's surprisingly good at this. Not bad at all... Look at him lurching.
KIM KITSURAGI - "It's not a hard job. It won't take a long time. It won't make Padre Madre *angry*." He looks at him. "But a stupid fucking racist is standing in the way, *protecting* this fucking thief..."
RACIST LORRY DRIVER - His eyes dart between you and the lieutenant. "I'm not scared of you -- or the mob. I'm under the protection of the Lorrymen and Carters Guild."
KIM KITSURAGI - "You've seen that corpse in the ceramic armour there?" The lieutenant points to the yard. "Did his shitty little guild protect *him*?"
RACIST LORRY DRIVER - "Nah. You wouldn't just leave him out there if you..." He tries to light a fresh cigarette, but his hands are shaking now. The sentence simply ends.
KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant turns and gives you a barely perceptible nod.
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Easy: Success] - I've softened him up. As best as I could. Now it's on you to finish the job.
COMPOSURE [Medium: Success] - Be careful. This man's still got some fight in him, by the looks of it. It won't be easy to break him.
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3. [Half Light - Formidable 13] Make him tell you what he knows.
-1 Go fuck yourself. +2 Kim's bluff. +1 Saw you snooping cabin.
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HALF LIGHT [Formidable: Success] - Men like this only respect two things: strength and fear.
"Show me her lorry right *fucking* now. The lady driver's lorry -- WHERE IS IT?!"
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RACIST LORRY DRIVER - "Fuck you, I told you. I'm not gonna..."
HALF LIGHT - There! His voice grows smaller, as yours...
"I'm gonna *fuck* you for the rest of my LIFE, you understand?"
"I'm gonna put you in a cell with a giant kipt. You're gonna be bleeding kipt dick, you hear me?"
"I've been to your fucking lorry. I know where it is!" (Point to it.) "I'm gonna burn it down, you HEAR ME?!"
"What's your name, fuckhead?! I'm gonna go on police radio sayin' this guy told Madre to FUCK OFF."
RACIST LORRY DRIVER - "Look, fuck you, man!" He tries to wave you off. "It's some lorry down there, green banged up thing. I don't fucking *know* who she is."
KIM KITSURAGI - "*When* did she go away?"
RACIST LORRY DRIVER - "I don't know, I don't even know her name. She just rolls with the fleet and acts like a big shot. Some dyke probably. I haven't even seen her for days."
AUTHORITY [Easy: Success] - Now it's not a big deal for him anymore. This is how he saves face.
"Where *exactly* is her lorry?"
RACIST LORRY DRIVER - "Past the monument, down there," he waves south. "The green 'Tempo'. Now leave me the fuck alone, okay?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "A small 'Tempo' by the monument, green..." He turns to you. "Let's get into that lorry."
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - Looks like you got his adrenaline up too.
3. "Right. I'm going." [Leave.]
Let's check that out.
🎵 Instrument of Surrender
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ABANDONED LORRY - This green FALN A-Z 'Contemporain' is parked in the shadow of the ruins looming overhead. It's seen better days.
KIM KITSURAGI - "This must be the one he told us about. Unless he was lying..." The lieutenant peeks inside.
Try to peek in the window.
Try the door handle.
"How are we going to get in there, Kim?"
ABANDONED LORRY - The glass on the side windows is tinted and covered with dust. You can barely make out the shape of a seat and two steering levers.
INLAND EMPIRE [Medium: Success] - It feels like you're peeking into someone's home residence. Inside it's private, cozy, warm. Dusty, too.
2. Try the door handle.
ABANDONED LORRY - The door is locked. The handle looks shiny, like it's recently replaced.
3. "How are we going to get in there, Kim?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Use the prybar to smash the window. Open it from the inside."
"Good idea."
KIM KITSURAGI - "This has been hard enough. No need to make it any harder."
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3. [Physical Instrument - Challenging 12] Smash the window in with the prybar.
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PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT [Challenging: Failure] - Prybar in hand, you take a hard swing at the window. A loud *thunk* rings out and the prybar bounces back, leaving a tiny spider web on the glass.
"The window appears to be shatterproof."
"I'm sorry, it didn't happen."
"Really?" (Hit again.)
KIM KITSURAGI - "No, it's not *shatterproof*. Give me that." He takes the prybar from you and gestures for you to step back. Then, with little warning...
