#rainbow blood bs
gunnrblze · 3 months
Silly little unserious fic about the guys finding you in No Man’s Land. Had to get this sit-com bs out of my head lol.
CW: slight suggestiveness, general talk of death ‘n stuff like that.
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One probably wouldn’t assume that every day during a war would be the same, unpredictability and all. But that wasn’t quite your experience, considering you did the same thing every day. Every, single, day.
You wake up, curse men for being so stupid, for starting wars and killing one another for material things…scrounge for food and water, mourn your losses around noon, work on securing a shelter again for the impending nightfall, and tend to your more physical wounds, lest you get infected and all your hard work goes down the drain.
No Man’s Land was shitty, but you’d stumbled right into the cesspool itself, somehow. Your family passing away from whatever the fuck started falling out of the sky however many years ago was shitty too. Being left behind when you should’ve died already wasn’t sunshine and rainbows either. But you couldn’t focus on that too much when every turn you made could, literally, get you killed.
Armed fuckers everywhere, you were thankful you played too much hide and seek as a kid, cause you’d surely be dead if you didn’t somehow blend in with your bland surroundings. Unable to understand what anyone was even saying -doomed with trying to be quirky in Highschool and taking French instead of Spanish like everyone else wasn’t paying off, apparently-all you could understand from these dictator puppets was sí, nada, and rojo? You weren’t too keen on trying to understand why you kept hearing about stuff being red, maybe ignorance was bliss after all.
You’re not entirely sure though, it’s hard to pick up on spoken words when the blood rushing in your ears is the only sound you can hear, second to the gunshots and explosions booming everywhere. What were you even doing at this point? Surviving just so they didn’t give you a merciless ending? Was it worth it to live like this? You didn’t know that either, but you’d be damned if you simply gave up just because the going got tough. What is it that America’s so proud of? Freedom and bravery and what not?
Navigating abandoned and destroyed land for mere survival wasn’t on your lifelong bucket list, but here you were, sweating half to death behind a chunk of some random rubble in a desolated office building.
Shoveling the scraps of food you managed to find down your sore throat, eyes that had permanently grown in the back of your head always scanning for any lone beret who could knock your head off with a single bullet.
It wasn’t peachy or anything, but the sound of a whining dog made you forget all about it.
Shoving yourself as far behind the rubble as humanly possible, backpack squishing against the wall, you prayed -or talked, something like that, whatever- to whoever may be listening, that whatever Fed dog was sniffling around wouldn’t pick up your scent.
Unfortunately, your luck seemed to dwindle these days, as a massive German shepherd decided to knock over a nearby half broken-in door.
You took that time to suck down a breath, before figuring an escape route. You had no idea where your nationalist friends loomed, so like always, you hoped that crawling from post to post would keep you hidden for long enough.
As quietly as you could on broken chunks of tile, you crawled out from behind said chunk of rubble, to an adjacent one a few feet away. The sound of footsteps and distant voices ripped through any ounce of self confidence you’d gained, and you went back to the blinding fear for a moment. White hot and, confusing? Why weren’t they speaking Spanish?
“Shouldn’t be anybody round, place is trashed, boys” a deep, older sounding voice echoed. No, no, you don’t like the sound of that at all. You hoped maybe whoever this guy was talking to would agree, but alas, it seemed there was always a voice of bigger reason.
“I dunno, dad…Riley’s picking something up I think” his friend, or son apparently, shot back.
Riley? The furry battering ram? Maybe that was good…? These guys didn’t seem to be of Federation influence, perhaps they’d hear you out at least before splattering the insides of your skull onto the grimy tile.
The little pitter patter of dog paws got closer in range, and it made all the random joint aches and pains in your body more pronounced, bones vibrating with fear once you realized you couldn’t get out of this building. The knife you pulled from your bag only shook pathetically in your hand, more of a damn fidget toy than anything you could defend yourself with at this point.
Shoved back into a near corner, you already clocked the two voices, and there had to be more ‘boys’ with them, unless of course the older voice was including their door toppling canine in that group address.
“What is it, Riley? Go get it” the second guy spoke again, his distant words sending an even bigger pang of fear through your chest. Go get it. Go get you.
Apparently, Riley’s a good boy, because moments later the dog was sneaking right in front of your makeshift hideout. Barking ensued and it made you flinch on instinct, eyes wide as you heard all sorts of footsteps jogging your way. You could only sit there, backing yourself further into the corner, crouched behind the rubble as you stared into the canines beady eyes.
No Federation symbol on his little vest, though. Not that you could really process that, before a large man with a stupid little green beanie on came into view. The rifle in his grip didn’t phase you much anymore, only the fact that he was pointing it in your vicinity and that he donned a certain look on his face did.
You didn’t have much access to mirrors these days, but you knew being stuck in this desecrated, excuse for a city left you looking rather…gross. But this wasn’t that kind of look, of course.
“What the hell?” Beanie said a little louder than you preferred. “Who are you?” He followed up with, lowering his little killing machine when he seemed to deny your presence as an immediate threat.
If that broad ass statement wasn’t enough, the near geriatric sounding man you heard first ran up right next to him, followed by a blonder man that looked a little bit younger than Beanie himself.
You didn’t respond, naturally, what the fuck do you say to three armed men and their yapping German shepherd? They stared at you like a science experiment, before dad, you presume, spoke directly.
“What are you doing here? Where’d ya come from, kid?” His voice was sharper and more harsh than you typically enjoyed, but they didn’t seem to want to turn you to dust just yet.
It appeared they clocked the way your eyes flitted from corner to corner, wall to wall and door to door, your body screaming at you to run, but paralyzed with fear, and the harsh reality that you couldn’t escape these three.
“Relax, we won’t hurt you” Beanie so kindly assisted, seeming to understand your predicament a bit more. You didn’t trust your sore throat to speak, so you gulped instead, shaking like a leaf with that hunting knife in your grip while you picked up on more voices through their radio chatter.
They weren’t Federation, thank god, but that was almost just as scary. Because you didn’t know who they were yet, and they seemed to be quite interested in figuring you out. Dressed to the nines in tactical gear, obviously soldiers with the massive guns and all. American, with the west coast lilt that didn’t actually quell your fear, just create another problem for you to solve with the little resources you had.
You didn’t like the tone of the Geriatrics voice too much, he was understandably suspicious of you as he told you to put the knife down. Your body moved on its own accord, sheathing it in your backpack as you fully came to the realization that these people decided what happened now. Beanie asked more cursory questions, arms crossed like the brutes they seemed to be, and you feebly explained you were lost.
Lost. An idiotic answer. Stranded in No Man’s Land, you were obviously out of your element, due to the simple fact you were still alive and kicking it, disheveled as you were.
You weren’t keen on giving them your name, and Blondie seemed to understand that before you went silent at the question, nudging Beanie and sending some kind of telepathic message to him.
“Dad, they’re obviously not supposed to be here, we’ll just take them back to base, get them outta here at least?” Beanie said, his own uncertainty making the empty pit in your stomach blossom. Dad seemed to agree, but gave you a side eye that your own mother couldn’t even dole out that well.
You relented more quickly than any of you thought you would, including yourself. You knew it was game over the moment Riley The Dog spotted you. They seemed to hash out a plan rather immediately, and the idea of being helped, even by strangers, did seem a bit deserving on your end.
Your creaky knees burned as you stood up, tentative and unsure about this arrangement, despite your desperate need for assistance. You weren’t deciding to go back to this ‘base’ with them, you were being led back to this base with them. Beanie explained that they’re Army, and it still didn’t quite help. You shuffled along the split flooring of your abandoned little office shelter, checking every exit again, wondering about that escape shot one more time.
Blondie clocked you again though, apparently the silent and observant type, because he nudged his old man, who swiftly turned to you, his eyes expressing an unspoken knowledge. The knowledge that you were beyond outnumbered.
“We’ll get you back to our base, get you squared away from there” he said as if it were that simple, clearly trying not to bug out at the knowledge that someone survived all this. You wanted to explain there was no where to square you off to. That you were alone, but they seemed to already know that. They didn’t ask nearly enough questions, you thought. But then again, you didn’t have much to expand on.
The three of them moved like a unit. Water flowing through oil, smooth and sure, despite your awkward presence lingering shortly behind Geriatric, his offspring nearing either side of you. Caging you in. Riley The Dog seemed to skip ahead, content with scoping things out for them first.
