#rainbow top 20
littlefleamart · 5 months
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littlethingsmart · 1 year
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so it's 12:46AM and I went into my queue and saw my next post is for Joe and Kris' anniversary
and I was looking at this photo and it suddenly hit me
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xitsensunmoon · 3 months
Glaze your work online on:
Cara app. It requires you to sign up but it is actually a good place for your portfolio. Glazing takes 3 minutes per image and doesn't require anything but an internet connection compared to 20-30 minutes if your pc doesn't have a good graphic card. There IS a daily limit of 9 pictures tho. Glazed art will be sent to you after it's done, by email. It took me 30 minutes to glaze 9 images on a default setting. Cara app is also a space SPECIFICALLY for human artists and the team does everything in their power to ensure it stays that way.
WebGlaze. This one is a little bit more complicated, as you will need to get approval from the Glaze team themselves, to ensure you're not another AI tech bro(which, go fuck yourself if you are). You can do it through their twitter, through the same Cara app(the easiest way) or send them an email(takes the longest). For more details read on their website.
Unfortunately there are no ways that I know of to use Nightshade YET, as it's quite new. Cara.app definitely works on implementing it into their posting system tho!
Now for the tips to make it less visible(the examples contain only nightshade's rendering, sorry for that!):
Heavy textures. My biggest tip by far. Noise, textured brushes or just an overlay layer, everything works well. Preferably, choose the ones that are "crispy" and aren't blurred. It won't really help to hide rough edges of glaze/nightshade if you blur it. You can use more traditional textures too, like watercolor, canvas, paper etc. Play with it.
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Colour variety. Some brushes and settings allow you to change the colour you use just slightly with every stroke you make(colour jitter I believe?). If you dislike the process of it while drawing, you can clip a new layer to your colour art and just add it on top. Saves from the "rainbow-y" texture that glaze/nightshade overlays.
Gradients(in combination with textures work very well). Glaze/nightshade is more visible on low contrast/very light/very dark artworks. Try implementing a simple routine of adding more contrast to your art, even to the doodles. Just adding a neutral-coloured bg with a darker textured gradient already is going to look better than just plain, sterile digital colour.
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And finally, if you dislike how glaze did the job, just try to glaze/shade it again. Sometimes it's more visible, sometimes it's more subtle, it's just luck. Try again, compare, and choose the one you like the most. REMEMBER TO GLAZE/SHADE AFTER YOU MADE ALL THE CHANGES, NOT BEFORE!!
If you have any more info feel free to add to this post!!
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little-pondhead · 3 days
Day 20: Pitch Bible AU
I had a lot of fun with this :)
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[Quotes from the pitch bible and personal headcanons are below the cut.]
Link to pitch bible
"The kid with the nerdy, freaky parents. The kid who's afraid of his own shadow."
"Shy, quiet, stumbling and nervous - but always with a smile and a wink to his friends and the camera."
(Page 7)
Danny's death mark looks more like a burn scar rather than Lichtenberg figures. Everyone assumes he was in a fire whenever the trio talks about the Accident. The Fentons back this up since the true events cause an electrical fire in the lab.
He was only bullied about his scars once. Danny burst out crying on the spot, and no one has said anything since. He carries around a homemade balm to soothe the scars when he gets phantom pains.
His death mark extends into his hair and one of his eyes. He now has heterochromia as both Danny and Phantom, as the affected eye's iris was darkened, and a starburst pattern appeared. (inspired by this)
His overall eyesight was also affected, and he now wears reading glasses as a human. Danny frequently loses them, so his friends bought him a used eyeglass chain from a yard sale. The eyeglass chain is made of rainbow beads, and the spirit of the previous owner is attached to it.
Danny took up knitting soon after the Accident to help retrain his fine motor skills and concentration. He's quite good at it, and he made a sweater based on Van Gogh's Starry Night.
Frequently has ectoplasm stains on his clothes from either ghost fights or helping his parents in their lab. Most people think it's paint.
Phantom is invisible to most people (including himself when he looks in mortal mirrors.) He keeps it that way as much as possible, as his appearance is quite inhuman. Danny hates the uncanny valley feeling he causes wherever he goes. Even his friends had to work to get past the instinct to run when he showed himself. He has no pupils, but his death mark remains.
"Tucker uses the gadgets that Danny has gotten for him by raiding Mom and Dad's lab: The goggles that let him see ghosts, the backpack that lets him capture them, and the occasional random jet back that Dad was saving for a rainy day."
(Page 17)
Tallest of the trio, even with Sam's boots giving her an inch. Took track and field in middle school, so he's also the most physically fit, even if it's just by a little. Tucker is also the most reckless of the three and carries a first aid kit around for both him and Danny.
Bit of an adrenaline junkie, even if he won't admit it. Red Bull is his go-to over coffee and tea, which both Sam and Danny insist is bad for him. He's always hungry from sharing his meals with Danny, who cannot cook at home.
Tucker was forced to stop wearing his hats in middle school, but he hated his hair at the time, so he dyed it blonde and fried it straight to 'fit in better.' Sam and Danny have yelled at him for it, and he's slowly learning to appreciate his natural hair. (He still wants to keep dying it for a few more years, however. Red is the next color on his list!)
Takes dual courses at the Amity Park Community College in computer science. Became a top student quickly. He uses this knowledge to help Danny tinker with his parents' inventions and computers. (Which is difficult, given their backgrounds.)
Has a form of synesthesia called 'chromesthesia,' which means he sees colors and patterns when he hears sounds. His favorite color pattern is the sound of leaves rustling in autumn since it makes pretty yellow, orange, and red swirls. He turns the most memorable sounds into tie-dye t-shirts.
Tucker uses his 'liberated' Fenton tech all the time. Aside from ghost fights, he will 100% use the jetpack to get to school when he's late or use an extendable arm to hold a drink when he's busy. It drives Danny nuts because he has to recharge the backpack more, but when it comes down to it, he doesn't really mind. After all, Tucker is the one jailbreaking all their equipment.