ABANDONED LORRY - He smashes it into the window. Droplets of glass fly everywhere, shattering over the lorry floor and pavement. You can just reach in now.
Just open the door from the inside.
KIM KITSURAGI - "Mhm," he nods and gives you the tool back. "It went better than I expected -- open it from the inside."
Open the door.
ABANDONED LORRY - The smell of cigarettes and perfume welcomes you. The cabin inside is plastered with old movie posters, actresses smile from the walls. There's a radio transmitter in the front and a toolbox tucked under the driver's seat. Some tools lie scattered near the pedals.
Admire the posters.
Examine the radio.
Check the pedals.
Pull out the pull-out toolbox.
[Close the door.]
ABANDONED LORRY - These are movie posters featuring starlets from long-forgotten films -- from the Twenties, the Teens, even the Nineties of the last century.
One of them particularly catches your eye: a centrefold of an ingénue attached right above the back seat.
Study the centrefold.
Enough of the posters.
ABANDONED LORRY - The actress is draped in a sheath dress, one of her shoulders bared. The faded remains of an autograph run across the poster. She's looking past the camera.
INLAND EMPIRE [Medium: Success] - A feeling of tenderness washes over you -- a longing even, perhaps. And gentle tragedy.
2. Enough of the posters.
ABANDONED LORRY - The actresses -- and the rare actor -- all smile you a warm good bye. A radio transmitter is attached to the dashboard and a toolbox sits under the driver's seat.
2. Examine the radio.
ABANDONED LORRY - Looks like the frequency dial is absent. It requires a key to work, but the key has been removed -- likely by the missing lady driver.
KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant leans closer to the radio and hums: "Strange. There are so many radio stations saved here... must be over one hundred at least."
"Why would anyone need so many radio stations?"
"Is there anything we can do with the radio?"
"What else is here..." (Conclude.)
KIM KITSURAGI - "For contacting an entire fleet of lorrymen, for example." He flicks a switch on the radio. "This is all shortwave, UW and UKV..."
"Looks like we're dealing with an impressive organizational tool -- the nerve centre of a huge operation. With quite the range too."
2. "Is there anything we can do with the radio?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Doesn't look like it -- it's completely inoperable without the dial key.
3. "What else is here..." (Conclude.)
ABANDONED LORRY - The smell of a thousand cigarettes, some dead actresses and a rusty old toolbox under the seat.
3. Check the pedals.
ABANDONED LORRY - You wedge yourself under the steering-wheel to get a better look. Seems like the few tools lying around here -- a hammer, a pair of pliers, a rusty wrench -- have been casually thrown there by the disorganized driver.
But one odd detail does catch your eye: A piece of sandpaper has been glued to the throttle.
LOGIC [Easy: Success] - Sandpaper adds extra grip.
"Looks like the driver has glued a piece of sandpaper to the throttle to offer some extra grip."
Look around the cabin again.
KIM KITSURAGI - "Sandpaper?" the lieutenant repeats. "A novel technique..."
Back up into the cabin again.
ABANDONED LORRY - The movie stars are still smiling from the walls. There's a radio transmitter in the front and a pull-out toolbox tucked under the driver's seat. Some tools lie scattered near the pedals.
4. Pull out the pull-out toolbox.
ABANDONED LORRY - A metallic drawer slides out from the seat: It's empty, except for a folded newspaper.
Unfold the newspaper.
Push in the pull-out toolbox.
ABANDONED LORRY - It's an issue of 'Périphérique' from last Wednesday. A piece of paper falls out from its pages.
Pick up the note.
ABANDONED LORRY - It looks like an article ripped out from a radio-enthusiast magazine. Complex mathematical equations explain the basics of something called 'the ULAN frequency system'.
KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant leans over your shoulder to examine the note: "The ULAN frequency system? I've never heard of that before. I know of FM, AM, UKV, but..." His thought trails off.
2. Push in the pull-out toolbox.
ABANDONED LORRY - The pull-out toolbox slides back into its nest. The rest is as it was: radio, posters, a trace of motor oil smell under all the cigarettes.
5. [Close the door.]
ABANDONED LORRY - You close the rusty old lorry door.
KIM KITSURAGI - "Great, I think we got everything. A word, detective?" He steps away from the lorry. "*Before* we return to Joyce."
