#human barometer
brightlotusmoon · 8 months
Spouse wrapped my right knee in a neon green ace bandage because my knee felt like a crushed aluminum can, and it made me realize that I like neon colors now that I'm a few decades away.
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
Me: "My knees say it's going to rain again today."
OT: *checks weather forecast* "Your knees are right."
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audhd-space · 1 year
imagine believing that you are tone deaf and never consider that you can be sensitive to air pressure (because you mistake air=sound) which lead you to believe in never needing accessibility aid like ear plugs, because if I’m tone deaf I must not be sensitive to air presure RIGHT RIGHT?
but now that you have tried ear plugs you’re surprised by the HUGE difference it makes after wearing them when the barometric pressure starts to drop
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nottheweirdest · 10 months
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I leveled up today and got the achy weather knee bonus so that I can be my own meteorologist! Now I can inform all the young whipper snappers who didn't ask that a storm's a brewin' 🫠
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suncaptor · 9 months
the thing about viewing Jack as a child versus not is that if you're basing it in most ways you would view children and look at it as "infantilization" because Jack is physically developed & communicative in a way that makes you take him seriously then the issue perhaps is how you view children and how they should be treated in the first place. because the ways in which children are vulnerable Jack very much of the time ALSO IS. that is WHY what is happening to him is specifically child abuse. everything that is happening to him is a formative experience regardless of the lack of neurological development that has to happen because it is all he knows. children should be respected the same way Jack should be and children should be protected in the same ways Jack should be. the idea he can speedrun all of the things that make children vulnerable because of being able to control his physical development is kind of ridiculous. time alive allows us to have different ways of forming schemas and understanding how this world and the people in it works. Jack spends this time being abused & traumatised by war. that impact is foundational to his development of his perception even if his brain development stayed the same throughout it.
#he VERY MUCH is in his first and earliest stage of life. he just jumpstarted his development and communication.#AND THAT IS INTERESTING. but he like. absolutely is still vulnerable the way children are as a result. there are of course major difference#like in terms of he has physical strength & powers as well as the way he thinks goes beyond a lot of early markers#due to the development#but man I developed the way I think that matches much of how I do now EXTREMELY young#due to asynchronic development in part#that didn't make me less vulnerable. it just make it way more frustrating the way people treated me#the issue with my perception wasn't due to development it was due to the fact I Didn't Know As Much beyond what was immediately around me#short term. i didn't have time for that age.#that's why like a fully developed teenager isn't necessarily ready to be in a relationship with a grown adult for example.#in humans these sort of age and development we know on a particular scale#but the way we treat children in general is an issue!!!#regarding Jack & sex I feel like so many ways you would slice it there's extreme power imbalances on his end. but I don't really care to#get into all that but I'm not going to be like 'yeah bc supernatural a show where the main character has on multiple occasions flirted with#or wanted to flirt with teenage girls' is like. a good barometer for that anyways#and if calling someone a child is an insult then you need to change how you perceive children.#however!!! children SHOULDN'T be heading armies in the apocalypse. this is an opinion I do think exists for both children and Jack.#he makes me so sad oh my god#jack kline#jack#spn#supernatural#incoherents
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hockpock · 6 months
Why do I feel flat today?
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disabled-dragoon · 1 year
The rain tonight is very soothing but it’s playing havoc on the old joints
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thethingything · 1 year
last night I was feeling pretty bad physically and Lucy was like "yeah it feels like the air pressure's dropping. go check the surface pressure charts because I bet we're in for a rough few days with it" and wow they were right and I'm impressed by them recognising that that's what was going on just based on the vibe of the joint pain we've got, but wow I don't like this
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Had a thunderstorm last night and a crack of thunder so loud it rattled the walls, making a figurine on one of my wall mounted shelves fall off, and got almost an inch of rain in like an hour, and now today every joint I've ever had problems with is aching, so I wonder if we'll get another storm tonight
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63 today and snow tomorrow. I hate it here.
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
The fact that I had two Monster juices along with two servings of brisket and am still exhausted alongside the classic palsy spasticity problem of My Quads Are Concrete Again means that*checks weather app* yup, rain is coming within the next two days.
Thanks, fibromyalgia.
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volixia669 · 11 months
Day 2 of Chronic Pain vs NaNoWriMo
Fibro and adhd won yesterday, though also I forgot to take my meds until later in the day. Still got roughly 400 words in!
Fibromyalgia is still putting up a heavy fight, bolstered by area weather patterns, but dammit, there shall be more words written today!
