#radio miraya
xoxomoonlightxoxo · 4 months
Somewhere Between Hello and Goodbye | Ch. 2: It Was All a Dream, I Promise
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a/n: Writing that has been italicized + highlighted blue represents past memories or dreams, while writing that is italicized + bolded is a letter.
Months have passed since I last saw Jungkook. From the day he was discharged till now, no one has heard from him or his family. No texts, no calls. Nothing. Even his academic advisor raised concern regarding his absence, and still, there was radio silence on the other side of the line. It’s as if he never existed in the first place. He left with the cold winter and never came back to see the blooming of the spring cherry blossoms. 
Naturally, the last three months have been nothing short of torture. Day after day, night after night, I prayed to God, prayed that he would bring Koo back to me. Every morning, I would call his number just to hear his voicemail greeting, the one we crafted together during our late-night run to 7/11. 
“Hello, you've reached Jungkook’s voicemail. Please don't leave a message unless you're Mira,” Jungkook says confidently, scrunching his nose at the way my eyes widened from disbelief. 
“Koo!? You have to take this seriously. What if an employer calls you?” I exclaim, gaze softened at the sight of his bunny teeth on full display. 
“I'm sure they'll be able to tell if they're you or not,” he grins, taking a sip of his strawberry milk before pulling my chair closer to him, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. 
My eyes swell with tears reminiscing our memories. It pains me to think of the possibility that he might not even remember me. I'm not sure how long, if at all, I'd be able to last in a universe where Jungkook sees me as a stranger again. After all we've been through, man, that would hurt immensely. Nonetheless, I hold on to the hope that he is not alone. Surrounded by his loved ones, I hope Koo is resting in peace, at ease. This wish, however, has yet to overcome the aching feeling in my chest, my desire to hold him in my embrace. To be close to him once again. To tell him how much I love him. 
“Mira? Miraya, honey, can you hear me?” my mom shouts through the phone. After all this time, she has yet to learn how to properly use Facetime. 
“Mommy, I'm looking at your ear. You have to turn the camera towards you, remember?” I giggle, eyes tearing up from the mere sound of her voice. I've missed her. I've missed my family. I wasn't able to go back home for Thanksgiving or Christmas, so it's been ages since I last saw them. Nonetheless, after trial and error, mostly error, I could finally see my mother’s beautiful face which was trying its hardest to hold back the built-up sadness. 
“My love,” she whispers, worried gaze searching my scattering eyes. 
“Miraya, what's wrong?” 
“Nothing, I just missed you guys so much,” I say softly, pulling my knees to my chest as my body sits crouched on the cold kitchen floor. 
“Just one more week, honey. Your dad is so excited, you don't even know. He has packed the fridge with your favorite food, and is holding it hostage till your arrival,” she chuckles, shaking her head at my dad's behaviour. 
“One more week,” I repeat, looking up at the picture of Koo and me on the fridge. The photo booth snapshots we took at the dumpling restaurant near the Oceana beach. I wonder if he kept his word. 
“Jungkook, what the heck?” I yelp, hitting his forearm. “I can’t show these to anyone now,” I point to the last photo, in which his face remained inches away from mine as my body froze behind his Iron Man hat. Compared to the previous three takes, this one clearly did not fit the friendly theme. 
“Why not? Nothing happened,” he grins, leaning his head back. 
“Nothing happened my ass, it's obviously suggestive,” I roll my eyes. 
“Let their imagination run wild then. I'm putting mine in my wallet, you can put yours on your bulletin board, I heard manifesting is a popular practice these days,” he chuckles teasingly, giving me a sly wink.  
“Oh, by the way, I sent you some clothes for when you arrive. It’s been raining here nonstop and I wasn’t sure if you packed good rain boots,” my mom’s voice brings me out of my daydream, as I nod my head accordingly. 
“Thank you, mommy. I’ll let you know when I receive them,” 
“No, they should have already been delivered. I got the notification today,” 
“Oh, okay, then I’ll check the mailbox right after our call,” I say with a soft smile. 
“Well, I’m not gonna take up any more of your time, I’m sure you’re busy with finals. Please, just confirm that you got the package,” my mom says, sending me a flying kiss as I wave her goodbye. 
“I love you, mommy,” 
“Love you more, Mira,” 
Putting my hair in a messy bun, I grab my keys and ID before heading out the door. I did in fact pack some rainboots upon my arrival to Korea, but didn’t have the heart to tell my mom that on the phone. Her smile was too contagious for that news. Anyways, who would pass on free clothes? So, I make my way down to the mail room before scanning the area for my number, 1289. 