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KIM KITSURAGI - "Alright, we're finished here. Let's quickly debrief and go over what we found -- so we don't do it in front of the company rep."
"Seems like something police would do. What do you think of all this, Kim?"
"I don't think there's anything to discuss." [Leave.]
KIM KITSURAGI - "Honestly, I'm quite worried by what we've seen so far. The evidence seems to point to a rather extensive and well-organized operation."
"I'm especially intrigued by that radio transmitter -- particularly the sheer number of stations it can connect. Looks like this alleged drug trade casts a wide net."
"I'm not sure what the ULAN frequencies are all about, but they may hold some significance. Perhaps it's a better way to connect between fleets while avoiding frequency bleed, or maybe it's used to tap into RCM networks…"
"What about the movie posters? How do they factor into all this?"
"How do you think this is connected to the Union?"
"Will the RCM open an investigation into this?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "As... *elegant* as they are, I don't think they are relevant to the drug trade."
"A lot of women there. Especially for a lady driver's cabin."
"Maybe the trader is some sort of cinephile."
"Could the film industry be involved?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Yes, well..." He doesn't say more.
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Easy: Success] - Unimportant?
2. "How do you think this is connected to the Union?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "We didn't find anything *conclusive* linking them to the smuggling operation, but somehow I doubt that Evrart Claire would be oblivious to something like this happening right under his nose."
"My suggestion is -- we use it against the Union in any way we can. To our own ends. It's a slippery eel, but we just might be able to pin them down *indirectly*. Down the road."
3. "Will the RCM open an investigation into this?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "We should return to the murder case. See what Joyce tells us about the lynching. When we're done for the day, I'll call my station and suggest our narcotics department look into it."
"There are more than enough grounds to start an official investigation -- some time later, when we're done here. We do *not* want to get caught in that..." He stops to think.
"What are you thinking?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "The fact that one hasn't started already gives me pause. An investigation, I mean. Especially if the Madre grouping is involved... and I can't imagine they aren't. It's certainly worrisome."
KIM KITSURAGI - He nods. "All the same, I don't like the idea of Internal Affairs descending on the matter. That won't help anyone either."
4. "Okay -- debrief over?" [Leave.]
KIM KITSURAGI - "Debrief over," he nods. "After you."
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Crying at the fact that you can, if you almost accidentally sell Klaasje out to the Sunday Friday, implicate Evrart, Garte, Cuno, the speedfreaks, or the racist lorry driver (which leads to a great little interaction with the lieutenant).
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Sunday Friend roasts Evrart.
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You continue your tirade against Garte.
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You judge the speedfreaks and their music. (Not cool. You have no idea how many times their music got stuck in my head.)
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You roast Cuno.
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And oh. If you blame the lorry driver...
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bluastro-yellow · 10 months
personally I think Kim is the cheetah and Harry's the dog they put with them, Kim is just very good at hiding it. his parallels are Ulixes and Nilsen this man is not ok
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werechair · 1 year
what would revachol's worst polycule be?
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Ok I see it. Kim Kitsuragi is hot.
Yknow rothfuss or someone has that line in their fiction about fearing the anger of a gentle man? He said fear not lust after but here I am 👀
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assorted-things · 7 months
Also I have been playing for a couple of hours at this point and I already adore Kim Kitsuragi, he is being so patient with me being clueless and hungover...
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gaypeoplemusic · 1 year
disco elysium was funny for being like oh do you want a break from all the reading in the main quest and you want to pass the time with a little minigame? Okay here are some books💖 yeah it’s more reading. And the reading is dense communist theory. you can learn your ABCs if you want something more chill though
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Blows my mind how many people wax poetic about escaping the alt right pipline and then they're all still just reactionary dumbasses propping themselves along on endless low quality rage-bait with no ideas on how to make the world better other than killing enough vaguely-defined bad people so the world's humors balance out and things will just run smoothly from there.
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muffinrag · 2 years
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this is fucking adorable
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lastwave · 2 years
uuuuugh does finding the phasmid mean having to put up gary the cryptofacist? i REALLY dont like him . they should let me beat him up like they did w the lorry driver
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phantoids · 2 years
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Disco elysium really gives choices.
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"Fuckin' A, Kim. I've got your back." (Punch the lieutenant on the shoulder.)