"A Goth Janeane Garofalo-type that hides her good looks behind baggy clothes, she is an encyclopedia of conspiracy theories and paranormal activity…a cute girl who loves all things geek!"
(Page 17)
Sam is the most serious of the three and is suspicious of everything. Her parents raised her as a rich elite; nothing comes for free in that type of life. She practically lives in the secondary suite that belonged to her grandmother Ida, tending to the greenhouse and library there.
Her favorite color is purple, and she raises Purple Emperor butterflies in the greenhouse in an attempt to increase their population, despite her location. She raises other butterflies and insects as well, but the Purple Emperors are her pride and joy. She wears purple butterfly charms in honor of them.
She has a bigger library than the high school, with books on topics Danny and Tucker have never heard of. During a ghost-induced power outage, they went to Sam and her library to perform an "ancient form of Googling." She did not appreciate that joke.
Cuts and dyes her hair herself, and bothers the boys about proper self care. She even has a little notebook in her pocket that lists reminders, dates, and observations she wants to look back on later. (For example, it reminds her when Danny is supposed to take his medicine, since his memory sucks now.)
Sam researches the paranormal almost obsessively, especially since she gains that psychic link with Danny. She wants to understand it, how it works, and why it happened. (She isn’t aware the ‘get better’ kiss was the cause.)
The random feelings and visions have increased her anxiety tenfold. Tucker jokes that she’s Batman now, since Sam has used her money to create a hundred different backup plans for everything she could think of, including hidden emergency packs all over town.
Once curb-stomped a grown man, as a child, on the day of Grandma Ida’s funeral because he was bragging about influencing the final will in his favor. She brings this energy to any fight she’s capable of participating in, and ghosts have learned to give her a wide berth. Locals just think she’s nuts.
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cartoon-brainrot · 2 months
I posted these on Twitter one by one, but I was waiting to have the full collection to post them here!
I saw a lot of people draw the MLP as trolls, so I wanted to give it my own spin!
You’ll notice I didn’t just slot them in the main 6 genres, mostly because I just tried to find the genre that would fit them the most! As much as I love funk fluttershy or rarity, I don’t think their music style fits them <3
Fluttershy was the first one! I went with Classical-Metal, (although I debated for folk for quite some time) mostly because I thought that would suit her the most- and because she’s a metalhead in EG! Her hairstyle is taken from one of the outfits she used when she models for photo finish!
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PinkiePie was so obviously Hyperpop I didn’t even think about it twice! The music, the colours, the style, the excessive accessories- it all fits her so well!
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Applejack is country, I couldn’t take that from her. Just pure old country! I had some trouble with her hair, cause I wanted it to be big and poofy like Delta or Holly’s, but the first sketches weren’t quite right. I changed it at the last minute and I’m glad I did, because now I absolutely love it! And yes, her hat is more like a hairband, it’s missing the top- that’s where she slides the ponytail into!
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Twilight was classical- I had no doubts from that, but I thought being a mix between techno and classical would fit her very well! I gave her a sort of gown-like tailfin, and her wings also work as extra fins! All in all, I wanted her to look like a mix between an angel and a jellyfish! Her hair is lighter because it!s always subtly glowing- and also because dark hair wouldn’t work for either classical (who have cotton candy shades) and techno (whose hair is always glowing)
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Rarity is still a debate between Classical-Pop and Swing! I thought classical pop was great for her, especially because of her songs, but swing was SUCH a good style and genre for her! A lot of her outfits always have that vintage vibe, and her hairstyle reminded me of the headdresses they used in the 20s-30s!
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Rainbowdash is PopRock, obviously. She has goggles for when she flies and her earrings are clear! The pop trolls are all brightly coloured so I kept the rainbow hair instead of using less colours, but I dimmed them so that she would blend in better with the rock theme!
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And yes, all 6 of them have their elements on them! It’s just that they’re not all visible!
Twilight has it on her chest, Applejack and Rainbowdash have them on their belts! Pinkie pie has it on a hairclip, Rarity has it on a pin on her dress and fluttershy has it on her back!
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tamapalace · 20 days
Bandai Introduces the Tamagotchi Connection with a 20th Anniversary Global Re-Release
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The moment we’ve been waiting for is finally here! Bandai has officially announced the re-release of the Tamagotchi Connection with a 20th anniversary device! That’s right, can you believe it has been 20 years? We’re BEYOND ECSTATIC, and Bandai did NOT disappoint!
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Physically the design of the Tamagotchi Connection 20th anniversary looks like a Tamagotchi Connection V3 with the iconic antenna, but it’s clear that Bandai has put together this model to give us a taste of what the Tamagotchi Connection was like! We’re not entirely sure on the programming, but it looks like it will take characteristics from the Keitai and Tamagotchi Connection V3.
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The re-release of the Tamagotchi Connection for the 20th anniversary features unique programming that includes over 50 characters, 10 mini games, and 150 items! Your favorite characters will be back and raisable, and of course you can connect them together!
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Lets talk packaging, reminiscent of the Tamagotchi Original packaging, the Tamagotchi Connection 20th anniversary ditches the early 2000’s plastic packaging in favor of a more eco friendly paper packaging with. Brand new Tamagotchi logo, and yes look at the beautiful Connection graphics on the packaging! Colors of packaging include blue stripes that faces into white.How cute are Mametchi and Memetchi in the upper left-hand corner?
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The back of the packaging is super cute as it details the functionality of the Tamagotchi Connection which includes detailing the growth chart, samples some characters and some mini games, along with items. The packaging also mentions that there is a password for the item on the side flap inside the box, so perhaps we’re going to get some new passwords?
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The packaging does call out that we will be able to shop for new items directly on the Tamagotchi, so the shop has returned. You’ll earn those Gotchi Points and then purchase some new items to spoil your Tamagotchi!