Apparently, three -four- isn’t quite a party yet though, because two other sets of heavy footsteps sounded outside the building, the chatter on their radios picking up more. You hadn’t really listened to what Geriatric muttered into said radio when they’d first found you, too busy trying to tame your nervous system.
But apparently they valued a buddy system.
Two men, just as large and brutish, rounded the corner as soon as the four of you walked out of that broken down door, courtesy of the shepherd that trotted off to god knows where.
They seemed both surprised and unsurprised to see you. Expecting your tagging along back to base, from what you could tell, but still unprepared to witness a living civilian in No Man’s Land.
“What’s their name?” The bald one asked, a gruff in his voice that shouldn’t have been as attractive as it was. That’s how you knew your brain was scrambled, finding these square ass men attractive even in the slightest, when all they were offering was a little ‘help’ during arguably the worst time of your life, was a bit insane.
But you’d gone a little insane, so maybe it was understandable.
After Geriatric stepped off to the side with Baldy and the dude in the mask, whatever that get up was about, you only heard his more hushed voice. Discussing the pertinent problem you seemed to create just by existing.
The twin towers idled next to you, sharing silent looks as they combed over your appearance. Your hair ratty and clothes dirty, covering your battered up skin well enough, some stray cuts and scrapes that you weren’t able to take nearly good enough care of made you look straight out of a survivalist horror film. Donning a suspicious blood stain on the waistband of your cargo shorts, something everyone seemed to be thankfully ignoring.
Until now, at least.
“Are you hurt?” Beanie asked with some kind of concern, motioning to your blood stained pants that’d given you away long before you could even stand up and flaunt your crooked gait.
Your blank stare made everyone fall flat for a moment, all five men standing like robots, looks being shared and eyebrows being raised. Obviously you were fucking hurt, but not enough to mention it, in your opinion.
Your mere head shake didn’t extinguish Beanie and Blondies curiosity though, but their father seemed to want to get the show on the road, so long as you could actually walk down said road.
You trudged behind the five of them, making off putting eye contact with the masked one for a moment, his eyes lighting a path of unease down your spine, whether he meant to or not.
They cut off into the woods shortly after exiting the blown-to-bits plaza you’d wandered into. Beanie seemed to be concerned with your health, asking another time if you were sure you could walk. You’d be annoyed if it weren’t for the obvious hobbling and coughing you were doing with every step.
You insisted though, what was the alternative? One of the avengers would just haul you over their shoulder until you arrived on the scene where this ‘Kick’ fucker was apparently waiting for you all?
Yes, apparently so.
“Hesh, help them, son” the Geriatric called out without even turning around. First you noticed the name that was finally given up. Hesh didn’t sound any less silly than Beanie in your head, but you were forced to digress when said man stopped and turned to you, pointing to his back.
Apparently the grimace on your face was noticeable, a smirk cracking on his lips as he slung his backpack off, handing it to Blondie whose arm was already outstretched, standing to the other side of you.
“Familiar with the piggy back ride? We’ll be walking for a while, and you’ve clearly got something wrong under that bloodstain” he added as he motioned to your stained waistband, as if his knowing look wasn’t enough.
You felt silly, felt even sillier when your knee jerk reaction was the most petulant eye roll you’d ever given. But you found yourself digressing again. The large cut on your hipbone hurt too much to keep going like this. So you stepped closer as he squatted down, and climbed on his back like a monkey.
It wasn’t really funny, nothing about the situation was, but the absurdity made you roll your eyes again, earning a smirk from Blondie who picked right back up with the trek. In any other circumstance, you’d probably feel a stir down south with the way this man held onto you. Hands cupped under the backs of your knees to hold you up, was as innocent as innocent could be.
But again, you’d gone a little off your rocker the last several months, so being chest to back with a hot sweaty soldier who carried you like you were a sack of flour almost did something to you.
The three musketeers up ahead seemed to be chatting more, Baldy with a near permanent scowl on his face as the six of you moved through this too warm thatch of forestry. The masked one was quiet as he spoke to their Ringmaster, but not as quiet as Blondie was, who hadn’t even so much as muttered anything yet.
You willfully ignored all the aches and pains in your body up until now. The reprieve of being carried piggy back took pressure off your brittled bones and squeaky ass joints. Hesh didn’t seem to sweat having your weight on his back until the terrain got a bit more hilly.
Your insistence that you could walk again on your own was shut up very quickly by a shush from grumpy dwarf up ahead, everyone stopping at once. You peeked above Hesh’s head some more, only to see a group of berets in the distance. That not so funny feeling returning to your stomach, gut wrenching and definitely ruining the more pleasant one that’d somehow bloomed.
Your head shot down on instinct, wrapping yourself more around the green giant you were hanging off of, who seemed to have the same idea, securing your legs further around his waist as he crouched down.
Everything was a bit of a blur from then on, yelling and guns going off, your last view being the sunlight shining through the tree tops before you and Hesh fell over as a unit.
Not even cognizant enough to feel the intense ache on the back of your head, fortunately. Just a hand around your scraggly wrist and another somewhere near your waist.
And that goddamned dog barking.
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amuseoffyre · 8 months
I was left unsupervised and wrote an OFMD S2 and beyond version of We Didn't Start the Fire 😁
Stede dream-fighting Izzy Hands, Ed is wrecking wedding plans, The republic, Spanish Jackie, Swede is quite the snack, Roach keeps cooking, Buttons pining, Wee John warns about the stabbing, Poor old Izzy getting dizzy, Tattoo on Ed's back. Minor Prince, puzzle chest, Swede says marriage is best, Thieving planned, husband chore, treasure chest right out the door, Indigo and coins gleam, Crew's got a new queen, Zheng Yi Sao and the Red Flag, The Republic, goodbye.
[Chorus] We didn't raise the flag But we'll keep it waving For this show we're saving We didn't raise the flag But they tried to drop it We won't let them stop it
[Verse 2] Izzy shot and Blackbeard done, Frenchie gets a promotion, Wooden boy voice, blood all over, Lucius is back. Good soup, the Queen wins, Is the Revenge sinking?? Izzy shoots Ed, the crew attack. Bonnet gets on, all escape though Ed is gone, golden merman, raised from dead, come back to him, butt his head. Exiled. Magic bowl, Buttons turning to a gull, Leg kaput, make a new foot Unicorn is Izzy
[Chorus] We didn't raise the flag But we'll keep it waving For this show we're saving We didn't raise the flag But they tried to drop it We won't let them stop it
[Verse 3] Apology, cat bell, Lucius pushes Ed as well, Fang on a fishing boat, Stede's got a cursed red coat, Ed reflects, fish is his, Time for a little kiss. Hand-in-hand, going slow, Hunted down by Ned Low, Planning party, urchins, Stede's bathtub used for drinks Drag, songs and rainbows, For goddess Calypso. Low comes, torture led, Took violin to the head. Stede is shaken, grabs for Ed Fireworks as they go to bed.
[Chorus] We didn't raise the flag But we'll keep it waving For this show we're saving We didn't raise the flag But they tried to drop it We won't let them stop it
[Verse 4] Ricky Banes, Zheng's plan, Bonnet is the fucking man, Ed is leaving, The British Invasion, Leathers brought from under waves, English soldiers put in graves, Jackie, poison-trained, Pirates get away again, Crew sad, Izzy dead, Stede is in the inn with Ed Revenge crew sail away Will they see another day?
[Chorus] We didn't raise the flag But we'll keep it waving For this show we're saving We didn't raise the flag But they tried to drop it We won't let them stop it
[Verse 5] Show cancelled, Jenkins sad, Casey says numbers were bad, Press takes a look, Is Zaslav a crook? Gay twitter here to fight, BS leak on bird-site, Pirate violence is a 'shock', HBO is roundly mocked, Time Square billboard, LA plane, DJenks says they're free again, Lubewatch trend, lots of press, New network stress, S2 now on BBC, Kristian Nairn live on IG, fans are craving what's in store, I can't take it anymore
[Chorus] We didn't raise the flag But we'll keep it waving For this show we're saving We didn't raise the flag But they tried to drop it We won't let them stop it It will still wave on, and on And on, and on
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aemiron-main · 1 year
So, does anyone want to try and tell me again that things like Henry’s changing bloodstains and the moving and changing bodies during NINA are just background stand-ins for the kids/should be written off as a production error?