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my spine. i think when i was asleep someone must have fucking hit my spine with a sledgehammer
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goddesspharo · 3 months
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My Aunt Meg used to call him a human barometer. Twister (1996) // Twisters (2024)
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cuubism · 8 months
Rock Paper Scissors
Dreamling | Pre-Slash | 5.7k | AO3
Dream suddenly gripped the lapels of Hob's jacket with a startling fervor, arms stretched across the tabletop. His gaze bore into Hob's. "I beg, allow me to represent you instead." "Now what kind of man would I be if I let others fight my battles?" Hob said, prying his fingers off before his endless grip tore through the fabric. "Hard as it may be to believe, I'm actually not a bad hand at chess. Don't worry about me." "I do not find that hard to believe. However, as I have said, this is not chess. It is an intimate and punishing battle of minds." "Alright, so it's like Go Fish."
Hob gets challenged to a duel. Too bad his opponent has it out for Dream, and has no intention of playing fair.
the first fic I ever started writing for Dreamling a year and a half ago, then forgot about! 😂 then randomly decided to finish.
“ROBERT GADLING,” yelled an individual Hob had never met before in his life, “I hereby challenge you to a duel!”
Hob squinted at him. Said individual was standing across the darkened street, dressed strangely in a white tunic flecked with gold. Then again, Hob’s barometer for strange was a bit different than what was normal, so who was he to say, really.
“What?” he said.
Suddenly this person was much closer to him. Hob flinched back, but couldn’t move much, close as he was to the pub door. “We have business,” hissed his pale-suited challenger. It was a masculine figure, blond hair swished to one side, eyes like fire. 
Hob wasn’t impressed. He’d seen worse. Better, too.
“Listen, mate,” he said, “I don’t really have time for this. I’ve already got something on the books tonight. Come back tomorrow.”
He started to walk through the doorway, but the… creature?—he didn’t think it was human—grabbed his arm and pulled him back. “We have business,” it repeated.
Hob tried to shake off its hand, but its grip was like hot iron. It seared through his jacket and burned his skin. 
“What business?” he snapped. “I’m certain we’ve never met before, and my memory is actually pretty good, long as it is.”
The creature smiled, more like a baring of teeth. “You have courted those who have harmed me—and my ilk.”
“Not clearing it up at all.”
There was a sound like the swishing of a thousand ghosts, and then Dream was beside him.
Dream. How strange, still, to have a name, a history—well, sort of—to put to the face he’d circled back to over and over again for all these years. The name cut his friend into sharp relief—Hob’s shadow, finally united with the being who cast it. 
Where the pale stranger burned white-hot, Dream emanated cold. Hob had always found his friend’s cold aura strangely comforting. It didn’t feel dangerous and biting like the winter wind. Instead, it was the cold of lake water when one dove deep enough, a subtle and quiet draw to the otherworldly. 
Well. Usually it didn’t feel dangerous. Right now, it felt positively hypothermic.
Dream’s presence chilled the air until the stranger was forced to yank his hand away from Hob’s arm, shaking it out with a hiss. Hob’s breath fogged the air in front of his face, never mind that it was summer.
“Phaethon,” Dream hissed on one long, cold breath. “You are not wanted here.”
Phaethon pulled himself up haughtily. “I can go as I please. Night, or no night.”
“You may test that theory if you wish.”
Phaethon faltered, just a bit, before recovering himself. “I am here only to deliver a message. I challenge you, Robert Gadling, to a duel.” His blazing eyes flickered over to Hob, then back to Dream. “I did not believe you were one to violate the old rules of challenge, Lord of Dreams.” 
He bowed slightly. It felt mocking, which rankled Hob, who’d otherwise been keeping his cool. 
“Are you going to explain what this is about?” he said, for the third time. “I don’t appreciate being accused of things I haven’t done.”
Instead of answering, Phaethon said, “I’ve uncovered your history. There’s quite a lot of it, isn’t there? I wager it could make quite a bit of trouble for you, having all of that information turned over to certain parties. Human authorities. Occultists. Vampire hunters, they’ll love you–”
“I’m not a vampire,” Hob snapped.
“Doesn’t matter. Point is, we can do that, or, you can choose to face me directly.”
“What do you seek to gain from the challenge?” demanded Dream. He seemed to know more about what was going on here than Hob, which wasn’t comforting. Hob didn’t particularly want to get drawn into some kind of immortal creature game with obscure rules he’d end up tripping over.
Phaethon’s grin emerged one tooth at a time. “I want… your dreams.”
Hob probably should have been more troubled by this. Instead, he just frowned in confusion. “Not sure that’s in your power, mate. You’re aware who you’re talking to?”
He didn’t need to gesture to Dream looming over his shoulder.
“If you agree to the terms,” said Phaethon, a hiss like lava dripping over stone, “then the magic will bind us.” 
