#rain and negative ions
brightlotusmoon · 1 year
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That explains all the swelling in all my joints that I've been trying to ignore. The 20 mg edible just kicked in.
Oh, there's the rain. Thanks, Hyades.
Our neighborhood looks to be on the edge of the storm.
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thechembow · 9 months
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Dancing Cloud
Jan. 1, 2024
New Years Day was an invigorating high OR day in the mountains. We had blue skies, few flyers, and a few joyous "confirmation clouds," the type of OR cloud that tells us the sky is negatively ionized.
This was in contrast to yesterday's mixed sky, with OR and DOR both existing together, as OR gradually overtook DOR by the end of the day (it always does).
We are between snow storms and the atmosphere is gearing up for the next one. There is always a shift to DOR, then a shift to OR and a clearing before a storm. Sometimes it happens more than once. Since snow is on the forecast for tomorrow night, it stands to reason we may see another such shift to DOR and back to OR before the precipitation begins.
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londoncapsule · 1 year
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I love very few things more than a nice long walk in the drizzle of Seattle. I don't care for the heaviness of real rain; I like the misting. The feeling of tiny droplets on my muzzle and eyelashes. The freshness of the air, which has been suddenly infused with ozone and negative ions. While rain is heavy and can suppress the scents, a light shower actually amplifies smells; it releases the molecules, brings odor to life and then carries it through the air to my nose. Which is why I love Seattle more than any other place, even Thunderhill Raceway Park. Because, while the summers are very dry, once the damp season begins, 'nary a day goes by without a helping of my much-loved drizzle.
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Creature Comforts
Prompt: hey ! feel free to ignore this if you want, but im having an anxiety moment™ and would love to see something like this in your writing style !!
so, my idea is that roman gets anxious when it storms due to his fear of the dark and the risk of the power going out, and patton has a phobia of thunderstorms, so they tend to hang out when it storms since the other understands, to some degree, their anxiety about the situation on a personal level. virgil, who loves storms, finds them / gets summoned when they're both panicking pretty bad due to a storm, and soft fluffy comfort ensues where he tries to calm them and reassure them that their fears aren't stupid. lots of soft fluff <3
regardless of whether or not you end up writing this, i hope you have a good day !!! i love your writing style sm <33 - anon
Read on Ao3
Warnings: thunderstorms
Pairings: uhhh whatever the one for roman/virgil/patton is, can be platonic or romantic i don't care
Word Count: 1795
For Virgil, thunderstorms are rare moments of peace. Times where he can just...relax, as much as he ever can, and watch the sky, listen to the rain, enjoy it. 
Not everyone in the Mindscape feels this way.
When Virgil hears that there’s going to be a big thunderstorm, he immediately starts planning. 
Headphones, check. Warm drink, check. That one ledge in the Imagination Mansion with the big windows, check. Phone charger, check. Blanket, check. 
Logan asks him why he’s so happy, offering a soft smile of his own when Virgil explains that there’s a thunderstorm coming up. He pats Virgil’s shoulder and wishes him a good storm watch. 
Thunderstorms are so cool. The clouds get all big and bruised and purple—which is excellent—and the lightning makes the sky have all these dimensions that you never get to see when it’s clear. Plus, the sound of the rain makes for great reading weather and it���s getting to be near fall so hot apple cider is a completely acceptable choice of beverage. 
Oh, this is going to be great. 
He makes sure he’s got absolutely everything he needs and makes his way to the Imagination, opening it to find the foyer of the mansion before him. He walks through the hall until he finds the parlor, parking himself in the loveseat and wriggling into the cushions with a sigh. The clouds are already rolling in, so he puts his headphones on the windowsill and grabs his mug. 
The apple cider is spiced to perfection. He smiles, blinking lazily at the darkening sky. That fake Tumblr post about mentally ill people liking storms because of negative ions or whatever plays in his head and he chuckles, lifting to take another drink. False as it may be, he does like storms. 
You can imagine, then, when he suddenly gets summoned outside Patton’s room, that he’s less than thrilled about it. 
Virgil groans, scrubbing his hand over his face. Hopefully whatever this is can be sorted out quickly and then he can get back to watching the storm. He knocks on the door. 
“Uh, hello?”
“What is it, Patton, what do you want?”
“Um—nothing, kiddo, I don’t need anything.”
“You summoned me,” he says, starting to get impatient, “so what do you want?”
“I didn’t summon you! Neither did Roman—did you?”
Great. Princey’s here too. Virgil rolls his eyes. 
“No, I most definitely didn’t.”
Virgil pinches the bridge of his nose. “Look, I felt myself getting summoned, so just tell me what you want.”
“We didn’t do it on purpose, Virgil!”
Virgil rolls his eyes and tries to leave, only to feel the tug in his gut keeping him there. “Well, obviously one of you is doing something ‘cause I can’t leave.”
“We’re not doing anything,” Patton insists, “we’re—oh, goodness, just come in, I don’t like yelling through the door.”
Virgil grunts, opening the door a little harder than necessary and only slightly regretting it when he sees Roman and Patton jump. “What do you want?”
“We told you,” Roman says, “nothing. We didn’t summon you on purpose. We don’t know what’s keeping you here. I’m sorry for having disturbed you from your very important things—“
Virgil glares. “For your information, Princey, I was excited to watch the thunderstorm. But now I’m here, dealing with you two, and if you don’t even know why you brought me here—“
He pauses. 
There was another tug at him when he mentioned the storm. 
