#rainbow tinted glasses
panaceatthedisco · 8 months
Rereading Thrawn for the first time since high school and it's somehow gayer than I remember???
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dreemurr-skelememer · 6 months
This is random but I kinda had this in my mind for a long time now and just want to know your take on this.
In terms of ink and Pj's (their kid) relationship with all the post about them i wanna ask, Not The creator of pj's story "ink" I mean like an ink closer based on the real one. Would ink really forget him? I mean he WOULD but I would atleast think since he had like parents in a way wouldn't he have their help? I could never rap my head around ink just ditching a Creation just like that, he likes all creations and I think he would like them more if they were for him specially, knowing that he can't take care of them properly he would atleast get help from people he knows and trust no? I mean he got parents to teach him morals, and he isn't stupid- I would take Ink as a smart and clever skeleton since he IS the guardian I would think that he would treat a Creation given to him with serious care, like he treats the stories he watches over?
I can't tell if this is just me being bias, I wanted to ask Comyet, but fear took over my fingers.. I mean now that I think about it he would leavs them..? if it's a part of the script for the child..? I'm sorry if this is confusing 😅 actually this leads me on a new path, would it really be Ink's fault for leaving if that is what the creator's want them to do? O.o oh dear that would be sad now that I think about it, having a kid only for you to have a script for them saying to ditch them... yikes. Mega yikes.
Sorry again if this is confusing to you, my mind can only produce messy scribbles at the moment xD
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i do genuinely think ink would've LOVED to take care of pj if it were canon ink!!!!!
if not with the help of top and aster, i think he would've stuck around to watch over pj as either a little apprentice or just take care of him because he's (technically speaking) ink's creation.
you worded it exactly as i thought about it too!!!
I would take Ink as a smart and clever skeleton since he IS the guardian I would think that he would treat a Creation given to him with serious care, like he treats the stories he watches over?
he himself would know what is like to care about a creation!!! he wants to inspire everybody to do so!!!
I mean now that I think about it he would leavs them..? if it's a part of the script for the child..? Would it really be Ink's fault for leaving if that is what the creator's want them to do? O.o oh dear that would be sad now that I think about it, having a kid only for you to have a script for them saying to ditch them… yikes. Mega yikes.
if that is part of the script, i think he would have to, yes! but i feel like he'd have the same attachment and same sentiments as the comic where top died, so it might apply the same way it would be SO devastating to him. i can only imagine it panning out the exact same way that top death comic went fr....
but yeah! my conclusion is: i do genuinely think ink would love to take care of paperjam. he holds a lot of love and attachment for his own blaster (iirc) and would probably follow the same love aster has for betelgeuse, he would ADORE having pj around!
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steal their fit: delusional byler edition
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switchablesmartfilm · 7 months
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dichromic film, dichroic, rainbow window tint, dichroic glass film, dichroic blaze, dichroic glass, dichroic glass manufacturers, dichroic film for crafts, dichroic vinyl, dichroic film resin
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holyviolence · 2 years
im becoming religious again just so i can pray for you fools who never think about anything other than ships and romantic pairings
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seivsite · 10 months
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includes: lyney x fem!reader. lyney knows reader but reader doesn’t know lyney, he’s a cat like the one in his hat, soft kisses, fluff, lyney is a flirt & a tease, not proofread — wc: 570
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“Ah, hello there, kitty,” you whispered softly, your fingers gently caressing the small cat’s fur.
“What brings you out here all alone?”You picked up the cat, feeling it nuzzle against your knee with a gentle lean.
“Alright, little one, I’ll take you home. Just remember, no wreaking havoc on my couch,” you playfully cautioned, cradling the cat tenderly as you made your way back home.
Upon arriving home, the cat gracefully hopped out of your arms, already making itself at ease in its newfound surroundings.
“Why so restless, huh? You’re already at home,” you teased, watching the ebony feline’s paw gently tap at your pants.
As night fell, you embarked on your customary routine—slipping into comfortable pajamas and placing a glass of water on your bedside table. The dark cat followed suit, sauntering into your room and settling onto your bed, finding a cozy spot as you nestled in.
“Come here, kitty,” you coaxed, spreading your arms and the blanket invitingly. The cat nestled in close, its content purrs of delight filling the air as you held it close.
“Goodnight, kitty,” you murmured, bestowing a tender kiss upon its nose before surrendering to a tranquil slumber.
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Nestling closer to the warmth beside you, you sleepily enveloped it with your arms.
To your astonishment, you realised an arm in your grasp, and tracing further down, your fingers met another hand. As your eyes shot open in shock, you were met with the sight of an ash-blond man in your bed.
“WHO ARE YOU, AND WHY ARE YOU IN MY BED?!” you exclaimed, launching a pillow at the man, who adeptly evaded it.
“I’m Kitty, or you can call me Lyney," he replied, his innocent smile attempting to defuse the situation.
“The magician? How and why were you a cat?!” you persisted, only to be silenced by his finger pressing gently against your lips.
“Well, Madam, it appears I accidentally imbibed a potion and found myself transformed into a cat. Thankfully, you stumbled upon me and came to my rescue. So, might I offer you anything in return for your kindness?” he inquired playfully, conjuring a rainbow rose in his hand and extending it towards you.
“I’m not… quite sure,” you mused, holding the rose delicately in your hand. Suddenly, you felt his finger gently lifting your chin.
“How about bestowing me with another kiss?” he teased, leaning closer to you.
A rosy hue tinted your cheeks as his enchanting smile held you captive.
“That kiss was meant for the kitty, not you,” you stammered, nervously pressing your lips together.
“Hmm, but I’m still the kitty in human form, aren’t I?” he persisted, his playful tone lingering in the air.
“Come on, just one little kiss,” he pleaded, his eyes sparkling.
“Not a chance.”
“Not even on the cheek?” he pouted, his playful charm impossible to resist.
“Ugh, fine,” you relented, your exasperation evident in a soft groan. You leaned in to plant a swift peck on what you believed to be his cheek, only to find him moving his head, causing your lips to meet his in a surprising twist.
“Thank you for the sweet kiss, my lady,” he whispered, a playful wink accompanying his words.
He chuckled softly as he watched your cheeks turn a delicate shade of red. Your endearing display of shyness only deepened his affection for you, making him fall even more head over heels.
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NOTES. he’s very writeable, i keep thinking about cat noir whenever i write about him
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::Download:: (Patreon - Early Access -Available for everyone from 26th Nov 22)
I was on a work trip and spent a lot of it in my hotel room, on Pinterest and a 70s themed set seemed like a very good idea. Doing the previews like a dodgy 70s catalogue seemed like a bad idea, but I did it anyway.
Carly Dress - Knitted mini-dress with striped collar, sleeve and hem detail
Linda Blouse - Button-down blouse with voluminous split sleeves
Joni Sweater -Fitted rollneck swearer in a rib knit
Diana Skirt - Suede Skirt with cutout pattern at the hem
Felicity Flares - Flared, high waisted trousers
Carole Boots - Heeled platform boots with a cursed 70s gummy sole
Deirdre Glasses - Large glasses with a subtly tinted lense
Jaclyn Scarf - Silk neck scarf tied to the side
Kate Necklace - Bakelite beaded necklace with beads in graduating sizes
Iris Earrings - Bakelite rainbow earrings
Barbra Earrings - Gold drop earrings with a tassel trim
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greatcheshire · 4 months
I'm so fucking tired of people like you, SORA & RIKU ARE NOT HOMOSEXUAL, the creators of the series haven't said anything of that nature in the slightest. What Sora & Riku have is Brotherhood, something people like you on this website wouldn't understand. How about you take off your rainbow tinted glasses & see things for what they actually are. Friendship, & nothing more.