Dream didn’t contradict him, but his anger cooled the air until Hob felt like he was standing atop a glacier.
“I think I’ll pass,” Hob told Phaethon. “Feel free to try to reveal me. I’m good at disappearing.” 
He turned to go—
“Lord Morpheus.” Phaethon turned the beam of his gaze on him, sunlight ricocheting off ice. “Will you stand in his stead?”
Hob grit his teeth and, against his better judgment, turned back around. “Don’t bring him into this. Look, if I win your challenge, what do I get in return?”
“You may request whatever you like,” said Dream. “Such are the terms of the agreement.”
“Fine. If I win, then I want this: you never speak to or of me again. That means no threatening me, no using me to threaten anyone else, no telling anyone about me—nothing. Got it?” God, Hob just wanted to go inside and have a beer.
Phaethon gave him a little bow. “Fair enough. I accept the terms of this challenge.” 
Dream seemed aggravated; a trickle of energy, like black lightning, scurried up the back of his neck and disappeared into his hair. But he didn’t intervene.
Hob and Phaethon shook on it. Then Phaethon retreated into the shadows again, calling, “Tomorrow at midnight, Robert Gadling. I will see you then.” Then his eyes blinked out and he was gone.
Hob shuddered. Good riddance. He rather preferred his eldritch creature to that one, thanks very much.
“What was that?” he said.
Dream’s presence was warming again by small degrees. The atmosphere was now more like an industrial freezer than Antarctica. “A minor demigod.”
“Oh, minor. Alright then.” 
“They are occupied by petty troubles,” said Dream.
Hob looked at him out of the corner of his eye, but elected not to comment. 
“Come on,” he said instead, leading the way back toward the pub. “We’re supposed to be having an easy night of it, dammit!” He wasn’t about to let some minor demigod ruin his night. He never knew how many of them he would get with his friend.
Dream’s gaze lingered on the spot where Phaethon had disappeared, but eventually, like the sweeping of a long coat tail, he followed.
"So, a duel," Hob remarked as they sat down across from each other in the pub booth. "I admit, I haven't dueled anyone in a few centuries, but I can't imagine it'll be—”
"It is not what you are thinking of," Dream interrupted. He had folded himself into the booth seat like a stick insect trying to cram itself in a jar. It was an absurd image, the long black coat, the spindly arms on the tabletop. "It is not a fight of the physical form. It is a battle of the mind and will."
"You're going to have to elaborate."
"In such a challenge—” Dream began, but was interrupted by the arrival of a waitress, there to take their order.
"So, what can I get for you chaps?" she said brightly.
The idea of Dream being a chap was so hilarious Hob had to stifle a laugh. Yeah, maybe he wasn't taking the whole duel thing seriously enough. Oh well.
Hob ordered a beer and a plate of chips. When Dream showed no sign of speaking, he ordered for him, too.
“You can order whatever you like,” Hob told him, when the waitress had gone. “It is my pub and all.”
Dream picked up the laminated menu gingerly. It wobbled in his hands. He looked down at it with a flat expression.
Hob realized belatedly that he probably didn’t know what to order. How much had pub food changed since— God, 1910 or so? And it wasn’t like his friend would have had much time to peruse menus since, what with all he’d been up to.
“Just try the chips,” Hob said, taking the menu away from him. “We’ll see how far that gets you.” 
"I have no need of human food," Dream said, folding his hands back on the table.
“Sure, and I technically don’t need my left leg, either, but I do rather like having it.”
“You say strange things,” Dream murmured. “As I was telling you. In such a challenge—” 
The waitress returned with their drinks. Dream glowered at her. Hob thanked her brightly.
"So, you were saying?" he said, sipping his beer. "In such a challenge…?"
"In such a challenge—”
The waitress arrived again with their chips. Dream slammed his hands on the table, shaking the chips in their basket and making the waitress jump. 
"Sorry," Hob apologized, "we've had a bit of a day." Wasn't it always.
"In such a challenge," Dream continued when she had gone, in a tone that suggested he would not be stopped this time, "one must suggest a mind-form, which one's opponent will attempt to surmount and defeat. Then you attempt to defeat their new form, and so on until one challenger is victorious. It is… a predictive game, of sorts. If one can predict what one's opponent’s moves might be, one can choose forms to foil them. This can easily become complicated."
"So, it's like chess," Hob summarized.
Dream stiffened, lips pressing into an offended line. "It is not so simple as chess."
"It will not help you to think of it so." Dream took a chip and bit into it in irritation. "You just— oh." He stared at the chip. "These are quite pleasant."
"Can never go wrong with a good chip," said Hob, then furrowed his brows. "Haven't you had them in dreams before or something?"
"Presumably. It has been at least a century." 