He looks at the two of them. They’ve moved apart a bit now, but they’re still curled up awfully tight on Patton’s bed. There are blankets and pillows piled around them and he can see Roman’s headphones in his hand. 
He glances at the window. The curtains are drawn and fastened tightly shut. 
He looks back. Patton keeps glancing at the window. Roman is doing his best to scowl at him but there’s an embarrassed red flush to his cheeks. 
Oh, dear. 
Well, he kinda regrets slamming the door open. 
“Are—“ he swallows, trying to make his voice a bit quieter— “are you guys scared of the storm?”
“No,” Roman says immediately, but Patton shrinks in on himself. 
“Come on, really?” Virgil spreads his arms. “Obviously that’s what summoned me, there’s not really a point in lying unless you want to accidentally summon J too.”
He shakes his head. 
“Patton, sure, I may have guessed, but you, Princey, really?”
“Don’t. Don’t tease.”
Oh, oops. Roman’s voice is hard now, and he’s properly glaring at Virgil. 
“If you’re going to do that, leave.”
“Hey, hey, I’m sorry,” Virgil says, holding out his hands and softening his voice, “I won’t, I promise.”
Roman shuffles on the bed, looking away.
“Pop Star?”
“I have a phobia of thunderstorms,” comes the too-small voice, “okay?”
“Okay, sweetheart,” Virgil says, moving to sit on the edge of the bed, “okay. I’m sorry I was mean. It’s okay.”
Roman pulls Patton a bit closer, the two huddling in on themselves, and goddamnit, what is Virgil supposed to do, not melt? He’s not heartless, jeez. 
“Oh, alright,” he murmurs like this is some big chore, “come on, you two, up.”
“What? ‘Up’ where?” Roman pulls Patton closer. “Why ‘up?’”
“Because if I’m gonna look after you two, we’re gonna need a bed the three of us can actually fit in.” He fusses them out, making sure their arms are full of the things they need, before he guides them to the Imagination. “Now, up the stairs.”
Roman blinks in surprise when he sees the mansion, turning to ask Virgil why he conjured it only for Virgil to push them gently into the nearest big bedroom. Which, of course, has a massive four-poster bed and a tall window with a heavy curtain hanging over it. 
“Go on,” Virgil murmurs, giving them another gentle push, “into the bed.”
“Wait, what?” Patton turns. “Where’re you going?” 
“I left some stuff downstairs, I’m just gonna go get it.”
“Come back?”
“Be right there.”
Virgil nips downstairs and briefly laments that he won’t get to finish the thing he’d been reading before he shakes his head, gathers the essentials, and heads back up. 
He’s not surprised to see Roman by the window, even as Patton is snuggled under the covers. 
“Hey, Princey,” he says, placing his stuff down and ambling over, “I thought I said to get in bed, not stare broodingly out the window.”
Roman doesn’t rise to the bait. Virgil places a hand on his shoulder. 
“What’s up, bud?”
“I’m just thinking about logistics.”
“The mansion’s power.” Roman gestures around. “It’s unlikely that the storm will be able to target both generators at once, but I need to be able to reroute to the backups—“
“Hey, hey, stay with me,” Virgil murmurs, turning Roman’s face, “you’re spiraling, bud.”
Roman hides his gaze. Virgil ruffles his hair. 
“C’mon, Princey,” he says gently, “snap yourself into something comfy and go cuddle Patton. I think he’s getting lonely.”
Sure enough, Patton’s head is poking out of the covers, looking around for them. Roman looks at him with badly concealed longing and Virgil rolls his eyes fondly. 
“Go cuddle, you touch-starved prima donna, I’ll be right there.”
“’M not touch starved.”
“So you do want Janus to show up?”
“Virgil,” Roman honest to god whines, “stop it.”
He chuckles, nudging Roman to the bed. “Come on, Princey.”
Roman goes, slipping underneath the covers until Virgil can’t tell which head is poking out over the edge. He pulls the curtains shut and closes the door, carefully opening the bathroom door to make sure those curtains are shut too. Then he heads back to the bed. 
Patton and Roman’s little faces peek out at him as he reaches for the ties on the corners, undoing each one until curtains fall from the four posters, creating a little bubble inside. He parts the last one and crawls into bed, pulling the others close. 
“Alright, little cuddle bugs,” he murmurs, “c’mere, okay?”
The two of them seem to shrink, curling into his embrace with enough lingering fear that it makes a soft noise slip from his throat. 
“I’m right here,” he says, brushing his lips against Patton’s temple, “I’m right here. Roman’s here too. You’re okay, sweetheart, you’re safe.”
Patton whimpers as the first roll of thunder comes from beyond the curtains and Virgil pulls him closer.
“Listen to my breathing, sweetheart. You’re safe. The storm can’t get you in here. I’ll look after you.”
Patton curls into him even further, trembling slightly. But where Patton is unabashed in taking comfort, Roman is stiff as a board. Virgil runs a knuckle down his back. 
“It’s okay, Princey,” he says gently, “the power isn’t going to go out. Remus will keep an eye on it. You’re okay, everything’s okay. The house is fine, I’m fine, Patton’s fine, you’re fine.”
A brief flash from behind the curtain and Roman flinches. 
“Hey, hey, buddy, it’s alright, you’re okay. C’mere, okay? Put your head right here. See? There you go…”
He wraps his arms tightly around the two of them, daring to nuzzle his face into their hair. Patton relaxes slightly as he pulls the covers up a bit more, but Roman stays tense. 
“Roman.” Nothing. “Roman, look at me.”