They’ve got 3D scans of the kids, meaning they made 3D models of them. Meaning that it’s easy for them to change the positions/sizes of their bodies and intentionally mess with them & that the changes such as the kids turning into adults can’t be written off as using stand-ins for the kids because they have 3D models of them and therefore, no need for standins (especially not fully adult standins who dont even have their eyes gouged out, which is what makes the standin claim so absurd in the first place):
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They make quite a lot of 3D models- every single vecna victim has a full 3D model that’s used during their death scene:
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This is not Grace Van Dien with a bit of CGI layered onto her:
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Instead, it’s is a full 3D model and hair and clothes simulation of Grace:
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Even Henry is a full 3D model when he gets sent to superhell. This is NOT Jamie Bower:
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It's a 3D model of him:
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They’ve also got a 3D model of the rainbow room:
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You’re going to tell me that they 3D modelled Henry’s fucking internal organs that we dont even SEE just so that it wouldn’t feel empty when the light ripped through him, but they’re not capable of making sure that blood doesn’t just ~appear~ on his face between shots?
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And not capable of making sure that the blood is the same on all his jumpsuits (and they’re also not just randomly going to make multiple jumpsuits??):
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We also have even more confirmation of what I talked about with the makeup team having pre-set blood patterns for every single lab kid’s bloody eyes and painstakingly replicating them:
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Which means that when that eye blood deviates from that pattern, it’s intentional, especially when it coincides with the children TURNING INTO ADULTS, and again, the “oh they’re just stand-ins for child actors” is such BS because they had the kids lay there already and im sure that theyre MORE than capable of replicating the eye blood on their supposed stand-ins, but they didn’t:
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The production error allegations regarding the dead kids’ moving/changing bodies, Henry/Edward’s changing blood splatters, and the changing blood splatters on the walls and floors of the Rainbow Room can hopefully be laid to rest. They can EASILY and INTENTIONALLY change and move those kids and their eye blood when they have 3D models of them, and they can EASILY change the stains etc on the walls and floors when they have a 3D model of the rainbow room.
Even the cracks (which change at the same times as the bloodstains and dead kids) are VFX:
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They aren't doing these things accidentally. It's all intentional. So, ✨film students✨ speak now or forever hold your peace. I've been trying to tell you guys that this stuff is intentional, and now I'm giving you even MORE evidence, and so far, all people have brought forth to refute any of my evidence is "well im a film student and I don't agree" and "idk i don't think it's that deep".
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sunnixsunshine · 1 year
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More clonestuck bs no one asked for
For context, i hc fuchsia bloods to be cannibalistic in nature. Like other trolls are too but not exactly by instinct. Its become a social norm to eat other trolls. But they cant process troll meat like fuchsia bloods can so other bloods usually go batshit over time. Eating grubs are fine tho. This includes violet bloods, too, which Topher is. In which I hc violet bloods to be on a much more vegetarian diet, like the tough plant life for which their teeth are evolutionary designed to eat through, so its pretty unlikely to see them eating meat unless they have a major vitamin deficiency. Trollpher is just a fucking freak though. Probably a wannabe rainbow drinker.
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I am foaming at the mouth for 'Rainbow Hanging Over Your Head,' may I request some good old world building, writing fun facts, info dumping, no-context spoilers, or whatever you wish you speak on about (aka please I'm super interested in your soulmate world [insert 'I just think it's neat' meme here])? I just about cried reading the most recent installment. It was fantastic.
thank you this is a really great jumping off point for a list i made i a discord server
so this verse is going to be a hypercomplex web of deconstructing various trope and BS irl concepts through this fictionalized lens heres the quick and dirty of what exactly that looks like
RHOYH-verse and metaphorically analogous BS concepts in our world
Red: anti-adoption (both being adopted and giving children up for adoption), anti-birth control, "blood is thicker than water," "family is everything so you have to let them do anything", parentification
Orange: relationship hierarchy, "you can only have one best friend", the concept of "emotional cheating" (ie "having an emotionally intimate relationship outside of the primary is infidelity")
Yellow: Intellect is separate from emotion, caring emotionally about someone is incompatible with mentally challenging, arguing, or growing and learning with them
Green: sex-negativity, sex is only for producing children, homophobia/criminalization of queer sexuality, acephobia, anti-birth control again, transphobia (via the idea that transition that sterilizes trans people is immoral), prejudice against sterile people and promiscuous people
Blue: amatonormativity, One True Love, polyamphobia, arophobia, anti-queerplatonic prejudice (feeding back into relationship hierarchy above)
Violet: anti-QP again, relationship hierarchy, relationships exist in specific boxes and parameters with societal roles and anything outside those parameters is deviant
Colorblindness: all of the above and the way they can lead to abuse through their enforcement
i know its ambitious to plan to tackle all of these but i am nothing if not consumed by hubris
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antiradqueerguy · 11 months
well thank you for the compliment,
So something that suprised me is that there is like maybe 25% of the community is adults. might not be entirely accurate since not many people actually share their age (the like "my age is 13-19" like very helpful) , but its actually a pretty good chunk of the community that's a breathing person in human society that still believes this BS.
2. Things having to do with east asia , aka the stupid "trans jpop" "trans kpop" they fall for it every time, its just them having a fetish for east asian people because they now have seen Korean media , and Japanese media,
3. The community cant figure out whether zenosatanism is radqueer or not, (it is) The idea was made by a messed up radqueer, and they made flags for the radqueer community, that person was a active radqueer , plus i think a lot of the ideas match with kandiqueer(?) which from what i gathered is thinking animals and kids can consent.
4. The ableist rainbow letters. spoke about this in my "coming out ask a radqueer" post but these people thrive on thinking they can get a mental disability or a general disability or a mental illness, And then they also thrive on "not being ableist" combining mocking everything i said above plus rainbow letters, which are extremely hard to read. its hypocrisy
5. Some of them do actually believe that trans ids are part of being transgender, no. just cause you are "trans glitter blood" or some BS does not mean you can reclaim a slur or use the labels that transgender people have been fighter for since over 1000 years ago. \
i need to get ready so this is all i got for now.
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shurelyasreverie · 3 years
Okay so I'm gonna rant. It genuenly annoys me when people say that Sylas is a villain, even tho demacia commits magic genocide. Some say he manipulated lux so he can escape and honestly, it was understandable. He was imprisioned for 15 years , he knows what demacia does to mages, he was imprisioned a boy and came out a murderer. Demacia litterally takes mages from their families and locks them up, poisens them with petrecite which gives them a slow and painfull death, exiles them or straight up kills them on the Spot. I can only imagine how many children lost their families or how many children were killed themselves. Imagine having a child and one day it is stolen from just because it has magic. Demacia honestly had it coming, there needed to be a change and Sylas brought that. Jarvan 3 only was about to take the mageseekers power away and leave those with magic alone only because Sylas and mages were coming for them( and honestly I don't feel bad he died, he had it coming) and when jarvan 4 sees the Note that xin was supposed to give the leader of the mageseekers to stop them, the brat takes the letter and rips it apart. He allows things to get worse just because he lost his father, how many families has your father ruined? Too many and he paid the price, you are litterally best friends with a dragon, a MAGICAL creature. And let's not forget about Lux and Garen. Garen knew what was happening and he himself caged mages, when he and Lux were sent on a mission to help a town with a magic problem Lux finds out that Nocturne is behind the chaos, possensing a little mage boy who was afraid for his life because he found out he was mage, his fear for LIFE awoke nocturne and garen killed his naighbor who he thought was a mage and behind it all. Lux then tried to bring him back but nocturne speaks through the boy, calling Lux out on her bs, she knows the boy is rightfully scared but she still Brings him back even though she should understand him the most. After everything was dealt with Lux tells garen about nocturne and that he was all behind it, asking if they should tell the towns people about it, garen says no "They don't understand, they don't need to understand " leaving the town and Lux doesn't even bother to say that they should tell them. And since we are at Lux, she knows exactly what is happening to mages and is terrefied that happening to her. She has Galio on her side a litteral giant warrior, powerfull magic and status. She could go right into the prison because her aunt and uncle are the Leaders ot the mageseekers, calling galio and using her magic to free people. When Sylas kills people in self defense because he was about to be executed, she was all like " oh no! Sylas how could you do this" even tho she knows he had no choice. She knew everything that was going on and did nothing! Why didn't she? Easy because she has status, she doesn't need to worry about it. People are litterally calling Sylas a villain because he isn't with the uwu rainbow princess and this comes from a lux main. And let's not forget Sona in her interactions she says that she won't help sylas and doesn't like him, as if he is the villain , what a hypocrite! She litterally harmed if not killed several mageseekers because she used her ult, breaking their bones and forcing them to dance, to the point were blood began to pour out. You didn't have it bad at all sona because you like lux have status, you got to live with a rich demacian family and didn't need to worry about it, this is also coming from a sona main. So yeah in conclusion Sylas is not the villains, is he perfect? No but think about his Situation, he is litterally fighting genocide. Riot really needs to stop making it seem like Jarvan, Garen and Lux are all perfect and the good guys, garen litterally caged mages but did nothing to his sister, did he ever think about the lifes he ruined? Lux at least is starting to help but still. Riot don't make Sylas the villain when he infact is the Hero ( or anti hero).