“Okay, oop, jeez, how big were these boots?” I huff and puff from all the heavy lifting, before stumbling back on my tippy toes. Managing to finally open the box, my eyes widen from the amount of snacks my mom packed. You know, sometimes, I think my parents think that my university doesn’t provide food. As if I beg my neighbors for a cup of sugar each night. I can’t complain though, I really do appreciate the way they show their love and care. So, yes, I will be indulging in all of these before I leave. Locking my mailbox I get a better grip of the box before heading out, that is, until one of the front desk employees stops me. 
“Miss! You dropped something,” he points to the white envelope on the ground. 
“Oh, thank you,” I say with a soft smile before opening what seems like a letter. 
To Miss Jean,
Hello Mira, this is Mrs. Jeon. I apologize for not reaching out to you sooner, I’m sure you’ve been worried sick. But, I hope you can understand that we as a family needed to take some time to help Jungkook heal. He is doing well. Although, his memory, at least of last year has been completely wiped. It’s been a tough journey, but the fact that he regained his consciousness is truly a miracle on its own. We really thought we lost him. You have no idea how much I cried that day. For a mother, losing her child is worse than death itself. So, I thank God every day for his protection. 
With that being said, the reason I’m writing to you is regarding your relationship with Jungkook. Please don’t take this too personally, but I need you to cut all ties with him. When I received the phone call from the paramedics on site, they reported that he was found unconscious on the side of the road, holding onto a bloodstained picture of you guys. Now, I tried to remain as reasonable as possible, but he is my son and I would do anything to protect him. Even if that means coming in between you two. I’m not sure if you guys were dating or tied by any romantic relationship, but from the way he talked about you, the dots were relatively easy to connect. 
He doesn’t remember anything, Mira. He doesn’t remember you. In hindsight, maybe it's for the best. I truly hope that you will be able to understand and respect my decision. Don’t call, don’t write, don’t interact. Jungkook will be returning back to Seoul for the Fall semester, and I trust that you will follow the plan. If he initiates contact first, try your best to avoid it at all costs. Just please, don’t make me worry about him again.  
Feeling my throat tighten, my chest heaves up from the sudden flow of emotions. What is going on? What did I just read? Cut all ties? He doesn’t remember me? Did I just receive an ultimatum from Jungkook’s mom before ever meeting her? My eyes swelled with tears as I looked around, scanning the room for any sign of life that would confirm if this was real or just a bad, bad dream. 
“Miss, are you okay?” the man at the front desk asks gently, his smile slowly fading as my body drops to the floor. 
“I don’t know,” I whisper, before looking up at his worried expression. Feeling my eyes dissociate into the distance, there’s a trail of teardrops marking the wooden floor as the denial settles in. Don’t call … Don’t write … Don’t interact. 
- - 
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Toronto. It is currently 8 pm exactly and pouring cats and dogs outside. So, I hope you dressed appropriately. On behalf of the cabin crew, I would like to thank you for flying with Air Canada. Enjoy the rest of your day!” the pilot's voice mumbles through the speakers as the sound of safety belts being unbuckled fills the tight space. 
Mom was right, Mother Nature seems to not be too happy about something, because why is it thunderstorming? To be fair though, I love it when it rains. Something about its aftermath, specifically, the smell of wet cement the next morning just tickles my brain. 
Mira: Just landed! Will be out shortly ❤️
Mommy: Thank goodness, we can't wait to see you, my love!
Daddy: Miraya, honey, I'll be standing right by the doors to help with the luggage. 
Mino: I hope you packed lightly -_- 
Milo: Mira, did you get us anything? ;)
Having younger brothers is definitely an experience, but I can’t lie, I managed to miss them as well. And, as I rolled my suitcase down the exit, I could feel my heartbeat increase, palms getting sweaty from the nerves. Overwhelmed by the emotions, it takes only a glimpse of my father’s face for me to break down. With tears rolling down my flushed face, we pulled each other into a long embrace, as my mother’s hands caressed my dishevelled curls. Pressing a soft kiss on my forehead, she cups my face in her warm palms before searching my teary eyes. 
“My sweet, sweet girl,” she says softly, wiping my tears with her pink handkerchief, as my dad navigates us out of the airport to our car.  
The drive back home was rather sentimental. With every turn I caught myself reminiscing my childhood memories. The time I broke my wrist falling off the monkey bars in my elementary park, or the time my friends and I tried to sneak into a frat party dressed like those edgy college girls … you can imagine the outcome, I don’t even have to explain. 