Ah, yeah. That. "Well, they're frying them in veg oil instead of lard nowadays anyway. Kind of a different experience." 
Dream stared at him as if Hob made no sense whatsoever.
"Anyway," Hob continued, "am I even going to be able to create these mind-forms? I'm not exactly an otherworldly being." 
"The power is in you, though it may be more challenging to harness. And easier to let slip from your grasp. It is imagination, after all. Humans are good at imagination, though perhaps not so good at holding onto it."
"Hmm." Hob munched on a chip. "Okay. I'll work on my imagination." After seven hundred years or so of life, it was possibly a tool that needed some sharpening. 
"I admit it offends me greatly that Phaethon would presume to ask a human to fight in this way," said Dream. He suddenly gripped the lapels of Hob's jacket with a startling fervor, arms stretched across the tabletop. His gaze bore into Hob's. "I beg, allow me to represent you instead."
"Now what kind of man would I be if I let others fight my battles?" Hob said, prying his fingers off before his endless grip tore through the fabric. "Hard as it may be to believe, I'm actually not a bad hand at chess. Don't worry about me."
"I do not find that hard to believe. However, as I have said, this is not chess. It is an intimate and punishing battle of minds."
"Alright, so it's like Go Fish."
"Do not joke," Dream growled. Actually, he never truly growled. It was more like his voice dropped into a lower register than usual. Which was saying something. Hob interpreted it as a growl, though. "Do not joke when your existence is at stake. Your immortality cannot protect you from this." 
"Are you saying I'd be unmade if I lost?" Hob asked. It was a concerning thought, to say the least. It had been a long time since he'd had to concern himself with his own mortality.
Dream’s tongue ran over his lower lip. "Potentially. The terms of the fight do not state so, but I do not know how such a duel will affect a human. The strain of it may simply tear you to shreds. It nearly drained me, the last time I fought."
"Wait, you had a fight like this? Recently?"
Dream tilted his head, gaze paling in confusion. "I told you that I went to Hell to retrieve my helm." 
"Yeah, but you didn't tell me you had to mind-battle– who'd you mind-battle anyway?"
"The demon chose Lucifer Morningstar as his representative." Dream’s lip curled in distaste. "Hence, the near loss."
Hob looked at him in concern. "Are you alright, though?"
"Of course I am all right." He spoke it as two words, like the phrase had never before graced his tongue. Hob wanted to let out a long-suffering sigh, but managed to restrain himself. "I am Dream of the Endless."
"Mmhmm. Yep. Okay."
"You do not have to worry about me," Dream said stiffly, parroting Hob's words from before.
Hob thought that was evidently untrue, but decided not to mention the century of imprisonment or the multiple near-death experiences— could he die? Maybe it was more like multiple near-misses with eternal agony— since then. To preserve the relative peace of the moment. 
"So how'd you beat the devil, then?" he asked.
"I had everything to lose. Lucifer had nothing to lose, and only a paltry amusement to gain."
Was that an answer? Hob wasn't sure. 
"Okay," he said. "Well, I do have all of my dreams to lose, apparently. Plenty of incentive to win."
Ice crystallized along the rim of Dream’s glass, spreading from where his fingers pressed. “You speak as if you think I would ever allow this to happen.”
Hob raised an eyebrow. “I thought the magic was binding?”
“Only by honor.”
“And so… what would happen if you violated that honor?”
The words trickled out of Dream reluctantly. “One’s word would not be trusted again.”
“Right. Exactly. I can’t let you do that, love. There’s a whole eternity of words needing to be trusted after this.” It was tempting, honestly, to let his more powerful friend step in and handle this—especially as Hob still hadn’t gleaned what the hell he’d even done to piss off Phaethon—but ultimately, it wouldn’t be right. He’d never used Dream as a clean-up tool for any of his problems in the past, and he wasn’t about to start just because he now knew he was the Lord of Dreams.
Dream’s expression darkened further. He truly was capable of embodying shadow when he was annoyed; Hob didn’t know how he hadn’t figured out the extent of his supernaturalness sooner, honestly. “You would not let.”
“Hey. Come on. I’ve solved plenty of my own problems, haven’t I? Have a little faith.” Hob kind of wanted to pat his hand, but wasn’t sure it was a good idea. “You don’t think I can win a duel against this Phaethon guy?” 
Dream seemed uncertain about it, and Hob couldn’t help but feel a little offended. Sure, he wasn’t a supernatural entity, but Hob had gotten himself out of a fair number of scrapes, and without the help of any Endless, thanks very much! 
“His rancor disturbs me,” Dream said at last. “I do not know what you have done to offend him.”
“Nor I. Never met the guy.”
Dream seemed lost in contemplation. Hob let him, and kept eating the chips.