Unpack your CR2032 batteries, because the Tamagotchi Connection 20th anniversary is powered by the same batteries you know and love. The packaging also calls out that programming is in both English and Japanese. Perhaps it’ll ask which language on boot, which would make the most sense, similar to the Tamagotchi Uni.
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Let’s talk shells! Bandai is releasing the initial Tamagotchi Connection 20th anniversary wave with 6 shells. Two of which are returning from 2006, these include Bubbles and Ice Cream. The new shells include Clear Retro which features a clear translucent shell and cute retro like graphics in white, orange, purple, and green around the display along with pink buttons. Then you’ve got Rainbow Sky which is so cute and features a shell completely painted in a red, yellow, green, and blue rainbow along with some clouds and hearts, purple buttons and the top of the antenna is blue.
Lastly, Bandai has brought back the True Friends pack, how creative is that? These two graffiti shells are unique as they are excuse to the true friends two pack, one is a blue graffiti shell, the other is a pink graffiti shell. They both feature Tamagotchi characters include Mametchi, Kuchipatchi, Memetchi, and Mimitchi.
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There will be four shells exclusive to Japan that are all reminiscent of shells released in the 2000’s! That includes the iconic melon soda!
The Bubbles shell includes a password to download soda, the Ice cream shell includes a password to download ice cream, the Rainbow Sky shell includes a password to download an umbrella, the Clear Retro shell includes a password to download a waffle, and the True Friends Blue Graffiti and Pink Graffiti True Friends pack incudes a password to download a pencil!
All of the shells include the new logo to match the packaging of the Tamagotchi Connection 20th anniversary.
It is important to note that the wallpaper behind the screen on these will be a bit different from one another. Both Bubbles and Ice Cream uses the numbered background featured on the Tamagotchi Connection V1, whereas the new shells have backgrounds that are unique to their shells. That’s an awesome attention to detail.
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Another thing to call out is that the chain on these devices is the same as the Tamagotchi Original, or Tamagotchi Connexion in Europe. This model does not feature the same chain as the Tamagotchi Connection with the chainlink design and ring.
Pricing! The Tamagotchi Connection is priced at $29.99, and the Tamagotchi Connection True Friends pack is priced at $57.99. This is a global release and preorders are already open on Amazon with an official release date of July 9th, 2024. Japan will be releasing them a bit later on August 3rd, 2024! It’s about to be an AMAZING SUMMER! The Tamagotchi Connection is already the  Amazon #1 Best Seller in Toys & Games before it was even officially announced by Bandai! Don’t call it a comeback, call it a takeover.
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carabinersims · 1 year
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Computer Lab Series 1
This set is inspired by: early 80s computers, my dad’s office when he taught electrical engineering, and VHS tape artifacts. Many of the pieces in here are stylized versions of real-life things, which I’ve included more info about under the cut.
This set contains 11 new meshes and features 2 retro computers, a desk chair, a desk, and lots of retro clutter items.
Download link (SFS): Separate packages or ZIP of the whole thing.
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Here's some fancy promo GIFs!
Set contents:
Carapro II Portable Computer: Based on the Kaypro II Portable Computer (1982) // 4 swatches (including wood grain/rainbow!), 789 polys
BBC Micro Computer: Based on the BBC Micro Computer (1981) // 4 swatches (including wood grain/rainbow!), 329 polys
Steelcase Desk Chair // 5 swatches, 746 polys - has 1 LOD
Retro Desk // 4 swatches, 264 polys
Floppy Disks // 2 swatches, 734 polys
Stapler // 3 swatches, 152 polys (has 1 LOD)
Caradex V (Rolodex) // 1 swatch, 834 polys (has 1 LOD)
Desk Caddy // 2 swatches, 1580 polys (has 1 LOD)
Computer Manual Posters // 4 swatches, 20 polys (resized EA soccer poster mesh)
Cassette Recorder // 4 swatches (including wood grain/rainbow!), 212 polys
Cassette Tape // 4 swatches, 202 polys
Here's everything you get:
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Images for the poster set are taken from the manuals for the Kaypro and BBC Micro; thank you to folks who upload these online!
Fonts used in the textures are Nootrasim, Uni(versity) Llama, and Simlish Crayon.
Technical notes/known issues:
Sims’ hands slightly clip into the computers with angled keyboards; this is not something I can fix due to how the animations are set up.
The computers don’t have mice (they wouldn’t have had them at the time), so the Sims will move their hands around as if they were using an invisible mouse.
The BBC Micro computer has a medium decor slot on top -- perfect for cute plants, books, clutter, etc. In testing, I noticed that if you place something there that trails down the sides, Sims will not want to use the computer (you have to make them sit in the chair and then interact with it). Most items don’t seem to do this so I’m leaving the slot in - just know if you put trailing stuff on top, this might happen.
The cassette recorder has a decor slot in the perfect place to actually put the cassette tape in it, and I love it! I’d recommend picking the cassette tape you want before putting it in; once it’s in the recorder, I couldn’t figure out an easy way to get it out again. You can always delete the whole thing and re-place a cassette recorder.
Other notes:
TOU: Don't upload to paid sites or claim you made these. If you do recolor, you can include the mesh if you link back to me.
This is my first larger set and I'm kinda nervous! If you encounter any issues please message me on here and let me know.
I've also created a companion "further reading" post here, which goes into more detail about the research and references I used for these
⭐ Like my stuff? It's all free but it does take me time -- if you want to, feel free to leave a tip on Ko-fi. ⭐
@mmfinds @maxismatchccworld @simbfinds @adoring-ccfinds @mmoutfitters  @public-ccfinds  
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0097linersb · 4 days
No Control (m)
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Pairings: Wooyoung x Reader
Genre: Smut ( pwp)
Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: Exhibitionism with a non-participating person, beware.
Follow me on twitter for updates, previews, spoilers: wooyosgfreal <3
“Isn´t it a bit too cold in here?” You asked the boy next to you after ignoring the shivers running up your arms for the past 15 minutes for the sake of not moving.  