A faint voice brings me out of my dissociation as I snap my head towards my younger brother whose smile visibly fades from the intensity of my stare. 
“What?” Milo asks slowly, eyebrows furrowed from confusion. 
“What did you just say?” I scoff, a bit more harshly than initially intended. 
“Mommy asked what fruit she should use for her pie …” his words trail off into the car's ambience, as my eyes swell with tears. God, I miss Jungkook so much that I’m now hearing things. Surely, this isn’t healthy. 
“Sorry, I must have misheard you,” I try to subside the suspense with a soft smile before looking out the rainy window again. Feeling my throat slowly tighten, I try to shake away the thought that somewhere across the ocean, rests a soul whose heart no longer beats for me. 
“He doesn’t remember you, Mira,” Mrs. Jeon’s voice keeps replaying in my head as I bury my face deeper into the duvet, attempting to block the thoughts with my pillow. Unfortunately though, It’s not working as the haunting realization of our future, or rather, the lack of it, has already consumed my conscious mind. It’s not fair. I’ve lost him once and can’t bear to lose him again. Which, I guess … is exactly what Mrs. Jeon is feeling right now. 
“Ugh, Mira, shhhh. Please, just let me sleep,” I snap at my racing thoughts, turning aimlessly inside the soft sheets before feeling my body slowly give in to the fatigue as my vision goes pitch black. 
“Koo!” I call out his name as we run towards each other with open arms across a field of orange tiger lilies. 
“My sweet, sweet girl,” he says softly, lifting me in the air before we melt into each other’s embrace. Tucking a few strands of hair behind my ear, he caresses my cheek with the back of his palm before searching my teary eyes. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks hushly, leaning closer as our lips rest inches apart. 
“Koo, please tell me that you remember me, that you remember us,” I cry out, placing my hands on his warm chest. 
“Of course, I do Peaches. What are you saying?” Jungkook’s voice is soft but full of worry as he moves my hand to his heart. 
“You lost your memory. Your mom said you don’t remember anything. Nothing,” 
“Mira, baby, please don’t cry. It was all a dream, I promise,” he says with a gentle smile, before wiping the tears off my face, resting his forehead on mine.
“It’s you and me, till my heart stops beating,” 
His words fade into the distance before I’m awakened by the feeling of sheer distress. Chest heaving up, there’s sweat dripping down my face as I reach for my journal on the nightstand. With shaky hands, I jot down the sudden overflow of my emotions in the form of a letter. 
Dear Koo, 
I saw you today and … it felt so real. Your embrace was warm, familiar and full of love. We were finally happy again. Except … it wasn't real, none of it was real. You promised it was all just a dream, but you lied. This … this is a nightmare.
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mirayasharks · 11 months
Success on the Internet. How to become a famous digital singer
The music video of one of the most popular singers, Miraya Shark, "The Sunsets of the Color of Fanta," became one of the most viewed on YouTube, having gathered more than 11 million views. Such numbers are a true measure of the Russian singer's success. Without acquaintances or connections in show business, Miraya Shark, whose real name is Maria Nedelkova, managed to build a career offline and online, becoming a real digital discovery.
Maria was born in Moldova in a small town. The girl had been dreaming of acting on the big stage all her life. Still, people were waiting to think that a future winner of charts and hit parades, Miraya Shark, would gather halls in the biggest Russian cities, give interviews and perform on the same stage with the leading singers of Russian pop music. The Internet was not developed then, so predicting success in the digital space was impossible. Maria had been involved in music and sports since she was a child. Sports fostered a fighting character and leadership qualities, and music developed the child's creative potential. She earned the title of Master of Sports in Athletics, but she decided to connect her career with music. After graduating from music school in the class of "Piano," she entered a higher music college in "Pop Vocal" and "Choreography."
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Miraya Shark always wanted to perform solo, but began her adult musical career with the group "Propaganda" when she successfully passed the castings and became its soloist. It was a real school of life that helped Maria get her first fame and recognition. Over time, the girl left the group and began a solo career. The ex-leader of the popular group "Propaganda," Miraya Shark, created her stage look with the team, took a stage name, picked up the repertoire, and began writing the lyrics to some of the songs herself. The success started to grow, and the fans, who had known the artist since she was in the band, supported her. The songs of Miraya Shark were played on the country's radio stations; she was invited to the awards of the leading magazines, and the clips were shown on TV channels and the Internet.
