#raised by shredder
milothelurker · 9 months
Hey, um, so I wrote a TMNT 2012 Raph-centric fic and thought I should link it here. It’s my first posted work since I finally have the confidence to actually post something instead of keeping it to myself. I hope everyone likes it and enjoys it as much as I like writing it.
@sapphicweeb you told me to @ you when I posted something and here’s chapter one! I hope you enjoy!
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“I am not a bad guy! I just have a bad personality, it’s not my fault. Some people are born with fucked personalities.”
— Karai, at some point
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oobbbear · 1 month
Love me a canon divergence au where the main character was raised in a different environment or fall into the wrong hand never met the support they should have then grow up to be the villain
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mulberriesandtea · 6 months
wait- you like lcb and milgram?! have you ever considered. mikoto as yisang.
YES I DO. Tumblr user somokoto I was the guy to introduce limbusblr to the concept that the canto order might be based off the circles of hell. While I'm actually not the original proposer of this theory, it basically became mine due to the fact I saved it from being scrapped by the original proposer along with being the one to split violence into three sections and split satan away from treachery. Y'know. Normal things. I guess I also made some meme compilations. Those are popular and still get notes.
Anyways milgram x lcb :) While I have considered the prisoners as sinners before and in fact hilariously occasionally mix up the two names, I had not considered Yi Sang Mikoto. However, now I am! They both have really neat mirror motifs and stuff like that :)c I'm curious about how you see the two as similar! ...Oh I guess you can also say something about them and trains. That too.
May I also raise you. Haruka as Sinclair.
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starlightshadowsworld · 2 months
Son of Saki
Yeah everyone knew something was up with Irma the moment she liked Mikey's werid ass pizza creations.
Between them they'd make Gordon Ramsey have a mental break down.
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espighty · 10 months
Shredder’s arc with Karai is actually so funny to me because like.
Shredder when he learns of his true heritage and betrays the clan who raised him:
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Shredder when Karai learns of her true heritage and betrays the clan who raised her:
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raphaelesbian · 7 months
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I read Raised by Shredder by @milothelurker and I just had to draw this scene fhsalghkdg. I took some liberties giving Raph some scars, I simply cannot help myself... Anyway it's a very good fic c:
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anon372 · 1 year
Wedding photo
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That moment in life when you wonder why you’re doing this.
Original picture below
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I dont have anything specific to ask, but I want to know more about your Parent Swap AU. Why does Shredder favor two of his sons more than the others? Are there gonna be any ships in the story?
Shredder favors Raph and Mikey (Aka Raion and Keiji) because they tend to do what he would do. In the show, during seasons one and two, we see that Shredder's strategy is mostly "keep attacking until they falter" like during that one episode (that I can't remember) when they're talking about beating everyone in the foot clan, comparing the fights to a video game. That's more Raph's fighting style, which is why he's the leader and favorite. He also is most likely to tell the others to follow Shredder, which earns him favors, though not out of any loyalty, but fear for their safety.
Mikey gets slightly favored because he's always been the most excited and interested in stories about Tang Shen and Miwa. Shredder views that as support for himself, which is why Mikey gets more favors, though not as much as Raph, due to his short attention span. Though there are things Mikey doesn't agree with, he's able to hold off and hide it until Shredder's not there.
Leo and Donnie are different because they outright didn't agree with him. Donnie, as we see in the show, isn't afraid to speak his mind if he thinks something is dumb. He's also very inventive, which has led to problems. I figured Shredder would be less tolerant than Splinter when a machine fails, leading to Donnie drawing his ire more often than not.
For Leo, part of the reason I had Shredder hate him so much was simply the amount of hatred he has for him in the show. In this AU, Leo's still the mom of his brothers, and he always gets between Shredder and his brothers. Not only does this anger Shredder because he's getting in his way, it makes him think of Yoshi, who he hates more than anyone in the world. Throughout the story, this is going to become more and more ironic (situationally) as it's revealed that Leo's more like Shen, the woman Saki worships. (I really like how @virgilisspidey wrote about it in their Mama Leo fic, which is also what made me realize the comparison for the first time).