“It’s dark,” comes Roman’s voice, too clipped, too sharp, “I can’t see.”
“It’s dark because the curtains are drawn,” Virgil says patiently. “Lightning can hurt your eyes, so we’re trying to block out the light. That’s why it’s dark.”
“Reach out,” Virgil encourages softly, “touch them.”
A bit of light shines through as Roman bats the curtain. “Good job, bud, see? That’s it.” He pulls Roman’s head close again. “Try and rest, Princey, I gotcha.”
They weather the storm like that, the two cuddle bugs wincing or flinching when the storm gets too strong, Virgil hushing them every time they do. And yeah, maybe this isn’t what he set out to get when he heard there was a thunderstorm coming, but he could get used to this. 
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whirlpoolsingapore · 4 months
Dehumidifier: Do You Really Need One for Your Home?
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Singapore, only 1.5 degrees away from the equator, has a tropical climate all year long. It's hot, humid, and has rain showers throughout the year. Imagine stepping into your home after a long day, only to be met with a stifling and damp feeling you cannot escape. This discomfort is a sign of excess moisture in the air, which can lead to a host of problems. Dehumidifiers work by removing excess moisture and controlling humidity levels, creating a healthier and more comfortable living environment for your family in this tropical climate. But, do you actually need one? Let’s find out.
How Do I Know if Excess Humidity is a Problem?
According to studies, the ideal level of humidity in your home should sit between 30% and 50%. Anything above this range leads to dust mites, mold, and mildew, which not only leave musty odors but can also trigger allergies and respiratory problems. Best-rated dehumidifiers for the whole house draw in moist air, condensing the water vapor into a collection tank, and then releasing drier air back into the space.
If you're unsure whether you need to buy dehumidifier for your house, there are simple ways to check your home's humidity levels. Signs like condensation on windows, a musty odor, or visible mold growth can all indicate excessive moisture. Humidity monitors are also readily available in the market that can provide you with the necessary data for surety. 
Dehumidifier and its benefits
There are other benefits of using a dehumidifier beyond just preventing mold.
Dust mites and other allergens thrive in humid environments. A dehumidifier helps control these allergens, making breathing easier for those with allergies and asthma. It also saves your electricity bill for running an air conditioner. In humid climates, a dehumidifier can ease the burden on your AC, potentially lowering your energy bills.
Excess moisture can damage furniture, books, and electronics. If you buy a dehumidifier, it will prevent warping, peeling, cracking, and rust on your household items by keeping humidity in check.
Last, but not the least important benefit of buying a dehumidifier is that it boosts the comfort of your home. Dehumidifiers create a more comfortable feel by removing dampness from the air. Dehumidifiers are particularly useful in areas prone to high humidity, such as basements, bathrooms, and laundry rooms.
Factors to Consider When Buying a Dehumidifier
Hopefully, we have convinced you to buy a dehumidifier. But here are some factors to consider when deciding the best dehumidifier for a house.
The size of your home:  Larger homes may require a more powerful dehumidifier.
Your lifestyle:  Taking frequent hot showers or drying laundry indoors, and other such activities can contribute to increased humidity. You can consider smart dehumidifiers with ionizer technology. It releases negative ions that attach to airborne particles like dust, allergens, and even some germs, making them heavier and easier to capture by the dehumidifier's filter or fall to the ground. This can result in improved air quality without needing an air purifier.
So, if you're struggling with excess moisture in your home or office space, consider investing in a dehumidifier and breathe a sigh of relief. You can find various best-rated dehumidifiers in the market. Consider your needs and budget, and keep this blog in mind while buying a dehumidifier and create a healthier and comfortable home for you and your family.
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cagemasterfantasy · 7 months
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Eevee the Evolution pokemon a normal type
1ft 14.3lbs
Ability: Run Away or Adaptability Hidden Ability: Anticipation
Egg Group: Field
Highest Base Stat: Special Defense: 65
Lowest Base Stat: Special Attack: 45
Base Stat Total: 325
It has the ability to alter the composition of its body to suit its surrounding environment. Thanks to its unstable genetic makeup, this special Pokemon conceals many different possible evolutions.
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Use a Water Stone to get Vaporeon the Bubble Jet pokemon a water type
3ft 3inc
Ability: Water Absorb Hidden Ability: Hydration
Egg Group: Field
Highest Base Stat: Hp:130
Lowest Base Stat: Defense:60
Base Stat Total: 525
When Vaporeon's fins begin to vibrate, it is a sign that rain will come within a few hours. Its body's cellular structure is similar to the molecular composition of water. It can melt invisibly in water.
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Use a Thunder Stone to get Jolteon the Lightning pokemon a electric type
2ft 7inc
Egg Group: Field
Ability: Volt Absorb Hidden Ability: Quick Feet
Egg Group: Field
Highest Base Stat: Speed:130
Lowest Base Stat: Defense:60
Base Stat Total: 525
If it is angered or startled, the fur all over its body bristles like sharp needles that pierce foes. It accumulates negative ions in the atmosphere to blast out 10,000-volt lightning bolts.
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Use a Fire Stone to get Flareon the Flame pokemon a fire type
2ft 11inc
Ability: Flash Fire Hidden Ability: Guts
Egg Group: Field
Highest Base Stat: Attack:130
Lowest Base Stat: Defense:60
Base Stat Total: 525
Once it has stored up enough heat, this Pokemon's body temperature can reach up to 1,700 degrees Fahrenheit. It stores some of the air it inhales in its internal flame pouch, which heats it to over 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
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Level up with high friendship during the day (10am-5pm) to get Espeon the Sun pokemon a psychic type
2ft 11inc
Ability: Synchronize Hidden Ability: Magic Bounce
Egg Group: Field
Highest Base Stats: Special Attack:130
Lowest Base Stat: Defense:60
Base Stat Total: 525
By reading air currents, it can predict things such as the weather or its foe's next move. It unleashes psychic power from the orb on its forehead. When its power is exhausted, the orb grows dull and dark.