I think I'm done 😑
Wait WHO thinks Sylas is a villain?? I just wanna talk, I swear 👀
If it’s purely from a lore aspect though, I get it’s frustrating when characters are clearly ignorant to the circumstances of another, but that’s how good conflict and plot is born. The tension between Demacia and literally everyone else keeps you at the edge of your seat, it’s good storytelling. What’s also good storytelling is Riot’s ability to make you root for both Sylas and/or Demacians, they have cinematics and stories backing up both their perspectives and you can take whatever side if you really want to
I’ve never actually heard a League fan call Sylas evil??? From an outsider perspective (and if they know the lore) it’s quite obvious Sylas is an unconventional hero fighting for equality. Demacia is rife with discrimination against magic users and can honestly be used to reflect our real world, a place with all the shine and glamour but really holds an ugly heart. Perhaps it’s the psychology/literature fan in me popping out but stories are used to better understand our real world, to me the ignorance of Demacians is a chance for us to reflect on ourselves and how we view others different to us
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bad-wolfies · 4 years
You do not understand people. Please consider my arguments for a moment. The problem isn't in Destiel not being confirmed this episode. The problem is in the facts that:
1. The actors grief was gone by 2nd half, out of nowhere, with no explanation.
2. The solution to kill God just randomly appeared and what's worse it's something that Winchesters couldn't possibly know about until the moment Jack told them something was off. So what's up with that BS montage like they all just noticed things happening to Jack themselves? Since when they are so perceptive? They literally went after Death in last episode because they didn't even for a second consider that it's THE GOD who is the actual BIG BAD was the source of problems...
3. There is no way that Jack wouldn't think of bringing Cas back instantly
4. There is no way that Dean (even with no romantic feelings) would not instantly asks Jack for Cas back
5. There is no way Sam and Dean would just go flowers and NO-rainbows after losing 2 of most important ppl for them.
6. Did we seriously watched 15 seasons of a tv show with the growing idea of "family doesn't end with blood", the development of two brothers who are codependent in a toxic way and grow to see a wider world and grow their family by choice and learn to live their own lives, just to throw it all out the window and get a "forever bros, no outsider allowed" ending? Guess in the end it was the Wincest, not Destiel...
*7. Writing Cas' name on table doesn't confirm Dean's romantic feelings (as I saw ppl mention). The table stands for family, which doesn't indicate romantic love at all. It doesn't go in the way of it, but isn't a sign of it either.
We argued last episode that Dean's reaction to confession was fitting for his personality, experiences etc. What's the point of defending them if they are gonna throw obvious plot holes at us. Plot holes that can't not be noticed, and refuse to even follow the emotional continuity of characters experiences through THE SAME EPISODE?? Not even mentioning connecting it to last episode or the 15 seasons of character creation. I just mean the continuity in one, specific episode. If they didn't want to bring Cas just yet, all it took was to ask Jack if he could and him saying 'NO'. Not acknowledging the possibility at all, after what happened in the last episode was just... I'm sorry but it's as if the episode was written by someone with Alzheimer's disease... I'm shocked the actors didn't feel something was off knowing the characters for 15 seasons...
But if I do have to say, if Destiel will become canon mutually in next episode, I want all of you to know that it's always going to be considered a SPECIAL, which means that whether it's part of canon storyline is up for interpretation. So even if it will be confirmed there, it won't make it canon. More like a separate extra for Destiel fans out there and to shut LGBTQ community from making issues. And I can already tell, since main story ended, that the next episode will be more of a wannabe meta episode than actual part of the show. I expect straight up fanfiction quality bs episode making all dreams we ever had come true, just to put down the validity of Dean's love for Cas deeper into "just part of fans fantasy scenarios". I expect characters to be played over the top and out of character to bully our seriousness to the topic. I honestly didn't wanna expect anything from those episodes, but now I just really feel like we were made fun of. Like we were straight up ridiculed to our faces.
Basically what I'm saying is: they created 2 endings. One ending is for general public and the other one is an "after story" special ending for the "worse kind" of viewers. Namely "us". Finishing main storyline in episode for general public makes it possible for them to skip the "weird gay episode" without losing the ending of the show. It's like they are straight up ashamed of what Destiel is and wanna save public from it. Notice that the interviews will be aired BEFORE the 15x20 while normally interviews and goodbyes are aired AFTER the last episode.
Can someone please send me some love, because my biggest love just shattered and I feel like there is no point to anything anymore...
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brnzm-a · 3 years
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hello and welcome to my blog. i go by the name of yaz. i go by her, he, they. it doesn’t matter to me. you might know me from other blogs. i have no preference. i am the very definition of an exhausted human being of 32 years of age. i work a full time job i hate and so i tend to be scarce when i feel too overwhelmed IRL. i also suffer from severe anxiety but you’re not here to read about this hehe. that bein said, it will be a low active blog.
english is not my first language.
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this blog is a 𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐌𝐔𝐓 𝐙𝐄𝐌𝐎 roleplay blog. it is 𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 as well as 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐄. and for all of you tumblr karens/kyles out there thinking so highly about my choice of character, it’s ok. you’re good. i love you too. now be a good hooman and go find that block button if you aren’t happy. your hate will be deleted. 
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multimuse/oc friendly
this blog will contain some potentially triggering content : dark themes, angst, violence, manipulation, blood, guns, death, PTSD, depression, mental issues, sex, etc. i will use tags accordingly. my triggers: sui.cide, inc.est, ra.pe and ped.op.hila.
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banned faceclaim: amber hea.rd reblog karma: yes, i fully support it. my blog isn’t a roleplay resource. i do not expect receiving asks nor will i take offense but please reblog the post from its source. callouts/hate/bs drama: i do not participate in such activities. i have other business to attend to and this world is already a mess. replies: i am slow. real slow and i must apologize in advance. please do not expect me to reply to every ask-turned-threads or else i will end up with piling drafts and i don’t want that to happen. plotting: this gives me anxiety since i am terrible at plotting but i fully welcome your ideas. shipping: will not ship with characters under the age of 30. do not force ship. do not change the age of your character for the sake of shipping. i roleplay zemo as bisexual with a preference for male partners. that being said, i am not opposed to shipping with female characters at all. i ship chemistry between characters more than anything else. development is a great key but let me tell you when i say i’m one big shipping hoe. IMPORTANT: many relationships will NOT be sunshine and rainbows.  smut: i’m not really into roleplaying it. i suck at writing in general and i always found that writing smut was my biggest flaw. that doesn’t mean it won’t happen. you might never witness it but the warning’s up :).
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pkmnsdarkqueen · 3 years
The Villain’s as their dnd race and class
From this
that helped inspire all of this
(used hero forge )
-some edits to original design-
Team name: Rainbow
How they got the name: They kept arguing over what to be called and some Npc said they were all so colorful, and should go by rainbow. This stuck, they all collectively hate this npc for being the cause of what they find a terribly lame name.
other teams:
Elite (Kanjo)
Second Gen  (children group)
Dropouts (main group coming soon)
Giovanni-Shifter mountain lion, Fighter: Battle Master
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A shifter fighter as before still trying to absolve his crimes for ya know running a mafia that controlled many towns. Instead of uniforms to signify being part of the mafia members where shoulder armor all in the same colors to signify their allegiance. The helmet on the ground is reserved for the leader alone. He still has these in case some of his old ways or contacts are needed by the group. Also in his fighting style he still uses some dirty tactics such as rings since brass knuckles are a bit too obvious, and well the good old broken class bottle his tail is holding. A touch of an orange vest since well, the anime version of him is something my mind will never forget.