Sorry anon, I can’t hear you over the sound of Sora dropping to his knees and crying while holding Riku’s hand
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yo some head cannons about eyes:
zuse kids: littirally stormy eyes. the rain and lightning brings out color in them
posidon kids: their eyes tint to the color water around them
demeter kids: eyes are more vibrant, more full of life (even if the kid isn't) when its summer or spring
ares kids: tint red when in combat / argument
athena kids: pupils can littirally focus in on something, looks like a camra
apollo kids: the sun makes their eyes absolutly gorgeous, and they sublty glow in the dark
hepestus kids:more vibrant when accented by metal (metal earrings, glasses, pircings)
aphrodite kids: at a quick glance, or in a blurry camra, their pupils look like hearts
hermies kids: can really, and i mean really, move quickly. also very expressive. feel like that would be good for the trickster part of hermie's kids
dionysus kids: look like pools of whatever drink they prefer or wine, kida look crazy
hades kids: a bit foreboding, always look like their in shadow
iris kids: rainbow tint when in the sun
hypnos kids: always look cloudy, like their zoning out
nemisis kids: looks a bit crazy when they have a
nike kids: glow when they get the upper hand at something, making it very difficult to form a poker face
hebe kids: always look full of energy, no matter how tired
tyche kids: more vibrant with luck charms / tools of chance around (can be more 'modern' luck charms, like rabbit's feet earings, luck socks, ect)
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novamirmirsblog · 1 year
Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows
Genre: Fluff
Request: Kinda
Word count: 1872
Warnings: none. perhaps implied sex at a later date.
Summary: Melissa has a crush on a parent. What happens when Jacob and Janine find out
A/N: Feels kinda homophobic if I didn't post anything for pride month. This is short but (hopefully) sweet so enjoy!
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Melissa wasn’t exactly known for her subtleness. She wore her emotions on her sleeve and so it came as no surprise to Barbra when Melissa gushed about a new parent. 
“Barb, she’s so incredible! Did you know she’s a single parent? Has been since Ivy was born. Piece-a shit walked out before she was even born.” Melissa’s expression flicked from adoration to dark anger when she thought about how your boyfriend had left you when he found out you were pregnant. 
Barbra just hummed, already used to Melissa’s ramblings. You and your daughter were a new addition to Barbra’s class. Starting half-way through the year had been tough on little Ivy to begin with but your daughter had taken it in her stride and made friends without any issues. 
“Ooo, who are we talking about?” Janine came over to where Melissa and Barbra were, pulling out a chair to sit on before Melissa gave her a sharp look and she thought otherwise. 
“Ivy’s mother.” Barbra answered, her voice soft and kind in an attempt to soften Melissa’s harsh stare.
“Oh! I heard tha-'' Janine was cut off by a knock on the staff door. 
The door swung open and there you stood with a tupperware container.
“Hey Mrs Howard, Ivy made cakes over the weekend and I forgot to pack them in her bag. She wanted to make them for her ‘extra special’ teacher”. You chuckled lightly. “Don’t worry, I did most of the making so the cakes are actually edible.”
You loved Ivy but kids were messy and no matter how many times you washed her hands, you couldn’t trust that she was actually clean. 
Melissa laughed just a little louder than the others, causing Barbra, yourself and Janine to look at her. A smile grew on your face as you watched her cheeks tint slightly with pink when she realised how loud she was. 
“Thank you dear.” Barbra took the container and glanced over at Melissa “Are you busy? How about you come sit with us for a while.” 
You looked between Barbra, Melissa and Janine, all of whom had mixed expressions. Barbra had a wide smile and a glint in her eye, Melissa’s eyes were wide as she stared at her friend, her leg bouncing nervously and Janine looked both put out and confused. 
“Oh thank you but I really should be going… I only stopped to drop these off.” You smiled politely as you backed away from the table, towards the door. 
“Let me walk you out.” Melissa rushed out of her seat before you could say no and opened the door for you.
Once the two of you were safely out of sight, Janine glanced at the cameras briefly before turning to Barbra “Well that was weird.”
You walked Ivy to Mrs Howard’s class, your daughter skipping along in front of you. It was so wonderful to see how well she had settled in. You hadn’t wanted to move her half-way through her first year at school but when your ex had shown up demanding to see his daughter, you didn’t really have much choice. You still shudder at the memory. Moving to South Philly was the best decision you had made and having a pretty lady who just happened to be your daughter’s teacher’s best friend made Philly just that little bit sweeter. 
Speaking of, Melissa was leaning on the doorframe to Mrs Howard’s classroom, chatting away to the other woman. You saw in real time as her eyes roamed your figure, her lower lip catching between her teeth briefly before realising what she was doing and looking away. She released her lip and cleared her throat before looking back at you. Her glasses were holding her hair back in the most breathtaking way and the amount of self control you had to not glance down to where her top ended in a V was insane. 
It was only when Ivy tugged at your hand that you realised where you were and what you were supposed to be doing. You kissed your daughter goodbye and watched as she was ushered into the room by a smug looking Barbra.
“Hiya hon.” Melissa’s deep Philly accent poured over your ears like honey. 
“Hi” You managed to choke out. You had never been a huge fan of nicknames but something about the way Melissa said hon made you want to change your mind. 
“Never got to thank you for those cakes, so thanks.” 
“Y-yeah no problem.” You laughed, hoping to shake some of the nervousness from your voice. “Well, I should get going. Work will kick my ass if I’m late again.” 
“Alright. See ya around kid.”
You smiled at the older woman before turning and walking away. Neither you nor Melissa noticed Jacob watch as Melissa’s eyes trailed over your ass. Jacob power walked away before Melissa could catch him as he came to a shocking realisation. 
The staff room was unusually calm, meaning Jacob had to stage-whisper to Janine. 
“Have you seen Melissa and that parent?” 
Janine studied Jacob’s face before answering “Y/n?” She asked, testing the waters before she accidentally slipped up.
“Yes!” Jacob’s excitement got the better of him and Melissa briefly put down her crossword, looking at him from over her glasses. He cleared his throat “Sorry”.
“Wait so you’ve noticed it too?” Janine said, trying to be sly while a camera zoomed in to her face.
“I’m so glad I’m not the only one who knows.” Jacob said, a little louder than he meant to “”It was painful watching the two of them.” 
“Knows what?” Melissa’s voice made the two younger teachers freeze. 
“I know.” Mr Johnson said, looking smugly at the camera before turning around to face the three of them. 
Jacob let out a nervous laugh, “N-nothing.” He gulped and the camera zoomed in on his face. 
“Yeah… I’ve gotta… go… do something” Janine said, making a quick exit from the staff room, effectively abandoning Jacob. 
As Janine left, she sighed with relief before a beautiful, brilliant plan started formulating in her brain. 