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Level up with High Friendship at night (8pm-4am) to get Umbreon the Moonlight pokemon) a dark type
3ft 3inc
Ability: Synchronize Hidden Ability: Inner Focus
Egg Group: Field
Highest Base Stat: Special Defense:130
Lowest Base Stat: Special Attack:60
Base Stat Total: 525
When this Pokemon becomes angry, its pores secrete a poisonous sweat, which it sprays at its opponent's eyes. On the night of a full moon, or when it gets excited, the ring patterns on its body glow yellow.
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Use a Leaf Stone to get Leafeon the Verdant pokemon a grass type
3ft 3inc
Ability: Leaf Guard Hidden Ability: Chlorophyll
Egg Group: Field
Highest Base Stat: Defense:130
Lowest Base Stat: Special Attack:60
Base Stat Total: 525
Galarians favor the distinctive aroma that drifts from this Pokemon's leaves. There's a popular perfume made using that scent. This Pokemon's tail is blade sharp, with a fantastic cutting edge that can slice right though large trees.
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Use an Ice Stone to get Glaceon the Fresh Snow pokemon a ice type
2ft 7inc
Ability: Snow Cloak Hidden Ability: Ice Body
Egg Group: Field
Highest Base Stat: Special Attack:130
Lowest Base Stat: Attack:60
Base Stat Total: 525
Any who become captivated by the beauty of the snowfall that Glaceon creates will be frozen before they know it. The coldness emanating from Glaceon causes powdery snow to form, making it quite a popular Pokemon at ski resorts.
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Level up with High Friendship and while knowing a fairy type move to get Sylveon the Interwining pokemon a fairy type
3ft 3inc
Ability: Cute Charm Hidden Ability: Pixilate
Egg Group: Field
Highest Base Stat: Special Defense:130
Lowest Base Stat: Speed:60
Base Stat Total: 525
By releasing enmity-erasing waves from its ribbonlike feelers, Sylveon stops any conflict. There's a Galarian fairy tale that describes a beautiful Sylveon vanquishing a dreadful dragon Pokemon.
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steliosagapitos · 2 years
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       ~ "In 1892, Dr. Nikola Tesla had the idea to manufacture a rain-producing machine that would create favourable conditions for living in some regions. While Tesla’s idea was to ionize the atmosphere through electrical discharges, the original builders of the pyramids possessed technology capable of ionizing the atmosphere in a less powerful, but continuous, and almost imperceptible way. A Russian scientist, Alexander Golod, built 17 pyramids on the Moscow-Riga state highway demonstrating the regeneration of life with the golden section (or aurea proportion) of the pyramids: The water of Lake Seliger, dirty for years, has become clean; the Ishimbaj oil well has increased its production; freshwater shrimp have reappeared in the area; the storks are back; the meadows were covered with flowers of the protected species; the animal immune system is changing, the tumor processes are healing... etc. A crystal pyramid, along with its underground rivers, caves and tunnels, acts as a useful negative ion generator, endowed with the ability to automatically adjust the intensity. The fact that the pyramids in Egypt are currently in a desert environment, devoid of vegetation, leads me to the conclusion that they do not function properly; there must have been some malfunction in the system. Perhaps the underground tunnels have collapsed; perhaps someone has deliberately closed some, thus obstructing the flow of negative ions; perhaps some underground water sources have dried up or a major flood has caused a diversion of flows. In some Indigenous tribes prayer and nursing huts were conical shaped with a pyramid spiral, because there it was easier to concentrate mentally and heal faster. 
Photo: Temple Of Kukulcan, Chichen Itza." ~
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groundluxe · 5 months
Ultimate Guide to Earthing: Enhance Your Well-being Daily
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In my journey to embrace a healthier, more grounded lifestyle, I've discovered the transformative practice of earthing. It's a simple, yet profoundly impactful way to reconnect with the earth's natural energy. By walking barefoot outdoors, earthing allows us to tap into the earth's electrons, believed to offer numerous health benefits, from reducing inflammation to improving sleep.
I'm excited to share my insights on how to incorporate this practice into your daily routine. Whether you're in a bustling city or nestled in the countryside, there are ways to make earthing a part of your life. It's all about finding those small moments to connect with nature and, in turn, enhance your wellbeing. Join me as we explore the steps to effectively practice earthing, turning this ancient concept into a modern-day wellness strategy.
Understanding Earthing
In my exploration of healthier living practices, I've found that understanding earthing is pivotal. Earthing, or grounding as it's sometimes called, is not merely about walking barefoot. It's a profound connection with the Earth's innate electrical charge. This concept believes that the Earth's electrons have the potential to neutralize free radicals in our bodies.
Scientific studies suggest that this practice can lead to noteworthy health benefits. For instance, earthing may reduce inflammation, improve sleep, decrease stress, and enhance circulation. These effects stem from the direct physical contact with the vast supply of electrons on the surface of the Earth.
The mechanical aspect of earthing involves straightforward contact with the Earth's surface. Walking barefoot is the most cited method, allowing the soles of your feet to absorb the Earth's electrons directly. However, it’s not limited to just walking; sitting, lying, or even standing on the Earth's surface connects you with its energy. Specifically, grass, sand, soil, and even concrete (if it's not sealed or painted) can conduct the Earth's electrons.