“Don´t think so,” Wooyoung shrugged, not even looking up from his phone which he had been lazily staring at for the past few hours.  
You rolled your eyes and decided to look around for the air conditioner´s control yourself, to at least get the air blowing in a different direction instead of right on top of you. After fumbling around the pillows with no success, your frustrated eyes met what you were looking for: across the room, on the table, inches away from San´s busy hand, there it was, the solution to all your problems in all its shining white glory. 
“San,” You tried calling but the man did nothing indicating that he had heard you. You tried again, louder this time, “Choi San!” 
“He won´t hear you. Noise-canceling headphones,” Wooyoung informed and got a groan in response. “You can always stand up and get it, you know.” 
“No,” You groaned, with a pout on your face. 
Your friend rolled his eyes and reached his right hand under the bed, you heard the sound of a drawer being opened and suddenly a heavy blanket was being thrown on top of you, “Here, princess.” 
You happily unfolded the fabric, tucking yourself under it and humming in content.  
“Leave some for me,” He scolded you, grabbing the corner of the heavy blanket and pulling it towards himself. 
“You just said you weren´t cold!” 
“I was lying ´cause I didn´t wanna move, just shut up and let me watch my TikToks.”  
You rolled your eyes for the tenth time that day. Teenage movies and fanfictions have lied to you that being friends with men was all flowers and rainbows, that they would protect you and do anything for you like you were a helpless beautiful little princess. The only things you´ve ever gotten from San and Wooyoung were purple bruises and poorly mixed drinks. Well, they did fix your computer every time something stopped working but that was only because they needed you to play to complete the squad and you were way better than Yeosang. 
After 20 more minutes of doing nothing, a loud groan filled the room – Coming from you. Wooyoung jumped in the bed next to you and San as expected, didn´t hear it. 
“What the hell was that?” 
“My phone died,” You whined, burying your head deep in the pillow to express your frustration. 
“Just charge it?” 
“My charger is in my bag in the kitchen.” 
“Then just take a nap.” 
“Nooooo, entertain me.” 
“Do I look like a clown to you?” 
“Pretty much, yeah.” 
“Ok, I just set myself up for that one.” 
“You absolutely did. Hand me the remote,” You extended your hand waiting for said device. 
Wooyoung´s free hand fumbled around the bed for a minute before exclaiming in success, placing the TV´s remote on your palm before going back to his phone. You turned on the TV and put on one of the shows you were currently watching, volume not too loud so it wouldn´t interfere with the audio on San´s Discord call since the TV was right next to his chair.  
You quickly got distracted by the show, even with Wooyoung´s videos playing loudly right next to your ear and San´s occasional screams at Yunho and Mingi through his microphone. It did help that you had absolutely nothing else to do and there was an incredibly attractive man on the screen in front of you. 
Every once in a while, Wooyoung would show you a stupid video he was laughing at and San got up one time to go to the bathroom, but besides that, everything remained the same for the next hour or so. That´s it until you felt Wooyoung´s hand wrapping around your thigh.  
Your friend was a touchy person so it didn´t immediately register as something out of the ordinary to you necessarily - although normally when he touched your legs, it was usually never too far up from your knees and not right in the middle of your thigh like at the moment, but you excused that because his hands and your body were under the covers so he couldn´t really see what he was doing.  
Even when his thumb started to draw soft circles against your skin, you didn´t think much of it.  
Your body did go into alert when he started to move the tips of his fingers up and down your thigh, though. You looked over at him, lying in bed next to you but his eyes were glued to his phone like nothing was happening – which made you think maybe nothing was and you were just overthinking.  
Jung Wooyoung, your friend of almost 3 years. 
Yeah, your friend. 
His fingers continued to trace your skin innocently enough and you enjoyed the display of affection for a while, goose bumps naturally erupting down your body from the touch, even internally laughing at yourself for having your mind in the gutter. 
In 2 years of friendship, Wooyoung never tried anything with you or gave any signs that he would be anywhere near interested, quite the opposite actually - You literally saw the man not taking a shower for over 3 days once during summer break. Also, San was right there in the room. You didn´t know where those crazy thoughts of yours were coming from. 
But oh well, turns out you should trust your instincts more.  
After a few minutes of mindless petting,  Wooyoung apparently had banged his head on the floor earlier, because his fingers started suddenly traveling to your inner thighs and every time his touches went up your knee, they inched down deeper between your bent legs when coming back down. You were too in shock to do anything immediately, eyes wide as you looked at the man once again, who was still laughing at a video on TikTok.  
He was so good at pretending he was doing nothing, you almost considered you were hallucinating.  
That´s it until his fingers inched so deep down your legs, the tip of his fingers touched the bottom of your shorts, a breath away from actually touching your chore. Your body jumped in surprise, eyes finding the same scene as before when you tried looking next to you. 
What surprised you the most though, was the way your walls sort of clenched around nothing at the touch.  
While you were trying to process what was going on, he continued his ministrations, his fingers tracing softly the inside of your thighs up and down, ghost touches that had you holding back a squirm with all you had. 
Eventually, what you figured was his middle finger, traced over your slit on top of your shorts and you couldn´t hold back the little spasm in reaction. That´s when you decided to stop that madness, looking at Wooyoung, who this time was already giving you a sheepish smile. 
“What do you think you´re doing?” You whispered like San could hear it. 
“Didn´t you ask me to entertain you?” 
“Yeah, with like a gossip, not with whatever this is,” You exasperated, his finger pressing down right on your clit over your clothes, and you had to bite onto the inside of your cheek to hold back any reactions. 
“And what exactly do you think this is?” He raised an eyebrow, his conniving smile still plastered across his face. 
“One of your stupid little games.” 
“Oh really?” Wooyoung asked, his hand trailing up to your abdomen where he played with the waistband of your shorts. “´Cause I kind of just wanted my fingers inside you.” 
It was sad the way you felt yourself pulsing between your legs at his words. 