She had a kindergarten teacher to see. 
“This feels like a bad idea.” Gregory had somehow found himself roped into Janine and Jacob’s insane plan.
“No! It’s in the name of love!” Jacob patted Gregory’s shoulder before basically shoving him into Mrs Howard’s room, with Janine closing the door behind him.
“Gregory?” Mrs Howard looked up, confusion clearly displayed on her face. 
“Hi” Gregory awkwardly waved, before clearing his throat in an attempt to shake off the nerves “I was wondering if I could have Miss Y/L/N’s number?” 
“And why is that?” 
“Well, I, um.” Gregory glanced at the door, seeing Janine’s head pop up and give him a thumbs up. He then looked blankly at the camera before rushing out. “I would like her number to ask her on a date.” 
Barbra looked shocked for a moment  “But I thought-” she cut herself off when she saw the top of Janine’s head duck out of the way. Ah, so this was her plan. Barbra kept a straight face as she wrote down your number, handing it to Gregory and praying that this would end well.
When you dropped your daughter off a week later, Barbra could tell you were distracted. You didn’t notice the way Melissa oogled you, not that you normally do, but today it was particularly obvious as she choked on her coffee and managed to have a very loud coughing fit.
“Everything alright my dear?” Barbra asked, Ivy skipping into her classroom to play with some friends before school started. 
“Yeah…” You frowned for a moment, Melissa coming to stand by Barbra as her kids still hadn’t arrived yet. 
“Don’t need me to beat anyone up for ya, do ya hon?” Normally the threat of violence was a big turn off for you but the way Melissa looked at you when she said it made your cheeks grow hot. 
“Nah, nothing like that. I guess…” You stopped, looking at them both before glancing at the camera crew who were waiting around the corner. You leaned closer to the two of them, missing the way Melissa’s breath stuttered and how her eyes fell on your lips. “Do you think Gregory has a crush on me?” 
You were so close to Melissa that she could smell your minty toothpaste and her head was so wrapped up in what it would be like to wake up next to you, that it took her a minute to realise what you had said.
“What- no- he- what makes you say that?” Melissa was trying to keep it cool but her heart was going a million miles an hour, did you like him? Were you going on a date with him? Were you straight? She hadn’t gotten those vibes from you but then again, she had been wrong before. Oh god, had you already slept with him?
“I got a couple of pretty strange texts from him over the weekend.” 
“What kind of texts?” Barbra asked, letting Melissa catch a break. 
“Well, he asked me if I was seeing anyone and what my favourite foods were.”
“Are you?” The question slipped past Melissa’s lips before she realised the words had left her mouth. 
“Am I what?” You looked at her, confusion etched on your face.
Melissa cleared her throat and shifted on her feet a little, too late to back down now. “Seeing someone?” 
You let out a laugh that was music to Melissa’s ears “No. Not at the moment.” If you gave Melisa a look at that moment, that was nobody’s concern.
The relief that washed over Melissa was evident until she realised what that meant. “Well, are you interested in him?” 
“No. I’m giving men a miss after my ex. Maybe it’s time to go back to women for a bit.” 
Melissa’s face lit up, her hopes raised as she realised she had a chance. Her eyes darkened as she imagined the endless possibilities, most of which involved you on various pieces of furniture screaming her name. 
It seemed Melissa had been lost in her thoughts for a tad too long as Barbra subtly pinched her. 
“Would you like to go on a date with me?” 
Oops. The words were out before Melissa could stop them but from the surprised smile that continued to grow on your face, the question wasn’t unwelcome.
“And where would we go, Miss Schemmenti?” 
“Hows about I make you something at my place? Crack open a bottle of wine?” Any previous nervousness vanished instantly as Melissa turned on the Schemmenti charm. 
“Sounds perfect.” You smiled at her and Melissa’s grin got wider. Your phone went. “Shoot - I’m going to be late for work.” You looked frantically between Barbra and Melissa
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll give Melissa your number.” Barbra rubbed your upper arm before giving it a light squeeze as you rushed off.
“Text me the details!” You called out to Melissa.
Barbra would make sure to give Melissa your number at lunch, especially after she saw her do a little happy dance just before entering her classroom and Melissa would make sure to give Gregory a stern talking to.
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thatskynews · 1 month
Sky Patched Calendar Ver. 0.25.5: A Guide for Sky Events
- Season of Nesting Post-Season Content
- Days of Nature
- Days of Color/Rainbow
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Season of Nesting Continues! 🪺 (April 15th - June 30th)
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Nesting Challenge Board - a permanent addition to the game, so its quests (and rewards) will remain in the game even after the Season ends.
After completing all the challenges in a tree, several props will be available to unlock: an instrument stand, a music player, and a stone figurine.
Instrument stand: Use it to set out any one instrument from your closet to play. If it’s placed in an area where other players can interact with it, they can play the instrument you set out!
Music player: Plays various pieces of music that are in the game. There are several “channels” that have their own musical themes.
Stone figurine: A decorative figure that can wear any hairstyle, hats, neck items, or capes you have in your closet. (This is a decorative item only; it will not allow players to copy and wear the same items that the stone figurine is wearing.)
Friends' Nest Preview Feature - a new feature that we’re hoping will spark inspiration for everyone: an option in your Nest menu to view other Nests. You’ll be able to “scroll” through a preview of these Nests that favors ones your friends have made while also showing Nests that other players have made too. It’s just a preview, though, so you won’t see anyone in this view, and other players won’t see anyone who might be viewing their Nest through this feature either.
Season of Nesting continues until 23:59 June 30th (all times PDT, UTC -7).
Days of Nature 🌊 (May 27 - June 16; 3 Weeks)
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Last year, Days of Nature had supported The Ocean Cleanup, through the American Friends of The Ocean Cleanup, as they work towards a 90% reduction of floating plastic in the world’s oceans by 2040.
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During the event you can find 4 event currency each day, placed in different spots around Prairie Peaks. Use these to unlock this year’s new IGC items:
Ocean Mask: 16 event currency
Ocean Blue Scarf: 40 event currency
(16 + 40 = 56 / 4 = 14 Days in order to get both items - 21 Days of the Event = 7 Days of "skip" days)
This year the event will again offer special IAPs to support charity efforts focused on real-world cleanup work in oceans and waterways.
Half of the total list price of items listed here will be donated to these efforts. The remaining amount will cover platform fees (expenses from Apple App Store, Google Play, etc) and a portion of development (operations, taxes, and post-event refunds.)
Nature Wave Pack: 19.99 USD (10.00 USD donation) - Includes 75 regular candles
Ocean Necklace: 1.99 USD (1.00 USD donation)
Nature Sonorous Seashell: 4.99 USD (2.50 USD donation) - This placeable item has a toggle to play relaxing ocean sound effects
Earth Cape: 4.99 USD (2.50 USD donation)
Ocean Cape: $14.99 USD (7.50 USD donation)
Nature Glasses Pack: 19.99 USD (10.00 USD donation) - A toggle for these sunglasses adds a bluer tint to the world around you; includes 75 regular Candles
Nature Turtle Pack: 19.99 USD (10.00 USD) - includes 75 regular Candles
Non-Charity Items / Returning Items:
New Item - Nature Wave-Touched Hair: 6.99 USD
Nature School Cape: 180 Candles
An asymmetrical cape featuring a partially transparent motif
Nature Coral Crown Accessory: 20 Hearts
Nature Turtle Cape: 14.99 USD
Days of Colors/Rainbow 🌈 (June 24 - July 7; 2 Weeks)
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This year we’re proud to once again share that we’ll be supporting the The Trevor Project, the world’s largest suicide prevention and mental health organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) young people.