While the concept might seem simple, the science behind it is complex and fascinating. The Earth maintains a negative electrical potential on its surface. When you walk barefoot, you're essentially grounding yourself, allowing your body to absorb these negative ions. This practice aims to restore a lost electrical balance, which many believe is thrown off by our modern lifestyle that often involves wearing insulating shoes and living above the ground.
Incorporating earthing into my daily routine has been an enlightening journey. I've learned that maximizing the time spent in direct contact with the Earth can have a profound effect on my well-being. Ensuring consistent practice, regardless of location, brings me closer to nature and capitalizes on these mentioned health benefits.
Preparing for Earthing
Preparing for earthing involves a few simple yet essential steps to ensure you gain maximum benefits from this practice. I've found that planning and setting up the right environment are crucial to fully embrace the grounding experience. Here's how I get ready for an effective earthing session.
Choosing the Right Location
Selecting an optimal location is the first step. I look for natural surfaces such as grass, sand, soil, or concrete that directly contact the Earth. Parks, beaches, and even my backyard serve as ideal spots. I avoid artificial surfaces like asphalt and wood that don't conduct the Earth's electrical charge effectively.
Checking Weather and Environment
Next, I check the weather conditions to ensure a pleasant and safe earthing experience. Mild, dry weather is perfect, but I also enjoy earthing shortly after a rain shower when the earth is moist, as I find this enhances conductivity. I also make sure the area is safe and free from harmful objects or substances.
Wearing Appropriate Clothing
I opt for minimal and comfortable clothing that doesn't restrict my contact with the Earth. Shoes with conductive soles are available, but I prefer going barefoot to maximize the grounding effect. When lying or sitting on the ground, I might use a natural fiber sheet for comfort without hindering the earthing process.
Timing for Maximum Benefit
I allocate specific times during the day for earthing, with morning and late afternoon being my favorites. These times allow me to enjoy the serene environment while also taking advantage of the natural light. However, any time works as long as I can connect with the Earth for at least 30 minutes.
By following these preparations, I ensure that my earthing practice is as beneficial and enjoyable as possible. Getting ready in this way not only enhances the grounding experience but also helps me connect more deeply with the natural world around me.
How to Practice Earthing
Following the preparatory steps, engaging in earthing requires incorporating straightforward practices into my routine. I've discovered that these practices can significantly improve my connection with the Earth's surface, enhancing the health benefits associated with earthing.
Firstly, walking barefoot stands out as the simplest and most direct method to practice earthing. I choose locations like sandy beaches, grassy parks, or even my backyard, ensuring that my feet have direct contact with the Earth. This practice, ideally for about 30 minutes a day, allows electrons to flow between my body and the ground, promoting health benefits such as reduced inflammation and improved sleep.
Gardening without gloves serves as another effective earthing technique. By handling soil directly, I not only connect with the Earth but also engage in a therapeutic activity that enhances my mood. This method allows for an extended period of grounding while I tend to plants and engage with the natural environment.
Using conductive systems, like earthing mats for beds or sheets, provides a practical earthing solution indoors. These tools are especially useful for individuals living in urban areas without easy access to natural surfaces. I place an earthing mat under my feet while working at my desk or use an earthing sheet on my bed to mimic the effects of direct grounding while I sleep.
Swimming in natural bodies of water, such as oceans, lakes, or rivers, offers a unique earthing experience known as "water grounding." The conductive properties of water enhance the connection between my body and the Earth, providing a refreshing and rejuvenating earthing practice.
Lastly, engaging in yoga or meditation outdoors on natural surfaces combines the benefits of earthing with those of mindfulness practices. This approach deepens my connection with nature and enhances both physical and mental well-being.
By integrating these earthing practices into my daily routine, I've experienced noticeable improvements in my overall health and well-being.
Overcoming Challenges and Concerns
Addressing challenges and concerns that may arise while practicing earthing is essential for anyone looking to fully embrace this wellness practice. I'll delve into common issues and provide strategies for effectively overcoming them.
Finding Time and Space
Making time for earthing in a hectic schedule and finding an appropriate space, especially in urban settings, can pose significant challenges. I recommend starting small, like standing on a patch of grass for a few minutes during a lunch break or while taking short outdoor breaks at work. Even brief periods of connection can offer benefits, fostering a more manageable approach to integrating earthing into daily routines.
Dealing with Weather Constraints
Adverse weather, including extreme cold, heat, or rain, often discourages outdoor earthing activities. On days when weather conditions are not conducive, consider using indoor grounding methods. Earthing mats or sheets can simulate the Earth's electrical charge, offering a practical alternative to outdoor practices and ensuring continuity in earthing efforts regardless of weather.
Concerns About Soil Contamination or Pests
In areas where soil contamination or pests are significant concerns, practicing earthing may seem daunting. To mitigate these issues, I suggest finding well-maintained parks or beaches known for their cleanliness and safety. Wear light footwear that still allows for grounding, such as leather-soled shoes, if walking barefoot isn't advisable. Selecting clean and safe environments minimizes risks and enhances the earthing experience.
Committing to Regular Practice
Maintaining consistency in earthing practices can be challenging but is crucial for reaping long-term health benefits. Creating a routine, perhaps by incorporating earthing into existing daily activities such as gardening, outdoor exercise, or meditation, can help. Setting reminders or planning earthing activities with friends or family members also supports regular practice, making it a more enjoyable and integrated part of one's lifestyle.