A winner of charts and hit parades, Miraya Shark, began actively communicating with fans on the Internet during the coronavirus epidemic. When she came up with the idea of doing digital concerts, she surveyed her audience, trying to understand how the public would perceive such activities. One of the most popular singers, Miraya Shark, wanted to help fans to go through a difficult period in life, to fill it with good emotions and joyous moments. As a result, the success of the online concerts was overwhelming. The largest radio station in the country supported Miraya Shark and provided its platform to rotate the shows. Most interestingly, thanks to the epidemic, Mariah was able to expand her army of fans not only in Russia but also abroad. Concerts originally conceived for "their" audience resonated in other countries. Those who had never heard of the artist's work became her musical fans after these concerts. Now the artist continues to actively use social networks in her work to communicate with her fans and maintain interest in the digital environment.
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South Sudan faces headwinds from Sudanese conflict
The conflict in Sudan is raising concerns around South Sudan’s oil industry, driving Juba to seek alternative supply routes. Minister Puot Kang Chol, speaking on Radio Miraya last week, said South Sudan was considering the use of Mombasa and Djibouti as alternatives to Port Sudan. Chol said the Sudan crisis had an impact on securing “critical materials” to its fields and “getting clearance at…
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mirayashark · 1 year
Digital concerts by Miraya Shark
The last few years have been difficult for many areas of business. The coronavirus epidemic affected the social life of the population. People were locked at home, without the possibility of constant communication with friends and family, and without visiting concerts, museums, theaters, and other entertainment events. Office work turned into work "at a distance." And, of course, the music industry and artists suffered, in an instant, were left without rehearsals, performances, and colorful shows. Nevertheless, one of the most popular singersMiraya Shark, found the pluses in the coronavirus epidemic and launched author digital concerts to support her audience.
Maria Nedelkova took the pseudonym Miraya Shark after she left the group Propaganda, where she was a front woman. In 2012, Maria moved to the capital, deciding to conquer the music world, and having successfully passed all the auditions, she got a place in one of the most popular groups at that time. The girl from a small town in Moldavia couldn't have imagined that one day she would be on the same stage with famous performers, recording songs, shooting music videos and photo shoots, giving interviews, and touring in Russia. The success of the group was overwhelming. But the future winner of the charts, hit parades Miraya Shark always dreamed of a solo career, and after a couple of months, she left the group and started a solo career.
The pseudonym of the ex-leader of the popular group Propaganda Miraya Shark, took thanks to the ancient female name Miraya and Shark - from the surname that the artist took after her marriage. Maria assembled a professional team who helped create the stage image. The artist worked tirelessly to make her dream come true. She had to think about organizing concerts, recording songs and music videos, and advertising. Once the process was lined up, Maria presented her fans with new catchy songs that became hits and rotated on many well-known radio stations. In addition, Miraya Shark began to pay special attention to her show as well - costumes, choreography, and lighting. The army of fans grew and reached far beyond the borders of our country.
Miraya Shark actively developed her social networks and communicated with connoisseurs of creativity. Therefore, during the coronavirus epidemic, Maria was able to support her fan club. One of the most popular singers, Miraya Shark, launched unique digital concerts supported by one of the country's leading radio stations. The artist wanted to give her fans a piece of kindness, love, and a good mood at this difficult time. The result was immediate - Maria managed to bring online communication with the fan club to a new level and to prove herself as one of the first digital singers. Miraya Shark's performances have swirled across many countries, and many listeners who were not familiar with her work have become devoted fans.
In addition, Miraya Shark has gained success in the post-pandheim period already on the YouTube platform. Her music video "Sunsets of the Color of Fanta" was watched by more than 11 million people, and the song became a real summer hit. The music video "New Day" got a huge number of reposts, and the composition "Newton's Laws" won the super-competition "Star of the People." The secret of Miraya Shark's success lies in several qualities. First of all, Maria is distinguished by the unique timbre of her voice, which has always distinguished her from the other members of the "Propaganda" group. Miraya Shark, through her compositions, shows the sincerity of feelings. She lives through each song to bring the audience the meaning and beauty of the melodies. In addition, Maria has been distinguished by professionalism and discipline since childhood - the mother of four children carefully looks after herself, exercises, and eats right. A winner of charts and hit parades herself, Miraya Shark, says that it is necessary to learn the world because the inspiration is around us.
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apptworadioapps · 1 year
Radio Sudan FM & AM + Radio Online - (Radio Android Application 🇸🇩📻)
Sure, here's an article about radio stations in Sudan:
Radio broadcasting has been a significant part of Sudan's media landscape for several decades, with many stations catering to diverse audiences across the country. Sudan has a range of radio stations that broadcast in various languages, including Arabic, English, and regional languages.