“Shut the fuck up,” Your brain was short-circuiting, and his fingers were inching down, now toying with the elastic band of your panties. 
“You´re the one asking questions.” 
“You´re the one with their hand down my shorts.” 
“Was bored,” He stated with a shrug, looking up at you as his middle finger found their way inside your panties and dipping it down your slit, “And apparently someone was enjoying it.” 
He pressed a finger slowly inside of you just to prove his point, smirk growing bigger at the way it slid in with so much ease. All the thoughts of it being just him trying to prank you flew right out of the window. 
“San is literally right there,” You breathed, heart almost coming out of your mouth. 
“It´s not like he would see anything,” Wooyoung argued.  
“Wooyoung,” You warned once he started pumping his finger deeper, you could feel the way he curled them because of how slow he was going. He was just teasing you and it was already driving you insane. 
“I will stop if you want me to, if not just shut up and go back to watching your movie.” 
He gave you no time to answer, looking once again at his phone, waiting for your verdict. You were sitting down, your knees were bent close to your chest, forming a tent around your legs, which meant no movements could be seen from Wooyoung´s hand in between there. He was half lying down half sitting up, his shoulders supported by two thick pillows and one of his hands was out from under the covers to hold his phone. The position didn´t seem suspicious at all and he never once stopped slowly pumping his middle finger inside you while you were having your little mental debate, and exactly because of that, your rational line of thought was getting further and further away by the second.  
You could deal with the consequences later, or Wooyoung could since he´s the one who started this mess out of literal nowhere. 
With no words you looked back towards the TV, noticing the smirk opening up once again on Wooyoung´s face from the corner of your eyes. His Tiktoks started playing loudly once again and he used his now more than coated middle finger to draw circles on your clit, your whole-body shuddering at the first contact.  
You wanted to keep an eye out for San, to stop everything if he happened to turn around, but it was physically impossible to keep your eyes open with the way Wooyoung knew how to use his stupid fucking finger. Your breath was already so shaky and you had to harshly bite down onto your lip to stop any sounds from coming out. 
Wooyoung was not even in a rush, his movements languid like he was just having his fun and had all the time in the world, which was honestly annoying because 1. you were already close and it was humiliating and 2. you couldn´t whine about it.  
You sensed he somehow knew you were close to the edge because he soon stopped circling your clit to now let two fingers inside of you, carefully looking for your sensitive spot – which he found abnormally fast considering most times you couldn´t even find it yourself. 
“If you keep trying to be quiet I´ll stop,” He warned, browsing through Tiktok like he wasn´t literally about to make you cum under the covers, not even batting an eye in your direction.  
You took a nervous look in San´s direction to check if he didn´t listen to Wooyoung´s words, but his fingers were still angrily pressing his keyboard. You could even listen to Yunho raging on his headphones. 
“He´s not going to listen, look” He rolled his eyes before raising his voice: “Hey San, you need to turn around and see how pretty Y/N looks with my fingers so deep inside of her-” 
“Wooyoung,” You slapped his shoulder in shock, eyes wide as you looked once again in San´s direction from any signs he had heart Wooyoung´s almost yell. He didn´t seem to have. 
“Oh,” Wooyoung smirked at you. “Interesting.” 
“Hey San, you wouldn´t believe this. Guess who´s clenching around my fingers every time I mention that you´re in the room with us.” 
Wooyoung let out a genuinely amused laugh and you would punch him if he wasn´t right, you didn't know why and it was an unconscious reaction, but a shiver went up your body when Wooyoung teasingly called San and a whine literally slipped out the second time he did it. Maybe you had an exhibitionist part of you that was never uncovered before. 
“So you like that San´s here, huh?” Wooyoung teased, “Kinky.” 
You were doing your very best to keep any noises inside but the closer you got, the harder it became. Wooyoung seemed to appreciate it because he would speed up slightly after each sound you let slip from your mouth, which meant you were about to lose this battle very soon.  
“I wonder, do you want us to get caught or the thrill is just in the fact that he´s here unaware of the mess you are from just my fingers?” 
“Wooyoung, I´m close,” You breathed out. 
Why oh why did you have to open your godamn mouth? The second you finished the warning, Wooyoung completely stopped what he was doing, fingers going still inside of you. 
“Now that´s no fun, is it? I´m enjoying this with you so much.” 
“Wooyoung for fuck´s sake-” 
“Do you guys want to order something to eat?” San´s voice suddenly surprised you, making you almost jump out the bed as you now watched him taking his headphones off. “I´m getting kind of hungry.” 
Your breathing was even more erratic from the scare, but San was just innocently staring at the two of you, completely clueless to the way Wooyoung´s fingers were still inside of you and your walls were spasming so much around them you could almost cum with no stimulation.  
“Yeah, me too,” Wooyoung agreed, his eyes once again so naturally glued to his phone.  
“Do you want me to order it or will you do it?” San asked. 
Fucking Jung Wooyoung decided that was the perfect time to start moving his fingers once again instead of taking them out like any normal person would once their best friend was literally looking at the two of you.  
You were already so sensitive from being edged before, you had to dig your nails deep into the fabric of the covers to not moan out loud.  
“I can order,” Wooyoung answered and his voice didn´t even shake. “What do you feel like eating?” 
“See if any of the restaurants we like are opened,” San suggested.  
This can´t be really happening.  
You saw Wooyoung opening the food delivery app, scrolling down the options with one hand while the other pumped into you teasingly. 
“There´s that italian place on sunset, the shawarma one, Mc Donald´s, the chinese one we had with Seonghwa, pizza, mexican -” 
You stopped listening halfway through the list when the man next to you started to once again circle your clit. You wanted to physically stop Wooyoung´s hand but there was no way of putting your hands under the covers to hold his pulse without making what was going on completely obvious to San. 
“What do you think, Y/N?” San directed his attention to you.  
“Whatever is fine,” Your voice was really shaky and you couldn´t even look at San´s face for any reactions because not only were you too embarrassed, it was also taking every single fiber of your body to not moan out loud.  