By acknowledging and addressing these common concerns, individuals can enjoy the holistic health benefits of earthing without letting challenges hinder their practice. Finding simple, creative solutions ensures that the connection with the Earth enhances well-being in accessible and meaningful ways.
Incorporating Earthing into Your Daily Routine
Incorporating earthing into your daily routine is simpler than it might seem, even for those living in urban environments or leading busy lives. I'll walk you through practical steps to ensure you enjoy the health benefits of earthing with minimal disruption to your schedule.
First, prioritize morning routines. Starting your day by spending a few minutes walking barefoot in your garden or on a balcony provides a powerful grounding experience. If you live near a park, consider a short, barefoot walk as part of your morning ritual.
Second, transform breaks into earthing opportunities. Instead of spending coffee breaks indoors, use this time to connect with the Earth. Find a nearby natural space where you can stand or sit barefoot, even if it’s just for a few minutes. This practice also offers mental clarity and stress relief.
Third, integrate earthing into exercise routines. Whether it's yoga, stretching, or more dynamic exercises, doing these activities outdoors and barefoot not only enhances your physical health but also increases your connection with the Earth. Public parks and beaches provide perfect venues for these activities.
Fourth, consider indoor earthing alternatives for days when outdoor access is limited. Using grounding mats or sheets can simulate the effects of direct earth contact. Place a grounding mat under your desk or use a grounded sleep system at night to maintain your connection to the Earth's energy. You can also use other grounding products available in the market like a sheet that can easily be put in bed.
Finally, engage in mindful gardening. Gardening not only allows for direct contact with the Earth but also offers a therapeutic and grounding experience. Whether it's a small herb garden on your balcony or a more extensive garden in your backyard, tending to plants barefoot is a powerful way to practice earthing.
By implementing these steps, you'll find that integrating earthing into your daily life enhances not only your physical health but also your emotional well-being, grounding you in both the literal and metaphorical sense.
Embracing earthing is more than just a health trend; it's a transformative practice that reconnects us to the natural world. By weaving earthing into our daily lives—whether through morning rituals, mindful breaks, or even indoor alternatives—we're not just enhancing our physical health; we're nurturing our emotional well-being. I've found that integrating these practices doesn't just ground me physically but also brings a profound sense of peace and connectedness to my day. Let's not let urban settings or bad weather deter us. With a bit of creativity and commitment, we can all find ways to incorporate earthing into our routines, reaping its benefits every day.
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artgenius · 1 year
Space Interpreter
In the afternoon I was painting on the terrace. Although the artistic adventure did not end, I have managed to displace stains and smears that were crosscut with a variety of lines. It’s all good. Sheltered under a wide roof, I was listening to the silent drizzle of a light rain. In the distance, barely audible, a radio is being heard from the neighbour’s courtyard. Oddly enough, it is not folk music, but classical. Very strange, I thought to myself. He stopped breeding pigs, and the air was filled with freshness of negative ions instead of the stench of the excrement piled up adjacent to the wall separating us. Inevitably, that was a huge loss for the Dadaistic order of thoughts in organizing a painting. I’m trying to degust the taste of the offered peace.
Determined as a soldier, with stained fingers I squeeze the colour tubes. Spelling in my head the English print on labels. Neapolitan yellow and emerald green. They sound like titles.
Without any malice, I demonstrate my mastery of the situation. I’m scoring out this composition of escape from everyday life, yet this beginning is promising, as far as I’m ready to believe in it. I smile, and obliquely stretch my lips. A master of his own, submissive to the painting.
The night is approaching, and there is not enough time. The obligations persistently and inexorably lurk the opportunity, as if they were only waiting for me to get tired and drooped so that they could finally subdue me with their burden.
I know all the tricks.
I’m planning my strategy.
I defy.
When they accumulate, I prioritize and eliminate. There is no planning nor organizing. Later I take a bite of the leftovers, not allowing them to get stale, not letting them stay in one place.
Not allowing them to grow roots, that’s important too. The point is in the freshness of the afternoon and in the smell of turpentine. It is massaging my pituitary gland.
Freedom resides only in choice.
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chriswu08 · 1 year
BLIIoT 4G Ethernet Weather Monitoring Gateway S475 Applied to Weather Station Monitoring
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1. Foreword
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Weather monitoring is crucial to various industries, whether it is agriculture, forestry, industry, transportation, military, hydrology, medical and health or environmental protection, accurate weather data is an important basis for planning, design and research. The overall monitoring and early warning activities of meteorological environment conditions. The weather monitoring system monitors and reports the indicators that reflect the quality of the weather to determine the weather environment data such as rainfall, wind speed and direction in the area, in order to improve the effectiveness of weather monitoring. This article will introduce in detail how the device is connected to sensors to realize functions such as remote monitoring, remote control and data management, and provide reliable support for the construction and management of weather stations.
2. What is 4G Ethernet Weather Monitoring Gateway S475?
The 4G Ethernet Weather Monitoring Gateway S475 is an industrial class, high reliability, high stability, and programmable Remote Terminal Unit (RTU). It embedded 32-Bit High Performance Microprocessor MCU, inbuilt industrial Cellular module. It provides 8 digital inputs, 6 analog(ultra high 24 bit resolution) or PT100 Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) inputs, 4 relay outputs, 1 ambient sensor input for monitoring onsite temperature and humidity, 1 Ethernet RJ45 port for connect internet WAN or LAN, supports dual nano sim card, with 2 RS485 serial port, supports 224 mapping registers via Modbus RTU protocol. It can monitoring and operates the I/O ports by SMS, APP, Web Server, internet, timers and programmed inter-lock events automatically.