Eventually, Dream said, “Even if this loss did come to pass… you would always have a place in the Dreaming.”
Hob’s breathing stuttered. “With you?” he said, sounding much smaller than he’d expected. It was… an ill-considered response, to say the least. 
Dream shifted in his seat. “I am the Dreaming,” he said. “It is part of me, and I it.”
“I see,” said Hob. But the thought kept turning within him.
No more was said on the matter until their beers were drunk and their chips polished off and they were strolling out the door of the pub. 
As they crossed the threshold, Hob was struck by a realization. He slapped Dream on the breast of his coat, stopping him in his tracks.
"I'm an idiot! Of course it's not like chess. It's metaphysical rock-paper-scissors!"
"Are you intoxicated?" Dream asked wearily.
"Nope. Just happy to have my old friend around again."
Dream’s form, unbreakable as the darkness between stars, stuttered. Behind him, his shadow wavered.
Then he swept away, leaving Hob to catch up. 
They met again on the field of battle, so to speak.
Phaethon was there before them, melodramatic in his white-and-gold cape. Not as melodramatic as Dream, though, whose eyeliner seemed darker than usual, somehow, and whose cloak swept all the way to the ground, pooling more like liquid than fabric. He was very displeased about these events, Hob could tell.
Hob shook Phaethon’s hand formally. Once again, the touch burned him, but he resisted the urge to shake his hand out in pain. Then they stood across from each other. Hob wished he had a sword, but that was not this game.
"As the challenged party, you commence the duel," Dream told him, standing not far from Hob’s side as Phaethon paced before them, grinning. "You may choose your form and begin."
Hob had thought long and hard about how he would start. He didn't want to go too big, else the fight escalate beyond his control. Obviously, he didn't want to pick something weak either.
What was out there that had tormented mankind, sowing destruction, breeding fear and illness and death, while barely reaching higher than an ankle? 
Hob had lived through it. The choice was obvious.
"I am a plague rat," he started, and saw Dream’s eyebrows twitch. Impressed. Ha! "Hiding in shadows. Letting sickness into our food, homes, blood."
He saw the rats in his mind. Scurrying through tunnels, climbing into grain stores, unaware of what they carried. A seething mass of tails and slick fur and beady eyes, churning, churning, churning. 
Phaethon curled in on himself, limbs creaking, boils popping on his skin and pus leaking from his eyes. Hob flinched at the reminder of those times. Horrible, horrible times.
Mentally, Hob prepared for the counterattack. Paper beats rock. What beats rat? Dog beats rat. Cat beats rat. Famine, extermination fumes, plague doctors, modern medicine—
"I," Phaethon ground out, through the contortions of his body, "am a flood."
Oof. Good one.
"A swelling, raging river, decimating any town in my path. Washing rats down to their deaths." 
A phantom wave smacked Hob in the face and hurled him to the ground. It crashed over him, gallons and gallons of water, surging up his nose, into his eyes, down his throat. He choked on it. He drowned in it. Debris in the floodwaters bruised him till he felt like a branch spinning out in the current, rather than a human.
Then. He managed to take in a breath.
He staggered to his feet.
Dream was standing a step closer, like he'd lurched forward, but he forced himself back into stillness.
"I," Hob said on a gasping breath, pushing wet hair out of his eyes, "am a drought." Phaethon had taken it to another level? Fine. Hob would go scorched earth. "Whisking away all your water. Turning everything into dust."
Phaethon choked, throat suddenly dry. His eyes went bloodshot. His skin flaked and peeled, his lips bled. He clutched at his stomach as it heaved for water.
He could go rain again, Hob thought. Or ice age. Asteroid. Biblical flood—does that count if he already did a regular flood?
"I am famine," said Phaethon, when he'd recovered himself, though he was still rasping. "I wither crops without water. I starve everything that walks."
Hob's stomach caved in on itself. He fell to his knees, retching nothing but bile. His mind flashed back to his decades on the streets, so long without food he'd thought his stomach would start eating itself—and then it had. 
His arms shook. His body felt thin and liable to crack. 
"I," he croaked, still on all fours, "am an oasis. Rising from the desert, real, not a mirage. Offering reprieve." 
Too late, he realized this might restore his opponent. 
But instead, Phaethon creased and cracked, like he was the famine, persecuted by salvation. He clasped his stomach as if it was overfull; water poured from his mouth.
Water filled Hob's mouth, too, but it restored him. He climbed back to his feet.
Dream was definitely closer now. He wasn't imagining it. Still, he didn't intervene.
Phaethon was visibly weakened, but still he said, "I am selfishness. Infighting over limited resources. Society destroying its oasis."