Radio Omdurman is one of the most popular radio stations in Sudan, broadcasting from the country's capital, Khartoum. The station offers a mix of news, current affairs, music, and entertainment programs, catering to a broad audience. Radio Omdurman broadcasts in Arabic, making it accessible to the majority of Sudan's population.
Sudan Radio Service (SRS) is another popular radio station that broadcasts in Sudan. The station, which is based in Washington DC, focuses primarily on news and current affairs related to Sudan, with a particular focus on the conflict in the country's Darfur region. SRS broadcasts in Arabic and English, making it accessible to a wide audience across Sudan.
Al-Mashreq Radio is a radio station that broadcasts in eastern Sudan, covering the states of Kassala, Red Sea, and Gadarif. The station broadcasts in Arabic and provides news, music, and other programs that cater to the region's cultural and linguistic diversity.
Another popular radio station in Sudan is Miraya FM, which broadcasts from Juba, the capital of South Sudan. The station primarily focuses on news and current affairs related to South Sudan, including political developments, humanitarian issues, and other social topics affecting the country's population. Miraya FM broadcasts in English and Arabic, making it accessible to a diverse audience.
Blue Nile Radio is another popular station that broadcasts in Sudan. The station broadcasts from Damazin, the capital of Blue Nile State, and covers news, music, and entertainment programs catering to the region's population. Blue Nile Radio broadcasts in Arabic, making it accessible to the majority of the population in the state.
In conclusion, radio stations play a crucial role in Sudan's media landscape, providing information and entertainment to diverse audiences across the country. The stations mentioned in this article are just a few examples of the many radio stations operating in Sudan, catering to different regions, languages, and audiences.
✔✔ GOOGLE PLAY STORE: ▶ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alexto.radio.republicofthesudan 
✔✔ AMAZON APP STORE:  ▶ http://www.amazon.com/gp/mas/dl/android?p=com.alexto.radio.republicofthesudan 
✔✔ SAMSUNG GALAXY STORE: ▶ https://galaxystore.samsung.com/detail/com.alexto.radio.republicofthesudan
✔✔ UPTODOWN ANDROID STORE: ▶ https://radio-sudan-plus-radio-sudanese-fm-free-online-stations-plus-li.en.uptodown.com/android
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ourglobalclassroom · 1 year
Radio and Peace
Radio is uniquely positioned to bring communities together and foster positive dialogue for change. Irene Lasu is a radio presenter for the UN Mission in South Sudan’s Radio Miraya. PHOTO:UN Photo/Isaac Alebe Avoro Radio and Peace On World Radio Day, UNESCO highlights independent radio as a pillar for conflict prevention and peacebuilding. An armed conflict between countries or groups within a…
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fitemilk · 2 years
Please tell me more about the african radio stations? That sounds dope as hell and I'm looking for new music!
there’s an app i use called radio garden, and you can access radio stations from all over the world! the farther out they are, the better they usually are because you’ll hear all kinds of music you’ll never hear otherwise!
the fave i mentioned is Miraya FM in Juba, South Sudan! another African fave of mine is Alefamusic (Antsiranana, Madagascar); it’s mostly traditional Malagasy music and I never heard anything quite like it before
Other faves of mine: Radio Aku-Aku in Hanga Roa, Chile (Rapanui, aka Easter Island), Radio Trassa (Blagoveshchensk, Russia), Radio Provinciya (Derazhnya, Ukraine), Apparatið (Reykjavík, Iceland), Dr Dick’s Dub Shack (Hamilton, Bermuda), Times Square FM (Basrah, Iraq), Kwesi FM (Mahmoudzou, Mayotte — it can be hard to reach sometimes).
I’m finding new stuff all the time, though!
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cxglovekernels · 5 years
Love Kernels - 7-12 May
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- Rachel Bloom picked Never Been Kissed for the LA Rom Com Fest and will attend for a fireside chat with Rom Com Fest founder Miraya Berke, on 22 June at the The Downtown Independent in LA.
- You can bid on a backstage pass for the Obie Awards, including a photo opportunity with Rachel Bloom. All proceeds go to the American Theatre Wing.
- Gabrielle Ruiz (Valencia) stopped by podcast I could never be… to talk about acting and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.
- Tovah Feldshuh (Noami) stopped by The David Suissa Podcast to talk about her new Golda Meir film, her Broadway and Hollywood career, and climbing Mt Kilimanjaro.