3. Application Scenarios in Meteorological Monitoring
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The 4G Ethernet Weather Monitoring Gateway S475 has a wide range of application scenarios in weather monitoring. By connecting various sensors, wind speed, wind direction, soil temperature, soil moisture, soil EC, soil PH, air temperature, air humidity, noise, carbon dioxide, atmospheric pressure, light, rain and snow status, ultraviolet light, total radiation, carbon monoxide, ozone, Twenty-eight meteorological elements such as nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, oxygen, PM2.5, PM10, negative oxygen ions, ammonia, TVOC, rainfall, soil nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. These data are crucial for planning, design and research in sectors such as agriculture, forestry, industry, transportation, military, hydrology, health care and environmental protection. At the same time, 4G Ethernet Weather Monitoring Gateway S475 supports remote monitoring and remote control, making it possible to obtain meteorological data without visiting the site, improving work efficiency and reducing costs.
4. The application advantages of 4G Ethernet Weather Monitoring Gateway S475 in weather monitoring
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Real-time monitoring:
By connecting various sensors, t4G Ethernet Weather Monitoring Gateway S475 can monitor various parameters of the weather station in real time, including wind direction, rainfall, temperature and humidity, etc. Whether it is daily monitoring or emergency monitoring, accurate data can be obtained in time to provide a reliable basis for decision-making.
Remote control:
This device can not only monitor meteorological data, but also remotely control the operation of related equipment. For example, when the weather station detects severe weather, it can be remotely controlled to shut down or adjust the equipment to ensure the safe operation of the equipment and the accuracy of the data.
Data management:
4G Ethernet Weather Monitoring Gateway S475 can upload the collected data to cloud platform or server to realize centralized management and analysis of data. By storing, processing and analyzing data, trends and laws of meteorological changes can be discovered, and more accurate predictions and decision support can be provided for related industries.
Multiple communication methods:
The device supports multiple communication methods, including SMS, RS485, Ethernet, GPRS/3G/4G wireless data network, etc., making data transmission more flexible and reliable. Regardless of whether it is in a city or a remote area, data can be transmitted to a designated platform or server through a suitable communication method.
Scalability and flexibility:
BLIIoT 4G Ethernet Weather Monitoring Gateway S475 is highly programmable and supports multiple communication protocols and data point expansion. Users can configure various high and low limit parameters according to actual needs to meet the needs of different weather monitoring scenarios
5. Summarize
By using 4G Ethernet Weather Monitoring Gateway S475, weather monitoring can be remote, intelligent and efficient. Whether it's agriculture, forestry, industry or otherwise, everyone can benefit from accurate and timely weather data. This not only improves the efficiency of meteorological monitoring, but also provides strong support for the development and decision-making of related industries.
More information about 4G Ethernet Weather Monitoring Gateway S475: https://www.bliiot.com/4g-rtu-4g-iot-gateway-p00178p1.html
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bliiot-jerry · 1 year
BLIIoT 4G Ethernet Weather Monitoring Gateway S475 Applied to Weather Station Monitoring
1. Foreword
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Weather monitoring is crucial to various industries, whether it is agriculture, forestry, industry, transportation, military, hydrology, medical and health or environmental protection, accurate weather data is an important basis for planning, design and research. The overall monitoring and early warning activities of meteorological environment conditions. The weather monitoring system monitors and reports the indicators that reflect the quality of the weather to determine the weather environment data such as rainfall, wind speed and direction in the area, in order to improve the effectiveness of weather monitoring. This article will introduce in detail how the device is connected to sensors to realize functions such as remote monitoring, remote control and data management, and provide reliable support for the construction and management of weather stations.
2. What is 4G Ethernet Weather Monitoring Gateway S475?
The 4G Ethernet Weather Monitoring Gateway S475 is an industrial class, high reliability, high stability, and programmable Remote Terminal Unit (RTU). It embedded 32-Bit High Performance Microprocessor MCU, inbuilt industrial Cellular module. It provides 8 digital inputs, 6 analog(ultra high 24 bit resolution) or PT100 Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) inputs, 4 relay outputs, 1 ambient sensor input for monitoring onsite temperature and humidity, 1 Ethernet RJ45 port for connect internet WAN or LAN, supports dual nano sim card, with 2 RS485 serial port, supports 224 mapping registers via Modbus RTU protocol. It can monitoring and operates the I/O ports by SMS, APP, Web Server, internet, timers and programmed inter-lock events automatically.
3. Application Scenarios in Meteorological Monitoring
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The 4G Ethernet Weather Monitoring Gateway S475 has a wide range of application scenarios in weather monitoring. By connecting various sensors, wind speed, wind direction, soil temperature, soil moisture, soil EC, soil PH, air temperature, air humidity, noise, carbon dioxide, atmospheric pressure, light, rain and snow status, ultraviolet light, total radiation, carbon monoxide, ozone, Twenty-eight meteorological elements such as nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, oxygen, PM2.5, PM10, negative oxygen ions, ammonia, TVOC, rainfall, soil nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. These data are crucial for planning, design and research in sectors such as agriculture, forestry, industry, transportation, military, hydrology, health care and environmental protection. At the same time, 4G Ethernet Weather Monitoring Gateway S475 supports remote monitoring and remote control, making it possible to obtain meteorological data without visiting the site, improving work efficiency and reducing costs.