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Half of the total list price of items listed here will be donated to these efforts. The remaining amount will cover platform fees (expenses from Apple App Store, Google Play, etc) and a portion of development (operations, taxes, and post-event refunds.)
Dark Rainbow Loafers: 19.99 USD (10.00 USD donation) - includes 75 regular Candles
Dark Rainbow Pack 9.99 USD (5.00 USD donation) - includes 40 regular candles
Rainbow Pack flower hair accessory: 19.99 USD (10.00 USD donation) - includes 75 regular Candles
Double Rainbow Pack flower hair accessory: 9.99 USD (5.00 USD donation) - includes 40 regular candles
As you soar around the event space, watch out for 5 rainbow-shaped event currency each day: 4 around the area, and 1 from completing the day’s color puzzle.
Non-Charity Items:
Color Glam Cut: 18 event currency
Dark Rainbow Mask: 32 event currency
(18 + 32 = 50 / 5 = 10 Days in order to get both items - 14 days of the event = 4 "skip" days)
Color Bubble Machine: 14.99 USD - The bubbles from this prop temporarily change the cape color of the closest player!
Rainbow Earring: 2.99 USD
Rainbow Headphones: 9.99 USD
Rainbow Hat: 9.99 USD
Dark Rainbow Tunic: 14.99 USD
This year’s event is also the one-year anniversary of event currency! These are used for the newest in-game currency items in an event in the current year, so items introduced for event currency last year can now be unlocked for varying amounts of regular in-game currency this year.
Returning IGC items:
Dark Rainbow Cape: 177 Candles
Rainbow Cape: 175 Candles
Rainbow Trousers: 95 Candles
Rainbow Braid Accessory: 20 Hearts
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myheadhurtscutely · 8 months
Star Stationary - Modern!Anakin Skywalker x Reader - Chp. 1
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C ` Anakin Skywalker x Reader
Summary ` It's your first day working as a receptionist at Star Stationary company, and your quickly forming relationships with your new coworkers. but one in particular has caught your eye.
!Warnings! CUTE AND FLUFFY, but be warned. Angst to come.
wc ` 3.6k
notes ! this is closely based on characters, Jim and Pam, from a tv show, The Office. f/s - favorite soda.
Ding! The elevator finally chimed, indicating your arrival at your new employer. 'Finally!' You thought to yourself, arms crowded with your personal belongings, readily available to decorate your new desk. You were the only person who applied for the boring office job as a receptionist. It was average pay, at a failing company so you figured, it would be okay just for a while. Much to your dismay, as the elevator doors slid open, it revealed the cheap cafe a couple floors below the office. A young man stood outside of the double doors. Tall, dirty blonde, glasses, and absolutely beautiful. If your arms weren't shaking earlier, they definitely were now, along with your knees.
He shyly scooted into the elevator, as if it was full, leaving about an inch or two of space between the both of you. The elevator ride was near silent. Small shuffles and the faint drumming of whatever song was blaring in his headphones was the only white noise to accompany the deafening silence. You peered over at him a couple times through your peripherals, and at some point, you swore you saw him take a glance.
The elevator was coming to a stop, the poor old thing jerked as it completed its job, causing you to stumble out of your carefully modified stance made to accommodate the weight in your arms, and drop several nicknacks and papers. How embarrassing. Thankfully, the blonde boy dropped to his knee to retrieve your items, as you profusely apologize for causing a mess. The elevator doors pry open with a screech revealing the carpeted floors and yellow tinted cream walls of the office space. He picks up one last decoration from your collection and holds it up in front of his blue eyes, inspecting with a slight smirk.
"You like Star Wars?" He cocked his eyebrow, meeting your eyes, as the both of you step out of the elevator before it closes. The office was lit with a white light, flickering ever so slightly overhead. Fake potted plants stood at entrances. Desk cluttered on top and around each nook and cranny.
"Um," You hesitate. Was it stupid to be into that kind of thing nowadays? "Yeah. It's one of my favorites." you say hurriedly. He dangles the Yoda charm a moment longer before placing it in an empty coffee mug you were holding onto for dear life with your pinky.
"Me too." He flashes a quick smile and asks if you need help, which you decline. He carries on, walking to a door near the backside of the space. You set your stuff down with a thud on your new desk. A bigger than usual semi-circle, right near the entrance, with accompanying desk to the right of it. You pull out your pens, highlighters, notepads, stickers, everything you brought to personalize your space. Taking your time, even color coding the order of your pens, you wait. What was there to do? What was your task. The phone rang. You look around in a panic, what do you say? Almost as if Heaven had sent an angel your way, the blonde guy from earlier returns with a mug in hand. A star wars logo branded the front of it. Cute.
He sees your distress and you nod towards him. He makes his way over to you, leaning over your shoulder to grab the telephone. "Hello. Thank you for calling Star Stationary Company, my name is Anakin. How can I help you today?" He said candidly. Anakin. His name repeated itself in your head, burrowing its way into your memory, as if it was meant to stay for good. He banters with the customer, one he's clearly familiar with. He grabs your purple pen from your perfectly aligned rainbow stash. You watch him scribble numbers and notes down in chicken scratch on his hand, finishing, and popping the pen in his pocket.
You took notice of this but said nothing, as you were too stunned with him grabbing onto the back of your chair as he spoke on the line.
"Mhm, alright. Yeah. Yes, thank you," His lips curl into a smile as he lets out a chuckle, "Have a great day, alright. Bye now." The phone cord relaxes as he places it back down in its spot with a click. He backs up a little to be able to make eye contact without standing directly above you. "Sorry, I figured you might need some help, you looked distressed. Not in a bad way. Not in a good way either. I'm sorry that sounds weird.." God he's cute. His nose scrunches and his feet shuffle nervously.
"No, no, you're alright," you laugh, "I needed help. I just wasn't really sure what to say you know? Thank you, a lot, though.." Small chuckles and silence followed the both of you momentarily.
"What's your name?" His curiosity overtook him. You offer your name back softly, to satisfy his curiousness. He smiles. Satisfied. "Well, as much as I like wasting company time, I have to get back to work." He lets out a small laugh to his own joke. You smile as he heads back to his desk.
You turn back to face the computer sitting in front of you. Whilst scrolling endlessly and directing calls to the correct department, you see out of the corner of your eye the desk arrangement closest to you. Lo and behold, sitting almost parallel to you, at the second closest desk, was Anakin. Something fluttered in your stomach, nerves or butterflies, you had no idea, but it was stupid anyway. This was your first day on the job, and you'll be dammed if you become one of 'those' girls. Plus, you knew absolutely nothing about him. Except for the fact that he has the most piercing blue eyes, a deeper dimple on the right side, and he has your purple pen in his pocket.