- Skylar Astin (Greg 2.0) will star in Secret Society of Second Born Royals, an original TV-movie for the Disney+ streaming service.
- Podcast Broadway Babies discusses the pilot episode.
- Bidness wrote Smooth, Serrano, a Rebecca/Greg story. Summary: Greg doesn't want to give in to these stupid mushy feelings for Rebecca. They're finally in a good place and he's tried to keep things normal and friendly, tried not to overstep his boundaries... But fuck, he's not very good at it. Post-finale Greg/Rebecca
- @heartbash​ posted the fourth chapter of Bite-Size Love, a Rebecca/Nathaniel story (4/?). Summary: Post-series that picks up immediately after the events of 4x17.
- @motherteresalutherking wrote You Threw Glitter for Me, a Rebecca/Greg story. Summary: Greg finally gets a chance to throw glitter at Rebecca's dad, and he is prepared, and Rebecca is so grateful that she sings about it.
- gala_apples wrote Josh Doesn't Know About This! (But he will at the next open mic!), a Rebecca/Greg/Nathaniel story. Summary: Rebecca's going to make a song out of this experience, Greg just knows it.
- @catty-words talks about the show’s portrayal of Paula’s motherhood.
- @crazybunch is selling two tickets in 1st mezzanine to the Crazy Ex Live Show May 14th at Radio City Music Hall.
- @andlostinmeaning compares the Crazy Ex and Jane the Virgin finales (spoilers for the Jane the Virgin finale, obviously).
- @postguiltypleasures compares Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and You.
- @wikaa120 is looking for people who want to join their Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Roleplay Discord Server.
- @notbang shares a Mermista (She-Ra)/Heather hybrid (fanart) and Rebecca & Hebecca fanart.
- @millievfence analyses Ping Pong Girl.
- @hulahoopingholt shares their love for episode 1.15 (Josh Has No Idea Where I Am!).
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listinsemanal · 2 years
Radio Miraya ofrece a Sudán del Sur noticias de confianza en medio del odio y la desinformación
Radio Miraya ofrece a Sudán del Sur noticias de confianza en medio del odio y la desinformación
Con motivo del Día Mundial de la Radio de este año, que tiene por lema “Sí a la radio, sí a la confianza”, Noticias ONU habló con Gabriel Joseph Shadar, periodista sursudanés de Radio Miraya, sobre el importante papel que desempeña la emisora en esta joven nación mientras se reajusta a la vida posterior al conflicto. “Todos los sursudaneses te dirán que adoran la radio, especialmente los que…
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divyabhashkar · 2 years
Radio Miraya builds trust in South Sudan, amid hate and disinformation |
Radio Miraya builds trust in South Sudan, amid hate and disinformation |
To mark this year’s World Radio Day, UN News spoke to Gabriel Joseph Shadar, a South Sudanese radio producer at Radio Miraya, about the important role that the station plays this young nation as it re-adjusts to life in the aftermath of the landmark 2018 peace agreement, which formally ended five years of civil war, but remains fragile. “All South Sudanese will tell you they love radio,…
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scuoladiradiofonia · 3 years
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Andrea Borgnino - « In Sud Sudan le autorità statali voglio chiudere Radio Miraya, l'emittente delle Nazioni Unite e della fondazione Hirondelle che è stata uno degli strumenti principali di "pacificazione" del paese».
Domani, venerdì, tutta la storia su Radio3  alle 11 #interferenze
Ogni giovedì a Radio3 Mondo la rubrica di Andrea Borgnino #Interferenze. 
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001 – La civilización Caral o cultura Caral se desarrolló entre 3000 y 1800 aC., siendo la expresión más nítida del surgimiento de las primeras sociedades complejas en el área norcentral peruana o Norte Chico.
002 – En toda esta área destaca claramente el valle de Supe, ubicado en Barranca, al norte de Lima, donde en apenas 40 kilómetros desde el mar, se han identificado 20 asentamientos de esa civilización, siendo la de mayor dimensión y complejidad la ciudad de Caral o Caral-Supe, de la que deriva el nombre de la cultura.
003 – La existencia de esta civilización fue desvelada a partir de 1996, gracias a los trabajos de un equipo de arqueólogos encabezados por Ruth Shady, a través del Proyecto Especial Arqueológico Caral-Supe.
004 – Los estudios rigurosos han demostrado que esta civilización es contemporánea con otras civilizaciones primigenias del mundo, como la de Egipto, India, Sumeria, China, pero a diferencia de ellas (que intercambiaron sus logros), se desarrolló en completo aislamiento.