Hob's limbs were torn in opposite directions. He yelled, but the invisible hands on him didn't let up, yanking at him like he was the final piece of food before everlasting deprivation. He pulled at them, but it was no use.
One of his shoulders dislocated with a loud pop, and he bit down on his tongue so as not to scream. Blood exploded in his mouth.
"I am generosity!" he yelled, blood dripping over his lips. "I am brother sharing with brother. Stranger sharing with stranger."
Dream was looking at him now like he didn't know what to make of him. Phaethon, too, was staring at him, but with a look of disgust. 
"High-minded idealist, are you?" he sneered. "What the hell is generosity going to—”
His expression broke in half. His hands shook; he picked at his nail beds until they peeled and started bleeding. His lip wavered and his eyes beaded with tears.
Hob didn't know what was happening to him.
"Shame," Dream breathed from behind him. "So clever, Hob."
Hob hadn't actually known what generosity would do, but he appreciated the compliment nonetheless.
"I," croaked Phaethon, through tears, "am memory. History and anger curdled to a resentment which no generosity can overcome."
He felt Dream’s eyes on him, as he no doubt feared the anger, the resentment he so believed that Hob held over his absence would surge forth again. But it did not, for Hob had never been angry with Dream. Angry with himself, yes, and that he felt acutely, along with the fear and hurt of Dream walking away, the stewing guilt of it.
Memory held more than anger. Mostly, for Hob, it held grief. Grief for his friend who'd been imprisoned for so long, while Hob went about his life, imagining him lonely, isolated perhaps, but never knowing the truth. Grief for himself, too, for he knew that to always blame himself for Dream’s behavior had also been unfair. 
Tears slipped from his eyes. He looked over at Dream, who was still watching him warily.
Memory had far too many facets for Phaethon to use it as an effective weapon.
"I am forgiveness," Hob said, closing his eyes against a fresh welling of tears. He didn't know who he was forgiving. Himself, or Dream, who still seemed to need absolution from Hob, no matter how Hob told him he didn’t.
"I am hatred!" Phaethon snarled. His voice had gone animalistic in a last ditch effort to come out on top. But forgiveness clanged around him, pulling tears from his eyes, undermining his viciousness. "I am division even forgiveness cannot mend."
Just like that, he opened up the path for Hob to take his king. Checkmate. Game over. Rock paper scissors shoot.
"I am love," Hob said quietly, even as a sob caught in his throat as the memory of all the hate he'd witnessed in his life, the hate he'd participated in, and the fear, long-held, that even Dream might hate him, for his wrongs, or for overstepping, pulsed back to the forefront. He could never hate Dream, though. No matter what.
"Love can be easily destroyed," snapped Phaethon, but he was wavering. 
"But it always comes back," said Hob. Unwitting, he looked over his shoulder at Dream.
His friend was already looking directly at him. That tinge of red, so terrible and familiar now, was back along his eyes. He didn't speak, not to Hob. Hob followed his gaze as he looked over Hob's shoulder and spoke to Phaethon.
"Do you have a counter?"
"Love?" Phaethon laughed hysterically. "You brought love to a duel?"
"I believe Hob brings love everywhere he goes," said Dream, and Hob whipped back around to look at him, eyes wide. The tiniest smile was dancing on Dream’s lips.
Then a blade erupted from Hob's chest.
Blood sprayed. His heart stopped beating—actually stopped, he felt it. The sword had pierced right through it. He scrabbled for it with clumsy hands, but the blade shiiiinged back out before he could grab it. 
Blood spattered Dream’s face. Those pretty lips parted, eyes widened, the lordly bearing wiped from his expression leaving only a person, shocked and wounded. Hob would never forget that look of startled horror for as long as he lived. 
Which wasn't looking to be that long.
He fell to his knees, blood pouring from his chest. No use trying to stop it. It would mend itself, in time, but that knowledge did nothing to stop the instinctive rush of fear. He was dying. He was dying.
He fell on his side. Blood soaked his shirt. All told, it took maybe ten seconds after getting speared like a wild hog—
—for the world to completely blink out.
Hob's chest ached like a bitch when he woke. 
He was still on the ground, bloody mud around him, soaking his clothes. Oh. That was mud made from his blood. How horrifying. 
He opened his eyes in time to see Dream lifting Phaethon from the ground by his neck. His hand was a vice grip and Phaethon choked, scrabbling at his fingers for breath.
"TREACHERY," Dream snarled, louder than Hob had ever heard him. His voice boomed across the empty park. "I will unmake you."
"I'm not one of your creatures, you can do nothing to me," said Phaethon, but his assuredness flickered.
Dream’s being was a black hole eating light. "Watch it happen."