(Also, a little thing I try to keep consistent is that Shredder never refers to the turtles as his sons. They call him Father, but he doesn't call them his sons, he sees them as weapons. As such, he favors the best fighters.)
As for ships, probably not in this story. The way I'm planning it is that the fic out now, Parent Swap, is going to be the first part of a series, and is mostly going to follow season 1, though I deviate at many instances. In this one, the overarching plot is the turtles escaping Shredder and his abuse. As such, they don't really focus on anything like that. I would like to add more later, but I also struggle to write romance as an aroace. I would like to add Capriltello, though, later in the series, as that is one of my favorite ships.
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tomatoshapedstars · 1 year
My TMNT AU is not part of the competition but
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Shredder and his kids want to offer you and your Splinter some snacks!
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snackleggg · 1 year
I think there needs to be more Oroku Saki content in the rise fandom.
Like, mans life was a whole tragedy and I don't see a lot of people address that.
All he wanted to do was protect his clan (who were canonically a peaceful clan back then so added angst for him seeing his once peaceful clan become the destruction cult because of his actions), got his soul trapped and corrupted, spent 500 trapped in what could be argued to be purgatory alongside his daughter who had to dedicate her life to stopping him, then when he escapes (still corrupted and mentally altered) he terrorises his descendants, kills his daughter, almost kills a father of 4 who is also his descendant, and only after all that gets freed from the armour and can finally rest in peace.
We don't know much about Oroku Saki pre-Shredder but what we do know is that he loves his clan and his daughter. He was a good guy who unwillingly became the monster that was the Shredder that then turned his whole clan evil and terrorised his daughter and her descendants for generations.
I need to see fics with him. If anyone knows any fics w/ Saki either as the main or a supporting character pls tell me.
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milothelurker · 2 months
Forgot to say a new chapter released of my fic on the ninth 😅
Uhhh *drops chapter 7 and runs*
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tr4rt · 2 years
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I HUMBLY offer Tumblr some of 2012’s best characters
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muddy-snows · 6 months
I really just need to share this with someone so… this is the basics of what my AU is!
So the mutation and basically everything leading up to it is the same. Splinters wife is killed by the Shredder who also takes his daughter and he moves to New York where he buys some baby turtles. He sees some weird men talking and follows them only to get absolutely covered in mutagen for whatever reason. The Kraang aren’t very happy that someone used their mutagen before they could so they really wanna capture Splinter and the turtles(like in Rat and Lone Cubs)
So Splinters trying to keep them all hidden from the Kraang and he does so for about a year before anything goes wrong. He brings baby Leo with him because he needs some help gathering stuff and Raph, Donnie, and Mikey all decide to follow them. They all get lost and who finds them? The Kraang of course. They are able to capture both Donnie and Mikey before Leo and Splinter find and save Raph.
Raph is super not good after this and also is blaming himself for loosing his little brothers. His sadness over it kind of just simmers for years until one day he gets into a fight with Leo. Both of them say some things they don’t mean but Leo tells him that he wishes Raph had been taken instead of the other two and that kind of breaks him. Splinter does his best to try and mediate the two but Raph isn’t hearing it and decides to run away without anyone knowing. Leo and Splinter never found any trace of him.
So Leo grows up and is just super lonely all the time until his 16th birthday when he finally convinces Splinter to let him go to the surface. There he sees a girl and her dad get kidnapped by some weird guys and decides to save them. Little does he know that doing that will catch the attention of the Shredder, who is being to wonder where all these turtle mutants are coming from. :)
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Karai: Don’t worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve. Leo: I think you mean cards. Karai, pulling knives out of her sleeves: No, I do not.
This would probably happen during one of their missions in 'Broken Foot' lol
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starlightshadowsworld · 2 months
Son of Saki
Casey VS Tigerclaw rematch is so funny because it's Tigerclaw giving it his all. He's been waiting for this day, to get revenge against Casey.
Meanwhile Casey couldn't care less.
He'd literally only trying so he doesn't get hurt. Man's spending the whole fight trying to ditch Tigerclaw.
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