You were so fucking close but you were not about to cum with San watching. 
Would it be too obvious if you elbowed Wooyoung super hard? 
“You can´t say that because every time we order something that isn´t exactly what you feel like eating you whine the whole night,” San lectured you.  
“Pi- Pizza then.” 
Could San see you were shaking? 
“Nice, what toppings?”  
You were so so close, you were in fact about to cum in front of your friends no matter how much you didn´t want to. Wooyoung has been teasing and edging you all night but the one time you truly wanted him to stop, he was giving no signs that he would save you. 
“I feel like pepperoni,” Wooyoung offered. 
“Hm, I kind of wanted cheese.” 
“Oh my god, just literally order whatever,” You groaned, or maybe moaned, you don´t even know anymore. 
Just please turn the fuck around. 
“Damn, -” 
“Sannie, could you do me a huge favor first? Can you bring me antacid? My stomach is killing me,” Wooyoung frowned in fake pain. 
He was not even a little bit ashamed. 
“Sure man, be right back.” 
The second San was out of the room, Wooyoung threw the blanket to the side and practically jumped in between your legs, moving so fast you barely processed it until he was laying down with his head between your thighs. 
“You gotta be fast love,” He smirked up at you. 
“Oh, that won´t be a problem- Oh fuck.” 
You had not even finished the sentence and Wooyoung had already grabbed the bottom of your shorts and panties and pulled it to the side, his mouth immediately meeting your clit – and your thighs his ears consequently.  
Wooyoung´s free hand snaked between you two and he pushed two fingers inside of you while his tongue worked circles on your clit, you could even feel his soft plumpy lips against your skin and it was driving you insane enough to bite onto the back of your hand so you wouldn´t moan loudly.  
While before he was teasing you and moving slowly, now he was eating you out like a man starved and it took about less than a minute to get you shaking under him and grabbing his hair.  
Wooyoung looked up at you clearly pleased with himself, face looking like a mess as he placed your clothes back in place. You barely saw as he rolled back to his previous place and used the hem of his shirt to clean his chin, your brain was way too dead to think about anything at the moment other than catching your breath.  
“Dude, you´re so lucky. It was literally the last o- Oh,” It was comical the way San suddenly stopped, frozen in place. You followed his eyesight to nothing other than Wooyoung´s sweatpants, where a very apparent hard-on - that he either didn´t get the time to hide or just didn´t care - stood tall. “Bro, have some fucking manners, there´s a lady present.” 
You choked around air and held back your laughter. 
“You´re right. I´m sorry for tainting your innocence with this sight, Y/N. I´ll be in the bathroom for around 10 to 15 minutes correcting my mistake.”  
And with that, Wooyoung climbed on top of you to get out of the bed and leave the room. San took upon him to give you one last apology and explain some biology to you. 
“Sometimes boners are involuntary, we can´t control it.” 
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Wip Wednesday
guees who started new wip with baby queer Tommy in his 30s and confident whore Buck in his early 20s just an hour ago? meeeee
Before going to the bar where the handsome man is still drinking beer, Evan quickly corrects the way his top sits on him, pressing his fingers to his piercing to get his nipples more pebble, makes sure that the hairstyle is great, corrects his neon red lipstick and eyeliner, and wagging his hips goes to what promises to be a hot night.
“You look lost, big guy,” Evan puts on his best smile that always helps him get anything or anyone he wants, “can I seduce you with a new bottle of beer? Or would you prefer anything else? They have amazing cherry and peach shots. Can highly recommend,” he carefully leans to the guy not wanting to scare him too fast, so he still keeps some space between them.
“I-I,” the man swallows, looking at his face, clearly fascinated by Evan's lip piercing. 
Evan grins inside, licking his lower lip so that his tongue piercing is also visible. He knows how wanting to feel it between their legs drives people crazy. And this with adding the lipstick he has on his plump lips will guarantee this guy will want his mouth on him soon.
“I was just thinking about drinking this bottle and going home, but-but thanks.”
The man definitely lies if the way his voice is almost ready to break and how he tries hard not to check Evan’s body says anything.
Evan just arches his back more, leaning on the counter, he pretends to straighten his top, enjoying how while his attention is on the bartender, he literally burns under the heavy gaze of this man. 
He loves when people make him work before falling into his bed. It's a funny game. Till they are not saying real no, of course. Then he goes away because he’s not an asshole.
“You sure, handsome?” Evan bats his eyelashes. “Those shots are best in town. But maybe you’re not comfortable with drinking with someone not knowing their name? Well, then, I’m Evan, but,” Evan leans to whisper it yet leaving some space because he want this man to close the last the distance between them tonight when he will be ready, “you, handsome, can call me anything you want,” Evan winks and then when bartender finally comes to them asks again, “so shots or should I leave you alone?”
The way for man to get away from him. If he will tell him to leave him Evan will do it. 
“Yeah, shots. And both types sound good. Love both cherry and peaches,” man nods to him and smiles a little.
Evan orders four shots of both types for now and then turns back his full attention on the brunette finally deciding to sit near him and not just stay, “so what should I call you, big guy? Or do you prefer pet names I use?” 
“Tommy,” the man, Tommy, licks his lip, definitely looking a little tense, so that Evan wants to get on his knees already and blow him so good he will lose all this tension. Later, he stops himself. I'll do it later and he will see the god himself, while coming. “You can call me Tommy.”