After about three hours of boring calls, and occasional glances to your left to see the blue-eyed boy 'hard at work' it was time for lunch. You got up and you swore felt his head sit up and turn on a swivel, his eyes tracing you to the break room. You've got to be delusional. A girl from the customer service department met you at a small table for five in a corner of the room. She was a talker but sweet for the most part, but her words became white noise after he walked in. His blue collared shirt was slightly ruffled, like his hair. He walked to the vending machine, catching the glance you threw him, and quickly returning it. A smirk plastered itself across his face as he looked toward the ground. His quarters made pinging noises as they hit the bottom. one. two. three. four. five. six. seven. eight. A candy was just a dollar.
"Hey, the vending machine gave me an extra one I guess, want it?" He had walked over to you and the girl, holding out the snickers bar in your direction.
Your eyes looked him up and down subconsciously, "Yeah, thank you. They're my favorite actually." The girl who's named you learned was Kristen, smiled at you, as if to suggest something.
"Oh really?" Anakin noted.
"Yeah, funny coincidence huh?"
"How so?"
"Cause you got my favorite candy?"
"Lucky guess?" He shrugged his shoulders, already walking out the door.
"Wait... but you said-" His words registered in your head. He was getting it for himself? What did he mean 'lucky guess?' Best not to read into it. He was already out the door anyway.
"So... You and Anakin hm?" Kristen remarked.
"What? OH! God no. No, he's just a friendly guy. Just friends." You took a sip of your water to prevent yourself from word vomiting, looking off to the side.
"Mhm... well anyway, keep me posted" She winks as she gets up from the plastic chair, sliding it back underneath the table to walk away.
You sat there for a moment. Was there something? Were you not crazy?
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆─────
After your lunch break, you found yourself back at your desk, answering calls, faxing documents, boring office activities. With your back turned, and facing the copy machine nearby, you felt a small sensation on your back. You ignored it, chopping it up to just a cold breeze, but it happened again. You turn around to face whatever it could be, and you see Anakin quickly put his hands down at his desk, dropping a small roll of wadded paper, like a kid who got caught eating candy. You continue to stare at him, waiting to meet his eyes. He looks up from his desk finally and meets your gaze. you smile. His hand quickly slaps over his own laugh, stifling it from sound and view. You lift of your hands with the copies in the and shrug at him. "What?" you mouth silently, smiling.
He just shook his head in response, throwing his smile back down to the desk.
You just shrug it off and carry your papers back to your desk. The phone chimes, you pick it up quickly and repeat what you were taught earlier today, "Hello! Thank you for calling Star Stationary Company, my name is y/n! How can I help you today?" You said in a much more enthusiastic tone than Anakin's. You continue to banter and chat with the costumer, as they ask about deals and prices, but soon your focus is derailed, as a little piece of paper hits the side of your head and falls slowly on to your desk. You pause a second, then whip your head to the culprit's direction. He just sassily waves slightly and smiles.
You finish the call and ponder for a moment. You open the email tab on the old desktop computer and type in Anakin, clicking on his email address. You type, biting your lip in thought. 'Are you having fun with your balls?' Was it too far? Nah. He seemed like he enjoyed joking around. You wait a moment and look over to him. His glasses reflected your message as his nose pushed them up by scrunching due to his smile.
'Ping! Your own screen lights up with a blue notification. Unread email from Anakin Skywalker. What did this little blue-eyed prick have to say? 'What can I say, love me some balls. Wby?' No way he just fucking asked that. You look over at him, mouth agape as a breathless laugh escapes. He just grins in response and shrugs. You look back at the screen, then to your keyboard, and back to your screen.
'Mr. Skywalker, I keep my ball preferences to myself. thank you very much.' Did that sound to serious? hopefully not. You keep an eye out for him, waiting on him to see the message.
'Ping!' You've got to find out how to turn that stupid noise off. Oh well. You can do that later, as you had an email to read from a handsome blonde man a couple feet over. 'I'm so sorry ma'am, how stupid of me to bring up such an intimate question so soon, I barley even know your name.' You watched his stupid little grin as he typed that whole thing out, as you were reading it. A sudden presence by your desk startles you as you turn to face it. Anakin stood in front of you, arms crossed and leaning onto your semi-circle counter in front of you.
"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you, I just wanted to come over here to discuss your ball preferences privately." You snort at his joke as he leans his head down and lets out a small breathy laugh before rising back up. "I don't get what's so funny ma'am, I'm just trying to get to know a co-worker?" He laughed in between words, as your laugh fueled his own.
"I've told you; my preferences are reserved to friends only!" The both of you whisper chat among the ringing of phones, chatter of people, and rustling of paper around the office.
"Well then, we'll start off small. Favorite color?"
You hesitate. Anakin makes a buzzer noise and taps the counter. "Ooo times up, gotta be faster Snickers."
"What'd you just call me?" You pause and cock your head to the side.
"Oh, I'm sorry, not a fan of nicknames? I just though cause it's your favorite candy-"
"No, no, no! It's fine! It's cute, I just um- I was confused." You trip all over your words, voice cracking as you stare into his baby blue eyes hidden behind his frames. "Continue!"
"huh? Oh! yeah, okay... favorite soda?"
"Oh come on these are elementary Anakin... f/s! For sure. Final answer!"
"I thought you were better than that." Anakin shakes his head in mocking disapproval. You laugh questioning what his defiance was for. "Thats like the worst one-" The phone at his desk rings. He waves his hand at you in an apologetic manner and makes his way back over to his desk. You sat there for a while after, bored and sad your banter had ended. He was funny. Dorky, and sassy but funny. While you waited for your phone to ring or email to do its annoying pinging noise, you doodled. It's just silly little dogs here and there or like an eyeball or flower, but occasionally you produce a nice sketch. Not like a frame worthy thing, but accurate ones of people, things, places, etc.
Your lined notepad laid out on your desk, littered with sketches of the fake flowers and side profiles of your co-workers as they worked. Nothing too big. Suddenly, a small thud makes rings in your ears, and you look up to see the source in front of you. It was Anakin of course. He placed your favorite soda right in front of you. A small blush spread across your face and body. He was a friendly guy. You kept having to remind yourself of that. "Okay. Now that we're friends, do you like 'em small?"
You pause and stare at him for a second before allowing yourself to chuckle at his poor joke. "Anakin!" You gasp smacking his hand off of your desk.
He laughs and drags his hands up in the air in defeat, backing away slightly. "Cmon! I bought you a soda Y/n!"
"That doesn't mean were 'ball preference' kind of friends. Not yet." you turn to the side and stack your papers neatly as you speak.
Anakin dramatically puts his head on your desk and pounds his fist lightly beside him. "What must a man do!"
"Oh quit your crying... don't you have a job to be doing?" You pause and turn to him questioningly.
"Oh like what? Entertain my receptionist?" For some reason, his use of possessive pronouns sent waves over your body.
"Anakin..." Your voice remained unwavering, hiding the effect his words had on you.