RACIST LORRY DRIVER - "You two make a cute couple, you know that?" The lorryman spits.
KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant exhales and resumes his regular calmness.
EMPATHY [Challenging: Success] - You sense slight embarrassment for the outburst. Or is it pride? Impossible to tell.
"Now that that's settled, we have a couple of questions."
RACIST LORRY DRIVER - "Whatever you say, *officers*." He waits impassively, cigarette smouldering between his fingers.
"What was that *argument* all about?"
"What are you hauling?"
"We're done for now." [Leave.]
RACIST LORRY DRIVER - "It's about... biological determinism. Natural law. The sorting of the races." He spits on the ground.
"Not the most popular topic nowadays, with the Coalition in charge and all. You might want to *change the topic* -- that is, bury your head under the sand like common sheep."
"I get it. Someone has to be the unpopular guy."
"Oh, so you're just a racist. Makes sense."
"To be honest, I can't really remember what that means. Please explain."
"On second thought, let's talk about something else."
RACIST LORRY DRIVER - "I'm not *just* racist. Look, I've read *books*," he gestures with his cigarette for emphasis. "The science of racial theory has all been proved, even if some people don't want to accept it."
"People who've studied these things say that *you* and *me* are superior by design." He glances at the lieutenant. "So, naturally, we Occidentals should be in charge. Obviously you can see the merits in that."
"Okay, what else have you thought up?"
"Yes, I can really tell you're a prime example of superior design."
"Right. I've already made up my mind. Wanna hear it?" (Jump ahead.)
RACIST LORRY DRIVER - "Open your eyes. Haven't you noticed something different lately? An unfortunate downturn, maybe? When members of the superior race cease to believe in their innate superiority, they stop competing for resources."
"Yeah? What's the problem with that?"
"Okay... and?"
RACIST LORRY DRIVER - "This concerns you, policeman, so you better be *vigilant*. The kipts are showing a good game lately, same with the mesquitos. And the other intruder species too." He throws a sharp glance at Lieutenant Kitsuragi. "They're on the precipice of cultural victory."
"Wait, what's this *cultural victory*?"
Say nothing.
"Right. I've already made up my mind. Wanna hear it?" (Jump ahead.)
RACIST LORRY DRIVER - "It's what the kipts of Boogie Street are going for -- right under our noses. And the others too, on the radio. Heard any *chansons* lately? Heard any *mottettos* or *lieder*? No. Dominating culture is how they plan to win. They say so themselves."
Say nothing.
RACIST LORRY DRIVER - "It's true." He pushes on. "Also, you need to realize the dangers of *mixing races*. Who knows what might happen if people don't stay in their birthplace? You might end up with a new sub-race, with unknown characteristics, leading to extra competition. That's why you've got to *control* the offspring."
"Yeah. I think I can get down with racism."
"Yeah, I'm *not* down with this -- why don't you go fuck yourself?"
"Okay, sure, whatever. I'd really rather talk about something else."
Going to assume this would win based on the results of the last poll.
RACIST LORRY DRIVER - "Don't push your luck, runt." The man gives you a disgusted look, then turns his attention elsewhere, ignoring your presence.
That ends the conversation with the racist lorry driver, but there *was* another topic to discuss with him.
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RACIST LORRY DRIVER - "Looking for something, runt? Come to tell me to fuck off again?"
2. "What are you hauling?"
RACIST LORRY DRIVER - "Not much anymore. I'm here to pick up some cargo, but the dockworkers are on strike, so... it's a sit-and-wait-on-your-ass situation."
"Wait, how long has this been going on then?"
"What kind of cargo are you supposed to pick up?"
RACIST LORRY DRIVER - "The strike? They've been at it for a while. A month, two months maybe?" He gestures towards the lorries. "But *this* here is just the last week or so."
"What kind of cargo are you supposed to pick up?"
"Fair enough. I got some other questions."
RACIST LORRY DRIVER - "Yeah, apples... I take it you had other questions?"
RHETORIC [Medium: Failure] - He's given you the run-around. Let's be honest, you were *bested*.
We don't actually have other questions.
3. "We're done for now." [Leave.]
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I missed the text popup. Let's enter the store.
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Yellow roses. Dozens of them. Tulips too.