I will not just call you that, sweety, I’ll scream it coming on your cock while riding you so hard you’ll see the stars - Evan thinks, but says, “Nice to meet you, Tommy,” with a little stretched intonation and a voice slightly lower than necessary highlighting the name. “Really nice to meet you.”
tagged by @dangerpronebuddie @wikiangela @tizniz 💙💙💙
Tagging @watchyourbuck @ebdaydreamer @eddiebabygirldiaz @evanbi-ckley @rainbow-nerdss @rogerzsteven @the-likesofus @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @underwaterninja13 @pirrusstuff @aspecbuddie @saybiwithme @spaceprincessem @spotsandsocks @devirnis @diazsdimples @fortheloveofbuddie @honestlydarkprincess @hippolotamus @jesuisici33 @cal-daisies-and-briars @bibuckbuckley @bekkachaos @bewilderedbuckley @bigfootsmom @bi-buckrights @neverevan @monsterrae1 @daffi-990 and anyone who wants to
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littlefleamart · 8 months
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luffypedia · 1 year
dead to the world
in which monkey d. luffy moves a lot when he sleeps.
sound sleep is not a common phenomenon with luffy. he tends to get his sleep in the form of multiple naps spread out throughout the day; but ever since he’s been with you, he’s attached to you by the hip. he can’t be without you for too long without getting bored, so he joins you as you sleep.
he joins you about 20 minutes after you tell him, “luffy, i’m tired. i’m going to bed”, and he tries to be slick, snaking an arm around your waist and spooning you. however, luffy has a restless soul. he can’t stay still for too long without bursting into an explosion of rainbow confetti and smiles.
he begins his movements by tossing around in his designated spot of the bed. he turns 180 degrees to face the other side of the wall. no, that’s boring. he turns 90 degrees to look up at the ceiling. that’s even worse! he makes another 90 degree turn to look at your back. that’s a nice view, but he’d rather be looking at your face.
this tossing and turning does not go unnoticed by you, as you make a turn and face him and grumble out some annoyed incomprehensible words, which luffy translates in his brain as “i love you so much luffy! you are the best boyfriend in the world!”. when in reality, the message you were trying to send was something along the lines of “luffy, i hate you. stop moving so much.”
he can’t help but smile at you in your cute disoriented state; he’s battling the urge to squeeze your cheeks and pepper kisses on your face, but he’s smart enough to know that if he makes one wrong move he’s getting kicked off of the bed.
he grabs you by the waist and pulls you closer to him, until you are practically laying flat on top of him, your face nestled in his shoulder, basking in the warmth of his body. suddenly, luffy loses all urge to move, and his restlessness dissipates, as he wraps both his arms around you and breathes in harshly to let out a content sigh.
this is in no way comfortable for you, you like sleeping on your side rolled up into a little ball, but you remain aware of the fact that luffy is a light sleeper, so you stay as stiff as a rock in your position. you huff, coming to the realisation that you will not be getting much sleep tonight if you remain like this. luffy, however, is dead to the world.
but you can’t help but smile at this predicament you’re in. if it means you get to be close to luffy like this, you would give up sleep for the rest of your life.
© luffypedia 2023
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mamayan · 8 months
20, 92, 52, 99
Could you do this with Douma and a fem reader pretty please? Also very many congratulations!
Bang! … No bullet was shot—
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“You’re pathetic, you know that right?” || Taste of Iron || Size || Praise/Worship
tw: NSFW • Biting (Blood play) • Rough Sex • Corruption K!nk • NONCON • Douma doesn’t stfu • Bondage
wc: 1086
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“Ah~ really though, there’s nothing more wonderful than when you’re like this for me,” his voice was a soothing purr as he trails one cold hand up the smooth expanse of your thigh.
Luminescent rainbow eyes gazed down at your fragile figure tied and helpless. A pretty silk gag knotted and slotted into your mouth prevents any retorts.
“My most naughty little follower, are you enjoying this?” He wasn’t truly asking to hear your answer, more fixated on how much he was enjoying this. He could feel it, the blood and vitality rushing through your veins as adrenaline pumped and kept you acutely aware of every touch he placed on you. The fear and clarity in your gaze which the majority of his cult never figured out until it was far far too late.
You saw something you weren’t supposed to, and sadly, that meant you couldn’t be allowed to separate and mingle without him.
Tears flow down your cheeks as you struggle, bound and powerless under the beautiful male.
He was a fraud. A liar. A monster.
None of it mattered now, not when he’d sunken his claws too deeply into your family and friends to save them. You couldn’t even save yourself it seemed.
“Don’t cry sweet thing~ I’m not going to eat you~” yet, his smile was disarming, blatantly lying to your pretty face as he coos and hushes you.
“You’ve always been my favorite, you know? It makes me so sad to think about harming you, so we’ll do something else instead, okay~♡?” The cute way he spoke didn’t match Douma’s large body as he discarded his top, muscular unblemished figure on display.
He easily settled between your spread thighs, enjoying the view of your dripping pussy while you silently begged for mercy. “Such a shame I had to muffle your cute voice…” he laments to himself, nuzzling your soft inner thigh with his face and enjoying the texture of your skin. “I kind of want to hear you scream for me but, oh well,” he gives no warning before his sharp teeth are sinking into the flesh of your thigh, your pained squeal silenced by the fabric stuffed into your mouth. Douma delights in the blood and mark on your body, his mark, as he laps up the small rivers leaking from the puncture wounds he’d given. “Shh, no need to cry, I just wanted a taste,” he giggles, beautiful blonde hair falling into his eyes as he looks down at his handiwork. His large hands shift, moving to your exposed cunt where he uses two fingers to spread your folds and reveal your small wet hole.
“I just knew you’d like this~!” You flinch away from the image above you, his lips stained with your blood, sharp canines on display as he grins.
He pays no mind to your repulsion, soon you’d come to like the blood as he did, he just needed to show you why it all felt so good.
“Y/N, sorry, I’ll prepare you much better next time, but I want to see you bleed a little more me, yeah? You’ll be a good girl won’t you?” Douma ignores the shake of your head, the clear useless struggle you attempt against your bindings. Instead, he loosens his belt and allows his pants to drop past his upper thighs, releasing his hardened cock.
“I promise it’ll feel good after a bit, just be patient.” He assures, voice so calm and patient compared to your panic and trembling body. “Your pussy is so cute Y/N, tiny like you, it might hurt a bit.” You imagine it’s going to hurt more than a bit as he lines himself up with your quivering unprepared entrance. The thick blunt head pressed and kissing you, pre-cum leaking freely from his tip, the only lubricant he’s offering as he presses forward.