"Alright alright. By the way," He pauses before making his way back to his desk, "my favorite soda is Crush if you ever feel like being nice. Hint hint, wink wink" Did he just 'Hint hint, wink wink' you? Outloud? He was so fucking stupid. You loved it though. Itmade the day more enjoyable and go by faster.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆─────
You've worked there for about two weeks now, both you and Anakin have gotten closer, always sitting together at company things. Choosing each other as partners when HR does 'informational' games. It was subtle but people noticed. Kristen became one of your friends in the office, she could be snippy, but you don't blame her, she worked in customer service. She would make silly comments about the both of you. Sometimes you fed into it, and other times, completely shut it down. (You enjoyed it either way.)
Today was a big night for the office. It was the Halloween Party. You had no idea what you'd be going as, as it had to be appropriate and recognizable. Kristen was already doing a matching couples costumes with the whole customer service department, so that left her out. You had asked Anakin to match with you earlier yesterday, and he agreed thank god, yet tonight, you were sitting alone in a chair outside the conference room where all the food and music was. Since it was so last minute, your costumes were basic. You sat slumped down with your cat ears on your head, with a little painted nose on with black paint and whiskers. Your black turtleneck was bringing you the slightest bit of comfort. Anakin hadn't come yet, and the party ended soon. You had felt disappointed but felt a kind of sense of regret. You guys weren't close. He didn't have an obligation to be here, and it was pathetic of you to pout in the corner, waiting on blonde man to show up in his mouse outfit, that you had barley known for half a month.
Streamers were starting to droop from the ceiling as you look up from your crossed arms. The sound of the front door opening didn't faze you anymore. You quit looking up in hopes it was him, after about the twelfth time. Soon though, to your surprise, standing in front of you was a dripping wet Anakin with coat in hand. "I'm so sorry, I was sprinting all around town looking for face paint for the nose. T-then it rained," He was clearly out of breath, "and I lost track of time." You shook your head at him after a moment. "I'm so sorry I really am..."
You stand up, and pat his arm, rubbing it comfortingly. "Anakin, it's no big deal. I'm not gonna lie I was a little upset but you could've just texted me?" You hold up your phone. "We have face paint here."
Anakin takes a deep sigh, burying his face in his hands, dragging them down slowly. "Are you serious. No way I was that stupid."
"I don't expect anything less Mr. Skywalker." You shrug your shoulders playfully.
"You could at least try to be nice Snickers. I know it's not your strong suit." He quips.
You stare at him for a moment, crossing your arms. "Want your face painted or not?"
Anakin sticks his finger up, signaling you to hang on as he rummages through his wet bag. He pulls out a cheap pair of pink and grey ears, you can tell were hot glued last night. "Ready!" He holds them up near his face and smiles.
There were only a couple people left, excluding you and Anakin, since the party ended in 25 minutes, but you'd be dammed if you weren't gonna make the most of it. You had him sit in your rolley office chair at your desk, with all the paints splayed out on it. You lean in to dab some more pink on his nose. Each time you'd go in to put it on, both of you would start laughing. You didn't know if it was nervousness or what, but you were a giggling, sweating mess.
"Y'know I'm never gonna be able to finish if you don't stop laughing at me." You pull your hands back away from his face and he looks downward trying to contain his laughter.
"Sorry, sorry, work your magic," He straightens up and makes a more serious face, closing his eyes. "Cmon." He beckons you. You move closer, pulling out the black face paint crayon, slowly tracing whiskers onto his face. Did mice have whiskers? You had no idea; all you could focus on was how lucky you were that his eyes were closed because now, he couldn't see how flushed you were. His skin was soft, his eyelashes long and fan like, but god his cheeks. They were so perfect; a rose shade dusted his pale points. Almost as if they were mocking your own blush.
Anakin slowly opened his eyes, and for a moment it was like the whole world stood still. The both of you just looked into each others eyes for a moment, both admiring faces and features. If the saying 'eyes are the window to the soul' was true, he had left his unlocked for you. More was said in that few seconds glance, than you had ever heard in your entire life.
What the fuck was that? You jump startled by the noise. Anakin puts a friendly hand on your wrist to calm you back down. "Sorry, that's probably my ride." You said nothing, still processing whatever 'moment' the both of you just shared. "Um, see you next week." Anakin waved and headed towards the door.
"Wait! I- um, I'm heading out to my car anyway, can I walk you out?" Your hands fiddled anxiously.
"Well, I don't see why not?" He grins at you, motioning for you to join him.
The elevator ride was quiet again. The pattering rain made a melody with the soft shuffling of feet. You watched Anakin from the reflection of the metal walls of the elevator. His image was blurred but nonetheless, you could still see his presence, and that was enough.
The two of you stepped out of the elevator and out of the lobby's glass doors. Rain began to smear the both of yours face paint. "See you next week Snickers." Anakin nodded to you and headed to a black sedan parked Infront of the building. You waved to him solemnly as he opened the passenger side door. You saw a glance of the driver.
Your heart stopped beating.
A beautiful brunette girl sat in the driver's seat. Her curled hair laid tossed on her elegant shoulders. Her lips were pink and plump, and her eyes were nothing short of model worthy. Anakin leaned over and planted a kiss to her temple.
You stood in the rain watching them take off onto the empty street.
Notes ` Im sorry this took so long to get out, and I apologize if it's not up to code. But im genuinely having so much fun writing this and I really appreciate all of the support! FOUR MORE CHPATERS TO GO WOOOO! I hope you liked it :)
tags ` @darthgloris , @queenie-official , @bby-imasociopath , @mxltifxnd0m , @jayrami3 , @robertsmithclone , @brainscabs
357 notes · View notes
daistea · 1 month
Do you think Mithrun (even if much later on down the line, and also by extension Marcille too i guess?) ever return to a point where he'd be able to develop new desires at an easier rate like he might have in the past, or would he be permanently affected by having lost his previous desires in the first place?
Honestly, I think this is who he is now. I mean, if you think about it, he spent only 140-ish years as his old self and now has several hundred years left. This is now the majority of his future, and while I do think he’ll live well and continue to adapt and experience all the things he deserves, he’s still irrevocably changed.
(I’m making an effort to think about people who have been changed by trauma/accidents/disabilities and I wanna note that those changes arent necessarily bad. Despite everything, it’s still you 🎉 But at the same time I don’t want to ignore/be all sunshine and rainbows/toxic positivity about the difficulties and challenges they face. Sooooo basically, it’s a nuanced kinda thing)
On the developing desires subject, the details are fuzzy tbh. I wish we got more post canon stuff about him. I like to think that he’d make the choice with his desires. He’d choose which ones to cultivate, but even then it’s a struggle. He makes the conscious choice to live everyday. I, personally, don’t think he’d ever return to what one might consider ‘a normal person/life’
That’s not exactly what you’re asking tho, I know. But the subject is so twisty turny and complex that I honestly think his ability to develop new desires would change day by day.
Um if you want my Other opinion, the opinion that’s not affected by rose tinted shipping glasses; he doesn’t spontaneously develop new desires. A lot of them are gone, and he would make the decision to spend the rest of his life with someone simply because he’s comfortable with them, or likes their company, or they make a good team. He’s not unfeeling ofc, but that desire simply isn’t there anymore and he learns to adapt his lifestyle around that fact. There’s nothing bad about that, it just is. I think that’s a lovely thought! But this is just another way to interpret his character ofc and what you choose to believe is up to you.
puts my romance goggles back on
Yeah if you wanna headcanon that he develops new desires and that it gets easier as it goes on, then you go right ahead! That’s also a lovely thought 💕
I personally headcanon that it doesn’t get easier, but he makes the choice to keep going and to live all while developing the odd desire here and there(after a lot of work, which would make it all the more satisfying for him in the end anyway)
There’s good days and bad days! And there’s ants on him.