005 – En América, es la más antigua de las civilizaciones prehispánicas, superando en 1500 años a la civilización Olmeca, otro importante foco civilizatorio situado en Mesoamérica.
006 – En el Perú supera en antigüedad a la cultura Chavín (1200 aC.), que durante mucho tiempo había sido considerado como la cultura madre del Perú. Actualmente, según todos los indicios, se puede afirmar que a partir de la civilización Caral se origina la civilización andina.
007 – El área de desarrollo e influencia de la civilización Caral, llamada área norcentral peruana, es de 400 por 300 km, y comprende los valles de la costa (Santa, Nepeña, Sechín, Culebras, Huarmey, Fortaleza, Pativilca, Supe, Huaura, Chancay y Chillón, los callejones serranos de Huaylas y Conchucos junto con el altiplano de Junín, y las cuencas de los ríos Marañón, Huallaga y las cabeceras del Ucayali en la selva.
008 – En toda esta área destaca claramente el valle de Supe, ubicado en la provincia de Barranca, departamento de Lima, donde en apenas 40 kilómetros desde el mar, se han identificado 20 asentamientos de esta civilización, cuyas extensiones van de 0,16 hectáreas hasta casi 80 hectáreas.
009 – Ocho de ellos son los de mayor tamaño, entre los que destaca nítidamente por su complejidad la ciudad sagrada de Caral, de la que deriva el nombre de la cultura. Fue, sin duda, la capital de la región.
010 – Los otros asentamientos con construcciones monumentales son Pueblo Nuevo, Cerro Colorado, Allpacoto y Llapta (en la margen derecha del Supe); y Lurihuasi, Miraya y Chupacigarro (en la margen izquierda).
011 – En el litoral cercano a la desembocadura del Supe destaca Áspero, que fue según todos los indicios la ciudad pesquera de Caral.
012 – Hasta antes del descubrimiento de esta cultura, ya se conocía la existencia de diversos asentamientos pre cerámico a lo largo de esa área norcentral peruana, a partir de los cuales se había planteado la existencia de organizaciones sociales de nivel jefatural.
013 – Destacan los de La Galgada, en el callejón de los Conchucos, Piruro en el Marañón, Huaricoto en el callejón de Huaylas, Kotosh en el Huallaga, Las Haldas en Casma, Los Gavilanes en Huarmey, Áspero en Supe, Bandurria y Río Seco en Huaura y El Paraíso en el Chillón.
014 – En la cronología arqueológica, la civilización Caral corresponde al denominado Arcaico Tardío (antes Pre cerámico Tardío), llegando hasta el Formativo Inferior, aproximadamente de 3000 a 1800 aC. ​
015 – Esa antigüedad se ha confirmado a través de múltiples fechados radio carbónicos, realizados en los Estados Unidos.
016 – El hallazgo de Caral cambió así los esquemas que hasta entonces se tenían sobre el surgimiento de las antiguas civilizaciones en el Perú y la América en general.
017 – Anteriormente se consideraba a Chavín de Huántar como el foco cultural de más vieja data en el Perú, con un máximo de 3200 años de antigüedad (1200 aC). ​ [email protected]
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mirayashark · 1 year
How to turn a childhood dream into a real life. The Story of Miraya Shark
Show business in Russia is rapidly developing. Every year there are hundreds of new artists, and few of them manage to conquer the musical Olympus and become real stars. Many girls from an early age dream of popularity and fame: stunning outfits, crowds of fans, colorful show programs, and constant travel. But behind a pretty picture is hard work, a strong-willed character, and the desire to go forward, no matter what. These are the qualities of one of the most popular singers Miraya Shark. Miraya Shark's real name is Maria Nedelkova. Maria was born in Moldova in the small town of Tiraspol. From an early age, the girl sang, was active and energetic. Her parents brought her up with strictness, love, and respect, developing the child physically and creatively. Maria's father was in sports gymnastics in his youth, so he brought his daughter into big sports. And her mother, being busy in the city's theatrical life, gave her a musical background and initiated her into the world of music and dance. Sports and music were present in the life of the future singer Miraya Shark constantly, and for a long time, Maria was undecided about which direction to choose. The future artist entered a music school in the piano class and then entered a music college in two areas - pop vocals and choreography. Sports continued in Maria's life - competitions, awards, discipline, and the level of candidate master of sports in athletics. But the stage beckoned the future winner of the charts, hit parade Miraya Shark, and she made a choice - she left big sports and immersed herself in the world of music.