(rest below cut)
Archie-Sea elf, Rouge: Swashbuckler
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I know sea elves aren’t a traditional race, but the homebrew stuff people have made is so good and I want to keep the elf/dwarf rivalry with Maxie plus someone else is already a triton. So he fights with a giant anchor because of course he does, and no matter what has on his captain hat despite not currently having a crew. The center skull of his necklace is a sapphire, and the skull mask was his claim to fame as a pirate since I can’t make the x pattern he has in the games. 
Maxie-Mountain dwarf, Wizard: Evocation
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Ah maxie the dwarf, He came from the mountains fascinated with rocks and that comes into play ash his magic is mostly volcanic. Like most dwarves he wears a helmet this one with a Ruby in it as it is traditional among dwarves to have armor. However he’s very unlike most dwarves in that he keeps a clean face,a nd isn’t terribly rugged which aids to why he left in the first place. His book has spells as well as all of the research he’s done on various land scapes.
Cyrus-Kalashtar, Artificer: Forge Adept
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He doesn’t look like he belongs, and he does not care. He’s like the one person in the party who’s hired them for this job, and just wants his answers dang it he doesn’t care what he looks like to them. He sleeps in that outfit and through some artificer tech bs it keeps his body temperature perfect unless the weather is extreme. And he gets 2 angels cause he’s the one guy in the party with a gun, that he made mind you, and will not let anyone touch it. Also has a scanner to find the planar abnormalities and the little orb is like a small spy drone. He’s not as friendly as other Kalashter but has the no emotion thing under control to a terrifying degree, or perceived lack of emotion.
Ghetsis-Human, Warlock: Fiend
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Again he has to have a good enough reputation to be allowed to hang around so he looks almost knightly in a way. Heads up the copper sickly green color on the dog’s paws, ANYONE WITH THAT COLOR IS ASSOCIATED WITH THE BBEG (big bad evil guy so final boss). Read plot to understand. He claims the spectral wolf he rides on is a warlock spell adjusted, since they can get mounts, but it’s one of the gifts from the god he is taking orders from since he’s older and it’s colors are somewhat based on his hydreigon. As far as the color I also used it in his magic where the sword he summons has the evil god’s influence. The staff on his back is the cane he uses when the wolf is unsummoned. Also yes he is missing an arm cause I like that more than him having one. Finally the scattered objects around him symbolize the fact he, ye know killed his former party.
Lysandre-Leonin, Paladin:Oath of the Crown
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He’s a lion because of course he is, but as he is oath of the crown and royalty much of his armor details are polished in the brightest of golds. Overall his attire has little silver usually a black or gold. His blade would be gives waves like fire, and his abilities would be mostly fire based. He would be the best in the party as diplomatic ventures due to being royalty, despite the disgrace he recently brought on his family, and the fact he’s a paladin thus the quil and paper at his side.
Lusamine-Aasmir, Bloodhunter: Profane soul
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Blood hunter another kinda sketchy class, but as an aasmir people instinctively trust her more. Her powers would be ice based if her own, and project some heavenly like light as well. However as she is also helping the main boss powers from him would resonate int hat sickly copper green color as well. Her weapon of choice would be scythes though she’d be able to talk away any suspicious. Better yet the amulet on her neck is how she is able to make sure those who can sense good and evil such as paladin Lysandre is enchanted to throw them off. It also is what holds the mind control on Guzma who got too close. 
Guzma-Bug Bear, Barbarian: Wild Soul
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The palest and most BUG of bug bears you’ll ever meet. I wanted to keep the pale look cause it fits with ‘team skull’ and kept the dyed hair as well. Also naturally he’s got some skulls. The blindfold is excused by Lusamine saying he has an injury there when in actuality it hides that he’s possessed and the eerie glow from soem of her and Ghetsis’s magic is in his eyes. Also yes most of his armor is bone based. Now for the reasons as to why he has a thorax and bug antenna. So barbarian wild souls get their powers from another plane of esistence after having come into contact with it. Since Lusamine is well experimenting with merging planes, and has used various races as experiments before why not use now mind controlled bug bear? Yeah so he got kinda merged with another plane’s race of bug people. Lusamine has a whole story about how she saved him, and he’s been left kinda mentally unstable and half bug when it’s all her fault. 
Rose-Loxodon, Cleric: Life
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A simple elephant that just wants to know if there is a chance magic can be used up fully or is truly as renewable as everyone claims it to be. Certainly can fight though truthfully doesn’t mind helping out by healing. However if soemone gets hurt from fighting in the party, cough maxie and archie, he’s strict about not healing them till they apologize. I kept him in mostly grays since it matches his suit, and some armor since he’s a steel trainer. I also decided his magic would mostly be a gray with pulses of yellow. I gave him brown details on the skin so that it’s true to form, and also he’s got some colorization past usual gray elephant. He’s high key one of the most vital party members as the healer and uses that sometimes, also the one who buys the most health potions. (If I could give the elephant ears piercings I would)
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I started thinking about how john had weird rainbow flashy blood when he god-tier-revived and thought "oh hey maybe tricksters are similar and just have neon, glittery blood- OH MY GOD GEL PEN INK"
PFT gel pen ink. Hmmm, wounds and blood do glow like that because of the God Tier Revival Energy, just like how English has technicolor rainbow BS. At least I would argue Trickster TROLLS having Rainbow Blood.
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glassesandkim · 4 years
OH MY GOD I KNOWWW the teddy/cristina possibilities... the teddy/ANYBODY possiblities!! i love her being bi but they just. threw it away! and kind of used it to explain her being a cheater which was WEIRD and BAD. but anyway teddy/cristina is just amazing and i would have killed to see that!!
cristina was READY to be with teddy!!!! that would’ve been a grand ol’ time and it would’ve been amazing T_T
also this: “and kind of used it to explain her being a cheater which was WEIRD and BAD”. it IS WEIRD and BAD! it feels like jk rowling all over again. btw! this character is queer so you can’t call me a bigot and oh cas is actually gay for dean but he’s dead now skdjasldasldjsjlksdjalskdkjs 
can we move on from that? it’s just bad blood what with queer people who have had to go through their whole lives seeing themselves being done dirty or killed on screen and irl like... im tired!!!! 
anyway, imma rec some queer media that i’ve consumed lately (bold with poc) to combat the bs:  one day at a time feel good half of it where your eyes linger mr. heart i told sunset about you tharntype love victor god’s own country schitt’s creek
radio silence by alice oseman heartstopper by alice oseman wayward son by rainbow rowell red white and royal blue by casey mcquiston
FEEL FREE TO COME AT ME WITH MORE RECS i did one a while ago but i didn’t tag my post properly and now i can’t find it :(
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sharinluna · 5 years
MLQC Chapter 17 Translation Part 1(Do not reblog)
DO NOT COPY, QUOTE, REPOST OR REBLOG THIS ANYWHERE. Links are okay but I don’t want this post to spread too much in other communities or websites.
Translation of excerpts from chapter 17.
This is not a full translation, only some parts. It’s more like a abbreviation/summary/paraphrasing of some parts of the story. Do not ask me to translate more or reveal more plots in the story.
The translation is based on KR version text. I’m not a professional translator and get things wrong. So do not regard this as the actual canon story.
I used Yōurán as the name of MC because that is the unofficial default MC’s name in CN version.
If you want to read chapter 15 & 16 translations, I tagged them under #mlqc translation
Yesterday’s abrupt call from Dr. Song made me nervous. I called her back several times but no one answered.
As soon as I woke up next morning, I took the bus 330 to the hospital. Due to the early hours the bus was empty. With the influenza there were few people seen outdoors.
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A tall young man carrying a skateboard and with earphones on his ears got on the bus. His lazy eyes met mine for a second. He sat next to me even though there were enough empty seats. I discreetly moved further away from him.
He sat cross-legged as if he didn’t have a care in the world and took out what looked like an MP3 player. A glance at the screen told me he was listening to Holiday by Green Day. Although he was listening with his earphones, the bus was so quiet that I could hear the blaring music too.
I must have stared at him too long, because he looked at me and raised his eyebrows. His lips were twitching as if to smile.
??: You want to listen in?
Yōurán: N, No thanks.
A little bit embarrassed, I waved my hand at him and turned in the other direction.
As I was looking out the window, the familiar pain assaulted my head again. A beam of white light came and went. In a familiar crossroads the bus 330 suddenly lost control and hit a woman crossing the streets.
As soon as the vision cleared I raised my head up. The accident was going to happen just a curve away! My vision was predicting the future again!