Hob coughed, dirt trapped in his throat, and shoved himself up on his forearms. Dream froze, and turned slowly to look at him, Phaethon still clasped in his hand like he weighed nothing. Dream’s attention was like being in the path of a comet.
"Hob," he said. "Are you alright?"
Hob knew, in that moment, that if he asked Dream to spare Phaethon from whatever fate he had in mind for him, he would comply. And what power that was. Hob didn't want to be the one doling out mercy or punishment, like a judge at the gates of Hell. But damn if it wasn't a thrill to have Dream look at him like that.
"Of course I'm all right," he said, with a bloody grin. "I'm Hob Gadling."
Dream smiled too, a ferocious smile, like that of a wolf.
Hob didn't tell him to spare Phaethon.
Apparently, they both had some savagery in them.
"So why did he kill me?" Hob asked later, when he'd showered all the blood off—God he loved modern showers—and they were both sitting at the kitchen table in his flat, drinking tea. Well, Hob was drinking tea. Dream was just kind of staring at it. "I mean, the cost of losing wasn't even that high. Not on his end, anyway."
"He was not interested in you at all," said Dream, still not looking at him. "I dragged the truth from him while you were… gone. This was all a ploy to get to me. To hurt me—indirectly, of course. Such a lower being could never hurt me directly."
"Wait." Hob tried to grapple with this. "You— are you saying I was like a kidnapped princess?" 
Dream frowned. "If you insist. The point is, he did not plan to let you walk away. By winning, or by killing you, whichever he could accomplish." 
"Damn. Maybe I should have let you fight for me."
"No. You represented yourself admirably. More than admirably. You won the challenge, fairly, and did not try to kill your opponent to do it." 
Praise from Dream always hit Hob somewhere deep. Possibly because Dream only said such things when he meant them. Possibly just because it was Dream saying them.
“Well, thanks for handling him in the end,” Hob said, instead of voicing that sentiment.
Dream nodded solemnly. “I would not allow such harm to befall you without interfering,” he said.
Hob took a sip of his tea to avoid showing how he felt about that quite so obviously on his face.
“Why did he want to hurt you, then?” he asked instead.
“He is the child of a sun deity,” said Dream.
“And… that… means…?”
“Sunlight chases away dreams. We are natural enemies.”
Hob frowned. “What about daydreams?” 
“Daydreams may take place during the daytime, but they exist in the darkness of the inner mind,” said Dream.
“Ahhhh.” Hob nodded sagely. Yeah, sure, that made sense. One hundred percent. Absolutely. “I don’t know, I feel like some dreams can survive in the daylight. Thrive, even.”
“Perhaps next time I have an altercation with a sun deity, I will call upon you,” Dream said, a bite of sarcasm in it. “To see if you can banish them with this mindset.”
“Don’t give me that cheek,” Hob admonished. Dream’s mouth popped open in offense, but Hob plowed on, “Just have an open mind about it, that’s all I’m saying. Who knows, maybe you guys are in a symbiotic relationship or something, instead of enemies. You help people see what could be possible, and they balance it with reality.”
Dream was silent for a moment, thinking. “Perhaps,” he said at last. “But I do not think approaching them in this manner will serve me well, at the moment.”
“Maybe not if they’re going around attacking you,” Hob conceded, and Dream cracked a small smile.
Sun deities, Hob thought. Really, life was full of such strange and interesting things.
“So when you went to Hell,” Hob started. Dream tilted his head, but didn’t seem thrown by the change in subject. “What did you wager in exchange for your helm? The game makes you wager something, right?”
“It was the demon who chose the other side of the wager,” said Dream. “He demanded I remain in Hell and serve him for eternity, if I lost.”
Hob was glad he’d put down his tea, as he’d probably have dropped it. “What? Was the helm really worth that risk?”
Dream leaned back in his chair, lips pressed tight in offense. Or maybe hurt. “I am nothing without my tools of office,” he said.
“That is not true,” said Hob, surprised by his own vehemence. Nothing? He thought he was nothing?
“I could not have restored the Dreaming without them,” Dream insisted.
“Okay, fine. They’re important for your job. But that doesn’t mean you’re nothing without them.” Hob went to lay his hand over Dream’s on the table, hesitated, then decided, fuck it. Dream started when their skin touched, but didn’t move away. Hob repeated his words, with even more emphasis this time. “You’re not nothing.”
Dream met his gaze, challenging. Hob didn’t back down.
“As you wish,” Dream finally said. Which wasn’t actually an agreement. “I can concede that the ruby breaking was ultimately beneficial to my power. But the helm is my symbol of office. To leave it in the possession of a demon is a continual humiliation to my realm and station.”