We’re all just playing dolls tbh, and while we wanna respect all that Mithrun’s canon character represents and stands for… If you wanna imagine him developing new desires at a faster/easier rate, then go for it lol
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piracytheorist · 7 months
Episode 32 notes!
Starting off right in the middle of action, right where we left off!
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And some great animation there, too!
The thing about Anya is that her plans are so innocently silly that thanks to her young age, they actually work.
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She's right there in front of Yor, acting like she doesn't recognize her, and Yor accepts that because a) it's easy and b) well Anya is a little kid, isn't she?
The fact that Anya is visibly sweating and has a very nervous expression shows that she's worried her plan won't work, and the entire family could come apart right there. She knows it's a risky plan... but because of the circumstances, it works perfectly not only to cover Yor but also to cover Anya's knowledge of Yor's secret.
I love her.
Also, a great way to take the fear of exposure away from Yor and help her focus on the fight! Worth waiting the entire week for!
I also love how excited the entire crowd was about seeing two people "play" with what seems to be lethal weapons. They'd do numbers as WWE fans.
The camera focuses on Yor as she's starting to question herself.
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Yes you are! You're hesitating to get close because you fear you'll get hurt and you know that will make Anya and Loid sad! (And of course because you'll have no excuse to tell them but okay yeah)
Anyway. I just like how in comparison to the manga, we see her expression there during her inner monologue.
Yor comments about how professional the guy is with the chain, but then she has no problem using the chain's momentum to wrap it around his wrist and then his torso. Some excellent animation there showing the small details of her control of the chain!
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She even used his immobilized body to make him bow. She's an absolute legend.
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I've talked before that this isn't even a five-year-old roleplaying. She's actually getting involved with actual enemies of the state, helping their plans without them knowing, and having a blast. Her moral compass may be a little unhinged but by god is it steadfast XD
And then. The Grand RevealTM
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I love him your honour. How did he even combine all that, I don't wanna know. The rainbow-tinted glasses is what ended me.
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Anya Forger, professional heart-breaker.
Again. Talking with a guy who believes humans will never understand each other and who wants to wage another war, while Twilight has his own war trauma? No big deal. Anya calling him uncool? THE SHOCK AND DESPAIR OF HIS LIFE.
And off to the next chapter! Great transition in the anime - I can usually notice when they jump onto the next chapter, but this time I was surprised with how smoothly they took it from one to the next.
Turtleneck guy says he can't pick up Yor's scent? Even though he seems to have extraordinary smelling abilities?
Is that another reason why Yor is so good at sneaking up on people? She did sneak up on Twilight, after all...
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"The bones" mentioned above... is that Loid talking about the skeleton keychain? There was, after all, a hidden bug in the store Loid and Anya were in...
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Some things never change.
I can't wait for the moment he realizes how soundly she sleeps on his arms because she trusts him and he makes her feel safe, just like his mother did for him :)
Zeb! I finally get the name of the guy! I won't lie that calling him Furseal felt so weird, like, apologies if your name is Furseal but hey.
Anyway. His outburst felt so real. This man doesn't belong in crime.
And of course, Olka is way too desensitized to such violence, having grown up in the family, after all, and I kinda like how she goes like "Yo snap out of it". Endo really doesn't hold back from having women tell men off huh. I also love the baby talk she used with Gram. So cute.
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This scene has the very same music used in the first episode where Twilight has his flashback and remembers what his reason to become a spy was. I feel kinda sad hearing it here because I'd thought that this melody would be used as [redacted]'s leitmotif, but its meaning seems to be connected with how people broken by war can find the hope in humanity needed for peace. Or something.
McMahon berates Yor for going near the door earlier even though she didn't hear their secret knock, but in reality it wouldn't matter - unless the assassin heard their voices from outside the door - because the assassin shot anyway. It would have been the same if she had protected Olka from the first moment and then tried to assess how to attack the guy. So maybe calm down, dude.
The moment Zeb was like "How are we supposed to sleep like that?" I was certain we'd see him sleeping and snoring deeply. I was not disappointed XD
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Me when proper trigger discipline: 🥳💯👀🥳👌💯👀👌👌👀🎊👌🎊💯
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First, good ol' focus on the ring on McMahon's finger. Second, I'm confused by the translation here in comparison to the manga. Here it says "as long as people continue to be people" while the manga says "as long as people are the way they are", and that can have a different meaning. The former sounds like conflict is in the nature of humans and that it's something we can never avoid, which doesn't seem to follow the story's ideal. It's what Donovan Desmond beliefs are based on, after all. The latter sounds like people are currently very focused on matters that cause conflict, and have a chance of reaching peace if taught differently.
I think, depending on the interpretation, it can tell a lot about McMahon's character. I will wait to see the rest of the arc to make up my mind.
And after he says that they're soldiers even in time of peace, the manga treats us to a panel of a pensive Yor, but the anime doesn't.
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Stop robbing us, anime team!
Yor tells the others they should keep their shoes on - nice detail, btw - and Olka looks very familiar with such a concept, while it's Zeb who is a little surprised but accepts it. It's interesting what a character not reacting to something can tell about them!
As expected, Yor and Olka are vigilant, while Gram and Zeb sleep like babies. Let them rest XD
Some brand new music there! There's a lot of new music in general. And then THIS!
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The way Yor widens her eyes when she realizes what she just imagined! AAAAAAAAAHHHH!
Someone hug her omg she deserves the world 😭😭
Neither Twilight nor Yor are the only people neck-deep in denial though.
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"The man decided to live for his job" yeah right. He sees one (1) pretty woman pay him some attention because of Bond and he's like "Well imma adopt a dog then". Bond's doubtful and rejecting reaction was priceless XD
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This is so fucking funny to me for some reason aadshadfhsdgh. Look at him. Brought into despair by one (1) five-year-old.
I kinda love how he admits that he does fear the unknown, and has been simply trained to overcome it and try to deal with what he has in front of him.
And currently, his fear is for Anya's emotional state.
Having no idea that she's actually having the time of her life, even though she hasn't realized how deeply dangerous her situation is.
Anyway, I love that she brought Mr. Chimera with her on the trip <3
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He is very seriously focusing on how he can make Anya happy. He thinks she asked to go for mini golf because she likes it, so he followed along, he saw her upset with how she lost, and believed she needed to experience winning in order to feel fulfilled, so he was determined to stay there until she won.
Anya takes him to the library and of course he's read everything. And even if he hadn't, he has photographic memory and can practically read through an entire tome in minutes.
But still, he's focused on her happiness, and he's satisfied that Anya is having fun reading comics. She goes for the puzzle (btw I love the idea of having a big puzzle available and leaving it to passersby to solve it. I once visited a school where they had one on a table in the halls and students would sit and try and solve it during recesses) and he analyzes it, thinks he can solve it quickly. Anya reacts in shock, and we hear a tiny hesitant "Oh" from him, because he noticed her sudden change in reaction.