Yōurán: Stop the bus, please!
Without losing a second I stood up and yelled at the driver.
Driver: Miss, we didn’t arrive at the stop yet.
The driver looked at me as if I was crazy and went on driving.
Yōurán: I’m really sorry, but I have to get off right now! It’s an emergency! Please park the bus on the wayside!
Driver: No way! It’s not far till the bus stop, so just quit it and stop bothering me!
Yōurán: But…!
The bus was turning the curve now, and I hadn’t yet thought of a way to get him to stop.
The sky outside suddenly turned dreary. Then a gleaming flash of lightening landed on the ground near us with thunderous noise. It was a terrifying sight. Then it started to rain like it was flooding.
Driver: What’s with this sudden downpour? The weather forecast said there would be no rains today…
The driver, muttering, stopped the bus on the street.
Driver: It’s raining too much. Everyone, get out!
With soaring spirits I sprinted outside into the rain. The drenching downpour couldn’t hinder my hurrying footsteps. Please, please don’t let my vision come true!
The woman from my vision was crossing the street with an umbrella. Her steps were sure and stable. When she reached the other end of the street she kept on walking and turned the corner and went away safely.
I changed the future! Pure joy filled my heart. I was soaked but I was thankful for the rain. Then the raindrops that were pouring down on my head vanished. I looked up and saw an umbrella.
The young man from the bus shoved the umbrella to me. He averted his eyes when I looked at him, I could smell faint tobacco. I opened my mouth to say something but he was already walking away.
??: There’s no need to thank me.
His voice called out to me among the rain.
Yōurán: I wasn’t…
The rain gradually stopped. I could see a rainbow above the sky. It seemed like was a symbol of the miracle that I just experienced.
Yōurán: Excuse me, did Dr. Song come to the hospital today?
Doctor: No, she hasn’t been here for a few days.
Yōurán: But I got a call from her yesterday telling me to meet her here.
Doctor: She was transferred to a different hospital yesterday.
Yōurán: Do you know which hospital?
Doctor: It’s The 5th Hospital in the East District. It only hospitalizes critical flu patients.
I continued my search and noticed that all of Dr. Song’s records seemed to be disposed. Why was she transferred so suddenly? Right after she called me last night and abruptly ended the call?
The 5th Hospital in the East District was in a secluded area of the city. I researched and found out that the hospital was not well known by people.
I hid behind a tree as I spied the hospital building. Except looking quite old, the building looked ordinary. I have already memorized the floor plans of the hospital, and on a hunch, the records room on the fifth floor was the most suspicious, since it was bigger than necessary.
I used my reporter license to get into the quarantine zone and brought along a doctor’s gown and mask, along with a forged identification. The security guard only glanced at my ID and let me inside the hospital.
??: Hey
I startled and looked up from my investigation. In the upstairs lobby, a man was looking down at me. I couldn’t see his face in the dark, but his silver hair gleamed in the moonlight.
??: Give me that notebook you’re holding.
He didn’t raise his voice, but it was clearly a command.
Yōurán: Who are you? Why should I give this to you?
Deciding that I should leave immediately, I sneakily snapped a photo of the page I was reading.
Suddenly the lights went on and footsteps could be heard.
??: Back off.
He went over the rail and landed on the ground.
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Yōurán: You…
He was standing in front of me. Half of his face was hidden in shadows, but I could see the sharpness of his eyes and eyebrows. He took the notebook away from my hands before I finished my sentence.
??: Let’s go.
Yōurán: Wait, where?
I looked at him warily. His demeanor aside, it didn’t seem like he would harm me.
??: Let’s trade this notebook for your way out.
He dragged me to the corner of the room, where there was a small door.
??: Go out this way. It’s safe.
With those brusque words he made to leave. I don’t know where the courage came from, but I reached my hand out to grab him. But he went out of my grasp.
Yōurán: What about you then?
??: Do not get in my way.
He disappeared among the shelves.
Yōurán: Thank you…
I whispered and went out the way he told me.
At last I could see the exit outside! But then I saw someone lurking in the doorway. I tried to turn around and run but a cold metal object touched the back of my head.
Man in black: Don’t move.
It was a gun.
Man in black: You’d better come with us.
Yōurán: I have a friend who’s going to come for me. Let me go now.
Man in black: Shut up!
He sealed my mouth with duck tape and covered my eyes with black cloth. He pointed his gun at my head again and I had no choice but to follow.
After walking along a long corridor, he pushed me roughly, causing me to almost fall down.
The smell of disinfectants and blood pierced through my nose. I could also smell something rotting. A hand ripped away the tape from my mouth and grabbed my jaw.
Man wearing black: Where is the notebook?
Yōurán: I have no idea what you are talking about.
With a cruel sneer he lifted me up and landed me on a metal table. With clicking sounds, my body was strapped to the table. Uncontrollable fear shot through me and I thrashed around, forgetting the existence of the gun pointing at my head. But it was no use, more shackles chained my body until I couldn’t move a muscle.
Extreme panic took over me. I could hear the bells of doom ringing in my ears counting down the moments that I dreaded more than anything.
A sharp needle pierced my hand. Icy fluid flowed in my veins. My resistance was feeble and my consciousness was starting to let go.
It seemed like they ripped a hole in my heart. Something inside flowed out and revealed the truth. A scene that looked like it came from my past played in my mind.
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White walls. A deserted lab. A cold med table.
And a blond boy with agony in his face. Next to him lay a brown-haired girl who was unconscious.
…Was that me? I looked at the blood pouring out from the IV. Tears came from my eyes.
Kiro… Our lives were connected long before. But where are you now?
My body was growing colder and colder.
I heard someone saying: The surgery is a success.
The little girl’s face was unbelievably pale, but the blond boy slowly opened his blue eyes. He reached out and grabbed the girl’s hand but she didn’t wake up from her comatose state.
I thought back to the day when we said goodbye on the TV tower. When his golden eyes looked at me and smiled.
Kiro: Wait for me, Miss Chips.
I’m sorry. I don’t think I can go on waiting…
Like a fish losing water, I breathed my final breath.
I’m dreading how this will turn out to be because chapter 17 is the toughest for me to translate because I understood the least about this chapter. 
Anyway, Kiro and MC’s shared past of being test subjects is revealed again. It seems like Kiro was transfused with MC’s blood to empower his evols or something. (And since Kiro’s blood type is O, we can imply that MC’s blood type is O as well.)
I don’t think Black Swan just ended with blood transfusion. MC fainted in chapter 8 when faced with her painful memories and in chapter 9 she was unconsciously denying her traumatic past. Her fear of needles is derived from her PTSD. I don’t know the full extent, but BS did a lot of horrible things to child MC and Kiro.
Also, MC and Kiro have a lot of twin/soulmate motives. They have same blood types, in one of the dates Kiro said he wanted to change his birthday to be the same as MC’s. CN players say that Yōurán’s symbol is the moon, and Kiro is the sun.
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Can we hear about the BS Defense AU Halloween Party?
The Steel Samurai is the first of the live-action children’s samurai shows to hit it big and kick off a sequence of copycat competitors that run at the same time as it and its spin-offs and sequels, but long prior there’s been a string of other samurai shows. Signal Samurai. Rainbow Samurai. So on and on. Every year for Halloween, from the time they become friends to when they outgrow trick-or-treating in their teens, Miles, Phoenix, and Larry go as samurais from whichever samurai show is currently or most recently airing.
Franziska, for a long time, doesn’t have friends her age. She spends Halloweens tagging along with the samurai trio, and when they no longer go trick-or-treating, neither does she. Not until she meets Maya and befriends her, and Maya drags her out. Maya hasn’t had friends her age, either. Maya has lived her sheltered life in Kurain Village, with little bursts of time in the city, but this is her first time staying in the city for months on end and she’s going to soak up all of the life that she can while she’s here.
She, Franziska, and Ema take Pearl trick-or-treating the next year, and the year after. Then the year after, Ema is away studying abroad, but Franziska and Maya still take Pearl out, joined by Kay, and Sebastian, and Trucy, too.
Apollo knows what Halloween is, because what of American culture he didn’t research before he went abroad as a high school exchange student, Nahyuta researched with the intense obsessive attitude with which Nahyuta researches everything. Apollo is more or less pretty sure what he’s in for.
“Oh, yeah, guess you’ve never celebrated Halloween before,” Clay says. “Since it’s not even that big in western countries besides America. Your family’s like what, Buddhist or something?”