You jerk, unable to voice the pressure overwhelming you as he takes you, mind going hazy with the burn and sensations forced upon you.
“Oh my, hng,” his head goes back, muscles tensing and flexing as he moans. “This hole is pretty naughty too, hm?” He gasps, voice strained for the first time all evening, “You’re so tight, it’s like you're sucking me in.”
He laughs when he realizes you’re nearly passed out, sweet features languid and drool soaking through the gag as you whine deep in your throat. He doesn’t stop, thick cock spearing you open as he rocks and slicks himself up with your arousal and blood from his initial cruel entrance.
“My cute little follower, it’s almost like you’re worshiping my cock now right? Isn’t it a dream come true for you?” He’s gleeful as he begins dragging along inside of your walls, rocking you with how heavy each thrust is. He delights in your struggle to resist, but it’s clear you’re falling quickly to the feeling of fullness and pleasure as your passage becomes wetter with each slap of his pelvis against you.
“Good girl, you don’t need to do a thing, just feel good for me.” You don’t have a choice as he fucks you sensesless, eyes rolling back as you cum around him with a silent shout. His hips don’t stop, only his moans and nails digging into your hips increase while he works himself deep and hard into you, savoring the scent of iron in the air while blood smears on his lower half and cock.
“Ah, you came right? How cute,” he coos, loving your cock drunk appearance juxtaposed to your earlier fear and revulsion of him. “You’re pathetic, you know that right? Do you still want me to stop?” He chuckles, hand reaching up and untying the gag, pulling the dripping wad of fabric out of your mouth. “Answer me quickly, do you still want me to stop?” He asks, voice deepening as he rams the head of his cock against an area that has you wailing.
“L-Lord Do-Douma please—!” He twists one of your nipples harshly, loving the pretty arch your back makes as you clench and spasm around him again.
“That’s not an answer~” he coos, your pretty eyes unfocused as you drool and babble after your orgasm.
“Don’t—! Don’t stop! Fuck me! Please!” You’re quick to lose yourself, pleasure consuming you as he rocks you on his cock and thumbs your clit with a smug grin.
“That’s what I thought,” he chuckles, glad he doesn’t have to kill you earlier than he’d planned.
You are his favorite after all.
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Post dividers/@cafekitsune
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A short list of extremely-specific lesser-known mythical monster tropes which I didn’t expect to be super widespread:
1.  Ogres which, when slain, spawn huge amounts of mosquitoes out of their bodies.
2.  Humanoid horrors that lurk at the tops of cliffs and kick passerbies down off of the ledge so that their mates and/or offspring can kill them.
3.  Depraved ex-human cannibals for whom one of their feet has rotten away into a spike of bone which they then stab people with.
4.  Creatures which resemble pitiful old men and beg people to carry them but their legs are actually tentacle-like “straps” which they use to kill or enslave their victims.
5.  Hairy ogres with axe-heads sticking out of their chests.
6.  Grotesque female humanoids with enormous, pendulous breasts, one of which they throw over their shoulder.  (That last detail specifically shows up more times than you would think possible.)
7.  Flying detachable heads.  Organs hanging down frequent but optional.
8.  The “animal that cannot lie down,” i.e. a monster without joints in its limbs that, you guessed it, cannot lie down and has to lean on things.
10.  So.  Many.  Backwards.  Feet.  Usually as a means of making trackers think they went in the opposite direction.
11.  Swallowers.  I.e., monsters that swallow huge amounts of victims but keep them inside in their stomachs before spitting them out when slain.  Most famously present in Sub-Saharan Africa, but basically everywhere.
12.  Bisected humanoids.  Creatures with only half a physical body, cut vertically.
13.  Headless monsters with faces on their chests.
14.  Natal revenants.  The undead remains of women who die in childbirth, usually as some sort of ghostly Succubus.
15.  Female creatures with hollow backs, the main giveaway of their supernatural nature.
16.  Living meteor demons that spread disease.
17.  Chicken-snake hybrids.
18.  Rattite-snake hybrids.
19.  Parrot-snake hybrids.
20.  Monsters that fly around in the atmosphere, and if you look at them you die.  (Related to number 16.)
21.  In arid regions, RAINBOW TASTE YOU.  (Because it signals the end of much-needed rain and is therefore seen in a negative light and personified as something malicious.  
22.  Owl demons!  Tend to be witchy/hag-like.
23.  Succubi whose only giveaway of their monstrousness is a single hooved foot.
24.  People cursed into becoming weird donkey-things.
25.  River blockers.  Monsters who block off water supplies in order to cause droughts, and must be slain for that reason.
26.  Monsters who inflict some kind of seemingly unsurvivable body horror on you, before resurrecting you long enough to go home at which point you promptly die for reals this time.
And many, many, more, but I’m tired right now.  Might update later.
Update:  Wow!  I did not expect this blow up, or for this many people to be interested!  This was very spur of the moment and off the top of my head, I assumed I would just be infodumping into the void.  I’m going to write up examples for all of these, I’m just going to need a little bit of time to get my sources in order to make sure they I don’t misrepresent or misremember anything.  How common a lot of these are varies, some tend to be primarily amongst neighboring cultures in specific regions, others tend to be downright global.  And some have dozens of instances while others are more like that Doofenshmirtz meme.  (I’d only have two nickels but I’m surprised it happened twice).  
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spirenhime · 4 months
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Byza City collection featuring some older art and my working map of the location (rainbow one second to last). The most international and diverse city of the Shallow Sea region, built atop cliffs and a large sea arch. (a big city of 48,000 but is only like the 5th biggest in the region and probably doesn't even make top 20 in the world of Ibes, let alone the rest of the Sphere). Though picturesque, the city has deep problems with classism, poverty and organized crime. Byza city is the capital of the Byzain Isles (last pic), centrally located in the region
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