“Okay, I’m hearing you,” Hob said. It wasn’t that he didn’t think Dream should be able to get his helm back. But he didn’t want Dream to risk horrible punishment for the sake of his pride. Better to slink away alive to try again another day, or so Hob felt. That wasn’t Dream, though.
“Just be careful, okay?” he said. “Even if you lost your helm and everything, and everyone in Hell thought you were pathetic—which, by the way, not sure Hell’s opinion is worth much anyway? but that aside—I’d still rather have you here than the alternative.” He threw Dream a smile, hoping he didn’t take offense to the idea that he could possibly be pathetic. “It wasn’t ‘The King of Dreams and Nightmares, et cetera’ that I missed for all those years, you know?”
“You did not know who I was, then,” Dream pointed out, but he seemed contemplative.
“I liked who I did know,” Hob said. “My friend.”
“Your friend,” repeated Dream slowly. Finally, he did pick up his tea, and took a sip. “A powerful title indeed, if you would have me when it is the only one I carry.”
“If you say so,” Hob said, which brought a small smile to Dream’s lips. If Dream wanted to think of it as a title akin to his kingship and endlessness and whatnot, then Hob would bestow it on him with gladness, and with a warm sense of honor that nestled right in his heart.
“It is…” Dream added, at length, “a meaningful title. To me.”
Rare, those expressions of feeling from Dream. Hob couldn’t help but to bask in them like a cat in a sunbeam. He remembered how Dream had looked at him during the duel. Love always comes back. Worth it, all the strife, to see Dream look at him like that, he thought.
“You defended me,” Dream said. “To prevent me taking the duel in your place. To protect me when it was not warranted.”
Wasn’t warranted. Hob really wished Dream would just learn to let Hob care for him.
"Would have even if I'd known it was you he truly wanted," he said. “I missed my friend for long enough. Wasn’t going to let something happen again when I could get in the way of it.”
“Your friend,” Dream said again. As if savoring the words. His lips tipped up again in a small smile. One just for himself.
Hob squeezed his hand on the table. A grounding touch, a reminder. “And don’t forget it.”
Dream turned his hand over on the table, and squeezed back.
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intermundia · 5 months
I'm a different anon, but your answer to that person, about how we all have our own perspectives and such, got me curious if you wanted to talk about your favorite things about Anakin? I really like how he has this earnest passion in everything he says and does, no matter what the consequences are. He lets his instincts and heart influence what actions he takes. I think you could say the same about Obi-Wan too to a degree, but I think Obi-Wan errs to keeping his emotions/intentions concealed until he has the best advantage he can get. And I think that this sort of "two sides of the same coin" contrast between them is part of what makes the ship appealing. Anyway, yeah, I wanted to know what you enjoy about Anakin ^^ And that other anon too, if they want to send another ask about their feelings/thoughts
Oh man, what a question. You've activated my trap card. Anakin Skywalker is possibly my favorite character of all time. It's endlessly fascinating to read stories about him, and writing him allows me to articulate the messy, painful, thwarted parts of myself. He's half my brain, and Obi-Wan is the other half, and resolving their differences brings me deep catharsis.
Everything you said about him is so true, his earnest passion is so deeply appealing. Obi-Wan called him passionate, fearless, forthright, and he is the embodiment of those traits, but he's flawed too, and flawed in ways I feel in my bones, and regrets the same things that I regret. He's so beautiful and so damned, a fallen and risen angel, you know?
Stover wrote that the brightest light casts the darkest shadow. He ends up at just the nadir of cruelty and violence, but he begins from a place of pure generosity and light. His intentions were so good, and he was so impossibly brave. It seems like arrogance, that cocky assurance of what he was capable of, but the universe bends around him to fit his will.
He's more than human, he's half-divine, a mirror and barometer of the entire galaxy's mood. His life is coextensive with the rise and fall of an empire, his personal tragedy from greed is both archetypal and relatable, and he is the scaffolding the narrative rests inside. Luke is the hero of the story but Anakin is the embodiment of the world he strives against.
He is painfully earnest and a liar, a villain and a victim, naive and jaded, brilliant but foolish, perfect and deeply flawed. It's so easy for me to understand why he was so beloved. He's absolutely the other side of Obi-Wan's coin, the heart to Obi-Wan's head, the passion to his reason, the instinct to his experience. The Team together is one complete and fully realized being, separation means incompleteness and disaster.
Vader is just one of the most iconic villains of all time, and Lucas defied all expectations in the prequels. He used his character to tell a cautionary tale about greed rather than give excuses for why he became such a monster. He is intentionally shown to be so generous and kind as a boy, handsome and daring as a man, with infinite wasted potential for good, it's incredible.
Idk man, I like him and I love him, I hate him and I want him; he's one of the best characters of the modern age.
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