“Yeah,” Apollo says, because honestly he counts himself lucky to have made a good friend in the few months he’s already been here and he doesn’t want to scare Clay off by trying to explain spirit channeling, which is a thing that honestly still weirds Apollo out because it never really came up, even as an abstract, and honestly there was a while that Apollo didn’t even know or remember that Nahyuta is royalty and Dhurke was married to the queen, so it’s like - Apollo knows how weird it is.
“You’ll hear people in our grade talk about how we’re too old for trick-or-treating now and it’s lame or whatever,” Clay says, “but don’t listen to them. We are gonna go out and we are going to extort candy from strangers and get you some of that sweet sweet American experience.”
They set some of their candy aside and fill a box to mail back to Khura’in with said candy and a bunch of rubber spiders. “Don’t you have a little sister?” Clay asks, as they are about to tape up the box. “Is she going to be okay with the spiders?”
“She’ll be fine,” Apollo says, thinking about how Rayfa loves catching frogs bare-handed and is the only one of them who eats Datz’s roast sewer lizard.
And she is fine, and the one who is not fine is Nahyuta, shrieking as he finds another rubber spider in his hairbrush.
Jeffery Master’s art gallery, which was Kate Hall’s art gallery until she attempted murder on the first day that she had the gallery open, which like, considering the circumstances, I get it, hosts a Halloween celebration every year with a costume contest that the extremely competitive get way too into. Gregory kind of feels bad that it’s his fault that a bunch of highly-spirited young adults who are all more or less his family descend yearly on the place to wreak havoc and eat way too many artisan chocolates, but like, what can you do.
Franziska and Larry and Ray are always like, vaguely twitchy that a corpse is going to show up in the fountain again. Like they know it’s not going to happen again but they’re like. You know. You don’t stop thinking about that kind of shit happening again. 
“Are there rules for the costume contest?” Apollo asks.
“There’s individual and group prizes,” Athena says. “But otherwise no, not really. Except not to look too convincingly dead because there’s a bunch of twitchy lawyers and detectives there and Fran and Uncle Ray and Grandpa Gregory solved some murders there, so like.”
“I’m banned from making any more incredibly realistic fake blood,” Ema says, “but that’s a house rule, not an official gallery rule. Oh, and the other house rule is no sexy whatever costumes.”
“I guess I cannot attend this party,” Klavier says, “because everything I do is sexy.”
Ema snorts derisively and Franziska lobs a couch pillow at Klavier.
“Why is that a rule?” Apollo asks. 
“Because,” Ema says with a sigh, “my sister’s girlfriend and my sister’s girlfriend’s boyfriend are the laziest people on earth.”
“If we don’t stop her, Miss Mia would just wear a headband with cat ears and be a Sexy Cat Lawyer every year,” Pearl says.
“I don’t care what Fey and Co.’s trial records look like,” Ema proclaims. “Only the biggest idiots in the world work there.”
“Your sister works there,” Klavier says.
“I said what I said,” Ema says.
“That’s fair,” Franziska says.
“Hey, Athena, what’s your plan for this year?” Trucy asks with a very big grin, reaching across Jinxie for the snack bowl only to find that there are no more snacks.
“I will absolutely not give up my game plan,” Athena says, jumping up to her feet and flouncing off to the kitchen for more snacks. 
“Hey Junie,” Trucy whispers, “what’s Athena’s plan?”
“I don’t know,” Juniper says. She is not lying; she has no idea what Athena is doing because Juniper has been far too preoccupied with her costume for the Themis School Festival, which is rapidly approaching and Juniper is very very far behind her schedule for pulling together this costume. 
“Can you do some opposition research for us?” Trucy asks.
“No,” Juniper says.
“You get one hint!” Athena shouts, bounding back into the room with another bag of chips. “And that is when I get my hair dyed tomorrow! But blonde can mean anything from Usagi to Rapunzel or maybe also something that’s not a princess, I don’t know.”
“Are you doing individual or group this year?” Pearl asks. “Did you rope Mr Simon into it too?”
“I will say nothing,” Athena says.
That is a lie. She and Simon have already said something - to Jinxie, knowing her fear of yokai, and warning her in advance that they plan to absolutely sweep the costume contest as the Nine-Tailed Fox and Tenma Taro.
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babiemya · 5 years
Blooming Days | Hwang Hyunjin
pairing: reader x hyunjin ft. jisung
genre: barista!au; fluff; crack?? mainly bad puns and way too cheesy
length: 1.5k words
summary: You fell for the charming boy who would come to your job almost every day
+ @squishynaty in conclusion, hyunjin = babie
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The sky had a thick layer of gray clouds. It had been raining for hours and barely anyone was outside. Only the occasional scurrying umbrella was seen as you looked out the library’s window. Luckily, you loved the rain. You have loved the rain ever since you were a child; playing in the mud and getting drenched was something you loved doing even though it would result in a scolding from your mother and getting sick. Though, now as an adult, you love the way the rain hits the window in the pit-pat way provided a calm atmosphere for you. If it weren’t for the fact that you needed the extra cash, you would’ve left your job at the library/cafe a long time ago and walked around.
At least that’s what you have been telling yourself for the past 45 minutes. You tried to entertain yourself with a book but it didn’t work as your coworker, Han Jisung, kept pestering you with questions. Deep down, you know exactly why you were still at your job. You were waiting for the cute dimpled guy who would come every-other-day and ask for the same thing, a small iced caramel macchiato. It had only just occurred to you that maybe he wasn't coming today because of the weather. It was a bit childish... desperate even. Staying just to see the boy with a laugh that is bright and livid. A laugh you could only compare to the literal sun if the sun could laugh. The boy who’s laugh and smile reached his eyes. The boy who’s eyes held all the stars in the galaxy. It was just something about him that made your heart flutter whenever he would rest his arm on the counter while watching you make his drink with your mediocre skills. Or maybe it was the way that he learned your name and would wink whenever you asked if he wanted the usual. Or maybe it was the way he scrunched his nose whenever he would laugh. You were head over heals for this boy and you barely even knew him. Maybe you just need to go out more and socialize instead of hoping things will magically happen like in books. 
“Listen, I just don’t understand why you don’t just leave. That guy is probably stayed home since it’s raining.” Jisung said for the nth time.
“For fuck’s sake Jisung, I’m not here for a boy. I need the extra money.” You replied while ignoring the blood rushing to your cheeks at the mention of the guy with the cutest laugh. You’re such a bad liar that it physically hurts you.
As much as you hated it, Jisung was right. The poor boy you were waiting for is probably home playing video games like your cousin does on rainy days. There’s no way he would even be outside in the rain since, from your knowledge, he doesn’t have a car... but that doesn’t mean he also doesn’t have an umbrella or raincoat.
“I call bs because it’s so obvious that you guys like each other. It’s like I’m watching some sort of drama where everyone knows the main characters like each other except the main characters themselves.” Jisung snorted.
“Hey Han Jisung, do me a solid and switch with Felix because at least he knows the difference between a frappuccino and a cappuccino.” You said while feigning smile.
“Ouch. At least I have the guts to ask someone out.” Jisung said with a smirk you wanted the slap off his face.
“As if you would ever have feelings- oh my god.” You freeze mid sentence as you spotted the familiar brown hair outside the rained-spotted window. You internally panicked as you watched him walk in. Jisung’s stifled laugh didn’t go unnoticed.
“Aww did my favorite barista wait for me?” Hyunjin teased as he walked towards the counter with a smile that made your heart swell.
You held your breath as you looked at the boy that was drenched, his hair was matte against his head with the exceptions that some strands were wavy. His clothes were a shade darker from the rain, making what would’ve-been bright yellow hoodie a muddy gold color. He really came here... in the rain... without an umbrella?
“Hyunjin- you’re drenched! Why were you outside in the rain? You’re gonna get sick!” You rambled while grabbing the first clean towel and rushed to his side. You didn’t leave the glance your coworker gave you unnoticed. The boy in front of you just shyly smiled, putting his hands behind his neck.
“You sound like my mother.” Hyunjin said playfully rolling his eyes, the smile he had was still prominent on his features. You watched as rested his head on the counter, his eyes were sparkling as they looked into yours. 
“There’s no way I’m going to give you an iced drink. Is hot chocolate fine?” You questioned, already making it without his response. Hyunjin nodded and ran his fingers through his hair.