4. The application advantages of 4G Ethernet Weather Monitoring Gateway S475 in weather monitoring
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Real-time monitoring:
By connecting various sensors, t4G Ethernet Weather Monitoring Gateway S475 can monitor various parameters of the weather station in real time, including wind direction, rainfall, temperature and humidity, etc. Whether it is daily monitoring or emergency monitoring, accurate data can be obtained in time to provide a reliable basis for decision-making.
Remote control:
This device can not only monitor meteorological data, but also remotely control the operation of related equipment. For example, when the weather station detects severe weather, it can be remotely controlled to shut down or adjust the equipment to ensure the safe operation of the equipment and the accuracy of the data.
Data management:
4G Ethernet Weather Monitoring Gateway S475 can upload the collected data to cloud platform or server to realize centralized management and analysis of data. By storing, processing and analyzing data, trends and laws of meteorological changes can be discovered, and more accurate predictions and decision support can be provided for related industries.
Multiple communication methods:
The device supports multiple communication methods, including SMS, RS485, Ethernet, GPRS/3G/4G wireless data network, etc., making data transmission more flexible and reliable. Regardless of whether it is in a city or a remote area, data can be transmitted to a designated platform or server through a suitable communication method.
Scalability and flexibility:
BLIIoT 4G Ethernet Weather Monitoring Gateway S475 is highly programmable and supports multiple communication protocols and data point expansion. Users can configure various high and low limit parameters according to actual needs to meet the needs of different weather monitoring scenarios
5. Summarize
By using 4G Ethernet Weather Monitoring Gateway S475, weather monitoring can be remote, intelligent and efficient. Whether it's agriculture, forestry, industry or otherwise, everyone can benefit from accurate and timely weather data. This not only improves the efficiency of meteorological monitoring, but also provides strong support for the development and decision-making of related industries.
More information about 4G Ethernet Weather Monitoring Gateway S475: https://www.bliiot.com/4g-rtu-4g-iot-gateway-p00178p1.html
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aideshou · 1 year
thunderbeings came in clutch today~~~~~~~~~~~ feel the negative ions~~~~~~(theyre actually good for you!!)
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sparklybaby777 · 2 years
I'm such a romantic 💃✨ find you love where it feels like this together💃✨🕺🏿
We danced the rain and fancied the air
Positive vibes but negative ions flooding through our hair
Your a cutie you stay my muse
Even without you by my side under or above
you know what you do
I can't help but to keep falling in love
Every touch every kiss
It's forever like this 💘💯
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mindmusictherapy · 2 years
The Rain Sounds For Sleeping You'll Never Forget|12 hours of rain|rain sounds for sleeping|rain
lightning and the friction between rain and air can produce a large number of negative ions on a rainy day. The increase of negative ions can significantly improve the human nervous system, cardiovascular system, blood system, and respiratory system. 
People will feel more comfortable. Thunderstorms also help keep the Earth in electrical balance. The Earth's surface and the atmosphere conduct electricity easily – the Earth is charged negatively and the atmosphere, positively. 
There is always a steady current of electrons flowing upwards from the entire surface of the earth. Why are rain and thunder so relaxing? The sound is very rhythmic, helping you feel more sleepy. 
Research has found that rain sounds produce alpha waves in the brain, similar to the brain's sleeping state. The sound is between 0 and 20 kHz, which is considered soothing (see our blog on relaxing sleep music for more info). The sound of rain The rhythmic, quiet sound of rain can be a remarkably good lullaby for people who are trying to sleep. Some studies have shown that the sound of rain actually causes the brain to relax unconsciously, 
pushing it towards a state of sleepiness. Naturally, this is not the case when it's thundering. Why does rain relieve anxiety? 
Waterfalls, ocean waves, rain storms — they all make negative ions. You cannot see, smell, or touch these microscopic particles but we can inhale them. Some believe that when negative ions reach our bloodstream they create a chemical reaction, thereby alleviating feelings of stress and anxiety. 
 Why is rain important? 
Rain and snow are key elements in the Earth's water cycle, which is vital to all life on Earth. Rainfall is the main way that the water in the skies comes down to Earth, where it fills our lakes and rivers, recharges the underground aquifers, and provides drinks to plants and animals.
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leonwilliablog · 2 years
There are many advantages about hiking, especially in the rain.
Despite being called negative ions, which can be misleading, they are actually very good for us.
The rain is full of them, and all the better for it! They help refresh the air, and help to reduce asthma and chronic fatigue. So the next time you go out to take a good breath of fresh air, wait until it rains to get all the benefits.
The rain is an extraordinary sensory experience. While its noise helps some to sleep, its smell is also beyond compare.
If you're walking through the woods, the grass looks greener, the smell of the trees and plants is sharper and even the sound of the streams formed by the rain and the little waterfalls it creates appear more intense.
To enjoy it all while keeping your feet dry, don't forget your over-trousers and gaiters. Indeed, even if your boots are waterproof, water can run off the grass and into your boots by running down your legs.
You'll also have a better chance of seeing wild animals. From snails to salamanders and frogs, everybody should find something to their taste.In these conditions, we recommend that you always have binoculars or your camera to hand.It's an opportunity to organise a snail race with your children, so long as you respect the animals.
A hot chocolate and a warm bath on your return is to a hike what raclette by the fire is to skiing. So after a hike in the rain, use this time to prepare for your next outing and why not dream of hiking in distant landscapes or just go and explore the paths of your local area. In any case, you'll always find a great new hike to do soon.
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dogcoding · 3 years
its storming today yess
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