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Oh no. Twilight is rubbing off on her a little too much. You're five, darling. Enjoying yourself is your job!!
Just like with the bullet in butt date, Loid cannot understand why Anya looks so angry now after having spent an entire day having fun - and he cataloguing what she seems to be having fun with.
The way that he ends his internal monologue with his fear of the Forgers breaking apart and Operation Strix doesn't cross his mind once, tells a lot about how his priorities are starting to change enough to even silence his "For the Mission" talk. My mans falling hard.
Anya sees how worried Loid has gotten... and maybe she reads even deeper and realizes how genuine of a worry it is? That he's not worried for her as an asset of Operation Strix, but as a kid that deserves to have fun and be happy. And she steps up to reassure him.
And oh, how his face changes! T_T
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And the way he alternates between "Loid voice" when he speaks and "Twilight voice" when he thinks. Have I congratulated Takuya Eguchi for this feat yet?
And by the way, he "justifies" Anya being so upset of missing her mama because she's still a "small child". Because of course only small children can miss their mothers, right? Twilight definitely doesn't miss his, right?
Forget neck-deep denial, this man is deep down the Mariana Trench of denial.
And the "Small Daily Life" track from the soundtrack plays, with the beautiful family leitmotif...
I love them. He can be so sweet with Anya, I can only imagine how he'll end up post-identity reveals and especially post-feelings realization.
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The final few hours before Olka, Gram and Zeb get safely transferred! I think you can see the tension on their entire faces.
Also some intense, new soundtrack there! Interesting! The composers have done a lot of job this season, carefully mixing up tracks from the previous season with new ones to create the respective mood.
And that's it for this week! I foresee way more action on the next episode! :D
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gee-arid · 6 months
ok, sorry if question is a bit long and if you have answered, please put the link for me to see please. Well... what are the names of the heroes? What was each heroe's first choice? (I mean the ladybug and cat holder). I know that Marinette is with the Fox and Ivan with the turtle, but for some reason I think that if they swap it would combine more (I speak more in symbolism, ivan who cannot lie with the "miraculous of lie"). What is the weapon of each carrier? About the turtle and Ivan, I think a purplish blue would match more (that leatherback turtle). What are the camouflaged forms of each miraculous? Do you have the reason why every person has every miraculous?
A big ask, but thats okay! I'd love to answer! Note that some answers like names and weapons are subject to change, im not great with names and im less familliar with some characters than others so, opinions and other ideas are awesome :)
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Names and weapons, left to right:
Aliase Rouges (red wings), Cartoony sledge hammer
Veilluese (night light), Grappling hook
Bison? Hyland?, Guitar- its electric but doesnt have to be plugged in..
Adora (play on Adore), Frisbee
Ouroboros, Mirror shield (play on the medusa myth)
Tack (to temporarily fasten something together), Big Needle
Captain Stinger (shortened to Sting), Cutlass
Jockey?, Reins? maybe a whip
Alectryon, rooster body (i guess?)
Jack Rabbit (shortened to Jack), Pickaxe
Ridley (a type of turtle), Detatched shields- Bonus purpley-blue version: honestly it works just as well.
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Tora (Japanese for tiger, i think), Sythe
R.A.T (acronym for Rodent Assist Team? idk, funny bit based on pokemons F.E.A.R strat lol, also sounds like a dj name??. also based on his purpose being mostly assisting pedestrians), Glow sticks (almost like a pair of lightsabers, without the deadliness. Basically glowing battons)
Boar, Boomerang (shaped like boar tusks).
Cirrus (a type of cloud, Aroure and Mirelle share the name and the miraculous), Lightning rod/ wind sock
Caprix (Play on Caprine), Chunky roller blades
Gibbon? (a type of monkey), one of those silly stretchy sticky hands
Reasons for each holder are here!
First choices are also listed there, if there isnt an alternative listed, they either had the same idea or no strong preference for a different holder. Regarding swapping holders based on symbolism (i.e. Ivan with the fox, Mari with the turtle) that would be super cool and i may draw them at some point in the future, but wouldn't fit with my au. This is because my bug and cat holders choose them based on preexisting relationships, traits, and talents.
Camouflaged forms are these:
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Struggled with Alyas rabbit miraculous tbh, it doesnt quite fit with my au for it to stay a pocket watch anyway (the Rabbits power being swapped from Burrow in a time sense, to Burrow in a dig way) so i guess its normal activated form would be some kind of keychain? Alyas disguise currently is a tamogachi :)
Nino wears the mouse necklace wrapped around his wrist like a bracelet.
Max's snake bracelet turns into a smart watch.
Markovs claw connects to his existing claws, and mimics what claws he already has.
Mirelle and Aroure have similar chokers with the charm changed. Aroure has the lightning bolt, Mirelle has the rain drop. They have the chokers replicated by comission with Marinette so they can swap the actual miraculous between them when needed.
Sabrinas sunglasses are prescription. They could also be just normal glasses, no black tint, when appropriate.
Marcs ring, where rainbow, is iridescent!
The butterfly and peacock are still unavailable to our heroes.
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doiefics · 1 year
shameless sexy stranger
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pairing: jeno x afab!reader
prologue: what could go wrong in the middle of one hot moment with a shameless stranger in denim?
genre: smut
wordcount: 414
warnings: sexual content [ fingering + biting + risky ] + language
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College fest days meant chaos everywhere. As if everyone was wearing rainbow tinted glasses.
But they also meant calm, at unusual places.
The best place to find solace for a blatant activity or two was indeed the library, otherwise too busy and tensed.
"Fuck!" You moaned at the boy's touch, again.
"You like it too much, huh?" He groaned back.
You gripped his ripped and muscular arm, this time a bit tighter than before as he brought his lean yet powerful physique closer to yours.
His face wore an attractive sinister smile on it, the smile that totally wanted to ruin you, exactly like you desired.
"What if someone catches us here?" His seductive whisper next to you ear sent shivers down as he ran his fingers tracing your flesh, never stopping and going deeper, and deeper.
"That won't be a problem." You mumbled, and the leering wink you gave him appeared to intensify his hormones.
"Such a freak!" He cursed under his breath.
It was not more than a few hours ago that your eyes happened to lock with this pretty boy on the street.
You had never seen him on campus before.
He dressed entirely in denim, with a sleeveless jacket shamelessly exposing his arms with and a pair of jeans that you wished could have been dropped to the ground.
"Hurry up!" This hot guy in denim was making you desperate.
He wasted zero time and lifted up your mini skirt, which was also denim, coincidently.
You glanced at his wrists as fingers were almost going to be invisible inside you by now.
Each wrist adorned with a silver chain bracelet.
He was fancy.
Simultaneously, the same fingers that only started with drawing careless circles around your clothed core, moved naturally as though they had mastered the technique by this point.
"More" You whined.
"Wait for it." He soothed.
Next thing you knew, he bit your neck, earning hisses out of a pain that you were enjoying.
He must have been feeling the same need as you since he considered moving your underwear to the side.
This activity was about to get more intense.
"Over there!" The cry was shrill.
Even in the pitch blackness of the book room, it appeared as though you had been caught.
"We're in trouble." He glared into your eyes and whispered in a low, husky voice.
"Are we?" Your ask was shameless, and sure was he, for he wasn't going to stop until you wished.
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