“Oh! Make sure to make it as sweet as you, princess.” Hyunjin added, flashing you wink. You were sure your soul left your body as you felt your face heat up. 
“I don’t think you’d want it bitter.” Jisung answered. You debate what you’re one second away from doing; holding Jisung in a choke hold or risking it all and wrapping Hyunjin in a warm towel and squishing his cute cheeks. You swear you could see Jisung’s shit-eating grin from a mile.
“What are you talking about bitter? ___ is literally the most sweetest, wholesome person I know.” Hyunjin argues. If he doesn’t stop being cute, you’re going to barf rainbows.
“God, I can’t tell if you lack brain cells or if you’re blind or if you lack something up there because you are so dense.” Jisung said while he rubbed his temples.
“The way you guys stare at each other is literally the heart eyed emoji and it disgusts me.” Jisung mumbles, loud enough for you to hear. Ignoring whatever just happened, you topped the hot chocolate with whipped cream and then handed it to Hyunjin. His eyes lit up as he saw the drink and flashed you the cutest smile you have ever seen and handed you the money, which you swatted away.  
“Hyunjin, it’s fine. It’s on me.” You said. You noticed how he held the cup with both hands. You watched as he licked a bit of the whipped cream before it occurred to you that staring is weird. 
“So Hyunjin, I have a friend that came by the other day and she saw you walk out or something like that- Anyways! She basically wanted to know if you were seeing anyone.” Jisung questioned, leaning on the counter while texting. It took all the energy you had to not put Jisung into a choke hold for the nth time the past hour. Hyunjin paused and looked between you and Jisung.
“Hmm... Am I interested in someone? Yes. Am I seeing them? Yeah, I’m looking at them right now actually.” Hyunjin said, not breaking eye contact with you. You felt yourself tense up and you were pretty sure you were about to go into cardiac arrest by how fast your heart is beating. You weren’t sure if you were breathing. 
Jisung cleared his throat, “Would this be a good time to say that this person has been whipped for you for the past... I don’t know... century? Anyways this is a y’all problem so Imma go”, and leaves the area.
All the alarms in your brain are going off as you try to process what the boy, with the prettiest eyes you have ever seen, said. You cleared your throat as you tried to compose yourself so that you can speak, “I- I- you’re interested in me? As in like... you like me? As in like... you’ve been intentionally flirting with me and making my brain malfunction?” you asked.
“Yeah because you do that adorable thing where your eyes go wide and your cheeks get all blushy and dear god you’re the fucking cutest.” Hyunjin mumbled hiding his face in embarrassment with the sleeve of his hoodie. “So uh... I didn’t plan to ask you out this way but- do you wanna go to the fair this weekend? And then we can hang out with Kkami.” He added, lifting his head as he waited for your answer,
“What type of question is that? Of course I would, you goof.” You said as you squished his blush-dusted cheeks, and god knows how long you’ve been wanting to do that. You and Hyunjin turn your heads with you both hear clapping from a distance. Han Jisung was leaning against the wall watching you two while he munched on pistachios.
“Aw you guys finally realized you’re soulmates. Now please get out, I don’t want PDA in here. I don’t care if it’s raining.” 
++ bonus :)
“Han fucking Jisung, I’m going to shove my foot so far up your ass that you’ll feel it in your throat.” 
“Kinky. I like that. But is that any ways to talk to cupid?”
“Cupid my ass but go off I guess”
“Wow I expected more from you, Hyunjin.”
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emsartwork · 5 years
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ask dump pt. 1
1.  You haven’t sent me this! Im just gonna do color blobs because i know people get freaked out my blood. keep in mind i know almost nothing about blood chemistry so all the reason behind these color choices are bs lmao @drops-of-moonlights​
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2. lol alright alright twist my arm why don’t you (sarcasm i actually want to do one lol) i’’l get on that in the next week or so
3. hmmmm so i haven’t actually watched the episode but from what i’ve gathered from the fandom icy was a princess with a younger sister when a witch showed up turned her sister into a fox and froze her entire planet? so like. first of all, this was entirely pulled out of rainbows ass, but that doesn’t mean i don’t like it?  if they had wanted to reflect Bloom’s story icy should have been the younger sister, but with her as the older sister i don’t think of it as reflecting Bloom but Daphne, and honestly that’s the more interesting choice from my perspective. Like i know people are partial to having fire and ice parallels but its less of an obvious paralell and more of a “what if” What if Daphne hadn’t been able to protect Bloom? Would she have turned out like Icy? If Icy had successfully protected her sister would she have lost her life? would she have been forced off the planet? would she have attended alfea and not cloud tower? Where were their parents? who was the witch lady? why did icy choose to become a witch when that was the source of all her trauma? like i don’t really give a crap about her being a princess(i guess its cool?) i just want to dive into the relationships and the effects they have on people.
4. omg yes earth is the USA of Magix.  and Magic super weapons are a TERRIFYING concept. Like thats probably what obsidian and the realix would be considered? but those were both made accidentally (in my version) so something like a nuclear bomb made with magic on purpose is indeed controversial. (but on a less serious note, imagine the memes about earth) 
5. Yes i am! I just haven’t gotten to them yet
6. THE WHOOSH!!!!!! THE DRAMATIC FUR LINING!!!!! THE POTENTIAL FOR THIS WHOLE AESTHETIC!!!! only to be a weird ass version of sirenix/harmonix. so disappointing. @hug-all-platelets
7. ooooh nice
8. nah. first problem is that Aidan has already grown into his magic fully, adding the dragon fire on top would cause some issues( its safest to pass it on to an unborn baby where it will grow in along with their core magic). second is that Adian isn’t part of the Domino Royal family and the dragon flame (and technically the shadow flame as well) is part of that. Third, Ophelia is like..... weirdly proud that she has the dragon flame? like you know when you have a cold and you hate having a cold and you feel awful and have to take medicine but you love that you don’t have to go to school like your non-sick siblings? its like that
9. ooooh that would be super cool!
10. Thank you! @knightsofeclipse
11. so among the winx its the YAY! group(bloom, stella, flora) and the WTF group(aisha, musa, and tecna) and then the besties Stella/bloom, aisha/flora, tecna/musa. Outside of that, Tecna and flora actually get along pretty well. and of course musa and aisha. In the specialists the gym bros are riven, brandon, nabu, (and eventually nex), and the problem solvers sky, timmy, helia (and sort of roy) between the two groups, helia and bloom do life drawing together sometimes. Musa sometimes works with Helia on her lyrics because of his poetry angle. Brandon and flora are basically the moms of their groups so they’ll get tea if the other ever has to vent. Timmy and stella will sometimes DIY clothing together (stella for the FASHION and timmy because thats how he was raised lol) Riven and aisha have a friendly sometimes not so friendly competition and come up with challenges for each other. Sky and Stella hang out and bitch about being royalty with strict dads’. Sky also wants to implement more technology on eraklyon (they’re fairly tradtional rn) so he and tecna will talk shop sometimes. Nex and Flora can hang out and get along rly well but literally nobody understands HOW because they’re so different. Nex can also hang out with musa but that only has two outcomes: united chilled out apathy or BLOODSHED. Timmy and musa also like to mix music together as timmys actually pretty good on a launchpad type thing, they have a youtube channel.
12. i can’t remember what i had it as originally so i guess its just zhen?
13. I might eventually do Stella’s monster form! For valtor’s mark, its a very subtle mind control thing and power up for the victim. It created a link between the victims and valtor, allowing him to plant thoughts in their head and transfer them a little bit of his magic so they’re more powerful. @inversway
14. Thank you!
15. I’ll probably end up drawing the nymphs eventually! 
16.  I’ll probably end up drawing the nymphs eventually! and no male magic users have a system more like witches where they have different names based on where they source their magic and how they channel it. only fairies have “transformations”
17. i think its just my goal to make everybody gay for all the winx ladies and i am crushing it
18. Thank you! and yeah, Diaspro did a lot wrong but so did sky and honestly? so did Bloom. I think the reason people like to go the “diaspro did nothing wrong” route is because sky is pretty dick-ish in the first two seasons, and bloom is already the center of attention so we side with diaspro because we like an underdog. but diaspro is also a walking trope combo of mean girl and crazy ex so we have to erase that in order to like her the way we want to. idk i just wanted to make one of the villain girls (who all get the short end of the stick most of the time)  redeemable with out erasing her flaws and mistakes(like rainbow did with selina)
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