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Maria loved to perform on stage since early childhood, but to imagine herself in the capital of Russia, standing on the same stage with famous artists, performing real hits to the audience's applause, seemed a difficult and almost unattainable goal. After Tiraspol, Maria moved with her parents to Odessa, and in 2012, she took a severe step - she left to conquer Moscow without money or contacts. Her athletic will to win, the rigid schedule in which she lived all her childhood, her leadership qualities, and the right habits - all these helped Maria not to give up and become a true artist and get into one of the most popular groups at that time - the group "Propaganda."
Maria Nedelkova brilliantly passed the casting for the group and became a soloist of a successful collective. Her musical career took off instantly: photo shoots, interviews in magazines, concerts, rehearsals, appearances on radio stations, and even her fan club. The band's song "Propaganda" topped all the major charts in the country, and the performers became idols for young people. Maria left the band despite the group's success, as she had always dreamed of a solo career. Working in the band was a good start for her career, but Maria wanted to realize herself as an independent artist. An interesting timbre of voice and musical preferences distinguished her from other performers. So the ex-leader of the popular group "Propaganda," Miraya Shark, managed to build a solo career and successfully combine it with family life - today, she is a mother of four beautiful children.
Her popularity grew. Miraya Shark songs were heard in the hit parades of our country, and the videos gained millions of views on YouTube. Thus, the music video for the song "Sunsets of the Color of Fanta" gained 11 million viewers. Such success and the top lines in the ratings did not turn the artist's head; on the contrary, it became a step for further development of creativity. TodayMiraya Shark, one of the most popular singers, is conquering USA. Like ten years ago, Maria was completely changing her destiny and was ready to start again in another country. Besides, as it turned out, an army of Russian-speaking fans of Miraya Shark in the USA follow her creative work and wait for her favorite singer's solo concerts.
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apptworadioapps · 1 year
Radio South Sudan FM & AM + Radio Online - (Radio Android Application 🇸🇸📻)
South Sudan is a young and vibrant nation, having gained independence in 2011. Since then, the country has been making great strides in various sectors, including media and entertainment. Radio stations have played a significant role in the dissemination of news, information, and entertainment to the people of South Sudan. In this article, we will highlight some of the popular radio stations in the country.
Radio Miraya is one of the most popular radio stations in South Sudan. It was established in 2006 and is funded by the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). Radio Miraya broadcasts in several languages, including Arabic, English, Dinka, Nuer, and other local languages. The station focuses on news, information, and entertainment programs that cater to the needs of the diverse South Sudanese population.
Bakhita Radio is another popular radio station in the country. It was established in 2008 and is owned by the Catholic Diocese of Wau. The station broadcasts in several languages, including Arabic, English, Dinka, and other local languages. Bakhita Radio focuses on programs that promote peace, reconciliation, and social justice.
Eye Radio is a privately-owned radio station that broadcasts in several languages, including English, Arabic, and local languages such as Dinka and Nuer. The station was established in 2010 and focuses on news, current affairs, and entertainment programs. Eye Radio is known for its engaging talk shows that tackle various social and political issues affecting South Sudan.
City FM is another privately-owned radio station that broadcasts in Juba, the capital city of South Sudan. The station was established in 2011 and is known for its music programs that cater to a young and diverse audience. City FM also broadcasts news and current affairs programs.
Other notable radio stations in South Sudan include Catholic Radio Network, Sudan Catholic Radio Network, and Radio Jonglei. These stations, like others in the country, play a crucial role in providing news, information, and entertainment to the people of South Sudan.
In conclusion, radio stations in South Sudan play a significant role in the dissemination of news, information, and entertainment to the people of the country. These stations cater to a diverse population, broadcasting in various languages and focusing on programs that promote peace, reconciliation, and social justice. As the country continues to grow and develop, radio stations will undoubtedly continue to play a crucial role in the country's media landscape.
✔✔ GOOGLE PLAY STORE: ▶ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alexto.radio.south.sudan
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unpeacekeeping · 6 years
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#WorldRadioDay📻! Interested in staying up to date with news from South Sudan Radio Miraya is the United Nations radio station operated by the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). Tune in for the most accurate and balanced coverage of events in the world’s newest country. Radio Miraya from UNMISS: http://bit.ly/2GcRQhp
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amnonjakony · 4 years
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UNMISS’ Radio Miraya broadcasts school lessons for South Sudanese children during COVID-19 The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General, David Shearer, joined the Head of UNICEF South Sudan and the Minister of General Education on Radio Miraya to launch a new remote learning programme for school children.
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