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A melancholy pop song plays on the radio.
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TARE MACHINE - The tare machine stands in the corner. A sign says: "ONE BOTTLE = TEN CENTS".
"What is this machine?"
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FRITTTE CLERK - "Hm?" The clerk looks up, out of her magazine. "Oh. That's the tare machine."
"Yes, but what *is* it?"
"I understand now. Thank you."
FRITTTE CLERK - She knits her brow, confused. "It's... a machine for tare? You know. You find tare outside -- like, bottles or whatever -- and put it in the machine. Then it gives you money."
"I see. And how do I pick up tare for the machine?"
FRITTTE CLERK - "You need a bag I guess? We used to have some but we gave them all out, so..." She shrugs awkwardly.
Feel free to use it if you find a bag, though. I'm sure there are some… out there." She points outside. "Somewhere…"
2. [Leave.]
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SAINT-BATISTE PHARMACEUTICS - A small cabinet on the wall is filled with various medicine bottles, nasal sprays and blister packs. They all bear the Saint-Batiste Pharmaceutics logo.
FRITTTE CLERK - "Uhm, just ask me if you need anything from Saint-Batiste. We don't stock prescription meds, but we do have nosaphed, drouamine, magnesium and hypnogamma."
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"What do those products do?"
"Who is Saint-Bautiste?"
FRITTTE CLERK - "Uhm... I don't know, let's see... Nosaphed is a nasal spray. Drouamine is a really good painkiller. Magnesium is a dietary supplement. Hypnogamma is..." She stops.
"I don't really know what Hypnogamma is. I guess it makes you feel less shit? It's recommended to use after lots of partying, studying, or exercising."
"Can you be a little more... specific?"
"Thank you for explaining, miss."
FRITTTE CLERK - "Uhm..." She chews her bubblegum absent-mindedly. "No, sorry. I'm not, like, a doctor or anything."
TUTORIAL AGENT - NOSAPHED heals +1 Health. DROUAMINE heals +3 Health. MAGNESIUM heals +1 Morale. HYPNOGAMMA heals +3 Morale.
2. "Who is Saint-Batiste?"
FRITTTE CLERK - "Saint-Batiste? You know..." She nods slowly at the cabinet. "The pharmaceuticals company?"
"Saint-Batiste Pharmaceuticals? The one that sells meds out of Saint-Batiste?" She points to the cabinet. "That one? There?"
Despite dying earlier, I don't feel I urgently need any of this medication at the moment. At least not until we sort out our money situation.
7. [Leave.]
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KNICK-KNACKS STAND - You see several packaged raincoats fill a low shelf beneath a display of croissants and juice bottles. The raincoats are transparent, except for the big 'FRITTTE' slogan on the back.
"What's that?" (Point to the raincoat.)
[4 real] "I want to buy a raincoat."
FRITTTE CLERK - "What is what?" The girl leans over the counter to see what you're referring to. "Uhm, it's a raincoat?"
"If you want to buy one then it's only four reál." She taps on the glass counter. The raincoats patiently await purchase.
We don't have that much, unfortunately.
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FRITTTE CLERK - "Welcome to Frittte! Feel free to look around or something, everything is out on the shelves." She returns to her magazine.
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Easy: Success] - What's that magazine she's reading?
"Before we go on, what is this Frittte?"
"What's that magazine you're reading?"
"Let's proceed, I have some questions for you." (Continue.)
FRITTTE CLERK - "I don't know -- Frittte?" She shrugs.
"And what *is* Frittte?"
"Why is it written with three T-s?"
FRITTTE CLERK - "A 7-to-11 grocery store?"
"Why is it written with three T-s?"
FRITTTE CLERK - "I think they think that extra T makes it *funkier*..." She chews on her gum with disgust. "It doesn't."
2. "What magazine are you reading?"
FRITTTE CLERK - "You mean this?" She looks at the cover boasting a colourful photo of two girls kissing.
"This is Pop-Stars, it's got, like, famous people in it? It's not for sale."
COMPOSURE [Easy: Success] - Looks like it also has something called 'Police De La Mode' featured on page 34. This speaks to you.
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aerostaticsurrender · 2 months
Unfair that the racist lorry driver can say “Dyke” uncensored but they won’t let Kim say faggot!!! No Justice in Revashol.
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