soulflowrss · 2 months
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‎اَللّهُمَّ بَلِّغْنَا رَمَضَان
𝘈𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢 𝘉𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘯𝘢 𝘙𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘯
“Oh Allah, let us reach the month of Ramadan.” 🤎🌙
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maihonhassan · 1 month
اے خدا
Meri dua’on mein woh asar karde, maango mein tujh se qatra aur tu samandar kar de.
“Oh Allah, let the impact be in my prayers, Turn a drop into an ocean when I ask of You.”
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seharschronicles · 2 months
The one best thing that I have done for myself is building a relationship with the book of Allah. A relationship that compels me to open the Quran at least once a day. This has been my goal for a very long time, and it has done wonders for me. I want to share how I have created this habit because Ramadan is here, and we all need this.
1. I started reading one ayah per day with tafsir. Just one. No more. Even if I wanted to read more, I stopped myself. Because if I get overwhelmed, Shaytan will make it really hard for me to resume. My goal has been to read at least one ayah but read Quran daily, without any breaks. Reading just one ayah with tafsir and while taking notes hardly takes 10-15 minutes. So, it gets easy and does not take much time. You can easily start your Quran journey with this approach.
2. I have not set a scheduled time - nope! I will read at 1 am, sometimes at 3 am if that's when I get done with everything else, and sometimes in the afternoon if that's the only time I can take out of my schedule to read the Quran. The goal is to read daily, not read only after Fajr. I mean, it's awesome if you can do it, but since I struggle with this, I have not restricted myself. This has made a significant difference in my Quran journey.
3. I am taking it slow. I am not in a rush to complete the entire Quran in a month or year. My goal is to learn it thoroughly, not complete it in a given time frame. So, with no rush and no time bomb ticking over my head, I feel comfortable and easy to stay connected with the Quran.
4. Look up your favorite Ustadh or course - for me, it's always been Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan. So, I have subscribed to Bayyinah, which means I know what I am going to read today, I know the next lesson is saved there, I don't have to create a timetable or a schedule of what to read and how to read. It's all available in the Bayyinah app. Simply login, play the video, and start learning.
That's it. Just simple 4 steps. Nothing big. So, Ramadan Kareem, and may this month become an opportunity for you to build a long-lasting relationship with the Quran. Ameen Ya Rab.
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rahima-artwork · 2 months
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Ramadan Kareem!
I hope everyone has a great Ramadan!
Insha Allah🥰🤲🏻✨
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drhemantortho · 2 months
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May the spirit of Ramadan illuminate your heart and soul with devotion and purity. Ramadan2024
#ramadan #islam #muslim #allah #quran #ramadhan #islamicquotes #islamic #muslimah #deen #ramadankareem #eid #ramadanmubarak #hijab #sunnah #makkah #allahuakbar #instagram #dua
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thehalalgirlofficial · 2 months
tomorrow Friday, February 23 will be the 13th of shabaan, which means the ayaame bidh (days of the full moon) fast will fall on:
✨ Friday, February 23
✨ Saturday, February 24
✨ Sunday, February 25
It was narrated that Abu Dharr ‏رضي الله تعالى عنهsaid: The Messenger ﷺ of Allaah ﷻ said to me: “If you fast any part of the month, then fast the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth.”
Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (761); al-Nasaa’i (2424).
This hadeeth was classed as hasan by al-Tirmidhi, and al-Albaani agreed with him in Irwa’ al-Ghaleel, 947.
if you have missed fasts from ramadan, consider this a golden opportunity, especially as these are some of the shortest fasts in the entire year! and if you need extra encouragement, i’d be happy to be fasting buddies☺️
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moveleftslightly · 6 months
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NEON, Dubai 2018.
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talhanoblemarriage · 1 month
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You can recite during Ramadan time.
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gatewaytojannah · 2 months
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afellowmuslimah · 1 year
To all the muslims out there
Ramadan Kareem!
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maihonhassan · 2 months
"I wonder about the man who loses hope, despite the possibility of forgiveness."
- Hazrat Ali AS
Nahj al-Balāgha -87
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minikart · 17 days
Ramadan Kareem Mubarak!
Minikart wishes you and your family a blessed Ramadan filled with peace, joy, and prosperity, bringing loved ones closer. Grateful for your support.
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tersbosanka · 26 days
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Ramazan 🌙🎇
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l-edelweis · 1 month
How Lucky They're
Lewat di timeline instagram, sebuah video yang menggambarkan anak yang menangis saat imam di Masjidil Haram sedang membaca doa saat shalat witir. Beberapa kali lewat video-video Mekkah dan Madinah yang bikin kangen bangeett. Apalagi sekarang bulan ramadhan, masyaallah tentu di sana ramai sekali dan sungguh beruntung orang-orang yang bisa hadir di sana dan khusyuk beribadah.
Semoga suatu hari aku dan keluargaku bisa dapat kesempatan serupa.
Aku jadi ingat momen suatu sore selepas ashar. Aku duduk menghadap multazam dan mencoba memanjatkan doa-doa yang sangat ingin aku ucapkan, tapi aku tidak mampu hingga pada akhirnya aku hanya memohon ampun semoga Allah memaafkan aku dan mengampuniku selalu. Tanpa kusadari air mataku menetes dan akhirnya sampai sesenggukan. Lega sekali rasanya bisa menangis di hadapan ka'bah.
Seorang perempuan di sebelahku memberiku sebuah tissue. Ah manis sekali:" Dia bahkan memberikan aku sebungkus snack dan aku menerimanya. Aku tersenyum kepada perempuan bercadar itu. Lalu kutanya dari mana asalnya, sebagaimana yang aku lakukan juga kepada setiap orang yang duduk di sebelahku sebelum-sebelumnya. Tapi dia tidak paham bahasa inggris rupanya. Lalu aku coba bertanya dengan bahasa arabku yang pas-pasan.
Ternyata dia adalah perempuan yang tinggal di Mekkah. Dia bilang rumahnya hanya berjarak dekat dengan masjidil haram, 'di sebelah situ' kata dia sambil menunjuk. Masyaallah rasanya ingin menangis bertemu dengan orang seberuntung dia. Kutanyakan padanya, 'apakah kamu setiap hari ke al-haram?'
Gimana ya rasanya tinggal dekat dengan ka'bah. Punya rumah yang setiap hari mendengar adzan masjidil haram, setiap saat bisa berjamaah di hadapan ka'bah, dan menapak tanah haram setiap hari. Sungguh beruntung sekali orang-orang yang dikasih kesempatan sama Allah buat tinggal di Mekkah.
Anw snack yang dikasih perempuan itu enak sekali! Waktu di toko oleh-oleh aku mencoba mencarinya karena ingin membawa pulang ke rumah. Tapi ternyata harganya mahal jadi nggak jadi beli:"
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dunyatraveler · 2 months
Ramadan Mubarak to all ✨
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noblemarriage · 2 months
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As the holy month of Ramadan approaches, may the divine blessings of Allah SWT light your path towards everlasting joy and serenity. Wishing you a Ramadan filled with happiness and tranquility from NobleMarriage.
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